Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Mar 1882, p. 3

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 I t I r i" f .( « .(a (I x II 'I 'â-  vy If' •'haw MmiUt, Bm. an )i» ««ieif»S Rftfc^llMML iraVMra ioi^r ixcUimrd the â-¼oath mtenng tht a«:»bluhm«it of Li* fkvorita tailor. "Thaj'il b« d'.D* to-morrow, air." f*pli«d tha gcntlMoao of fita, ignt^. â- 'TiMt't what 700 Mid j mi mdrnj." •'Exact! J I" â- â€¢ WaO. ima't Ua* t*-iaorrow r* ' '"ertainly sot I" "W'kll, wMo't to-daj to-morrow TMicriiaj f" "It waa, bat itian't tomwrow to- «li»»." "Wall whan ia eraation will to-mor t ow ba than f" '•Oea't yun know f" 1)0 Ton ramambar tha la«t rait I madayuu 7" ••Y«i." "lou ramtOibar whan I eallad for taj monay.yon always eaul 70a would P*j to-morrow. I discovarad tlien that to-monow Dayor coma*- Do jroa BDdaratand ?*' aia HAQYABDb PECTORAL BAL^ BAM. Caraa aotif ha, aolda. aatbma, oroop, wboopisf aoogh, aora throat, broo- ehitii and all Iudk oomp:»iit« that taad to aenaamotion. Frice 25 canik. Some thief walked -fT with $7')0 from Campbelli »t re, Shelburue, on Friday last. The pocket book con- uEi0iu's mm iWL eT«r disooTered, $)iH tM certain in ita aSceU BDd aoeH not Uuter. Bead Pkoor Bklow. FROM THE ONEONTARRE^M. Onooato, K««- Y«rk, .Xa^ 6ll», Ml, Earlv last gammer Messrs J. B. RenHall A Co.. of Enotbnrgh Fallaf Tt., mad* a coo- tract with the pablisfafers b( the Preu tot a half colnmu adTcrtisemcot for one year set- ting forth the merits of Kendall's SpariB^ 'ore. Ai tha same time ve seeored from tha firm a quantity of books, entitled Pr. Kendall's Treatise on the Horse and his Pia- eaae«, which we are giving t advance fayia^ â- abscribers of the Preu as a premium. About the time the adTertisemeat first ap- peared ir this paper Mr. P. O. Schermerhors. who resides near CoUiers, had a spaTuwd hoCse. He read the adTertisement and eon- doded to teat the efficaer of the remedy, al- thoQ^ his frieudi laugLvd at hi:' credaUtj. He bought atottle of Ktndall's Sparin Onre and commenced u-mg it on the horse ia ae- cordauee with tb' directions, and he inform- e-I u- ihis weektliStit effected sad. acouplete cnTv tiiataij expert bor^emau, whu ex.itiiiiued the aiil':.^l ' ce:ttl\ coaM find u trace of rhe -javiii or l);f place where it lia'i been locateii .Mr. .SoLenuerJiorii baa .iuct S'cured a copy of Keuuall's Treali-e of the Horse and his Disea-et, which he prizes very highly *nd • .1 " 1 *. _„ 41 « ,i„„b i would be loth to part witn at any irice. pro- tainiiiK tlia money waslefion the desk ^^ j^^ ^^j „ot ol.tHin another copy. So in the oHca, and someoua waJ ed off ^^^h tor gil«frtis ng rtli.iLlt- article-^. wuh it uiicotked. â- riie/"»^»e7 t««J,Kencfair8 Spavin Cur: place betweau 12 and 1, wid a g eat ^^^ Uamburg, uli lAc. 2-,th, insl. many people haJ been in during that ^^ j, y^cail^m. Dear S.r :-Tlie bot tiina. 