Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Jul 1882, p. 2

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 STANDARD. ines m whh |d attachaems. »RGA]sr, •action, the style of nessof tone, "t, can- [her ve years. ' Piano I on old MacLiues %ai The nioKt [utbs. Mom Owen Sound TON, ^ALE. 'k, con- In atives ^are. him a Ld get oods. OS ISS. Dosistug of kona sliadea itcHt fmbtie*' Inccessfel in )tjJea. aiong Oij9 OM m ^b,^o sold 50 bead of cattle 'tcF-Ia-^d'" teas eT«rybody «inu to Toronto oc the \.eJ imiaenselj h^^c ara^y aud planued the r^rer recommeDds Kena«U r ,eiu the lii'^be St terms, and L^ J*' of emment pliysieians do See Aiivt. -J, 5,,ect^ f-' ft I'ou'iti'al hftr- L,brotlier9. Flnheity. ne *ly ar boffi tl't' S""' '"••^â- ' ^^^^ "â-  .;,. DnLliii lor con^i'ho.y in the f L' J Fr«.'l. CaveiKUsh and Ijrke. [.two nieQ OFKiiierty, p'reste.l f-utv K* iv.lie'and, on mspicioii I" coiiceriied in tbe Phcenix l7»ge!v. lel'iUg to London. I ,,.°lr' tli-rs. Oik- of thein yT^.T/A|fi|DBI niz ut. is |.'.i r "f .ii Lo.i.lou bo'el. They of n- a DOW Tbtnioe of ftifMl #nr i|^7« bai cn^ wfaw^ niie, oT general, a pleating appearaiMe. Itisa faetthni Kcndall'a 8p«Tin con is *U it cUiaM-'to ke, ti$m AdvertiMmaBk. Mr. Wm. irdsdv. of Dandnik, who baa been a resident bere. for several years past, Isfk ' Dnndajlk on Monday for tbe Noi-th- west, wbere be intends to speeolate ex^ensirelT-. May snc^si attend bim. T Tbe Dandalk ira|na||e sarrsy is not yet comf lete. Mr Trtiyour, wbo took the contract may have to^aofie back from tbe Norfb.wel fo' tn-gf conirle tioD. The work was commebeed early in the season in the hope of having the drainage completed tbib fail, but oar hope now is that tbe survoy aay be completed. Mr Eetchum is now tauiag out bis first iustalment of leather from tbetau ne'y.. It appears to be good in quality We trust that it may prov j remunera- tive to tbe ene.'getic ana enterprising proprietor. â-  â- - " Buying m IktDgiat at »i^y. lUkindooCinpt look well. P. Bnnu^ M«k Me tUmnoig M th» wood oak of the station yard. Jmms Ik^PatteMH: baa from Ur.VtoinSar and ff. WilliamaiMi is in 4^ earriage koaiiaess and ip wocking -wf qoito p ai rlre J die 22.il of May, and YiK innocent of tbe cnuie. L Manitoba, ba\'ng delivered atat f hve stock. He is do.. .up m'otljer ear^o for tbe same \V ii V 1 :i^ »fftciO(l a sa'e of fciO fi-Pt of liimlie' loMrWelsit, iKr'l^i*!-"' 'l'» «^""' I' i« beinj» r .it llie r.ilo â- " 8, 000 feet per Miuuliil' sta.iouoi' theX.G. Ili.'i: I â- j'f,.,v i;. tnllic receipts for L iui'iti' J"l.v 15 are §81.55, bePog liiifc "i S-1"' on coire.si)oufiiiig Ik '.f '..;t vtar. Ir. Lnig'tt. now of the firm of .ill uijii Kh'-lit. diui's' of .Si Hiid. wi 1 be in Ma'kdale, on ^,,i_v -lij'.v 25. lie w !1 le at I ' n)nii wasir.Tmi'lel to death ..- i \Vii';;ii:nn on IMiljiy be ,1,1.' iiif.n watfr, iu a stHble, • ijji' (loi.i- f.ave wftv. He was sad- jn'.i-- wr""i'» i-'i^'bt aivl daval ';!jil ^. f"' rk-lakini and Liz -:u(•llt.^ ;.'iven ii pu'cbb.'iars ff (Per 'rt s g(;od- k"awl njan'is, rv. trimmings laces, pruueMa A" iLf M. f:ii.-ilii.n AL'iicn'irril So itti.i li"' I i:s AMiii'a! Ki'il Exlu 11. Slulliiinic, on Tiiesdny aud L(^rny, tlifi 3id aud lib of Octo- l:.\t. " In. J.iliroln, wiJi.W ff llio 'bo llent 1. r (•(»lii.('ied at S. i i^ekl, [fs.h'l. H!, nt 8:15 at n"'r. !She !i».!i;'l:i I ' I'j I .ue, pud a fiv .V « • rae. I'.i .11 'I, w ,i».e li( ii"li 1 ^s bc^n ^!y i.iip;iiit:.l b^ liie wov y «!)