Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 3 Aug 1882, p. 2

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 er you will) INotice t'e promptly OFFICE, rare crov/d for .d t Gloves [ndersold. iindalk. Goods. indalk. Co s ;tions ^ilic for « tapness. .nrope conaistiog of 1^, iii varioQfl sljadM all til 3 liitebt fabric*. was so Ruccesaful in I London Styles, «i«og s Goods. Gift nf • enttf froirtfcfWTP«t» and Fahvk Pap*n [^^.v Aug. 3. 1S82. ',, OTHER NOTICES T'^icsdaj. .0 r-.:i ° ,_jj,:.i council, Aug. 4. gj^ia cinucfl, Aug. 7. f.nncil meets Aug. 17. c.yai-cil laceU Aug. 21. aftle fair, Saturday, Aug FAx.-»On bam tl P. U. C011.AS.M;., troyn liy fire Willi â- ll its The fine celebrated yoimg aUllioc "Jostipt*" bofgy, hnioesB, and other articles, to the value of $1,100, was totally coDsmaed. Tbs i|* nngiii^t ed from a spaik fKua th« bnrna^ ^5^4.^ I swamp on the prcmis^a, aad l^ead through the baru wilh such raoidity that the stall and borae wer* envblop- ed in flames before Mr. Messeroil I coold get into the building, who ht!i a rcLased a fire en- pa«o* ^f »?« '*^ ^J*^' " tfJ'"8 to save the propt rty. « N© lauurance, .ijer::a has pu Ljj socuiL lire dcTOloiiu, r. â-  ..v.. M'-tliodist field day, Au in Tf:a "at Trimble ..•::. ij-r iiaikdale cattle fair on rather! The directors c£ the Proton Agfl- I coUural Societj At tLeir bt meeting revised the pi ire lis* by adding to »n« advauciug mauv of the prizes. This jc-ar prooiisrs to be the best exhibition ever held in the township. We ex- pect all the meml'trs of the society U) lend their good will and aasisUaoe. Ifti'j. fai tii^tntt seems troubled i:ro bugs. quantity of empty flasks Mcli-tvrc -i. I. t!.4'.r the tattle fair at Mark- ;: .^utiiiJay uext. â- r. .a vari.ty ofuew fruit judt ar- 'tu da}- ul Mcliiiyres. ,e :.J( aforJ Miiror is tshibidug â- I ii,.T.jfl »ui. long. .fcrv oils of various brands luJ MuJi'-al lli*ll, MirkdiUe. Mij y.-u L'il; ill t!i. dark it J-. w.li biwiik giitiiduiotiier a |.:i-. :.i;.ii.s Tifal:- r- i»iscu.-'--i at • â-  on the this oHictj Horse for 15 |i.:« !i!:l ii liiilf tons sugar at Trim- \Vi. â- !;*..i, winch la Lciiio' sold On and after Inesday, the 8th day of Angus'., the eni."auce fee for mem- bership of the Proton Ag. Boeiety will b« $2. We expect that all who wish to become members of the So- ciety vsill give iu their oAmes before Tuesday next, only $1. Mr. David McMillan, of Proton, presented us with the largest hen's egg in the country. It is 8^ inches lung and dj inches in circumference. Mr. McMillan's hen lays one of such i eggj one diiy every week, and the or- I itiuitry size every other dny. The Mirror is loo soon with the in- ' formation that Dundalk has a brass I band. Tho brass will probably aiiive i this ffeek, the baud still remains to I be formed. I fiurton Agricultural Society will I hold it.-, fiiH show on the 5th day of I (tctoj)! r next in the Society's field iu the villa".: of Dunduk. Ummilf Bi iMMU wtmuao. TcMf^lEii we b3(r~(3«et iM^tei to the froviucial Gnuige by hJnt pTy M.ii'it '"" l.xposilor which ii '.io:i SaM.diiy, reuchjd US on !r. .1 .M(;.Ma-";r has been fined â-  iioi-:^Li e.u TiiuruLury general have improved tho past week the straw likri.fl y uiU haye a daily rfail go ;:iorlii. C"ii;iue;iciiJg Monday last, Crops in well during "^Uiiy be sIk rt but tlio gram may make up the dfclicieucy. Safi' aiul reliable fire insurauco ef- iVettd by A. G. lluuter, the people's agout. Give him a cull and Le pro- tected. 11 ca^es iif ^iiiall p ix have ,(.|..rl. 1 at Winnipeg. Eight :l..lal. 1.1 Kiiuijcrhy's a]'ioinlmeut as 1 lu^llt'a lUccetsor IS auid to but M.iary. r (ijiiiiirum, late i)f the '1' i. i B. Ie.i.v stiitioued at .\tduu, County of Mlligtoli. Ui\ K.tidalls Treatise on the 1^. ami have yui'.r htast â€" 15' cents •..';I» OlliCU. m Ml l;.)ii.l of wen Sound got bad- :iiiried between the eyes while \isit- .^1 Viiicut. I r 1^" in-;,'!-')*-,-, were sruek by li;^ht- _,• at Syiiirua, Teun., on Suiiiliy. .\iil ih' Mr. J. .M. W. bster, of Kingston, 1 .1 ^tiuek al IJ lltvilKr on Tliurs- bv .;rt, iij(,.iri. ll'*.vian lly is visitint' London .i :...â-  w'liat crop is t.aiu to be daiii- -JO per cut' .\ M'ip.-i»Aw, l!8.|., is vr'nocring his .iiiYlMiiv, lli'j work will be com- i.ti' li ill a few Jays. .1 .li!i J'.il ;o Was horribly manjjk'ilby 3c bur^img of a giiiid.