Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 31 Mar 1882, p. 1

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 r. 7 I h (t wit. rsy: HtftfCrlfr iiiiiisrc^ i Tiint^. 1881 » o.i.iij«ac:u;' Tbnni^T. December 8, GOING SOUTH. Oi.ru Stui. ;, ac.'iit i.l3 IkJU, S SO p.m. I •â- â- Miirl o.4' a.m. S. 53 p.m. â- -- 'â-  -u S.io nja. i.Wpja, ".â- '.:â-  (i.Oafit. 4.18 p.Bi. .;.i.ufrJ fS.!7A.B 4.33 p.m. *•â-  i. ... l.3 I a.m. 4.45 p.B. \V •!â-  t .il« 0.4' • m. ..â- â€¢*.â- ;. iPrice'-^lle 7.0.3 i.ni. TV' am. t» I I i-'t 7.;i a.m. M 1 -iuiirtK H fl t.in., '«• l«-il^':i H. ' 5 s.iu i. I II r! U-S^'i it.ni. "ii.i);*-viilc Jaue..un «..^it.in. Oh s KTl.Xr.. " :r:vi.- ,iir: Alioii C-.i. l-r«til M jii'f lio-i i ll'.lloil X.citi'fiiir;; \V... l.n.l,..-.. (â-  • ll. ...P,l." a-'n ".53 » m. .... 9.0.-, am, .. !• i5 a.m. 9 i'l a.m. ..I'^.iH'a.m. .1" 12 a.m. I'i.2ja.ui. ..10.32 a.m. I ' " i.m. .10 5 I a.iTi. li' .,7 a.m. I'l.-.itu. fiiioii Si'i..Il.l' a m. G3ING NORTH. 6.03 p m. S.Jo p m. rj 40 p.m. .5. .54 p.m. fi'is p.m. 6.3f p.m. S -50 p m. 7.0C p m. 7.10 p.m. 7.3f' p.m. 7 42 p.m. l.'yi p.m. 8.22 p.m. H.3J! p m. 8.47 pm. i# iMi p.m. 9.07 p m. 9.12 p.m. y 2' p.m. 9.32 p.m. 9.50 p.m. â-  'lU ..r, V. ,., .). K. ...Ij^ J Oli. .M',..o i:'.a 1 ' i. .â-  l iri. â-  »..iri,- .•1..UI .. .Si. .!, nil li lu.Uii. .I'.Ol.iII tl ,..â-  i.o, (ii |). Ml ....iit V I I.' a.m. 7.:i3 a.ui. 7 11 •• OLENSLQ AaBIOULTUSAL 800IKTT Thr ooiratitU»afth« Gfaac^ A*. Society 1mt« acted iriasfy. Mid m we recummendtd ia oar Iiitt immm is thai ihoj bad pnrchaael tiia plot uf ht yi which tLey bar* laajed 'rom !^ra. At- kioaoD, fcr the aam of $6Sd. Iliia let of £ acre* givea them a good mtmw grcood.oii ahkb to hold Uttii exhitit- ticii aod moothlr farea. Sobaorip- tions oaitht noir flow io to the haoda of the Society pretty liberally for thia •ociety will do a vast amoantof good for thr adraoeemeot of the Tillage i of Markdale. The fact of a monthlv fair for catile being held here will uia\v a lot of both bayers anJ del- lers to this centre, it will inereaae ita importance in varioas ways, ita land will become more vala%ble, the farm- ers will come oftener. and torn over their stock to greater a J vantage and capital trilJ be bronglit into this tbiiT- ing villag« There can be no ques- tion as to the wisd'^m of the commit- tee i:i liking this course, and we veu- arcliitectnre. At Fori Hwaa tha- ml i«il â- i thto tW«an««ii dei^pcd-iiraaM • kavik aa^ ««» dra«a almgaii* M «i^â- â- l tnia tt firaflOMfcoa can.lM«adfar IIimIuIw^ 1h^ waa firam the tiaaiorth dklrist^ TW paaa«iig»n ware veiy jolly. T«ay langnina raapoetnK thnr in thair pmiria other traina w«« to follow m two ian from Ontario. BTwybody aaamad to taava Manitoba on the Was, tkat WM the abaorbinf tofi*. Being delayed at Ciiieago, a stroll ronnd tbih great tity waa indnlgad ia. meeting with persona of nearly every natioa nndar the som. The immense biuldings anfi grain elerators lead tme to the conolosion that Chioago moat be the granary of Amerifia, if nut of the world. The grandaar of its bmld- inga, ita palatial edifises, incladuig the Grand Pacific Hot«:l, Plmer House, and the New Court House are monn- menta to the •xaellenea d AUCTION SALE OP fiiiaiilB nun Property 4 10 p.m. 4°£e ^°.!^' jture toaeiert tiiat not receatly lias a much to the ple.iaure of the citiaens 7.-,.i • 4.4d 7..JJ â- â€¢ 4.J1 J... •• o.IjO rt.iH •• 5.13 h.:n •â-  5.;6 HAT. •â-  5 4..I '•"' f;.i2 J ' 6.23 more important Btep b^eu tak)n in the ia the summer. .1' .Ml !».• 1 II* ^ii.. 1... â-  Ai â- â-  'J.il I .117 •' l'..i'.i •• iii.:j2 •• • 11.-" •• W.-i' '• I I ...i; •• i 1 y, •• 12. p.m. 1:2' •â-  i .:.! •â-  12.. •• 12..",.i •• 11-' •• c.:;.5 C.50 7.00 7.10 7 21 7.34 8.C6 M.21 « J7 » J j 9.10 y.2i 9:.3 9.4 I 9..5.i lij .3 Tilla;.'e than in the ebtabhaLment on a firm basiH of the Glenelg Ag. Society liHre. The contract fur the erection I of a ball, aud fpnciug in the ground, has I eeii let and we hope soon to have t.) repor? /rass. Our Premium 'Vl Imve luui'f ar aiigements bv y I I'-li we aif h)hI)!i '1 in givt to evdy N:.