Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 May 1882, p. 3

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 u r*: r I ^! )^ t n •^ r 1 â-  '1 I r I ^ii WA 700 p.*. 4 to P.n. 11 80 t'.si, 7 00 p-in. North OwMBowtd MaU • uU blo«id »r« prouiptlT cur«d by Bar- A^k BUkmI IJitUrs. U purge* *lJ Md liumoara fn.m Uj« •yrtsni, imMiiinf •(.'•uyUi aDl vi^"ur ftt tU Miae time. FEINTING GOOD AND CUEAP, Standard Office. Markdale. buCi ABILIY WITH TRAVELLIKG A corr- •p'DJ"»iit »*ys â€" I neT«r got w well acqaaiulMl with tbt* pasM: • g«r» an » railway rain. «»I did ou* day on tha Milw»ul*ae k 8f. Paul »ailroal. ^» ^•r' ff^S »' ^*»® '" of about till I ty mile* au hour, and an othar train Iroui tha oilier directioii toieieopad us. We wer* all thruwu inta aacb ota»'a Mcioty and briugbt iato immadiate coataat, »o to tpeak. I went ovar and lat in the lap of â-  wrpulent lady from Manitoba and a girl from Chicago jumped over iiiue aaaU and ent dowu on the plug hat of a praachtr fr.u» La Croeee with •( inooh girliab enthusiasm that it ehoved hie bat clear ova »»i« 8h»nlder8. ' EverybiKly eiemod to lay eside tie oaaally cool rrserv- of etrang-r*, and 1 Tiu ii a i.tanda:d woi k. containiug wa m*de ourwlv^s entirely 4t hume. j an ...aex,.,f Dis-iiw«, wiiicli j-'ives the A ehy TOU.JK mau with en emacia- njmptoma, caubC. aud the best treat tad oil cb^valijw.lefhiH own seat. Our Premium Wk have ma^e an ani;ement« br vbifh we ara cnaLled to gi»e to erery NEW SUBSCUIBEr to our paper an.l U old aabscriben PAYING IN ADVANCE, a copy of DR. KENDALL'S "Treatise on the HORSE and His Diseases." ftod weut over aLd snt down in a lunch baaket where hri'lul caiple laemed to be wreetling with their fir*t picnic meut for each a Table, giviug all the principal drug* used for the horee, with Iho onliuarv dose, tSitcU, and auttJott; when a poison a table with Do you Bupjio" iiirtt r-ticetit youn^' lj„ ,iij.'raviLi(^ of tijc h-rse'H teeth at man would 1ijv d .n ' fuch a t itis; '" .i.flf.niu a^'*». v.iLh ruks for telhns{ iht age of the liorkc a valuable col- li-cin.u of r.c:!ipl8, and much other ' ;ul I. A rn-.A'l'ti. It i* u bo-k ll.at !» .uiJ lie 111 In- baud* of every far- uiL-r and owi:r of a honu. Niiw in tin- tiiu' to suliscrilie, or f r olJ iiubicn eis o pay up, and 'el the brjk. ordinary occa»i -us V Dy i thi^ik if he had beci.at a cd! r.;ti n sit h lue. that he woull iuve riv. i-n- .tu -si and gone wii'r« lLnio« p '!• '»-'r tat- iog by thoiasel.vi,, Hal b-.t d .wu in the crauberry jllv ' f « â- * ringer? I tbould ratiier liii.ik i t. Why one old m^ i wi.o, pr .b.bly at Lome led the cUr« lu-etiiij^'.and who j was ae diguifi'd a It scoe. C mcli ig's j fathai.was ealin;,' a pi ce 'f custurJ pie when we iiioi ih- '!ii«r tiuiii. and be Ifft hie ')wii h.ut a:i w-u • v •: I' the front eml of ih^ car lud t abh d that piece of t:.i»t.«rl fio i i t i «ar of • beautiful widow fr^m I wa. People" Iravelli lo' Bomt-ii-.w f Tget the au»terity of tukir home livoi.. mud farm actpiAiiitanc •» tiiit « malimfce laat through life. \Vh suffer fnni In.li'.;estion and ,. I. _i I',, I ..L ui,„..i Hit Tlie most «uc««-snIiiI KoisM-dj iyj»|rijajK ».Moii I evi-r ui euvi .f'l, B» il i.^LKi.ain m it- t iTecH Urs will poeilivelv cure these iilluieuts. ^,.j ^^,^.^ „yj hlmtcr. 1!