Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Apr 1882, p. 3

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 V â-  ilk i ' SUFHBASIA OOUVitti. Th* eooBcil mat Sib. at Bocklju MamUnall MinatMoflaat flrmad. Th* Mditon'^nport VM t io ]f k» i .\} •imI ordirrad to l« priutad. "" Tb« commiltMs nport.ra eor*eUT I n!.»nai' ^if%(r»^%l, utnrsetuty. •ti'i li)^ i^ tU oi itieJ to b* b«ud«d kvef t'j iiiin. Tlt« toMi.ty triasnrtr waa reqaaated !•• arKk* ^IVafaargadaitaiBBtlot 9, con y. lot »tsi(4a labour, aait j. now made fo aifrar tiiat tiM labour for 1880 »ad :MI «a ptifotm4 in tLe town- Tb« eo. Waaarar to be rtqoaaW to Wb kara naa* iryiiii»iii^ br vbidi «• M* rtNMai tiifm' to intfy IMKW SUB6C1JBEB t« wu pspar »«u â- â- iiHiftM PAixso or ADVANCE, a copy "f \râ€" "" DR. KE.NDALL'S "Treatise OD the HORSE asd His Diseases. n Tlijaia a standard work, oontainiog an Index of DiMrates, which Kirea tlic rrmptoms, caase, and the beat treat- mvnt fur each a Table, ginof all tbe ciTidelLaaVre».«ofta«iuowiUiiJ-{p^jj.^,p^j ^^^ ^^ fo, ^j^. i^orso, ii*j{ajr«ii)8tU9, can.9. uiTangingtLei -jjj ^j^^ ordiuary dose, e£f*cti. aud roatwr h.. flial lli^ uortL qnarter, 801^^^^^,^^ ^.j^^^ ^^^^ ^^^e with acre*, aud tbe soutlieru prrljon. 150, ^^ tugrariug of the Lorsc'e tectb at acre*, pay a ^uat jicr.io;* of ihe •*! I djff^eut ages, with rules for telling the ago of the- Loisc a Talaable coi- J. B. BawliUK' eoiuiauuieation re- aaiyad and laid aaide. Committeo'i rvport re 8 and 4 aide- hue adopted. Ur Eliia to daal with the mailer. Icctiou -of receiite, aud much other aaefnl iuformation. It ia a bock iLat • lould be iu the hand* of every far- mer and owner of a hoiee. Now ia the tiia» to subscribe, er f'r Taxw cLnrK-l Hgainst 18^.T«. 8 K ' ^,j ,u^s„„^e.i to pay up, aid get the lot 6, cuu. U lu error, alruik off, aud u.^u t| treasurer i» r»ceiro Copy of this â€" reaoluticu. The Iteeve authoriMet^ to diacliarge a boud givau by tii« la.» Mr. Jaa Dalaa, dated Miirch 1, 18r7, aud luug sioce •atiafiod. J 7lh liue, lot 25, cumplained toba iu 1 1-j -j-^ -|- -|.-j- |-|-j -w- -j^ daageroua oouiitiou. The IteeTa t. -L JCv J. XN i J. XN VX iQVualigate,^ ttiiU act acuordiiig to his judgmaut. Fawufctt appoiutna t kttfiiil t" Johu Karr'a r«(|Ut8t, to ivpair 21 au' 22 aiJeliiie. By. law 313 e^t^tblirhmg uew road to erobs I l 1, 2, itiil i), cdu. 5. lead a bral aud MtCUiid t:uio. ui.d d.kcusucd. 'Ihu third luadiiig dcfci'i' till Ui-Xl iueUug. Collvclu J.». ' :•â- â-  • 'U'a b'UJ' t- Le ha -i Tiie 1 Le pm C. W J. Fa K.4. A ';• lii ... i:. per .â- ?! for priiitiag. GOOD AND CHEAP. Standard Office. Markdale. 6. A. Of EH, ;, Tailor, onr mmm, J' MARKDALE. Spacial atUotion to Calting.,f:i K yoa want a Perfect" Fit leave yonr Order with C. A. OWEN, MABKDALE. STmRTLING DISCOVERY! L06T MANHOOD RESTORED. A viattm ol Ttnthfnl tmrrmiaoat eaatB« fna» tan DeoT. H«rTou VMUtj, hott MukMd, Mc ta*lBir tri»d In T»ia ev«ry known mxdy, bMO^ wrarMl « ample »etf c««. »Moh ka wtU jiai" to hii fcDow " " " G. GRANT. J C Cil ••'»„' f J.Cai, :i»,t, W. I liii-Iv. «.: I"a"c.tf,J Wdiiic!, (i. li,iti.,H. ' iu.J. Millar. M. Ail.!ii â-  r' II' II I t.ii. J. Vi(.k" i~. (i VVilsur, II .). i." ' ' 'a t'li, W. 11. Kttii.e.v, .