Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Apr 1882, p. 2

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 DALE 'wn. •ess (}oo4,_ Hugs, c. .^ [adian Twee^^ Beady-mai, cash. Gen^^ ight prices. unty. Guilders should ale. jj Dundalk LLING- OFF. ns. Bargains lorth-West. j)ve tn Mauitobft now off«i iki |(ed stock, coQtiatmg of |Boot8 and Shoes, 'Millineiy, «fcc., 1:1F1LE. [Jiile sale ever offer«d to 'f goods must be sold. I I'll! I*I*OClllCO. â-ºN, Proprietor. M Millet. Carrot, j Mangel Wurarf Corn, o. tt 8KEDS. h.««ftUlB^«' Medi-cines, P^^f^' .caps. Fancy Gooo* lemicals- edical H^J^- ^^ofHER "notices J ^ig weather. ;j^,iW.F.Don' ^^ftrenow clo«d »t 6 ,«ill 1^ itnwberriea »t Mola- ^j^t lookf wtll in W»ltow ibourhood. ii to J'« » â- **• ****' j£»rcb 581 »?r»ri»n oat- ,; B. Sing '"" ' ^°« **'" from » wur in Floruta. ^j Shoe- in all clawt. »nd ^Batter B*«'»- ,a»ntitie. of .qaar. tr-ber j.pp*lov.rtU.T.G.*E. « H.ll i* "«"°« ' '"'*^ ni..ctioBW,U.^-»"«»T- ,^|\LrVn« «h.ep y-tarday, l" bad* battU with th« Uader says there is a thirty one years Dnaiftlk it progi« Faa fifcnff 8«T«*1 taimen A DHriMT of IMW Ttf« ,n tb»t »'"« itockof ladies' ami genU' watches, Tery low at iilter M« A. O. Himtw haa ^WBh^^rf Een- ne-h MeAoUy't ho**d- Watohea and clr'*^'2*»0y repair ed and cI«m»H^ " *• ^*^'"' " DoiHUIke»iry^»y- Alargastot""^^^^*^ bottom friees, at V*" P^*». •â-  •JB»«««i^n with Mr J**"** l»*rawiw. I, Manhan hM a krga rtoek pl.iagH* t^wows, and tmidaoMotB of ^ads. which he is ariliag a* low ft- g,es in spite of tl.a NP. Adrt. Nsilsott Braa. Proton Aationhnva a fins stock of Infs, and ars doing a pay iogboaiaaM. Special attention is e aHad to Mr O. Nixcn's new adrt. In dbry goods, groearies, boots imd shoes, he stands seeond to nona in Uia n«ighboarhood of Dnndalk. WDMAV OF IK ia |,o« Markdale Wed. April 20th ,te.m «"•' »" """ "'" ** ofliuti'o IS comiDg on Terr Li.tCburch Sunday evening LmmsDces at 7 o'clock. Be [,i3wKS ani sunshine onWed- ocrDiDg, made the farmers 5,it,r and any quantity of L" emptT boitles wanted at Mc- V fcaM to rent, on Queen Street, garden apply to E Davis. LienDor AUs'Ka. which arrived ]y .rk yesterday made the fast- l record. L I shout all manufacturers, [i,ti »nd mill men when tbey rLsrdins- bits in endless variety. Do 1 your beauty when 10c. wUl uhst atButUr Rae's. I, ou bis way back to Kil- wiselr avoiding demonstra- irivel'.mg by roid. kirr, glassware, earthenware, fs, slwavd fresh, and true to ad quality, at Butler k Rae's. Ui it that Mr. A. Turner mmitted matrimony. We ca'i- icLfor tL« tiuth of tho report. times coming. Butter 4 Rae :WD Benson, of the Bel.'^a«t I $20 suit yesterday morning. MeCoy baa purchased a very 4 residuiice from Mr. Kellow Kiuyn the Leader. II a report in Dublin that fJlbe niicouditirtnally reloas- ikuMtnrn to Kilmainliam. a Bros. Co., Toronto, are aiif»cturBi8 of Lardine, the inMtor kunwn. Try it. JcC'Junell has taken Mr. Bar- it in the U.x;klvii Hotel. The â- jprwtor ib becoming popular. :. E. B*ruhart, Mayor of Owen likely t^ b(? a eandidate for moDi at the coming elee- 1 Morgsn, late of this ofBce left I ou Weiluesday, to take tne up of au office at Wood- • more I rftis« ii.y voice to call I to my lele -t stock ol groce- "viBiouB, fruits, wiu«s, liquors, Aimuh