Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Jun 1882, p. 2

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 «ri» fo ^^ge Of5» ":l^^^TH. UUe (-aion 'ri »«"^.«, •.ir, -•.IS 1^41 " 'â- â- â€¢io .ill .1 *• •-•..dpp. f ~^ â€" n â- â-  June 22nd, 1882. -^cR NOTICES e gskad fvr, for drainiDg kr of Ircsli fruit coming i scliool closed owing to tae f'^rffstail^t fever. ill" ' r 1 1 ]\-;Ut frost on Monday '^j}'ljlo damage done. cnvvh of canvassed bam *p i: condncfor named Bxseo- .irfjJon Tuesday. flebtcr. Priceville wants ten- ii^ erection of a flour ladl. „,i jfrs ]Iii^i£tt returned last a t vo wefcks' wedding tour. Walker left Markdale .r D.uibury, Connecti- EUPHBASIA ^^ i^r j fr' El fllil-" nQ| ElECTlOHs »*IENT8 "'T^in, ONTARIO Bell. Miils Neil.. Wells .[]'" 5'""ejviiie J -V^teraon .J Wood White ' Blake. ^, Wilhamg liick 1 vuar l:or..e has a sj.aviD, use "r, Spavin Cure. See advortific- e M"i """' Herald 1 uildinp was ;«l'y..:':r»:!y morJing. Loss ., tti«,f !ii;-tl;rbcrsf? It needs 'u'r.-, "^('.i-. :.i C':ia-. Sec llieir ad- ,,:^meiit. rjtiVr t.':»s-iii, Piia vi:i.?. adv?rti?cs 'vrM'-rs i-^i- t-.-. i;:i ni of a 2 storey i!:-..ii--^. \V.I-..t'r. riiccville. tliippeda ,) nil' t .Miuit'ibalasLSainrday :., (.r. i.\. „i -t-i si"" fi'^ra fha Winni- l'...';:i "'ii:i;:ittcc fir a rowing ' '"i. .inu- â- ^H. r out of emjdormenl The eoQoeil met m a eaxut of sion on Jauc 2nd, 188S. Meabers all prcatfft. The fbllowiug aeti-jo waift«kai to reference to appaak iuJ efpttiMlana aude eoacerniag (bt as^esaqisiU ^tfl: 6«0rge Hnti elria wi n as Mumu iei i con- firmed. 8«mnel Coopar^jMtonnnent redoeed $100 on personal propaity. Joseph llyon amammaaU ed. bamad Oilbtft, Acsei firmed. Willum MeEirofs aaaeaament n- dnced $100 on personal property. Robert Dantop, awnetment cm 9Ui line confirmed. Archibald Londiy's asaeaament con- firmed. 7 r if" \Villinm Myer^ pUcaid oa aaMssnm^ roll a* fHrmer'sBon. ♦ ' ' » Williia- Garbntt assefsai lojutly with Uobert GarkAtt. ij^^, William D cue asacsibd f r W i, 1 ^lotT.ccn.lO. Jitmts Cuvsntry assessud for N i lot 8, C0U.15J. Hcurv Thompson pbuiad oa .^t rot as farmer's ton. Joiiu Neil assessed i* 6 B -^ kt 19, cun. 5, and John Langlree Motii- ed to this effect. James M. Langtree usesaed f^r N E pait lot 21, con. 5. Thomas Doughis assessed as tenant f r W i lot 80, con 9, and John Dou- glass entered on the roll as owner. W. O. Smith, Esq.. banker, Thorn- bury, assessed foi S i lot C, cjn. 3, in- stnid of James Hodson. Mary Jane Boyd assessed fir E lot 21, con. 8, at a valuation of $1400. The court AiljoorueJ until 10 o'clock a.m.,ou Weinefday, 14th msi 8TliAf1«.-ln ,„_ wifa of Mr Wm:. Btraln, «( a »«i. MARRIED. *»• â- â€¢*« CM*i.\ii St. Pete's ChaPri, *» »â€" "g. Ur John Braa, to Misa EIIld TUBN£ 14tk Madidak, to IOh Ita^ Bloft.' Of DniiAB •â- .^^i|: JffP' jf-«l|4«» a»Mi an th»uti FLKMIMW-In Braaaon, Man., of M*_ and iiiflajyition of tbe Inngn, EEtki«l, (4 Stnart mm) Klisa FleminK. Aged 14 jia. Dnrham p^fie: j iJeaae copy. "" ' â€" • I' 'i" I M W i â-  I â- â-  II.. l^f^TPi^LJlg, onx/cao nn jBu^ wr tbe nwUon of • Two rto.-CT BUkJK HCUiE at tbe 'i^•*l^ 'Sf*^'â„¢*"«««'«dtaJthe ot/aly. Flrta anl ^leAca ions can be Council resumed. Jfinutes of last session of council rrad Jind confi-med. Moved by Mr. Gilray, seconded by Isi.il^ !• '••'""" "'• I Mr. Myles, that thf motion refusing ., .•^':.;ii.