Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 15 Jun 1882, p. 4

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 FRIDAY MORNING a,e to m**' 'lie ^^^^^ °*^- ' ' f ,reign anJ Provinci*! Provill- ,1 "J^.rin.elligence, Coni.tT Bu«- "'v.uc*, »l-50 in three month*. W r:Tt!.e .u.l of the yp»r. No p»- U!*^,iea until all arrear. »re pw4 B- 'T^Ui « 0P«=°° ' '»•« pubU.her.and '^-*i -roaiTbU for the year. nb- f'^**w.u,.,,^ f "'â- '^tJ they comply with the mlw, '^^'"I-'S OF ADVERTISING: It"' I ..^cDiUou-year,. do. d" -.:io. d' :•• do _-:" do V" ..'l ^f. r.»!it insertion |J»^" '".- ,.. !, II hne-s, first insertion. .»50 00 27 W) 16 00 8 00 4 00 60 15 76 35 6 2 ^Carrot, 3 Mangel c„„, S"*.! l^f ,.i;.„:u. lit iii-nertion 15^" ;.«=• ""' iii^eruon per line J"^, ,.jl... -.cnt in'Pition '-â-  a' • ' of lites to b« reckoned by the '"' (,7: ^^ J niiasurcil by a scale of aolid i"** ' iivortisemonts without ipecific ^â- â- â- â€¢â- ^- ,, » • a j» UilT !; !.â-  published till forbid and 3-, i i.flv. All trausitorr adrer- 'â- ^Mt- m • be in the office of publication '" n' on the Weducsdsv preceedin^ 11 " Med •cines, Perfu, ^«aps, Fancy G^odT' ^emicals. Tobacco, -eclical Hall. M Oil Cake just r, «c«irtj LE r Factoi 'W BATTONS. FIUMES A Shinglesl l^'romptly Filled. â-  f '\riir;;,l,.lo ai ,1 Tic!BJ»y, for i^ '""' "l'«-'« h clone alto^ I f'i:ui.- k...p a full stock af BER •th Shore. J) UNDBESSED. nr. S. McNEA. S7.tf OH, HEAJL â-  Y tret vourPholograpLiof [rapher, Flesherlon ' tiul Enlarging a« hereiofort. I K F'IXIIVi» •to and other Frames, and Kri»«' ti'ly Low Prices, C5«ll t»^- r iilurt'cj b_v Tonr old friend. bulme;.. CAEDED' 9 1SS2. in Mills. I it Yours it will plca«« t« call m4 H. PETBBSOJf. 67-tf- EHOUSE ^ATIOIV. Dts and Shoes, Gra- ft full and well sived every llA replenished with I or Produce. Le Factoryi operation. rdles for S^^ JolJ PrUNTlKG If fxty ili^sciiption •xecuted with l!,,!t"^: I I'espatch Ht tlie Office of |^,fit4»tAHi, kUrkdale. I V. KI'TI.KIxiE. Pp.opr.rrroB. IpROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Di-. ^in-mlc AniislronB, l5'-b c- "3 sureeca.'--,AccoucheTir :â- 'â- ,) JIsU; residence kt i|. s,.,.i 17. IS^O. 1-T fcjal. A V io;i"i IS. :»l«-:»iii.i...4.\, \Ni) SOI.ICiTOn, IS NOW ' a:u ii'lni'.,' to all kinds of lav I'^l'r.; at K.iv's Hotel. I' 'nil, lf*Hl. 04. ti;»«»» dc FroM, ;..•• i:S, AND AT roUNF.TS-AT i itirs 111 CliniHirv, Convey I'v-'t Smnl, Ikwi' resumed at Dllico (.jisu tviiy rhur.sday, asi .. T. .1. W. FnosT.LL. B. .;v (I'lwn .\ttoniuv. 1 n .1. ^ASSO, I'l'.i!. .iASii-:ii A.Nii)r.i' UF.G â-  TV, Notary Public, Couveyan i'l r.KNO AT SIX PKI! CEN'T. 1 11 Souii.l, ill Vickii's Hlock â-  I ill Mnrk'lai.-. ov^r Mt.I-'ar- i.!i Friil.iy an 1 Saiiintav every 'oT.ly " I, l;S. Sul.RUUiiS, CONVEY- ' .\,:\r. :: ii.vi.Ti SiMii.l. I'lilT-ria Block, W,.lt'»' Stiiri' find ni M A R K D A L E ' .! K'-Miii's Sl'.ie oil ThursOay (f .i;ic|l «ir k. i 1.1 liii.l 1.11 ii:i â- iialile t.rms. R t^. " Pin. AN Mil RIHOll :â- :,!. 1:;, 1-..J. 7:My UU^CCliaiU'dUd. ^^ III. itioAvii, ' I.: li Vill.ni.lM-ICENSE.S.Ao 1 .•,,â-  ..ir I Ml r.. n.,u: :i, • â-  .! i â-  I. riiu-lics promptly 1. i I.' mill 1- â- :i-.'iili r'.iJ"itpd. 1: !..iiv :o 1.1 a. 1 un Ucal Estate se- 1--.). 1-y tl\:iiiUcr itrown. .1 M.iir;iiK l.irtasfs, Fire nud â-  :• iKi' .\;,'i-iit. I iiiniriissionei ,v â- . 'niiviyancpr ami Li'-cnscJ f..i til • I' itiity if tlrr;,' Farmers, iiiiil l.iiiiil SiK's, I'lmctualiy at- I't r!ia;vi s mule vitv moderate. .S.it. 17, l-'Si' " 1-v IS. .Tl. Ciiilbj-nieii I I i! Ni:r,r. a.i (iKNKiui. land .A i.!.\Villirtiii-f.ii^Stiliiin. Auotion â-  .1 11I.1I ill all parts nf tlip County. 1. iiiKMiiiinission. I'l.itc- moderate. 1 ii.-an-i, mill Siwiiii; Midlines; also tVui I 1 I iii aiiKiit.il Trocs, Vines. Agricnl- lurjl \r. ' I. iiiiiinls, and Macliiuery of all :.'.! i.-,.'-h!.-. \. I .111. .lull. 27, ISsl. mm IS BELIEVING. •â- v.v.s.-^ If von w.iiit a tii-st-claas Buggie or Wagon "iOKENNAMAJiON'S CAiiRIAGE WORKS ^lARKDALE. 1 11 i'lvy.iu with imythiiig from a Lumber "wagon n|i to an E.ucnsion Tod Phaeton. i 1 Imv from them is to I't U'lli pnictital workmen, and '•uipliiy none but â-  nCAL WORKMEN I y jjiiiirantoe tin ir work •i.ii:c for LiKhtiii -s of Draught i Sujiiriority of liiiish. lii •: liiiu- l.ut First-class White Oak v.. and till ice f^xtra Second ' i:ii Hickory for light work. ::ii ii-iamonnt of work turned '-â- â-  'ii^a .V Miisoii's shop is siiflicient I .. .,;(,, :vi-utatioii they enjoy !