Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Aug 1882, p. 2

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 "*l^ ^su. hever you Will) Notice f ed ^re promptly OFFICE ALE. are tile crowd for and est Gloves •' not be undersold. iBundalk. J w Goods. 'undalk. n Cos iations public for Leapness. 1 Europe eonsistinfr o{ Sores, to TArioos slicde^ in alJ tha Istebt fubrics. ich was so Bneeesafnl ia London Styiea. »Joog ilaes Gooda. Oiy o* • Itlii^nilta!. rmcBto boa Ottr* P»* e« tod FMfawa.PkP*' flflj STIHDAM, ^^^;;rr?IiER NOTICES J W. Ford'B new •dvt i, » new bwber at the B«T«t» loo toioy P*"«oJ« A- At IfeFarland't. McDoug*Il ha- moved into th* block- Too many ritbona _, ^•^ At MoFkriMrt. B,e»d is reduced to 14 e«uu p«r jjj in Kingston. j(r. I'srson's new advt. •'Drnga,** rill tppear next week. Too manv light printa At MeFarUnd'a. jhe Quebec Local Legialatim ia iptcted to meet in October. [oo many shawla. mantlea, miuUiM ini fringes At MeFarland'a. Tbe Dominion Parliament ia farther ppirogieJ till Sept. 16. The Dominion expenditure tor Jaly eicaeded the rcTenue by $183,000. Presott hop growers aotieioate p;,|y ilmafourtha of an ryetngt cn»p. An cxcitinK story, abound- ill ' with interest will shortly Ic commenced. Subscribe at once. Tlieoat crop in the viciuity of Bel- mont IS liktly to be the largest for btv. ml ycirs. Mr. Smith the barber has removed, Dij i Is 'ii'W vt-ry conyeniently located j.fcxi door to H. Foster's. Tiie Torrinto Exhibition grounds ,r '.» bv lighted with tLe electric l.'.-it. A iiotise and lot for sale possession „ I. y. Apply Mr. Thco. Hall. Nil c :ii js are to be nxhibitei at the iboiiiuiig Toronto this yeai. This to •cftQierltU ioft!n« «ff Mt. Dwkk' a (Danaalk) by the A book ymtd ii aow in laH in li«fcHr HiiBiwaattaniifee aaterfriaa. TW witwiHti at SwMklk sre in » iilapiilitii «mditMB. Tb« tmateea BMd wnknning. Wb. McKm, Pratoa diewed oa mmjjU tf tiâ€" Ifcy bay tinmu oa bis Urm. U w^mmum 4A. H) iMhef in koftfa. ji Corhettoo adtng ia tom^ated. On dit that it ia intebded to ebange tbe naoM flrom Corbetton to flden or Ta- â- arae Orova. Siztcaa iaatmiDaota hara anived for tbe nae of tbe Dnodalk braaa band and arragemeata are being made for a general praatiae. We b soon to aee tbe band in fall parade under the aUa leadarah^ of the worthv nuuter, Mr Ketehan. In Memory of the aiege of Derry. â€" Th« Y. M. P. B. AaaoeiatMo. Lodge No. 8tt, Apprentice Boys of Duudnlk, are renoeetfaily requested to meet ia tbeir Lod^e Boom, D.iniMk, on the evraiog of tne IS'b day of August, 188S. A full lodge is expected, as bodioacs af iaporiaaae wdl be Iran- aaeted. f. i, i!i'i I ful. Sjieers Bros. ]•:, .- of cattle ],• t «-(;ck. shipped three car to Mauiloba, end of T • • f.; ,:)da"OD of the Presh3'*«»'i3n cli 'i !8 hid, cad the br-"ug wi'l 11 w ^e puslicd f(- ward. A fn" ftiid ffmph-'es'ock of mthor- i- i k JKMt. '•• fccJioo)^ fit theMed- 1.;. Hi"' A. 'ir .^i. Co. The I"'iv js soy tlif next winter will le « Reve-« one, ov;r» to tbe III' "i' itsi""ilv ofr'M^ tvib ye;' Mrs. Scoville has appUed for a di- voi4;u on tlie grounds of tbe cruelty aij*l passionate anger of her husband. New Story, full ©f interest, will shortly be commenced in til is paper. Subscribe now, S^i per year. ]Ui Mii-^ 'n will not be in Markdale tiiii; week '11 and 12 1, but will be on baud J "lay and Saturday of next r.'tck. Mr TlioR. Ilanbary has purchased 4n,u(MJ bricks from Mr Bowler, and ie siMipiiJ2 them to Duudalk for his new block. We ave infoimed that a farmer in Orange Va'iey Artemesir recently (lipped 5 lb. c.' wool off a spr'cg 1 'uib. Bfiwrts from the North-Westcia Stntes go to tihow that there is a pro- biibility that the wheat yield will be double that of last year. It is now stated that the Princess Louise Will remain in Canada until the expiration of the Marquis of Lome's term of office. The fall exhibition of the Artemeia ngncultural society will be held in Pricevillo on Tuesday, thr 8rl day of October. McP^irlnnd does not want to carry over a doll.ir'ti woith of summer goods .â-  -I in order to sell will slaughter pri- for the iie-t 10 dpvs. A thrilling s-*^ y will short- ly be commencca in this pa- per. N w is the time to sub- scri' e, $i per annum. A |)ecnliii' disease, whfct) cnr'se, cattle ahc»:ted to lose the use of their hnibs, has Ciirried off upwards of i^OO hoa.i iu Colcijoster county, Nova iScoli.'.. .*. I •i'.»n DRitr thinks .!â- â-  a l..v niitii'ld be â- 'Sed f'r iJie protei- tj(nt ' ^I'lt" s, 8 ••' ig Mmt they k'ep «'.\ -or tJtb loy raUi and mice, aud 4k no h. 