Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Jul 1882, p. 2

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 « 4 i Est 5t Mitt 3. ince of 3 shewino veiy «**, Sti *^^ate(i Scyti Hilton Pof^^^ I'atent er Barl eyp, ori [lebrated am Cradle. •e Ston ®«.o. at lowest fim,., -^ture. ** psmng Suga "• Hill SUI â- uprise you. '" p Skii "11?=, or l-^'t jn-ices paid. any oti [â- â€¢fitter and Eggs, before, i'"xd to pa^, the Hi ou; F^Iesherton. d's iHINES |i fUtul in with l!«)I)bin Wi-ider, and ind are ill suppliff '\td attachments. a term of five years. t^ ORGAN,: nstruction, the style of iichness of tone, fimcnt, can- IV oflier )r five years. ler Piano II Ilowcd on old itmeUDe* »ai i;aiige. The mo** 1 2 mcitUia. puds from Ow* SomU stON, fi 'fllTAlAKD. STjSTlStli. 1882 fpiursi OTHER NOTICES B*n t,tul summer weather. Prospect* good. Saauess is quiet. eyesigUt is fjiUng Ihe feonysoa glr»' wberrie* both wild and calli- «S are plentiful Du iitmiK* Junes Gould cUpped 18:b3. of wool /jTl montlis lamb. "fl.viD" l'a« commenced, '•^"^orted from iM parts of the district- tfrg Yeliand vriil please accept our h kB for ^J"*® beautifnl strawbrr- ries- BOOM ET BEAL ESTim Messrs. Hobaiy «Qd B«iU Ipve pafrkmced Mr. H«v«t«oii'8 atore with lote H»4 4. 6 vd 6, in Bled BrTor $2,000. cash, and reMld lot ^ior 4 to Mr. Lamon for $700. cash. Mr. Banbary has leased the store on the comer of Proton and Main streets. t» Messri. flawetaon 4 Smith, and the law office to Mr, LamoB, wbinh places the entire bloek. in pt cess of erection, under lease. This building will be a credit to Dandalk, Good extending as it does 89 feet on Main stri'et and 44 on Proton street, eon tail ling Taults, extan^TS* oellarage, water accomaMdation. bacd and soft, and will be bailt entirely of llr»-proof material. i/ Two large cngiues and boilers pasi- ed through hiro on Monday night en ^^MR^ D. S., ot Owen regoiar trips to rjate for Manitoba Mr. F. Kiugbt, L. soQuJ, ni'l lesurn;! jiariidalf. See card. Xhc Wosleyan College at J'hilaJ'e' nbia wia be «old on TueiJay for debts iujuautrng to §«U,000. Di. T. F. Brown, Surgeon Dentist. ,ill be in Markdale on the 25th aul remaiu one week. See card. Ilid friendi of Miss Lizzie Walker will be "laJ to licir that blic in well »iiJ enjoying herself at i4i-bury, Conn. Beautifo) erowing weather. Farm- ers and others have reason to be thankful that we have passed tbroagh the recent cold wave mtlioat ir«ti. We believe that Walter Nichols, of Proton, has the lirgest and beet field of fall wheat in tile township, we bare not seen better this season. Tiie Dnndalk fair was well attended. A larjre nnnaber of cattle was bronght iu and readily sold at good prices. Tbomas Carson, of Proton, has just erected a large frame bam. Messrs. H«wet8on Bmilh are sell- ing goods cheap for cash, in order to I commence business on the first of Tiie material for the Presbyterian ' October next iu the Hanbury block, cburcli IS beni- ia.d on the^Kround, With a complete new stock. The Rev, Mr. Snotvden preached an excellent introductory sermon in the C. M. cliurch on last Babbath evening, to a large and attentive con- gregation. ^. H. Peterson bought 1760 lb. of wool, within 3 days, at his factory re- cently. A span of horses for sale on easy terms, apply to Mr J. Gardner, Dun- aivl tne work will ha proceeded with at cnce. Owners of sliecp sliould have them marked in a way they will have no Jitfic;ilty ill piovinj!; their property shciuM tbty gut stniy or btolon. An Am'iKMii commission recora- m.iiJs irrio'itiDU by means of artehiuu lijii a-, ii in'-ans of reclaiiuiu" the •â- ariil i(;,'iou " eabt ol the Eocky Jjjuuuhis. A ri'atashnn, says -Josli Billings, 0uce imilicu may po8ihly be repair- eJ, tiiil tlio world will alwiis keep lieir sliarpest eyes on the spot wliere tiid krack was. He was the most perfect 'eiitlemaii I tvur saw, !