-ai. I'nwF bti.ow. A tiiai hotte I'ulv cjsts 10 ccuts. i f. f»lA.KKTAJUE Foundry! HACHINE WORKS. We mza prepaied 4» U Turning and Bonng, WITH General Lathe Work Dona in a practical m a nn e r PLOWS! And Plow Points will receire our ipeeial attention, knowing tliroogli prsctical experience On beat dais of Irons for such. liimsMM^^i M. M. M'LEOD. MAKK'ALK. NOT TO BE BEATEN I AU ib™» wt.9 may hare had *• "»J^ «t .M bee* atoek of leather *^J^ WougM intoJfcrkaele. eon«.Ungo 8|*n»^ 2S" iBl and Calf, and are now pr»- *^STn3Ktnre I-die.. Gent. /oath. S!d1fc^incotr«.d.ho«. from the .tog. to the finest k d and pninfll*. Sewad WorJt «s. Specialty. AU work w»rr.ated. Inrisihle pat^taf done here. UcUlOD. lbiMaie.i IWl. -4^ Emperor Ailliam, of (lermsny, once ri.ited an o.-phaii ^ivluiu. Il« took a little girl on hi* iuioe, and piiUiag an orange from !ii p'«k»t, sai 1." To wimt kingdom dois tiii^ belong " Tlt' FROM THE 0NE0NTAPRES8,N.Y. Oncoiittt, New York, Jan. (Jth, 1S81. Kiiflv Usi siiiuiijcr Mi'iTs J. 11, Ri'ii.liill A Co., of ^.lul^lln^.'lJ Fills. Vl., laailr a tou- tiHit with ;lii' piiMilur- Mf tU l'yi' for a lialf riiliiniM mlvt rii-i iiiiiil f.ii one viht l tirl^; forlli the imiit- ul Ki'iiiliill' S|piiviii I I turf. At tlif sjiMi' tiiii*' wo Btfuifl ln.,ii orphan replied " ihc TegetaWc kiutr- (,.^, fl^,„ „ ,|„;,rit.it, .f l.ool,s, .nti.lol i)r. dom â- ' He next |.roduced it gold piice j K. in'.iill's Tr^ iil.sr c.n thi- Hon- ajul hi.n Dis- oasiv., which wo iiro (jiviii^; to ailvauco casing riuhstrilHT^ of t!ic '/â- Â»'.â- 'â-  as a pTiuitioi, About Uif time tli' mlvi tisi iiii lit lirst ap- peart! i ir tbi^ paptr Mr. P.O. S'-hoiuiorliorii. tui- aud the girl's r.ply to his (jnery whs " The mineral kingdom, " 'â-  Now look at mo, and tar lo wiiat kiu;;dom I be- long. " eaid I'm l.inpiTor. The little one hesita's I. fearing to n.y the inal kmgdoiu, an. I at last Icikiug the aged moiianb. she eaiJ," To the beavuiily kiugd no," " -.- ha " and I tra.t the da/ is ujt far ui§ taat." wiio iisiilfM near Coll rs. hal a sjiaviiie'l lior-e. Hi' mill the Hilv rt^om iit i.ml con- ilwlrJ to li-.-t the etli':iey of thi n ii!e,ly, al- I Ihoiicli his fru'iiil-i laiifiieil at lii rre.liility. kt i lie l...!ieht aho'.tle of KMutaU's S;'iiviii Cure I aii'l i'oiiiiiii'iiei.4 u.^iiii^' it on the hoi He iu ac- i roi.lrjiiee witli tli' ilire( tloiis. aiel he iiiform- ves,' bilici ' ril in tltiis wetkt'.mt it i^tlectiij f',.rhacoiiiplctu I eiire tliatHM es|" rt |jo! â- ..•iiiaTi, when xamiued the annual ifciiutlv io.,i.| tiiiil no traee of the spavin or the plaee where it h.i.l I.een locMtei! j Mr. Seliermtrhorii lian siiuu s. tiire.l a i^op.v A common, niul often fatal ili?case â-  ,,f Keiio.iU's Trenti-, of the Hor-e ami hi« IS Jauudice. K.-guhite the action of' Di-en^e whieh he i.ri/.e.; mij- liii;liiy «ul ^11 II.. ,1, I,1,.,.1 »-ltli woiil.l he lotli to part with lit aiiv iiriee. pio- hunhicL n!.el JJiItcrs. iiiid the wort-t ^_^,^ ,_ j^,^. ^^^x^.^.Wln^ nh-M- aitiel,.. eavo iiinv bt* spctdilv curod. Sample bottle I(J ci iit: Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Eollers, will reaeiT* oar |iittention. We elw Intro duco our new FAMILY MANGLE! to W public. This new machine will inauf;le Linen. Cotton, ani Wotllen Goods, giTinj; them a Ua'itiful xmooth anJ flossy appear- ance. It also improves the eioihes, whereas hot iron, injure them. Wo will ahio manu- facture CAST-ir.ON GRAVE TABLETS: with or w ihoat marble .lab for name, *«.; also Toiiih K alines, fall Pillars and Orna- mental Ca.