Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 May 1882, p. 3

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 I t' ill I «• ' (H M UK MABOALX POST OFFICE. Th« Mail at M«U»b Pot J T«r«MBi* kail dMM • 7 00p.a. OoingSMth 4 80 p.m. •' North 11 80 i.ni. OwmBmumI lUil 7 00 p.u. Tii1i» no more n:tn«»ot.» prngfttiTee. Bird' elk Blhti Hitter* act aildiy. il aMUi:l ftuti tboroa^fliljr npoD th» H- •»«!•. and oeeaMon do ip«onv«u- ie-.e wbil* it rrftnlfttM Ui Li^er mm! Ki.ii.-'jN »iid tfLtf th« fufc^bie "y*- t« m. TriaJ buUlc- 10 c«oU. â-² 6TANZ1. lAMCATI B »0 THK L-'ATEH OF MA^KOALI. I w«nt to be a. 'o. 1' r. And «iUi the loafer* atanJ, Rotinl »bont McFa'!»iid*«, cigar b«tt ijj ni baiil Tlw/ri bt Uf re th. peopla. The p«*er» to aul fio/ r.l Br*nd and spit t-.hjiccD jaice and Dutbb Biy**:!' a ituuw. What U Lar iiua A«k any farroer tliiuklicr or mill man lu fact an^ mati wbo ruBa uacliinary and be will t«ll you tfaat It la tha ouly oil wbicb «ill waar a^iial to Ca»t t Oi! and won't gam or alog your MacLiuery MAKING THE CROWS USEFUL. W. S. Mor?an. Somer^at Co.. Pa.,| in Titw of the fact tbat tLe corn- plant i iuga«as'n i- at hand, givrg bis ex-! parioDCf. wliicli we coiumeD*] t' Uiusc i who («k bpori th cDw as aa aoemy. ' Ha aaya "Fnr tb»- past five »*a»oun, j I bi.v.' j i-t b f r- I pxpect my corn to coma up. towed ou tbe fi -td abrot a fjnart of corn to acli afie. and r» p*a»e'l iLe f',)i rmi -ii as often as ne- cessary, unti' the ct;i wxs s.j large tfaat the crown coiilil n't pull it up. If tbe cm ia H.ia'eJ mifil icud- r, tliev prefer pickli;!,' wlmt Vxy want ti et from the 8111 faci- rath r Iban to pill tbe yiiung p: 1 t t • •/,»â- ' it Tli' c -t j of the corn tliis si i; i.s b it a :rifl a* a result I hare a jjriat uutni. r of j croWH alii.oNt c'M^tiii t'y ' n mv c rn i field, and afrir rbvv hav 1" a-in fied with crn th -T wil! at 11 j)ick i ail 'the insect-, {{rii'i-. and c it •• r ns j they can fin*. HnaiLsser' I rni iii;/j fifiy aT s if c r:i nince a loptm:? t^ii-i this plan. 1 da ...t 1 -t a i.n 'ra.l j â- talk- In i(.v, ;i ,il c it w rins c .ii:- ' bira^l.' â€" ..^"'""""' Aifi nu'lm mt !â- â- ' Hay. PRINTINa GOOD AND CHEAP, Standard Office. Majkdale. Our Premium Wk have mai^e ariangements by â-¼faich w« are enabled t« give to every NEW BUBSCKIBER to oar paper an.] to old subscribers PAYING IN ADVANCE, a copy of DR. KENDALL'S "Treatise on the HORSE ami His Diseases." Thesis a tandard work, containing au LiiifcX uf Dibtascii, which (zivea the BTDptoms, cause, and the best treat- ment for each a Table, giving all the principal drugs used for the horse, with the onliuary dose, tffttcts, and antidote when a poi.son a talile with an »'ngriiviij^ of the horse's teeth at dififirpul anif, with rubs for telling the a}je of the honse a vjiluable col- lection of receipts, and much other u-.e;ul Uifi'rination. It le a book that H 'oiiid he ill th" liauds of every fur- nit-r and owner of a horie. N'lW in the tiino to snbscriho, or for ol.J Miiiscii eis 10 pay up, and 'et the b,.k. At th" aprr. acii ' f tentioii slif'Uld "O "i- sy^teU] • n4';i "â-  1 '•â-  ' during tl:.- uii.M-. •llitt- m :h Niir!ir o v regnlHti ii; ii i:ie ^•.. fi-ut-. ;i o i'lMf' I e f i;l h iiuor-* ' Uiirl. ik l;i.. d â-  ). .1 :f iii_' 11! d j Mil 1. I â-  !