Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 18 May 1882, p. 1

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 ffi Jl? I r f ' t 'l!" 'lltl I 1 r I 'I* i/ ill I Ni KW8PiPBBLi:rs. a utrru (rrtaiuhtg ii»- frnfo* Mr* oM-ftn- TWMT Um- !•â- Â« «bII â-  aaUc l!T do-« not t«k« k« p«:*r lAi: il( th* oCee. ami tt;e tk« mmoDK 'o 'tr not br â-  t«kra. Anr uiicicct !••« -p^V^r lii« u.*«Wr msiMiMiUa to tk* pulAia j^rx (ur lite paj-ai* ni. t. Any )ieioo who Ukt» a, lOfMr fron the CELEBBATHWOFTUE QUEENS BIBIKDAT. THE bHOWOBOUNDS. After years of talk, aoBMUiiug i» m- ing doac for tlM b«iic£t of If arU*I« in tte wajr of proTtdinf; it with *!^^' Vl"" ";**1^ "° !^ "^S* ' r"«Di» tix .faows, «od other Ulw »U n«(. :â-  rflqMuaib.c for Uis jmy tne^iir.a. We nigad npon the A^ci- s. I uiT peruMi orden h |«pn 4iKon- '"' Soeiatj Mine two mooth» *ko (be Hial. b« most pay all »rrcara«a. or tbc desirability of porehaainc tha sliow- grooods, M it woaM be • permanent fubl-kli«riiuy euutiiioe u Mfiui it oatil pay nar.t K matlr, und eoUcei thf whole amount, wb« hnr it b«i taken rtia tlie offiea or not. Tlier* can be no lagal dbaontiaiiaiM* antil MABKDALE. bonefit to onr .owing town. The Oumiuittee did pturbaa^, bat of oonrae the imoi «aa in do fit state for • ahow groQiid, it was neceautry that it should be fenced to make it other th«u a free EUPOBAUA COUNCIL. A fecial meeting of the towaAip ooaueil was h^ April SS. MsMben a!l .-ei*eut. The treasurer wasaatbetieed lepay A. Frost. U»eu tjoond. fSfiO. latpay â- Mat of fine and eoata, in Mas of Clark Ts. thia tp. The dark was ordered to gire no- tice of the paaeiug of a bT-law to n- samo the original read allowaiiee ok S7 A 28 side rood, eon. 6 4 0. Tltf coiBcJ adjoomed. near Spriof Wbaat per bab. Jo. Fall baria; OaU Paaii i'.iUtHM. Butter, par lb F-KX*. per doz Pork.iireuad B«af ' ff«a*e per lb Ducks, per pair FowU, per pair Torktyi. per lb Sha^fiakjaa Hidea â-  (lr%»» Mad, Mar â- Wool frr(!an Apple*, iar, biubel Lard Tallow Prr C«t J Wood do. do. 1.15 to 1.3S 0.40 0.74 0.69 0.16 «. • 7.W s.oo 0.07 0.40 ' 0.00 0.07 oao 7.25 S..VI ' 13.00 0.25 ' 0.75 0.10 ' O.O/l 1.7« • o.an 0.45 0.75 0.44 O.K 0.1 ti 800 6.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.(10 1.35 7.50 800 1400 0.00 1.00 0.12 0.07 S.OO bUHDALK MAKKETI. Wbrat. fall. No. 1 Whcmi.bprmg, " 1 barley " S •t-;- Peas OaU Bntter Kkk* fototoa^ Pork Hay .•1.15 to»l.3r) 1.30 to 1.25 .55 to .fS .M to .72 .40 to .41 .16 to '6 At t)io adjnnrued me«ti:ig on the 5th ol Ua iu« members were all pre •eat. The petiUon sad subssription tt John Hurlbert. Eaq.. and 62 othen askwg an eqniTaleut to amount anb- Bcrib^ for rcpaira of 6 A 7 sideroad, exhibition. The Agricnltaral doeiety con. 5 A 6, was laid before eoauaU and to get on with 6.00 to e 35 1 new 1.18 tc 1 J6 •e«nied in no harry this part of the work, aud not till the Qneeu's Birthdav CeUsbration Commit- tee arged upon them the desiraLi ity of getting the grounds in order at once, was anythinif dooe. However on Tpesday last, a bee was got toeeth cr, and there " with axett and ham men" and other tools, farmers, tail- ors, printers, bankers, shoemakeis, and eonnter-jampers â€" ^00 â€" we beg pardon, the latter were conqicuoa8 by their absence, bat ttie rest of them wei e there with hammer and nails and in an increliide short lime a good 7ft. close board fence 120 ruiB in length was ertcted all the way round the grounds. An uudasirable grand stand exists on adjoiniiis: ground, which should either be removed, or rented by tlie bpof ts Committee and used as a grand stand for spectators, and a fae of say five c«nts cbart;ed fur the use of it. As to the Exhibition of Kports and games, the prupramme for 1H82 taxes the cake over all its pix- decessors, not only on acconat of var- .to .12 55 to 65 7.50 to 7.76 7.00 to 10 00 FLEHHERTON. IC'irteUd weekly for the Stunda'd by R. J Sproiile. Flttherlon.) Flcur, per bbl »« 00 to 8triDf; Wheal per bu-ih. Vail do. Barley I'otatoes Mutter, p«-rll Ep«». p«T 'll/.. Polk, JreHieil. Ut-vt Hlicepukiat llilp* llliV Tiinotliy feed, Wool Tiarl T».l..w do. do. 1 19 to 1.13 •• O.M " 0.40 " 0.74 '• 59 â- â€¢ 0.16 •• 134" 7.50 " 6(Xt '• «0 •' 7 25 '• i2 â- â€¢ 2.50 '• 0.22 •' 10 " 0.05 •• 0.25 1 25 1.38 08U QM 0.76 0.64 O./fi 0.00 8.00 6.