\V HUliSt liim:!; to our p»per :.. iiiokl hul.hciiLcrs PAYING IN .•\IA'.\N(I'., aciy -f li;. KLND.VLL'S 'Treatise OD the HORSE and His Diseases. " SOCIALS. Suitable compaireliip is amecessary '-: the lii^,Ji'St vi^'or if body and mind as arc s litaiilc food and clotbiue/with- out corapanionsiiip onr powei a suffnr I j list aH Bureiy, though not so sensibly aui' rapidly, as would our btdy witli- fut tlie necessaries of life. But by the tbiuking part of the community, this fact is apt to be somewhat overlooked am' lost sight of. As man was not inteaded to live alone, neither were the young people, or g/owi np paople ever intended to just fulfil their daily occupatious and when aweary rest in sleep, and rise to carry -on the same routine. It is part of the nature of man that he should seek not only rest fji his weary body but by inter- change of friendship and intercom- munication of ideas rofrosh othersand be liiinself refieshed. The world with- oulthis feeling of sociability would be a dull world indeed. If every one in- dividual, or every one familv just 6:)Ught its own eartlily welfare by In tbe COUHTT OF GBET^ tj«« will ba iold. on ThiirBday. tba »« d^j of Apnl. 188«. •». Om o »lodt ui tba AfkmooB. at tha A»d«K^i»«" HotaL m tba TiUafe d DUKDALK. hfmtmoltvwmol Balaoontamed ia avtaia Mflctgiaaa wIubIi WW ba pro- 4iw«l at tha Sale, tha bdlowing pro- pertiia PABCEL L Under Mortga(« bom tfa 7 Van- giaa. Lot 17, in tha 7th eoo. of tha Townah^ of P»t»ton, Cooaty of Grey, eontaming 100 acres more of laae. The ibUowinc Impr.vanMnts are •aid to bo on tha franiaaa Abont -20 acres elearad PABCEL IL Under Mort(a(e from Duncan Campbell. LoU 10 and 11 in the 10th concession in tt« Township of Proton, IB tha aoMtf «f Ony. aontainiv WO Its beautiful parks add, acres, more or !«««• T^ie foUo*in« imptoveminta aie sam to be ♦n luo premises â€" Abont 50 acres cleared with a young orchard. tJii Laving erected thereon a log house t^u I barn. PAECEL m. Unslw Mortgaf?a fr .m Hu/h Mc-tq- rcu,â€" Lot N«i. 17 in the 19-1^ toi.oes- sioD i»f the Townthip ".f Pr uon, in the county ot Grey, containing 121 acres, more or less. The f llow ng improve«nents are said »â-  le "u the premB£B â€" Ab.'Ut 20 acreii elearad. PARCEL iV. Under Mortgage frim K ibert Gor donâ€" Lot No. 87. in the «rd conces- sion, south of the Durham Read, of the Township of Artem sia, in the county of Grey, containing 80 ecres more or less. The following iinpr-ive- ments are Maid to be on the premisi^s, The property is sitnatci about 10 mil.'s from the village of Dunlalk and Hbont 8 miles from the village cf Flesher;on. TERMSâ€" Oue tnth of the pur- c'lase money to be paid down on the day ofsa'e. For b. lance, terms « ill be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BROS. MACKENZIE Solicitors. Masonic Hall. Toronto. Or to JOSEPH MeABDLE. Esq Hopeville. Toronto, March 26. 1882. At Chicago the cars w^re transfer- red to the C. 6. Q. By, and had a splendid run of 260 mi-.ea throni/h the State ol Iliinois, passiog some prtty towus. and on Sunday morning wer.^ at Quiucey. Mr. Armstrmg took full advaatage of a £ae morning io mount a very high bill the view from hen^e was ?ii.".es2:ibaLly grand. Far away tl e bBaat'inl and jrowerlui Mississippi il;ew its mighty length along. Cn its bauks were dotted tcwns aud villages, and from the valley below came tlie muDic of ciiurch bells. The partr would fain have lingered here b'.n tbe unethereal train whistle calls to the tia:k. 1 lae ivor is r:ceeJ on tn immense iroa .iiii-ie buiit on sto.ie pisrsW feet high (45 feet under water), and pass over iuto the Stare of MinBOuri. TO as coMTnruKO. .. 1.-. ;i Uiiduiii work, containing 111- liiilix 1)1 lli^'jis.-., v.liicli (.'ivi.i thf .i.|)t..u.s., caUM,-. aijil tin- best treat- I dimply plodding, plodding on without :u „i|.,r.MJ, .-i Table, giviug all the a ihcii£,ht or care for any outsiders, |ii,(il,il diiii,'s iisd for the hor.sc, I an J no outsiders caring for them, me' w j\, til.: ..riiiiiirv dose, tff ct:., and j thinks this would bea heartless world. :.i l..l.