-"'r out ri emjdoymenl ' to have by-law No. 813, read a third ,i^r i tlic walls of u pump I tune be rL-sciiJtJed.and that said by-law bj now read a third time and finally passed. Loct. The repoit of tho committee relative to the repairs on Saugeen bridge was acceuted, the work to b« proceeded -I'iko was driven in the with at an early opportunity. r,iji/«; vuJ' ()„ W.iiii" V.h hi- St. V iv ni^ht 3 bags flour Mr MeDonairs barn i:iC -nt. 'iii(cln)j^ WiiuiiiHg I 'Saturdav. with "y â- â- â-  ... "tlorson W.gle..." Wilbc. ...â- 'â- â-  Casey ... "ensou 'cMnster "" •••Alien ;â- â-  â- â€¢â€¢â€¢S|r.ulj ••J'"iderkin"*.' i â- â€¢â- V-C.Camer.jii i â-  r iirrow ..ii'iwel).....'_[| •••B'bcrtson ' j â- â€¢â€¢â€¢'â-  White,.. â- â- â-  ' Kilvc.-t ...... ' '» 'berfsju ..' •McCr.ip.y "â-  • MeMiIlau "" •Thompson... •••"llUli ••.Smith â- â€¢â- â€¢'â- â€¢iiniL'sou ^villo-/"'"'^3»^' i'LT^'llSOU 1 1 1 Taylor livkert • I"iurbai'fc3 .. i..ist»-r """ J. .Maclonal'j Curliii'v. I» ivnor.. • '^•^u-MiiJau Ci):n;h,'iu ... ' U' iJoss 1 0'Jiiiii ... L-«McCiil!um Ch.-iritoii ... 1 J.ickdou iiil K.(.ochraue.. "dW (Jiiillct «len Cckbiini.., Whelor ... ITir/ey 'Sutlieilaud. ' .Mack ni tosh I Tas.so Hl'S.Srill ... Trow fi.iDr issc ••• Ih-. I'latt.. â€" I'iemins .. • •-liilliard ... â-  -.BMruham â€" J'lckinson ., â€" Campbell... • -.White ...C,)ok • ..McCarthy.. ...T^rwhitt â-  JJt-rgin .Hi'My ...Small ..Hay ..Dundas Camorou ...McMuileu. ...Itiiies i ...Orron -..Kranz ...Ijivingstone 1 ..Springer ... 1 B.iin 1 ...l)r.F»rguson ...Mulock 1 |. ...Mackenzit. 1 N.C. Wallace 1 Thi: l • ii ..vv tiiniidpr '^tiriii pT-^s-jd over ,,u'iiyton S:in.i:iy evening, lliil ut' I f v'rca* size fill. 1 â- â€¢ijiifs.s iraiii Klin;; r.oi til w;is â- ;r :.i: III! Tii".-ilay uvci;i!i/ the • V,' I I' iiLscd by a train leaviug Ltl"!-- .1 1-. I'.r'iiio left, on Wednesday !i,'fir Sherhcxik:' huvin^ been it, i to attend the .-upreme Grand â- i l.i.ige. • ;r r.I to Tela the other day \V-]i r.iiii, (111 .vo;i ..i.^e ail t'l;; wiM it ;)i' Ti.'.oiil" '/.'r, Ml I'll lay " :-.iiil Tijin, " 1 ili.lu't sec you. ' • i\ciir..^u)n to T'lruiifo fr.im 1 II ;- ii.ii'l, i'lfsliertoM, and iiiter- â-  Im' • stiii'.in, on tlio 2StIi iiist. â- c.' ii .V r'.i-; i:;i;;it iu an 'liiLr cjlumu r ji;i. tic:;l ;!"s. Tiri: S. II. .1 1'.. Kvii.w.w. -Tt i.s ex- ;cti I li'ii till- r:ii:vv:!v will bo com- ift.' 1 by 111 • fir I I f .Inly and trains .Ii I Wi-i'i'ii. • 'I'll" i;i vi'.s will then c.-«rri. 1 ou tiie cirs. T.i • .\: tfii! -1:1 oi-trict corapri-sing :..!,' :, li.iVvj d. .iiL.l t celebrate the ,rli i.f tli.; I5iiyiie, July 12th, by L.iirii.^ !i Im I.'t (liciiic at Mi'sThomp- si:i-! (ii.v... 1;5'» sideviv) 1. half-way i«t»r'n l,iikil.ilo and I'lcsln-rton. .«ni.:' \:. i-i I'„".::-;r..\\r3 in Toronto. .\ hir- i.uiii .r iinii:!;,'rinfs arrived il'ily. nr-inin:' A l:ir.j^ number -..r.- ' I r;.i I'is. wir went on to the IV,-!. r i;ii. atiii t»(l went to Man ::li:i. I' I w-ir sent tn llainiltiii.. and â- lii lit I'll! !• in.'in-i in Tormit). They with the farmers in the w, .fie Mr. .lotdan's tune for collecting the ralc. of 1881 was extended until the It, July nest, and then to be finally settled up. Proposals were made by Mr. Dod- 3on and Mr. .MifchiU to fi;rni8h road .scraners to this corporation if required. W. II. Dodsou was req6.tid to furnish six road scrapers for the use of this luunicipality. The lieeve was authorized to confer with the Reeve of Collmgwood, rela- tive to repairs reiuired on the town line, Collmgwood and Euphrasia, at loi.s 2 a'ld 3, as it sppoars that the raad at that placa is dangerous to the triivtliiiig public. The Reeve and Mr. Fawcett were .