Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 20 Jul 1882, p. 1

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 m il s Toronto, 6re« Brace RY Change of Time. ue not aOowed to esiry arms, if they I F|||£ §J QWEI SOVIBa refoM to give Uietn up, the rebels are ' at oucc dbot The Ameriv-aus b*ve "Wliole Block Ckiisumea GOING SOUTH n .vi; S.i.-.l, a. part ',0. a.m. '1 4 " p IK n r.iiBV.. «.;* H lU. .).r2i III n.'..T-.-!..v:*r;..TaKc ::' r.m. '.19im jvlH:k 7."!-- a.m. •' 17 p.m l.-.-..uLr "I- 10 ILirri -on " »• "' \,'Z- M.-.;u« KT. t "'•'•' 4...i ),i.ii«.-i.i!lr ^^^'^7 7.1" ♦ alwif.n Jr itirn.. 9' « 7. --2 Tir. »â- â€¢â€¢. "s'iMi.tfn. '.:!' a m. !; i:l p.IIl reopened ibeir eoosolate, aad German mitniies are WHtchioe orer the Lo^i- tal. Wonuded Egyptian soldi:is are coming trom tLeir biding plaoee, and their wants and woands are being at- tended to. They say ibat Arabi ridi- culed Ibe idea of BhtiiJi ships iakiog Uie fojt. MONDAY. on Ponlefete Street. About 12J0la«k Thursday the ire alarm was aoonded, and in a i«w minates it me discovered that a fire had started that would soon prove occ ox the most diBSstrons that the town em witoeseed. The flamea were first noticed issaing from the rear of SttpheuB* hardware store.P.'ulette st.. Nearlv the entire blocit Ituown a6 the No doiiLt now exists that Arabi Pa- 1 Dominion bkck iit of frame. The sba meaus to fighi, and that he will fire compaDV^and hook and ladder GOirJG NORTH. Top.:it' ... 'Up. T 'â- ' » i^- '« uf'ioi. .i.iiict.'/ii ;• "1 •' o;.,i,-. â- . ;; 10 10 •• M.uii;*ui.-r 1-.'.H •• Jliirri-t'ii .. t \i" •' T*^ ^Trtifr 'l.'J'i ' Iniiitilk 11. 1:^ i-i. ii.t!wnAl'vii;«t ll.i't M â-  II â- ' •â-  I avail liims«?lf of all his resources be- ' fore yioMiDg, His force is divided iu- ' to two ccrps, one of which is rf ported I Uj be marching on the Suez canal tc cut it, and the main body is entrench- I td within easy dislauoe of Alexandria awaiting the arrival of reinforcements 4 .3" !• m. fiom the interior, where numbers of 7 (.0 .. P.urop*aC8 have been m^issacreU. in h.-.O •• .\r, •• n- \r, •• KOJ •• â-  :«) •• 'J.V, â- â€¢ company were instantaneously on the spot, and worked wiih a bold endea vuur to subdue the flames. The following are the losses and insurances on the buildiuss and stock destroyed by last uigLfs ftrc M. Gilson, stock, harness and stable, to- tal loss insured. British .\merican for$615. Creighton Br. -b., dry-goods, buildings, and stock valued at fDOOO. a total loss, insurance on stock in HIS LAST SLEEP â-  _- popabur .n county. dif^J^ J2i»i. «M» chweh K^a ON BIS cagMxa BCicina. wbo Ltmuel Besaw. of Uxbndge, took Uodauam while in Toronto on Satar- Sly. and expired • " »°^ *^' wards. Deceased had only been mar- W days .nd was in T^-^^^ search of employment. In the after- ^o he went into the yard b«ek of the house, and returning, compbined of heinx sick, and «ut to bed where heat, his dmncr. I" « '«*^""""*f he «rew very SM,k. He *^^^*^ fell into a heavy sleep,snonng loudly, and making a gurgling noise m his thr.«t. His wife and her ewter be- came alarmed, and wnt for a nogh- hour. Drs. Ball and Oldnght wer« called ra. but the man was beyond human aid. An empty bottle which LadconUined laudanum was fouud in one of his pockets and it is suppos- ed that he took the fatal dose while m the yard in the afternoon. wkDDDia KKJBj gather io the el 'it is »ne®^ '"r 4 fcLn'lMi to .peaks shall «f^ J°i^*E d„^ ty.fire cent., 'fe ^--^KtaW *^ to the org«i fund. "•f~~Ji iMJ the bilding fa«»^ •• iXrSim«» The success ot the «»ler«wiH»»' nuoMnoul No for Tin:Rsi).\v, JULY War in Egypt. Al. xandiia, tl.e restoration of ord^r the British American f 1,000, Stan- co..tmue8un^erLoraBeresfora.wbo.e;lard $3.0(W; ou biuld.ng. British I ,L\merica, $800. Mr. iorhan, jewel- summary and exemphu-y m*nD" ^f j^^ j^^.j^^^^ ^^^ loss insured in dealuig with the piilagers is calculat- j ^j,g (^0^^ Mutual for $700 stock a tl to put a stop to this work. The partial loss, insured in the Phoenix conflayration is stopped and business foi $400. W. B. Stephens, hard- startliug caiitiouffiy retiDmed. Every prepara- HANLANS CHALLENGE. Tu'f. FWJ, and Farm thus discus- ses HanUn's recent challenge :-- "This card of Hanlan's is certainly a one. Less than a mouth toi 54UU. W. a. btepucns, uani-, »«»»-'"e â€" .ramintf for jurancc on the stock $1,700, British an 10 tioD i, beiEg made to advance upon I Ameiica,$l,500 Lancashire; on build- most important race m '^°*"J^- ' Arabi B entrenchment, if necessary. i^g, 51 ogq in Canaia Fire and Ma- 1 a moment when every '"^J" " The Khedive has issued his order dis- i riue. Mrs. hhaw, fancy goods, a to regarding his ""°"' ^^"f T* m.