Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 21 Apr 1882, p. 1

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 ii *â-  t if h If \j t II I' ' I' i .1' OOINQ SOUTH. niiMMtoi. *.n%:m. 4Jtf.a. â- â€¢rkl.T MQajK. 4.tf yja. M-rkiaU .i3sB. §Mp.mi. fUaHMt'a*PriemUa 7.0S ajB. â-  JS p.m. P'otoa 7.1*A.a. S40p.B. Utniklk. 7M%.m. i.M p.B. ffi*«lb«rav •Ots.M. 6 IE oji. OrwiUi*' •.!».». CM p.B. I^vai a.SSk.B. •(Opa. -«at(*TiU» Jaaatiea S.JC •• T.0O p.K. pt.ssBTiixa. ArrtT*. ....$M»-m 7.»p.m. Dapwt. ...»i%*.m. 7 J^t p.m. Alloa. ......05a.a. 7.43 p.m. ChvlwUMi. ...tlCk.m. 7.53 p.B. Mouo Ro^ ..9i5a.a. 8.29 pm. Boltoo ..10.00 a.m. 8.85 pm. KiMbOTC ..10.1t*. a. 8.47 p m. Wnotlbridce lO.tS a.m. 9.00 p.m. â- uilKrSaamit. ..10.81a.m. 9Jnpm. £â- â€¢17 ..10 37 a.m. 9.19 p.m. WMton ..10.50 a.m. 9.35 p.m. ff«rltcn ..10 57».m. 'u.11.16 a.m. 9.89 p.m. 9.50 p.m. Tvraoto. Vuioo Ht GOING NORTH. Toronto .dap. 7.1fia.a. 4.10 p.m ;CarUoa 7.S8 a.m. 4.98 p.m WeatoB. 7.41 " 4M " l^marj 7.5» " 4.48 " ;Biunbcr Saauni* 7.59 " 4.54 •• Woodbridea »jM '• SjOO " Klainbarf 8.19 -- 5.18 • Boltoo 8.S1 •• 5.9« •• MoDoBoad. 8.49 •' 5.40 " CbarleatOA 9.1t " 8.19 " Alum 9.M 9.99 " OBA«aBTIU.B â€" kztif 9.87 •.85 " DepMTt 9.45 •• 6.5« " JOranKerUle Ju« 9.57 •• 7.00 '• ♦Laurel 10.07 •• 7.10 •• ;Crombia'« 10.19 •• 7.91 " Bhelbarae 10.89 •• 7J4 •' Dnndalk 11.05 " 8.0« " :Proton u.ao " 8.31 " FlMhertoiiAPTiUe U.M " 8 37 '• Markdale 11.55 " 855 '• :BCTk]y 13.10 p.m. 9.10 " Williamaford .... laai " 9.31 â- â€¢ *Aruott 12.33 •• 933 " Chauworth 19.40 " 9.40 •' tBoekford 19.53 •â-  9.68 " Owaw Socio 1.15 " 10 1 •• IIARKDALE. VawAT, April 91it 1889. Floor 6.00 to 6 25 Spring Wbaat p«r boili., laaw 1.16 tc 1.96 Fall do. do. do. 1.16 to 1.34 Bariay UaU l-aaa i'otatoai. Battn, par lb. .6 0.40 0.75 0.60 0.16 0. Fork.drMMd 7 50" Boat 6.00 " GeoM p«r lb 0.07" Dueki, per pair 0.40" FowU, ptr pair 0.00" Tnrkfcys, par lb 0.07 " Hbexpckina U 50 Hides 7.35 " Ora«s Mad 3..';o " Hay 12.03 'â-  Wool ... 0.23 " Orean Appfa*, iwr. buibel.. 0.75 " Lard 0.10 " Tallow 0.07 " DryCordWood 1.7» " 0.80 0.41 0.76 0.65 0.18 0.13i 8.00 6.00 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.00 1.66 7.50 3.00 14.00 0.00 1.00 0.14 0.08 2.00 Witt A» aaliiia vtrid. fejr MMM cf ft liM froM *«• poinl m th* T. O. k B. to tiM OtMd Thak. Aft |nnat â- â- r JmKtnj BMiHi aMat ii m (WBig Mr. A-ibm viM «M ««| hj tlM BMtrd orTndaaf Ovte S(Miai.9Bi|Mt tfa* B««4 ol Tnd* in M'Wtewl and Mr. HieksoB, ICftaa*n'of tb* Qwami freak, had ft kiug icUrriav, with both )»ftr tiw. Tbf arrahftoU of liootrcal an ftliva to tho ftdrftaUge of low tliroagb rataa aod qokkar enuoaetioD, and bava promiaaJ to oaa tkair iofloaaea lo that and. Arraofamenta will likalj ha to that a perMm eao laava hera in tha afkamoon and raadi Mootraal at 8:80 Uia followiof moming. Mr Hick- •on tMni ba fait poaitira ha would have tba T. O. k B. Boad, but in any caae ha wonid 080 hia infloanea to hara a connaetion with Owan Soand. I^ ia new andarstood tha O. T. baa Meare4 tbe G. W. R tjatem, aad in that eaaa of eoona eontrola all tba railwaya of