0 clue to the thief. ' tie ol Dr. Kemliais Spavin Cure bought of you last summer gave nie the utmost satis A CURE FOR CROUP. Apply flaunal saturated with Hagyard's Yi low Oil and adminiatar the Oil internally on a littia sujar a« direet«d on tha bottle. Yellow Oil cures liheumatisn' Burns, Seald^, chilblains, Lam*ii*8S, and all fltch woiiiiil*. All d*alers supply it, price 25 oauts. Whaii Gladstone leturus to bis raai- deijce lu the ainall hours of the morn- ing, from the Uritish Hout« of Com- mons, he site down to the piano and sccnmpanies liimeelf on the instru- ment in an old English or Scotch (jftllail. No matter how prolonged the sittiuu' na*y ^- ""•- Gladstone waits up for lier huilaud and prepares for tiiin with her owu hand the cup of tea with a Icmun squeezed m it, which tha Prime Minister holds to ba tha most affsctiv* form of refrssliment. wiirni-: io.nouance is bliss 'lis FOLLY TO BL WISE. Dr. Bliss, II not a success at prob .ij; f*r bullsts, was highly successful .1 dsspatchiug bulletins but tha .(tsmit.st huHetiii of succes is that which heialds the wonderful cures *rformed by Burdock Blo..d Bitters, iliat mHtcliiess tonic and Slood i/uri- tier which sets at once upon tJie Bi.wtis, ths Skin, th* Liver sud the KilneTS, wkile it iiiTisoiafs an'l aireiigth*us tii* whole system. .lamca Hubert Ro«n, was Hccllently sti.i fatally shot by Gharlex Thomiisou '1 liiiriJay afternoon at Toronto. Kosi^ lui.i jubl leluineJ from the Upper 'una la Cillige, anil Thompson uud he wcia playiDK with an old j-uu; the i.irca want ofif iu Tlioiupson's hauil, â-  II I a msrl)!e v/ith wiiiuhit was clmrf,' »â- ) eiiifcL-^l li.*"nt"' 1""S- ti'hui,' Lini iu^taiitlv. Thompson w«s on!v riglit Tours of iige. 11 wh;- a t;r.at •riPii.l of the dfoasi'il lv. II' li ' lt-" 11.1 Vr.j'H Mi« ^^a V, :s i-.a i. Th • â- riipf' {;i\iiiL! reiinnol .iilici. '1 «c('ilk'lit doiith. faction and pertoriQed a wouderlui cure upon a ware uiueleeu years old biiunt^ing to me which waK badly snaviiie^: for ten years. She was Bo lame that I could hardly ^ct her to move. The lanieiie^B is entirely gone after using half a b' ttle of the cure, and bhe is Uk9 a young hure again. Yours truW. J. F. Both. FROm A PROMI.MENT PHYSICIAN. W'ahiiigtonville, Ohio, June 17th, 1880 Dr. J. B. Kendall i C... Gents:â€" Beading your advertijemont iu T'uf, Field and Farm. of Kendall's Spavin Cure, and having a val nable and speedy horse which had been lame from spavin for eighteen months, I sent to you for a bottle by express, which m six weeks removed all lameness and enlargement and a large splint from an tLer horse ami both horses are to dav as -ound as colts. The one bottle was worth to me one hundred dol- lars. Respectfully yours, H. A. Bertolett, M. D. Kendall's Spavin Cure. o.\ ]ii;yiA.\ »XE»»ii. Tliousanus ot trials on human tie h has prowd beyond a doi'.bt tliat 'KF^ ).\LL'S SP.WIN CUllK" has sulUcient .strength to penetrate ani virtue t.' cure the worst cases of rbeumati tm, curiis. biiuvuns, frost-bites, or any bruise, cut ur lameness which are not affected in the least by orJinnry liuiments. It does not blister but on the contrary re- moves all soreness. St. Johns, P.Q., Oct. 27th, 1881. Dr. B. J. Kend:ill A C., Gents :â€" About a year ago I fell in the road onto sime ice and was badly hui-t in the liip joint, which caused III'" ni'ich suffe:';iig. I Irit^l vaiiua^ leme- dios biit none gave relief, until I tried Ken- diil' s Spavin (,'ure. I applied it fullstiength twee a day fur twc weeks during last October :iiid it elliiteil a perfi- t cure. I have since then lieen well and f ee Iccirri