Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Jul 1882, p. 3

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 Gout â€" la •i Teeth, bot •• Teasssxt " JnreCts tba Aecaj, \pake9 tbODi "ilttf, bu^ nidkespeop'elomltle. (c(.iit|Bm|^. A woman is fasting nt Wa(«sli. Bhc Lai eaten uotliiug for Gl days and re- fuses food. i Eureka! c^ont aU mannfictnrcrs inacliiBiata and null men wbea tlicT first try Larltvc. i Tiiirtecn Irinh counties have beeu proclaimed uuUcr the new IJ9|/re«si')U Lill. t. gli the ]TCic:if month cf July ' the stomr.cli a:id bowels are verj lia DUNDALK tipaf use the digestive rrgans are invigora- tM. the Ivowels kept ngviTfr, and the blood rendered pure and cooL Sold ia lar^e bottles M 00 eenU kf all diuggisfs. Turner, itarkdalc Piar- .SOJli" Dun:" ' tl f I, I Our Premium i V«'k Lave rsuile arrangements by V hifh we are enabled to give to every Urdi.ie Ecnc-.inc oil »,I1 n't -a'V vj.y,- SUB.SCI:I3ER to cur paper or intz" anl wears l«-tl.r t'l.m auyi ,^ ,, ., r.i-Tx'r' tv other oil in thr. n^arh.t. A.'.: v^ur "' " "1 bul.cribcrs PACING 1 local deuLr aj;d t:ike no otlier. ADVANCE, a cr.jy of Ererj-bridy think they can tellllit ,. editor how to couJaet a newspaper t f '20. DR. lOilNDALL'S Treatise on the HORSE and His Diseases." s Wiin' is LarJine? A»« any f-irujf r 1 thra^lier, or null rujui, irj fict a:.y I •nan who runs ui niiii.er}" and lie v. ill kllvouthatit IS the only oil wi.!cli| Tbisie a ttacdard work, ccmUiniug will we«r eqaal to Gt-tor o.i and.v. nt ^^ j. j^^ ^^ Di. -aso?. ^l.ich Rive, the gum or cl'i' Vvurinac.ii.vjy. ., 1 â- %^ 'iiltjins, cause, ana the beat treat- _., 45, raciitfor eacli r. T.ible, giving all the llie man wuo d.(-.- not a.lvcriisc- o o E'.IU but little, and iLireforo las to priiiCijial dri;::- used for the horse, sell dear.- ...iii, thu ordinary d'^se, cStct-;, and J.-;..:;-!)!.: v.hor; f: p'^i-Jii a table with There would b' litll. or no .-.ickntis jj„ tn-rav-:)" cf tiie h'^rscs teeth at cinr.ngth. hoi "' 'tl.. of Jyly »nd _^.,, ^,;^ ^^ ,v::h rui. s fV^r tellmg «m;-.. .Sioujath and Con -.iputionitit-: l^-" «!."•• 'f.»-" ""^e a valuable col- li r«, cs tliey jr. vMit ftt '1 eur..- rl' ,i.- ' !â-  cti-.;» of rifr-Jjits, nn-l in.ch other ranj.'ci;iMits ol li.i- â- .•i.inu h lui'i b-.v.c^ ' u-t;;.] jjif rK^rttii.'U. It is a bock tT.at Sola HI lurfrc lotJh K :.' :.U^,uIh by :.ll ^-.^^ij ,,,^4,, ti,„* i.^:;,!. of every far- â- ^T. ., i::-:r :...l •.vi.fi- (f a lioise. bjnt;, lyiii.iiiiiK. __ '__ ' I.'ov.