Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 9 Dec 1881, p. 3

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 lRIFTWUOU I"« • miaconnt a couteRc A la8 Solo |. a bim tan«. A ]« r)etn«l moUon â€" MAiidiil. Noa'j h%Aci tu Uj« srk for re-crea A BOUiOHMAN ON MAMITOBA. il uot ca]ctiUt«d to aootli tion. All turiuoil. Hud innlc. A faint pijckttt book peTer fair la jy. ((TPftt be«IiD(^ fmpprties â€" tLe VVLr. tlie fuoi. tL« •iio« alwayi jincliet â€" on A V'TV exieu«Te yoaag l*Jy â€" Em r.roiilerv. ba d to redeem- dntton "Cat and fc«l when it ia like tb« cartnr Bonds that ar« Vagabonds. Motto fnr laji comb agiiir." How does a toTe fan? Grateful. Whan in coBt* W III D It ia ground. Trjinp'n motto â€" "A little earniaj is a d^ugprons tbioK." It it cnrioaa that a pi? ninat ba kiU- ail b»f%« bs cSa be cared. THE QUESTION SETTLED. Thcre'ij no nso in ar.^in? the ques- tion of the [lotcncy of somfi snbstances far eejx'fiHl service in e!nfr;,'eiicie9. â€" Thoy will do all they proinisp, and more, if jiidicion'-ly iU'd. Tkftfollow- la' from Mr. P. MUrphy, of No. 1 Fire Station, OUawa, bears ii|wm the point titatetl ubove. Mr. Murphy BMye I h;vl occ Lsioa to nso St. Jacob's Oil rc- ofntlj, Liid muBt say that it u the beet Liiiiiiit lit I over snw nnod. I caught C( Id from getting wet at a fire, and it Hottle«l 01 my shor.ldor laid down my bat-k to lay hip. I t^iitierrod a great deal from tlio pain. 1 was adviaed to try Kt. .Jjicob'a Oil. I did so, and af- ter the fourth application I wa.s entire- ly fie© from pain. 1 cannot speak t o hi^dily of it, and advise others to use it. SUSPICIOUS SYMPTOMS. A miiiist r who wna perhaps not too c-.rifiil iu his hul)it:j was iuluccd by bis frii-.'iids to lukn the teetotal jil" l.^' IIiH h::ilth ajijiuarcd to Buf- f'-r, Aiid â- Â»i^ doctor toll him to take oiH- )s"j.yf of punch dady. "O'l " wiid hn, "I (l^re not. Peggy, iiiv â-  'f h'iiisokeo{K.-r would tell" the Wll'd" PUJImIi." â- Wlioii do you shavo " the doctor ank("l. •In tho morning." "Till u," ttuiil the doctor, "tthave at iii_'lit and when Peg;,'y brings up' y'liir (ii't w.itf r, you can t;iko 3'our • ;l.ni iif p'liich jUHt 1,'oiiii,' to bed." The iriiiiister ;iflerw;u-dH apeured to iiii|irov in heiilth and spirits. The (I'.tt'ir iiK't l'e;,"'y soon after and said: 'i'ln gliid to har, Peggy, that jour nmstcr is better." "Iii'lei'd, sir, he's better, but his It liii' 1 alTi'ctecl tliere's bomethiug V. 1:111;,' \\i hia liiaid." •Mow?" ••Why. d ctor, he used to shave at iii"lit liit.re going to lied, but now he shaves in tht; nioriiiiii,;, ho shiives be- fore dii.ncr. hf shaves after dinner, ho fcliaves at night â€" h's aye shaviu'" Tlie klUrmg apMa ton Archy If ci Call* Scottiah iMid«aft«fiM«n4Db«. to the Lang Kail Clnb. of Airdi«, Boot land. «M lataly inaertad in tlta tiMcr. pabKaked th«N â€" 'â- D«AB FaiKHn.