ITj r *f- A-~ 4 m t ' r .1 THX OLTEbT CITY WORLD. IK TH£ I)ainft3en8 is the ol Jest city in tb« ^orld. Trre and Sidon have emmb- ied on the shore BaaUee is a rain Palrnvra is baried in a desert; Nine- vah and Babylon have disappeared from the Tijrris and the Eaphmlcf. Damascus remHins vbAtit whs before the days of ALruLtttu â€" a rcutre o! ♦radc ami trii\il â€" hii is-le nf VL-ri'ii" in the dcsert "a presidential capitHl, ' with martial and cacred asaociatitns extending throiiqli thirty centuries. It was near Duuj»:.cus that Saul of Tj.t BUS oavv tl:fc iKilt 'ihove the hricjliturss of the sun the street irhich is ca!l«-tl Btrait, in w]jic)i it ^a^tsaid "hepra\- ed," still mns thron^'h the city. The caravan comf-s and goes as it dill l.()(J() ytars a^o; tliere is still tlie B'.-ik, the ass »iid the water- whf-ei the merchant of the Ku.iirnt s u d tlie Me'litcrrat'can Btill n'ciipy ".h. strceta with the multitnl' of their Wares. The city which .M hamtiieil surveyed from a neighborii^p; hbi.,'ht and was afraid to enter ic i- inie it was jj'jvuii t to luivr but •r.,i- paraLlis-, iind for Jiis part he was r. a â- Ivod not •o have it id this worl 1, is t Huy what .Iiilian c'llkd the Evo of tiie K«st, a" it was iu the tiruo of laaiuli tlic lioad of .Syria. Fr'm Dani-iscus cinuo tiio damson, our blue plums, aiid tiiedili- Pious apricot c.f Portu/:iI r:.(iii..l dam- asFo damaek, our Lcantifnl fabric of cott'.n aii'l K:lk, with vines and flowers rtibtd upon a smooth, bright groupd tlifc damask rose inlrodoce'l into Kn;» Imdinthe time of Htnry VIII.; tit Jiiimascus blade, ho famous tlie worl'l over for its k' n ed^c aud won 1m ful elasticity, tlio socrot of whooc manu- f:i'-fiiro V.." I.,st wh'.ij Taniorlano carri- ed the artist intii Per ia: a- dthatboau ti 1.1 UT' of iiilai.':^' wu'.danil steol wit i iro: I Hi;il silver, a kind of ruusaic (i.- gravi"" and sculpture nnited â€" cajl' '1 ili'.nia lu^' -with which boxes burtauK and Kwords are orD'i..iouted. It is stil a city i/f flowers and bright waters; the Ftri'Mns of Lftbiinon and the tiik of Rfild murmur and sj.arkle in the ^ihieraesB of tlio â- L'.iidon Globe. Syrian gardncr.- isK l-.xi-KmK.Nri-: ni'MMAsr. â€" 1 had I.F 11 HJck and nii-cTalile so long v.nA a;i I lind caUHl my husliand hO uracil trouble and rxpen-j, no on^ s.eined to know what ailtd I'lo, that I was fornplctoly diHli(-r. i t-ned and discourag- i;d. In this frijr.e of mind I g it u l(ottl.- )( 'lop iiitterd nud Uoud thiiu 'itUinowi. t ' ::.y fi'.niiiy. I so' ii be- ij'arito ir.ipi'.vi ;:;/i g.'uned hi fa.t Ih i' luy huv.l.:.: I ui;l fani'ly tli^ uijlit it ^traiip{i U:i aliirni, Iut v.Iilii I toM •!;. tt. .it hull.ilpfd in' tliey said "iliiiiMli f T ll'iji Hitters I long may lliey |i â- •.s| i r, f(i' th(y have luaih; iii'iMi'r wril BO'I IIS happy."â€" the .\b.!ll-T. ~ll"tiir .hi.iniid. A TIMIJ OF Ti;i:K mVKLLI'.US. A I'" .eh naval doctor, M. Crovaux, han l:ifly riiadt Mnportant xpl'jration.s III tile iiortii. Ml iMit of South Aiipriea, «;iore (..specially in the valley of tlie Or- • I â- â- • â- and its aniiunts. Amon-; other 'f-ols.rvatiiin lie Btatfc- that tlie I'liioK, at the delta of t!io river, lefir-' ill ;!;•• frees when till! ilelta IS iiiiiudated. 'I'liere they make a sort • l «l.v-|!i!..' w'Mi bi:i.iiehfs airl clay. "nK Women li"Lit, on a Minull jiiece of 111' fl'rf.r, th (ire iieedeil for eo iliiii;% and fli traveller on the river at ni;,'ht often â- •â- .•^ V. i:li • urprise Inn;; rows of llanies !