WAS. uiMtaaiil, and «^^^^' e pf«MBt «lato 3BC^ u Um tfcmw.^ :â- ! ,^" DY-MADB CI eriea and Cixcte^ CASHMEHES for Me kin.tR f FUniieU »»j'5ft.* ry cheap. Pnre Li3 ?**•% j r.y Cotton, Uom sTZ^^C JO pajrs to fel«et from " "t '••^ C^ lold at. DUST TEAfaJ!'!S**»ir or and Mim^e,! i.l and lurpect good, i„|^ ' or CiraUi )N, Proprietoj, u8e Noted.' orth of Toronto, •^ OR STREET. 4A.«a. S-KCF.SSAUIKS FORTHJOOOO ||) IX -XT 'FHAT SEASON 1:ld seen as .nts, Spicei COFFEE, Ac., nbtnin thes« article, and Ml nil lit RAE'Si t4^«t n TO IMO.^E. imI (iiir nil-wool Tw |i ,i «Ttiiii of CDunlrj and »• nfl*! M «.( tlie nbovu line o( kooU j«i nil iur Kootlii to be jait M [â- â- 111 iiutpl you with ail you TTER RAtl |;l,ASSW.\RK. LAMPS «rf lAMI 1 1 ill la«t everythin* nroally W ' Q il.lio K.-neraUy that we .-.iicted stock of haw )«*• STANDARD of Jw Ml^y. r December 16tli 1881 NdTICES OTHER ildtobla lor !»xi't yon foi ly madiema. ImoBMdi- r ruli«VM fianday. pleasant. j,,Bd«y. rain snow diiappears. Tuesday, steady rain aU day. WiJocsdiy.elitfLtfrobt. Stock in Skating Rinks is below par. H.« yea ««. Mr. Doll's Chrtgtmas Goods? dose oods .uul Gents' Wnting Uinaph Albums, Mental 'ases, Vases, and istache Cups, Dolls, Ihoice assortment, lO' ^vised Testaments, ks, Miscellaneous ture Books. °^OVl V coed supply 01 New Years gu" s and IITSER Medical YRE MclN-nBE'S mcint^bb;8 1 Grocery â- â- * IP Toa C4««- tl^^ Another conMgnment of Teas jast ^wdatFobter'H. Coanty Couucil meets at Owen goond on Monday neit. Forafinelady* Gold Watch go to f dcox. tlie Jeweller. i^therlotol 8 oz. Watches to hand al ^_f. Doll's. jlr. Duncan .\rnott shot a large deer Ijitweek. He bold .it for $8. Pont trouble yourself looking for jjesrust adv. iraius arnve pretty regularly ou gjje wuts the cbauge of gauge. jl^Teyou «e«.n the splenhd i'rencu Clocks Kr. lAiU's, Flu.-htrlon. bU»«bing Las totally disappeared, yd tlie rumble of the waggon la again j^j ou the streeU. Wood is a scarce cotumodity in Utfkdsle at prepeut, and if we do not I i^To snow s.ou, is Hkely to be more so. Slei«hi:ig wa» coiiipar.itivtly good '»stS»tiirJay, and thtre was u tbroug I u d,j ou our streets and Lusiuebs Iplseei. Toso.iro oil company, are sole |«Mu£«ctur" of-'-Ciistonne" machine I il Iiifnu.'oiuciith will buiirosecutod, j^n Ur»u»'e soiret will be held in [uw Be« l^-»"' '*^«"" Coaiiers, Arte- LeM ot. Thur.-*J»-, December, 22ud. |Tickrt»,'-i5, cents. The OranijetilU (iazfttn came to lucd ls«t wfok in a new aliupu. It is Lj« M eijjlit page with bupplemcnt, |ui prcsiiit* a vury creditable appear- lisce. If T'.u w"Mld like to give your swect- Ti» iTi'iLiit, get your plii)lou'ra)'li tt tlia "' ^* g""ery, and ^ivo it. Mr. Bfoirue i5 a good artiit, we've tiied The Oniiige Soiree it Berkeley was JetiJed succoBi. ' bleighiiig wa:s sparstivtly gool,eou8equeutly there It crowded house. 'ill your dealers for "Ca.-itoriuo" »iuu oil, atid see that the barrel iDrtuJcid. •C.istoriue, " as uoue other l{euuiu«. jlr. Thomas Smith, barber, will be iFlesbpit'ni every l'riday,ai)d Satur- |it, until noon, when he will be happy iwut ou those who may require hair ttting •baviijg; aud shampooiug. For Christmas Presents go to HicU- on's I'l-ug Store, Flfshcitiui, oks, Stati'itiory, Ciiristmas Cards, low, ail 1 I'ttiicy '^iiiuUs. l"'titii'us to rarliaiueiit should be iTiam 111 a bold, rcniid, upeii Iiiiml. Iirwaicli jiurpose Esterbronk's blunt bruHJ pointed pens are the best. lidrirB 'lie Ksterbroidv Steel I'eii Co., |t; LU St., New York, for samples. Doyoa require a Sofa, Lounge, or sythuig ill the furniture line It p»v you to call and examine. J. BtliV Stock, Flishertou. Do you wish to subscribe for the I'wt/y .Wai7 or (ilohf, or renew your iio«cri[.tioii for the same t If so, 0(1 your money to us, we are scud- cauiis for both the above papers l»«ry week. Aat! â€" Dentista who nave tried TusiRRT. " pronounce it tlie finest uj on the face of this earth for the MUi auJ breath. 