Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 28 Apr 1882, p. 1

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 i« I ' ii I 1 ^ii W)' (v ' I II! i; 1 1 » II m FLESHSr.TON. .•iM«.m. • IS a.m. M-mo RoU. »45B.!a. •Vrtu- ...-. M.m«.a. Klaiabtirg.....^,,..10.ISs.m. Waodbn^ 10JSa.a. Bfinbar Soiait 10^ •.â- . Mmmj inriA-m. Waaiia 10.30 ajs. C«rltc« 10 67 h.m. Tanato. Vaiom St'a.ll.U %.m. 7.10 p.m. 7 JO p.m. 7.4Sp.B. 7.£3 p.M. •.3S|.m. lUCpa. 8.47 p â- . t.OO p.m. 9.07 pm. t.1«pm. 9 tS p.ai. 9J9p.M. 9J«p.B. tCvitoa, QOINQ NORTH. ~itf. 7.1* «.«. 4.10 p.m. Woodbridg* KlaiBkuf Bohoa Mono Bokd. CkariMtoa Ann* l«p«rt ;OnD(t«Ttll« /qaa ;lAarel JCrombi»"t...,,, 0hel bom* ....,, Dancklk .•Proton 11.90 PlMhertonAPrilk 11.30 T,41 14^ 7.59 8.0S •.19 8.91 9.4S I.1S t-91 9J7 9.45 9J7 10.07 10.19 1041 11.0t *.«. 4J9p.m If •rkd»U JBerkly Williajniloid t Arnott Chataworth tEo^ford Ovn Bowwm... 11.55 " l».IOp.i 1331 " 13JS •' 19.40 •' 19.58 •' l.K •' 4.48 4.M 5.00 5.18 5.9« 5.40 8.19 8.99 8.85 7.10 7.91 7.S4 8.0« 8.91 8 37 8 55 9.10 9.31 9 38 9.40 9.53 10 15 UABKOALS. FaiOAT, April Fl«nr HprinC Wh«»l p«r baah FaU do. do* B»T\,j 0»ta Pa«a PoUt«M. """" Butt«r, p« lb BftRt, per dox Pork, drMi«d BMf ««*• per lb Purkn, per p*lr r'uwU, per pair Turkt-y^, por lb Hheepskim Hiilen Or9^ iieeil Hit Wool Oreen AppiM, per. bubel L»rd Tallow DrTCordWoed 1.7* 2Ist 1883. 0.00 to 6 35 Mwl.ie tc 1.J6 do. M« to 1.94 • ).G« â-  0.40 0.75 0.60 • 0.16 0. ' 7.30 6.U0 0.07 ' 0.40 ' 0.00 ' 0.07 ' 050 7.2.5 • S.So • la.OT ' 0.29 ' 0.76 ' 0.10 ' 0.07 ' Mimt^oriM* B mitmiMmiti- «o. traMRfer t« lot if cmti- W. Slifbt aiil iT« oih«Ni patttUn ksaoffSO. airfSM* floar. tm KUtt and OW daed of dOTiatioa ro«l OQ lot 20 0OA48. -MoRMM â€" Me latgrn, Tsfrior. That tfM fkjM BOW eroMia( 40 •ideread be- twan lota 10 ».iid 41. eon 8 N. b« iQ- DKrrcd (wthwitli br Iavii Foraat. T»yLr. Ma lutya. That tha dark W ioatnietai to write te tka eo aorar to find oat tba amooiit ot if any afainat l*ta 62 and 68 in 8rd C9Q 8. Jabnaoa, Mc Iirtyra. That Jirirn ^nnuoa be lanWtha aam of $20 re- payabla on lat Dae. 1882. i lat D«e 1888. to the treeanrar of Otpnj, aa be ifl nnable to bay aaad graiB and that tba raara iaaoe kia enUr fnr the a- moBBt. A dtipataiioB tmm Sioffhamptoo eecaiatinx ot If aaara Sing awl Oiant (rapportad by Jamaa Hamilton Eaq of Nottawaaaga cooncii) appeared before the conneil aakiag a grant to make lidewalka throagh the town of Siog- bunpton. Taj^or, Jobnaon. That D.Bine r«* reive $8 per quarter and that thia mo- tion stand iu effect until repealed. Lost. Speen, Mc latyre. That D. Bine receive $4 per quarter anl that thin motion stand in effect qntil repealed and that the reeve issue the order fur •ne qoartert pay forthwith. Carried. Johnion, Mc Intyre. That J Ba- il trfords tender for printing $63 be aeeepted and that tlie clerk send the minute book aad by-laws to the printer* Taylor, Johnston. That Hector Me Donald receive $6 for cutting and keeping open a diteh on south side of the 4th line opposite lot 84 and that the reeve issue his order f )r tlie same. Taylor, Johnson. Thi^t