Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Jun 1882, p. 4

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 B stock ot ^•^ "** ,S PIBLISHED FRIDAY MORNING )*%,. meet tbc early uiliU. " fnreiini »nJ Trovincial Prorin- '•""i;' im.lli^enec. Coonty Bnri- N' M^ttc««»d an liiatrucuve |^«? *l "0 in tLrw months, 12 r» rlTthe eud of U.e year. No pa- -^^^^ 1 ""til all arrear. are paid ";°., Oie option of the pnhh^her,and r ^l^\ th-j '•»?•â-¼ *^'i' " '"'• ^pMS Of ADVERTISING: ^•*U sS .9oO no 27 00 15 00 8 00 4 00 50 'rSlXG Corn, ^^ I troDf ral tl,Rt ^e Ka ' [â- ;-"t Medicines, Perf " Soaps, V.;.lt:^. Chemicals L^d Tobacco. ,«ianinoney"«f r^.„.lnnj"r.fir»t insertion k-^,.,-.,m"t in-.rtion........... l-o .i,*o»i' i"^-"i«" • • ^2 â- ^ •,.,.- ti-^t in-eriion per hne 8 m\ 1^,., ru-nt iii-irtiou i f** " 1,^1 I'f lines til I'ft reckoned hy the â- ^""" .a ni' n-iired hy a scale of solid "**' j^jv.rtnfnunts without specific '"' '«â-  11 !.â-  p'.Wished till forbid and "T,cc'.rdin;::v. AU trapaitory adver- " ^l.^k "•â- â- â-  ^1" Wednesday preceedin* L."..»ll.iiti' :!. JOD PRIKTINO •frtry 'Icscription executed with .tt-sau'l i-tspHtcL Ht the Office of !.n»nrT-. XJnrkJale. f v." I'J' TLF.IX.r.. InorniKTOB. Meaical I FESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, pr,. |»roiil«- Ann^lroiiR, .•..ciai;s.S!irseonK,Accouclieur Ac. ,|q( i: M.lral. Ifall; re^iUfeUce »t 'i'l' II â- â- â€¢-"â- â€¢ ,-,.,.. .,,,t 17. 1-^80. \1 "t^lOilCakr all. ALE o^'Factori :,,i, M.V .\M' SOI.ICITOU, IS NO^V l\ 1 j-1 •'!• I'li'i^' to all kinds of law ' iiffir--- ;» Krt.v'H Hotel. '\i fit'lr." '"â- ' '"'• '*^^- "•• I'ro^l A Fro«t, I )\i;l I-^lr:!-' A.NTi ATTOUNF.YS-AT /.«"•.."•â- ""'"' i" lianicry. Convey ,r AT. '"•" Soiinii, have rpxnmed at ,|,r-rtiii. oiiif open cv'jry Thursday, as .f. H: .-T. .1. W. Frost, Lli. B. i',i:,t. Crown Attorney. 1 J. IT|AKMO.\, )l!.i:I-;rEl«. .MASTKK AXDDEP. ItKO • (..iimcTT, Notary I'uldic, C'onveyan JaI.V Til I.KND AT SIX PKB CENT. i:: oniji Sound, in Vi krr's Block ..-; M. and in Markdalo. ovi r MeFar- • .^1 1.. I'll l-'riilav and Saturday every 57. Iv "' ^â- ATTONS, |iici Shingles 'oinjitly ril]fcc]. "â- ;.,i;.i,. „,„| ,:,.„.i,y^ ,^^ |, 'â- ""•!•• '•.^- ';â€" .ilt*ntioB " '" "" '^â- â- 'â- pa fi.il Si.K-k of iVBBER •rUi Shore. 'JD UNDRESSED. '•»•«' 'imping mill )S. McNEA. :J7-tf [t^K'll; «\- ' Kl â- UlU:l r':i.orA l*lorri«oii. IT1;KS, SOLICITrjltS, CONVEY- r- .Vf. Ac. ill i\vi-ii Sound. DiiiTeriu Block. \Vi.|f.' Sturc imd in M A R K D A L E I .\li-Kiu land's Store on Thursday • f (larli «c(k. ' il~ t'l lend on ruawmahla ternnt. i^'iK. ^. " Iir.NcAX Mo msos N. MiiM-li 1.' IHH-i. 71) ly iUierrllanroit*. tt III. itrouii, ui l.lKil- M\l;UIA(.K LICENSES, itc r •iiiiiii-i'-iii 1 III P.. K.it" ii "•Mini ;iiy 111 .ill ii- luaiii-'.ies promptly --.ij. d t" :itlil 'Ni'i"ilIK \i tiiIi.mI. V. â€" AloiifV to f.fnd on lieal Estate se- r. s-pt. i7. i-^'^ii. i-y 1. OH, HEAR. L,'i t vni! r r;.,,) ii^'CiHiLs of t«-\:iiilT Itrown. K i; .1 M.iiiKi^'r Licenses, Fire and 1 I. In 111 lilt !â-  A;.' nt. (;omniissinnei 1 I, .\. ..:;vi \aiKcr itnd Iiicenscd 1, â-  !• • iiii. 'i.ii'it\ oflrny. Farmers, ' .Ml-, ii'i'l L.iiid Siili's, Punctually at- '.,'!â- . iii.| iliar;;. s made M-iy uiuderate. .. i:.. S.|t. 17. Isso. " 1-y kX. n. Ualbruilh (1 lliiMKI; AND (SKNEKVL T,AND •. 1.:. Wiili.iniiford Station. Auction I 'It..! Ill all parts of the County. I .. I M I .iiiiiiission. Kiites niodcrate. .• Ill 111 and Si-winj? Machines; also • I .rri 1 1 11 'Mimiital Trees, Vines, Ayriciil- ' I'l; ' 111 iiiii and Machinery of all I- ..i' li. 5 ,!•. .i. .Ian. 27, iJWl. ItElKG IS BFXIEYM L(rapher, Flecherlon ii. I Liiliiiijiii^' ii- liVretofore. ^1 !