Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Feb 1882, p. 2

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 G« llej • c«Iebrat«4 It be manioulaj-j"' pier hand wtfaSTT*- ^ni(h so n«K«, -|iy lc»l wonder. 1* }, « [•'net Siie. It â-  n pUy it M w^ -nr«t« in iu a, ette. ite^ •nto»»«e inii«-j j^^ ' IratefiMK lOERVS STmeCT, H.i.l dots not bh,ter. B^Tl?^'^*- FROMTHEONEONTAPRF^ Oneonta, New Y«rk. J^ ir"' I^rlv last snaimer Me-r. .2 ;..« forth the n,eritr?f^J?l»**i '" At the same tiiM tr^ eases, wh.ch we are giving to^,*^*"" Hul.serib«r» of the ir„. J 2«! Ab..ut the time the odve tXirV p.Mre.i rr this j-aper Mr. P s^??*«l wli,. resides ueac C.ll,er» k Imr.M. Hereadtlje adveriiK,. ch.,le,l to test the efficacy offcL tl...„Kh h,« frie,.ds Uuirhed M*fc! He boiiKht a botUa of KendWfc ^L.^ Hii.loominer.ced using it^mVkLgSW ._.r,liinoe w.th the dire«tionaZ|Tl*" '•â- I iiH this week that it effeeted^T (.ire thatnu expert hon-HmanTT th« uiumal recc-u^lv could find'a^ Hv,„ or the place where it hadlL. Mr. ch.-rinerhomha8 ni^ "f ^;eti.ialis TreaU.e of hB H^^Jj.' i wouKl be loth to part witu at %n mS VU1.-.I he cr..ikl not obUin •"•"W ww lu 1, f,,r tt.lverti»inK reliable u^Si' |Kendairs Spavin X. « Hnm; irK, Out., Dee. Mik, l«i Mr K H.XIcCallum, Dear Sir :_n.k^ e ol Dr. KendaUg Spavin Con knriu ly.'ii last siiinmcr gave me the ilMiiMh Ifactu.ii mid qpfurmd a wonderfiiliB.lr' 111 ...aie iiineteiu yian old belc^Mki 1 A lii.h waa ba.liy .n.^ivineil for twiSr I IS so huiie that I could hardly pTkil iiu'vc. The lamenefta is entirttriMit^ 'MDK half a Wttle of the eurt. i kf u vouijg hor^e again. Yours trtily. J.rim FROIW A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. W.iliiii^'tonville, Ohio, J:iii« 17tk,IM] 111 J. B. Kendnll 4 Co., Geota:-! «..,,. a.lT,•rti^emo•lt in T'lrf, FitUudfya,] 1 t K.inlalls .Spaviu Cure, and baftafi n^I liiMi- nnd»pielv horsi' which had kH oiii spavin for eighteen monthi, I Mtkl a for a bottle y expresi, wtUii liil k' rks removed all lamenes.* uideate|MMl k.i'l u liir^e spUnt from an tLar k«Miil J 'til iior-es are to dav as soand mmMi All le bottle WHS worth tome one 1 _Bes;i€ctfnlly yunn, H. A. BiaKm, Er. lendall's Spavin Qun.j oy hlha.-v flbmk T.iou anus ol trials on haa M !â-  'ov..,l beyond a doubt that "UHDltll fl-.WIN CUKE" has sufficient ilMllkli] IU tralc an 1 viitue to cure th« |t rlaiiniatiiiu, corns, biiuyoDi, a y bniiie. cut or lamenesi whMh mtt |i!.('ted in the lea.st by onhuary •s not blister but on tke uiWWiy »j all soreness. St. Johns, P.Q., Oet. t7lk.lM. ;. B. Kemlall A CcCxenU:â€" Ita»»«* • ir Spa\ in Cure with great amnmm^^ eurbs and splints. I know ill***] • hI remiily for ringbones, -, ^. Kill- ami al' kinds of '•â- â€¢â- ' jjlj laiiy other difficulties about the hw* "*] my n.eii sprained his ankle k*^. ' UK- 1 h. lulaU's .s'pavin Cure andloe**^ In till. ,^' wjrk like it, he »«• weU i« • â-  |i 1 know it to be good for â- â- â- â€¢â€¢^ • i.st. I procured one of yoor ilorsc, by mail for a5c.. and I I- tlie incauM ui saviui; me •"""«? j I r.-. that 1 treated Moording to** •" 1 I'lis given in yonr book for diipl**** *^ Xoari truly, Wm. J. Dunham. P.Q., Mareh 10*. " jDr B. J. K. nd*:! 4 C .. G«»*» :-*|j*^' lar a+ro 1 fell in the road onto •"•V' ys badly huit in the hip joint. â„¢"^JJ^ much suffering. 