- ir, the ti!;,o to bubscrile, or for Tii( 'i' lonl' harbour n yr liU-i ;! c^ o"' Kub.ciiixi^ to pay up, and get the grf at fiiTiuj; o«V, !;i:d the t' na;!^' 1. b-'.k. !;0,jO t )ii less th.^n la-.t yar.. LBOOT AND SHOE « ' _7. Ainli that H THAMUKG »yTmT«n««i eustoiner. fcr i*st p.troM«e. I b«« ta» JHTl â- tiU to the fare vith ihe Largest M W,«««P».â€" «-• '^oX.O-T mii«*;*«" '»»*'""' i»o^' 1iuv*j3 »="J^lll!«'^» .-^ Of BooU anl Shoes ever b«mglit into Pnaiak. NEWiGOODS ARRIVING DAILY OsJl and See Xhem. amrtUlmannl^etunng those celetrated French Kip •.Boots, cU :«.d get then.. Call Boot*, either sewed or pegged, a -pecialty. Repairing promptly attended to. All Custom Work Warranted. 1. Uf'f"' 9(fJ •* AY f.««r" VJl^ST^, I Jle«. **^ ....»â€" â- nd e a e«rt to inform the fa. nim» comnmnitrTT-^^ a.choice stock of "*«W l». Jf nioti:ri: a: 1 nur.:.- =i v;.'i'lt f.;i\iii;' piiitr Mlh"^;,"!!-;' -if I'.irf-;,' ii;j, i'li.l CiiMii'I !ii; I for (i.it.ii'.n I'ttV. II:'.; and !:ul.Ji Ct I bnwi 1 C.*i.jiiJ:i. V j;iv.j iusttud Dr. l'i.v,l,-r'b J .A'l.vt-t .[! \V)1.1 Str;.v.|jrrry, the liv- i.{ iiLiny' inf.ints J!ii;'!it b f.iUuu l;.iit ;.ro ..uti.- lie. 1 to (!e:iaiv ihi: ' I keep the Celebrated Wanzer Sewing Machines Constantly on hand, which I sell very cheap for cash. Also the I 0,M I IV I O ]V ORGANS which are nnrivalled in beanty of tone and power. .Ul kinds of Fa^ Pioduee taken ia eichanRe fur Koods at theDaadalk Boot and bUco ^°' THOS. HANBURY. Dundalk. September 2nd, iS3i. â-  ^^" N..V. is tl.r tin." to i-U'v,"}itiy ',i'iii- itian thibtliii. i'ltthniiiKltis .sLoulil i'j- them. ' kiKyMLl'S SPiiViH CURE. '!â- {:{' :-»o-,i M:crfs)tful IE-nii-dy I .. .. .1-. i I ,,. •â- â- â€¢â- ' '• • â-  jfl, ;. li i.^ CLH.aii in its tHects A l..ln.;i. .n..fi.r:i..i.:il v.iil:^.- ^, ., ,:„tuUr. ];.: .i 1'.u..,f i;ki..,w. i ,.pparat,-.M,giv.H enure svislaeiion. KeP.dall'S Spavlll Cure. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STKEET, MarUliJo, July 7, IHSl. IS-Gm. aiio ^alâ-  â-  111" i'l: M::,' v. ly d,!y. /. .-â-  '.]- i;i'V, 111 it- iiiiit: iJirlMik J.l'..i llitt 1.- t:n:i ..eii.lr.l t, Li\er Cmi- i.!.-.iut, 1»_. -I- j.siii aiid K'lilhiy e Jiii- I LiiiilH, in till ii' " 1 iielih ' 1 itilt v.ilh tlio -v.-fal'i'r i :ilioi:f :;s |.ri.l'.i! vi •••ofl.' '• in I. ni' I 111 i|L' V'.; tli.v An i;.«ni- 1 1:. o.-l'ii- i;l!:' n:h! V. ri; i.f Ki.Ui, Mid \vc « ill !i -f.rji.l. !.!â- â- â€¢ ibat !»l-.. IV.-.1, i i:itl::-.-t ifi \. ill "^tiutth i:y 1. ii.)t only ri-li.i.l' 1.11: i i.'i.i .;• iuli'l lb' • t â-  }â- â- â- - « i« 1 -^ ar I f"i '1 ».|ii-.r :. • I-. I. ,.