\ V.'.y. \V. \. .t;ii-wv, C lIiU.T Wtlu-. l;. J. Wl.ire. P. Ferry. J. Stewiiit. J. llfil},'g.n, T. Camnck, C Brii:^.'.s. 11. Koi.l, S Mco..rt, \V .\Ic CiiuiilII, It. Loij;;li«»d, (r. Vickers, .J Suilh, A. V. ituc-u, .J VI. Tliuiiitou. J. llowo. 15. Siiillli, K, BhII, D Clark-, T. BuriiU. .1. Forr:«, A A McCounell 1». raUon.T. McAfee, »r., "SV. Coru- iTehl, \V Clark., W J Black; T Jor.lau I'i (.iirdner, ar J. Millar, J. McKeuzie E' StuLus, J. lliricliMiauti. J. (iibsoii, Bmlby, (.1. Law.on, T. McAfee, jr., C Kelly, J Cj li, J. Ni.-larm, J. lloruer, J J, Yalkud. J McArll.iir. J. Orinsby. T. Beid, S. iJUck, J Mauaiiig, J Ken uady, J. DiviUauu, J. Lee, (i. Beatty, S Wright, 1). 1 *iloii, J. Pateraon, W Douglass. B. Wyville, S. llarv«y, D. bilv«nlnir:i, J. lluwkcii, J. Bniilusr, B. \V..uJr,. 40tiar, R. Bpiviliug, W. Mitrahtill, W' Dickie, J StiiiHou. jr J. McNcl.y. J Mauary. W Mcdonald, J. AVallois, (i Cind-dge. 11. BiKliuau, H. -tiiiiiili, .1. Mcli.ui*. B. McCullougb, E llitfk, J. Irviiitf, T. Bichanisou, B. Ellmlt, A. All!, M. Pattou, S Curuey. G Kiug. Couucil adjourued till the first Fri- day ill May. H. Duiilop, Tp. Clerk. Undertaker â€" ASUâ€" CABINETMAKZR Uaa now on hand Coffiua of all sizei anj prices. PERMANENT OURE FOR LAME gmiaints. GaiiTi.Bsit«.-I ficd that yoar Pads are S.I .ale, for « valuable a remedy for I,i^.^eaofth.Kulncys^ j^rMORDEN. »2: Special Pad for Ch.ou.c D;^«^»^«*' »f LkyourDrnggiat for Pamphlet aud T«.ti- Bonials. free. Sold ^y â€" j_,^ A. TIKXEB COm MarUdale. ?\RKI K CO., Owen Souad. J W. ELLIOTT, Chatsw rth. BlEPIktNS t MvCAllKOU-, Meaferd. M lilCtlAXUSON.Fleahertou. HENBV PABKKB. Durhaia. «» for Lire, charges moderate. UN DERTAK ING proinptly ade i k lo at til hcuri of day o: n.t.li • Also a fuil stock of A CL BE FOB UEADACHE. What physician has ever discovered a cure fi-r huadacln? Echo auawers none. Bui Burdock Blood Bittera by thfii- puniyiug, iuvigoratiug, nervine |roperti»»!iffor.l a cure in uearly every caHM. The healtli giving piiuciplea ol this reiuedv are uii«4U»lled by auy •iiuilar prep.iratioii iu the irUl. A I'l IILIC MtKTI.SO aiioU'd aallcd of ilie CI' iz 1"' i-v^r town ulltt M'It" It, M â-  1 ..;iii. ...: COUnli he • v...r. ^i. u-i i i.-,.i prevc u f 1. .ii iiw .1 r .1 â€" tt... â- â- ;•- â-  y ' qui- .• •lu.. Ut. -^ â-  • cow thib i. 1 ' recfi. .-. ' ••â-  •• al- • .. i • â-  U.. â- â- i^ J ..«. ., ...... XK-h. .M- ,lh.^ ai ' C«-ll' b^;k.. -T 1 y.' r, • H.. \-,- r:;SL; t;*ax W.Ml 'â- â€¢ i.^ii*' â- â- .»» .. -t:- .â- .., li%.o â-  -v •!.'.,â-  ;r V i- ' "â-  1.. I p«ii' 1 ".1 ' fc. ll.il ... â- â-  â-  iins^*r:il'.tr ' «pi.