(J0 1.25 7.50 14.0 .1.00 0.00 0.13 0.07 iety of games, and the greater valun of prizes, but especially od account ot Its adaptability to the powers of our local amateur atbeleteK. The sports comnjitt.-e's full aun'un cement will be lound vn another page, and to it we commend our readers. Tiic highest amouat that can be won by any eur individual is a $10 silver eup, special prize given by \V. F. Dtil, t be contested fur in a 5 mile laco. The next highost priz" ia a pair of $6 chrumos presented by lr. Vail. A novelty in the programmi. is the 150 yards foot race l^etween tlis four IochI (.owiiships. We aro sure of a good day's sport if we CAU only (^el oa the right side of V'entior, i;ec i.im to iiller iiis predictions of "sti-riny weather," ar^tl then tlie Qnecn's birtiiJay will he cele- brated in u ri^ht 1 yHl luanuor in Markdale. accepted. The Beeve and Mr Ellis Were appointed to expend the amonut granted by council in cojauctiou wiih cjmmittfce appomted te expend the ainount subscribed. The complaint of Mr Greasor re as- sessment of his land could not oe en- tertained. Thoe. Beid, pathmaater, aothorised to expend %5 ou 18 k 19 sideioad, between lines 7 it 9. Mr Erskins was appointed to su- quiie into the nature of complaint rs bad slate of 15 A 16 sideroad. A ruiul contract was re- let to Bobt. Neely. By law 818 was read a third time and passed. By Uw 314 anthotisingtbs trusteee of b.S. 15 to raise money for school pnrposss by issuing dtsbeoturai was carried thruu;{h the diiferent stages aud passed. The Pjundksepors appointed are Mci.rs. McKewen, Wilson, Way, Elli- son, Thurston, Bhck, Witter, Wiley, McCoiineil, Kicliardson, Mur.ay, Mil- son, Brady, and Ard. The Ftfnceviewcra are Mjsars Heid, Hewion, Hali. Ke r, Badgsro, Kenny, r.ll!i Uuilbnrt, Knott, Parker, Pick- criijg, Yf-1 and. Perry, Cook, Boyd, Nelson, Kelly, Stitt. Sthruthers. Stiu- son. Curry, McDonald. Eliiott, Lugan King aud Artley. The tieauier to pay Frost Frost, $49, balaiiu! of costs. Jilui (irilfith, $4, ruad work. W. Warner, $30, road wurk. lit Uarbutt, $1, road work. Tht c lULicil adjourned till Friday, Juns 2, when it will meet as a Cuurt of Bfevisiou B, Dunlop. Clerk. A IfvmMs Uam» aalled of the ciuseos of evny asf, tova and TiDi«e ia the Dominioo, to (fgan\(^i what sboald ba dons to pcereDt the bair firoia toniing Gnj â€" aad bJliag oat. If this important MOiHnD ««wwd their earnest con- stlentton tfaagr ^nniA nnaumonaly daeida that soeoee had at last dis eorered sometliing that woold answw thi8parpiee â€" a«id farthermore wonld recommend Cing-Jeee Hair Benewer as being this sOBM«l-ing Atr restonng tke hair to ito natural eolor, aod pre- vent iu fslhng out 60 oente p« boctle. For aale br aD DmgfislB. Church Directory. ^^ CasoT Cai»ca.â€" •nn^y aest, s» 10 » T Saa^ SdKxri 3 90 J. WABD, UsnovnT Cavaca. â€" Baaday. W-to, 7 Tonag Peupla't Piyr. Meeting Hoa. A Oeosral Prayer Maeti ng Thursdar,* N. A. MeDIARlOD. Pastor. SEEING IS BELIEYIN6. GENTLEIOK.â€" If yon want a first-dass Buggie or Wagon eallat MCKENNA MASON'S CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. They can lapply j'ou with anytbiug Irem a Lumber Wagoa np to au Extension Too Phaeton. "^The XJtieen s Grajid BXhftition of AtWetio Birthday OBWIWR® at MaFMaleneeQ. es,Tiigoft^^ ^X^fgMMMf «tl4 ,-5»'.