(! •11. (I' bis posiiion fls lo..tif» of ;-li piiily, liM^ (litermincd npon [.I,' t'liii active poliix-! f.ir abi'«f lo: vc.-it anong tiie bAissmoiui- .('..II. nil. IMS scored a great piic- latWiti)'titoii jiu Sanrdpy. wliej Uu.ii.t Miclioij. of the H'i'i.t Ba! i:. Will tlie r 'Mce of Wii't.s Pri'S liUii. 'ih^cf o;l;pr vi}fU)li-ts of liie wi Ii pii.us 111 tlie t^ lint; c im ;i!i. liiiiiuf- tu tlc'sis ui,.mb. 13 ti^illl ll'.SO WV.i )i '/.C3. IrsSii.' "e dciiies Iciving pnt sir- jicill 1; â-  hirillir-L FCll^ to CillitCilU. Hiv h' (I tl i!(it Wiint bim to cs- ili.c u. "ws, aud tliat be â- would lijM' t.'kcu poit'^u evt'U if be Kenerii Lmin;.,' conf ti ucteJ near'v I'Jie Mn| I'l tiiiit dei'cnces of A'es.io- lie ii'sii comraandcd t'le disas- Ij e\iM(?ition a-^niost AlJys.sinia, ILi- liiiiiil is visib'c in the militi'-y B'7!itliin as it e.iPits lu Egypt to- r .IMcF^'vI.uul Ins j:rst received fi." .iMluiiaD, d cot i'l om ibe it^factn-.T =, now ti o-s goods. :. aiiil L-i.-atn Spaiiiii lace.-, black •.V k'a .••Ilk iVingfes, b'ack all-wool ItBtTss. oOc. (iOc. Toe. and 8lf.c. pW.st \.i'iiL' III On'T o. W' J. Mi; fMi\ is tbe only duect iini)orler N las:Lts=, iu Alaikdale. |Eimk' D.'vs in thk C.\t.\combs. â€" ii:' \\i" be i^iveu, under tue ans- 'I'f tlie Ladies" Associalioa of tbe |-^-JU(-.!;i!i cu'i'jre^^ut'ou, by tb? A. Cii lav, f f TtroDio, on Tues- fveiMii" Ai';;ust Isi. Tbe lei- *ill le ili'ivi cd ill tbe Duffenii Th.; c-h:i rwJl be taken at 7:30 51. S' ojic-.â€" " Tome and tue Hi'iiii jj â-  ,1 1 1 ,.! • ' \V a 1 d e u sea and U. !!.i;'iii T;i']ey," Ailmis'i'^ii r^e Markilale Standard office has K'eek bt-en surmounted with iron Nng, cast at tbe Markdale Fonn- f-aua I'teot-d by Messis. Mofl'at fi-i' (l^.si.^Mi is pretty, the cas- "'â- "•. ;\M.l the office considerably 'td ill ;ipin.itvaee by tbeaddilioQ pis iron work. Tbere are otiier f^'upg la the town wliich would be ^*' lar uimc attractive were they Raittwl to a .nilai- process of or- nt.uio,i. Moffat Bros, hold a "'ofpat 01 u«. ^^'^â- ar.Uu Pavcv pnl Promenade â- â€¢â€¢rtt ij aiiiuiuuced by adveitise- "U this pa,'e, to tul.e place under â-  "-pices of C'iuist Church Ladies' '•tiety. It will take place on t«N»y uoxt, Julv 27, on Mr Geo. A*"" orcha.d lot, opposite Dr. I^^lfsiiew bouse. A stironR com- In*'"** "*^" formed aud no pains uc spa.ed to make this the lj*test aiiruclloo of tbe season. We l^trstau-i tiiat there will be an ad- IJI^ioQ c':,ar;,e of 15 cents, which L "^^ the ;;,arden party and con I Miresiunenls, fruit, ice cream, L*'" »« ou srt'e. Eatables free to '-ascrsof r-f eshments.* lle;joci- (Jl^ "'â- fpeudingfor tbe atleodaoce |i!t*t "'"'^••'i'"' also for a display of r ""s.bntTbetbortheiiaie al'owed \i THE DUNDALK BAM^. Pursuant to annoaneemeBtr," a^neot- ing was held at Victoria ball on IfH; day evening, 14th inst., to carry into effect the organization of a band in this village. James Deans was called to tbe ebair and James Lamou, Esq., appointed secretary. The village was well re- presetted, and every one present fav ored the establishment of the band. The following gentlemen made valtt- able suggestions as to the pcrtonel of the baud itself and its futnre manage- ment: W.J. Hicks, J. Ketchnm, G. H. Middleton, William Nelson, and Fred Nixon. By resolution of the meeting, W. J. Hicks, Wilier Bundle, and Frederick Nixon were appointed a committee of organization to control tbe executive affairs of the band and act lu concert vrith the teacher, from lime to time, as may be most couduciva ti all tbe interests