Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Apr 1882, p. 2

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 town. Dress Q-ol^ •tings, c. .nadian Tw^^ |Cash at Bottoai y- a' o a speciality^ ight prices. unty: i • ♦'.!, s Milliner, will play of MUli, ll:^ Ik. ON, n r-^, f Dundalk. LLTNG OFF. ns. Bargains lorth-West. t M.tiiitoI?i now offer* tb« ItL.i iuck, cor.aibting of toots and Shoes, Millinery, J:c.. fiaricE. lir ^lalf* ever offered tO )f goo. Is nuist be sold. li-in 1 •i-«tliiee. N, Proprietor. 1 TICK I «r Store. ^jtyli-aghiug ia M»uitob«â€" idfferiD Htll, ' "wuhodist S.«i«l in ',jijDe»la» iicst. ,B G'eue'S- Xonreotr«8p)rid«no« I ^VJe.1 "u' '*»'• *•**' M McFarl»ndi new 40 cent BooU. ?^ jfcF»r'"^* "' '""• CurUiut c^ jIcF»rland« new Tweed*. 5^ jlcFailindii new CAsU-nerAi. • sicF"' '••"• •"5" Millinery. jjcFarlan'ln new KidGUib*- Jllucl'arUndinaw Wall ^•^•f- r* jfcFsrlnnds new Blue* Sake, 5^ U.F.rlandi direct Importa- Ttn. S.rR3nt. P.t^« 1^ Hf«*' ' •11 ..rr* «*nner ahoald h»T* I ^1 well. •»" °^00 bu*h.J» Wnit. Rn^ian OfU I .» A- Daul'p'». 80 eeuU per j-fo-it diJu't «we»r off at New He ukc'S liie f arly morning 7J0tf T.IS 7.Mt| 10.03 Wf J, Attliur Ins s 11 lifa fine mare u,\V. McCaniie'l. Eiiphnsia for varf^* ' ilio"' 'l mauufactitreri, n- r, net t • i' !f»rd the dt-atb of Mr »MJ!eit. Enplj:«*' »y«"n« man of gj.b proiuiM. It takei many nj9n a whole IKetime l,»rn bow to carry • ten dollar bill Ibone witUol breaking it. .^^^ ^^^^ ^^.^ ^^^^ requires fotnctor wauts a yom« man to 1 tli« bu'iu***. â€" bee Advt. ^•« • • " I " 1. foril •• i. Wt In ^nml to aotMe tli|i cr.«*^ jp-;»e*|ifltort ^-(Q paper poeed llf fir** •-â- â€¢â€¢^ *. *_|. â- -(fllKnoi^ ;• hm^Sit in towot wU luifit barrel of tbe b»it awnip tuat we iit"» vm *en. Bai only g 4«w laowA iK wUy beeaaae be doif t aj" vertite lu ibie paper. !LiK itkmtlily Fair on Uat Toa^ay- waa fairly attanded there waa ^to a briitk demand amongat t!ie bayer« erery animal t at wai broagbt to th^ ir waa auld, prieei were giod ani all aeamed to be well aat'afied. J. J. MiUdletoo hta told hie fiiac Driek residence to Mr. CiiarUi p*l,n- •rof Thoruliity for t'le lu'i4Mjitf sum of 1800. Mr. Palmer will soon be iu onr Tillage, and will be made welooma byltu many old acquaintan- ces. The bnild'.iig of a new flower mill !• epcken at, we belieTe tbera is n^t a better open«ug for a mill on the I jp* of the T. G. k B. By. than that no* offered by Dandalk their being a lar^e section of eoimtry witboat any opo- sitim. A general drainage petition is coinz the ronnds of tbe electors for aigoa- tore which wHI be pr»8ented at the Dext^;tiQg of (lie aeuncil reqaeatiag that school tectioa do 1 badiaiBe.l. Wi) hope that it will be seen that ft U an adrantage to have dramacs it IS It may nut be generally known that money is on the riM tbe banks and seTeral institatioua lu,ye lately raised \\ijT(logirU kiueach other, while j ther rates uf iateiest and a higher do Dot liecause girls hare no- 1 rata is still antioipaled farmers and others who want mouey would do wall to call at theoffioe of A. G. Hun- ter, at au early date, and secure their m^nej at a low rate of ijterist np )u the most favursble terms. r:«i s^a id tite tall i^rt mf ^^turj. D rjoo of who joined the ^tho nf lie revival. W( a roaiiU dFStm __ ' w tha-\aaQ9^^w aa 1800 agojand|i«rjioi^leam fuat it b^ Bat k^i ig «L • lleth- ^8tCbn:)h a«qftpta idtak' bspiis u a*;j^jffi ie.tt, it,i4uck^th t y u â- wait ib:^ th*»' p«r'n^ had bean baft^ad before they bel^evyj. If g ,. tir%w»?tato raviT.v! aiJtJUn Mait- dalMaviTaido qpi eor-^)ud.i The Bibb, so far as t am acip»utei giTeii no aB30u.it uf no* b -ingrbapus id nn- leas they first "^if jsae ffaith |n the LvA Jesus Chri'«t. l' CONWr.