mm '^n I LL KIND OK (Sdanlenl TO THE "^•â- "S Store TO large i.tock of all UnJ 8., 3iocvno:.e!3,recom me lu.nect m/::^2^t"^h. 'undal. Don't :r.s truly, iailucwii. C- W, P ARSOiMft I [rimothy and CIov- S#.«J etyofPotato, lorser-o IS new process Linseed M^H ^nse," Dun( SELLING 0] gains. Bargaini e i^orth-West. N. K-iuovc b. Manitoba now off i |i t .-is.Mirtovi stock, eoasistmg of [ies, Boots and Sho( 'nn:^ Millirery, c., T S\(l{|rR'E. • n- (i.le -^alc ever offeied to '.. w! Ljoods m.:st be bj'd -!:':. ON, Proprietior.l ^•^UNT sale! SID E." •XT 30 DAYS 1-. if 'i â- GooJs con ibtinc eres p â- JLuatres, Winceya. 'ideries. Lcdiea's Ult«i».; -Ready raade Cloth^'n*;. J Ti. Linen Coilafs.] ' s. X*' acy T-i i±nelr. -^hirtiHp.s, Ce -pes. c- A V I .i. BF. SOI DAT T c FORMER PRICES I It lir J m, ^e room for my jSt-' "• ""i^ rvv a'uout tJe 20lh of Much. I c M-.iroundiiio coiiu:- ' fo» the wiy i!^'» TRY FOSTEB. just VERY BEAUTIFUL Easter Birthday .2. A, Turner *JJ*f THE MEDICAL MlA -^fH^a NDTICES ii^y'« .•iii; {Kjlad«y.' 9^' !«â- •» Bros- i.deu aeeil* i"«' *» direci, BCD biiiito*^" „^ ..p^BD Office lurua out good y„3g can do with a few ,n, cow J to Httskett Broi. 'tfiDDi T.jruut^. r.rsi-tlasi J-b Work, go to P .,„ ,();ice, Markdaln. ,Ai'e Grease, the best mad« |iltria»ketti;io.. • eaii 6av« b5 by lesvinij your •ir ipi'io ""' " McFarland's. £i,n!aDd to Markdale." is [â- .] bl h" "" **^^ "*^*' issue. „ \fy.z( s this week in Owen ;.rn' «e r,ill give a leport next |j;fA Fudi.tall raauufacturers, iims.g and mill men when th«y fv L;-.r.' UP. __Mr. Fiiwcctt, of the call on Weclaea- uvitr;"!!* '" \^:iDtof a quantity â- .Ij, w.iiM do well to call on j{,gnii, C.iiria.'^e makei, Marli iie iiAi 11 qua j"tf he will se" BowliTs make. ||.. J«iiics MtKec, and better half, a vij^i i' ' 'leir friends in this J, ilin week. ^i%i! i'iro.s. Cu., Toronto, are iDutacturers of Lardine, the |iirica;or known. Try it. jliik .\: ' Jstiong, Jr., has re. ;.iiiu ..1 was. An acccuutof/ l-Ti Wi!! bo fjUDu in another dey, ftmMfst oar !knm^ d j Mr. NsviDfln JAsh. Iim unrohiiti two loto 03 frout av.Mk fgr ^00. bI is (,niag t» build tint wuBinw. _,^ eiiased a lot fioiu G««. NiximlMt. D.. Iau«7 ia goiog t» bfiikl ftti^iiiee. The Dnndalk poat oAoe ia now ooa. plete and ia splendid working »der, under the mant^MiMQt of Mr, O. Middleton. Beautiful weather haa eat in atnuo, after tlia spell of rongh weatbar tha^ we have had. Crows, birds, and 8qnrrelah«Te mude an appea'ause. Geo. Uodeland nas sold hu lot of 58 acres to John Ailen,for$l,OOOth(oa«h the e«enoy of A. G. Hunter. HaUit Agent. We had a visit from tba Peyiew Editor this week, he is in good spiiita and is mueh plaaaad witk the progNv Dundalk ia making as a lown. i.. '}. Hooter has sold his Nickle property to Mr. Tkoa. Gbxiar wiU be inonrmidst in the omvm oI two weeks. The Fira Inspect v of the Insnr- anee Companiea haTa oallad on Mr. Cluugbley, and made an inveatig*- tion into the cause of the late fire. Mr. Cloughley baa pionooneed them gen- hmen. We are pleased to knew that Mr. J. tlcDowell, whose handa and feat were