6 cent samples. I Tile Presbyterian Congregation of Ictklyii Mitend having a soiree on ftiiiiesday, the 28th inst. Several nminont speakers will be present, Bd suoj vocal and instrumeutai music be provi.led. See bills. Annitersary Sermons will be prcacli- Im the Metbodibt Church, MarUilale, Sauday, the 25th inst.. at 10:30 m. aud tVltn p.m., by Rev. S. C. Wt, Jr., of Fleshcrton. The an- wlTtaMfttiiig will be held on Mon- N.' ttf'ifitli, commencing at 5 o'clock For full particulars see posters |f«t 'v'Castoiiiie" Machine Oil, for I kinds of machinery, it i.s also es- 'it for hariios.^ and leatiier, mak- ntwatvr and weather proof. For 'by diiilers. AciiiKNT â€" Ou I'riday evening of • •eek while Mr. John KichardHon, [llie towuline of Euphrasia and Hol- was putting some cattle into the »ie. one of them, a uow, threw bacs 'bead striking him in the face, the entering the cheek, inflicting a b\i' not dangerous wonud. Dr. ':al« was called and put three stich F'O- He is progressing favorably. I-Wr l:„llfor S.!^. S'o. G, Melaue r^.f'jr Xuii mhft: Marks obtainable -Senior 33i Class â€" Harriet Rich- ll Kitty Thompson, 1-10. "«» 8bd Class â€" Annie Taylor, 184 Ney Montgomery, 138. Senior Wuss-Micbael Breen, 190 Will **!»on, 144. Junior 2nd Class â€" }y^^ Martin, 179 Alice Breen. 172; T'SCorbett, l'8. First Class â€" Boy J. 183 John Isaac, 192.â€" ^^* Graham, Teacher. i^O-L. No. 509.â€" At the Deceu' "»««ting of L. O. L. No. 509, Or- '^»lley, the followine ofiBcers were for the year 1882, yiz:- Bro. '»: 'right, W.M.; Bro. Wm. G»l- "•I.M. Bro. R. Morrow, Chap.; G.-aham, Sec. Bro. T. Snell, Bro. â€" Boyse, D.C. Bro. ^PHrs, l8t CM. Bro. J. SneU, 'CI*-; Bro. J. Beaty, 8rd O.M. ^- Biair. 4th CM. Bro. 11. »hC.M. The regular nichts 'JJ^Jf of this lodge is the Monday » Hefo-e the fall of moon in emA Iftil!!^'"'*** ot reapers, mowers ***iing machines, prefer "n**. 'Cm -e oil to any other, it j^'ewUrd, seal, 0.- elephuit, â- wrnntwinotto yum. See Wi elegant i eats, and HAGl WiBl pose of I ate relieflll follow pain, me» chilblains, scalds, man», eonu, rheamatum, nearalga c. For internal om it is none tness wonderful. One or two doses fifcaently core sore throat. It will caff cronp in a few minntss. A few bcwes has oftm eared asthma, been eared by a toaspoonful It cares with the ntmost rapid- really a wonderful medicina. Chnrcb Anniveraacy «|id ^• » MeeliBg ef tb» ^lfv-4Jha(cli. d Centre, will be held on the sL Proceeds in aid -of the Trust land. For partiealars see bills. RELIABLE FACT. It is established tact that Bag- yard's ^etoral Balsam is the best cure for fcaghs, colds, sore throat, asthma, kroup, bronchitis, and all troubles Juiug from nsgleotea colds. Price 25 ciDto. See thosJbeautiful Cluistnias Cards »t the Standaud Office, can have your tiame printed on them with the compliments of the veaeoo. New stock of Fresh Groceries jast arrived at Reynolds bou. A great many people are troubled with Ciild feet, which is invariably caused by a sluggish circulation of the blood. A few doses of Dr. Carson's Stomach aud Constipation Bitters will Roon produce a fiee circulation of the blood aud Stimolate and Tone the system. Sold iu large bottles at 50 ceuU. A. Turner aud Co., Special Agent, Markdiile. .