'ui. A dtamocid valued at $7,000 was foniid in tbe bed of a creek near Dan- linry. N. C, on Saturday morning. Several diamonds have already been found iu the Stata. The mor jte^^l police at Edmonton p!i7 tjve cents a poand for the:" oats, fifteen ctots for their beef, and elet'sa ".•lie b a ton for thcr lii^f. Toe" « â- ' r. 80 enough po.s toes lor iheir ovn use. l\v. D. D. Foision. of Walkerton. iiiei:ched ' st Sunday morning «nd cveniii*? iu the Methodist Choreb, Mf ktir'e. The con^jregations were If ^,e. and both sermons pr4etiei1 and fc.oqneut. Don't borrow the paper, when you can get it post-free for $1 per znnum. New and thrilling story will be com- menced shortly. Subscribe now. The report of another minister'al kuaing scandal comes to hand, this time from Canton, Ohio. The accus- ed minister alleges that black- mail is the object of his detractors and frofesies to be able to fiimisb proof. A fellow lost a breach of prom'se suit in New York recently because be- cause he addressed the glri who saea him as "My diaar darling little sn^ar plum." In tiie eye of the law \n't is going a little too far to back out. Tbe 0range7ille Sun complrins of tbe exclusion of the representatives of the press and the public from i(ie meetings of tiie public School Tri^RleFs of tbe district, and also of their faihiro to publ'sh any report of their proceed ings. Two men in attempting to climb over the railings of the Tirl" e^ Gardens during a display of u ewo â-  on Sunday capght hold of the elec trie wire used for the illumination of the grounds. Both were struck dead. Mr Reynolds' new brick residence is being pushed towards complet'ou. It ia an ornament to the villa^'e, is ve- ry conveniently laid out, and the work tbrongfaout shews tr.8te l. ' ability on the part of the mechanics and archi- tect. One day recently Mrs. Ferguson, of Clinton, a lady 77 years of age, un- dertook to bind one snle of a field of fall wheat, and accom^'Mshcd ii as easily as one of younger years would. She also stooked it. The wo:k was doLe for pleasure alone. Mr Davis has completed 1 'a sl..(n';.e labour list in putting down a Gft.biae walk from Montgomery's bakery to the Dufferin Hall. It is about the best built piece of sidewalk in the vi: lage, and it is to be hop-^d that i. e police trustees will see the imperative necessity of continuing the walk to the station. On Satorday morning H. Caldwell, J. Hargett, and several children were standing at the foot ot a large tree. Lightning struck the tr.e and severe ly injured seven of tue party. Cali- well, Hargett, and a girl were almost killed. The Allan steamship Parisian reach- ed Moyilleon Saturday, 6 days 14 hrs after leaving Bimouski. This is the shortest time ever recorded for making the ocean trip, and the captain of the noble vessel ia being congratulated on all bands. A very r€speefihie grocer was fined $76 and costs at Montreal on Mon- day for je'ling pint bottle of beer. The Macistrpte regretted that tbe law restricts the smallest q.^antitv to be sold by grocers at three half-piuts he had no al ernative. Saloon-k epers are being vigilantly louked after. Mr. N. Misever, a farmer residing a short distance east of St. Thomas, a few d.-iys ago purchased a uew repoer and used it a cou')le of devs. On Ritnrda7 night he left it in the field ready for work on the following Mondav. When he next yis'ted the machine he found that some ore wtl] an axe or hammer had completeW de- Btr«»yed it- "11 thpt was left of the valuable reaper was a heap of scrap iron. A f-vj „a :e)»led to (he Mfirk- d le Po'^ce No.ice iu asother column. T'lie ' jec.3' wi'l be compelled to v'b ti .7 'n. lo/oe nnleas certain Ct lid Ob -1. "dicga are cleansed wi' jiu a weeii. 1 k-cv 'on ovn C an^vlile f a b -tioL' ' c lih pciMeu tjro. ^n to Owen Boi*'Ju yec'erd.y. A'jont 30 jo :eu i' at Mai'iid-ile. Miuiy of Cje e .caxa'ou'sts went ibr a tr p oo tlia sterner "A nt." A snecesc l pionie was held laat Fi idav in c3u::ection with Boyd'a Sab- bath School, 9th Vie, Euphrasia. Bev Mr McLaren and Bev, J. 8. Oono- lan weit preeeut, and addreasad the school. Tbe repon proved thaaoboal to be ia a prosperous oo pdit kiB. Tba tirae was spent in awioginc and other amnsemaata, «ad altogeChar • ^mf enjcyabla day was apent bf thoaa a^ tendug. A few da»8 ago Mr. P. Tr, • coc 't of (iod«rieh, while vis'fr^g Mitcjell. baviog wagered a eertaln snm noon tbe atreng^b of hia teeth, held up 200 Ita. of floor on an empty salt bnr-el maia bv himself for the occasion out of euijble material, for one minute, leaviov Bf 'ks in tbe ha'dwood staves where ne tpok bold as thor^^h tbev bad l)een gnawed by a sledge. He alao shook $5 in the faces nf all pre- aent that he eonid throw a filled barrel of salt weighing 800 Iba. over his head with hia teeth, bat found no talre'-s. Good eows aresearoe enough ?t the baai, and it ia a pity to see dioice BilWr* giv«D over to milk men, ' with a eerfa^nty that not only will their ptiganv iwrer help terpetnate the race Of ehoiee eows, bat that they also will aftnr a few years at most, be loatta tha dairy interest of the coun- try, Wban a .3ier gtl? one of tbe baal flova ha ahoald bold on, or if for aat aann ha iada it advisaUe to aaU, l«t hOi mU to aoma I -oumi far WK vha «ili haap tha oow aa a Waadar. aad sot aaa riB ee her to tlii* Moloah of tiie boriaa race. pcaEHT' 7;i. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Ualodcs »n the eloMed avenaes of the Bairela, Kidneya and Liver. oriTing off nadrndly without weakening the system, all the impuities and foul humors of the gfecretiaiit at the same time OoRectilW Addity of the fltomach, cnring Bill- ooaBeaa, "Dmnti^ Headfchee. Dia- staaaa, Heartoom, Constipation. IhyuM. of the SWn. Ihwpay. Dim- Bswofvlaioa. Jaundice, Ban Bhenm. £rydpdas, 8aofaI' Flattering of the Heait» JTerroasneas and General SataOlty aU thew and many other aiai- lar ComphinU yield to the happy mfl uence af BUKDOCK BLOOD BIREBS. â- iwple Bottles 10c;Begalar8ixe$L For nie by all dealei*. ^Ifcw^a. l^OTTTsaaujrea.â€" M. Tholkw ass lec enfly ofaMirea, by tli* ai^o* hia ysiasBiuun of bigh aiapearfw power, a "â-  ".Kotab esaBco whose hoi^t eqaalled •â- â€¢'•**••â- *•» *e dtametet of tiis na arabo«k8S,000mflea. _^^ H«AT.â€" A recent eooiaa of experi* Mat* made to determine the heatinc powe' ;to*«i»^»j*Ua cori ga. wa 4wao;p»rt "?«,â„¢^^ while water gaa vfll g:)Te cnly aooot 187 heat anita per cabic fuok Food a»d Work.â€" In order to perfocm â-  IS. """ •* meehanioal work Sqnal to Mtoic 140 pooada 10,000 leet Ugh, Prof. OiAaa oOoBlataa that a man moat aafe St* powoda t potatoes, one and a third pewid Boar, two and a third poonda bread, o^ •â- d a qoartar poand oat-aaeal, o«« Mtd a third pound rice, three and a half pounds lean beef, half a poond beef f;.t or me aad a tttii pound Cheshire cheese. He nyt that the peaaanU of all oonntriea hare been right, in apite of many acientific aaaertions ' that they were wrong, in their inatinctiTe ' babft of adding fat father than nitrogenoua food to their diet when undergoing hard work. EixcTBic Light.â€" Mr. Sawyer, of New York City, who fairly divides with Mr. Edi- aon tbe public attention in connection with tbo problem of lighting; by electricity, gave an exhibition of hia latest achieremeiit in this Line a few eTenings ago. Seren lights were burning, says a reporter, giving out a steady, soft, pleasant light which was de- clared by an expen to be the best he had erer seen. The electricity waa furnished by a foor-hoiae power cDgine. The inten- sity of one of the lights was easily regu- lated by means of a "switch" without ap- pvenUy affecting the others. The new lamp is based upon the incandescence of a pencil of carbon in nitrogen, the hermetical sealing of the globe being made with a newl^ discovered compound. The pencil, seren inches long, will last, it is asserted, three months ac least, if used only five hoars a day, and can be replaced at a cost of about fifteen cii-ts. Thb Nebclab HvpOTiresis.â€" M. Faye haa recently shown, in an interesting paper in the CompU* liendua, how the celebrated hypothesis of Laplace, which at one time gained general assent, has leen affected by the progress of modem discovery. The principal point is that of the direction of rotation of planets and their satellitea Laplace believed this direction to be the same for all the ctars of the solar system, and the supposition of rings being dttachcd from the primitive nebnia, as it contracted, renders this condition quite nece.ss.-iry. But it is now known that this is not always the case, for the satellite.s of Uranus and those of Neptune have a retrograde motion. The hypothesis also required that the satel- lites should peiform their revolution in longer time than the planet took to rotate on its axis. Now the recently-discovered satellites of Mara do not obey this law. Lastly, M. Faye insists on the fact Ihiit the very possibility of formation of fU'?cc.s.sivc rings has never been proved. Hiuci; it is nece.ssary, he claims, to abandon a part of Laplace's theory. M. Faye intends shortly to present a new way of looking at this important feubjcct. Petisolkcm in Ruspi.a. â€" It is likely that the European demand for petroleum will before long he largely supplied by tbe de- posits of this oil in Uanover and Uu.ssia The beds in the latter country are compara- tively tranndless, extending for a distance of 1,500 miles along