amputated some time ago, u gatting on as well as could be expeoted. Wo have been showed a plan and debign excu J by Bfr. Kent the eeleb- rateit ii-augbtttman* of the pro posed new store to be built this contiug summer, br G. R. Middleton, Esq., when complete will be one of finest buildings in the county. Tue preat sale of Alex. Beid, of Proton was largely attended, but we rngret to say there was entirely too much whiskey, many of the old in- habitants say that old times are com- ing back ai;aiu when whiskey will pre- dominate at eyerv gathering, vre hope not. tiMi Johaaui,-. The* â- • A. ha pMd tlM Mm ol far pr*. I*"" **• Anditor'a B^^urt for iba pn«t«r. ^^ i^brntan, MoLitjni,â€" Ili.tBy-aw. SW la awpuiuk towaaiiip iBoe *J« 7a»i- 188S b« luU .•uooiid .ma • ftrfttiaM. tead •a tha irth tbV W. BENSOk taakaai f Itori W tllr»;-tkta a::: ERIES! :r -rm- ij«x^d*q won ii, rcn it of Proton Coancil [«•. winch appeared in the H«a- l.t, vretas !vq ), we gave the salary .V â- liurcr §185, when it I- Manic o f.-iuilj left for Mani- tn, til- '22nd to j'iu their h«ad. OSPEEY COUNCIL. The let meeting of the SOth Coun- cil of Osprey was held at Maxwell on the 16th Jan. The 2ad mecti:?g held at Fevershaui on the IStli Feb. A number of indigeutn applied for as- sistaiice which was granted. Tha statement of accounts was presented, read and adopted. Several acoou'jts Wire ptissed and ordered tc bd paid. Divvsion Court There hod been registered last year froca Osprey, J6 births, 18 Mariiaget, -afa "titic; o iluko I'Kice in MarkJijlo on |;«.'i .\rril. ;. I ar 'e assoi' iiient of camlios va:.'l,- VHI'Cl â- pvor cri'oe into j at Mom- I'mery's bait iry. !; j "1 â- .'â- V T r l£ jast arrivnl, ,..:,.•:. r. Mc Di.ugal!, especial 'rar lauA's clothiug depait- -i lior -.^ au 1 His Diseases" is â- laf riii, '1 )ii valuable tu ' VLi'l' '6 cents. Standard â- â- u::r] v-ii rni :lowor scndw, fresh :./ut I .,• ^hâ- • iical Hall, A. Tiir- 1 L' â- . aud 17 deaths. O rsf aaaa T Onnuaitt. A. Mo. Aoy. W. Siight, C. B«U, J. Bobia. aon. T. Buaa. N. MoKinnon, J. fian non, D. McKiiinoa, §, 8k**%t.i jSt, Amott, J. Cramby. J. Bomh^ 1/ Jamiaaon, W. Scott W. Armour, H. Hawkina, J. HiU. O. Coutts, T. Wig- gins, J. Baatty. J Moirhaad, E. Pot- U. J. Joiee. J. Hamilton. A. MeKeeh- nie, B. Fanwiek. TT Browniidga, J. Todd. A. McPhail. 1 Malatyxa, J. Ooaneld. D. Ma4i1l. D. Praatoa. W. Amott, D. Clark. D. McLean, J. Sin- elair, J. Mebean, W. Layman^ G. Lush. 9. Bala. J. BkUaa. J. Ittot. A. CampbaH. J. Brown, T. l^nn«, H. Wright, J. Crawford. W. Brown, J. Groo, A. TlMmpaan, S. Caran, A. MeMuUen, T. Olamia, J. Myers, W Mnllea, B. Adams. T. Brown, J. Sal- ley, J. Brown, C. Barbar, 0. Taplmg, W. Bewal, A. Ferguson, F. Sykoa, A. Cameron, £. G^eneld. J. B. Sing, A. Bine. W. Lerrioe. Pound Keepers.