â€" AJMmt Mb9« •f^kiH after we parted wiih you at Eir'kwood, j we arhred iu thia auontry. Bat oh 1 I dear, dear I it ia • Car *wa plaee. Whaii j with the paange io the boat, and tba- paaMge by the land, it ia a lon« road won a indeed â€" away orer to the other side of the world attogethtf It ia oU tbe plaee where tba people walk with their haitda down as you do Chiiik ' but the place wheiflrtbey stick straightjB^t like pieen:* frae a pncn cih1mo». Tet Btraoee to nj, we ken nae odds of oor ' ael's by what wa did in SeoUand. Oor beado are just as tney were, and tba skiea are abore oa, the same aa they were before, an' we dinna stiak ooi like preoDs. We have taken aji a aee- tion and a half of land, 'Jbat ia 900 acrea, and we Lara called the plaee Aohanmoor, which ia a vary good namt tae, aa yoo will nnderstand. The first thing we did afler we got to oorland was to delre oor ycird. which we also did in fSrst-claaa style. All the seeds we broeht oot were sown in due order, and are now brairded, and the kail and the cabbage are jn^ wonderful to look at. We will transplant as mvxj, oot oor beds as wad be able to feed a drore o' noat as big as the cattle mar- ket of Glasgow ony day. A big farm- er not far from as said if we would giTe him twa days harrowing and twa days harvesting at the end of the seas- on be wad lend us bis twa ploughs for a .Teek. So we got the twa ploughs, and the stotsin them.and we have tam- ed ower as much ground as wdl give abundance of everything wo desire. We have in four acres of wheat, an i^re of barley, and an acre of peas. We will plant twa acres o' tatties di- rectly, and some larnips and Indian corn, say about an acre of each, and about an acre and a half of oats. Now did ever ye ken sachgood fortane, or such good luck What way should folk whine and yammer ower imagin- ary ills Gang oot and meet the ills o' life boldly, and they will flee away a long while afore ye oome to them. In oar ease this has been so, and so will it be in everybody's ease wha puts a "stout heart to a stey brae." This is a fine country, as level as Glasgow Green for miles and miles. Will Ferguson says if the Heilans and this country bad been mixed thegither it wad hae been o' some advantage to bait!) places and Will's maybe no far wrang for a ben every tilty miles or so here wad be a great improvement. The air ia clear and pure, and yoa can see for thirty or forty miles at a stretch, just by a' the world gin ye we're looking ower the sea. iielween poacbing and fishing we are ifetting aa much flesh, fish, and fowl as we can wire intae, and no a gamekeeper tae say â€" "What dost thou ' Jack M'Lcan shot a moose yesterday morn- ing which was as fat as butter, and we did bleed her, and did make the black puddin's and the white, just like as when a mart was killed in the Ileilans. We broeht wi' us from Win- nipeg to ocr farm a bag of oatmeal, a bag of wheat meal, a bag of Indian corn meal, and a bag of pease meal and we do have pease broso and ban- nocks, and scones, in galore. Our oatmeal bannocks we toast at the fire on staaes, and our Indian meal we make like parritch, and mixes it up wicii the wheaten flour which makes grand scones. All are most excellent as a king could desire to eat. We i PERMANENT CUft^ FOR LAIir m BACK, .} " Vika. DiMMeaof tba KiAMrn. ffaidder aad Vtbtatf Oqjns, or attenJant ^Maptaata. IHDUBITBLE EVIDBNCK OrfpiOJW- TIBK SATlSFACTIOIi. I Plstoa. Aprt SO, t*8l. Q aa t Laaa a.