Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 Jul 1882, p. 1

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 I' t If' 11 1. ^u I! "I III It ♦ â€" 4 ;i; â- â€¢J •I -\ m •-4^ 2C! Ttfwft, Ifff* t Irwt fl^Z Change of Time. OOINQ SOUTH. O'en Sonuil, ilrpart 5.10 «.in. Mrk.lale (S.23 m ni. Tlaahcrt'ivkPriceTillc 6.43 i.tD. lliia.Ulk. 7.«H a.m. Teavwstcr 6.15 tUurrimUxt 6.MI Ifoanl Krweat 6.97 OEMKerille H.37 Csleilofi Jnnation O.W Toronto, Cnion 8t'ii.l0.35 a.m. 3 4« p B. 5.oap.m. S.lSpm. o. 17 p.m. 3.10 t.^ 4..V» 7.15 7.5a 9.40 p.m. TORONTO, GREY AND BRUCE. COMPLIMEKTABT EXCUBSIOH TO MEBCHANTS AND BAKKKBS. n LDXC GOING NORTH. Toronto J»p. ly'aledon Jauctiuu OracgerJle MMUtl'crest H^rriston .... TecsvaUr Iaadalk 7.35 a.m. •J(H â- ' lO.CO •' 12.18 '• 12.55 " 2.25 " 11.18 " KkabertoiklFTiUe 11.33 Msrkdale 11..S5 â-  Owrs Soi-»» 1.15 4 35 p.m. C.flO •• 7.00 '• H.U " 9.15 " 10.15 " 804 " 8 30 " H 45 " 95' " AnucA Am A PLSASAST mu OKXKXAU.T. Tbe iopermtire neceMity :^iviiroT- iug the read baving been foread vpon the board of directors of the Toronto, Grej and Bmce raQva*. it vaa decid- ed abont eigbteen montbs ago to adopt tbe wide gnage an J effect other im- |/roTL-ment# to be referred to faitbcr OD. Work was aecordiogl J eommane- ed in May, 1881, and continued ap to tbe present time resoltiiig in everj- bing being satisfactorily coii.pleted witb the exception of a little extra ballasting Here and there along the liae. Tbe causes that led to tbe defeat of tbe old board in September, 1881, and the oiipointmcnt of the new will no doubt be fresh in the recollection of onr reader«, and it will therefore be unnecessary to refer to them. It is without doubt due to the energy ol the existing board, cf which Mr. John Ilendrie, Hamilton, is president, that the works liave been bo speedily and BO fncccsfafuUy finished. The total cost of the works is somewhere in the neighlorhocd of $1,250,000, which gives a fair idea of their extensive na- ture. The result of these improve- ments Los already been felt by the company, tbe increase in tbeir busi- lic^b (iuring the bi.K months ending DOth June lust bavhig been $30,000 ill excess of the corresponding pe- riod of last year, and in view of the farilitics now offered by reason of the of going to press it is inipos.sible fo I very largo fiupjily of rolling stock they i»iv. maiiT particulars a.s to the result will doubtless have a mucli larger i»- of the bombardment. On .Monday "case for the ue.vt h^lf ytar. They ^, -, .. .^1 ... are doiij"a veiT lar^efrcijjlit ann • as- tbe her ntiaii authorities were given i ' i • i P- ' scDgtr busiiies.s, and are opening out the ultimatum by Admiral Seymour L.jnucctioua with tbe lakes. Negotia of surrendering all tlio forts aii.l earth- tions are meantime pending to engage works or he '-ould bombard tiio city. I a lino of steamers to connect with the A formal notice in writing was then tbe board witb all that M as tiM jnwioat board iias fantMW/ur tii« vock to f*^ an. Bmlbm ntuni U Um fctnn of tU rmd, tliaw*fa tlw openi^ d Urn tek» tnJk. mi dk* hmttU to b« imimd to Own Booad. awl uged tha pc0|da af thrt towa to aaaHt n bclpiag Uie eompuy in brining aboat men a desirable oonsummatioo. THURSD.W, JULY 13 War in Egypt. British Victory I The crisis Iia4 arrivjd, and the British Admiral not receiving a satis- factory reply to his demind-i, i)j)ened fire on the f )rt8 and earthworks of Alexander at halfjiast i-even o'clock i Tuesday morning. At the early honr given, that all friendly relations be- tween the (iovernraeiils imd ceased, j Arabi I'a.-.ha ft[i:iioiitIj gave no lieed to Admiral .ScynuHir'-i threats, and actual h'iBtihties hav.j coium«iic- ' ed. Englanl is cvi'lently prepared {â- )t the eontiiit,'ency that the huetihtics may notclisi with tlio bombardinent of Alexandria; and tro-'jis are en route from IndLi and (ir«at Dritain i to the seat of war. train.s of the company at Owen ISouud, so as to do the Lake iSupeiior and North slioie business, and at no far distant day to run as far as Prince .