• ilii.i!^' g. od work. UK IIKAPEST is the END i.. 1. work we positively will not tak-j. Ki 1 Miiii.'ii civen to l;eTrimniing â-  Ar^ ail tla.-;ses of Carriage Work. 'i n iTiiar.uiti •â-  1 (or No Pay) in HCRSESHOEING ^ilor -Oil M-ll Street opposite t-j Spnuile's iiotel. Mc i.E\ N A MASON. I T. E. OAVIS )t"!T.PKl: ,v ONTU.-iCTOR. (Stone and ' 1 â€" ki. .\f;i-r f.implotiug 13 buildings mplotiug 13 buildings " • :i is .oiii on the track and is still V-'l'ar. I 10 ilii ail kinds of stone and brick "t" i '.i-:,r;ii;^ ami tuck poiuting. Those l^u c iiMaplate building wUl find it to their p •â- â€¢â-  ' =0 r;"c him a call. (. i-orner of Brown and Sproole ^•' â- ; .liiiii-t. IC-y dotfi*. SEVERE HOTEL, iV-AKKD-ALii:. '^- SPROULE, Proprietor. 'yW' popular Hotel has had a Urge ad- iiii:on added to it, thoroughly refitted, 1- nc7.- second to non« in the eonnty. ^l sjauliiig and attentive oeUer. First- ~*s "^otnitio.lation for commereial travel •' '*riii» 91.00 per I«T. niy BIG BOOM IN WATCHES; MB. noiL 1 VOt-:2 ,--No. 41. MAEKDALE, ONT.,- JUNE 201 1882. Wm. Lncas Co., BANKERS, rr large or small annwm**. â- Â» I11hwii, oa good endorsed notes, or «m eolUtaral security. NTEREST AT 6 PES CEiT. Allowed on BaTiags Depoeits. KS^Draft^ issued and Collections made en all points, at lowest rates. W.M. LUCAS, Maaacer. Spteember 23, 1880. 2-ly F. F. TEEPLrS CARRIAGE WORKS, DUXDALK, OXT. The snbsciiber is prepared to snpply the public with WAGGONS, DEMOCRATS. BUGGIES, SLEIGHS, CUTTERS, » BOB-SLElGHs, Together with all kinds of repairs in wood or iron ou short notice, at reasonable rates. F, F. TEEPLE. DunJalk, Sept. 2nd. J881. i-lv HAIR HUTTING AND SHAVING ON Every "Working Day, I5y ';niomas Smitli, lis- Orile -8 tilled for Tomb Stones. Markdalc. .luly 21. 1881. 4,')-3m. GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Fur the County of Grey. AoKMT for tb'i following reliable Companies CITIZENS' of Montreal, ACilllOUI.TUUAL, of Watertown, and TKADR COM\rKRCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. A number of Choice Farms for sale, ako Village Lota Auction Sales conducted in Town or Conn- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. M.\RKi..vi.F., May 2(lth. 1881. 3C-lv S2 H«i-nfs. mem wrDff«n93.SQ. WTilt*iD«tal BmtTttcCaM '.. Imllatioo Kl(l)6. ^uli^l,'»MII DiMpeat and beet fni ya«r own un» or wpeculaily purM i a. Vsl«rM« cai* Joseph Qibson, PLAIN OISNAMENTAL I* i^ ^v js T jl: I* K WHITEWASHINGâ€" CALSOMDJING iu .Shades aiiJ Colors. All work gufj-anteed. Charges moderate. I\Iai-l£ltxle I*.0. 87-113 otice. 1 hen by fordid all parties trnsting or har- liouriii- my wife, FXCRA BAXTER, as she has left my bed and board without any just cause, and I will not be responsible for an^- iU'bt.s contracted bv liT. WILUAM 11. BAXTER. 87-90. Glenelg, May 6, 1882. T. B. GiUiland, PROV'NC'L LAND SURVEYOR, EUGENIA P.O. Orders left at the Standard Office, Markdalc will receive prompt attention 86 100. A Fi'BUc Meeting shonld be called of the cilizeus of evary city, town and village in tlie Dominion, to consider what sbould be done to prevent the hair from turning Gray â€" and falling out. If this important question received their earnest con- sideration they would unanimooiily decide that science had at last dis- covered something that would answer this purpose â€" and furthermore would recommend Cingalese Hair Benewer as being tliis something for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its falling out. 50 cents per bottle. Fur sale by all Druggists. ^t% ^% ^^ a week in your own town UfftCCi^So outfit fiee. No risk. ^D ^^ ^^ Everything new. Capital not rtquired. We will famish you every- thing. Many are making fortunes. Lidies make as much as men, and bovs and girls make great pay. Header, if you want a busi- ness at which yon can make great pay all the time you work, write for particulars to H. Hallett Co. Portland. Maine. SALESMEN WANTED. To begin work at once on salea lor Fall of 1882, for the Fonthill Nurseries, LABOEST