â- .». a ••••ii'iiderabli: hei"lit in the II" '1 no (iiiaraiiiio.s di.spos.j of t'leir by h:.:i,'iii;,' tliom in himiMoclis lit ilu t'l .ftri-i-i. I»r. Crrvauv, in t .1 e iiir I f (lis travels, met with «' oi'h 1 ' Is. irr:irth ealinp tribes. 'I'lin !• ly. u'hieli I. ft* II Koryes for their fioil f'.r ui: .1. cioiifht' sectns to bo a tni\- tiir iiriixi'i- of iron and some oru'anic 1 111. ilaiii-vH. 'I'liej iia\e recniir.S" to it fii"..- itspi ii;Jly III tunes of i-careity but, ;. trail;:- t' s.iy, there are ia;,*t r tro'iriii.iiiiU fir tho sMhstanfe, iudivid- zzAiAn A g(xA clergynftlt irb« wh work-. a imm-T^ Importing and 'y-' ing amongst the nmtive popnlatii^^ was anxiuns to eatabliah the sauctilgF nf maniaee among Uitiiu Among others who were catididntte^ fur tlut rite was a much married aborigiu^* uame.i N;{HtHp»rapirii. Uu arriving at tie clause of the ronaiiU we-e c3;i- didntes for luatniu'-ny are diiecied to join hands, a stiaege scene occur-' No sooner liud the dnrctioos been given than a'wliole bevy oi inarootai' Its sprang; f'wward. two or tliree hang, ingou by the handn and airnia of tilt; w. n J ie b n -diet, wit an eqnal ninn ber eli'ijfitig t-j his I'-gs. H«- wa-s com. plettly bosit-jed, pinned hand and Kxit and conf:ii 'O »hs lopde worse cou- tounded by a nuggma and tu^icj; ty winch the uufirtuoate- fellow aus in tiumL-nt danger if iiii»in-iu'«frifleot. Sec:n'.; the turn things ha i taken ihr prK-st ii.Tt-irally eiioiiL'h paii9-1, and luoke-d on m dismay. '-Go on," cried the hajl-'S liilei oom, 'or can't you se-e f r vi.iirKtif tiiew* abora-uaiile wretches wilt have luc liratt^rd inm limb to lirnl' '" S'lil the reveraed gentleman liestat^jd, se luinglv at a loss wiiat lo do unliii' the circu'ist anies. '"If yoi don't et al -ii;. C-i d tlie miD, "and have this kind oi a thing to a fiuinh. tli-rc'll be another do^eu of tLem here less than no time, and, when tltey find I bayeu't got a flopper to lians on br, th y'll drag off the last aluud of blanketing I have over lue." The situation was now perj b x-.n;: in tlif extreme, and there was nothing for it but to Imrry over the perviee. and brii.g tbt;eoia«iy to an end. Tiie a qua! to tlie atory is worth adJuig. In the couise ol liuife this mucii mar- ried man died, as did llie He-/en liiniH married woman of lh Gospels. Tno question then arose as to who was his lawfully married wife. Some five and twenty claimants a] ipoartid before the judge :)t the nttti\e law eoorts.and tl e question to be determim d was â€" Had the wo'nan who got hold of the de- ceased's hand precedence over her who morely tug^^eJ at his legs As there was coiisidorpble property left behind, counsel were employed by the rcsprttiye claimants, anil it is said their learned disputations, on the re- spective importance of arms and legs, left the unfortuna'e judge in thedilera ina of the man without a leg lo stand upon. ttoSalimAStmaim n ii*i i xmmMh •II pmrU tfxmr^ft jbr My tm» ifmm^ OMe-IVHk o( Oka eattn aaatar or lMvn«- mat WlBinn^" CTjiAi I I t gw rwm M um •( Iha Onat flkon •( nasM itaM Ma taateis Uhiw tinnin Tbarklaoaanladaatlieltanart â- l i »'rt tai jlM«( sol 4tilâ€" tnrn tbama, oaotUUL, â- «• at tt* amt ttowi of â- luiO -*â- • MrwdMl tfaa On frtrnd 91^99 aoil Brwm* «I«M jM rAOM cJTJOjoatm mm wmjm \emtf^ f â- â- m ill •Mr 40 aim m GttBBMMBt __ 41 SVMUT gWOBBOBWJOD '» atr* wUk o(tb*prlae«i»' A PEBinNENT CURE FOR LAME BACK, " V '"• U^r. M Of the Sidneys. BU«*««* Uiiaa^ Orgâ€". " •'te'x»«' "7 iNOuu^TB...