\rthur°3 Landing. By this means jiasseii^jers cither from Toronto or Hiiniilton cu.i luw save about half a day, whiuh is iinp( rtaut to business j iiivii, as in ref reuce to the latter citv c-n lection is now made from thence to Caledon Junction via the North- Wistern. THEFT OF EXAMINATION PA- PEB8. T^ fiieta brongfat o«t at tha Bairie Police Court in rtferenoe to the recent theft ofrtamination papers bj certain boys of the Banie and CoUingwood High Schools rereal an amoont of deprated iogennity which we bad foudly sappoeed could not exist in Canada. The crime, in wiiateTer light Tiawad, seems utterly desUtate of palliating circa m stances. Some allowanea can always be made for tlie boy or man who, under the prsesare of saddea temptation, is betrayed into doing a dishonorable deed. Bat in this case the meanness and crime were all deliberately planned long be- forehand. The culprits had even tak- en tbe precaution to bind each other to secrecy by a solemn oath. Witb singular foresight the teims of the ad- juration bound tbe parties not only never to divulge the alair to otliers, but not even to mention it amongst themaelyes after the thing was over. So. too, the careful arrangement for conducting the correspondence in cy- pher would have done credit to a band of professional counterfeiters. The fact that two of the chief culprits were sous of the exammer to whom the pi- pers were sddressed, and betrayed the confidence reposed in them by their own father, adds to the surprise and abhorrence. And then the thoug-ht that there were no less than eight boys to be found in tbe two schools cspable of the degree of moral turpi- tude involved leads us to wonder what the boys of Canada are coming to. If our Hi:h Schools and Collegiate In- stitutes turn out buch samjjleE, what may we expect fiom the uneducated One thing is clear. The evil is one which must be sternly stamped out. The boys and girls in all our Public Schools must be taught that there are such things as honor aud honesty in connection with public examinations. Tbe culprits should be punished to the full extent of the law, both for their own sakes and as m warning to others. PLBHSCfiBS ABOUND t^ Thia«aak has oaen weU talen •d- â€" of by the inangur«.'rs »• yjlirbdngs for aoaial f*rt«*. Thaaa matters beimr gmmSlfors^- ised under the ani«pieei of •*J®." Lgioas body have *»•• *ft«t«^""°f ing the various bodies togath*. maa^ n^ known tbe strangers who have joined the oommnnity afd o«"«'**f strengthening the ties of socjs iriier- ooarJl Tlie.first p«ty wbK:b jaUj for oar attenUon isUio KBgUsh 0-»rcu pu:.nic at MaxweU- fallr rei^rt«d "»- d« tbe bead of Mf xwei -f ollowmg it in datal order is the CAXADA MmCDar BXCUBSIOBc BUUAN^TUBE. '-!rftfrm*Tt(JS.;^(--- owner at a » '" deairoos « Brooklju.) • jrJ^J'fi^S a poo. rf •^^ t"^. i^LSl to bo 0T«- $10,000. but It app-ttjl Jj^^tbo widoWs son. an «*!? J^^ jn the ^. wlule at ^^^^,^ni for viU-ga W *g»^'^^ the land and the wiJow s soa on larm. Wha^isthepric.!.waBW««»_ One huoi the bold answer dred tiwinsand '^* ' T]^ _-_ Ti^i. atranser lookoa Thestrangerl t»,« fartn and oka* «" T*f* oariJ by mortgage o. Jha .11 _«« Tha terms were acoepwa. Not to be in any way behind band pâ„¢PJ^if/a„^„ Und " " " e teachers of the Canada Methodist and I^OJ p^a ^^ ^^^, nJJncedtobismoUier^.'f: ofthefsrm. You don t sftv « IV1 A N H O O D .,«5v WeUTer*«.UyP-WiU-d^^ The attai-k )f tin r.iitili llict niion Alexaijchiii nsiilted luo-t siiec(Sr fully on Till -ilay f'r l!riti-h iirisH. .Vrf'T IJ hours firing, diiriiiL: winch the crews of the vessels sin wid that they nri -till 1" «• '-eil of tli«' e â- ! connij'e lllid 'li !• I'.iiiH. for l-'ii;,'huul the n tn-ss of the Sea.^, ihi .-.'(I f .1 the ,l.ry. I' tian for's had hii ii the Ivl« liiv I al ir .Vr.ihi' only lino wa\ is lununuijtUd lli-et. Ilapinly, tliC iitlaiiK d «itli VlI V only live F-riti-li iMiil '21 wcniii.li il. t».^tl|â- tho battle )iiirativi ly Uliliijl! nlpoiuulmg fr )in kides. I n liic-li li.i-i won j,:.l tllK-.uf .M;.,. actl III was cl J- 'iiir of ';.â-  L^'vp ill -raniitli 1, auil •e w IS ill fl.ltili ivtr. :.t, th- rail- by .i,'uii. of the risult his 1) en M.iall 1m .. if life, ail irs bfiii.,' liil'fd. Tin liil'i -tx.d llif \v. U. aii.l ar. i- iin- 1. llie 1 'n'lin s shot ' tO.Ml'I.iaKNTAIiy TRIP. I ^.Vitli the object of showing that the money advanced for the purpose of these iiujroveuionts had been judi Cl. M--ly t\i)enled. and also to prove the eiihaiicid character of tlie road, the ilir.ctors issued invitations to sev- ' eral of the inoro prominent business nil n and baulcers in this city and ll.iiuiltyn to a compliineutary cxcur- sioii lo Owen Sound on Saturday last. -\ctoiiIiti_;ly a I i.ilier cf gentlemen Hs,cinlih.i! at the (iiioii station on S itnnlav luoniinjr, where a special train was ». iting ior them, and a few luiiiiif.'s afti ei;!it the train started oil its jouriii'V. Ill one of the cars a ARTEMESIA COUNCIL. This Council met in tbe Town Hall, Flesherton, Thursday, June 1st, 1882. Communications were rei^d from th3 Countv Treasurer, and from the Clerk of Euphrasia. Tbe following accounts