â€" I Sod tkat veof PUf â- Â» ^viiiff eotire â- aMafawtion. aad vnk 7«« m- ereaied aalea for to valaabla a tmaeAj for iiaeaaes o the Kidaeys. Bigne4, Db. j. B. MOBDEN. Pri«»â€" CkM'i Pad. ILSO; BegnUr P^ -fS; Special Pad for Chronie Maeases, SS. Ask yonr Dmggist for Paa^ilet and Testi- moniala, free. Bold by A. TirR5rEB CO^ l*arit««l« PABKliB A CO., Owen Sbood. J. W. ELLIOTT, Chatsworth. STEPHENS McCABBOLL, Keaford. M. BICaABDSON. Fleshertoo. TH08. STEPHENSON. Orangerille. a. W. PA! SONS. DondaJk. W the WEEKLY MAIL PRWWTATlW^fUTE. THE ORP A-CC^NADIAN WEEKLY^^?llBOil NOW THE END OF 1888 iLLAR " IVEW FEATlJRB3li l-'O^ iJST.SiSSiM-'f^ISJSS'.SiSl^.jto WILSON BRYDEN. Wholesale and Retail MARDALC BUTCHEES! BEEF, POIX OB MUTTON SUPPLIEP. from single pound to a wbolo carcass, at the loweot market prices. FISH A FOWL IN THEIR 8AS0N Formers harinf; Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pigs to dispose of will do well to call at No. 3 Burns' Block, opposite the new Union Block. Markdale, Oct. 25tb, 1881. 600D NEWS Mill. Bury Mills al Woi â€"HAVINGâ€" UP iN« F.XI'EIIIKNCK KllOM MANY. 1 bad ,• br n -ick and .nisorahlo so long and ^»^® g° » "*. ^- .ff' .^l^'ch we paid an I (,n I c,i..H.d my husband so much I ^^' "' ^« ^»'« "' '«? P'enty. and trmM.. an I .xponso, no one seemed j T" *^."'*^'" ' °",^ "i*""*^" '° " ' t^°°^- to liTit.-.v vvli it ailod luc, that I was c li't'lydishcartenodand discourag- j I'd. In tln-i frame of luitid I g")! a b'ttrhi if lluxi Hitters and UBod th m luikiiowTi to my family. I soon be- 1 •{;.k'i to iTiipr'iva and gained so fust tliiit 1 i;iy Imshand and family thought it str:iiij^i) iind nunutural, but when I till I tli.'iu wliiit Imd helped m?, thoy s.*id "ll'irrah fiir Hop Uittors 1 lonj; 1 m ly (lit-y prosper, fiv tliuy have mado -the ni't'nr .Mothur. Will -iiid US happy." -llumc Jiiui'ial HOW TO .MVKF, MONKY. laud be as well ofT as we are, for we are literally in clover, though we have to eat and drink in a shanty wi' no a spoon in the house. Other six o' ye ii.ay come oot about the t'ud o' summer for we will have plenty to keep you till next year, when the whole club ma7 come. It will not bo beef and greens at Naerday then, but every day and all day long if we have a mind. Meanwhile your loving friend. Abciit M'Oall. M w! pc plu 'ir riw.ice of the famous alvu-n 'ivjii by the thrifty laird of I l^iiitbi))iykcs, oti his death bed. to his s-iiituil heir: " I'larit trees, .lock â€" th.'y'll ^r.w when yc'r slof'pin'" 'i'he siiino niuj- lc motlernizcd into â€" "insert alvtrlisrment», yo men of bu^L^lâ- ss â€" they will work while you ttio si. ' 'ing.' They wiU act in a tlionsiia.i ways â€" they will go where you can't go â€" Ihcy will say a goort word for yon in places you least sus- I fit.-d. What phosphates are to soil advcr- tistmcntM lire to business. Mural notification, while indi.spcn- siMr in scuie cases, is a r.'lic of ancient dav'j, wlu'ii the bill-sticker and bell- uii'.n ni^'iud suprtme, and is at best but rou^h and ready compared to tlio neat ' »ii," catching the public eye Hlong with the pungent " leader," or the latent local news. In short, the business man who doosn t alvurtise is like a fellow wink- in behind spectacles â€" he may know what ho in doing, but nobody else does. THE ELECTBIC LIGHT- Superceding as it does all other modes of illumination, and rivalled only by the glorious sunshine, will not be hailed with greater joy by mankind, I than is Burdock Blood Bitters, which is as far superior to all other blood purifiers and tonics as the electric light is superior to the old fashioned tallow dip. Burdock Blood Bitters cures