â-  I,«-' Siii,d...v ev. i: {• i^i. U deiilv |i!in'i J u.inii ix- n iir lie elii.. ' r |ii h'l nil. iiiil ^.:id:"\\e woiildii ii- ;-; hI It tiial .v-un;; n.iui in llie \- \ii-"' "â- nl'l e nmv iiisiiio ami fatiffv Imi .. f u.i.l r si,e is (.r i* ii^t 111 re. Tnat wonlil !»• much batter thii like iiiig:i lii«lf^i eU ur.m-'ht OI, In* 1 e' ii)':iii!« "f â- '•â-  ' ' â- \- Ami III ti:e â-  1 Ui' ad '"â-  I" â-  • ' ]...•.• I'le n: ;:riv:-'li"ii c u â-  " ' â- ' s.iili'l'ir id • lis of tiij iLtr-*' f iiM Mriii Willi li.i'i ler^. ««*^ â€" â-  â€" K!|. iiiiiiiM ui 1^ •.â- iiii'iy lU.'iieut (•;i H \:tl:ilel c iidlli-'n I't Hi-; tl .il an i.iii\ !â-  â-  injiii.i i-'i :r. Ill tne fs trt.ii l.» cirtt. Ii-,' 'iie l"o .1 .UI II- ((illHllU:, 'le Kl.iieV-. 111..!., k I 'do U IJiieeis \ull do tins mis fctl'.c'-u.liy. Tnal boults Id cent-;. Hnak--' iir." sniiiDwliBt nniiier us ni'ar .Melville. T\." litlL- iilri nanied tkiri" vt I.' v.iillauj.' ill tin- li'lds tlic Othii- evdiinj,' liny le..eld a liiiiilb-r •f sisik.s uli ru.n.iii'.^ to one plaeu They |i i. -iii-d llii- ii mid up -n iiiv, t.i- i;-itiii;' ti; s|i.t lb. u. were found to be u l«i 'iu !i H'Jii la"?*' Miake.-* lu ll. Thay dr-.v tif a'.l«-iiiiou if tlnir ^H'tiier^ •!• liicj.'.K t »nd they iii.e-.-.«i;aod in kii i!.;; lie ii;. llro!l^v is e"^--' iitiHlly :i watery c/n- diu.;n olti.e r.l'ol, th pen hint upiii dis'ird-r. .1 kidmy-'.. {.urdock ll..d Bitter-s nro utmii'ly Diiiietic, xinl cons- ivnntlv the hfsl kimwii reme.ly, actili.; i« ll d es ii;. ni iln- eiitir.' 5 'C re'orv Sy.^t.ii). 1 ri a l-i tl- 10 A M\Ti;i.Mt»N..\l. 1 .(Vi'-i. A loft •â- â€¢â-  ek- '•â-  V I' •• man li i'..il In e i-. e miaihliv rf-M.ien; it I'l.a'.i ii!.- -â-  lUirrie 1 lit M mlr ll ny n li •â-  ' .Milins ill, .M In â-  in-n l â-  • y-'UUu' liidy iiiiiii. I. ill l«i u' I- tt' hei" witn tie- e J .1 f n ' The iiupttals wer? k'l.i tjui- 1 i. 1 .. f vv dnyx --i- ee, *luii «ii «cciu.. â-  Hill affsir H) peiueil 111 llie .. C-- ,i«--. 'Ihik cnninii,' lo Uie 11 liei-fflii' hii..- groonr liitlnr; lie iiiiiu.iimi.ly t-i k bin b y 11 'in.-, aii, c l ri-d lUi «i-ti to imuul the eouiriict, on tl.. j;r('iii;. that lu.i fon Was lo • years i nl-r a,;. that bin piirentr.' I'oii.^i lit iiu.i not h- n Kiven. and that the voinh had been invti-led i'ito tie ma:na;,'e by the fiie:id-i of the j^nl, who wax not of his •oci.lI st uHnfr. TLe defence deny all ♦he alleg^ti'lls. ixc-pt that the youiiR man is a niiur. Ci nsumption, ih.it dread dt-strojei of the human nice, is often the icauit of bail l.l.od and low vitality, a scro- fulous cmditi n f tl.e sy: tim. Ru dock UloAd Bitters cure Scrolula in is worst form. Trial bottles 10 ikuilMLL'o ofAtfiH uJHE. 'I'lir iiiotit Hiirres*ii'Hl Komrdy^ f\ii .ii e.*\. ii-.l, Hs It i (.â- fiiaiii in iN rtT'_-ctH iiiut u'.t- ll..; Iili.-^l.-r. 1!k.m I'k.h.k Hel.iw. FROM THE 0NE0NTAPRES8.N.Y. OiiLoutH, Nk.v V.iik, Jiin. (Jtli, 1881. Kailvl.ist -iiiiiiiiir ^^...â- ^ls J. It. Koinlal) ., C.i (.' Kii."lii i.']i l-'alls' Vt.. niRile a coii- .liii 1. li liii- :ii li.-l.. I-- .«f till- V'ir-1 f.ir a .i:ii: -.iliii:iii jiil\ â-  i. i-.ii.iit fi.r i.iie yi*ar ^.et- t iii; (.). ill ihc iiK-i:;, i.t Kiii!;il!'s Spiivin iir.-. \l tin- s.oiio tiiiic- ttc h. ciiifl Irem the 111 111 II i.!:i:i' t\ iif Ik.oKs, t-iitiilid r. hLf ii.iuliV Tl. 111.-.- .Ill tli( Hill V anil liis Dis- i-a.*" wiiiCii W" ill*.' ;;iviii^ to a.tvatic-e )iHyiiig -ui'i'iil'i.^ 1.: liii- i' •••• a- a pn ii:i'nti. \... 1.1. Ill' 'iin.-!i.. ;i.lv. ti-.