Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Mar 1882, p. 3

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 V- -i-»- *..^ !i i» ♦ t\ hi 111- 'Ip ' I- ' '4 ^^ bvuctbt THS SEA' KENDALTS IVW CURl lENOALL*^ SPAVIM CURL Tke tmâ€"t MiCc4eMfW Bciae^ ev«r diHCovered, u it u certain in iU'eifeet^ and doe8 not bluter. Bxad Psoor Bklow. FROM THE ONEONTAPRESS.N.Y. OueouU, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Eftrlv Uat summer Messrs J. B. Kendall jlfUTcb ik tLe fir»t ipring mootb, kiu iy tiiii. tiu'c allUic pUuU liortLa â- Â«Â»iHii'a w r »bouUl be well iBatiur«il. TIm Uriuer wbo plmna littk, ufUu luek l» t a -oil ll Amonut of tlt« mtrnk that pays tb« hmt. 3 tfaoakl b« fnl ly aHaie uf ill* importauee of being leady fur work wlitn tlie tiina eomea. lu Mini.' iart« of tb cuotry fhere ia ft homaly phxMC, "Gettiug • good na'i\. It b uui Beliolary, Lut very cxprf^Tc. It really mtans m^lciug iiiui- u^ii I'r paration, aoJ in doiug III Ik til r.» will 1,« aicu to hiie, eaetli to proviile, imiilemeuu to buy, ami k K^iitral overbaalini; and piitiiog iu readinessof all the macbinery of the tunu The matter of hired help ia ao i A Co., of EuosbarKb Falls, Vt., maUa oon- impo'rtttiit one, and require* mucl* »™rt with th« pubU»her» o/ the Pr^. for a ., ~_ i.T„ ..,. half column aJvertiicment for oue jear s«t- t-ioujiat. There la a grout differeuce ,,^ ^^^^ j,_^ ^^^.,^ ^, Kenu«ll" Hparin 1.1 bued uieu they rauge all thu way ^0^^ j^i ((,« f^,^ tj,Q^ ^^ s««ored from froMi tbe thoagl.tlul, coukeieutiuuii the Arm a qoautitT of books, entitled Dr. 1 â- a.j wlio i« as mucii interfst^d in tbe Kendail-. Treatise 01. the Horne and his Dis- ., /• ;. _-_ 1,;. eases, which wp «;•â-  giving to advaaace paying â-º u:.«.,Holthefar.U W if 1. wae his ,„i,^ber. of t, /•,«,,: a premium, own, to the •lliitlet-8, luulflervut, aaa About th.- tin. the ailTertie.-ment first ap- aiiJ kouie tiioes bad iiiau, who cares j p«ared ir tbis ps^vr Mr. P. G. Scheimerhoru. for UutbinK but bis Jiay, aud is not "fi"' resides uear CcUIcrs. had a sj^Tined I .1 „„« t^r,.. ' hor«e. H»- read tbe adTertinement and eon- ht to have a place »' »UJ I-"i eluded to te,« the efficacy of the remedy, al- e^j.fcCially if there are cbi.dren Ji liie ti^ugh bi»fneiid. laughed at Li^ cred'ubty. farUDbr'a huusehold. TLig li a in re He bought a bottle of Kiudall's S|«tiu Core ijlpo:»Hlt matter than luanv aupcOK* «n I commnnced UBing it on the horse in ac- J f .1 i.„- ». »1.^ ...i.r-, cordance With the dirfctious. and he inform- Aside from tbe danger t) the mora.. ^^ ^^ ^^^.^ week that it effected such a complete '.f Touiii; people from imcrooer Wn- I e„re that tn exi«-rt horseman, who examined Ciia^e aini acts, a man wiio is lit the aaiual leceutly could find no trace of tbe Liuii to them bat no basinesi on a jiLcfc wbirc thtro ar« ci.il ^r u. Uue u: the beat workiiieu wo evei ku^ i.Utily Ignored tbe ci.i.ciieL, takiug uo mure notice 01 tbtm than if tbi y were «' ii-aji\ otoueti. We are not award tiiai tie *.ie tVM U4jkiuU to tiieiu, but the Im I- tllllll-r. hMll ll-CalliK uf .11. 1 til j;.. nenr bii.T, and vroull run nWaV wi.eii- ever he aiiri)acii€d. NVe w.uii' in't lm»» biicb a iiiMii 111 tl;e i'ii;::i. .Skuh- .~).avin or the place where it had been located Mr. Si-iieri: oiliorii has ..-iiici- s.cured a copv of KeiiuuU'b T;eai! I' of the Horiu; nnd lii^ Di»i;i *-s, wluch he prizes \erv fai^'hly nil woui hf lotii to p ir; W:tij at any 1 rice, pro- ViUi;.. h could uut OKtaiii another copy. 80 niKch fi.r Mi'n' r is.n.' l.a)lf uiticl'-.