ii IS FRIDAY MORNING .jartt the par'.TinaUs. I'lovlncial Provin- „„« foreign »"'â- .to I ik ot • • •• '•fot^ ardeDS 1 .-,0 in tlirej notitlis 'i^'.i.a untU all arrears are paia ' "'f"J-Ton'il.I» for the. years sab- '%ta.l.-vcoml.lv with lie rules. "'t^rv- 'J^" Ai)Vi:r.TisiXG: T^^ „, ...8'ono iu. "0- • • • :^j- :i;' :::::::::::: .lo .•â- â- •i;,Ur. fir»t insfrtioii »-J'l!..M,,Bt in-rt...n .•â- ""' .. I x-^. Hr»t iu^ertion. auJ an Initmctive ,»2 Jo. UNO I'" ral that wh MiLet Manuel c, ^r Alv i«b: 111 .,.,, l.v.i--. Hr!t I ;,!,t :â- '"« "" â- •â- (;r.: in-pri:on pcrline 1,.1'iniou t.) 1« rtckoneJ by the liv a scale of solid wi:liout specific ,„,„,,., of i:«. I:.. ^â- .'trt'l • '../Hli'lits 27 00 15 00 8 00 4 UO 50 15 75 35 2 ^HOikMii^ VOL.2 .-No.^ r.A: :.!.;i!ihil till forbid and .Vil traDsitorT adver' t!;i; oflics of ruWication • \Ved!i0.5la.v preceedinij Corn HUNTING iption executed ""\^iK, ^.yj i\, Hiipiion executed witb "/j/ariJ •'iI'i»'eli Ht tLe OflSce of ',„,i.Hr. ilarkJale. C " )-:' rLKlK-f-. Proi-bietob. h: â- ^Medicines, p^^ ' Tobacco. ^leaical Hall. ^^' Oil Cake just r •â- I lOFESSiONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Or^.. ac. .; •?. L.al HaU; ,. IT.IS^O. irinstronK, Accoucheur rc-sideuce at 1-7 £r0nl. E AL r Factoi ;, \; \Mi soi.irrroii, IS NOW â- •nil."' pU kin. Is of law '..â- • lit K;)v'i Hotel. .. !^.•. 2lnl. 1^81. • CI. A'.\.::^. AND .\TrOI!NF.YS-.VT ' t ill rs ill 'ltaiie*-rv. Convey II' '1 Sonn.l.^iftvp resumed at I 'Siite oi«ii every Thursday, as J. \T. .A.llor;i..v. Fbost, LL. B. 1 CARRIAGE WORKS, DUNDAIaK, ONT. The subset iber is prepared to supply the public with WAGGONS, DEMOCRATS. BUGGIES, JsLEIGHS. CUTTER3, BOB-SLEIQHH. Topclher with" al! kinds of repairs in wood or iruii on shcrt notice, at reasonable rates. F. F. TEEPLE. Dundalk. Sept. 2nd. 288J. i-lv .I-T M\STK1! ANDDKP. HKG .N.'taiyr I'ulilic, Conveyan '^v J;.\T- C^.V io r.l.M) A ' oamglei "-.iT:]U]y Fiiled. it ar bv Tieinilr, ,„ "•"â- «;t»Bli)a full SNK-li of ER til Shore. K» -SStD. s I P,1 " SIX 1'f.:j cent. I S.iiwil. in Vickers liloek I 1 iij M,irl;il.i'e. over MeF.ir- 1 i li lav iiii 1 Saturday every •J7.1y .ctrA .Morrison, Si )I.Ii irons, CON VEY- .V.-. â- ii'Ti Sii;iiiil. IiifIi_Tia Block. f Store nnd in V R K D A L E I itia'i.i'-i .Stciie iLi TuursJay â- â- !â- v.... k. • 'I I •â- re:isi.ii-il,l.' t'Tiri^. rii Mo I.'.. I- II SON illv i;;!i.-.c?n;njfea5. I:' ill. B;]-o\Yii, ,i;i;: m.k mckn.ses.ac il. U,.ve. e i i: liranelies i)roiQptlj I ",% ixi-eiile(i. â- â- ' I. :;•! iDi lle:il I'.state se- McNiilA. "*f MM. i 3 her Ion LO- IVhJ 'ly L v\ 1 rcx-s ' 1-y t !i*r ltro»':i. 1-1 I.i .uir.., Kire and A "-lit. ,i?iiniisioT;ei ;. uieer iiTi.l L.ei-'.ised • i-itv of tfrey. Kiriiiers, 1 .-^.il' â- •, l"Hi':tiiiilly at- .11 1'lu \ei V iiu'Jeriite. "â- --It. •" 1-v U. 13. ;:i .\' I •' :illr:iili • ;; ANii t.i;Ni:i;\]. I. and 'â- â- 'â- .Mii-foivl .-^la'l '.lletioil â- II :ill |i:iit- f t'lir County. 1 ml, 1. -..-.Kill. l!.it-^ iuodt:rate. 1 .oi.i "'-win/ ?diliiiie», also iii.iiit'il Tr,"' Vines, .\j,'ric«l- iiiis, and .M.iiloiitiy of all i. -I.i-i. 'JT, lo 1. WL i- I ir. BULMEH. ' I • IN i K \i' l'r.. (Stone and \f:' 1 er.ni)i'rtil" I ;J ruildillftn â- • on Uiu tiaek p.ikI is still 1. 1 l.'iids of stone and briek and tiu-k pointing. Those i!. I Mil lir.,' v.ill tiiul it to their w 1. 1111 a call. .1.1 -III liioT.n and Sproule u; V REVERE HOTEL, CABDED^^ SPROULiE, Proprietor UN i-i â- :.„â- II a 1 88: has had a larjre ad- !. I 1. I t It, tluiioufjlii.v retitteii, â- â- â- 1. I to II. UK- _in the county. • 1 111 ii'tentive ostler. I'irst- i .; â- •! foi coniniereial travel r«i uss sl.OU por dav. 17-ly ING IS BELIEVING^ n Mills. t Yours ca'l *^ I will pirase to H. PF,TERS.ON._ 67tf. EHOUSf If \ou want a (irst-class Buggie or Wagon eall at CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. â- u.y.'iii- â- ••':â- y,,:\ w,;l, anything from a Lumber Wagon „ up til an Tod Phaeton. Wffl. Lucas U:^^ BANKERS.