1 triedWH^^^j^-^ but none g«»e reliel, VBM ^S*^ hi s Spavin Cure. I spplied "'â- 'ni ' L e a .lay for "" -J-"â€" "'â- ' Id it elTected L Vii been well and free fr»°, v Very valuable lor ma* aeweU*** Tours truly. Cimm " Kendall" 1 ire in its efftete, ts not blister, yet it i» lerful to reach every d«eP '^^, 'move any bony S^^^ '^,y^Li Ints, such as spavins, sphnte.^ caUo.i8, awellinge â- Â°*:J*L I all enlargemento of the J«"«^ kor rheumaiisni in manor lor^j^l,^ I which a liniment i» '^J^^m^f Is now known to be the *V^j0|*i» 1 ever need, acting mUd •»« J» â- effects. Mi^^^^l^^ lend address for illuetra**^ ^f^^**" It ink gives p-sitive P'fT.,^*!** I remedy has ever â„¢**7]r: !»«» " I success to COT kaowM"**" 1 as man, .â- rice 11 ijer botUe. or l^-' yg Druggists bare it »' "Tlf^i «f ill be sent to any •"""^h_b.X by the proprietors, JJ* LL Si CO.. Enoeburgb JTM* ^^jgj^ ILP BY AJJL, I»^jf?tC- lyman Sone Co., Mo****" fl- 1 Agent*. .s Spavin Cttf» TVOAt-*^ eat_Ma5***' ;at suppUed ^^****^ retail. [usages and Vi^^^ ' ^â€"-r-rz'^^^ 1 nth 1 ft py^^raa rylQd^,.l8 82. ^^^q thIr notices I ^kinK hM odmin«io*d. n, tore m»de their appearwiM ijjtrkdale „,i,aftDtity of Fii.e.t km J'5^,tMcintyre*. Njph»«» Council procwdingt oat thii JMoe. ,. qtisDtity of apple., green, »ad J.«â€" A. Mcln tyre's. L,ij the tine to get photographe tb« fiD« leather holds out. L,v Vlike let as go and hare our \:' Wbar "Brjwn's." ,^,i, Crockery and Gksware »11 new, no dd goods in stockâ€" cordwood, sawlogs, and grain "^uunoe to arnye iu large quan- tjscica. Meeiinos.â€" r/#»iWi? Feb'y. Lj/„Ua«/. Feb'y. 14ih, Proton, ^e ma»ical wonder ef tae age [Orgumetf. Call at W F. DoU i*«it- ikbage, B«an», Potatoes, Turnips. rou Farsups, and PioTieions of .uia»at-A. Mclntyre's. L Post Master begs to notify the L that the Mail going south, is ,d at 7 o'clock p. m., sharp. ry Good*, Shawl*, Gloves, and all ir wool'" KO"*^" ' costâ€" at ^t k Baes. \t irarm weather uf the past few I haa miitie sad havoc with the ker Stam'ard Office he luk mine ltd, aud 1 tell yer he is just the jynyJold wcathar for tfaia nntt^ â-  %efdlowiBC«r« tbf JAA lArkdale lodga A. 0. T7. #.. for Om ibraiDgtMin andiBg Joim SOth â€" k. Wilao^, P.M.W.: Wm. Btmra, M.W^ W. Imm#. F,; a B. Ap. O^ B. H. Byera. B«Mri« B; O. Irwin, I^owMsar A. Battar. Vimemtm B Aakin, O.; W. J. Bow*. LW.; E. G Large O. W.; A. M^d Batiedgw, Wm. Mr. Sunael MoGaw.tlM««U Coodnetar on tha Whit^ aai «^7Baili«|;^M7aIr. Afan'a U. GRANT. ktfM'Bn I tlWkTS •adOTiuiur Bto. ?! A iS ||«os long boots and ovpr shoes will lold eiieap.to make room for spring \--\\ Uiitter Rae'f). Jie revival services in the (!. M. xii are still being nightly conduct- ed with vory gratifyiug resu'ti. â-  Sproule M. P., left for Ottawa Tuesday evening, to attend to his aeulary duties. jli«iast call to all debtors to pay IproiDiscs Dot taKen any longei â€" latter k Kae's. lit people know a good tliingwhen rseii' That is the reason why loeople cannot paas W. J. McFar- is store without eoing into buy. kiu'tmies the sights, J. L. Browne IjQst opened out the fiucst display tmas and mata aver shown in \lfiM, and he aells cheap. Ctkll see lir yourselves. |(r. S^JAsweil.who bus been absent I Usrkilale for nearly two years, m% ii.the Pine woods of Michgan t J towu a few day4 siuce. -Ueiitists who have triedC umay.' pronoiiDce it the fi nest \i 90 tlie fnce of this earth for the I ind breath. 