Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Jun 1882, p. 3

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 ir J. vi. r ti- ll ,i ,M I Ett«ln! s\ioat all xnaniifitetaren, •witty Iiii1h«/.-l Ou Freoumn, Inll*. from 155.000 ta MNBf I'TMe W:iyb »â-  *« fi««^ to giro to emy •r* cimil«tiDgUmtif(lMNitUM eoantry •od in wortUn*. \mxi\tm mar-liine o9 will not gnra or firwae, and wean better tbao M17 aiM-iakaiio MEW 8UBSCBI3EB to Mr fKfrt ..uiipJiM.q^MnlMra PATIKO IK ADVANCE, a eopT of £. KENDALL'S " r; \Qp, Yfji^j cf kiat week* ftw tn ke out in Lioea' ltlaek»mith ihov Ilxuovpr and bi:ruad it to Ibagrooa^ %7C0 Insniaiiceou the Laildiog. All forma of feoia^ waslcoe« ai^ (•eliodi ii* ^ffectnally reaedidd bj tU* neat rfgnUtii)« ayatem-racovstor, Bordock Bltod Bittars. Sample bot- tle 10 centa. 'kit aditbr recevtiy fonod iTlfew TcBtameDt on Lis (able. He at odce wrote an elaborate reriaw ol it, and waK much disaypotDteJ when foremaa bron^bt tbe copy back, amd told luffl it wwi not a sew book. Would jou ai-oid tlie Biliary com- plaints inci'lcDtal to spring and som- xatt't Cl«arse tiie lyatem witb Bor- doUf Blood Bitters. It regnlatev tbe liver, bowels, kidneys, and blood, and id tlie purest tonic m tbe world. Trial bottles 10 cents. An editor' bizoea* 14 to wni« edi- torials, grind oat poetry, aert mann Hcript.s. keep a mighty bi^ waste bas- ket, steal matter fite odier people'a battles, take white beans and apple sass for pay when be can git it,, work 19 hours out ot 24, and be cussed bi,' evryiloJy. â€" Josh Dillings. Ague and all ^Jalarial nod Biliarj foir biiuta are most promptly cared 1 TCiit bloci cleaning, liver regu- ' • nic-, Hurilock lilook BitterH. (n tie bov.fcln, liver, kidneys a: i; '• -A. Trial bottles 10 cents. aiuIHBDii!«ues." TTii»i»»itipiiiiiw»iiJ an Index of Diaeaaea, Irlii^ ^\m ifiDptoma, eaoaa. and tiia beat traat* ment for each a Table, giriog all tbe priaeipal dmga taad for l)orae, witb e ordisai^ doae, aAietM, and antidoto when a poison a table with an eagraving of tbe horse's teetb at different i^ea, withmlea for telling tha age of tbe horse a valuable eol- leetion of receipta, and much other oaeAil information. It is a bock that •jould be in tha bands of every for- mer and owner of a borse. Now is tbe time to snbscribe, or for old sabschbers to pay op, and get tbe book. L dunbalb: BOOT AUt) 8HOEJI ilsr laat |Mti«w«*.Ibaf toi Tpl IBAKKOO "fl^JJ^ JB*i«i- •» fâ€" OfB«t»aa4ah«aa«»«rl»oa«hl lato^»iaft. NEWJIOeDS AIIIVIM8 DAILY latOl KENDILUS SPIVIN CURL A Correspondent of the Itural New Y'lili writes: "Tell your readers to pi-t onepiutof salt and one pint of' 'â- "»« ™«»« ancceasftil Bemedjr soft soiiji I it ought to be larnier'a eoap) OaII and S«e Xlieia. tboMedehratW ft«di B^pJoota. ean^and grt lh«n. Calf Boots, eitlfw aawad m t*tt "jijialty- Repairing promptly attended to^ Ay Custom Work Warranted. «-,: mU " -â-  i- u Bent Imp i^OMmijoiQtv SHOULD SEND FOR SEiDft I keep tbe Celebrated Wamer Sefii]^'Iu|nes CoivtanUy on hand, whieh I seD very cheap far cash. r0TVIINI01V ORGANS "v J*^- which *i* nnriTaUed in beanty of ton* and pow. ,^ All kinds d Farm Piodnee taken in exchange for good* at theDundalk Boot aad uneo '"" TH08. MANBURY. Bondalk, Septembw Sod. i88J. '-** to ten gitlloi; ,f water, aud use it on rurruiits iuid ;,'oosc berries. 