hiineness. !» M very \aluable tor man as well as beast, lours truly, CiicsTER K. Gkebh. Kendall's Spavin Cure. INVF.NTION lN(i EN U)US .Sjiua siirewj Yankee ijsv inverted a kST liiiil will wind siiv watc.i, it is Is sure III its effiets, niiia iu artions as it lirnaiiot lli-tir. \ei ii is iM-aeUMtiiig and pi)». ifiil to reach every deep i-eaitj pa.n or I to rerun, -e anv bony g-iiwth or other enlarge. I nieiits. ii(li as sj,:ni,is, I i;.;t curbs, ring- I v.ie,, ealjous. sweilrigs ai.d any lameness r.fi.l ah eiila.t;iuueti' t-f t'le joint- or tiuib*.' o l.ii .1 ituit'isi!! ii. ui, :i Ii r*..: aiiv I'M po-e I o. winch ii.^iiiieut i ns' i tor luan oi l..ea-t I, ;s mi.v k.iov.ii til be llie l«st In. mint for man evci Usxi. acti:.g mdJ u.:iA vet certain iu Its effect-. Sen I address for ilhistratel circular which we t ;nk o.ves p sjtive pioof of its virtues No ,. i.tly has ever met witli sucli nnciuali tied n-cess to our kNov.!eii;.'e, for beast as •\ well lis !nan, l:iw li»ekest altliclinieiit to a cha.-m. I'rcejl per bot-.le, or .six bottles for $5. and 11 IS said lo Work lik' a clia; m. -^i "'â- 'K^'--'s base .1 01 c.iii j.'et il fur you, or S .1 .tii tlinl ;:r4'i I Kty t' le alKâ€" r. nil lick lUoo.l i'.ittei*. til* viciila"t disaovtiy of tl;o -^'e. It uirock -11 lU* sacrftioiis, su I cleai.Ke* .iit iii- »ll('iatra lliO elitlli; sy.st'lil. Sioj .(â-  I itl'ss, 1(1 c.iits..:ai-f »!,' ?! "0 all medicina teal-t«. ' Thera i» a nisL.'-» â- ! iiis i.ei ..'.» tir t] *.! 1 •kd ol ill t lie- lb WO 11- wn • oiijc;. \n^ of a Well Hiowi Ht:,' who liiis done mor- mniuiiiiv thsn an? i't!i' r |ie ever lived 'v\ it. lie eiviio- • well I'l prayer ni'C'iii i jjwt oft':i try. IIo ' n'l and it's but little he ca pm wn j sul'Hcri^dioii jiapers f r any o|,jf.,t. riit a new family iiivcr iiio\es into ♦he »ilia:;e but he finds then (â- U' to t,'ive ihein a uei^^lib'-urly wel.-oine, and! i.tTar them iiuv little berrice he cv iviider. He usually Icoks out for tht strantjer. and finds him a seat at the 1 ^•hurcli. He is always rcai'y to watch Tiith a Sick :;ci{;hbour. He finds time for a pleii^aut word for the children, with wliom he is r favourite. He ^cems to lia«-e a ppiiius for heljnnj; j folks in various little, and it does me eood every dsy just to meet bin: on tha street.' t w.ii be -eiit 10 any Hildii s on iecei|'t of pv.e l.y :iie piopn r^. liji 15. J. KKN- HALL IU.. i:ii..sbu..lj F;.;l-. Vt. -; IjP Y all lixUGGISTS. I.; o;:, S .i.9 A C.'.. .\I -..xr:-^, V.Q.. Whole- s.lo â- .,;â-  â- -. 71. PERCHERON HORSES LARGEST Importing and Breeding ESTABLISHIENT -m THB^â€" WORLD. SORE THROAT. Apply Ha«yard'a Yellow Oil and take iMWsrdly according ' '*irectiuns. Ybilow Oil is the bast remedy for Uheumatitm, Neiiralgia Broisex, 'urns. Frost F.ites and all laasauaas, rnflammatioa aud pam. No houae- lold shoaid b* without it. There wm not much tima loat in the trial of Michael O Rourke for the 1 murder of Maher aud his daui,'hter, m tue towuship of Neliou, two month* auu. He was foudd guilty, and sen-! tt.nccd to be hanged ai Miltou ou the Utii uf June. Tha taking of the life of lie old niao and his daughter wai a must unproTokad act, aud aeems to liuva been dona throngli fm* daTiltry. O'Roiirka is a youag man and miKht have l««D a good cithan, bat drink s^tus to have got tha upper band of liitii. as iihaa of uiauy a better man. It .