-ton.j at tlie I'ui.ini 1 ill- \V riis on I'l'iday night The '-brass" for the purchase of in- struments for Dundalk band has been subaciib^jd freely. DunJalk will grow nui^y. Good wages arc paid oj the Me- hiucthou drainage. Tho contractors are pu.^liing on the work. Tho Dundalk slowly. When completed ilrainage will t)ie IS moving survey be lii.' 1. .rl l.iout. of Irclaml r.iid the iLiil loi! Ollice are considering the ^llL;•â- â- â™¦ •;' a^.-'isted Irish emigration to lUl.M.:. .1 •... .^ ll.ynolls, Ks(].,solil his farm iu{".:i I' icns in St."\ineent t 'WusliU) lf..r â- ^I'l.iiuo t.p .l.Stronach, of Saloue, ISCM. n,.l. It iluhnes ha about tho best kept I farm ::oynlirc mar Meatord. It is a •ma.l ..ne, but cure i;* taken to m.tko 1 the i'"f of it. 1;. iitrmbcr the (iarden Party next nt tilt .^lptholli^t I'ar.souagp. i-ii I'lily loc. We hope to see ero Adi:.;. Ikllir:^. llri I' r ellry. Itxltiii" wd. watclie.s that are reliable ti'ne- â- . Mud the hi-st value in jfW- .1. U. Trimble, l-'leshcrton, is the lead. A y.iiiiiL; lady from Priceville fell from tiiu California swing at Eugenia Fall- ..n M.io.lay last, aud received •«n. .iis injuriis. Thtro fecins to be soiut djs;xtisfac- ti.'ii witii ilic manner tho mails are Ilia !•• up or can-ied betwceu Meaford and Arleiiicsi.i. .\ public mrotiiig is called at tho l)ii;'rrrm h;dl t -iuorrow Friday) ev- eni!" to corsider tho ndvipiibilify of 'urriiai!:g a lire engine. See adv. TI.e rumor that the rrinco of Wales is ;i.rniii hard up yams ground. 11 is liabiiifies arc set dowu at $3,000,000, of which S ' OtI.OOO arc due to his wine mnciiaut. Tiio Mirr )r, winch boast? of a spe- cial correspondent wielding a facile pen at Markdalc. Pays " The Mark- date Standard ertico has been sur- mounted with cast iron cresting of a pretty jiattern." The English Church .i,'ardou party was held la.st Wednesday evening, win II .some 'I'lO people ass.'mblcd to- gether in Mr. Geo. Walkers orchard. The Fle.slierton hand attended and altogether the atfair went off very Will. T wca'lnr was too hot lor manv game.^, and ico cream and cher- rioii were louj; and loudly Cidled for. The total rf-ceipts amonnfed to $GG. Some vandal willuUy smashed a cro- quet .set, "V-d a few |)la;ijs were sto- len from tho grcnnds, Mr. .John Lyoi's returned from a tijp tlir.iu^'li Maiiitoulan, Cockburn anil St. Joseph Islands, and expresses his Kurpri-e nt the (xcellcnt crops throughout tho above p'acei' He was informed while in Cockburn that there was not a Canada tiiistle on the Island. It compi'ises 35,001 acres. While Mr. Thomas Elliott, junr., was driving homewards on Sunday evening two other parties drove past comir;g into tiio villoge when Mr. El- liott's horses becamo unmanagefible and started to run, upsetting the buf^gV tlir.Aviiig himse'f, his wife aud child out. Tliey all rbcaped without any serious injury, the buggy only being smashed. The Geoii^ian liay KaUway. which ciiiipletco tho connection between Eake Erie and the (ieorgian Bay, was formally i'ieiiedat Wiarton,the north- ern terminus of the road, Tuesday witn groat manifestations of joy. The new braiieh opens up a large and fer- tile tract of country. Mr. W. J. Howe, of Barr head mdl, left an egg in our oflics yesterday mea suriug 0;i in. find d in. in circumfe- rence. Even the hens are endeavou- ring to make up for the esgs being so dear, by giving them double the u.sual size. ON 01 IX TABLE. Oar villA^.p«o|^. jrere tg Lroai iheu: sAnl^r «a-|Iood^ hig about two o'cfoek by the cry of* "Fire Fire! '• FUmea were dis- covered bursting fr»m tbe nfktr pari of th«JI9il«]i|ip gMC«Dpied by BIrf. Baia •a a In^lliaeiy «tore^ and eonaectipf with Mr Joiio Hovkins' shed ^d ho- tfl J J ' The fire -Waa first noticed by Mr. Bain, who gave tiie aUrm. Mr. Duf- fy arone teiTified lest the flames shonld rAach hip ^lace. which was just across tUe streat. .B*..ai«*id Ow p4^\^ ^l^^'^f^ boarhood, and very soon a crowd had congiegated, and set to work with a will to save ftunitare, and to stay the progress of tbe flames. A small hand engine belonging to Mr McGill was soon on the ground, and did valuable service in saving the house occupied b^ Miss Oarret!;, dress maker, it being only a few fe«t from the burning building. All hope of saving Mr Hopkin's buildings was given up, and the con- tents were speeddy removed, very lit- tle being left in tbetn of rnnoh â-¼aloe. About 70 cords of wood were ecnsn- med in the yard, and the stable loft which