-' 'it; i«| IN large or small amoonta, al all tiimi. 'ja good endorsed notes, or on doU»teral sectiriiy. ""' " HTEREST AT 6 PEH CCNT. Allowed on Savings Deposit*. tS'Draft.'i issned and Collections nuid* « all points, at lowest rates. Wx. LUCAS. Haoagor. Sptccmber 23, 1880. 2 ly TEEPLE*8 \tio:n. r )ts and S'loes, I full and well iived every Gift c-xcension T-I.n from theiu is to io:vii: luov. PR.VCT '"til praetical workmen, and I ;,ii I'V uoH" but IC.\L WORKMEN [A replenished or Produi Facto] ojcrationi| idles for Sa' i ii' y •^â- \::rM:Ue their work ^foml to 11,,,:, („r Lightness of Draught •riii ^iii rionty of Finish. " u^i- n.,;l,;n_- hat First-class White Oak •'»\^:i„'.n-. ai.l iluice Extra Second "to vth HielcnrN for light work. TV o ft o' \i '"""""" '"'"oiint of work tamed • -Ml- K, una ,v Mason's shop is snfficient i'")ol „f ji.,. ^vi,],. leimtation they enjoy fur do.iij; good work. BEST I. TiiR CHEAPEST m the END •""CT eliii|, work we posiGvcly will not take. %i .?':iiil atli ntion piven to P.e-Trimming "H'aiani.g all classes of Carriage Work. J*«i-facti.in piarauteed (or No Pav) in HORSESHOEING 50P-Ou Mill Street opposite ta ISproule'd liotel. 8lcKENNAMASON. HAIR GUTTING .AND SHAVING o: Every Worliing Day, Jiy rriiornas Smith. taf OrJc.s filled for Tomb Stones. Markdale. Joly 21, 1881. 45-3m. GEORGE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. AoitNT for till" followinK reliatle Companies CITIZFNS' of Montreal, AiKICI LTUUAL, of Watertown, and Tl'.Air. ,t COMMl-.RCE, (Mutual) of Toronto. numbrrOi C'loloo Farms for sale, also Villai.'e Lota Auction Sili« condiieted in Town or Coun- try on Shortest y/flkf. Charges moderate. Bills, Blank NutiS^aud Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE. M.\nKi..^Lr.. Mav 20th. 18S1. 06-1t $2 n»irn#ft. Mefnwmff«ni|3.5A. W^fift«iMtat RaaSMOiS i:.. ItiilUIii'U t.'il.ll bolidiCoUIll ;:;ii«urtt«uU beat ln rM» owo Dii9 0f upecalkttva purpMrc VslarHleeiU' Joseph Gibson, PF.A1N OBNAMENTAL I» I. V JS T IZ I^ i^ W, WHITEWASHINGâ€" CALSOMINING in .Shades and Colors. All work KU^raiiteed. CIiarRcs moderate. 87-113 iotice. I herebv fordid all parties trusting or har- bouring luy wife. FLORA BAXTER, as she lias left my be,l and br.ard without any just cause, ami I will not bo responsible for any debts contracted bv h"r. "WILLIAM II. BAXTER. Glenclp, May fi, 1882. 87-90. T7B7aiimand, PROV'NC'L LAND SURVEYOR, EUGENIA P.O. Orilers left at th.' Stnndard Office, Markdalc will receive luoiupt atfeiition. 86 100. A I'lBi.ic Mkftixo shouM be called of the cilizeus of every city, towu aud village in the Dominion, to consider what should be done to prevent tlir half from tuiniug Gniy â€" and fiilliiig ou^. If this important question received their earnest con- sideration they would unaniraouHly decide that science liad at last dis- covered sometliing that would apswer this purposeâ€" and furthermore would recommend Cingalese Hair Reuewer as being this soinetl ing for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its falling out. 50 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. $661 a week in your own town $5 outfit fiee. No risk. Everything new. Capital not rtquireu. We will furnish yon every- thing. Many are making fortunes. Ladies make as much as men, and bovs and girls make great pay. Reader, if you want a bnsi ness at which you can make great pay all the time yon work, write for psrticoliars to H. Haixett t Co. Portland, Maine. SALESMEN WANTED. To