\NT fi^ADkB. (At ft^blic j 'laaittlist. ^?Biui ily re-' po.'ted fr.im weiei to wpA the nnaa- ber of tho^ who d-Mir^i-lo fle4 from the wratli to coike. We do n* pro fees til be 'the«ilogian8,b«rt toolj it f»r granted tliat everybody kuep the way m l^ich tbe M itb*i|ist ejiureh rseaiatt'^embars, bitytisingf those wha.lMft^ot b^en baptized brevi oas'y, and rMsiviag othHntlcn a proiession of fiaith. The Merl]i)dists ac!{iiowledg« tlia validity of ^fant baptism, whiab, they daimj was not questioned ii'l 1100 yearit after Christ. Wn are not auxious ta open a di«cuAsion on this subject, bat if our e ire^poudeut will eom nuaicate with the pastor of the Methodibt etnirck here, he m ty snswar f r himself and his cbu cli ou the sub- ject ol the revivMl :- r THE NEAy KIMBERLEY ROAD. jg bfCtii to kifis, and boye have. Ud'ull 15ros. Co., Toronto, are If, uaiiufacturars of Lardine, the llabncstor known. Try it. ^dins mncbine oil will not gom t'.mf, "i^J wears better tlia^ any oil iu the market. Ask your 1 dealer and take no other. |\lr. 1!, Colomau has a fiue bull L|iiu.iitli9 old. It is as large Lsiit 2 yfr old beast. Hj intends frying it iiti-'ore notice of breeders iMtGei J. J. Middleton Esq. Ex. Beeve of Proton will have a very extensive credit auction sale on Saturday ihj 22ad inst couamencing at 12 o'clock, noon at bis residence Dandalk, when A large quauti.y of farm stock, Imole ments Pine and Hemlock Lumbm- two and foar loot wood will be sold with- out reserve together with 1,0- JO acres Ir. ton left a sample of tbe i of land and 26 village lots terms of J;guf Tuiukias Apple at this oflBce aii, for farm stack i. su.ns over i»ii liy hiiu within a mile of Mark- 7 lujnths cradit on good paper. ^iQ-om the seed. The fruit is large iiiiowii w) sign of decay. Messrs Nelson and Hiub'irry have arrived home from tho North West I k ovrpjiiat wus takeu in mistake they both speak iu jubilant tarmi of '.he .\Iarkdale Hjuae on the 28th uhe far west, both will return in cou se kMarch. The person who own the of some two weeks wiieu tli«y w.ll liiil would ba obliced if the party i fare well to Outario Messrs Hanbu.y \:\1 return it and get their owa. I »nd Nelson have entered latj a la^ge f\S.ais LaiJiue Ask any farmer »" profitable speculation, iu the liir or mill man iu fact anj man "^J °^ Brandon, hMviu,- purchase 1 macliiuery aud he will ttU ^^' surveyed into v.l.i-e lots a larije iiliat i; is the ouly oil which will "â- Â»"=* °' "^^ "'"S an extension of eqmLto Castor Oil and won't i Braudou proper, we wish tiiem Suc- lordoij your Machinery cess. I Some p?opla will grumble, you know. A short time a^o a stranger paid our town a visit. auiL m^ida ar- raugements to purchase a place suit- I able for his husiuass. In the course of a week thu strauzer returned wheu several paities wanted to s«ll, but IHr. John Oir Glenelg Tp. had a i none suited, and in rutaliatioc st^itei ii:»ve LirtL last week to four lambs, I that property and bminess h:id goue L. Tliiirstouk card appears in tiiit column of this paper He is ;irutbing busiuess in Organs, los. bewitig Machines and Agri- Im|hiiueut8. J. H. Hall |.i?eut Ma.k.lale P. 0. Box 52. ToilieEJUx- Sir,â€" I fear it IS not much use wiiting any moie in answer to Bate- payer, as he admits ha never traveled over the new route, consequently he is not in a position to do auything like justico to the subject. He is wide of the mark when he asserts that no one ever traveled over it. Numiers have, and all piTonounce it the best they have yet seeu. He wants an instance wheu a coun- cil have closed a highway. That por- tion of 12 con. between lots 22 and 25 b ith inclusive was closed, and that de- viation via Campbell's to Vaudeleur ad3pted iu lieu of it. I thougLt he would have known this as he in a for mer letter ta ked so glib'y about that deviation. This benighted Ratepayer can have i';,ill lurther proof of the power of a municipality by refemng to Huiriions Municipal Manual, page 535. I wou.d likti Bai.e[iHyer lO post him self before he again rushes into print, and U'Jt make au exuibitiou of his ig- norance as he has done thib time, BESlDtiNT OJ! CUCKOO VALLEY TttAOK .t OUirB|icK. (Mftaat) AoMimt 1 I liill4fc(l ar Can- nU«, MiaU Motw. ami Humps MroTHt».d. (^t^k'NoBEK. ' Maâ€" a^y M«v aoth. laei! se-tv E. EVaBYTHINO IN OUB LC^E KEPT ON HAND OB MADE TO OBDEB ON 8H0BT NOTIO*. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION. vi^':,r-M 1-. JfTVT SPIRINCCOODS t i â- i" I IiG^gffiS «iiiY tim MMiM *ke Oaanasna fa ea tkr okL ^•r#triili4etp«ai*1t^eai Uauile « .1 I â- â- ; s .A w ...J _^ ' _rvc^*^-- GEORGE WILSOX, Wholesale and Retail {BUTCHER!! BEEF. PORK OR MUTTOK SUPPUEl*. from I (ingle poand to avhuleouvwa, at the lowest market prices. FISN A FOWL jNTNCIR SEASON Farmers ha\rin(r Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pi(fs to di«po^ of will do well t« eall at No. 3 Bnrns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. IfkHcdfde. Oct. Ma, MARKDALE CHATbWORTH. p^tlie saino day in three quarters :Lour ins dock of sheep were in- leiby eii,'lit lambs all of which it lKJ«r« doing wtU. IjIt. Musoni business line is stead- |xproTiDT Le having the past two HI t«come down the middle of '•Nit to attend to matters of im- Huce tiiit could not be finished on â-º;fgul»r Jays, I'lr ttleby W. J. McFarland 80 â- "«• WLite Bossion Oau. SO bus. "SiiMiou spring Wheat direct from down to uothiug within the last few days, aud the place would aaver b much. This mau shoold b laba ad for the North-West. Tbe collector Mr. Skifl!afl«Lk£ sU- bas lately returned his roll aniP'Bas reduced the defaulters roll to a little over $100. It used to be $1100, Bell is a great success a^d for years past he has not distrained an animal. Onr new comers find themselves iu pos- session cf $1600, after satisfying evers claim this means low taxes for i««t» al,o No. 1. Timothy seedi ^^82 the lowest Uxes in the county n 1 -_j f [for 1881 no debts and tlie fullest treasurery in 1882 certainly ^vea pro- tou a Vantage wo trust tliat our coun- cil will expend freely on road im- improvements. Un Saturday while Mr. Frank mat thews, of cou. 2, Holland, was ridiui; iut) the village ou horseback, his horse bolted, aLid he was thiowu ou the ground, breaking Uis ooilar bone. Dr MeGie^jor aiuiudHj, and tue paticut 18 now doiug welt. On We.laesday ui;ht ol last Wo-k whilst Mr, John Mc Kinboii, otCou, 5, Sydeuaai. was ausvui from hume, his e Cheapest a the means of Child, r only |5.00 '• Ckiyer seed and expect in two laNedHjitwo car loads