had recntly bsen filled Irith bay was speedily burned. The furniture was badly damaged in moving it from the house. Iu the meaatirae, the front and the roofs of the buildings on the opposite side of the street were kapt well drenched with water. A desperate heat was thrown out while the outhouses were ^burning, which for a time endangered the row of small I uildings south of the fire, but no furihcr damage was done iu that direction. All this time a great struggle was going on in order to save Miss Gar- rett's dressmaking establishment, and at length the efforts of the workers were successful. It was fortunate that the morning w*a3 calm, otherwise it would have been impossible to have stayed the progress of the devouring element, as it was the northern portion of the village received a shower of burning cinders, which would have been the means of fresh fires had they not been closely watched and speedily wa- tered. All worked like heros, both male and female, in carrying water, saving goods, C; The fire was, without doubt the work of an incendiary, and stiong suspicions are entertained against a well-knt'A'n resident of our usually quiet village. ^Ir Hopkms' loss is $3,500. He is insured in the Citizens Company for $2000. Th'ro is said to be no insurance on Mrs Bain's buildings. Mr Hopkins has not yet decided whether he will rebuild. Dtrixum OnuigvHallon JolrAth. Mr.Chhs- -tia. W; M„ took tiM chair and p- Mtaiiid £ro. U. Beid overseer, SiiAer D. Graham lady aaaistaut steward, andBro. P. M. McDonald aasutaut ved W«iB«^e^.ti[ irtikers McLean and Inkster, that as copies of last minutes have been duly dis- tributed thej be oau|^eti(lre|dâ€" -car-L^j ^-DlB.pftitllttterj ^•flien lr IttO^elv and -e^onUMiJui cc04Mtti»ls. Bro. Jos. Kennedy moved Am !• lowng leaolutiob. "Whereas it ap- pears that the real estate of the conn- try pays a rate of about seven-tenths of -the aatire taxes of the Do: K S. iVnik J. Me^rdle, H. B«iili],rid«s MMta. ami James Bowea. ^~:r' "â- - "-^.f^r^-^ Bro. Gifford withdrew. The Wurtby Master appointed Broa. D. Wright aud \f. Btiehanan aoitfit- inecrs.f MELANCTHON. Mr M; Neithercut has a yield of four tons pei acre off ten acres of hay. 15ush fires are doing considerable damage in this section. Last week Mr Middaugh's stable was burced, aud his house had a nar- row escape. Mr Ja.s. Brcwn had a quantity of fence burned. An old man named Kennedy died suddenly last week from disease of the heart. Mr Councillor Bailey bad 4 sbeep killed on Sunday mornmg. tho 23rd ult. by a lynx. W1LLLA.MSF0RD. The American Agricultuiust for August is au cx'^lleiit number of this superior Journal. This number con- tains a carefully prepared aud very j large variety of interesting facts and I statistics, giving a full showing of the I whole -\Kricu!tural work, resources ;aud productions ol the United States, Mr l' MeCanu, near Willmmsford, and of each State aud Territory â€" of lying daugi^ousiy ill. Leccntly ' groat value for further reference. Pub- lished by ihe Orange Judd Co., 751 Broadway, N. Y. §1.50 per year; single copy, 15 cents. We haye just received a new illus- trated catalogue from Messrs. Stone (t Wellington, of the Eonthill Nurser ies IS Willie very warm he took a drink of c.ii.l ^priu.; water; this has caused ill daiiiniation to ^et iu and bis life is dc- bl.antd of. .\iiiniig the candidates for teachers St the Manit waniiig exatuination last weiK, Wire Louis N. Thibaudeau and IKr'nrt Irwin, late of Markdale, and Tli.K. and Minnie Flesher, late of Fleslierton. Last Friday wech a lad named Clark Kll off a load of hay and had his left ,Kin broken. This occurred on tlip 111 hue. Euphrasia. Dr Maclean put liaii right. t'n Sunday afternoon Mr Kemp's •Iwilling house was burned to the groiiiiil. Mr Kemp is section foreman on tij, r. G. B. atTeeswater. The loss w about §300 no insurance. Cauee Juuknown. I»r Sproule was honored at Thirn- bury on the 'iOth ult, with an address and preseutatios. The former spoke in hi.^'h terms ofthe Dr, and the latter consisted of a heavy silver pitcheraud j tray. The occasion was a supper at Lowt a hotel. .V verdict has bsen given acainst the New York Ceutrall and fludson River Ruilroad for uain4ge by delay owing to the freight hangers' strike. If this is su jtaiued br tlie higher courts.many other soits vf a silfcilar ebaraoter #ill be inotistd. It IS admirably printed aud full of information. This firm is reliable, aud does the leading busi ness in Can- ada. "1|M^ PicTraisSQiTK Cakada.