-i.'Ui- TliL uiot wueresslul itrmedy ••kt-r di C..V, ri-,1. as it i. cuitaiu in it^ effucts «nJ U't l.lintir. liKAD Paoor iinLov. FiiOfvUHEONEONTAPREbS.N.Y. Oiiei..itii, Now Yiirk, Jan. Oth, 18^1. Ki».'v liisi ^iiiuuriT Mc...Krs J. It KendaL ik Co oi i^:i.jitU'(;li i'aiis. Vi., midea tou- trai-t witii i!;(' piililislur of the I'reitA for a liulf tolUMiii aclvi'iti.~f;iiifiit fur oiio year ^et- tiiiK foitli the merits of Keuuall's Spavin (nn.. A; the same time we Bi-cured from the rtrm a ijuautity of !• ts, entitled Dr. Kendall s Til at.se ou tlic ilorae and his Dio- easi- which v.i- an- Kivinj? to advance payiiit' tulKciibi^is of the I'rfsx as a premium. Ahoiit the time the adve. tisi'iuiiit lirst ap- peared ir thi |.ai.er .Mr. P.O. Scheimcrho: .,. who r. ^i,Uâ- ^ iitai Ci.lltr.), liud a spavined li'oise.' Iluri ad tlic a.lviit: -meiit aud con chi'led to test tl„. c.fli,.,,ey ,jf t|,u remedy, ai- liio.i^ji li..~ f. ,. ,1,1- laii'hc;! at his creiiiihty. Hb hou;4ht a buttle of Ki ndafl's Spavin Curi and cuiuiiieuci d ii-ait,' it on the horse in ac coidaiiee with th. directions, and he iuform eil us tliis Week that it. irecied.s.ichiicouiplete euie tnat'iii lA/Lrl hor.seuian, whoexammeu the an.inal reiciittv cojld lind uo trace of tlic spavin ur the piiice wheie it liaJ been locateo Mr. Sciierinerhorn has since S'-cured a copy of Kenuall's Treatise of the Horse and his Disea-es, which he prizes very liiKhly uid wuul.l he loiii to piiit witliat any irice. pro- ..;ril he ei.iild not ol tain another copy. So much for aditi;.,iii;.' lelial.le articles. Kendall's Spavin Cure. New ilambiirK, Out., Dec. 2Stli, 1881. Mr. l' II. .MeCalhim, Dear Sir: -The hot tie ol I'r. K.niaUs .S,.aMu Cure boiijiht ol you St bummer i,a\e me tfie utmost sans liictiou and lei.ormed a wonuerlui cureupou H mare niuelein years old helunyiiiK to me. wliuli Has L.i'i'.y soaviiiet: for ten years. She was so l.iiiw; that 1 couM hardly gel her to move. The Uiueiie...a is entirely gone after iisiu^' half a I., ule of iho furo, aud kha ia like a youny hor^e ,,;^ain. Yams trulT. J. K. Both. FK0.1I Jk PR0:.1I.^IENT PHYSICIAN. ^V.l-Uin^•t..n.•ille, Ohio, Juu- i;tU Jft8li Dr. J. 15. Kendall- A- Co., Cieiits:â€" Readinc yuiira.h.rtUeme it in T'lif. Fi. Id ami Farm, of Kiiidall's Si'.ivin I ure. iiiid haviii;; a val iialile aud s| Iv horse whi.-h had l*en lame f-om spavin f. .r eiKhte. n mouihs. I scut to you fur ii tiuttle liv ext.ress. which in six weeks re'iioied all laniem anl enlaiv'emeut aii.l a liU{.'e spli-it fr.iin an tl .r Imr^e aii,l Ihitli horses are to dav as sonn.l r. colts. The une bi.tie was worth tome ona huuilred dol 'ars. Iles;ecifn'iv vonm, H A. Blbtoi.itt, M. D. Kendal's Spavin Cure. ' ' â- â-  u liu ,1 •! tie h 1i»., .:i: XT-\r.\LT,';. Hous3!io-(I Fiiraiture! WOR2I powDri'^s. Are pleaiiaat to t k'o. Contain their own Pnitjiitive. !» a s.fc, sure, nut fttectrnM*' ^taUvyet ol woriJin In CUUdren or Adolti. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Ordered wcrk of all descriptiuns exeeale:! with 1.1^ utiuo.si di b]iatcU. A full stock of RUSTIC A.ND PH TJ FRAMES v^hiiL wi;i b« soil heap for Cask. .V « -A!ou; « ' ice aul .,•1 â-  inse.l .... KeU- eilgl;. leioiiei filid p.^.i::.l/l ie^u f iii ivurde BiUtr?. It re^.. :.t. • ^h Ca^axas k. (iaxaii. Kenci.tli 3 Spavin Cure. i..).M t '.h» l)owt a, acts nDou the KVfC aua ki.iiirya, purifies t..e blood aim a:,u.iiat-» *.i the s^. V anra in ,t» effecU, mild iu acUona aa il I 1,^. ... uiea ijot oU.^ler. yat it is penetratina and WeUoua tv. a lieallhy actl^. powerful to reach every deep aeated pin or I to remove auy bouy g-o»th or otUar enlarge. lu ft«cf«i)ir«rApiir almost every »ue leqimM ayi^oA «H.VreliahieBhoa Puritiajp. \i[j ku of iio.ie k.-i safe mmI eSactitM^- Dr. C\t u°s bioiu-teli Mid C'Uoi^lu^.'.i .J..:.. I. 'i'.iey 4ir«4:t.y uu aii t^ie »ec ao.i.,. tu«ir m»ut.s. such as sp.i\iui, splints, corbs, rin^- b'aes, callous, awelliniis and anv aud all enlargements c4 th* joiam er lisibs. or fur r'lenmaLism iu man jr for an^ purpo^te r.i whirh a liuiment iansed for maa orbeaat ^..^ I-. IS now kuown to be the krat lioiiBent lor lua-i ever Q^cu, acting mild and yet oertain in I i;- effeetit. purgaUye auUou oar.yin^ off nil im-j Sena address fur iHostrsied eiranlar whieh nuntiM^r' ^^^ »\*-tfiii. thev luvi^ we t ink gi^es p sitiv« p|.»f of ita virtoas. ntta tb« l4ai »••- A^.a^y., puUj »•â- Â«'"-*.» »a*e»ar^^»i»aa«ik iMpjuv A*»w!» « ,.' • » â- ',•« "uw^a* to ow kaowkige. far tba atomaeh, uici-.c to. l » », aud ..n .. ..,.„ giya StrWfrth aud toue to the «hola Pr.Od »i per bottle, or six botUaa for If. â- Tstam. "try a •otme^tf'tiiii yaluablwiAh-IkogiUia «Mve it or oan get it for yoa. or fcJe and rw^.aoW ^4*a«* ^p« a-QI ^*?'-*?#^~^ r?'^^,?^" T*â„¢ â-  rt i-* u I n i prioa by the propnetora, DB. B. J. KBM- tian. Dr. Ouwu » btouiacb aud Com ^j^jj^ ^0.. Eniborgh Pall., Vt. •tipatiuu biiura. Lu large ooiOea at 3^3^^ tY at.t. DBUOOISTS. WMUta. A. TuraaraudCo. Speoi*l| Lym«,8oMAC...Moa»waUP^»WWle- 4f«|lta, M«VU»W' saUA««to^ 71. SsasoNsd Lu.isber of ail kinds Tai.en in exchange for Furniture. G. GRANT, MABKDALE. Markdale, Dea. 23. 1881. 67-11 Foundry AMD â€" .. MACHINE WORKS. Wu are prepaied to executa all kinda of 21 Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a practical mannar. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive onr special attention, knowing through practical experience ths beat elaas of Iroua for such. Unlocks all the elogi;eil avenues of the Bowels, Kidneyi »a Ltnt. carrying fiff gradually vriihout weakening the system. «.ll the impurilies and foul humors of the iecretions ai the same time COTTectiU Acidity of the Stomr.eh, curing Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia, keadacbes, Diz- ziness. Heartburn, Constipation. Dryness of the Skin. Drops v, Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice. Salt Rheam, Erysipelas, Scrofula. Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility; a'l thc.ie ani many other simi. lar ro.npl.iints vieM In the hnpf'v influence •f BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sunple Bottles 10c Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. V. BILBrK?! Jt CO.. Preprlciars. Toreat* Best I us uess now before tha publio. You cfiD- make money faster at wotk'for us ihaii ut aiiythiii),' i.i.-e. C^iiital not litei- ed. We will start yon. ^12 a day an, 1 up- wards mule at liomoby the industi loiis. Meu, .voiueii. boys and eiils wiinted evo;y,iliere to wurs for Us. Now is the time. You can work 11 sutir. tiiiiro' iy or niw your wliui.- time to i!.e il isiin.s.,. Yuu c.ii) Uv« at home end do the \.u'U. N.I u'.i. r Imsiness wdl iinv you 'ieair ;.-, Will. No oue cm fail to make en- ormous ).ay by .en'.iL'ii.t' i;t m .-i Costly .iiitlit anl t'l.iis fie... M..i,e. ',.ade fast, easily nwl hoii.inibly. Addres.^ Xsca Jk Co., .Vu;!iiHln,ifaiiie. FI^ESHEHTON iarnessShop. CORDON •,i s'lWiv.! I u hand a fi.i! assortment uf EliÂ¥Y HMfiESS, V/ H I P S SLEIGH BELLS, TKUNKS. hor:k blankets, AND SCOTCH COLLAHS Warranted '•-â-  fit, an.l madeof the very Lea imiteri.il, and at the LOWEST LIVING PBICES. BEllEMBra TJIC PLACa RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GOEDOy. Good Stave sud Phiugla Timber 16. N. B taken. Flesherton. Deft. Tth. ItiPl. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettjes, .Land Boilers, ..; icceive our Jattention. We alao intr^ duce our new FAMILY MANGLE! lo the public. This new machine will mangle I. men. I'o.ton, an J Woollen Uooda, giving iheui a beautiful smoodi and glosay appear- ance. It also im; roves the ciothes, whereaa u 1. rous injure th(!m. We will alao facture onii-mti G..AVI; TABLETS with cr w.thont marble slab for name, Aa-hf" also Tomb lUilings, Pali Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chaiaa for aaae, alw all kinda of Balluster Railings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental, Machineiy Baaaa Caatinga o every ieaoriptiaD, Baaas BalUi. y-' faurgeeramaU. MOFFAT BROS. llarkdala. Mot. 1881 U-tf ThaWPerMtandBest Kedlciae ererXad*. Aeo^ibisatioB ot Hopa. Buohu, Man- ud Dandelion. ^tl^Uie beat and â€" lUrepropertUe o( ail other BlUen, ssrcuea Blood Puririer.LlMi H lXatori«ndUfeand BeeUh liMlad^ tjkmtt eaM wtavsKoi •vaitea aad iiectMt an ihMi ^wltlieutlH BUtonaj.* peratloj XkeriiTeuwUViktadvigwtotktsptsalisfiim. To an wlioee ewnploTmenH «â€"»â-  kvvKularl tJottheboeelaor wttMy oia.M, or «k* â- Â» oolnaa ^piietlM^^tDnle aneBiaa SopBlttenare ' l»tinw. llanuaterwlia«jaiu.(e%.lliic* or iTrnptoaa are what the i ll ieM c or alimmeitt leMeBopBtf ten. DoatwattiiatUTattaWre elek bntlfyo oalytMlbwl or mtaetable,i*eUMat t aua. ItniarKTe70u.lUe.Uhaal*aved huidreda. MOOwiniwiMldfaraealM they wO] bm nnorhclp. Danoa eiiffiii %*"'^r â€" *rtiiiiili nfflvihataaaadmrtr* taMaVt^aarMo* B T, Bo* attten a ajWvfle. di e n e j al Btel â- Wiiat^ Ihewlthovtt H. MiKMBie ana trresHoM rJLT •adTon«a,OM. Hotfiing' LiLe Leatlier. ao ol e aood M. M'LEOD, MABKDALE. ^I!a BE BEATEN! All thoee wlio may have had the misfor- tmie to have been bora bwtefote4 wiu b«y iiuaind that we haye iu^li^eceived tke Ian- ert and beat stoek of lealKer rrer bifo!