1 11 war- rjiiit them II full crop. I'ut plenty of iihlies -co:il or â-  wood â€" around tue roots to increase the size of the ber- ries." T'ij)li;'iei;ii, tlmt t'liibl' scourge of Ijio present (lav, attacks cliiefly those whoso vitality is low and bloiKhmiture. The timely use of iJiirJcck Blood Bit- ters forestalls the (Vils of impure blood ai;d s;i\e- dictor' hi Is. Sample bot- tles It) cents. Cut wjinis can bo clicattd out of li .itioMii^ (â- aljbi.'io and oilier plants ly Kiirroiiinliiij eucli plant witb au (.;•! I iekory. or t-fjiiic other strong leaf bet d" ji i noiij;!! t prevent blow ev«r discovered, aa it is certain in iU effect* aud does not blister. Hzav Pboof liEi.ow. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Hamilton, Mo.. June 14, 188I. B. J. Ke!«dai.i, a Co.,â€" Oentn: â€" This M to certify that I have nsed Kendall's Sparin Cure, and Lave found it to be all tLat it is reoummended to be and iu fact more too; I have removed by using the above: Calloos bone Spavins, King-bone Splintx, and can cheerfully testify and re ^mmend it to be the best thinR for any boi.y substance I have ever used, and have tiled many as I have made that my study for years. KespectfiUly yours, P. V. CBI3T. Tuon Col' T. L. Foster, YoiNosTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Db B. J. Ken'dam. V Co., Gents: â€" I had a viiiy valuable Uambletonian cult that I prized very higlily, he had a large bone spavin on one-joint aud a small one on the other which "Glasgow House," Dundalk. SELIilNQ OFF. SELLINa OFF. Bargains. Bargains. Bargains Bound for the North-West. Ill ' .iwav. .\iiother remedy, said to m«fc him very 1 irae I had Mm under the heetr-ctV,;,!, i., to pat .s.iwdust about eli^irge of two veterinary surgeon, which faU- ibe Til' ts and K.iturate witii gas tar Willi r. .^ceiit worm: 'liie 'â- ;:nvilust will retain the f lliu t,ir ;iiid drive away cut- :aiil other iiieec-ts. \Vii!it i till. I If r, IIMll Uil'l t. li \..l| ll to cure iiim. I was one dn.v reading the u.lvertisemont of Kenilall's .Spivin Cure in the Chicago Express. I determined at once to try it, and got our druggist here to send for it, they ordered three bottles; I took them all and l!ioii:;lit I w.mld give it a thorough .1 r i trial, I u.sid it according to directions and the l,jrdine/ AK any larmer f^^^th day the colt ceased to be lame and (.r mill man, in lact any tl,i- liiiui-."liave disapp.'med. lusedbutone liiii. mai him rv, ami he will 1 Untie ami liia cults lunls .ire as free from ,;it it is lii^ oi'.ly oil which I '"'"I'-* •""' " smooth as .iny horse in the Ca-t^- 01! iiiil won't 1 1! I., '.