-ippointel a committee to wait ')n St. Viuceut council ou bu- siness i;i reference to the improvement of tiie town lino. J -hn Pickerin was authorize! toex- pjiil §5 fir tha benefit of widow Grey, an indigent. The Reeve's orders were issued on the Treasurer to pad as follows: To Frederick Taylor $3.50 for road work; William Warner $17, balance of road contract Auckow Clarke $6for repau-- iiig b: idge. Th? council adjourned until WeJ- ncd.liiy I4th lust then to meet for the despatch of general business. IkOBEBi DuxLOP.Tp. Clerk. ON OUR TABLE. TB1IDEB8 «rA}r*D for tbe metion of • Two rto..i ~^ Fib 01 s-wn at the recideuen al Wiihm Oauin. P'.ee Tile. Lowest or any tender not neeesMuilT •xeptei. Prioerille. June 91, 18W. jn A Tenders ItirDfsina^ WOBKB. QEALED T£KD£B8 mwked '• Teodcn O for Drainage" will be received at the Office of the uudersume np till 12 o'clock iM»n oa Monday, the 3rd day of July, 1883, for tbe drainage of a po.-Uon of the Towuah p of Mel«iethon. â-  Tendt-rs may be for on» or more draina, •ndtobe aocompan^ed with the Same* of good and efficieut taretie^ for the due per- formance of the work. Tbe lowest or any tender not nece Murily accepted. PlanH and Spf cificat.'ons of the work may be seen at the office of the •Jixlersiyned. „ JAMES BBOWN, Mciaticthoa, Jane20,.ltj89. Clerk. 4S-4 WILL YOU EXCHANOE a caa» of Iysiepslaor IlIiou8nes8 lor 75 cents? l£ is awfully un\7ise to r.pronizo nn- dcrtlienumy allm ent a r rising iVoni lyapcpsiu. Indigestion, Disordered fitomaclir.nd Liivor, •wrUen this oflor U made to you in your own bomo in all sincerity, with an absolute certainty f eariofr you. ZOPESA (from Brazil) cures Dyspepsia and Liiliousness. A Bin«rlo doso relieves a' sample bottle coavinccs; a 7D cent bottle euro. It acta directly upcn tl^ Stomacli, Liver, nnd Kidneys. Clcansin :, Correctinjr, Keg- nlating' Zopesa rjivcs energy and vim to tlio lirain, Nerve, and Muscle, simply by work- in«j wonders upoa tlio rijje»- tion, and civinj activity to the Liver. Cut this out, talio is to any dealer In medicine.'?, and get nt least one 75 cent bottle of Zopesa, and tci 1 your noijrhbor iiow it acts. It i » warranted to cure Dyspepsia and. Bil- ionsuess. Burdock Blood ' WnJL CURE OR REUEVC DrSP£P8tA, JAUHOfSSE. 8ALT RHEUM, HEART BURM, HEADACHE, •wry aoedi raared UVE BOWELS DROPSY, rUfTTEUHQ OfTUENEAtrJi ACIDITY OF THE8T0HA0H, DRYRERS OF THi 8KIH, •ctes oTomtmam arWmi ftvm VER, KIONEY rrdMAOK ^ST OFFICE STORii, u^ldHi «3H B«rciTta»vt Pucit aid Bat Heillclae eT«r lad*. aeeoiUaailaa o( HOMb Buahu. Man ertfaa ef all oth«r Bitten, Blood Purifier, Lhwr to anlnaii Apintlasr^ [op Utters an Ini Iratlna. â-  )loiuiB«rwhat; an wkatthe rtiwawgrajf (•!« Dent wait antayon only f eelbad or mlMraia It may mn rowU(k.lt hi S800 «ai be iiald lor a onivorhaifk Do no* lafrer •â- Cir.lmt awand ma tkn Beawmber, Rap BIttcra la »Ho» nitod and paitee* an thair I atTlfsrtatbitKdaidbla. tlmnltri k arlaaiy nuaaa^ or wfeo ra. and mild Stimulant, uatal«k without Intoi' dmnkea nostmm, bat tha Pnreat XedldnacTcr made tbe and â- OR** and no peraoa or faaifly •hoold ba wtthodt tbrm. PJj.O^ a an aliaolnta and Irreatibia or It UnaaHopMt. aiek bat If yoa itham at oaoa* laaTod Imnilrida laa tbjy wfli Bot Vorletyavrfi ta _T«a, mkeiiaaa,aMoto|ilam,tobaee( i narcotica, AUaold by dronista. Sc (or Circular. â-  mttna ai^. Ca., RocheatorJT.T and Toronto, Oct. 1 1 1 1 1 i.tinrv. S. A. r liflirl\ â- â- ;r i.ii.. • 'nii';iiht.s ;! etini; th tie.' P.I). d' ri :icln s reael: us from Lite arrival of It i sail that RirLelv on the I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iiiiv u: .