-iai i.l iij-st ap- l.vi"-i â- â€¢ ilii- |..i] â-  I At.. I' ll. Si ;.,-â-  .i,i-.ii(.i-ii. v^i.i. • .-.-in.ii (â- ..Hers. Ii.i.i H Sj.,iviiie.l i. .r ' .1 1 .;• .ll.- alv. Tt.-^eiu.-ii' ..:i'i ci.:|. .1 i.i. .. ... 1. -â-  ii: ,:;i:u-y .,f the ...... I; al- lli..i;i.';i ll I '.â-  I'l ici?li.-i ut ii! (•;. i 'ity. He buii^ii, alji.ale i K.uiliiii' h,Hviii Cum iiii.l ciiniuii la-i .1 11 in;; it iu tlii^ liu.iie in ac- iii'.l.-niiT .n.lli t)i .hr.-ctioiis. ami he iiiForm- e.l 11- iliis -.1. 1-!, tliat JM IT. cUii ^.iLâ- llac oiDiik'te 'â- lire r..at«n r\|.. rt hiii.-i iiiuii. \vhi.rx;.,iiiiiieil tlie aiiiiiiiil I. i.'.itl\ I'liiiM tiu.r ii.i liiice .if the I .-I'yviir ur tin- piaee wheit- it ha. I h.'i n lufite.l .Mr. Si-'.u riin-ihorii has ^ill.•. s. eiireil a wpy of Ken. tail s Tit-ati-e of liic Hiiri-e and hi.-- I Ihsea I-, wliidi lie |.ri;-..j, veiy lii;;liK- »iul w.inl.I 1.- i.it 1 III part Willi at anv wni-u. pri j viilttl he coul.l not obtain aiiuther copy. Ho i iiiii.li f..i mlvct ;isiii.^ ii'iiiM.- ftiticle JKendairs Spavin Cur«. New Hnnil.uri,' Ont., Vic. 2-tl.. IS'^l. Mr. F. H. .McCallum, D.-.ir Sir: -The lot- I tl.' ol Dr. K.n.lall's Spavin Cure lioiiKht of j j'oii lasl suinniir t,'«vi- iiic- the iitni.ist satis fac-lion aii.l peiforinr.l a woir.hrfiil eiire upon I a eaaie iiiuetiH n yuarn ..UI beloiitjiiiK to me, I wli;.-U V. lis ha.liv iiiiviiie.' fur ten yiurs. She I wa* so l:iiiit tilut 1 o.ul.l hardly Ki ber to I I....VI.. Til.- lanit iii.-.-i i..i i-iitii. ly i;one after I u-iii^' half R 1.. nil- of lli« luie, ami ahe ii nke n v.ii â- ;: !i..r-f ..t-ani. 'â-  Y.»tn V tiilv. J. l" KOTS Mton A "\)"\i M r A wonian'K body waa fuaud on thr traca of tli» T. (i. i B. near Wooa bridge statio i Tuis^ay morning- It was lou- d to be that of tbe body of a woman named Klien Gardner, who lived near n her* the remaui* found. The body was mn tilated almost heyou i recognition. She had been ab-innt fr.m home dur- iM',: the Miiol* f M.vuday and it was »lion_'!ir Ill-it alir wiw run oyer ^j a inir tr .i.i w 1 returning daring night. Nerv. ns -fehnity is a resoit of in diaerett n in ihr mode of Hrtn*. Heed natnr* a i. r Ing laws and take Bar- dock Bio ' i) trii, tiie Great byatepB Beiiovato] -...1 '•). ol, Liver and Kid i»#T T/ii ,-, or -iiui touie. Sample bot tlee 10 ccate. \U^, .-\yho h- i that tittle Imtuh ad T'^th aa aUe aa snow h.,- alwaya br««bed them twic* a iff W :ti 'iTBSBsaaf ywu kuov. Foundry! KiCHINE f QMS. Wa are pie|«i«d to eieeata all kinds ei MM Bspin Turning and. Bonng, .U. .^oB General Lathe Work Done in a practical mannw. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive our special attention, knowing throng practical experience the best class of Iroua for such. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Eollers, »ill reoaiv* our |attcution. Wc also Intro (luce our new FAMILY MANSLE! to the public. TUi« n.-w nif.rliine vill mangle Linen, Cotton, ami Woollen Goods, giving tbeiii a beautiful smooth an.l p!o?sy appear- ance. It also improves the elotlits, whereas hot irons inj-are them. We will also mann- facturft CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w.tbo.it marl.lo kI.iIi for iiamo, *«.; also Tomb Kailinjis, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Ca..it Iron Chains f -r snme, also all kinds of Ballu-ttr l!aihu),'i lli;use I'encing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery BraM Castings of every do^ioription. Brass Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. .MarWale. Nov. 1881 63-1t n P.iYorCIAN. .1 II i.