â-  J ill ii Markdalu diiuker tLc other ituy. When yon f;o to see hiiu he hands you tlio whitKiy bottle aiiJ iheu turus Ins hack. llorida people have found tlat ii[M'.n;.'is ^row at tJie rate of au inch a luoiitii, and spoiigo beds are being est il'ii.dicil at I'iiiu Kfy, on a jjIuu siui'.Ur to that of tli? oyster beds. A stranger oij,'ht iu Fraiiklort, Ky., tliL- oiinr day, wa^ 23 convicts, con- verted by Mtnuitrtin Evangelist Bnr- nt':-, K' '"o from the penitentiary to be biiptutd escorted by guards armed Willi rilli s. 'L'wci brothers, who-wercverytuccess- ful ^l^.•ntl^t.s, built a largo luid hand Muiui, IniiiM.' the ujnieariince of which was flii'ii'lit to lesmiblu alaige uiol ar tu .;li."' S. â-  \vii;it brotnursj can do will ii lliev pull ti.:.'Ctlier '• Spi.c.u' _v ill y goods clerk to a snaart Miss irviii ' nil a ji:it before the glass. " liunt I wi--.a 1 \v IS a looking: glass?" Smart uns.s â- â€¢ \is, â- get 111 )ri' ;4ltl In lnok iit you tUeu. C'lerk culiai-nLS au.l is carried out. BiOLBOAD CA8UACTIE8. l(*:^*t« vti duMat oomeaoff this week with qnite a black aheet of au- â- ^P*â€" a eliapter of aoeidsnta â€" thia week. ForemoNt among which atands «»»t of W«d«M*^,.whai .4 h«tw waa mada of «lie track in'liM ttstM 7*rd. The down mixed train waa â- teaming into the depot, when the wheels of the third car from the en- pn« failad to takar the rsU at 'tie "frog," and jampad oo to thetMtof the rail, upon which it traveiltd r 8 or -4 feet. It then afipped ot: and played aad havoc with the sleepers and rail*. The teat of the cars kept their pUce^ on the track. The tiain waa delayed neaiij 8 hoora in coliae- qnenee. An accident ocearred «p Williani*- ford way Ust night, a man fell oflf the train. We learn that it was CkindnC' tor Crate. The injuries are very 'se rioBs. He waa removed to Chata- worth, where he is nnder rjire of a doctor. H had a narrow escape abont two weeks aeo. haad, ia it t" exdaimad Pat. " Bo gorra, then, I afamild Uiink it would give him more of an oidea phat kind of a woman me wife ia 1" â- Â»i,apLrt» ol»U.P.t. fn«ort«gwt" "Hiat'a thatf "Why. a manftittaap tMlhy fe«Bii| Mi vff Tt waufL Mi 6ENER'lBLAGESfÂ¥l dalk. LYNCH L.\W IN COLORADO. H»W A PRAYER MEETIN-O WOUND UP WITH A tOUBLE HANGING. At the di pot last night, the practise of riding on the steps of the cars by boys and girls was earned n bit too far. Two girls, Misses Drew and Beard, were fooling about on the cars when the train started Miss Drew jumped off without any mishap, but Miss Beard expectioe the train would stop, remained. Finding herself en route for the north, sbe jumped, and fell headlong on the side of the tiack. bhe was uninjured. A fire occurred on the track last Friday night, delaying the Methodist excursion. Last night a sad an^ fatal accident occurred on the track between Alton and Orangevi'le. A man, unknown, was run over by the up mixed train, and his body fearfully mangled. The mixed tram going north about 4 hours late last night. was WILL YOU EXCilAN6E for7S«ca(Uf ujx-vrin^ to nconizo nil- oiertlieiiiauy ailmenta p.rising firom l)yspepsla, IndigeattaD, DlsordoreU Stomal and lAver, Tvlien this oCV'A* ia made to yoa in your ov.-u borne in all sincerity, with an absolute certainty of oarin? yon. ZOPESA (f^m Brazil) ceres DyspapKia and Uiliousncaa. A Kinsiedoso relieves; a fiamjle bottle convinces; a 7J c«nt bottle euros. 