Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 6 Jan 1882, p. 1

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 -%;•. i: T iffM^f v' Bficc ly* Oban^e of 'X'lme. 8. 1881 OOINO NORTH. ..df^ 7.15 ».ia. 7.33 *.m. 7.41 •â-  783 " 7.59 •• 8j05 •• 8.18 " 8J1 •• HAS •».15 •• ».M •' 4 10 p.m. 4.28 p.m. 4.36 •• 4.48 •• 4.54 '• 5.00 " 5.18 â-  5.76 '• 140 •• 8.1J " • « •• 9.97 ,. 9.45 Totonlo. WaMOt! ' JHunbcr Kammit Woodhndde Klainbnrg BolMs Moiiobcttd. Ch*ri«moo Alton Om4a«BTiLtB â€" â-²rriTv DepMt :0fmii8«TlUfl Jane 9.57 " •Luni 10.07 " :Cronibw» 10.19 " Soelboror 10 S2 " tmsMk 1106 " •Protofl ll.a) •• riMberMni*rTUJclI.3C " â- MMtte 1155 â- ' ;BerU7 13.10pm WOliAm^ord 12 31 " ;Araoit l'i.33 •• Chauworth 12.40 •• fBoalfoH 12.53 " 0«n Somo 1.15 •• GOING SOUTH. Oven Aoaad, depart 5.15 a.m. 3 SO p.m. ^klord 5.4*.m. 3.55 p.B Skatsworth 5 55 ajn. Aroott 6.02 a.ai. Williamiif»rd 6.17 a.m. Bwrkly 6 Su a.m. Mark'lal« 6.4.0 a ra. Flsabart'o^Piieanlle 7.U5 a.m. fr.'too 7 1« am. PanlaJk 7..'J2 a.m. Sbelb'irnt /.. i(n a.m. Omraliia'i *«. IS a.m. Laurrl n.Vt a.m. CUB TABLE. PicTTTitaMiuB CavAD*.'â€" W* haiw rceeiT«d parta oae And two of tfiit ray •np^rior work, and ean coofidendj rMotDtnend it to tbo poblie. 'A» ••- grflyiDgi are good and tb« \Mm pnm u onaarpoMed hj aajrtbmg w» bava Man in Canada. NotntAstandinK I that coma Partie* ara trying to ran it down, wo bobof* H will bona^oad heartily anppoited by all, and it has only to be aaao to be appreoiatad. Oar LittU Oitaa for January u to band, and it ia, if anything an im- Dr. Hanrr Deputy Eaoja, /.v. Btoltoii. to«Aillo»,-B|»t "Wtod.J.Oa*riat. J.F8rtar; l»«rUi Ward. fc. Bai«»y. H- %^ U ^uth Ward. J. Moll, W.H- Hobii^p. r TkioBgbtba modioaa^^ Weit I««Qler^•lIppI•™«nt aw*, *».â€" » -,yi ' $Sfi to be taken from the |76 tha paat ia 0T«r WMOt i^p» raooUeo- e^pon t« East LattMrâ€" i Boom laUT. Oaundnonâ€" JMb«y. Caraon, Wilaon. Hannah. FaOTOK P^Ur UcGregor. Agnew. Depty Boeve. Robert Black. George Jobnatou. liBI.AXCTHO». Jamea Hnxtable, Reave. Baava. John Cooncillors â€" Jamaa Robinaoo, Cbaa. Me- C.3S 6.50 7.00 7.10 721 7.34 8.0 921 8 37 855 9 10 9.21 9 33 9.40 9.53 10 15 PROTON COUNCIL. 4 10 p.m. 4 18 p-m. 4 3-1 p.m. 4 45 p.m. 5.0.i p.m. .0.25 p.m. it 41) p.m. 5.5t p.m. 6 2;- o.m. 6.34 p.m. 6.MI p m. proTemanton paat nombera. Parenta DowoII, I)ept Beove. ifyja want to make your Cbildren a j Bailey, Gowan, Hogg. nice praaont that is at the aama timo inatrnctiTa aa well aa amoaing. aab aeribe fir the abora little Magazine price $1.50 par annam, sabachptiona reoeiTad at thia office. Gam almanac for 1882. Laa boeo, reeaiTed, and aa luaal iatbe 'boss' al- manac of tbe Domioion. Too can find uo better way of inreatic^ 25cta than by baying one. To b« "had of all Newa Dealara. Caoneillora â€" HOPbVILLE. From oar Correapondeat. A aocial ent^rtainraent waa heU in Scarlett'a ball on batarday evening, Dk. 31st. Cbriatmas baa come and gone, bat Tbo Coi oed not poraaant to ad- joarnmant. liembon all preaent.tha Reeve in tbe Cbair. Minates of last meeting read acd approved. Moved by Mr. Black, aeconded by Mr. Buckley, That tbe Clerk request tle elector U) eraae arreara of tales against Rob«rt Irwiu'a Iota, he having produced reoeiptaahowingpay- of same, tbe Clerk to report to Coun- cil by whom the taxes were retamed in default, to enable tbem to take stepa for racoyery of same.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Mc.^rdle, seconded by Mr. Bucklev. That the Clerk erase aaamory 'aatJ 'l2Mt7Abbotlt And BackUy, tliat ffce Boaro V-rBppointed to note the fiui»iriiCe'fi^ rriMii' in mm«30 of Oorki^carriai. „ Move*bf MeAraa a«d BucUoy. Uiat $i£ 96 and $2.60 inUnaat (mak- ing $28.68) OB roU againat Juiw Cooper, for arrear of taxes againat lot 86, con. 8. be^ken off Collector's roll be having jaid amount, ($25.08) to. Tpimabip Treasorer nd holoa reoki^ for sameâ€" carried. ^. Moved by McArdla and Black, that John McDowell be paid $9 for work on ewlvait htokan down in Dondaik â€" earriad. Moved by AbkoUand Blaok, that JU«vc iasne order for $7 to C. W. Botlodga, as par Lis biM Mov. $6th, 1881â€" camad. Moved by McArdle and Abbott, that $4 be granted to break tbe atonaa on gravalM portion of 18th aideroad, in 6th oonoessioQ â€" carried. Moved by Abbott and Black, that tbe thanki of thia Coancil are Hereby tendered to Mr. J. J. Middleton. Reeve, for the able and impartial manner that be baa ejndneted tb« buaineas of tbe Coancil for tba yaar 1881â€" carried. John YaaT. Clerk. tioa. Ii,«ientpV»^^*'»P* in tiM remote ' jftiiiiiMiaT jlSi^toB bein^ i^boiii to rasicn r*|iaaU|i of i»«»o«*ni-' SL'^Ji^l NailhUfit, «i»«ii«ertoillod to an#p* ' AMNJI 1-80 TBstafday morning Cb«8. 1 •"'^ie-i. ww^.. th. f!S3? *. -i^j « f " •;2-*^i!::, !:. tS:M^" "' "^- •"' "" and tbo peraonal ehaiiafcu i«i«a tfaoaa wa have riMl. are ill W* to^ p«*tthemBelT««,«kti» oiduniiia thia Caenlty of oar natnre. Dear Friend, 1 oframemtranee, wa ara car- powv riad kack to the ti»« whaa JOn mere lad in appteronoa, aa -well aa yB«r» oar Scdoolt mada jiviM jio* tUiauihoritytogaJde an J dJect tbe AduafloA'ofouf 'fflifla- ren. It waa yotnr flrat School. You en- tared npcm ita dattaa with a faeliog of earnest intereai and yoar authority was exercifiod in k apirit of kindnesa, winning the baarta of tiia poptls. while at the aame time their advancement was thorongb and aatiaf ictory. We learned to respect you for your talent and were constrained to loye yoa for the uuaSeoted kindueaa which marked yonr daily entercoorae with ua in our homes. Thus aa time went on, and month aucceedpd month, ao did the Below we give tbe addreaies read chain of