IN CANADA. HxAD Otfic*- rOjtOOTO. Out. Brxkch OmcKsâ€" MoNTR^Ali, P. Q., and ST. PAUL, Mnw. ' NURSERIES, mMTHILL, W. WecansUrt in addition to oar airway laige force 100 Additional Caaivassers, And want men •mba eaa give foU tnse to the business. Steady employment and i|Do4 sal- aries to sneceeBful men. It d«ea not laattsr what your preirious oeeupaiion has Inen, If yon are willing to work yoar ^Meaa Is ri- most certain. The beat ra tew n c wa lafaixeA. Apphr to 8T0HE A WKLLIKOTON, NanarraMBt Toronto, Ont. THE NEW ARTIST Cordially invites all those who are loreia ol GOOD PHOTOS To come AT dMC£ and give him a tnal, fof to do so is to be â-  :i Soited as they never were Before ^^All poor and cheap work despised bj hioa. â- ' " â- " 9 ic" J.s-iT J-.V BV' G-ood. T^rorDs, AJO) â€" MODERATE PRICES. Is hi£ motto. All the P*pnlar Styles made ky J. L. BROWNE, Over the Standard Office, Markdale. »' 1^*- ^\^ EGBT. ASKIlS, lias opened out a First-Class Furniture â€" AM) UNDERTKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT. And therefure has supi'lioJ a want long felt, especially in the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, CJSKETS, SKUOUDS. and all FUNERiL FURKI3KINGS, Bupplitd ou tiif .-^ joites notice. lor hire at moderate rates. .fuhnTtube! From the Common to the Res! and Latest Styles, in everything in the Une. Call I'll 33J fjr yoii-4i'i7!i. ROBT. ASKIN. Union Carriage Works. All work mannfactured from First Class Material In the Lateat and Best Improved Style, and finished with ICnglii^li "Varnish. Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest possible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Bemember the Shop, opposite the Chcapeide r J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale, Deo. 2nd. 1881. 64. â- ^77- -A. ^T T S ID, 5,000 CnRiJS HEMLOCK BARK. THE Undersigned will pay for all such Bark, deliyered and piled on line of T., G. (6 B. BaUway, (3.2o per catd, measured and paid for at point of deUvery. For par- ticulars and couJtracut. apply to D. L. VAN VLOCK, P. O. Address, 215 Jarvis st. Toronto. March 23. 1882 80-lOi ACtENTS Edison's Musieat Telephone and Edison's xnstantaneoos Piano and Organ Music. litBclose stamp for «at- alogne and terms. EDISON MUSIC CO., 9S9 Cheatnnt St.. Philadelphia. Pa. --^ C84a. BSBT JLKB OOMFOBT «o thb UUWPUUMa NEW STOCK The sahattawhaa ]Ht Stoektrf Liquors, Of the beat houids. Id^asc te tta yon^ ia a b«DaAtktbaiw«aUd; b«frtiMMaw«Al«». holeedasisiaita adaltetatMM. IlMvaaav «o haad a qaality «( Wine, Kuin, Brandy Whisky -1 â- L--.«ili/'rj; Wbieh eaaBot W a«aaIM a Mark Alia â- r«W9'» lto«aeli*M haanoevial for relieving pain, bbth inler- sal aad axtemaL It eures pain in tbs SUa, Back or Bowels, Sozs Thrift, BhenmatisB. Toothache, Lamba(;o and any kind of afa^ or Aohe. "It will moat sorely qoi^SM the Blood and heal, as its aiitiii( power is won- dflcteL" "Brown's Hnasrfiold Panaaaa," being acknowledged as the great Pain Bdi«r- er, aad of doaUe the fltreagth of aay other KUxer or Liniment in the world, ibooUl be ia arafT family haady liar nae wbM «aated •' aa it really is the beat noMilybi tk*«Mi locUraiar* â„¢ ^« Stomach, aad fUw aad AflUaofall'liods."aad U fw nkjK aQ Proitldsta at SS oenta a beMK. Wr My Bom cannot be exeeOed this aide Toronto Tboae wishing « pure Wme for Caman Serrioe will pleaae give me a ealL f •':. Sugars, Raisins, Currants, c.f ;, PORK, And every other article in the (roeery Une kept constantly ou hand, and of the fieshest variety and bebt brands. WILSON BENSON. Ma kdiile. May 24st, 1B82. fi GEORGE WILSON. Wholesale and Retail jBUTCHER!! BEEF. PORK OB MUTTON SUPPLIED, from a single pound to a rluiic carcass, at the lowest market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmers havinj; Fat Cattle^ Sheep, or Pigs to dio^e of will ilo well to call at No. 3 llnrns' Block, opposite the new Union Hlock. Markdale. Oct. 25th, 1R81 EUGENIA Grist, Saw andLath Mills Having made eqtensive improvements in my Grist Mill I feci confident I can give gooil satisfaction. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping one Every Day. Custom Sawing and Bills Filled on the shortest notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, Black Ash, Basswood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted. G9ly. M. AKITT, Eugenia. AGENTS WAN'i'lSD. -Big pay.