the Caucasus range, from the Caspian to the Black Sea. At the » resent time, however, there are but two districts in this large area where any syste- matic efforts are buin.,' made to obtain petroleum. One is iu tbe valley of the Kuban river (which flows into the Black Sea), where two wells li ive \j:vn sunk by a French company uuc'.erthesuiietiiitcudence of an American manager this company has a refinery at'Taman. The other and most productive district is near Biiku, on the Caspian SSea. Many wells have been sunk here to the depth of oOO feet, having a daily yield of 28,000 barrels of crude petro- leam. An extraordinary amount of sand flows out with the oil, and is heaped up near the orifn-e of t"o we!!;! iu bankj at least thirty feet high. Large refineries exist at Baku, though th refined oil at present produced there is not so good as that in this country. SpoNTAXF.ors CoMlirsTrox.â€" Some ex- periments made at Uii,-a with rifi-rtuce to the spontaneous cumbu'-tion of v.irious ma- terials, wadding, raw llax. hemp. t!ic w.nnte of silk, wool and c itton spinning, also sponge, as wt 11 as the wood-dnst found ia the cabinetmakers' shops, ajpcar to de- monstrate the important fact, among others, that small quantities really take tire sooner than large ones. The sub.siancc.s named were saturated with various fluids â€" oils, turpentinn, petroleum, various varnishes, etc All tbe fibrous materials took fire when saturated with any of these oil.'i, or with mixtures of the same sp nge and wooddujt, on the contrary, proved to be fcntirily harmless. Combustion ensued most rapidly with 17 grains of wadding, and 07 grains of a strong oil varnish, namely, in thirty-seven minutes, while :JO0 gr.iins of washed cotton waste, of which a jiortiou was satnrateil with 7.0 grains of strong oil varnish and the remainder wrapi)ed about it, required a oriod of well nigh fourteen hours. On these materials being placed in a well-.sheltertd spot and sub- jected to a heat of from 18 to 40 degrees C, silk did not flame up, but slowly charred and, OS already mentioned, small quanti- ties seemed to take fire sooner than large. C.^RNivoiiors Pl.\nts. â€" When insects are caught by plants^ it is a'sumcd, and with much apparent reason, that the act is, for some purpose, directly connected with the plants' own good. In some cases the I plants seem to have R]ei'ial adaptations calculated to allure insects to destruction and Mr. Darwin bos shown that some plants have digestive acids connected with leaf- glnnds, by which nitrogenous substances may be absorbed. The area of these curious observations is being continually widened, and now Le UirrtioAe Iklyirjue announces that the pineapple and many other bromeliaceous plants have been dis- covered to be " camivoroua" Many plants of this order are Epiphytes, attaching them- selves to trees or rocks, and deriving most of their sustenance from the atmosphere, through their leaves. In a large number of species the leaves clasp the stem tightly, and form small cups, which always have water in them, condensed from the dews or held from rain and in tropical forests these little cups of wa'flr are said to be al- ways filled with insects, which putiify in the liquid and thus aid in nourishing the plant. The Belgian paper is alluding to these discoveries from the practical stand- point, and recommends those who are cul- tivating this cxiensivt and beautiful tribe of piapts. either for the fruit, as the pine- apple, or for the foliage or flowers, to take the hint from Nature. Under glass the plant is practically shut off from insect food but the editor thinks a fair substi- tute for meat soup may be offered by drop- ping a little carbonate of ammonia into the water -n the leaf-cups. Ax aaiiiimiiiiig yn i FWIs wsa tbe socm of alvMrkablS adventans, wkk^ tha Lotaav-aU Cban'cr* ^Mrraof desezibe* as f ol owa ^nie Indians won in hot ponaHlrir Taa Wfc b er a settler and man of diktinetioa ia those eailj timaa. He was hard preMed, and all access to the river lelow and ahoTo beiMK cnkoC, ke wss drifea^o tUa mttina ^istr^ *^ e "-*^-«^ He stood oa tbe rock, ia full Tiew of the •Demy above and below, who yeUed like demons at the certainty of his speedy caa- toio. fx He stood ap boldly, aad with h^ rifle kept tbaot fKt hay. Aa be stood Ihire Ua looked scroas the rirerâ€" aaw hia bi«idaâ€" hia%ri|a«itfch« babs ia her ams, all help- IsMtesaadsr asiliiiiauii, Tbsy •tsad as if petrified with terror and amaxeineut. She cried at the top of her voice, " Leap into the river and meet me I " Laying her babe on the grass, she seiasd the oars and sprang into the akiff alone. As she neared the