16 acts directly n-pon the Stomach, Liver, and Kidneys. Cleansint, Correctin{r lieg^ nlatin*:, Zopesa givrs energy and vim to tbo Brai-^, Nerve, and Blnsclc, simply by Avork- ing wonders upoa the D.'ces- tion, and civing nctivit/ to the Liver. Cat this out, tal^o is to any dealer in medicines, and get at least one 75 cent botilo of Zopesa, and tcl I your neighbor how it acta. It i* warranted to cnr© i:ysicisia and BU- loosncsa* A SPECIALTY. â- â- % M. Tenders for Drainage .m^ WUBK ^^'••s U- 'j. Jl B-J 'ttpiiitir I and Caal baBtocvflptai ly i at tiM tame tiac C wi a Wf kr of th« Staaa^ carinc ^. M" *» f^ (g tTiiBOy/-*^,""' -^^i^y •*««,. \^ ..^p. i#H- â- ri Fc*4alebf dlilealen. S BALED TENDERS marked 'â-  tendert fM-DrainaiB" will t« received at the Office of the aiii'ersvned up till 13 o'clock non on Monday, tiie Srd day of July, 1882, for the drainage of a portion of th« Township of lfriaaeth«ui. Tenders may be for on* or more di ahw, and to be accompanied with the name* of good and elBcimt sureties for the doe per- formance nf the work. The lowest' or any tesder not naoesaaxily accepted. Plaua and Speoifieatioas of the work may be seen at the office of the niidersifmed. JAMES BROWN. Melancthon.Jiui«20, 1883. Clerk. 43-4 The moil train last night was near- ly 1^ hours late. 1 don't tl.ink the frontitr ever wit- nessed a lynching so bold as that of| The Orangemen "s excursion train Belts and Browning," said Mr. Hick- j yesterday morning was composed man, tjiu lioceivir of the Land Office I principally of box cars. at Lake C'ity, to a reporter. 'You I wiil rcnieiuber the catts;.' Sheriff! lALB. A f.ibJc ill r-)i:itc]i states that the l:ii|(nal aiitlinntics have expresse.l tiitir ili^pli'ii^mi; to the Canadian (iov- •riiiui'iit I'll ai-ciiii.t of the rtsDiutioiis {laK-ed liy I in- lnniinion Parliament 111 fiivur I'f Iriah llo.'ue Rule. Till I'.iiiliiiis forbiitli passenger and frci"lit tialliL- on the 1. (i. «t B. are vry iiiiii-h improved ami increased. Siiipiueiits arc 1H)W made oV'-r this iiiii Ml I'riiice Arthur's landuig and I'.r.l;. ti .Manitoba. In the suit of the Canghnawnga hiiiiinis against the St minary, the Minivter f the Interior has mterveu- eil I'll iliL' ^riiuiid that tlii; lands expru- priilril liy the Indians beloiiif to the tievi rninent, ami u^ks that the iiioucy iftli-v siiccee I, bo p.iid to him. .•^t i-'ly Stranger "lam soliciting siiboci ijitiDus fir tho rtociety of lu- ttiii)eiiince iiiid thu bauihmcnt ot Tfaiups. What may 1 pur you down for" Old geiitlemiiu \Vell. if I },'ive you aiiytliiiig, you can put me down for u fool. " Mr Cochrane, of the Durham foun- dry will exhibit and have put in ope- ration ii self-bimhng reaper, on the fHriu iif Mr Thos. Laiidtr, in, Durham, III fall wheat liarvest. All farmers niiould lie on hand. If at all possible, we uiidi rstand that eight days notice vill be .riven. (ilailslone is said to have foreshad- owed lii.'Tretireinont from tUe leader- sliipi.i; ii„. JJntish House of Commons "lieu iie stated iliat if Mr. 'I'revelyan's iinieiulmeut to the Repression Bill was carrieil Lie would have to consider his rero«;il position. Fiirthor imp'ovemeuts arc being carik'.l til all along the T. G, B. Uy. Sli.nc bridges are taking the place of wo, il structures. The road " iieing tlKUDUghly balla.sted, the •idiugs are being ieugtheuei, and new ones laid ddwn. .