•: i"i:vi'»s. f;'i Jill I other I'raini^, and Fram* I'ly Low Prices, Call ami â- iilarj'ed hy vnnr old fr end. BULMER. CAEDED n Mills. i: Yours will :ra.c to call a"4 I. PFiTEKSON. o7-ti. EHOUSE vTio:x. and Shoes, Gro- full and well Oil every il • Ml" If Mill want .1 tirst-diiss 3uggie or Wagon fiCKENNA" MASON'S ilRRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. ' â-  11. II ,.i\ \\\\ witli anything from a Lumber "Wagon i up to an " Exier.oion Top Phaeton. i ;â-  1, iin them is to ""' ir. t., .|,, iiueticnl workmen, »nd â-  lujiloy none Imt •i^ACTl-CAL WORKMEN '••â-  i.iiaiit«e their work â- ^ "i 1 :«• •..!., 1..1 l.i^liiucss of Draught niii S..| iiority of Finish. '"'1- ii-'tli.ii • i,ii; First-class White Oak â-  ' ».iu-. 11-. ;,•„[ (iiiice E:(tra Second 'â- '••»;!. II., Koivfor light work. " â- III!.. !i-aiih.ii!it of work turned â-  'I'K. iiii.i ,v Ifa-on'.^ shop ia tiiifficicnt • :..( In, VM.I,. ifimiation they enjoy (..I .1 ..,i.- L...i.,l work. •â-  "â- K.l ,. niii I IlKAl'EST in thb END j ' w II. .,ji w.iriv wc positively will iiiit take. â- .â- "•â- I. ituitiiiin i;iveu to Ee-Trimmitig â-  '"lii.iiM.,.; all tliis.ses of Carriage Work. â-  'l.Lii .11 :aiiraut«;ed (or No Pay) in HORSESHOEING ^•'^-Un Mill street opposite t'j Sproulo'f! Hotel. •":KENNA MASON. ret jplenishcd with or Produce. .. r. C. DAVIS jt^-I^El; ,v COXTUACTOR, (Stone and â- ' s After eoniplttiug 13 buildiugs » r-f^niis .lud tuck pointing. Those I, ^^-"anilate building will find it t« their j^j^-ito^-nchim acaU. *••. v" i^orner of Brown and Sproole Neri i\«xt\%. 3 Factory aeration. iles for Sale- E HOTEL, M.^KKDALE. J^^^^OULE, Proprietor. M l«»n^,^^'»'^^' 1^ l««La Urge »d- „^»^edto It, thoroo^hly refitted. i:^ tiiiiin?^ " ""â- â€¢ "» **« «ott«»ty. '«»iam f"** a'kentJve oaUer. Firrt- I" TrrZ o"" 'or eommercial travel I ' §1.00 per dtiv. 17 It â- X- VOL.2 .-Nbi^. Wm. Lucas Co., BANKERS, Money "l^olitiitllir^^-^ IK large or §in*U amonnta, at all tiaM, on good endoraed not«a, «t tfo^ eolUtenU secririiy. NTEREST AT tfiirfHIT.:! Allowed on 8«Tinga Depnait*. t^Drafti isaned and Collections made on all points, at lowwt rmtea. W.M. LtrCAS. Hanager. Spteeipber 23, 1880. 2-1; F. F. TEEPLE'8 CARRIAGE WORKS, DUNDALiK, 09(T. The suhsciiber ia prepared to Bopply the pabUc with WAGGONS, DEM(X:RAT8. BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, LGC-SLEIGHH, Together with all kinds of repairs in wtiod or iron on short notici at reasonable atea. F. F. TEEPLE. Dnndalk. Sept. 2ud. iSSi. i-lv HAIR CUTTING AND SHAVWe ox Every Worlcing Day, IJy 'T'homas Smith. bs* Orde '8 filled for Tomb Stones. Markdale. July 21. 1881. 4-3m. GE0R8E NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. AoENT for the following reliable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, AGRICULTURAL, of WatertowD, 4iMl TRADE Si OOMM*RCB. (Mutofcl) of Toronto. A number of Choice Farms fo| sale. al.40 Villnge Lots Auction Sales conducted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest Notice. Charges raoilerate, BiU.s, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. Markdale. May 20Ui. 1831. 3C-lv $2 for jvmx owa n»«i »r â- pemliiitT* ptirnatr-a v«i vMi^ «â- *•• Joseph Gibson, PLAIN ORNAMENTAL WHITEWASHINGâ€" CALSOMINING in SliadcK and Colors. All work gauranteed. Charges moderate. IMai-kcUile I*.0. 87-113 IVOTIOli. ri'ENDERS WANTED for tlie erecUon of .1 n Two storey BRICK HOUSE at the Irish liake. Teaders will be received till the 8th of July. Plans and Specifications can be seen at the reaideuce of Father Cassin, Price ville. Lowest or any tender not neccsisarily accejitel. iViceville. June 21, 1882. .93-4 TrBTQimiandT PROV'NCl LAND SURVEYOR, EUGENIA P.O. Orders left at the Stanriftrd Office, Markdulc will receive prompt attention. 