- ' -I. I. i .illll tl, I nu !. r.cia' I .! f Diinvir.i, I: }..â- â€¢â-  „ tl::.' Ii. t!.. (ill I. iliir. ' â-  I ' • 1 1 1 riii' (â- r t'l-i'l ' 1 1 1 1 1 â-  • 1 • I r\liiri:ll I'l i:l'i"i.l!.!KV \i'.i- Iv a '.oiiiid. Aiiioii" llm ai.it u n. ;li. •â-  1: • â-  u h a liii'ii. I I •.!' ):itil la '^\\ 1 III!!, 'i V â- â- '.: :.â-  â- ;n...Tn:i( li, issl. II. .V o.. i;Ilts: Tlliri 13 ' _!-:â- ..• M-fl Kcnilill's Si':tYiii â- â€¢ â-  I I â-  â- â€¢ fimi I it til 1h- .ill th.1t it is ••• :i.?ii.' Ii^l n »«• ;ii.»i ill f.ut moff loo; â-  • I' â- â-  ' ••-• iJ V ii-ii:;; tijf »1 Vi-: Callous J :•! .1;-. !;iii;^-I..iin-, .Sj.liiits, mill cftu !â- â-  I I' jlify :.,:.l ii ooiniaend it to be '., \j' ' ' ' â- -• f..r !iiivb^!^y siilwlaiiC' 1 h:ive V I !. mm:! li IV tiled liiunv n- I liave '"I }i if.-, • ;â- â-  e'.f.illv vi,!ir.s. i' V. i;i.sT. I lion Coi T. L. Foster, ...: • ;. .»:,-, «)lii. T.iy 10. I6s0. I:. .1" K:-.: iM. iV 1'..., (uMts: -I lia.la 'â-  'â-  â-  "i nncilr timt I pn/.i-d ' 1 .i;-. lii.r.c sjiavili i/ll • I â- K l-ii i.tlur v.li. ii I li I J'iyi null r 1! â- â-  1: â- â-  l,-T-.tlS V.ili'-il fill .iii.v ipullii;; tl o S|ii\;ii C'lIIf ill J [i I'-riL' ..ed lit ouiv' ' r ' I)'!•i^.t lii'lP to ?iend :ii^; i tiMik tiif'iii '• it'll tll"l:'ll.l»ll .;:. 'i.ris niid till.' 1 t" l' ianii- uiiil I. 1 net but out' il !i;r a- In c froiii 'ill 'IS Jiiiy hurst! in tlu' I 11. iy I'lm-il. flu: c'liii! WHS II t ci (if my ii(i;'Lliors â- ;!..; v.liu uu- now I.. 1. i iSTi;!!. KGiiclali's spavin Cure. '•â- "â-  .:., .:,.'.. 17. loj. .. t.i ii:s:~'J'liis is K. !i'l;iirs Sjiavin I, 1,1 ... â- ' Ill mils, cirilf,-;;ist, *!»•!..:.! -f .!.' wilM'.iit ln'^itatinii ' .1 t'l III' :iii iu\al.irlii' ii uii.ly fur â- jVf. 11-. I;::i 'li.U' ..I t iirbs. J ' '• -• " M "f si'vrral years 1. UluMll, till 1 I '1 .1 I'll- i:llV Spavii!, :!. M .,i. 1 liave â-  I .; it. wh have 1 j;i.'i II V make :.':y iiui'stiims ur « Farms for Sale and to Let. Xh«.e having Uke Properti. to dispose of should oon«lt «e. «-« »•.* « pay. CATALOGUE SENT ON APPLICATIOM. free Also to attend to all the different departmenU of my b«me... In every department of my business my mottei,Thoro«gh- ^^ ness and Fan- DeaUng. Anctlon Sales conducted. BenU, Accoâ€"to, *c. collected a.4 prompt retnr«s yade. CHABOES LOW. ROBT. DAVIS, Conveyancer, Gommissjoner in B.R.. Beal Estate.Loan Insurance Agent FARMERS MECHANICS^ ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDALK, Ojitario. Connt w ,. ^iJQ in three mo •*2rS^ •ia of tk« vf ar. C5»»*. \S«)ers witliont p», Psr^^fflTe for the ye pbe»-;i5SJyoo«plv with the OF ADVEBTISIN*? fsaaa •"do. • do. "• do. do- do Carrot Mang;! ^^ Corn, (Sec, 'Bill ,CuMPRISi:-G Clover^ Timothy, Hungarian Grass Tares, c. We would also remind the pnblic in jreiurnl tl it w„ i' ^^" GARDEN AM) FLOWKU bEEDS.