Il 11 I • t tl »" 'i 1 • OBAXGE COUNCIL. T. C. B. RAILWAY. TIME TABLE. Change of Time. OOIMO â- OCTB. Exp. a.m. OwMi S'lnnil, dejj. S/iO W;lii»in-ford.. Utrlitlcv M«ikJa'l.- Fl«li-rton. ... I'ruloo ViwMk • '..rlx-tt'i M'lan'-tlion blielbuni ' Oraiitfeviil ..f.rA, ..r.Mi ..« i'J ..",. j:} ..*:r.7 7.fW ..7.17 ../.27 ..7.34 .dtp. t».27 Mid. a.m. 7.3.-. 8 3-1 'j.ii Ii.l-i 10.:i7 11.12 11. .« 11.43 11.07 1.30 The LondoB Timts rcfeniog to Ccnadft fifen Tcot to the fjilowing slroDg langiULgi. "Our colouua ov« ns » great dea aod mftke as anaaik- ablf small retam. We oan* tbwn throngL tbeir palioc wiuicy, inram fur their joath «n opportunity tx tranqail, lUidistarbeJ grovtb, and oar reward OBaally ia that aa goon aa thej Ma:i. reach aometbing approachiDj man- P'?.jbood they disp'ay iadepaodtnee bj 4i8|pnttins; prohibitive, rpstnctive taxes npon onr c^moieree. Uar bebsTioar to them iM largely regulated by a kind 4 iH ;-..(« I ",.1'J C.3:i 5.17 R.-.7 ' «.fW 6.17 The animal meptins of tlie Grand Black Cbaoter of Britiah America, ol Koyal BUck Knubla rf Iratad. •• sembled in eoonefl ai^OiMfftnlle, 26 aQd27/nly.l88S. TbeMotral camtaiiim ia«»attwo o'clock to lorn Uteir npoit lor tbe paat year, and for fatu* proapacta. The grand chapter met at 7 o'clock in the Towu hall, when tbe grand maatcr addressed the o»ntr»l oommit- tee. Tbe r^giatrar's and tr«aa«iw'a reports were received and adopted. The couucil then adjoorued till tha next day at U o'clock. An address of welcosie from the 1 r I J a u 1 ' couutv grand fhapter meeting at Ur- paternal fuelin-. and their behaviour ,^^^^.^j°^ composed of parts of the towards as i.s shapel upon commer- counties of Dutferin, Wellingtou. and cial principl usually false ones, I Grey, was read and presented by Jos. They expect us to defend them aud j Mc.\rJle and the members of his pre- Mount !•' ureal.. 12. 1 Harr.stou 12.. Te«.f!w»t«?r 2.2.5 Mono KoaU 'J.13 bolton a.iS Klieubnrtf 'J 40 Woodbndjje 'J.Vi I'arkdale 1» 25 Toronto lO.M OOtNG SOETH. Toronto Jfp. 7.36 Parkdal* 7.4.5 WoodbridKC H.-JO 7.15 re' ulate our fleets and armies accord- j ceptorj" â- i») Mi an t».50 9.1 I't.l 8.H je»8ewhere. "7 us with the respect and cjurtesy we 9.1.5 9.35 ingly. In reti'rn tbey buy from us whatever they cannot get as cheaply They might at least treat respect and cjurtes' receive at tiie hands of oar p«ers. The War News. K\--.ii\,vii^ ».;»:t hcltoii «.1.5 Mot.., KoaJ '.fll 'JV«rt*watcr '» 1 Il:irrift'i: 'J.ltJ Jl'.uiit l-(,r.-,t.. r. M Or;i:iKcM..'j io.OI 81i.:I;iir...: 10 «'.» \1:\avX\.',i lO.'S :..rt. tf^n 1 1.0:i imii'ialk 11.12 P oloii 11. 2» F.H,)ii:rt'-n ll.;i!« Mirli.lnl*- ...11. .â- .7 ^^^â- TV(:\|â- •, I'i^.lOi'm VVilliaiUfcfora 12 21 H.V, 4.43 H5S .5.17 10. li r.w' 10 3.5 .:.3'j \VEDNESD.\Y. i:.0.-, .5 54 .uoi One of the oiobt iinportaut items of 2.J uews couvevtil liy tlie litest do.ipatch- 7,iji|!es regarding the Easteru jwsitiou if •'" ' that (/(.â- rruHiiy favours Eufttaud's P'jI- 7. .07 icy so long as 'j'ue holds to her "'o- 1.0-t 2-.' 2.12 «.fll! 3.:i'» 3.17 i.V, The grandest feature waa the pre- seutation of phite, comprising a silver tray aud tea-set, from the provincial grand chapter of Western Ontario; by Sir W. J. Parkhill. M.P.P. Grand Master, to Sir J. T. Jones last Provin- cial Grand Masttr for hia faithful ser- vices during the past five years. Although the mectiug was not so I large aa in former years, there waa a fair I represeulaion of oliices present. The next meeting will b« held at St. Cathtrines, Juue 1888. Votes of thanks were passed thank- ing the kuights of Orau^eville for their kindness. -t-i V- ^NDERFUL MaTEBNITY. jfOTHSaa OM THE mZX sums BBCOKT of the I Boa- icy so long as 'j'ue holds •'*1 lice â- cuiies, Germauy reserviu;; iv „ „ i; „..