«. wotJJ H â-  5i n £ a fi » tn *t o r. rows' bO (D o ^1- 6c3g5 ^CD.S g CD cog, ^^§Q c O p « O o o a â- o P B2 so To buy from them is to S A V li 1 O IV E Y They are both practical workmen, aad employ non» bat PRACTICAL WORKMEN The3- enarantec their work Second to uone for Lightness of Draa^ht and Superiority of Finikb. TOUONTO. Wtinat.fitll. par buiih VViirnt, Hpnng, do H, ley, do « »:i' do Iv^.*, do llv.!, J l«v(-r S»« 1 do lo.r.^.a ii..t'«, I'Hr 100 Ibrt. li' ctf. hill 1 II 1 irl'TH .tl M tn tl 3^ 1 34 tr 1 38 U 84 to 48 to " Ha t.' (I fyi to 4 70 to y :m to ,â- ; '.( to METHODIST CHUIiCII r.\ZAAK ENTE.liTAl^MENl. â-  Th» Queen's birthday will hirther be honoured iu Markdule by the hold- Q ' 1 1 ig of a Bazaar in DuflFerin Ilall in ' -aid of the funds of tlie L. A S. of the K8 I MetlK'diai. Church, and a'HO by an Hilt, f.iri- ijiiiirterH 4 00 to ilH'k'MlM. !•' I--...,:,. .1... .. 1 1.4. i"T lr»cu. ' • »•â- . •iii'li •riiik.-y- I!.itt"r. liirL'" ri)lU.. Hiitt'i(tiil Uiry. Ilitlir. -i'.ri-.|)a'k»-.l K,' ' I. (I'lli. |»'r il'i/. E.\-. (.•.•k..l Ai'i'l'"' "'f '"' ritH*.'-r |M I iuttl- â-  • l!li"ll piM ifl(J Ilnr Co to 4.' tu IKI tu ni to 1 Ofi to 00 to to 00 to n Li to IHI to L .VI to 1 .! I to I -Jil to 4 'JO â- J 7.-. 7 m 5 00 flO .70 IKI 7.-. 2 " I) IHI « IK) 10 Oil 4 1)0 1 .tr, 1 • Eutt-rtainrueiit to he held iu the even- ing of the same day. This is to be the concert of the season. \Ve hare had a peep at the programme and from what we saw wu f.'fl Huie a K"Jd En- tertainment is a!re:iby eusuicd. ART IN .\1ARKD.\LE. .10 :,) t» H oO $200.00 REWARD I Will be paid for the detection and con- viction of any;persou seliioK or deal- ing in ai.y bogus, countiifeit, or imi tation llop Bitters, especially Bitters or preparations with the word Hop or Hops in their name or connected titers with, that is intended to mislead aid sheat the public, or for any prepara tion put in any form, pretendiuj] to be the same as Hop Biitbbs. The gen- uine have cluittr of Gbeen Hops, f notice tiiis) printed on the white label and are the purest -and best medicine on earth, CKptcially for Kiiiney. Liver, and NerVous Diseases. Beware of all otners. and of all pretended formulas or recipes of Hop Bittebs published ill pajiers or lur sale, a--- they aro frauds and swinJlus. Whijcver deals iu any hut the genuinu will be prose- onteJ, Hop Bittbrs Mfg. Co., Rochester, N. Y. (rorrr^vott^eitrr. X'incj!. â€" U\--.vi,!i ;t ilisuctly understand that w- ilu uoL hoM oui-bi-l.us rej-onsilili^ for llie ouimriisi'XjiressiHl by ourcorresiHindtnts Thursday. May 18 OSPKKY riU-NTlNC CONTR.\CT. i'lii-i wppk WO publish a letter from tilt' ol«ik "f ny. on tiie subject of tin' recent priutiti.; contract. We in- i.rt it ID Iti vutirety, iTit bt'can«e w© ai;i'A with the writer, for the mutter ir iij clearer now than before, but to lot liio-piibhc i«e into thamiudsof some of our township officials aud couucilmen. • It IS impossible for anything inserted III .1 iiwwripaper iu plain black aud wliite to be coii.striK'ted into an action done "in a flneak-t'iief kind of a way." It IS M [ity our councillors and c^fBciais dim t ^et tn a It'Vel a bit above this kind of ressiou. There is csitniulv so uethiiiK wrong Willi this iriiitinK contract. Ifths Flosli ertoM \.ilr,i ic/i tender\Yas $3 less than Rutin 1 ford's, land this Btntement hasi not boon deiii.d.) and prDvilcd there li.ul biiii no ctlief tender lit::n these twj, the I'lisheitou Alliance was en- tit'cd legally to the contract. But at Osprt'V tenders aro asked lor in a new and novel luaniier. The work seems to bd given 'o the liighest bidder rather '.Laii to him who tenders tlie lowest There was .ilso a tendur^jiveu from this a.Vic" to the priiilipjf committee, and SI- far lu *e can loarn neither Ruther ford'ii nor tiis X^inin e't w«re lejjall.v e.italed to the wirk, as we have yet to I .