begin work at once on sales tot Fall of 1882, for the Fonthill Nurseries, THS I.ARGEST IN CANADA. Hj!ai OmcK- -TORONTO, Oki. Bbahch Ofkces-MONTBEAL, P. Q., and ST. PAUL, Mnm. NURSERIES, mNTHILL, ONT. We can start in Mldition to our already large lorce 100 Additional Canvassers, And want men whe can give full time to the boainess. Steady employment and good saJ- arias to sooeesafiil m«n. It doea not mattvr what your ptevioos oecnpation has beMk, If yon are wihiag to wwk your sncaws i» ^- most certain. The beat referenoea re^iiiaa. Apphr to STONE 4 WMinJflTOM, NarseijiMB, Toronto, Oat. aO-UML Cordiiklly invites afi thoee who are lftn of GOOD To come AT ONCB aaA giw hin a tak^ tit to do ao is to be Salted as they never -wrere Before T i-;i Jo'.T Mil 13" All poor and cheap work him. i l a ' ni HJ b^. 3-ood. T^roxte; '^lji ..ft' ...o ' ..:." Tkoae wishii^ ^POK Wine for Commnuioii -AND MODERATE PRICES. Is hi! motto. All the Popular Styles nade bjr J. L. BROWNE, Over the Standard Office, Mrkdale. EOBT. ASKIL,, Has opened out a First-Class Furniture AN1 UNDERTKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has suppliod a want long felt, espeui.illy iu the Undertaking Line. COFFINS, C.iSKETS, SHROUDS, • and all FUNERU FURNISHINGS, supplied on the shortes notice. ^V Suleiiclitl Ile^i*se lur hire at moderate rotcs; FUBNITUKE! From the Common to the Best and Latest Styles, in everything in the line. Call ail ,33 f ),• viinalvji. ROBT. ASKIN. Onion Carriage Works. Ail work manufactured from First Class Miteruu. In the Latcat and Best Improved Style, and ficibhed with IHZnsrlisli Varnisli. Wiflft •' H D ft Ifhidt eknnot be cqaallad in UarUala. '1 1 I '-«â- • I. Teai Coffees, Sugars, Raisins, Qurranfe, Ac., PORK, And every other article in the froeary line kept constantly on hand, and of the freshest variety and bent brands. WILSON BENSOK. Mavkdah, May Mst. l«82. C GEORGE WILSON, Whplesaic an4 Retail IBUTCHERIl BEEF, Pork ob mutton BUPPLiEn. from a single pound to a whole carcaas, at the lowest outrhet prieesi FISH A FOWLJNTIlEift lEAliM Farmers having Fat Cattle, Sheep, or PifS to dispose of will do well to eall at No. 3 Burns' Block,' opposite the new Union Block. Mark^iaie, Oet. Sith, UWt EUGENIA ~~ Grist, Saw iMLathMllls Raving made extensive improTements in my Grist Mill I feel confident I can give good satista^tioB. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HAND. Chopping on e Every Day. CuHtoni Sawing and Bills Filled oa the shorte.st notice. LUMBER AND LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. Cherry, Butterant, White Ash, Black Ash, Basawood, Pine and Hemlock Logs wanted. G91y. M. AKITT, Eugenia. AGEMTS WA-NTBD. -Big pay.â€" Light Werk. Steady Employment. Samples free. Naussan strea Address, M. New York. BTBN, 90 « WARNING Painting Trimming Rigs will receive prompt attention. All Repairs executed in the shortest po.tsible time consistent with good workmanship. Good Work a Speciality. Remember the Shop, opposite the Cheapside D. J. SHANAHAN, Proprietor. Markdale. Dec. 2nd, 1881. 64. TTsT .^i. ItT T B 3Z 5,000 ^ea^us hemlock bark. THE Undersigned will pay for all such Bark, delivered and piled on line of T..- O. it B. Railway, |3 25 per covd, ineas«red and paid for at point of delneij; Fat par- ticulars ahd oontraetsr a:)ply to D. L. VAN TtOCK, P. O. Address, 215 Jarvia st. Toroqto. MardiXI. 1888 "M-lOi AGl2*S2rS There is great danger of tak- ing cold from wet feet. If yon want to Guard Against Sickness 1 Keep your feet dry and by procuring your BOOTS 1 â€" r«p« â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Gnaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sises. kept on hand, fiemembrr the }dMe opposite the pew STAK^aaa Office. 