were ordered to be paid â€" A. R. Fawcett. printing, $3; J. Rutherford, assessment ro.Is and Bcbedules, $14. ?5; Robert Car- ruthers. Dep. Ret. Officer, Ward 4, $5.50; a bridge opposite lot 27, con. G, repairs ordered; also the bridge op- posite lot 25, con. C. to be covered; S600 ajipropriated for repairs ou high- ways. $150 in each ward, and §400 ajipropriated for repairing tbe gravel roads, «;150 between Priceville and the Station $150 east of the [Station; and $100 on town line between Gleu- ely: and this township, Glenelg to be asked to expend an equivalent. An order was passed for payraout of assessor's salary, §75, $2 for post- age, aud $5 for work imposed by the teachers -• â€" Sabbath Schools at MarkdaJe and Flesheiton arranged an excursion to the queen city cf the Dominion, whicli duly came off on Friday, the 7th July. The day was bright and at an eaily hour vehicles of various sJiapos ana sizes containing bright faces were roU- ing down to the depots. Three coaches were filled at each station, and tbe long ride was not a weary cue. for contenta ent and brightness had the effect of nullifying the tediousneas of the j.rai-ney. Toronto was reached jast before 11, and the entire party made straight for the Zoo. Here au hour was spent admh-ing its varied attractions, arrangements were made for a trip across tlie bay to the island. That delightful spot possessed au at- traction to most of the trippers m the person of tbe champion oarsman of the worldâ€" Hanlan. They saw Ban- ian's boat, saiUug dress, c., Ac. Lunch was partaken of here, aud the party then returned to the city and visited the Metropolitan church, St. Michael's eatbedral. Horticultural Gardens, tbe Normal School, College Avenue, OsgooJe Hall, and other places of interest. Au hour 1 efore the train left they began to wend their way to the Union Station wheu it was reported that two of the childreu were lost in the city, whicli proved too true. They were found during the even- ing Out too late for the excuroion train. They had to remain over until the next day. The childreu are uuue the worse for the httle excursion they had on their own account. Those who have been to many previous ex- cursions pronoui) ;c this tha mosfc en- joyable one they ever h;;d. The pro- ceeds reach the goodly s'jm of $53. Next in ordey, cotues the ENGLISH CHURCH SCHOOL PIC-NIC, which duly came ofl in Mr. Walkers bush on Tuesday last, poet aad sungâ€" The pic-uic "Bring your basket; let's be jolly, Drive awa.v all mtlanchoUv." meu^ the bar When the son «*«°f J'^! " " mother tbe aaio for of tue i.r».^ g::«"$10,000. Guesn how much **""*., •" «i 5 000 ' R-iain. You didn't get fl*'"' WeU. ni make it en agam o^irfhrtimeVW-OOO. And^' thi ouly answer was, f « »8f^- Sell, m^otber, I've boW it for JIW^' Good gracious! replied the mother, .n what terms Half cash rind half iu fiyo years. Then human nature You great fool, we shall /^SWoa e Dr. Cm.^J'^^S^ I^JpCwWS B.-UX on tlieT«^«*J "« ,„iZuunt ear. (withou^lIuc^ is** XN«- jy, iKpedimenU to Matmge, Ac. re uliaig Itam «xe*«sw. IjT Priee. in Kealed envelope, only oenta, V two pMtage««amp«. Tha wMaatiil aaUior, in this admiTaUs n â€" elesriv demonstrates, bom Oagtf W s«M.sMl practloe. that liarmm* e«- SrfK k«fs imaiBg ort a «»* of e«a «t once simple, oertain and effectual, tj nmna of which every »Qfler«r, no /»«»* what h^ condition may be, may «"" aâ„¢"" ekaafHj, privately and radkaDy. l»-thi« Lestaie ibooU be in the toads fl# ewty youth and ew-y man m the land. Address The Cilf •r««ll it^iol C«.. P.O. be* 450 41 A»« St, 1I« W To** -Tâ€"*- STARTLING ^^ DISCOVERY! LOrr MANHOOD RESTORIO; Toots HARVEST HARVEST Harvest Mitta. mlv 1?0q, *• •^^^ weath Uqoiai. ProBP ., eye»««^*" spoke out never â- ^1 get the rest of the money m tlie worid. The money, however, was all paid and the tract of land "dow own- ed by the Union CoUege, New York. An abundant harvest is promised in Manitoba. The acreage of wheat arid other cereals and roots is largely increased. MAEKDALE. Flour 6,00toC2J Spring Wheat per bash., liCW 1.20 tc 1.86 Fall do. Barley â-  Oats Peas â-  Potatoes. Butter, per lb â-  £^1^3, per doz. .•..••••. Pork, dressed • Beef Hides Grasi seed, Hay Wool Green App/es, €r. bushel Lard Tallow Dry Cord Wood J.65 0.38 0.74 0.75 O.IC 0. â-  0.00 0.00 7.25 S.So ' 13.00 0.20 ' 0.75 0.10 ' 0.05 1.75 0.00 0.38 0.75 0.75 0.16 0.15 0.00 0.00 7.50 3.00 14.00 0.00 1.00 0.12 0.07 2.00 rUNDALK MAKKETS. Wheat, Fall, No. ^\^lcat,Spring, " Barley " Peas 'â-  Oats Butter Ekks Potatoes " Pork Hay 1.. 1.. 2.. 1.. 1.. 