â- .••irfli -uy. i.ie t:r 1 T:l u-i..i' e; ahiiM"' â- â€¢ i: i^ |. :• .â-  I :i.!i y i .-, I!u'..l! 1-v h .1.-^:1 Will|- ;i: as til -, 1 iir. Imt aUil l:i t:ii 'I 'i; !:n i !:ei date ol piihlication. It l,'i:l 1. o to he. We never fail to ..-'ii'r 'I liie 1 :r r.s in "lime fir Fri- lil. :iiiil .sometiuir.' we are .suc- 1 r I'eliinij the post on Thurs- :ir.' e" !e:iv )Uii;!g tc tr.'iju â- â€¢1 tlia ilu'ay. ^rth itseif ii the best ff all ii.t-i. i'lii-i is owing to its • :in I ileiidorizing piop.jities; â- '.â- â€¢ Ml the hiu'lie^t d.'gree and .1 i-::iits .li" tlir.in.;li its sur- si eh tiiges ti) hi'iillhy action .-.J ob.ioxions f'rment.itioii?!. I :ict so rnpiiil.v, or rather its • not so lll^.t!lntly iipparent II. wing the usj of tliechlor- I' etf.-ct IS moro wide-spread 1 i^lli\i T 1!a( iiF.LOKs.â€" Ihavef jund tliiU IV ,,,, „ ^viio arc really tho most I'li.l f tti ladieâ€" who cherish for •111 IU ')( In.^b.-st rispcetâ€" are seldom ilieii.,.-t jiKjuIar with the sex. Men "f;;r. ;i! ;; i;rance â€" wImso tongues are l:"!iilv ii ni;- â€" who make W(.rds supply 'be |l,ii( f. i.leii*. and jdace compli- tHiMtiu til r.iom of se.tiraent â€" are thiir ;,•, ,!•;•. s. A due respect for "::; II !. lo respcctfiil actions to- »ar.i.-i t!„ i:;: an. 1 respect is mistaken h tli.-iM i I- iu-k'ct or want of love. â€" .iifi/.\u/i. no I'C Scotia Brunswick. 38 11 6 8 48 M 15 8 Stat.' (ir (.-.{ 'It' iujuvv more i 66 l»* n GREY. Landerkin J»ak«oa ... 122 ... ... 121 ... 44 60 49 114 287 218 Land«*ui 74 I OBEY. ien LuM bS -•• 3 ... • •• • •• 8 68 1 48 ai ._ â- Â» 90^ na J«^ 'â- ' v\i;i.|iy (jnestion is simply a T'lf^tun .11-,,-t. If the saloons of a ilo m.f're good than they if thev build up more â-  'M iiiey curse; if tiiey make v.. \. Voters than corrupt ones; It tLiv l.iiild lip more families than 'u«7 li. .,-i.iai if they make more hon- **' m.i. tiiiii crimiuals; more wealthy "I"i t;. 1 1 iian])ers tlieii the man is not!io:,.t, not fair, uor manly, nor *or'..i to bo a voter if he icfuses to »5te t, eoiitiiiue the saloons. If a Si., oil j ., Mossing, a man is an enemy '.0 the ciumouwesilfh and civilization If he }![. ises it or votes to destroy it. pt if th. reverse is trueâ€" if the sa- loon H an eiiemv to societv if it c r- ""Pts voters: if "it tills prisons; if " it "^Wvls poor-houses if it hreaks warm "'wts. It it b.'j;giirs children, bow can « »ote for such a curse A vote to P^e m..a in f iKce o: keep those in "nte who wink at the existence of •wus IS simply a vote against law -amst ;,Mod. order and against nood Ktl*"' '"^wbole question is: What '*»« lel.itiou of thf saloons to society ""y tiii., and nothing more. il.'VUKD.^LE POST OFFICE. iJlie Mail at Markdale Post Office ""*« as follows ^.