â€" Parts 9 and 10 are being delivered by Mr. Hunt. The views in part are vivid pictures of backwood'life. and many of them recall hom2 scenes of 25 or 30 years ago in this section. All tne cuts are very fine specimens ol' the engravers art. 'Ihe letter press continues to be very superior. East Grev Fall Exhibition cata- logue to hand, containing the rules of the society and farther iuformatiea for intending exhibitors. The Wesleyan Ladies' Callogo Cat- alogua^voa foU informatioD rtepecV iug that institution. It is a hue piece of letter-press pnnting. The Canada Farm Jonrual gives in- formation as to improved farms, mills and other properties in OutariQ pA sale. But few properties seem to seek change ol bauds in Grey. Our Little Ones is still ahead of -any otber jadmal^pubiuriMf r^y" young fjlks. Fall wheat harvest is the order of the day. One day last week while J. Hender- son's team was standing in front of the post ofhce tlie horses became friuhtcned and ran away, doing con- siderable damage to the wagon and harness aud allowing Mr. H. to walk home, a distance of three miles. Mr. J. Paterson is taking the run in t)lackBmithing and we wish him success. Mr. S. Watson has purchased a new engine for his pump shop aud intends to manufacture ly steam. Mr. M. Smith is about to put more machinery in bis grist mill and ex- pects to do a good business this fall. Timber, cordwood and tan bark has been shipped in large quantities from this station within the last few days. Rev. Mr. Hart compliiins of busi- ness being slack in the matrimoaial line. The natives of our village were as tonished when they learned that Mr. Dickey had ci^»tared the hetui and hand of the "Maid of the Hill." Rev. Mr. Keys made them happy. We understand they are about to take a tour to Christian Island. The cose of Graves, a fugitive insol vent from biBj^aad, recrnUy arrested- at Qnabec, came before Judge Casaalt in the Boporior Court last Tbnrsday, when he released the prisoner, holding that an offence againrt the baakropCq^ law of England, even if frandolent uud^ that Act^i^lidaiqt jastifx.tbf d% tvatifiiri)^' a telefrnna-'af 7a )*won4- in Canada, wl^are saeh an offmce is unknown, OanadalumBg ii6 baakropt law, and further, that a prisoner coold only be detained ia tiasibdy in Canada for an offence for whidi, if committed in Canada, he might be tried thace.- y^ -^i r everybody. The moaHy sprightly na^^wbuJui^i;rdiBaE7 weather navec-tha Deputies af pef tta ~a«yaa- i« orertake him, Pio v m eial ona wonld suffer a tortoisa to keap pato aTCcy efcvt toi with him now. â€" carried. Resolved that all property, real and personal, individual aud corpor- ate, shoold be equally taxed, and that the holdara of the laortgages and other hens on property should be tax- ed for the amount of such hens and tbe owner for the balance yaluo of his nro^ierty. "Resolved that wa faTor a joat incoaie ta;^*".. .. ,. ». 1.-,^.,,,,^ -, Fetitioaa embodying pnno^il«a af above resolution to be soot down to Huboidinate grau^es for donsideratiou aud siguatuie to be fcrwariled to the Provincial Legislature 'for action. The following were appointed a committee to draft petitiou referred to â€" Jiis. Kennedy, A. Oifforl, H. D. irwin, R. J. Doyle, D. Armstrong, H. Raid. Moved by Bros. J. Kennedy and D, Armslrong, that the Worthy Master be and is hereby instructed to use the necessary constitutional means to ac- complish, if possible, a re-union between this (No. 2) Division Grange and No. 43 Diyision Grange, iji the Co, Grey, for business purposes â€" carried. Grange adjourned until 1.30 p.m. On motion of Gifford and Doyle the Grange resumed business at 1.30 p. m. Committee on credentials report- ed as ful!o\s Grange No. 824, Bros. J. Kennedy and W. Stevens; No. 855, Bios. G. Wilkinson and S. Goldsmith; No. 458, Bros. G. Stuart and G. Dale; No. 280, Bro. J. Best; No. 421, Bros. R. J. Doyle and S. Connell No. 684, Bros. D, Campbell and J. M. Webster; No. 612, Bro. S. Kinncl; No. 864, Bros. H. Reid and D. Armstrong; No. 728, Bros. W. Arkrec^ge and D. Bell; No. 381, Bros. J. .Uickling and J. Inkster; No. 400, Bro. Thos. Taylor; No. ^2C, H. D. Irwin and Wm. Mc Laughrey; No. 18, J. Long, A. Gif- ford and Sisters Long and Gifford No. 25, A. Bond and W. Laycock; No. 259, J. Webster aud J. I. Graham; No. 