Ontario, from BrockriJla to Samia. GLOVEB AS A ISItTPilSEB. n* moil â- : Clovtr phoaphoriB aflid* aad atona. aud farnahaa itiai alitoi ta at any â€"a AmftjUma tharaaaba prodnead any otbar waj, Clorar ab aorbs nitroga-i firooi tha atmoepbara. ratarna it to tba ami, wbora a laiga proportino ia ebangad to amoMMua â€" tba boat fartilia»r for whaat and other aeraa! crop* It ia importaat, thna- ftira that (anaara ^Loold ploofb ondar cloTr. TbaOwan Bonnl Crieket Clab it Dolad fiar and wide aa having aoma of tba baat eriekatara in tbe proTinea. ^itb tba new mambari introdaoad tbia jear wa predict for tha elnb great anceeat. By-tba bye, how ia it Mark- dale haa no Cricket Clab Sorely there ia a littlt taleot in tbe Tillage a little loTC for this king of English games, the prince of good, mtuily out- door exercises. We will gladly pab- lish the opiniona of ioTors cf ciicket, on the forination of a Markdale Cnok et Clob. IF YOU ABE RUINED. In health from any caaaa. e^padally from the naa of auy of the tbi/aaaod noatmma that promtae ao largely, with long fietitiona taatitimoniala have to fear. Ueanrt to Hop Bittara at once, and in a abort time yon will have tba moat robaat and blooming health. THE NORTHERN LIGHTi. MABKDiMS POST OFFICB. naMailai uHUmre* OBoa olMaaMfoUawa; To««.toM«a«l«**7 00p.m. Going SaiBlil *^ l-^ .• Nortb 11 » F-^ Owen Soand Mail 7 00 pjn. xr .^aCBICKET. j GWEK SOUND CLUB. Tha AoomI Maatia|(ofthaO.S.C.G waa bald on Tnaaday eTening. Tbara waa I good attoodanae. New mam- bara and ofliaers ware alaelad. The Treaaanr-a lapetft ahawad halanaa of $86 86â€" thelargaet balanoa e»« car- ried forward. A Toto of ragrai waa paaaed that Mr. T. T. Bobarta, who bad led tbe dab on to eo many Tia- tjriaa^utd 9aagbt tha Manitoba ferer. He waa elected an bimorarr member of the dnb. 'Ik TORONTO HOUSE, MARKDALE. " -J Has the largest and best assorted stock in town. 1^1 a BLKEPING IN CHURCH, A CUBE. On Sanday evening abont 8 ooloek all MarkJ«le people who were furtn- nate enough to be oat of- doors ooold not fail to obseiTe the baautifal dia- play of tbe Aarora Borealia in tha northern sky. In addition to the i .i u _.^i,. 1. J 4 lu u 1 V. .1,. other day. "and that when few weeks beaatr imparted to the whole by the i j • .u j .• -r ... *^ », .„ ago, I glanend in th* direction of an rapid ooiDScations of the jillara of| ?.' " ., mellow light, simultaneously there " I never laagh^ in tbe pnlpit bat ouee," said a local minister tc ns tha DBY GOODS. I am shewing aU the Jatest ^igns in Dress Qro^ very large f took of Prints, Ducks, l^enims, Shirtings; c. ai^o "^a magnificent range of EngUsh, Scotch, and Canadian Tweea^ Suits made to order by a first-class taUor. Eeady-mj^ Clothing in Suits and single garments, cheap for cash. Gents' Hats in groat variety at Bottom Prices. GROCERIES. MB. BOYLE. KLESHERTON. We are pleaaed to notice from tha report ef the cloeing exam inatious of Encx College that Mr. Boyle haa again been highly snocessful carrying off the scholarship and prize with 97 per cent in tlte department of apologe tica besides ranking second