4» RIEUMATISH, KturtJfia, Stiab'ea, Lumhago, tmekmclm, Sor9im$$ •/ tif Cktsf, itut, Quiiu/, ion Throat, Swmtt- hg$ uti Sprain*, Bmrm* «W So4m/io»orffn0irf TooH, iar mnd Hoadaeho, Frottod Foot «W Eon, and all otkoe Pains and Mehes.- W* rimmnua oa auth sqwU It. Jiaas On M a â€"Jk, i»r», f i m mlw and «*â- â- â- aMnal ttmttr A Utfl mflk Wt As tamrmltntt MMm Mtlar iTM CMta, ud ftrf M â€" I M vtlh fata cut havV ahMp sad poiiUn HmT tt m Mtisd o M la WUnn Ltrngamgrn. WU IT AfJL DSUMUTB AMJ) DBiLBia nr ME DIOIT E. A. VOOZXER Sc CO.. Bull N «tlco- MB. B. COLEMAN has two Bnlls.agrade 'and a thorough-bred, both for servioa at his farm. }-mile North-wofit of Markdale. Terms for Grade oOc., for thotOugh-bred •1 00, cash in both cases. 89-92 C.A. Tailor, MARKDALE. IS" Special attention to Culting.,sj If yoa want a yonr Order witL Perfect Fit leave C. A. OWEN. MARKDALE. MARKDALE TH08. MATHEWS, EuusS EsltlskoiT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUR LINE KEPT ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. MarbleWorlra MoDiiMts, Tombstones! And every description of Cemetery ezeertted in work f iHSt-cuiss snu I â- |d#r«Mc LIVERY! IN CONNECnOH. wan^ -to selr Edison's Musical Telephone and Edison's XnstantaneonsPiaqo and Organ Mnsic £a«)eee stMBfL. for eat ' alogne and terms. EDISON MUSIC CO., 929 Chestnvt 8^1; Philadelphiat Fa. OS-em. .•I .-t..'^,. ^i.i'c'i â- » â- â- .inr' KKSH utD COMFOT to tb» SUFFEBINO « notts«ii*Ni hM no equal for raliering peiiXt bath inter- nal and external. It cures pain in Aha Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, lUienmatism. Toothache, Lnmbafjo and any kia# ot f Fain or Ache. "It will meM idNi^ ' fid|k«a th*-: r Blood and heal, at ita abtinr power mwon^ derlal." "Brown's HonsehoM Paaaesa," being ackaowledged m the g»at1aui Bdiev- er, and of double the siretutli (4 any. Other EUxerorLfaliin«nt tSi ^woritf, sl^jWd U ia oe*iy taanly faaaiyl^^Me skeb^nafteff '• ». it lertjr i» »k« •» »?Mr «!• w*»* lor (Jiamps tn the Stomach, ant FMbs and Aehet of all' kinds," and b Jttr aala bjr aO OragpsU at K eenU a bottto. SO-tr MAEKD.I^ lleat Mari^et i?A .r T 911 h^nd, at the Firices. trdd' free W aJI parts of the Tcwrh. TowKsmF car auaiELa. Fanners havipg iat |t^)drto dispose of, will please leave tbeif addresses. TERMi STUICQUC ^^9H. FRBi S4titJ£ANT. lbdidda,Mai«bS,10tt. mij by mail will be pnwiptiy at' tended to. isfaction Guaranteed. Shop next door to Enert Botd. W. A. J0IIST8I, Pqi Maritdale Aac lOtk. USl. 4Nt MABSB^Atdl P66T OFFICE. The Man at Markdal* Pm* Offiea doMa aa follows Tarooto Mail eloaaa 7 00 p.m. Qoiug fl uut i l ♦B O p ju " North 11 80 p.ai, Ow«n Sonnd MaO 7 00 pjB, NOnCE IS HBBEBT OIVSN the* Fint 8ittii« «ir4keCoirt " ' Iar Hbm TvmaAap â- j jlsi i d i M^^^- fmt, wU be haUm.'%| Town Sdl ln~ T os a i Mi i. on r0»lr. the lAh aagr e ' JAMS8 BaOWK, Mir S^kI. i^^' ^9- ^^k- â- Mffii. IMIil i'ABTn. Boaa O'DobmU oeeapiad tha mall parlor at tlia ailTor Roae. •This ia til; pla^,' aha aaid to her- mU, va awlNHrUi^ 'Thuiaiha tMRi, Mad dealt: vood was the honaa. At kaV-at la«t I Bnt iKw will H oni f MMft t • ^o OH K. my g|»va kobwing Dolbin^â€" ndtbfilg â€" whether he be living ot dead, or Am I to find oat here If I only dared tell Red- ..moodâ€" Bj baat hnitbcr. mj deareat l^fBdâ€" rhat I dare not. If be be alive, and they met, he would aurely killbim.' A door opened, and her brother eamein. â- Roee' he said, hnrriedly, 'I did not mention it at breakfast, bat I was absent last night. I met an old ar qqaiotanee, and ba iaaisted upon tak- ing me with tiia. I ^ent the even- ing at Searswood Park.' belonging to Sir Pater. Dangerfieldâ€" saw my lady, though, andâ€" here is where the interest eontas in. She