8G 100. A Public Meeting sboulJ be called of the citizens of every city, town and village in the Dominion, to consider what should be done to lirevent the hair from turning Gray â€" and falling out. If this important question received their earnest con- sideration they would nnanimouely decide that Dcience bad at last dis- covc-ed sometliiug that would answer this purpose â€" and furtLermore would recommend Cingalese Hair Reuewer as being this something for restoritig tlie hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its falling out. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. Jk^ ^^ ^% a week in your own town. U^£ft£$5 outfit fiee. No risk. U^ ^^^ ^^P Everything new. Capital not require«I. We will furnish you every- thing. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and bovs and girla make great pay. Reader, if you want a bnsi. ness at which yon caa make great pay all the time vou work, write for particulars to H. Halx£TT Co., Portland, Main*. SALFiSMEH WASTED. To begin work at once on sales for Fall ol 1882, for the Fonthill Nurseries. Tn I.ABGE8T llf CANADA. HxAD OWic«--TOBONTO, Our. BBiJtcH Owiotsâ€" MONTREAL, P. Q., and BT. PAUL, MiM. NURSERIES, FONTHILL, ONT. We« iKTt in addition Id our alrea^lMp Sorts--' a S 100 Additional Canvassers^ And want kt«n who can give full time to the bosinesa. Steady employment and good sal- aries to sneMMfal m«i. It does not nuttw what jow ^norim jenaKfttifya. baa b«eii, II yon are willing to w wl /imr Mmoum ia al- most certain. Th« beat i«ier«Beea raqoirad^ Apply to STONE it WELLraOTOK, ' MorseiyBien, Toraalo.Ont. W-106 .i.^.airt^.H[.^ .H ..u. .i.ii ., ^. Tp*: "R:;flSAm V- ar^, A GO0pPH05?pB To come AT ONCE tnT-y/M Ma tfillM.iMi to 4o 80 is to be Salted tliey^^Ver'Wirif Before (S'All poor and ^kei^ him. C'vfi ;1 .- i :i- oifj H:- Q-ood. T?^orfe, -AM) â€" t-."t -f 'il .o I. i iii. V I J i ;i(i{5t; Those wishing^ pure Wm? for Co iu i t| l* l 8 ij Service will p^eafeegivei^e • teaJl. MODERATE! PRI(CES.^« ""'»*^^. Ot;^ All the Popular Myles mmM^ Ivg J.L.BROWNE, Over the Standard Office, Markdale. EOBT. ASE3^, IVTABIiDALE, Has opened ont a Fir«t-Class Furniture ASD UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT. And therefore has supplied a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CilSKETS, SHROUDS, and all FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, supplied on the shortes notice. -A. SDlendicl IIea,Tse for hire at moderate rates. i?/L;a.i ru-'alA im \V»\ i-^i: "i;;mi( "z sioqi I 'UttMm 1 ^. /.'J • ' "iAV. â-  li |J»1 Of MU'IMI liMeftUlbk faol eow4i*i-i«fc'Hlrtluwiiuuf: • '•"' iiiliiiiii jmnijlif a-ujt|{ yV mOf t.^x^T a « coo .It V. Jj jj^ia^o vx I y. ii I .«i -Jt.\'.. .»iu' t.ii.^ 341 k... â- â€¢\.i-M. iiiig'ars, Jtaisihdi, Currants, Ac-* i vL' And ererr other artjctein Xk% f w ce ly Hn^ kept constantly om Land, and of'tlio.irodicct variety and lekt braudSf ^,j. EKSSONi •WILSON ^vldjle Uay Slut, IA8?. S, GEOBGE WliSOM; Wholesale and Retail ' â-  ..ii.Vll po !1« BUTCH Tl FUKNITUKE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Callaal 303 fjr yoarsalva?. ROBX..ASKl\: Union Giirriage Works. All work mantifaelured from First Glass IUjpial In the Lateat acd Best Improved Style, and ficislicd with ' Sng'lish 'Varnish. PaMtiRg Trimmg Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the cliortest possible time consistent witb good workmanship. Xm\Mc*%mikSii. Satisfaction Gnaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept n hand. Remember the pluie opposite the new STAFiiiBi Office. 4! Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Markdale, Dee' Sntr, Mf.. Proprietor. 64. TTv^ a^t _^ sob, 5J00 CfiAO'iiEMieM' BARK. THE Uai B«rk,y^Ur( O. ift B. Rvlwtf i and pud for%t^D(nnt tict^Ian aii4 tUnranl^ P. O. Addtves, 2 1 8 Jania t t. Tu i wil B ' fipjUa^oifT., JlJMrahaaf, 1S83 I in:ii' flO-lOl eat- BEEF, PORK ORMUTTOS SUPPLltDi from a .single' pound to a whole carpass, at the lowest market prices. ' "A FISH FOWL IN THEIB SCASON Faraiers havinK Fat 0»tti», BhoeBiM Figs tQ di«pofe of vill do well. to ,(iaU|tt;i{o| 3 Bums' Block, oppQsit* the hew Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 2i;tli, 1A81 .