â€" Lii^t Wark. Steady Employment. Samples free. Address, M. L. BYBN, 46 NauBsau stree New York. 20 WARNING There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet dry and by procuring your ^OOTSI â€" raoM â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kept cn hand. Remember the plM* oppoaite the new Vrturataa Office. 49 TH08. MATHEWS, EmttS EstaiskaT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEFr ON HAND OB MADE TO OBDEB ON SHOBT NOTIGE. v T»i.:i j LIViRY! IN COSNECnON. MABKDATiFi Meat Market. L tiaatart saffly «l Fresh Meats! OB hand, at the Xiowest liiving Prices. Orders sdlicited, anddeliv- ered free to all parts oC t)ie Town. Fartnera having fet stock to dhpose ^;will please leare their addresses. TER*I8^ STRICTI.V CA«H. FREB. SARJEANT. 1889. SMy RHEUHATISH, tttrdgm, Seiatiea, Lim ka §» iitg$ UB^ SpruM, Buna ut4 #mM», Btitml Btdily Pdmt. Ttth, Cv ut4 Hâ€"dmeh9, FntM F»t an^ Eut, mnd all tdrnr hum mi Meht. V* FiyrtMi •â-  arlk s^mU St. Jimss On « a tmft, tmr*. w i tmp tm sad tktuf Biliisil Bmm47 a tcW Mrtaib kat tk* uu Mfiii l l n ly MUng eatlay of M Crats. aad sfwy gat mCwIiic with pahi asa hsv* slMsp smI |iailii isasf •( Mi jiP oT«r ma, loo. Wa won't aak fQ«e- tiona, tika a good litiia eonsin wa will 'Will, oertaioly, Qneenie, it yoa rvally wiab it, bat I cam't anderstand â€" ' WHOLll^'o. ' 1 " m *AiHl of oburaa SKh IWiga ii brokfu Towa az.d bn^tu heM^ oaiy serve to striug a poetaa^^r'a liiTmea. Wa all know that in t«al lift tbiera k no aach thi^* •We kno^^ot'tit of ih*. ^kV Dearta ara broken erary day, and tkcir owners not a wkit Uie worre fur ouIt aak MiaajLuBoeaaUe io dianes to- lit ia. tite. .an^. J^^fSt f anrtfainc. day. to-momnr,' and Uhtlia (to^i( f " ^^ P^S hm-k, 7«t brokenly rowa.' 4- ..*- J. V -fc^^-Jj, « -ligirtha poet, and I agi«e "'Wat. Diraettaai la 1 BOU BT ALL DBUeOISTS AID 9SALBII n MBwom. ItalM isr r. jr«U g. i. A The Poet's Corner WE ABE SEVEN. A simple child That lightly draws its breath, And feels its light ia every limb. What should it know of daatli I met a little cottage giri She was eight years old. she said Her hair was thick with many a curl That cluttered round her head. She had a rustic, woodland air. And she was wddly clad Her eyes were fair, and very fair â€" Her beauty ma^e me glad. " Sisters and brothers, little maid, How many may you be?" " How menv Seven in all," she said. And wondering looked at me. " And where are they? I pray you tell." She auswi red, 'â-  Ktven are we And two of us at Conway dwell, And two are gone to sea. " Two of us in the ehu'chyard Uc, My sister and my brother And, in the churchyard cottage, I Dwell near them wi'Ji my mother." '• Yon say that two at Conway dwell. And two are gone to sea. Yet you are seven â€" I pray you tell. Sweet maid, how this mav be " Then did the little ma a reply, " Seven boys and girls are we Two of us in tbe churchyard lie. Beneath the churdiyard tree." '-Yon ran about, my little maid, Y'cnr limbs tli^-y are alivo If two are in the churchyard laid, Thiu ycu are on'.y live." " Thei- graves are preen, they may be seen," The httle maid replied, "Twelve steps or more from my mother's door. And they are side by side. "My stockings there I often knit, My kerchief there I hem And there upon the ground I sit â€" I sit and sing to thorn. " And often after sunset. Sir, When it is light and fair, I take my little porringer, And eat my supper theie. " The flr^t that died was httle Jane In bed she moauuig lay. Till God released her of her pain And then she went away. " So in tbe ehnrchyaid she was laid And all the summer dry, Togctber round her grave we played, My brother John rud I, â- * And when the ground was white with snow. And I could ruu and tlid*. My brother John was forced to go. And ho lies by her side." " How mnny are ou, then," said I. " If they two are in heaven " The httle maiden did reply, " O master we are seven." " Bat they are dead those two are dead I Their spirits are in beiven 1 " 'Twas throwing words away for still The little maid would have her will. And said, Nay, we are seven 1 " iwomwoM. PABTH. ' Chaft^b xni" ' Miaa Hemoastle, take