|.- whoii a [I'lson a table with put no, with few exceptions man are • I, nM-iaviir.' of ti.f lior.se'H teeth atjU'JtoftheUiogei.es typc.'aud there are II I. lit 11'".+, with rults for tt.llmi,' lew who aie ludepeudeut, aud careless ociability. !:: a valuable col- of Henoe have arisen â- - 111.' Ii.' Ill til" liaiidb of LVcry far- iiK r and irâ- K^^'â- r of a horse. .Vow i fh' tiiiU' to suL.scrihe, or for i I "il-f.-ri!ii' -3 to pay »i, and get the I 'i •|.. .:..' of II Irti.iii of riy-fij.ts, and much other Bocialpart.es; first we hear of a poll I. .,; ipf' rniitinii. It IS a bo-.k that t'cal club, a workman's club, and iu cities clubs for nearly every branch of i-.ulubtry where men can meet, aud have a friendly cbat and be refreshed i.y communion with their fellow mfen. Ou3 of the latest sociability of cur nature is found iu the entertainnJent bearing the name of "Social," Some timen these are projected by a work- man's clut, or such like society, and sometimes they are projected by some religous body, but invariably with one object, raining money. As a matter of course, some of these "socials' are ' great affairs, where the prelorraances i!' I A ' i; MIJ. UOHEIIT BROWN igone through areuuderthtmanagemcnt I of a ma.stcr of ceremonies and every- lial oor obitnarv c â- luini; I ... .1 ' ' tiling IS in hijjch style, always allowing i:iiii the ainiouiiC'Jiner.t " o j j o ,, ,, ,, I a do.f'ree of social intercourse not to 1 .Mr. li..bert Brown of 1 ,, be enjoyed by sornewhat similiar gath erin^'s under tha cognomen of concerts, soirees, aiti conversaziones ivLt W ,• t I â-  HI I ill.' I 'iri III. m 8TAHDARD. ai, 1682 CONSERVATIVE CONVENTION OF EAST GRET. A meetin? of the Delegates from the va:ioas Townships of the above Riding, met in Duffenn Hall Mark- dale, en Tuesday, the 28th inst., for the pnr)i0Be for selecting candidates for the Dominion tnd Provincial Par- limeut*, at the next election. There wa: a very large attendance, T. S. SpTOub, U. D., M, .was the unani- nons cboioe for the CommoB8,and A. V/. LauJer. M. P. P.. for the Local Legijlatcre. Eaob^pf the above Can- didates gave an oyster supper at tiie Mp:-kd«!e House the same eteninj, which v-ait largely attcnies. obP:-.Ey. Mr. John Gordaj, fc«»a ._ tba T. G. .nd B.. WM » Thjra^ S^Taoatior »1M tiKl i* ^Mtan*^ rfaddra-brh-Wlo^^r* kbalina. Tha prsaiantwi pw» f«- in Gardon-a hotal. Oraoi^illa. in Iba preaeoca of a larfo gatharinf. among tliMB tha Mator of the town, and â- *• ^^ ^_y J ite«aad, Tba praaantMion WM an •Anowtt^giaMi of Ml. Gorfon'a aOaiaBt a#M««» doriag tha abanginf ei tha twMn Tomato and T*aaw^t*r BIRTHS. WALa.»-InArtem««a,«iAe»u»^. the wifoof John Walk«, o a too. jAca«w-In Hoau.d, oo *b«Mi^ol M««h, ^Twiie of -Wm. Jaokson. of » daughter. 8«i«AHA»-Iii Markdsle, on the «Wi In»t^ the wife o« P. J- ahanahan.«am«ge maker 0/ a ton. MARRIFD.. MoKaaâ€" Clabtâ€" At the bnde« remdeaM. 1^ the B«T. John Chitholm. B.A.. Mr. Bobt. McKee to Mia. Bet»y Claiy, both ol Centre lass, Ospr«7. DIED. Baowwâ€" In Art«ne«ia, on the fCth Inst., Mr. Robert Brown, brother to Wm. Brown, Eiq., Menhant Markdalc, a«ed 4U yean. Bowasâ€" Of scarlet fover, in O^prey. on the Slstof Janoarr, »oa of Compleman a.ia Ulieu liimta, ageU 18 yeari. Towasâ€" Ofscarltifevei.iu Oipty, on the Jithof January, Henry Alfred, son ol Compleman aoiil Elien Bo *ti«,aeed yearn. Bows»â€" Of i«t*.let fe^er, in Oerrey, on the 3s Ui .»! Janoarr, Mr. Compleman Bowes, (ged 41 year Bowi:*â€" Of learlet fever, on the 7th of Feb., John Compleman, iou of the late Comple- mcu aad Ellen Bjwes, aged 11 yeaiB. EEPt " J, ..»li fjols day." I' Btoa.. Ctrieu eeeu* joal U ,P iwiior^' irec, K* h» •"«â- ' "A Vi::ff^»it=. FOR ALL KIND OK was io town! Relil,Flow8r(6yeiS GO TO THE, DundalkDrujorStoJ IMPOETANT TO FARMER, txi.\. iX .1.1. Ml Brown was one of six ii.caino ()iit frtiin In-land iu 1 '.T i. a.i i flu-.. s( ttl d ill (.Heiielif. He ,. ,, ,„.,;, ' Some a"ain, aim not so liifh, and \t;i~ !