^ ;EUCEMtA^ iO Grists ^wandLatbMills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I eaa give good satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping one Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Bnttcmnt, White Ash. Black Ash, Bass wood, I'iue and Hemlock Log* wanted. my. AOENTS WAAKI'iiSD. -Big pay.â€" Light Werk. Steady Emplovment. Samples free. ^itaa^^J'l. L. BYltN, 46 Nau88aa.8tfee New York. 20 WARNINGa^ There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If yon want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep yonr feet dry and Witrm ' by procaring joitt B O O T IS I^ -.v TH08. MATHEW8, ^agfiS Ssblilislisif MARKDALE. â- EVERYTHING IN OttR tUNfi KfePT ON HAND OR MaDB TO V cmw 1 flN Bflcttet LI^'iitYl ,r-i ' U 1 I.J ' ,. ' â- !(i rrr- -.K .11 ..'â- â- â-  U, :. ...I 'â- T,:ij Wi! .-I.. 1 -d' ' Meat Mai^et, as band, •»«* ' tfCi'vrT u iMui i I, mmOLK No. 94. Mi ki i.ci'^ii- 6 fcitr-' bMioiuy uAMHM M/^^- Mid' «if iijti fatldi ftii^ti/ttiiav. ttinr â- r. Jaa (M Dirwtlow la Bterco LaB(:M(«8. 80LB BT ALL DKTieOISTB 419 DEILEU iVOOJEUSRACO., The ^ottt'i itutt â-  I T. ' •;i nonc"'nioi merfely'folif' sqililn *»'fli. Hq^Miis jrhe^ affection calls. Filled jirith ^hrines the heai^ hath build^d BeaM'anetirferely'root a rooai, --^ It needs somBtlun^ to endear it .1 -:: Qinnaia inhere the heart oau bloom, ., Where there's pome kind face to cheer it. Home, mv devi i* where the heart is. Wheresoe'r that f hrine iMyi be :: And when I think of home, my love, I think of naught Snt thee. COME O'ER THE SEA. Corac o'er tlie sea, Maiden .with me, Utttc thTongh sohsbine, ittirm and snows â- Se'-f ons vatj roll. But ttie tirne sotll Bams the same, wheree'er ft goe?. Let fate frown on, so we loveand part not Tis life inhere thon art 'tis death where thou art not. Uto.t. Ill' Sspose oiTwiyLjIcaSc leav^ PART n. ^â- / CitxpT£ii XIV •• I'.NDKIt THE KIKQ's OAX. I. Ciiptain Redmond. O'Donnell,' she said slowly. 'It is j'ou. I breathe agaiu. For a ghost. My ucrvjs are good, but you gave tliera a shuck.' 'Yes,' Captaiu OUoiinell dryly an- swered. 'I think your ni-rvi s are good. Miss Henicastl^. Tlicre are not many young lAdics-^uot many strong-minded gpvernes^s' (vcu â€" who would fancy the long, lonely walk be- twepn Scarswood aud this place, be- tween the ghostly hours of twelve and two; lu justice to m}sc!f "vuil my mo- tivce, lq|b mo say somctbius; to:uiglit. lo the usual course of event tttougb it migbt 6arii^^ iqie to e^ Lady I)angerfield's goveineSs takiut; n mo9nligbt raipble after midnigjtt, it certainly would not induiaaie to fol- low 'iter. But aooUier motive 'than curiosity proinpted ma 'to-'nigiit â€" to dog yohr fgotit^nsi to waif for your reappcarii.nc?,.and to aCcompauy' you home.' I recognised Miss Uernciisile at six p'cjock last evening, as she stood ,pp9«i tbjS }»wn reading tb|e "B»itW of Fontenoy,' " 'Indeed ' Misti Herucnstln respon- d4dj witli supreme indifference; Te- coguized me, did you 1 am rather surprised at tliat. You encouutered me in the streets of London probably before r came here ' 'No, mjidatue., I ienconntfercd joti'in the streets of a very different city. '1 congratulate Captain O'Donnell on bis excellent memory. And my face puwled you at first; did it and yoH hafte come out all right iii the ena ?• *C«rry-^oijr ibrtflory back to tbe niskt pf n)j fiiist appearanbe there. I m4 j^ MhV Chai^fti GM^iv:'and mannex of MtUfe iV Mlwtififlfed' lA^. Wh.