° â- " ' *â- If 'he weather eontinses ai al pres- ent, slciglis and cutters can be bwtght iheaji. We would ai'vise those requir- ing such articles to purchase uow, as they can bt; had for next to nothing. Thero is no doubt that our Gana diaii climate is conducive to Lung affections, and for this reason Dr. Carson's Pulmonary Cou^h Drops should bs in every hou«e. For Couohs, Colds, aud all othor Lung and Throat affeeCions tiiey have no ponal. In large bottles at 50 cents. A Turner and Co., Special Agent Mark I dale. The Liberal Consoivative Associa- j tion uf East Grey met at the Mark- dab Uouso ou Thursday, the 8ta inst., i when the following were elected office bearers for the ensuing year: â€" Presi- dent, N. McColcman, Esq., Reeve of Collin gwood T'p. Vice-President, T. KoUs, Arten.esia Recording Secre- tary, John Lyons, Markdale Cor. Secretary, D. Robinson, Clarksburg Treasurer, Wm. Douglass, Markdale. Messrs. Sproule, M.P., and A. W. LaliJer, M.P.P., addressed the meet- ing; THE ELECtBlC LIGHT- Suporcedinj as it does all other mo les of illuminiition, and rivalled only by tlio glorious sunshine, will not bt iiiiiiid with on-ater jay by mauKind, than is Burdock BUhmI Bitters, which is as far superior to all other blood purifiprs and liniics as the' e'ectnc light is superior to the old faslii ued tallow dip. Burdock Blood Bitters cures Scrofula, and all foul humors snd impurities of the blooJ. Coal Oil at Reynold.s t Son's for 27c. per gallon, .Imperial measure. Ira H. Ptrigoe, Auctioneer, will offer for sale, by authority invested in him by Mr. Richard Taylor, lot 18, con. 7, Township of Osprey, on Weduesday, January 4tii, 1882, all his Stock, im- plements, household goods, c., with- out rpseive. Twelve months' credit on all sums over $5, by furuiihing good joint notcij. No«v that winter has well commenc- ed we would advise our readers against using pills containing Calomel aud other injurious substance, as there is grta*, danger of catching cold after theii use. An excellent substitut.' for pills IS a Vegetable Preparation known as Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters, a family medi- cine that, from all accounts, will soon take the place of every otherpurgat've and Wood purifier. A Turner aud Co., SpcciMl Agent, Markdale. The Meaford Monitor Ihmks the parau'raph that appeared in our col- umns II week or two ago stating that Mr. Mas.sou left Owen Sound after the train aud arrived iu Markdale ahead of it, rather 'tlun." Wo gave the storv as it was given to us by Mr. Massou himself, who is a lawyer, and our brother of the quill must be aware editors and ]a»yeis never lie. Fkf.ble LAniES. â€" Those languid, firesomc Kyusations, causing you to teel scarcely able to be on your feet that constant drain that is taking from your system all its elasticity driviuR the bloom from your cheeks thai dutinnal strain njion your vital forces leiulerinc your irritable and fretful, can easily be removed by the use of that marvelous remedy, Hop Bitters. Irregularities aud obstructions of your system are relieved at once, while the special cause of periodical pain is per- manently removed. Will you heed this â€" Cincinnati Saturday Siijht. It will be seen by reference to our advertismg colums that Messrs. Lane Rowe have opened a Law office in Markdale, McFarland's Block. To THE Secretaries of School BoABLs. â€" We keep on hand printed notices for annual School Meetings, made to suit any School Section by filling in the number, and they cost only locts. for half a dozen. Call at the Standabd office or send by mail for them, or to A. G. Hunter, Dundalk. Owing to the change of time in car- rying the mail on the train some of our papers missed the regular country mail last week, and were delayed two days in consequence. We will In ia- ture endtevor by somfe means tar have the paper out -in time to make con- nections with Faday's coontry mails. Next week wei will issue 500 extra coi^ee eadi of Markdale STAasasD and the Dundalk Hekau). Any person taking a half page advertiaement for the ir«ek will reeeive one handled ex- tra oopies of the papar. Wa hare room two orUuree f^ ^oHu â- ' W. JaBy, E*j„ MJJ^ MABKDi 4*. 4a. urn te. IJBto IM .. XM " OM ,. a.*7 " oji .. «.7o •' o.n ^_.. 9M •' 0.