your firiaudaUip grow atrong- on the occasion of presenting an easy j *, and Jink attach itself to link, uu- chair to the Rev. J. Ward, lucumbeut till now, at the end of four years, this bile axardaing thia lyear. paat. A very rech«rcj.e and ex ^..... X.. -^_ ti::w_i j^ reflootad grwit cr*- oelfeni ap the taaU and ability of tha new leaaoe of tha Coulaoii Houao, Mr. aKpti*dft?i»Hiennib«icT of Wa!t«r«ohn«, anJ'irta iteda Ml^ As a9M»«n waa ttmb ban of -fta CJbonty fiounoU and le«i iag dtim^ tClho XowD. m ofoateafcifor the able part taken in County mattara for aome J^hiiD»o, »w rantactf along tbo top a nwxfegCa |Mik ttoar Parkdale junctiou. he 'liaalSa r*ebed forirard to fix a brsk^ when the car on. which ho waa atantl ing gave a sadden lareb, and he fell jiiUHiutii Ijui MM tn iVir *- ""' roar car passod oyer lifs left ankle and oraabadtiMbporteftiellju Tbefk^ leg sill fcft am ^nn bpofen -in^ abv- ai rijl iiiii i iiiilia i j l j f iit i l i *f i^f^W Juaticeloby about 70 fK*t^ '•'^waggonwaa aa|f^?W Be tmfort chair baiog bdca^iad by Dr. C^tm^ii^ fautfMVt^M ton^«ifii to tbe hos W I Pitai m an gM|His left foot ^^Toh^a ^low iDOWorful lell( *W«rl.a AaaMl fcr B. Ifclas, Kaft. Mlpit*! " »"» nnoonacioua condition. -aiTJttJ^aL^^lauP^ilHia left foot was ampoUtod eight in- riotic la«(to iMd fcMBi'fjve^, and '•" po^arful lellow Giles waa very w.uk apondfd to. tbe jOaanam jijb a y^rj tram lost of blw^ytkmkcM.ififichoA L( eologkaa speech, ga»» tbo "'Guest of the Evening," 9%frm»mftgtMt regret on loring tha aarriaM ip tl» Couae»l of a gen daman who had a^ravj^ talicn a promipent part m aB *»t'*9 ••V* culatecl to advance the inleiia*** of Hflj County. Mr. Midilleton replliad in a the hospital. x -Qlabe. Qobntâ€" In Holland, nn the 24th • ifeof J.T.^an.'aii MARRIFD. GaAHAMâ€" CLUtt~AI 4ti»rii«iCeh*a of '^r. Will. CUrJt, ou the 20th i«»c., bj tli.; Kcv. ,. .♦viJ tl^ ai*..^! A. JlcKauU John n. Grflb»ai of Du i.Ulk, foehuf^apeoah, r«ffatt«« K» a^para^ |o Martha. eWeBt .Iftuiihttr of Mi. Jvha Clnik. Powasson. Parry Sonnd District. DI.ACE â€" Whit*â€" At tbe resideuce if Mr. J. 1). intl^hd.'*!! â- l»imar. re*. JMUti, l-.ftf? Mr. Srtmiu)! Blaefc of CiUnuU;. to Mim.i lli« lAtU was not forgotten by tha ladies ofi â-  t i \.^ h.,„i,... t rf i '„ ,, ,• ,•'., • taxes agaiust John Uugues, Liol lo Hopevile. who formed themaevcs into •"6 o Oraoic-Tllla Jaoetion H.'iTtm.m. OrusasTiixa. Arri** iM^art AJioo (.'iiarlaalon Mono Rua4 JVillon KieiDburg Vi ' lOili I \igtf Humb«r Sammit. V.mrTr V^HHt'fU Charlton ... P.46a.m. .. R.63a.m. ... 9 0.) a.m. ..9 l.Oam 9 V. a.m. .lOtNi a.m. ..10 12 a.m. .10.2^ a.m. ..10.32* m. .. 1(1 37 a.m. .10 50 a.m .10o7 a.m. Toronto. Udiou Kt'n. 11.15 a.m. ri1HK ranada AiwrtiunK A(;rnoT. Nc. 2«t X Kiufi Htre.-! W.-t, fof.hto, W. W. btrCHElt, â- SUnagtT, It ai .ri r.««l t» rexuiv* »lvertisemeuti fo thii '*|'r. !^i i:s iti»-ii'i^t arw r ;vi"J at k \hm foll'ivm^ rap^-m aud MaKaz'ue*. biii.iB^. )««*nta Iaily Gl'h«, [Mr vaar, » Mail. wieiMSg. I a committee to fix up a Cbnstmaa Tree and liave an entertainment, which was beyond the expectations of the people, bcariett's hall waa nearly filled withytba villagers. Ou ou* side I of tha hall the tree waa erected, ' well lighted with a ax caodlea, and I laden with presents for tbe children. I The chair waa otcupic-d by Mr. Joxepb I McArJle, The progiamma consisted I of sacred songs, by a newly formed I choir.) recitations and dialogues, in- terspersed wiih music from Mr. Jos- eph Whitoman. .\fter the conclusiou of the programme Sauta Claus dis- tributed tbe prebenta. Then came refrevbrnents. A large four-story cake was then voted for â€" Miss Evans and Mib!i Bryce being the candidates. The result of the cnnvas was a tie, and each lady bad the honor of cutting I and dif tribnting the cak» the amount ^^^^s j realized was $19.10, which is to go thi» ofca j towards purchasing a library for a Sunday bchool. Votes of thiinkB were uuanimously passed to the la- •7 00 I dies who bad charge of tbe afiair and " I the chairman. After the singiue of 7.03 p.m. 7.10 pm. 7.3 p.m. 7.42 p.m. 7 .52 p.m. « 22 p m. 8.:s6pm. M.47 p m. 1 (jop.m. '.)."7 p m. ft.l2p.m. 9 2.5 p.m. !«.:i2p.m. '.t.'A) p.m. T'lrouV. Wrnkl; lJl..l.», per »fa». tl.lK) â-  •• .Ma 1 1.00 Hamilton " Sitotatot " 1.00 Canada Parra«r 1.00 Bii«uti(i« Amenran " 8.J0 V'^^rHMB*. J«rm«r« Alvorit.-, (wt frat. tl.m American A«Ti"'iilturut '• ISO • r- T.illlt, Onu t .lO the National Anthem iy the choir the tl.DOi meeting (lip«rbeu, each well satisfied with tbe eveuing's entertainment. THE STANDARD. Frirlay Jaruarv 6lh, 1882. NEW ENGLAND GRANGE. From a Corresrondent. Mr. Editor, so little is kown of us, by your numerous readers it will first be necessary to say where we are lo cated â€" "New England Grange" ie situftttd on tho 7th concession of Enphra.sia, at)out six miles from the raising town of Markdalc. The anuual meeting for the election of officers was held on the Slst Dec. wbeu the following} were elected of- ficers for 18S2 G. Uutcbinson, W. M.: S. Morwood, 0.; J. Yelland, L.; C. Morwood, Steward.; G.Lnwson, chap.; P. Harris, Sec; S. Wyley, Treas.; S. Cooper, G. K.; T. Hornor, Ass St.; Mrs. J. Morwood, Ceres.; Mrs. P. Harris, P(jinoDft.; Mrs. W. Hutchinsoii, Fl .ra.; D. li. Elli?, Delegate to divis ion Grange.; excutive committee, J. Horner and J. Yellanl.; Auilitors, J. Yellaml ELd C. Morwood. Our grange ia id a prosperous couditiou at prcaraiit, about $900 have been paid for goods during the past year. We arepleasftd to announce the ar liucliauan, School linqocfits. linwcvf r, I wo would ask for Tiaciier late of Vandeleur School a c.ntiiuiance of the sarue. But there Arteme^ia, we trsst that his labors amoii),' us will add largely to tho in- »i;ii PAi'Ki;. â€" i Now that tliS hohdays aro over, we atrain 'ottln down to biisincHS, aud wliiie vf will endfiiVwr to do our part, j w« wriiild 8U;:;^"t that our siib^eriJierB ' can H»f"ist ma Tury materially by send- lOK 111 items f local uitprost. j In returning cmr thaiika lor the Very liherAl niipport acrordid us, and espociully fi'f tiair promptiicis in pay- iu,{ thair tubhcri|iti'iiA, at least the; majority "f ih'iu. i wn h.iTo u few de- ' rival of of Mr. J. C tfclectuality of our young folks. Wa re- ar* oth«r tilings necessary to make :!