middle of the river, her basband saw the ladiaas coiaiiy in full force and yelling like demoaa " Wife, wife, " he screained. " Pm em- ing drop down a little lower." With this he sprang from his crag and descended like an arrow into the water, feet foremost. The wife rested on her oars a moment to â- ee him rise to the surface, the little canoe floating like a oork, bobbing about on the boiling flood. It waa an awfnl moment it seemed aa age to her. Would he ever rise Ucr earnest gaze seemed to i)enetrate the depths of tbe water, and she darted her boat farther down the stream. He rose near her in a moment the canoe was alongside of him, and she helped him to scramble into it amid a shower of arrows and shot that the batlied Indians poored into them. The daring wife did not speak a world, her buslwnd was more dead than abve, and all depended on her strength being main- tained until they could reach the bank. This they did, just where the had start- ed, right where the babe wa.s sliU lying, crowing and laughing. The men puiled tho skiff high up on the sand, and the wife slowly arose and helped to lift Van B.bber to his feet. Uc could not walk, but she laid him down by his babe, and then seutiui; herstlf, she wept. wildly jnst ss any other woman would have done under the circumstances. That babe is now aerandfather, and that rock is called " Vau Bibber's llock " to this day. â€" Youtu't Cvm^jauioit. " TASTED DHiTFCL QUEEE." Ws have heard of people cnring others of u-.ng '.trong drink by j utting lui eiuetio into Xaeir wir.skey-biittle.s. TLe follo.wing story iliusiia.es liie wedding manners of be\aaiy years :.go, aud the simplicity of a grein ynur^ beneiiiot: A i.i.::.tier of Kewburyi^ort waA ones called up, alter- he had gone to led, to marry a couple. The hour was late, and the luiijister's w.fe did not ri.se to witness the ceremony, but gave her husb:md particular dircetious lo. theeulurlainmcutof the wed- ding gucst.s. •â-  Duii't t'-irget to pass the cake and wine, doctor," sjiid she. 'â- The cake is in the corner cupboard, and you'll find the wine on the tliu'd riglit-liaiid shelf in the side- board. The doctor promised obedience, put on his clothes, and went dtAvn to ierform the ceremony. R.turuing a half -hour later, he found his wife sitting up in bed, with an anxious expression ou her face. " Doc- tor,' '-he cried, "didyoti give them any wine " '•Certainly, my dear, just as you told me." ••Not from the decanter on the third shelf of the sideboard y " •• That is exa"'y where yon directed me to find it, wife. ' " Dear dear Did they drink much of it?" ' ' Wliy, yes they emptied their gl.i.ssea." " What shall we do Doctor, 1 made a mi it ike â€"it wa.s ijecac wine you gave tbem. Oh, how sick they must be. Do, dear, put on your cloak and go right after theiu they can't have got far." 'i be doctor found the Vridal party at t'-e comer of the next street. "What made you dr'nk the wine ' "' be asked. •" CoiilJn't you tell by the ta.ste that there was some- thing wrong abo'it it 'C" Tlie br'degroom answered, between his qualms: "She whispered to me that it ta.^led dretful queer, I. at I told her 'twaa bct'4Uso wc was jjetliu' married " ifiarTaceata? iamrntaOj QAtrlaA th ngonlzo Ha- derthemmy ailmenta waUlxtg from IyapepBii Indleea |LlT«r, ^UCQ- I thfa ofifcr 'la • toyo« four own bomo in ell ^aincerlty. with an absolate certainty ox carinar 70a. ZOPE8A (from Bntall) enrca Dyspepsia and Bilioaaneaa. A fiiB;le doao rclievea a MMStpla botda convincca; » 70 «ent botfle cares. It acta directly upon the Stonaach, Idver, aiad Kldnayb Cleanain?, CorrcctinSt Bcc niatinv* SBopeaa sriT«*a enaccT and Tim to tbe Brain* Utrre, and Mosclc, simply by 'work- ing woadera vpon the INgee- tion. and el tubs acthrity to the Liver. Cat thla ont. take is to mar dealer in medicinea, and get nt leaat one 7S eent bottle oi Zopesa, and tell your ncig'tabor how it acts. It ii 'warranted to cnre Iy«pep8ia and Bil ioaaneas. â- i^- i" ^A Markdale Police Notice f Xafiee n hereby given te* t have transmitted or delirerefR* tbe per- sons mentioned in the 8rd and 4th aeAions of tbe '• Voters' LisU Act," tiie copies required by said section to be so transjiitted or delivered nf the list aadapoasnaat to.tbaaaid Act, of aB ratBOMS afpwaiug by the laat revi. aad asaeasmaat raQ di tba said Muui- efpahty M br «alified to »«ta m the said Municipality elections for members o( the Legislative AssemMy. and at Municipal elections and the i said list was first posted np at my office at Lot 20, Con. 4, Township uf Oaprsy, on the Slrt day of July, 1882, and (omaiaa then fw inspec- tion. Elcctora are called upon to exam- ine