in pro- fieency with an average in ail subjects of about 90 p«r cent. We again hear- tily eongratalate Mr. Boyle in bis continued eood success and fjllow him witl; our best wishes to Thorn- hurry where he fills ths pulpit of the Rev. Mr. Colter for the summer months. old man«rh3 invariably slept aad also snored during the sermon. He Inaned hi« h«ad back, and sVt with open mouth just below our iiitle gallery. A young man in the gallery saw the o;)eiiing in the old man's face, quietly rollel up a qaid of tobacco, then oare- The eltctric.l phenomea which pro- f'«lly Poieed it over the open mouth duced the unusually besutiful display was seen in the backgrouiid.and beau- tifully blended with tbe auroral field itself, a flood of pink coloured light, makm^ the whole scene beautiful be yond description. ICorrttted weekly fur the Stamla'd by R. J Sproule, Flethtrton.) FttioAT. April 7th. 1H83. Flciir, per bU. 96.00 to Spring Wliuat per ba»h., Fait do. do. do. barloy Oais Feas Futatoai Butttir, per lb. Ekux. per iloz. Folk, jru.-isuj. Be«f Bhaapskioa Hides H»T Timoth; leed. Wool LarJ Tallow 1.19 to 1.15 " 0.64 " 0.39 •' 0.74 '• 0.59 " 0.16 •• O.l'ii" 7.50 '• 5 (JO •• O.BO •* 7.85 •â-  J2.0 •• 2 50 '• 0.23 •• 0.1-0 " 0.05 '• O.OC 1.25 1.33 0.80 0.40 0.75 0.64 0.7« 0.00 800 6.00 1.25 7.50 H.U 3.00 O.Oft 0.12 0.07 DUNDAXK M.^KKETS. The b.^dy of striltcr? in Toronto waa increased yesterday by a large number of painters, whose employers refuse to give the increase of wages asked. Home gave tbe increase, and the employes continue work. The efforts of the Mayor to secure a solu- tion ot the di£Sculties by arbitration seem to shape themselves somewhat in the direction ot success, but the outlouk is still murky. of auroral lijjhts on Sunday nigbt pro- duced a marked effect upon the ner- vous residents of Cleveland, 0. Rev, 0. L, Bickley, uf tho Prospect-street M. E. Church, waa prostrated in the Dulpit while praying, and a number of ladies f/iinted in the church. But it has not in anyway aSec'ed the chemi- cals of Photographer Browne, Markdale, who is able to " secure the shadow " as well as ever. BRI'iHTS DISE.\8E. DIABETES, KIDmEY. LIVER OR URINARY DISEASES. Have no fear of any of these di* eases if you use Hop Bittera, as thay will prevent and cure the worst cases, even when you have been made worse by some great puffed up pretended cures- IN THE POULTRY YARD. beluw. With a wicked bmile he drop ped it, ani with a gulp Ip-lp the sleep, er started up, and rushed from the ubnrch. The people were horrified, but I could not restrain a laugh.' CHATSWORTH. â- Wheat, Fall, No. Whi'ttt, Spring, " liarlejr Feaa Oati Butter F.«K» FuUtOM Pork Uay 1 $1.10 toll. 13 1 Ml to MS 3... 1... 1... 