the assess luent committee and clerk meet at Feversham on the }2th May to exam- ina the attsessment ro'e. Spears, JoliDstou. Tliat tbi* coun- 0.40 'cil adjourn to^meelin Maxwell as a ® "' eonrt of ravi.sion on the last Monday m May next. W- Mi!ne. tUrk. Singharaptsn Ap. 17th. 1882 0.80 I.4I 0.7« 0.65 0.18 0.13^ 8.00 6.00 0.0() Mr. B. J. Sproal baa reteaed f»» ll«aitoba. La a^* bajMrn-ta •â- â€¢ area*. e4 is aa i»ci»*We abort tiaa*. fc* «ta|P*i the eit« ae an a ii ««««|en eiaignat abed, tii* BodatJau beiaa inaJeqaate atd in tweha asrys tJisjr l*«l a J«»JJ»t «« pitfia 1S0130 fasUwS iv« •t«7 '9^ Mr. Wm. Flder'of tSe B a barton I Hotel 2ivea ap baaineastbaie on Mon- day the let May when A Mnnahaw Esq wUI Uke poa a s sii on. Mr Elder tiM kept np tae r^ntation of the hoos • and Mr. M. no doabt has not forgotten bow to e»tar to the pablie «ltBla and will be aa in tlia paat. A Model HoUl ka^ar. IMSURAMCE AND U.. ..^- LWENSE V ACCTieSBKB ZBW.e* AOaiOOtTDlAfc. « WaSsrteai*, IMAD* ^CKOnnaC*. (Mateal) THJa BECBET of BEAUTY No ooametto in the world ean^mparl beauty to a face that is disfigured by nnsightly blatche* arising from im* pure bkMd. Burdock Blood Bitters ia the grand purifying medicine for all kamora of the blood. It makes good blood and imparts the bloom of health to the asoat sallow eoantaaaaaa. A Kugb or cold oontr^etad in the month of April if net speedilr arrest- ed is Uable to st^ck to one doriug the whole sun-mer. Dr. C»r«on's Pu' monary Counh Drops upeedily cure Coughs, Colda, Bronchitis, Pain awl oppression of the Cheat and all Thrrat Chest and Lnng Affictious. In large bottles at 50 eenU. A. Turner and Co. Special Agent Markdale. 1.66 7.50 8.00 14.00 0.00 1.00 O.U 0.08 9.00 PROTON COUNCIL. What is Latdine Ask any farm-r thrasher or mill maa in fact an man who rr.ns inachinerv and be will tell yon that it IB the ouly oil which sril) War equal to Cantor Oi! and won't gam or clog your Machinery. Mr. J. C. Griffith of Owen Sound called st oar ofBce on Monday, and we aarnbd from bina that had it not be?u f..r the liiith prica at which propery was held iti this place by certain par- ties, he would have bosn a resident. Ha ii) a manufacturer and a good bisiness mau hence the gr*atr loss to onr vil'axe. The liberal conservative conven- tion for South (irey was hfld ia Dur- ham on the 20t)i iiist, and was larKdy attended. Mr BlytLe, Reeve of Nor- maiiby, and Geo Jaek^iou Esq. M. P. uaomiuous irhoica ot tlie convention as candidates for the Local House, and dominion Parliaments respectively at the coming electicui. try OB ShertMt Koiioe. Ch««ae»o. pffl Blank Notaa. aaJ IWesapa p«ewie~. OEO. VOBUL Mii«i.*L«.M*T«Ot». !