oompMHion on this wretched exile of Erm, and Bay something consolatory to him. He â- tands helplegaly here, and "sighs and looka, aighs aad koka, aigba and tooks, and looks arain." Captain Redmond O'Donneil, Le Beau CbaMaorâ€" ICisa Herncaatle.' Lady Cedl flitted away to bar oonain Gmevra. Oh, if yon pleaaa, my ladr,' with • Kttle honaemaid'a ooorteay, ' I 1mt« M favoor to aak. Doo't baaifb poor lliaa Semoaatieto mope t* dealn in that dMaiy upper region of tte nnzaary and adnd-Toom. BtM ia a lady â€" uA as a gnest. Let bar coma to diiUMr.' '^Qooeniel Miss Heroeaalla to dja* Bar! My Ooeetl Wbat Qiiitti4i» ndnaense 6a talk. BLe ia mydepMd enLapt ny visitor.' *1|iat is bet miafortona, iM bar ImIL Hiie Herooaafle is a lady ia bw finMT t^i. md fifty ti«ea alevanr ftaA or 11 fiee how aba intMaata •lUhe fenUamon.' ' Intereats tbe gentleman I Yaa, I •bonld thiidc ao. f^^ seema to mtm- taip CapttiB Q'Do^fliiA and 8v Aitbor Trceanna «tt^ ^jb^gbly at tUa sovaat.' Cd«aia«|hed4 SMk. ana fhan* t°*lii.dHi^ " diwMr tho^e two IowMSST CapdB O'DoBaif's share in tbe oouverKation bad been alight, bnk there was a look of convic- .ti^.fiO ilia face ss he ran 9p to lus 'T( is sW,^ lie raid' to himself: ttiate is not a doubt about it. A noraery Roveness. Batltcr » diiagrce abk change, I aboold iina^TRia, aAac the Ufe she has left. What in the name of all that is mysterious can luiTa brought her here ' Lady Dangarfield requested Mies Herheasfle's eqmpany at dinner. Miss HeincasUe mused. ' And I nm to diue «ith the Bifiht Hon. the Earl of Buysland, tlie Lady Oeeti,.aud two baru^eta. Sonia of us are boru great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrast upon them. I «B one of the latter, it appears. I thought the power to wonder at any- thi*ig earthly had hft me for ever, but I wonder what L.idy Cecil means by thi^.' Miss Herncaatle, the governess, ualf an honr later sat down among this very elegaut company at (li'iuer. Sir Peter DangerfieU scowled tl trough his eye glass as hu took his seat. 'What the deuce does this mean ' be thought, savagely -bringiug the brats' governess to dinner. Miss Herocastle found herself placed betTcen the Earl of Ruysland aad Sir Arthur TregennA. The earl, splendidly got up, spotless, ruifled, snowy linen, tail-coat, rose iu his but* ton- hole. Diamond ring on his fin- ger, hair perfumed, and hands white and delictte as his daughter's own, looked the whole patritian peeiageof England personified iu Limself. And with all the suave gallantry of a lat- ter-day Chesterfield he paid oom- plimeiits and made himself eminen- tly agreeable to tbe lady by whom he was seated. Hi8diTes'iou might be up8t, his peace of mind destroyed by the pioximitv, but his handsome face was placid as a summer's lake. 'Your reading of that poem was something quite wonderful, Miss Herncastle, I give yon my word. 1 have heard some of the bo^t elocu- tionists of the day â€" ou the stage and off itâ€" but upou my life, my dear young lady, you might make the best of tliera look to their luuivls.' ' Y'our lordship is pLased to be com- plimentaiy or sarcastic â€" the latter, I greatly fear. It is one thing to read a poem decently, and quite another to electnly the world as Lady Macbsth. B BDme chaice she looked up as she finished speaking, and met a pair of cynical blue eyes be!oi?giug to the Irish-Afrioan soldier, Captain O'Don- neil. ' Miss Htmcastie does herself less than iust'Cc.'he said very slowly. A great actress slie might never be â€" we have no great actresses now a-days â€" bulf a clever actress, I am very sure. As to Lady Macbeth, I have no means of knowing but in the character of Ophelia, now, I am quite certain she would bo charminc' Miss Heriicastln's steady hrud was lifiitig a glass of champagne. The sudden and great start she gave over- set the glass and spilled the wine. ' How awkward I am ' she said. ' Thanks, my lord don't trouble yourself; my dress has escaped.' Captain O'Donnell's remark passed unanswered, and Miss Herncastle took cur3 not to meet those steel-blue eyes again. It was rather remarkable that Sir Artbar Tregenua, nsually the most ab- stemious of men, drank much more wine than any one there had ever seen hun driuk I efore. They adjourned to the