ot land ^labnlk at bottom prices. person v. ishing to go to the West or any other place and 'isliing to tell then: farm may pitto VUtir tcvantaje to call upon Kswou at lid Law Office on Fri- f or Sitorisy in any weak as he *^ug« amount of private and pPWT funds for investment at the '«»«« rat* of interest. "• B. CoKmoD recently sheared ' Lincoln lam, and 171b of wool '*«n«iiltct Lis labours I*" Thod. Eoland, of Vandaleur I tin »ery successful with his " wison, out of 18 he has '" °°« i«^ that was through an ' '• He attributes his success are taken of the ewes and Mrinf and immediately after Jor a few days he keeps each '»iub in a well sheUerad " PteTsuts Ismbs 'md Ktir, Vaterbary Watch eaeSf^' )Nl.- D •l«l •* 1 cold cutting them are strong, this he to one fact that be feeds ^^ peas on the straw during md after the ewes have o»ts and roots. These mai- ' worthy of attention. jT"**^ " "ni'iug adulterated ^^? understood wheu we ow.Dgsged inpAokiug and ^««»dalterated sorts became "»fewy«ais or othcrwiaa '"'"long hugeiiug diseases '•tWil tea ia not barmfal ^H aad beneficial W. J. '•particularly careful in ^Oi 01 Taas, and can with leeommead them for "**to„t,nd purity. "^n Honor Boll for S. 8. No. 2 Prtoon for March. Senior 3rd, â€" Mary John- son, Catherine Johnson, Catherine Acheson. Junior Srd Bertha Johnion Hodgins, Samuel Boseborougb. Junior 2nd. Abraham Shearson, Andrew Colgan, Matrgie Vatton. C. Grahah. Teacher, Honor B^1 for S. 8. 6. M«iancthon for March marks obtainable 00 S«ni- OB third, Hattia Bicbardson, 140; Junior Third, Annie Taylor, 16S Se- nior Saesnd, James Corbett, 168 Junior Second, Maggie Corbatt, 185 Minnie Martin 152 Senior First, Knssel Taylor 164 John Bichar'son, 158. LnciNDA GaAHAJr. Teacher. ' J0li^ took fire aud was burued to the H^ooid, Isit h i tecoutents. Some 240 iu mouey am also said to huvti been jmrori ., Ttif *••' occurud betweeu b and 9 o'clock, aud is supposed ta have been caused by the sharp lightniug uf that eveiuu^ While Mr Thos. Stevaue, grain buyer iu Chatsworth, was e'eauiug his revol- ver ui his room in Campell's hotel, a few days ago, the weapon accidentally went off, the bnll«t fortunately taking effect in the wall A C'.ugh or cold contracted in the mouth ot April it uot speedily ai'resl- ed is hable to stick to one duriug the whole suo-mer. Dr. Carson's Pul- monary Cough Drops speedily cure Cou;,'hs Colds, Bronchitis, Paiu aud oppression of the (;hest and all Throat CUesc and Lung Affectious. Iu large bottles at 60 cents. A. Turner aud Co. Special Agent Markdale. Th» following is the common sense treatment for a horse out oi cunditiou (m iact all horses require like treat- ment this time ol year) a good Purg- ing Ball following by a conrsa of strong tonic powder. Thaaa are both to be had in Zock's Tonic Compound aud Blood Mixmre, as each package contains a throughly good pargmg ball aud over a pound of strong Tonio Powder. Ask your druggist about it A. Turner aud C». Special Agent Markdale. TIMELY WABNINO. Now is the season for sudden colds and distressing coughs, treat them with Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam, it eurcs influenza, asthma, croup, whoop- ing cough, bronchitis, and all pulmo- nary complaints leading to oonsnmp tion. " I say, mister," asked a dirty-look- ing chap, " will that dog bite " •• Guess not," replied Fogg. " He won't bite you or, at laaat, I wonldn't if I were a dog." On