1... .55 to .6S to ..34 to .17 to .to 50 to 7..50 to .fi5 .73 .36 .30 .13 65 7.75 7.00 to 10.00 A WORD ABOUT OURSELVES. Perhaps there is nothing which tends to eool one's ardour so much as when his efforts far a ceitaiu end â€" though successful â€" are not recogni- sed by those who rea{) the advantage ot one's labours. And on the other hand, nothing encourages oae in bis onward traek so much as to be assured that bis labours are saceassful, and that his efforts are not like the swee* violet in the gla]e, which " Wastes its fragrance on the deaert air." We are pleased to hear continually of the recoguitisn of our efforts, lo pro- vide for the people of Markdale and and of the townships adjoining, a good sound, live newspaper, untrammelled by party politics, and uufettered by tue isms of denominations. Our ef- ferts are recognised â€" not only by word of mojth, and by lettara â€" but also by the more practical form of, increased subscription list. We are therefore, (he more encouraged to provide aor sakscribers with the best local and general news, and opinions on matters of interest. We append extracts Irom letters received "Allistou, Co. Simcoe, April 14. 1862 "Bnelosed please find subscription. Oi tbe many local papais of Ontario, His Grace the Archbishop of Hali- fax died Sunday morning at his re- sidence, from conjestion, after a x^ry short illness. The deceased prelate, who was au indefatigable worker, fill- ed many high offices in the church. The remains, clothed in poutificiai vestments, will lie lu state on Wed- nsiday, and tbe funeral will take place to day. HOW TO SPOIL A HUSBAND. Henpeck him. Snarl at him. Find fiiiilt with him. Quarrel about trifles. Keep an untidy house. Humour him half to death. Always huve tbe Ust word. Be extra cross oti witsh day. Never have meals ready in time. Ran bills without his knowledge. Vow vengeance on all his relations. Let him sew the buttons on his shirts. Pay no attention to household ex- penses. T. G, k B, A BIT ABOUT 'THE BOYS. " The ':Rdilroader" says â€"Our Con- ductors and men are run very hanl just now, and are m:ikiu.j good time Since changing the guage, things go more smootlily, though no great change has taken place in the working staff. There are some good operators and agents along the line. At Markdale we have a real live agent, Mr Caesar who is full of life, and gives the boys a racket once in a while. At FleshertoQ Mr Meldrum's as.sistanc* is valutble to trainmen. Mr Smith bolls the li;»ht for no one at She'burne. At. Orange The young chicks will thrive best when kept clean and dry. Those hatched this month, if of the best breeds, usually begin to lay early in the fall, and if kept warm and well fed will give a supply of eggs through the winter. If the coops are placed in or adjoining the garden, to allow the chicks to wander freely through it, they will do little harm, until large enough to scratch Dp the beds, and nibble at the plants, while they will destroy man 7 grubs. Let them have an abundance of pur* water and wholesome food these, with good housing fiom the wet and cold, will secure health and a profitable growth. See tlie full treatment ot the rearing of turkeys, page 201 of the American Agriculturalist for May. MAXWELL, On Moiiday evening, a suppor was arranged at Canipbeli's Hotel, Chats- woith, in houour of Dr. McGregor, vrh ou the follow ug morning, left by t.ie e.tfly train for Wijnipe^' .About 5 J sat down to the table presi led over by the Mayor of Owen Sound, Dr. Baruhard, who liad on his light the guest of the evening â€" Dr Mc(Tregor... aud ou his left Thos. Scott, Esq ex- M.P.P. the vice-chair was occupiud by Mr Cameron, dep-reeve o.