â-  â- Ill 111 cpimty l)'i\vu 111 IK.jy, ana " .. wii ill... youir,Hst of the family. Ue i N«ii vt rv iii.hi.s'ri us, and con-.ijueut- .1 '.(' iiii..di â-  ii.«c •-ifal faiiiiei5i ,, 1 tii's ofa few of lufui are Orjiifht out .J li. .1 '.r ii III' iiecauie connected I „ content tlieins.dv.is with a gathering of Irii'iids bfthe niiject to bo beutfitted, ai;d under a li!:!u inauagomcnt, abili- A.ili liii I'r. h'.yt.rian Ciniicli, and 1.1 ilii' fiVi c 1. 1 I'ldcr. For the past V2 iiii'iillis li' l::i9 been snff'ring, and i.;'!ll p. ' .1 au.iy List Sun.lay II I h.iiL' III 1 1 1. 1 1 .ik. I.O.NdlLI.J.OW. 1 111; ;_'rf.,Ust (Ofl on tiii.s side of li I' .\l,a tic ia»30d aw,.,- last I'rilay. "i a i 1 iiik is ili'.r. hy c iii^ed whnli :i,.' .Villi riiMiit* will uiit, LiiMly fill. I c:uii ..t be b.Lid tiial Loi :icllow was j j.ig gathering cf people who ctiat to- 1 iiM r .111 .\iucrican i.r Eugiisli poet, Lrgtufcr iu ilv way they wi'l accm- «,i "lnrirM-r till- Eiigish language is »|..kon wi.lhis writing's be welcomed. Ill the j'omisi- 1 f. ills youth be was to the benefit of the whole company Ode can siiig. cad one can recite, and one can r;ad, and thus the whole company are tntertainpd ar.d every- body teids happy. No matter how small th 'y, with a little mauage- mcut. HI resting pro^r.imioe can be got toj^i-tiier. T.^o much atttJLtiou cannot be drawn to this matter, and e.vpocia'ly t'.ie at entiouof thereli,'iou3 lea.lers, to draw oi.l tiie best abilities of their frit'ads a-id support'^rs. Then a^jain a, "social" may consist of a eim- Some sugar has been made in the township. Good results have followed the re- ceipt revival meetings at the P. M. church. Maxwell. In Feversham business has ^n brisk of late, saw logs have been com- ing in rapidly. It is estimated that the resuU cf the f;ood sleighing of latn, several tbous- aod dollars have made their way into the tcwnsbiu. A missionary meeting was held on tae 10th in tne PresSyterian church. Excellent addresses were delivered, by Messrs. Snowdon and Cuisholm Instrumental music was given by Miss Bain, vocal and instrumental musio by the Maxwell choir. Tha profceili anr.r.oto.^i nLvj.rds of $20 which is to be app!ied to thuhome and foreign mission fund. There are some cases ol scarlet-fever and diphtheria in the villag?. Some say that this state of affairs is not to be wondered at.for on paasing through quite a number of dead dogs, which have been poisened, may be seen on the roofs of certain houses. They I have been left there for some mouths, and it is quite time some one would see to their removal. Wo shall be glad to hear froa oar cosrespondent at Osprey eyery week. TO FABMEBS BREEDERS. Having purchased the Short Horn Yeai ling Bull, PRINCE ROYAL, No. 285, Vol. 7. Canada Short Horn Stock Register, got by KELSO, (664. Vol 6) Dam EYELA. by BRITISH PRINCE (2799) granddam LADY CHAR- LOTTE, by GLADSTONE (1481) gr. g. dam Mai-:a by Duk? of Arkell (1228). A limited number of Cows will be taken at $1 60 each for seasf^a at his stables Lot 118, north east Toronto Road, Artemcsia. H. D. m WIN, Owner. N.B. â€"All animal i charged for and no Insurance gnaiauteed. Maicb 25, 1882. '^WHISKERS • ROT I R.P. iuui CO.. iasina.il Ir IMbyalOMiMthir " SPHiClAL NOTICES. p' .-lii good. A good social mi.y be but an extdution of the family circle, a gref.t.T family gathering.a social evcn- huiltd as tlic national poet, but the ing. aud its induence will have a be- tiilo awausa greater tiiau he. Since 'neficial effect upon most of those who BviMirs day, u.» poet lias equalled attend. But as when "gude man's l.oii^-ttUow, and â€" nut by piiHi'S, Init by his ii-in.T iifsc. ire. Some of his lyrics are agement a social may be. if not an in- f rt.ct. while all his poetry is brimful strumeut of evil, still its influence nullifies the monetary benefits de- his gn-at Jawa" there's apt to be " no gude luck •^ff "" ^*"'^^ j about the house," so without man- f life, aud iove, and truth. Since 1.S35 he has lived at Cambridge, Mass. l. ngfellow was 75, so that he lived to a ripe old age. He set out ir life by studying law, but briefs were not to his taste, and he changed law for literature. Uitie Mikial services over the re- 'i ins ot Lo.igUllow were held Sud- d IV afteii»on. Only a slver ilate .