-aril that our tender was not the 'ow « St. The ratepayers of Usprey ouijht to look into these matters. This is aloat the only teud»r which comes be. .fire the eve of the printer.aud if it is a sjtiuple of bw tenders are being ban- «(ied in council and ctmmittee. thiuvs ure raanajicd in a sorry manner. As to «hstlier RtttUoiford gives 16 per cent te e'»rivs ai^d others we know nof l.iuK It is to be ragretted that snch ]iriic ices as f«iio(; clerks and other iIii-i»U is tolerated, there is sadly too much of tliis bribery. However, "let each one to himself be true, he wi!if not then I e false to any man." OSl'RKV Tl' PRINTING CON- TRACT, CONTKMPTIBLE WORK" OF THE FLESH- ERTON ADVANCE. One of tiie first s gas of a commu- nity beoiuiug enli^htetisd is a tasto f.ir art a:id us kaowlod;^e inci-onsea, »â-  f.Hst d los tli3 taste for art i;r)w. The most eulitjlitened commu:i:ty in the world to-day have cnltivatsd tlie taste for art. It is witli the utmost pleasure that in thia connection we ars able to notice the rapid strides art has made it yurliditle dur- iu) the past few mouths, not only in onr branch of industry, but in many. Tle printers type has tc ba artistic, the signwritcr's lettering has to bear evidence of taste, the cabinet makors goods have to be fashioned by well tutorsd liaudt, but perhaps iu no branch of industry has such rapid strides been made aa in jibotograpby It i^i bat a fuw mouths n^u since the general public of Mark lais cared little "'"P P""'" ^^^ try to make They usa nothing but First-class White Oaii for Wagi.n aud tLiiice Extra Second lirowth Hickory for light work Tho irumfiiseamonnt of work turned out ef M K-n-ia d' Mas.ia'a hop is sufficient proof of the wide reputation they eujoy lo; doing gooU work. Thb I5EST u ran CHEAPEST ts ihe END I'oor flifap work we positively will cot take. S[)ccial alteutior givBn to Ke-Trimmino and Bepaiiiting all cla.s9es of Carnage Wurk. Satisfaetiun guaranteed (or No Pav) in HORSESHOEliMQ bHOPâ€" On M'll Street opposite t:j Sproule's Hotel. McKENNA MASON. 2. i«w CD B«»rrS CD tf CD Q 0 CO w hi a N -^ r* n fit? .-. o " ^n S. o* §r 3 ^CD to • • oo oo • Ol!- O CD pj ^^ CD Hi ^R.w^ o 05 CD CD d o C04» tJ-O M5 MO CO Sa-«W to w Si oj bo^J- lD-»«, ^^-S* «»?♦â- â‚¬* Good Music. Dancing platform free. Admission to Grounds lOc. Half fare tickets from all stations on T.G. IS. =^=^CD ' CO A. TUKNEK, SEC Joseph Gibson, PJ,.\.1X J: OltNAMENTAL F* I V « T 12 t IZ IC. WHlfii WASHINGâ€" CAIiSOMININO ill Shades and Colors. All work gurjantced. Charge.4 moderate. IVlai-Ixclale !*. 67-118 ZNotiee. I L«rfbÂ¥ lOidiil all jjurtip,* trusting or har- bouriuK my wife, IH.'UA B.\XT£1;. as i-he lias lif iii Ixd aud b'nird witliout any just cause, ami I will not bo re:iouaible for auy debts CuQtraotcU brh'T. WILLIAM II. BAXTER. Glenelg. May 6, 1'82. «7 90. tV BrGillTlandr PROVNC'L LAND SURVEYS EUGEM.A P.O. as to whether their photographs bore evidence of ta»te, style, skill, tone, or finish, so loui; as they bore some little resvmblaueo â€" or as ws heard it el- pr«ssed the otiier day â€" so long as auy one could tell the ditrereuos between the bitter and a skunk, the photo graph passed mutar. But now (lUr photogiaphtc a'°ti8t Mr IJr 'Wi^ has produced such psi'imeus of artistic skill, the peo^leare no longer couleut with a foggy, misty " pictur " but ex- pect, and rightly so, to obtain some thing to be proudof. superior iii style, liigher in tone, richer in finish, novel in pose, aud altogether a'.tractive. To meet the demauU for this higher class of work, Mr. iirowue has just procured from New