•fouio Mail closes 7 00 p.m. ^?S South 4 8o5.u,: 0..n « '"' " 80 p.m, ^Wtn bound MaU 7.00 p.m. PiJTUBESQUB Canada Nos. 7 i 8 have been duiivered by Vie energetic Mr. Hunt, and are fully up to, if not superior to, p.ovious issues. A valu- able work is this. The C*nadi vn Fabuek: always good, imrroves as it grows older. Tkuth a week.y journal from To- ronto, k^eps well up to the high stan- dard it has taken. TuE Farmers' Advocatk: is worthy of its title it is full of information specially needed by farmers. The Stvle published by W. J. Mc- Farlaiid, Markdale, is an useful sheet of fashions. Te Markdale Mission Magazine for June contains some valuable Notes on tlie Book of Common Prayer, Irom the 5en of the liev. J. Ward. Th«y shew how the Book originated, and how it has come down to us ft'om almost Apostolic times. Tub American Agricui,tu3I8t for July is very full of valuable information for the farmer, garduer. and house- keeper, including much that will in- terest all others. Permanent Pastures; Ensilage Experiments Time of cut- ting Hay; The Swine ol ten States; Southern Pastures Feeding Poultrj etc. Of the sixty or seventy illustra- tive engravings and sketches, are those of Aylesbury Ducks Toulouse Geeae A farm post-driver Method of stack- ing Hay; A brush roller Stable Floors Pi airic Chickens The Per- nicious Bindweed; Saflfron, True and False; A line Narcissus. The injuri- ous insects in the farm and garden at this season receive much attention, in engravings and descriptions. prize plan of a house costing $2,0i is given, with full plans and specifi- cations; also a new, valuable heating luruace (unpatented,) for buruins; logs aiid knotty wood etc. " Farming Come to the Front " is a suggestive editorial. The humbug column shows up various swindling fcohemea. The farm and garden notes supply much needed and timely information. Tbe Household contains numerous articles with engravings on preserving ice. canning fruit, foldinj-itiftle, catch-alls, harvest drinks, etc. A fourth of July scene will interest the young folks, while the Doctor's Talks contain much that is instructive. Orange Judd Co., Publishers, New York. $1.60 per annum, 15 cents per numbar. C. A. OWl, Tailor, Over mms% MARKDALE. t^" Special attention to Cutting..^;! Dftoflai ^V99*i 31 ^VR Iil A I.E Foundry V n Kaymonclls. SEWING MA^CHINES Manniiustiired in Gadpji, ar^ all fitted tn with ~*r^;t That Pirteiit AtttMnatic Bobbin Wiiid4plM • Nickel Plated Wkeel and are all supplied with the most apiirpved attachments. Every Machine is warranted for a term of five years. .YflUaMAM .aoiiT THE--"-KARN J» OBGAN, ' ' ' r H ir* ' r^T^^Dof**^"***! in Wdoilstock. j t'\i)ri r- f ,^ "' ' â-  â- ...ltj.;JA..v.y *..„. f -- .:•: CJv^-xV.^^- For the material that is used in its constructioir.'lne style of finish, the purity and exceeding richness of tonCj ' 'iO l§,n^ the Cost of each Instrument, can- T. not be snr passed by any other • .- Organ mannfactured •f ft IF"^--" -.- k u 'in Canada- 'HI "-^ ' Every Organ is warranted for five years. â- .i f n. :^ â- ill i*..- )»â-  T" New York Weber Piano is still to the fore. A liberal disconat giycn for cash. Full value allowed on old Machines and ..., Beoood hAnd Organs when taken in exchange. The mosft •' iimte allowed for auy article is 12 months. • My territory for the sale of these articles extends from Owen Sound to She'burue, Grey County. -AND- MACHINE WORKS. We are prepared to execute all kinds of Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. H. L. THURSTON, DEALEE, Residence and P. 0. Address, MARKDALE. If yon want a yo'ir Order with Perfect Fit leave C. A. OWEN, MARKDALE. MARKDALE PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive our special attention, knowing throogh practical exprrionr.