^: Iiou Chaii.s fLr same, also all ki.i'ls of liiillu ter llail.ngs. HoU8e yeneinj" â€" jjlaiu and ornamental, MachiiHTv Brass Ca.ting) of every i.scription, Unis. Bells, large or small. MOi-l'AT BROS. ilirkdale. Nov. 18.U 63-lv 0.1" Tailor, Orer immi, MARKDALE, tS" special alteiitiou to Cultiug.^jr; JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE. GEliER'LBLAGESMITH HORSESHOEING A 8PZ0IALTY. ' OH-HEE %fflA^ ""•-^' The People's Photographer, Flesherlon " V.J vroT^OBS .•»d Motto and oAer^»J-. •^ Fixing., which ««a».»"d'°^ • j «Jw«*l IV '«" «** " Brias atoi« JO" pietaree »«- Wboisacaui n^alMrto*. MaiehlO. UU- bulmcq GET MY WOOL ABDfiB -TiTT \-\yU •*-^**"' »' -.Is ^;. 'â- ' i^'-i"' â-  FOR ALL KINDS OP Onantl •!-â- -* •«^»" •^•'"'"*, V^CmM tiU the end of 1 •• "SJeaUnoed natil aU ihild Teepcw.«i«'J"' tb i«atil the» com ply wil or Ai'VKBTISl ,B. nae Tear CC5 do lo do do "i0^TO THE Dundallc DrufT $tore w.r -AX TiiK â-  â- ' fa •%iHmtm"'^y-^'^^i *3WA Dundalk WooUen MUlj 'j iiaJ ?JCtJotiSl -.lt :Vr TT-on^M po\7Dz:~s. Are pleasant to t ko. ConUin thoir own PM^ntivo. 1» a !â-  fe, rire, aud eaeetaa* gtatr-} â€" ot wonmM lu C^iilttronorAdaUk f THE KEY TO HEALTH. BUROOCKlBLOOD Unlocks all the elog»el avj-nucs of the Bowels, Kidneys and liver, carrying I off gradu.illj' without wci!,-.-! ing the system, ' nil the impurities and f. i I hun rrs of the itcretions X the same t me CorrectiU Acidity of tte Stonu ch, curing; Bili- I ousness, Dy:p3rs:a. i caaa'-h";. Dii- J ziness. Heartburn. Cor.sUpation, i Dryness of the .Ski' Drops •. Dim.- 1 nessofVision. Jaundice SaltRh-um, Erysipelas, Scro.ii":.a. Fluttering of tbe Heart, Nci-vousncss and General Debilit^ a'l t'le^- .in i i. any other simi- lar (â- â€¢ -l-iints vieM •.. •'â- â-  !-i'Pv influence •f BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, lunple Bottles 10c ;?-gnIar size $L For s.ile hy all 'i alert ff. lni.Bi:K!( .t CO., Proprietor.. ToraaM Where do you I ,1iWiiiJ. and tinder. fi~t in. mbaaqnent in-^^tion ^l^g^Mn UnM. first insert ^i^cabaeqnnt inoertion- llTi^M, first inaertion pe^ J;I,«kero(Une.VoWr.«l ^.^Toeeapie^ Tnoannre.! \.t a â-  2!?«T Adverti«'-nirnts IMPOBTANT TO PAEMEfis I HsE*"Br"'"" I have just purchased a large stock ol all kinds of P Garden and FlowciuSeeds direct frcm the oldest and reliable dealers in Canada, and c?n safely recommend t Farmers will do well to come and mpect my stock lieve I have the largest variety of Field, Garden and Fl! Seeds ever imported into Dundalk. Don't lail to call Yours truly, *^*' O. W. PARSOHa. ..ri A. p. s.â€" Partita iadabtad k aotaw gettld al omet. BUVDJCa. Bee. «•â-  WW. b«ok aacoMt wiU pU»M U taH â-  W. H. PETEBSOW ALL IMEIV Wanting t. Pareha.. or Reat Improrid Farr... WQd Land.. Tow. .r Tillage Property, i. the Couaty of Grey SHOULD SEND FOR Davis' Mammotli Wpe -or Farms for Sale and to Let p, S.â€" A largci Stock of Timothy and CI .