^ Bittw,]Mrib. .....7^.. OM " OM ,ierdos OaS " OJO Pork, |l»)|j1. ^ij!;-t-Tii%r\ %tK. '*- fJC and aa ether matter mmrtbeinndtf ^^H. '!!nn3:::Sr"' i2 vaxctt iiiBulion ieaaer. y, ooaaeqoentfy adTertisemM^ iher matter must be in not' „ _^, than 12 o'elovk W^esdajT^yf' £«kVP»]N^v^Vvi".lit4S " •• %»w«f l«i:.MS»tf;p»^^ ri as isi aa yon oaa. WeU. tben, etf npoQ W J, mSftAtaA, tbe dnW dl-^ itAlmfoiUral (oeds ia MaiUala. Ko inddlemen's prtdts to add to tib« price of his goods. He bu/sat ume prioea, aad trom tbe wmmt Hoasea ior Europe aa tht TThntrâ€"tn Hooaea. Ten Cases and Balea of Rnglish Goods cnpeotod this Turkey,, {mI'IM. Hheapekf Hidaa MM O.f0 • • •••• •• •• 9^M# Hay KW^f.'^.'vLoa •iWaeJ ' 'i».*t -Mtt«(««K«i OrMM ijp l ss.^is. Wihel I«d ....^».... OM OrrOardWooa^..^ *1.M a*aia«iiaNaiak aai Celt B^tswsa^r pn- jIj^ to tke Inert k» sad laimeda. O.M Sewad 'V7orlc a Sxeoialt3r. a.TS Ojf Allwockwanaated. jtovuihleiiaiomi^elao A_aT 4eae Mn, 0^ ICH-McLBOOAOO. ll«iM»la.Beit. IMk. 1881. yUSSOEBTON. â- 4X There is good time being made on the T., G.B..«iaee the itraat change which took place last week. Every person who travels over the road is delighted with the great improvement; bat we have a word to say in regard to a custom Which prevails amongst a eertain class, arising from thoaght- lessness, or psrhaps ignormBee, wVfeh is very annoying to the train officials, as^ well aa the travelling publie who prefer a clean seat ' that is, the habit of puttiug their fiset upon Umi aeat iu_ frontoftbem.lt is impossible te-keeptb* seats cleSLa and uusoiled so Ions aa. those who do so persist in so doing, especially ia a time when mud praaails. They might easily throw ai^eiripaper ou the seat, or else remove their shoes if they wish to stretch themselves out aud take a nap. The conductor is, no doubt, timid in reproving those who do uot appear to koow^vefler, tdr he well knows he wouli gebdrIty re- ceive iu return importineucs aud abuse. We would suggest that a uo- tice be put up in each coach iu large typo requesting travellers to keep their foct nowu except when scrupulously cleau. i {Otrrttttd wwUy /or the StMiiaxd ky X. • â- Mfr v mU FUtktrtomj â- --â- ^ FaiDAT. Iee. 16tk, tSSl. For^tlio'ChristmanHilidays W.J. MoFariand is o0erin)(^ Gent's. Ka- shiouable Tks at- 50% worth' fl, Gent's bandsdide Snspcndcrs, toe, worth 50c. Ladies' warm lined Gloves, 15c per pair. Ladies' lined Kid Gloves, Fur Top, $1 A good useful Kid Glove, 2 battonod, 5Je. Irish Table Damasks 35c, 4l)c, 42^, 430, 50c. 5.5c and COc, cheap at lOc per yard more, Children's Cloth Jackets, oOc, S.jc, 91, and $1.25, a bargain. Ladies' Dolman's ClotL Jackets at a big reduction, bhawls »1, 81.75, »2.75 up. New Glass Ta- ble sets, CJc, very stylish. Table Kiiives and Forks. 91.25 ap. China Tea sets. Cheap. Men's Overcoats, for the cost of miking up. Black Silks, every Lady aud Gent intend- ing making a resent should see them. lU^al Laces, choap. See our 5c lace and our 10c lace. In fact his store is crowded with bargains for the Xmas Holidays. PERCHERON HORSES LABacax' Importing and Breeding ESTIBUSNIEn WORLD. Hoar, per 4bL Spring Wheat per badi.. Fall do. do. dOb Barley Oau Peas Potatoe, Batter, per lb. ........ E^, pardos. Poik, dfesaed, ,,„.,.. "eel «i 1 • «« t« Wi e e pek i s e ,^,, ,« %« Hides Hay Timothy M«d, Wool Lard Ta;low ~- ^. -», '•_ •«?•..«• i.ao to 1.X8 " 0.60 " 0S7 " 066 •â- 0.80 " 0.30 •' 0.l8 " «.50 " iOO •• 0.«d Jl «,00 '• H.0 •• «.» •• 0.23 •' aio " 0.05 " e.oo 1.S5 ija 0.80 OM 0.79 0,95 OjOO OjOO 7ao CjOO 1.SS 7.00 00,0 8.00 0.00 0.13 DUNDALK MABKETS. at^ttni^TMi^* M.AJctI£TAJL.^ Foundry! ..;-( OH, HEAR. OH. 'HEIR. Off, im if Tc* wtmi ^vtf aoi, |rt yoBr,Fhbty»^ y ' W^BUIiMEB ' ' The People's^ A- .«.-». 'i»*1«M**E«"'**'»"=^" •.'1«1 a i ill J ts ,^',;';i«a irj4.*dJ 4 -i.'..je »iJi liL • • »^ ,, " Flesherton h tii»i!