concerned. Dr. McWilliam, W. S. Hewetson and James Deans were r instituted trustees, with pow*r to appoint a treasurer to hold funds collected, as also to purchase a proper set of instru- ments when tbe amount collected by the committee shall be sufBcient to warrant them in so doing, such in- struments to be deeded to said tius- tecs in trust for the band. Tbe citizens of the village have al- ready resjionded so liberally to the call 01 the committee ot organization as to give an aggregate of nearly two hundred dollars ou t^he subscription list, aud the amount requisite to pur ciiase instruments being only $250. It is evident that the proposed teach'TT Mr. Ketcbum, will soon be enabled to enter upon his duties. The new town of Dnndalk is keep- ing pace witb (he progressive spirit of the surrounding country. Good build- ings are in course of construction, and good roads and sidewalks add to the utility and comfort of the place. Give to *.hese essential matters of business and every day life, tbe harmonizing influence of a good brass band aud tbe resident of Dundalk can claim to him- self a phare of the elements of civiliza- tion equal to what obtains iu the more populous towns. J^m OnUv, dioctnaker, \» ti^kag ap totneas vmia^ to ill bo^ft. B-'M. 0%IbrsiCh ir ibaklng namer- oos salea-Of iuna. property, and is holding aaeti»i salsa. He is also agent for the Boyal Fas lusoraMO company af ii^ngland. Mr. Hfcotm is prqwriny to aaove hitf tteam saw mitt to Willismsford this faU. C. Price has liis store as tarty and well kept a8nsoal,and isdbinfi a good business. M. Steele is also doing a nice bnsi- neso in general mercbandiaa. E. Morris, tailor, makes a pe'riect An elder. wbW ataxeoaattaeriiii, «ii7. ahary-eyea eld «Im| water. He asked wheOer uy reeaoB;!!^ Hm flcdia] Mt he edminiatsred. Aftar s penae, a tall, powerfiil man said. "Elder. I do ltptwan(Jx intedera witkjonr bosi I iiHipim i**^ h«t«iiii M â€" oiA Ki^erToa'Ta 7tiin« ^ell ^^^ ' **^^ on« Ap iroht do bios a bit of good. If yon want to g^ the sins ont of him. yoa'H have to »ackat hiu. oat in tlw; di^ «ate» for tt^Nl. fit The new C. M. minister has axriy- ed. Mr. Yogan sUIl eaten to tbe wants of tbe public in tbe hotel bnsiness. Mr. Pereira is makiug proparation to open in the fomitore bnainess and will manafactore. He is » good ear- riage painter^ JtnKf NOBIiB, MARKDALE. Mill nights." M MEAFORD ROAD. Dixfield, Maine, Oct. 20, 1880. Dr. B. J. Kendall Co.â€" Gentt:â€" Please find enclosed 25 cents for re vised edition of your horse book. I have tried your Kendall's Spavin Cure for curb, aud it has done rII yon claim for it. By rsing one-half bottle it eiiiindy cured the lameness and removed the buucli. Yours truly, Fbank Stanley. A nuipber of Shelburn ct'zens we:e find the other day for allowing caiUe to run at large. Diirinsi tbe past few davs Ibo cow by-law has been rigidly enforced, to tbe mauiiest advantage of that village. Dry weather. Boads dusty. Rain wanted. ' Farmers busy at their hay crops good. Spring crops are looking well and prospects ^ood. Road work is over and the proveib- ial yarns have been spun once more. Our councillor, Mr. Arc*!. Elliott, was here a few days ago letting road jobs. Mr. J. Blain was the successful' competitor for them. Mr. R. W^arliog's barn raising came off on Tuesday last. Mr. C. Gilbert and Mr. J. Corey were the captains. Mr. Gilbert and his men were the vie tors. Tbe building when completed will be a credit to tbe neighborhood. It is G0x45 