^. Kendall's Spavin Cure. -Nf .^ 11 uiij.11/, Mm.. V X. J^lii, in.ll. -Mi. F H. .\leC:iaam. De:ir .Sir:â€" The hot tie 01 i).. K u lall s aviu Cur loiight of yon in-: -uininPr t'avc .ic the ii.niDMt satis fHCliDii Hud .Jiii.;-ii a Koiiilirfiii cur;; upon a i:iure ...uc. n v.-;ii- uM bflouf-'iiiji ti we Uien are dear at any pricf, whlic wliidi wu., b.i li.i "UHiiit.! for ten yeara. She others are wortli 111 u;W luor. tl.ni. iiic »a.-. go l....it t.ii.il cmiJ.i hiu.iiv get bur to nn»ve. 111. l:ini' lie s in cnti"!} gone after nsiiig half ii I" iile of tiie cure, and »he is WHgts tUat tbeV Hie )iiiid. Between theae cwi extremes is tie xr.^at niaea .i,^^ ^.(^uyj,i^,„„. ,,^,^1,, of fariii laborers, ftud it requiies ui..i0 than a passinif glance to e:.giiv'e the Ix.st uieii. The faruitr who vill be j.HilKMil.ir enough to have only good j lu 11 At out liim, will al-so know tba» 111 r ii;ir,t be treated as men, and Ifin III. Ill be will receive, iu return, the tli'»";;ltriil (1 ibf lam labor ol llieir hands Voars truly. J.F. KoiB. fro:?! .4 PROMhs'ENT PHYSICIAN. Wa-.'liiiipti.nville. Oliii., Juno 17tb, 18S0 Dr.- J. b. it~ttini\ -t r,, Oeiit-:â€" Ke-,.|ii;c SI ivico of m^li, instead yomailviri -eau.-it in Tuf, i-iild uiid Farm I of Ktucluli'-, S]i,i\iii t lire, ami liaxiii),' a val ' liable and spuKJv liOise wliicii ll. id I.1.I11 l;iiiie 'I'he »iirf!i(.-i water eh ^U il be let "H fr^^ ^j,.,, j„ f„r' :^;hu-.ii inoutli^, I bent to from tbe girtin ami oilier iiebls oefore ' yuu fcr a bottle ly rxprti-^s. which in six the kioi.i d is eulireiv thawed. All weelojreiuoMd ail iHmiin;- audenlargeiQent di r ,...' I ;,, rva..fii,t I and a l,irj;e -iiliiit friipi an tl.cr lior«e and ram-, ikomrei inqiieiit inspection, .„ â-  1 .. ti ' ' 1 ' â-  Uitli lMr-i' are lu I .i' a.i .-oiiiid as lits, fbc es) e.-m;i» iit this titiu-, wlicn ttl* out- I „„j. ,,,^,.j^ „..,^ ^.^^..^l^ ,,3^^^ ^.^,. ijmjared dol- b fn iiiav lie clofigud bv ict- and enow, j Urs. Ito^oectfuily yours, H. A. Uertolkxt. M. D. I'.Tii iiiay be sown tlii.i month. A vei V i-ren ivist is obiiimei by sowing n|...ii t li^lit fall of hiiMW on a Btiilday. .imri ,( an Ajiii iiUiiKil I jr March. f'.lMoib » I I dipeiK. seciilir and ril.LjloUS, ate hav- Kendall's Spavin Cure. 0.\ III.VIA.^ E'l.ft:!ill. -Thou-^aniis of trial-s ou iiiiman Ue-h has Ability â€" Hop provi^d bi-vond a doi;bt that •â- KEXD.\LL'S i'"lva.'iverli.cdiu all the ^I'-^y^^-' CX^KE" has su.e, .,it .strength to I peiitt;uti. an 1 virtue to ciui the w.irnl c-lsts md ril.LjloUS, ate nav- of rlienmatiim, corns, bii; .ouis, frost-bites. !â- â- ;; it lii'a" iil' and alC supplanting; I or a'lV-brui'e, cut or lamino-ss which are not All ii'.hi r iiudici: Ci. Tbi re is no dc- allicted in the Ita-t by or.liuary liniments. lion nlaut ' ' does not blister but ou tke contrary re- iiviii;.' the viryitK of tlie uikI tbi' proiiritors of these Hitterit ban bb.'Wii -rut hluuwiliienB mid j ability iM c..iiii...un.lins' a '|t"e" v„ur SpaMi, (uro with gWat succc. on spay- whi-ho Tirtiies irn to paljiablu to ' ,„., fiiiK mid splints. 1 know it to be a (diB'TVilli "11. â€" /â- .JillwilKl' i goiKl ri Mii-Iy for riri^!«'!;i's, liinu B|i,iyiiis. IcH -, lmII- iiiid :ir I,;:; 1.1 of l.-iiiii nt...