* a kad thiug when *iia StaU finds it ii*cr»kary to Uke tba life of a t-liixeu. I;tt if lb? ru erer was a case :.) whicb cnpi'.il p inish:i:eQt was rich ly ilaaarvsa :( is lais. Thacoitdemuad UiMU r*«:"iv'd ills sentence oumoTei. Hr. Jti!i:i' :.a:i«r'U priDonjcad tiie ctiiur K* « !:• • f .hi! most baiiioas ili Vti.l::tll -ua's. H. W. DUNHAM, Wayne, Du Pago County, IlUnoia, U. 8. iL (35 miles west of Chicago.) DmWm thtjHUt 17 monfhn 3«0 STAZ- ZiOys 7\D AAHEShnvrbteH imyertetf from jFruJiOf to thlt ftnbllmhmrnt, b*inm MOKE than the cambtnrd tmportatt»m» of mil other importm of Draft Bonra ftom •U pmru ^fEuirope for any ome yean- On'-flfth of the entire ntnnber at TmporU erf FiiHOk OoisfH in .\iuenca can t)« seen oa Oil farm His Importations hav* included tba Filaa WiDoen of the Vnierrml EjpoHition, fari; tH7H. and D.arly all the Pri» Honea M the Oreat Shows of France since tils impor- tatidus ouifiiu. i'Uey a BO earned off the iKnora at tba Centeonial, "' aod, at tbe tirrat ChtcmnoFoir, t»H. *f,. OumhntH't Brrd •t PKKCtrBHOm, (In rompnutntt with Ifaa lanremt and ftnMt coUecttm ot tflptlra- dtU*M eTer ehown, consistins of the iniae wli^ D«s at the Oreat Shows of Bcotlaod and Ka (laod.) waa awarded the Omnti Strrrpx'akt riMf at 9I/000 and nmnd Oold Medal. too PAOK CATIZOOTTK aea* rBEW *•• mffHrmli»». ContaiiM ever 40 tltut- «r««ieaa nst tA« h'««orw of Me Pui'sftirâ€" fee. O rrler " CATALOGUE X" aVB RYLA RQB BRBFDER EVKKY NSIOHBORBOOD nana a paacozaoii araixioa BH*1IWP thirty years- trial has deaic» BCwHW9C fctrated that when bnd toU» enmmnn mares at the oountry tba prodnee is aoore uufocm, are eas ier keepers, better werb- en. Sod aeU Ih more money oo Itae â- srtMl of HosMh JJlAVE HOI' iJs.'ui* yoa ds^.'nir h a.'»lue c il.'i y.at •.â- i.a:iujptio» try Haiaa..* it baa i.4*i\ '*^Svt eiir»y«u f All f earing a verging ou Udgvard'a Factor*! cured otbara, why ADMINISTRATORb' NOTICE. THE Creditors of V^illiam Irwin, late of the Township of ArtemSsia. in the County of Orer, Methodist Minister, deceas- ed, are required to send iu their names, re- sidences, and particulars oi their claims, aud the nature of the seenrity (if any) held by them bv letter prepaid, to oae of the nn del signed Administrators, with lfiH annex, ed. on or before the Fifteenth day of May, Ai).,t882, And Botire is hereby giren that after that date, ttia said AJmiuisttators will proceed to distribute the ai'sets of the saii William Ir- win smore the poitieo entitled tV.iretu, ha* irg refiard only to the claim of wbieh ii °.ica ahaii have b^cn given, acd that they J net be liable for the assets Cr any part taeraof so distriboteil to any petsod or per- â- ODS of whose dobt or elaiia they skall not then have bad aotie* IXarkdkle, Xareb l.Hk, IMX, T H. D. ntwiw. TO-4ia ^OS, IRWLN' e. C. JJkimU. PRvrrOh. .I- â-  fA, « -.^ TiM^iiS^SB c^^^ i •tf â-  ' ' m ids pfL 1 Ltuiies and Gmtiemm I would announce to the inhabitants of Dundalk and surrounding country that I am an authorized agent and am now prepared to sell the best SEflHG UGHIMESI manufactured. They are the world-renowned And^moi=5ove?f tferfe^TJT nd person that ever used one of them will dispute this asser- tion. PLEASE CALL AND GIVE THEM • A TRIAL N.B. â€" Old machines bought Agent. Dandali. Dec. aoth. 1881. 