- O .. .In I.- 17th )nS I â-  .. » • I.. .-. :â€" Hi'.i.li-.i; ..• ..1 .1 .11 I'l l.t'.. ;t I F.irm iv .1 ,. i\ni 'll. liU lia\..i„ a val .;. .: • â- â-  y liii.r â-  « ,11 ml iB-iu laiut- l' â-  â-  I.. I .1 i};ii:. 1 11 I.I..1I.U-. 1 s -lit to .. I â-  a ....tli.' \j\ 1 x| •â- â-  ^. wiii.-ii .n six -mix .1 .-1 lUTIl ,;.-- :lli.. I •â- i.i, .•♦:meu. .11- ,1 l.o.ji all li.tT hor-e au.i '.-â- 11.11 t':« ... ..I .lav us souiitl rt-i c.illH. The .â- II I ..ll..' «'ae »iirUi ;u 111 im.' hiiii ired dol hir ' iU'Ji.'»'lfr.ii\ your--. H. \. Hf-BToi Krr. M. D. Kendall's Spavin Cure. Tiiou anl^ ot tii.ilr-o.i ir.iiiian tl.- li has piov...l lieyi.inl a iluub; tliat • KKNli.VLIj'S SPAVIN Cl'liK" iias snth.aint -tr»«igih to penetrate an 1 virtue to cure the wurs. cases uf rheumatism, corns, biniyous. fro.st-bitL'8, or nuy braisn. cut or lumiuess which are not atfecteil in the lea.st by ordinary liniments. It does u.it blister but on the contrary re- mo\e6 all soreness. St. Johns, P.Q., Oct. 27th, 1881. Dr. B. J. Ken.lall 4 C »., Gents :â€" About a year ago I fell in tbe road onto some ioe and was badly hint in the hip joint, wb.clieaascd me much suSeriiig. I tried various reme- dies but mine gave relief, nntil I tried Ken- dall's S^iavin Cure. I applied it fallstrength twice a day for twc weeks dnring Iait October and it eflected a perf».t cure. I have since then been well and free from lameness. Ik is very \aluable tor luan as well aa beast. Yours truly, CsBsna E. Gaszx. Kendalls Spavin Cure. Is anre in its effects, mild in actions as it does not I4ister. yet .it is penetrating and powerful to reach every deep seated paji or ' to raoMTS any bouy g'a«-th r other enlarge. ownts, soeh as spavins, splints, ciuba, riag- bones, eallons, swelliags and any lameness and all enlargement!, of the joints or Umbs, or (or rheomaasm in man or for an^ porpoM! far wkieh a liaiaent is used (or man or beast It is now known to be the best linimoit lor man ever used, aetinc nuU and yet oertatia ia its effects. ' Bend addreasfcrillastiaited drsaUr which WW t link gives p~.aitiTe pi oof uf its rirtaes. No I'wadj has erer met wittt snch (wqnali- Sed soeeeas 10 oar knowlodge, far beast as •ell as laan, PrieatI per battle, or six botUes forfS. AH DiWBislalMTe it or can gft i: (oryoo, cr it will be sent to any allr«-s on reeaiat a aeiee by tbe vroprietor DB. B J. UK- DALL CO.. Bnotibargh Falls. Vu SOIiD BT AT.T. DRUQOI8T8. Ijaaa SaM A Oa^. Mawtrsal, P.Q sale AfMla. fV u. Tailor, MARKD ;LE. V^ Sjiecial utt-nti'ii to Cultii:p..gi Jf you w;;iii a Perfect Fit leave yo'ir (IrJer wit). C. k. OWKN, MAKKD.ILE. G. GRANT. Undertaker â€" ANDâ€" CABINETMAKER Has now on hand Coffins of all sizes and prices. (or hire, charges moderate. UNDERTAKING promptly aileniied to at all b.^urs o( day or night. Also a full stock of HoaseMd Fiirniture! Ordered wcrk of all descriptions executed with thu utmost despatch. A full Btock of RUSTIC AND PH0T3 FRAMES which will be sold cheap for Cash. SeasoRed Lumber of all khidt XaSien in exchange for Furniture. G. GRANT, liARKDALE. Markdale, Dee. 33, 1881. 