« litLa^ into Mattdale, eonaistiBgof SpaBiah 1 €\jwm uHAJ Q«A mmai q namoW •latoA ^U .«!aa 1 -rriii.:; «.- 'n â-  »•( o irt)a-,*ai«5.- OQ O I O P I â€" I o money. Xhosa who ,. _^ tf alwaf â-  take advantage e good eiuuioee tee la a Mng WioVy that are oBniil, ramaMllf hw^m«UWBiUrtg^yttaht thoee who do uot improve aaabaaiaoeo f- main in puvcnj. We wao't aiany '°*^ -* ^^S^ '^^"tLUSi ^^:j^.'S^ ^i^v^ wtaoiB«aeaaiailatomalMaMBd^k»litH Toaaandvvoieyoar whole time ia tha wark, apare Bumiaata. F«U ' «rorlyyo"aparo tioa MUaUthatU 1 U. M. McLIOD, .»^.Wtt,l«l. CO W £ B O I a m O 1) o ^^ m U c6 o ..... ...^. 2 c i o Q :^r ' 'a** 7 Vi for\ll kinds of »»«e, "l«Tf«tf»«»J«rri W'..! }e ]:'... (iO TO tuj.; â- J Druor Stori ^5, IMPOETANT TO FARmES- I have just purcliased a larjre siodv oi ,.;; i(,-,jj Garden and Flower Seeds .iircct i'p ,,i th? ..\^^,^^ ^^ " reliable dealeis in Canada, 3;id c?fi sitelv veeommrd J**^ (0 o c c5 go (5 s c n U cd o O OH, HEAR. OH^HEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander joar money if yen want to, if not, get joarPhutograpbi of W. BULMER, The People's Photographei^, Flesherton Who ia again prepared to take Fietnree, and do Copying aud Enlarging as heretofore. We arereceivin aUrpe stock of MOTTOES and Motto and other Frames, and Frame Fixings, wiiich we can, aud mean to aell at Remarkably LiO'W Prices Call and secure baigaina. ' Brio.! along yoor pietorea and have tham eupitd acd enlarged by yoor old friend. BULMER. 16 rieshertoa. UaiehlO, 1881. ALL m:eiv Wanting ta Parchaae ur Beat Improved Farma, Wild Landa. Towb er Tillage Property, ia the CottBty of Grey SHOULD SEND FOR 1 CalaJope Farms for Sale and to Let. Theae kaviag like Propertiee to diipoae of should eonmilt me. Sara 8al« Br â-  »ay. CATALCGUB SENT Oli APPLICATIOK. ^m •«*•"'" â- " ®"«' »" R««l*«l»e'a Hotel, IV.rkdale, wher. I Will be foilBd every ThBrsday,and will be prepared to exeeute Deeda. Leasee, Mortgagee. *c.. 4c„ neatlrand corr. cUy. Adviee on legal poinU free. Alao to attend U aU the different departmeuta of my busineas. In every department of my bnsineaa my motto i* Thorough- aeas and Fair DeaUng. Aactio. Salea coadacted. Beat., Aecoaata, *e^ collected aad proatpt retani* made. CHARGES LOW. RO T. DAVIS, Conyeyancar. Commi«8ion«r in B.R.. Real Estate. Loan Inauranea Ageat I GET MY WOOL CARDED -AT THE-v-^ '•â- "rt"rM PundaU? WoQlien Mills. â-  i.;i.^3u â- =vK Where £0 j^t 2 H J q m1 q m Tptps u ri..»i-.-_ J-*;-*^._*i .1.. Farmers'will do well to come ind msjxt t m\ si.Jk "'"**" Have I have the larj^e.st variety of Fieh], Garden "1^ r-J W Seeds ever imported i.ito Dundalk. Don't Uii tocaM^*" Yours truly. P. S. C. We PARSOlttt A large stock uf Tim ..iliy an J Ci. ^r .