„, rwn .17 ,, 'found lu tlje bed of a cieek near JJan her»-lfthe ngut to intervene m the j^„j.y_ ^- (j ^n Saturday morniug. .5.02 f.45 final settlement of the question. The I Several diamonds have already been 5 10 9V7 ' preparations against tbe rebels in ' found iu the State. Cliat K'.rll). .. Oweij tv.iuDl.. .12.10 7.00 •J.24 •J..55 TIIIJRSD.AY, MA.. 3 TIIE llEri.NT I ll;E. A week j;7o [.Teat consternation had lakon li.M of the villagers. To-Uay excitriiicat ha« ahated, and the fire is a thing of tiic abt, aud uluiost forgot- ten ere it is thoroughly j.ul out. So much for the townspeople in general, whom: inlcrestti are but re- nio'ely affictnl hy the -.ail oecnrreiiec. Not MO, ho\ve\r, with the fanuf is and uierchaiitu luc-n. iiuiu' diately ;oii .•ern- E^ypt are being hurried forward. The question â€" wh»t shall be done in Egypt ?^thre.iteu.- to wrecK the Frencli Ministry Tha AMTmn Monarch, M0B««h Una. «med I'^^^^l,*^' ,HK« with a fafl «"P*«"°«°*f„?,' Jewish «f"««» ,I*""°«^- Among theae there ware lb«e °»*«?^ women. «-»«», named Roth Jwobd^. Jn. Itakok and Maruun Lev.nak^ who. with their bnsbands. left OJeeaa kat winter. Iu Russia where they had been married on the same day fifteen mouths ago. t»»ey belon|?ed to tbe middle chu«. The h-'b^^J- »' theae women are fculore. with their wives and co-religioniste. were seut on board the Aesyrian MonarcJi lor ««w York. On Su'nd.y. JaUe 1. Lena Ita kokk who ia a very prepoaaeasuig Jew- ess, aboo* 22 years old, became a mother of two fine, healthy girU. Her two sisters were in the act of congratulating the newly-made mam- ma when they themselves found that they were in want of the doctor's ser- vice At two o'clock in the afternoon Ruth Jacobsky, who is 27 aud a good looking blonde bad done as well as her other aister. and had at that mo- ment presnted her fortunate husband with two boys. At nine o'clock at night two more girl strangers made their appearance on board the boat, and Mariam Leuiski, the youngest sister, aged 19, waa receiving the feli- citations of her husband and br-'thers- in-law. ITn Friday the two bays were initiated into one of the mysteries of Judaism. At the circumcision they were both named Isaac, which meaus I "I should smile." The gills have, not A diamoiid valued at $7,000 was yet been named, but the children re- ^v coived a present from the captain of the steamer, who declares, although he has carried many thousands of passengers iu his day, he has not I seen such a remarkable tiij as the ^, „ ' three Russian Jewesses who vied with On Satirt day morninu IE Caldwell, g^ch other in their presents to their liege lords aud masters. FaU Barley OaU do. IfABKDALE- •J4- 0.75} 0. O.lS §|00 ' O.CK^ 7JJ " ISO S.50 •* S.OO li.00 •• 1400 S^iSqRYi .••»*•• »••••• PoUtOM. •»•• Batter, par lb £fg^, per dox rork,dni«««i. ,......••• Bwrf Hide* ' Qrasiieed, Hay Wool "'v"Cir' Great Applea, r" "«"»«â- Laid Tallow .,,.•..••• Pry Cord Wood OJO 0.76 0.10 0.46 1.76 0.00 l.M 0.13 0.07 S.OO PIMPLES PLES and Hunan*. â- DUNDALK MAKKEXa. J. llargett, and several children were At the seat of war standing at the foot oi a large tree tli liritibh hav movt-d their position closer to that of Arahi-. The rebel I loaltr is not jiijsliiui.' forward his op- 1 killed erations with the .steadiness which I' has hi'.horto cli;u-ae;eriz?d his' actions â€" owiij;^, {i!ol;ably, 10 ili.~s(!iisjuns il; I his camp. Ho has sent tu the Khe- dive a statement of tiie termson which hj will surruuder. His offence must be coudoued, and he allowed to retain Irfightning struck the tr.e and sevpre- If iiljureJ seven of tlie party. Call- wtll, llargett, and a girl were almost I An interesting case was tried iu the Police Court, Port Hope, last Thurs- !day, which excited a of A young woman cf Campbellf.-rd ' comment. The Rev. Mr McDermott, wem t;u:e\.:;.rsmR;ii;viTlT:and"in the esteemed pastor " "« B^PJJf' exchHuge for a four dollar bill receiv- Church, was summoned before the ed bome worthless advertisii.- scrip mas-strate on a charge of abuse pre- and her ticket. She did not discover ferred against h.m by a° empbyee thefraul that had been perpetrated of Ambrose s brewer}' Last Sunday The ticket was the rev. geutleiuan Wheat, Fall. No. 1.. Wh6a«3pâ„¢8" !•• Bariey " »•• Peaa " J- Oata " »•• Butter " !•• E(W« Putat4Ma • â- Pork "r- " Hay " •• ..11.16 to was .. to 1.25 ,, .66 to .65 ,. .78 to .72 ., .40 to M .. .16 to 'f .to .15 ., 75 to 7t ;. 