â- ii.rii 1 !â-  •ir.;i.i, Ipfp- :leved and eur- sSiomach 111 I 1, all Iii: I • Un .1 til • Iw.liuyr; 1. I 1 Ilir 111.- t, l.l-li;;il ]-illllier |.ii:i- 111 liio W l-.l.t-. :[i:i;ioii |-i i.,c ..f '.â- .( '.11 .;.,m' 1.1 I'.iil i-.~. I'ry llieiii. -..â- i- :i!i.i etV. ctlir.l. Sdd by .1 \. I'mii r A To. A'.,'i-ut au.l i \V.rais.iis,.\-eiit, iMiid ..Hiids (if di.-easc from i.i aio till .skin, tlig biiwels, JUu'doik lilooJ Hit- al'i jiliasaiil and ef- i;i i luiillli restoniiK ill. Jii.d bolllcs l(t Ibe nndersigned bannf; determined to remoTe to Manitoba now offers the whole of his large and well assorted stock, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Eeady-Made Clothing, Millineiy, Ac, AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. This is the only genuine bona-fide sale ever offered tc the public. The whole stock of goods [must be sold. Temiis Oasli or Farm Produce. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. Dundalk, February 28th, 1882, 1 i \v I 'ily :tfe :im1 ffecl't.il uicditine Ih.;' .;â-  ' ;U. nl.ii e upon llic bowels, hver. Liii unl iu.lney;--, wlule cleanses liie 111. 'l :iii'l Hn ni;llieii.s the system, n r.unl liv r.jiid Kittii-.-, the great •-, ;.il.!- !;, inviitlii' i'ouie. Sauiiile l,..tl!v.- 1.'.. !ll. I state. He is entirely cun-d. Tlie cure was j so n markiible that 1 let two of my neighbors 1 have the n.m;iiiiiiig tv,o bottles who are now i U^ll^g it. V(.rv respecifnllv, I â-  1., T. FOSTKU. Kendairs Spavin Cure. \ViN,.HAM,().it.,.)aii. 17, 1S82. Iu. I!, .1. KtNiivLi, .V Co., eiints: â€" This is to certify Ihat 1 Imvc umiI Kentlall's Spavin I inv, biiu;;lit from C. K. Williams, druggist, \\ legliiiiu, Out,, and dc without hesitation i (uoiiouiice it to be an iiiviiliiiible remedy lor the cure of Spavins, Kiugboues, tir Curbs. I used it on a Iwiie spavin of several years griAvlli wliicli It completely removed, and I can safely say it will remove any Spavin, Curb tr Itiugboue it properly used. I liave also rieo.iiim luled fi iuiids to use it, who have doue so with perfect success. 1 gladly make this piiMic, ami wi.l answer any nuestious or letlei.s seut uie. Yours Ac. liKom.r, ERYCE. TAILOR SYDENHAM STKEET. Markdale, July 7, 18S1. 43-6m. l:.iii -fi 111. iM, I'l stllMl iiiii.i.l l.nei Kir.i. V\r Ml r .V w. â- I,' wiatl.er is trviiij' to the r. .i I. liii.;; It mure liulileto ilis- A • ;i I iiveiitiitive of siekness I'll-.:!- .SloiiiiH"li aiiil Coii- â- M Urt.Ts. Tiiey piuiry the- e;ire ;ill Hilious Stouiiieli iitlJ I. Til 1-. itnl â- ;ivo tone and :li t.i tbr -!, 111. Price 5()ets. -:!• liv :f'll hrnt^irit'ts. A. Tiir- ,v r ' A nt. Mnrk.lalo, and ti. r.ii-iMi-, A.;i lit iiii.liilU. Si 11 1 1.1. 11 mill in M.iii:;iKi iM'.-liev nil sell. I' •• II;: !.et renort. â€" Yoimg Ci ills -lively, willing • KHiii. I'aji.isâ€" declining, iii:-t:led, hut w::itli:g for 1 I Is. L\';V. • Couaiderubly I I, -ll fish -active and slip- Wiieutâ€" a u'l-.ii.i better than Ki.