-:ruarneutc9(he casket, which bore an inscription as follows HeNBT tV AD.-iWOBTR LoNOrKU.OW, B m Feb 27,1807. Died Mar 24. 1882 11 is career ma.v. iu a sense, betaken as an adiuirable illustration of his own tamiliar words Liv«^ of tn:-a' men a' remind us. Wf c«u lu^ika our lives sublime A .;, d;'part'.ng, leave behind us j'uuiprints on tlu sands of Tima. JOB PRINTING {•i reiy des-riptiuii exeeatad with J II ntiivir nd deapatcb at the Offioa oi {\i i\\,„aMd. Markdalc. I rived. A TRIP TO KANSAS CITY, AND MISSOURI, Bt Mb; M. Armstbohg, Ja, MAaxeaLK. Most of onr readers are aware that some two weeks ago Mr. Mark Ana- strong shipped 5 car loads of Potatoes hence to Kansas. Knowing Mr. Ann- scro.ig's ability to form a oorect orinion of that country, and being quite sure tiiat our readers would value any i^for- mation vr t rfaed for by him, we have secured a brief report of hia jaavaej It was on the 14th cf r.Iareh the c: 's left MarLdale for Kaoeas city. The cars were all provided with stovei Jid wood, with which to r^el the attac£a of froat Tba T, O. and R. By. out- veyed them aa Ito aa Waeton. when the oars were tranahi^pad to the Gr. TvcaX Bj, aad tbeaea tptd away vaal- Whole comuiBuities in tha west are siuing petitions for the pardon of Mas- on, the assassin of Gnittean. Because the Rev. S. S. McMahon, of Rising Sun, lod., was the only man in the place who refused to sign, the senti- ment is so strong against him that be may have to give up bis church. Ao t:nueualiy heavy storm passed over Maikdale 09 Wednesday evening it W..8 +r8velii.g towards Tcronti. Tl.e tnnader was very loud and tha lightning vivid, this storm is not coa- sidered an omen of good things to corac, the popular idea being that such an 3ccuna.]ce in March.foretelis a frosty summer. Through the months of March and April be careful not to use Pnrmtives containing Calomel or o»her injnrioas substances. The proper and safe Purgatives is the Great Vegetable Preparation, Dr, Carson's Btomaeh and Constipation Bitten, the purest and best Blood Purifier known. A Turner and Co. Special Agent Mark- dale. As will be seen in another co'umn' Mr. H. D. Irwin, has purchased a thorough bred Durham Boll, farmera desirous of improving their stook would do well to a^'ail themselvee of tlie opportunity. The beast is a Tcry nne yearling, ae Urge as Ina average three years old. The new treatment for rapidly con- ditioning Horses. Zock's Tonie Com pound and Blood Mixtore. Ea'cl package contains a good Purging Ball which is given to tha animal pravions to using the strong tonia powder. This is the common â- â€¢aaa treatmank and will accomplish inoc* in one w«tc than tha old â- yetam of Spioaa, Feeds and Condition Powder* wonld do in a month, aak yoor Draggiat ahoat it. A. Turner and Co. Bpaoial i^ant Mark- dale. Tamaa Bomett, Wa. AhdwoB..jid Al' X MeCai zia, thraa jxang aian of Artcnana left for tlie praria on the S2nd inai. A naaebar «f friaada and wall pnyioaa to tbair aaatal ttflB with M paaiad with a itMi^i fcg mtU- Wt ORGAN PUPILS wanted Prof. H- L- Thurston, (Late of Brampton) TE-VCHEB. Terms, 14 Leasanv tc* fB, \o1)t paid for on every third lesson. Upon cei- titio eonditions. sarisfactioh is guar- anteed to pupils or parents of pupils. Lessous giveu at the homes of pupils. First- class refwencee as Musical Instructor. Mr Thurston is also a Dealer in Or- gans, Pianos, and Sewing Machines, MABKDALE P.O. cywEN Tailor, OrerUeFmirS, HARKDALE. 