-., ai-d moves all soreness. St. Johus, P.Q., Oct. 27th. 1881. Dr. B. Kendall iV Co., Giiits â€" I haven.sea every- one s •til J ' ' ..;i(ci 1; :is,iii Will not rncvill 'iis year any Vi's.si i- tr .10 tl e I'.i'ili;-, b,:t will de- Iii-!i liiiilicr tvv.i more frirjtes. I'an.slnvist intri;,'Ues in |i.;iiiiisiil.i, arc Uo- !.' '1 til IS l,n.lll til.! mi;. Ill lit lltl m;.My oiliiT iUtU,':iiti..T, iili.iut tlic horde. One of iiiv nun -I'lained his uiiUIp liadly. I ap- |)li. .1 K ii.ImU's s'lmvli: C'liro Mid 1 never saw aiiytliii:;^ w.jrk liliu it, he ivas Weil in a few d lVs 1 l.iiow it to be gootl for man as well Hs 1m. .i-t. 1' pr«.i:rid OHM uf .:â-  1 Ti.-itise ou tbi Ho!.|.. 111,11, i..r I'll-.. ;::..! I tl,ink it :?!'"' on one I,- I '..i- dircc- oiil'a"ili' ' w.is tnc iiK :ius ol sawn ' l„ r.-.' tLit I tri-i!.-l a.c I tiou" i;iv, n in yon.- l.o,,k !â- â-  iiii J .-.t;ii». r ;v -I'vi 11 liv.-s h.ivf' Iii'cii loiit j by til ' '1111 ii 1 101,' a i'.Mlisli atfuiucr .b.'irid Iroiu (Mess.i t' Loudon. ' iv.\';i) .s yi:li. i\v oil. \Vi:i 111' foiiiiil iiiv'i!iiald' I'lr ail Mil |.or .-.â- â€¢' II luUllly llieillC.lil' llll nil ii:i!' n'u'f vvill full '\v it.s KMf. It ll lii'V.i's llll, nnis cliiib.aiiis, frort l-ii, ;, â- ..;,; bill IIS, !i-iii, 11. II. ,1' la, ivc. 11, IS iM'llr till' ll S3 VVi ittii li" 1^1 ,â-  h • '|i.'ii'i V ll will iUi 'l.'ll|l 111 A lew |.i til' llll- • I'l Coins, rlioi, 11111- I'or internal n^u hie' till. One or •ur. ,.ic iliri.at. a i. \v iiiiuuti-. I r. 1 •â-  1 .1^ â-  mil 1. Yiiirs tmly, V. M. J. I'L.U'.HOS. Iu!i),iim. r.i'.i.. .Murcli 10th, I'^TO. Vt. Ii. ,!. A 1. 1 ui iV I., (,i. hi -About a Vi-.ir iij.' 1 Ii il .11 [ill- lo:' onto ,.ni. ic and WHS biiiby li,i. t .11 til, ll.;. j..:.i,, i. i, ,-ii r.illscil 111, noii-li siiiii ii: 1 ti..! \.ii:...;- n-nie- ,1.1 l.'il r; .1.C ^; ..â-  r. In f iii; •.! I ;i.i-,lKeii di.l' s S, in,ii Mi I i.i).,.. ll .t [11 -t..'iiRI,b twirji.ii; f..' ' I .( f 1 .11 i I. 'ciobei :ill I it rlh -.i i 11 j 1 l' 1 1-li,. 1 1 ,-â- . .f ,-,l,c til. :i |.i .1 v.iiiiiti.l 111 â- â-  Iroiu Innu-iie-s. I, 1- \iiy .1. i.iMi I..]' lu.iii 11^ wil; lis Ix-aKt. Vo;ir tniiy, (II Sll R IC. tiBEZS. I endall'3 Spavin Cure. I. ilfi- has ln.Hii ii; dm .â-  It 'Ml IS V |ii.li;y !l !s I. sl y cine. 1 It IV il t'i--| oi'li'tl! ..iji llie Mt;?i' st ra j» "â- â€¢â€¢'.uurlul liiedi T iiei' jiiiii .l.i\i-t HO-;; .f,,!-, fr ill ll ..-sia vvi aril. Ui a: Ja oiaiv. I.ifheii.-iii ctii. di.ti liiiH been search e 1 i'V tlu police. It IS elulayi.i 111 olliriiil circl^in that (lirre lias been iii C'liiiiii.iiii'a!! ii e 1 III' Hi ll. h It I b,.li. ... r...... IS. s\...ill i Hiid llll iiil.ii;:! iiienl- ' â- â-  for I 'l Utllil, --Ml U, ' t W !l.' ll .: iilllUli lit 'f Ii I 1- l., 11 .•â- .{â- .. .^ illl.l â-  y 1 1- 11-, .1 j.M, „ ,„ â-  • â-  â- !â-  o â-  â- :â-  ..lliirf-" I 111.-, ciul.^, 1 .11^: 1;.-. and .i.iv iiiiiieiiesi- id tlie j.iiit- or iiuibi; liiiiii .n 1 any 'iiijio-e â-  lis .! for 11 ,1 or beast I'M! lo 111 iiie bt St i 11 lUi Ul fill ;. H.-tii.g iiiibi a:al «: c-rtMiuin -s ior liliistrnted cimtkr which s |i sitivf pilot of Its virtues I. aliT r er ,1.1 u in a ci'l, thi' cr-w Iw.eii (ioiiniiiiV a to til' a|et'cli td S |aiil.ivisiii. J'l.' ri iti il .hill •li'liii-s i;i. Cr Mil I,' V l~i. I .IS In I, Kllllk ••or ri ill 111-.. All til' ew.u.l Werr* saVisl. At a iu;vtui;,' "f tile (.'.irl'.st, '1)111 iii i.-i- It iViirt ll 1 live 1 t I till' WitKiiU 111 CiMc^rtjU l.ii i, III I- o.' t 1 â-  S|.a 1! '1 liis'.i I I I ' I.' tl • '" 11 Mll"i. r. UAOY.XKDS YKLl.O ' tUI.. Is lit tiit ll ad of tli • ii.sl I. 1 ail pu -I I f :i fiiiiily till! iiiiir. It is ,.| \i "ll iinprcce I.'