^ KVIDBNCK GiyiMii B»- Xllia SATISFACTION. Pieton. Aprfl 30, !•«'• 0«Ti.z'Xi:-c.-I And tlKt vonr P' «"• D ei^esoJ the Kidneys. Sgiied, lia. J. B. MOKDES. A-A ^«1l^:V^;"=s^ '•' ;S...iip1iI«tand Te«ti- Iilou.'nl free. S. i-v A. Tl it.\:.4l i'O, ilarkdaie* J W KT.T.I I'T. • â- - w â- •â- ;â- • S 'EPHf.N-i A: ^U-C B M.T,, Meaford. «. ,^VPA*a3i« a.;w*.k'.. 5» RKOALE WIUON BRYDERT Wholesale and Retail BUTCHERS! IIAGYAUD S YKLLUW OIL. Ih at the iiead of the list for all pur- pobcs of a tamily medicine. It is us- ed with unprecedeiiteil sncoe?s, both internally and externally. It cures sore throat, burns, scalds, frost bites relieves, and often cures asthma. r-EF.F. ror.K on mutton .suppLiEn. y frem i sin;;!*! puuml to a wlidle carcass, at the lo.vest niurket prices. FISH FOWl IN THEIR 8AS0N MarbleWorks HKoQuniefits, lembstoBes Fttrmerg liavinR Fat Cattle, Sheep, or Pi;»- to dispose of will do well to call at No. 3 biirn.V Block, opposite the new Union Hlovk. Markdale, Oet. SSUi, IStfl. G003 NEVVS km*. Meai Mill: at Wd SIX IIIMMU-.I) VICTIMS OF WUISKLY. lilt I.. whom ho pr I tl ariii;f ioC"R tlie.dopraved taste bo- loiinced that they m \y M tl ariii;f ioC"R of ferrugioo-13 lay bom tie hut i made of it, and pu.- oig til. 1.1 111 t) eir mouths. The Corwin tlnring her last voyage to .Alaska landed on St. Lawrerce Island, having orders to investigate tiK' wuo'eualo starvation of the natives. At t!ie first village at which tliey Ian. I- e 1 all Were dead so also at the sec Olid, wlifre "1 dead holies were coiuit- ' 1?, •; arly a!l fi.Il grow-n males. At another plaso 100 persons â€" men, v.-omeii and children â€" wore dead. At Hid next settlement twelve dead bel- ies, and at the following thirty were fo'inil. AH the inhabitants on the north stdo of tlic island, where whiskty traders sold liquor, are dead, not one escaping. The gea.-ral starvation oc- curred two years ago last winter. Since then the presence of the (Jorwin in the Arctic has broken up this in- hii;r..iii wliishoy trading. The empty whiskey kegs are seen strewn allabout. Tiic t.ita'i nuiuberol dead bodies fouini on St. Lawrence Island was over 000, The survivors says that white traders from Honolulu sold whiskey, which the natives bought, and got drunk, remaining so during the season for laying in their winter supply of walrus and beal. â€" H.VVIXG- LATELY FITTED UP yy Grist Mill in UIIM/iosn DV. I'ope. Ill,- |M„ tifal I hilosoj.ji, r sail, i â- â- 'I .e- r "I" r â- tu lyof ri.iiikind is man, aii'l :, ho\v little IS till' real BCienee of III 111 studied. If pj-ople understood an I I;, eilrd the l.tws of health, and if wh. itiif.^.-rls would rus..rt to a c.-niniiiii si-iis • liko Hiirdock l!ood I'-ri r-.. many of the "ills that lles-li is li. ir t.i" mivlit beelTectnally roiueiiied. it iuvi.,'i.ralis and r.gulates all the t a healthy action. A liF.LLVBLE FACT. I' is an established !act that Uag- yards Pec'oral IJaisam is the best cu'e for couglis, coldw, sore throat, asthma, croup, broneliitis, and all troll!, ks srising from ntglected colds. I'riee "25 cents. FIRST-CLASS RUNNING ORDER 1 uMi prepared tn turn out all work in a first. elii'-s mnniicr. AikI every de-.eriptien of Oemetery executed in work F3RST-CLASS STYLE and At reasimnhle rates. Orders left at the shop or sent by mail will be promptly at- teuiled to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop next door to IWere Hotel. W. A. J8HH3T0N, Prop. Mnrk.lale AuR. 10th 1881. 