*"' '""1 Stationery School Books, Patent* Medicines P t Dyc^tuffs, Paints Oils, Toih.t. Soaps, Fancy Pure Drugs Chemicals' Tea, Coffee, -and tTobacco A. Turner Sc Co., MeaicalHa N.B.â€" A Q^ ahtity of the ccjcl :t.1lc1 Oil Cake just ,^nnder, first iu.ert.0,. 3s::^-^vri-^ui rpo bhcatioB- JOB rniNTiN*; I -very aescnptiii c.^ccnt. ' 73iDd .^sjMtch tit the .CJ }r»Kn*nr, MaiUUIc. c. w. itTTi. r.n" "' ifC$8IOMAL AWO B'JSI DiRtCTORY icians,Sur!:oon-.Aoc. ' occ ' rplCB MeiU-al lU-: r. [.late Hoasfl. rkd*U' S.lt l..I-r Conveyancing done with care, neatness and despaiph. ... A. G. HUNTF.R. OFFICEâ€" Onejoor louth of Arglo-Ameriean Hotel. Dnndalk, September 1st, 1881. l.ly. .A M'INTYRE TEA TEA TEA |. ft A. M'INTYRE \W ♦4 T^lovLr, lE^lo-U-r, ZFIo-clx. w W MIXTYRF.S I McINTiRE'S jfj i LIQUORS! J.IQUORS MEAL! MEAL! MEAL I â- O -^KlNTyUE.S McINTYRE'S jfV itf Cigars, Cigars. Pork, Pork. Pork, j^ â- ^i McINTVRKS JlrlXl'YRE'S W CoHIm' CJtyiVi^b. IVivsi, Teas. W And iviiytii;;i;;"j;"it ii in a livstelass {;i(pry and Liquor Store. *«ii»ay- u;i Land. iHi ai- lou ga.su. « HARVEST TOOLS' HARVEST TOOLS Harvest Mitts. 1882. Great Novelties. SPRING 1882. ' •- MAE K DALE Sash and Door Facti Wonderful Attractions. â- AT THE- TORONTdv HOUSE ii;t.:; ratvcF,. H. J. SPROI7LE. FLESHEETON. KG"daiI'S Spavtri Corel Has ju.st received the br.lance of a very extensive Stock, !â- Â«â€¢ Iv !!!•. .- L-' ':\ 1 ::tMl;v â-  *• 'i'l.c tr:,i);i- r turns of iho T. f...t '.] fir week I litliii-r .Itiiu! S vvoic .-.."«i-M} l'ii:i.;r .â- ?;»â- ':!' fVir 'lrr'» c-ir. â- ;.• â- inii;:;; \vi-. k if :•-â- â- !. IH --t i T M:. It; K1 ijii;, ii.i.l -». till. â- :.\:.. r, :.. i.-. '-^.â- si; '*-t'ii., «Kiil.s: â€" buveral I J lay fciai'jo'nt which "I t" ITIIW ilic .-.re of ;.;â-  Vi 1\ M Mil' |i liu all M »(i l.s.wiii II I l,i';:an â-  1 (nil- vitll ria' lii'.st I; Ii.. I iiliiily nmov- ' i ^.' ' i I ii'lauifiir-s 11. :i :t !i III' exctl- :: I" It lo U' the iiu. lu ill .-.U tliat I luuac- â- â- ::• ti;:!v, 7. 1 i..\\vui:nck. Ti:.":i::., B^l'-;-!: :t:-' Uuh..;. :\ i'r t .1- I. I'i'iii.ii. i. d v.iJh \Vi':i!; l:in::.s •â-  â- â€¢ â- â- â€¢ l'.,::« i.f Ih; 11 p:..l::.-. ii:ni i. â- .:,." « t aol:;i're n':a â- â- .' 1: 1:. :! \,i .. Si. J Tiv. r(^)U.-.. 27, l^sl. I:;, r. .1. kf:\|i.i!. .