Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 30 Dec 1881, p. 2

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 -,|^P^"I03^^ AW *Ig»' RSeNbt • ICOTCH |nnted to lit, â- Â» .owEST uvnic DifB ridfiE I.Mi â- ^^^ri^^iii^yuM^iiMM mmmn^rum ,2HOoa :.Ta t/ ' t.5l3MJU@ imm 33113 Hti AuU 1«' ir»iTT #•(• t«* I "" ,4» IWdfiHI U« XT ««d f ^iv P^'r»»- 'â- Â»!:. fcewj HI iir*«iimw^ -i"» «L'i ^OLU4^? OtntMf f.' r,*»P^-«4- =^1 '«»i rtoo. Dm. 4 t! ANNUAL SCHOOL Jtti liin; a*. 10 o'clock Km' K interested, of U.S.S.1^ Mcnelg, are partjcn^l- lilt, as the Tru»fe«i*- ' li^. parties haTin^^ |lii'ard, and that tbc^Maaal Lial and otherwiae, A^u J •! and intaUiant «itkiB»^*« 8t« inToWed demaad ' ' ^^ K WM. BBOWN Bktf «-• rkJalc, Dfc. 20, Iflgt. ' â- 'â-  ' ndertaketi] â€"ANDâ€" CABINETMAfCtt. LOW un liaod Collar ^ig ^^ prices. ** I -J 013liEAlt»t for hJTg. ch«ry!t Moderate. UNDERTjl nigU. aim) lafi I of usehoM PiniJtiiR! hi wcrU of all du8eriptiau o^.^ with thd utmost desMML A fuU stockjof " •' ISTICAND PHOTDpe winch will be sold cheap /or^SaL lasonedLumbtriftflMI Takt n in exchange for fafllar G. GRiLirt MABXDAIE.' lurk.lak. Deo. 23, 1881. " IM. A. TAILOB, ;-r,i t -*l ferMcFarlanfil MARKDALir |ere he ia prepared to ftU •*"' piomplaeee. ,^ !•*«•• THE LATaSU il 'ashion Ptetesfj ON HAKD. ITTINGDONEWHILE^' Good Fit Oai MXta^] vr Jf CII.\ROBS «0 •WW* a*- kark.lal* Not. 8th, it^ MERRY CHRI!?fi*^ AH* Happy M?*»^ UiE Subscriber deaire*^*^ tion of tboee "b" mony. thathe" /, a1 jH er, other V*^Jri^«»»» |U ev\.. ,, â€" Buitoble for »««» ^d of a Most Art»«t»«2i^* lurpise I";^, nppUed with.eTjia TSaaf^" ctionary on «"• *.? fatwrnw )brkM* ».^15.»* 1 .fe.-i: BAFF7 t'l »!t te.-; t »a i»at ao/j rta i4 vie itdiraarfei r89haDoiSJ ,8booU y tCJ .. And don't forget that I have now on Hloid by far the largest stdbk ever carried a [i a: u? cio«i§iiting of Ladies' and G-^pts' I -- i -: â-  n tlt*U »» ^doad and sfiVer WatchdsX*^^^ i k I i UDlocks, B3?Qoches, -- Ear-drops, Engagement a; Wedding BifitgaCOj ?.Ijt)ckets, (gold and plated,) Silver Thimbles, Charms, Chains, Necklets, (in gold and plated,) Silver Thimbles, Cruets, ;•â- â€¢ Sf: ;nt me. ,101 â-  ' ;•â- â- Â»â€¢Â«Â»" V-.'^*$ 'A » 4 â- " â- â€¢â€¢-».... .â- *. ' â-  "J •.•3,'.t:'*fH*-fe.a»;- •' r- ;% »â-  " Sf aM»^ •R»-*».f».n « 'i "i»^ •- m ii f 'â- " T C ^:, [J 'â- /] 1 /% ' « Bings, Pickle Stands,^ CJawl Keceiirersy Bui*^i Knives, Cake Basket^I Butter Knives, Pi Knives, $o|(0 A^^mi f^r $im»iir«i# Jll^oi^ii ^n .