67-tl (YmRTLING discoveryi LOrr MAHMOOO RESTORKD. A Tiallai c( Toaaiai inpnidenca «â- â€¢ Dtcay. HarroM IMiiUtr. Lost Maakasa. ath, kartaa trlid ta laia arsry kaova miMdy, baa ••- s ai ma silgplsselfâ€" .wMAhswin «• kis Mtow Mil m. Ulsup -• â- . Best! Vas'aesa now bslors the poblie. Too ean make money faster at woik for OS tuao a* auyihiiig else. C«pitvl not nse- l ed. We will start yon. $13 a day and up- wards made at home by the indoalriees. Ifaa, woasn. boys and giila wanted ens y Jh ere to -wots bat OS. Now is the tiase. Ton eaa wMf in spare time o^ly or gire Toar ^HMtrttsse to tha I maimw s. Too eaa five at h ssas sad 4o tke work. No otlisr baaness will pay yon nearly aa weB. No one ean (ail to laaka eo- onaoaa pay by enragiim at onee. Ceatly ootfit aad teniss fras. MoMiy wmi» iMt, mmkg aad hnmwaHy. AUMas Tass A Oa., Ai â€" nothing Liie leatlier. M. M. M'LCOD, MARKPAliE. NOT TO BE BEATEN I AQdsose wlio mny ha*e keJ «!- ".^ tnneâ„¢veb«- b-rn fc««*~»'fr" n mfhd that we haye l^^T"^^ brf^ «t and bea sloak of laadte ««f ^^ S«35 into MaAdale. e i w ai stin g of Sp«i^ Mid Misi^hwits f»r* rtwjiafrnB' Ih.^^'S* to the finest l"d and pnltHm. Sewed Work » Specialty. AJl work warranted. InTtsible pstchmg alsf don. here. yiOS^- llarhdala.ispi- ^^* JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GENER'LBLACKSfflTH HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY. Are pa=rjit to t le. Crctais their o-m Pargativc. Is c «f' s;"--, nu.l crfeeloas 4tfUv^t ot wonof ia CoilJran or Adnltft THE KEY TO HEALTH. BURDOCK; BLOOD JlTIERS Unlocks .ill the clofsreil avenues if the Bowels, Kidneys ajid Lirer. carrying off gradu.illy wiiliout wck-iing the system, all the impurities an.i f..i;l hunris of tbe ifccretions at the sr.me tn-e C0ITectijU[ Acddity of the Stomach, cunng Bill- oosness, Dyspopsia. Headrichos. Dii- siness. Heartburn. Constipation, Dryness of the Skin. Dressy. Dim- ness of Vision. Jaundice. Sait Rhenm, Erysipelas, Scrofula. Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility all these an-l irsny other simi- lar Conrlainr^ vi.-M 'r, ih*- h,T)-|.v influence •f BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, â- ample Bottles 10c Eegnlar size $1. For sale hy all dealeri. fkHnBVBII A CO.. rrvprlctors, Toraata Gold t;o.'U c.i:tl.« fe.-. ll, '^â- . ne/: 'l't ni-i are â- .h.l-.. ' I:i' '.o 11" miiin in i\p -.y. ije'i. bov-:n;l "' to vorlt l.r their ovn 'iO.il^.ics. A'ly n::c â-  woik I'ri-jieil.v froin the fi) si ^.»ill c. iiic.«- »;il ".v iporc th.i- te-: ';. wn;; i. j;sii:-i;-ivi' onl':t ?U'-ii" oua wlio i'n;.':if:i^ f.-iiN to muii" ::: â- : Yon can ilevoic Mnir wh.ile tin: • i or oi I" viiiv ^l..^l'f m.-nients. 1' tion iiiiu ;i!l that is necde.! sentfrti Stik^on li Co.. PortU.id Maine. Giv.H' c' •â-  â- -â- â-  t.i emk' niivKv. T. .. c y\]i ri\.iu\i "' ;â-  :v i-t-i;." .1- .Hi;;;.!;-.- i-i.-.-.-v llist ]. '.-.iif' ".• i !.-. wli.lc 'T--.!' I'..'., :â- : :.;:.'.;s re men, »o IS rij^ht in n do t'K. i'llP hUK â- : .iniinary !ire. N".. ly r.-i;ii:i!y the '.^â- .