feet with stone stable ni derneath. Another of Mr. Thos. Gilbert's daughters has joined the matrimonial army success to her colors. Another victim has fallea tt idiotic pnetiee el doe.lin^g. A 3K*eg mad named Garfaod iufirmed'a yoang Pt^nneylvaoian lady that her betroth- ed, Addison, was only flirting with her. Addison heard of this base ealamny by bis rival, and donandod tore. TUer m4 o* Satwd^y and, if the eode ia eomct, 6*r!aad pro^red bis statement by mardering bis rival at# fcet distance, each firug fire shots. A man named Eearns nearly scalp- ed his mother- 'n-Iair on Tharsday at Montreal wuh a fctnooth'ng-iron, in consideiaiiou of be. bavin? perpetual- ly ruaied bib temper. F.nel $25. This sbonU act as a warning to mota- er^-in-lav. Httiry Ciarfc, is in Camden luna- tic asylnm, an^ has fasted for 41 days for the pui pose of. cnring bis insani- ty. He foimed tbe determination to fast daring a Inoid iaterval. Will be cured next montn. Rev. Geo. ?. Mine, wbo was re- quested 10 resign h syjast rate in Chi- cago on accjuut of 8gno.tticisin is go- ing on the biAge, aud will open at the Grand Opera hoate, Brooklyn, playing Hamlet. EUPHRASIA COUNCIL. %inu.Yoa EXGHANQE of OWEN SOUND AND THE M.\- "iOKALTY. At the last meeting of Owen Sound Town Council, Mayor Barnliort ten- dered bis resignation, wb'ch tue C !iin c:l accepted. Tue cause lliat induced the Dr. to retire frem the MityoraUy have not been as yet communicated to tbe public, but it is genera'ly be'ievtd to owing to dispgreement with tbe council relative to their act'on in con- reciion with tbe Government work.s going on in the h.ubour here. The Dom'naliou to fi!l the civic cbair took p'ace ou Tuesday, and re- buUedialLe e'eclion of Mr. Cveasor, banistei-, ot Owea Souud and Maik- dale. by acc ioialiou. "^mgnp the attair will permit L^^^'atioDs beilfg completed is L 'â- '• One or the other will L^;"~\furm ,in attraction. The I â-  ""« ProunSs will be bnl- """nated nitli Umps, obi- HOLLAND C^TRE. Council met at Vogan's ball on July 10th, 1882. Deputy-reeve in the chair. Members all present ex- cept the reeve. A letter was read from Mr. Wm. Howey asking for a further leave of absence for three months in the mead- ows of Manitoba. Johu McNabb was allowed $6 for suiveying deviation at T. Anderson's, con. 2, lot 56, W. T. » road. John Dudgeon was paid for gravel. John McDonald was appointed to act as arbitrator between Sydenham and Holland Union School Sections in case his services should be required. S. Orson received an order for |5 for extra work done on road job. Ten dollars to be expended on 8rd con. between 60 sideroad and 16 and Ig sideroad. Ten dollars was graotod to re)fair road opposite John Hamilton's. Fifteen dollais to be expended on con 3 opposite lots 76 and 77 east. Ten dollars to be expended on hill opposite John Murphy's. Two dollars and fifty cents to be given to John Waters for road work performed this amount to be deduct- ed from $6 granted to Dr. Kennedy. Mr. Grant recived an order for road job performed undf r inspection Three dollars to be expended in re- movinu rock on 90 side road near Crofford's. Ten dollars to be granted to cnt biU on 6th line, oontLaoanee of 60 side- road west. Oonncil adjonroM nntil Sept. 20th. Money order were granied io the amount of $598,70 end were issnsd by (be dork. ^, CAiaoM Fws, Clerk. A council meeting was held on July 7lli, 1882. Members all present. Minutes of last session of council read and confirmed. Mr. Erskine was