Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 16 Dec 1881, p. 3

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 ,:^*S»«,».V.*«fe^- -^ ti^ ArM M i i" 1 i 1 ^jjti j^H_gj^f SHELTSB SAVES FOODâ€" Id PBOlTTAbLE. Evtiy kaapar of animwli wooU MtuJly profit by a liUl* ttody (4 efaemistry and pb^nologr. H«ra is « â- horl Iwaoo: iil kinds of food, m hftj, gnin, biead meat, etc., •!:•, 1ak0 Wood, miuly oompoMd of ib*r- •oal (cmrbou) and water, vith Obo^idar- abU uitrogen in some of tbam.' To prove tills, atrouglj heat any of tha aboT* (ooJ materiala in a aoal pit, or better, ubder glaM. Water, iritL â- ome uitro^»a gas, will be drivea off and lan Je^f jund in the glass raoeiyer. wbild ouly charcoal will remain. Let is more air and the cbarooal itaelf will Quite with the oxygen of the at- moipbere, and alao go off as a trana- parent, luvinble earbooio acid gaa. This cbemioal actios aete at liberty M4at that was before oonoealed or in- Miitible, the Mice aa wben wood or eoal is burned rapidly in a stoTe, pio- dacing an actire fire or aa when wood decays, but gives off beat so â- low as not to be oDserred â€" We must have an everboming fire in beth the animal and human system. If the surrounding atmosphere ii o^ld, and earries off beat rapidly froa the snr- fcce of the body, we must tocrease the iblBroal prodoetion of heat by pattinf lu more food, or by sorroonding the body with a ooveriog that preranta tba escape of much beat. is it not plain then, that by keep- ing animala wsTm, by means of cloee buildidgs, or shblter against beat- •teiiiiiig winds, less food will be need- ed, and there will be less waste of fleeb in mking heat Aay arraage- meuts of shelter, cover, stable, shed, blauketaâ€" anything that will prevent the ratoral warmth from passing away from the snrfaoe of any animal â€" will be a great laving of food re- qoued to keep up the obaolateiy ne«- essary iutemal life warmth will pre- vent loss of flesh will allow the food to go more to adding to weight of flesh, or the ;ield of milk, or of wool. tiheltcr and external warmth in cold woathur are most economical and therefore profitable in the keeping of furm stock. â€" Aaieriean AyricuUurul /jr December. WHAT TO STUDY. Pope, the poetical philosopher said, "Thb 'rojcr stuly of mankind is man, and "t, how little is the real science of mHti Ktii-liud. If people understood Mild h edud the laws of health, and if wLV a out of Hurts would resort to a coiuninu bease Lke Burdock Blood Ui'.ti'iri, Loaiij of the "ills that flesh is heir t'l" uiight be effectaally remedied. Jt iuvirate8 and regulates all the secretioud to a healthy action. NOTKyUFLlVE STOCK IN TEK. WIN- Tlio farm animal:) at this season are dirc'ctl^' dupcudttut upou the care and attfiiuoij of the farmor. To pass the winter with profit th«j must be well ktipt. AiiiLuula ate very complicated engiuf -4, aud must bo run by careful •Tiginetrs. The food they receive is till fuel, at:d the daily rubbing, clean- ing, (tc, may le likeuod to the in- tipt'Ction, cieittiiiig aud oillug of tho on^iiii.