Scrofula, and all foul humors and impurities of the blood. WHAT TO STUDY. Pope, the poetical philosopher said, "The proper study of mankind is man,, and yet, how little is the real science of man studied. If people understood and heeded the laws of health, nd if when out of sorts would resort to a common sense like Burdock Blood Bittern, many of the "ills that flesh is heir to" might be efiiectually remedied. It invigorates and regulates all tke secretions to a beaiihy action. GOOD If ANNEB8. Wri. D. H. Tnthin, a M; 1^ wrote seTeral ehanaing books tm young ^nraeD, ooee said in ^^ealrlBf of good manoera, 'bat ••Hoaua sataM resented the innaratiTe mood.' TUak of tfais, girls. If yoa ask efaild to wait 00 yon. My " ptMM." B« pottte to tervsnta and infetiora. Bo coorto ooa even to tbe eat. Why paah be- roughlf aside, or iuyito ber oUws r If Inndness, goodnature, and g«ntl» nesB ruled every home, wliat eanlight would home enjoy. A great deal d*- pends upon the giil*â€" tie siMers, tbo ungbtora. e«a *~" ABEUABLB FACT. It ia aa eeUl liahed tact that Hi«- jard's Pectoral Balaam is Um beat •are for eooghe, eolda, aora throat, aatbma, croup, broacbitin, and all troobtefl ariaing from mglroted aolda. 9n-i 35 eauta. Mr. 0. R. Sing, Reeve of St. Vin- cent, was able to attend the council part of the time on Saturday last, are pleased to know that he is We steadily recovering from the effects of bis late accident. â€" Monitor. SURE CURE FOR A COUGH. Tha most reliable rem. dy for a cough or cold, asthma, shortness o f breath, sore throat, weak lun^s broncliial troubles, is Hagyaid's toral Balsam. Price 25 cunts. Two MAtts. â€" We believe the Post Office authorities have definitely de- cided to give us two mails per day by the T., G. B. R., the change to toke effect as soon as the change of gauge on the road is made. Tbe anuoonce- ment is one that will bo received with satisfaction by oor merchants and citi- itens generally,â€" ' S. Time*. HAGYAl jyj YELLOW OIL. Will be found invaluable fer all par- pose of a family medicmo. Immedi- ate relief will follow its use. It relieyes pain, curea chilblains, firoat bites, aealda, bams, corns, rheamatiBm, aearalgia, to. For internal me it ia none leas wonderfol. One or two doaea frequently etire sore throat. It will cars croup in a few minutes. A few bottles has often cured sathma. CuIm haa been eared by a toa^oonfol Aom. It oarea with the utmost rapid- ly Ik ia rMly a wonderfol medioua. Bcwaaa or Thkm â€"Shoddy peddlart an sow traToUingthroogh the ooontry swindaling the Urman. The pedlara ofiar one or two artielM akMtp, and then ehaige big roam ht worthleaa Booda. Afaraaw wiUaavohia poekat by rafoaag ta look at the ware of thaaa otiy-loaagad agents. If yoa eao not gal nd of tham any other way aat tJM 4of oa tfaaas.â€" £c*e. LATELY FITTED Ity Grist Mill in FIRST-CLASS RUNNING ORDER! 