the said List, and if any omissions or other errora are found therein, to take immediate proceedingu to have the said errors corrected according to Uw. WILLIAM MILNE. Clerk of said Muuicipality. Dated tbia Slat dayof July, 18S2. Notice is her«:by given to th* Houseboldew vf t*i* Vil- lage of Markdale to have iheir Yards and Outbuildingk'tho- roughly cleansed, and the Streets cleared opposite tifeir respective dwellings, and any Nuisance removed bdore tho i8th of August, as the Inspector will on that day oxaiwine and inspect said Yards, c., and where necessary pvit the law in force to compel euch cleansing. Aug. 10, iS8a. â- ,.a JOHN REID, Inspector, Village Police. FATAL BOAT ACCIDENT. FOUR BOYS DROWNED AT A PICNIC PLEASURE PARTY. -^ EFSTCTS OF ELECTBICITY. ' D'a 1^ Aa age oh 'Icctricity," said the P.e^-. Plato Johnson the other evening as our reporter sal with him on the doorstep of his humble cott.ige, " an' though we oughter be proud ob it, still to my shalicr mind de age ob lightnin' has its drawbacks." The old gentleman eeeme 1 lost in thought for a moment, mechanically drawing a large bandana from hi.s capacious pocket and wiping his ample brow. The reporter, who has made a study of t!;e mooils of our sim- ple-hearted frie::d. did not interrupt his reverie, but waited patiently for jiossible revelations. "It's all berry well," he con- tinued after a 1 ttle, "it's all berry well to coax de lightnin' from de clouds, bnt after ysu've got it yon gotter look ont for it pretty lively. Noav, yon kin tame de wild- est boss so be will almoa' forgit how to kick but, bress de Lord, de ligbtniu' neb- ber forgits notbin' an' is alters look n' reun' for a cbance ter hit somebody. Yoa got to keep yer eye on it all de time, an' even den yer can't be sure it won't go off ofl a 'scnrsion an' kill free cr four people, an' be back agin fore yer can wink twice. It is one ob dose tings it won't nebber do to let run loose roun' de house. Well, if it stepped roun' sorter slow, yoa know, so you cotUd git out der way, dat would be a def- ferent ting, but de trubble is dat it is so orfle quick tempered, an' wen it trabblea it trabbles so fase dat you is etone dead an' yer house all burned down to de ground 'fore you con cry ' Fire I ' Sech a fluid as dat musn't be fooled wid. Now, lass week, wen I was down to York, I went to call ou Brudder Edison. I'se had a rheumatii orfle bad, and dey said I ought ter try 'leo- tricity. Brud ler Ediion tole me he could handle de 'leclrioity jess as ea.sy as though he was a lightnin' rod. an' it woaMn't do him no harm. He said I could loam to do it too, but wen I tried it I foun' I hadn't learned much, or dat snmfin was wrong. De only wonder is dat I didn't d:e learnin' Wy, I couldn't even holler to tole him to taice de plaguey ting aw;iy an' le' ii.o go home. I nebber wanted to go home so mu h in my life. Wen I look at dat machine it look iucercent 'nuS. Der want nothiu' de matter v.id it dat I could see to object to. But je s like pore Brudder Uajdwin in Newaik, as I've re.id .ibout, dat machine look solemn an' go to church on Sunday an' den pia.v de berry debbil all de rest ob de wt-.ck. Mr. Bdison, he tole me, would I take ho'c o' two little handles He said dat was de way it acted on de rheu- matiz. I said to him. ' For snre, Mr. Kdi- son, I will take hole ob dose two handles ef it will 'oiige you.' a ' wid dat T cotch ho e ob 'cm. Wea 1 got fght ho^e o'o 'em, Mr. Edisou he said, • liruddtr Johnson, you f efel anything tickler ' 'No, Brudder Edi- son,' 1 replied wid a laff, ' guess you can't git up no thunder £torm at dis time ob de year, kin you " ' Dat was de loss time I laff for a whole week. De nex minuteâ€" well, bresa de Lord, dere ain't no words to 'spress my feelins. I felt as though dc whole New York Central Itailroad was luiinin' up ray orms, on' hod met wid a collusion, an' had a grand smash-up. wid great loss ob life. I did my beas to holler, an' I teQ you de troff dat I nebber wantel to holler so much iu my life, but I couldn't say a word. My eyes, dey started right outer my head, an' my fingers double up on my bands, an' my bonds doy dontHe ajt .on mjr arms, an' I th in^-ht fo-.no one w.-.j tyiu me up in a 'leiisaiul knot«. V.'e i. all to once ue ting was gooe, an' 1 drop 4Dce baadics, an' den, weu It was too late. I set up a yeli dat ci-nld be heard 'most a mil». baid I to Mr. Edison, 'Brudcer, ia dat ginowine light- nin ' ' ' Bruddtr Johnson,' says he, CaA isde teal aitfcle, ja-s imported fro m de bebbins, an' it didn't stop at de Cnatom House to pay no duty. Will joa hab a little moreV s-iys he. Says I. 