- er Seedsal, on hand. Also a new variety cl Fotatoes fur seed. \\^ just received a half ton of new process Linseed Meal| feeding horses and cattle, cheap. §^2.50 per 100 lbs. Dundalk, March 7th, 1882. L ' DUNDALK • â-  BOOT AND SHOE s'.roi3"s 'M THANKING my nnmeron* enatomer. ffr pa.t patroi!::fe I l^-j; t«ni.so9iei|| (tiU te the fore with the 01 BooSn a.i Sh.ie- e^c- b ought i to ""ruili. rhe»e havieg Lka Prop.rtie. to Jiai'M. of .UuiU eoi;. ;» n»«. SMi'tt ^.tJ*! Ol a«» pay. CATl.L?iiUi5 SSNION APPl.Kltl' M- NEW GOaOS 4.^'!EÂ¥lHii BAIL) It' yell v.Miit a PuiJcct yo'ir OiJ r will. Fit leayo Cold C. A. OWEN, MARKD.'.LE. Kendall's Spavin Cure. ,. ., Niw Hamburg, Ont, 111 c. •J«tli, lB- I. A p..uli.r ba vaH ..inde recently. ^^^^ ^. ^^ .M,c..:l,nn. I-.-ar Sir:--Tl,e Lot- Al a party. .iTLr»ii'.i')ii turuoJ iipju j u,. ,,1 |i,. Kiii.inira Spivxiu i uu- b.iii^ht of k" I .....I ,i. (l..jf /...iil.l lij. Villi lust fiimmir u'.ivc uw tln' utmost Miilis laeiu" ami lae uuiulx^r lUal oiiia ue • t^ '""'"' f.ictioii mill iiirfi'iiuiil a .xvoniltrf'ii eiirPHixr •lehaufetl b-".weeu two !iril«ni 1 ivtrs. i „ i,,,,,-,, nurtti n v.-irs i.|,i li l.iii;.'.m! to me. A Toutttbet |60 be ami hi-. be.rotluMl 1 --.1. «â- â- - l.a i; Vi.r.vuu- fo, t..:, veurs. Slu- would kias l(»,lKK) ill 10 houra Tbc ,,„,ve. Tiit- Lmnne-s is fiiliivly K'ono after ,, I „ 1 il, .. iljii.iii ii.i. I ii^iii't Imlf H 111 ttlc of tli« I' ire, and she is bet W88 acceploJ aiiU till' iiBL-iM'Kiii 1)1' ' " ' r I inj. a Villi ij( gai;. In thx Is: 'mi.- lu-- V" M»-sini j 2. (WO ki»-ws. 111 'iiil ii iir li If'), ill 3 V»ur» Lriijv. II iir hoiiirToO, aid til 'I tlnv -M- â- ' â- ' d •vvii. Tiift:y'aiii e lil»* w »â- â-  'rickeM with •rarop, and tli' mt: 1 t'li'i'.-l. i 1 t'l eay the nui'ltiHl eu;.; -^ a.'u: w m 1 ken off. J.I" liOTH. I l«» -] A PR0v1i.^lEN^ PilYGICIAN. ' .1 • ,u ;i I 1 â- - Oi.'.i. JuuH ITtii l.ss;i l J. i;. i\. ..... 1 • .1 ;••â- !: (ir; i' ciu'.r.co to iii.i-i- iiiiiiiy. Tin- c whol hIv.ii;. tiikf Hi'vuiitap- ju.il,;iit- iiiO'ii'V li'iit tlif nfT .•;.,;. I ::i :!'â- â-  ' â- â- l.:' T.-O.lTtllT, wllile tlio-ii' « li" 'ill liiil iiu,'.; -.i- ncli cllilUri-.s re- i:.;,!i! II ;i.-.iviv " i' ttii't !ii:iny men, wo ..11-11, 1..; ..1! i y.v" •â-  â- -â- .i'r!; 1, r us rit;ht in tlieir o'vu iccnl.iii-s. Any one can ilo ihfl WDik imipt-i l.v iroiii t!if iiit -.liirt. I'lie bus- iiiiis.- will I .iv U'ore tlimi tr-i times onlinarv WHU'R. rxiiPiisive outr't/iiniinli'i frt-e. No one KliO i-:;^.i„i' fail /i ii:::k. monf.v rn|iil'v You C«U lirVOlf sour •.h 'l li;i|i' ill tllH v.-lii, OTO'lyvoiu si^ie iii"nii:its. Fiill iuf'jrnis tloii ftiitiail r..ul is iifiil' ' sMitfn* A,ur«!.. STixaex S Co., Purtla'jd Maiua. i\ I. I !) nii' nil ii II ;i m1 r 11 Ol e'l i: ji2tlil"l) .. TVlll be (mil f â- â-  " victiou I'f â- â-  y (1 i\ â-  iiig ill a tatiuu H p ri â-  or prepuriit" ., ' «• •' ' ' ll'ips m till ii .1. ' •• • â-  i "â- 'â- ' »•' »i»!i. tlia" cheat the !-..: 1 " tlKJl iut In ,. tiif ».i 11-' as !1 'P i. .1 ' miie liavi oln-' r (i-ii; !1 p-. {notice tliis) iriiiUd u t. • viii elabo aud are tiie juiiLiti au.i I'esl lutMifiiu" on eartl' c(.i«cii»lly t'-r Ki'im'.v. Liver, snd^ielvuuti Dieifasi'ii. Bo^Turi nf «1! othern. and of .iU it .e-'ted innimluB or recipes oi" ilop Kittkbb jribii.sht d i " iu papers or for s«l. b*- thev an- frauds aiid xwimlles. Wh fvi-r deals iu any but liie geuuinw will be pioec- cui»j, Uop BiTTKBs Mfo. C"., Kucliestwr, N. Y. fiiiili .