793, D. McLean; No. 525, R Beattic, J. Hunter and Sister Beattie; 2io. 834, T. Maun and T. EUioti; No. 538, S. Edgerton and J. McArdle; No. 813, C. K. Bain aud D. Carr; No. 312, D. R. Ellis. We, the committee on credentials, report the above dele- gates present. â€" D. McLean ind J. Inkster. Moved by Bros. McArdle and Ellis, that no member in this Division Grange shall be allowed to speak more than once on each subject aud not longer than five minuter, unless with permission from tho Division, or explain a question â€" carried. Moved in amendment by Brothers Stewart and Irwin, that each member speak without limit â€" lost. Moved by Bros. Doyle and Gifford. t.ia.t this Division Grange petition the Government of Ontario to publish 80,000 copies of the annual report of the Experimental Farm at Guoiph instead of 10,000 as at present, and that 25,000 copies be distributed throngb the Granges and Aj^ricultmal Societies to secure the deUvery to the agriculturalists of this Province â€" car- ried. Moved by Bros. Kennedy and Arm- strong, that representatives to the Dominion Grange be chosen by vote of Division Granges constitutional notice to be given to Dominion Grange in order to effect the change herein set forth. Moved in amendment by Brothers McLaughrcy and Reid, that the mat- ter of election of delegates ha referred to committee which wdl be required to report at next Division meeting, aud that said committee consist of three members â€" carried. Your Committee on Stock beg leave to report as follows â€" "That iu Horses the pure-bred Clydesdale sire is the best to cross with our mares, their offsprings are generally useful aud find ready sale at good prices in the North West and American markets. In Cattle we consider the Shorthorn or Durham superior to any cross with our common stock to produce good beefers and milkers which is now and will be one of the Jest products of the farm. In Sheep, as far as our experi- encj goes, we consider the Leicester has been the best, but as the demand is moie for fine wool and sheep for export we would recommend Shrop- «hire3 as the best. In Swine we con- sider Berkshire the best. â€" Robt. Bat- tie, Chairman. Moved by Bros. Doyle and Webster, that the report now read be received, adopted, and engrossed in the min- utes â€" carried. Verbal report from Conamit|ea on Seed Grain. ,. l J ' ..; ^t »_ To the Worthy Masters and Mem- bers of Division Grange â€" "We, your Coiiipittte» on Jnrisdietioa, respect- fully ask this Grange to allow our re- port to be laid over until the ne\t meeting of tho Division Grange, as time will not allow us at present to make a proper report, one of oar com- mittee net beins; aware of his appoint ment until this day." Yoore rMp^kfal]^,r JosBPB -McAkdlk, ThostAs Mam'h, John Gkaban. Moved by Broa. Jic^^wmi. McArdle that the report now read be adopted â€" f artied?. ' "• Q^ f r â-  J C' :i ' Moved by Bros. Doyle "ana iJc- I#aaghrey, that m tha c^kinioo. of this Division Grange one snperior grange i^.^aita safficiaot^i' the requirements of the order, and the Secretary 'is berebv instncted to give notioe to tha Secretary of the Dominion Grange tha^ this Gcaagci now apply ta have the ^bnstitauon so amended u to do away witii tiM Pirovincial Grange, and the Bro^i R. J. I^lei J^dk'Kenn^d^ d BL %^ wai«klM^|d'B|^|Bt^. llovyd hi Vtf^.^Vk f irVir.M^h. •I liy, ^iA «hiri 'MtMrn^f ' »arelary to give notioe to Dominion ' lAnuii^e S. cretary that this Grange requires that the constatntion be so amended as to make the members of the Dominion Grange elective directfy from UlA Division, adlowipg the jtower to dilisioii dgfkiC# to tuftmil thia question to tiiar Stiburdhiatc gras^'es â€" carried. Moved by Bros. Arnatrong and Beid, that- the Secretary be aod is liereby instructed to pobhsa in tha Grange Biiiletin and other local news- papers the pi oeeediugs of this meeit- iog in their entirety â€" cairied. Bro. Jas. Kennedy introdnced the foUowing resolution which was adopt- ed. "Whereas the definition of law in tha abstract ia held to be a com ma nd ' w y ati i iB frqia. the king with unlimited power to^^^nfbr'ce the com- mand practically considered law, is a certain expression of the will of the people applied in that behalf for the purpose of maibtaiuing right fai the conduct of man towards man, always like the natural forces operatiug as a necesoity, hence its jurisdicti )n should bescrupolonslyand expediently defined and its application for the purpose of quieting disputes allowed after reas- onably fair miuor means have been tried but failed, provided always that law IS only and the ultimate expedient of guiding the conduct of men in civil society. Be it therefore resolved iu compliance with declarations of prin- ciples (pages 7, 8 and 9 Gran!e Con- stitution), which enjoirs in efi'ect to aim at tlic reduction of expeubes to avoid litigation by arbitrstion, kc, that the jurisdiction of the divisiou court be extended to $400 that (he County Court le dropjTed that the personal actions at law that is claims lying within and without a written agreement be settled by arbitration made compulsorv, providcl one of the parties to a dispute demands it. Moved by Bros. Webster at d Reid, that the expenses of delegates be paid â€" carried. Moved by Bros. Long and Bond, that our next meeting be held at Vic- toria Grange hallâ€" lost. Moved by Bros. Edgerton and Web- ster, that the annual meeting of tbip Division Grange be held in Dundalk â€" lost. Moved by Bros. McArdle and Mann, that tbe next meeting of this Division Grange be held at Flesherton â€" lost. Artonaua. hj B*v D C lie Ad«w«i grain bnyci FlnA to MiM S. J. I«v«r oa tha Snd iiMt. toiAiTAa â€" Lean. At Horaiana IQIU, od tiMlOth nit, by tha Bar. M. 8. Bwwaah, Mr. T..£iiUiTmn. of AJIutor tp Mi«» laaMla Tint- |y,ot gypiq p iKUa. Wnaa. Oa the fnd nst. InMiPUi^ter of Mr John W«Uh. aged S montha. BaniT â€" la ChkaKO oa the SSnd Joly Maigaret, wi/e of Mr Jitmra Henry, and aee- ond daughter o|^ Mr John I^ons, Ka^hrssia. •fed 96 yaan S mantha. Moved by Bros. Reid and Doyle, that the Secretary be required to no- tify the Dominion Grange Secretary that this grange requests that the constitution be so amended as to en- able granges to regulate their own ini- tiation foe or reduce tho same â€" car- ried. Moved by Doyle and Irwin, that our next meeting be held in Owen Sound â€" carried. Grange closed. WOLYOU EXCHANtf a cas« of Dyspepsia or XSillouanoaa for 75 cents? It ia awfolly unwise to Sgoniao xuif crthen|ia» ftilnrelTttt r rising from Dyapcpslu, Indig-eslioii, pisordcrcu StOimicBand Livor, wliea this oCcr is made to you iu your vwii bonio in nil 'sincerity, with an abaolafo certainty of cnrincr yoa. ZOPESA (fVom Brazil) cures Dyspepsia and Itiliousncss. A sintrle doso relieves a sample bottle convinces; a 70 ccct bottle euros. It acts directly upon the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys.^ Cleansin-r, Corrcctiujr, Keg-, niatiii;;:, Zupesa pivos energy and vim Xo tbe liraiM, Nerve^ and Bluscle, simply by Avork- ing wonders upon the I)i^es' tion, and {jivis^; activity to the JLivcr. Cat this cut, tal^o is to any dealer in medicines, and get nt least one 75 cent bottle of Zopesa, and tcl I your neighbor liow it acts.. It i:i warranted to cnre Dyspepsia and Cil- iousuosB. •*!'â- "•!♦?' Xlt â-  eeUing Off at Cost at the Dundalk DRUG STORE. American and WALTHAM WATCHES Clocks, Jewellery, Chains, Lockets and Cuff Buttons, Gents' Gold Rings, Ladies' Signet Rings, Bracelets, Eardrops, Brooches, c. M. See my $6.50 E,P. Case Watch Stem Winder, guaranteed good Timekeeper. Do not laii to call and secure bargains. r 'G. 'W. PABSONS. N. B. â€" All kinds "of Repairing done on the Premises by a first-class Watchmaker from Toronto. All work warranted .i|(-M^^*- r' Voters' List, 1882 MUNJCIPALII'Y OF TRE TOWN- SHIP osprey county â€"OF GBEY.â€" THE PUZZLED DUTCHMAN. ;e^C! lore the above One who docs not believe iu im- mersion for baptism preached on the subject of baptism. In the course of his remarks he said that some believe it necessary to go do*'n into the wa- ter, aud coiue up out of it, to be bap- tif;ed. But this lie claimed to be a lallacy, for the preposition "into" of the Bcriptiires should bo rendered dif- ferently, as it does not mean "into" at ail." "Moses," he said, "we are told, went up into tho mountain, etc. Now we do not riippose he went into the mouuuiin, but wont unto it. So with going into the water, and beiujj baptized in the ordinary way, by sprinkling or pouring. He carried thi^ idea out fnliy, and in doa season invited any one so dispcsed t6 rise aud express (tieir thenghts. Quite a number of his biethreu arose and eaid they were well pleased with the sound sermon they bad just. heard. Finally a corpulent gentleman of Teutonic