'Brudder Edison, my 'pioion is dat 1 has bad 'nnlf fer ter day. Weu I w»d» sbiae more I will call agin.' Xow, den, -.rs tJI a matter ob taste an' btiogin' op. dis holdin' on o a lightnin' lo!t wid Oofl bauds and not feelin' ft, bnt 'peam t»» me dat Ib Jonl afould have to make a nun on p urpose iFlie wanted him to jJay wid dat eort ob ting. It don't io Yesterday (Weduesday) the plea- sure of a picnic party near Brewster's Lake was sadly marred ^by a fatal accident o:cur lug on the Lake. Ic se ms that four boys, named Hustoj, Wisdom aud two brothers numcd Miles, from Maxwell went out either for a row, or lor fishing on the Lake, while they were ou t'le water, cither through too many of tbem stan- ding up or through Ihem crowding ou one side of the boat, it capsized, aud the result was that they were all thrown overboard into the water. None of the four loys named were able tj reach the shore or otherwise save tu?iiiE"'"es, jd befora they coul* he ..•2ueJ they were dfowued. A. 'oom w,i3 t'ius cast over the pie... ai e ol the pa' v. .*t a ec I meei-Ug of the Dc- "" "j.oii Mi!,. â- Â« Asdoci;v ion on Thvra- tt la Torcu'.o, the re.- atiou of las' je. declrr'.^g ihat tee Governtneni i; 1 r1Io7 lie ii-ille â-  to €" DO' 1 the ,. l«ut ill tioin" Oi" we?at luporiie'.. :v Cl ti.3 L'ui'ed St. tes, instead of .3 prodi:ct oi • Js't r t •licular wheat, V. 1 ngaiu pas, -6 J, p d a de)atation Pli~o !?tod ^0 iivs' this '3W " •J ove ,..:'eut. Tl.e sytiem i.c-t d ^3 \v s s o't'v coa"'.eiiine" 'J e ir"-.te-' hi' ig ovor the fat of th ' '.oloe '^.i ilii.i !.st pre:'chtfr fiK e, ;. 1 c ei' ti iiavc been ni)' • â-  b. • •'cli Eabt and er- •â- t s elo.'ved vv " ^s i-'C'i" f)pe. •• '.nco ill the'" o '•" pei-.vODss ct tlie celeL '.•on i •;vei-i. ' of the We.-u indies cia '-ULri.t 'an .;i Cbutham. It ap iea.-* i.ey j;ot fr-ThtereJ at some • "d 's ui.u^c by re!^.:iibours ngn-ost .hem, and 'rj to Ci atlmiu. "e â- ' I'or day â- â- â€¢ !•.â-  MARKDALE MarbleWorks Honiiiimts, Tombstones! And every- description of Cemetery work executed in FIRST-CLASS STYLE and at reasonable rates. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. OF Satisfaction Guaranteed. Sliop next dttor to Uecere Hotel. W. A. JOHNSTON, Prp. MarkOdJe Aog. 10th. t*Jl. 48-lv EARS FOR I MILLION 17100 CHOO'S B.^LS-^M 01-' SHAUK'S X) OIL positively llestcres the Hearing, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafuess known. This Oil is ahstra-ted from prcuhar species of small White Shark, caught in tbe Yellow Sea, known as Cauch.\bodon Honde- LETii. Every Chinese tisberiuan knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Priest were dis- covered about the year 1110. Its cures were so numerous, and many so seemingly mir- aculous, that the remedy- was olliuiully pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so universal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese pqople. Sent, charges prepflid, to any ad- dress at 51.00 per bottle. Hear nhat the Denf say s It has performed a miracle in mv iase, I have no unearthly noise:, iu my IkoiI, and hear much better. I liave been greatly benefited. My deafness heliwid a great deal â€" thiuk 8uo- ti.ki bottle \vill core me. Its virtues are unquestionnhleand its Cura- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience i;iid ob- servation. Write at once to Hayloek Slid Jenuey, 7 Dey Street, New York,enclo.-ini^81 and you will receive hy return a remedy that will enable you to hear like anybody elsc.an 1 I whose curative effects will be peimaneni. You will never regret doing so." â€" EwToi. 1 OF Mercantile Bkview. lir'To avoid loss in the mails, pleose send monev bv Itegihtercd Letter. Only iiniKirtcd by HAYI-OCK JENNEY, late Hayloek A Co., Sole Agon for Anierita. 7 L'Evbx Nkw York •J'-llO. MAKKDALE Flour Grist Mill J.W.F Has been adding NEW IMPROVED MACHIE^ERY to his Mill, together with another Bun of Stones, and is nov/ in a position to compete with the best mills of the country. He will commence grinding on Monday next, Ang. 14-th, and ex- pects to be able to turn out a very superior quality of flour. At Cowmiinsville, near Chicago, a Cou^rcgatioual church orj^ani^ed auij ordi "icd a pastor. The council was ftt li.st pu 'el wli'it to do in the matter, as nil the chu:ch but the pas tor pnd a boy of fifleeu yeiTs were fe- males. They 'Mit the mnler through 1 a conclrsio'). howe- er, deaconesses Le'i g elected. The Chicago Tribune, â- a •;'osius its report of the proceedinas pertiiienlly a-^i-a, "Where are the men '" A EiP. aclioly fatal aoi-iient took "e at .