1 tS" Special attention to Cnltiag. If you want a Perfect Pit leave yonr Order witL C. A. OWEN. MABKDALE. laotsa A PvBuo MaETno ahonkl be caUqu of tha eiluana of •? ary ntj, town and village in the Dominion, to ooaaider w ..at •hoold be dona to prevent the hilr from taming Oray â€"and liallivg oat. If this impoitoot ^aaatka rieeiwd their «u:aa«t oca • -(â- eratioa thay woald â- aaaimoMly deetfat h a t a w enBt had at hut di^ coveradaooMthiac thatWDoU aiwwer thisporpoaaâ€" MdfoftLeraMra wooli teao w s a eiid Sag le aa Hav Baoawm rabaioffthia mmmAmt ior n«tori.ig tiMhairtortsBiitar:tl oohv.antf m^ vast ila blhav ««i. M aesta pw For riiiia hr aH D(^K»ta. WImba (FROM aiiAzn.) Tha If»w Componnd, ttM WOA* d0ifaJ BtOnity to tha Digattiv Appiwattts and the Liver, increaM- tng the dissolving inices, rellev- tag aimost instntty the dreadfal results oi Dyspepsi a, Indi gestion, and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an evary day necessity in vvery hoase. It acts gently and speedier in Biliousness, Costiveness. Bead' ache. Sick Hoadache. Distress af- ter Eating.Wind on the Stomach. Beartbam, Fains in the Side and Back, Want of Appetite. Want ol Energy, Low Spirits, Foal Stoat' ach. It in vigoiates the Liver, cai* lies off all surplas bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to tha whole system. Cut this out and take it to your Druggist and ^et a IO cent Sample, oralarge bottle tor 76 cents, aui tall your neighbor abont it. AnEWl-'.s WAMTKlJ -Bib r»J-~ L^(;lit Weil. SiMly UmbloTaaat. HiukS«a litta aadi* i. ' Maw 1a.«.. L. ^IftX. M M MAKEDALE Meat Market. A constant xnnnly of Fresh Meats! ot. hand, st the liOweHt Living Prices. Orders solicited, and deliv- ered free lo all parts of the Town. Farmers having fat stcck to dispose of. will please leave tbeir addresses. TERMS, STRICTLY CASH. FRED. S.\RJEANT. Markdole, M; ~ch 23, 1883. 80 ly RES r ASD COMFOBT 10 xaa 8UFFKBINO Browa'a HcaaekoM P»jb»c«»« h.a- DO equal foi reheTing psin, V.oth inter- nal and external. It cures psun lu the Siae. Back or BoweU, Sore Th..^t, r'jrumatuim. Toothache. Lumbago a.id any kind of a Paiu or Ache. "It U1 most irelv quicken the Blood »nd heal, »• iH act' ig ixjwer u won- ueii'ul." "Brown'a HousehoU. Panacea, being acknowledged »s the gr'-P. Pain Believ- er, and o( double the t.ii"igf^h of any othei- Klixei' or Liniment ii 'ha o Id, should be ia eveiy family handy io u .e » Laa wanted " as it really is the beo- fr-i- ".y iu the world for (Jramps in the Stoui. cU, pnd Tains aud Aohe«of airkinda,"f "' i» ior sale by aU DruKRiBtB at 25 cents a bottle. 20-lv^ Motbei-s Mothers 1 1 Mothei.'B 1 Are you disturbed at nifjat and bro'en i f your rest by a sicL cUi^d anfferinc and irying with the excruciating pain of cc'tiug teeth 1 If so. go at once and pei. a bottle of MKS. WINSLOW'S SOOTtxNO 8YEUP. It will relieve the poor httle sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend opon it there is no mistake about it. There is not f mother npon earth who haj) ever used it, who will nov â-  ell yon at once that it will reg-'ste the bowele, aud give vest to the mother, and -^liefeuc. lehlth to the ch.'.d, cper.'iting Iikc m .gic. It is per- fectly safe to use in all CHse.s.and .)' ?.i..=;ant to Kit a.Mi, a 1! i' t'l? nre«cript!oi- "o one of rhe oldest and b«st ieuuilo pi^ytic'on;. aiui nnrsos in the United States. Sold every TThcrr «.t 2.' cents a bottle. '0 Iv to CONSUMPTIVES. Tlie aUve,t:.;ci. iiavinij ueen perm? Jentl cured of tii..tu.?3"l di«ease, Curi.si'.iu. tlon, :• simple remedy, is anxiuu- to ni ke '..acu to his fellow KuCererw the meRiiK o' (;u,c 'j o nil who desire it, he will s.;ud a • 0)y of .jc prescription used, (frtje of ehHi^«,) v. i;h l»e liirectious for picpair;ug and using thi «4 jio wlii h they will find a siRi; CriE for Co bUUFTIOIC, .\STHXA, BboKCHIVIS, fC. â-  Pill ties wishing the Pre c ivtion. v'i plea-e address, Rev. E. A, Wii^ou, ^•' Per;; »t., WiliiamKbuigh.N. V. VO-'.y I have just purchased a large ^tock ol ail ti«j Garden and Flower Seeds direct ft cm he ol«\ t " reliable dealers in Can.;da, aao c. n o; .ei^r recom ^^^ 1 I'armers will do well lo come r.nd ir. oect mv '"" ' Have I have the largest vu.iety of I'if 'o.^GaidenT i Seeds e/er. iniported into Dundal. Don't tul Yours truly, " C. W, P ARSOm p. S.