^*iafcttiegetMee.ssJ'isisgylii«sai grtirirwelieietofoM. Weare w ep iya alatge etoekol MOTTOBa»i* IMf awi ottiar Fiâ€"ss. aad Fi Bring aloag yoar p i etai ss aai have thft a m M sM la l e tg i l tgr Tear ,â- .av.n^^ .... ... ?o«' »iS OaBawl â- «1 â- •I J-lj(» I 4Ti .js^f â- .Mi«.rvA Wat .ij.' u^ =sO XTeT^ Cash Store. K. J Wheat, Fan, No. 1.. WheatJippBg, " Iv • a., â- h •â- '•; tlJS to 91.20 lj»4a^l.33 â- -. .70 .37 *P .38 .30 to .31 .IH to .50 85 to 40 6.75 to 1 7.10 10.00 to 13.00 X Beg to annonnoe tfalf^ey have eommenoed 0.07^ work in Markdale »^' Ifachiniata. Iron and Bras, Founder,. )ke., and bi0. tboir know- ledge of the reqniramaita e^the trade in Markdal4 and rairoandin^ o«mtiy, hope, by moderate piieea, atiist stMstfea to biuincea, and ptomptitade in the exeeatlon of order. ^^(WONTO. Barioyf Butter • Eggs Potatoe, Pork Hay ,: Jim, 'z:j Wlieat,fan, per'buih 91 24 40 II 26 Wheat, spring, do 1 28 to 1 S5 Barley, do 75 to 87 Oats, do 45 to 46 Peas, do 78 to W) Bye, do. 1^,. 85 to 86 Clover Seed do o oo to o "O Dressed hogs, per 100 lbs... 7 25 to 7 75 Beef, hmd quarters 5 50 to 6 00 Beef fore quarters 4 (H) to 6 00 Chickens, per pair o 35 to 50 Fowls, do 00 to 00 Di)cks, per bru:e 50 to Oeese. each 6tO furkeya .. .i ,...',.â- .... ",; .-0 j to Bbtter. larfiesoUS....; ^..â- ,. it %» Butter, tub dairy 18 to Butter, store-packed ....... 00 to Egga, fresh, per doz o 25 to EgRs. packed o 00 to Apples, per brl 1 26 to Potatoes, per bag 85 to Onions, per bag 1 15 to GO 75 1 25 26 20 00 27 00 2 00 95 1 25 Hav 1200 to lol3 â€" I SPECIAL NOTICES. H. W. DUNHAM, I have i wi tmtporfS lUkmt *portatioi alt other importers of Druft Bortee TkOR Franee to Utis eatablUkmeMt, bei 'ORB Man the eomtbined Itns MNff naaf Vayne, Du Page County, IlUnois, V. a JL (35 miles west of Chicago.) ' 2h«r4no CM nmt 7 nwm A* 990 STAt^ TOWS Jbri Mabbb inee f amth \mpoi mU parte i^Xurope fur any one yeavw« One-ftfth of the entire nTsnber ot fmiwre* 9d f rmc* llormea In America can be seen oa bU farm Hi, Importattooa bavs included the Pilie Winnen ot the C7HeeiBal MrpcaUlom, farU, 1«78, end nearly sO tfae Prlie BorMS ef the Oreat Sbow, of Fiaoee einoe hi, impor* tataona began. Tbey also oanied off the hooor, at the Centeonial, 1878; and, at the »r«i« Chieaaa .Ftelr. 1881, Mr. Dunham'e Bent ef PJSRCaXHtOSS, (In eompetUton with Ibe lorenwt and finest ooDeotton of Clpdem- dates efwt abona, conslrttna of the nrlae win* sen at the Qreat Show, ot SooUand and Eo- aland,) was awaxdad the Orantt a â€" w i rtnfc ,* }viM d flfiOO and Oroml Oeld Medal. 40IUV JO* p^om aATAzootm mm u w m Htmti on. C»**a*»s â- â- ««â- â- mud «a« k««or« MT i roM. Order '•CAXAJXt UB X. ' _^ gVBRY LABQB BRBSDEB SVZBT KEXOBBORBOOP â- CA1II6C ttitrty rear,' trial baa dnnca. DCUIIl9t rtjnWthat wby twed to tha aoomion uarea or tbe ^ooBtty tne proanoe la more uniform, an eaaiet keeper,. Iwtter work- ers, and seU lor more money on the ' l^aii anf otbar olaas c BerM^^ BEST AND COMFOET tothr SUFFEBINO Brvsm's H*vsehoM Pnnacea has no eqaal for reliering pain, both inter- nal and external. It cures pain in the Bide, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Uheumatisin. Toothache, Lumbago and auy kind of a Pain or Aahe. "It will most surely qaicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- deriul." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain KeUev- er. and of iloublu the ulrength of any other Elixer or Liniment in the world, should liu ia every family hindy for «.?e when wanted " as it really ii the best remwdy in the world for (;rainps ih the Stomach, and Pains aud Ache; of all'kinds." aud i, tor sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle^ 2 "-lv Mo there Mothers"!