^ the best class of i Irons for such. m^ MarbleWorks Monomntsjointistoiies! And emy descnptien of '«iii«tery azeonted in work When the teacher at Walters FaUs school resumed duty last Thursday mominc, there was great consterna- tion among the scholws owing t» the new school decorations. Sone one of the too, too energetic workers for tha Markdale Christ Oborcb Tmonto trip, had not only ornamented the eohoolhouse door, but had conside- rately left pictures of whales, hoas, kc. for the «dtfieation of the risiiig generation ml tfis section. Tha ianar and onter walls, and e'en the desk 61 th* preceptor ««re oraamented. Tbe lessons, too, on Tkandav got mixsd â-¼hh sootofy^ SeliMt ioon sheold be locked. FIRST-CUSS STYLE I and at reasonable rstea. Ordor* left »t the shop 01 sent by nutO wilT be pmnnptty at- Uaiad to. SatisfactioA ' ,Qttarantecd. Shop next door to Rnurt Hotri. w. I. JDinirroi, ftp iUtki^ kn. loui. ini. 4S-IT Bestl luahMss now public Ton eaa make _^ iBoiMT feeter at wok tpt vrthaa at sflythbf elasr Capital nsi ani ed. We will start 70a. 913 a day and np- wawUiâ€" deathoBMfcytli^iBdartri^i.Mia, woBMn. hafu and gill s w ij| â- â- â- ^s l lMi ♦» work for ns. Now ir the tiiae. Ton ean wotk in mn tims orly or give roar whols time to theMMtteas. Ton oaa lire rit laMBS satil* the «M. Ho other bpiaiifes w31 nojr ni Besrly •• well. No one eaa il tfi make en- ormoua pay by eofaging at onee. Co tjjr ootat aM tonui tn$. Moosy mUo hit, eaaCyandhoaorah^. A M rss s Tap* A Os., ^oyosta, Maiws Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Rollers, will receive our {attention. We also Intro duce our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public This new machine will mangle Linen, Cotton, and Woollen C.ikkIs, giving them a beantiftd smooth and glos.sy appear- ance. It also improves tlic clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also manu- faciurfi CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or without marb'c slab for name, A».; also Tomb Itailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Ch.nius for same, also all kinds of Oalinster Bailings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Brass Cestiugj of every description. Brass Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. M ir kdale. Nov. .1881 ' l[j 63-1t TRENEWEBjl S.Has been la eonetaat " we hj the pnbUo fo» OTep twenty years, sod' la the beet preparation ever Invented for RB8TOK- INO OKAT HAIB TO ITS TOimnTI. COLOB AMD UVB. It BiVpUea the Bataal fbod nad eolor to the hair (taade without ttnlnlng the •Urn. It wlU Incieaee and thl e fc en the growth of the prevaat Its blaachlns I failing oir, and thas ATBBT BALORBSS. It enres Itehiag, Bm^ Mans and DandmSr. As a HAIB DBBSSnrO U ia *eey deel rab le, (iTtac t^ hair a e eita eee which all It keepe the head eweet aad healthy. The 8tit8 Assayer and Ohemist aflfaas. aad leading Phy«- endorse and leooiD- mend it as a peat tnniBpn inmedi- dae. EABSFORIMIUION ipOO CHOO'S BALSAM OF SUABX'8 X: OIL positively Bestcref the Hesripg, and is the Only Absolute Cure for Deafness known. This Oil is abstracted {rem eculiar species of small WliitA Shark, caught in the Yellow Sea, known as Cabch.ikopon Bondb- UTU. Swy Ckineee ftsherman knows it. Its Tirtnes as a restorative of hearing were disoovered by a Baddhist Priest were dis- covered