inaista upon you leayinf flua hoateliy, and baoom- ing her gnest.' •ir 'Yes. I chanced to do her soma 4riflutg saiviaa the other day. They are going to call to-day, and if they insist, and yoa prefer it, why. go with thrm. If you rill ' 'They â€" bur Peter and Lady Danger field, do you maan ' *No Lady Dangerfldd aad her cousin, the Lady Cecil Olive. I knew Lady Cecil and her father, Lord Rny aland, veara ago, la Ireland. I'm going fishing.' Lanty Liafferty entered, a brush in one hand, a pair uf hia master's riding boots iu the other, .fie deposited the boots on the hearth mg, and stepped back, to Furrey his work. â- Thim's Uum,' said Lanty, 'on' polished till ye misLt a'most shave }er8ilf in tbim. Miss Rose, alanna 1 is tbcr anything in the wur- rold wide I can do for ve Shnre me very heart's broke entirely since we kem to this place, wid sorra hand's turn to do from momin' till night.' 'What aad yoa complain of that, Lanty ' Surely you are not longius so soon to be off again soldiering I' 'Soldiering, ii it t Oh, thin 'tis wishin' it well I am for sodgering. Sorra luck or grace is tbir about such murtherin' work, I'm not sayin' agin fightin,' mind thir wasn't a boy iu the barony fondlier av a nate bit av a scrimmage tliia meself but out there among tliim black haythins av Arabs, an' thim Friuchmin, that war wor^ie nor onny haythin â€" oh, thin, bad luck to it all! My oM Nick flyaway with Algiers an' all belongin' to it afore Misther Ri^dmund takes it into his head to go back there again. It's little I thought this time six years that I'd iver set flit in it or any other haythin Ian' like if, when Misther Redmond and that beautiful oung alip, the lord's daughter, wor coortin' beyant in Tor- ryglen. Fuix it's married I'd thought they'd be long an' many a day ago, wid mebbs three or fonr fine childer growin' up about thim, an' myself dbry-nurss (o the same. Bat, ah, wirsa I shute the Lord's will be done I' 'It's a hmowing case, Lanty. So the lord and his daughter were in Ireland then btfofa ion ever went to Algiers f 'Ah 5 ye niay Well say they wor. An' maybe it isn't in Alters we'd be to this diiy av it wasn't for thim. Heaven forgive me but the thought o' thim goes between me an' me night's sleep. Och but it's the desarrin pair they wor. But shure what better cud ye expectâ€" didn't the English iver an' always desaye the Irish â€" the corse o'Cromwell on thim! Ther£ they wor â€" an' it's the smile and civil word au* the God save ye kindly. Mister Redmond aenshla, they hal for him until a blind man end sea the sthata he woa in Sorra a hate they did but coortâ€" Mister Redmond and hertelf â€" an' the cold lord lookin' on as plased aa Paii^.Ay, fnith, an' their Icoka ao' their mcti^ers â€" wasn't she foriver takii off the owld roekaaod tbacaatie, an' mys^Jf for thnt matter, as if I was a bas^. An' thin,' whin it't wantin' to marry her he was-'-ahore I co«ld ^^ it â€" by the powers I it's xm aa' av^y .they wor like a allot, witiioat aa moeh as good'by to ye, or go the devil, or the lasts civUity in life. An' the young ma jther â€" troth t it nd take a dhrop 'irom ye if it irvrtha Uiat in yer eye â€" to see the sthate he was in, naither aitio nor alapin.' an' fallin away to dog-dbriTe idoto me very eyes. An' thin afl at onoa Algiers kem in his head, an' he was o£r hot foot. Ye might aa well tkry to sthop Torrybahm whiu ikaapouUia, as sthop him when he takes a notion into his head. An av eoorse I wint wid him â€" didn't I mind him an' look aft«r him since ha •aa a waaay ttatfaux* ia my armms 8h« was an intaem' Teon slip, I say, but a|toa my eonaeienoe. ay she waa tin Jotda' daoiHitara, it was a mane- sphirited way to aarra bun, sftar savin' her life loo. Dtyil a dbirtbier trkk irer I^Mdof.' Boae O'Doonell amQed bitterly. *h vary eommoa thing in her world, I lake it, Lanty. And that'i Bad- mood's aeeret f and I am to a«e barT SbtJEM pntty. joa say, Laaty f 'TIm partieat dadin' iyar am tjm looked at barrin' ywailf.' 