^s â€" ijuut but will fro â-  '• [.'11 up h'.el.v 111 11 short time. .V sti.idiiy ymii^C down. Ou- u\ii.:; and risiiiii. "Breadstuff^ ,\v. i'.,) .t.s ai.d shoes â€" those in In. .;iarket.iro bolod, aud iire cou.s- faii'lv ;â-  'ii' i "»d down Hats and " Not so iii^di asj last spring, e\- .•.,.t r.,.:- Vol.. e.M- W:ud I '1 liot cki-so ' o.i;' \e'V wii'.eh is stationery. luw Hud haii down- â- y. Silver â€" close, but ii'^ii to jCt hold off. 'I'he ix- :iii' «1^ frni typhi lireVHlled Very iii'Wii, i;i of sevaMi individu- 1 i.jvcr, whieb recently lai«,ely in ft Western WH.« directly traced to tbe fact jliut they niaintiiiiiod an excellent tilatc of heiiiili by the use of Dr. Car- son s St niiuh and Constipation Bit- ters. This uiedicine is purely vegeta- ble, noil alc.ilu lie, and may be bad of ft'd Jrng{,'i*ts. Price 50 ctnU. A. Tor- ncr .1 Co.. ii^rciif" Markdale. and (i. W .I'.ii^oUb. Ajeiit, Dundalk. $200.00 REWARD Will be raid for tbe detection and con- viction of any person sellios: or deal- ing in ai.y bogus, couutsrfeit, or mu- tation 11. p Bitters, especially Bitters or prejinratious witb the word Hop or Hovs m tlieirnameor connected tiiere »itli, that is intended to mislead »nd cheat tbe public, or for any prepara- tioftput in any form, pretendiug to be the same as Hop Bhteks. The Reu- ni«« »*• elnakr of GbAoi Ho»«, j notice this) printed on thrf white lat*! and arc tbe purest and best medicine on cavtl' especially for Kitney, LiTer, and Ncrvo«a Diseeaea. Bawara of all otkan. and of all pretended formqlas or rtoipes of Uop Brrrraa p^blialied in rniers or for sale, aa Ibey an fi-aui'.s and swindles. Whoever deala iu any but tlie genuine will be proae- cutc4, Hop Bitticbs Mro. Co.. iUeUeitcr, N. Y Kendairs Spavin Cure O.^ Ill^Vl.i.-V FLK'tll. Wkst Knosiu H..11, Vt.. l\Ii. !.•;, !rt81. IK IJ. .J. Kkmmi.i. A Co., dents: â€" Several uioutlis at;o 1 injured my knee joint which I Milled an eiilargemeiit to grow tho size of a walnut and cause 1 inn very severe p.iin all tlie time fur four or live week^.when 1 began to iwe Keinlall's Spavin Cure with the most Kiitisfaetiiry results. It has entirely remov- ed the eiihirgeim ut and stopped the lameness niid jiii 11. 1 l!:ive lung kumvn It to be excel- lent for horses but imw 1 Know it to be the U'st liniment for human tlesh that I am ac- ipiainted with. Yours trnlv, T. r. L.VWltKNCE. St. Johs, 1' y Oct. 27, 1681. Un. T:. .1. Kemhi.i. .V Co., (ients: â€" I have u.sed your Spavin Cure with j^r.'at success on spavins, curbs and iplints. I know it to be a good remeily for ringbones, bone spavins, iut~. gills an I all kinds of lameness and other .lillieiiltiii about the horse. One of my men -prainid his ankle very badly. I applied KeniLili's Spavin Cure and I never saw any- thing work 'ike it. liB was veil in a few days. I know it to be good for man as well as beast. I proc'ired one of your Treatise on the Horse, by mail for 2octs. and 1 think it was the menus cf