about the year 1410. Its cures Were so numerous, and many so seemingly mir aenlons, that thfr remedy was officially pro- claimed over the entire Bmpire. lis use heeaatc so universal, that for ovei 300 years DO Deafness has existed among tbe Chinese pe3Jle. Sent, charges prepSTd, tO SITT ad- dreas at 11.00 per 'bbtOe. ll«atf what (lie Deaf sar s It has performed a miracle in my case. I ha*S no unearthly noiseaini av kcaM. aad hear much better. I have been irreatly benefited. Ity deafness helped a great deal â€" think an»- tter bottle wid euro me. ' -*~Il8 Tirtaes are naqnestioaabteaiidile eufa- tive character abeolnte, as tbe writer oanper- Jenney, 7 Dej Street, Kew Yari. â- MlosUtgtl .aad jffa will j^eeiie by return a remedy that TTg| t-«»M^ yoa tajhsar like anybody «ilsn,»nd wboee enratiTe efleets will be peimanent. Too will nerec regret doiag ea.**â€" Kane* IS*Ta avoid Itee in tba attin pfcaM â- Â« money by Begistoed fitter. Only iBBorted by HATLOCK k JEinm, ITuIe Agiiiits lis i amiss T DararNswYoax NIL DESPERANDUM. ORAfS SPECIFIC MCDICINL ^^BE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, an unfailing ciure for Seminal Weaknecs, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and all diseiUe:* that fol'ow as a sequence of Self- Abuse as losfl of Memory, Universal Befon TbUb^ Las dtude. Pain in the Back Dimness of Viiion, Premature old age, and many otncr Dt^:ease8 that lead to Insanity or Consimiptifn snd a Pre- â€" mature Grare. l3"Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at •1.00 per packsge, or six AftSE Takiag. packages for •5.00, or will te sent fne mail on receipt of the monty by addressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., IdT ' Toronto, Ont., Canada WHISKERS wtd Aaaga the beard to a BBOWN or BLACK at diaeretloa. Betas in one It U aaailj w^led. aad a p i r waai ul eater that wffl BT LP. IIALLACO.. lASMA.!,!. •iidbytlDsalsMkir SPECIAL NOTICES. Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers I Are yon disturbed at night and bcol.en of yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with' the occmeiating pain of cutting teeth If so, gc at once and get a bottle if MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING 8YKUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi- atelyâ€" -depend upon it there is no Bustake about it. Theie is not a mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will Peg-'^te the bowah, and give reft to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating lixe magic. It Ik per- fectly safe to nse in all oases, and pleasant to tbe state, and is the prescriptiou of one of tbe oldest and best female phynicians and nurses in the Unit-d Rtates. Bold every where at 26 eents a bottle. 20-lr Cold. Great chance to make money. Those who always take advantage of ti e good cbanecs for malting money that an offered, genoally become wealthy, while tboae who do not imMpve aheh chances re- main in pover^. ^Wwantiaiany men, wo i^«by hoye'and girls to we^ for us ngfatin tliir own localities. Any oae can do the k iropwly bom tks first start, llie bos- Will^y spore tkan tea times ordiaary asiTe asMtfainistyKl free. No â€" failalomaksmoniqr rafidly D^lSjiBe ia dMWtrk, oar cpara laosaeats. Full infonna- â- Utiiatie needed sent free. Addies. *Oo.,FiastludlfaiiM. Notice to Contractors. SEALED TENDERS addrrsted to the un- dersigned and addresved " Tender for School HoT^se," will be received at Ma resi- dence. Lot No. 2, Con. 11, Tuimship o( Eu- phrasia, TintU Saturday, the 17th day ef Jane, up to 6 o'clock p. n., for tbe ersetion of a frame Oihoei House for School Sec ion No. 15, Township of Euphtaaia. Plans and speoficatioi^ may ba seen and other infotnatiai) had at tka rsaideass of James Btinson, Es^., Lot Mo. 8, Co*. 