\ gentleman at the Queen's last levee deeiriited his wrists with ruf- fles of eld lace. As this was against regulations, lie was taken b,- the offi- cials into a i-ide-room, where the ruf- do Were tut oft" before he vas allow* *d to iippear iu tlie Presence Cham- ^«r. •^ a recent New York private dm- Dfr pany the strawberries were served lasHie ft large artiticial strawbjerry made of lee creain, and tinted t9 re- staible the real fruit. The surprise *M clevtr, and the combination of fruit and cream delicious in the very txtremc. •T^ slipi^ery answer. â€" School -mis- "«« ujw, Matilda Ann, look up and teU me what first caused the fall of OW). (No answer. I You are very ttopid, after Laving just read all about ^- \Vhat iruit was it Matilda Ann, rlesse maun I please marm orange- McHtrhuul's Tea. Is prized by me His Tej is worth drinking. Without any shrinking For il cle.'irs me, Aud f'eers me; It lightens, •â- Ind biightens. And baightens. Campbell attempted to arrest the two men, you know, while they were in the aci of stealing some furniture from a house. He was shot aud killed m- staiitiy^-cn assistant, wlio was with him, identifying the faces of the mur- derers by the light of a match which was struck when the demand fjr sur- render was made. The murder was commilted ou the 2Gtli of last month, the day we were "to have celebrated tho Oildi'ellows' anniversary. Tne .Sherifl' was the foijiider of our lodge, and instead ot a ceb-bration we had a fuuernl. A better follow than Gump- bell never lived. Tho murderers were the keepers of a dance hall. They were arrested that morning and put in gaol. Campbells two brotiiers, jier laps you'd who were mining at Pitkin, eighty- five miles away, were telegraphed to come to Lake City to altend the fun- eral. That afternoon, the 27tli, a rumour was circulated in the streets that there would be a prayer meelinj; at the house of the dead sheriff at 11 An CTCursion from Teeswater branch was Dade up mainly of boxcars fitted with seats. Wouldn't the trippers enjoy the Twelfth BIRTHS, EISELEINEâ€" In Markdale, n tie 11th inst., tLe wife of Thos. Eiselelne, (Liiek- layer), of a daughter. GARDINERâ€" In Duudalk. on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr. J. Gardiner, (hardware merchant), o5 a sou. HILL.â€" In Markdale nn the ^th inst. the wife of Mr John Hill, (carriage maker) of a Fon. CHRISTIE.â€" In Proton. Jnnc 8, the wife of Mr J. W. Cliristie, of a son. BATES.â€" In Fle-herton, June 18. the wife of Mr BateH of a dsLghter. SEWELL. â€"In Artemesia.on the 5 inst., the wife of Robt. Sewell, of a danghter. u. YELLOtlO UPE S ♦RhfolJ MAiaSM-l FRIXMAX'S WORM POWDEI!E. Are pleasant to t.ile. Contain their own PnrgatiTe. Ia a mfe, Bare, and eftcctuAM 4attrojmr m iranuia Children or AdoUa New Goods. New Qoodfli London House, Dundalk W. S. Hewetson Cod Summer Importatidnd Surpass anything yet offered to the publip ibr Style, Quality, and Cheapness. Direct from the best manufacturers iu Europe eooalBting of Prints, "White Cottons, Bradford aud French 'ashmeres. in varions sbada* also a great variety of Fiiucy aud other Dress (ro«.dn, iu uli ths latebt fkbries. A jarge assortment of Swits Ltice Curtains, Edgings, .to. The Enilish Ready-Madc Gents' Clothing, which was so snccessfal in the Fall and Winter, will be repeated, in the latest London Btyles, along with a lar^je assortment of Gents" l-uriiishings, c. Every Department replete with New aud First-class Goods. call, aud see for voursclves. Oiya ai g 400 tickets were issued at Suel- burue for the go-a-head town of Dun- dalk. o'cluck. I had not tho slightest pici.m of tho inteiitioii, and was among the hundred men or luorj who congregated near the premises. I wa-i not ibere long bcfoiB I had learned the purposes of the advertisement, â- iiid was not slow in wishing my hands of the iifTair. Tho men had nut to lynch the murderers. The plat was given out boldly, and aa bold- ly executed, us the next day, when I arose, the information I received be- f re I had re^'clled the break"ast table was that the lifeless bodies of the two men were hanging from a croossbeam of the (iniinisou river bridge, below the city." "Dill yon hear how the vigilantes proceeded " 'From the gossip which was