•«• '^*' TIW9:r1MTIIEW8, MARKDALE. EVERYTHlifo IN OU^ UNI KEPT ON HAND OB MADB TO OBDEB ON BBOBT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. GEORGE WIL809F. Wholesale and Retail jBUTCHERIl BEEF. PORK OB MUfTON SUPPLMn. from 1 aiiiKle jioand to a ^hnle earsaae, st the luweat market prices. FISH FOWL IN THEIR SEASON Farmer* haviiKr Pal Cattie, Rlieep. or Pijfs to dispo«e of will Ho well to eall at Ne. 3 Biirna' Block, opposite the oew XJaM Block. Varkla!e. Oct Vmi, lan TORON Huuaap viARKDALE. Has the largest and teat a»w»««f^w»^it ip town. DEY GOODS. I am shewing all the latest designs fii Dress Goods, have large Stock of Prints, Ducks, Denims, SMrtin^, c. Alao a magnificent range of English, Scotcb. and Canadian Tweeu. Suits made to order by a first-class taUor. •" Ready-mj^ Clothing in Suits and single garments, cheap^gir cash. G«nttf Hats in great variety at Bottom Prices. r .• GROCERIES. â- :,-*i1 .l.-rJ-SjJ â- .;,' *i.-: Fresh and cheap in every Ime.T*" ^^^'TE-AS a specialty. i:'S--y^-':i^: Cfc.,.- .» ^.; â- f C CROCKEKY GLASSWARE Stock complete at right prices. BOOTfc? SHOES. The best selected stock in the county. MARKDALE KJiEBHERTON. (Carr«ee«d tteeklj/ for thr Standa'd by K. J Sproulf, FletJierton.i FaiD**. April 7th. IH83 Ploiir, per' bbl " 96.00 to Hpring Wheat por buih., 1.19 to ¥»" do. lo. Jo. 1.15 " J*:"l-J 64 " 0«t» 0.39 â- ' P«-»« 0.74 '• I'otatoei 0.39 " Hiitter, per Ih 0.16 Erks. per dox. P«ik, dreeeed. Beef Sheepskins Hide* Hay Timothy eeed. Wool Lard Tailaw oiaj' 7.50 ' 500 • 0.60 • 7.25 ' ja.o • a.50 • 0.22 â-  »0.10 • o.os • coo 1.25 1.23 0.80 0.40 0.76 0.64 O.IH 0.00 8.00 6.00 1.25 7.50 14.0 300 0.00 0.12 0.07 DUMD.VLK M.\KKET!). Wheal. Fall, Mo. Whpal, Spring, " flarlej OaU Butter butataM " fork •• Hay .•1.10 totl.i) 1.15 to 1.18 .£6 to .68 to .84 to .17 to .to 50 to 7.50 to .65 .72 .36 .20 .12 55 7.76 7.00 to 10.00 TORONTO. Wheal.fat). per Vnsh tl 30 to II 31 Wheat, (priu(. do 1 34 to 1 37 BarU-y. do (t 76 to Oata. do 44 to Poa«. do 75 to Bye. do. M to Clorer Seed do 4 iO to DreHRed hoKs. «r 100 lb«... 8 00 to Beef, hind quarter! 5 50 IfO Beef, fore qnartera 4 00 to Chirkena, p^r pair.......... q 45 to Fowls, do 45 to Daeks, per brace 50 to Ueese. each 60 to Turke.Tri 1 00 to Putter, lance rolls 23 to Putter, tub dairy to Biittor. Kiore-paukfd 00 to EfCris. fresh, per dcti. Eggit. packed Apples, per brl Potatiies per bag. Oniouii. per bag... Ha? 15 tu 00 to 1 00 to 1 15 to I 20 to 9 00 te 8-2 Q 45 82 83 4 70 8 25 7 00 5 00 fiO 50 75 75 2 00 26 25 00 16 00 3 00 1 25 1 30 15 oO MAHKD.\LE POST OFFICE. The M^il »t M.irk.}al« Poat Office close* •• fullovB Tvrtut.o Mail oloaaa 7 0-1 p.in. Going Sontli 4 80 i^m. " Norlh 11 30 y.m, Owen Sonud Mail 7 00 p.m. The political eqaililiriam ia pretty well iDkiatiuned at Ottawa. Seven Liberal members Toted with the Gov- •mment on the qaeetioa of tlie Oat- ario booadry award' and on the jtber hand seven OoaservatiTee yoted uith the Oppositioa on the reaolotiens in- Irodaeed by Mr. Blake in regard te Oanad^'i oomii\eroial rt^ationa. SPECIAL MEETING. The eitnncil met at oal! of reeve at Mc Colloughs Hotel Dundalk,on Wed- nesdsy afternopn April 19th. Minute« of last meeting read and oonfirmed. Au order was, issued ia favor of James Cavanagh tp, elf rk for the ful- lowiug amounts â€" Quarters talary as treasurer $18,75 do do do clerk $37.50 Stationery for election 82 Bcturniug officer municipal election $5.00 Stationery for andit of 1881. 