^ Mothers 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken if your rest by a sick child snfferiug aud crying with the excruciating pain of cutting' teeth If so, go at once aud get a bottle of .UBS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYliCP. It will reUeve the poor little BU0erer immedi- ately â€" depend npou it there is no mistake about it. Tlieie is not a mother upon earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at ouoe that It will feg-Wte the Dowels, and give re^t to the mother, aud relief and health to the child, operating hue magic' It is p,,r- fectly safe to use in all cases, aud pleasant to the state, aud is the prescription of one of the oldest and liest female physicians and nurses in the Unit.d States. Sold every- where at 25 cents a bottle. 90 Iv PLOWS! And Plow Points will receive oar special attcntiou, knowing throogh practical experience the best class of Iroiis for such. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A (iENTLEMAK who sufferred for year r\. finm Nervous DEBILITY, PKEMA- TUKE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- ful indiacretioD, will for the sake of sufiering Inimanity, jend l*^ to all who seed it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remeily by which he- was cured. Suffering waisbinn ud advertiser's experi- ence can o so oy addressing in perfect con- fidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 30-lv 42 Cedar st. New York PIMP LES. I will maU (Free) the recipe for a simpls Veoetablk Bai-m that will remove Tas- FBECKLES, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skiu noft, clear and beautiful also instruction, for producing a lux iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Tandelf ft Co... 6 Beekman st.. N. Y. 20-lv by i PK the Kort akillfal workmeo, to toerit a ahan of nghUs patroasce. i '.vfc We ate prepared to exeeate all kind, ot msm mm\ Turning and Boring, WITH General Lathe Work Done in a practical manner. Box Stoves, Sugar Kettles, Land Boilers, will roeuive our ^atteution. Wc aUo intro- duce oar new FAMILY MANGLE! to the public. This new machine will mangle Linen, I'otton, and Woollen Goods, giving them a beautiful smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, whereas hot irons injure them. We will also manu- facture CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with or w.thout marble slab for name, tc.; also Tomb Bailings, Pall Pillars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains lor sam^, also all kinds of Ballu^ter Jtailings, House Fencing â€" plain and ornamental. Machinery Brass Costings if every description. Brass Bells, Urge or small. .MOFFAT BROS. Markdale,iNoV. 1881 68-ly Notice to Contractors. AS WE HAVB A LABGE QUANTITY of Saw Logs at our mill this seaaon, we â- will give contractors a good eliance. The logs will be all skidded iu the woods. A good â- faaaty and stable alM in tho weoda. Any patties wishing to have a eoutrsct of thi, kind will do well to see n,. The distance to baul, alMst'lwo-and-a-haU'iniles, on a good /â- " B. 4 A. NEIL80N, ilATllO iflAflp THifiBpiilift XfATILY OOCVPUD ^T TtTfiHiB A 00., I Dry €Uod8p Croaeries, oa-j. j;.MANTIiES, |. READY-MADE CLOTHING OTT'BKCO.A.TS, Crockery and Glassware Tho- above stock has be.eu parchaMd for eaah at a Mason when the importer, are ranning oO (heir satplss Stock at aalundfcr coat to make room tor their spring importations, cou- sequently I am in a position to give bar/aios to thOse who are able to buy their goods for- cash. Call and ace for youraelvea Mid y«a wlH be anre to call s«alB. OferlcFaHind'sli^ei MARKDALK, " WhsM ksUprqpvKd to fiUail «M«r aMt pnanii,ss '• 4if^*7un â- "â- -. -v'li* THE latest; Fashion Plates I ON hard; CUniNG DONE WHILE WAITINQ A Goq4 Pit Qu«nt|itM4 CHAROSS MOOSJUTC, ^^ ' C A. OVUt Markdale, Nov. Sth, 1881. McK£NNA MASON HENEY FOSTEE. Markdale, November 15tb, 1881. •2]y Mechanical Orguinette. An Auiomatic Reed Organ. o "Tlie Orguinette m.iy now be callel a celebrated instrumi nt. In tone it is akin to