1.. .tl.15 toll.lS 1.20 to 1.25 .65 to .72 to .40 to .16 to .to 75 to 0.00 to .(;5 .72 .40 .-!€ .15 7i 0.00 PIMPLES. I will maU (Free) the recipe for a Rimple Vkoetablb Balm that wiU remove Tajt- FBECKI.K8, PIMPLES and Bi/jtchbs, leave inn the skin soft, clear and beautiful also instrnotions for producing a lux inaut growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- Co.ss, enclosing a 3o. stamp.Ben. Aandelf 4 .dre 5 Bee-1 kman st.. N. Y. A" ' FLESHEETON. Has just received the br.Iancc of a vpr« -.. .r,-., and IS shcwinfT Bixford's Celebrated â-  â-  The Hamilton Patent Thumb-ai] d-Fin ger Barley j" The celebrated Wrastin C rain Cradle A complete Stock of Forks Snaths, Scythe Stones, (i^ ild -% .K..U.S lamb. has cocaroencpc Great chance to make money. Those who 7.00 to 10.0. 1"JjESHERT0N. Ii;ir wii.s litto 1 ui where refreshments G.ivernmeut, also to Anr'rew Rje, re- !â-  nil. were dispensed by attendants. TliL' roiid w;ih found to bj in thorough order, and considerable interest was ftlt in vii wing the iitw brid'e over tlie llumlur liiver and theapproaches thereto, where lie-ivy work was done iiiVulving au txpi iiditiire of J;)2,0(X). I '.I nrriviii" at talcilon Junction the pairing culvert. Ward No. 3. Coi;bt of Kevision. â€" The loUowiiig appeals were heard aud changes niaae â€" I J. Bannon's assm't reduced $200 In. B. Gri-r do. do 300 I W. J. White do. do 100 (t. Buskin assessin't sust'd Ill ;r :inu'ur pl:i t.a 150 100 100 .\dam Hislop, assessment sustained. Al I \M r.u. 1. .\ ;-T. 'I'liO ^TLat nrlill l:;isr;.-. 1 i.Il ':y plcti .-lllii 1-. 'I'l.i »f f.'IU'llt lliV:- I'l 11 nnd I'.itt. rirs :ili tlii suiilna 1 cring ill â- y c :;,l:lt ::is :i,'., in il.jct f'lr :ltlaill"d. til M :l filCf I t' ji.ni. V. lih-h m- v,!iii.li ;• f.rt- 1 i„.,i,. The f )llowin? changes were made' â- ' uiueuiv TT .111 I la 11 •, ' pnr.suftnt to notice â€" Henry McUruin III;; a 111 ip if I r.iM-. (iMisid- ixti:t iitiil iiMtr.rf cf tlii' Wnrl.-, !lH W. l^'Ilt ;ll,,l I.i:illl'ir rf till' guu-j niounti'l, mill the di;:--'fd pluck with whuli tl.. l'.L-_v|.!ii;is li.n_'Lt, (he n.-iilf hii liicii i.litain. d with m]":\ f lif' til. ii.t:ll i.f excur.sioni.ts w. re joined by the Ham- 1 j„ijj, jj^een assm't reduced. ih.ai dtl,.g.;tu.n. who came on by s|.e- j ^Vm. Fiudlay do. do iialMipi'litd through the courtesy ofl -^Vm. Strain do. do thu N'litliern rnilwiiy. Mi;cli regret w:i., flit at vlie abseiK-j of ^^r. Heiid r:i' who it niijipars, was sud .ai;. .1 av•a^ fr.m Hamilton on urgent r"i--^"«m,io nonce .-Henry ° I asse.ssed instead of Jos. Gibson for his lots at Flesliertou Station R. aud G. j Meldrum assessed as tenants for lot j 82, con. 9, respectively. James Mc- Nicliol assessed in lieu of Geo. Allen for lots 122 aud 123, con. 3rd West. Lots 32 and 38 placed on resident roll to .\nstin Shackelford m owner; W. H So 'twds that at one o'clock a barri- cade cf well filled baskets had been piled on the gn-unds- to be stormed later ou. Eyeu from JIaxwell came {Corrected iceehhj forjhe Standa'd by It. J aio-nicers iu search of pleasure. A round of varied pleasures having been indulged m the childreu sat down to tea, during which time singing was given by the Misses Ford. The adults followed the example of the chililreii. autt having .successfully besiogoj and carried off the stored cakes and cook- ies, betook themselves again to pport. There was some good racing, jumping, Ac, aud a number of valuable prizes diritributed. STr.AWBREBY FESTIV.VL. In tnc afternoon an'd evening of the same day a gatln ring of Presltyterians and their Inends was arrangyii at -Mr. j Walker's lot on tiia uravi-i riad. One j of the choictst and dainiiest of na- ture's universal jirodiiclions l.aJ a festival ii^'ll in its honor. TlnMiueen of ground fruits was eniistd iu the service of the Pr-'sbyterians t aid to the funds of the denomination, and the festival was worlhv of the luscious berry. Strawberries and cream, ice cream flavored with lemon and vanil- la, seemed to be tl.e disbe.i most iu demau;l. and those sold well. Sin" i':i-i!ii ,~s, aiul c'HiM not therefore ac- iMii.i.civ the dt legation. The train al lived at Dwell Sound a few minutes after I'lu' o'clock. .lit ,â- . l.illed and ti a its siiit;'y siiinll 1 â-  casnaltii-. bini woninhd. It i.. dltlioll't. SI ;:a'.;i me:;;, t wnto a e iiiirraiivc of the vi Tii«J di.i.l ial:ii v.lia'l l:,i.-- -IK. tlie triuienil.u r ii.rol artilliiy. lias gone oil t'r ii. U'v h .irs. strair.;o and n;:iia".;r il \\ 1-.::' nahso tlia' tile l':;.-: •;, ,; .,, with r.rtil'.