saving me SlOU on one horse that I treated aeeording to the directions given in your book for displaced slide. Y'ours trnlv, Wii. J. PEARSON. Send adibess for Illustrated Circular, which we think gives jiositive proot of its virtues. No remedy has ever met with .s-uch unqualifi- ed success to our knowledge, for beast as well as man. Price $1 per bottle, or six b 'ttles for to. All dmgjrists have it or can get it lor yon, or it will bo .sent to any address on receptof price by the proprietors. Pn. B. J. Kendaix A Co., Enosliurgh Fall.-, Vt. by all Druggists. LYMAN, SONS CO., Montreal, P. Q. Wholesale Agents HI fi .A M'lNTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'lNTYRE ^F^lo-o-x, DE^lo"aj:, ^lovLX- McINTYREH LIQUORS I J.IQUORS McINTYRES Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRES Coffee, Coflee. McINTYRE'8 MEALI ilEALl MEALI McINTYRE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'B rCeas, rrea,s. And everything kept n in a first-clasa Grocery and Liquor Store, always on hand, chkap roa cask. Sold FARMERS, Look to your interests, and get Sargent's Patent Load Lifting Hacliiiie tbis season. It will save yon one or more haadn cvery day yon are draaiug in, aa you loD't need a man at ti • front of Uia mow to pitch it back. Yon am pitch firom the load hi yon are pitohing down instead of op. ^oa can unload in half tbe time* and with greater ease than in tbe old way. Agents wanted in ererr eoanty. W«. SARGENT, Btrkeley P.O. or, Gxover A Innea. Mail Bniliings, Torouto. 8i-OT fieneral At Shortest Notice. Farms for Sale and to Let. p,y. CAT4UKH».llBrr0HAPPLICATI0H W« to iaform Uw fatming comaitiD ._ .jity tl,.! » choice Block ot "*«W AVdiMi mw0ww liiMSiin ai.d wfll fcepw»are« »«••â- â€¢ neaf and Fair Deahng. ' :^ â- - «•, Acc*«Bts, Ac e*lt««t«4 ' CHARGES liOW. C^nmiyAiioer \V;\iK' Millet Carrot, Manuel ',ifs-v i.ij: DAVIS, Commieaionte itt P^.. ^^ EaUte. Lo« A Insurance Agtnt '0-5 Ji\-^- FARMERS « MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND a-©an.exal .A-grerLC3r, DUNDAIjK, Ontario. â- ' â- 'â-  COMPRISING Clover, Timothy. Hungarian ^^ --^^*'-Grass Tares, c. ^o^n, (Scc" W* wosdd also remind the public in Reneral that we h»v« ' â-  ....; ..r. ., GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS ^^^ajfl Stationery, School Books, Patent Medicines Pp- Dyestuffs, Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Fancy G^| Pure Drugs Chemicals Tea, Coffee, and Tobacco A. Turner Sc Co., Meaical N.B.â€" A Quantity of the celebrated Oil Cake just, ••nvevMciiig done with ctre, neatRtst ami despatch. A. G. HUNTFR. OFFICEâ€" One door louth of Anglo-American Hotel. Dnndalk, September 1st. 1881. LIT. 1882. SPRING 1882. MAEKDALE Sash and Door Factoi tl JO in *hi«e ' »•»-•? ^iirt witbout iWe lor the Of ADVEBl .jaar- do. • w^. ^LmBi insertion • • •• •. • 1 ^C* insertion liJe. first inseruon per -(j^Snt insertion ^••-Sd measured by a «•* fill be P""""^,*n,iu. 