48-hr NIL DESPERUMAND. Sitaffiptiitt im*i^ sash; 9liV/ â- ^t *: :^i ikUo(i*. â- i:- r DOORS/ ^M*i -rol »nrv i^^jjjj^g /*; ^i .trtiii u now TdtMO. Jm^ P 1 GGOM War *•' ^^ •« H CO e8 ft 1â€" tiD O P5 EH 1*8 1 UI g cS S r in all PL Chi in l 1 aE« EH M « â€" s Hi Hi •^ mS -^ G9 « S rlniir a'lct n!l iif fied delivered free u a ly put of tiiti viU:ix;e. Than" inj; j-^iii all for psst fivers t liopeliy .-strict .itteiiticn tn llllsille^» to merit a con- tinual. ce of the 'same. W. J. KOWE. Barrhead Mills, Sept. 20, ISSl 5-l-3m FLESHERTON Harness Shop rriHE Siilipcrilicr t-eps to inform the pnhlic J- thnt he has constantly onj^nd a large A ANAIUAN I'K.IIT Willi YOTNGSTLR'S A WILDCAT. I iUst Friday It, 11 years afternoon .\lirahani iblt, 11 years of a^je, eiiccuiiteroil a will cat while strolling through the Woods 111 S.iriuaTimnship, aceoiniiiii ii I by a httle do^;. The animal was disL-ovr. .1 cronclnie; in the fnkofa tree abort I v -nty feet from the liround. ndcr the iiiipressioti that It was an eiinrm ,s black squirr 1, ho tliiow a »li»d\ u. it, which caused it t spring froiriits. Ii valeii porch and landsnuare- ' V oil tlie boy's treast. The dog then sprang at the cat, causing it to lot go Its grip on the boy and fight the dog. The lad foitniiatily carried a large stick, vhich, by the time the cat had driven off the d.'g and again turned to i ttack liini,iio had recovered presence of niiad enough to use with all possible viL)r. For the next few irinutes it a triangular struggle, in which the cat fought desperately with the boy and do^;, until at last a well aimed blow from the boy's stick on the sida of savage brute's Lead ended its strng- glcs. » 'n cxamiuatioii the cat proved to be of a variety not recognized by any wlio inspected it as common to the locality. Itmrasnred about thirty inches in" Dgth.tlje fnr being black and Bpriuklod with white liairs. and had a long bnshy tail. â€" Port Ilurou Times. THE ELECTBlC UGHT- Sup erceding as it dws all other modod of illumination, and rivalled only by the glorions sunshine, will not be hailed with greater joy by mankind, than is Burdock Hlood Bitters, which ii as far superi' r to all other blood purifiers and tonics as the electric li.;ht is superii T tj t'.ie old fashioned tallow dip. ISuviUck Blood Bitters cures Scrofula, ard all foul humors •nd impuiitics of the Llooi. Tho imperial Treasury has award* ed the late Astronomer Roval, Sir George AJte/, a pension of £1,100 p«r annum, ia consideration of bis long and valuable services. For Ficat-Class Job Printiiig, pUin .or in colon, e»M at the Stamiuxd OffiM, JUarkdala. AN L.V(;LI',S ATTLMl'T to C.\R- KV(H' A BUY. Ihuriday morning John Abernathy broug'it a monster eagle into town, which he had killed on Ins place, four miles from Forsyth, (ia., the day pre- vious, lie had gone to a field to work, carrying his little son, twelve and a half years of age, with hi. i. It hap- pened that he had a shot gan iu 'lia hands, thinking that he wonld need it to kill gaino. Suddenly he heard a .sound 111 the air. which be describes as equal to the roaring of tho winl, and .saw a large shadow on the ground. L.xikiiig up he saw a huge bird swoop ing down upon his son. .