74 Clerks postage to date $2.82 The clerk to write to the co. treasur- er to tsertain the amount of arrears of ti.xes against lots IG k 17, Mc Au- leys survey west ef railroad. Dun dalk aud if the statute labor was r«- turned against the same. The collector Mr. Skefifington to be paid his salary $85. and the sum of $8 for postage, stationery, book cover and other expenses. Lot 80 to 42 included on con. 9 10 to be formed into a road beat and Charles Clark be patbmaatar- Murty Egan to receive $2. fur work done on 22nd sidcroad, and Jas, Roseboraugh $2 for work done en line between 2nd k 8rd eon. $4 to be reoeived from David Byers in lien of statute labor .ot 84 eon 7 and passed to commissioner ot the di- vision for exi^enditure. $150 to be expended in each elec- toral division for road im|rovsments ent of funds now ir, treasury. Mo- ne.vs as general funds in lieu. The following resolution mov.dby Robert Black seeoiuled by James Ru. biuson war carried That the p' ' tiim of Thou Hanhury A. G. Hunter, nud 73 other ratepay- ers (if s.K. 1 iraving th« cooncil to 'aas a by-law for tlie d'KiuH;e of the •aid s.». as provided '• the Municipnl Drainage Act, be approved and adopt ed, and that Isaac Traynor, P. L, 8. be appeinted to muke the uecexsary Burvey, e. imuediM'ely, and I hat the r.ev" be requmted lo luakw the most iavon able arrangemfMjt** and terms postiiule, and progreks the matUr utherwisft. A GOOD FILTER. To have pure water in tlie hotise every family should have a good filttr, t!ie healtk and comfort depends large- ly upon the use of properly filtered^ water. The liver is the true filter ft*F] the blood, and Burdock Blood Bitters keep the liver aud all the secretory or{,an8 id a healthy condition. It is the graud bloud purifying, liver leculat- ing tonic. 'One of the oldest, most respected ant* well known inhabitants of the township of Holland. Mr. Wilbam Williams, passed away on Sunday, 9th inst. He was a native of Devoa- sLire, England; came to this country in 1842, and after 8 years of reai. dsnee in Toronto and vicinity came to Holland in 1850. Here lie resided till his death at the age of 80 years. One of kis sons is the Rev. W. Williami of Guelph. and the others are settled in di£ferent parts of this county. NoTicB. â€" We wish it disinctly understand that we do not hold ourseWes repousible for the opinions expressed by our correspondents ADVICB TO SOME OF OUR CORRESPONDENTS MELANCTHON COUNCIL Darwin ia to k« bniad ia Waal- fBiaetef Abbey widi othar diatiMuiak* «d fm^: He ka« a freM deal battwr •laim to I'm iu tbe Abb^ than many vb* ka^ beeu Uid ibiin, aa4 Umn viB ba no autory ai^aiut bia m tbcre WM i«*aat ib« yoanff FreMh priaM nfe^^ klM the Zalna. Dar- 2 tpli b«i tl»*u d*B««a««l $B aa lafidal â€" i â€" iMi^, ' " ' â€" tr" 00teut bB«^a ia • realm ef The Oonneil met at the Town Hsll, en Thursday, the 6tfa inst: A eom- mmiioatiou wasr*ad from Mi. W, H. Bealty, Solicitor of the T. G. B. Mailway. respecting certain atirreement b«kwe«|i the municipality and the rail- way company. The Clerk fas instr^ictsKl to notify the lAiiwny coiirpauy that their pro position ahning the Conocil to agree to the re-payment of the sidings b nns at auT time when called upon could not be entortaiaed. 