5 cent samples. Ilr .V Bjattie. lot 129, Isc W. T. rtitl, Arti'.na.ita, has 20 tons \*i\ tun rthy hay and 50 or 60 load Igi'Od straw, aUo two good hori€S, hale. See hand bill's. |rr. Willi, of Tonnto, is a cood :ler, aiul il he ever takes up tlie ^ject of 'Har^'aiiis" lie will bo ti iav tint M;; FitrUn 1 sella tiest auil cheapest. rtrioiu praiuaturely gray can have prliair restored to its youthful otT, by miiijr Hall's Vegetiue kilisii Uiiir Rjnewcr, the best article |tiie market. Eaclid flourished about the year IB. (;., and experts in floiirisliing 1 p*"!!* can bo sold among the «rfiuj stvles of the fisterkrook i Peu Co! O'er Coats, Suits, c. c., made to U«in first class style. Wincey's, flwli, Clnuds, Caps, Shirts, Draw- Oast bf called out, don't forget 'place- I {utter Rae's. j-igood business for tale, the goods Im removed at time of purchase, as Ipropriet ir wants to make room pirtf gDodd. Will sell in large or quantityâ€" A. Mclntyre. IDrii;;giet8 throughout the country Tify to the great merits of Dr. Car- ^1 btoroacb and Constipation Bit- No Medicine they sell acts so f)mptly in onribg Dyspepsia, Indi- tion. Biliousness. Liver Complaint, Have yon tried it A Turner 1 Co. Special Agent Markdale. 1^ (^raod coneert will be given in the |«gc Hsll Burkley, on Thursday, 'J16th. The entertainment pro «• to be a good one as some fine "Dt has been secnred. The pro- I to be applied to Christ Church 'kdale Sunday chool Library Bia. See bills for particlars. IjHd vou see tliose ^Black Silk. Top WiU-as, 40, 50 and 75 cents per •^ at McFarland's. 500 pieces •j brown and bronze Winceys to â- ^elieap-Si. H. 12*. 15, 16 and IS '•â€" sold elsewhere for four cents y»rd more. For real good all wool â- "Otres go to McFarlaud's. 1 am toff all my Mantles at cost. 100 aew Prints, warranted fast col ror a good Black Gros Grain '»t$1.15 go to McFarland's. [^'•Wm. McKay, ona of the oldeat »o*t respected residenta of Hpl- • • died very suddenly at his reai- *•• on the 2nd conc*ssion. a short â- "=• from Arnott, in Monday '• Deceased was Uken ill with a ' « bis ,,de aboat Boon, bat w»b Ik! " '•" '° ^* eTcning. Aftmr "»»• taken worse and Jr. Mo- hi*** **"' ^°" '" **•'**'• " " »»y n ' K«ntleman bad paaa«d tkam in this __, invalaable aca faimly Tomer and Co. Bpaeial Agent dale. A Prsuc Munte dioald ba called uf tha cituens of vwtKj eilf town and village in the Dominion, to' consider what aboold be done to prevent the hair from tuning Otmj â€"and falling oat. If thia important question received their aaneat con- sideration they would nnanimooaly decide that science had at last dis- covered Bometliing that woald aoawer this purpose â€" aud farthermore woold recommend Cingalese Hair Benewer as being tliia mmething for restoring the hair to its natural oolor, and pre- vent iu falling oat. 60 oents per bottle. Fur aale by all Drnggiata. We have recieved several eomplaint of 1 tte of the non-delivery of oar paper and oiher mail matter, in some cases two daya after being mailed hen, and 'mx. others oar paper has not been re- cieved until eight days after pabliea- tiou. li this were the first complaint we would pass it over, bat hardly a week elapses without recieving some saob complaint and "patienee has ceased to be a virtue," we will, there- fore, if the nuisance complained of is not remedied, have the P. 0. In- spector up and ascertain with whom the fault lies. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pains in the Throat and Chest, reUev- ed and cured by the use of 'Dr. Car- son's Pulmonary Cough Drops. The most reliable testimony has been re- ceived as to their efficacy. In Bot- tles. .50 cents. A. Turner aud Co. Siiecial Agent Markdale. ^ndermiBr IS^' for hiM, ehaii^es tfaqrsr preaiVtly artendsA to ataB â-²laoaMI st«Mko( Hmehold FunttDn! Oidend wcA of aH dfioriptiniM with the ntmoat dcifatsh. To the jraoiic. I wootd announce to HH ^^I^ui|d^ »^rroan^D£^ccKtmby^ 1 ltmans|#^Md'^Bt and ncnrpreparedto Mtt the im D Criftat Diteoufit Tfmrmsmm house, DUNPAIJL Bai^ains. Bargains. Bargains. A*dl*tcaka RUSTIC AND PHOT0 FRAMES which win be KMakaae fee Cash. DUNDALK. 'Koi ^•«»wd had been a teeictont ftt 86 or 40 yewa.â€" ^M- (From the Herald.) Our winter so far, is said to be the finest that we ever had in this part of the country. Our winter at most cannot be very long. G. ii. Middleton has moved his Htock of goods into his new store, of which further notice will be i^iven. The Proton Ag. Society ,as per post- ers, held a special meeting of the members of two years standing, to de- cide upon a place to hold the faU ex- hibition of the Society, which resulted iu the unanimous yote that the show of the Society be held in the village of Dundalk, fur this and future years. This will settle a long disputed ques- tion which has rested between parties as to where the show of the Society be held. Mow that t'le matter ha* been fully settled, wc hope that all parties will use their influence to make the coming show of the society a grand success and that it may be a benefit to ail interested. Messrs. Wpj. Nelson, and John Haiibury, Contractor, have gone to see Wiuuipeg, in Manitoba, should they like it. they will most likely pur- chase. We wibh them success. Mr. John Yert, our Township Clerk has been so ill of late, that he has been unabld to attend to the duties of his office. Thf Council saw fit to ap- l.oiut Mr. Cavanagb, pro ti-m te fill the office of clerk, we hope to see Mr. Vert soon able to attend to the duties of his office. A. G. Huutre, is making some al- teration iu his premises whicn He pur- chased lately from Mr. Nickle. Wo are pleased to inform the in- habitants of Dundalk and vicinity that the Dundalk mills are now man- ufacturing a superior grade of^flour. The time has now come when the in- habitants can support home manufao- tur«. On Tuesday, the awal monthly fair was held. There waa a large at- tendance of farmers and ethers, bat the stock shown and jffered for sale waa very limited. There was a good demand lor working oxen, and several were sold. The auction sale, by J. W. Morrow, of farm stock, waa good. We may expect a large fair next month. Last Tbursdav eyening presented a g^ appearance at the SkatingjRink.on the occassion of a grand carnival. There was a large attendance of visitors pre- sent than on any other occasion sinoe the commencment of the present season â€" both young and oldS from far and near. There was a large number in sostume, dressed in the Habiliments, characterestic of the various nationalities and callings through life. The following are some of the principal characters represent- ed :â€" Miss M. McCanacLie. Kitchen Maid; Miss A.. McAulay, Eearly in the Morning Miss M. McAalay, Late at Night MisK H. J'hilhp, Flower