circu- lated after the exci'iomeut aud pre- caution had died out, 1 believe that at least one hundred meu were in the lynching party. I wdl tell you the occurrence as I framed it from mixed reports. From the 'prayer meeting" the vigilantes went to the craol. The guards, apparently, offered no resis- tance, and Belts and Browning were taken out. Their hands were first bound to their sides. Some of the representative church members of the communiry are said to have been in the throng which demanded the eye for au eve and the tooth for a tooth. FATAL ACCIDENT ON THE T. G. iB.R. R. Last Friday, just as the Maikdale and Flesherfou S. S. trip passed thro' Orangeville, a melancholy s'ectacle presented itself to the excursionists •u the feurfuliy mangled body of a track foreman, named Thomas Mc- Donald. Diinald had been engaged with a gang of men in niuking .some repairs on one oithc station yard sidings, and was there run over by the shunting engine, and instantly killed. The de- ceased was ah old aud faithful servant of the company, and was highly res BUS- j pecfed. He leaves a wife to mourn his end. THE TWELFTH AT DUNDALK. Ad iinmeuse gathering assembled at Dnndalk 3U Wednesday to cele brate the aBuiversary of tiie battle of the Boyue. There were eight Orange lodges, and two lodges of Apprentice Boys, â€" the latter appearing to great advan- tage in their pretty uniforms. During the day an appropriate ad- dress was d. livercd to a lar.re and ap- preeiative audience in the skutiug rink by the Kev. Mr. Choburn. Good accommodation was provided for the multitude. The hotels reaped ' a great harvebt, for which they were Well prepared. The various tent holders and ven- dors of strawberries, ice-cream, Ac, did a rushing business. There was also a considerable amount of dan- cing. This was about the largest gather- ing ever assembled at Dundolk, over 3000 being present. The proceedings terminated with a grand d.spluy of fireworks. MARRIAGES. McCOMBâ€" LITTLE.â€" On the 19th June, S. McCumb, to Miss Agnes Buchau Little, of Orchardville. WATTERSâ€" KX0WL8â€" Qn tbe 2l8t June at Glenelg, Mr W. H. Walters, to Miss B. Knnwles. DIED. McACLAYâ€" In Duudalk, on the 7th inst., Mr. John McAulay agpd 03 years. CUNNINGHAMâ€" In Artemesia, on the 27th inst., Margaret Jane, danghter of Mr, Wm. Cuuuint;liam, aged 2' years. HENDEES.â€" The infant child of Mr. AVm Itendeni, Melancthon. June 2J, Geo. Elridge, Durham Jno B. Smiley, Durham ELVIDGE aged 2'J. SMILEY.â€" June 2 aged 8 days. VESSIE.â€" June 2.S, Margaret Vessie, Olen- elg, aged 78 years. Que of tlio carUest settlers in this sec ion. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the period dnriuK which the Membership Fee tr. OLENELG AGRICULTU RAL SOCIETY for 18.S'2. is ONE DOLLAR will expire on the 26th day of tins month after that date the fee will be TWO DOLLARS. A. TURNER, Markdale, July 4, 1882. Sec-Trsr. Scliool Teaclier* AVantecl. A Female School Teaclier wanted, hoMii'g » Srd Class Cortiftcato, for Marldale School, fur balance of year Applv to G. S. Bowes, Sec. 95 7 Markdale P.O. I do not know how true that was. Well, while the men were being bound, one of them asked if there was not a frienii in the crowd. A young gam- The baseball pla3fera are practicing nearly every evening, and are mak- ing considerable progress, Some of the older players ought to at once take ,, ,11, r â-  „r *!,» steps to stop the fearful amount of b er, who had been a frequenter of the ' j a- • i j ei, «.,u iiau uct-u « 1 swcanug aui offcusive language used And bra igly tightens] iderfal Tea. T_^-5 u dance hall, and a fnend of the doom ed men, shouted that he was a friend, and made a break towards the pris- oners. Somebody placed the