18tf Foundry! -AND- MACHINE WORKS. W* are prepared to ezeonte all kinds of A PERMANENT CURE FOR LAME â„¢"°**"tIM BATIBFACnOB. Pieton. April «•*?"'• A«Tt.icaa â€"I ftni Uiat your Pads ar* Priees-Chfld's Pad. »1.50; Kagnlar Pad. nTspecUl Pad for Chrome Dises^.W" A.k your Druggist for Pamphlet and Tasb- aonials. free. Sold by â€" .-1 A. TVBMEB CO^ nmA^mM rUMA CO., Owen Sound, â-  J 1jf. ILUOTT, CbaSeworth. BTEPHES8 McCAKBOLL, ll*a«M*. i M BICHABD80N. Flesh*r««. HinT PABKHB. Durham. •• QBM.US. .W t tr.t T) jtfin.'fciwai t,..V*r^ "^r^\ 1«) iiMJ »!* rqiak J* \c ivL Hfti the'Lwgeit ««id ;ricst Assorted ,ei' hU:^^ .*v â- ^' t aii'a^"' jar SPRIN i*«? JS^â- ..wotl Mima â-  1 Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a practical .manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receiTe our special attention, knowin,^ through practical exporien^o ih* best class of Irons for such. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Boilers, will receiTe our {attention. We also intro duce our new FAMILY MANGLE to the public. This new machine will mangle Liuen, fotton, and Woollen (ioods, girinR them a beautiful smooth and glowy appear- ance. Jt also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons iiijuie them. We will also maun- faetore CAST-IRON GRAVE ' TABLETS with or w thout marble slab for name, *.: also Tomb Kailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains f^r same, a)so a., liiinlsof Hiillu-ter Railings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Brass Castings of every description. Brass BelU. large yr small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale, Nov. 1881 •- â-  68-1/ C. CRA'fliT: Undertaker â€" ANDâ€" CABINETMAKER Has now on hand Coffins of aU sizes and prions. A. i 0013 HEi AJRSSIt for hire, ch.trges moderate. UNDERTAKING promptly sttended to at all htnrs of day or AlsosfuU stdAof " Honseliold Furniture! Ordered wcrk of all descriptir^ns execoted with tha atmost dtipatch. A fun stock of RUSTIC AND PH0T3 FRAMES which will be sold cheap fbr Cash. StasMtdUaber 01111 kladt Taspn in exchange for Fomiture. --^-G. GRANT. Oreat chance to make asonsjr. Thoee wboJ^ ahrsys take sdvantaga. ' Gold; of ke gooa main in yvtmctj. To DiUASss, CottriAiim .. whica Hacvasd's Ymxow Oil »JJ«^ laW te CMS or leiina ei(k« !• »*â-  " Baasi^ .T^EuapmHiTiM A»THJCA, I COLDM, *e. ufun ixTOMUT m jrxvitAJiei A, CAUOUMXVMrM BTzrrj oniT H, raoaraziM, coBya, BXVZSMB, ITCH, PAiyDTBACK, PAiytmaiOE,*tk JUnCUMATISJt, CHTT.nr.dnra, MWMLlJir«B, OAXJJIt LAMKXXaa, COKTRACnOirS lUMBAOO, DMATHMaa, SPUAnra, iTCry bottle nunnitMd to give tioo or mcaejr rauaded. DIBf inaU wm EACH MTTU. MM Mck T.lCXX£U2:xr ft CO^ rrepri«ton » TORONTO^ oirr. SuaaaOoATaB. PCBSIT VlOETABt.S My recommended for" Blllomacss, Urad-.'icbe, Caw « i i patloB, I«lgca n, UlaltttM, Heaitaaja* 1 lirralh, \M*» ef Ap« Ute. Jaandlce, Iass ef r StoaincH. liver Ceas- plain t^or any llln-«s ari«ing from the ateas J i:qw-cM or KUinejt. Ttieyare eale. mild ana t tioir ugli iu Uwit action. FrOi:i 1 U» acb, KaivcM or KUInejt. mild ana ttioir Choice Farm for Sale. 2 MILES FROM M.