instructed to get cross way repired on 15 ard IG side- line, con. 8. The road crossing lot 11. cun. 1, is to he improved. The deputy-reeve was appointed io examine 12 and 13 sideroad, con. 8, aud act as ho may deem prudent. The reeve was instructed to confer with tbe coiincil of Artemesia relative to the improvement of the town line at tbe 4th coucessionof this township. Tbe reeve w.is authorized to get tlie 7th line at Mr. Artburs mill pond put iu a proper state of repair for travel forthwith. Mr. Erskine was authorized to ex- pend $25 on tbe townline of Holland aud this township, Leius; balance of equivalent gran tea for this puriKise, The deputy- reeye, Mr. Erskine, and the clerk were appointed a committee to settle with Mr. Jordan, collector for the easterly five concessions. Mr. Gilray was instructed to get repairs made on 18 and 19 sideline at the gully i'l con. 4. The followincr accounts were passed and ordered to he paid C. W. Rut- ledge, printing, $89.50; Aaron Teeter, $20, for work en 3rd hue; Daniel Wilson, $1. making ditch on 4th line; John Anderson, $70, work on 7tb hue; John Cltigston, $10, gravel used on road; Charles Devitt, $34.89, la- bor on 15 and 16 sideline; Bobt. Gar- butt, $7.50, plank lor bridge; Thos. Reid, $5, labor on 18 and 19 sideline; John Kerr, $20, part payment for job on 21 and 22 sideroad; Thos. Jordan, $14, labour an 18 an^ 19 sideline; James G, Perry, $1, powder used in removing stone from the road in his division; Robert Dunlop, $30, part salary as clerk for current year; Robt. Dunlop, $4, to pay for notifying for cojrt of revioion; Thomas Jordan, $45, salary as collector for 1881; David R. Ellis, $150, to be paid by him as an equivalent grauted by this council to subscription for improvement of sideroad 6 and 7, in the 6th and 6th concessions of this township, said amount to be paid on production of pay sheet by overseers of labour on said road. The council adjourned nntil August 4th. RoBEBT Dunlop, Clerk. Dvspepsiaor Bllfoaanesa for 70 c^ntst It is aivfkilljr unwise %o agonize nn- derthemaiiy ailm enta r rising ttoia Iyspepsia, IndierestioD, Disordorcu Stomach and Liiver, rrliea this offer is made to yoii in your own bomo in ell sincerity, with an absolute certainty of cnrinir you. ZOi»r:SA (from Brazil) cores Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A sinTfo dose relieves; a 8ample bottle coiiviuccs; a 75 cent bottle cures. IC acta directly npon the Stomach, liiver, and lUdneys. Cleansin^r, Corroctinu, Keg nlatin;?, Zopesa {^ivos energy and vim to tho Brain, Nerve, and Muscle, simply by work ing: wonders upon the Digest tion, and c'^ins activity to the Liivcr. Cat this oat, take it to any dealer in medicines, and get at ieast one 75 cent bottle ot Zopesa, and tel 1 your nelf;hlMr how it acf^s. It ii warranted to cure Dysxepsia and Bil- loosuess. HOR8E SHOEING A SPECIALTY. »tr»yed or stolen, jM AiMJteis BeU a4jofai«« th« of Ifarkdale, on thamorDiiig ol.Jp'y 18, a DARK BBOWN MARK, wbita spot on Ion head, and small pufl on oatsido ol ri|^t hind l^g. abova the pastare ioint. nuall beiist. Any iiif«iBatioa which will had to her re- coverr will le thankfully, reeeived at this ofll«^, andfteinktaiaBt tai$»iiif n^ait«ei. vrtf 1^' anted, BY • Pr.PIL ol the Uto PROP. WH18H. Hsmiltnn, • limited onmber of PUPILS for inRtraetion oa the Piano uid Organ. Applications reoeired by mail or persoiudly at thA Methodist Parsoo«Re, where certifi- cates of ability Ciin be p odoeed. JAMES McDowell. 97-100 FLB8HEBTON. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the period during which the Membership Fee to GLENELG AGRICULTU RAL SOCIETY for 1882, is ONE DOLLAR will expire on the 26th day of this month after that date the fee wUl be TWO DOLLARS. A. TURNER, Markdale, July 4, 1882. Sec-Trsr. BIRTHS. McABTHUB.â€" In Markdale, ou the 16lh last, the wife of Mr P. McArthur, carpen- ter, of a son. DIED. McEACHBEN.â€" Iu Glenelft, on the 1 4th uist Ea«hren McRacbren, aged 98 years. BUi^SBL. -In Melaoethen, on the 7th inst, of Plenrisy, Mr James RnsEell, aged 71 yearn. Williamson.â€" lu Meloncthon, on the Slh iiictaut, Mr Tliimas Williamson aged To yrs. WILLIAMSON.â€" On theilSth, Mrs William- son, aged 7-1 yrs C.A. Tailor^ k mmm, MARKDALE. Clirist Ghurcb, liarkdle. PEOMENADS AKD ToTtoMAMtt, CottriAitm mad lfiiii«»i» wMcli Hagtasd'S Yulow Oo. is toad twcanor nSwm aitkv te Bbast. Otonp, I OlfVUMMf CMAMPt, \BOWt iwun pnnmixT Wi MBXVMAXUM, Jrwrr^AT^WA, CALZiOVS VeMTB moaratia, OOmiTB, o(unRA€moinA aauxaka, ZUXBAOO, ITCH, nxArvxas, rAzs nr back, BPMLtnra, j^ PAnTiasiis,4ia. ' Xverr bottla nmntead to gin atiic- tion or money raunded. i sntsmnwrni EMM some. moKesck T.lCZZ3UBir ft OO, Prmoleten â-  â€" TOKONTo^ oar. CBZLaLABU, Tkcl Sraki OMSteSantiTe itaadBcst aedleiBe eTcrHade. of Hops, euohu, Man. ndMlon, f U the t»rt uk properties of all other Bitten, lecrestertBleodPurtflor, Liver â- torkUKlUfaaadHeklth BritTrring â- â€¢uth. \famSbtTlcmg eziat where Hop ' BTSitedutd perfect are their isit Titer to tbstgsisBAialiB. itaewue Irreenlarl' ' orcmiie, or who ^Toalo and mild Stimuli .uatoia, without Intox-' Bitten arei epecattoa ai BifliWMVUl Taafflwhoea al treft liabemelso BopBtttenanli leatlnst. Ho metwr wfcat yoorremennge or syniptomfl •rewhattiiediaeeeeorailmmeat Unae Hop Bit- ters. DaatwaitnntUToaA' ilck bat If yon only feel bed or mieeiahle,nM them at onoOi ItmyHmyaarUfe.lthas|iaTod hnodrede. $500wIUbepsidforaesls*,!fy " bo* rare or help. Do not â- o«er%"f "••'"•""•â- 'di •affer,bit use and once tliem\w •• Hop Remember, Bop Bitten U noV.^" drucgvd dmnken ncetram, bat tbe M edici ne er er made -, the *Wtiubs' and SOTT* and no penoa or •hoold be wltboat tbem. e. to sa abstdote sad ImetlUe core nuikenem,iue of optiim, tobaooo and All Bold by dmnlste. s forOrcalar. Sep ai U wi mtg. Ce., BoclwtfrJI.T and Toronto, Ont. Barden Party Thursday, J'ly 27 At Mr. Geo. Walker's Lot, opposite Dr. Sproule's new house. I ' ' ' ' 1 he Ladies' Aid Society of Christ Church, Markdale have arranged to hold their Coneert and Garden Party as above. The Garden Party will commence at 6.3c, Concert at 7-30. The Grounds will be brightly illuminated with Lamps, Chinese Lanterns, c. Ijenionade, Ice Cream, Cherries, c., Will be on Sale. |3* Eatables Free, Adxriissioxi 15cts« The Committee will spaae no pains to make this THE GREAT ATTRACTION OF THE SEASON. h\ i 13' Special attention to Culting..^;| MpU^i 99Pn*^ l^XtIiT^VLE Foundry! -AXD- If yon want a yonr Order wilL Perfect Fit leave C. A. OWEN, MARKDALE. School Teacher "VV anted. A Female School Teacner wanted, holding a 3rd Class Certificate, for Markdale School, for balance of year Apply to G. S. Bowes, Sec. 95-7 " Markdale P.O. Messrs.Heron Hiunllii Having started the Eugenia House, Hope to secure a share of public patronage. The Eugenia House being close to The Falls Offers great attri.ctions to those who are fond of SCENERY, as well as to those who delight in IV ii 1^1^ Gn kn the riTer both above and below the Falls