Girl; Miss A. Phil]ip,Fairy Queen Miaaes. S. Kay acd P. McGregor, Spring Miss J. Lamon. Bed Riding Hood J. Strain, Darkey; J. McGregor, Night and Monung J. Yodden, Old Bags W. Bntton, Tark W Bull, and J. Marshal. Soldiers M. WQ son and W. Bundle, Clowns B. Whitley, Irish Gentleman W. Mc- Arthur, Indian T. Middleton, Bed- time T. Nixon, Aatamn G. Fry, St. Jaoob'e Oil. The only disappoint- ment of *iie evening waa that of the promised band, which failed to pat io an appearance. Howeyer, through the kindness of Meesrs W. and J. Potter, assiste*) by Mr, McMil!en,good instmrnental mosic was fiimiehed,aiid by tlM AanageMeDt of Mr. StanWff, the aoartaons proprietor and maoagw, the bast of eider prtvaiUd, aad aU Tahpa hi eicihaiign far V. G.GRANT, MitflS^ALB. Markdale, Dee. 38, IISI. 67-t(. lEOReE ROBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, LICENSED AUCTIONEEB For the Coonty of Orey. AoBiiT for the following reliable Compaaies CI'nZENS' of Montreal, â-²OBICVLTUBAL, of Wetertown, and TRADE A COMMBBOE, (Mntnal) of Toronto. A number of Ghoioe Famu for lale. alao Yillsge Lots. Auction Sileii conducted in Town or Coon- try on Shortest Notice. Charges moderate, Billg, Blank Notes, and Stamps provided. GEO. NOBLE, MAaxsALB. Mav 20th. 1881. S6.Iv ~looD uws laui. Barry lis at Work. â€"HAVINGâ€" L.\TELY FITTED UP My Orist MiU in FIR8T-CU8S RUNNING ORDER i 1 am prepared to torn out all work in a first- class manner. Iflour and all kinds of feed delivered free to a ly part of the villace. ThankiDg you all for past favtirs^ hope by strict attention to bnsiness to merit a con- tinuance of the same. W. J. BOWE. Barrhead MiUs, Sept. 20, 1881 Si-Sm Notbing Like Leather. M. M. M'LEOD, MABKDALE, NOT TO BE BEATEN All those who may have had the misfor- tune to have been bom barefooted will bear in mind that we have just received the larg- est and best stock of leather ever before brought into Markdale, consisting of Spanish Sole, French Kip and Calf, and are now pres pared to manufacture Ladies. Oents, /oath and Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga to the fineat k'd and prunella. Sewed Work a Specialty. All work warranted. Invisible patching alic clone here, M. M. McLEOD. Markdale, Sept. 19th. 1881. IOT TWO, QUEEN ST., MABKDALE. _J There s on the lot a brick honae, stable, shop, well, and cittern. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. THOS. MULLABKY. Markdale, Dec. 28th. 1881. 69-tl worid*Miownel ll««E YiMTk 8liic6r Ajid, moreover, there is *o person that ever used ibae rft-_ them will dis^te thif asser- PLEASE GALL AND GIVE THEi N.B. â€" OIJ machines botigfat .jIAMBS NAMUe Iee.SM,UBl. i!ltV'RKT.AJL.ES Foundry! MAGHIME WORKS. â€" We are prepared to aseente all Uads of WM befubub Turning and Boiihg, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a praetieal manner. PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive our special attention, knowing through practical experience the best class of Irons for sueh. t- OFFIGIESTOBE .v;«,i.