â€" A la.r^« sLock of Timothy and Clov-. S^et I on hand. ALo a new variety of Folate iorsef-Ci^r just received a half ton cf new process I.iaeed M" feeding horses and cattle, cheap. .^o per loo \i^ ' Dundalk, March 7th, 188:2. "Glasgow House, ' Dutk [^ l^ftoder, M.P,Pm ' 9,^jiia»D Oflca turns out go,i\ iitiBC* j^^oa can do with a fe^ 'btierJera. White. -D^oliet.- wa- xeryj Wedi»-««"'y- the orewJ to Euskett Bros. i Mra. John Beueon, a e ii 1 Toraoto* ,um is dravra to P..of. ihus. iiseoieDt. firet-Oae* Job Work, go BARD OflBoa. Markdaln. kx'e Grease, lUe bast maJe '^^HaakettBroe. ' save 5 by leavics vonr nring 8^'it* ** McFarlai „m England to Maikd.ile. |ng Aesiiee thie week in *a â- .j'.vriJ will »!' tepoit ij(x« pU fboutall iBaiiui":!Ctim... twis and mill men wh..u 'ii" L«rt'.ino. __Mr. Fi!«cctt, til. rgaro OS a call on We.-'iCh SELLING OFF. SELLING OPi Bargains. Bargains. Bargaii -0-- Bound for the North- West. ERRORS OF A G' iA. frf YOUTH. llie unJ«i-si;/iieu Jiaviii.' iJe,«rmined to remove Ui Mauitoha nor cf J ». uuic i-f hiK large and well assortci stock, cous-stiu" of " Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Sho«| Eeady-Made Clothing, Millirery. c., AT A GTE.^T SACRincE. T'lis is the only genuine bo'na-ficle '.al '.ale ever Oiie:!;i the public. ' The whole tock cf i^ootls must htiy. GENT! :::MAK who EnCerred for vc;- rom Kervons i-KF^LITT, Plii ;.'.!* TULE DECXY, and all tLj end.ts of ynn.a- ml indiscretion, will fort^j He.\ o2 tnte-iag hutt-iuity, "end free to al! who need it. i;* recije rimI du'ectiuna lor Ea...^ng tLa Kir lc IV,: le.ly li_, â- ..L-t"-i ' e â- -.. •' •â-  -.â- â€¢., fJ " 1 I j wiH"r-jx to profit V ' j« tc"Tr.teft."s o.f » 'â-  au'je .in o so oy Ru'e«i iv ' ;n peitec tou- d'.ien.e, JOHN B. OoDSN, 2.vir 4n CepT si. Kew To TeT-ms! Ca-«li en- K*ui-m I- ivxlticr. PI M r 1.1: 3 7 wi'l iri--,:i ,F:ee) oio r-.-' ia 'or t At' :« V. ' KB 7. i '.n .ii.'i. orAove 1 .\ j.'j:.fiC2L.i.S, PIUI'L-:^ ,; a. -11 ..' cicpes, le--^ iug the "'kin soil, clea. « .(. Vsulii... • «Vo iustrnctionk for prolaciuf .. Ini ulant g- o» ,.' of 'liHir on a bald bead ^r snioo ' e. \U- diBto, pnelosing a .lo. s'.Mni,^: i. V ' i Cj... 5 lie ;^m..a w' .K. Y. 9*' â- : AGENT3 Wm. NSXiSON, Proprietc! Dundalk, Februarj 28t)j. 1662. " l GEEAT DISC-'^UNT AT- "CHEAP SIDE.' to TeVnhonp i»:i Vu!noi'» ' iiU'n' » ' SALESMEN WANTED. To begin work at onee on galea lor Fall of 1862, for llie Fonthill Nurseries, THE I^A4t«EST lHr CANADA. HiAD OmcKâ€" TOKONTO, Ont. BaiKca OmcEsâ€" MONTREAL, P. Q.. »nd ST. PAUL, MiKK. NURSERIES, FONTHILL. ONT. We can start ui addition to our aheady large force ICX) Additional Canvassers, And want men who can give fnU time lo the biMincs.. Steady eniploTm«nt aad goo-l bftl- anes to Bucoessful msn. It does not uiatte- what yonr prenoas ojcupaiion has been If you are willing to work your suooeas is al- most certain. The best refeienoes requufd Apply to STONE A WELLINGTON, • Nurserymen, Toronto, Out. 80-106 .. .11 ':.ii5o i Rnii Oi^an M'lwie. I.jci-Ke ^!t.; jp f. i- c -t- »l.ane »n â-  toui... EDISON }SC: 10 CO., 9:i9 Cheg^nr; S .. PL.Iacie!:?' a, .•. „„,. THE NEW ARTIST Rare Chances A ehoioe lot for gale in be«t baginegg I«tol Markdale, brtnglot No. goul.. «deoMUlrti«et. Ha. a eomfortahi; dwdl- haidwatei. Win be K)ld on T«r» r«aKiiab'e Anply to » „^J^^raB,IC«rkiaWP.O. or to C. w. morLMsmm, '•Staadard' «ibt n-H FOR THE UEXT 30 DAÂ¥8| I will offer to the pnbUc my entire gtock of D. v GooJ*^ ccn aitgv' Doecb Goods, â-  Cashmeres. -Lustres. Saawls. ' Prints. Winieja. Velveteens, Embroideries. L:idie:, s FJi Mantles, Twe.ds, Seady-made Cloth' Fats Caps,. Ge'-f Ti-. Linen CoJ-i| Dress Shirts, Ovcrcoa s, x^' acy Tl uutl Duclcs, ' •. Oxford Shirtinps, Ct pe'st THE AEOVE S OCK Wj^l, BE SOI H AT EUGENIA " Grist, SafjUHlLaflillills 600D FLOUR ALWm ON HAND. Choppi.rg Done Every Day. LUMBEB AHO LATH ALWAYS ON HAND. 4ti;-Uy iuf ;i.-i? »y\ tho .