â-  pr,p,r intr.,.min-, and for these gr,t tha loss of a worthy citizen in tbe we have in a '.^'tHat in-asiir.^ lo depend ' person of .Mr. Kichard liejnolds who (III our fritfiiJH i:i llio coinury. Ifanyia about taking his departure from of your MUtjlil.ors should bo bo fortu- aux^nfe' "'.be will reside in tha town of ' ... Ccliicgwood.onr best wishes go with nata as to have «u lucrea^e in theiri,:_ *,,. ' _, i _:. faniilii-s, or if auv of the young folks shouM tak^ unto tliemselvcs him. We are much pleased with your ipa[er,will try and make it Rtill more luteresting iu this neighbourhood. MUNICIPAL ELECTION. I OIE.'«ELO. Reeve, F. MacRae. Deputy Reeve, I T. Mullarky. Coancillors â€" Neil, I Dnnsmore aud Glencross. a life partiier, iuforin us of the fact or if the cou) iiad of d«ath should invade yonr family circle, drop u« a line. Anvttiing of intarpst iu agricultural matters, impri'Vouicnts in your neigh- borhood, and the thousand aud one things r.'aii.* occuniig around you, and j abtkmesu. wliicli CO far towards making; a good i, ,» r^x â-  l »t i j i K a I Heeve, Dr. Chnstoe. Maikdale l!v. local pap. r. w- w.,uM rec. ive with ^Vard, A Elliott. Flesbertou Ward, •.hanks. We know that some of our i T. Wri){lit. Eugenia Ward, J. Pedlar. eukacribers have done us g-od service I Priceville Ward, A. Webster. 1' aa past but there are others who i Holla.nd-Reevk. are given to criticising aud fault-find- 1 Wm. Ilowey Deputy Reeve, iug. Now, we winld siiy to these that a auggestion giveu u« as U.) where an improvement luitrbt bo made, will do a ^rent deal ni')r« towards remedy- th» nroi .;, if wrong there be, tliaii John I Camsron. Conuciilors â€" Juo. Deavitt, I A. Shute, Wm. Norton. evdr 60 much fault finding. Acd li'iallv, if you will cooperate with us tbe coming year, wo can, and will iirauAM. ^fayer. D. Jackson, jr. Councillors â€" .\ndersou, Burnett, Robertson, Horn, Bull. Brown McKeuzis. Mcln- tyre, and S'orey. COLLWOWOOD. Mayor, A. Dudgeon Councillora â€" W make our papei si^ interesting that no ' J. Frame. A McDermid, J. M. Fyfa, family will bo without it. The aeason of rhe year ia now upon na for tbe election of officers in the differeut Agricultural Societiea. and aa there are generally a number of dHsaliefieI persons, or we might say, grumblera, now is tbe time for tliem ID put in an appearance at tbe annual iB««tinga, in order to suggest aome plui or mode of doing tbiuga that will bean impriremant on the paat. We fear, however, the majority of the disa«tisfied, or grumbling clasa, will prefer leaving tha work to the f«w. Tbo Auuitora' Ref.ort will ba be plaeed before tlia meetipg, alao tha aleatiou of offioera and directora for Iba anauing year will take place, to- gtUiar with aoch other biiainaaa •• 'onT • brought ap for diacuaeion. It ia alao' tha propar time to maka any auggeatioa* which may ha thoaght ooodaciva to-the welfare of the Hoeiaty Kvary inaiabor baa a vote, ao every â- MOibor allonld ba pvraent at tfta-Aa- aiial Moatin ' ^C R. Burdett, J. E. Evana, F. F. Telfer, J. A. Palmer. W. A. Hamilton, Geo. Buck. ItaiNT rOKKST. Mayor, J. Hampton Beeve, W. Colclengh Deputy Beeve, Capt. Wiufield. ConnciUora-H. H. Stotel, J. Reynolda. J. King, J. A. Balstead, E. C. Wood, Jos. Kilgour, T. Bran. 1. Sbej.pard, N. McMillan, Dr. Yao- mans, A. Lamont, B. Scott. uxaroaD. Mayor, Chaa. Burns Baava, Alex. Thompsoo. Cooncillora â€" John Arthur, jr., Robert Agnaw, Hector McDon aid. Chaa. WaU, £. Thompson, Little, D. McCano, Alex. Gorley, C. Gibbons. NOaMAXST. Beava. J. ilytbo Seoond Deputy Beeva. Wm. Winkler. Coqnoillora â€" Coo, Fischer and Edward McMahon. oavaax. Baere, Andrew MeOirr DepQty Beeve, JoHn Doaglaas. Cooncillors â€" Thomas Joboatoa, ioaeph Taylor, Je:m Hadaou. ovnaovxs. Mb^vor,Pr. ii. JM^ambATi^ lUcva. John Cbiaholm Firsl-D«paty. JUeTjM A. B. Lane SeccodDaputy Beeye, Robert Mareord. Cooncillors â€" J. Pema^Jl. Fsatea. J, ti. Miller.ilioa. (kmwA, T. B. iKwiktj, Tboa. KfB eon 5, returned by County Treasurer as au occupied lot, (as John Hughs paid the taxes for that year.) and no- tify ToAusliip Collector for 1878, to* make good tre amount or siiow cause not be accountable for same. â€" Car- ried. MoyeJ by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Buckley, That order to Jeremiah Maber, for $91.00 for eroctiug bridge across Saugceu river, an 3 $9 for ex- tra work ou bridge. over specifications, be issi:ed â€" Carried. Movec by Mr. Black, seconded by Mr. Abbott, Tiiat order he issued to J. Ver;, Ti Cltrk, for balance of saltiry for 1881, $10; extra woik on Roll,$6; Clerk of Peace, for Jurors List, 36 cts; aud postage stamps If 300, â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McArdlfe, seconded by Mr. Black, That Council receive their pay to date, orders to issue for same, â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Black, Seconded by Mr. McArdle, That tbe Reeve for special sitvicls in letting bridges in diy. No. 3 receive $4.00, â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Black, Seconded by Mr. McArdle, That order issue to John Abbott, Dep. Reeve for special services outside Div. 4 â€" carried. Moved by Mr. Black, Secouded by Mr. Abbott, 'Ibat Robt Brown be re- funded $2.27, overcharge on arr. of taxes paid, â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Mc.