-. Tliu fuel must bo equal to t.'io iluiuaiiils luailo of the auimal en- {;i'i L\ii the uiacliincrj will be run at a ilisiiilvantagc, aud therefore with diiiiiiiialioJ prijfit. When the water ib law liud the firo almost out, the eu- ^Miie 14 a source uf loss to the owner. i In thu other baud the fire may be brisk, iDiil the boiler well supplied, but Fiiim- bi-rew is looao, or a part rubs nii'itli T t.:) closely uni the liriotion tliiis i roJucod nt'utralizos much of the farci-. bu in the nuiinal machine, all thf purl*, niunt work, harmoniously tii;j";t!itT, or in other words there must b; pvrfcct health to obtain the best re- Hultri. Aa auiiual may have the boht of food in sulliciout qu.autity, aud ctill paMuharJ winiar, and without profit t' lis owner. Food of tho best kiu.U without shelter i^ in the aui- iiitil t'O'Ui :iiy like fuel in an cngmo th.Ht It I usty and loucie and out of yc- d«r. r ith aro cxiieubive methods uf ttri'iviN^ III dt-nirid roHults. It takes t lu niu^h f rcj to run the machine in 'til eisL'R. As It is cheaper to have a giiijii engine kept in good order, sj 11 irt tu have au aiiiuial iu health and oiufui't. Tho thoughtful farmer will H.'o luauy other points of likeness be- tween t'ii annual machine and the one etMi.~'trucle-i by human bauds, but tiiiri isouoii^h to suggest the impor- katicu of keeping farm auimals ia a healthful and comfortable condition by ru«aDH of warm stables with clean II urs and pure air. â€"America hqritui- turut Jur letemb*r. ITS WORK IN STRATUROY. It often happens that the opinion of au expeiieucod man, au expert, if we sj call him, conveys greater force than an ajgret;atiou outside, uneducated tustuujuy. And thcu, too, personal experience or uhaervutioD is so much moie couvincing thau mere assertion. Tiaiueil to habits of analysis and kecn- t jt accuracy, aud from the very nature of tlieu' diiiiy occupation, i^iven to the most incisive criticism of anythmg of a proprietary Lature, cbemiste, as a vliiss, htsitate very long before indors- ing anylhiuf^ of a remedial nature whose virtues have been announced thi .u^h the public press. St. Jacob's Oil, however, is so universally suc- cessiul aud so navaryingly accompli- slios ail that it promiies that the able chemist, \V. J. Dyas. Esq ot Medical Bali, Strathory, Ont., sends, with bis friemlly recommendation.the following Irem Divid Uarnstou, £aq., 9th Con.. Township ofCaradoc â€" Uaving sof- furcd with inflammatory rheumatism hiuoe last July, and hearing A St. Jacub's Oil. I sent for a bottle of the n elide on the ISth of October, ki that time I was confined to the hoose, and eould not pos^bly get out of bed without aasistanae. After four ^ph- eations of the Oil ttu pain oeasei en- tirely, and I was aJkle (o -go a^at Utratbroy m lees than a wees. I ean- uot give too much praLnjtoSt. Jacob's Oil for what it has done :for de.and I seheve it to be a most raUatt^rNObBdy in rheumatism. Its wunderfdi efiScaej should b brought to the ku'jwledga n everybody. A FOOD BATION FOB UlLK. Hay is not ridi enoo^ in prfttfin ftir tho best proda«tMM of Rood mdk, the addition ot roots owly nMkaa (Im matter worse oom nteal, while im- fvoriug tha ration luiwii^^ «ui9ot aloM with hftj aaka