Mcliityre, I'M want a suit of cIoUipS. re- k ib«t Buiter A Rae's is the '« grt Knod trimmings and a lit- Xosliodily sold. 7W_T says, they never saw tlje t look so well %* it does ihit) W. L. Mvahall dlers fur ale his brick store and dwelling as it u not suitable for his bnsinesa. The bast biisLaess stand in the plaee. J. Gardiner has j oat reoeiTsd a ear load of hardwan. which he is deter- mined to sell at bottom prioea for cash. BaiUars, take a uote of this. Messrs Hicks and Vodden have heen awarded the contraflk far building Mr Rtid's new hotel. Mr T. Glazies, is making extensive preparations for the reception of hia new stock. He will be ready for bus- iness ina few days. Mr Cox. tailor, late of Holstein. has opened a shop next to the drug store. Now that the seaaon has eorae fior plaiitiug shaiie treew, we hope to see many of our farmtrs and villagers em brace the annual privilege. A day or two spent in this way at the proper A CAflE Fon CHABITY, 'Bapoiti have tMantly bean oonant in the village lee p eetfn g an old «%. â- â€¢â-  orer 100 yean «ild djii« in ab- •ollitfvant. Our Mr Henry ••( a^t and iuvealigated the naattor, in acdar tu Liacn ahat tmUi tbert was in tl|s foCBif of the villaga. Mr Henry writea • I hrard Ibrk- daU Hbeikd. and aetermii.ed to sift tbo HMtter to the very bstt^m. I was gbd to Lavs tbo eonpaoy of the dap- ty reeve of tl a towaahip. and we want to the abode of Mrs Moctgomety. lOS years old, lu the sain« bonse liT«s her nwrriad danvhter, between 60 and 60, hot whose husband ia ic an aagr- lam. and a little boy wbo goes to the echool. The daugbUr. Mrs McKatt- rick told me they came from Oraiiga- !viUe last fa.i rometinaes she says they came from Muokoka, aiad somt.- times Miol.%«e. She has been work- ing ' abont the town.' and her earn- ing« have, with a little charitable help kept them throagh the winter. Bat now that her mother m completely prostratod. shecannoi get out to work. The three peopla are now living npun the kind charity of a few ladies. A difficulty arises in the person of the daughter. It bis been found that money, food, c. iotaodea for the old lady, go 00 ^ther than tha unnatu- ral daughter. Laiies take fool and feed her to ensure the desiri«d end. The daughter handles the old woman time will be rnpaid by years ot plea- sure, and will gready enhance the j '°""'7: ""latter prelew U« more value of property. On Tuesday evening a dog jumped throtigh a larse glass in the door of D. McMillan's shop. This was the seeond breakage »m the same causs within a few days. i Rae do not buy their 'iiScotlaud, Iroland, or Eng- r'nttliMUjaii gi7e as gnod value "ftb« sLam im^turters in Ma k i trial will couyiuce you. •pnnts, new dress goods, new ^eottonades, ducks, shirtings. f"*, Collars. Ciiuie iii and coin- frs. Butler k Bae. "Honor Julge McPherson has from ilic gunny south to "md, much improved in HcFarland last week ship fears peas to- Liverpool, and 1 fiy« cars potatoes to Buf- f*»*««k. "' vast to go fishia-.^ get yoUi "»»1t •• Mcluivre will pay ea.~linr;,.„ c.