extraction, a stranger to all, arose and broke tiie silcnco that w'as almost painful, as f dlows "Mister Bfeacher, I isb so glad I vasL hera to n^lit, tor 1 has Lad ex- plaiiicJ to my ixiindt some din^s dot 1 never could behove belore. Oh, I ish so glad dot into does not mean into at all, but just close by or near to, for I now pulieve many thing* what I could not palieva befjre. We reat, Mr. Dreacher, dot Taniel vos c ist into der den of lious, and came out alife. Now 1 neffer could pelieve dot, for wilt peasts would shust eat him riglit off; but now it is very dear to my oiiut. He vas slinst close py or near tOj and did not get into dtr den at all. Oh, I ish so glad 1 vash her to-uiglit. Again we read dot de Hebrew child rcn vas cast into dcr fiery furnace, und dvt always looked liiid a bigstorj toe, for they would have been burnt up but it vas all plain to my mint now, for dey vas shust close py or near to dcr fiery furnace. Oh. I vas so glad I vash here to night. Aud den, Mr. Breacher, it is said dot Jonah vas cast into der sea, und taken into der whale's pel ley. "Now 1 never could pelieve dot- It alvays seemed to me to be a big fish story, but it vas all plain to my mint now. He vas not in der whale's pelly at all, but sbump onto his pack aud rode ashore. Oh," vash glad I vas here hXMit. ikfK Mr. Bteecbdr, if yon vrUl shits^^ exblain two more bassages of Scriptures, 1 shall be oh so happy I vas here to-night. One of dem tab yere i*: says dot der vicked shall be cast into a lake dot bums mit fire and primstone alvays. Oh. Mr. Breacher, shall r pe hast dot iiike if I am vicked or shust close py ' or aeair to â€" «Iioat near enough to be ctitnfortable Oh, I hope you tell me I pe cast only shoat pyngpodvays off, and I vill pe so glad dot! vos here to night. Der o^w basHmee ia dot vich eaya picaaed are dey who do these commandments, doi dey have right to der tree of life, and enter ia dr^o der gates of der city, and not aLSSk' cIom ij tw'bear toâ€" Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the per- sons mentioned in the 8rd and 4tli sections of the " Voters' Lists Act," the copies required by said section to be sa transmitted or delivered of tbe list made pursuant to tha said Act, of all persons ajipeariiig by the last revi- sed assess ueut roll of the said Mnni- cipalitv to be entitled to vote iu the said Municipality at elections for mombevs of the Legi^Litive Assembly, aud at Municipal elections aud the said list was Jirst posted up at my office nt Lot 20, Con. 4, Township of Osprey, on the 81?t day of July, 1882, aid remains there fi;r iusiiec- tion. Electors are calljd upon to exam- ine the said List, aud if any oini.ssions or other errors arc found therein, to take immediate prccjediugs to have the said errors correct d a:cording to law. WILLIAM MILNE, Clerk of said Municipality. Dated this 31st day of July, 18S2. Highly rccomttK^ded for BIIIOBiiBr**, B««IIArhr, €•• KtipatloB, iDdlKca- I, DIaUBcsa, Hnutlwim, Bad Breath, Losa af Ap* pclltr. Janndler, LcMi of Memorf, soar KloBurh, Llvrr fom. Plalllt.or any illnefH arifiing from ibe SliftM ach, Bowrls or lUdar))!. Tbev arr Mfe, mild and tboiougb in their action. FroL 1 1 tot »'"""'°««-pBirBf»e.rERB«x. iJOHN NOBLE, ARKDALE. M^iiui Foundry -.\XD- MACHINE WORKS. We are prepared to exccutc'all kindx of GENER'L BLACKSMITH HORSESHOEING A SPLCI.VLTY, "V\'tiiitt»«l, By a VX.VU. of tho lull- 11t)l- WHISH, Haiiult"!!, a limit. â- .I umiilxr if I'lTlLS for iu..tructio:i on the t'lnnn :in.l Or^aii. .\|i|)lii-iiti'iii« n-i-iv.'ilh\ mail 'V iM-r^'imHy al th.Mi-llc.iiisl rurM'iinuc. whtif cerlili- catt-ii of ability cm ho iiriiliiro.l. • jAXii: MtiHiwF.i.ri. 87,100 ri.KSIIKUTON. MARKDALE Ui Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done iu a practical manner. C.A. t PLOWS! And Plow Points Tailor, y mmii MARKDALE. will receive onr Bpoei.il attention, kfoxyinK i f3£»-}^,,ppi.,l ^^gu^i,,,, ^q (;,ij.,i„p.^~j tbrougL iiractical expcrionco Ibo Inait claM of Irou.s for such. MarbleWorks MonuiDiits, Tombstones! And every ilescnjitirrn of Cemetery e-\:ecuted in â- a-ork FIRST-CLASS STYLE and at reasonable rates. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop next door to rerere Hotel. W. A. JOHNSTON, Prp. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Rollers^ will receive our lattciftiott; Wc also duce our now nitro If- yon want a vo'ir Order will. Perfect I'it ieava C. A. 0\YEN. M.