\KKDALE. LOT 1 19. Concession 1, Artemesia, East side T. 4 S. Boad, containing 60 acic â€" 46 of whicli ;• imder ctiltivntion. aud the balance hard timbiT. The above farm is a very desirable property and will be foU cheap. A good frame barm auJ loR house is on the place PoBsefsion given this fall. For further par ticulars sp]ly to WM. LITTLEJOENS. On ths premisss or to C. IT. P.rTi.Kras, MarkJals. Sept. 2nd, 1881. 9i-tt FLESHERTON Harness'Shop. CORDON Has alwavs on baml a full SRSortment sf HEAVY HARNESS, WHIPS. SLEIGH BLLtS, T K U N K S HORSK BLANKETS, â€" -hiT) â€" SCOTCH COLLARS I Warranted to fit, nnl mi.de of the very bes maieriiil, and i.t the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. IlEMEMBF.R THE PLACE RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GORDON. N. B.â€" Good Suva snd Shingle Timber ken. Fltsherton, Dec Cth. 1881. 16. ksa»est â- â€¢41siBS sver tais. ...» 1 Hope, fuehu. Man- t ukd Dandelion, «ahauta«Wtaa kUveproiintiM of all " sUI B?S3.^S58liaiS5 -^ -» vaciea ud pMtM* anttatr tksrtfvsas* la an whoa* lyef tba tool K'.raaa Ap: pKttenace leatlna. „ Mo tuSur wkatyoor («^ aii1cwtotlM«0dssUsla. iploymeiitaeaiu* Imolari' rtnai7 acsaaa, ar wha » Tenia and mad aumoWat, ' ^aakKwIShOHSIntoB- kallBci er i I la naa Bos ait- â- atil jeaA'S Adc k«t I ratei«aie,1 [•avad fciiiilnSi l*a tymf wm Bel -^latTavtitMA â- â€¢â€¢HopB ,vaa, tntgei k DaaMweiti aalrtadkaa m 11 aaj asveyowlifcu MOOwfflbapldtar naorkelpi, Do »o* nffer »fliiSet «aa aai «ni» thai Baarabar.Bop KtWn Is toukaa aaatrai^ bet Um Pi â-  adt rta aatr bim1« tbo •«VA| I aora" and o penaa er nidbawtthoattbaa. a tor ciKBiar. mn VtuSlaT^i^rji taekiMrJLTaadTataua,OBl. -^ Notbiog Like Leatber. MASK)ALB, NOTL.Xa W BSATfiM I â- oaa SAO man hava -had the nuakf. tMeiaUve bees, kern barels«^ «ai i n aand tha t we have jngt reea in id q^f hic- eat and Wt stock of leather •«« befgaa •- â€" n't tat- Vm tni tiiaMinM*ri|isaiah Sole, French Kip »~* f.***. and ate now |va- .aj^p^^^ ^flwaa» •' .let'i-) it. 4saakssa. ^^^^Wt â- .a--' ' eiiotrJi- .ii.V; I- .• â-  ' t JWUi' ;•» .1 vo! •isting of \J3^QOiSjB^ tr '.W' '•^^i »e^y Made Clothing^ iif-: J.. i) '^u-^j M IfillirK « • • j^ vt-iiii'T*-.' 1, -jll ' V* ir.:-* "â- % 'y.r^. W 1 // MABKD :.} ' k .* f» .i .) â- \' l// ti .A (!.. 1 '• »{; i' ' ..tt }1 1 i I Ic-U i o » ery. .J Q-roceries, Crocke]?y :_.f Boots and 81 At* lowest pRicEt Ci^tor Grain. '5,000 BaslelsPotatos), CeORCENiXi DtTKr'Ar.t. flapl. 1. ini. L f DUNDALK BOOT AND SHOE SJ. ' rJT.'T^T^-rr^ New Advertisement c. IT X TVJ s 33 ni C » 1 OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. OH, HEAR. o Bqaander yonr moD«T MytM. want to. if oot, g«t yoQrPhptograpba of W. BUL.MER. The Peoi:)le's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again prafiarea to take Pietarss, sad do Copyinc and enlarging as heratofora. FRAIVIES A N I mAlVIE F'lXIIVCT^fil. We are reoeivin a large stock of MOTTOSS and Motto and other Framea, and Frame Fixings which we can, and maaa to sell at Remarkably Low Pnoes, Call and secure bargains. Bring along yoor pietnres and have them Sbpiad acd anlargad by yma old friend. nasharton. llaiahlO, 1881. BULMEIf. ALL ]ME1V Wanting ta Paichaaa or Baat Impsvrad Farma, Vnid laads, Towa ar Tillaga Property, ia tha Coontyof Or«7 SHOULD SEND FOR I aa siiii ta iv» fora wuh the !