- ry 'f 'iie niodeiii ty^' L««ri foii:;l;l an 1 won. f.er tl-ni- li.I eolhetel of the day. â- ,.,lel will il s. Ol'.l- scaice I fi:l:t lias "â- WKX tolXn ILM-.-IOR. Oil II living the train the party pro- 1 1 If li at once on board the .steamer .\frie 1. Olio (if the bo-its to Lo empioy- I'l in ilio like trade in connection with thc*railway, and rf:er a short ilelny tliO steamer glided down the l.aihor. The water wius ahnost as smooth as gliLs-, and tlie sail was most pleasant and ciijn"al)le. I I.I .\t liKOX AM FTKECUrS. I Sliertiy hi fTP the steamer reached the entrance ti the liaib.ir, those ou !i' ard Were ii.vittd to a champagne liinelii-oii, which was spread out on tables in the iiiaiii deck forwR- 1. The cms adorned and illuminated the rounds, and altogether a successful btrawb'-rry lestival concluded viay suc- cess;u!ly. Results aboar $28. OR.VXGEMEN'i LXCVSSIOS-. This was run througlihere about 7 on Wednesday morning en route for Toronto. The cara were well tilled Flcnr, per bbl «G.0O to 6.25 Spring Wheat per-biish.. 1.20 to 1.25 Fall do. do. do. 1.1.5 " 1.15 Barley 0.64 •' 0.80 Oats 0.40 " 0.40 Peas 0.74 " 0.75 I'otntoes 0.75 " 0.75 Butter, per lb 0.16 " 0.i6 Egps, per doz 0.16 " 0.00 Pol k, dressed 0.00 " 0.00 Beef 0(»0 '• 0.00 Hides 7.2.5 •• 7.50 Hay ia.o •' 14.0 Timothy seed 2.50 '• S.OO Wool 0.22 •' 0.00 Lard 0.10 " 0.12 Talow 0.05 •• 0.07 TORONTO. Wlieat,fnll, per bnsh .?1 24 to 81 25 Who.it. sjirhig, do 1 ao tc 1 35 Barlev, do 6-2 to Go Oats. do 48 to 50 I'fas, do 82 to (» 85 IU e, do (1 70 to 75 Clover Seed do 4 70 to 4 9U l^re.ssed ho^'s, per 100 i'Ls. Beef, Uiud quarters .11 00 to 11 00 Beef, fore quarters 9 00 to 10 00 Butter, lartre rolls 00 to 00 Batter, tub dairy 14 to 17 Butter, smre-paeked 00 to 00 Ei;;;s, fresh, per doz 17 to 17 Ec^.s, packed o 00 to 00 .Apples, per brl a 50 to 4 00 Potatoes per bag 1 50 to 1 50 Hav .10 50 to 14 oO Wool .00 19 to 00 21 MARKDALE POST OFFICE. ^^1 ^J I ^1 â-  always take advantage of tl e good chauces for makinK money tliat are offered, generally become weihhy, while thos«j who do not improve such chauoes re- main in poverty. We wart many men, wo laen, boys and girls to work for lu. r;i,ht iu their own localities. Any one can do the work properly from the first start. I'he bus- iness will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who engages fails to make money rapidly You can devote your whole time in the wjrk, or oidy your spare moments. Full informa- tion and all that is needed sent free, Addres. Stinsos (t Co., Portland Maine. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, liaving been permaiieiitlj cured ol thatdread disease, Consumption, bv a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow s ufferers the means of cure. To aU who desire it. he will send a cojjy of tlie prescription used, (free of charge,) with ne directions for prepairing and using the tame which they will find a soke Ccre for Cos- BCMPTioN, Asthma, BnoNCHiTis, c. Parties wishing the Prescription, will please address, Kev. E. A, AViioon, 149 Peun St. Williamsburgh, N. Y. 2e-ly SPECIAL NOTICES. The .Mai! at Markdale Post Office olosas as follows r»r-„,o;„„ oo„„~ ^A 4. '" "°s^ ^^" enjoy a lOO'miks riie i Toronto Mail closes 7 00 p.m. Lampaign assesoca as teuant â-  â-  i „ .,'• n .i « *^ •^ Ktuaut lu an excursion train had a fine day "Omg South 4 80 for Plewis' mill instead of Jas. Plewis: i" .7 ^T-"'"" " " ' lot ]22. 1 West, and lot IGl, 8 Ea,t, IZl^LJ'^- ,f "' """â-  " °:^^" entered ou the Resident Roll to Wml ' V ' °'"" "" e Smith, owner; Charles White, as.sess- ed fir lot 177, 2 West, instead of S. Wauchob. er rams, clfth of ON OUR TABLE. TUE TWELKTU AT HOME. \i\ ii'i..M- .\r i.i-i.i-,n Till. (u:anuL ;AiH'N. At the pr:i:..l r Mrs. Tlv inpson's •lent occurri d, I'vt r the day V !• Ronii Were pia_\ '.a; ,i:^o cili brati ::rove, a r id •1 at U'CI- Ild cast ijlllte a irlooni • ii-tire. ^Sl v ral j er- t biisf i'lill I'u tl Muall oi' :i .spac, and sittii.g en tiie f,round **atcliitig tlie i'l,iyei sat a ""«" "'"»er 1^" tue free use of the f., young lad. about 1:^. named Jaioes^' ""'•} ^^â- - »"*! the latter of the N. Kceftr. l)ne ef the players .11 ^tr;k '»"'l ' ^^ • .^s tbeir interests were mg at tli« bal unfortauattlv missed •â- ^"'t^'^^l. strife should be given up, it, and the club shppirg o'ut ct Lis •"" 1 they should fctand shoulder to Jiund ftriuk ycung Ketf r just i.u- 1 «l-""l^»f" " future. In speaking of irediatelv below tbe knee, making the .mproveiiients on tht road, he fearful havoc of Lis leg. The blood =-"J " was 192 rjilcslong. including flowed Iroui tl.e giiattiv wound copi- '^e T. oswafer SL-ction, which had all ousiy Lis leg w.