â€" T. Amott Thos. Tuck, B. Brownlee, â€" McPhail, Neil ilcLaan, Fence Viewers â€" J. W iiitats. Wm. Spronle. J.Treethey.H.McDonald, J. Elliott.W.Kuiner .H.Hudson, W.Arm- oor, G. Allister. Taylor. Speers That Wm. Sng^'itt receive f 100 as sahuy for collecting Rates for 1881. "Hclntyia, Speoisâ€" That the Clerk b« and he is hen by instructrd to notify the Trustees ot S. 8. No. 10, Csprey. and the Conneil of Collingwood Town- ship respectively, that this conneil in- tends to pass a Ey law at iU next meeting afifectiug tba boundaries of said section by transfer ring Lot 21 in the 14 con., Usprey, from said section to Maluolm Campbell's Section, Co' lingwood Township. Mclntyre, Johnsten â€" That this Conneil adjoams to matt at Singham- pton on the third Monday in April. W. Mn.MK. CLxas. Osprey, March 80, 1882. ^9 Ccffees Sugars, Raisins, Cterrunts, Ac., And tmry other srtiele in tba ireetiy Ljm Vapt boast£jtUj on hand, and of th» fnahMt variety and b«kt hnuida. IN LIQUORS! I esa sandy a qmKty tUt will day nuf- titfam in m.a^ ^j. ^m.J 'SkJ ».» IN PRICES I «ui somfsto with Um beat hontm in Ifark- Oive me a, Oall. WILSON BENSON. ICarkdals, Dae. 1st, 1881. 5 McKENNA MASON fi^ »i;., • J •i:ti-i/;iJOi SPRING GOODS MeohiChi^al Oi^uinette. »•- An Automatic Reed Organ. AT POST OFFICE STORE, FLESHBETON. Eastsr Gaim We take peasure in annoaB«« tliat wo have just reeeiT^ • Stock :!.' :.i:kv.: lie .-^il- will not S"tn i-«r. :,ul ivfiirs better that any i ill t market. Asit yjnr i'eran 1 tnke no otlier. ;3£Mu;.-.N\)t only the moat ei- I"l.uiij fir the teeth aud b'.eath i"it • fi AnKKRv" is a beaiitiUil I tKu»iii«ut aud fiuish to the toilet â- -1 ;ip'?s. I'fc;' vviil ]ji,' jfiveu unJer the ^mJlIh L.A.S.. ot the Meth- puiK-li. MnvliilHlo, at the rcsi- f-tlrs. i'ostor. East Line, on Lsljyevfaiiig, the 5th April. K'ljrasiit spring show will take FitRoiklyn, on the 25th April. h-£.â€" .\;i parties indebted to the f'sii.niej, aio I'oriueE^d to call â- '6 liiu same at once, and aaye "t irwibl... W. J. Rowe. Bar- •. .^IcFarlaiid lias just recieved f'uUliiiimtiit from Manc'iester. *n*l, of fc!t;Lt cases, Prints.Laces, ^â- «res. Silks, Satins, Feathers. _-"^iJ Suitiujrg^ aud Dress Goods. "TllaiTiT* about the middle of "••is Lai lino Ask any farmer "or mi;i man in fact anv man Pw machinery and he will tell r« t IS the ouly oil which will ^li:*' to C.istor Oil and won't â- '^g your Machinery. Ke Eugi,,ii sirl has written a l^ the (^ueeu, respecting the at "aade npou L\t majesty's life. • ciiilillike manner congratu- r* Mverign upon her escape. I 5*" ^fry seriously replied to I-'" roval subject. " t*" affections of the Cheat. â- *M Tlircat, use Dr. Carson's .°«y Cough Dr^ps. They J cure Cou{,'lis,Colds lufluauga, 2^ss, Bronchitis. Ac. As an "Dt the Cough Drops are '•• loosening phlegm J'^^J- A Turner and Co. jo-ii JNikdale. ^^""'iigan, Ui say Mrs. Mnl- l*fo'*T" ""' "'" to hav" anoth 1..,,, y- come now yez must j"'**'L*aey, Oi can't hold an- |7' ^28«ria, if. full I am eu- K ,* "' **'eu cups alr^adj. u '«» get such Strang shwaU 'â- .^^i: migan. The Reove and Clerk were ordered to sign a petition asking; the Govern- in ut to confaim the ajreem-^nt be- tween tue G. T. Ry. aud the T. G. B.R. Tlie third meeting was held at Mc- iiityro, on the 13th of March. CommuDications were receivt-d from D. MeQi! .en and 3 others, re new union «uliOiU section with Nt--ttawu- r.ana re ilteratiou of school sections. From County Treasurer r» lot 11 in 4 aou. It appears to me a useless rigia.a- role to write, '•. Moved by and socou-'.