-(ia\ lU i V'.ii for » lull ' i-t' re'uuvi" ,111,1 .1 I ' 1 i'... 11 '1 l-.-i ..; 1 • i;-ii "li-.i-lt'ij; .:' r f, !â- â€¢.'!.! i"i,i l":nni ' 11 1 .;• .-iril Ull' .11-' 11 Mil â-  i.,i;.-it. v.i;.,-il tl til Ii,, -111111, t';;'i.'i:i uiouili-^. I sjiii to ii' r.vjiri \vi:iili in six .1 l.iiii '.I .iini 'i.l,n;-(.-iiieul .: liii.ti au ;i.tr lioi-t-au.i I. :.i\ ii.^ ^i.nivi a-; ill-. Thi- ll lurs. lU.v ".i.-i \Vii,.u .o lu o:;i' litiUi^iri-J dol il»'.-,^..'etiiiitvjio ,1 .i. ii. A. DerioI-itt, M. D. Kendall's Spavin Cure. i* « mil 1 4 « i.I^ltlS. T'l.'U aii.i» 't • ..- i I l.'iiiii.iii n • li ba |ri)v,.il bivn-i ' !ou"i tii;i: ••Kl:iNl.VLL'S bl'AVlN L L'i;J-.i " iia.~ sutU-i,iit iKiig.li to (leiit'trate an 1 virutr Iv imub the \Vir8. casta ft rlu'.iiuatiiui. i-nru-s, biiivnn*. frost-biti-g, or a:.v liruisi' ^.it .,r lameness which ore not affocleil iu tl «• loa:^t by orJimuy liniments. it doe.-. ii"t liii^tcr but on the contrary ra- luovt)^ all biireiu'ss. St. Johns, P.Q., Oct. 37th, 18S1. Undertaker ,â€" ANllâ€" i CABINETMAKER Has now on Imi'l Coffin, of all size, aud 'nces. V 1 i 1 1 1 L. .V I js,i: (or liiro, cl'ireifi moli-rate. UNP ERT\\Kl jfc proiiiiiily aileuJrJ to al all h^ori of diy or night. Tb.lParMtand B«at Xedieia* artr Hade. AeolmUiuitloa of Hopai BuchUi Man- Ira ltM*Al Dandelion, •'itj all tDctx-st and moflte%ar*tiTeprcpcrtleB of ail otLer £;tt«n, B greatest Blood Purifier, Liver III I'^atOr.fcPdr.i'e*^' nealUl aMtorlng Tlte railroad is al'Dost completed to Heipworth, apd the uieu will rracii Allanford ifaie vaek vUl b« readj for op*u:itg by th« let of Juue. The greater part oi the road between Ciiealaj and AUeufoid waa ballasted Iat,t fall, and a couple of weak* will o«mplete it. â€" Tara UmtUr. Jauiai Carruil 91 Douuelly tragedj faiua. haa bean arraatad for thrtatan rr. H. J. Kendall A C i.. (jeuts :â€" About a yvHr a^» I fell in the road onto sou ice and was baihy iiiirt lu tue lii) joint, wh:.h caused me mv.eli suUeriiiR. I tried various reme- dies but noiio K«ve relit f, until I tneil Ken- dall's Spavin Care. I applied it full strength twice a day for iwc »• t^ks during U^l Octolici and it efiectcd a jnrff. t cuit. I have sine then been well and freo tro.ai lameness, it Tha road I ' ^^'7 ^aioablu tor man as well as beast. yours truly, C'JcaTBB K. Gauca. Kendall's Spaviia Cure. 1 aure in its effrcts, mild in actions ai it doea not bU'ter, yet it is (H-uetratiiig and powerful to reach every ileep heated pa.u or to r*moTe any bony s-owtb ir o:'.ier enlarge. ments. such as spavins, splints, curba, ring- bones, callous, swelliuKS and any lameness iu^ to tboot Jauiaa Byder, sou of Pa- and all eulargemeniH of tiie joints or hmbs. triekEyda.. aootlifr of tbe priQeip«l or for rheumavism m iiiau or for any purpo-« ' ^^ for which a hniiaent is used for man or beast fij(lirea ia the liiddu pit drama. it i. now known to be the beet hniment (or " ~. o f .1 i_ 1 0iaueT«r osed, aetiu«BuUa2ul yetontainin Ib Ui« Spi tin; « f tlia year almoet j., ,fl,^ tfU^ma^l^m. ft g(H)d Blood Pitri genu wUreee fur iUn.trated eiraaUr whieh V aBUcciail;^ IU thfl niOUtU of we t link gives pi..itiva piijof of iia virtues. «« manki eunwetly adviaa our No w^jdi has ever »-« «» »-a=b pnquali ' ' fled lateaek to oar knuwMge, far