^ing the rebel Arabi Bey from his tal loss insured on stock for $«)0iu I -^^l^-f^^y .^J^.t ^^^ ,^ ' the Lancashire, Crane Irquhart, j u waj givet oui i.ua. ^^ ^^_^ Miuihtry, but the document has uc vet bf.en Jtlivcred. ll'l.SO.W. '.I ti. I j"ir-i .\i .l.i r..-!jii, li.-iviu;,' giiiiicil s'lin' tirin.- l.v a 1! cr "f tr.K- l n uiiuclitd l.i, (C.lili. r .i.t of Al. riiin Iria. The f-nbti rfni" is jii-lly cl:;ir!it.iizt 1 by A-iii.ii-.il h^'V.ii' iir i:s I'.i: "r;i(;..ril. It I- 'lit' il 'tli.il '.ralii bii- iitn-ichrl J. Hi.- I: ;i:i ij.ui .. iir'nli from .\'x- siti'iiit. 'I'liu W'c-ji i.f [liliii;^' iiml ra |oi hiji 111 11 â-  irl"V "ut in .\I\Hii- • hi^i *a!iIi tirrill' '.irii' t::. hy tlir J lliili Ml 1.1. fr-.' ' (- ii.vi'-s. S(-v. rill iiiiii-i.l l.iim; 'â- iin-* l.iivc l)-i 11 iijiij-^u .r, •! ;ii..ltli' III' t ttrrilili: atnifitu" I, ivf- l.-'H cin^n.itt. 1. .\!i»nt r. Imii- â-  ' |. .r; f ii;:'it l)i.-.r «;iy t'« wl.' ;r tiny v.i n- ti:I;( ii l!iit! li Vis.-. I. 'lli.t :iy i •1'!. tin fir- s iid III.: 1.' 111;,' • l.y rli lifidf ii'iw (11 I ..11 • fii h'.i. .• .- :il! I Lil ...11. i.pp'.; t: tin i!i. I'll jiiir- •ji 111-' Inn. I' 111 lj:;/Iyiil fnv r n-iiilirn iiiMit IT II.;' nil iif-; in :- .1:. un ^;..cl. ..f id ir.;i;.i'i.in.s nf v..:r. .\ 1 ft •â-  .[ 1... Iriii.l a -.f fl.. f it- .|. til' (.iill.i;;ia 111' ••.iii'.iiii li.i.-, t'l bi- r' I,.i' '••• 11. .-n ii.!M.-ii •i fv i- ul.-^'i •.\I.ii-:i -•. t;ti; I. ...I ..f I- .11 ;ii.!lilii •f .r- It J ll:;.^"'.r• x'iii"iuli- general store.aud Miss Hannah, dres^ I prostrated by sickness and '""'f ^ave maker itocks badly damaged '.y wa- to fore?o training and the anticipated Wancc app.ars to have adopted a Ur and removal fu^.y insured m the .aco with ^^ -„^ /Xl.enge trTb! â-  ... n li.,e .,f po:i..y, S.00 men being m ^^^^^^ ^orth^ Ktd'MaSl: wol^ \^pVss will do w.h ^t iiiulinc.p, should T.ukey dcchne to .y^^^j^y^ butcher partial loss, fully we donot know but he is lilteiy 10 oe iijttif..-ic. and Eurbpein intervention j insured in the Quebec. ButchartV provoked at Hanlan s way 01 uoin„ bcrosoK.-d on by the conference. {Dominion block, partially destroyed. I insured lor §2,000 in the Northern. TL'ESD.W. 1 The cause cf the fire is unknown, but Tl f lines '• ' ^* generally supposed to have been che work of an incendiary, new very strongly guiirded, the I Tiic nif.'lit was qui. t lire f;ri-- IK arly all i-xtingnished, and the I'olice arnin-jcmc-ms thoroughly eff..'C- EEAiaUL ACCIDENT. business. If Hanlau is as desirous of rowing Ross as Ross professes to be of rowing Hanlanf'why did not they agree to put off the proposed race un- till the champion had com 1 -iy re- covered his health, which, 0-, ihe way he h,is recovered in a remarkably short time, iu view of the fact that his eminent physicians declared he would be unable to train and row tivf. Y.ur corrr:..p.,nd.nt opened 1 a fioi-ht tr.iin. on the T. O. B^ (.•'.uiin'iiiii-iitioii V. itli thp camp of Ara- railway, going houth, on ^Vtdnesday • again for a lo ig tim??" bi. which hi.-, inf. rraait snys consists afternoon, ran over a man wiio was Koss is awfully annoyed at Hanlan s of hltle over «,X)i) men, iutcnsolvdis- lying on track about a mile sou " ontPii'i'd, Funoiindod by staning w. linen and children, lli-crnits of the th of challenge, and offers to row Hanlan Slifclbur.ne btation. The cn;Tiuetr saw j on any Suitable water between Toron- the man on the track as he turncl ' to and New York. Hanlan says 1 the curve, he at once whistled for will row him the single race (or $.',000 l.Avi St cliiss are still being enticed by i,rnke8, and also made the whistle jf i,c pleases, for four or five miles, .â- \r:ibi with proiuis'.s (.f unlimited screech to warn the sleeper of his i^m not this year. I wish it plainly }!ii)ilir. The f.. ice is held* to"etiier 'iHnger, but it was of no avail, the understood that I will not row this l.v tl.' as.«rti..n that the English will l"" '""1^ ""' be stoiiea till it hiid y^ar. do not want to enter uj on a ,â- ,,,., i- .1 gMie oyer l.im. llie train hands cont-.-st at a days notice, and, as i Iwll all those returning to the city I ^.^^j j,,^^^ j^^ ^,,p i^^j^ j^^^ j,. ^^.^^ have iilr.-adv stated. â- ! have other and l^ill. .