-n: s ic -es" botl t iially and extern lly. It cnies r- 'iir at. Ii U'.is, mSlIs, tVi.^t lutia; ' l.ves, iind idt^u cu.-e« atliiua. 1" 1 1 1 r 1 I t.ioll ff ' rXJi-'t I I'loiin CO l-.il of t!l ili-aji i.ti .11. •. 1,1 ^luan '-vfi ti^i i i;- effi.-t-. I .Sell I a.liln we t ink t.'i No lelio .\ till- eM 1- nil t Willi »Uiii uiiquuli ,tii 1 iii-v I" o.ir ki. i.wl'.d^'r, fo. 111 at as )•â-  â-  ' 11 1.1 -.X l.o;:l.' for?.*). .1. r ;â- ' •. ' fo. voU.jol « I â-  1. odr- on loccilit ol • i li'.t r. .1. KEN ,-â- 1.. b 1 Fa::-. Vt. ALU DKUv GISTS. A L... Monti, .ll, I'.y.-.AVhole- 71. p. .1.1. ,10 ,1' linn So PERCHERON HORSES LARGEST Importing and Breeding ESTABLISHMEMT â- ' IN THK â€" WORLD. Mirocl till' town of Fi'ceri- 'l.e »viht c la t ol' .\fnca. N.lIIVeS t.li.a! oil an 1 |.iii 1 1 rii I till' K.'il b!i a i.t Frcucb 1,11 III i' .-'OT, r.il own rs md cK-rliB 1" ll.I^in;•, and it i.-* fe.iic 1 were 1 :J ol. siuKcviiE I'uii A aaciii. 1 ;.e must leliablx .emc'.v fir a f"i.oii 111 cold, astbmii. sli.r.iie8» of 111 iflii, iMi.c liiri'Hl, ueiK liing^ ami llll b I'liciiinl ii'oiibli'K, ii Iiu,;yard'i INctoiul iJ.llrlt II. i'i-.c-i *i')C.UtS. â- ['ll • iii'w r.jti)*ia:i M nistry has blilcl illflllico i;* 1" o Sll 1 HU.i FiH ce by il-^ â-  i â- â€¢.; it will racist auy i.tieinp' by Ciic Kiiri|ia-' tixRiivial c("iit lolbr- t ' inferfiT* ♦!! tli j iutcrii s\ dctoliipinent of ilie s luiil y. (^ .i ki'leeab'r t vut 'ibvirt Ii»h heon iMiiS'd 1 • Harliii by t'le .leci.siMi of a iiii itaiy tilbiiiiHl, 'r ui iir Ikhu ubime ;. .iiiitiiitl, a mem'ior of 'li â-  gnards. f 'r a'l. ofttPr ^bile oil di^y, tw boya 'ivii'i. lid woiuidiug n iliT d lor leaa- i •„ hi WH^ TO STUDY. 1*0;^^ til* poetical liil»4 ipher aaid, • T i... pi' .,ei t lumkiid ia 11. an," niiil vii, 'low liitl" is "le roftl t.ii uce f hm'U tn.i»sl. If i-e-tpie iiiid|prstoart'Siii) WeI'd ibd laws of lotort V^jtf'tiP iiui-u a iiM fifc? Ilttr- tlock l"« i H V 1 luaa II -m 'ilia liiat BmAi-^Mrvc t%" uu.iit •« rffio lv-^il»4i*d. ft hiei^ira:..-* Mi4, nl. \nf^ ittmiMJ^^. \ij a liaal- "--UvJ H. W. DUNHAM. 'Ws^ne, Du Page County, Illinois, U. S. A. (33 miles west of Chicago.) DtiHixr the TKUt 1 7 month « 3tS0 StTAZt^ ZJOXS .IXn Ja.ljm.S harr bren import ea from fi-aiiee to this establUiimrnt, bring MORE titmn thr i-ombiHrd itniiortations all othrr importrra of Di-aft Bormet /Vsas all parts of Europe for any one ifear,. On'-fifh of the entire ntirtiber of Tmport- e«t Fr' 'Ch Uorsr.9 in Amcr..^ can tie seen oa bis farm Hi3 Iniportat ons bar* incla!ed the Prise Winners of the VuieeriMl Ss/ionitioit, fnrit, 2«7A, and neaily all the Prize Honaa Ot tbe Qraat Shows ot Fiance since his impoc- tat.ous oopm. lliey a^so carrieii off the hociors at tbe OeutmnkU, 1076: anU, at the ftrmt Chicnnn fair, tHHI, Mr. Dttnhnm't Brnl of fEttCrtEROSS, tin rompriinon with tbs Imrnrmt and fin^tt collection ot Clydrm- UUe* ever shown, consisting o( tbe prize wis* ners at tbe Oieat Shows of fiiiotlann aod En- gland,) was awmnled tbe OrttuH Strre^Mtakom iVtRi Ot 9i4tOO and tiititnl Golrf Mtlal. 1^ PAOB CATtZOOTB tent rRBM •ks mfmUntt.*!*. CoMtaiaa orrr 40 2/lKa- trmimSa tnuilko ftit*rff •/ (Jk« fiii i »si â€" race. O rJer "tLtT^xJoenTE X" â- VSRTLABGB BRKFDSR BVBRT NBIOHBOBHOOO NKXDB A PSacBKBON STALZJON tfatrty v«ars' trial has damcD. sttated that when btul to tbs eoruiuoB maeaa a^ «be oooutry tbejgradaea ia more nntfasBS, an saatet keapers, Mtter wok' ers. and itfosBS, an saatet keapers, I aiU tm naramosMr «â-  jrottseeiaat «( ll a ia il To the Public. LadUs aiH Gmtkmem I woald announce to tbe inhabitants of Dandalk and surrounding country that' I am an authorized agent and am now prepared to sell the best 5^ *-.