\ In the Lsndon West mard«r case the coroner's jury yesterday returned a verdict of wilful murder against the prisoner Code. Mr. Vail bas just finished ^ome fine lettering on MoFarland's store. The letters .are well-formed, and the 90 ft* sign IB bold indeed. See j^argeut's advt. in anothsr col- umn coneerning his patent load-lifter. Farmers would study their own inter- ests by examining this matter. John Meldrum, late of Flesherton station is now station agent at Klein burg, John is a steady trust worthy young man and will continue to rise. The bands at the steam saw mill iu Markdale uuiubering about 15 men struck for higher wages, but they wt nt to work again we understand without the desired advance. Mr. E. Munroe, a conductor ou the T. G. k B. Ry. made his last trin on Friday last, having resigned his (losi tion. He has since eooe to Mtuitoba, Mr. E. Haryey, late of the western branch, takes his place. Owing to the strike of the Grand Trunk freight hands, W. J. McFar- land's spring importations have been delayed, but now that the strike is ended he expects to receive them ia a few days. Reserve your orders tili they arrive. Pamell has been released from pri- son for a week or as long as he thinks will be necessary, to visit his sister whose 80U has died.'m his own par le not to take part in poIiticiJ deman'^tra- tious while be is out. Every farmer knows, and every gar- dener soon finds out that to b^ sue ceesful in land operatvns, not oiily must the ground be proporly prepared but, even more important still, the seed must be good. The difference in the GOBI, of gool seed and bad seed is very *l;ght compared with the result Df th«! crop. luferiT seed produces inft-iior crops, no matter what care and att.-ntiim is given to It. But good see I, with half the l«b ur sp^nt up»ii it, will produce good resul: 8. In this coi.noctiou we would advise our read- ers who H/e in anyway interested in the «oil, (audwhxisnot? to examine the sieds secur-d for this yeiir's mow- ing by M esai" Tumer and Co, Mark- dale. The Sieds, wii«tlier lor the faim or the garden, are au eulected with thu great.?«t care from gron.rs who.se names are guarantee of the quality of the Tjoed. There was a good run of sap on Sund^iy, and after ebareh farmer not a thousand miles from here pro- ceeded t.. bis sugnrbusb. By mwn ou Monday be bad succfi*led lu lull- ing down the result ofhis lalnv to two pailfuls of syrup, wuh which be sUrted for home, but in gettbig over a fence a few rals from hia door, he •i-roibaUuced backwards and spilt the whole contents over himself. careful handling of Mrs Jos, Sprunle Her bed is simply a tick, without aay straw soarca in it, and the laths of the bedstead are cutting into the body of the poor, emaciated, lialf-sturved old woman. Foremost among the kind ladies, (I am in.'o n ad by one of the la- dies,) is Mrs MuNea, who visits daily, and wh) would no doubt lay oat any iunds charitable people may place in her hands to the very best advantage. It is not safe to place mouey in the hands of McKettrisk. The following ladies know something of the csse,and can give farther particulars Mrs Reynolds, Mrs Dunlop, Mtj John Ly- ons, Mrs Armstrong, also tbs Rev N. McDiarmid. This is a needy ca^ie. The council does not meet 'till June, and then it mav be too late." Considering the weather, the Meth* odist social was fairly suco ssful on Wetlnesday at tue Dufferin Hall. A lengthy prngiamine was gone throucli. o^ngs by Miss Duudass. Mrs Palmer, Part soagH by ihe choir and others. A reading by Mr Whitby, Upflling by 'Tom." Recitationsby Messrs Clark Browne.McDougill, c Proceeds $15 Quilling bee next Wednesday, aul another Social Wedi esday week. ffi«rr«»9oitcttcc. NoTioB. â€" We wish it JiHJnctly understand that we do not bold oaraelves reponsible for the opinions expressed by oar correspondents A Glentlg correspondent writes â€" " The ^ump of curioaity»or perhaps careless mii!