cold muzzle of a pistol against tbe side of his head aud told him to skip tbe town instanter. I believe that the incident was a tr'ie bill, because the courage- ous youth was not seen in the city until a week. Everything was done quietly, dispassionately. The two men were marched down the Gun- nison after midnight. Neituer of them weakened, even when the biid{;« was reached and the cmelness were placed abont their necks. Aa effort was made to save Browning, many insisting that he did not fire tbe fatal shot, and should not be lynched tor tiie complicity in the murder. Brown- ing would have been turned loose had had it not been for the fact that he said he would be revenged upon the witnese. of the munler. When he made hit threat he was deemed a bet- ter man d«ftd than alive, as everybody knew that, %lthongh a qaiet man, be was desperate;. Jast as the hanging bee was I eing ended, and I onder stood it. whilfe the ropes wers being arranged for the pulling, the two Campbell brotben arrived- Tlemnr derers were asked if they had aught to say. They coollv replied no. They were banged to a besun, and their bo- dies allowed to dangle there till late next day. Tbej were planted, bow- aver before tbs remains of the Bberift were interred." " Was there any iodignatioa ex- pressed against the lynching " '•• Net tbp )Mitv On Um po^tntry, tbe people all tbongfat tbs kM a good one." oil tne gi'ounds by some of the young boys. Mr W. Benson, of this place, while fishing at Dodds' bridge on Monday last, was attacked by eleven weasels, and was compelled to beat a liasty re- treat in order to preserve himself from being bitten. He succeeded however in stunning two of them. Fishermen visicing that section should take some- thing more substantial than a fishing polo, lest they be attacked in a similar manner. Great Midsummer Stock Taking Sale now going on at McFarland's. Goods are being alanghtered, 20 per cent, discount off Trimmed Millmcry, Straw Hats. Parasols, Lace Cortains, Summer Shawls, Mantles, Ostrich Feathers, 3., ke. 15 pir cent, off Snmmer Dniss Goods, White Pekes. Lace Buntiogs, Lace Ties, Ac. 10 par cent off Tweeds, Carpets, Table Linens, Ta.Me Damasks, Cretonnes, French Prints, 4o., Ac. What is rr ?â€" Why J. B. TrimWe and D. £. Wri^t, of Flesberton, h^ve bongbt Batter A Kae's large stock of dry coods, groeeries, boots and sboea, ready made clothing, hats and caps, a., Ac, at fif^v eentfl on the ddlar I Thoykave also added a very larys stock of fresh groearies, inolndinff a large stock of soiptrs which they are offering at prioes that wouid astonish yoa. Jast go and ass for ycnrselves. Go Mt^.aad aeeue seme of the great bargains, for nsver befors have goods been sold m eb«a» in Markdale. Oo «^in tbedaT^o avoid the great r^ at Trimbis A Wnidkt'a, (Batter A Bae'a oU aUnd). lUtkdak. Messrs.Heron AHamlln Having started ihe Eugenia House, Hope to secure a share of pubUc patronage. The Engcuia House being close to The Falls Offers great attractions to those who arc fond of SCENERY, as well as to those who deUght iu ^V iN ii I^ I IV O, As the river both above and below tlie FaUs abounds with SPECKLED IBOUT. Tailor, k mmai MARKDALE. JS* Special attention to Cutting. If yon want a yo'ir Order with Perfect Fit leave So Bitten are US' opentli ntrcinarv Taanwbow trot the bowel* ThemParestaad Best Kedlelae ever Hade. â-²eelmblBation ct Hop*, Buohu, Man- d rakaa •» Oandel Ion, v^th all the beet i moeleWili*tiTeproptftl«i of aJl otbar-Bltters, iBakes\UieKreatet Blood Purifier, Lhrer a^u| ^lrtOf«« "'mre«ndHeelUi P-T*~1nf â€" ^^^iiiilli poetfblyloDf exist where Hop jedjw varied and perfect are their L Appetiser (ndreaa Bop Bitters an in' oatlnK. Ho matter ^antTifertotbssgslulialia. jnplOTinents cause Irrepnlarl' tinarr or^aDg, or who re- Tonic and mild Stimulant, Without I ntoi- eUng* or synptoma are what the dlaciiae or aUWneat li o«e Hop Bit ten. DoatwaituntUrouAra dele but if yoa oBlrfeelbad or Diierable,m"ethem at once. Itau9am70iirlUe.Itliaa|i*ved huudreda. a800«aibepaldfor»eJ|e» be7 will not cure or help. Do not •iiller%»""'r'""-frlend« â- iilbr,liatiueandiuiie them%to^^ Hop Bemember, Hop Bittera li noWjUe. drugged drunken noatnim, but tbe Parest^^*°d Beet Kedidne ever made: tbe 'Vriuos aad SORw and no peraon or t^mHj should be wltbout tbem. â€" H.I,C. ia an abaolute and irrestible ci orl/mnkeneae, use of opium, tobacco i narcotica All sold bv dmciclEta. Se forClrcnlar. â- Â« IMan Sl^ 0,., BocheaterJt.T aadToninto.OnL i Stic Agent fur the Celebrated McCall's New York Bazar Glove Fitting Pattenil Ladies, gave money by making your family garments from tlip»f Pat- ems. Perfect fit good btyle low price. Catalogues aud Fashion Papers C. A. OWEN, MARKDALE. MARKDALE Moll^l S^OS^ ii-VTMi:rAi.ii: Foundry â€"AND- MACHINE WORKS. Wc .ire prepared to execute all kind.s of Marble Works MonniDDts, Tombstones! And every deseri]ition of '«metci7 executed in work FIRST-CLASS STYLE and at reasonable rates. Orders left at the j shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. S Messr Herou Hamlin can safely assure the public that they are deter mined to do their utmost to please aud accommodate all comers. Their board aud accommodation shall be of the best, aud they are supplied with tho very best brands of LIQL'ORS, having resolved that the Bar shall be properly attended. Also Good Stabling. EARS FOR I MILLION IpOO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SHARK'S ' OIL pouitively Restcrcc the Hearing, and is the Only Abaolate Cure for Deafness known. This Oil is ibstnf^ted from peculiar species of small White Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as CaBCHASoDon Rohde- Lzm. Every Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtoes as a restorative of hearing were discovered by a Buddhist Priest were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cores were so numerous, and many so seemingly mix aoolons, that the remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so nnivenal, that for ovei 300 years no Deafness has existed among the Chinese people. Bant, charges prepaid, tt any ad- dress at •IJM per bMtk. Hear whsu tke Scaf sajr It has performed a miracle in my case. 1 hare no unearthly noises in my head, and hear mnch better. I have been gteatly beneftteS. " My deafness l^alped a great dealâ€" Udak tLer bottle «iU euro me. 3'« Its virtnes are onqaestionableand it* tive rharaiitw ahnohitfi, as tbe writer can per- ionaDy testify, both from experience and ol •ervation. Write at once to BaykMk and JSDoey. 7 D«y Strset, New TorV. ndoriagll aod yoa will reoeive by return a i«a»edy thai wUl Mrtlsyowf hear likeâ€" yfce«^y«^n,aad whose curative efleets will be peimaaent. Yoa will n«ter regrst^asf «»-"â€"*»««»â-  or fffsnrni â€" Banaw. J J_ larjo avoid losa ia the miU, pUMi aed BonerbyBeKiateredLettMr. Onfy impaHedby BAXLOCK.MBmnT. gelsAcaBteiprAMcriea. 7IsvStXKwToaK 9ft.l4$. Satisfaction Guaranteed. S/top next door to Hecere Hotel. W. a. JOHNSTON, Prp Uarkdale Aux. 10th. 1831. 