- f d liy"' et ea-h resolu^.iou but as rate- p-iyers bava a keen eye on tnose who :.;ove aud second all the wicked re- boiutious passjd by the Council" I will write the surname of the mover â- Old nee. '.^lT ol each motion without Sir, Mr. oi auy other handle, thus: â€" Mclutyre, Joiinson, â€"That A. Mc- lutyre. John Speers, and Joseph Taylor Uf; appnuitud a Coiumiitee to enquire ipLo tlia yaliJity of the Trci- surer's security and report to ohia Council. Speers, Johnston â€" That the Peti- tion of D. McQueen and others be laid over until this Council gats a more Batisfaetory answer frum the CduucU *f Nottawasaga, JchnstoD, Speersâ€" That Report No, 1 of the Road aud bridge Cuu.mitta be adopted. Report.â€" Your Committee after having examined the Deviation Road ot Cameron's Mill beg to report that in yiew of not stopping the travel on the old road luld recommend that the Deviatio ^..uad be extended two rods farther west on the west end of said Deviation. â€" Jos. Taylor, Chair- man. Speers. Johnson- That Joseph Sal- lay be paid the sum of $7S, for fsao- ing Deyiution Road allowansa aeroaa Lot id, con. 13. Osprey and for ad- ditional land that the Reeve issaa hia order tor tha same. Taylor. Mclntyreâ€" That Um Clark bemstracted to write the Goaaty Treasurer to find ont the amooat of tases in bis books against Lot S7, in con. 4. Taylor. McIntTraâ€" That tfii Clock be instructed to send tha agreement between Joseph Selley and the Town- ahip of Osprey for faooing -Uiad Da viation on lot 89. aoo. 18 lj FaBokA Oslei and request them to f iirnijh a deed for the said Deviation Road. Mr. Taylor as ehairman of spaeial oommittee to enq lira Ac., preaantad the following report, your committee having exMniaa4 kV« TrMaara«^s a^ eurikiesfind tbam fully aaivMtoirf, o. â€" Jos. lmy]or, Clwina a ii i Jahnsou. Mclutjra.â€" That tba Ba- DJSDAGK M.^KETS. Wheat, Faa, No. 1 tl.08 to IIJO Wheat,SjEring, '• 1 1.10 to l.U Barley "2 56 to .80 Peas '• 1 63 to .70 Oais " 1 34 to .36 ButtCi- " 1 17 to .18 li^RRS .18 Potatoes " oO to 65 Pork " 7.50 to 7.75 Hay " 7.00to 10.00 MARXDALr:. I'BiCAT, Mar Salt !i#2. 'iour b.OO Cu G.?,o tjpriug Wiwat jeer biuh., new 1.12 'c 1 i6 ao. 1.10 to 1.14 .. J.60 0.70 CARRIAGE WORKS MARKDALE. As the Mason of the year is approaehing that Sleighs and Cutters are wanted, we wish ' to intimate to the farmers and public in general that we can supply them with any thing they want in that line, such as lion^ SleifChB. Knee-Bobs. Block-Bobs. Democrats, Square Box, Porticond, Swell Body, and Double-seated Cutter OF iJiL KINDS AND 8XILES. A3 w* OS* nothing bst first-elass aiaterial we ean GUARANTEE SATISFACTION B. J.SPBOULB. m»J »*w •»• eaUed a oelebrated {potma ••.. Ik .:«â- « ft „ to the Cabinet Oiican, bnt the organ mast be mauipnlatwt ly .u tu-.t .: 'i order m pf- daeeanais tb« OBAVunrra is on the other hand entirely ni\i Uuiit^l in •..a K(.(i.