•* -..KLHg, 1 J.^, lesi SeUi 'H B.iOt: ^i- -o NEW eOODS ARRIVING D|| Ca.ll unI Sf»» '"J'htMn. am still manofaetoring tLoaa celebrated Freiuli Kip V,-^\h call uj muI Boots, either sawed or ej:^-ed, a pM.altj. Repairing promptly attended to. .Warranted. All Custom i I keep tlie Celebrated WaDzer Senilis li Constantly on band, which I sell very chesp for csib. Ateia r o "vi I IV 1 o:x oi«am which are unrivalled in besntj of tone ami powar. All kiads of Farm Fiodoee taken in exehan»:c (or goads at ilit Daudillla Stora. TH08. HANI Dnndalk, SapUtaker 9nd, /8U. 1 3s MAKKDALE Sash and Door Fact( SASH, DOORS, BLINDS MOULDINGS. HOLLOW B.\TTOSS. Lumbeif, Lath and Shin^ • â-²Iways on Hand. Orders Promptly 1^ -OF Farms for Sale and to Let. Thaaa hating liks Propartiaa to disposa of sbonB'aonaalt asa. paf CATALOO^ SKMT ON APPLICATIvtV. ••â- â€¢ mr w -:mi I hawe oyeard aa •Mee'la Ba^edce's H*t«l, narlLdmle, wher* I wUlbe f«aa«|e«crc,T%taa«4a»a« wiU ka praOar^ M esaerte Deeds. Laaaaa, Ksrtgagas. to.. Ms., b^tlj aiid (ibtfM^. IdriA aa Wgai paiato fraa. Also to attend to all the dJKreat astiaiaiiMa at w^ltaaineas. • â-  -.v ' _*â-  a^a^lMp^talSBS »f my bn«inesa my motto ii Tkorougb- aest! and Fair Pealing Aaeti*a Sale* t^«.« ted. Reats, AmJW*^, ilAHU CHABOEft I^W^. «b4 prvap^ rctwaa aaasie. " 'ROBT. DAVIS. \mm M Satate. I^an Inaunuiaa Ag« lit ^W^S" I GETMmVOOL CAKDED ^m V i k tBSu oSil^iuaiiiO'l ,51iI3lJ!2^55 lilU-J J lo i.(M-i.',t.-lll V. ia.t i^ cC^ i^atii IfieclcrlV/ .. boUeq^Hills. I i.^iijA bns Wheie .u3'jjr.ciiiuO noxjJBlctiiag^ •'Of apieeialiv Atirsei-;**" S«««»?n.'»' l.- cn»bi»«iS"»" Goo *i Band, whic «« effar at drisatly Reduced Pric« 1.- "" ' Wa otfar spatial values in svery has. it!.. I. .- ' /:. Ii ».â-  :.r. ili- 1*.4 WiU flad prices partment. and OVB STOCK OF $plA^ Hanifare, Grockei?, ud v.Iu.s.slisJ-*" Tor-tfoHo-*' ftia boa «mJ 6' ^â€"~^-' i^i »ad] f uTHitjr tjamj Icend o? "tKe t€ until all arreagee^ „ tx t h a f "OP •* *• »-(^ rtrfasing pap « ^^ »*•" tij thay oompiy witli ti.e r *fj_wa OF AJȴEBTISIK0: '^â- ^TiaTaar • j* %» i^yi- »if •• ••-• '•^ 4«. »nS nnder. first in«-rtion .nbeeqaent inRcrt ion ' 1 ten lines. fir«t itisirUon. E^hTubeeqaent in-.-n.-.i • r*^line«, firet insertion per Une '*S^5ji.e.t,.l*racl^1b J^^ ivasured by a scale ' °*^advertisetnent8 vrit|"'"t !• will 5e l)ul.li«bMi. ti.' "rli.J "' -jinifly All transito.v a.l-ei '•^•beiu the office .f (.ublicHU. I •?!, the Thursdny mornint; pr Ijlablication. "c!w. BCTIXnOK, ProMi^l iSSIONU h, BUS1NE3 DIRECTORY. Sproule dk Asni.iroii| claIl».Surgeou^.Acco „ -Qg Medical \\t-^\ rt â- â- i Jo Hon«?. Je, 8tPt 1" 1 «•**• ip^A\. "^^^ B. :Wrl!li.s.4"' _TOBKEyANJh«H KITO'.:. I- lieaivforatt.ma.i.tJ-.o .,,; 1 .. .â-  UM â-  Ofic-at Kc^ v ll't •â- ! [Ji2al«. D«-c- 2nd^l-" Frost dk Tro-i. iBBlSTKBS. AN1 Vn.^;;:. Vl rLatr Sol.citors in 1 :....• tc Owe" Soun I. i.\. :â- â€¢ erton." Offiee open vt y •. •lore. ^Faesr. J- -V ' ' oBiity Crown Xt'.n â-  ' J. .1I.\S«»^. ^BISTER, MASTi.U.-.-; :: fi. Chancery. N' •â- Â»'.•• i' •• K;y ro^^.^•^ \\ -.w i gâ€"Ovrcn fc'iu:-!. ' •» " •• „ iit.; aiiil ill Marl.'ii;i I'.