itvki be. The beat rstMBi»M*,ol »M«^«urilj t mmt ikmmmm Jbr Ul •owa.aal fee nU »â- Â«Â«Â»â- *.. irtikfcwao»db|iiiltlili ffMfat te mem B|iftf*nnid«ff««ikV7. hnT«0Miti«|i«nd lo W waanyM ««11 tik* tt« ratMo fivMi oste ll|^ Emil Wolff, tuk baHd a of ennfal iMfcf'uBtnti, •«â-  if â€" â- LallnotiBthMW^Alvaj* toUl9 tbeboatnMati.iftwmiMb«tt« tiM no fnide at all, m trjiat a«v matliods of feeding and of mtpgLtmmi fodder pradoMd â- ! hoa* bjr tatioaa from without. Br thi* dcrd • eow in Bilk ifaoald hnva, per day and par 1.000 Iba.]ir« waigbt, t4 Iba. of ocfaaio aaltv ot w g e t a M a NMaaea eiriaated aa petintk dnv eootaininf S.S Iba. ol protein, 0.4 Xb. of fit, and ISJ Iba. of aaAobTdraiaa, allreokctiadasdigastihl*, Oat ia to â- ay, all foddar eantaiBa aoaa in- digaatibl* pvotain. fat. eorbobydrataa, and otbac aattoi, bat tbeaa an eofonted ont in thia maka*ap of tha ration.â€" iter. Cauwbix, in A ann'fi i HAOYABD'S YELLoW OIL. Is at the head of tha list for all par* poeeaof a lam^ m adi ei ne. Ik i« oa- cd witii anptoaadantcd â- aeaa t i batii internally and eztamally. It eoraa sore throat, boms, sealds. frost bites elieres, and often enres arthma. BU miEliis" BT0BIE8. taa nimjanuii WBO oovLB*^ atm a The Eogliah people ar* thaalewoat paopla oa aarth ta M* a j«l»,. Yaeter- d^ I was ridinc over Ilia €kaad Trunk, near Toronto, and the typieid EngUshman, with eye glassea. an opera glass bong aroand his neck and a bundle of canes and umbrellas ondar his arm. got on the train. "There is one of those thiek head- ed Engliahman who oaa aeTsr sea a joke," remarked a bright commaroial traveler. "0,1 think yoa eo«ld maka him see the point to a joke," I answered. "I'll bet anything," said my friend. "that you can't make that man m* the point to an Americta joke." "AU nght," I said 'I'U try it." 8o, after being introdnoea to the Englislunan, 1 set oat to make him smile, I told him tha bast joke* I knew. He always bstened attentively, bat, instead ot seeing the precise point, he would ask some expUnation, while his face wore an expression as blank as a Chinaman when yoa've paid him $5 too much change. Finally I told the Englishman the old story of the Indian who wanted a receipt for money paid to a white man. Said I. "The Indian insisted that the whit* man sboold give him a receipt." "What do yoa want a receipt "for asked the white man, "yoa've paid the money, and that's enough." "But me must have receipt " in- sisted the Indian. "Why, what for 7" asked the white man. "Because," said the Indian, "Injan may die." "Well, suppose yon do die, I cer- tainly can't collect this money form you then." "But," continued th* Indian, "m* may die and go to Heaven. The Lord he ask Injun if he good Injun Injan say yes. He ask Injun if he pay white man. Injun say yes, yes. T^en the Lord he say where is the receipt What Injun do then f Injun can't go looking all over hail for you I" After I got through, the Americans laughed as they always will, sTen at an old joke, but the Englishman look- ed me straight in the face without a smile. You would think he was view- ing the corpse at a funeral. Then he put his front finger solemnly