'Thanks, Lanty. Baniac myacirâ€" tiiat'a nndaratuod. of aaana. Waa lilif ir or aart r ' ♦Fair.' iwaponded Mr. LaArty 'a •kin lika the snow on the msontaina, hair Jfta atfaramiu' goidd. ao ayaa â€" oh mnaha I bad scran to tbim, the baadlis* o' the womild tlMt thsr wor; iarfr'a j^ no. wondher at all lUather BadmooJ wiatoot o'bK^l^Md a' WANTiiy B'W WffOflES ^•res to b7 iMmtim* jlortiii' S|ii«iaali«S eaa ea^ be eaupiied by W.F.Ai^.wtear J ;ie MaiWate. HuahrHon *id Diihdatk. It sf tn LiM -mm tod irirt wi grV teit war..j |CaliMl and Bii,Jit (4«U*«»lit^, ffikHtjKl and WadO^K Bi»e», tlhjt St^. ^IfeB nOLINS, ITALIAN BTiiiNGS. *c. smile M Imt beantifel tea. sK*« civil word for Ta whiniver' y«'d meat her.' Bnt I alwaya aak^ an' I ear aatais, it wasn't tbeaeliiBi^ anilaWy to thimU maatber%»-Mi*4lii, not av aha wnr twintv eeris' daoghters. Lady Dangerfield and Lady Cecil Clive enteriMl. Rose O'DonncH oaqu forwatd to aaast and gaeet timm ytiOi a ealm, Vyh Jned eaufoaara that was very perfect. In her southern Hnm^ slie waa not, perhaps, aoonstomed to ladiei, of title, but certainly had mingled in the lushest society in New Orleans. How pr'etty abe waa, aod how like those dark large eyea of blue were to bsr koUier's. It isas Lady Cecil's frst thouKhl. and iatki}r h^ds i la^ ed and Cecil's grave, SiTti.bltH eyes wei« lifted to her faetf, ttie stooped down with a sudden, swifl. impulse and kiaaed bar. Froi^ (Vis hour Uieae two m9t§ tircr warttfasi friends. 'I think i shotilcl I^^ts kuown ydn anywhere. Miss O'Doonell,' Laily Dangerfield said *you tti so like .Toar brother, only wanting that half- cynical, half- sarcastic air he and all men nowadays, it seems to me, wear. I suppose he is one of tne believers in the "Nothing is new, ai:d cothiug is true, and it don't signify" doctrine he Ijoks as though he were. He has told you, of course, how he saved my life two days ago, when our boat nw set? 'Saved ycur life I Indeed he has not.' Lady Cecil laughed softlv. •That's like CapUm O'Donnellâ€" " on (heir rwn merits modest men are dumb " and he is very modest. He saved mine too â€" did he ever tell you that?' 'No,' Rose said. With an amused smile 'but Lanty has. Perhaps, how- ever, yon have yOa forgotten Lan- ty ' 'Lantrâ€" Lanty Lafferly â€" is he here How glad tshall be to see him. Forget Mr. Larfefty I Ndt Hkely he was my first love. I dwu't think he ever knew it, and ia all those years no one has ever replaced him.' Lady I?angerell looked at her laughing coif^hi whli somfethins; of a malicious gleanl iu lier hlf.dk eyes. 'Bubstitnting the name of Redmond O'Donnell fr that (tf Lanty Lafferty, I dare say wh^t she says may be true enough,' she thought 'I khoiill like to read tlid record of those seven Irish weeks, my handsome Cecil, and, see if I could not find the key to your noted indifiference to all men. Miss O'Donnell,' aloud, 'at leabt I hope tUat Bocretive brother of yours hM told you that we came to tender the hospitality of Searswood Parkâ€" to In hist mdj d upon your 1 tco uiu;; u guest. If you knew how much we desire it, I am suru you would not re- fuse us this pleasure. Wa ar.; alaioU anxious â€" Sir Peter, myself, L.t1y Cecil â€" all. It mn-t he s) horribly dull for you here alone, for of cou so Captain O'Donnell, like all of his Kind, brothers and hu^hiuds, i:: uo oiu- pany whatever. Except as luverM, men might as well bo im i(es ofw lol, for all the pleasure one has in their society, and oven then they are bores to all but one. We will take no de- nial we positively insist upon it.' With a smile that again made her ^excessively like her brother, she prom- ised, and the ladies from the Park arose to go. 