â- rk, 1 inf.jnna Adores. ThelPorest and Best Sedieine ever lade. Aeobitilnstion ot Hope, Buchu, Man- -raaaa ^a Dandelion, ^t' i^i tuGbcstuul mostcVorstlTepropertMS of all oilier Bitten, iiuikes\tbeKr«tcst Blood Purifier, Liver Has u l ^ator and Life snd ncaltii Keatoriiig Mo MuMi e^kan poaafbl; lone •iM whsn Hop Bitters are u^doTaii«daDd partaotanthalr perati. n«y civ* M* U\ I** ^^ t« tU SJSl ud isllB. ToaHwhoM awnplojinenta cause irrefinilari- tyoftbebowelsoi^L Bxinarr organn, or who T«- qoiis aa AppetUe^WTonie aud mild Stlmnlant, Hop Bitten an laval^aable, without Intoz- Icatlns. aHak KoiaMierwliat7oarfe%ellB|i« or iTuploiiw â- rr -irlut the ilinaw mi sjl^-'nit l« iaee Hiui Bit- ten. DoB^waltnntUyoanr* •Ick but iT yon only feel bad or mijerable.K vk Uiem at onc^ Itiiai7aaTe7oiTUfe.ltkal*aTed hnndrads. wfflbepaidforaealae tker will orhelp. Do not •airer%*'*tronr[iieodi â- afler,bot ose acd arm taenia " ue Hop r, Hop Bitten k nJWvO*. dracced dnmkeB aoelraa, botthe Psne^Ws d Beat Medi cine ev er made the *WTUJIS and BOrv* aad no penott or famii*^ â- boold be withoat ttaeaa. S.l,0. leaiia»ieoltteaa« fa ' i «i M ble oan orDruokeneflB, use of opium, tofieeeo and ' â€" "iKp'uys2vS aadlersato.OM. ,^^ nanoUea. AUsold CorClKalBr. XT !d FARMEllS, L.-;ok to your iiiterests. ami -.el S.ir,'Oiifs Pa.teut LOAD Lli'TLN-i MACHINE tuis bCSB :.U. It wi"i save v-t.i on» or aiire liai.dv every dsy you me -f r.i v. tnj/ iu^ Ht you (loi/t licc'l a iiiRn ar thv font of tbe ino'.v to pitcli it I ack. Y-ii can p.tch from tlie lo-td a^ y- n ari; ].i'.ciiiag diiwii iiii^tead .if np. You eau onload Ib lialf the tine, ami witii g.ea(«r ease than in the old way. Ag.-nt^ « anted in evurTctiiintT^* Wm SAiiGEST, B iwei P). or, Gro* k .Vleli.iieB. Mail Office, 1. I onto. o4-97 PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) Um recipe for a aiiapia VaoBTAaLE Balm that will reraove 1'sx- FBECtOiKS. PIMPLES unl BuaiUBS.loaTe ing Uie xkfu'Mift, cesr and baaa^ul also instruction!, for proilu -ini^- a lux iriant growth of b." r on a balii head ur stu-wtb taee. Ad- Co.S' euclusin;; .i 3c. «tk[ii;.,Beii. TauMf A a',dre 8 Bm»4 -^ioMa *U^^ -•- â€" -r- XXVJ VJ i.^ I O Edisons Mnsi' T rf sy b o â€" ami Ediaou's inataatan«n* Put .o aad Onraa Masie. Kncloa* stamp kjt cat afcene and termn. uoBOMifrsic CO., n» c3Mt'^« mt. nili iilpkis. a. tBJtmT' Olto. OH, HEa OH, HEAP ;, ..T^iiTtVTf not. ft yoarPlH,tog~pl» rf We B0LMEB. The People's Photographer, Flesherion w PUt-«. and*. CopjiB««d «nlarii-€ -J-*^'*^ whoiaa^,^*-^-;;-^ K F ixim^» •^^" BULMEJ. FlMheitaa. lCa*l«. 1 I GET MY WOOL CABDBD i88a. â- :2 ' .-..cj S E E p FOR ALL KIND?, ov GO TO THE r4 -AT THE- 'â- ^-U Dundalk WooUen Mills. .i ' oâ€" â€" Where do you get Yours sill .0*ri. ,. ^^.IMPOBTANT TO FARMej I have just purchased a large stock ol all kinds j Garden and Flower Seeds direct fr( m the oldest ti reliable dealers in Canada, and c?n s;ifcl\ recom :t my sti Seeds ever imported into Dundalk. Don't fail to^' reuaDie aeaicrs in \^auau«i, ami c.'ii s;uci\ recominw Farmers will do well to come and 'nspec't mv stn^ lieve r have the largest varrety of Field, Oai^ stoct p. 8.â€" Partiaa iadebt«tl b settle at t nee. BinroALK. Pee. » ISSl. DoU « book aacouiit wUl pi* »»• t* o»li m4 W. H. PBT-BRSOH. ALL 31E1V Wanting t. Pnrchase or "en: ImproTed Farms. WUd Lands. Tow. er Villa«e Property. i tbe County of Orey Yours truly, • • C. W. PAR80, P. S.â€" A large stock of Timothy :\w\ Clover S«isJ on hand. -Mso a new variety rotatoes for seed just received a half ton of new process -Linseed feeding horses and cattle, cheap. S2.50 per looib, Dundalk, March 7th, 18S2. SHOULD SEND FOR tb pe OF A. Farm €â- .â-  ic rr' •;C Let DUNDALK BOOT AND SWOE ••aror^^E Of BooU au ' e.-b oui!..: •'.ni.iik Iboss baviug lilts I'ro-ijartias toilL-^pois of sUouM cous li me. Sisr* S*«l« •!