« w o f d lovei s of GOOD PHOTOS To com* AT ONCE and gire bim a tifal, for to do go is M be Suited as Uiey neTar wei-e Eef;-* I^AU poor and cheap work despised by bun. O-ood. â- 'TT-ox^s:, â€"AUD " MODERATE PRICE8. lahii motto. All tkcP*palar 8(7l«« Ma«e ky J. L. BROWNE, ^wthe BtaadardOffiee, Markdeh, NEW DRESS MKiN8 Establiahment. Tha aadMiiviMd hmt to «.~-~^ t* ih« 10 PER OT. QISCOUliT « FORMER PRICEI end m- st be run off by the middle of Mf ch, ^n order to ^nu ':e room for my [U H iaiJc.Ta f.vixi Britaia. irhioh wii: arrive about tj? aOth of Marrb. T E JR ]\i: S J II. lnMi;;«3 the uihabitanU of Mi^rkd. e »nd Ui- eraroundo.o couu •â-  fo. tl« «»?; '•'â- , manucf i a wj'ch tjey h^Te patronised uu sJnco eommenc-.ig bu :ue. .-*: J»"?» ••" oouaui..inoe oi the same, I am yoon truly. HENBY FOSTBB. n V b«K to m UdUot a^vWnttr. tkattbi,ha*aea«Mi Dress Makine, t'esUiB^ioe e.g. Ooodi-ooin»and;sood«»eaU*atrea»oa- t. jia ratas. «arkaato. UuTth »th. \i^: ^*^^TO-.f f uu \i •• *• work ia a 'MI -__^. â- â- â- â- â-  iNiiim I masB. »- • \^ tpfh ^It^* FARM TU SELL OR RENT. 'AMES OlXJJtaPIE. hmWmrKO. yw ooRro^ KEiito^xyRK. !r »* ?««â- * «' ««? t«%M- •WW â-  ♦â- â- ' ' We take pea^nre u. "•""^j. that wo have just receiTed»S»^ VERY BEAUTIFUL Easter k Brrtiiday A, Turner A CO' THE MEDICAL m^ DcrBons iu want of a .jUKtit Lko. wouM do well ti call o Jason, Carriage malKi, Miu' flla iia« a qua i"ty' he »'ll se I Bowlers make. [jMinee McKec, aiiJ Ixtler halt. 1 a vwit to â- â-  U'lr frien'Js iu tliis ^. thUwQL'k. ol! Bros. U C^.. T.roiito, nvel canufacturers of Lartlmc. the| bricator known. Try it. klurk Arrsstion;,' Jr., lirib jc frtm â- ut.:KaR. -^n acc uul i wA\ be f ju. j 'U aiii'llic report of Prct-n CiHUJcii \g. which appeared '.n tli* 1!»^eJ ,tfo weeks ag'), wo pave the sa'ar.^ |4in!* 1 easuier Sl«5. wheu Lc $75. IlkMcaue" fnmi'j Itfi for MkmJ the«2nd to j'iu their lua.lj lue bolare. I wU sitting of Division C'lH iU take I'l ace ni Mark.' i oi ApnL ber ':arj;e assor'-nent oi ca;i 'if tl^L'st varev cw: nie, at Mout;;omer' s b;J» 'v. Ilhasinlrwbf-y Tv.'.o it j-i t u-i:-.- by Mr. McD-.tiiral' m \\k McFarlaud'a ciothuis ;â- .• 'Tke Horse and His D'-.;tsts inf rujivtion iii')Bt va.ti. ule owuet' 15 ceuts. m.\m.ii.i IFW'I giu-Jeii and iI-.w.m »•-â-  1-. Ipreat the Meaical H;ill. A. »d Co. ^liue mncliine f^il will ii' '., i^ lie, nnil weum h.'it-.r '!:•' oil ill tlie luarkof. .A.-.-. Healer and take iio (•i-it.. CHEECHK. Not only til." ' tiling for the teeth ati.l u eati t. bat 'TEABfiRRv' is a \.--.~ loruamaut aud fiuish to t;i« ".)il 1 s ?a:up'es. Itcci^l will be t»:v«"ij rn.Ttr v t« uf ihe L.A.S., o! ^he ^! ' ICaurch, Markdalc, iit llie r «| (of Mrs. Foster, liant l.iio. leslay CTeniup, the 5th \\'ii\- phraaia spring show will :aiJ IttRocklyn, on the 25tli A: J ICE. â€" Ail parties iuil'-itoJ to til siuned, are )cijiKi«.^d vt n eltle the same at onve, ai;il .--i^ trouble. W. J. Unwc, Da I MUls. h McFarlaud has ja»t rcciev^ ' of shipment from M..i)c-'iL-s' ind, of eight eas«t runts. L«c liceres. Silks, Satius. IV.aiKi ed Suitings. auJ Drcs* OiJ ' " arriTa about the njidu; •â-  Latdine Ask any f;'.- it "« or mill man in fact ai; » Mii I"** tnaohinery and ha wiil â- ' 4 la tha only oil which '•qc»l to Caatnr Oil aud wai] ' dog your Machinery. ^little English girl baa wnitti to the Quean, resuectiog tho â-  nade npon Dxr majesty 8 !l •JJ t childlike manner ci)ii;:r:i| ••verign upon her eacal f,'**i'»ty Vfry aeri.iuslr roplieil '«ttU royal subject. I tL â- * •fftcUona of the Cai ^•na Threat, usa Dr. Car« Cough Urjps. [| cure Coughs.Colds l.itijou| Bronchitis, Ac. As tha Ooagli Drops looaening pule .^*^7- A Turner aud 'Ajjaat M*lkdale. fuuiigao, Ui aay Mrs. Ml !•«»'• tI' **"" Roiu'to hav' auc L ° ^*l' come now vez m J?^??** »id me. ^^'••^Oey, Oi cant hold Begarra. it'» full I am f'A* »• drauk seven cups alr.a W.?*?^*** •ucb sliaug Bh« ^PilUUgM. ii vhnra of corse ft| '^wmya keeps Uie Uis hMd man Juha *M 1,800 iwi-nds iu| Vcrl of a Iw ia j. J 'â- J own •vJs th« |»«j •â-  in ohut faltf. li

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