0.00 to 0.00 7.00 to lO.OL do. do. IfLESHEBTON. {CtrteUd weeUt for the Standa-d in n. J SrnmU. Fleiherton.) ricur.perbW. t?-?? «" Spring Wheat per bosh FaU do. " "' Barley Oats Peas PoUtoes Butter, per lb. Eggs, per «loi. Poik, dressed. Beef Hides Hay Timothy seed. Wool Lard Tallow 1 JO to 1.13 " O.M •• "0.40 " 0.74 " 0.73 " 0.16 " 0.15 " 0.00 •• 00 " 7.25 '• M.0 •• 9.50 '• 0.22 •* 0.10 '• 0.05 " 6.2.5 1.35 1.15 0.80 0.40 0.75 0.76 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.30 14.0 3.00 0.00 0.12 0.07 td. Tltey arc at a loss U know what I till she got home command of a portion of those troops purcUased from the circus agent, now participati ig with him in the re i .hellion. Ihe terms have been ofj -ii.e Allan steamship Parisian reach- I course rejectuJ. A ni^'ht.attucv was j pj y„y,)!eon Salurd ly, 6 days 14 hrs j made by the Egyptians on the British ' after leaving' Rimouski. This is the Ifoice, hut the att.ieking party weie Uhortest time ever recorded for making tion of a cum of money for horse- r. pulsed without much dillicuUy. I "" »'-«'«" "P' ""' '^« "'P""" °^- ^^' ' "'"!?- froir his pulpit spoke in deprecatory terms of cir- cuses, horse races, etc., and referred to the action of a councillor i the plain- tiff I who at 9 meeting of the Council recently assailed several of the rnem- bers for voting against the appropria- After hearing the. evidence, noble vessel is being congratulated on I the Magistrate promptly dismissed the i all hands. I I The attention of our readers and I subscribers is drawn to new adver- atcps to take to mitigate the evil. Al- ' •\- 111.. 1 1 IIL li.oU.l 1 reaoy llie Imrvc t ha-i coiiiini'iicf •!, â- â- I :,. ,„ ,1.,,., 1 1 Turkey lias naw accented iutcrveii- giain is Ij III," 'fatliered, and very soon i i some of It will have to ho turned into "°" '" ""'^P" "" "" """""' _„.._. com. l;ul will Mark.lale mark, t be â- """' "' """'-â- • •" ""'" ""'""' ""P"' 1 tiseincLts constantly appearing iu our ready to r. eii. it Or shall we be j ' """ '""" '° I'rcveiit English lu columns, and to the houses represent- 1 reminded f the day.s agoue, vheii teanis weri- worn out remote in.tikls. las passed, but case with costs to the plainiff. A great I deal of sympathy is expressed for Mr. Mcdermott. TORONTO. Wlie8t.faU. per bnsh »1 24 to $1 25 Wheat, spring, do WO to 1 do Barley do 63 to bo oTs do 48 to 50 H*as* do 82 to 85 ZT do 70 to 75 Clover Seed do 4 70 to 4 90 Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs... ^^ Beef. biuJ quaiters U J^ »» " " Beef, fore ciuarters •• J° \^ Batter, large roUs .. 00 to 00 Butter, tub dairy 14 to 17 Butter, store-packed 00 to Eggs, f^esh, per doz o 17 to Eggs, packed o 00 to Apples, per brl.... 2 50 to Potatoes, per bag 1 50 to HftT 10 50tol4o0 Wool!. â- .â- .â- !." 00 19 to 00 20 00 17 00 4 00 1 50 ;rason 'I Hi-Ii • i.':|iiiy. null SH The Marhdali' j'raiii lt liable I'l C' i.iiii fcleps are iiniiii-dialelv .,ikn to i.iiii- gate the 1- ^h f tii.^ i|v;-,,t( rs. It l. not iiii I U' n.: v. r '•. l.-iil.! ,1 t :. '.v. 'Ilie i-' i.f ;in eji \,;tor would bo en- iiauced ijiiil^' oin tiurd by i'.., coiupul .sory erection at lin.s .si.i^.in, npiiit from till' iliv^ii .iliility of wi.rliiiii; iii_'lii and day to ;;,.-t it entt J in time lor the I'M ill. Tho farnitrii are iiit'Ti slcillvwiliing ' terveiitioii pointed. irr)iii;r grain to f has dtclai cd that ihu intervi'iition al-iu that Ihiti.^h Icivc.s 'vMlii the I'ort-s h.. will bu sorely disap- 1 ed in these advertisements we recom- Tlie British fliubassador' i^md your trade. A merchant who a food btoek at reasonable prices is not blow to make the fact known to the public. luur I'oi' Turkish will now perate trjijis. .\r,ibi ha.i d clarcd his inttir.ioii not to h.ii m ihu t'aii:il .so 1 »Mg a-» its neutrality is iu.tiiiriiiiii.'I. iijo tti.i'|^,; ut .Vlioukir haviii.' rilii-eii to si'.rreiultr, the In- ;l' xiMe has ^jMiii; tiicre to houibMrJ tiir lort. .\t .\li\aiidri.i auotht-r iu- •i Hillary rtn' was sharted in tlie native ipiaitir, 1/iit pieveiitid fioiu' ppread- ii.-' Sainvlrs of fall wheat from four ditl'Tiut ti.ld-! lying between Rarhrad iiiiU.