1 am prepared to tnm ont all work in a first- class manner. Jflonr and all kinds of feed delivered free o any part of the village. Thanking yon all for past favors I hope by strict attention to business to merit a con- tinuance of the same. W. J. BOWE. Banbead Mills, Sept. 20, 1881 54-3in Marble Works MonDiiieDts,ToibstoQes And every description of Cemetery work executed in. FIRST-CLASS STYLE and at reasonable rates. Orders left at tlie shop or sent by mail will be j^romptly at- tended to. PieeMentoltbe i'aSSS^^ima «-i DAiB*»o fâ€" any, iT^mia MMcallr. aad partkucni videibythe L. B. Aa«o»^Ba«' aeerieaofertWee ea „w;--». -iartion. from wbeeriban upon the-, sabjecu. ^. -_,^_j»4„ Ho.. X A. WILLARD. of l^^^^^-^J-- °^ rf jSTTTSele Cfceesemakiat and Creamerie., wiU oontribate a eene. ol arne-e « «-- One af ftelea *iiig Teteriaary tar* reanlarly, aod will aUo anawer all q' THB WBBiaT MAIL U the bert"^ki7^«wT»P«r Pf l^']^^"'^;^ j. itlontaine aore OebU aod other Tekaiaphuj Newa than any e«aer weeaw » «ia eoBtribats wiU Mftj to intiiewarideei 'i^:^:^^^:'-:^!':^^^!^^' -^ S^o^" ^^i^^ ia the MAlU thaOo- aunion. It eontaina during tba vear SOO oomntna OA TNibrtaCi 'iilmisiitiin Newa amna oNfcw aad Intewetia • Stortja. xtauuMuiuu-u^s^'o '~- â€" ,T • _i»â€" 1 w.ttiv b» the beet wntere aa uHrri^ i^SKT.^'r~iSC^S5..%S! m^. 0â€" IHB WKKKLT MAILâ€" Oae Dollar pw Annum, •'• THB DAII-T MAaâ€" Sevea »oUan per Annua*. ' ^^^ mj. -1- â€" tk. ^rfted Bo extra charge tor .eoding paper* t« any po.t-o«e» k •teM.««« al« eH^ Wa«ea gtaaae. lend your orders nov te TUB ^IL^-^IXj, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop next door to Retire Hotel. W. A. JOHNSTON, Prop. Markdale AnR. 10th, 1881. 48-ly Post 0££ice FLESHERTON, IS THB PLACK TO OBT JIBST CLAS3 GOODS AT LOW PMCCS. FLESHERTON Harness Shop! THE Sulecriber begs to inform the public that he has Roastantly on hand a large assortmcut of CARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HARIVESS. Maile in good styleand of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, Ami as he means business give him an early call, as he will sell at the lowest living prices for cash. A good supply of WHIPS, TRUNKS, Ac, always on hand. Scotch Collars A Specialty, And a good fit guaranteed. »S*RomembeiJlhe stand the Post Office ia opposite. N, B.â€" Stave timber wanted, T. GORDON. Pleshorton. March. 1881. 18 NIL DESPERUMAyD. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICML rpHE GREAT ENGLISH I BE VfEDY, an onfailiuT core for Seminal Weakneas, Spermatorrhea, Impotency, and all disease* that fol ow as a sequence of Self-Abuse as loss of Memory, Universal BefioO Taking Las iitude. Pain in the Back, Dimness of ViMon, Premature old age, and many otner Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumpticn and a Pre- mature Grave. l^FuU particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at SI.OO per package, or six Aftex Takinc. paclagos for 15.00, or will be sent free Ey mail on rectipt of the mouty by addressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., 1-1t Toronto. Ont.. 'a;iad» General Dry Goods AN IMMENSE S:OCK. Sash an4llor PI SASU, fiSP^S' â- ivji" «* -h" BLINDS MOULDINGS, .3K FOLLOW â- Â»ab-LjT:.;i t Lumber, Lafh and Always on Saad. GKlers Prompiiy JmJ The Sabfeciber wishes tJ retam thank» to the people of Markdala s^ J:: Tary libetat patronage thaj hare ipven him in the peat, and hupai w j.