on the pulm of his band, and said argnmeu- tiyely "Now, I don't see why an Indian is not entitled to a receipt as well as a white man ' I entirely disagree with--' But a roar of laughter from the Americans drowned bis sentence. This so confused th« poor Englishman, to have his honest opinions laughed at. that he turned his back on as and solemnly waded through the dreary columns of Loudon Punch all the way iuto Toronto. THE LIME 'kILN~CUJB. M« i!i^ It 'icui-cr m MM J9ftJl EMJLtTa;.W Th« Standard «Q J " Best liocal Paper Ihellli M»M4syae*aiafii Into aad Mat «••« ra«B OP PO«T|UP« I a W. RUTLBDOE, aaiiei DONDALK lEULO lathe â- lie asAa BeAiDABP, sad is also paUiihed at this eflos FOR •l»OO..KI A. G. HUNTER, LoealBditer.Daadalk â- c^TTT' A PERMAHEirr CURE FOR UME BACK, Mm, DtaMMS tike S^^ 1 UDUBIXBId BTIDKHCE OlVIIia;*" TOM BATIBFAOTIOll. Piatoa.AFril», IWI- QMmjMW r^ ftjl *be* V" ^*^ •iMlarao valaabb a lene^y ior of tba Kidneya. Signed, Pa. i. B. MOBDKM Prieas-Child't Pad. 11:50: Begalar P^ 13; gpeeial Pad tor Clmmie Ws*^-*!' KtkjwaVrvggi*^ for PamphM and Testi- im)ni»i«, b*^^ Bold bj PABKEB S%jO., ONreH Soona. J. W. EIjUOTT, Chatsworth. STEPHENS A JKoCABBOLL, Meatoid. M. BICHABDSOlf Fleshartaa. TH08. BTEPHEKSON. OtaagevilU. O^ \r. PAB80N8. Dnndalk. •• BBMB7 PASOCK^ Iark«a. MARKDALE %3L ge r ea»onari par i aaa f .^._. .,«^4 «ytsd *rraani tin iya|nTi ir i-y F " •••••*â- â- â-  • "â-  gtaaes. taad joor sedan aow to UarbleWorks Monnients, Tombstones And evei7 deaeription of Cemetery work ezeeated in. FIRST-CLASS STYLE I and at reasonable rates. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- ' tended to. If TOU WAHT JOB WORK DONE PEQAJPT Bend it to the SiunMsaeOea -If 700 daaire neat weih 4eae at â- wlawta pricea aand it to oa, we aie eonfc|M»* we max aoit 70a. Po yoa want "I should like to her de seokrctacy read da follerin a werry loud letter," said the president as he handed over a letter. Tue secretary read as follows Glen Bosi, Tax. Da.ui Bao. Oabdnkb. â€" There is a man down here who says that colored folks havu't got any souls. That W4.I7 white folks turn to angelfl when they die. He points with triumph to aQ the pictures of angels ever painted, ia whicu not a single colored angel is seen. He savs he defies even old Bro. Gardner, thggreatest liying logieian, to prove colored folks have souls all samee as Melican men. Will yoa ax- cept this challenge. Respectfully, ConoNsaKD Wmn. There was deep sileuce in the Hall for a long minute, during which the thermometor went up 18. degree*. Then the president said "Yes. I cept the challenge. Lat dat Texas man prove to me dat white folks hev souls an' I will prove dat black folks hev de same. It am jeet as easy to prore one as the oddw. As to the picters of angels, de black faces am not de only ones left out. War am de Chinamen, de Arabs, de I^jnini de Lapanders, an' all the odder folks T Nobody eber saw a red-beaded ancel an' yet do all our red-headed eitisens go to de bad place I'll defy that Texas white man to show me any face among de asgels eber painted reeem- bling a Texas man. He can't show me de faoe of a Duehman ot Iriahmaa or Frenchman or Spaniard, but does dat prove dat Heabaa waa boilt for da oa* of a few Amtriaan* We doan' tak* ov blaak aloB to Uaaben any mo' dan whit* folks take dair mutton- chop whiskara, glass eye* an' talee t«et]i. When w* arroYe to tha gate death baa giban all d* sama aolar. an' de poo' old hlaok man who haa alaTed an'hoDgendan' sofEiiiad all hi* life ataa's *hu bend* the whit* aaan viio haahadriBhas an' r~?