\i;ilii and T.iulha have utterly lost Jniangled beyond reccgiiilion, being stronger reasons for relusiug to do ;ill .11, .-(r .1,,. I pn-stigo l.y '.,'n..ss cowardice dur- i cut into jiieces. The body was taken ^o th.- bonihardnieiit. The artillery- i to Charleston, and returned to Slid ,•!, |.:i'C!. t-f'WU.Il 11,,. ... .,„|L.uiuc uT u bijccial. 1110 dec Used lucn wirr- Kf-pt at their guns on the j .* 1 ,. ' ' had on a dark tweed suit and v.-ore 011 1- i-[- Vi. !l .. I. l!..t iit;r.' Til. ..:il 1 n ' 1 wl Ihli inst. by iufiuitry posted under c.v.'r. Till! Khv.livo f^ays that two hundred iiii'llivo l'"unipoan3 have been killed at K.irr-el Dwar. I I'l-ur new [.muvcs wee dug yester- I il.iy ill the square for the bodi.^s of j'l'in.'l. rovs. Three of the graves are I n..w lill.il. Aral guilty of plunder- • ill;,' and arson pre brought in every 1 1. w laiiiut.s. The utmost discretion i.s ii.-nl ill d. alin^; with the accused. â€" ».•»« â€" hIMTISll SIK'T. t ?•â-  S. nil 1.1. a of the shot out among ill" K'.yjifiati.s may be glcanc.l from t!i.- I'.llowin.!,' dis^cripti'Uis. When in- !i r.a.i of the total wreck made of til.- .\1. \aiiilri;i forfificatious by the l!i:vlisli hot nn.l shi-ll they are apt to ii;;l.i- Ii;.;Iit(.f the f.irts and to sot burue by a siiecial. The M.\X\VELL. ins breast a badge of Gore Lodge. No. 22. the name of the deceased isJisei.h' St. Maiy.'s church is recjiving a Grc.isley, he lived in Garafraxa, nc.ir coat of paint which will greatly im- Donaldson's Corners, and leaves a piovc its outside appearance, wife and six small chiiaieu. j .several Ma.\well people went over ••• to MarLdale to the English church THE CROPS OF ONTARIO. 4 1"""" I La.-it Sunday week was the day on Tiio .July rti..rtof tlie Huri au of ' wliich the Ki-v. .J. Ward closed his -ith Industries giveS a summarj' of the year i.f ollici in this section. He coii'litiuii of grain, hay, and fruit came to a church which had long been crops 111 Ontario, together with stu- ile.seited aud neglected. Now the tistics of acre;!ge of grain cr.|)s aim c!i;ircli is making nic-at headway, and esti. nates of produci;, and of the year's will doubtless contmuc to do so for cliji of tlue and coarse wools Mr Ward's heart is iu the woik. The The condition of the cr ip^ is com- niissi'ii was u-jver in a more thriving piled from the reports of tivt; huiuli ed c m liti.m. con-espon.lcnts, iuah on the tir.st of ^^^^^ (]„. 3,.,] i,,^^^ pleasant little al- July. and covtniig nearly every town ' (..i, eanf- off at the .Meth.ulist Parson- o 111 the Province- 'llie .statistie ^,„,,_ ^vhere mcmb is and friends of 01 acreage and f esfiinates of pro- ' the Cm. M-th. Church met to rea'l duce were collect.' ' wiih the assis- i J^,„^ j.^^.j,.,,,, an ad.lress to their pas taiice of Public aud S'i.arate Scho.iil j,,,. t],^ j.gy .Mr Snowden, to.'othcr Teachers on the 31st ot May,â€" sche- ^i,], ., ,„„.,;e containing nearlv ?30 dules having been distnluit. d to lar ,„,,, f, Mrs Snowden, so;ue fine china I nieri' tlirou..(h tli.' sclnxils, and, whoi; .^^^^\ th m d,.wn as tlimsy or ill bu.lt. But fii,,a .„.,i tabulated, returned to the their departure for a ficsh field of la- \. hill the roadir grasps the weight of 1 Buieau. It is not claimed that the 1 ijr,„r. th. i.-ilMlliurlodaairii-^^tlho-icseaboird iigui-e-sarosfrictlv ac'eunite, but ic is| ^, ^i „ 1 1 ,.'.1 ji believed that if lluy err at all it is not i ^^"^^ Thursday wfok (0th) was duly or IS determined by the Srengthofthela^wto^.^ lady has yet e«»p«d the pena-ij speaking ^mIbkrale Flour Spriiw Wheal p« faU do. Barisy Osto Peas Pirtatoe*. •• Batter, per lb. .. clggB. pel iloz. • Pork, dressed, .. Beef Bides Orsuseed, H«y Wool Oreui Appte». pW- Lard Tallow Dry Cord Wood... S"^S^j^' Wheat. F»U, No. Wheat.Spring. " Barley Peas OaU Butter " Errs Potatoes Pork Hay buh.,M 6,00 to wl.»»tc 693 40. 1.14 to 1.16 J.M ' 0410 0.S8 " 0.W 0.74 •' 0.76 0.76 '• 0.76 0.1» " 0.16 0. ' 0.16 0.00 " 0.00 0.00 " 0.00 S.S* " 7.60 S.0O 11.00 •• 0.30 " 14.00 0.00 boobel.. 0.76 •• IM 0.10 " O.H 0.06 '• O.OT 1.76 '• S.00 K MAKOT8. 11.15 to 11.16 i.ao to l.Vt .66 to .66 .7S to .7« .40 to .40 Ai to .ie .to .16 75 to 0.00 to 7t 0.00 7.00 to 10.0. PIMPLES fBBClKLKS. roMS^ SS5al;»ly of hair on a ^}'f^:;j^^. VuMt JXirS?'**^;^'*^"" Cold.. WjESHERTON. Qnti ehaaee to sMke ,_ alwajit.k-*»'»|22 "" Wm wart many men. •• 0^ „ k.»iiii«.. iw.