5»a)uel Siritt was paid $1 60 for ood for Town Haii. Robert Hock- ley. $6, to purchase provisiope for himself J. Gleeeoa fof diVibing oa 270 iideroad, $18 98: Richard Bala, to pnehase seed grain $14; *nd the clerk $6, to pay for regietratipn 4 tba milway by-law and sehedule. By-law No. 86. waa read a firat ami •eeond time, and ordered to be pnb- liabad iu the Fsn Pana. Tbe by-law la for ifae parpMa of drainjng parta of ih^ six eoueaeaiaM nort^waat of SAO Never write with pen and ink. It is altogether too plain, and doesn't hoH the mi ids of the editors and printers closely enough to their work. Don't punctuate. Vr'e prefer to punctuate all manuroript sent to us. Ana don't use capitals. Then we can punctuate and eapatalize to suit ourselves; and your article, wben yon see it in print will astonish even if it doeii not ple'se you* Don't try to write too plainly. Poor writing is an indication uf ge nius. Ii's abont the only im^i.-atiou of genius that a great many men pos seas. Scrawl your article with your eyes shut, and make every word ss illegible axyouean. We eettlie saiue pricH for itfrnm th- ra^-man aa h U"li it were ut'V-Ted irith sopper-p'ate ten teucee. Marble Works MouQffliits.ToiutistODes! .\nd erery description of Cemeteiy work executed in FIRST-CLASS STYLE I HABDWAEE, PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, give me a call. Builders should You can save money by purchasing your Goods at the Toronto House, Markdalea WM. BKOWN. r 83-88 and at reasona'le rates. Orders left at tbe shop or seut by maU will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Bhop next door to Revert Hotel, W. A. JOKNSTON, Prop. Markdale kag. lOtk. 1881 4»-lv NIL DESPERANDUM. QRArS SPECIFIC MEDICiNE. Tlw 6as«(l«pdntii)t0iMBp«nv VM orte»4 to ba pMJ tbe earn of $17 SO for pabliaiuaii nM»w«y by-Uw^ and fbr poat«r». W«. Silk waa r^fnaiki 7ff acata. ovenharga in taxea for 81^ Tba «l«tk WM iiitirMa4 «» aotify tbe eHI»«tors U, retnru Vbvr ro»la by next IHE RECENT REVIVAL. To the Editor. Sir, My original question was, why tbe great difference between tbe report of the Markilale revival, and other re- yivals reported in Bcriptore Yoor answer waa hardly olear. I aiked for faller explanation, ami joa ^efer ma to th' Mt thivl ist (/Hstor. Now if the pastor will abew as in your pap^r that the same resalts tol- lowed the preaching aud believing at Markdale as resulted from the s u\a oause at Jensalem, Ao.. it will be very pleasing and satieiiMtoFy. Or if be will shew that tba nsnlt aboold b« different now from then, it will be e^UtUf «tpt-Vtary. » t"rii •' ,.'