-* and lleshertoii station were left i ill tins ottiee on .Monday. The wheat is Wi-il filled, i. of ;,'ood coloun-and a I yield of aiiout Ho bushels to the acre IS t.'vpected. These arc not at all ex- ceptional cases, but a reasonable es- timate of the fall wheat crop iu this I section. C1.\ME into my preirisi'S on S:itiir«l.iy, the 22ml of .July, a led and white row with a uiece out uf her Itft ear. Auv per...ou proving property aud payiug expenses can take her awav. GEO. CllOUTHER, Uolhind Centre. Aug. 2nd 1882. 9U-4t* to r» »-( F art' iiiti r.- will hU"'f â- â- 'i-taini- till' iiii rchants t' dly wtlliic •â- ! i. iii.j. \Vi- •t a plan l-v i.hich li/'j fur- 111! rs ;itid 'r;i]n li!i_\ i r-i i-"i!i n iw \irv liiiiti ri.illy I â- ' inerch;.! ' ':.,.; _.. .. (cd to I aihe.-. Ill :i I' 'â- '•â- ill ti.f I. III... r.;. j Would iiii.;i r lUiii- .11 (ai.c- in fhi- way of [i.e. fii.i'.. r and hiiuli.r. j We h-i I .•~urfc lii,.* if l!.is,in!tii r couM i I)«- talked ovi r liy t!.. fiiiuir- and the, .:i,i.i. r-l.tudnij; roiild be collie to by wiiieii" in'th llic would Ix; luiitilallv honi titti I. l' 11 • till III â- ly till- gfiiiii 1 II d till! lutti-r IKID.W. .\r.ilii IJiy is said l) be ^uin^' lor p- ;m-.,-. ir. tl riii lc:i:ig imia::nity from I'Uiil.liiu :•: .1.1.1 n-t iiti a of rank 111 1 ay by If ;ind fiitnds, he ai.d lui-y I.I Lfo jiit-j voluntary ri:tire- iii'_;!t. .Aiabi says iic wnuM not 'p- JO.S. Tiir."uh trt.ops if th.y acted by, .-tid .sticks to his 01-, :_iiial el.iiiu lli-j Rntidi dusire to! eoi;i|i;i.T ihi. couutiy. Steru meas- 1 nid i-r ii pri.sioii lire still necessary to uphold the law iu Alexandria, but: A well-kuown citizen^ entered tbe garden of Mr Thjs. Foster in Mark- dali' early on Sunday morning and raised se\eral rows of pjtatoes, most of whieli thev took away a lot were Iflt on the grounl. The party will he roui'lily handled fhould they he c.iu;;ht at any such work in future. illiigeis must watch their jiotato patches. I3o,v AVa.nte«l. BOY WANTKD TO DllIVE AND talie care Ufa team. Steady eiuploy- miut. Emjuire at the DuiiJalk Livery. (J. R, PHILLIPS. Pundalk, Ang. 2nd. 1882. 49 2* A O^e of the best answers an infidel ver received was made by an old lady rowliom-he remarked that he didn't believe in a God he couldn't £eo. "Do vi.u believe you have auv brains "" riBIJC MEEri.\« of the Riitepayers a" of Markiliile villaae will he li"ld in i)uf- fenu HhII, on Friday, (to-uiorrow) eviiiiin„' at Eight i)Vlo«kj fur the jairpo-^e of considering the advisftbih y of purclmsiiig A illlEENtJINE Otlitr miitttrs will ak^o he cousMcrcd. A full attendance is reiiTesteJ. E. DAVIS, Chairman of IVlice Trustees. TTT'-.^n^T'ISID, "'!IE i:.f. 1 the S^- hay.-. •â- .Mark.!., drehs to the p • I "f.i: .\M' I 111: .\r M \I..M'vl.!" parties '"'"""'" " ^^"'° °'"""^^" ""^«-«" A ,1.0 asked. -Ot course," was his re- â- ilort comes among the latest des\ ly. "Lid yDu ever see them " The 'patches that Turkey has made over- '^iswer came faiutly, "No." 'Did tures I Ihitani to take Egypt on the ""' "' else oyer see them "â€" aud '..,,,. ,1 • I *• /• "" controver-sy came to a sudden ,.,,,, .!!Ue tl rius :is those on w.n.ii (.virus' i r 1 l«r. I ' c'ObC. ' was takeu over. •:r I.- 1 tin • article i:i V. I :.. till- «ii.. i.i •:: ;r. ..- I:r..atl .SAII i;lAV. .\t the Saubic, on the 27th ult.. Mrs I Riimstead, an eld lady of G7 summers, .,.. Was going from the barn to the house, 11.0 dv.pMttli.s c-ncLrnnig the war ;vhen a board from the roof of an out- ;:i. "^1 \\i.\i.|i l, :i,| â- â- j' but fiiii'ly r, niail.n • "f ll;:it Milii'^-e llial a r^ â- pititioi J'f the (li ns'trnuiybe im vent- ed. .\ iii-Iit ttatihiiMn, a liTo ci'iu- vany, an eirt-iiie. and nii :i! •in.hii't 'Iply "f Wit' r iir. itiTji '-tiiivi Iv ro- «jmred. Mut :.rl .f nil, the vil'uge tuigbt to be iMCi'ipnrafi-d. The Srxs i'ARirfMl,(« the .»i risible hitiiatii'ii. " lioiiso was blown down, and it struck Mr liuiustead, bri.a!iiug her leg, and dislocating her ankle. Dr Oldham at- tend the injured lady, who is now dc- iu" well. MONDAY. I'he European Cuiftriiicc has been \iexv of tho'bn-kin up by ih. oi Rus-ia, for rtasous. bvst known to ,.