«,~±.i: â- * ara. ont {Correettd weekly for the Stania'd htflt.J SprouU, Fle$herton.) «6.00 to 6.S5 1.35 Floor, per bbl Spring Wheat per bash., Fall do. do. do. Barley Oats Peas Potatoes Butter, per lb EgRS, per doz Pol k, dressed Bocf Hides Hay Timothy seed • Wool Lard »••..••• Ta. low TORONTO. 1.30 to 1.15 " 0.64 •' 0.40 " 0.74 " 0.75 '• 0.16 •• 0.15 •' 0.00 " 000 '• 7.35 'â-  J3.0 •' 3.50 '• 0.83 •• 0.10 " 0.05 " 1.15 o.so 0.40 0.75 0.75 0.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.50 14.0 S.OO 0.00 0.12 0.07 Wliest.fall, per bttKb »1 34 to $1 35 Wheat, spring, do 1 30 to 1 85 Barley, do 03 to 65 Oats, do 48 to 50 Peas, do. ........ 82 to 85 Bye. do 70 to 75 CioverSeed do 4 70 to 4 90 Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs... Ueef. hind quarters 11 00 to 12 00 Beef, fore qoarters 9 00 to 10 00 Butter, large roUs 00 to 00 Butter, tub dairy 14 to 17 Butter, store-packed 00 to 00 Eggs, fresh, per doz 17 to 17 Eggs, packed o 00 to 00 .Apples, per brl 2 50 to 4 00 Potatoes, per bag 1 50 to 1 50 Hav 10 50 to 14 oO Wool 00 19 to 00 20 Yob can derote your whole *»*»?," "«^. ir^lyyoor .p«em«»enU^ F«U u tionandallthMwneedjdMotfree. Aamnt. Smsoi 4 Co.. Portland Maine. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, bawnj oew pmaneBUy eared ot tb*»dread di.ea«e. ConsmnptiM".^ ««ple *m«iy. i. Miiioa. to «»*• ^nown to his fellow goflerers the means of onre- To aU who desiw it. he wiU send a copy tfie prewsription used. (fr« of charge,) »it» he directions for prepafaing and using the same which they will find a soaa Com for Coa- goKFTioH. Ajihwa. BaoncHine, *«. Parties wishmg the Prescription, will ple"e address. bA. E. A. WiUon. 149 P.nn ,t., Wilhamsburgh, N. Y. **V SPECIAL NOllCES. Mothers! Mothers!! Moth era 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken cf your rest by a sick child sulTenng and crymg with the excroeUtmg pain of cnttmg teeth If so, go at once and get a bottle of MBS. WINSLOWS SOOTHING 8YBUP. It will reheve the poor little sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend upon it there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother upon earth who has ever used it. who will not tell you at oDcethatit wiU reg-Wte the bowels, and give reft to the mother, and rehef and health to the child, operatmg U«e magic. It is per- fectly safe to nse in all cases, and pleasant to the state, and is the prescri^itioa of one of the oldest and best female physieians and nurses in the United SUtea. Sold every- where at 25 oents a bottle. 90-lv Voters' List, 1882 MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWN- SHIP OFGLENELG.IN THE COUNTY OF GREY. .(. l.-iices by Mu-h puMs as those 81- t .iier^ i.rthe fnllexihl. .wonder co.ises. 1 '.at .-hi], ha^ r. :ii ..r ill -b.' moiisler.s, e.H-h -1 i â-  l..ii;^,\villi a Ifi-inch b*.rc. by fanuers Ml. Oiilinarv chiliLre H 'r.li If.H' .1 I Oil the .-ide 01 cjcess. The estimates l^^""""" «*â-  .Maxwell by the congre- lofpr.xluee are. of c.iuiso, Rood only K"'i"u "f ^t. M.irv schureh as the day l\.r thb time ut whudi tiiev were made "' ""' ""H"" r'fmc. P-.r::-aps there th. V aie t..(."great or too ' '"â- " "â- ^^' o'i"'herni!;;s which tend to on- ;7(l pounds-of ^-mall in the pivporti.ui that the •.;r..ps i^"»i"'« harmonious and friendly feel- jhave siia-e been in.aliti.d bv c .ndi- "'-^' '""^i ^t'"'"othen amicable sympa- ti.iiis. It is inlend.Hl to veiify them """-^ '" " greater extent than do these when the threshiii'4 season begins. P"'"!cs. Eyerybody feels at home Itwil be noticed in the .summary i ""'"'^â- "t1^"^1" fl^f- free and- easy .11 dial,,, ter ilitin the bore of the sun. ' of aci. ages given below that the nri^a I ^1"" I'e»V!*d'i th" crowd, aud all are i.uder fill wheat IS ucrtilv double the J".^*^'"^- â- ^'•^ Mixwcll people know " area under .spring wheat. This is a ' "j^"' ^° «ua"i.'