*" Holland. Ihere were representatives presout fr( m Markdale, Durham, Priceville. aud other neighbouring villages. Af- ter the usual loyal toasts were drunk, a pleasing episode took place in the way of a presentation of a puise ol money, and au address, by his con- frerci of Owen Sound. Numerous speeches and son'8 enlivened the meeting. Fresh and cheap in every line TEAS a specialty. CROCKERY GLASSWARE Stock complete at right prices. BOGTls^ SHOES The best selected stock in the county. HARDWARE, PAINTS, OlliS, and VARNISHES. Builders should give me a call. You can save money by purchasing your Goods at the Toronto House, Markdalea WM. BROWN. 83-86 ' ' ' '"' ' ' â-  Sugar making a failure- No taffyicgbees this year. Manitoba fever dying cut Spring ploughing commenced. Scarlet fever hovering around. See correspondence column. The Rev. J. J. Morton, who some oix years ago had charge of the church Mere, preached on Sunday morning last, and exniessed pleasure at meet- ing with the congregation. OSPREY. Fall wheat looks well. Mr Tuck is gone to Woodford. Osprey council minutes to hand but crowded out this week. Messrs. Taylor and Allistou have rented Mr Tuck's hotel. Mr Stinson, Maxwell, opened out a full assortment of ».pring goods last week. Spring work has commenced now, and farm^-n seem well pleai^ed it is so. for feeil was getting scarce. The sugar made this year is below the average, both in quantity and quality. With the opening of Spring several couples have paired, or pairs have cou|ded. BURNS AND SCALDS. Are promptly cured as well af all flesh wounds, sprains, bi-uisjs, callous lumps, sorenesH, pain, influmation aud all painful diseases; by the great Rheu- matic Remedv, Hagyaids Yellow Oil. For external aud int-ii-ual use. Price 25c- BIRTHS. Elliut 'In Artemesia, on the 17th iu3t., wife of Mr. A. Elliot oi daughter still boru. Elliot â€" In Artemflia. on the 18th inst., the wife of Mr, Ihoi. Kliiot of a daughter. Manhalâ€" On tbe 17th inst., the wife of W. L. Marshal, Dundalk, ol s daagh.ar. Baubarr; â€" On tbe 18th inst,, tbe wife of Tbos. Hanburry, Dundalk, of a daugbter, Gilray â€" On tbe 7tb inst., tbe wife of Mr. Wm. Uilray, Epping of a ilaugbter. Boydâ€" On tbe 9tb last., the wife of .Mr- Jas. Boyd, Epping oi a son. MARRIED. McGirr â€" Cri«peu â€" At tbs residence of W. A. Steplieua, Esq., Owen Sound, by Elder Stirling of Meaford, Mr. Ibo' E. McCiirr of FleHberton, to Misa Laura Crispvu of Owen Sound. Lander-. Jamieton â€" In Glenelg, at the re- sidence of Mr. UaTid Burnett, ou tbe 8tb inat., by Rev J. C. Donlop, Mr. i. Lauder t« Miss Isabella Jamieson. DIED. Citmeronâ€" In Glenelg, on tbe 4tb inst., Sarab Camsroa aged 17. Jamesâ€" In Priceville, March 2 lot, Anna, wife oi C. C, James. Hsq., aged '61. Falls â€" lu Euphrasia ou tbe «tb iuKt., Jane Xait nife 01 Jobu Eali.i aged 57. Kellyâ€" In Toronto, on the 19 b Mar^b. of Typhoid feTer, Waller Kelly, laie of Eu- phrasia aged 33. MaBai-y--Iu Euphrasia, on tha 12 ins;. Jra* Mauary, aged 23. AaENTb WANTED. -Big pay.