â-  Co«e»A»T Bs'jtBa. Tbe foHowing if. tbe enmmon Mnae trmttment for a hi*r»e oat of eondition (in faot all b raes leqniro like treat- ment this time of year) a (toed Parg- ing Ball followiae by a «a»rae of Btronff tonie powder. These are both to be haJ in Zook'a Toaia Codipoand and Blood Mixtare, aa ea«b paokage aontaina a throa^ihr gond psnnng ball and eew a roajwl nf â- ^r'mBTrane Pnwder. Aa% yonr driifsitt abort ii A. Turaer ana Oo. Special A^aot Markdale. ;g HB GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY, an nnCailini onre for Seminal WeakneM, Speriaatorrbea, Impotencjr, and all diseasa^ that follow a8 a seqnenrp of Self- Abase as less uf M' td ^ry, UniTarsal Befiva Taklagi Laeutada, Pain in the Baek Dimuefg of \i. ion. Prematura old age, and many otner Diseases ti at lead to Ineanity or CoDsuniptit b end a Pre- mature GraTS. I^Fnll particulars in oar pami^let, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. Tbe Speciiic Uedicine it sold by all Druggie is at tl.OO per package, or six After 'rakill packages fur 15. UO, or will be seut free oj mail ou receipt of tbe montv by addressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly Torubtu. Unt., Canada SPECIAL NOTICES. BHST AND COMFOET lo m SUFFEBINO Brown's Household Panacea ba.s uu equal for relievini; pain, both inter- nal and oxternal. It cures pain in tbe Side, Back or Buwels, Sore '[lirat, Hheamatism. Tootbacbe, Lumbago .d any kiud of a Paiu or Ache. " It will most suieiy quicken tbe Blood and lieal. as its acting power is von- deriul." " brown's Household Panaeea," beinK acknowledged as the great Pa'n BelisT- er. and of donblp tho strength of any other hliier oi Liuimti.i i:i llie wor! !. slionlJ le i;i 'lory t^i u.iy .i\ â- .• • use t' hu witat -d • n= i( ruiily is t'U" rcmtMly m i i;e world for »;raKii). tn t!ie .S'to:4oli, i:i.i Paii-i arid Acbe° of ".Ii kinds," a-id 13 ior sale by ail Urn;3'iRtK a: i't ojuts • u(;l'j. '2ii-It OEHTb WANTED. L. Samples free. Naassaa stree Addrwa, M. Mew Tork. -Big pay.â€" IBployaieat BTKN, 4«|i 99 MAKEDALE Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats! on band, at the liowesi Living Price*. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stock to dispose of. will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, March 33, 1883. 80 ly SALESMEN WANTED! Te begin work at enoe on sales for Fall of 1883, for the Fonthill Nurseries, taa LABOEST~IIf CAIVADA. an and 'J His SPACE IS FOB J. a. iRviNa, Pump Manufacturer. Glasgow House," Dundalk. -^ o SELLING OFF. SELLING OFF. Bargains. Bargains. Bargains ound for the North-Wests Ibe ondersigned haTing deUrmined to ramoT, to Manitoba new er. *. "hole of hi. large and weO aaaortad sto. k. consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and ShoM* Ready-Made Clothing, Millinery. Ac.. ' AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. • Uothera: tlatber?!! tAnxtet 1 Are yon lisU'riiod st u g'lt ami bral:ou f yonr rc^t by a .tick cliiU H:{Teriux and cryinK with tbe oxcm-riatin?' yiii?! of cutting teeth! If «o, «â- â€¢ Hf. oiiee and K^t a bi»tlo of MBS. WlNSLtiW.