\rdle, Secouded by Mr. Black, That order issue to Peter McGregor for $9. 14. his bill for lumber for culburts ui Div. No. 5, â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. McArdls Seconded by Mr. Middltton, That James Buck- ley he paid §12.00 for ittendiug as cmmittee with Reeves of Egramont and Luther on the several town lines, nad attending at Bell's Corueis for Council meeting as notified by clerk â€" carried. Moved by McArdle and Buckley, that order issue for George White for $2, for brciiking graval ou 12tb con., div. 2â€" carried. Moved by Mc.\rdle and Abbot, that order issue for Jamea Cavanagh, Tp. Treasurer, salary for LHSl, $75, trav- elling expenses. $3, postage aud sta- tionery, $2 â€" carried. Moved by Black and Abboit, that order issue for Mr. Stewart, ($20) for clearing jam in Saugocu river, aud 25 cents for fixing culyertâ€" carried. Moved by .Abbott aud Black, that by-law appointing deputy-returning officers, poll booths, place of nomina- tion, c.,,for tbe year 1882, read first and second time, be read third time, signed, sealed and numbered 289 â€" carried. Moved by Abbott and Black, that order issue for Wm. McMurdo for $8. for 8 daya statute labor done for lot 18, ccn.'l5, for 1881 â€" earned. Moved by Middleton and Buckley, that $4 ba paid to Joseph McArdle for special services in neighboring di- visions and acting ou committee of council twice, aud that Robert Black be paid $3 for letting, aapevinteuding and paasic;^ bridgea on townlina and elae where â€" carried. Moved by McArdle and Buckley, that tbe Reeve examine culvert at lota 9 and 8, near McDowell'a mill, and if requiring repairs to have it 'one and iaaue order ior same â€" car- ried. Moved by MeAtdls and Buckley, that by investigating the arreara of taxed on Lot 237, eon. 4, it appears the amount justly due is only $4.68, tho Clerk b authorixad and required tn maka th« necessary alteration in Collectors roll â€" carried. Movod by Black aud McArdle. that lot 25, con. 17, be placed ou CoUao- tor'a roll at $200 to Henry Fowler, and lot 24, con. 17, now aaaeased to Henry Fowlar, be placed on non-reei- daut roll at |200, the Clerk to make tbe nfccesaary alterations â€" carried. Moved by McArdle and Buckley, that the Clerk be baid $5. tbe Beeve $4, Aaoeseor $4, « aer vices for selec- tors of jarors for 1882, orders to be issued for same â€" carried. Moved by Abbott and Bhuik. that tha Clerk ascertain if W. J. Hsska ia asacaafid (or whela of property known aa part lot 281, beint( Louisa block, in village of Dondaik, aa it appean. Jaa Farrell is asseseed for one-half And W. J. Hicks tor the whole, if eo, to have Mr. FarreU's taxes erased from loU â€" carried. Moved by Abbott and Buckley, that tbe Clerk write to tbe Co. TraMnrer foramoantaf taxea against and 17, McAnUy's aarvey and have smbi paad â€" earned Moved ky McAidl* $!•.«» ba r iiiiiâ€" laaia lo c^ Dan- to Opyoutiua or ao, W. J.-UuU^lH lot U WaU be*, dirro;. km tataej \.°r\dii^: of Chriat Church. Markdale, and a gold watch to Mias Fanny Ford, tbe Organiat of the same church. The watch is a very handaome one, and had angaved on the inside of tbe cov- er thefcUowing â€" 'Presented to Miss Fanny Ford by tbe Cougregation of Christ Church, Markdale, in appracia- tion of her services as Organist, Xinas, 1881." Bev. Mb. Ward. Dfai Pastor:â€" On behalf of tbe members of your Chnrch ii. this place, we avail ourselves of tins favorable opportunity to acknowledge our ap- preciation of yon nutiruig zenl aud devotion in the interest of tlie church, and the spiritual welfare of tlie peo- ple. While we cannot, by any suita- ble testimony, reciprocate you for the great and good work th'^t yon are d )• mg, still we are uot willing io allow it to pass without in some way con- veying to \ou our tliauks, and also a lilight token of our esteem for our services. As it 13 the boliitav season, when friends remember friends, wheu there is a re-unicu of hecris as well as hands in the promotion of harmony aud fellowship, not only among mem- bers of churches, but amongst all poo- lengthened chain of mntual tindness has wound itsself around our hearts, untU tua parents and children ofavory family in our Saeticn acknowledge ita empire and tha cbarm of its influence. We are wall aware, dear friend, that a continuoua engagement for ao long a period aa four yaara sak'om provesto be au aaaoeiation of unbroken harm- ony between teaebet-, truetees, parents »Dd scholars. The very nature of your juridadiction over thecliildren ia calculated to bring yon, at times, into coullict with their parenU, but dur- ing the extended period of your an tbority in this School Section, jour government has been so charact»ri»el bytact aud kindness as to iuvitealltbe work in harmony with you as their Tiachar. Separation is tbe penalty ol frieud- abip. It stalks iu upon us, et-tr and anon, and dims the brightness of the past. It checks tbe exhuberant joys of tbe present and reminds ua how fleeting, how mutable are earthly cal- culations and enjoyments. Deeply imbuel with auch aombre feeling*, we ajiproach you dear friend tioa about I9 take vlaee, iilt" whtrif ever be went weull «'*«|*. ^^ "'I' warmaat inteiast^rn fli* w^hrs ^t Courtt. and paiS aiiigb tribnU"to tfie Count, official. for.tli,,'biI.ty»nd til. Jl^^^r.rx'rl'crr "' thoroughness which ebaractenied iLe perfonB*ii«#»flbeif C««a4r "tiea.