11, Township of Euphrasia. The Tmsfees will not be bound to accept the lowest or aaj tender. By order of the Tnutees, JAMKS STBUTHEBS, See-y. Euphrasia, Jane eik, 1883. 9U-1 PIMPLfiS. I win mafl (Free) the reeme tor a simple VaoatABLa Balk that will remore Tax- FBSCKLlfS, PIMPLES aad «Tcaas,iMtTe i^ tbe akin toft, elear iaeli aetiuBS for nrodneing a lux iriant growth a bald bead or smooth, jkee. Ad- riAs. stamp; Ben. VanMi kmanst..N. 7. STmRTLING DISCOVERY I f rMtCant^Rmaii littry 18 THB LOSS OF MANHOOD We hayerMMBtiy pnfaUabed a new dition ef Dr. C m. v aa w a iA'a Csls- »as3«D B*iiT eh fre radical aad p«miaa«rt enre (witkoot Malieine) of Her- â-¼oos DdUlity. Mental and Phyneal bMrnaei- ty, iKpedinieaU to Maniage, A«.. leaalliag from exoesse*. tsr Prie«. in sealed aaniafi^ tmljt seal*, or two poetage etaBips. The ee l ebt at ad avthor, in Ois adariSaMa Shsj, clea4y ds mwi H i atea. froaa tUi^ yiur sneeearfnl ptaotiee, thatalsiMw «»" seqaenees aiay be rsdiealW eared "wUhmrt the dangeaoaa OM a Intsrnsl atediwnei or Ifae BMe^the kaife pointing oat a asoda of aaM arenei rfnwle, oertaia aad TiTri'ul. hj â- aaae « ^web t t mj adhaK, no aatta:. eheMft V«i«at«ty aad ladieaBr. tarTMeLactare JteaMhala ttebaafasC iathakHd. Summer Stock All goo^ peraonally selected, and Wt stock is second to none in tiw coantjr-for Qoality, YarietT, and Ch«?.pties Now complete P I^m offering 5000 yds. Ne^, „^^.,,S|imroer Piint?, ^stC^qigk FvJ| OU^d^I^^ aocoyds. Dress Goods, in all the Newest Fabrics. "' ' ulf line of Staple Fancy 5 IiyG99l?^.c.Ka|^ttoij;i prices.' ' tj"ii In the Millinery Dept. I am shewing a most complete stock of all the newest styles selected with the greatest care, and selling at right prices.^ i .., Examine my Stock before purchasing. City houses rivalled for va- rietj of style. Grocery Stock complete. Hardware Stock complete. Business Jn every DEbARTMENT Booming I GIVE US A CALL. Any Quantity of BUTTER, EGGS, AND WOOL. Highest Prices Paid. H. J. SPROI7LI:, Toronto House. Flesherton. John Gardiner, Dundalk, con- tinues to astonish the natives with low prices far Hardware. It will pay you to give him a call, examine Goods, and get prices. .- k. i â-  » .V. SEEDS! FOR ALL KINDS OK 6Tcnr xmta mm mvnr wtiM Pj0.baBi4M 4ti GO TO THE Dundalk Drus^ Store* IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. I have just purchased a large stock of all kinds of Field, Garden and Flower Seeds direct from the oldest and most reliable dealers in Canada, and c?n safely recommend them. Farmers will do well to come and inspect my stock. I be- lieve I have the largest variety of Field, Garden and ^low« Seeds ever imported into Dundalk. Don't fail fo Call. Yours truljr^ • ^^ Q. W. I^AlMdN8« p. S.^A large stock of Timothy and CloX-er Siifeds a 1 wayr on band. Abo a new variety ti roC«t6e*.for seed. I bar^ just received a half ton of sew prbc^s9 Linseed Meal i»f feeding horses and cattle, ctuap. 9^.$b j^ roo Ifttr Duwiatlky Marcfr yfh^ i8dk- ^^, ..-i.'jii-.-

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