-ai%i4 at a trifling aiiMiiaa it aan ba made to toini^ an uuliaut«d sajipl. ot atl «J^ ol â- •••a. â€" Tarmta OM*." '^The CrCSitectt ia indsad r masieal wonder. Ic i» a muL'tirn rrrd ui;,'.ku wttk as strong and Lialodioas a too* a.i tlie Cabinet Fize. It fu:-pd .sd. '.„ â- V i.nv ' O. :r â- , ft* tha reason that th-t ignoramni in mosie am play it as trail r ".le lui.. Ac. .imli.;dl yar faedor. Tax OBocnrarra is sti-ong aud aoouiate in its mecU;, auu «xt. a^iu- i; •. liibla to gat ont of order." â€" MotUnal Gazetu. «*TlM its r syirt a rie Orsviaatte ia tlAr moat perfect antomatie mutictl invti-uiuaai yat invi cie â- aalanitod, Uta tooa is T«marL.-Uy ^ood."â€" Ifu.n.-aa. fu;. Prices, $10 to $16. "^:r W. F.iB£OT CO. NeT?7 Advertisement T77-; bb: Fall do. do. Barley Oats Peas Potatoo=. Battel' fr. lb. EkK3, pel I'.oz Pork, di" •id, 0O6X •••••aaa* Geese per IVi Pack*, per pair reirte, per pair .• Turkeys, per lb Sdeop'jkius HuleP Grass .seed, Hay Wool Oreeu App/e8, "cr. bunhel. Lard Tallow 0.86 0.65 O.fiO 0.I6 0.14 I 5u 5.00 OX:" C.4) 0.00 C.07 50 7.:^5 ?.)0 ILO-t 0.!52 0.75 0.10 0.07 01)5 lieu -.16 O.U S.OO 6.00 COO C.iO 0.00 O.fO 1 6£ 7..W 300 li.OO y.'O l.OO 0.14 0.C8 5.00 Call and Inspect our Work! OO hand before purchasing elsewuare. CABEPUL A'jTENTION GIVEN TO HORSESHOEING auu Uenerai Jubbiui,' in fvery llao. bHOPâ€" On M'll Street opposils t» SorouJe B liotel. WARNING! 1 TO ?ii Â¥OLTI SERCS S'tBEE-r, Sole Mfinu facturcrs and Patentees. I O f l" 2 J K A. L. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Agent, Markdale. THE "LONDON HOUSE/' DUNp±xLK Bargains. 3ELrgains. Bargains. o â- â- ..^_ â- This is the right house to get 1 fjaias1p Dry (ioods, bcr sides getting the very latest En^.i^^h and French lashions. Why Because they come direct from the manuf.icturer«, thereby saving all wholesale profits. Come and see our Dress Goods, fas'nonable and fancy, ta to 86c. per ysrd. Come aiid see our Cashmeres, from i25c to bOc per yd. Come and see our Ladies' Cloth Coats, from Si. 50 to- §10 The largest and best bt'v:k of dry goods ever showu in Duudnlk i to select from.. See our Scotch, West of England, iind Canadian T'Veed«, from O0 to f 1.50 per yd. A splendid assortment aud uuojiiullod iu quality aud style. See our late importations of Gents' Rc?dy-madc Clotlij-^. London msde Overcoats, styli acd fit iiiisurptfiscd. Hive ca- bled for another' case. Also a replct« casu of bhanl^, Flannels aud other jjoods. Large cotisignmentofnew and fresh G-oceries just deliveitd. A fine and dcUcately flavored Tea which I ctni sell at '•' ii'Miii is for ' • a dollar. I am determined that our fiiends fnxv, IIIu't ovr the desperately rouijb riwds to Diindiilk s^iall hu re- paid far their trouble by getting bargains iu every dcpartrannt. Crockery and Glassware Department, wjiich is now replete with every necessary. HandsouiC China Toi ^j. tt* ut 5.50. â- Handsome Glass Setts, price 50c*. BUY WHERE You CAN BUY CHEAPEST. r.UU DE.\LINQ AM» NO FAVOUR. W. S. HEVVETSON. Dnndjlk, Jan. 19th, 1882. DrvCordWood 1.75 •' CiEORSE NOBLE, INSURANCE AND UNO AGENT. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For tha County of Ore/. AsBKT for til* fbllewiag laliabia Companlaa CITIZENS' ol Moatraal. AOSIOUIi'TOBAIi. ol Watertown, and TRADE A COMMkBCE. (Mntoal) of Toronto. A nnmber of Choice Farms for sale, also Village Lots. Auction Sales eondnetad in Town or Conn- try on Shortest Notice. Chargae moderate. BUli, Blank Notes, and Stampa provided. GEO. NOBLE. There is gren' ilauger of tak- iug ccl.i from wet Xeet If you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep year feet drr and warm by procoriuii joor SOOXS KAY dt THOMAS, Satisfaction Ocartmtecd. Med- ioated Cork Solas, all siaes, kept on hand. Bemsmber tba place opposite the new Stakdabo Office. 49 ~N'L DESPERANDUM. ?ARM RS ilECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND O-era-ersil -A.g:e33.C3r, DUNDAJjK, Ontario. Makcdalx. Mst 30th. 1881. S6-tT THOS. MATHEWS, ImcsS EsilslmT! MARKDALE. EVERYTHING IN OUB.LINE KEPT ON HAND OB MADE TO OEDEB ON BHOBT NOTICE. LIVERY! IN CONNECTION, mkTZ SPECIFIC MEMCiNE. THE OREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, an nnlcilinj core for Smiual Weakne«s, Spennstorrbea, Impo:ency, and aU diseases that fol'ow as a sequence of Self- Abase as lass of Memory, Universal Beta* Tdinft !• dtnde. Pain in the Back INnuess of Vision, Premature old age, and many otber Diseases that lead to Idaanity or Consumption and a Pre- matura Orare. I^Fnll partienlars in oar pamphlet, which we desire to sand free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at 91.00 per package, or six After £ paekagaa for tfi.OO, or will be sent fre by mail on reeaipt of the money by addressing. THE SRAt MEDICINE CO., l-ly Toronto, Ont., Caui.dii Conveyancing tfne with care, neatness and despaichs A. G. HUNTF.R. OFFICEâ€" Ont dtor louth of Anflo-Ameriean H»Ut. Donilalk, September lat, 1881. My. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET, TO THE PUBLI -o- The Subscriber respectfully intimates that Ins stoica a Flesherton Station and Eugenia. arefully stocked with General Goods,.. suitable for the season, and will be constantly renewed as required, coiuisting'ot DRY GOODS, HARDWARE ». CROCKERY, GLASSWARH, BOOTS, • SllOi-.S GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, f^c FRESH GROCERIES a specia'li at thi-; scur,on. AU Kinds of Farm Produce, Cordwoot' 7;u.\ Saw I^o^s t:.ken in exchange for Goods. Inspection oi the Goods rr- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill r.t Lhtio Falls, i*^ in liiii operation. All kinds of Logs purcliasod S.r.»iiL; cone bj the Ttioucand or on Shares. Wm. HOGG. Flesherton Station, Dec. 28, 1881. 87 Ifarkdala, July 7, 1881. 