-* SiJ-ilrilNCi HVBCP. It will rlieve Ibe ^Kior Ul',1'3 iinff-icr imniedj. ately â€" de|'-iHi iii-'n*; tlitrc is no mistake about it. T'lieie it not « Biuther upon earth who ban evur it«d it, Vno mW not uil yua at once tli^t it x'M re{~'t 'be imvrla, snd give re't to theiao-her, a:i;l r- l:«f ana health to the ch:U, 0|er ting lir.e Dtn^ic. It is ptr- fbctly Rafe 'O I'.se in aii tae«.a:id p'a^ut tn tlic state, t'l I IS tu '.r-' i..,i t „., «u,. o| (be oldest a'ld \^*i f.Miti phjit'eijn «iid nnrsrs in tlie 17 lit d Mates. SM eTvry wUeru at 33 ecuM a fa'-ttJd. *i\-Vt TO CONSUMPTIVES. Tbe adverttiter. harin); neen permanenUy eared ot tbat Jreal ditease, ConBomption, by a simple renAdy, is anxions to make known to bis teltowloirererM tbe means of core. To all who desiij|it, he will send a eopy of tbe preaehption naed, (fr^e uf ebatge,) with ks diieettaiM for prep -.i ' 1-^ v and naiag tba ease which they wiu flad a sxraa Crms for Cos- sv^sauv. AflTBU, Baoacarni. Jie. Partiea wialdng the i'mo^riptioB, wiU p lease aditwaa, i^v. E. k, Wil,dQ, 149 Paan St., WniiaB^iiarBit. K. T. a^i^ ERRORS OF YOUTH. A OKHTLEUAH who tufrarred (or jtmr. a'\. fnaa .SeTTons DRBILrri. tVJLAk. rmx DECAY, and an tiie efheU «f )«Mk. r«l iodiaernion, wiU forthe sake of a«ffertiiw haacinHy. jand free to aU who BMd it, tC leetpe aad tireetions for making tba "mnli i-sedybywhieh he w« cnrei SoOvan wiakn^ to rre«t by the .dTertfaBfTimSfc tuuaiM, JOH h OOd4i», H«*D Omcaâ€" TORONTO, Oirr. BsAxca Omcxa -MONTHS AI P. Q., 8T. PAUL MiHM. NURSERIES, ^THILL, ONT. We can atart io addition to oar already laigs force 100 Additional Canvassers, And want men who can give fnll time to tbe bnsineas. Steai^y employment and good nal- artes to snooeuftil men. It does not matter I w)iat yoor preTious oconra ion bas been. If yoB are willing to work yoor saoceDS ia al- most oertain. Tbe beet rsfeienees required. Apply to STONE k "WELLINGTON, K'r.'erMDeu, Toronto, Ont. 80-106 Rare Chances. A choice lot for sale in tbe best bostnes* part of Markdale, being lot No. loath side of Mill street. Ha* a comfortable dwall- irghiase, shop, and stable; also soft and herd watei Will be sold on Tory reasonable erms. Apply to WM. WAI CER, Markdale P. O. «r to C. W. KTLBMa, '-BtaBdatd" offiee 7t-M EUGENIA Grist, SaiandTafliinils •i imn V' a^fef. -.; Hafiag made eqtenslTC iraproTements iii my Onst MUl I fsel eimftdaat I eaa give l!ood satiif action. GOOD FLOUR ALWAYS ON HiiND. Chopping Done Every Day. Caatam Bawinf and •hottest notiee. BOIe mied o. tbe I1UMB8R AND LATH ALWAT8 ON HAND. Obesry, lattemot. White Ash. 'Biaek AA Tl sssa uu d. fiae and Hemlock Logs waatid! 8f- L APT T, gngankt. 'Boardent A V anted. nira ««Y«iriker k«?ia« tasMd the Wek A.^h'iMat •Wa»ite Deetor Bpraiilt's ntm iMliiiuiia p ea aiU to take ee««nl bear* 2L r2^ ****" *^ *** "**' ** *•â- â-  i. m. LEAVER, the only genuine bona-fide sale ever cffertd It the public. The whole stock of goods Jmust be lold. rrerais Oash oi- I^arm r»roduce. Wm. NEIiSON, Proprietor. Dunialk, Fabnury 28th, 1683. »« QBAT KAIB «0 n» TOUTHniK OOEXA Am â€" â€" «feia au 11*3^ MABK DALE Sash and Door^^^^ SASH, BLINDS " MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, V^ FRAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles' ^^,.j jUwayt on Hand. Ordera Promptly FiU** »\i « Cedar •t. Kew ^-t[Trr|lrtj 1^1^^ â- ?. ^JJTHJSKERS^^ I. r. ua ft tt.. Tbe fl^besriber widw* \» Nhni llMaks to the people ef Ibrkdals snd rea^ cryUbasdpatreMfletksy ha«aghreahteia the past, and hopes by sless ^siaese to merit a eontiwaiiee ef thiaaask I IhaTeiMmai»aa«aiajb«rinaa.M«wiIl infatorekecpsfaUBtoss PI He LUMBER • I Dlr«cl from the Horth Shore. 