\ Co., ticiits: â€" 1 have â- jai V. t :;:•• wiiii 'ii at â- lU'ii.'f.sou ;i:li ail i .-pliH:-. 1 kiu.-w it to bt? f.» riiits .•lui. l/u!ie 'tiavins, ji. ".I.lii.i~ii/i.ii:n'iusiai)diither ., 1 11. II .1 iliehoiM' One of luy mi'U d lii ;.'.:'â- ' Viry ba .!y. I a)]diid 'â-  j Cim-and 1 iif. cr jinw any- :. !.• V I- '.11 ill a ftw days. I ft: 11. an as V II a.s luast. nil i yuiu' li' atii- mi tin- llorso, r --I.:-. Ml i 1 tliink it was the -M'.-'i!'.- HI.' rliin i.:i ii;h- liurse that I. â- â€¢idiii^' til lui' diiictiuii.s given in 1 stilh' trulv. ,r, ,.,-'•, f 1 v,M..i.ri':.vp.sox. I no l riiv.-iiiii.' tl ii:nit-;.it liio dn:io .( I.v.,i.ii' -It.. I- I i.",i.;i .. .1 »»•:„ S.:n iiuiires- l.rl.i;-:raledCirouUr,wliich 7 "".•^" â- â€¢'"" 1'"'"' •» «'" y-. .,; .„k Kiv.-I si:. ,.,,-,ool.f itsvirtnes. «hiw III l.li •:- r ciiiiivlj in n;r:n.rj- I'l ;,, rp,.,„,ivl,:i^ cv, runt with such unqualiti- I.ord riid. '.iVtUi;ili, li\'I,ll:ii 'l.iSiiii- od !,u:, s to uar Luuwkdce, for beast as well t.ihilf»d Mv'.it.ivv. a.^ luu.i. l'ri;i' 51 ycT u.ltl.' or .~ix uottles for 95 " i All d!:L;;ists i.avw ;t or iin got it tor you, I fVri' tPMl'I \INT or it wiii b? s. i:t to niiy address on rect'iit of pni-fby ihi J ii'l iiito Ml' "I-t'Ut'j-tii'ii of root.s. livrliii, awi I'lirl.s. ii'.!.l ii.s^K'iiilts ivyc. wtii.Iirl'.:!. I'or till' liy i.:t i;i:;i:"is!-. '1 .. ... r. (f.Tiit. M.iri-..'.." l';,!- â- |und:ini. Dr. B. J. Kem«all Is r.?:';or .in indctniite term, ns A C'.i., Knosb:iit;!i Fall.*, Vt. coiniiionly nii.iorstoixl it ca!i.-ists of a| Sold by all Druggists. torpid shi-gi^h si:ltc if the livr. ft! I.VM.VX. SONS i CO., Montreal, P. Q. •K fioKiicy or a r-nprral un Jai:ct oi biK' j Wh. 1. -Je A^-. uts «r an alieruti:i; from its pr'por c'lar- 1 _^ ncter. All di.stiuLed nctiou of tl.ei livin- :\nd tiliary orwn.^ pivii;T riso to' FAKfERS, Lock ta yorvr interests, pain in the side, or iii..li rtlu- shi'iihlcr i and ,. t .S.iri^cnt's Patent blade, hoadache. weariness, di,:ziuebs, I y ,«â-  -mr t • .s.i:k srouiaeh, h ss o. appetite, bttd £q^.J Ljft|J]g {([aClline bowtls Ac. are i r.nnptiy riired by.Rur- dxk lUood IJitur.-;. tins season. It i\i"l s:ive yon one or naore faand^ and is shewing Rixford's Celebrated Scjrthes, The Hamilton Patent Thumb-and-EiDger Barley Porks, The celebrated Wrastin Grain Cradle. A complete Stock of Forks, Rakes. Snaths, Scythe Stones, Sec. All Goods marked at lowest figures, and WARRANTED of best Manufacture. One Ton of Preserving Sugar now received. The price will surprise you- Grain, Butter, Ecjgs, Wool, Sheep