-, Li((bt Werlc. Steady Employment.f Samples free. Nanssaa strea Address, M. L. SYRN, Kew York. 30 4l MAKEDALB Meat Market. A constant supply of Fresh Meats ou band, at tbe Lowest Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free to all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stGck to dispose of, will please leave their addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. SARJEANT. Markdale, March 23, 1882. 80-ly ville the agent is not very popu^ r with the Markdale SUndard takaa the first tht bovs. Charley Campbell slmgs the raak. It is still in ita \oulh, but from IJgJitning at Woodbridge, and is the its oentral poaiUon. the practical abil- jboy to hein the trains ov.-r the road, ity of iU editor, aea the latire energy Geo. Spencer is ni'jht oi)erator at To- aad go a-he.diveness ot its surround- ings, it should be the best newspaper iu Grey, at lenst. Long and prosper- ous lusy iti life bo. J. U James." A. O. U., Duuda'k, wntws congraiu ronto. Justice in the United States is a n:- markable anomaly. The Ford br th- ere, who shot thenotoious d'^jperado latuig ns upo i the impi ovemenis late '*••* J»T««. wera sentenced to il«ath ly made in our piiper, and of a recent I °" """ *f^«' *^« Kf*"*! jury had in- isaut! saT« it lit ' tae best ever eentout 4 the I'ffice." W. K-. Euphrasia writes, ' I am lughty ptcasttd with the marked im- provement of the Standard. Enclosed IpmI sab^nption." Koough, we'll quote no osore, but ia eocclusiuu aa* lo intaudiug sub- scribers, aeiiJ ou tha 'ollar for a years aubneription aa 1 tathe busines* miin pf the town, ins rt your uotiees in oiir •apar, aasitf kvii-wn your wants, whe- thwy hi to buy or to sell, aud tU.ua j 'tmr*« little.- iste boUea of jouc baaiiMrss. i liuowa iesa," dieted 'hem for iliur tier in the first d« gree. 6i^pKh, who ah t the presi- dent, had " tnal^ which lasted nearly throe muutiis, and there j,re siipp^- mentary proceeditigs yet to come. But then Jeese James was a thieviab hero of the dime novel stripe, while Gen. Garfield was only an honest man aud chi«f luagistxate of the nation. VolUire had his ^nioal dab at doe- tors when ba apoke of a physician as "a laaa who pouca droNS. A whivh he which h* Mr, Abbitt Loud m,Eng., says he ha.s nceived promises f support of an arrangemeu with the Grand Trunk iU.lway fr.j.u 1,340 «hareh Iders f the Great Wcst«;ru R li way b ii,e we l-k:iow,i u imes ^ill bd subaxite i thj Wes:.ni moeoiug as memoirs of the new Board of D.rectora In L md.in West, ou Saturday nigh' a fatal shootiug affray occurred, the victim being Patrick Deltrgey.ani the murderer a man named Code. I'h parlies resiJeU iu the same house, an i after an alteration, tii dead w.i8 C' •mini ted. Code sa» undir the iu- flueuCf oi hquor. He iias »ince Le n arieeted, Wu are 'lad to he ar of lae oou'iutiel success of Prof. J. H. James, laie of .uarudale. He is urgnniuug a u â-¡!• her ol v-.