wellaa uao. Also a (ull stock of Household Fiirniture Ordered wcrk of all descriptions executed with th« utmost despatcb. A full stock of RUSTIC AND PHOTO FRAMES which will be sold cheap for Caah. 1 poHlbly looff czM where Hop Bltt«rt ai-e ns'^tl^ varied aod jierfael are their opeevtl' Tbty '.re MT U^k ul Ti^to tteigttul Isla. To all whose e%â„¢rl "yrrscntscanne In-ff-ularl- ty oXthebowt-Uo^^UiinarT ortjans. or t :;o qaire aa Appetiaer^^Iooic and mild Stini'jlant, Hop Bitten ate inv J^^oataU, without intOI- leatina;. Ko muter what TOUT fe%eltnil« or STvipconie arewliattbedlMaMirrall\"cat It sse II. ip Bit- Mrs, boptwaitnntajoua*' elclt but if yon oalyteelbad or mleerable.ft'J'etheni at once- ItmayMTeyoorUfe.Itlia.l.avee huodnda. aaOOwUI*P«idforaeil« "T «^1 not onreorhelp. Do not «»««â- Â»â€¢â- '«'»•â- "*«•• â- flcr,bat uw and urge tbein% t° "' Hop Bemcmber. H.op Bitter. Is no^Jile, draggrti dmnken nostrum, but the rnreat^^a n d Beitt aedlcl.ie erer made the "UTiUBg 'and BOri** and no person or family JahoQld be without them. |P.I.O. is an absolute an MmstlUe i. lrorLmi]iksnesB,u9e of opium, tobaoeo i Inarcotlca. all sold by dmrirista. Be |(or Clrralar. asp anian B«. es;, Boche sts r JT.Y and Toronto, Oat. I have oppnod an Offlrr «n iSnjlr.1^«- Hotel, .n;5i!»«|i»te, vi Iter* I WilJ be loMUtl «'V«TJ- ir;ati-.-'»l:iJ, 1- â- - il '.." e.-fHie'l t,- xe;:Ul!! ft'-», Leases, ..l-:i.,,-„-^i. ,»' .^- e.» .: c r • ,-;! Adviw ov. Iwya! iMiD" tiee. A:-,' ,i'ii 1 ij T.. »;, ,â- , f;'i--iii le.inr'meiii. of n.y iu.^i'r*.s. Ja »â- â- â€¢:_' 'i.-;--iitiiJ-.-: ' ol !uv 'â- â-  Miii-. 1 V laeUo i* Xiio'ou^ii- • I fsR r,,J i-'i: i '.â- ;;: ii:;-. AncliAH Sale* an.l'ts ;.• d. Kerst*. .i'Totsnis, *V.. loMeried and pi'0;-ir:! â- â- etufus luat^r-. t Si.iS4«iK*» l.,OW' ROBT. DAVIS, C lUTayancei' C-) ani*. loner ia i' r' Ii«;:l E.'.atu, L"aii k I:is;:rai .. X^'Siil is.»tti ^*^' aia.tiil t«sauract;iMn â- iif\^Ji r^i'lf^t.U I'l.- .K â-  .(..OOW, .fitiirr .ifWvl "•..(â- â€¢';;_ kepairing pro.a-i^Jiiy attended l-J. I keep the -Gsfei^raWil t,'ei, FARMi£RS $c MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDALK, Ontario. ;•' 'Xta. J J .J. a fVorll ^lmi _o:i«!a---.v o!i I,* ml. Oonveyanclng ddne with care, neatness and despafcbe A. ;. HUNTF.K. OFFICEâ€" One door leuth of Anglo- Anerican HoUl. Dundalk, September Ist, 1881. |y_ i f I ' I " • » ch n-e •â- â€¢."»s;'e' â- :: 'â- â- .' Ill iiini!. of ^rr:r^ P l-i-'«;tiiifAr r. 31 '.r: ,. S'o.e. Panilalk. Scpiamb'r iiij^f^l y- .-Jlk THOS. HANBURY. J J LATE IfORTiTl 0( epee'alljr Atlraetive, S»s»'ina'ile. F.i Seasoned Lumber of all kinds Taken in exchange for ynmitore. G. GRANT, MARKDALE. Markdale, Dee. 3S, 1881. 67-U STmRTLING DISCOVERY! tOrr MANHOOD RKSTOmo. A vtaMM at ynrtafl tmraiiuu tne Data;, Hn 1 u « a Ssboitj' Ua kavlBg tried in vala aT«7 kaowa •ov«caa.iBipt«aer»uc. vhkfabawtn te Hi i«ew. d Best! nmiitnU :ty Dr. C4r*(u's Slomacii wiM xk-u C'luvi .cj you ibat it u tha t«i' te ri.ujr ituoifu fur affectioas of |lt« .- uiiuwli, BowaU. Liver.aad Kid- uejTH Ib laVt* boU«a al SO aanta. A i'uraar au«i Cou bfMtal AfanU, Pried •! per battla. or .ix botUaa for %5. All Ona^ota have it or ean get it for joix, or it will be rent to a' ' add.