Monday last a larate train load- ed with immigranta left Winnipeg for the far away west. In spit* of every effort HTide by those in charge of the train, she could not get as far as Boa ser, where she rtnck fiiSt. The pitis- bla sUte of the iials#aDgers Mn b« tar imagioad kbitb deonritaa. Ai. cation was mad* to Wlhftipeg f4r lief, eighty dosen loavea. of bread ware wot out by epecil train ^ith snow flonghs and other anxiliariea for r« iaf.. Uwa wara oiy«4 .M^ " thair board. A«at IVD fltolt #lnt oat ,tbia tpomiii^ ,QM •». » « sfc* w X n MarbleWorks Honnniiitsjoibstones! And every description of Cemetery executed in work FIRST-CUSS STYLE and at reasonable rates. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. SAop next door to Rectr$ HoUl. W. I. JOHNSTON, Prop. Mark dale Aar. lath. IMl. 4«-1t NIL DESPERANDUM. ORAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. '^IIHF. CJEAT ENGLISH I BEaiKDY.anuufalini ciiie for htminal Wcakue.^s, tiperiiiatorrbea, ImpotencT, aud all disease- that fol ow as a sequence of Self-Abuse as 'es3 of Memory, Universal Befioe TdtlD|^ L^ itude, Pain in the Back Uiume^s of ViBion, Premature ofd age, and many utner Diseases that lead to Insanity or CoDsumptii n snd a Pre- matare Oravs. I3f*Fnll particuiars in our pami)hlet. which we desire to send free by mail to every ons. The ^oifie Medicine is sold by all Druggists at tl.OO per packHge, or six After Takingi packages for S5.0U, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the moD4v by addressing. THE ORAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly Toronto, Unt., Canada SPiiiCIAL NOTICES. BEST AND COMFORT tothb SUFFERING Bi-o\vn« â- Ion!»o;iold Panacea ha! uo eq'ial for relievini? ps'u, both inter- nal and ezle.ual. It cuie- pain in tbe Side, Back or lowels, Sere Thntat, ^ueamatism, Toothaobe, LauMKO sitd sny kind of a Pain or Ache. •(. will most surely qircUcn the Blood and heal, as its sci'ng ;Knrer is won- derful." " Blown « Hou eholil Panacea," being acknowleugetl as tbe great Pain Keli^- er, and of donule ilie slreOKMi of air^ other Eli::er or Liuiment in the world. shotaM b« in eve fsoily hanc-v for ua© wten waUted " as it re^l'v is tbe besi remedy in the world for (;â- . m;)r ;t ti* 9on.«5h, and Pains aud Aches of rU kinds," nod is for sale by all DroKgisU at 2S cents a bottle. 20-lv Moth'ersI Mothers 1 1 Mothers I Are yon disturbed st night and broken cf yonr rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excnieiating pain of cutting teeth 1 If »t. go once and Ret a bottle of MBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immedi- ately â€" depe a aponlt there is .no mistake about it. Tbexe is not a mother upon earth who ha-» ever used it, who will not tell you at onee;Uatit will reg-Ste the bowels, and give ns»t to the mother, aud relief and health to the child operating U«e magic. It is ptr- fectly safe to use in all oases, abd pleasant to the state, and is the prescrtptiou of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United SUtas. Sold every- where at 25 cents a bottle. 90^ !