'Jl^SSfln the office of nbbcation- JOB PBtKTHJG description execui ,;jaBd 'e6paU:b at tbe fr%r»..r. Markdale. C. W. BUTIXPOE, ^BoP^ Uiiiu AND BUI DIRECTORY. Sproalc Arms* flCB JUedicalHsll; re^l tkdsle. Sept 17.1890. foAvANns04.K.T..,: ;iv Jot stteuduw to «w i. Froftt A I'i«*«. IK1STEB9. ANO .^TTM!N-| *^^ gol.ril...- ... I'"" • Blore. JpFa^sT. .l.W.lu.-i ounty Crown .\ttorii. v. J. l»IAft««^. kBiaffrKK.M.\sri.u.\Nni»r. B-Chanoi-r^-. Notary 1 uMir. JEYTOi.KND.vTsixrr.r. St-- »nJ i" Maikds'ii-. Store" on 1 r.'Uv ai.l Sai...a4 Great Novelties. Wonderful Attractions. â-  AT THE- TORONTO HOUSE, :lv£.^zs:^3z j^t..e SASH, ,. DOORS, â-  • .. BLINDS ';•.'• MOULDINGS, ;â-  'k. :. HOLLOW BATTQNs Lumber, Lath and ShinglesKS;S:-'"';jr-'1 Always on Hand. Orders Promptly Filed. Crca»i«r* Worri-ouJ BlSTCKS.StlUCITMliS.' mcers, Vc. Ac ICES in OweuS. .1111.1. I.i'.;.i |W F. \\o\U- Stov. ^...i '" MARKDALE W. J. McFailaiKls Si.-i* ..n iFridsy •( earli •^*'-^ -O- Prices astonistiingly low in every Department. Highest price for Dairy and other produce. Markdale, May Ist, 1882. Wm BROWN. The Subscriber wishes t J return tbankb to tho ix-cplo of very libeial patronage they have piven him in tho past, aini business to merit » continuance of tbe same. I hare now extended my business .and will in futur PINE LU i ll... i\':\ fu;: S;.vt of EflJ Direct from theUMorth Shore. AT.T. SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDRESSED, AW K^inds oi*Pln.iii anl l"mio;\- Tiiviing " Done in a first class ui.iiii( V. â-  THOS. McNEA. Markdale May 27lh. 1881. Markdale PUMP Factory. •MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DKOP VALVE PUMPS. CYLINDER PUMPS, CISTERN PUMPS, ._ FORCE PUMPe, A.IBO, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. Satisfaction cnaranteed on all my work the proof of it is ound in tbe fact that I am doing a larger basiuesB now than ever was done in Maritdale in the Pump business. Remember tbe stand, 1 door north of Rutledge's lintel, Sydenham Street, Markdale. Great Excitement in Markdale OTKB THE LABOK ASRIVALS OF SPRING ic SUiVliMER Goods AT "CHEAPSIDE." IMPORTED DIRECT FROM ENGLISH MANUFACTURERS, coNBiSTiNa or Dress Goods, Cashmeres, Muslins, All shades. All colors. Latest PatteniB Brilliants, Diapers, Cretonnes, Scotch and West of England Tweed*, Diagonal Coatings, Dress shirts, Ties, Ducks, reiiiiiiH« Oxtord Sliirtixi|s«, A NOBBY STOCK OF FELT HATS. STRAW HATS n ABUxIDANCB. Full Lines of GBOCEEIES, New and Fredi. Alsoalaige Stock of from b«st Toronto Manafietonrs. t CROCKERY, GLASSWARE. a LAMPS, ETC. HENBY FOSTBB. -•^-^.i linvtnx Orders by Mail or Wire promptly executed. r Iw';.*..;- ...i.- w?.l '1 *s;^.» f^mi .1 ^^ STANDARD" Markdsae. 2:« MAEKDALE •^-^ AT HOUSE ALEX. ETJTLBDaB. Proprietor " aU tt .. _^paMtoU»rir OH, HEAR. OMMR. OH, Squander your money if yen want to. if not, get yo-.a riiotograiis t W. BULMER/ The People's /- r Photographer, ' 'â-  •" -^^. â-  • •â-  Fleslierionl 3UEROFMABUlA..i:i.l»K CommisRioner m H. H-A' bBvevHiuiuK i" all il l.raii.