^Tv^ii^mk^AtMfm^i baa â- " 'â-  rtBoHefetfoir tiTyoa 'WmSitlUMti inth the oWacter of cbililrea' p(«Mt tirm. ' Tbea osxhe Itnit eveiiiiiti aoi 7oil^ Tei^ fine raideriag-ef tlM Ixhh And .agaii;! *i«; 9Vtt flnMT Mreie mM wvw my 'inSid ir»i tii^ kJ^ Hme^-yon.' Uihirtilftiii'tMkiiWbd Inil.' Ktf'lMatwMMinlr take U»,tj^mfL ln i i e» I'li'i fi ' I). "J* iiiinT â- â€¢..•â-  i »i tlfm^ WmJfmfm tfdna tbe jtij^^blo itp fnit}» naat^^aaiur Bt»t«- ment^" li« siuii coldly. ' 'Aii Epglidi 'w«i2£ Wliiiuin« t Seh^^. ^alMMMflj^' ^immaiA betW. 1 mw r|M»«ix'B«i^» iegerMML-a-'Kair .York stageâ€" on^oi^ «Mat]K$alar Ikfifet*- sc. oftb.e,8ityV.^ 'Tbe play mw "^rnlet," I bad never seen "Hamlet,' 4nd I went the first ni^'bt of my arrival in New. York. 'iTIe Dphelia of tb^ play was s, tall back-browed, majestic woman, wfco acted superbly; and who looked M if abe otmld take oaM of her- self; Mi then (UiAtt#»o«p, wcmeu bare tbat look. ., Miss Herocasile, I don't remember tbe bamei of that' actress on tbe bills, bat I oettatBly have the bonoar oi wdldng by aer side to nigbL No,' â€" be liffe4bLbaDd bastily. 'I I eg you will Aot tvouble yoHrself to deny tbit. what good will it do u can't con- vince me though yon deitied it till day Itgbt. I know lepnak the troth.' 'Wby sboold Ilid You ;ura » m»n f f booour, A.eolcUer, and a gentleman â€" you will aot betray me. I will tell tlie truth' C^iptkin O'Donnell. I am tbe New i^Ai ttiAttaa â€" I am tho Ophelia yon bdield aix uiontha ago.' Has yst^r owa f^te beep ordered so npootUly (h»t jo« should hunt down to ruin a poor wretcb with whom life bos gone hard V Somctliing in iier ton* â€" something ia tliKt passionate, savage, bunted look of her eyes touched him, be hardly knew why. '"No God knows,' be said sadly. •my own life has bten no pathway of roses. I am the last man on earth to sit hi judgment upon my struggl- ing fellow-mortal, «ud accuse him. I have no wishes to hunt you down, as you call it. TWa "night's work, thisi nigbts diaeovervi anA rour avowal, shall be as tliough they Lad never been. Whether 1 do right or wrong in conceiving the truth as much too subtle a question fmrme â€" I only know I will ooucea) it.' Unless I find trouble of any kind coming of it. You arc doing mischief already. •Shall we cry quits, or shall it be war to tbe knife ' He tonclml tbe ungloved hand slio extended and dropped it coldly. 'It shall be whatever Miss Ecm- castle chooses.' •Good-oight, Captain O'Donnell.' He lifted his hat and turned at cucc. Miss Herncastle stood where he bad left Iier, following the tall gaJUnt fig- ure that crossed tbe moonlit field so swiftly, with A strange expression iu her eyes and on lips. Not auger, cer- tainly not hatred, whatever it might be. Then she turned, entered tlie great elm avenue aud disappeared. It was the nextniffht after this that something very striDge and very start- ling occnrred to Sir Peter Dangeriield. He was returning at midnight from a gaming house at Castleford, aud rode gaily homeward the richer by f 8000. In bis elation be dreaded no spirit â€" but suddenly bis horse shied. They were near a huge o«k, called tbe King's Oak. Its gireat branches cast shadows for yards around. And slowly out of those gloomy shodows a fignra oaiBe^^-ft while figure, with streaming hair, and faoe upttiEned to t))fr starry sky. AU in white â€" trOd ghostly garmeats^noiseless, slow, it glided oat and stood fuU in his path- way. ' The bright, cold -hght -f The moon shonfr.foU upon it. and he saw-r-the dead fee of Katberiue Ddngerfield t Katherinc Dansorfield I Not a d}ubt of it. AiMio should know the face better than be as he used to see hoc long ago in her whit« dress anc* flowing hair. Katberiue Dangerfield, with a face of stone opturued to the midnight sky. He sat frozen for a n)oment â€" frozen with a horror too intense for words or ory. Thon the startled horse shied again, and a shnek rang out iu tbe midnight stilluess; those who heard might never forget. Tbe horse plung- ed madW forward, and there was the soitud of a heavy fall. Tbe grooDS, half asleep at his port, roshsd 9ut twc or thre« dogs barked loudly in tfaeir kennels. The groom rushed forward aud seised tbe horse, quivering with'ifi'llrht. He was rider- lass. â-²takttledistatiM Jay Sir Peter, fite downward, /on tba 4»mf grass, bk* a itead man. And Itotbing else, earthly 9r unearthly, w«»aqy«Siere to 'baaaMi. l'-\ti ".