^ The siugii^ of AukWjMi| Jj»e tod God-speed to the parting gu«at pie, we too, ill keeiiiug with the plea- ... sautdutv, desire to add#our raede of «" "^^ P"""' °'=»«"0"' '"' «='^»- tribute to deserving worth. j flicting em.itione. Our beart-s t.right- We beg to present you with this en as wa survey our past assooiatiou, chair as a token of our affection aud esteem for your kind offices. May it prove to yon a solace aud comfort when the arduous duties of your "daily round" are done may it from time to time roraind you of tho ties of love and good fellow«hip exist- ing between yourselves and your p-^e- ple hero. but a daik'y foldiu^ cloud aeeius im- pending as wo now assemlla tigelller to bid you Farewell. • Bel'iiio taking leav« of you it is our desire t la*. you shall carry awr.y with y-iU soinething that will remind you of the disinterested and kind hearted ult. « tll»r -a. oaEAH8, Ijot 2 Cn^^^ 0» Bjjildbb' cok^*!^ lirick). After co.^fi.(IW this season u still ou iST' '» bSjN prepared to do aU kmds ofT*»'5ir^ »ork, pl«,tering and .00^,!^ iiL? advaiitaBe tn mr.. u...^^ "Ul (hwlT. *W lot^ who contemplaw buildiJ aavaiitage to^ve f.:-^^ Residence corm *ete», JtA»abii,i " .^- «.iij a call ««.ide,.ce corner ol C^ ^tli8«;oodorTUiria^t.S lor THOMAS NKljjA„ Markdale, Dec. 15. ib^er^^- H«^ AGENTS a " Telephone andEdifoi,\ jb-V~^" iLJ* and OrKan Music. Knclos.. "'"*««!k aloitue and term*. "'"""P fut J tlDISON MUSIC 10. i,2 ,n. Phila., Pa. "' '^tOB 4 1^01 1 r. OTTWO, qi;ki:\"st J Thvt i» 01. lia u,i ~i^o*u Thvt i. on lia ).;;' ^K**«I»i |rtable.^.l.op. W.U, and ci*^ eheap'and on eav tfiiQ, "• 1S.S1 • »«5 MarkJale, IVc. 2ii',;, brourht a vert pleascat ereniutf *li -fc^ ^raoKâ€" In Artemcia, ou the 2'Jh ult close. â€" Kchtrtistr. Bee tlie beaatifo! IftBgiijwnMcifr iid^ Wed- ding Ringsâ€" very low,*» *. F. Doll'8. W« would oaH aitaa'.ba- ^iT.;» Davis' advertisomont, to bo f msd 'in- another column, Mr. D41 ha« someexeellant SpeaMeleafor week or short-sighted ejos. A. Allfin, Esq.,3x-R907o of .\mabel, gave us a call this week. SPECIAL^ NOriCB?.. Wi^hit.g j-ou the compliments of i feeling which obtains for you tlirouifh tho season, with all toe ciijoymv-uts j nut the entire sectiou. We therefjre Pert..i iog thereto, with many p! m- p.^g^^^ ^^^ ^.j^,^ this copv ofthe Uoh nant roturii.t, „., 1 ' 1 1 u .. 1 i /. â-  1,- ,,, „ „__ T „(; „„t K. I Bibi» and a Go.a-lle.ided Can' aud Vio are, vours ver» atlccliouatrlv, Wu. i) .uoL.s, Jtt., ' request that you will rccieva aud ra- Oii bflialf of cong.og.itiou, Chri»t gaid thorn as tli" gift of School S«c- tiou No. 2, Township of Protm. We woiild say iii epnclusion, that we are RE.SV ANi WOMFOKT to the SUKFKUI.NG Brown'9 lloii^rliold Panacea 11.1? no equal for ro4i«dni (laiu, butli iuter- iinl and external. It eores paiu in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Thnat, Hhenmttiam... ToutUache, Lnraba;.;o and any kind of a Pain or Aclia. "It will most sorely quicken the Ulood and heal, as its aclin;; power ia won- derful." " Brown's Household Panacea," beinK ackiiowladneflas the fireatPain Kel ov- er, niid of doiitAi the slreoi^th of any otter Klixur or Liniment in the worlil, sliould be i.n every family lia'idy for use wbeu w»nttd " as it really U the bant reinndy iu iba world forOranii) in the .Stoiuach. and Pains aid Ache° of all kinds," and if for sale by all DrucKists at 20 cents a b'oitle. 20-Iv gothars! MothirJll Motbers-1 Are yoa disturbed at night aad broken I'f your rest by a siak child suffering aud cryiuR with the excruciating pain of ciiUiiir lactb! If .so. K(. at once and Ket a Vnittif -.1 MUS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SVUUP. It will relieve Ibe poor little sufferer imme.li atelyâ€" dejieiid upon it there in no mistake about it. Tueie is not a luotber upon earth who ba ever used it, v.ho will not teli ynii at once that it aIII rex 'ite Ihe Dowels, aiiu give rest to the mother, aud relief iiikI lieallb to the child, ojieratin;; line iu:iKie. It is |ni. f i ;ly safe to ii .0 i:i nil ea.sos.nu.i p! -a-^ri'it t" t:ie B'.iite. All 1 is th^ jire-cript' ill o; one of the oldiiHt and liest fu.nain physicians aud iinrs '8 in tbe United Stat^^s. Sold every- where ut 2.' cents a be.tile. "0 Iv DIED. i Eu-iorrâ€" .4t Cliat».Torth. on tho '/2nd infit., |^ George WidJis, only sni .f James \V. El- liott, ags4 1 year and 2 tnuutl.s. WANTErl A Qr.\Nirrv or DiXon, agAd 25 ytari. ' "^-i Telegraph Poles 50R.i,^ .J^linL. .AND CP\V.\l;j,.S; ii^,^^ ;GO0 Cords Cedar Pc For which "the Ha-he,; Iv.,,,,, ,^ J* ,,: ma.kk.whituke; Photograph 'llPilf ill eveiv ..tv.! an I .(- .l ineve,v..wy..,an|sn^^ lla»e all tbe re, n.ue, Vui^ ^^^^ s: '•ill • rk diiiie. ••1, i.er wi i cuiiir^ t. Chuich, Mark lale iliss Hollingslipad iireseuted the Chair, and Mr. Ward replied iu a feeling n anner. Wo rerret in uot beiuK able to give tbe reply. To Miss Ford. Til' t i:5;roi;ation of Christ Churc'i, ' (i re3o!»iiizi:;g vour uuwearied and sol;' 1 deuyins zjaf in the churcirs welfare, P'^decessor. mor* eapeoially in maintaining tlie We remain, yours, ever faith.'ully, musicnl portion ol tho services, wish Chri-topuee Jonhson,) Truhtecs F. Sajius* Stokbs, ' S. No. 2, John Scott, j Proton. only pa_Ti:;g you a just tributo of praise when we remark, tiiat your successor cannot adopt a'surer method to will jur bsteein and npprejiation. an by cmulatiug tbe exaoiple of bis PIMPLES. lyiU mill (Tree) the reuipe for a simple VKdKr.uiLE Bai.m that wdl remove T.