\.ljiers on T"nday,28th July, liau e T'lloch cud his brother in- law J.i'nes Howick were splicing a • I'ece Oi rope on the floor of the saw u:' of Me-Ki-s. A\"illiams and Murry, of GoJericii, wlieu tl.eV were both killed I y the burs' 'ugol a new pulley. Tulloch never hreathcJ, ilowick lived till one o'cleck in the afteruocu. but never wa^i conscious. Both men leave widows aud small cliildreu to mourn their loss. The bodies were taken to tiitir hojies ten miles up the Mis- sissagi" ca SaiurJay aud buii.ed on Sabbatii afternoon. Rev J. Mi col eaciicd a fuueral sermonto a large rowei ofsymiia'l'" "ig fiieiids. Ih'.Hi " cii acciue:j. .lus cast ouite u •A-ui over the euiiie ueii;liboi.ivljood. 'td'ceas ;1 were re^^-ected by all V "â-  'ew tiieua. Foundry! AND MACHINE WORKS. .1 C. lil I. We are prepared to execute all kinds of Turning and Boring, WTTH General Lathe Work Done iu a practical manner. I'^d been ib.'teu to 'h. and was to preach se â- uioo 111 aiiticination o' a â-  '.le I or'^e of a leiu' ^r: iijein- 1)0 wiit e he %oiiped, ); S iioi, Saul he boneil iie wot'l.i avo.'ii b.'V'oj anv- i.i U3 «.) his^tiiooii lo o.cci i!ie Si' i.cr, '^SLs. 1 8 lilt e were n-'KJV 5ii he 'lowi) wi;o aiended '.heu* cic ch. \V'i;."Lig down bucei. az-othtr leac'us ]i;;iii, ol U.e thi- cli was met who I'op- tti lie woulu Jot t. V any.iiiiig to o." lend tao Uuivera lists, as many ol theiu aileu Jed 'heh^ church. Jnsb as he was eu'ci og the pulpit oua oi the deacons button holeJ him and sp'd: â€" •'The I'fgetL liquor dealer iu to'vu is here iu iiis pew, and us he is One of 'lU' beet paying members, I hope you will uut find it necessary to refer to tu. u hnsiiie^r. ' 'J i perplexed clergy- man tben enquired "What will I preach about ' -Oh." said the dea- con, "Gi».: i- to i.i8' Jijws they II. veu't cot » triond in town." PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive our special attention, knowing through practical cxix ricnce the best class cf Irons for such. Walck Walck Selling Off at Cost at the Dundalk: DRUG STORE. American and WALTHAM WATCHES Clocks, Jewellery, Chains, Lockets and Cuff Buttons, Gents' Gold Rings, Ladies' Signet Eings, Bracelets, Eardrops, Brooches, Sec See my §6.50E.P. Case Watc" Stem Winder, guaranteed good Timekeeper. ' Do not lail to call and secure barj^aiiis. G. W PATtSONS. N. B.-^AIl Kiiid.s of Kc]'):iinir:,' tlor.c :i Premises by a Ji:i4t-class\V.ac]iin::' i frprn Toronto. All work wairan ted *t-ii4 ^i»- V. f 1 f DouafiJe squatters in Qu'Appellc will have justice, but Lackmail squat- 'i«r8 will be evictbJ. Best hxu' .eat now before the public. You etiu m^'^ie mon.y faster at voiV icr as ttian a( auyt' ing else. Cnniial noi need- ed. We wUi start you. #13 a day and np- wante made at home by lUefndtutriotw. Men, women, boys and girls anted everyfbere to wore for ns. Now it the time. Yon can work in spare timeoj'Iy or irtve your whole time to the busiaeas. i'o« «au live at boase and do the work, t'o other L isiness will pcy ~oa n^riy as veil. JCo one c«aiail(o make eo- onnoiis |»y by eqfsg.qif'al onne. C«^iy ontflk and terms hee. Moaey m.^de fsst, AUreus Tass A C«^ Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Boilers, will reeeiTe our fat^ention. We etso Intro duoc oor new FAMILY MANGLE! to the paMic. This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Uoods, giving them a beautiful smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will alao uann- factnn! CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or without marble slab for name, tc.- also Tomb Bailings, Pall PiUan and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains f jr some, also all kinds of Ballnster BaiUnp), House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental, .vlachincry Brass Casting" of every description, Brass Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS* HarMale. Kbv. MSI 63 ly my rbeumaUz no good, an' wen I'm Umf^.t jmiiknJi^naaUs. â- teh-de nex time 1 shsH *rf» my chrjiAe ' Anaosta. Uaiuc. wii de reglar practice.'*â€" AT. f: XfoWf ' JOHN NOBLE, ARKDALE. I f1 GENER'LBLACKSMITfl [j. HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. "Wanted, BY a rtriL of the Iste PBOF. WHIPH, Hamilton, a limited uninlK'n f l'l.'I"I.S for instruction on the Piano and Organ. Applications receivcil liy mail or per.s.iia)Iy lit thf. Metliodist I'arsori..se, »liere certili- cates of abdity can be prod need. JAXIK MeDOWKLL, 97-100 FLESHEKTON, Tailor, ki mmiii FRZXMAK'S trORM POWDERC. MARKDALE. tsf Siccial attention to Curtiii?.,:â€" f if you waiit a Pcr.'oct Kit lii\j yo'ir Order \*itL C. A. OWEN, IdAnkOALIi. An plmaaat to take. Contain their own if. Is a tafe, sure, acd eOeetmas i ^lfU*f9i M w«rtm» la Ctill«lrci or AtlUa, .ii'

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