drawing- room, whence sound of mnsic already came wsfted through the open window, but in the drawing room they found Miss Herncastle alone. The soft, silvery beauty of the twilight bad tempted the rest out on the lawn. Lady Cecil sat in her rostic chair, humming an opera air, and watching with pensive, dreamy eyes tbe moon liit its silver sickle over the far-off bills. And Lady Dangerfieid and Rose O'Donneil sat chatting of feminine fashions and the last sweet thing in bonnets. The gentlemen joined them with tbe exception of tbe Cornish baronet. Mosic was his passion, and then Miss Hemcastlo had looked up with a tell- ing glance and smile, and some slight remark as he went by â€" slight, but sufficient to draw bim to her side, and bold bim there. Major Frankland joined Sur Peter's wife, bir Peter went in search of glow-worms. Cap- tiin O'Donneil flung his six feet of manhood on the velvet sward at the feet of the earl's daughter. M washingâ€" very neat thiitg^ Lady Geeil, in tbe way of moonrise. Ah t if life eoold be always afternoon, and snob a aky as that, aad one mi^t lie •i BaMttgr'a feet, and â€" smoke I bmok- in^ ia oaefal among flowers, toeâ€" kills tha apbidas and all tlutt, and if Lady Caeil will permit â€" ' ^tAJIy Gedl piknai6ii" Lady Cecil said, laaghing; piodnee man's best eoasfftrtar, Ciqitaa CDonnalt ligb». op. and kill tha «phides.' Captain ODaoueH obeyed Iia prv-- i naa l a «gaf aaaa, aala^ed oacaf oUy ' « wead, Kt up, «md fttnigatad. ' Tbia is p aaaa tb ia ia bhaa wiiy, oh, why naeia iteverendf LalyOaaU. vtMt are y«H reading ' He fS6^ bar [Jtook. „ I • Pretty, I know, by ail tbi's amre aad gUdmg. Ab.tvba snr*, Qwaa M«ra^tb. Gnpid's ^darta, biiilreti lliMMarSilrary bMiDs. npf\»fgWmtap, Vows bare aAd thara, bnra averywhefe. ¥«a^ y«»lha ol(( alory, despair^ b^olmi â-¼nwa, broken hearts â€" ^it's their atdak iatnMb.' LKBW YOHX^ m AMERICAN Wa » imiKNt.ac direi^. and bnyiaif la laM faaaUtiea for Cash. UK taaapareant. wUali IK pottsa^^d frMlrt ^Z, hM tka laaaS with bim.' ' Captain O'Donneil speaks for him Lishmeu's hearts organs goiag. and doc'i be sa iioi^lv cynical tlyi'ioal.Rm If Wel!. I am â€" cynicism is. I believe, the nine teenth century name for trutii. Hallo I what's all this There's my fellow, Lan^ with a letter ia hie band, and Whafnas be done t« Sir Peter f ' Lanty â€" Lanty Lafferty How glad I am to see Lanty I He bat mordered soiite ot poor Paier's beetles. I'm afraid â€" the slaaghter of the innoceuts over again. See how excited U) bar- onet is over it.' It was Lanigr, and Lanty had mtn-dered a beetle. He bad espied it crawling slawly along Sir Peter's nice white aheet of paoer, au 1 had annihi- lated it^ Bir Pjter aboitted ' How date yon killm^ specimen, tlie fiuest I have foiind this summer How dare you do it, j'ou muddie-he^ided Irish- man ' • How dar I do it Is it dar to kill a dirtily c Kskroach Shurc yer honour's jokin' Faith, I wish I had a shilliu' for ivery wan av thim I've killed in me day it's cot a footboy I'd be tliis miouit. Begorral I thought I was doin' ye gjod turn. Bhure, ye seen yerself, it was creepiu' over the claue pa]^)er, a big, black creo^in' divil av n cujkroaco.' ' Ccckrcao'j, you fool I tell you it was a specimen of the Blatta Orientals, and oul^ two ilays since it was born, you blunduriDg bog-trotter I ' 'Born, ia u? Tliim dirt; little bastes t Boru oh, wirra May Le it was christened, too I Faix, I .vudn't woudher at all ' With which Lanty took his depar- ture, and approashing his mistress, presented his letter with a bow. ' Miss Bote, alanna I a bit av a letlher av ye plaso. An' mesclfs been thiukin' from thim postmarks that it's from the on^d mum seer himscif, iu New Orleans beyant.' • Luuty ' called Lady Cecil, 'come here, and tell me if you huve qnita forgotten the tioublcs'^tue riiistiess ol Torrysleu Y'ou may haye forsotlcu and grown cynical and diMrtjrccablc â€" like master like niau â€" but I have not.' ' Forget ye, is it Upon me con- science, me lady, the man or woman isn't alive that cud do that av they tiied. Long life to yer ladyship It's well I remember your beautiful face, and troth, it's m:A'e and more bcau'i- fiil it gets every day.' ' Draw it luild, L uity,' Lanly's masttr said lazily ' we arc not p- r mil ted to speak the truth to ladii^s about their looks, when, as in the present case, the simple truth sounds like gross flattery. 