*n- t"RKCKi,K.S, 1'1MPIjE.S aud Uix)H;hes, leave iuf,' tbe skin soft, clear aud beautiful also instructions for producing H lux iriaut growth of ba.r ou a bald head .^r snimith fivco. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stnmj',Ben. Vaudelf Jt Co... 5 Beekman -t.. N. Y. 2.' Iv to show onr appreciation of your ser vices so houorably and regularly giy- en during the three years past bv 1 t _. i • t -n 1 .• -..1 "i • X. 1 "r township of Proton, presoiitiug you with this watch, of ' ' which they beg your acceptauce as a token not only of thfir appreciation of your Rfi-vices, but also as a momcn- 1 such an unexpected expieeaion to of their regard ii.r you personally. kind feeling ts this, and he wa«. so Rev, -Mr. Ward made tho preseuta- deeply touched by recieving such a tion, to which Mips Ford, although I roaterikl testimony of regard, as to be STmRTLING DISCOVERYI LOer MANHOOD RESTORED. A Tietlm of jroatbrol lmpnideBc« caunuf Prsma lni» Decay, Kerroui Debii j-, Lost !»nhood, sic., hsTteg trM In rain *rtrj knrnm ramadf, bu dba- eoTcrrd a iiiipl« self curs, which ks will saDd FBO «p hJ4 Mlow-f â- Ihrars, tddKBM J. B. KEXVBi, DUNDALK MAitKETS. X^Tieat, Fall, No. 1 Friday eveuinji Deo. 23rd 1881. Mr. Gowan was not prepared for of taken couiplottly by surprise, r«pUcd in brief and appropriate terms, thank- ing the congregatioii fjr their gener- osity aud liberality. PRESENTATION TO N.W .GOWAN. Ou Friday eveuing, Dec. 23rd, a Bcbool entertainment was given at eectiou No. 2, Township of Proton. Tbe principal object aimed at was to gat together the pareuts aid pupils of tlie school section, iu order to pay a valedictory kinducas to Mr. Gowan their teacher. The School-Houae was nbatly dec- orated will evergreens, and tbe walls adorned withband some and appropria- te.mottoea,and although tbe roads were bad, tbe room waa crowded ta ita ut- most capacity, Mr. Fnrgeaou, Inspec- tor of Schoools, was appointed to the chair, and every call ha maie fir tbe performance of a well arranged pro- gramme, was ably responded to bythe several parties detailed for that pur- pose. Speeches, Rcadings,Becitations, and music followed each other iu rapid succeraion, aud each contribution was greeted by tbo audience with a hearty u table to tell his frionda as he would wish, bow sensible he was of the home dwelling hospitality and kindness ot which be had beau tbo recipient, from one and all, during bis protracted atay m Sebool Section No. 2. Tbe golden hearted bospitality ofthe evening waa now concluded, and tha warm grasp of friendship proclaimed that each muat now take off their jcveral way. A Pabticipajit. A COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER. A large number of tha citizena of Priceville, aasembled at tha Commer eial Hotel, on the evening of the 28th inst., to do horor to Mr, M. C. Black, on tbe era of hia departure from Price ville. During the short tima Mr. Black held the poaition of principal in the Public School he has succeeded in making for himself a large circle of friends. The social was a very aocial and enjoyable affair. Tiie teble of our host groaned beneath tbe delecacies of tbe season. They tucked them on A 1 " ""n'lw»ce and taatefulneaa. After round of applauae. Apropo. of mu.icj.^p,, j^.^j^^ j^^^ ^.^^^ .^^^ J^^ biyalvea. Dr. Ghent being called on iota 16 Daodalk, tfaaad vhaa taxaa an niBtatek. that •ihtmaa I far oartaiu wotaaB»«fc»i idk. vineh p«a«t«*t»wi ao «s •ad MaAt41% booodajy lia* ^Dd WaatLntfaar. to I would aay, that a Solo, entitlad era was nicely rendered bt Kits Pbillipa of DnndalV. ' Tbe evening wore on, and the concluding niece of tiie programme bad been dnly anaetad when a pleasing epiaode took place. Tha Truataes cams forward and pUoad open tha table au elagautly bownd copy of tba Hokj Bible, and a gold-kaadad oaue.aod requested Ifr. Jamas Daau, to read the following ad- dreu a. IT. aamm. TtaHur, School 'kclun '•. *, Tmenakip of Proton. Daaa PaiBTO.-Aftaran intareoarae logetbariitendinroTcr a period of' four yaara, we are now about to a«par ata. Aa the hour of separatioo aMni •^» our beam ara drawn oat to Jon and we review tbe pa^juih re- latestoour mutual conneOioa mtli '•ihotbar- •- -;--w».. ii I to perside toasted "Our Qaeen and Country." Mr. Thoa. NkwI responded in a very able manner. Mr. N. B Grier waa called to retqwnd to 'The Commerce of our Country. ' which ha didm his usual happy way. Mr Summerville sang an excellent song *biy responded thanking h" f,S^ iortbeuduiplayofkiiuiua.^ Mr Nelson then «ane asona «!-^. the Ho.t and Uost^ w^ J^k wVt^ b"«npar glasses. The oT*^ Jin M«d»aa Stodaot ^^ â- *' I • :â-  XlWI«*.Co..r'"'*^" Wlieat,Spring, " Barley Peas Oats Butter Errs Potatoes Pork Hay 1... 8... 1... 1... 1... .»l./8 to »1.2(l 1.20 to 1.2;} 45» to m .69 to .72 .35 to .36 AH to .20 .. ,.1« to .2 35 to 411 6.75 to 7.ia .|12.00 to I6.O1D Cbcr'v, Butt.i B.i.-sw.toJ, Pliii tdClv. Flour MARKDALE. Pbidat, Dec Cth 1881. C.Oo to 6.2." Spring Wheat per bush., new 1.20 tc 1 25 do. do. 1 18 to 1.20 FaU do Barley Oats Peas Potatoes. Butter, per lb EgK^, per doz Pork, dressed, Beef (iees e per lb Ducks, per pair Fowls, per pair Turkeys, per lb Sheepskins Hides Grass seed Ray Wool Green Appfes, per. bnshel Lard Tallow ".v. DtrCorjlWooa ;... i.60 O.B.' 0.70 l».45 0.18 0.18 7.00 4.00 0.07 0.10 0.00 0.07 050 7.25 2.5o 13.00 0.22 0.76 0.10 0.06 J-75 O.81I 0.36 0.72 0..50 0.20 0.20 7.2.' 5.00 O.OC 0.40 0.00 0.(10 1.65 7.60 3.0U 16.00 0.00 1.00 0.15 0.07 a.Ao yjiESHBRTON. {Corrected veekiy for the Standa'd by R. J SproiUe, Fletherton.j FaiDAT. Dec. 16th. IS81 Flcur, per bbl Spring Wheat per bush., 'all do. do. do. B«riey Oa»« ^. Peas ' Potatoes Butter, per lb Eggs, per dox. • Poik, dressed Beef .