^ STuESHliBTOH' 1 ' '1*. Tttiais the r-ght hoase to get barniui in Dry GHdK, be- •Mki oettini; the very la|est EngUdi and French i^shiuns. Why f B«caTt«e they e^me )irect irom the maauCacturers, ' CheKehy faffbg'aR trhc^esale profits. C«»iie and safe m* Dran Goods, faishiaaahk and fancy, to ^m*- l»J»it.dftP»il4^*«^ iiWâ€" » *^ Ma to eoa yei ^i. Come and sett oafLadtes' doth Coats, ifom $1.30 to $19 ah m l awn •pI â€" i t » « k oi to f*° *^* Aown iaPaadaM [See our Scotch, West of 1hgIand,Land Canadian Tweeds« ' \ft«D fOt to $1J0 p«r yd. A aplMdid MNHment and uequtlki! " il) foalify and e^^ our late imoortations of Gents' Re?dy-inade Clothing, IiOBdoa aaade Over«»*ti, atyk and fit UMorpassed. Htve ca- bM for aoettiw caae. Aim a replale eaae of Shawls, 'ik't" tlaanela and other Hoodti '!*«-;i " â- ' " ^- T '" " •â-  " " â-  ' " â-  Laree consienmentofnewaild fr^sh Groceries just delivered. A fine and oalioatdj flavored Tea which I can sell at 8 noands for a d(dlar. I am determined that our fiiends traTellin( over tbe desperately roni^h rovds to Dondalk shall be re paid fer their trouble by getting bargains Iu FOR tHIRTY DAYiSi. • â-  J^order to^majEO room for iny Spring Importations I will sell the balance of my large stock of Fall and Winter G-oods at Extremely low Prices. kery Witt etery department. ire Departmen Haodaome Chii Handaome Olaae Setta, price 60a, ery depi Crockery and Glassware Department, which is now repl emy neniw ar y. Haodaoine China Tea Setta at'fS.SO. BUY WfiEBE You CA5 BUY CHEAPEST. FAIR DEALtSO AKD NOFAYOUfi. W. 3. HEWET80N. Dundalk, Jan. 19tb. 1881 I GET M7 WOOL C ABDED Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Roller^, «ill reoeire onr {attention. We also intra] dnoe our new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. This new machine will Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, giring them a beantifnl smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also nana- factoie CAST-rRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w.thont marble slab for name, A*.; also Tomb Bailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains for same, also all kinds of Balluster Bailings. House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Braas Castings of every description, BiaM Bells, large or small. MOFFAT BROS. Markdale. Not.. 1881 AS-ly W. BENSON Has on hand and for sale a first-slass arti- cle of FBKSH THE BEST RiEiiiiiu. coNSisTrao or CHERRY^ PECTOR Foa Diseases of tlie Throat ani Lsus. J|»^ n*A In diseases of the pnU Tax l!«KO mooarr organs a sate ^gSQta ami reliable remedy is ^Sr^m inrahiaMe. Araa's r*^ PLA â-  CnenBT PartoaaL Is X ^.^ A. snch a ren»e«ly, flad bo ^•^u^s othersoemineutljaBa^ £flk iu tlie confldeDca • ^VthenabUc. ItisascW ^1 entiHc combinafloo ol rvUPDDVx the medicinal priad. plea and curatlre tIi^ tues of tbe ttnest drugs, chemically united, of anph power as to insura tbe greatest poasibl* efflcMscy and unifonB- ityofreaalM. It strikes at rbe foun dation of all p-i1inonary diseases, affording proeaat reliej and rapid cures, and is adapted to patleattof any age or either sex. Being rery palataoa^ the youngest children take it readily. I* ordinan-v Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, lafluenaa, Cl«rg7«aa'a Sore Throat, Astbasa, Croap, aad Ca. Urrb, tbe effectt of Araa's CHsaaT Pao- TORAL are magical, and nmltitatlss ate aiK intally preserved from serious illaess by Its timely and faithful use. Jt should be kept at band in eveiy hoosebold for the pro- tection it affords in soMea attMfcs. la Whooping, cough and CoDsumptMM there is no other remedy so efllca-iioos, soothing, and belpfni. Ixw prices are iadufiiats to try soete of tbe many niztarea. or