- L- SEVDiS lAGHQIES! mannfactured. They are the world-renowned New Yerk SingerT And, moreover, there is no person that: ever used one of them will dispute this asser- tion. V PLEASE CALL AND GIVE THEM A TRIAL N.B. â€" Old machines bought JAMES HANNA, AgenU' I A ratlMHEHy^URE FOR UME Plloa, Diaeaaea Urinaiy Or HIDtlBITBLI iACK, ereaseil Diaeases i for I rthel Dandalk. Dee. 26th. 1881. letf; Foundry! -AND- MACHINE WORKS, We are prepared to execute all kinds of Turning and Boring, ^v^TH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. „. Kidneya. Bladder and or attendant oompiaiota. BJVIDEHCB OrVDlft «K- SATI8FACTIOR. -t ind tka» ?•♦ •* •" ifialkctieB. iM.'«MP 7«lt- »- • so valuable a leaaad/ for Kidneys- Signed. IB. 3. B. MOBDBN. ^•Child's Pad. »1.S0; Regular Pad, mX Pad for Chronie Diseaaee, »B- Druggist fer Pamphlet and Taati- ,free. SoMby CKB k CO., Owen Sound. r, ELLIOTT, Chatsworth. liPHENS A McCABBOUi, Maalwd. KICHABDSON. FleshertOT. iOS. STEPHENSON, OraugarOle. W PfBSOMS. Dandalk. if IvilY PABKBB. Dorhaai. W«.LTJCA8, Manager. ^BpUmber 23, 1880. ' 'J To DisBaaas, Co««»taiirr» and Aaiaaaii whick Uacyaxd's YaixDW 0«t Is jnaiao- tetd to core or raUev* «llb« » »»« or BSAST. Twu mmiuur m CBOVF, I COVO BB, CBAMFB, aOBM XBROtT, ASTBMA, I COIjDS, *C tfruco unnuuY nt fHOS. PLOWS! And -Plow Points will rcc^'ivc onr 8pecia! attention, knowing tliroiigli practical e.viHrienec the best class of Irons for suth. anrr j onm coRirs, iTca, FAiynrBAtx, SHEVMATiaM, CBUMLAiya, tmxLLiraa, LAMEXESB, COSTRACTtOirS ZUMBAOO, DEATNESS, BERAUrS, Kmy bottle punmteed to gna tloo or money iwinded. DtlEmraS WITH EACH BIfTTU. mOC SOe. X.iszLSUSsr ft CO^ rr o pr le to a ToaoNTO^ oar. Choice Farm for Sale. 2 MILES FROM f AKKDXLE. LOT 1 19. Concession 1, Aitomesia, East side T. S. Riiail, ront.iiiiintc 50 acres â€" Iti of wbicli is uu..lcr cultivation, and the balance bard timber. Tlie above farm is a very desirable propert.v and will be oU elioap. A Kood frame liarra and Ior lionse is on tbe place. Possession given Ikia fall. For further par- ticulars apply to ' WM. LITTLE JOriNS, On the premises or to C. W. RcTLEDaa, Markdale. Sept. 2na. 1881. O-^ Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Boilers, will reccsive our {attention. Vi'e also introj duce oiir new FAffllLY MANGLE! to tbe jiubLc. This nt-w machine will mangle I.iiion, I'otton, an i V\ o'lien dood-i, giving lluiii a bi iiutiful siiKioth nnd filossy appear- ance, ll also improv.s tho c!otb..'«, wiiireas hot irons injure tbeiii. Wo will ai«o laanu- factnre C.^8T•JRCN GRAVE TABLETS! with or w thmit iiicrblo slab for ii.imo. i*. a!o Titiiiti ltaiiin,-'s. Pall IMl.vrs an 1 Oriia- im'ii-.al Cist Iron Chains f r laiiie, also all ninds of Ballu -ler ltailing!, Jluusi^ Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Brass Castingi of every description, Jjrasa BelU, largo or small. MOFFAT BROS. TL iJi::iU\ rpHOSE sPAciors .