Skins, or anj other produce bought, and highest market prices paid. I want a large quantity of Butter and Eggs, before the i veeiy th.v von are cra^vnig in. as yon ist of August, for which I am prepared to pay the Highest The attention of -.tn- rcailers and j^^^-j ^^^^1^ mun r.t ti e front of the j Price. enhscribers is liruv. n to new adver- ' mow to i)itth it lack. You can pitch tHein'i:'L.ts constantly appcariu.,' in cur tVoiu the loid as you are pitching I eoluijus. and to the houses represent- ^^"' mtlea.\ of up. lou can mload in half the time, and with greater cd in thcsa alvcrtiseuicat? we rccom- A merchant who e.-.se than in the old way. Djen.l your trtae. a inercnam who ^^^ ^^^^^ -^ ^^^^ ^^^^jy hasaj-ord t-tnkai, rcasorable priacs. -^y^^ s^^fij..j;-£^ B. rkeley P.O. or, IS 111.; ri-jM ui ii.uac 1.1C f.it't ikiiuuit to (jriVcT iV luiies. MmiI Buildings, ilul'.h:.c. T:r.nt.. «^-?7 H. J. SFROULS, Toronto House. Flesherton. .Prices astonishingly low in every Department. ^5 Highest price fcr Dairy and other produce. Markdale, May 1st, 188. SASH,. DOORS, ' ' BLINDS '" " MOUT.DlNCi-,-^ ' II-OLLO\V P..\TTONfl Lumber, Latli-and Shin, Always on Hand. Ordc'rs Promv.ily FiUea imeron 6i* Ki l)i;Ml.--l â-  "' â-  ja Fiiii»"^» .-'â-  • ,upou till' i'i'"i"li Btlv porf ri I k "Kni'.:! t f,iale the :â- - T. E. " SUKf-l rooJKtifli*- " 'oil -1 11.1.^ ^ect'i fill- " ;.' ^giticiil 'i'" .tfi Na un.l a|-;Y-»„^ I'l 1 :li I â-  The Siibscfiber irishcs tj rottirn thntilcs totli' I'l'i-jdr- nf M.iik ii.Ii aud wm, very liberal patronage tber have piven him ifi tlji' jiaSt, an 1 lu., 1 y el(^f f^ business to merit n eoafiiluiince of the .^nine. I.havc now extruded my basin. 's? .and wj;il in i;:;. -» County I Wm BROWN. Markdale PUMP Factory. fyfAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DROP YAU-E PUMPS, CYLINDER PUMPS, CISTERN PUMPS, FORCE PUMPS, Also, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. • Satisfaction crtiaranteed on all my work the nroof of it is found in the fact that I am doing a larger business now than ever was done in MarKdale m the Pump business. Remember the stand, 1 door north of Rutledge-s Uotel, Sydenham Street, Markdale. P INE LyrÂ¥l3E_ Direct from the f^ortli Sliore. S/tT."'" ALXj'SIZES, DRESSED A1D L liDRESSEl/^^^'i^L'"' ^\.1I Ivai^lis ori»ltiiii Miitl I't.:.»A Turnjafei »\,^' " • I HH •' stole. Dime ih a Crst c!aFS ic^.T'V.i r. wtA- MarkdaleViiy 27th: IP*!!. ' r- ' \Y;.- Coinuti-r.- • OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. Oil, M^r- I VF- B. â€" Mom j Squander vocr money if yc u want to. if not, get viuiriiotognpiiii w.b'ulmsr^ ' The People's Photographer, Flesheii Wlio is again prepared to take rio^-.re' nnd do Cui-ir.r r,!'.I r.i:':i:_-:':p »«!:e We are rccci-.-ing aUrgo Iftockof IvIOTTOE.S an.I r.i!io ar, 1 i.:'i • rriDf.l Fixinp^!, which we can, and nioau to sill at ReUiarkably Low Prices, secure bargains. Bring along your pictmos and have tlicm cojiid ard ».:.'..n^'i il ' 'â- "'f "'•"' ity. (arkdali Flesherton. Match 10, 1881. BULM IGETMYWOOLCAEDl 1882. Great Excitement in Markdale OVER THE LAEGK ABRIVAL9 OF SPRING SUIMIVIER Goods AT "CHEAPSIDE." jSS2. Al£ -v •• 1 l,ife S H. I"' -^ lactiiinei r ' ijrebants, a • ' fSiiW M Aul Pncev.!.' ^coMME",;;.' 1 "=^'--- Hx,a'".:e a!i 1 1 Hoiul li'-l i:- 1 ell -iu.],;i- 1 J (rd gl""' ' 1 October 31 t. It. r. 4 rCTlON i M\. An. I.:." '" l^klus attim Huud. .-oil ^Biauos. ^Jruit and (•; ' ^nr«l fiui i' ' kin i- on ,.i Wiliiain ' SEEraG iiVii:,. .* -J GENU.! Dundalk Woollen Mills| Tg^gg- Where do you get Yo n MCKEN'U I ARRIA: iV IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENGLISH MANUFACTURERS, CONSISTINO OF ""Se.^'^^' Cashmeres. Muslins, AH colors. Latest Patterns Brilliants, Diapers, Cretonnes Scotch and West of England Tweeds, Diagonal Coatings. Dress shirts. Ties, Ducks. IeiUms, Oxlord SWrtin^., A NOBBY STOCK OF FELT HATS flTT,A..r« 1.1 HATS. STRAW hatsâ„¢ ABUNDANCE. Full lanes of GBOCERLES from best Toronto M«af,ctiirm '^W • CBOCKERY. T-r-rnikT-rC..* ""SJ^E^j, HBNET FOSTEE. MaRKD4ijb. ' S.â€" Parties indebted by note or hook account will please to *1 settle at once. W. H. PBTEBS01« DUNDALK, Dec. 23, 1881. • 67-tl. ARTEMESIAWAREHOUSj I'^I^ESSlIERTO' STATION. Dry Goods. Hardware, Crockery, Boots mul Shoes, ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and wtJ" assorted with new goods received every week. My BRANCH 'STORE at EUGENTV replenished New Goods evejA' v;ck. For Sale Cheap for Cash or Prod" They ran â-  Lum Extensic Is JK A" I They an i PRACTIC Tb. Seoondto I auil .A" ^l^" Saw MiU and Shingle Factoi At LITJ^LE FALLS are in opcraton- Lumber, Lath, Broom Handles for SalH Wm gOG-^' They U'e niitl;,i; for W;l'.;iil liro«;ii ii The imnii'ii-i .iiii' " oat of Ml-; .iiiia .V Ma- ' proof o. 'Ill- •..:••• f. i:^ t doni;; 1-.K.J -j^ â-  Thb best 1- THU HK.Vir-.^i Poor c!.' il \v.'.;_w.' •-'-.: Special att. n't! .:â- â€¢" t. li •nd Bepaintii ail tla-^s.-s .it l..:i| Sakislactr HORSESHO KHOPâ€"On M'.il Street S •roukU liuti McKEXNAMAl 67

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