the Cabinet Orean. but the organ must be manipulated by an artist in order to pro- duce music the Obouinetti i« on the other hand entirely meelianicat iu its action, end at a trifling expense it can be made to famish an unlimited supply ot all kiuds of mu^ic. _roronto aiube." "The Or;n*inette ' indeed a musical wonder. It if a minatiire rood oigan, with as strong and melo.liuus a tone as the Cabinet Hixe. It surpassds ^be Cabinet Or;an- for the reason tiiat th-; ig lorama^ in music can play it a* well ax the most accomplished jiro- fessor. TuK Unu^ ISETTK is strong and accurate iu its uechaniam, aud eonaiiqaeutly not liable to get out of order." â€" Ittmtrtal CaxttU. "The Oriruinctte is tlte mo«t perfect automatic musioal instrument yet invauted its repertorie is uolimited, the tone i:, remarkably good." â€" Uontreal Ctar. CARRIAGE WORKS I MARKDALE. A, the Reason of the year i» approaflliteg that Sleighs aud Cutters are wautt-d, w« wish to intimate to tlie. furiu.'rs aud public ia generarthat we can supply tlie.u with taf thing«hey waut iii tliat liue, uch as liong Sleighs. Knee-Bobs, Block Bobs. Democrats, Square Box, Portland, Swell Bodr, and Double-seated Cutter OF ALL KUxDS AND 8lYL£ ki we use nothing but firstclasa materlaf we can GUARANTEE SATISFACTION Call and Inspect our Work I en hand before purcha/iiug elsewaere, CAVEFCL ATTENTION GIVES '10 HORSESHOE! NO and (ieneral Jobbing in every Una. SHOPâ€" Ou Mill SUeet opposite »» Sproulo's liotel. Prices, $10 tff$16. Seed fm Hhtimei Catmlegut to W.F.ABBOTCO., 1 TO 91, VOLTIOEBUS STREET, Sole Manufacturers and Patentees. IOIV'rilE ^I. C. W. RUTLEDGE, Agent, Markdale. GEORGE WILSON, Wholesale and Retail IBUTCHER! BEEF, POBK OB MUTTON SUPPUEP. from t aingte poun«Ko a^iolasaros*^, at the lowest market priibes. FISH A FOWL IN TMEIR SEASON Farmer, having Fa» Okttie, Sbev, or Pigs to dispose of will lo well to sail it H' 3 Bums' Block, opposite the new Uaioa Block. Markdale, Oct. 25th, 1881. aooD NEWS laui. BuikillsiiWuk. â- f l.- ' .,t-BAVINOâ€" rj ' LATELY FITTED UP JK^ Gri^ Min m FIR8T-"CLA88 RUMWIN6 OBOERi 1 am prepand to torn oat al^^0!!lu%«r|pt. Vlaw saftsH Ua* otli o any part oi t)s y ilta i w Thanking yon all for past la»ots I lu^^y itriet attention â- tSSiXT-^.^ TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having oeen permanently cured ot lliat dread disease. Consumption, b» a simple remedy, is anxious to make knows to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. Tp all who desii-e it, he will send a copy of tha presoription used, (free of charge,) with tlM directions for prepairing and using the sanM which they will find a suaa Cubb for Coa- BUMPnOS, .VSTHMA, BRONCHITIS, AC. Parties wishing the Presciiptioix, wiQ please aildress, Bev. E. A. Wilson, 149 Penn St., WiUiaBa»burgh,N. Y. 20-ly 13^31.- Proton Station. REMOVED, REMOYED^ •»m Vf. Hi ^! A. C. ATKINSON, TAILOR,' ^^-.»' 1 Wma NOBLE, INSURANCE AND LAND AGENT, UCEN»Ei AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. A0BNT for the following reliable Companies OmZSNS' of Montreal, AOBIQULTCBAL, of Watertowti, and TBABE OOMVKBCE. (Mutual) of Toronto. ta* $500,000.00 Ahaaiberof Choice TomM tor Mle. also TOIaeeLoU Aaitior Sales eondietad in Town or Conn- Mk Shortest Noiice. Charges moderate, "BiOs, Blank Note,, and Stamps proTultxi. GEO. NOBLE. ILwvALB. Msi* tOth. 18S1. HsTing rgpored to Main Stnct, is now pre- pared to nU all orders on the shortest powible notice. Fashion Plates BECEIYED JlEGUIiAItLT. ., ship heretofore subsisting between us as p»Tli»a ife Bowe under certain article, oi b(-partnership be, and the same is hereby ^ufolyed. AU dtttits owing to the sai.' part- nersliip^sre to bercreived by the sami^. Henrj- Spsrling. auJ aU d-uiuidii uu the saitl p«rt- :J:Mn)UV s'e tt bepMacnted to him for pay- 'nwnt Iu witness whereof we have iMreunto -«al«ar band, and seal ttta Fifth amj of Oe- (Mata^iaia. Bt^sAand saalad la tbs preasaeeof Jai. *^*'**" HKNBY 8PARLIN0, JOHK BOWE. CHARGES MODERATE.; ?T v.