'The earriare shall come for yon this evening,' Lady Dansertitdd said. 'Your brother will accompany you, end dine with us, at l«a8 This evening al six, then, we shall «xpect yon.' Miss ' k'arfcdak. Fri VlOai. W. F IMOJiL «7-lv MB TlMir pliindered homen, ihai- rained sliiiiMs. â- • I their wooeu's paitiui' cry, TWr ptis«thoo 1 bnuted down like wolves, tboir eouBtry overthrow.-!- ' Eaeh lonk aaiif renuixe f-« aU were staked on him alone. â- â€" On Fontaooy â€" ou Fonteuoy; nor ever }-*« elsewtaera Basiled on to fight a nobler band than ther« proud erilus were. "9'Brieu's voice is hoar.-e with joy. as halting b^eetiunanda, i "Fix bay'nat-^iiarge '" li'.e monntaiu stonu ronh .n these tieiy band*! Tldn is tiie Eo^sh column now, aod taiut their volleys mow, Tetimnsfring all the strength tb'y have, they make a gallant shuw; They dress their ranks i pou thi hill to face that battle windâ€" Their bayonets the breakers' foam; like rocks the men behind One voUev .ara.iheH from their Hoes, wheu thK^'h Ike sargluK Fuiokc, With empty guu» ^itehed in ttieir hands, the headlong Ir sh broke. On Fontenoy â€" on Foutuuoy, hark to that fierce liuzzal ' .. "Bcvrnge! Beinejnher Limerick Ttst/do^n the Sa-B«:uai;h!" 'Like lions leaping at a fold wheu mad with huuKer's v*nK, Bight up against the English line the Irish exUes sprang Bright was their steel, 'tis blootly now, th'ir guus are filled, with cor*' Through shattered ranks, and several file!, aud trampled Hags tbt^y tore; The English strow with des, erate st:eu -th, paused, rnllied, ataggered, fl»lâ€" ^^ The green hillside is matted close with dyii^;^_ and with detul: Across the plain and far away passed on that hideous wrack. On Fontenoy â€" ou Fonteuoy. like eag'ea iu the sun. With blooiy plumes the Irish stand â€" tiie held is fought and won ' She panted. .Sreet, s\^nr, thrill- icg as a btijjie blast ran^ out the stir- ring worc^. A light luapod uiio her eyes, a ^Icw came over her pal-: face eveiy heart there stirred nu ier thu ring of her tone, her look, her gesture, as slie seased. •By Jupiter ' Redmond O'Donnell exclaimed, under his breuth. 'that woman is a marvel.' Mis HerucaslL" ulio said, 'vo'i read the splendidly. TliepoH shoul I have heard you. I kno;v ou coul I read, bnt not like that. Yju aro a born actress.' Tlie governess Lowed, smi'e:1, and. wa'kod back wi!h immoviiulu co-ujio- sure to her place. [to be costinuku.] FREAK Of A FLIRT FUO.\I If TO 50. Raae; it bok at bcr aa wii ifw aa' alwa^ a O'Donnell can over from Castleford in tlie gray oi the summer eyeaing, with her belongings, but alone. 'You find us alone yet, Miss O'Don- nell, said, as Rose took a seat near. 'Our fishemfen nave nbt returned.and solitude inyariably bores me (0 death. Cecil has tak^n tb .literatiirei as you see. andfsno cqcopany for one. I never read,. Miss O'Donnell-pbookii are all alike, hopelessly stupid now- a days. What is that you have therd Queenk ' Lady Cepil look.ed up. 'Ballads of Ireland. I cape upon it by chanca in the hbrary half an, haur ago* f am reading the battle of Fontenoy, Miss 'Dounell did any of your ancestors fight at the bitttle of Fonteuoy ' 'So the l^ends of our hcose say, at least. "And by the same token," as Lanty would observe, it was a Red- mond O'Dounell who fought and tell on the fatal field of Fonteuoy.' Ladv Dangerfield looked interested. â- A Rtdmond O'Donnell. Really Read it, Queenie,will yon V 'Never read aloud,' Lady G«cil an swered it is an accomplishment I do, net possess. She glanced suddenly at the busy fingers of the goyeri^ess. 