?e a picnic, aud the peo- great reliitiye ehange since 1870. ' l'^° " "*-' •^'^tnet were fully alive to 111 tiie iiiidvll.' of it, to riceive a burst- l ^^i,^,^ the crops were of nearly equal i ^^" "" ' I't'ice about 150 persons as- inx charge, and t.ltosether nearly as aiea. In that vear the total area nn- i '^^'"""' '° "JOY ^^^ day in a bush c l..hind a l,7oOpi.und pn.jce- I â- riii iijesoiigi-r of eivili/ation f. lUr bit ill length, and a little loss tile. Notice is hereby given that I have transmit'.ed or delivered to the persons mentioned iu the 8rdand4th sections of "The Voters List Act," the copies required by said section to be so tran- tmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons )ip,earin(; I v the last revised Assess- ment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Munici- pality at elections for members of the Legislative .Asssmblj aud at Munici |ial elections and that said list was i^'lasMvai-c, on the occasion of â-  first posted up at my oflSce at Durham ou the 14»h day of July, 1882, and re- mains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. JAMES RROWN, Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated this seveuteenth day of July, 1882. Iiiiau'inea iiii'Ns of iron, ceiiical at one h.l. with a cavity of 5 inches bv 8(i i '•"'"' l.ie u- two lager beer kegB placed end|der wheat was' 1.3G5.672 acres, and )^'"^V!!^ the appearance of having itclii I in:,- a II ..111:. \M'll .H). \\lin iK .1 -ril I â- fiiii 1.1. id th been laid out by nature for the special benefit of picnic parties. At noon at)out 20 from Markdale put in an ap- .u..r r.asoii whv of the ' '" product 14. •283,881) bushels. This .. ,. -I r I I year the total area is 1,703,876 acres, 11 -true i.iii wrought IS eauily fouud. j »i .- i i -j,. -wj cuJ •' j and the estimated produce 30, (8.-1, 08b ,.^ I hu..hels. The lucrease and the change j P*^"â„¢ .ct, and from that liiuj all went have taken place chietly iu the West '*^ '^^'O' as a marriage hell. The Midland. Georgian Bay aud Lake'""" 'â- ^"""' " games, swings, c., Huron counties. ' i "^, »uJ"lKed in, also considerable Ihe fa 1 whea*. is reported very good ' "'""'"' riineipally by some of the throughout the western half of the «'"'^^'« of the choir of Christ Church I'royiuce. It has recovered admirably ^i^nl^dule.v The arrangements for fr .luthe effects of f-j.ring frosts, and "' ^^^'e jii a par with the rest, and -i..!! of the l-:-\ption dillicuUv. His i if the ftcather continues fuvourible '" "'"" f^ffa"'â€" f^ pleasant reunion piiii- n on war h.ts been known for a ""'il tl'f harvesting, the yield uill be -V"lcd very successfully at eight gr at length of time. 1;. -lei ring to iliu .subject of his re •lOllN r.i;i(iHT. 'I'l,. IJi^ht Hon. .Tohu Ihiglil's re- .â-  _-i.iinoii was not alrogethcr uiiex- ptcii.l. Ill gave Ins â-  warning by a- yi.; iiii-,' the Mouse duiii*;; the discus- I o clock. I The al.( t,.. barle aud peas fairly good. The heavy lains of .Ma^ and .June, while favourable to the foimer grain, vv.Te ' somewhat ingjnrious to the latter but the warm days of the last tv\o weeks ' ot June causfil all crops to thrive won *S\il i;i'.VY. nail. Ml. Uiiglit statid that h«- hid â-  1 u .;;.ii'g to exj'lain or defend. The I'e s .|i r. .-IS. ill of his retin lui ut was that h. he iMi M i;ot e.'iu-ur in the Cioveru- 'd iiiiiii's Egyptian policy. Fur40yrs. 'S liad he liel.i aii.l taught doctrines of ulcrfuUy. It is a seaaon of slow ma- y. |Ha"«;e. He believed that the moral turity for cereals, and harvest time IV.- I's II. .1 |...w a;,,.lua to iiations.as Well as to in j ^i'l ^^ '"'j' two â-  c.:y.ai:.i dni'i;..'-: ai-.l that the jirjceediugs laii.i Li.- ii;-..t- ',.f wliii-h he liisiipprovod were a vijlu- ' i:.'n till ro.f. and ot international law. 1 It !:â- .' ha.i not sooner retired, it was on better than an average. i ti i Oats promises to be an excellent I " above social gathering was crop in all sections of the Province, "//^ " ^^- Johns Prairie, nearly a mile off. Weeks later thau loUiil. (,'oru seems destined to be a iilure the temperature has been too ow foi it. h' s fr.'ii" .Viex.iii- ;. ..:.A:.il i I'.i-l.a i ra- J ....\ i^.i.vhii g to i'.nt i!id, and tlie 1'.; with i.i:u lu.sbcVn n iif. red by "â-  .1. i:ii, It l I'XIHCted .;.i I I'.iMv will crlitltlio wiiter \. :i::ii hr.g.' tui.ks :uv bviiig t;Il- .d \\i:h :*. rr»Taratiiu;s are going on f. .\ial.i's tict pt-ioti shouM he iituru l u,»' city. i;a:ive si. and several nii; ultra.- h:vve just ".uon sh.t. and l.oters lby.-cd. Conhdei.ce is p.".rtly ut re.I, ii-.J c::L~ and h-ps are re- j The following table aives the re- j turns of acreage and estimate of pro- .icc tint of his regard for the Premier i ^uj.^ j^r the County of Grey. I'lid Lis colleagues. (.i.aUstone highly eulogised Bright saying that he agrcod with his princi- ple*, but not with their application. THE KISS5lN(i METHODIST. PARSON. The Willoughby Griham kissing case coiitiiuus to cause great cscite- mi:it ill religious circles. Both par- •'a- l .Nl'.W. tits are conhdent of getting a favour- able verdict. When the Rev gentle- I man was as^itd if he had kissed the I young lady .