- ' 5t.. f.OlitKjO TfCri S SaMcdiii fioaMteeir â- lit C aii. .j»-; 'â- J^ ,aaw*4^â€" lHCCTDO0K9a«fI'SONV 8XOK*, MAIN BTBKBT. O^ Dissolution of Partner- ship. X-ITE,TnE UNDEBSIGNED. DO HEBE- Y\ nTuintually agree that the partner- WANTED. AttbsXsMsas flaw MUb aa4 ttia^ Faetory t,MO,0ee AMt of aU kind* of legs «MMy •ai«r6od. 1^6, sad Xlm« ftt sUsk tbs higiiert pries wffl bo paid. eg HBMBYSPABLIKG.Piop GOMMERGUL HOTEL PBIOB-TZIjIjB. Ont. Isms sad mm iiii« flamH* "^f"" OoM Bad Boom, As. Tlw Bar and krd s waO savpUad with tha bast the SMrksS af fuiO.nriltllWto siisHaiili»s Boadsr'a TBOS. ATKIKSOM. Pnipsi«t«]r Osisariltf,m». North of Scotland Money ri10 LOAN on Farm Security at 6 and 6i per cent yearly, and on the most favrroble X terms of repayment offered by any Agnt or Money I^ender in Ontario.. No Fii.vs Expenses reduced to the lowest possible figure. Parties nanting to borrow will please communicate by letter to the undersigned. Box 51, Shclbumc, or call personally on Hon da\ 3. All conuunnications promptly attended to. O. W. RUTHEBFORD, Loan Agont. FARMS K-OI* SAI^K. I am authorized to sell a large numlxir of Improved and Unimproved Farms .exceedingly cheap Parties wanting to buy should communicate with mc by letter, stating kind of pro- pjrty wanted, or call personally on Monday,. Particular, will be given respeoticg location, teniia, and prioe of the claM of property wanted. ... G. W. BcTHsaroaD, Ertate Agent, Ae. Box 51, Bhdbume. A :1 kind, of property insured in First-claa, £ngli,h and Canadian Stock Coropanie,, a low rates. O. W. Bi;thkbpoud, Diatrict Agent. Deeds, Wnis, Mortgages, Leases, Assigf menta. Agreements, Ac, neatly aitd properly exe- cuted. Charges moderate. â€" G. W. Bcthskfobu, Con. and Com. in B. B., Shelburue. N- B.â€" By giyijig a week's aoticocan arrange to meet parties at Dundalk or any point nameiâ€" -O- W. BtiTHSi(poKl November 20th, l.81. U.Sm. Hors^ -Shoeing a S^ec.alty Markdale, Juue2, l» 1. S' li:«sti*ii.v c:?attie. 1TilAVKlFU0.\I Til.; Tiii MIdUS OF the im.li Eik'iied, L 't H ncession t, Gl nel.:, tiNe J cifers •..• II.; t u year, old, oi'.e reil. li «ih irs h|i-iite I « e aud r*4; An.v inf.imai.oj cuiio-i-iuiii. hvir wiiai*. abouu Will bv tiai:..fiiilv 'â- '.,:..,u by THO' iIcAS«;Y. C2-3l*. TravdfMonT.Ol WARNING Th«t« is creat dancer ot |ak- want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep yoor feat dry and by procoring yoor s o o tr s I .I_i i- -A-i-i iCAY A THOMAa. BiffafasWnii Onaraatsed, Mod- iMSiri Cork Soto., tf MM. kept a haad. BaaMaibcr the pfees tha aew S.tsaiaa MANHOOD HOW LOST. Wo HOW RESTORED. haTe recently published a aew edition of Dr. CalTCrvrcU' Celekmted Casn^ on the id iiiiaiiw IebiKty, Mntal and PhTHoa} laeapaoity, ImpedinMBts toMoiri^e etc., remlting from exoetMS. t3*Piio«, ia a waled envelope, only 6 ota.. or^so postage rtsmpR. Bis sriekrated aatfaor. ia tUm «*i*»»^ Eaay, clearly demoiirtratea, froM thirty yean' mooeasfnl puiilini.'thm^lsiniiiiu oon- Mqtfeneea itiay be ladioallT c^ml trithoat the dangerous one oif internal mnlMnm Ot tha â- aaof ibakaifa; poiatii^oiit a aMdeelanw l|t «aae .siMlii. certain and sftwtwal, by ipeaas of mich erery snflerv, no mattw iriiat his pondition may be, may core hiaisfitf eheSp^privwtely and cadieallv- uHtltia LaitiBv dteaU bein tfafthaqds e •TWT yaath and avcty aiaa ia tha llfrMfvrmfl Mica! tt,. -J. HI _i:t.JAMim9tm'S9mJBmi^t.* Itespectfu'lv yonr». JOHNSON, CIAH A eo. Jnly 7th,1881. 0-40 STARTLii^C DISCOVERY! LOST MAIIHOOD *C«TOflEO. A tjaas al l laJ MM lawwiiwie, aaiaa ' ViM tm BsV a s t 'i o a, DfHu'.y, 1/ .t â- ikenl, a*-.. iKtzv^ iB««lB evrry k.i'.n mD'-4«,M Si,-' iMnttl â- \ \\ tj? H M i! â- i .Jlii*"