\N1) FIUST-CXASS J. stores in the Hoid lUcok. Good cellars, full sizs of building, n'ld'T encii store. Also the dweilin^'s over the said tor,j3, oon- isting of kiicben, diiiitig-room, parlor, five bed- rooms and large h«iU. I'ne stores and dwell- ings can be h id singly or together. Terms moderate. -\pplT to JOHN BEID, Markdale, Marlflale. Feb. 8th. 18?i. 7l St Markdale. Nov. 16H1 63-lv O. GRANT. Undertaker â€" AN*â€" CABINETMAKER, Has now on hand Coffins of all sices and prices. for hire, charges moderate. UMDERTAKINC promptly attended to at all hours of day or night. Also a full stock of Honseliold Furniture! ThelParestandBeat Medlclae ever Made, AeouaUasttoa ot Hop*, Buohu. Man- draknuid Oandelion,ti^tliailtiioiestani: â- io«te% arm tlTti properties of all other Bittexs, mak*s\tbe(re«test Blood Purifier, Ll««r Wegul %ator,»p'Lire'" "l nealLh BestarlBC Ac«at a If o diseas* c^Lsn pooslblj long exist where Hop nitters aj-e tis^ed,so varied and perfect are their opeiatii Ibiy (ivt asw U%h til vl£3rto Us SESlul bSna. ToaQwhoee em.DiptoynieDia cause Irregnlarl tyof tbebowelso^^iii'iiiary orKans, or who r^ qolrs aa Appetlse^^^'Toiilc and laild Stlmnlant, Sop Bitters are t nvai^a sMe, with out Intox* KomanerwhatTooMemetlBlls or flTmpcoiiu are what the disease or aUW'Mat Is use Hop Bit- Dspt wait onta 70a •%•• ilck but It 700 oal7tefhaa or ndMnUe.meeethem at oooe- ItiiM7saTs7oarlUe.ItbasHsaved hundreds. tSOO win he paid f«r a "l" "'yTSL^i -- orhelp. Bo not ,Bffer%»'o«rowtriiBd« " tttseandara* ihem^""" Mop Baanaiber, Bop Bitten Is ao^T^i lrii«eMi noetnuo, bat tlie rnrest^.s a â-  Medldne ever BMde, tbe •nivUDR BOrr* aad DO pexsoa or family^ Louid be without them. f~ t.l.O. Is an absolote andlrreatlbls rare' orllrunkeneM, uiie of opium, tobacco and â- nareotica AU sold bj drnsirliits. Send |tor Circular. Be* BMsn B%. Oa./^ BochesterJC.T azid Toronto, Ont. fl CQ s ,4^* t- TORONTO HOUSi Has the Ijargeat aod Best Assorted Stock in "jw^ sistingof r. i;:;, .â- â- Â«!'• Dry Goods, Beady Made Clothing, â- ^T-V! W 1 Groceries,}^ PJ w o » O z CO -• Crockery, V ' Glassware, "' ' r ^:^ Boots and SWr A.T LOWEST TRICEIB. Cash tor Gram. 5,000 BnsMs Potatoes Mi GEORGE NIXON. DDNDALK, Sapt. J, 11. ilT BUNDAIjK BOOT AND SHOE A --O- O c-t- CD H THANKING my nnmeroas enitomers f^r part patronat* I ben •.ctnneus,,^ am stiU to tha fore with the Of Boots a.iJ Shoes eTrronsht into n-nda-ls OH, HEAR. OH^HEAR. OH, HEAR, Squander your money if ycu want tn. if not, get yourPtotograiliB of W. BULMER. The People's Photograptier, Flesherton Who is again prepared to take Pietnres. and do Copying and Enlarging as heretofore. FFt^ME!^ A N J FKAAIK t^IXlTStiS. Wearereceivin al-r{;e stock of MOTTOES and Motto and other Frames, and Frame Fixing.s, which we can, and mean to seU at Reiuarkably Low Pnces, Can and secure bargains. ,. u t j Bring along your pictures and have them copied ard enUrged by your old friend. BULMER. NEW GOODd ARRIVING DAILY i^VkW and !?4*»«i TIk^iij- au still manufacturing tlioae ce'.elirated French Kip Uwth, c«i; am fei tkta. c^ Boots, either sewed or f-e^s^ied, a â- pucaii.v. Repairing proriiptly attendeJ t j. .vii Cujtoni Work Wanantea. i-,^ Â¥. I keep llie Celelirated Waazer Sewing Cou"ta..tly on hand, which I sell very olitap for cnth. Aiw i^ie i o i I :?J I o IV o I* ij. ^v s wh'ch are uiirivalled in opan'y of tone il ]ii-.(r. KM kind* of Farm Piodiice taken lu exchauite for goids at tiie iiun '.aik Bo tuifiba Store. .•â- -•.. THOS. HANBURY. Cnndalk, September 3nd; i18i. i Bm MAEK DALE Sash and Door Factory Flesherton. MajchlO, 1881. Ordered wcrk of all descriptions executed with the utmost dispatch. A full stock of RUSTIC AND PHOTO FRAMES which will be sold cbeap for Cash. rOT TWJ. tJLt" •' ST.. MATKD.