«t stand prominent in some of the officials of Markdale and surrounding post offices. L'tters are delayed and parcels pryed into." Ht.- admonifheB paid public servants i\Fon such practises. An Osprey correspoudent writes of the prevalence of scarlet fever, three and feur in a family being down with it. He says, " there must be some cause for the spre^td of this disease. The air cn be carried in one's slothes from an infected house, aud everyone should avoid mixing with those who have been immediately oooneeted with this terrible disease." Lax*dine machine oil will not gum or freeze, .nnd wears better that any other oil iu the market. Ask your local dealer and take no other. ,, A6«T, LMiNBD ADCIIQMEEB »« the Oeaaty «| Oiey. CITlIflBllff, .,( Xaatasa^ AO^iauUl^iUtUL, -flTslmloaB. smI nUDB OOMVyBCS. (MatMl) •TTomUo.-. V-aoUaraf â-¼aieaiLuto CheiM Fai^Hcfor â- ste.alM h~'1 try ^- p ho r te rt Hotiee. Bills, hlank Motes, ud Bia^s pmvUmL 0B4^XQBLE. If is aâ€" Ls ifav mh. \mitc ac.iT TII08. wmiEirer MARKDALE. EVEBYTHING IN OUB LINE KEPr ON HAND OB MADE TO OBDEB OH SHQ|tT S I NOTICE.; w SPRING GO' An Automatic Beed Oifaai iliiL., Orgwtâ€" Ua aay xVteMJi duMJtwrta Iwahweym. -h^k^^A^i vliMs, bnt th« ocsat. asBst l« aiaiui lal«M ky *ti artirt ia m*m t* daeoBoai* tb« Ubccivbttb i« f n t) e otbcr baLd tatiMlvasMlwkiaal-to M t«tri*iiia a iaiiitwBU»a4»fcla»ai»heaaasaai«eaean»iaia» r« «'• r R-f urAV ^r .J _£J f' L^..Jt- tlVERYl CONNECttON. I«|8T OFFICE fiEOReE WILSOII. Wholesale and ReUil IBUTCHERIl BEEP, PORK OB MUTTON 8UPPLIBT from a single pound to airhtdo remiss, at the lowest market prices. nSH A FOWL JNTIBII SEASM Farmers having Pat Cattle, Sheep, or Piffs to dispose of will do wall to call at N*. 3 Bnms' Block, opposite the now Cniaa niock. Markdals, Oet. MARKDALE MarbleWorks Monnintsjoibstones! And erery description of Cemetery executed in work FIRST-CLASS SHLE I and at rea.sonaUe latfes. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail wil] b« promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SAop next door to liecere Hot«l. W. A. JOHNSTON, Prtfi- Markdale Aax. 10th. 1881. M-ly NIL DESPERANDUM. SRArS SPECIFIC MEDICHIL rpHE GREAT ENGLISH I REMEDY, an nnfailini cure for Seminal Weakness, Speruatorrhea, Impotooey, aud all disease^ that fol ow as a sequence of Self -Abuse as less of Memory, Universal Befim Takfat^ Las iltode. Pain in the Back. UimuetiS of Virion, Prematura old age, and many otner Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consnmptii n snd a Pre- mature Grave. ISi'Fall particulars in oar pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every ona. The Speaifio Medicine is sold by aU DmggisU at ^â€" â€"= ,. SI. 00 per package, or six After iakIIIC packages for 15.00, or will be sent free by mail on reotipt of the momy by addressing. THE MAY MEDICINE CO., \.