-.;ji w lli;it ihj inllu' â- ee of tno trou- |bl.- IS i \ti udiiii.; witter every J:iy. .\!1 tlif Eurojieaii nations are keeu- [ly fu the watch that their icsiiec- itiVf mtei-Lsts may not be injuriously 'affected. The Mirror gives the .\dvaucc some sound advice in the matter of name- calling, that should make the Ad vancc ashamed of itself. It is a great \irtual withdrawal P'*^ "'** ^^^ °"^y some cf our uews- I papers, but also some of our M.P.'s ' and others do not raise themselves a- heiMh. homtne dehberatijus. \es- 1 bove tho low level which permits 't. I day the Oreuaditr Guards embark- j them to use language unbecoming the eii lor the seat of war, the wild eu- i """tutored Indian." ClulJren and Ani-nt our ri:i.., ks lesiarliu" the "'""""" which was displayed on the f^ojisl' P^'T'e laucy that vile language d.lay in bciim- funii-li, d with the mi- "'^»"-» demonstrating the' feeling of â„¢ J" venhei^utter'.ittr ""'â- â- "' 'l nutes. the Advance goes almo.t to the ' " '^^'-^ ^f' '^^ !-"-- ISrnct"' """ '"'"" "' .,,„,, ,f â- ,, " Uolstley has recovered cstctit of ay,nL: that we have no from his .sickness, and will start for I -*•- right to th.ui ai all. Why should the seat of war on Friday. Meanwhile I'lie local p.ipi r get tliose minutes sup 1 Arabi is doing his best to strengthen plied to it and not another. If any his toUowers 5,000 CORJS HEMLOCK BARK. rr^HE Undersigned will pay for all such JL. Bark, delivered and piled on line of T., G. B. Itailway, $3.25 per cord, measured and paid for at point of delivery. I'or par- ticulars and contracts, apply to 1). L." VAN VLOCK, P. 0. Address, 215 Jarvia st. Toronto. March 2.S. 188 80-101 Markdale Hotel. Good Accommodation for Travellers. 'Bus to aud from all trains. Charges moderate. Markdale. A. Kctlrdoe, I'ltop. A piece of paper containing a state- ment was found in the bush at Scar- boro' a few days ago " I, Walter TurnbuU, stayed here on Sunday, 24li Juue, without money or food for three day.|6o my days are short. Should auvone sec this give notice to Alex. TurubuU, Durham, Co. Grey. The bush was searched, but uo trace of the writer could bo found. Mr Turnbull of Durham has a brother Walter, but does not kuow where to liud him at tiie present time. MARKDALE POST OFFICE. The Mail at Markdale Post Office clos3S as follows Toroulo Mail closes 7 00 p.m. Going South 4 30 p.m. " North 11 80 p.m. Owen Sound Mail 7 00 p.m. Church Directory. C'HBiST Chuhch. â€" Sunday next, at 7. buuday School 2 30 J. WARD, Incumbent. Methodist Chcbch. â€" Sunday. 10.30 7, Young Pe(ii);e's Pryr. Meetiug Men. 8. General Prayer Mooting Thursday, 8 N. A. McDIAR.MlD. Paster. Presbytebias C'HCRcn. â€" Sabbath 10.30, 7 Sabbath School 2.30. Bible class Friday evg. 7.30. Flcshcrton Towu Hall, Sabbath 2 30 Sabbath School 1. A. WJLSOX. Pastor CO.W, eaciosing a So .tamp.Ben. vanaeu V.dre6Beel kman st.. N. I. â€" m m Or~t chance to make ^^^%Ug^ money. Those wko \^ II I U â- alwavs take advantage ofTTgoSd chanoos for making '^onej^ ^e offered, generaUy become r)^^*^ those who do not improve neb chances re- Buun in poverty. We wart many ««"• 7° S^ borTairfVl. to work lor tis nght m their o-i localities. Any one can do the work properly from the fir.t start. 1 he boa- incM wiUpav more than ten .fp- °""««jy WMM ExpeMive outfitlnnMahad free. No onTwho emea«» «aiU to mate '^P^J^P'^l Too etn devote yoor wixile t'"!^,â„¢!^*' or orly your epare momenta. PuU infonna- tioB aa all that ia needed sent Izea. Stnisoa A Co., Porthiud Mame. â- - ^..ifXi- Addrea, TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertjier, having oeen permanently cared ot that dread di»eaee. Consumption, by a aimple remedy, is anxious to make known to hia fellow sufferera the means of cure, lo all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with he directions for picpairing and using the fame which they will find a slue Ccke for Con- SCMPTION-, .VSTUMA. BrOSCHITIS, AC. Parties wishing the i'rescription, will please address. Rev. E. A, Wih,on, 149 Penn St., WiUiamsbuTgh.N. Y. 2»-ly SPECIAL NOTICES. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers Are you disturbed at night aud broken cf your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ' If so, go at once and get a bottle of MPS. WIN'-SLOWS SOOTHING SVKUP. It will reUeve the poor Uttle sufferer immedi- atelyâ€"depend npon it there is no mistake about it. Tueie is not a mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not tell yon at once that it will reg-'"itc the bowels, and give rest to the mother, aud relief and health to the child, ojierating line magic. It is ptr- fectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the state, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold every, where at 25 cents a bottle. 90- Iv NIL DESPERANDUM. GRArS SPECIFIC MEDICINE. rnHE GKEAT ENGLISH I KE MEDY, an unfaUini cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and all diseases that fol'ow as a sequence of Self-Abnse as loss of Memorj, Universal Before laUngi La^^ dtude, Pain in the Back Dimnt- s of Vision, Premature old age, and many tuer Diseases that lead to Insanity or Cor.sumpticn and a Pre- mature Grave. tis^Full jiarticulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail toeverv one. The Specilic Medicine is sold by all Drujj;'istK at Jl.OD pi^r paik,ir;t or six Alter i'liili'.lj^. packages for $5.00, or will be seut free by mail on receipt of the luoiuj b}' addressing. THE CRAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly Toronto, Ont.,('auadQ -A. O-oocl Cliaiice. or Printing, (whichever you will) At Shortest Notice Orders by Mail or Wire promptly executed. u STANDARD" OFFICE, Markdale. H' Mill and Wihingtou Streets, Markdale. will be sold at a lHtri;aiii. .\pplv to George WiUker. Holland, .Morkdale P o" or to C W. RUXLEDGE ".)2 3 Staxoabd Office. Nothing Like Leather. M. M. M'LEOD, MAr.KD.\LE, NOT TO BE BEATEN! IN -MMKlll l .N« II. Mi:.l IK.S I paper feboHld Lave tLeni. tJiat paper is tbe Standard, as it has a la"jcr circu- lation iu .\rttuiesia than auv other lo- cal paj)er. We look at the matter in the siroile light tliese minutes are publi^lu J iu tbe public interest, and therefore should bo printed as Boou as possible after the meeting of tbe oooncil. Aato"bclittlii.g"onr contemporary, that Lai KDs to be a little beyond our power. »••• PUBLIC AND HIC.U SCHOOLS. Supdt. Conway, having charge of tUe Lachiue caual, has put an end to his iHjsiuou and exe:te aud encurag^|-indeceui ba*iiiu;^ lor some time. He Certain cliaMijes ^re proposed in the Departniei.ul KcgiilaU, to take ef- fect at tbe eiii of the summer vaca- tion, When formallT approved tbe text of the anjeiide.1 r.-.'ulations will (igh. Troons •,. *e placed in the luuiiU of School Ofli- 1 dnilv U ili. ^^ eiaU and otl.«rs concerned in aonat- 1 Ey " terof aucb great iniportunce to the TUKSDAY. Tho first detac'ipjcut of Turkish troops have embarked fjr Egypt, but England will not allow theiuto lauJ uukss they agree to remain suborJin- J ate to General Wolseley aod obey his ' orders. Arabi, who is' kept constant- 1 ly .uformed -ipon all negotiations at ' Constantinople, proL.ibly perceivin" *^'° • that indicatior.s of tbe Saltan's early submission to Eus^land's demand/ M.,,,. „.^ • i i i haa adopted the de^erite resolnS • '"â- " f^«l| are becoming popular of marchn^ nnnn 41 1 °"'°"° Country districts. The victims ofmarch.ugupouAitxai.dra, ana ai, gather in tbe •hurch bremcnt. and bad been it i.i! aiieed that a»y parson who bis advance followed the Outaiio laai! steamer iu a tug, acl a.^ter some dozen men bad jumped iut" the steamer's swell head- ed for shore, seized their clothea, and toll them to call at hi.s office tho nex*; moniing. Frieuds obtained clothing fo them after long waiting, but one wag scorned to wait knocking the bittern out cf an eiup:y flour barrel he improvised it as a suit, and trudged Lome insrjci to tbe delight of the |NEW STOCK The subscriber has just purchased a New Stock of Liquors, Of the best brands. Liquor in its purity is a benefit to the iuvahd but the curse of Alco- hol cuusisis in its adulteration. I have now on hand a quality of Wine, Eum, Brandy Whisky Which cannot be equalled in Markdale. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHEEi; BEEF, POEK OR MUTTON SUPPLIEP. from a single pound to a vholc carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers havinp Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pips to dispose of will do well to call at N .3 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 25th, 1881 All those who niny have lisil the misfor- tune to have lieeii born barefooted will bear in mind that we have just received the larg- est and host stock of leather ever be/ire brought into Markdale, consisting of S]anish Sole, French Kip and Calf, and are now pre- pared to manufacture Ladies, Gents, /ouths and Misses boots and shoes, fi-om the stoga to the finest k'd and jirunella. Sewed "Work a Specialty. All work warranted. Invisible patchuig alsc done here. M. M. McLEOD. Markdale, Sept. lOtli, ISSl. Hardware »tf»*ttfii»»»ttf f »•» m »»»t»»t» For Sale. AOEWrS WAJSfTlSD Li«ht Work. Samples free. Naussau stree Big pay.â€" Steady Employment. Address, M. L. BYBN, 46 New York. 20 last uijjlit firin ;io '""d. H-'hasalarire commenced be'.eeu the l^ritisli and; ;p;ak;;hdl brfi;d frim tliri;;; t«« body of trr.op^ and .nppears from bis movements to eontempl .te snrronnd- ing the city a:id dnvmg out Uie Brit- l^iiving England ^ie of action, and arc ered bj crowds who witnesa W ache tilt ir departure. tj-five cents, the fines to be devoled to the organ fnnd, the library fund. or tbe bildiag fund, aa the case msj be. The success ot the entartainment u deteniUied by the mmerioal atrangth of the ladiaa who attand. ^o Udy 1ms yet «m*p^ tha peoaity te speaking. I aitaaaS- My Rma cannot be eioelled this side Toronto Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who sufferred for vear from Nervous DEBILITY, I'KEMA- TUI;E decay, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscretion, will for the sake of snSering humanity, 3end free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he waa cured. Sufferers wibhm, to profit by tho advertiser's experi. ence can o so oy addressing in perfect con fldence, JOHN B. OGDEN, A Good Onc-iiorso Spring Wagon, nearly new, moveable springs. Cheap for cash. Applv to A. TUENEIl CO.. OG-7 Medical Hall. THOS. MATHEWS, EanesS SsiaHiskeiT MARKDALE. 20-lv 4a Cedar st Kew TorJi MANHOOD These wishing a pure Wme for Commanion Service will please give me a call. Teas Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, Currants, c., PORK, And every other srtktoia tbe frceery Un* kapt oooataatly on hand, and of tike freabail TBiiety and bekt braads. WILSON nSMBON. ICarUala, May Slat. 1i HOW LOST, low RESTORED /C' =^ We have recently pnblished a new •â- AJ. Jedition of Dr. Ccltihwiij.'b Celb- ^^Y^^BKATED Essay on the radical and permanent cure (without medicim" of Ner- Toos Dobility, Mental aud Physical incapaci- ty. Impediments to Marriage, ic.. resulting from excesses. 13^ Price, in scaled envelopu, only 6 cents, or two postage stamps. The celebrated author, in this adiaiiBble Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' snocessful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured .ihout the dangerous use of internal medicines or the nse of the knife pointing oat a mode of cure at onee simide, certain and eflectoal, by means of whieb every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cm* himself ebeaply, privately and radically. ^T'Thig Lecture should be in tbe hands of' every yontb and eveiy man in tbe land. Addteai P.O. bos 4M «l Amm 9U, Kvm r EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. Gardiner still draws the crov^d for Harvest Tools and Harvest Gloves Machine Oils, c., at prices that will not be undersold. J. GARDINER, Dundalk. New Goods. New Goods. MAEKDALE Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats! on luuid, at tbe Ijow«8t Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of, will please leave their addresses, TERMS, SYRICTLY CASH F|?ED. SARJE^T; »wMale. MaiebW, 18«3. s ^y^ London