***^. l,ii ^t«M« to mertt a eovMaaanee o the same. *«• mj^ I hare now eateiided my busines8.aBd wiB ia Intarekeepahna. flNE LUMbV Direct from ttie North Shore. Alili SIZBJS, DRESSED AND UNDRBgjjj^ All Kincla of nuiiit and Fancy XiiTftj THOS. McNin_J Doaa ia a flnt-elaae auMtaer. Markdale, May S7tb, 1881. It* LATE! mi Of epeeially Attiaeti^, Seatonabte, Fanhionabte nd St^ Dry 3roodsj Te luuid, whieh we effek' %i Greatly Reduced Pried tSft 9OOYe AtrO 090] We ofI«r ipeeial relaes in every line. OUB STOCK OF TweB aa4 iWI1Hii»ryt Bobt. S. Bae, a TALIOR, Sydenham Street, MARKDALE. HAOTABO'S TBLLuW OH*. Is Ai tlM b«U of the liat for all par- Msof • tomfly iMdieioa. It ia us- ed With â-  m wcwented (iioeeBs, both iiitiii«sTlj abI mUnmXkf. It eons sore thnal, barns, aealda, tmX bits* rdiflfTSS, and oAsn eons Markdale, Jnly 7, 1881. 4S-6m Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE BIU0U8NES8, 9IZZINE88, ' DY8PEP8IA, iHDIQESTIOtf, JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT SHEUm, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERIN9 ' OFTHEHEARTt- ACIDITY OF i THE STMACH, DRYNESS i OF THE 8KIH, from And every apMlM of dlsMsa aritlnv from BOWELS OR BLOOD, **"*** T. lILBORIt 8a, """-ISSiim^ Jb^nblic IHiytice. N ones la ^m^ (Hm that tte aew road epea tkio^ih Me W, 100. e^ IM, M the ard aeweaeifeB W. T. A 9. B.. i^ be tamehiy el OtaMli. ia m4 Ike etgaoihefiMC e^ti aaidlote, wOfaatW tifletatka itthataaT JAMB8BBOWH. CkfTBt (defers, MoMrv ffortea^te- atntery, Crampg, CoHe, 8m 8fM* nes$ and Summtr Complaint aim Chokra InfaiiWi, and aU Com' plaints pgcuHar to ohiUnn tmtk^ Ing, am vdll 69 fmnd a^mllg kmtfi t Ud for adults or ohihtrm^ Ml MU IT Ml T. MILMIRM Choice Farm lor Sale. 2MII«B8raOMM«tOiLI. I1OTII9 CsoeeeaiOBl, AztaauBM,KastBideT. ft 8. Boad. e e wtai ai ni M mmm 16 of which' ia onder eoltiTataaii, aa4*Hra !rakin»» hard TkaakaMhmii* â€" y iiMiill •^-TLI^ ^^' ««»* aaaMg hoaaa b on tbe nlaaa. JUST IHE THING. READY-MADE CLOTHING IN ABUNDANCE. BOOTS AND SHOES! Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, and Glii Is rery oomplete, and nstomers will find prices and vabea ntisfuurj id i payment. GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONCri] by parohastng yotir auppliea at the "Toronto Houm.* ' Wm BROWII Markdale, Sept. 36tb, 1881. ' GOLD FOR THE MILLION. â€" o HATS AND GAPS FOR EVERYBODY. GROCERIES! Fresk and at the ven- lowest prices. Cash and Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. No Trouble to show Goods. Come and Examine for Yourselves. Flaaherton, November 4th, 1881. T- SE»I30TTI, 14 L £E]VI Or its equivalent, can purchase any thing ji may require in DRY GOODS, Gi^OCERl^ BOOTS and SHOES, P.r in fact anything (ki usually FOUUD In a general country store Purchasieg, you should always ascertain whertflj can purchase to the best advantage, th?t ii|«| the best goods at tfie lowest price, and place is BUTTER RAE'S H rxTBiTfay "^^ laidH^an •" â€" ^^^---- I V (^ Lj. ia^pr,fa*aetive| •ii»4rffhiee monthB,4 le eod of the year. No â€" siMtBhM a* atreagea ai* at the DfSioa of the pabliah ipM without p«yiiK I lor the years aob- 'â- â- fil thay eeaiply with the nilea. R4ZBA Ot APTSBTISQia i rear fM 00 4a 4e M eo •••• â- â€¢â€¢Â« â- â€¢â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ lte«ep.Ar*t iMrtion.. I ^abeeqaent insertion I aix (• ten liuea, first inaertion. (eahee^oeot iaeertion Haae, first insertion per line [|aah eabsepaant inaertion S7 60 16 00 8 00 4 00 •a 16 7o « 9 l^ap-ty*' of Itoea to be reckoned, by tbe "l^iei »naenred by a seate'of eobd AdTertiaeaents witbnat speoifie w« taoeardii MM Itoa o«oa of aahlieatiea by 'fc'T%uretl^n»awdiHf^eea» ryabliea ti on. O- W. BOTLKDOE, Proprietur. DIRECTORY. â-  » «* » ' Carter, rkiclABiSi^i'Se^n. Accoucheur loi IN larRe,r so Rood « aocnrity. WTEREBI â-²lioveUl i»"Drathi allpoinu.at lol I^ndalk. S4 E. HI Sec. rFICS Medical UaU; Hoaee. rkdale. Sept «7. 