^. s. VIOLINS, CONCEBTINAS, AND ACC(pBIEONSl And other lines too numerous to mehtion. All the above mentsooed goods will be sold very cheap, and are very 4*t^We for Xmas Presents. I do not mean to say that I can undersell any other man in the trade, but I do mean to say that my stock is as go(d.if aay ia thie section and my prices equally as low, and would solicit an inspection of the same. I count it no trouble to show roods a^djiupti^ prices.i Thanking one ^nd all of my fnends for past favors during the past seven years I have been in business in Markdale^ t â€" uM i w petfCfot fy^ao^^t a continu- ance of your trade, and remember I warrant all goods as represented. DON'T FORGET THE PLACRâ€" NEXT DOOR TO HILL BROS, MILL ST. ^^^^^Bmm^SZm â- : i:- \k B. D. WILCOX '^^^^, â- ^' « ,» 'â- I â-  ,-.» â-  =\V .â- :^v â- Â»Â».â- ; y*^ â- ." " tiiijilrir rriir IT ii' '*is' iii^r -r- .."*â- â-  â-  " RMERS ic MECHANICS' ESTATE, AND LAND DUNDALK. ONT. rAV[T71~Yr FartMfa wishinc to obtain money eannot do tetter than to aall |V/i\ Hi X • St the Farmers and Mecbanies' Agency establiaheA in the town â- silslk, wUer« yon cnn get Moif kt at a ged a aad rate of interent ea f^TTermi to rait •I'M.-la p«j off a previous mortftMe, ^uild a new h.U8S or bam, to clear more land, lotuin a c^ice lireoil of attle. tar Loans wi be pat through without loss ot time, ^tbtitrictest privacy will be laaiatained ia all transiaotions. Ca-oocl I^ortfpa.g'es Bousfht X ^^I^S.â€" I beg to ctJl the attention of those wishing te purchase laad, As I hare a |»Bter of good and cheap Farai Lots for s»e. I^tiend addraas and get ny "wj prices. miiclRg tat vHh eart, itatottt aid datH^ch* A. G. HUNTER. f(^t-(h, Uor nuth of f»* In^Uy American HotA. UUS«ptember 1st, 1881. .]j. ^: T*-. SYDENHAM aiBBiJT, ' TAILOlt;^ MarWiIe, «y 7. 188U ,. -P- A. ii*INTYRE TEAtxiArjirjEiy: A^M'IMTYRK McINTYRE'8 UQuoia ijiQsaM i McINTYRE'B Cigars, Cigars. McINTYRB'8 ' Coffee, Oofiiae. Aad wvythiaa hapt nia a McIimBE'B MoINTYBE'S Pork, Porte Pork. J 'â€" »- «Minif«m»«"M A.i^ -L 'Teaah, Teas. T 'In »^.-rt I'lf « 4 »„/ ri; e Post Office Store* FLESHERTON, ISTHl riiACB TO aai klSST-CLASg «O0OS AT LUW PBICHa. S' ?A"/t- tV.;^, W ^.HiTT/^^' General Dry Goods! AN ^ItMENSE STOCK. v-^- -f.* JUST THE THING. W' ;â- "' 1^ f,^ IS CLOSE AT HAND. ANP ALL THE NECES3ABIES FOB THS GOOD OHEEB USUALLY INDULGED IN AT THAT 8EA30M 5 WILL BE BEQCIBED SUCH A3 â- 'A â-  'â-  .- Bu^ns, Gorfants, Spices, "isiz^uOMtS, TEAS, COFFEES, Ac., and na1ettar.fIao« in Harkdal^.eati be found to obtain theae artielea and at iMUooi than at BUTTER RAE'S. i IN THE -^ lesJL --: i:'^f* -^U 8EC01«» V0( 941V| U p TS ^* C!) f^ iJ »."(3"' y «• o -i I ^y f T « -* -^ y • --* Ton wlB aaad a Ktv Suit for tka QoUdayt, and our aH-w**! Twe tJ l t aili M Bnrlish and {Janadiaa, canaot ba aiiipaased in this section of aonntry, and we saB aa low, as any other firm in lifcrkdele la aU branohea ot tfaa above liaa o( goedi yoa will And we are not behind tba tlmea.and we gnarantee all oar goods to be juat aa wa lepraeea- them. OiTs ns a «aB,and wa fael â€" iired we ean nipply yon with all yon aaad, aAd at •atisfaotory priaea. •' â€" '^â- Â» Waaho eary a large storii of OBOOKXBT, OLA8SWASB, LA1CP» and L^liP VIX TUBES, BOOTS and SHOES. HATS, CAPS, and in iaat ararrftiac nanaiiy j|ept in a general atore. â€" Burraa Bab. READY-MADE CLOTHINC 'IN ABUNDAlCCE* ^^ BOO $0^ rrfB HI LJgK)!