York, one of the best cameras that mechanical science has yet {.'roduccd. It is like most Yankee inventions simply perf^-ct. To describe it iu t.chuical terms mil not very much enlighten our readers, suf- fice it lo say, it is the best instrument n^oney can buy, and uo bettej can be in use in studios whsre the charges are treble and quadruple our local artist's prices. There is always some- thiuft going on that i« new in firowne's gallery. He is an artist who thorough- ly understands his profession, keeps well np to the times by haviu;; the latest appliances for the perfection of bis ai t. His devotion to his busiuess baa resulted in increased demand for good work. A won) may be added, the fullest preparations have been made for the Queen's birthday. AVell Mr. Et'itor of Advance you wero a littl.* angry, were you not, when you wr ta abuut the Osprey Town- chip pri I ting contract. As to whether it was tiickfriy of our Council to do wiiat they b;li«veJ to be best and cheapest l.ir tho Township let them .spoak for them^ilveo: but when you in smiiate in a dity i-noak tliiet ki id nt a Way tliiit tho clerk gets 15 por cent j Irom Mr. Itiith. rfcid on all Town- the people of Osprey .relieve a lie I Inink you have forgotten lu your rase as stated, by yourself that your duty as a public journalist nquires yon to speak plainly iiiid lay all ii.attcr clear- ly before the public. If you have anything lo say out t, turn it over, and shake it up. shine though dirt may with Truth will stink. though dirt Clerk of Osprey. THE Rt.CE NT REVIVAL. We LaTe o/teu beard of hats, coats, aud ambicllas beiiii; taken away iu mistake (u mvanaiily happens, how- ever, (bat t^e beotooHt ur hat disap pears' and toe worst remains) )at never in onr kan Imtli the like J this been made mamfeBt A fi^w ^ys a^o n ma II rti'e» a iVw bonri at the i^u«.-«ii H t«l, Stritiford, aod when le.tMii;; aucidaotally (?) hitsbed bia if I sea to a fiue new bu^gy that was «i tiie bam instead of the old at aiiicb M asriTa^ NEW TIME TABLB. A nav tiiaa table will ba in force in a faw days whas trains will make tha joorney between Owen So«ad and To r«uto m aiioBt au boars time lass than at prja.*nt. It u alao the intentiao of tua eumpanv to hare a coach attaobad to eaob re«alar ftaigbt train, tliis will ba a grtat eonTaaienca. A ballast train la now at wttrk, mad saw^liM are being pat m. Altagatliar tin T.3. A fi. is making graat im psu ia u a-^nts, not bowsTer. befr« thay weia n aai t ed. Wa â-¼â€¢bida have BO doubt (ha pabliavttl aflka To the Editor. Sir, â€" I refrained from anRwenng Constant lieaJer's question, because 1 hold that no iutelli;ent christian need a.-k such aij one. He does not say whether be belongs to a Baptist body, nor wJiether he holds to the opiuion that baptisjii by immersion, subsequent to proiessiun is the only scriptural mode, and that this mode only was pnvctised by the apostlos and e.trly church, aud that the same is essential to salvation. Constant Reader must declare what platform he stauds. I have uo time to write an essay ou infant baptism, but will answe." his objections. Probably 99 out of every hundred of your readers believe in infant baptism aud fcurely Constant Beader, as the exponent of the objection will be rea- dy with bis argument. It is ha who finds fault with the almort nuiTarsal practise of administenog baptism, therefore it is he who should bring forth his strong raasons against the baptism of infants. I have nothing to do with his fling at ' be Methodists, eyen if they do im- merse persons sometimes that does not a£fect the question at issne. I repeat there is no proof of a soli- tary ease of bap'ism by immtrsion in the new testament, or for 200 years after. Let Constai.1 liesderpro^e me in error if he can, or admit tha tact and have dona with it. W. In tha Spring of tha year almost avery one raqoiras a good Blood Puri- fier, more especially u the mouth ol May. Wa woald eamaatiy adviaa oar readers to try Dr. Carson's Stomal and Constipation Bitters. A few doass will soon oonviuoe yon that it m the beat remedy known for affeetioaa of Uie Stomach, Bowds, Livar, and Kid- neys. In large bottlea at fO aaata. A.Taroar and Co. SmcmI Acaata. Markdala. -•â€" .j Orders left at the Stsndard Office, Maikdalo will receive prompt attention. 