-.gains' her will he replied very decidedly in the negative but sub^id^.!lr, or- i when nsk-d if he had kissed her he said that this matter was not in the charge brought against him. The trial ended last Saturday The Ian te I. also 14 dnys" Committee have reserved the right of Ti.-J rei^n of cha d.r is being imide, under Captain Be- re^ijid and oO.H.i- .i acting as ioi;ce. Soin? •runs ar pn visun. so that they niuud to stay. I dtcision until nest week.- The bulk .\ 'ajve coi.lirgeiit juriveJ ly the Mi- ' of the evidecce went to show that the 1 11.. i,„i, 1 I whole thing was a conspiracy by the na; nr, who were spivdilv iauacil. ,. » j .c •«• n i.i. ' .! cliqne to drive Mr. « illo-gbby away .Ships of various nationalities sent fj,,^^ ,j,g church. His fceuda feel men a.-boic tc assist in patrolling the f confident that averdictof clew acqait str.-et-. ami keeping crfer. .\rab8 tal will be given. County Grey. Estmtd. Cereals. Acres â-  produce. in crop. Bshls Fl Wheat ... 42750 8GG443 Sg. do. ... 62835 820818 Barley ... 75183 «C5392 Oats ... 08900 1746883 Rye ... 203 4156 Peas ... 38747 748053 Corn ... 570 Wool Flcs. Lbs.- Coarse wool ... 46720 248914 Fine wool ... 9143 49393 TREMENDOUS SALES. The druggists of this city arc doing a big business now in tlie sale of Stt Jacobs Oil. One Druggist on whom we called on Saturday afternoon, stated that although his sales were lai-ge at first, they have doubled lately. .\nother said that so popular has the Od become that he could hardly keep the supply up. Not one to whom we have spoken but gave it a hi^h recommendation and said thai it must be affectin? scores of cures, or there would not be such a demand' for It. The people have got the St. Jacobs Oil fever bad and no mistake, and confidence in its curing qualiti38 is still growing stronger. Of course, this would uot be so, unless the re- medy was fully meeting its every promise. MARKDALE POST OFFICE. The Mail at Markdale Post Office closes as follows Toronto Mail closes 7 00 p.m. Going South 4 30 p.m. " North 11 30 p.m, Owen Sound Mail 7 00 p.m. Church Directory. CnnisT Chchch.â€" Sunday next, at i 7. Sunday School 2 30 J. WABD, Inenmbent. Methodist Chcbch. â€" Sunday 10.30 7, Young Peoples Piyr. Meeting Mon. 8. General Prayer Meeting Thursday, 8 M. A. McDIABMID, Pastor. Pbesbttebus CacRCH.â€" Sabbath 10.80, 7 Sabbath School 2.30. Bible eUss Friday evg. 7JS0. Flesherton Towu Hall, Sabbath 3.80 Sabbath Schod 1. A. WILSON. Pastor .NIL DESPERANDUM. QRArS SPECIFIC MEMCIIIL THE OBEAT ENGLISH BEMEDT, an uufailiuT cure lor Seminal Weakness, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, aud all diseaaeit that fol'ow as a sequence of Self- Abuse as loss of Memory, Universal Befise Takisgi La^ utude, Pain in the Back Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and many otuer Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumpticn f nd a Pre- mature Grare. ts'FuU particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail toeverv one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at 81.00 per package, or six After T. l kin g packages fur 9.5.00, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the mouty by addressing THE CRAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly Toronto, Out., Canada A. Croocl Olia-tice. H' OUSE and lot lor sale â€" lot 12â€" corner Mill aud WeUiiigtou Stre«-ts. Markdale. will be sold at a bargain. Apply to George Walker, HolUnd, Markdale P O.. or to C. W. KUTLEDGE "ii 3 Standard Office. Nothing Like leather. IM. M. M'LEOD, MABKDALE. NOT TO BE BEATEN All those who may have bad the misfor- tune to have been born barefooted will bear in mind that we haye just received the larg- est and best stock of leather ever bef.ire brought into Markdale. consisting of Spanish Sole, French Kip and Calf, and are now pre- pared to manufacture Ladies, Gents, /onths and Misses boots and shoes, from the .stoga to the finest k-'d and' prunella. Sewed Work a Specialty. All work warranted. Invisible patching alsc done here. M. M. McLEOD. Markdale, .Sept. 19th. 1881. For Sale. A Good Onc-borse Spring Wagon, nearly new, moveable Bprings. Cheap for cash. Apply to A. TURNER CO. 96-7 Medical Hall. The .August report of the Bureau will give statistics of the live atock of the country. PERSONALS. A child died at Hamilron on Satur- day through an overdose