1S«0. residence at 1-T r^ }BNET AND SOLICITOK, IS NOW I leady ior attendiuK to all kinJe of law OlBce^at Kav's Hotel. Dec. 2nd, 1681. 64. a. MASSOW, TEB. MA8TEB ANDDEP.KEG. in CbaDcety, Notary PubUc, Convevan- Sound, ia Vicker's Block itt St.; and iu Markdale. over McFar- \t Store, on Friday and Satordav ever«' "57.1y â-  Fr*«t dk Frost, I8TEB8, AND ATTORNKTSAT Law, Solicitors iu Cliancery. Convey rOwen Sound, have resumed ait Ofltee open every Tbarsday, as ofore. FaoiT. J. W. Fbost, LL. B. DBnty Crown Attomer. 1 9'«ti#trx. ^Bx Mr. Jaaca J. ^Thlte, •istant to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sound, 'â- ILL BB AT THE BEVEBE HOUSE, Markdale, on the last Weduc^day in ith, when he will be prepared to per- I operations required upou the mouth ke most satisfactory manner, and upon enable terms. x v JWiwUattr«a». Mfm. Br«wM. JCEE OF MAKKIAGE UCENSES.Ac. I Commissioner in B. B. te. UT«/an^g iu all its branches promptly ^de to'lod oarefuUy executed. B.â€" Ifcaey to Lend on Heal EsUte se- rkdale. Sept. 17, 1880. ly Alexander Browa. lUBB of Marriage Licenses, Fire and Ciife Insurance Agent. Commissionei B. *e. CouTeyancer and Licensed oneer for the County of Grey. Farmers Its, and Land Sales, Punctually at- i to and charges made verv moderate nfr4U. Sept. 17. 1680. i-r WU 1*1. Galbraitli CCTIONEEB AND a£;NEKAL LAND Agent, Wuliamsford Station. Auction I attended in all parts of the County. I sold on Commisaiuu. Bates mod-iute. Organs, and Sewing Machines alo i and Ornamental Trees, Vines. Agricul- I Implements, and Machinery of all kiudj, lliaaaford. Jan. 37. 1881. Undl AND Crtj.'^. Hid kept uu huiid Hous( I'lCtUl Watch which «'ill be' J Duudalk.Si'i F. Fl CARRll Dl The subseuUi WAGGO.N.SJ SLEIGU.S, Togflher with I or iron uu lioa Dundalk. S TJIOS. j:. O. Slav, OMINION AND PROVINCIAL LAND SnnrOTot, Draoghtaman and Valuator, ^ord and iCarkdal eial Land Sarrevor Charles lUnkiu's e stock of original Field MAHUDiiLl ae. Having purchased Tevi nal Field Notes, Plans brts, laatmotions, ^kc.,oi all his Survovs within the last fifty-five years, I am tS make Surveys in strict accord- therawitb. Profiles and Ei(timatei I Oradiili Hills, Plans and Specifications I^Bailding Bridges, furnished on appUca- Money to Loan at « per cent interest. I by letlar, or left with G. J. BLYTH s, will 6« proBptly attended to. 17. 1884). l.y To All Wkom it May eoneern. As the season has arriveAi when money is plei^'" have no collector but the bailiff, we must have our' by the I oth of October. August gth, 1881. V r'-.. " "T. E. OAVIM, [ClLDEB « CO.NTBaCTOH. (Stone and Qric^. Plastering and Country Jobs. "By Mt4)^eJ to. Stoneeutting a S|w- QfpUnates on all work, free. Satis. ' Kaaitetwwi. •,* lleaidouoe comer of »wn and Sproule Streets, MAaiDALE. tmber 81, 1880. I6.y Wanting U Purobaee or Beat I«proTed Farms, WUd I^nd., Town or Village Prop«ty. the County of Grey j. SHOULD SEND FOR la FARMERS $( MECHAW ESTATE, LAND AND DUNDALK. ONT. „^ NANIIWY, jmLDEB ANiCONTKACrOB, (stone and brick). Plastering jiarticularly ended to in town or ooontry. Estimates on work free. nndalk. September 2nd, 1881. i WT-isiir.s » rust- m4 very liberal 'tM has betii in tiJ dale, an wmiMl anee of tin can give /nfi] HARNESS always on hanl l^'Nouc bu ^4he best of iiia Markdale HAIR GUI Everyl If.v 1C\ Except Fn.lai when lid t«- Or.io -8 1 Markdk:». AV. H. Stein hoflr pOUSE,8IGN,4CABBIAGE PAINTEB. Contracts taken in town or coontiy. â-  Oct. 12, 1881. 