86 100. NIL ~DESPERANDUM~ SRArS SPECIFIC MEOICINL rpHE (iHEAT ENGLISH I llEMEDV, an nufailiu^ cure (or Seminal Weakue«t, Spermatorihea, Impntency, aod all dise.Vto-i tbfit follow as a seqaencc of Self-Abnse as 'eas of Memury, Universal Befon TaUngi Las dlnde. Pain in the Baek UimuesM of Virion, Premature old age, and many otiier Dieast,s tbat lead to Insanity or Consumption »nd a Pre- mature Grars. J^FuU iarticnlar»in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is Bold by all Drng{;i.t!i at Jl.O*} per package, or six After Taking, packages for f.'i.OO, or WiU be s,-ut free by mail on receipt of the monty by addressing THE BRAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly Ton: to, Unt.,L'aua.lt SPECIAL NOTICES. HEST A.-«D COMFOKT to xiiE SUKFEPvINa Brown's lIousAhold Panacea has no eqial for rolieviti.; ouiu, loth inter- nal and external. It cure-, pain in the Side, Back or Ujwels, Soro Tlir.-jit, Ubeiimiitisiii! Toothache, Lumbaj-o and any kiud o.' a Pain or Acliy. "1; will most surtly (jii.'cken the Blood »nd heal, as its r.ctiiig po,t'er is woii- deriul." " Bro.vn'B HoH eliold Punacsa," being acknowledgei .as ih? prea-- Pa n P.cliev- er, and uf double the stnn^th of any otlnpr Klixer or Liuimput in the vorM. hoald 1* in every family li.n ly for u-ie w-en waatt-d " as it really i the best reraoi'.y in the wojid for Cramps IU the .Stomach, aud Pains »ud Achef of all kinda," aB4 ii for sale by all Droggisti at 25 cents a bottle. 2(i-1t R J.SPROULmesliertoii AT THE POST OFFICE STORE, IlilSHEETON. The best value in DRESS GOODS. f The greatest variety of PBINTS. ^^ â-  The Best Stock of HATS and GAPS, Ducks, Denims, Ginghams, Shirtings c. Boots and Shoes for the Million. GROCERIES, Fresh. v v Every line complete and selling at bottom pricet). 1882. SPRING 1882. Great Novelties. Wonderful Attractions. AT THE- TORONTO HOUSE, ATTENTION This is to certify that I have secured full control in the villa- ges of Dundalk, Flesherton, and Prices astonishingly in every De- partment. Highest price for Dairy and other produce. Markdalo.Mayl.t,1882. " BROWN. the ARTEMESI A WAREHOUSE Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers I Are you diaturbed at mght aud brulien f your rest by a sick child Boffering and crying with tbe excrnciating pain of cntting leeth If no. go at once and cet a bottle of MBS. WINSLOWS SOOTHINO SYRUP. It will relieve tiie poor little suflenr immedi atelyâ€" depen.l upon it there is no mi»take about it. Ttieie ix not a mother upon earth who ha« erer used it, who will not teli yon at once that it »ill re^^-'ite the twwela, aad gire reft to the moth 'r. and relief ana health to the child, operating Ujte magid. It ii p^r- factly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the state, and is the prencript'ou of ons of the oldest aud beat female pbysiciaBs aad nurses in the United Rtataa. Bold erary- where at 25 oeata a bottle. TO CONSUiPTIVES. The adTertuer, hanng oeen pennauenur enred ot thiitdre»d diiease, ConsniBpliuii, by a liiBple remedy, is anxious to make known to his feUow raileren the means of enre. To ail who desire it, he will send • eopy of tfca preaeription osed, (trv» ot charge.) with ka direetions for prepairing and using the mm» whi«h tfacry will find a bu«z Cubb for Coh- niMPTioa, AsTBKA. Bso^foions, Ac. ParttM wiahing tin Freaaription, will pkaf* addTMS, B«t. 8. A, Wiiikm. 