'News from NewOrhans, R.;dmond â€" said Rose, a letter from grandpa. Madame De Lansac is very ill.' kiss Herncastle and Su: Arthur were at the window where, dead si lent both, they heard the Words of Rose O'Donneil. 'Mad(tme de Lansac ' â€" it was Red- mond O'Doune'l who spoke, remov- ing his cigar and looking up 'ill, is she Nothing serious I hope ' 'It is serious â€" She is ill of yellow fever.' 'Ah I should have thought she was pretty well acclimated by this time. And our infant uncle. Rose â€" how is he Lady Cecil, it is not- given to evei-y man of eight'Eud-tweuty to possess an uncle four years old. Such is my happy fortune. How is the Signor Clauds ' 'Liittle Claude is well,' his si.ster answered. 'Poor madame â€" and I like her co much. Here is whatgratd- papa says "Dear Marie, if there ib any change for the worse I shall ex- pect Bedmoni to send or fetch you out again. Claude has pined to a shadow and calls for Marie night and day." So you see, Redinonl, it may end in cur returning, after all. Still, I hope there may be no neces sity.' Miss O'Donneil f lded up her letter and walked away. Lady Cecil looked inquiringly at her companion. 'Marie ' she said. "Your sister's name is Rose, Captain O'D.mnell, is it not ' 'Yes. yes, Rose Marie- called after her paternal and maternal grandmo ther. Our mother was a French womanâ€" I think I told yon tbe family pedigree once beffre. didn't I. and our crrandfather is M. De Lansac, of Menadarva. When Bose went out there, the old Fr-uch grandpa ex changed, without troubling Congress in the matter, the obnoxious Celtic cognomen of O'Donneil tor tbe Galcic patronymic of De Lansac. In other words, Bose O'donnell became Marie De Lansac' There wss a fiaint exclamation â€" it came from the open window. The speaker and Ladv Cecd both loelted up, and saw that pretty tableauâ€" tbe Cornish baronet and tha noraery govemeaa. 'Yuu are ill. Miss Herncastle,' Arthur said. Tha night air, tha ling dew â€" ' Ha atoopad. No, my Lady Cecil I Lovely, gracioos, high-born that yon are, there ntvair c%me for you into those calm, Ufta eyas tbe look that glows m tbamYidw fr joar cousin's silent, sombre govemeaa. Forjone^matant her lips parted, her dUalai, Uieo, as if by magic, aU _^ of change diastppearad. Mi-s Hamcaatta was barsellsgaia. ansihag npon hw startled ompanioa with bar face of auibla ea hp It wanted jnat a iaart«r of lanslve when Bcdmood ODonu^ left Bmn- wom ?ar^ a^tWk bis way oq fao( t» Hm laara. â- â€¢ had baan «a»Bd ahaaiia,ba haibaao ^Ostwl a bad. and had declined both. To • alb on aoofa a light waa a laxory. Ha lit a Ifaadla and weak aver the aaoalit niad with his Ions ovitirj mmi's stridiu Far or near I B«4siond 'pDOhi up aaifieDly ^. hie tiaoe, and looJb-d awaj^ afield, dialcaiuviust igura «p thtifmitn croMBg a f^. aud'^uialiiin^ ami^ the tan gooM^ It 4|b a MiSan- more, itaaaed Im distunce. The figure that had vanished b thii sbadowa af tbe waving Kira», raappaar^ ad iu tbe broad mo- nlii fiild. A w«-' osan â€" no doubt about that new â€" a tail woman, walking swiftly, UgLtly, graea- fally, as ouly young women ever walk." That staMy stature, that poise of tha head aud shnulder*, sorely all were familiar. What mystery was here Still she wcut on â€" still tbe wnseeB pursacr followed. The nocturnal visl. tor opened the gnia wixtdon gate of Bracken UuUow with ak^y she carried, relocked it, and t':t tlie first time pan!»- ed to look bank. She saw o3 one â€" tlie trees, and the shad(!S, and tiia dis- tance hid the pursuer; only tlie silvef shine of the sUirs and tlie moon, the boundless blue s"y, the spreaJiu green of earth, and the soft uiulit whis- pering over alt. She turned from the gate, hurried up the grass giown path, and vanished iu the inky gloom of the porch. Redmond O'Djnnell emerged fiom the shadow of the trees, and aipmaob- ed the gruesome dweliiug. He paus- ed at the wooden gate, which barred hi* further advance, and gazed up at tli« black forbidding front. In his r.