48-6a Cp8^CSB{$3« MARKDALE 6E0RBE WiLSm, Wholesale and Retail iBUTCgER!) h^Pest "iT" ^^^' **** ***** i**»°*« faTenqoira *o., ba afk^sad aad t' Z'»o^^ te* "*° J^^'i'-J i aitarad o. IM miuotea. II H, 1^'" Wv-r-l of a lia ia in it ' *«*»»»~»i «w«i»»«wâ€" ahi t» •â€" USafbleWoiks Konpents, Tombstones MARKDALE HOUSE ALEX. EUTLEDGB, Proprietor r THIS HOTEL i alarga three storey brick bni'ding, recently erected and fitted np witb every modem eonvenienee. It is famished in First-Class 8t* e The Bar is 8unpliei with the best brands of Wines, Liqaors and Cigars, and the table wiih all tha delicacies of the season. The travelling Pnblio may rdy npon eTeryattanrion bemg paid to their com- fort. QoodSampU Roomt for CoMmtreial TravelUri. Tha •â- I7 II*«I tkatl1I«« • •aatoMsdrroasallTrnhM. ftoad BtaMis and sttaatiTe Uosifim H. 1,000,000 1 Logs Wanted! THE BUSSCRIBSBS ABB PBKPAUD to pay the Highest Price In Cash I for any qnantity of sOTjvl Saw Logs â€" soft wood. And avafy daaeriptira of (V ^•eatod in. hlSt-CUSS STYLE work 'wid 'W .oj own eyee ti,a Beopl- »*«»• «»- |Hlia tjy ea^ii |4I(I|W ' iQ ehist iai(a, liana aod ftAtMMMQ^ at ec Oidarsleftat tl*« ^m»ll waU be tnmifOi •^ to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Wa isjipiniL fmp- ALL KINDS OF LU^IBEB KEPT ON HAND. Bills FWed OH Short 'Notice. fX" Spa«:al stisntioa paid to easteas sawing. ICarkdala.; tatfBoa G. 8. BBOWN A HON. k. iith. laat. 10.41. Fajrm tor ritatl«* Let west hOr a aaat kalf U, Best bosiaess now befo;-a the pnblio. Ton ean make mamar faster at^woik for na tuan at anything ebta. Capital not need- ed. Wa will st: j-t yon. 912 a day and np- waiifi made at home by '.be indnsthons. Men, women, boys and gi;U wanted eTeiywhe'e to worK for ns. Now is the time. Ton c;in work in spare time orly or give yoor whole time to tha busineas. Ton ean lira at home and do tba work. No olbei bnslness will pay yon nearly as well. No one can fail to laeLe eo oraons p.iy by engaging at onoe. Costly outfit and terms free. Money made fast, easily and honorably. Addraas Tsca A Co., Arf^akt.-. Maine. JOHN NOBLE, MARKDALE, 6ENER'LBLAGKSHn;H HOR8E8HOEIIiC A SPSGULTT. STjUtTLUiO OWOOVKRYI .A M'INTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. MINTY.^E IF'lo'a.T, ^lo"a.r, S^loi:3.r. McINTYRE'H ^! L!QU0R3 I_LIQU0R3 McfivTvpE'S Cigars, Ciga"R. McINTYEF/S Coftee. Conise iu^ i.e n !D a irdt-cI.\Ks^vs on hand, ta*. fflMl f TAl! TEAL I Pork, i ork. Pork. M.lNTYKi: 8 iqani I laic o I '*K CA.*1 c$i0G^m^$, .AJBSTRACT STi^-TJKMtiiri'r TreasflTJi's Receipts and Expeidit'jre, »,R THB TOWNSHIP OF GLENELG, For the Year ending ^isl December, 1881. Da. RBCBIPT8. EXPENDITUKE, r. ToEal.onbandat Iast%ndit,..t S7 93:Uy Boadii audBridfrox t liHiiiSi Taxes, Fines Land improvement Fund Clergy Beserre Fnnd. ... Litanse Fnnd 1098.$ 97 1 OCl 3S3 30, U Col 171 21, •llMl^ Salaries iiJ eip(!ia-i« of Mur icipoUiuvt iUiiifirt. 7.'3 84 Sciioo! Section li.itei :M4 7 tH bcfaool Spctinn IbenturrB, OHt .5 1 Bcbooll!;quiTaiKnt 413 00 Conoty liat«' 2.i j» '.17 Ch»ritT •; (Hi Markdale ViUk^i' J.atiK !•) v.t Glene^RAn'ic'.iltuvi.i Socit-ty M iMt Miaceilantiuaii ISO/, Bank iepo i; ' .- liy-t: vl7l lUNi 0l Bank deposit on C'l^nn ns. IMU io UlencroM suit li.'t US Befui d of raze* ._ .s i m Balance on hand ' r,.* rt^ »II50I 4ii We eartify tbe faragotng Abstract of tlij Ti-easnier Sxpe iditaxa, to L« e rroct. («ia«i) Ujc iiU CHARIf^S Mo: VAiT JAMBS BANKS. G'eoa!^. Fab. lOtb, 1883. AoJitnra. •%. r â- V I. .::i- 4" ":i^.. .i^ -«*\*^/ ^f^**"' *.