sytops, audoof laaap and iaeirectiTe ingredients, bow oeorad, which, as they contain ao caiatiTe qualities. can afford only t«mnaw7 reHal, aod sore to deceire and aisappoiM INseasea of tbe thfoat aad lau_- active and effectlTetzeatiaeat: aadttiadai^ verotia eznerimeatlBg with anlDMsrB ud cheap medkinea. from tbe great UahM ^tta t these diaeases saay, while so ttiflad with, lecome deeply seated or taeniabU. use Ayui's CDaaar PacroaaL, and 70a fV conAtlently expect the best rsaatts. « Isa stamlard medical ja sBe rsrina eC toy â-  aad acknowledged ewaWro power, aad Is as cheap as its caiefal p ie pairtl ea Mdjhse ii«iediMUawUl allow. â- â- â€¢iaMtpMc^t kaowing Iu coBsposldea. waaenae a la MSB pnetlce. Tbe test of half a taatasj aaa prorea Its abaohita easttiatjr to en«aD PJ^ nMBai7 complaiata aet a lr ia d y bayead tae naehof boBaaaU. PreparMl by Or. J. C. Ayar II C«^ •ad Aaaljrtlwi Teas, Coffees Sugars, Raisins, Currants, Ac., And every other artiele ia the groeary line kept eonstantly on hand, and of the Iraaheal Tsriaty and boat brands. Be sure and call and secure some of the Bargains. R. J. SPBOULE. Flesherton, Jan. 30th, 1882. AT TflE â€" r- â-  Dundalk Woollen Mills. Where do you get Yours? p. S. â€" Partial indebted b Dbte or book account «ill plrata to eall and aettle at onea. W. H. PETERSON. DUMDALK, Dee. li, IflSL «7 tf 1881.- CHRISTMAS. • 1881. THE "GLASGOW HOUSE." FARM..RS MECHANICS' ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDALiE:, Ontario. Ctif tyaacinc 0M witli cart, RCitnats aiifi daspatcli. OFFICEâ€" Ont deor o«(h of Anglo- Amtriean HoUl. Dondalk, September 1st, 1881. A. G. HUNTF.R. iiy. TAILOR, SYDENHAM STREET. T^RESBNTS the eompliments of the season, tvishiug all a HsppT New Tear. It Is I scarcely six mbnshs since tbis honse vras opened, and as week after wnek has pasted bnsiness has rapidly increased, which has at the present date enabled the proprietor to import direct from Eiuope. Feeling thtnkful to tbe farmers uf Proton and adjacent towa- ships for their liberal patronage, iru.tting to merit a continusnce of the same, would re- spectfnllT invite inspection to the new large stock Of all kinds bf goods, consisting of try too4s Wm.iMy 0o«4s# HATS AND CAPS, READY-MADE CHOTHING, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and Crockery. DBESS GOODS for 8c. worth 15e. BLACK fASHMEBES for 25c. worth 40c. WIM- CEYS frem 6c. np. PBINTS from 6c. up. All kinds of Flaitutls and Shirtings at low prices. Blankets and W oollen Underclothing very cheap. Pure Linen TaUinfrs from ilOS to T6e. per yard. White Cottons and Heavy Grey Cottons from 6c, to ;0c. TapestrT Carpeting. Boots. Shoes and Kubbera, over 2000 pairs to t-clect from ..o pasteboard soirs and for less money than shoddy goods are sold at. DUST 1 E.K frum ITc. up. lOUNG HYSON TEA, S lbs. for »1. Para A First-class Tailor and Milliner! In eonaection with the estabhsbmeut. BT Call and inspect goods before purebaaiiif Higlieat price paid for all kinds of Grain and Farm Prodncci Dlacennt ol 9 per cent. olTlor cash. Wm. NELSON, Proprietor. "Cfasgow House Noted.** Cheapest House North of Toronto^ Dnndalk, December 8th, 1881. » ly Karkdala, Jalj 7. 1881. 