48-lv Best baseness now before the public. You can make money faster at woi k for us than at auvthiiig else. Ctnitsl not neci- ed. We will start you. 012 a day and up- wards made at home by the indnstrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to worK for us. Now is the time. You can work in spare time orly or give your whole time to the business. You can live at home and do tlie work. No otBcr business wWl pay you nearly as well. No one can fail to maku en- ormous pay by engaging at once. Costly ontfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Address Tbck Co., Augusta, Maine. IN THE MATTER OF THE GUARDIAN SHIP OF THE INFANT CHIf.DBEN OF ROBERT BROWN, DECEASED Application wih be made to the Surrogate Court, of the County of Orey, before the Jndge in Chamlwrs at the Court Hoaae iq the Town of Owen Sound, after the expira- tion of twenty days from the first publication hereof, on behalf ol E'iza Brown, of the Township of Artemesia. in the County of Orey, widow and txecntriz of said deceased and mother «i ^is infant children hereinafter named and )n behalf of Wflliani Brown, of the Tilli«e of MarkJale.aad Ho^ UeKee, of the TowBf hip of Qlenelg. E xeetdors tt said deeeased, ior an Order, appotntiag tha said EUza Brown, 'nilhiam Brown and Hugh Mr.Kwe, or some one od tban, the gbardiins or gaarStn of Jsbms Aaalfai Blown, Frederick William Brown, Isabella Brown and Bobait Brown, 19ut ehildien of tbe said Babart Brovn, itielisii. Dated, at Owen Sound, this twaity-ciskth dag of Jnn«, A. D., 1883. CBEASOB A MOBBISON. 94-C Botieitors for Applicants. Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done iu a practical manner. PLOWS And Plow Points will receive our special attintion. knowing through practical experience the best class of Irons for such. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Eollers, will receive our |attcnion. Wc also iutro duce our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woollen (JockIs, giving them a beautiful smooth and glos.sy a|p(ar- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also manu- facture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w.tliout marble slab for name, «.; also Tomb Railings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains for saknc, also all kinds of Balluster Railings. House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Brass Castings of every description, Brass Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale, Kov. 1881 C3-lv Wafc Walck Selling Off at Cost at the Dundalk DRUG STORE. American and WALTHAM WATCHES Clocks, Jewellery, Chains, Lockets and Cuff Buttons, Gents' G-old Bings, Ladies' Signet Eings, Bracelets, Eardrops, Brooches, o. M. See my §6.50E.P. Case Watch Stem Winder, guaranteed good Timekeeper. Do not iail to. call and secure bargains. G. ,W. PARSONS. N. B. â€" All linds of Rcpairihg done on the Premises by a first-class Watchmaker from Toronto, warranted. ijf-^s All work h:-!»- The well-known MEADOW LARK MOWER With Two Knives, can be bought at the DURHAM FOUNDRY for $60.00 Is hereby givwi that in the course of a low d^ys the Colle tors will be' in Maikdale to eolleet the sobFcriptions promised for the impro^iement of 6 and 7 side road, near Kimberley. The Township Gotincil, c f En- phrusia. has granted un equivalent amount to that lubscribed and tlic work is to be yro co eded with a| once. "'THE COLLECTORS. 'IV o m o E DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP rpHE PABTNEBSmP HEBETOPOBB X nisting between the nndersi,(Tiel ar f'r-JlPTii 1 • ia tlio Tii|««uf Mark- daW.lilil I tbe style er drtt of Batter «Bae. has this day been dissolved by mntnal eon- â- cn*. An parties indebted to said ffrm will p«y tha samt, to Wa. Lneaa A Co., Bankers, Martdale, at oaea, and save forth^r troabtei Dated at MHUabtius ISth dav of iqlr. A. D. isn. A. BUTTEI^ »., i-9o%-Ba^ wAn^.^. prj^jrt? At Shortest Notice. Orders by Mail or Wire promptly executed. "STANDARD" OFFIGB, "j^t V • 1 :r â- '^^ •** /^ a 'J-;;) Markdale. ^t:zt^:^ ,..^; v; ftV!-.;.i,.^ .alGl\^Ti^M id .iyi. 74-». 'a. i .1

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