*â€" rlmant A pi«o* of white ehalk kin b* waa^^d as ia hiMk Talfat aa watt aa ia Uaaeh- ••I*tttdyo(i.m7fE8na, da road to Heabaa am loag aa* of pitttUa an' qniak aaod aa' ataap hilla â- n'lnneanine hoU*fa,aa'd*ao«lwhi*h raaabaa de Kold«D gate* am so daanaed aa' pari- flsd dat^ poo' ol* body left befcio^ oa aurth woold aabar know it. It iai^r daaooardaraiawoti d* wnita or da Ana talk 4at halp* da amitfM^kik^dal IkaMdal tko^^hteaa'foodi 'lobiM* BILL HEAOi, LETTEB HEADH, dlBOULABB, H0TJ8, BECEIPTS, POSTERS, BALI BILLS, 6TBEAMEBS. DODOERS, HAKD BILLS, PAICPHLBTS. PROOBAMHES. TiaiUKa GABD8. BUSmSBB 0AS08. BAL^ROKlTi DIHHEB TIOIXTB, Or fai (set aoythiag in |(iBtiB| Bna, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop fi«st door to Revtre Hold, Wa Aa JSHNSTON, Prtp. Markdale Aoff. lOth, 1881. 48-ly HAG YARDS YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEVAirS WORM POWDERS. Am plaaaaat to take. Contain their om PoqatiTe. Ia a aafe, iiua, and ettectuMM tjat M wonsa in Cbildran or AdaUa NIL DESPERUMAND. BRArS SPECIFIC MEDICINL THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY, an nufailini cure for Seminal Woakness, SperLnatonhea, Impoteocy, aud ail diKuasfr that ful ow as a sequence of Self- Abuse as loss of Memory, Uuiversal Befion Taking Lasntnde, Pain in the Back, Uimuess of Vision, Premature old age, and many otuer Diiieases tliat lead tu Inaanity or Cousnmption and a Pre- mature Grare. IS'FuU particulars in our pampblet, which wo desire to send fre« by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at 91.00 per paclcaf;e, or aix After Taking, packages for 95.00, or will be sent frte by mail on receipt ot the mouty by aldressing. THE 8RAY MEDICINE CO., l-ly Toronto, Unt., t'auada PLim OR H COLORS. Send as jear oite by aaaO er otbenriss and it will be attended to at oaae and va will Guarantee Satisfaction. Advertisers wooMdo vent* fSBMaAec that fw^coial advertiainc we publish ia oat two p^ien for » per cent, adraoes «b one pepars* ' f/. ' CorrespeiMlenee I beta ear eSeabj Tasedsy eveafaif THEOHEATCAHADIAM WEEKLY FROM HOW TO THE ENO Of »••« FORGONE POUUR WESWTATWiJjm VWW FEATURE yO' SASH, B K DA nsstioasaaa â- aaaaaasiaepaB Hiese sasfeHB. •._* aaa^nttte ia ft* waM eP' .., ^-^^rtle«trikaleas*desef««-- ^^^r^ viU rapljr Sitt* sii^Jrea^-i-. -ffl «»ril-*^« « tare, Ae. « _^ ». _.i ItU aaM l»teasliaMe llg*el â-  M ' rt gggy ItistheeheapeetaadbMll^iaqygay.pablUhat, ^nSKLT MAIIr-aae VoUar p« Awaas. IA0'T MtHi neraatnnert »» kmaa^. Ve extra â- es. I INDS ^^ V5 JIOULDINGS; ^w aBW««I«»4.