•..- â- ' liii .. ',...;„ vi- laiAPTEB XV^ " "tWitboiy tiAif6iA his nust^t's \Z^ ss ho stofwed and lifted him np. He waa-sans|6i«M; be baa strook bis fore- Ifaad OB it stooe, an^^aiTMeediiig fine- ly. It, wait an awfMly. ghastly fae« up6n whieh the mooulight sboue. They boTa the stafk and bleeding |ytt bUa^ii thaa. fonnd his night â- T sightBanso ^akap. ao4 vitfa oy shaitwad ntr^sk M^ all, „ And then tbe sight of blood 'alwa^ inak«a me sick. Perhaps von edi db'aomeSirng fcr Sir Pstor; ' be kaa liad a fall off his hotae and s^ems Irshe'fetwiiied. I dent beiieve be is kilki. I srish yon would see. and if its not dangeroQs I'll go back to bed.' •aly lady sbirered' in tlie ehill ni{;ht air; fBo'grtet rooms and long oiri docs of ikarsvoed were draughty. 4 wovld. stay «iU| plaaaore, «if oourbe, if there waf u J .nal dauer, or if bir Paler wwe dying, ojr that kind of thinp, tAit I inow he is not.' ' *f dAre say yon would,' more than ifaiA .«f Aba sarvaots present UrautHit, «s thay Uitssed to this wifely speech, and smiled furtively. 'If Sir Peter were dying, mj- lady, you ircwM stay with pleasure.' X UiM Dangerfield felt bis pulse, «if«d wra^. tbe blood, and set about restoring him. When at length he opened his eyes aud saw her, he fell back senseless. When O'Donnell heard of the oc- cnrrsnce be made up bis mind to sift tbe matter to the bottom. He sus- pected who had been playinx the ghost. Ho visited Sir Peter, and bav iiig heard his atory, asked if he had ai»y pietare of Katberiue Dangerficld. Yes, and this ^O'Donnell took posses- sion of. Ue examined it tlioroughlj and found there was a great similarity between tbe picture of the dead lady and Hiss Herncastle still he thought tlisy were not tbe same. O'Donnell's mind, however, was at work ,and be determined npou a strau(^e course of action. Sir Peter was sure Katberiue was dead. Q^jDnell visit- ed tbe churchyard aLdTlTHe read the inscription on tbe gray toml^t(me, Kathkbine, JErATll. \j^ Resuroa^ He was about to leave tbe yard when he discoTared that he was not alone. Miss Herncastle was there, and witli her â€" a man. Who was be? •You must go back, Henry, and at once, to-night. That j'ou have been at Castleford at all will cause talk enough. I had to tell you Marie De Lansac was here, but I certainly did not expect you to tinswer my letter iu person. Say good-bye now, and let me go alone; it would be f4tal to all our pr. i ?ct to be seen with you.' Their bauds clasped. The man muttered sumcthiug earnestly in too low a tone to be beard Miss Heru eastle's clear voice responded •Give up! give up now, ufer all I have suffered, ail I haye worked so bard to accooiplish, a! II have done al- ready Never! Yuu should know me better than tbat. The first iustal- ment of my revenge I have had. What I haye sworn, I will do; iheu, I caro little what comes. Goodnight, my kind, my tuithfnl friend go back to London a' once.' She pulled a thick lace veil over her face, aud walked away with- her own rapid, resolute step. 