4LL SIZES. DBESSED AKP UNPBBSS» JkU Hfna« ormnia and Fancy T» DeMina aer. .THOS, McKl^- V«rk4al«. Vav rKh WV. ' 4Ml- »•• ;** Dsi â- ea iMxt I hf*" .- t aca a' fcr «to »«ft Haril- iffJallark-ltoBi ,^aat aata at A Co. the farnar ipyrting 10 Mute at ]iaidwate marchaot OS ft OftU i^t "^u**- itt araotinj tlis out .« bnH«liug on Oearge Iti Doral tlie Mil dentj Englj A' Joii«| waa werel Tl case I pret set iDg in the Metho- j jest^ rkdale. on Sunday tlic the jtrafrl sbowiof first class I Td uil aewing macLites terJij cas" i Willi I â-  lilt; I I strjc ' Ult'l'l snda IH. 16. 20 22 th* railway between iTiartan ia now beiug Ssq. Be«Ta of Glenc'K [»kan on bis way borne last Satarday. Irish laces, frinsrs, sbirtinipi, table lines. aiita. all at wholesale sriands, ^Ibe erist mill at .\veii- I race belaw la:it Wkek, fone in the mill at the McGregor, one of th.- 1 I in Ontario tuUes c •11:- ' fiAucis Smitb this sea h] Slisi \vj fiiiml Man 4 Jle k lliis !.â-  ' "V al ,4... a! aii.l oraa will preach iu t! krcli at 10 .30.1. m. next \|,„ ST A, WiUou at 7 p.m. m. ,1 je lots liaTo recently at Flesberttvi Slaii •« ^re lias been 01 one.l thv â-  1,^; a «1I Dg if out with "yeuii;; r*"^-i This is a fiue rouii-; "â- â- '" [will no doubt be we'l '"" ShTuI I at W. wc^k w in.i«;rr«1!y 1 Mcfarlaii 1-; ":i r er doinj; busi.u-s' .ii LCall and see tluiu. Swiss embroiilerie-. choAi' 3s. I Freeborn i« t 'h ' •. a fine jouug dr^ii^ i le weighs t^oiue l'J' bpb Sproul, DiHuagfr. ae and ea^e m m^y. W. atees t supply watches are aa any ahiU'sa' r ' in Canada. See his st^vi; • t*:tr| M (â- .â-  1I..V r H. erikifniiint of i-^ " ' ^^ _• nave ari'ved. ircbaaera cati couiU 0:1 lateet styles aud lowest ^peide. "" D- c paigna nf Flesliertou -j bu eeaaon a Blood Hr.-c "" izler" lu this sectiiu of e aboTa horse is fr ui ersenger stork, is a fa?" g won many prizes at uid will no doubt t..!:^ I will ba liela at HrTore kdale on Friday 28tb ai n. for tbe purpose lA and other husitics.- with th« celabrauou ct I Birthday. ' i *^'hn Bronchton i f from aiuM L„ „, ^^ death, the la'ttr on \i,s. i ^« former on the 19 lb of A [Were tma christians, sni •ns. Mr. Broughtou wa« ^•««»thja death and Mrs. «"tlM Belfast Louae is Witk fraeh eroceries aiil Give him a call. He is •st raaideat, -nd is' al- to ••• Ilia na!h frieud^!. I of thoae bookVv I.ilV ^^ of Wilson BeLoii, â- â€¢â€¢'f." for aale. ***• *» Hrr MajcstT as '•ooxal laat Weduea'aay »«/ great cradit upon Parhape all k.s audi- Uwara that Mr. C ark s I •• "'o oomposiii-vn. ' nutn with soul so loldei Iâ€" |d.HI 'at kath never said. •â- â-  vome and Weae iny ' â€" m F^^iill ia my fist. "J" i'Mftrl^nds. and get !o( â- â€¢â€¢^^•I cheap ruiu. ' 'J^*^ and ahavs" 1 â€" %• 4eft the Tiila«re. ^^ work 'tis â- %-^M*\- oaneea )^ •-T^^ worit I HBB«^ Ima ^*r 4/.

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