\* SheepskluB Timolhy seed Wool Lard Tailow ;j V TOHONTO. •6.25 to 1.30 to 1.18 •• o.eo •• 0.87 " 0.65 " 0.80 •' 0.20 " O.I9 " 6.60 •• 4 00 •• 0.60 •' 785 •• J2.0 â- â€¢ 350 •• 0.33 0.10 " 0.05 '• 0.00 1.35 1.32 0.80 0.38 0.7T» 0.35 0,00 0.00 7.10 6.00 1.2i 7.5f 14.0 s.oo 0.0(1 0.13 0.07 â-  rt •lol Wheat, fall, per bash Wheat, spring, do. ...' B»rley, -4o. g»'*. do. ...' l**"' di gyu. do CfoTer Bead Pressed hogs, pef 109 \\^ Beef, bmd qoartera.. Bjef lore qaartera.V.'.V.V ChieheD«,|wr pair Fowla, do. Duok«,per braoa ,_ Ba Batter," Bottw .wifc^klrf ....... Bm«, ir^h. i»erdo*....».„ Fotaloaa. p^ i^tf tt 34 to tl 26 • 1 28 tc 1 85 'O^tD. 41 to 78 U 85 to 4 feO to 7*SB to 5 60 to 4 00 to ' o 45 u 45 to 60 to 75 to 1 Oil to 89 iZ 80 86 6 8 7 00 6«0 « 5 HO 1 00 3 00 i.Mfr-a' '•-•• to 00 o«4o 0,9». 85 to 95 (FROM BRAZII_) TBo Now Compound, its wonr derfnl affinity to tho Digestiva A.ppasa,tus and tbe Liver, increas- ing tbe dissolving Juices, reliev- ing almost instantly tbo dreadtal results of Dyspepsia., Indigestion, and the TORPIO LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity in nvory house. It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache, Distress af- ter Emting.'Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, Pajns in the Side and Back, W ni of Appetite, Want ol Energy, Lovr Spirits, Foul Stom- ach. It invigorates the Liver, ca Ties off all surplus bile, regulates tbe Bowals, and gives tone to the •vhole system. Cut this out and take it to your Druggist anC e;Qt a 10 cent Sample, or a large bottle for 75 cents, and tell your neighbor about it. (KKUi (iALLKIiV. Or'y I'm^r-C »•-.; V 'F-r\ ilu- II » l'ii..ii O.l'l i'.c-.iir-sr. (liitarant) ml 1 Ktmt-niln r t!».- ^taii OJlJ'.e. ,i!l tht iK.j.ii'ar !\ Procure iIm; ',„ I flilUâ- ^â- . Ilavi' 1 liiM a- :;:.; Soilo:i' y I i. â-  11: J.L. iJlKiW.NK.'i.i;',^-^^ Markdulc. I'cc. I'l. ;s.ii.. 1:1:1.: Nothing ]Mim M. M. M LEOO, M\i.lv!.i(.|.. NOT TO BE BEATB 1 All tho'-e wlio in j tunc !•â- ' h:-..' b. • I u mind tli;it w- i; j -t ii'-l bi|! •; â-  'i.ioujiit i4it'i '.; 'n. •â- . l-.-i«-ii Ki)' â-  •src.lt".4n:r.'if.i'-: I ..1 t;i .ti!!-t 'I T â- â€¢ :i:ve.l.(? t!i- tt^i n..^ 1.. !.v..M.lt,j5 K 'I' i-stlit T ttn :? I "..-, 'â- "r.~i-!iD;";j,L_ I 1 ilf^-«Dla.-fU!tu I ;r ..aiH-;, i.ru--. EUGENIA Grisf, Saw and lalli Mills Sewc-il .\11 work \Vi»na! done hLle, ,.t. 1'.. i. I'lV Markd:i!'.S.;.;.l-.,:. M.;.I..VMai!' Hnvn^ nindtf itin«ivc iinnroTomeuts in my (Ir. St Mill 1 fcil cimSlent I ciii (.-ivi Kool! s.'iti»fnc:;i)i;. GQnDFLO'iJliL'.V\YSONHAND. Choppiug Done Every Day f'li-to'ii Siwin;.' rini DTiis Fl'id o:t-t5 sbortost. :ioli""i' Ll'MBKU AND I. HII ALWAYt- ON iia::;;. I ut. \S 'iii' I. BlirV- A»h 'i wautiit. M. .\KITT, KHi;ciii:i. "the NarrowCauge â€" IS A THrtTG OF THE PAST.! BPT- REYNOLDS k SON ARE â€" ',, Still to the Front! with a large and woU stkotod stook of Stajilo niid Fn'.i'v DRY GOODS, cii{C3ii:iiH':«, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, c., which t'.i.y sTc h; lling away ilown at 'ijck UtjLiuiii I'riCfcs foi oaab. FLOUR OATIEAL IJiESll AND (i.UwD. IVo, 1 00^1. OIL. At '27o. «. Imperial -.•Ui.'ii. IS* Call and be convinced. â- -* â- *. 7 FALL i WINTER GOODS SELL- ING AT ccsr FOU .80 DAYS. .. feBYNOLDS SON. Markdale Jan.Jid. l^. C!)-.gi. SL! BSCBIsfe*~lTO W~~ -AXI) 0«'t â€" Balance of year FREE. "Thb AaarccLTVRAL Papmi or CaaAiia." C. A. OWE« TAILOE Over McFai'i MARKDALE iVliclc he is 1 ;. i t.. l;i!»!! iwbWI ini'tu'i-**. THE LATEST Fashion Platen \: tiv ii.vsii • r' GUTTING DONE \VH.H.EWm* I A Good Fit Guarans* C1I-\R~!^5 M.-DERAtt. .-Jtarkaol'-, Nov. «tli. '^^J- PERCKERONHOISSI "-AROEjT-^ Importing and B^ ESTIBli* â€" »«• -THEâ€" GATE ,H me Masazlfie. UTu i^,»Ji Of .tr W. WELD, KL»lT0B_ANl7pK0PULSlbB. IMP,RQyED(i|NLAR6ED-1J82 ilk Um^ '*^ Drpqrtntmt uAdtr the r#ry Ue,t tiiimbrt-.' Address, "â-  " â-  Mi '..♦^•"Jo^IIkS M. W.DDfljS.. (35 nul. a west "'j^ tfg A««. rr„uce to «*"j2J5tfSr mtl other imjMitrrn "lJrSn0fZit mil pans iifSurvj-f f ZL • hia Priae furis, *»'"â-  """"rVvMBe tt tiw Great Shoirs o'fâ„¢^^ taUofu iKWin 1 1" .* rIS. at tba CuutwDuoJ. w^i ,i»»-^j «b l^t and "" Sj«ff:/S 4Mms tmt shown. "^^Ta^i^^Za Ban at tlie (im^t St"'XBirf *7*l» SL luu o«iWf eM« " STAHtfAKD. ^l^ NOTICES Y^OT HER NOTICES rj^^^J^iTwitch, go to wa- _,»ppU«.»t A. Donlop*. llyle*. Beeve of EuphrMi*- ' ^Uitweek. .moreofthoM Beth Thomas to hand »t Wdcox'8. tboM usoftil artioUs Pocket on hand at h« Medical .onal report^* the Stan ling ^^ajwkwked but will appear \-qifiA to procure first class «oW. J- Rowe, Barr Uead choice hraud of oat meal ad. We had a call from ejoolds last week. He is [oronto completiu;} hia stud- gt aud Cliumist. Btaries of Agricultural So- do us a favor by bcuding J of the officers elected at the leeting next Thursday, innual Meeting of HoUauJ |p Agricultural Society will iu CainpbellB Hall Chata- Thursday the I'ikh inst. ,1. 0,.«KG.-VVe desire to ro- «»J ""-•"» olars aud heads uf fauiilieg. «Ttf a large assortment of ks. Slates. Stationery, ic Tomer A C3o. ,aal meeting of Gltaiclg Ar- Society will be lielJ in 1 uf- all Markdale for rocieviu:,' .\nuual Report and clfciim for tho curreut year. 000 logs wauted. fir casii. 'V of lumber on hand for silc. ment next week. G. .S i rivii M irkciale. third WeJuosday in Jau- tlie day iuoacli yt'nr.liy ^t^tiute, boliliug of tlio .