149 P«aa St., Wilhamsbargk, K. T. 3«l1j ERRORS OF YOUTH. AOSmrLEMAi; who mStnU for jmt Imai Htarroos UBBHilTI. tRBMk- TUUS DECAY, aad aU tha eOMs of yoath- fal inii â€" a tio will forth* saka of sng«ri»g hneuify, Mui free to all who noad it, S raetp* awl te ai i ii u i M te tukiag tha aianla raaadj by wkiak h« vaa ou«4, fhtBwt w]i4uii,( to fnto hy tb* rf wtt wi ' a nj,t • so 7 MdrsMiBC ia MrfMt oo*. Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Gro- ceries, Provisions, c. Stock kept full and well assorted with new goods received week. every My BRANCH STORE at EUGENIA replenished with •- New Goods every week. For Sale Cheap for Cash or Produce. Saw M^i" 67 .^" W I -•5 Mill and Shingle Factory At LITTLE FALLS are in operation. Lumber, Lath, Broom Handles for Sale. WM. HOGG. Brtaf emtOf Inm listn m THE LOSa OF IAitiJI!I5fSB| 'i^T^ J*e »"ve reeeuUy pnbiiabwl a new t ""• Witoon of Dr. Ctii.TMW«u.'» Cklb- ^^ 0^^»«jiT«i) EaiAT on tha radical and permanent ctire (without madidnc) of Ner- vous DobUity, ICeotal and PhysiMl IiieapMsi 2' Itcpadimenu to Marriaga, Ac. ranW "un ezeeaaaa. ^^ *^ Prieti. in saaled enralope, ooWe «â€" «- or two postage stamps. ^^' Tha ofUratMl aatbor, in this adawntbia K-»y. eleai^ denonatratea, froa tbi^ yeaia- «w«aaal pMottoa, that al.rwiJ«2. n^ to ndiealW eoiad withoat tlw Mrs. T. a. Morgan QDBBN ST, MAKKDALB, Wishes to thank the I«diaa of Itehdala and â-¼icittity for the Patronage of th« past rear, and begi to announee to them her intentioii of adding to tha Hair bnaineae. 8TAMPIMO BBAIDINO. and ElIBEOIDEBT, Making^ kinda of UXDEBCLOTHES. CHIIJBBN'8 CLOTHBi Ae. !**«• cubing Hair-work dona will do well to bring it in before the Mtb Jane, w I oannot mwaU orders for it after that date. BAIDINO rATOan Iw Mb RESIDENCE-QUEEN 8T. surrounding CH AELES S E W I NG Markdale, and. country for tlie E A Y M N P MACHINE, manufactured in Gueph, and the Wilson B Sewing Machine manufactured in Hamilton and am now the oni7 authorised dealer in said Ma- chines for gaid Territory Every Machine is well guaranteed. The best CaiiacUan and American Ors^nns and Pianos are represented. VV. F. Doll represents me m Markdale, and keeps a good stock of Sewing Uachine* on hand call and sec Bo»k and Stationery Busine« will be carried on by me in Flesherton a full stock wi eaa « the knife pRnting ovt a ao^ ^M •»«»»« "mpl^ ewtair and «#f -^f^ what hia eoaditioa aay C â- Â» «» e»««rty. pirately and iaSi^ '^iMteeahooldba^ the_ "««7mih and e«a7 MM in tha bad. Tht MfMNn IsiM Qi. be on hand in a few dayt. Faxmeis, Lode to your Interests. H. L. THURSTON FLBSaEBTON. '5 *â- â€¢Â»* .«*•«•. y ,„^AW). I8th_l88a R NOTICES k»» W. F. DolU. ^^'^^aoOu battone at W. ,B wiUb«68J«»" of««« IT next. of Bit eorUofcMK ft for the 24th. â- ^ cboered o?^»' ^ff" ^fgigmoi cleaning » work fuaranteed at W ...^ «{ll not be in Markdale L b»»»nf to attend court »» CwaiiioP- Misea of emallpox are rejKirt t'ma*or!»ndthe physicians ..piu. or four loade of 2-ft hard aute^ftt oDoe.cash, appW t« BeDty. 8TAHD4KD Office. ,^ted. W. J. McFarland ib ^dto P»y *•• highest price in f^de for any qnantity of wool. 1... tnabled thia week, through utrt^tioS »Uti«tic8 about Glen- I ,,,tti»»ntion of the Ontario stat uL late seaaion waa cmmeuc "office of the Queens Piinter| â-  baaeball pUy*-^ •* ^^' ""'f^^ o,.ani«e!f there were Huv. pros f hiving a paaae with nny .f la. jj('ii.g.villat'e«. ft allow Hi«-« '"'â- """;?" Lu- eyes, bnt go d.r^ct t- M.-- U with your wool wlitreyou wil, served every time. ur.e auauii» ol fnlk!..ths. t«epJs liai*****- y**'"*- 'III' cl fioni "„r^!ur.)i ,at W. .1 M Far'.iin.rs ii; exchange for xa^ii i wool at Igiirt-i. J n'« Irish (Jocicioii hj- jir trtlrt- (] fjr the iX;iii!.'