-. • Bde.ltoaii.lc.-.v,-r..ny.A.'«' tT.â€" Money to VeuA on B ' 'â-  jkdale. Sevt. i7.. 1SR». Alexander Kr«v.i»- ,rEU of Marrmco I.i..u.' 1| Life In-uruiK-.- Ap i.i '""""i B B. Ac. CouVLvaiK-i â- t.l t,one'rf..rtlK»%..i..tv â- â€¢Â«'â- ; V. « xhauts. undLaii'l S«l.-: l"'"'l Jeito aud char-, s iun.lt %.i nFrioeville, Sovt. 17. l'-.o.^ UCTIONKEU ASl. (.KM i:\Ii Aceut-'^^"""'"""""'""" Mtend«l 111 M i.iut- ••! "'•â-  ssold..nc(.mi..i-'"' ^•{""â- "l „, Orcan«. au.l S._-.v...^ M- ln.| ut and Oriian..nt:.l Ti..--. Y'" V InivlemcuiitH. Mvi Ma. inu ' on B*l«?. 1 I Wiliiam.4ford, Ja" """'• mm IS GEXTLEMKN. If Villi waiil â- ' ' â- '• Who is again preparea to tak« Pictures, and do Coryin}.' » 1 I- FRAlVf KS A IN I IPFt A. I i:: I'lXI»i^- i FrtB« I We*r«reoeiTing alarga stock of MOTTOES aii.l Motto an •â- â- '!â- â- ' •â-  rnicn'r_ Fixings, which we c»n, and mean.to seU at Remarkably Low Prices, i-»~ secure bargains. Bring along yoor ptetorM and have them cojaed ard eulai l-. Iv vmir cafr «- Fleaherton. IfaiehlO. 1881. BULMER. IGETMYWOOLCAEDED luggie orWa^ call lit lARRlAGE WO' MARKDALI Tbcy can supplv v..u v-itU an; Lumber W^agon] up to all Extension Top PI « To buy fioin tiiii.i â- â-  AVE I 1882. 'mm. iSS: They are both pia.t.'al «..rl.m. ii| empI.'V i.oii. '" IPRACTICAL work: They enaraiiu-. Ui. n \^"' Saoondto nonefor l.it!l'ii"~~ "' " and Superiuritv ol in..- â-  -AT THE- Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where do you get Yours '«« nothing but Firstt' • ' for Wagons, aud thiioe l-*"a ".^ Growth Hickory f 01 UJ' ^^ The immense amount â- ! ^^ '•' â- ' ' "1 ' aflleKenna M««.ii' 1'"1' '•' roof ol the vide reputa'.K'i' 1I1' :â-  lor doing good woi .;. Jo BEST u THa CHEAIT-Sl in Poor cheap work w« |H)itivciy uot lake. P. S.â€" Partiaa indebted by Mttlaakonea. DUMDALK. Deel SS, UM. note or book account «i.l l-'""' '** â-  W. H. PETEBSON. I tsA â-  Special attcntiofi given H'aA Benaintino all cI'^kcm to r.c Tr Bcfiainting all claiiKCs of Carr.: fiatufaeCififi -.^azautc^ io^ No 1 HORSkSHOEII ARTEME8IA WAREHOUSE B'X-.EISELERTOIV STATION. Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and 5"ocs. ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and s^cx i assorted with new goods received cveo' week. BRAltor STORE at EUGENIA replenished wit New Goods every week. For Sale Cheap for Cash or Produce. MUl Slxcet oppc Spronle'8 Ilot.l. UcKENNAMAS^ BT. E. DAVIS, OlU)«B CONTRaCTOP.. iS; â-  J. MA). After complctijip 13 ti "â- â€¢â- NaW Btai on the track ant to do all kinds of stone ai and tuck poinlin;;. ite building will And il te give bim a call. ^^^ t eonter of Brown and "â- jUl^aiJ. IC-v M^^V Saw Miir md Shingle Factory At LITTLE FALLS are in operation. Lumber, Lath* Bfoom Handles for Sale. 67 ^tVERE HOI â- AJKIi.DAI.K. [*».SPKoXJIiEy- Prop: has had a .^^^fe^iyriffli II, ttioroughl; lu th attentive ostl. for commeri

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