\1;K1).\LE. MukOido Aug. lOOi. 18»1. IS-lv EARS FORI MILLION IjlOO CHOO'S BALSAM OK SHAKE'S JD OIL positively Kestcres tho Hearing, and is the Only .\hsolute Cure for Deafness knovn. Tbis Oil is abatranted from pocolisi ipeeieB of small WliitA Shark, can«(bt in (li# Yellow Sea, known as Cabchabobon Bosde- LETii. XvCry Chines^ fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearint; were diaoovered by • Buddhist Priest were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures were BO nnmeroos, and many so seemingly mir- •enlowii, Uiak tbe rem«dy vas officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use becMmc so universal, thai feroTei 300 year* no Deafaess biM existed among tb« Ohincse people. Sent, charges prepaid, to anv ad- dress at 91.00 per bottle. Hear wte»t Um DcaCitny It bas performed a miracle in my tjae. X have no unearthly noises in my head, and kear Biiieli beUer. I have been greatly benefited. Hy deaf ues8 helped a £reat deal â€" tiiiuk ano- ther bottle will euro me. Its Tirtues are nnquestienableand its eora- tive character absolute, as the writer can per- sonally testify, both from experience and ob- servation. Write at onse to Haylock and JcDikey, 7 Dey Street. New Yark,Aiioloring 91 and you will receive by return a remedy that will atiahi*. yokio bMr lik* MiTbvdy elM,and whose curative effects will be peimancnt. You will never regret do'ng au."â€" -X^n^ OF Mbbcii(tu.b Brnxw. ^rTo avoU lo°s in the mails, jdeaae send mone^^r Begistsrad Lelier. Only imported by HATLOCK JENKEY, MWSbylock ft«to^ ics. f lnSTNx«¥««i oHotlfioioT FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. Tliis new machine will mangltr Linen, Cotton,- and Woollui (ioods, giviiit; them a beautiful sifnootli'inlil flossy apjiuiir- ancc. It also iuiprpvos the cloth, s, wliori'as hot irons injure tlifcii. We will also nianu- fo^o CAST-IRON GRAVt TABLETS! with or wthoiit niarhlc slah for name. At.; also ToMili l{ailin;,'s. i'all Pillars and (»ni.a- montal Cast Iron Chains f r same, also all kinds of Ballu'-ter llailinijs. Huu.ie I'cnoingâ€" Blain add ornamental, Machinoiy Brass Castings of evorj- dsoi-i|tion, brass Bells, Iar(;e or Kniall. MOFFAT BRCS. ilarkdaie. Nov. lt*«l C3-lv To DlSPASPL'.. CuM.'-LAlS .^S .-*n.! At( idknts whicli 11a,.vaku's VtLlxw Oil- is piAr%x teed to cure or n:lie%*c either ia Man or Be.vst. TATEN I1ITERNA1.LY FO* cnorr, i roitiirs, en. t MI'S, SUHt' TtinOAT, ASTUilA, I cot.us, Xc APPLIED EXTtRNALLY FOU nnr.fMA tjsm, si:i n.ti.'ii.t. ]v c T I G r: di3SOLution"qf7artnership THE PABTXERSHIP HERETOFOIIE existing between the nDder8i,ned as Genenl Merchants, in the Vi'lnge of Mark- dale, under the stylo or firm of Butter* Ka«' has this day been dissolved, by mutual con- sent. AU parties indebted to said ffrm will paj the same to Wm. Laeas Co.. Bankers, Markdale. at once, and save further trmllc. Uated at UarkdAle thU 1 2th day of July, A. D. 1882. A. BUTTE B, K. 8. BaE. W tness), B. C. Bbtpbx. 06-31 Dixfifld. Maine, Oct. 20, 1880. c.n.i.ot t i.iytFa STI IF JOISTS, ri:»iT JSIJJi, ou\s, s isitns::.t, iTfir, r.i/vrvn.inr, r.US ia HlUl'L A flllLm.AISS, BWELLiyaa, OAI.I-S, IjAMi:sixs, COXTItACTIO: trxiuco, DKAt-WKSS, -BPItAISS, tie gTiarflr.t tloa or monc/ ixiiir;;Ici OtKtTICIS ttTTN EACH BCTTLl P-;:r 3An. T.MIL^P^y 00., Proprlotori TOKOXTO, OliT. Bitters Best l.ns no.is DOW W-fme tli« publio. Vi.n can m«k« m'Mii.v fi'-ttr «t woik l»r 111 nij.vtLiiigrl«e. C-'iiitil not n**-!- W.I! star' yon. %\2 n dav am) np- Dr. B. J. Keudtill Co.â€" Genu:â€" »|. Please firnl enclosed 25 caiitK for re I wards nmJoat homeby thoiTilu»t'i)a-. Men, Tiaed edition of yonr burse book. I j women, boys snU-irlsWa-lo,! .â- v.-rvrier^ t» .^^ 1 .,. t-/.„#1.iirK (snivin I •*" '"'""â- ' N '•' IS the time. Voncinwork have tried yoMX Keudall 8 bpavm .^ ^^^ ^.^^^ „^.,^ ,,^ ^.^^ ,.^^_. ^^^^^ ^.^ Gam for curb, aiul it uss dono nJ jthebnsiucsi. Vu can live at bnnw rnd 4p Ton claim for it. By usiug ooe-balf t)i« work. No other baii;-.* w.il nay.m* M^e it eutircly cared tb*? lamenrM ' n«rly at " il. No one rm r.il k. mako *•«- y j.I„K.,„,.li Yi.iii-K trnlv "ifantu J*»y b» en?u;3rg at tiiro. '.•«f'w aud removed tb" bum li. "'"st'oJv. ,^^, «„i tenn. ftv*. M-m-v ...m,- i.-^ J:ia.Nk bI^.NL:.Y. leafcilyaod houoraUj. A Uiitb.^^ Ij.i.fc C^^, â-²u£(i»la. Maim. ricfff'

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