\LK. _j tl: "-« ' ou till, lot a tZMtk ha«a. stable, ...aop. well, and fistem. Vi .H aell ohaaci atal ou caiv te.iu, " TH'JS. MULLAIIKY. !»:«, ree,S.A..18Sl. Cf-M Seasoied Lumber of all kinds Taken in exchange for Fnmitate. G. GRANT, IIAKKDALE. Markdale, txx.. 23, 1881 67-tf iN4_'.ric;ii:. REFOAM OONVtHJiON EAST6REY WiU meet in the Township Hall. Flesherton, OS TUESDAT. MAfiOB lOL, IBSS. at ime ©"rioek p.m.. lor tiie ptnrpoae of seiaet- inRcaudi«aleabQ»H Inrtfce HoA^eof Oa* mon.ai.d Ootaria I-«i»latva. AD fren* of ref .naanl 9ad g«*iri»aB» aca ewdUllT iuTlte I. By ofdar of the IiyaiAaat, UaiUiri^)Bi»; Basfetary. SobsCTilM Lr dK Btam»*«ik FLESHERTON Harness'Shop. GORDON Has alwavs on hand a full assortment of HEAVY HARNESS, 'WHIPS, SLEIGH BELLS, TRUNKS, HuRSK BLANKETS, SCOTCH COLLARS 1 Warranted to (it, and made of the very beat materiiil. and at the LOWEST LIVING PRICES. liE^ICUUEB TIIE FL.ACX RICHARDSON'S BLOCK. J. GORDON. N. B.â€" Good Suva aud Shingle timber t^ken Flesherton. Dt«. 6tb. 1881. 1«. ALL m:eiv Wanting %a Purchase or Bent Improved Farms. Wild Land*. Town or Village Property, ia the County of Grey SHOULD SEND FOR Davis' ilaiDotli Catalogue Farms for Sale and to Leta SASH, DOORS, Theaa haTiag like Properties to dispose of should eonsolt ma. Sare 8»lc •T â- â€¢ PWLJ. CATALOUUB SUNT ON APPLICATION. EUGENIA Grist, Saw and LaOi His Having made extensive improTamenU in Bij Oust Mill I fed eoofident I ean ^«a (ooJ satirfaetioal- 'I...I -- .-.* GOOD FLOUR hLilifAYS OH HAND. C hcj^ng Done Every Day. ^Cnntoia Sawing aod Billa Filled on tba abortet notiae. CUMBEEAIU) LATH ALWAYS tJ» HAND. Oerry, Bnttmiiti WUU A«b.JPUskAah, ^iatwooi, Ptoe and He n-.'ock Loea vantai. 69lj. IL AKITX. HngMiia. I have oi^ard an 0«ce ia BaUcdire's Hotel, Markdale, wher* 1 WiU be foaad every Tliar»*ajr, and wiU be prepared to exeeuU Deads, Leases, Mortgages, e., tc., uea.i.v an" correctly. Advice on Ixgal points fraa. Also to attend ta all the different departmante of my businaas. In every department of my businesK my matto ii Thorough- ness and Fair Dealing. Aaci*a Sales coadacted. Reats, Aceoaats, *c^ rallecteii aad pr«Bipt retarus aiadc. CHARGES LOW^. ROBTa DAVIS, CoDTeYaacer, Commissioner in B.R., Real Estate. Loan k Intufanss Agesl WILLIAM STEAIN, Deaiarin all kmks of ' ASimWLTURAL IMPLEMENTS. WAti6Q||8, t Sewing iiachines. Organs, Panning Mills^ Tin 3.nd Oopperware BMKIR6. PAHJII ANB MX STOVB8 WM. STRAIN. 3Paes3a«rtoML. Mwrii t4, IMl. '-^i BLINDS 'v • â-  "^y- ., MOULDINGS, ""'-:â- .. HOLLOW BATTONS, -•â-  .-^ • 1:, l-KAMES Lumber, Lath and Shingles, Always on Hand. Ordeps Promptly Filled- The Siibaoriber wishee tjrotnrn thanks to the people of M*rkd»l.- s:d vieiaitr very libel al patronage they have pivvu him iu the past, and ho.i- 1^' ^â- -'â- â€¢' ""'" busiuess to merit 11 cotdtiyuance of the .^ame. I have now extended my bnsiniiss.and will in fuluit kf. i « ':•'• S!»«»« PINE LUMBER Direct from the North Shore. ALL size: S: DEE SSED AND UNDIi-i^iSSED^ All I^inds or I^lnin and l iin«v I u'"«i"f ' ' • IHmm in a firet-alsss sianncr. THOS. McNiiJi- • Markdale, May 27th, IMI. "" LATE iPORTATIfllS 0( tpaaially Attractira, Saasonable, Fasliionalle ««i â-  St»pl« Taoand, a^iah we effe- at Greatly Reduced Price*. tm sooYs jk.n^ d^o^^ i:f- â-  • 'm. Wa offer apecial valow iu every line. -.--^: o '.-. '.».' CUB STOCK OF 6NC(a4^ HaidMre, Crockery, and Gla '"" \. rt ia •'** • ^«(F •MgMs. «l|« M»lilMiia -rtt itod prioas and values satiafaaW? partaient. OIVB IM A CAIX AND SAVE W^\ hr Wmhi^tf^SVm tVftim at the "Toronto Boo**- iROWd- A' Wm Bl ia three U«tt.