^eeds 1 )n hand Also a new variety ' 1 .1 utaloes for seed l u • just received a half ton of new p;o«es:^ "^^^ted MealL! feedin2 horses and cattle, cheap. §2 50 per luo IU ' '^Dundalk, March 7th, 18S2. dundalk: LBOOT kUD SHOE IM TH .INKING my nuiaerona enatouieis W i-a»t s^tiuLa-e li-s .o »»«,„â- Â«. 4.I am atiU to the fore with the â„¢"*l LmljlieslSekteilsy Of Boots anJ Shoes evrronght into 0'Lia:k. :ew goods arriving daiuI â- â- â€¢â€¢ C^n.11 and St»e 'i"l»'iii. aaa still mauuiaeturiog thoae celebrated I'reiiel, Kiy I.^hl.- csi: aud f«; tkta. ^1 Btwta, fcub.-r seweJ or iiei-:;.e.l, a j.ee ;:y. Repairing prom^i^l^attended to. .\11 Custom Woil Warranted. I keep the Celebrated Warzei Sewing Conatautly OB.hanJ, which I atll very cheap for cash. Alio tfai r o ^£ I ' 1 o :x on i. .v ' » • which are unrivalled in beauty of tnne and j. iwer. All kiadi of FarmPiodnce taken iu excbause for vi i.i.-. ut t eL 1.1 ialk Boot tall Store. V THOS. HANBURY.I DnndaUc, Saptamhcr 3nd, IWl. 1 :iu LATE IMPORTiTIi Of apeeially Attractive, Seasonable, FasLjuuaLIti .i. 1 Stspla Dry Ooo ds| â- * Tenand, whichweaSer at Greatly Reduced Pricei. We offer apecial vaiiv. in ever_Y l.je. OUR STOCK OF Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, and Gla-sw, 'a very complete, and luatomera will find prices irnl partmeiit. "f.ctorT i| m ^^^ rsfi^AT. »R|ri ii»Mi4]M.ii,aH, Win .i^oti^'JiNir:^ W. H. PBTB^SOH. CIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONEYI .v.- ^Pa'otaafcig your supplies at tl e â-  T. •.:•.. Ileiise.' Wm BROWI] kfariidrie, Bva. Mth. mn _i M A E K D A L Sash and Door Factory| DCORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTO.N'S, I earl] ^a« ta »eat tha aj_, tb« l*»^* rorliv PJ^l Intoilip^Dce. Connty Bus.* l"*^ M^tera and an luntrne J'^vanee. 11.50 in three tnor i_e saU till the end of tha year. ^.eoirtinned nntil all arreat-..- ^^^Hipt at the option of the pnblil t^Lrfiea relttsinf iiau-rs witlio'it pa.vl 'iteh^ r.^°7i"l '" ""r -T" " 'iTâ€" til tfieV comply with the r r^tfg OF AKVERTISISO n-a.oneWM *^ 4o '• ai- .; »od andef. first inwrtioa leh anbaequant in-ortiou ail te ten linea. first inif'ti.B.. b anbseqaMt meertit Unes. first ineertii-ii per line â- -eb snbsopnant insert i.m a .emb^r of li«e" to be re.-V.. d l,v 1 loeenpied meastintd by a t...i of 1 Aiivertlaemen'.s w:li.;-it i^ J will be in!li«)i»-i ♦*'.) f..ib;d r^ieordiuglv All trari.'t.rv â- . .•• lanet ba in "• ""'"" "' I'""'"""' _^k •" *^* Thiirdsy uioreiry pr tirpnbli"ati'n. ' C. W. BCTI.ErxlK, 'r-M.-i»t^r FEttlONAL BUSINESS] DIRECTORY. "s^roKle dk .41 ittii'»u^.j iCifTia SuriTfeOU .AcCLlii jQt Vedicsl Ilal!- re- '•» 4| ale Hoase. Ci%le. Sept IT. !« rgail. lOHIf ». ^i«-'J I ?»•* rOBNETA.sn SMl.KII'l;. 1' '1 jiv for attiMi lini; to u'i l;;ir.i " Offic at Ktv II. .u! ale, Dec. 2iid. !-iHI. • 4| Fr«a( dt rio«t. LbISTKBH. AVI .MI.i'A Lftw. Sol eiturs in i.»v..:v [jtt., 0«e'l S':tl.i. iil-n i» itoB. Office op^u eve-v "l'.. .! are. VeeaT. J l'» •' ^aaty Crown Att â- â€¢â-  • jUSTKR. M».sT'::: Vnmi"-- I OhaneerT, N .Ui.» I'-.l-: c BTTOLKNH .