â-¼ WANTED A YOUNG MAN T O LBABN BBICKLAYINO, STONBCPTWWB. and PLASTERING, to ceaunenee wwk-ua- mediately. Applj to T. H. DAVIS, Bnilder, Msikisl^,XI»t. PIMPLES I will mail (Pree) the reeipe for a simple VsoBTABLB Balw that wjl rsiDove Taw- dress enoloimig a Se. stamp, Ben. Vjndrfi A |^^bCAT. «.d aU tbe etfeete of youth- Co... 6 Beekmaa st.. «. i. "" " #„, i-dnwrrtion. will forthe sake oteaflsriaig TO CONSUMPTIVES. the adTSTtiser. having oeen permanenuy enred ot that dread disease. Consumption, by a,siai^k remedy, is anxious td make known to his M*ow fnilererv tbe means of cure To all wiip desii-e •;. he will send a copy of tbe prMw'-ltW) a 3C, (.iee of ehilrge,) with Me Ai^st'Cn tor pepa"ng and obing the Sffeae W^oh they wiU aub a surb Cuss for oos- IMimtJi" Asthma, BBOMCHrrA, Ae. iKrties winbing the I'reeeription, will â- leaey address, Rev. E. A, Wilhon, 149 Penn St. Williamsburgh. N. T. »#-ly Tebpaoiie and Eauoo's and Oman Mosia. Kai aloftne and tena^ BDIBONMUSIO 00, it-t POST pfFIGE STORE. PIiESHEETON. R. J. SPROULE. New Advertisement FARM RS S( MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDAJjE:. Ontario. ConYoyaRciig dRO with cars, RoatHoss asd despafcb. A. G. HUNTKR. OFFICEâ€" Out d^yr louth of Anglo- AmtrUan HoUl. Dundalk, September 1st, IS8I. LIT. TAILOR SYDENHAM STREET. Markdale, July 7, 18S1. 4S-Sa MARKDALE HOU SE ALEX. EUTLEDQE, Proprieto]* 1 â€" THIS HOTEL i large three storey brick bui'ding. recently erected and fitted ap witk every modem coavenienoe. It is furnished in First Class Style The Bar is sanplied with the best brards of Wines, Liquors and Cigars, and tbe table with all the delicacies ef the season. The travelling Pubhe may rely upon every attention being paid to their com- fort. Good Sample Roomi for CoMinereidl Travellers The •â- ly H*tel thatnta^ a Baa t« and fr*ia all TralBM. Goed sukles and attoative Moaiars 18 1,000,000 1 Logs Wanted! THE 8UBSCBIBSB8 ABB PREPABED to pay the Hifl^st Price in Cash I for any qnantity of good soand Saw hard and soft wood «Mv iWtoai^ aeed ittlie "Itotiatmmtf.iht ample Im was etiVM, Snilersrs by the e d Nf l ie w 's aspari- JOHN B. e«aBN, 4t ALL KINDS OF LUVLBEB KttT ON HAND. Bills FilUd on Short NotiU^ tW Speeial attention paid to enstom aawinf P. 8.â€" Meae bat eeod timber wanted. O. S. BBOWN i SON. MaiUale, Jan. l!th, 188S. 70-tf. Lot FcLTon tor alsLle* a haUof east bslf IS, eoneeasiea «, â- mtirtsinhig M aeres. About riz bacAwood; soil Wa be sold ebe^ VWO Foe tz M-i4 » â-  j^ ,at -«a ^^tAajrj" rSTKB MoABTHUB. aCW. JOHN NOBLE^ MARKDALE. GEMER'LBUGKSHITH HORSESHOEING â-² SPECIALTY. NEW DRESS 14X1110 Establishment. bsif to sii a nHiMie to tbe to ol Tbe andTieinitr. thattbeyhava Dress Midcini^ HIU/9 BLOCK, TOBONTO ST., Wlara they are Iir«pars4 «' 4e work ill" i amaaar tbat saititot kU to aiVE SATISFiiOTibN. ^. .•«(Ma. .»« An A maii^ Reed' Oriaiii â- aniur I i:,iim ^. iie^llfUeJaasMateJ n»trvM4U. L'MAMm^m tm Ibe OMaet bla».1sK ttif t«sai mSj t* aiaui. alateu by r b art t ik Z^U mT *ld eatirely mt9t\ akieai i« itt eaUaa, aai o faraiAl. aa aaliaitsa sai i y at atl Ua4* aC â€" rerwtto GM(.' i* aiaiiiea wonder. It i* a ai'oai^ n*J m. ax stRHig aad i SU I b di oos a toy^. tiM Cabiiua Kise It awrua .ir in* 0 â- as»i tbe liable tw gH oat M thai till HiiiiMiMis Taa Uaai-niKnt il]^ laaa w.ib Orjaa Ito moaie ean play it as wtiU •• the mnat aarvsiiMiaA ms a'ld aoeuiate in its msctaifitt. Aa* aa SMaaatlr ia I Cat*H*. is tba^voMt perfeet aBt4Bati« ssiia-'e** iwatraiT^at fsi I t^a toai it remarkably (oud."â€" Ifea..**^ tUe. MmMtiin. "Cicr W. F. ABBOt ftCO. Sola Maavlaetaran and Patentaaa; .MOXTR K 4.Le. C. W. HUTLCDQC, Agent, Riarkdale. THE "LONDON HOUSE," DUNlDALK o- Bargains. Bargains,. Bargaing. This is the right house to get b.