^,, ^w^ W. BENSON Has oa hand and for aala a ftrst-alaaa arti- ekof .;;i^i; OONSISTIHO OP Mn joi^ om m immpv. ' â-  â-  GROCERIE ^CJ'^ol-t- Fres% and at the ftn lowcirt prices. CaisIi-aii(K Fann Prt duce taken in excfaaage for goods. â-  ..'• »" i..iir,iVJ ,2?fT3nn£3«9T bas-iv^JI ,?fiidjd ,sJs64 ttqi:ot:bc£.i â-  v.:'-.-j:'l SL'*-Vi-i5t j'-»iW- t^^i^V"H fir. • 'T ' ' t" »T- -«:PBo-cr2L,3a. 14 l^ Svgars, UptotM^ I Guccantt, Ac., ,; fcapt eoaatantlx on hand, and of the freshaat iwji i PMi i tMi 'K fi w; mi Wholesale and E4ail AND WILL BE AT THE 33 "Cr XT El -A. I Drug and Fancy Goods Stdifd WITH ALL KINDS OF V^\ Xmas and New Year's I^resents FOB GOOD BOVS AND OIBLS. 1 BE SURE AND GOIE AND SEE HII, Toys, Tot Books, DoDs, Sleighs. Photo, Autograph and Scrap Albums, Writing Desks, Work Boxes, Handkerchief and Olore Boxes, Faner Baskets, Uents' Mustache Caps, La- dies' Teacups, Children's China Sets, China OmameBts, Bohemian Vases, Gold and silver Vases. Boks, including the following â€" Bibles, Sunday at Home. Leii-ure Lour. British Workmen, Boys' Own Annual, Oirls' Own Magsiine, Cliatteibox, Little Wiu« Aiakc, PiMoTM Bad BlafQat^l tita^elebiatsd ^aetrr, (rameK, Ladies' Card Casesâ€" IVarl and Tnr- tciite, Xaad aiidVaW Tear's Ohrds, Jaweissx. Wedding Kings, Watches â€" gnkl tend silver, d^a, AOb' Jly coatoaers aa44he pibBe will and my stock well selected «nd complete. I renture to state it is the largest stock of Fancy GooJh. drc., ever imported into Dundalk. Ciome and azaniinc, no trouble to show goods. Wi)diing all a Morrv Christmas and a Happy New Tear. ... Tours, respectfnlly, DUNDALK DRUG STORE {BUTCHERri BBBF, POSK OB MUTTON SDPFLISn. from a single pound to a whole careass, at the lowest market prices. Fn»A Ff^L m vMMmm[ Farmers having Fat Oattie, Sheep, ar. Pigs to dispose of will do wall to aaU si ae* 3 Bums' Block, oppodU tha mv Usiaa Block. MarkdaU. 0«t.8£th, ISU. BnyiisiiWoi gjH^ifif iii ai in r-rta t^l â- a/tmr.iitmk Xaoe. â-  IN Ptam»""^. I awagavits vtth tito hMtiioaaas ia lUck- •a^Ii^Ve me a, Oall. wiUov Mfdriala. Aae. lat, UU. d^||f*ipS8RUNNlNa ORDER! •/" â€" RAvnoâ€" p. S. â€" Having sacnrad the seryiees of a flrst-«lass l^aickasalLer, all who may iaTor ma with their work will ba guaranteed, satisfaotion or no par- â€" O. W. P. G-ET YOUK iji. '.».i. :.' liJilHAS! Y V •; -(• :/â- :â- â- â- . â€" y^i !â€" ATâ€" GARDINER^Sa â- -â- â€¢â- â€¢ .-tW^ T:.taia:f L.'f-i.^'i,,.' f.U. • â- f-«»8 Tf,»r. i";. ' !x.;.-»' •lope wher# SMiiee iMi|»M^iit It eiii It I "Si 1!raQ,I« TfJ OD VDUX, OA. «i,l4ia a^^SS^^'T • "U ;-h i. 'V Ml 1 it

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