* a -^ aatil all ar i e a gaa gk A* option c( tha HP* %a«nf pap'r^^ without pavir I MBITâ€" '*â- " 'or the years sut ^g OF AI.VEBTISIKO 1, aoe^" • • • j^ â-  aatil 'i'i 15 (» 4 sber thI l ...^.. .-•••â-  -first Inaertioa.. .^^__„J (n^eftion «i»li»e»- fi"""""'"""°- • ^•^ 1-Moeat insertion iin«nrst insertion |.er hue ' of lin»" '" rackm»i liy d by a soalc i -li â- e^r witii^mt -piciri JtiKih'-f- ♦"' forli s ~^o,|y All trA'iiitiiry a I- rti "Tha in **»• "®°* "' f "'•I'ca*""" 'V B the ThurkdHy moraiuR pr« e« flg'^^TLinOB Prorrietor lir a A BUSINESS DIRECTORY. tpf*^* Aiui«.lrons. ^eiu»s.S.:rjeoi.BAcc.uc; Vauieal H«i' r»Mi-'-«^» J« House- Tsls. Sept li.^H**- 1 "I 3BSETi lET AND S01JriT^lt. IS No| dy for attenditiK to ^;! Un.. o: I Ottae -atKav'li^tcl. ,. Dea.tnd, 1SS1. -.i ~frost Fro Hi. LwsTF.BS, AND AT Tiil.NK.Ys r,r"solicitor» ir ()«i..t. (.• *." O"-*" SOU'.;, la.- t â€" ::rM. i| â-  ' Office open e»»:.v r.inr^ -â- . iFaesT J W FRkT.I Oi«WB Attomev J. IWASft'JXt JSTEB, M.ASi';K ^N;1'Ki^ I.I TfJ^nbUij. Notary Pubi;^. 'â-  -wr^ (T roLENU .M" si'c p::i: « i Owen Co'iiid. i'l Vi' '..*' -^ I- 51.; and iu 'i.-.ild.-.V â- .«.- ;• ll i-re, on t'ri ^i» a!i i rv..!.i !:• • J .i7.ll Lane ».'i 'oA't; RIISiF-I.S. •.'•i.I' l'»::.j. yi. »T.".r?ers. Maitlil- Mc?arlBii Ve V-' -I. â-  ta lend, on I'aiu ei:; .» ai ' ,Q c. J. V, P«ut(«trt. 4 s.- .» ».- Hr. laiuf. J. "'»•;!«â- , staut to Dr. 'ami roii. «».'!; .S f-iLLUK AT Tli;: i:. :â- .!.::•: M" U/irkd^lj!, ll till ^I^-l V. ll »onth"*en hu will Li-j 'ip.-.- " 1 operations .•â- â- 4ui!C 1 aj n 'â-  most satisif.i;.i-.\ hit â- :-r. i." tbis ter?ri^. Comiris. iv:-. 'i •' i- •'â-  'â-  ^Ttjan:inn " ' t-s '•'"" ' 4111 to aivl ' 1VI l.i'y i" B.â€" Monav to 1.-. li â-  -â-  ji2.\t. Eoj't. t' l-JBiV KUEP. of Mur.. .:•â-  1. fhiU Insurance ".l-::. ' It. R. d-j. Coi;.. ^ncsr for tli'C.i; ::..:â- â€¢. bj.«, sud I-tnJ j:ti?"' â-  •f lo nnd -Ua •:â-  •« I'.i ••. (rdls, bept. I7.i' 1 CCTIONF!.!: .\N ' •â-  :• Aeeiil, W.iLiUii--: 1 -^ ..•- latteudediii all pnrt' b iold on romii.i- • •â- ' ' â-  Bc«. OiKaiis, All' â- â-  tsai OiiiaCiin i ' '-- I Ia|ienicui.a^ " Ti:iatBtr-rd. !a:i J. *;. • oitiMOt KD !•:;•%: oiiivsyo'r. 1 ra .tf •;;• I. rci f.nd Murk I.i: m::::! I.a'i.l S 1. 1 .-1 •^ *t .ck of o.-L :. iris. lii.,ur-.ir.-, w;*li:ri htr 1:' ;.. '«a to iu:4i;ti *• rai.a« riii;- «â- . •.» !*â- â-  g B: d -t. i Xl.-.e-. to !/•â- .-.â- . ?rK Irr II- '.ft. .. • k'.»*. will U ... X. 17. U-w- fcri T. n:ii.!'i:i;i )i--.i ' l;r,.l.. As: .; I tesforj is sti.i 1 to d(. ail t .. rt. plis-.-rins \:. 'conUanpIate iu.l^ .1 "utago to. (Ti\i- him 1 e;ic« coriiP: ol l*. e«ide:i llA2ai.ii,z. 1 W. II. I OUSE.SI(;N..t â- â€¢â€¢... 1 Coulracus la;.. :i :.'i lik, Oct. l! 1 1. Itnd "• T. G. Morgan. I. .• »Udis!iof Markd*!.- • 1 ' Pfeparea to Work ii;..l.Ar •uebei. paffg ^^j i-a(U. :• is soliciu-d. ]; .-i.l; 1. .- â-  • 'Qaeenst.-.-etb, oj.|. ...iir Mi !• ^7â€"* by Mail prom; .Iv .•., J| »fcdafe. 8,pt. 1. '.s "^fflS popular H. tal !. i ""i aitjen added f, it, ......^ â-  now Bcc.'Kd to i:c 11; m^S •**l-liJ^i a:;d st:, ..i. 1^^ 'eeommo.lntion forio-i.:. J. UEAFOnC, Or.t,. l*-*i.ltc( IKS. I... I i buVT ' jycnmodation for ' ^â-  ^^y* Wmaa and i,Miu,ii9 aui â- JjaaolCigara. 1 a^^?« to and Trom tU :.aini.^ 'â- **• ll. 18*J0. ' ^OMJIEROIAL H. 'HiCEviijLr. oiit fjlj^tl^d aommod.ous Sau, Ij .r**-Bo em», c. Tne b.i 'â- fc^IS* "' "• " "" ' ••a* B ta hU ng ani atteutiv *«OS. ATRlKsON, •al.MM. filti'a.vt^cl IBB PUEMlsLa *** 2, Coi'Ce.aioti /•lirvd. Any 1 wiU t

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