7iy Farms for Sale and to Let. ««• k.mg likePropartie todiapo*. of dK,nld oon«U aa. CAIAMOUK BEIIT ON AmaCAnOK. AT #^ "XT' T? "V Fannere wiabmg to obtain mon^v e»°""'jjaH* -^•A- V7 1I Hi X • at the Farmers and Mechanics- Agen^«J*^*^rW of Dondalk, where yon eoo get Mokbt at a reduced rate of "'•«TV- »rf^ yoaraelTea,â€" to pay off a pNnooa mortgage, build a new h ass T,*^ «r to oUaia a ehoiae braed o cattle. K«-Loans wUl be put tbit)«» wlula tba atriataet privaeiy will be maintained in al! transsctions- SAVE YOURCOMBINGS. [â- fca. T. O. Morgan, begs to announce to T« I«di«aof Markdale and vicinity that she prepared to work up hair eombiugs into Itches, puffs and curls, terms moderate I i« sqUQitod. Besidence comer of M^r Qaean streets, opposite Mr. Bowes'rea lOrdrai by Vail prempUy atteaded to. â-  .Sept. 1. 1881. i«trU. CKod IMiortcraees Boug^ LAlf DS^I beg to eaQ tba attention of those wishing to pj n e mn goeaad poeee. vHh tart, RHtniM A. G. P^ '^^^y â- â-  ai ie a WM. LITTLEJ0HN8, ^^ â€" « Oathe •r to fl. W. BoTUBAB, Hai^^ fNa.: Ako â-  «â- Â«Â«! ""W-Ae Ac, neatly aad eoneet^y. AdTieeekk-^ «s«i aad Tair Iialia«. *«»"a«i»- eMi4«ctc4. a.u U}} il i^w. 18U. U4i CoBwjinow, ROBT. DAVIS, â- â€¢s'Tzsy. rnCK-On* Soar mm* «»• A*th-Am€rif» ifolsL KDALB AIiESL RUTIiEDGB, HO^' â- j.:. THtt AOfRX. la a !««• thtae itorcy briek bui'ding. '«*»^gtfh ^^ -I... ST7 •••w.eo*;S«». It U furnished in Firsl-CI»*^^ «« •tth «ha bH» bnaaaal Wiaai. Liqaore and Cigars, and tbe «^ »*j»Gi ibaeeaeop. TWe tartlBag Kbli« nay rely upon e^^^JJ^^^ â- ?^«' *»»• «ae« «nM» AwuV CommirM TravflUr4. *«**,*^^ Good StaWes •»** Were hotel, MAKKOAIJE. bl^QULE, Proprietor. y^Da l^pAlar Hotel has had a Urge ad- Httion added to it, thoroughly refitted, "*aw aeeoad to none in the eountr. eta Wi t^ and attentive ostler. Firs't- ***0WMlation for commercial travel- J^gw â€" »1.0» »e r 4ar. 17-Iy i JMU:pOBI Ont. *. MMIRB, Paopaiwoaa. "Ja^W^adation for tbe travelling '^Wfear ia weU stoeked with the • ,^?aae aad Liquors and tbe best Tâ€" led Qb^n 1T» to and from aU trains. [COttenoi/^L HOTEL Saokiile Boon a Ae. The Bar and larde with tbe beet the market af BtahUac andattontive HosUer's *HOiAT£lKSON, I'ropnetor CathI Combine tlie| In inctlii itie, jUStr^l u, unifomiitr oq of years of periinent. and ely .Vet di»d derangriiipiit lo«-el», wbii-1 treariiiciit. applii-ahJA to I art directly lative prooel healtliv a'ti pbysi i:ins Civili/ed iiatJ proofs of ih r pi-rfcctly Being coinpi virtues of tb.y are p«l any itijuru. IstcreJ to clii ArrK's I'll Conatlpatiul tlon, Iy»j Konl Stom Headache, i DiUousness^ Erupttons Tumors, firlpea. ' Pilea. Disoi oiher ilis-a» auie of the Aa a Diune While gen^ are the moat I tic that can pain unless then their in^ late the appe^ operate to pu impart rcue« whole sysleii Prepared Practical I 3IIILCU I four ye drove iu sleij luETuN, Luti 'I and S. SanheadMi]

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