\j Toronto, Ont., Canada vn..w oms ?!VOO 4W« .. -, FIiESHEETON. ' jrri^.ff^^ ii tm K. J. SPROULE. k â- - -- New Advertisement 3iT Vs/EJ=J-bL FARM RS MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDALtE:, Ontario. Soiiviyaicli|dii wltkcart, Matiieii and datpafch* A. G. HUNTKR. OrriCtâ€"Ont deer ttmtk •/ Anflo-AwmUmm JTeKl. Dnadalk, BopUmber 1st. ini. Uj. SPJECIALNCnCES. cab price fur fish afi^r the '**'ire, â-  ttpensive '.uxurir* to •'"'»8'W.J McFariaod-H P^ J "»«d by ordering l««fe«t fit t-i.araii;»ed '^«^chiet.. lonsho i ,^ "fl'»u uuu Fi«wUeit..n. ^JMoBofr.mDurbmto r** it Qua daw. MEArOKD BOAD. Seeding has comoieoeed and Car etsarebuMy. The moat of the farim-n here ai-e trouwing the Fle'dimou ci-aeae Ri*- y. J4r Wiittim jU'ber'„li*« [Utraet to dditiK Mn Laekie faat^r^Jk^ma to Oapray. Gattat ia tiviog on Jha old far^. Mr H. Williams won tif' rmo»Tir Yau«i«!ear liua^a. be ig improveuianta in l^frouda. A c- ugh or cold ontricted in the mou'b of April if not speedily arrest- ed is liable to stick tu one during the whole Rucpmer. Dr. O^ro"B ^nl- inonary Cough Drops speedily cure Coughs. C'dds, Bronchitis, Pain aud oppression of the (.hest and all Threat Ciiest and Lung Affwcti-.ns. In large bottles at 50 cents. A. Turner and Co. Special Agent Markdale Tbp following is the oommoo sense treatment for a uoree out of condition (iu UmjI all b rses require like treat- ment tliik time of yeai) a good Purg iug Ball fuiVa^hig by a course of strong tonic powder. These are both to be haJ in Zook's Tonic Compound and Blood Mixmre, a« «Neb package contain* z throughly go^ pnrmng Imll and over a (xiuiid of str"4«g riaio Powder. Ask your drupgist abnnt it A. Turner and c^•. Special A^feat Markdale. BEST AND COMFOBT lo ths SUFFERING Brown's Howsetaold Pa«s^cea ha.s no equal for relie»ini? pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Bide, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Hheumatism, Toothache, LnmbaKO and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely qmcken the Blood »nd heal, as its acting power is woti- derlul." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain BeUeT- er. and of doable the sirpngtb ot any otb«r Klizer or Liniment in the wwld, should be ia erery family haudy for asa when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world lor Uramps in the Stomach, and Pains and Aohe« of all kinds," and U for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle^ JO-lr Mothers I Mothers 1 Mothers I Ai« you disturbed at night and broken of jonr rest by a siek child safTering and crying with the excruciating pain of euttuw Moth! If 80, go at onee and get a "^e M MBS WINSLOWS SOOTHING SYBUP. It will reUeve the poor UtUe snflarer iBuaedi- »telyâ€" depend epon it there U bo Bustaks about it. Tbeio is iwt a Bxithor upon earth who ha« erer used it, who will aot tell you ooeothattt wiU '"^^*^^^'^J: give ref tto tbemother, and relief and health to the child. oi«r»tinKlUe magic. It u p^r- laeUy safe to .se in .a c.s.-.a»4 idee-ant to the state, and U the presenpWoa of oao of (he oUent and best female phynaeas aad anrsps in tho United Statee. Bold ev«y WtMsa at tt eenU a ' TAILOR, ette ie indeed a maaiea) wnsidsr. B ie a lOas a tono as tbe Oa Mu s t Wae II ia jaasie mm jltf U m wsB as Iha jm Tbb UaMnsKTTB ie stning and aeeaiate ia ite aisatwatoa. aad UMe tw gH oat ef order."