- MO pay. CATAXiOviUK SENT ON Al'I LICATIi'*. I Smve oprnrd an ftfllcr hi ItiDlrdgC'S Elolel, iriarkdnie. mlirrc 1 will le found every TSinrsday, au.i will i i^it; arf.. to .^i.-. i;t.- l.-»4--. Leasee, MortKiige.?. ftc. Jtc., iiea r.l A.lvifi- i.i ii.ui j.-intt dec. -Virto to attend to all the ilifT.jrent d.-parlineirs of ny bu-ii:t-Sji. lu eter; department of my Lu^iiii'Sa iify motto is Thornu^L- r.ess and Fair Pealing. .4nctian SaSm condno Rrnl Arr«nnt«, e,, rnilcrtrd nnd prosupt rc{U3-ut inaIe. CEIARiiirs I.on\ ROBT. DAVIS, i.iv ya icir, Cj3iniis..ioiier in ;}.U.. Kc.il Estate, Loan A Lisuruncs A.ri;iii FARMJRS $c MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDAI-K, Ontario. Conveyancing done with care, neainets and despatch. A. G. HUNTl-R. OFFICEâ€" One door $outh of AngU-AmeHean BoUl. N GOODS ..uiUVliO Oil ' I ams.u: a»a!iuf.ieH'.;.^ rl.o... (.•..• iii:it' .. .. .i. r\ Lo; Is. e;:ii.r ';--"i'i" ^â-  i^epairiiig p.o-npt: w b .«-"».- I Im tlie Celel]ra?fla W? "• .â-  â-  V:--rV HJi •• " â-  *â- ' All kinds of FariaP 'I'-iH-.' t i:.'-i 'â- ; -â-  Sloie. Dandalk, Beptemker Si.ti, J 'i ' â- , yd.\n ^^^ r^ Dundalk, September 1st, 1881 IIT. Markdale PUMP Factory. MAKER OF ALb*lND8 OF PUMPS, DROP VALVE PUMPS. CYLTnDKR PUiiPS, CISTERN PUMP ., FOROfi PUMPP. Alar. ALL KIND.S OF IRON PUMPS SUPPLIED. fo.^ff^'f '""/•'"â- *' t*^ 'â- """ '"Twoi-fc; i|,ppr.,f,.f Ui8 fouu.lintbe tbe Pnrop Imaii.eaa. Reinemb. r tl» atai.d, 1 d«..r n..rtb of Rotle,.g^a Uotel. Sydenham Street, Markdale,: Bound fcr the S^orth-West l'ieunJ^r»igiiel l»t\in! t -i-'i-M- !*' i- '"T •, • bol-..«if llii lar, « :-.ii ' • Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots Eeady-Made Clotliiu. fctc- Great Excitement isx Markd^^te SPRIN SUMMER Goods "QliEAPSIDi AT A GREAT .;."i»'i T\\% is the Only genuine o!^i^:i-^v-\i' "" '.ifs the public. The whole steel. i .: ' ' • "' ' ' Wm. NELSON, Pr^P"' ' I DoalAlk. FabniArj 28Ui. 1882. ^^.--t â-  ' i. ;.fi ' -^ ' x'-f;' (ivr ,^*:*?.^^*^^ S^CT FBOM ENGUSH MANUFACTUREBS; ' Dress Qoods, Cashmeres Muslins, ...,.AB..tHtW. AU colors ' UteiptSi^ Bnlhants, Diapers, Cretonnes, Scotch and West of England Tweeds, Dia^^onal Coatings Dress shirts. Ties. Dueks, Ienlm«,cxtorcl WlUrting., Full lanes pf GBOGEBIES o o T a" ' 'JT^f 4ir^^ *^ CBOCKEBY. x-r-r-1-a.-r.-*-^ HENRY FOSTER UiAS6W.\fiE. LAMPti.S'rO. .li i:-i' '}â- ' V--. "• I I'i lu. .^^: •;.»;^-'ji_ 'r.-r fi.iM TAILORr 'â-  ^-r..-ir«r SYDENHAM STRiiET. â- â™¦'" *r Markdale. -nly 7, .«« •â- *.;. iicTij£S««-r^^»ijf' 'V MARKDALh ALiEX. RUT:LiEp^'/^ LIHl.^ HOiEi.. ..,,-.;.;... ^torevbrif-Y'V.'-*?;" ""„,.'"' •»«rT modem eonTei ienW." i*-*- t'irni--l •'.:-'• .gl.V V .„,. j*)" â-  lib the best orardK of Wmes. L quors an.l 1. !;(»- •• " ..|ici"",,. u^ld .• seaaoa. Tbe ttavaUiug Pnblie may r.h "t "â-  "' ^^, oi»«? â- ^,.#' .... • i"' a n. rK. '• «eaa«m. Tbe ttavaUiug Pnblie may r.h "t" " ,ff,e o»' â- *' «*-• -*•• • «. Oaari .•'aawlr Amnd* for Commercial 1 ' '" "",^ tm* *»*" ite inee«,J»ei â-  Us ut« .t rw»i g^ tneal iBtriligew*. O â- *^' ' Uatter* and itil they eompj nBUK OF kl .cotluaB.eAa t Dundalk DruorS^^^g ler. fi ft iot _^ mt io-erti^ ,»Biin«a.fir-t 1 ViAse^xeot m»»r' !â- â-  lines. ficKt insertion I B«A saboepuent insr!i f^ amaber of line« to • 1 ^f^m eecupied measured *»Tj V I- will bepuUisl jMnr'"""'"^^* All" 11 a'elaek tke Tliiir^day i Mlbliestion. ^. W. BUTLEn;E| EStlMUrT DJRECTORl »liy»ioiana. Surgeon •met Medical Hal! â- Markdale â- â€¢â€¢*. Il^rkdale. 