-i I 8;urP, on I'l^; :.n ti .-•..; f aneers. .»â- â-  •" ji-Tta iu '"•• • i^ â- Â«' I'l'T- •â-  |\V. F. \V..lf.- â-  • • MAR KDA i- â- -â-  w. J. ^^â- Fâ- " â- â- "•"'• "â-  •.' '• Piiii.-iv o{ ii.i--:. -i" • K rFaiiiN ti, !-'•â-  â€" â- â€¢ â- â€¢!• ' I C: ;/»â- :.. 'i ' *. • irkdalo. Mi-nl. ' • •-- • tinar ft I?oi.» xuisTi:i.s :- i.i. .;â-  I Tcvanceri M' i ' â- " • ncs: McK.ir.:.' â- - i •' C51 "S" Mr. Jas:; •-â- â€¢ â- ii:*;ii t' i'i • • â€" • riu- iir. \.r TH.: ;; Mar.l-i!.. ..Jti:;- •• kwjiitli. wiirii lio «.»*.."â-  ball ;»**"•*•â- " •â- ' â-  "I ' .* mt'-it -•:â- ' 't'f.Ml M aafti'lc l«M'ii-. JUiiiL:..'..* -•:.-. iCEK Ol" M\l;M • -• 'â-  Commirisiomi iii 1. !• • OBveVKncinn iii »i! it- '-i -• •â-  _deU to ttiKi iMr.-liu.;. â-  B. â€" Money i" I.«:iit 'ii l-' J"'-- llarWilale. Sejl iT. '.â- ^-' Alexa«4l4*r Br«»t\ u rSlKU...' Ml.: .:.,â-  I. • Life Iii-'ur;ii.. .\ ..-â-  a B. n. .V.-. « ..J ., .- itiaiiei r (or til'" ';:»i 'â- â€¢' cliitnti. aud I.Mi'I S W to an. I ctiJi.t' •"â- â-  'riceviUc, Br;'., li. i"' I- B. .tSMciantriiit*! UCTIONbl.i; A â-  At'ent, Wiihtiiii-; â-  •-• I a'.tunilcd ill nil 1' ' â-  js sold on 'oi)iiiii- 1. !i:i.' nos. Oigaiis. A\\ S â-  .â- ' lil aud Oiiiaiiit'iit.1, '-^ I Ituplemeutb.aiiil Mn" lie. Viliamsiord. Jan. T. l- l:« • The Sabseriber wishes ta retam thank* to the people of M«rkiii.l« ssi' very libeial patr nage they have given him in the past, and ln'|*« by tiof ' batine8s to mM.t continuance of tli' "ame. I hara aow axtanded my bnsin»ii*.aaii will n future kseps (nli PINE LUMBE Direct ffronuthe North Shore. ALL SIZKS, DEiiiSSi^D AND UKDRESSiJ| A.U K:incl9 ori»lfviii niil luncy T«' ..".V ' Itoaa is a first t\iiit n-arner â-  ' â-  â- " ' %.THOS. yLc^^[ i ^xrVdale Ua 'l»i ;aj ' .^i. ' ' VOMINION AM 1 .-'Vl burveyor, lii;ni^;,: uuiii sford and Ma; kl»l Ila oTincial Land .^jrv, y.ir i :• â-  â-  re itock of or.^'iii.il Ki Ii "• arts. Instructions *r...t.»ll within the i.ihl lift, i.v, to make S-i: v. •. !ii '••v therewith. I'm.IiI-- »'i-i • Grading Hill-. ri:tn- a- i S rtailling Brilpo?, {-.riiisii' 1 Money to Loan .-it " )• r 4- I by letter, or l'!t »ut. • irkdale. will tni pri u^j tlv :i:.' Is»t. 17. l»-^it. ' â-  T. I»i%l* JClLliEK* ON U' " " ' lirick). Ailtr r.iii|i!t • "• aeaaon is still on tl:. tipared to do all kiii.ic oi -:â-  ^k. plasteriniir aii'l tu.' cootcoiplalo l,iuH;ii"»- '• antage togivt Inn a !iii uiid«nce comui oi !• •tes. Maudalb. !• gotclo. !EVERE HO AsAlssalA .a.!.. [:^- SPROULii.-Pi "'HIS popular »l..tl im- l-" dition aaueil to i.. i â-  j ^^ 11 now hMiiil to iio.i â-  :i\ |*'*d atabliug an.i all«-i.i;\' • !•»• Tcrai« ^^l.oa im-i alii "crMMtROlAL H PRICBVIL.;-!^. U. .aj'Tga aud 'ComraudioTir' Sii!':|J •JI* ^^ J*ooms, Ac. Toe i;.i supplied with the 1.-! 11 '•.gooo Sta^'l.utt HiMi H' ' ' ' ^1 T^OS ATKl.V tiN.I **• Sbt. l;"***. â-  8AVEY0UR_G0MBi; tJf**- T. O. MorRan, U-n^ to J»**diasof MarkdaU- hh.i vk-.. 'yaiag to work up na.r oo 2^"**" l""" SJlU curl-. t,-riu- '^•••n aitaetK, opjiosiie Mi. !?***» by Haii prompt! v ai:«;u| ,y**is, Sept. I. l«-*l." t/^L?"' QUEEN ST., mJ ^A**J»a *s ou the lot s b| ^2^ "^s^ Weil, and ti»i*iu| ' a* aaay t«nna. TH08. MULI .Dae. S«h. leai

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