\ HOLLOW BATTf r3^ and The Bpbetribsr akilm t» irtmn thanka to the people of Markdkla nu tWibesalMttoMfe illlr kari giyan hiiain the paat, and hope. b/T*^,i .i â€" u â€" iio^mn^tioBttaaiMeroftbeaaaa. '"•nmi^ IbaTeaov extended ny bannessjmd will in hitura keep» f^ g^ B El Direct from the North Shore. Alili SIZES, DRESSED AND UNDEEsgnl AM XClnd* of I»lalii and Fancy ' ' Doae ia a first-olaaa uannar. PINE LU 3^.^iJCZ.« Post Office Store, FLE8HERT0N, IB m PLAOl TO QIT »ZB8T 0LA8I «00D8 AS LOW PBIOCS. General Dry Goods AN IMMENSE STOCK. rw^s Mi4 tfttUl^eryt JUST IHE THING. READY-MAD£ CLOTHING IN ABlJKDA]^c^^; BOOTS A.im^nmm FOR THf MlfcLIQMs, HATS AND CAPS F«i [1»«riMY. GRO CEBITS I Fresh and at the verv lowest piic;^, Ca§h jind Fiinp Pro- duce taken in ftxchaage for gobiis. llBrkaa^. }U9 3TUi. 188 THOS. McN] LATE IMPlTm Of speeially AttraotiTS, Seaaonalile, Fasbionallt mj Stdk Te aand, wHish we offer at â- â€¢ Greatly Reduced Pric( tm m0^t^ A)T$ $80] We offer apedal ralaea in every lioe. • .-.^ _^ ' â-  TOIJB STOCK OF Ti Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, aid m Isrery eoinplete, and ^ostamers will find price' and ralaes utahaajk-J partmeut. GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MOWfl by parcbaitog your aapplies at the "Turouto Hooie.' y Vim BROI Markdale, Sept. 36th, 1881. ♦ â-  w. m ' ^n^ "' » • .» No Trouble to ehow Coode. Come anif Examine for Yourei^voiiR "^hsbertoa, Morember 4th, 1881. M Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVt dyspepsia, inoibestiom; jaundice. eSYSIPELAS, SALT RHEVM, MEAirrBURM. HEADACHE, spaclM I UVER. Of DROPSY, FLUTTERING ACIDITY OP THE STOMAOL DRYNESS Of THE tKIK, u^sr^^ T. â- ILBORH i to. TitUs; AMOHT A YA .la^Maud f^n â- U ^biKloo Farm for eaiSa La ^°=^'"°° 1. Artemeaia. Eart 52e T. A •.nadar eoltrrittiS and iuTSS^ wU prop«^and wifl ^^c^ ^t^. faua. Unaa«il« ioaae iH? th^pST Wll. LITTLEJOHlUa, ««e C. W. BrTL«»«, Jt„^j2?* MEIV I (» COOKINe, PARLOR AND BOX ST( Alwavs in Stock. As I keep all kinds of Itl.PAIRS \^l^^ sell, Farmers will see the advaojtage of dealiug » iili » "*•* WM. STRAIN, I^l€ Flesberton, Mareh 24. 1861. WaatiagtePurebaMorBenI Imprs-red Far»is, Wild Lands. Town «» Vilbife ftop«,, the Cooaty of Orsiy SHOULD SEND FOR ID Farms for Sale and to Let. C-.J^'-v •â€" r^U. FARMERS ic MECHAI ESTATE. LAND AND DUNDALK. ONT. AT/^ AJ IT V Farmers wishing to obtain monoT '*f ^-akiii " lYlvJiN Hi X at the Farmers and Micl.a.ucs' A^'.^^'^T^* df Daadalk, whwra yon ea get Momey at a reduce.l rate of '°' |,^»*? yonraelrea,â€" to pay off a previous mortpraKe, buiU a wv '""*!' ^c*^ or to obtain a ehoioe breed oJ attle. fc»" Loans will i)e I'ut inn"» ^kil^ *1.A H^»;**««* ....:_^ ^11 I â- _..: ji :. I *riiii:afitioD8' or to obtain a ehoioe breed oi attle. fc»"Loans will be I'U' "" while the strictest priTaey will be maintained ii transactions. Ci-ood Miortsrage* 1301" ,v$^^ I*AN©«.â€" I beg to eaU the attenUon of those wisliing *° r^i^ â- t^saiuBbecaf goedaiMlelMaBFarai Lots f*r sa *• ' e s taln gns a ad ^rtees. Those haTing like PropirtfaB iodiqwaeef .l.^M .J.-^"' p^. OAXALoeTii auri on AmjUAsum. â€" 1-^* â€" ii^ -^ " "/J 3 TAJ "'^}»c^ -^j^-il^ A G. l ^.:â- ^ \ru.r- :.-T "J?»f?Mt* â-  talk AhrtoS;^z?2fi^iir^7^: "7*^** r*T*' ' ^^" d-i*rt«»» of Tift â- â- hiii'aij-jim ij- aT ^^' ' " ^^ A • f •sssaMVairDaaliMt."