-.s bandaged up, car- "^â- ^ '^iJ "'-i r«'s of the best quality nod him over into the sliado, and then i'fs*l^l- «»"pt f"r mile* of iron ou OiR Little Ones â€" Month after month the best cf all children's mag- azines comes before us. Tbe pictures are very superior and the reading s;a.iousrom)..ir!iueiit was beauiiiully I niattci highly iuteresting to our httle lieci ritv'd with flag's and evergreens, i ones. and the cool fro.sh breeze coming in till 'Ucli the o\ei\ parts kept the large P'l iiiany fro.n feeliii' hot and uu- eonifortublo. The luiicheiui was of a 111 st ;-./o/i/ii- description, the tables liti lally groaning with the good things .J'U-Vlih\l. -Mr. Elliott, in responding to a tiast. vas greeted with applause. He Mial Lc could oiilv re-icho the senti- uuiits .of Mr. McCu'loch.^rd there were none the directors ^elt more pit as. d to Welcome as brothers tlian tli"se who had opp 'sed the rocd. The ri^v.It had been that b3th Hamilton aud Toronto had reaped advantages; ' jjot a denroerat and eonveyed bim hom« Here his leg v.a« attended to. Tut it will be some time before he a ill be able to valk. THORNDIRY. A melanclnly nocident occurred at Thornbury ou 'Tuesday by which Mr. Hud Mrs. John T'er,;uson, living ou tlie gravel road bet ^eeb that town and Mcaford, wiii probably lose their lives. As they were dir.fug t(wari'.s Thora- bury tliey met (he u...il iniiu. The liorse became frightened, ran awjy. nud threw the old cou]le dcii an eua- barkmeut. L'r Hurlburt was at oner I'lcd, and haa little, if ai.y. Impcf ut rccjvrry of citiier. the Tceswater section. Sioue piers, bridges, and aqiif ?t8 had been built, aud all spans in ..« bridges over 28 feet were of irou. They bad got im- 'ir»)vcd rolhng stock, had extended the stations imd switches, and had improved the grades and taken out several of th curves. At Owen Sound fli?y liad increased the dock accommo- dation, and at Toronto a larve eleva- tor hud been built. Tbe total cost waa abont $1,250,000. and this trip let the gentlemen who had made advances to the c mpany see that it had been judiciously (xpended. To-t much praise conld not be given to Mr. Hendrid aud tbe officers ot tbe eom- pany for the 'satisfactory mat eoooo- mic way in wlikh Um work had lieen I done. It voulJ be inrtdi'Mn ta credit! The anniversary of the Raitle of the Boyne was hirther ceJebiated at Mrs. Thompson's grove, by the vari- ous lodges in tbe District. I At this place a vast crowd assembl- ed comiirising six lodges, toi;etlier with a great number of friends aud others who are alwavs ready to share the sports and j asiimes of a pic-nic I party. Lodge 244 coming into the n T r. J â-  I grounds, iu procession, ita-heu quite Prize List.- Canada s great fair a mile in lengtl-, aud this was the list has reached us. It is ahead oJ largest and strongest lol^e present previous years list, and the fair will The whole company were treated to probably be the best ever jet ncld in an address bv the Rev. Mr. McDowell queen city. Inquiries as to the of FlesLerton, wbo gave a descriptive i... tl I ^Yf ""'"'^f « ^^: liistory of the order. The proceediiu s fore the opening should b3 audn-ssed in themselves passed off to the b.'cretary at Toronto. During I orderly. The dav p.m. " North 11 30 p.m, Owen Souud MaU 7 00 p.m. the exhibition the ExbibilioD, inquiries may be mid* at the Associaticiu offices on the grounds nud every officer of the As- sociation will, wheu apphed to, either furnish the information =ought or re- fer the question to the proper office. The Fosthill Nitbeebies Cata- LOOUE is uuusally attractive. Nopains or expense seems to have been spared to make it useful. It is full of illus- trations and cannot bat prove a bandy guide. quietly nud 8 pleasure was he never, sad.y marred by the occur- rence of an accident reported else- where. At Markdtle, the I2tli was signallel by a very quiet day indeed. Looking up the street iu the afternoon not two people could be seen for tout li monde had goq^ to tl.e grand pic-uic of the Orangemen at Mrs. Thompson's grove. Church Directory. Christ CHuncH,^Sunday next, at 10.30 7. Sunday School 2 30 J. WARD, Inctunbent. Methodist Chcbch. â€" Sunday. 10.30 7, Young People's Prr. Meeting Mon. 8. Oeneral Prayer Meeting Thursday, 8 N. A. McDIABMID. Paster. Pbesbtterias CnrBCH.