4S-«n. MARKDALE HOU SB s:s.A.z..s. ALEX. KUTLEDQE, Proprietor itly srss t s J and ittai ay »Hfc I eretv psixsi li sniiTriwsiiiis ii m lamwaeB in rum»-\jmM* Stjla Tw Bs with ths Mat bTar4s of Wines, Liqnors ami (Hgsn, and tba table with aU ths The travdliaa PaUie any Miy npoa *««iTatteBtion b«ag paU tolhsir TmSMOTKLi aUffs thrasatoiay brisk bal'dla«, »«satly srs« „^ •T«i7^o|UmMBTm«ie«. It u fnniriMd in Fint-Claas 8^*^ » Bar fa sayUsd tba foat. ato*Fmw^ Jis0au for CommtrtUt Trmv*lUrt. aadatSsal IN LIQUORS! I can snnly a qaahtj that will daiy easapa- tition in "" IN PRICES I can Bomaatpwith tba bsM koosss ia Maik- dala. Olv* in« a. Call. i ' 1*9(3011 BBmOK. Mariidals, Daa. lat. 1881. GEORQE mum. Wholesale an4 M^ IBUTCHEB!! BKKP. POBX OS mrnmi Bumao. CnaastaglsaaaaAtaa ' aSAa FMAFSmjl ha^ii« rat OaWa. mmf.jti lav aia I 1,000,CXX) I Logs Wanted! THE SV^kmiBEBS ASB FBEPABSD fopaytfts Highest Price In Cash I lar m^'fasntMy of )n4i aoaai Saw lap ' Iwid aaa aolt wsaA. ALL KlMM OF LUXIBEB KEPT BtWfy F^^te4 mk SMort Notice. """ k^ Best! baainsss now before the pnblie. Ton ean make money faster at work for aatltaa at aaything else. Cspital ao* naed- sd. Wawfil start yon. f IS a day aad np- watds laadeat homeby tbsindaslrions. Man, wooMn, boys aad giris waatsd w i i a h are to workiortis. Now fa the tiaa. Too ean work ia nan tiaaaosily or giw row whofa time to tha t w il l na ss. Ton eaa Uts at home and do TO THE^ PUBLIC. The Subscriber respectfully intimates that his stores at Flesherton Station and Eugenia. are fully stocked with General Goods, suitable for the season, and will be constantly renewed as required, consisting ol DRY GOODS, HARDWARE CROCKERY,' V GLASSWA RE, BOOTS, • • SHOES GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, c. FRESH GROCERIES a sr- ialty at this season. All Kinds of Farm Produce, jrdwqod, and Saw Logs taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Goods re- spectfully solicited. My Saw Mill ?.t Little Falls, is in lull operation. All kinds of Logs purchased Sawing done by the Thousand or on Shares. Wm. HOGCs Flasbarton SUtion, Dae. 2S. 1861. 87 T«0. kt^H or Mm a«(k. Ko other basinsss will pay yon â- aar^aswsU. Mo one saa fail to awks an- sfsas pi^ b^ tnn^af at eaee. Costly oatit aad tarats frae. MoBsy auda Cast, aasflyaadhoBOfaMy. Addrass Tatm A Co., ., Maine. TO cMsramvEs. Ths sdTsrtisar. haviag i psiasaraa(|y to aaks haova of aan. To a oopy nf *• aSbass^ptfaa aaad, (baa « akasfs.) wthl te alvsalAssH for psMoMMf aad aaiaaftfia oAmo Ovaa lor Oosi- a Msapia riassc;, fa tohfalaOow all«kodaafaott.hawin A. M'lNTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M'lNTYRE nOVLX, EUOVLX, ^^'lOTJLX- II â-  McINTYRE'B UQuonruQuotsi McINTYRE'S Cigars, Cigars. MckUTYBES Ooffee« Ooflee. McINT^RE'H MEALIMEALI MEALI McINTYRE'S Pork. Pork. Pork llcINlYRES O tl Aad SKSHlTlii^ ks|il a ia a first-elau Grocery and Liqnor 8to always on-hand, cheat roa caaa. Vit iAe: .mt^j^ iii^.'-^-j. WANTED. A qfaaaimr or TtlHinvbNiMStHsLMC AMD UPWARDS; ALSO 6,000 Cords Cedsir Posts. FortrtikhthaHigbastPriess wiU ba psid. MABEE k WHITTAKBB. m. MtrtMsr Ol Notice to Contractors. As WE HAVE A LABGE QUANTITY of Saw La^s at onr mill thia airaeer., «« wi]laiv«eoDtiaetor«agoolrliai c. Thelof* will he all akiddci iu the vootU. A t«tt\ shswty aad stable alao ia tub «ao Ar i pattiaa wiiMaf to haw» a routtaei if 4p.4 Ids' wiB do well to am v\. Ths -liatasBa^* haal, aboat two-and-a-haJI lailaa. on a Mill 'i ' i' i V •'â-  " 'ill

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