'The Ujjin liliger- ed for nearly ten minutes then he, too, opened the gate aud disappeared in the gloaming. And Captaiu O'Donnell He stood like one petrified. Marie De Lansic bis sister's Lonisianian name on Mis8 Herncitstle's lips and to tlu.H iuhk! What did it mean? And her revenge â€" the oath she bad made, and meant to keep Wliat strange, incompro- hensiblo jumble of mysteries was it altogether Hi? bead absolutely turn- ed giddy f r a moment with tlie suri;- ing thoughts tbat filled bis brain. Who wa Miss Herncastle? He glanoed at the grave, and tbe gra.v stone, gleaming iu the moonrays, that told tbe legend of Katherino Danger- field's death. Jf Katberiue Danger- field were dead â€" if â€" what reason had he to doubt it And yet â€"and yet â€" bis blae eyes flasheil, bis li[is set, hisi face grew like iron with a sudden, stern resolve. •I'Ugetaf the bottomof this juggling. I'll find out who you are, my inj'sltri- oos Miss Herucustle I I'll find out whether it was Katharine Dangerfield'o ghost Sir Peter saw under the King's Oak, or â€" a hvicg woman And, above all, I'll find out what the nnmc of Marie de Iiansac has to do with you or tbat man I' [to be COXTIXfEn.] A Ll:;TTER FROM MANITOBA. METHODIST 8TATION8. tr«K Sooan Dunaat. OvMi-Hound-^CIaitaon, Scotk, 0^ nard, sapsnunitoted. .- 4tTO(d(bolu)^-Jobiiagii« " » ^itoodf^, Leifh. ,5r-J3"aT Wal'ers Falls, Pc ry, Cbatsaortb, Lake. Williaaslnrd, Ttio.aa«. Mw^Mifk, MrDiamMu. â€" ' nasherton. UoDowell. Eagenia Falls, Graudy. Dai.dilk,8ttwdoo. PriceviUe, EdmaD'ts, B.O. Wiartoo. Torranee. Ltou's bead. One wanted. Hep«orth, Legate Allenford. Godfrey Cape Cnjker, Glaii r, Jarqoaa, atm D. C. McUv^well. chairman N. A. McDianaid, fiu. i Coujxawoon DisTaicT. Collingwood. Laird. Sallows, sap. Kirkville, Pn€fer Thornbury, Gee, Franks Me«f rd, Wibliingtob, M.A. St Vincent, Clarke Maxwell, DowUr UorniuKs Mills, Bnrwash Sbelbume, Medea'fe Avening, Edwards. Liddy Stayncr. Wilkinsou Parry bound, Casson Parry Island, Native assiataat Christian Inlands, Salt J. 0. Laird, cbairmau R. Clarke, fin. sec. AValksrtok Disteict. Walkcrton, Smyihc, Tyndall, Rol- ston. sup. Mildnuy, Tliiba1can Hanover, Ans. Potter. Vandewater, Clarke, sup., H dmes. supemumersry Durham, Smiley, M.A. (Jbesley, Greene, (S.ilton) Invermay, Rnptri-t, M.A. Ark Wright, WtbsUr, Carson, Hall, supy. PaifleyTUdf-c I'^deu Grove. Pepper Tiverton, Baikwcll Pt Elgin, Galloway Sangecn,Culb»?rt pj. S. Uupcit, chairman J. GuUowaj' fiu. Sec. HOLLAND CENTRE. ADJOURSFD COURT OK REVISION. Tlie assessment roll as corrected was passed. COtSCIL. E. Aluldooii refunded' §1, money overpaid. Mr Cameron to compare statement of lands sold fur taxes, IH77, witb Co. Treasurer's books. Lot G3, con. H, w pt. 04 W, Co. Treasurer to erase taxes against lot 2 of 5, cou. 1. E. G. R. by J. Fret.- man paying §15.28. Mrs Allen to be refunded that iart of her license money equal to what the township received. $125 to be expended in rscb w*rd. Dr Kennedy to allow John Waters and Widow AnustronK to perform their roadwork on 49 fidoroad. Tiie fallowing road coniuiiibioiier'i were appointed 15. M. (inlhraitli f. r 1 fk 4 war.ls R. ]lark, 8 ward Jas. Adams, 2 ward. Chas. Boyd aud Mark Apply's peti- tion reflecting cattle at largi- wh^ not entered. §25 was granted to the Ilollaud Ag- ricultural Society. Deviation at Thos. Anderson's to befiur\-cyed. Puthmasters to cause all obstruc- tions to be remove I from the rojiiU. Tbe CO. treasurer to urase all taxes against « 10, con 9. J. McDorald wa.s appointed to inct the clerk of Sullivan to eijualise U.S., S. Holland and Sullivan. Orders wore issued as f/illnwr* $1 00 {/! 54) 2 (HI 1«» 00 to make (l!'i^McvaiD^ iraal^^airiUfi^ t}i«!i«gti tiiatmf^ h9|tolis;4 gous fos the. sQT- l^roiBtisIa B» 96 eoata a bettle lladidala.liaidiSi.1611^ *»y liwifumBfifini' sitMiM likely tn be doaa. Ia it tf the 'eoflll^sioo anj^ coo- yon raayluow what i tiaQp'^fpsUaL tX-fc â- ' AiSs lure I^d£n,.apd U was skmI inconsiderate awakcDinz me in BT G. T.. D0DI3. This time I write yon trom Flat Creek, 65 miles west of Braudoii. aud the jiresent tennmus of the C. P. R. The village is entirely of cottou. 