-irffaius in Dry Gdods, h^ sides getting the very latest Engli^ and Ffench fasbioM. Why f Because they come direct irdrti the iriatitifacturara^ therelsy saving all wholesale profits. Come and see our Dress Goods, fas'nonablft and fancy, i« to S6o. par yard. Come atjd see our Casbmeres, from 25e to 80e par ji. Come and see our Ladies' Cloth Coats, from $1.50 to $i» 'i'ha largeat and best s(ock of dry goods arer showo ia DuadaU fo stlect frona. Sfee oor Scotch, West of England, and Canadian T#e«4t, from (Oo to $1.50 pef jd. A splendid nsnortiueDt and aaeqaallei iu quality and ttyle. See our late importations of Gents' Rcrdy-made Clothia^ London made Overcoats, style and fit unsurpassed. Utve aa- bled for another case. Also a replete case of ffkawls, Flantiels and other ^oods. o -- Large consignmentof new and fresh G-oceries just deliTer«4. L fine and delicately flaviircd Tea'wliicli 1 can sell nt S pounds fat a dollar. I am dnteriuined that our fi tends 'travelling aTtr the desperately roui^b rjuds to Dundalk sliall be re paid far their trouble hj getting bargains ia cTe department. Crockery and Glassware department, whicK is now repl»t« with every necessary. Handsome China Tea Sttts at fS.fiO. Handsome Glass Setts, price lOe. EftJY Where you Can "but cheapest, fair dealino itt^ NO i'AVOUR. W. S. HEWETSON. Dnndtlk, Jao. 19tb, 1883.- (6$t0Cftfi£$$« .A RR'INTYRK TEA TEA TEA I A. MflNTYRE nOTJLr, E^lOTJLX, ^lOVLr. McINTYRE'ti llQUORS I_LIQU0R8 1 McINTYRES Cis;ars, Cigars. McINTYBES Ooilee, Coflee. McINTYREa MEA(| MEALI M£ALI M Pork. INTYRE 8 Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'i Liqnat Sis And everything kept n in s first-class Grocery anii alwaj'S on hand, cheap fob casb. GBEAT DISCOUNT SALE AT â€" "CHEAP SIDE," FOR The next 30 days I wiU offer to the public my entire stock of D17 Ooods, eonsistinf of Dress CKods. Qashixieres, Xiustres^ Shawls, Prints, â- Winceys, Velveteens, ]3^'brblderies, Ladies's Ulst«ni Mantles, O?weods, Beady-nsade Clothin4, Hais Se Caps, Geitt' tins Linen CoUair§^ Dxess Bhirts/ Gvcrcba'A, jt'ancj Flanixela. Datics/ ^hdoTd. Shirtings, " Carpeti, Ao. THX ABOTK STOCK WIU. BB SOLD AT 10 P^ £f. DISCOUNT S FORIEA PRICES aa*aiMtMnAoabyttaariUkolMa(eb,ioardarto make Noas fara^ tatioas froa Britaia, whash WiU antire aboat tbe asik of Hank. t*je:rms ij^sH. ,â€" j*,^*^ TO THE^PUBLIC. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores tt Flesherton Station and Eugenia. are fully stocked with General Goods, suitable for the seasos, and will be constantly renewed as required, eonsistinf •! DRY GOODS, HARDWARE CROCKERY,' GLASSWARE, BOOTS, ^-' SHOES GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, tf, FRESH GROCERIES a specialty at thra aeason. All Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwood, and Saw Logs taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Goods re- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill ?.t Little F"alls, is in lull operation. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing done hy the Thousand or on Shares. Wm. HOGd. Flesherton station. Dee. 23, 1881. tT of Maxkdria and tbe sanvoBdiiio wkiA Mkiv ka«s pateanwei aM siai a TOasfala. S aB TMBi *n^' itryfortLe and hope' (6 .,. «â-  ♦1 ^â-  I- *â-  â-  â-  •••*' • â- â- â- * â-  HBNBY I03lBlt, â- I V- Ji*/;- ii--' •â-  ' -r.s ii-.rfl^iih It**' • â- v' :;•« t^tia .».-•• •$-. •^t

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