of paregoric, carelessly administered by th^ nurse. The coroner condemnel the use of pa- regoric witbont medical advice. Also tlie use of feeding bottles, especially Mr. Allan McDongall returned home from Winnipeg on Monday. Mr. .John Shields and Mr, Matthew Irving, of Manitowaning, arrived on Saturday. Mr. Irving his sold his store and business to Wm. McLeod. son of Mr. Joseph McLeod of Artetresia. Mr. Lucas, banker, left here on Tnedny for his sommer holidays. Loois N. Tfaibandean, eldest son of J. B. Thibaudeau, is home spending his vacation. He haa been teaching lb 'sr with ling rubber tabes, in which poisonous acida form which cannot be j near Brn'oe"Mine8 ud has made rapid """â-  intellcetual advauccment. removed. Errors of Youth. A GENTLEMAN who snfferred for year. XX from Nervous DEBILITY, PBEMA- TUr.E DECAY, and aU the effects of youth- ful indiscrfttion, wiU (or the sake of suflering hnminity, jend free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for makmg the simple remedy by which he was cured, Snflerers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experi- ence can o so oy addressing in perfect con- fidence, JOHN B. OODEN, 20-lT 42 Cedar at. K»w York MANHOOD HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED /gâ€"^vWe have reMotiy pnbhahed a mw \3^^r^^°° °' ^- C0LVE.WMJ,'i Cat... ^-'JT^-^BRATKD Ea^AT OU the radical and permanent cure (without medicine) of Ner- vous D^ihty. Mental and Phy.ie.1 incapj^. ty. Impediments to Marriage, 4e.. rerolt^ from exeesaea. Prioe. in sealed envelope, only 6 eento. or two postage stamps. =««•••. The celebrated antbor, m this admirakle tsaay. clearly demonatratea, from thirtv years suoceasftU practice, that alanmat eon. •equencea may be radically cnwdwrth^t the langerous use of iatenial mtAi^,^^ „ jj^ at'^nn" "^i* ' f*"*^ wt a mode of cure at onoe sunple, certain and eOectnal. bv means of which evtry anHeier, noiitti what his condition may be, may cure hinaeif cheaply, privately and radiimlly: «i««« ^^*ThiBL«etDTeshoaldbeiii thebandairf evoy yooUi and ewiy BM* in the laot Aodreai Tht Crif tnrtH iMHcal ۥ,. P.O.box460 41An8«^lWewri THE BEST REMLDi roB Diseases of the Throat and Lsnts. AYE! R^ '" aiaeaset of the pnj. .^««Jw «nnarv organs a sate ^^f^^^^jE^ and reliable remedy is Mafy invaluable. Arta's ' a| â-  CaaKRr Pictoral is such a remedy, and no other soeminently mer- it* the conHdence ot the nablic. It is a scU entiAc comtriaatioo ol the medicinal princl pies and curative vii^ tues of the finest drugs, chemically nnited, of such power a* to insura the greatest pouibl* efficiency and uniform- ity of results. It strike* _. „ at the foundation of alt pulmonary diseases, affording prompt nllef uyageeraitbnsex. Being very milatabla th. yoaagest children take it ^Ur i,^ UfOMUUa, lafluMua, Clercvmaa'a tarrh, the eflecu of Anas Chcrkt Pbo. l^^^ "• »»««*f«' "nd multitudaa aie Si nnal y prewrved from serious illness br to w£^J* affords ia sudden attack.. ' there U no oUier raiiMdy ao eOcaL-iaar •oothiod, aad helpful. "»c».ioas. Low prica are indacenenU to try sons of tbe many miatarM. or srrups, mad?ofchMB and meffecUve IngwdientT ^^!!!y ffereos ezi PECTO; chaap asta ei2«i T1.C^' â- Â»â€¢ «a aa kaowii^ Its ntiBnMhhi,,T!iyTi'^*?*"'** "•P*^ by Or. J. c. Aytf fc Co bibodo ^oldSObeadof cattle erei rvbodj the the vvn to Toronto ou "^ved iminenselj «jiei 8 organised the prH ^of Ale^audri'^. ^r recoffltnends Kendall ^^ C^.'o'S hi.be U terms. H.ull ibveiciaiis ^..ecte for » '••^'""' " Eaymond's SEWING MACHINES Mantiiaetared in Guelpb. are all fitted m with That Paleht Automatic Bobbin Winder, a Nickel Plated Wheel and are all supp^ with the most api roved attachments. Every Machine is warranted for a term of five years. -i-onoising- »ud Irviug- il h t »ud ...l.ors FUlieity. nc vly nr '"•'.arStat-. l:..v.-l.e...iir- '"ofL'^:!l Fix'l. Cave.uuvli au ♦ «o men OFl^aierty, .- ' ' ' concerned m tue l i belong to l.oml..n.Oo ()„,. of tlioiu. 1 1. TiK V| re brothers. THE "KARN" ORGAN, Manufaclnred in Wooilstocl:. For the material that is used in its construction, the stvleo[ finish, the purity and exceeding richness of tone,' and the cost of each Instrument, can- not be surpassed by any other Organ mannfacturtd in Canada. Every Organ is warranted for five yens. are innocent of the ciu,c. W Specrt, bus agniu roll'..) ;ManitLba.Uavug.ol.v..va Lof live stock. Ho 'â- ' ""^1 *Va,.«tl.«c«..^ofortho«.. i-.t a feet of 1 "«"»•«•• ""^Y .dealer. 