-^""" â- "Iia»I PAVI% â-  " ;• 'i "_.A-( J. -rj^r;;^;*.. â-  â- WWKM^4m itar mM tf m A^tUhAmenea* 1st. 18S1. Hot*- '%il^ |tii*Bi toetc«ee»theeariy«eita. ^a latest rorwgn aad Pro-rineial ^gSSr^J aa Ina*rocuve t" ..Ma. tlJO 1» "*• montha, bfj^teildol the year. No ^^i-old'aatfl aU arreagea are fSSlSadai pep*" '*»°»' paying rSlMpauible *ot the years an'j- !^'iv~«"p'y " *^* "'" ES OF ADVEBTKINO »50 00 27 60 sn,eaeTea».. do 16 00 8 00 4 00 50 15 76 «r. 8 2 •' "I.J, ,,1J) 'MAJR.KTALB SO -a -71.::;; T"^^â€" ^^. _^_^^«-^^J .^ â€" ^â€"f «««.» B09XL ia » li« «iee storey brick hniMinK. wj^ gij^ ^. n nader, first inaertion. ifobseqaaut insertion.. Its tan lines, first insertion Itobaeqaent insertion knes. firat inaertion per line [jnbaepnent inaertion aber ol linee to be r«jkoned by the ^ed laeaanred by a acale of aolid *V|Tertiaementa without apeeifie vUl be pabUahaft till forbid and ftt^atlj. tranaitory adTertiae- ist be in the office of pnLlicatiou by I «â-  the TUureday mominx preeeed â- ablieation. 1^. W. BUTLEDOE. Proprietor. ESSIONAL A BUSliiaS. DIRECTORY. Br****** «'art«r, liana BurgecntJ, Accoucheur ' fcc. h£.. Medical Rcil; resideuee at I Hoaae. al«. Sept 17, 18«0. !â- â-¼ VOL. JOHN BUXLDEK AN I J and brick' attended to m town] Estimates on \ror| Dondalk, Svpti- Stt«r( trial. Wm. Li BAI IN large or siniul] pood en.lntN security. INTEREST All...^.i li-Praft. i-;!.- all jiiintr-, 111 ii'" HarkiaV. S. |.' E. HUI f: IHN B. mcHILLAN. ftSET AND SOUCITOU. LS XO^ r for attending to all kinds of law Ofliceâ€" at Kav's Hoti-1. «, Due. Slid. 1881. C4. J. MASHOIW XSTEB, MASri:ii AM* OKI' UEii. Ehanccty, Notarj' Public, Convt vaii- Owen Soun 1, in ViokerV Illo-k fist.; and iu Markdale, over MeKar- orc, on Friday an 1 .Suiurdav -\,tv 7.U Fi-oat Ac FroM. JllSTEBS, AND ATTOKNF.YS AT Jw, Solicitors ill Clinnetrv. C'iii\(y !tc.. Owen Si»uii»i, have re.-iiin*'.! at on. Office upeu every Tliursday, as ire. IFaoar. J. W. Frost, LI.. ». litty Cruwn Attorney. 1 Lane dk Rowr, BISTEltS. SOLICTTOIUS, *ni CO.N- noers, Markdale. McFarland's Block, r to lend, on Farm Si-curity, at i-rr a. Q. C. Und AND Ci â-  if all !.:•â-  h: laj.. aiiU kvfl c-n liai.il Hoiiselii r.. .1. A Watches whirl. ».l! I'l' liii:i I.iik s J. W. Boaj. ^etitUtra. C.4RR1 Inr. Jntno*. J. White, ant to Ur. Cameron, Oweii Sonrtil, Lt, BE AT THi; Ui;VKUi; not SE, [MarkiUle, on the last Wi-.lni^lav in oiitU.iriieii hi! will lie jireiarij topi-r- opijratious ri-'j-iiri'd ujiou the mouth [^mott satuifactory manner, and ii|ou ble terms. I y tH \\ TliP .•ii!--.;Ki \v.\{ii;Ns, SHUcrUanroa*. XVm. BrowB. IB OF MABUI-AGE LKESSKS,*f. gmissiouer in U. U. tVo. •yancing in all its biauclies pioiu|itK' 1 to and carefully executed. |l â€" Money to Lend uu Ueal Estate ae- SLr.i.;ns. To"eiher wiili ii| kdale. Sept. i7, 1880. 1-T Alexander Bron'n. TEH of Marrint^e Liceuse'^, Fire and lu'juranee .^gent. dmiMiissiiinet K. 4c. ConToyaiie*r a-il IiicciT«.J neer for the County of (Jn v. Karimrs, int., and Land Sales, runotnally at- i to and eharg'S maile vi-ry luoderaif ardle, Sept. 17. 18'iii. 1-v IUU-llt'iK. THOS. V, R. 91. Oalbrnllli :T10NEEU AX1 (-KNKUAL LAN!