300 tents, all shapes and hizcs, cover the ground some are botclo. some aro stores, and some whisky stands. The survey party unshippjd tlicir horses and snpi)He8 here. SiSty miles nioie track will be opened shortly. The land along here is not gool until the new town of Mancbciter,15 miles west is reached. Iu Flat Creek there are about 2000 people, all come within 10 days. Some are healthy and strong. Mme down witb measles, and two with typhoid fever, numbers sre dy- ing. Tba water here is better than at Winnip^. i have been here about 8 we^ks, and Lkr the place. The Stan- DXBP'tod the Abvamcv are welcome guests. If any of your readers should eaaaa-te Flat Creek, they must be sare to ealL It is a gkXd time to look for Some shoold come and witness the Hanlan-Boas exhibition on tbe Red River. The Sioux ludinus arc nameroos t'ley oome in, painted aiid feathered, ait down aronod a drum, and tresit ns to a pow-wow some dM)oe 'thsr8 sing, e. Tbey are in- a^Censive, and take a joke wtll. The ^iMther is fine, hot days, oool nights. X ahonid jodtfe-tbero are 5 milei of si I*â€" tba dioflS in tha Bry. yatd b«re. the agent hdaa on iunaabaak when looking after the ears, Agentsget $12fi per mimtli sedtionforemen $1j|0 per day. their im!^\ fa» sorgeonV anival tten'ffi. Floor i* f8.75 per I'OO lbs. $4.50. 0»tR $1 par bnsb«l Putotses f 1.60. Board %i week, or ^. ameaL Tba hulk of tbe people T II •(« going t) Qa'Al'Pellc, 200 miles Â¥" 'IHik. 'Hie track will be open by end J^^Wtf. Wood is seattervd lAoQt, as as I havs been westbntit ia searoa E. Mul'loou Ag. Society R. Bradlpy P. Mclutt.sli R. Shnte The clcik was instrnctod conveyance f r Dr McC Hud aud thi» corporation. S100 to be expended ou (i sideroad, between 10. t 12 con. Council adjourned till .July IU. ~^-- EUPHRASIA. CouiK-Ji met as an adjourned OMirt of revision on June 14. Members all prcs.nt. except Mr. Fawcett. Ch. Clark asscssca for N E J lot 30 con, 8, val. ^700. John lioRs assr.ssed far E lut 8, con. C. val. ^r0!l Hu-;'.! Knott (altennl from E. K. Knott I assessed as tenant lot 2C A N^ lot 25, con. 4 .and E. E. Kuott pitt- ed on roll as owner. J. Boyd assessed E lot 21. con. H instead of Mary Jane Boyd, Viiluation $1400. J. II. Pritchaid, a.ssessed for S4 of W* lot 25, con. H, iiist- .il of. Wm. Kelley. J. G. Mil'ar assessed forS-{ lot 22, joii 5, val. $1100. II. Myles assff fixed at valuatum of $2800. The assessment roll was then con- firmed. COfXciL. Minutes of last session read and confirmed. A. Loudrv having performed \i\i statute labor in S. McCort's toikI division, produced Mr. Mc(!ort'8 re- ceipt, which was accepted. Rodger Bowser to call upon Robt. Loni;beul to perform five days' statut4 lalxir IU Mr. liowser's roiwl division for John C. Millar's property, S 2:t con. 4. Instructions to pathmasters and fenceviewers to be prepared for pul» Hcatiou Tbe Rseve's orders were is^niHl to John Clugstou, $80, salary as asvessor; Robert Dun'op, (20. for preparing minutes (1881) fur publication An- drew Clark, $15, ImIaucc for building bridge on lownline between this town-- sbip and St. Vincent. The couooil adjourited till July 7. Tba Dandalk snrvey Dsctjr le.'t Iiere ou llondaj hM fmt 'f uuchwood HtUt. N iTmNo ox Eaicth so Good. â€" Cer- taiuly a strung opinion, aail one uf oar reporters, to whom tbe followina was detailed by Mr. Hanry Kaaebop, witb Mr. Geo' E. Miller, 418 Msiii street, Worcester, Mhss. " I snfTer- ed BO baJly witli rhcumstism iu my lex last winter that I was nual la to attend to my work, ^,n% c»mnletalr balp'es^. I hf'ard c f Si. Jacob's Oil aud bought a bottle, alter ukuik which I felt greatly relieved. With tba nae tf ths seeoud bottle I wa* eomplac« ly cured. Iu my tslimMimi tb«ai. urtbiug on eai tb so good, fur i -*^'

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