abounds with SPECKLED TROUT. ARTEMESIA COUNCIL MINUTES Several of our subscribers' in Arte- mesia have been enquiring of ns as to the minutes cf their council. Through somebody's negligence no copy is sent to ns of the minutes of Artemesia council, as are the prpceedioKS of all the other councils in the district. It is a very long tinle since we were fav- ored'with the minutes until lastweek, when just as we were going to press we received a reprint copy of tbe min- utes of the meeting held on the Ist of June, (nearly 60 days in reaching us from tbe place of meeting), and oor copy stated the meeting took place at Feversham, a oontsmporary has it Fleshersham, We would like to re- ceive these minutes as soon alter tbe date of meeting as possiUe. On Thursday last. Mrs Wilson, of D«sp Cove, bsing slightly indi^ssd passed into a deep sleep. Efforts were made to rouse her. but op to noon vestenlay she remained in a co- matose condition. Great excitement prevails. Tbeaverege,.-. way mentally. Tbe tyrannical Gov- ernment has ordered that be ahaD no longer obliterate beyond the posaibiU- tw of decipherment, the matter written oa a postal card. Tbederk, mna* a fatore, stamp tlw eacd ou ttie â- ddresi sdeoo^T' Messr ' Heron Hamlin can safely assure the public that they are deter mined to do their utmost to please and accommodate all comers. Their board aud accommodation shall he of tho best, aud they are supplied with the very best brands of LIQUORS, having resolved that the Bar shall be properly attended. Also G-ood Stabling. MARKDALE 'alMd MarbleWorks Honumnts, Tombstones! And every descriptioii of 'emetery work executed in FIRST-CLASS STYLE and at reasonable rates. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 6hop next door to Revere Hotel. W. A. JOHNSTON, Prp Markdale Ana. 10th. 1831. 48-1t MACHINE WORKS. We arc prepared to execute all kinds ol m Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive our special attention, knowing through practical experience the best class of Irons for such. Best! EARS FOR IMILUON IJIOO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S Jj OIL positively Restores the Hearing, and is the Only Absolate Gun for Deafness known. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar species of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Cahchabodon Roin»- LKxn. Bvery Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Priest were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cutm were so numerous, aud many so seeminj^ mir- aculous, that tho remedy v»»s oiBei^ pro- elsimid over the eatiie Empire. Its TiSs beeamc so universal, that for ovei 800 years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any ad- dress at 91.00 per bottts. Hear wkait tke I»«af MT t It has performed a miracle in my case. I have no unearthly noises in my *• hear nraeh better. " I have been greatly benefitad. My daalness helped a great dMlâ€"tkink ther bottle will euro me. Its Tirtaee are unquestionable and its eora- ttva ehaiaetar ahaolate, aa the wiiteroan per- â- onaBr testify, both from expenenee and ot^ MTva^. Writaat OMatoBaylMkairf jennOTTT Dey Streat, V»m Toi*,«ado«agW aiad yo. wfll ««*Ti»^ "" *S?!fc^ wffl «M*la yo« to baa* fflwanybe^y elsMPe whose earative efJaets win be Ton win awa* wff** "»^ *» '"ertSiJSi 1^*^ lMul»,flsaea *-* business now before the public. Yon can make money faster at woik for OS than at anything else. Capital not need- ed. We will start yon. 912 a day and up- wards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for ns. Now is the time. Yon can work in spftfe time only or give your whole time to the business. Van can live at home and do the work. No ether business will pay you nearly as well. No one can faU to make en- ormous pay by engaging at once. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honoiahly. Addrsas Taus A Co., Augusta, Maine. IK THE HATTER OF THE GUARDIAN SHIP OP THE INFANT CHUOlBEH OF SOBEBT BBOWH, I^CEASED Appluaticn will be made to the Surrogate Court, of the County of Orey, befcre the Judge in Chambers at the Court House ia tha Town of Owen Sound, after the expira- tion of tweotv days from the fcwt pnbHaatieo hereof, on behalf of Eiisa Brown, of the Towa^iip of Artemesia. in the Ooantyef Grer. widow and bzeentriz of said deseased and KOtlMr M his infant ehildren hersinafter named asd on beh^ of WiBiam Brown, of Om village ot MaiUale, and Hugh MeKea, of the Township of GlenelK. Ezeoutors of said iliotiasrl. for an OrSsr, appointing the said EUsa Brown, William Brown and Ha^ MeKaa, or some one of tfai the „ f,.j.-. or gnaidian of James Anstm femm. FrdtaWt William Bwh». Isa bri U Brown and Bohest Brown, infant diOdrea a tba mJjBnlwrt Bio«n» deceased. aa7 0f^apa,AD;.ia83. dtfMW MObaaoH, M4 ' BdMtantoAffiiaaata. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Eollers, will receive onr {attention. We also intro duce our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, giving them a beautiful smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also manu- facture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or without marble slab for name, *.; also Tomb Bailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains for same, also all kinds of Balluster Bailings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental, Machinery Brass Castings of every description. Brass Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale. Nov. 1881 63-1t Watches. Watck Selling Off at Cost at the Dundalk DRUG STORE. American and WALTHAM WATCHES Clocks, Jewellery, Chains, Lockets and Guff Buttons, Gents' Gold Eings, Ladies' Sig'net Rings, Bracelets, Eardrops, Broochos, Sec iA^ See my $6.50 E.P. Case Watch Stem Winder, guaranteed good Timekeeper. Do not lail to call and secure bargains. G. W. PARSONS. N. B.â€" All kinds of Repairing done on the Premises by a first-class XVatchmaker from Toronto. All work warranted .iJH.^^*- ISOTICK IS hereby given that in the course of a lew days the Collet tors will be in Markdale to collect the snbscriptiong promised for the improvement of 6 and 7 side road, near Kimberiey. The Township Council, of En- phradia. has granted an equivalent amount to that subscribed and the work is to be pr9oeeded with at onoe. THE COLLECTOBS. ]VOTI CE. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP THK PABTNEBSHIF HERETOFORE axistmg between the nadersigned as Oasieral Marahanta, in the Viilvge of Xarit dale, BBder the style or firm of Bnttar A Baa. has this day been disaolvsd by mntval eon- aant. All parties indebted to said firm wiU pay the same to Wm. Loeas ft Co., Bankers, Markdalr. at onee, aad save further trouble. IMs« stMarhUe this IMh day of July, ' A. BOTTEB, B. S. SaE.' ^itMsa), B. C. Baran. »3-M The well-known MEADOW LARK MOWER With Two Enives, can be bought at the DURHAM FOUNDRY for $60.00 Printing At Shortest Notice. Orders by Mail or Wire promptly executed. "STANDARD" OPPIOE, Markdale.

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