* «eiit, Wiiliaiusf.iiil Stati m. .Auetion attended in all jiarls of the t temly. I sold on Coimni'i.ion. Ilntes iUi»l"'Mle. a. Organs, an I S'-wiiij; Maeiijii,-; itl-n land 0.-U'kment»i Trer-;, Vim!.i. A Tien I iplemeaU. and Marhinery of »11 kitijA itnaford. Jan. 27. Iii'*l. J. Ca. Kins JMINION AND PUOVINlAL T.^SD Burveyor, DrAii^ht»iu^i'i a:ni Valuator, id and Markdale. Having ].urili:i-«d cial Land Surveyor C.'liarli-~ l:a:ikii s stock of original Field Note-, i'lans. ts, luslructioiis, itc.of all hn Sumys tithin the last (irty-fivc years, 1 atii I to raaki? Stti^vs ia strut i.e nd- Ptbarewith. J'ro.'iles and K^tiiuite' iliog Hills, Plans and 8pi-ci:ie..itions killing Bridges, fnrnishrj on iiii|i|i-ii- Money toL'^tn at H perciit iiit.i' !. by letter, or left with (i. i. lil.V HI. liale. will be promptly atteiuhtl in. |l«t. 17. 18*1. Iv atoiey pnoa '""""^. c^^jnw ".-..^-^x.. ^,^--â„¢â€" â€" rtUfomiahedinF^'^, wAkaaoK, iJheMpattoc RsU^ inay rely upon e^^^JZiw^^ T. E. OA«'IN. JILDEB 4 CUNTKaCTOII. (Stone ai.d Brick). Plastering and Country Jâ- .l.^. tly attended to. Stoui-cutting a S;.) Estimates on all work. frH) Sa:i- Bn gnaraiitued. *,* Ue^ideuce coriierof and Sproule Streets, MAaanALB. ember 31. 1880. Wi y Vii. «st«iiiiiii;~ rOUSE.SKJN.ACAKUIAGE PAINTMU. Contracts taken iu town or country. aik, Oct. 12, 1881. 71y 8M YOURjpBlNGS. Irs. T. O. Morgan, be;,' ti a-inounce to [iaiiaof Marlcdale anil vieinit;. that ~lie epared to work up hair coiuliiiig- into chea. puSfs and carN, term' iiLMleratr ill i» aolicited. Ue-ideiice coriH-r of M'.r I^Qaeea atreata, opposite Mr. lowea'.-.-« ' IS by Miiil promptly attended t«. rkdale, Sept. 1. Itictl. %VERE HOTEL, .TIAKHDALi:. SPROUIjE, Piroprietor. pRlS popular Hotel has had a large ad- dition added to it, thoroughly retittctt. Is now aeooud to uone in the county. **a bling aud attentive ostler. I'lrst- •eaommodation (or c.o"nmercial travid- Vvr^a 91.00 |»er dnv. 17-iy MEAFORD. Ont. I* J. UottlBB, I'Boptittous. â- JJ^*T awiiailiudaliuii for the travelling â- "• The bar ia well slocked with the at Wiaaa aoa Liquors and tho l«»l f^olcigara 11' TOi to Ikirt from all train.s. ♦7, laiio. I y •^IleRClAL fToTlL ^aiCBVILiljE. Ont. ' '••^ eoumod'ous Sample Booms *-\UkinM,^,, Xne Bal aud larde the beet tne market nf tgiauu au«uUT« MosiIli's Tljps. 4,TKiN.-ON, Pfovrietor v.ry ..i" i.ii !• iii }â- a^ )• :i ill tliJ .IT-I.' .01 w '.1 if r.iii !.â-  I -.t l^ N-i,. Ill th. 1- t â- â-  Man !. HAI.^ CiJl i;v. I ly Kxn 1 i • kl..: THE Diseases o| CHEI PZCTOl piiliM'.nnrv Diiil r.iMid '••i| any a.;.- the yoi: rvrd;i-.nry 'd l(roiiohi(i«| '»or«' lliroif tarrli, ili" H.*i. are unruly [Uâ€" .;. titiielv and at har.d i:i Ici lion 1; t Wlioopii' -â-  tli-fe :s s -ithi'i,:. I,.nv |ii till- uia:i II and iui-f(" \\ liii-li. :t*. t I HO afV.ii.l siiri- To. If I(iNC'as**s 'Sfi a.iiv.raii.i g.-r.i-.ts .M ehi-.to iiiiMii 111.-,.' ih--. iM-i-otni* .I.* A VI It I'l eO!lli.leiiTlv| Klaii.l. It'll 111 a. kiiowlflij elM-H|l as ingr«.lh*ni know ing i^^ |ir,iitii f |.lo\ll i uioiiary i'ea h ol 111 Prepare^ I'metitfl -JL'r^i^.' i..iLl^.:k^ M.,.'

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