-v a on receipt of prioa tqr thenioi ietons OB. B. J. KEH- MiL*CO..KM.barsUFaIb. Vt. SOIjP by AT.Ii DBUGQISTa Lt^ Booa « Co., MMlTMi. KQ., WlMla-' ita. 71. FARMEUS, L rk to ymr iiiternta. UiiJ I'c-l SHri:uu;"s Pat* nt LOAD LIFTING MLUUINE tuiti ecaHi-n. It wi'l »txe yon one or more bandt every day yrm are 5r*w:ii»» id, ae yon doti't ued a man at tho f out of tha motr to pitch it lack. You can pit«h from the load ta you are pitchmg dowu iu.-teaU of up. You cau unload in half tha tiioa, aud with greater eaae than in the old' way. Agents wanted in every county. Wm SAitGEN'T, Berkeley P.O. or, GroTbe ^icIuIle8. Mail Office, Torouto. 84-97 PIMPLES. Iwtd man (Free) the rKnpe for a aiaiple TBeeTARLK iiai.M that wUI remove Tati' FilECKL.K8,PIMPIiBSand bmn.ii .^Ifiave the iiuii «(|, clear auii ^f^MiJdl alao hus'nesi now before the public. Ton ean make muner faster at wot V for oa tuaa •. au.Vkbiiigdae. Catntsl not nee-l- ea. \re will (tart yon. %li a day sikI np- wtsia made at homeby tbeind«ltiaoa.lIan, women, bnya and girls wanted aten ehere to vora Un xli. No* is the time. To* caa work in apare time o^ly or give voor whole time to the bnaness. Ton can Kve at he»ne 'nd do the work. No other bonneaa wiB pay von » 11 in oae eaa fiA ta irtilta #»- «moL T^l^ en,n.«i,v ^If^^OMttt and UeHa, Maaie. lM»lo« .i*,np |„ Markdale PUMP Factory. MAKER OF ALL KINDS OF PUMPS, DKOP VALVE PUMPS. CYLLnDKR PUMPS, CISTERN PU.\JP.S, FORCE PUMPP. Alsr, ALL KINDS OF IRON PUMPS EUPPLIED. Satirfaction enarautced on all my work the urocif ..f it is found in. the fact that I am doinf; a larjiir bueii^osK no* than evei- wae done in Marxdale in the Pump busiueas. Remember the stand. 1 door north of Rntledge-s UoUl. Sydenham Street, Markdale. Goods To Band. whie)i we nffer at Creatly. Reduced Pricei. We offer apecial vana'.s iii tverv ... Great Excitement in Markdale OVKB THE LABSB AKBITALI OF SPRIN Ic SUMMER Goods -AT^ "CHEAPSIDE. If IM1H)BTED DIttECT FRo)f ENGUSH MANUFACTUBEB8. coKatamo of "®^^S2°*^^' Cashmeres, MfisUns, i!» «Q,. All colors. »^i;:si L«tMt Pa tenia «.f ii ^^^^J^'^P-^^' Cretonnes, Scotch and West of England Tweeds, Diagonal Coatings, Dress stiirts. Tie,, Ducks, B^ ur uuii «u.f, .»™i »i«. ,»'T-i'iiuiu aiw vnnnv c-'rvwrtr ., "If eN initTn6tiwu»torpro.lucin«a lax iriant gnfwth â- * "v^i^-Bl OiCHJK Oi- FELT HATR .T» 1 .u « of ha.T on a UM l.c*l .r smooth laeT^M- ^lAi B. 6TRAW HAT^ Co.R^, enelo^nj; a 3e. stamp.lieo. avlre 5 Bee-1 kanui nt.. N. T. w ABUNDAMO9. A(iKS'TSfe: to Ha nn'a lfnl«l Telepbooe and ^:.^iM-i*« lnataatao.«n*Pte' â-²â- laeea,' al»t(iie aifl una' Fa M9 a*rfa«t'-tt 9t-tm. Fml Lines of GBOdEElES •udEreah. Aieo a Jnrge Stock of from beat Toronto HakuxfrnotrnZ^T^ W ^at- ;=» .» CBOCKEBY, -m-i^-rw*^- SOOTS hkMPS, BTC. OUB STOCK OV Groceries, Hardware, Croclei'j, ari CtosfW is very eomjilete. and I'lstomers will find prices ahJ v.".:a -s â- â-  t V ' leiartment. -f.icwrrii MeeMeli. ciVE US ;a call, and save money ^f^ by porehasiog your sa]iplie» at the â-  Tiiri: Wm BR OWi 9MK. MM. '• -i'ii^ TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, .iv*;Ui.;7 MarkdaU, ivif 7, IMI. -.1. -..'Jtitltt !i:tt.^. «3l oVsE MARKDAXiE H Proprietor i. v' Tl-.l^V-'J ererr aii4eroeonT«rieae«, It ia l1lrT^l^' • 1 in r.Mt Witiiiiii* be*.:racdH of Wiuea Liquura anl 1 .. .; *. it^\ ,,â- ... Uw wimim,i iM* traveiling PubUc maf roij iij- «v. »/ ' J,' " jj- |MK ALiEX. BUTLEDGE. ^, ^r â- .