^rj laig ' cla.-'BoH iu vuKt,- cl turn lu tile uei^houariiHti uf Oioks- ttwn. H::! tratinn-tiiiwla rAtt iiim ••• first class teacher ot liie r^i»i, aud h^ 18 a gojd el jcutiouist. Mr JaiOM as*- ftta Muoeeas. W:.»t is Laidius Ask auy Csriuer thtasiMtr or mill uMto *.• fa«t auj luan wliii raaa nM«iiia«ry mud he wilt Uiil yM that It IS Ham ouJj oil wtueh will «q«ai to.Caatur Oil and SHis't SALESMEN WANTED. To begin work at once on sales for ' Fall of 1882, for tbe Fonthill Nurseries, THE LABOEST IIV CANABA. Head Omc«--TOBONTO, Ovt. Bbamcb Omcasâ€" MONTllEAL, P. Q., and ST. PAUL, Mink. NURSERIES, FONTHILL. ONT. We can start in addition to onr already large force 100 Additional Canvassers An! want m^n who ca'i fiivv fviU time to tbi busiiieso. Stca 'y employuiw'it an poo^i -al arle.. to succe.isfnl ii«ii. It Jops n^it matttr what your previous occajta ion ba-- been. If you are n-iliing to work your succetts is al most certain. Tbe best references required. Apply lo STONE WELLINGTON, Nursarynieu, Toronto, Ont. 80-106 Rare Chances. A choice lot for sale in the best basines- part of Markdale, being lot No. south â- ..de of Mill street. Ha.-; a comfortable dwell- i' g hon8«, shop, and stable: also soft and ••'rd wate Will be sold on very .easonablr "•'US .\pply to WM WAIK:i;E, Mart-dale P.O. or to C. W. BDI1.XME, 'bUadard" office 7S-St THIS SPACE 18 FOR J. G. IRVING, Pump Maufacturer. "Glasgow House," Dundalk r,. o SELLING OFF. SELLING OPP Bargains. Bargains. Barga ini Bound for the North-West. Ihe undersigned harmg determined to remove to Msmtob* oew offm wjiole of his large and well assorted stock, cocsibtmg of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Show, Beady-Made Clothing, MiUinery, c.. Thi AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. • o f. ^^ *tr °"^-^ genuine bona-fide .sale ever cffersdti tne public. The whole stock of floods must be sold. TeiTns Oash or fai-m I*i-ocluce. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor., Dundalk, Februarj ^th, 1882, i raid SEEDS! nKWMiAXa.) Thfi ir»w Com/touMd, Um ^â€"-. d»zm mfOnitr, to the ZUgmtin App^ntaa mad th» Liv»r. iaenmm- tag the disaolwingjuieem. imUmw- lag almost iattaatixthe dTMUUU Zopmu aa cvrngr Oar amrmaitrim twm^ howMO. ZtaeU EUG ENI Grist, Saw andlatli Mills HaTimtmada eqtensive improrements ii myanatMUl I feel einfldent I eao good satiafaetioB. GOnO FLOUR mL^AYS ON HAN Chef ping Doiie Every Dcj 1. for oTw tw«My •Bd la OTw lavMtsd for MMtWOM- INO OBAT BAIB TO m TOUTUFUL OOLOS AMB UIS. OaKtoin Sawing and sbortei't notice. BUU Filled ou til ALWAY; LUMBER AND LTH ON HAND. It aeta nmttr aad -• " *_ Cherry. Bntt«mnt, White Ash. BlaeV A.i 2?i^feS^?ifteff.V " ^«TT. Eug«u.. Clovey^ met Hungarian Grass Tares, c COMPBISINO Millet, Carrot, Mangel Wurzei Corn, c. Board J?"'