â€" Sahbath 10.30, 7 Sabbath School 2.30. Bible class Friday evg. 7..30. Flesberton Town Hall, Sabbath 2 30 Sabbath Schotl 1, A. WILSON. Pastor Mothers! Mothers I! Mothers Are you dibturbed at uiKlit and brol-ren f your rest by a sick child sulleiiug am' crying witii the excruciating pain of cuttin)- ceeth! If so. (.'e iit once and cet a buttle d .MhS. W1N'.SL0W'S SOOTHIXG SVIIUP. It will relieve the jKior little sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend upon it tliere is «io mistake about it. Tlieie is not a mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you al once that it *ill reg-'ito tlie hov.els, iiik! give retto theuiothi r. and relief aiut liealtli to the eh'.ld, eiinrntint.' liKe innL'ie. It is pi r- fectl}' safe to u^e in all cases. aud pleasant to the state, and is the prescription ol' one. of the oldest and btsi fciualo piivsiei.ins and nurses in the Tuitfd States. Sold nvery where at 'Jj cents a bottle. "^Olv NIL DESPERAyOUM. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. rilHK (iHEAT ENGLISH 1 KESIEUY.an uufailin-j «ure for Seminal Weakness, Speruatonhea. IiniMitency, aud all disease* that fol ow as a sequence of Self-Abuse as loss of Memory, Universal Before Taking. Las .ilude, Paiu i'n the Back DiiunesB of Vition, Premature old n-e, and many otuer Di-eases that lead to Ins.iiiity or CVmsmn|iti n nud a Pre- mature tirave. fca^FulI particulars in onr pamphlet, which we desire to send fice bv mail to eve; v one. The Sptcitic Medicine is sold by all Druggists at 81.00 per jiackage, or six Alter iakini; packages for f r,.O0, or will be biut five by mail on rtci ipt of the money by addressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., I'ly Toronto, Out., Canada plca^ e M i4 for tbtfi« All Goods marked atlowestfic and WARRANTED of best" Manufgjcture. One Ton of Preserving Sqj ^«*r received. The price will surprise yon, Grain; Butter, Egg?, Wool, Sheep Skins, or jj., produce bought, and highest market juices paid. I want a large quantity of Butter and Eggs.bdaij ist of August, for which I arn prepared to pay the Hi Price. • R. J. SPHOU: Toronto House. Flesherton. I^Yel*»*^^ beaa'.ifii- ._ i--ee engines nr.l 1' il J^ for Manitooa- Mr F Knigbt, L. D- «• JJid will .cum. reguiHil J^kdal*. See card. The W«6leyan ColK'SO «^ £;,Itmg to §«0,000. Tir T F Brown, Sor?*^^"" .JUxnMarWaleonlhe^ y^mfcin one week. »ec c» U,, friend, of Misal^izj-i; Xbe gUJ to bear that .1. ^d enjoying ber.elf at CJonn. tX cnce. OftDcra of sbeep sli«'"ll marked in a way they -â-  I "fficulty in proving t, !| ioald they get stray...- 1 Xn Amencau cr.ir.iu. I ai^udB irrigation l-.v ui .lu • ^elW as a m'-ans .. .-- ••arid region .it i ' HounUius- ,^ y^ repotiishiui. J^-ty^ â- ' «Dce broken m t.v (â-  ' 'â-  ^, but the t^ea bbar|C't ibe kracii wns. He was the lUi.st j." rt. i lever saw, ^a.l :i ' " • tbe other .lay. \M" " •' liiin be haiias T..U tn.- ulii jmd ibeu tiui.s li-.- V'l'K. Florida pi.-i-.e b Bpoupesgrow at tl" ••' ' moBtb. and "^-y '•â- â- ' Mtabiiihed al n... 1. aimilar to thai ol ih "â- -â-  A stranger .i'M ml' the oUier day, wa -i:! • verted by Moui.t.t.i. I.vn, i ne*, gciiiu iron, the pr:..!; '• ' biiptiicd eteil-d iv • witb riflee. Two brothcrs,wh.« «« " .^ fol dentist.s, hiiiU a I '•^•^- •" ,ome houte, iho ;H)"'r..M wastbouyhl t- i.- !.*.. ' „ tooth.- ' • •;"" do when tbcy pull l U •" Spooney dry goo V. â-  ,.n'n «"1 ,ves oil ill Mi»8 trying on u lilt h. "Don't I wiah 1 was Bmart miss Y« 1 :l his to l"' iin-l i -A. Crood Cliance- HOUSE and lot for saleâ€" lot 12â€" corner Mill and WcUitgtoa Streets. Markdale, wUl be sold at a bargain. Apply to George Walker, Holland, Markdale P. O or to W. UUTLICDOE '••2 3 Ktandaed Office. i:- Nothing Like Leather. WHAT WE WOULD LIKE TO HEAR. tbe From all our coTesi/ondeats. Less profane lanf^age from base ball plavers. and otbera. SoDoetliing of tbe doings of the vil lage fathers. T. 8. Jones, a Louisville. Mass., pbotograpber, jesterdaj moroin^ be- came enraged al a b(iT, Tbos. Jonas, and shot bim dead. He was arrested, and barely escaped lyncbiug. He bas already killed four men. for Sale. A (food Ono-imrse Spring Wigon, aearly new, Bov«ftU«] aprinvs. Oiesp fereMh. Avply to A. TbBN£R CO., 06-7 MfldiaaHall. KEEP IT TO YOURSILF. Yon have troubleâ€" your feelings are injured, your husband is unkind, your wife lrets,yonr home is not pleas' ant, your friends do not treat you fair- ly, and things in general do not move pleasantly. Well,wiiat of it Keep it to yourself. A smonlderiug^ may b« found andextinguifebfd; bat when the coals are scattered, who can pick Uiem np 1 Bury your sorrow. The pUce for sad and distrusting diinga is under the Rronnd. A cut finger is never benefited by pallin« off the plaat- er and exposing it to somtbodys eye Tie it ap and let it alone. Cbaritj eovereth a