\Limial iumUii^* lectoral Divivion Aj^'nculuiral ,aiid tlie Becoiid Tiiiii.s i:iv 111 le month for TowuTitj) Soiio- eal1e4i4 zl prevent the hair tmi falliijg out. qneatinn reo-ivcd nderation tliey decide that science covered sotnetUia^ this purpose â€" aii reeommeud Cinga as beiu;:; titis sui^ the L:iir to its nntij VPi.'t its falling bottle. For sale The Presbyteril Anniversary took in Diiflferiii Hall the 22ud 111 si. an all ajij ciu-ed b^ determined to li time. .\fttr to-i \tJ cxccUoiit mill in erintt'iidiiul Win.l the chair and calif order, wliiu M;|| delivered thi o( cloar^iice n:i 1 followed by Mii'-i which show t lenztliy pio^rnimj aud well rend r. tlie names of ;l)c of which HCj credit, asoui -; of a dt'laili (1 Yr-.' each liu.\ •, the best till i* \u .; llou' ^\,:: I «;.. Wi !1 i»lt.~. 1 j ble sf^ryiii.-^ ii tij I Owiii^' I'l ill, ' on tilt- AllaiiLi.-, line.-! lui/frta!' I:iiil arrival !w| ii.U r lit MM'ir. tlieiu liiiu-ii I Mnik III., f vy l)lH-:i t i'.- wi'itii j;l. '•:•. Ma:jt!. -.. .s:( ".i l.a.liis I'lML.'... Ib's. ^."1 (I 1 t'n 'dii' Very 'ill tb*. --.%.•«•. • rAt Cli lif.i »â-  l|....,l. -a'... h OllHr;tli ii.: wll 1«:«I- |-!iv t 'lIOlllMU-.. S| '.iJ \Vo\. I'lai.i ii,ii very tl:. •:!] |i eli.M|.. :l,Ht \. -eheap. Thssi'1-, show Villi •'â- I .\ yr.i-.r: i B:...i.-.ii,.ri i. D iliu.-uk. Ma 1:; ii-Hll.l iil.' lii .A....-; t ll'v 11 V,:. -rt'l ill. .\. ii V ••: rill be a meetiu;! of the Je Lodge of A. O. U. \V. m r'l sbr p III. Friday evening the at 8 o'clock sharp. Every jis rcquesUid to attend. I.u- (basiuess to be attended to. iMarkdale Skating Rink will be; the public ou Satiirday eM;u j ilow boys look up vour skaies that the ttiaps are iri or.ler,:;- tys the: ice is to be in hrot class DD, and warranted nut ti) t^ar ite if you si^- dowu rather sud- I our aiviee, if you want any {antlet, ShatcU, FUnnsls, Jres.s (Jottons, lirefds, liiUe Liiiciin, krpanes, (yaGliiuan-F, an 1 Uia.-k, IvX W. J. McFarl;rii'i a piii.-.s. urti l)ii«ct, and " Djl. t you ^it " weather the past week ha? been i»l and our wood pile is, â€" well ^t to be teeD,H'C have tried to he on account of t!ic st-ito uf is, but now there is 'oo.l t^iiit^'li- will expect thixe wIm Inivc I to pay their subscription in fto brioK it along at loirr. 'iiii bsc ink will not work wortu u then it is cold. eat tnany people are truubli 1 old feet, which is i;;variKlly I by a sluggish circulation nf ibti A fomr dosas of Dr. Carstiti's ch aud Coiibtipatiou I'ittirs ou protluce a fi circiil.iti.in ol ood and Stiiuolato and T-nnc tin- Sold iu large bottles at 60 A. Turner and Co., Special t, Markdale. lEB Supper. â€" A few of Mr. 11. taos friends entertained him at ^ster supper at the ••Maii-i 11 on Friday eveniu}; IubI. 1 supper speeches ware niali- liy ' ». Robt. Myles, Aichd. iClhotl, lieman. aud otijors. .\ v. ry eu evening was spent, li is ne it â- ay that the sujiper was lirsi- tbe name of ilio geui.il hoste»i« iay, is ample gnaratitte. • I J. McFariaud is the only iner doing bubiness in Markdale iports direct froiu Lur..)u, ' he can save his custoineis tii' Merchant's jinifU. ow Escape. â€" Mr. John Mc- rhile working iu Mr. Mir roods, met with a very serious it which caiuc near provini: He was impbnvd iu i,'etlin,' logs, aud while skidding the sldd flew up, strikiuj^ liiin ' ' head and rendering him uu- ' inaiiiic] win IB, in which state ho reuiaitied ' i.. ni-iki- n riy three days. Dr. .Spioule, „s j.hn ;,ni in and informed us that u j week as tie m â-º pretty close call,but prououuce.i is no i.u/.zk sow out ofd«ng«r. .s..^^ v,„k bin tc is no doubt that our Cana- ^ei" u/al" li, [•Umate IS conducive to Laug ^„^ ^.^, ,^„ Joni, and for this reason Ir. ' tb,. ^„ti,on/ On â-  Pulmonary Cou^b Drojs be m everv housi I' r T iie "iifu, I. Golds, aud all other Lui^g nuler the iino iiroat affections tiiey bave uo boll, w.ni a mh' In large bottles at SO cents. A were a iiumbi 1 ••»d Co., Si)ecial Ageut M.trk- i!iQ\.reiii j.a -o: out at ti.' ^l^r 1)1 "1 I ii- pr. I;«-1 I'iac- II luvni" l-ua... ;: i l.ii •â- â€¢ a:.. I. W i:rl I M W.. l..-e. ill-.tai.:.' ii (.tl irl •» â-  vey. l*mi diir;o.--, G. a. Mi...;l tin S:.l -• mi r^atnid •J.lV.i .. Th' 1.. iiiak'iii;; '^1 i h w ;- II I grt 11 I 1 1 y. IJ w rs Im -t t' I i:\i la*.! r ::.t La:: \. • it -Tani I tu.Uni' ri ' tliu.; am '..^' It i C-. dalk, that III Dallii'ii-i- i.« o.«.l Hi. I Giii«;:ii i.f 1 \| The aiih •i iicniltJiiii • h-aiif." 11 •Iu/, tiic 12:i^ receivini; tli- turn ul liVi â-  )4p'-ar( 1 i:i I I 'I lui r \v» will I nj .V llif hipsis tlio be-.i ll IS l'"rl..n: ti.e Viar. T- ISllarky received quite an "'"'° on Monday night, when it was that he w^g the sucees* ididaU for the Deputy Reeve- Anuuibsrof his fi't^uds intt, •» the Revere Hotel upon his Ou New 1- ' from the Town Hall, and hatiJ- ,^\.\ ^j^' ii,,. .J\ '•ad congratulatory Kpeeches j *Uen it wa-, .lij *^ order of the day, or iii;,'bt '•«â- .' "1 eoi.i,ec| We regret that we cauuot '"' "'" "^^ 'f* [â-  report of the speeches, as homo ^^,,1,^ ^^^^^ v"** K*™« "1 Iheir way; bulj i„io the mill, li '•portk got so full well, of, about ..ne l.f tfcat ho felt quite unequal *^ "" "•"' "• '-â- â€¢â€¢k of takiug them down. 1 ' Wat wiDler has well com lueiit- j Ou MmilnyJ ' "~*' advise ourreadorsa'..iiJ3t dies' .\iil .S." ij pilta ooDtamhig 'alomel and tha .Metli.li-; 'njnrii'us aubstanco, as there is snecfss. In _^°8er of catching cold after suupcr in tli. A.n excellent Wib.^tjiut^ fur tli« bot-l pus.^ '" • Vegetable Prejiaratiou bad in Ihiu.luil '•^^' Carson's Stoinaeli and an 1 Imt, te.i.l Bitters, a family lu; li- pl«a-.it.t wait| _fraiii ail accounts, will hi .;i it ""â-  ^.f ti. of every other purgati'.. IibhuI tliiit »)• r. A Turner aud Cu., pla'eii of o.v8i« \* Markdale. a gond time.

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