\s quick as possible he raised his gun and fired aud was fortunate enough to bring the eagle to tJ»e ground, lie picked him up aud started homeward, carrying the bird on h'n shoulder. Suddenly the eagle buried his talons in his right arm and seized his left with his beak. Mr. Abernathy called for help, and some neighbors, four in number, came tc his airsi.stance. It required their united efforts to re- lease tho bird from his firm hold. When relieved be found that his arm was badly lacerated, the fljsh being torn lro;u the bone in several places. Tne beak was sunk to the bone m the right hand. The eaf; e measured seven feet and four inches ftvm tip to tip, aud wcigheil seventeen and one- half pounds. lie was never seen in the neighborhood before, and it is probable he strayed" from the coast. Mr. Abernathy says his strength was prodigious. He would readily carri- ed off the little boy had it not been that his father was fortunately armed with a gun. â€" Mnnro, Ga., Advertiser. assortment of CARRIGE, TEAM BUGGY AND M klc in good style and of tho THE BEST OF MATERIAL, Ami US lio mean« Imsines's give kimanear'V call, a» he will suU at the lowest '-ving priciS for cash. A goovl supply of %rniPS, TRUNKS, Ac, always on hand. Scotch Collars A Specialty, And a good fit goaranteed. lS:"Rompmbcr the stftnil the Post Office is oppo,;it«. N, B.â€" Stave timber wanted, I. GORDON. Flosherton. March. 1881. IG GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. ^1HF, (iKK.AT ENCiLI.SH KEMiiDY.anaafailiu.; cure for Siraiiial Wiakn-.Ra. Sperioatoiihea, Iiiiivitencv, aud all disease-: tleit fol ow as a sequence f Self- Aba-o an loss (if Memory, Viiiversal Befon Taldagt Lns^it-adc, Pain ill the Dark, Dimness of V^^ion, I'lematere olil n^'e, and many otner I)i e.ascs that to Iiisanty or Consmiii.ti n nnd a Pro- mature Grave. fcsTiill ]iftrt.'Ji;!ar.iio onr pamplilet, which we desire to .send flee hy mail toevorv one. The Specific Medicine ^, is Bold by all Drng^sta at ' 81.00 per park.ipe, i.r six Aftsr Tl'ir.g. (lacliagjs for fri.od. or will l.e s..!:t f-ee ly mail on rec ipt c.f tie' latiaiv l:v a.idre siiit.' THE GRAY Kt^ClCU^E CO., jour dattia nvoiil BtlmaJants find us* Hop Bitters. I K yom are yrmnsr and diocrcUon or dUMpa ried or ningle. uM or, poorlkeaJth or languish I •Mb Tfiij on Hop) Whoever yaare, 'hentTer yo'i ft-tl IhMX ]r o a r rjst?ni aemAa cleaastng. toa- ifur or Btlifiuiatlnff muouttnfoxrcailiur. fc«ko Hop io, kitine|^^ or urinary com- ptaintt dlsea: of the atamach, botrrls, bloody Mvcr orncruM Tea will b mirvdff youufle Hop Bitters IfyoQarefl Kij we a k and w spirited, tr iti It ma voy ou life. It ha saired hur dredsw trt-.v hnilr iirrv«'nn6 v^nte. us^ Hop B -*nr«rip^ from any In â- y')uaff,B'j;.-,TiDff from llntr on a iMd ot slek- Bltters. nnrUy t r |. m boiha frr^ of Kl disTA^p tba have boen pi by a 1 1 m e 1/ qm of HopBitterv O. I. O, la an absolute and irrestFta- Me care for dmnks tt e â- s ase of opium, Cobacoo, or parootlBS. Soldbyinir- rtsU Boodfor Circular- COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Alwars ia Stock. A.s I keep nil kiiK'.s of liE PAIRS for the Impleioenta I sell, Farmers will see the aJvautage of dealiug with a Local Ageut. WM. STRAIN, i^iesliertoaa- Flesherton, Mareh 21, 1881. 28tf A. SWIS^TYRE TEA! TEA! TEA! A. M INTYRE rticiNTYl'iK'S '1 !- LlfilQRSI l.3U3i:il h Bobt. S. Bae, TALI OR, Sydenham Street, MAEKDALE. Burdock Blood WILL CURE OR REUEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, CIj;ars, Ci2:a- J'.I.T Al I V r I .i 1 cjoii:-. hc K u in a f'AAvs on ' I McIN'nTlE'y MEAL! MEAL! MEAL I McTNTYHE'S Pork, Pork. Pork. i WclNTYRE'S -c'.t:s G ocery Rud Liqnor 8.o-e t T-:- p tor. t ibK. ^MOULDINGS, 4;^ V. i.,..i o»..