„â- Â«!.-â-  «"!-"il^ THIS HQTKLi larite three storey brieic h'ii;d'nr. t^' ' '^.^ ifa. 1*' '^jiS"' ' ererr tBcHero oonTwieaea, It ia l1lrT^i^' • 1 in !â- ."»• •â- â- *"â-  __ ;,'.,;. ,;i tl-j ,^,ytr«l Sfcsshwua^ui â- ^ O [RECTORY^ ,hyaician.,Sur?eon ,Acc „,ytC« Medieal H.'.l ivmn A^TOBKKTANPKOMriT. ,^ay for atteii liui! to ah ^A^ Office -al KaV* Hole ^,,RBi8TKns. AM. .vrT.'ri \K T,^, Sol citort in In.: •â- 1I a^ a,. Owfi S.iivii. "iHio ^2Jrtoa." OJS-oi.jM'n «T»,v 1' v-«iofore. ^MaPaesT. .l.W KkI C»atT Cnwn AttnrneT jTw %«*oii. â- D tf W8TER. M A S TF H A S\ I j5 Chaneerr. N..i»'7 '""'"â- â€¢ MoJicT TO I.KSn AT SIX VV.V 0^-»â€" Owi-n t«ii. 1. '" ' ' " y»ateM Rt.; ami i.. Mark la" aad's Btore, on Tn lav anl » B' e»«r Craa*r Tlorriaof â-ºAKiMSTKR^. soi.i; rro: ancers. A-.Vi- ,. Om-KK 111 owei s-mni. l'-.n»!l W. F. Wi'lff-'SiiiT)' 1.1 1 I'l M AR KD A L E Ot»t w. j. moK«i1h'i r« stxif 01 i*"Funl8 to I'l.'l "" r«:i«'n-.lil' J,»,CrF.*Koa. Q.' l»'-^'«- llarVdalr. 'Hl^ â-  \r, \xX-2 ytUccUuncoa*. Vfwn. BioMM. rSBUERol- MAIiin\.l. IK K Coininii' 1 m I*. 1' •*" OoiiTP.'-aiK-ini; I'l k\\ it" » ;1I|rl|" atUuui.1^ to ami rar.-ful!v .•».» -i; If B. Mont V li« Lena .-i. l!«-»! 1 earitT. llarkdal»-.S|t- T-ii- Aloxsttedi-r ffrownj XSSUK Life In^uraiii-c SSVKUof Miirrir, .â-  Ii •.IOC la B. R AC. I'OT. A; .tUi'iM Aueiioaeer f.,r tlir â- ;•••. â- â- â€¢1 " ||«r'h.«"ts. mill I ••'• • "' ' taod*. to au.l r'ia: » ' ' â- ' ' Prie«v.lle. S^i'l. IT " ' A urTlosi"'-.:; \N A. Al'H.t. W:ii:.i.«-: mics a't' uJ» i '• â- '•• U IMi» i=oHoO '1111 i»ap4. 0.i(.'Mis. 3.» Praii •«•. ' i^i-i-:' â-  taxal Iisipl ui'u s..\ i al' Wn ai»»".^ •'•â-  n:- DOMK.i • hiirv*'-- Maaforil •«' ft-oTin-ial ' i".i eatire stwk ••' " Btf ir" lnH',rii-ti 1- daae w.thii. 'li* !â- â€¢..•, ;••..• ^reaare-l to in!i" "^ii/ ••â-  â-  aair tli'rewikii. "••• •â-  » l»r Grain;! Hi:; V- • fas BaiUing I'.r !:.•«-. • • tioB. U.u«y to,!. • i" ;•.•- " Orders lir iettri.i.r i. il i'l' 1 llarkUlK" Will It '--â- !â- ;â-  ;v n :â-  â- ert. 17. IHS' T. • DlVI Brii.i-i:!: d ;•;!!. • -i... Brickl Afirc..nip. 1 tbia aeason ii atill 'm ili' -r^-' prepared to do all kin 1.-^ • '-^o .• work. plasK-rinK a-i i nii-' l""'i'-| •ho aonti'iuplaU- l.u I lini" â- *•'•'â-  '"•"' 'I adTkutSLge to give uiin a call. Ke«id*nce cmn':- ul itrovi. Itetes. MAiaiai.a. l 1,000,000 Logs Want! rpHB suBscBiiir.u:-. X to jay tb. .KM. IT. I Highest Price in c ior an? qoanliiv ..( ^-i' i li^rJ a.' f iri i ^- tw ALL KINDS OK i.r MJi.Ii ON Fi.XNl' Buls liPed on ^iwrl •^ Special attention |ai 1 1" cn^ii-ni 'â-  8. â€" None but good titnlur «aiii' G. S. IJHOWN Vaikdale, Jan. Utb. 18H2. TC| WAKTED A^^iVNCi M.VX To BBICKLAYINO. STONKCI •â- d PLASTEltlNC. K. .oni.inncc v ••Jj^J^T- Applj to T.». D avis. BnU.Ur. Markflale JOB PRINTING '" •rat* deecriptiuii exccut*" *»tr«aaiid t'e^iiatcli at tlie 0| .*•*"•»•• *»«r, Maikil.il.-. •"^mmTrgiai Horj PRICETir. E Ont. aud e.»n n i o i' 1 â- . d- »J Uoo ,1 v r .• â- â€¢. I l*i.i tlj Im :.. II â- ^•\.:.f.-: â- â-  â- .:«â- â€¢â€¢ Kj H»* vTKI.V uV. rr( la^i. •tVERE HOTl Sfe I'rO Tl-: '•l^tlaa jlli,tel hit- :ia'.i a inti lo i». lauro l;:".!v i' to uouc lu 1.1 and a'tf-niiv.' u f,i Uh somiaeeetai 1 mr.

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