\r .SIX f). ' « â€" Owen Souii !. in .!.•â- â€¢ ' Si.; and i'l Mark 1 1'.-. '•«• ' " ere^on rri.Uv anl ai. Crea«wr ^l;i;-riNcn. IKISTKU- SO!.!i l!..; .-.' N- ^neir8. .If. •. 'â- a in Oiv S4in«!d I'.T I li. F. Wolfe' S.i :»• HI. n MARKDALE I T\-. J. \ffFiiila..i"K -..••- I li^iday nf aRili w... k funds to I'.t! 1 '11 I. â- â€¢â€¢ •' •' :• T V Cv«*ROR. Q. " f' -â-  »\ kdalc. X!aVc!i I.".. i T E.ane dt tCow*-. JBISTl'.KS sol.li ill".-' .^.i â-  evancers. Mnrii.i.l-. McFarlsn I- I;!." ». ev ta lend, ou Farm S -cu- ' f. ' .U»; Q. C. J .V. Mr. jMWivs J. WMMc. astaut to lr. t. iiiif ... â- ' fILL HV. VT Tiir. j; .V. ' .â-  Uarkdalr. i.u ;4i.- .a •" " ^^nutli. wli^n U«? niil li • • • '" Jl operation^ r. ii'ii,.. i 1. ^t nati-ifai-l.tr;. ur. slilf. tcim- |iti«cellauc.;av. Uiov. II. :eBOF V.Mtl:l\i;)^ »;• ^â-  immi-sioii'r in li. ' I ^veyanciiip in all r~ ' 1 â- â-  I to and cnr-fiillv .â-  B. â€" Mon«y to l.»;id •'u il- » rkdale. Sep^. " I--- ' Alexander "*.. .♦ 1. ICRUof Man n,- I • life lii'ura'ne A â-ºâ- : '" K. *e. Co'ivM- .•- ' ' aaeer for th» ' 'ri ;iv ;. ant and l,a!i-l jn/- to and rliav. « •â-  â- â€¢ • • evilie. Roj^t. 17. ;s SCTIONFKU ^N â-  V i I Aiwnt. Wiilianiii ^attended in a,, r- I soil on o-'i!..' a.Orirans an.i land ()M|.ti:i. •, ' I lapleuicu .1- •.• RliawsfoiR]. Jan. "7 J. C Sln-^. iOMl^lOS ANIt I' :..v:\ !\' Surveyor. Pra i..'-- -.ij-- 1 iordanJ Mar., la'.- U hnc;al Lanl S-irv. v â- â-  • I stock of o"i-iii; :» .( •• rts. l»iitrncti..'« v' .f s ' within 'he â- -, • ' • .â-  â-  I to make S.( .. th*revitli. Tr.. n: Jradiug Hill.. P,a â- , ' -i- 'edliug Bri Ij-.-s. ti- ' Money to Lmmu* "i " 1 • '" ' I by letter -r l'fi "'•. â-  ' Wale. w« he prnm:. 1-. " Un. r. IWO T. nvM tmLDEB* • • • I 1 to do all l:-:^ ,,r plastering an I tu. [^aontempUrp i,u;! l.„ .. "'age to give hi.n .-i .-• •idenee cnii t V. •Is^li./i w fCVCRE HOTE "â- AAtJvli » 1,,,. SI*ROULeT P: •"â- OB ad Kit.,, I. til.,: .. ^»m,. .on f.ir ,..,.,. M OMMERC Lumber, Lath and Shin^lf* grders Promptly FiU*^- t^piS^,.Hi:S PRlCEviLi^E, O. Booms, t-c Til.. 1; Always on Hand. a. 1 ric'S "â-  I The Sabaeribar wiahee Uretom thaukii to the .-o\')e â- â- ! '"'""•' "Sw, '«..«- *| T«ry liberal patronage tbey have given him iu ik.-' pa*' "n' ""•*' ' bauneaa to merit a oontinaanoe of the same. im t*tk af Ibava now extended my baaineaajuid a-l 'u '"'"" ••*P' ^m PINE LUMBEI'I .v.o^i. Direct from th« North ^*^^"^^^0 â- , Alilj SIZUS, DBESSED AND UN^B OS. ATKIN.SK.N. 188«. 1. -t.ii uisrL r Ij.i p..,,., L A.11 liL n !â-  tt*i* a. n -) na CLt icy •' :.lll uiW^: Poae ia a «ra«la»a »"â- *'â- â€¢ iOk ,;thos. mc^ Maxidata, May t7UiJjl«»}. ••to^k^'^V"""'""""" ' •Sir »"'",• »"«« minLrat. â- ^^ ttmai. **"l""»ce corner of \i ""W. opposite Mr Bi.w.s l*^fc^**»*PtIy atte«ded le. ,^ J«alerin ?UN08, ^tJlUL IMPLEMEmI Liberal. •..OlIT. •3 H

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