8ept 17. lt»Q. L IN THANKING my uuinpron* ensloii.er.-. I' r p:; â- â€¢i.i..^;.*- I'ur-i, am still to tl:« fore witli tl.o LargesliliestiiskWili S0wn B '*iiiJ ArroBNBT AND sur.un j^ady for atK-u.iiiiR te s' iMsineir* OBce- »* Ksv'd Ho j^ila, Dec- 2i«i. L-"il. Frost A- Fro* BABE18TKBS. ANHATH j^w, Sol ci'ors ill C\t -m^^0^9t. Office o]ru s*i' -^lalafera. t/aaae. .J W H pttmty Crovn A;:..riiST. J. â- Â»:*««.«o^. BiriUUSTEP. U\M'l i; \M| is nianet-iT, Notary i';ib' er.Aa- MOMKT TO r.KSn AT -iv ,• OAeea â€" 0«r-ii .s..fim I m Taalett St.: s" ' m Miiri.l;i;. aad's 8t»i«, on Triilav »'il ^« CrrasorA. T!orl-i^ BAKRISTKKS. sul.h liui: auct-rs. Jtc. Ao. OrricBR in 0««u S.-.i,;i.l. I.lnf. .«Tar W. F. V:\to% Hu.-.t r.n 1 m. MARKDALL Over W.J. Mi-Fai'.aii.ir. Si..:» aad Friday of eai-h wo.L. "Fnnds to 1 -ii.! on rt'ii-i..i'.i" .Jeaa Cr«*roii. Q. r. li- -.. Markdale. March 1.".. l^' li«rrllunroaxiJ WlU. Bi'OlTU. rin«B OF MAUulAwKl.!^ Commissioui-r In U. I:..; OoaveyauciuR in nil il- '.i. attauded to and carri'iillx \-^ :â- â-  U. B. â€" Money :o I.«ii -.n i: .• •onty. Markda's S'Pt-. '" •""• Alexaii'!»r Biowi ItSURB of Marr;a-.- 1 ;â-  ^^ 1 Life Insurance Aij.'iit. in B. R. *c. Coii-.-.-v«!i.-»T Aaetieaeer for tUefo-mty .n^i Marshants, auJ Lati.l S-i •' -(aadac to and ciiari:*). lui i frieevUle, Sept. 17. !;â- â- " â- fiOS. HA»BII« X: "Glasgov/ Hous3, " Beds SELLING O.Tr. SlLLINGOI Bargains. BrrgrJn F,argaa s AUCTIOSPKU A Nit «. N Ajreiit, Wiilittnif .ri S:. Bales attendf.l i'l .lil â- ?â- - â- ' 0.*df sold ou (,'o;ii:iii- ".. iaaas. OreaiiK. sn.l S -.^ • ;• '•;â- â-  Frait aad Orii:in.»ii » T'*. V leaial Inpltrmen:*..*' I Uu- .I"i • oala. "Vlliaasford. Jan '.-T. I t-^' J. â- . Sin;:. DOUINION AN"I» I'-:" IN anr»eTor. Dr-R i;.'litt=i.i i" Maaford and Markii.tlf. H::\i- Frorincial Lmi.l S.irv«-- or i" " tatT" stock of nri;.'..ij: I'lrll irts. lastrurtiotiji .V«- ••• â-  *ithin 'li« Ihi" iiftv ^aared to rank* .Surv.-t « in aasa tlierewitU. l'io"ii. n'l â- itt Ora.liBK Hill" r):ti:. h; I S IwBail'ling Hri.);:*-!*, (iir.i.--if 1 iisa. Monsy to I,..aii lU jh r fliers by letter, or l^fi witii â-  "Maitilalii will ti« proiupclv • ae»t. 17. 1880. T. DAVI». BDtLDER* CONTi; â- .. .. Brick). After roui|.l.:i :,• thit sciason is still on ili ;i.i. P^tni to do all kiii'ls of -;.. "VtB. plastering an.i tiu 1. .! ^^eontomplate bail lini; :. :!•; •ftlDtage to giTe hiui a â-  si!. itdeocs corner of S:i'Mi r REVERE HOT lllAKIiS%l.E;. »ROUIaE, Proi.ii Tims 1 diti n popular aoti-l b.H^ !-i.i i dition added to it, tii.n. ••know keooud tu ii«iu.- y* stabling aud ntlt-i.ii-. ^**i aecomnioJati.nl f..i .-.: '^|^|;_Ter«i8 $1.00 ist'i- «l;it SEEING IS BKLIO OtnjLBMEN.- If you « ;» a ie or Was caU a; ICENNA MASON'Sl ;IAGE WO.i ilARKDALE. *^"«apply you with anvt! !! • 'i9F«unber Wagon R» ap to an I *fiension Top Pliaetl To bay from 111, ;n is t, r«*a botb practical woikiiui. ttft • -._ employ uon- but /*ACTlCALWORKM| I»i^^^»'5«*nt3e tbf-ir woik .: H?^'"" LiKbtn8« of ihiuJ â- ^ «»^»eriority of Fiuisii. i»:ris?i ♦rat First-class '.\ jj-^wth Hiekor} for ligbt « .„ k aa^onnt of work t u 1 n Ini^I TT.?.* â€" op'" ibop is s:i »^.^** 'epntation they c I B«od work. J^MRhkm-EST .a iMK I ' ^»«wk we positively will not take. â- â€¢jjpvea to re-Trimn WW*e»es of Carriage uteed (or No Pay) i |HOEI -S%t«t oppoat MA50]

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