â€" afeelreal "Tk(.^to|l«taettc is tho mot perfcet wtoaatfi' ite ra|iartoris is unlimitod, the too* is remarkably goad." Vii-; laetfa^aalial i!â€"ttr»»l 'Mr. iiiiii I am -aadT Prices, tmiii '^::r W. p. ABBOTACl ,!i Uji.^^ â-¼OLTI«BBI7S STBBCT. .. :, f f. Sola Mannfantnrars and Patentees. O. W. RUTLKDQB, Agent, Markdale. 3 ' THE "LONDON HOUSE," DUNDALK â€" --- o- Bargains. Bargains. Bargainia o This is the f'ght house to ^t .barjjaiiia in Dry Goodi, Wa sides getting the very latest English and French tasbioM^ Why Because they come direct from the manufactur«% thereby saving all wholesale profiti. Come and see our Dress Goods, fashionable and fancj, !• to 86c. per yard. Come and see our Cashmeres, from 86e to 80e par fi. Come and see bur Ladies' Cloth Coats, from f 1.50 to f !•: The largest and best stock of dry goods ever shown ia Duadalk to select from. See our Scotch, West of England, and Canadian Ttr«««, from fiOc to $1.60 per yd. A splendid assortment and aaef sailed in quality aud style. See our late importations of Gents' Re?dy-mad« Clotkia^ London made Overcoats, style and fit unsurpassed. Have ea bled for another case. Also a replete case of Shawls, Flannels and other goods. o Large consignment of hew and fresh G-oceries just delirero^t A fine and delicately flavored Tea which I can sell at 8 aouads fa* a dollar. I am determined that our fiiends travelling avea the desperately rongb rdvds to Dundalk shall bare paid for their trouble by getting bargains ia every department. Crockery and Glassware Department, which it now re-let* with every necessary. Uaudsome China Tea Setts at |S.fi(X Handsome Glass Setts, price 60d. BUY WHERE TOU NO FAVOUR. CAN BUY CHEAPEST. w. s. Dundalk. Jan. 19tb, 1883. FAIR DEALING Afft HEWETSON^ TO THE^ PUBLIC. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his storea It Flesherton Station and Eugenia, are fully stocked with General Goods, suitable for the seasaa, and will be constantly renewed as required, consiitinf «A DRY GOODS, HARDWARE CROCKERY, GLASSWARB» BOOTS, SHOES GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Acv FRESH GROCERIES a specialty at this season. All Kinds of Farm Produce, Cord wood, and Saw Log» taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Goods r*» spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill r.t Little Falls, is in Va]X operation. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing don* hf the Thousand or on Shares. Wm. HOGQa Flesherton station, Dec. 28, 1881. ff l(arkdaU,Jal7 7, ISSl. 4Ma. WAENmo' tniELY Now is the season for sudden colds and dijtresving ooogbs. treat them with Haffvard's Pectoral Balaam, it eoreaiiiflnensa, asthma, eroap, wh*op- ing cough, bronchitis, and all pataao- nary cimplaints leading to oonsnmp tion. Wfar TO •tmaiiPTivES. X XT ANTED A TOUNO MAN TO ligABH VV BBICBUATWO. 