'Miss Hemcastle,' she called. Mhis Hemcastle paused m her wo k, and looked up. 'You will read it to Lady Danger- field, will you not Somehow I think yon can read alon^.' 'I can try,' Miss Hemcastle an- swered. She laid down her work, ad- vanced, took the book, and stood up before her anditors. She made a very striking picture, outlined again*t the porple gloaming, the sunlight glijing ber face and bar dead black bair. B9 thought Uoae O'Donnell, so thought Lady Cecil Clive, so thought two gen- tlemen advancing slowly, unseen aud aaheard, up the avenne under tlie tceeaâ€" Sir Arthur Tregenna and Cap- tain O'Doanell. Both, as if by some aimnUaueotos ioipalse, atopped to lis- "Pask OB, my hooasboU eavabyf KiBf Loak â- Mdly eried; Til ihath thnf n b bat rade their ahoekâ€" bbI aasfCiwad they dted. tlMeasMtiwealaan trftl^Siaii li. .\uxio is fur coming ott an 1 ihs atten i ms of the otlier sex. 10. Begins to havj some ilea of tlio tender passion. 17. Talks of love iu a citta^J and disintt-rested affection. 18. Fiincie^ haiself in 'ovc with some hand.'tome ni.i:i vvho In^s tlatttr- e! her. 19. Is SI Jittle iiioro diftJ lent on ac count of beiiirr uuticed '20. Commences hoiufl; fashiouahl 21. yti 1 nmie confideiit in lif-rowa attractions, aud ex^iocU a bnlliaut es- tablibhinciit. '22. Refuses a good o(r.;r, because lie is not a man of fashion. 23. Flirts with every you'jg una she meets. 24. Wonders aliG is not married. 20. Rather mure circum* pect iu her canduct. 20. Begins to think a Iur;e fortunn not quite so indisiensal 1 27. Prefers the company ot rational men to flirting. 28. Wishes to be married i:i a qiiiot way, with comfirtabSe income. 29. Almost despairs of entering- tlia marriage state. 80. Fearful o( being called aa ol I m.tid. 81. Adlitional love of dr^s^ 82. Frofossas to dislike balls ti;ids it uifScult lo get partner. 83. Wonders how men can ••Met jet. my bigir" Irish troops • "IiORlClan.*' he The How The iraia. bitsrpeabd, •the â- *yi« bare year Willi; loear kirilaa to aae.ao ^baffoe siwe the look the»e aiilfs wear want to be so fiy, of ^riw'f* leave the society of a sensible wou:au to flirt With a foolish gitl. 84. Afiffct^ gooj humor in her con- versation wi'Ji men. 85. Jealous uf the praise of the women. 80. Quitrreln witL her triend who is newly married. 87. Thinks herself slighted iu so- ciety. 88. ,TaUc3 of acquaintances who are married unf rtnnatdy. 89. 11 nature increase^. 40. Meddling and of}iciiU! 41. If rich, as a der.jicr resnrt, makes bve to a young mm without a fortune. 42. Not succeedini:, rails against mankind. 48. Partiality for cards aud scan 44. Severe against the m.anncrs-of the age. 45. Very strong prediliction for a clergyman. 40. Eurage^d a^ hiad^sciti'on. 47. Becomes despondent, and takes to t«a. 4B, Turas all seueibilityto catsand dogs. :. iO, Adopts a dependent relation to attend to her feline aud het canine nursery. ., 50. Becomes diagnsted with the world, and vents all h«r ill humor on her poor and unfortunate relaUous. Va., 6000 people are List is nearly In Patrick Co., starving. 'i'he U. ^4 Pension 1150.000.000 a year. Tke remains of Gen. Guis-'ppe Ga- • ihiMi are to ba removed to Riue. Tbe wheat crop in North Western States « ill be best ever yet harvested. 80 says repoit. There are over 200 amendmrnfs to tk* L iih Roprea«iou Bill. A stuhboru fight is imminent. Mr Aiigtts Morrisoii, ex-Mayor of Toronto, wu found diiaJ in his bed ou Satorday morning. Roea is training 00 tha Itfid Rirer. He will cLsira the champiAoaiiip i| Haalaa fails ou thj secood-depoeit. A v e s s el iiaa hem «isi4 at Jamaj. ea f r flytoj; the British ift^withmt' kU iba aurosMiary payer^i' -I writeoaUdiTi