House, Dundalk. W. S. Hewetsori Cos Summer Importations Surpaaa anything yet offered to tlie public for Style, Quality, and Cheapness. T • -nrP"^^ ^â„¢ *^* '***' manufacturers in Europe consisting of J:'nnt«, White Cottoni, Bradford and French (Jabhicbres, in various sLaden also a great variety of Fancy and other I^ress Goods, m all tlia latest fabric*. A large aasortment of Swies Lace Curtains, Edgings. c. Th« Ensjliah Beftdy-Made Gents' Clothing, which was so successful in the Fall aod Winter. wiU be repeated, in tb« latest London Styles, sJong wUh a large aaaortnent of Gents' Puruishiugs, c. Emy l«pariaitnt replete, vith New and First-class Goods. call and 'see for TooraelTes. â- ...•. ..' Gif« n» » Solo Agent for the Celcbtate IcCall'8 He? York Buar GloAiiig Pati«T|S- I^IM. aav. n,/.^..^ 1 1.; #. -i i^ A.„.« ttf » P"" wtva^monfiy by Quking yonr fjamily garments from H^ *^' Mkfii^mdattair kl nriVo r«f„ and FashuS F'F" Jj^ -^*^ttHB«i»tj4fk*w price. Cataloljocs aud FashK* [3 ^SSS. osToe^a] "^„^il,Aug.4. â- .A««.17- V^^g^t^ dcTeloii-jg rat \: â- iletbodist field day, Aj in Tea at Trimble „ber Markdale cattle f. *rj district seems tr .ubH 4»a»tity of emi'ty Han r^Mclxitjr««- 'ber the cattle fair at Mu.^ Saturday next. ,.t variety of new fruit J u~i vleaford Mirror is cxLiur.i ' .rass 5ft Hm- l^"o' " .rv oils of various bruii i.:'S Medical llaU. M.ik,i.j \^,o von hug i" tli. daik vuu w'lU IJi*^-^^ grauduioiuci J ifc Treatise on ib. lloj Jf'i'iseases at this o,'u.,. ..,-•« land a half tons su;;..^^' ' "I H-Mauitouliul::xpo»i«;:-^\ â- Jon Saturday, r.ach I i-: ,_ 1 1^. McMa=.ler b;.- ;eloy will have a .lai';. !•)â- .:! •lb, comtntiicuii,' ^^^' [flkioon casi's of iiirtn ' reported at Wiiuni^b' ' • nfiiiul. fU KimberUy's ai'i"Uiti.i. n: liilgbfb bUCCC^or la siiia I ' iiiiiy. t.iurdrum, lute of tl.- 1 • â- A statioucd at .\i J^ii. t oui.! IglOU. KoudaUs Tiviitix' .a J mid save yoi'.i- Ik. I ^s ollice. f. Bond of Owosi t^ouii.i ^.t bj tUa between i|i cvcswlu" ^f t Viuceiit. JVC ucgrocs wii' sru"l' by I at Symrua. T- im.- • " ' I »iil Ji"' ar. J. M. Wcbstir. .f Ki â- isuLstruck at li.liv\;ii â- â- • ^n'tLiuoou. Jje Hessian liy is vi-' I tho wUciit croi' K •'â- • 1 20 per cut, Miu'.-ihaw, Kp|-. •••' wiiiibru-U, lliv ».'i â- â- itd in a few iiiy-. [johiiEd^o W!»s h"!rii 1 bursting of a giii:l '• ario File Wcrk.s o:i 1 ' Ihe Lord Lieut. •? Ii loiiial OlVicu aif f.. Ijett of a*.-isted Iri.sii i:,. flda. IjH.mcs Rcyuo'i Ir^. i IfeHi acres iii ^t. i t*.l(),(»0O lu .J. '.1 Ktlaud. |l)r Holmes ha^ about .lb • lauywluio U' ar .M' a' ' all one, but rare i# lai. (most of it. I Kcmiujbcr tlio (iimhii I' j kadav at tbr M«iiiMi-l i'.n Idmisfiou only 'n-. \\ c irge crowd. [For wstchfs that ur.' i ' 8. nnd tli b» -t V J. U. Triinbi., 1 iiDg the leai. AyounR lady I'.oiu "'" lom tbe CaUforuitt bwiu^ ^u Itlls on MJUibty la-t. •"i-'l prious injuries. Thtra eocins to !â- • lion with the iv • l.ul de up or c:ii i mi Artetncbi.i. A publie" in tu.:: • ' Dufferin hall t »-iij' rr" koing to corHKb.T tl.-' ircbasmg a tke-eii^'ii.' The rumor tlial lii' 'â- |i« Bgaiu burd up ;:ii.i |liU)ilitiee are 6-t i.\v: i' â- Irfwbich $:00.O(X;ir IBercbant. VlrF. McCauu. n. ar V,. I i« lying dc.n}.'er"ii-'y "^â- 1 *biie Terr warm li Itoldspriuj; wulir tl.i luaaiation to set in ai: " I S*irea of. Among the canJida'.v i I "the llanitowanint; xai.-.Kiaiil â- ««k, were Louir, N. '1 nfni'i Herbert Irwiu. late of Mar;. m '^." and Miuuic I'h^b i Safck Friday we. h a \n\ J*»rkfeUoffaloadof bayawl â- ft »rm broken. Tlu» occ **"• 4th line. EupbraM.i. I'r 1 put him right.- 0 Sunday afieruoou Mi wdhng house was bum. 1 Pwwd. Mr Keiun i^ «t ct: .:: il JMbe T. G. B. "at Te« -v .itt'l "!•• is about $300 n- i ^^UeJunkDowu. jW Spronlc was honorc.l at I •^oa the 2(Jih ult. witli an jjgf Watatjo" The form.: ^â- y tierma of the Ir. anl tlj "*te«i of a buvy silvir I' rT The occa^ou was a **^'» hotel. '^^r^iot has b'f'n ;:iviuaci' WOTeek Centiai aud Uudsr f'***^ for d:iuiv.;c bv .k'.: • »• freightLan.llers" strike. • !^*t^ed \i uu iiiibor cm: PlW^fcffc similar charad '^Ah1^AV7K^?:.ivS jpiiPTI