^;eii. "'fl' "'C- jf aliens frnn h-l u i, bill al-' I,, sab*Jj ' '•' xti :.i- n from the |Ii;o);d'Ui. J m»iy fricii IS if Mi?s Mi.i.i:c wiH he pleased lo leurii ttiat bIic Lurued very u:uj1i in)|»rvTcl in She h-cis commc-jc mI luti«a •old stand iu tue I'o-^l O'Jici. go to press we heai- xlml Mr. â- \V»U'»u (Pay master mi t.io T. ;. Bv) broke his arm wiulc to diiy uC'ir tins piau«. Di kfOB^' eel the arm. »rmer at Gudnh niiuk. t, i^'M ii »ouiau a ba^ of what ;ii»]Mi..' JgOiiJ potiltOeb f II $1 !5i V\ ii' li Iwcre empti-;*! out only i.h •u: n laU'l a half were l'uuut lit far u.-,^. Miijo-iy has c- liis J h-r tlnini.s i(!ouveyedlo ih • 'L.ily I'juncn 01 iltou for the cun::r;itijl«tv.'ry r mu Uopted by lliat lioay at ine linu JQ Lkau's attempt on licr Ai;ij- Ule. be I.e. ii IJ. will issue r-tiu u ink Ittuit' "1"*^ " ^Vediii »lay ihai. i Id trjiu any atutiiu ou Inoir li le. fuesJ.iy ana NN .UU' .â- Â».|:;_v li: y vvil {ibkiie return tickets at a Inro am; id ivailabie up tu 1' lursday kuimite outr,id;os aro bc-v-iujin- iifeiit in the Uniuil hli'.e-;. .â- ^n nb- W sulxiu wus oloAii up lit I'aicB lull., ou SiLurdayj an ' a lio:nl dca iu the bireels ^1 ILcheslir. I., ou Sundiiy. prevent fjvors, Liii u C'1 », ntj 1 p; tl) tone up tiics^^lcui iiu 1 iir.i_ â- )li)d, try a ourso of l)r.C.ii» i.i ^U aud cjus i,i.tti»u liii.:r. 1.. b.)t'.lj8 at 5lct.. A. I'liriie.- .v tAjjeuu, Matkluio. i [uaui(est), si^ucmI hy f'l-j in .j -ri v le clergymen of hii;it.ril, hit mmiel to facii hu'.f' lu.pjr i;i Hi- 1, warning tlieiu tiiat Iii-\ i.y\, le arr'iuve.neiMs ti p,-»-. .it lii of liqueurs in unlawful I, iii.-i. lUiy in Clint u w.is rec nh ^Jedou a kuuclile j 'int lu H* M of a ueedle wiiich had j.ist b n: lio yacciUKiiug ii.i childr-n h u |liso.Iaud arm b'-gmi to saviI, hh.I fWjtg f ,r sum" d;i ys unai'U' 10 'ei i»uy housfh .Id ilntics. litre are t*o r-'dos t«) snun; rolii^i i wrll as nolitic.il quc-li-m.-. 1' r ^ncc inan.v peojj! â-  lou liy Ving tli* â-  knowQ hymn '• I'm u.! i»h .in.- '*a my Lorl !lii is v I qui^ion is wiit'tiier tii • L »uied t-. owu then. â- eJiciuo taki-n int • ti.. t -ik ettutnued f.ina su.i. a^ j.t â-º leri, ari' most ihjh:m,is. ' -•J'stituu- for ihese iiJL'A- â-  â-  :s 1 '"i'mel^^R IS D. (â- ;.!....„% S-. 11, »ud ci.u«|,-,a »...., b.tiei-.s. 'fi. "B^ the Low.ib. srimiisniM j ,,. ji^. indneya, ai.d en ..1 ^i n. .-ii a,,. ' •• Tell UK uvr: j«. • d. ii In large b.ili r- ..' " ••; .». pr*C.»., Ag.:nt .M.irs:., 0. goblin deapatcli Niy,, ii. • |; pr. s- »Uow a dispositio I i windi l.i '"*oce t) the poiicc in tlii:i .id.a- "o diaooTar tht Dubhu ii-..is.si.i. '«»r wliioh it ie supp..sfi| w.i us^l ,1? •""'â- 'i^rers has 1. on disc .v.- (. â- m !!rL*5"** "riv.i Is uiM. I suiv li »to I "*^ ^^' "•^ I"..!*.- ap fin *L ' ^° progroaa towards cap " the assastiu. 1 •r i r 'KveUiog '•^•ffai grocery yendors coiae ;_,^ •**" in our midbt trvin^' to ,*^?"»»»' etc.. ofailegei snpe- 0^25^ "^^ wonderful clieapness •^•°y Pedlara soliciting oiders ^^ nrms iu the cities, put iu .^••w^noe eemi-occasionally. fcUamen aboold u..t be cou.'i- Iijj7^ P*«y neither pay Ums iZy "x wealth of a town. Ou ^^'•y thej injurs our regular l^^witMraw much of our cir- «Hital. a'liw*^ Cnmtninps from Har ii^J****" °° S^xy^i train of ^** Ij- H. railway was run LlJ»v«l tram between Tftra "••on Monday last. His ' *d from the body and Vwist fearfully mangl»d. on the track on a steep " wae aeen by the bands Tbe brakes were put on, ^Mvaraad. but all in vain. SraTel pit but a short " ie eappoaed to have ^«» track in a position OS unposaible to stop j u .ii -*

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