'lV^'"t«- '" " j^ttborale.:-«.' ^• r^^MHiLdalc sta.ioi.... th. I lb- n. trinio r- 1. *^^d^n;;*"lvl5nr..^-!: of $21iit) ou Clival ..I Kmgl.t. l".^v of ].•â-  'â- "" Bound, u. 1 be iM Ma'l.1"l-- ju'y -i-".. 11' bouM' »y- n THE New York Weber Piano p^-:^'!!:i::::u;'";n.:::v' is still to the fore. i^'in.r tii.-.u ««"•.""♦ "'• A liberal disconat B«Ycn for cash. Full value nllowcd ou M Miicliiucs i:. Second baud Organs wben taken in e\cliaiige. The uiobt time allowed for any aiticl« it 12 mcuths. My territory for tbe sale of these articles cxtciidK from U«(u Suuiid to Sbelburue, Grey County. ho floor -ave Wi.y. H- •â-  • ,„n.lswr'«li;""I--'b' "l -k ;:i!.!i L' ' I 1 i.n'i!. Is ».l:;i.v! 'â-  II 1 t-lVtU 1.1. H. L. THURSTON, DEALEE, Beaidence and P. O. Address, ^M MARKDALE. ;1.1U f^ [iiientfc er cire.-s g' i.! frv. triiniui":^s ,4c. ,iil boMiis .\' â- â- â€¢â€¢Â»' ' ,1. hbolbiini. "i I '" Je^aav, tb 3ia :." "' t»xt. Lincoln. ' " Butl. 'Aill" i 'â-  JdIv l«.ai "•"• Ijbecu ill !i 1 ' ' IS'n'i grew w.-v-' Iifc, r.«viit" «!.â- â€"-*••• â-  iuip»'i«-'" l'*- 1' Itc.ns lii--i |i..-i â- '.. iln-li I'luty. Ii:i- :• •• ti). from iictivi "" of rest ii"",; "" f John Qardiner, Dundalk, con- tinues to astonish the natives with low prices for Hardware. It will pay you to give him a call, examine Goods, and get prices. New Goods. New Goods. London House, Dundalk. W. S. Hewetson Cos Summer Importations Snrpus anything yet offered to tlic public for Style, Quality, and Cheapness. P««* wi.^'^* ^â„¢ **"• «*•* manufacturers in Europe conbisUng "f ftmU. White Cottons. Bradford and French Casb^tres. in varwns »ljade. »i«o a great yanety of Fancy and other Dress Goods, in all th.» laU;bt f»biic» A large aseortment of Swirs Lace Curtains, Edgings. Ac. th. P^l* ^°«!ifJ»,B«^y-Made Gents' Clothing, which was so successful i° theFaU and Winter, will be i«p*ated, in the latest LoWou iit} le.. «"«^« *»» • urge aMortmeot of Gents' iumibhiugs, c. ..]| ^^T^ I;P»rtinent replete with New and First-clas« G.ous. Gife ai a oau, and Me for Toonelvee. Bole Agent for tbe Celebrated IcCill's Hew Hork Bwar GloYcFitting Patems. Ifte C.^llâ- '^dlilll^ lat'Wlirl)"""" ""' tenant MiclK'l.ff ';â- ,; wen the 1' "ic- '• ^^ liPW. Til. •'••""'â-  "â-  ' won i'ii:'«s i'l !• iiMi. 1" "'" *•â-  l^etcjiiu also «"'• i Irs Scov""c il. !in li • b'l-.'.ii' â-  isavs f-l«- d .1 1 â-  â-  I tlic -i"l..w-, :. â- ! have tidau i\' |8eneral Lmii),' "».-. Itlie iini oiliiiit «l« •• 'â- â€¢ He B'hocoiiiii.i"' I. expcdituin « " I'uis liatid IS v:m' ' iDizatiou as it c W..l.McFi':!.ld 1: ' S.ii barduiiuu. " Dnr8ctt!lT«^. I"" tk Olid ci«aiu Sl'-ii' ' ' ' .blHckfciik tiiiij-^s. l.'acmill •â- â€¢ .broen-B, 50c. ",Oc. T-" ;••• best \a!oc iiil: " *^ rUnd is tbe oi.lv "i' " ' " ' sng lusiDts!. ;u .M 'i«^' '• • Eleves D.'vs !i • ' llUcviiic ^iH be u."" ' tn of tbe Ladicb" .^ PK:^l)\lt.iBIl convr*-' ' tv. A. Cil ii ci T ' iy evening, Ai';;i-' ' â- re will' be dc'ivc 1 li. Tlieclia-r \v " »â-  m. S'lbjeci-'"" I-' ' alacouiiis, ' nud ' " LttQiifnl T.I ' -^ cenis. The Markdale St:iui':ivl .•• bis week' been surin.iii:" tsticg, eaat at ibi M .! Ify, and piected by M- Bros. T'"'c design is ' ' ag good, and the ifti«- ' njirwed in Rpi..*jv:icf: l i" ' t'tliiF iron work. T •â-  '"â- ' IWldioes in llie town ul ic'i v. [madfe far more attractiv'i v. Iwbmiited to a i.ini':u- p.-«-- •â- ' I lamentation. M'.fi'.it I" "^- '" r»r'etjo(pfttiein«. I -^Garden PaiiV fil I'r â-  » Kxincert is aononu« .1 '.y' ' »^ " Bitnt on this pa'.,'e, l-t.. V^^^" ' Uieittspices of fbri^l (.'iiiirch 1.' ^d society. It wi'l t.i'.;*' i""' |TliarBdayuext, Julv '11. "" " " l*»l»et's orelia.d Ut. opjâ€" i-. I' I Sproule's new bouse. A s:vnj. • "aittee baa been form-d aud u' I""' *f«io be 8patol to uiiil;«- i' !â- - ' **te8i atlrac. "o "f tli*- s- ;i • " *^ ""•ierstand tuai tlieie wiU li.^ "i » ' **«ion cbarge f 15 ^;tii!s, ^^' ' •"li tree tbe °gar i'u P"'"'.* an'" *-"' 1 ;**t. rBafceaUmeii^. 'ruit, ice mMinl tr.Vrni be on aalc Eatabl-s f'«" â-  ^V^asers of ref.t- 'O-^'it-. -â- ' '"" •Ji^W^repeudiogir the Ni.^i-Hnc. ' kraas band.aud ai-i..fi' ai»p'.iy « ^••orks.batwbetlieilhoiino sil owe; ^Mking^'vp the f.'liii »"' 1*'""' •* â- V'etatfonB be. ' c-Mnpl.'-* ' ""•tn. One or ilie "t" ' ;^*' '•akUtaa form an .I'lacti.-n. 1" ^â- â€¢jttfult^B secon.l to uo-.e in ti' ?»«**" ^** rronnls will be bn Uiati with Uoips, cb .^

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