***-- ^oi'z^:i^"^^'ft^tsi «»^ 'V^'antecl, 21^ ro«n. «.a «K| «A »' ' â-  â€" i" ^z ir.tiu.4ci,iMaLi.i. We woald aTso renind kbe pnblie in geueral that we here s W •»* GARDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS. Stationery, School Books, Patent Medicines, P«£^"3f ' I Dyestuffs. Paints Oils, Toilet Soaps, Fancy Oooo»' Pnie^Drugs Chemicals. Tea, Coffee, and Tobacco. ^.B, A. Turner Co., Mecdcal Sail. A Quantity of the cclebraicd Oil Cake jfst re A*; v^ NOTiCI !L|«Mther. IjJJj.f.doB*. Mrs BOW olosed at -J stzswberries at Mol ji ' "WUliamaf ord did looks well in Waltel erhoud. L- is to •»â-¼â€¢ » ""^e wi| [^lh«l«fcrf May. H^^ -SSI agrarian oul .((â- irtodw Ireland. 4 B. Sine »o*^ M'" '" "' I froa a »oor in Florid*. J BboM in »U class-s re jBottar Bae s. qaaaUties of square ti«V ^ipprfoTsr the T. O./* P j HaU U erecUng a ^»'-riac r_j, b*d a battle with tlif rysetarday Forsbani{j I^ L-»der says there is ftbat â-¼!»•«•. *^"^y """ ^**1 ,, took of ladies" au.l t'entj ^^er watches, nrr low rhito Dentist wiine st lid jl^kdale Wed. April 2Cl| earn grist aud flour mill gtaii'n »• coiBiDg on ver iiit Church Sunday fvenin| BinlB'O*'" »t T o'clock. ii [,(yw*-re and sunsLine on WeJ aornii* made the far'ncr| Latter and auy quantity 1 «BiptT bottles wauia.l at M. kse *o rent, on Queen Str ^e garden apply to E lav opr Alasica. which arriv. fork yesterday made the f.i-i cord. shout all mauufiicturerJ bts and mill men when tbej lliardine. f bats in endless Tsnety. 1* I your beauty when 10c wi la hat at Butter Rae k. ^1 is on his way bacii to Kii wisely avoiding deinmstrj f travelling by ro*d. isrv, glassware, eartlieiiward s,' always fresh, sud true ^d quality, at Butter i K't^ has it that Mr. .\. Tar:;. iimitted matriuQour \\ c i r .for the tiuth of the ici"Tt I times coming, Butler vl Ui bson Benson, of the Bcla- 1,1 120 suit yesterday niLiriinu lleCJoy has purchased a vir| residence from Mr. Ktl -so says the Leader. IS a report in DuMiu th I wiQb« nocoDditi'»u.illy ril.na I return to Kiliuainiiam. I Bros, k Co.. Tor)!ito, si stiafacturers of Lanlme. lii| ricator known. Try it. ICcConnell has tak-in Mr. P-nij I in theRocklyn Hot. 1 1 1 fipristor is becouuiii,' p'l'i'.Jir.j E. Bamhart. May t o.' )«el likely to be a caiKliJ!ii« f IflsiPmous at the comiui; ele^ Uorgao. late of this office le| I on Wednesday, to taks in ip of an ofilce at W .j • more I raise itv voice t- c to my sele-t stock fi .iri.c ^ovigiODS, fruits, wint-s. Ikj-i -iI An(;iit Mt'Iiityix-. [you want a suit of rl.iili-s. er that Butter k Hhp is tl| get good tri^UlIiln,^•â- ' "nd it.' No shoddy sold. jbody says, they iivvr t-a v til ' look so well as it i.i.s lii. k Bae do not Imv ti. Bcotlaod, Irojai.d. ir L" I rot tliey eao give as jr."' ••' 'of the sham impurUsrs m M;i Atrial will convince you. 'pnnts, new dress poods, ii I oottonades, ducks. Khirtiu^ "M,eoliars. Ciiiie in «inl c Batter k Eae. 'HoMr Judge McPinr-.u l] from the siauv f 'Utli â- â€¢nd, much, um.ruvt-.l J. XeFarlaad last w -ck shl ' o*rs peas to LiT^-rponI. al I five cars potatoea t lif »week. ' wa«t to go fishiii;; y;et vi I Iwdw •• Mcliiiyr« will ii| '^**-h price for fish afi^r '*« expensive luxuri.-, ^•"t •O.W.J McF.ri«ui #• aar«d by ordeni fAparfc^tfit/uaranU" *iwsh ie t.. iim siKi _JJ«-» «uu Fie:U*e,t.J tOBiofr..iiiDurla»ui

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