Tr!Bltitate of ains. Things thus eoverea are often covereil without a seal, but once published and con- fided to meddling friends tbert is no end to the trooble they may tM^it. Keep it to yonnelf. Troubles are tran- sient and when a sorrow it healed and paaaad what a comfort it is to mt Ko one ever knew it aatil ttw tnobW was all ovar." M. M. M*LEOD, MABEDALE, NOT TO BE BEATEN An those who may havs bad tli« mfafor- tune to have be?n Iwrn bai*foot*d will bear in mind that wc have jnsj receiTed the larg- e«t and be.t stock of leather erer teiore brought into Markdmle, con«i«tjjg of Spaiunh Sole French Kip and Calf, and are noVpTe- pared to mannfaetnre Jjadieo, G«mU, jToatlu v^ Uiaws booU and ahoea, from the ctoa to the fin««t k d and pmnclla. ^^ Sewed Work a Srecialtr. An work vanaoted. In done here. KENewefJ y â- Uepatehiagalsc M. H. McLBOD. Karkdate.Sspi. 19th. last.. Errors of Youth. A ?«»TL«MAnwfco«i««»a !«,«,. ;£1l from NervMs DEBILITT PftSMa fol indioemtiae. wiU forth* -iH of nflTt hurinit/, ^mni. fines to aO who mtmi it. iSl nmrntyif wUsh ha «m mtmi, Mhrws 77^*** â€" â€" •â- ""â€"' ii^ifiiiiW Has been ia eoaatant f use bjr the psbUe for orer twenty xul Is the best pTvpuatloa ever Invented for BE8TOB- INO OBAT HAIR TO ITS TOU'l'lUrUJt. OOLOB AMD aad It aappUee the natoxal '•â- * and ooler to tho fc^ty SiaBds witboBt -»-«ninj a^ •klB. It wm â- - niL aad UUcken the (rmrth of the k^ir, pi e » e ia It* "anBiii^ aad fsauiBc •*, â- â- Â« ttas endona â-²TSBT BAIAHSM. wd "tA isr "**" "" iSTit HAa^i£Sl3l^|.1lJ *MtesM.,sM.,(knkaba .iZL 6li \. Baymond's SEWING MACHINES Meuufactured in Guelpb. arc all iUtid m with 'That Patent Automatic Vjo\h\n Winder, a» Nickel Plated VVIicel .-iiKl.are'ail suppi with the most ap; roM 1 .ittachmenti- Every Machine is warranted for a icrm o£five y»^ 1* .; -Ml I THE "KARN " ORG^^' Manufactured in Wootlstoclc. For the material that is used in its construction, the sty'to finish, the purity and exceeding ncliness of tone, and the cost of each Instrument, can- not be snrpassed by a'ny other Organ mannfactured in Canada. Every Organ is warranted for five years. WHISKERSj^ T»E New York Weber Piano is still to the fore. sal A liberal disconat giyen for cash. Full value sllowcd on °^^^^ ' Seeood hand Organs when taken in exchange. 1 he nio» time allowed for any aiticle is 12 montbs. Mj iaritorj for the sale of fbcse articles extends f m Ow* to Shelbumc, Grey County. â-  •rr-X.: iy-'-j. get more y Clerk colUpsts A cable d.si.nt-l. Imperial null»"n:.' i: tlieir dixplea^iij^ol'th' •rnmeut ou ace -ui.t ••â-º pasi-edby ti.. 1 "• in favor of Iruh ll":i.. Thefacililus fori t:. j freight t.Mlli- o:i II.- I very much imi ""v- ' â-  Shipments :ir i.' • "" hue Mil rriiii- .AT u C.P.U- 1" -Mil'" "•'â-  in the uit ' «••• ' Indians a^iiiiii-t »' • ' Minister ot th. In'-tir .. ed on thi,-i,r-"'i -••'â- â€¢ " pristed hy il'*-' 1: •I- ' • " CJoverniuL-iii, "I'l '•â-  " if they succeo 1. "•• • I' '• • subset iptious 1 T t.i' tainperaiicc and tlj' '• Traiilp^. ^^"' 'â- â- "â-  ' â-  for?" Old t'tu'hi"'" give you aiiviiiiii;-' J' â-  down for a f joI. Mr Cochrane, of ih- dry will exhibit and h:t\ tatiou a self hiii-hn-' i-^ (arm of Mr Th' ^. !...»â- ' lu fall wheat Iwtvc-r •hoold be on hiuid. If -- we undorFtaii'l that ci i- will be given. • Gladstone i :r. i 1 ' owed bisj-'tir. n:. :/ ' ship of the 1"'""' '1 when hchtiitcd tliut .! "•• amendmeui toll;. ]!• 1'" carried he wo-i i iiavr i" â- â€¢â- : personal iiositi"" Farther inip"vi!u "*^ .; oarriedcn all al i;- "â- â- â€¢ ' Ry. Btone hriaj;. â-  '• place of wood slrii:vi«^â€" u being tliorou.' .y "•»' sidings are being I'.-i""' " ones laid down. A gentleman at l" *.' leyee decoratf d his v:: fles of old lace. A- t: • regalatious, he wao A: eialB into a biif if'-n., '-i. fles were cut olT, Uf i-^ i- *• •d lo appear in the I'l'-t:' Wr. A •recent New Yoii; P'^l aarparty the ttrawh-iu' maide a large artitiei.ti of ice or --a in, and t'l able the real truil. l' clevur, and the â-  n-' '• irwt and cream de.iciou:^ i: «tx«ae. A slippery atis.v r. â€" " • tmi now, Matilda .\nn, i till me what tir^t cuusel t (No answer. 1 ^ou I, after having just r «â- : ii. "What fruit was it Mat PW«M xnatCD please marm I .-j'lit fHim H. ' ••'ffltiAUPMt UM and P. Q. AddreMi THURSTON, DEAIiEE, â-  ♦ McpMlaiids Tea, Is pr.zed by lue i ' .. Hk let is worth ariiiki wJ!^,";*lHt*»«»B. any Bhrinkiug tT '" For i dt irs me, And cJ'eers me It ligl tenf. And b lightens, •9l9 lAsd b3ightenb, «^ -â- Â£ rj^'t W^Bdcrful Tea. "id%-:. i

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