^mbles over the ueighborho.x1 he had never come upon this out-of-the-way place. it lay iu a siot so remote, so uiifre* qnCnted. that few ever did come upoii It by chance. And those who knew it gave it a wide berth, for it bore tlio ghastly reputation of a haunted house. A lon^, wailing cry eamc suddeiil/ aud hideously from the upper part of the house. lie started. Ko blood- curdling, so unexpect^-d was :t, that for one moment his heart gave a great b lund. It was followed by .another, win, aconized â€" tlie dead sik-iicc toll. What ought he to do While he stood there irresolute, the porch door opened, and the mysterious lady ho had followed appeared. A second fi;iure. the bput figure of a very old woman came after. The first wai ape iking. ' •No, no, Hannah you shall not come. Afraid What nonsense The time for in? to foar anything earthly is pact. N ithing livinsj nor d^ail wilF harm m*?. I will reach 3cHrswo)d lu les-i thau three qnarterH of an hour, g-t in OS I 1,'ot out, in spito of all Sir I'e!er"s c'lains and locks, nni to-uior- low be orcG more my lady's staid jin ct'ptre is id you'll, ll.iniiali, liauunh, what a life it i-! Vio beck; try t» k.-ep everything quiet dim't. let thrsn ghastly slirieks hj repeated if you can help it. How fortur.ate 15rack..-n lld- low it thou;;ht to bu Hini.tel, niid u» one ever comes litre by night or day ' •We had a iiarinw escajie not Ion,; ago for .ill th.it. It was one ,fif tbu bad da^s, and tlio lady and ^^'cntleiunii heard. I put thdin off, bnt it may happen again, aud it will. I cant go ou fir ever.' 'Nothing go s on forever I don't want it to «o ou f irevcr. My time is dr.i\vi;ig near; little by little the light is breaking, and )/ day is coming. Cntil it does, k'ep quiet; U)«c the drug if there's too much noise. I will re- turn as spf'oJily as pos^iLlc. Ncw^ goju night." She ran down the steps, walked with her firm, resolute, roarluss tiead, down the path, and, as before, lingered a s.'cond or two at the gate. The old woman had gone back to the" house, aud the tall dark figure under the firs she did not sea. Sho drew out her watch and look at it by the light of the rao ni. 'Half past one ' she m'lnnnrel. 'I htd not thought it so late. It will b t a quarter past two then.'oefore I reach Sctrswood.' 'And a very late hour for Miss Hiru- costlc to be out a!onc ' Obeying au impulse ha could not rcsfrtt, tbe cliattfur emerged from tbe trec-shatlows and stood before hor. 'With her permission I will see her safely back.' TO BE CONTINUED. Sir fal- 9fe»* for sale â€" cheapv- Heurv. Stand.uiu C'Ooking Stovo Apply to Mr. Thos. ofiice. Josh Billiu^a ^ays ha don't Ciro how mncli a mail talk^ if he savs it in a few words. That's the way to write to the St.vndabd. GiT.Dâ€" is fxce'l"nt fir filling decay- ed Teeth, but " Tbabekky " prevents the decay, makes them white, and makes peop'e lovable. 5 cent sample. Dr. Kendall's " Treatise on tho Horse and his Diseases " n»iy be had f?r 1.5 cants at this ofiijo, or free tu subscribers who pay in advance. The hist rail h.ts been laid on th» Canada Pacific Bailway. between Pr. Ardmr's Landing and Winni|H^, and on tlie Istol July the lint- will be open ft'i passenger and freight traflii-. There is now 1000 miles of the C.P.lt built. Our next Dominion day will therefore be au important occasion, as it will mark tlie in vu,;urati(n of « means of rapid ommnnication through onr own territory to tltc Prairie l'r- vinca. Hanchett k Carter, propri'tora of the sreat 12tli Street Liverr. Chieajro. iu a leUrr dated Dec. 5, 1879. sie«k thus of Kendall's Spavin Cure ' It is several years since we bought tb^ first of you, and we de not hesitate t.* say it is the r«ry iwaf article for spavias, rmglmes, soratehea, splint*, etc., rb»» we ever usad. We would not be with- out it in onr Itrgeli/ery for thousiauda of dollars. We pronounce it oue it the groateot diaaovnrics vi the a^. It sGum's withoat a peer in Iivrae Uui- Baa adtwrtiaaiaeut. *~r ' ^W AND •!!. The Notiilk (Va.) rirgUmm of Jan. 16, 18S1. refnatoiheremaricablaewa •ff-et«d by St. Jaoobe OU ia tba aaaa of Prof. Gro««r«D,-.bio«» tha aoautry over ir his magnifiaaal AK Illostrations â€" who had snffsraA «k emeiating tormcits from rbanmatiaia. until ha tried tiia Oil, wltosa a I wera masicaL V.

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