8TONBCUTCNQ. â-  aud PLASTBBWO. »• « â-  "»â- *â- Â« fho adfrertisor.llaniig oatm emad at thetdread disease. ConaonvtMi, ey a ^iwr** leaSedy* i* eaziavs to make knows to bis f0«w soflerent tbe means of euro T^ «U who da*eiS. he wiU ee«l a eoiiy fl the â- rawriptHm ^1. (fr»e of oharae.) with ke JtMattflM iorpiepairing and asing tbe saiaa wbiehdNy Will And a soaa Cnas for CtMi- jumuMi, ARBMA. Baoncama. *e. Partiee wiahiag the PMeaription, wiU flMaeairtMsa^Bev. g. A. WiUia, l^Peaa mi Williswiikwiili H T M4r "*f K%avJ^!'b*«-. lUrMal..asL Bchuol tra-tea. 00 t-mpUta ^^^^1^:^ PIMPLES I wi» isail^VNei g**^ JtjJ^I ,ng tbe kin ^.ft. elew aod beartif ah ri« "JERXOR^ OF YOUTH. a OBMTLBlCA»whosn«efreaiorTi»- I A to-a Bervoae DBBUJTT. nMMk- MARKDALE HOU SB ALEX. RUTLEDGE, Proprietor THIS HOTEL 1 large three storey brick bni'ding, recently erected and fitted np with, erarv modom MmTenieaso. It is famished in FirstClass Style The Bar is sanpliad with ths beat brards of Wines. Liquors and Cigars, and tbs table with all the deUcacies ef ths aaaaoa. The traTelling PubUo may rely upon every attention being paid to their coa- fort. Goad FmnaU Jtooau for Cammireial TrmvtlUr$. Tke •â- ly H«tel tkktmas • BaatwndlfrMnallTrataHk Oeed 8taU«s aad attaative HoeUers 18 I â-  III II I I I MUM â€" liP-^wiâ€" a 1,000,0001 tofiqrtha T Hicheat Price for aay «asaii^ s In Saw t ALL IUBMI OF LUWBEJ^R Oir HAND. ' 7-: J BJls Filled m Short Notic*. â- ajiiiiiiiii III lXlh.lML 1»4f. FOR mjLLJZ. _ala ol b*.r OB a baiJ head .jt tha a. bona* d,»^iwiefc»etat i"i s *sni p ,: I Oaw.. frlashMsn St. K. T. aU. eii. ., ».~ iwaedyby oovtk «*»^ •* I*^* "Leâ€"rfâ€" ta osrfce* een- 2 .W nt9 Ona Om OMaak.t}«Mi«id. lanâ€" atHj fliSaad Faaa,flaa WM.BBOWN, MarUal^AflBliVtl* M-4 FARMERS, Look to your interests, and get Sargent's Patent LOAD LIFTINa MACHINE this season. It will save yon one or more hands av*ry day yon are drawing in, as yon don't nsad a man at the front of the aair to pitdi it back. Yon can pitch bma ifa* load as yon are pitdiing do|m instead of ap. Yon can onload ia half the time, and with greater eapa Uian in tbe old way. Agents wanted in every eoanty. yfm. SABOENT, Berkeley P.O. or. Crafaa A Melnnaa. Mail OiBoe, Toronto. 64-97 ^ft^CAAtttS^ .A M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. MiNTYRE n.OVLX* ^lOTJLX, E^lOTJLX- McINTYRE'H UQUORS I_UQUORS McINTYRE*8 Cigars, Cigars. MdNTYRE-S Coilee. CJoilee. And eTerytbing kept n in a first-class Grocery and Li^aee always on hand, pa rat fob cash. McINTYRE'S MEALIMEALimEALI McINTYRES Pork, Pork. Pork McINlYRE'i T'ea.s. T'ea.N. â- tere. CUOCBtiJMBi GBEAT DISCOUNT SALS -AT- "CHEAPSIDE," JOHN NOBLE, ' ^MARKDALE, GEMER'LBUCKSUTH t»- *-"» .â- - C4« HOIMISSIIOCIilC â-² gPBCIALTT. AGENTS FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS I will offer to the poblie my entire stock of D17 Ooods, aooaiatiag e Dress Goods, Cashmeres, JLustrea, Shawls, Prints, "Winceys. Velveteens. Smbroideries, Ladies's UlsWrt, Mantles. Twei'ds, Beady-made ClothlBf Sato Se Caps, Qeiit'r Ties Linen CollMi, Dress Shiris. Ovcrcoa'-.s, j^smcy Flannels. Ducks. Oxford Shirtini^s, CarpeW. Ac THE ABOTE STOCK WILT. BE SOLD AT 10 PEI 6T. DISeOUNT S FORHEI PII0E8 aadsmtbeiaaodtby thenudd of Ifaieb, ia ocdar to aiat-e roeai for aij frosa Britain, whieh will atxiva aboot tbe 90tk of i â- TERMC8 iJJL»M. â- â-  iri„ :i$- .. Ie aad the eairoradiao ceaatiy lor tbs mg JNb# I aa yean ttaly, ^.^ ^EBNifY POSTER Vri ^^1 It â- %-•'

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