^.v a ir.. t ^=.: HOLLOW BATToug and S] Always on Hand. Orders Promptly pjj^ The Snbwriber nwht,* tJTWtnm thiinks to the ppople of Maria»te t^TLt. V«nr I'bei*! putroMflge Iher "•'« *^"'^^ ^^ '" "** P"" """ "°I*« by *Ir"'^l bouoew to merit a «*Untuinee of tho sBine. Wi)^ I h»ve now wlanaed my ba«ln««3i»l wiU 'n '"tore kf rp » |»ii g^ PIIIEXUMB^ Direct from the North 8hore. ALL SIZES, DBESSED AND UNDREssj. AM IvinaB or I*l«iln and I'ancy Tn, Dob* in • ftnt-«lftM mtoaer. ,• THOS. McKjij ItokWe, May J7th. 18$1. " LATE I Of epBriaUy Attntotii«, 8e«»o««ble. Fashionable acd Slifl, T* nana, wbieli we effer at Greatly Reduced Pricei tn ^009$ A)t^ $80] We ofler speeial rnlues iu evaiy line. OCB STOCK OF Groceries, Hardi are, Crockery, and (ila Is rary oomplete, and lastonMrs will finJprftes oad. vul,i» sttisfiitoij u partiurut. GIVE US A CALL AMD SAVE MOIICYl by parohaitag ypor (U|pUee at tbe 'Toronto Homt." Wm BROWI MWtdale, Sept. 36th, 1881. • GOLD fnvtt ATTENTION rnvals }00(I8! -AT- DY8PEPSIA, INDIGESTIOIf, JAUNDICE, n ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERING Of THE HEART, ACIDITY OF 4 THE STOMACH, DRYNESS Of THE SKIM, BOWELS OH BLOOD, ""**'"• T. MlLBORH eo.,"^r^ iNxa H.\LL'8 VEOBTAiJI.« SlCUOAN HaIS Rb- HEWEB. â€" Has the hearty commenda- tion of tlionsands whose "tutriing locks" have beeo restored bj it to their former beauty of color aud growth. It is, in fact, a miracle in its way, even in this age cf wondrous im- provement â€" a fact to which every one who has given its virtues a test will certiiy. The proprietors, R. P. Hall A Co., are men of liberality and enter- Sise, who love the benefit of their scoyery to the woria at large, and have placed it in the bands of every druggist in the oooaty. Uuit ita bene- fits may be extended Alike to all. If there is the leMt snspioion of grvy hair showinc itself npga -Jfiar haad, go at once and procns* • botfleof his celebrated Hair reaewer. â€" Carthag«, N. Y., BtfuUkKm, Markdale, July 7, 188:. 43.6ai inssis^ Public iNotlce. NOTICE is beraby given that tbe new road open tbroa«h lots 99, 100. and 101, on tbe 8rd oonoesaion W. T. Jt S. B., in the township of Olanelg, is not jvoperly ••- tablisbed. 3ae eatpfl«s*iaa el tha l«wshi|i of Olen- elg not having any title to the road throogh •1^ lots, will not be responsible for any ae- ' r iM li that Mv happen on said toad. JlKKB BB6WN, FIMLAT MacRAB. CUek. ieeve Cures Cholem.Cholem MorbutjDgm tentery. Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- ness and Summer Complaint also Cholera Infantum, and all Com* plaints peculiar to children tseth- Ing, and will bo found equalljf btmefioiaJ for adults or childreM* 101 SMI BY AU DlOCdlSTS. T. â- JIL BURW A CO, Choice Farm for Sale. Q MILES FBOM MABKD ALE. LOT 119 /© Cooeeeiion 1, Artemeaia, East side T A 8. Mt»d, containing 50 acresâ€" 46 of whidi IS nnder eultivaUon, and Wie balance hard t^^ Th« above farm ?8 a ^d^siraSe proper^ and wiU be ,old cheap! A iSS* hwne harm and log house is on the vital P°;»ee«on given this fall. Far ftuther nS- WM. LITTLEJOHNg, « to C. W. lSixmMox. UarM* "" HILL BROS. o Many lines of Goods bouKli. af.. r .I.e f .1 of .en pec cen.. in priocheaoe we know that onr prioea w'U be right. Stacks of Winceys, Stacks of Tweeds, Stacks of Boots and Shoes, Stacks of Ready-made Clothing, Stacks of mantles for the Ladies. Call a.3:i.d. See "CXs. GOODS plentifuTanF prkss low. o We arc deiemii.ied lO coii.iiine ihe lai-'e incieaw in nnr ina°n,M rw.- â€"•n- â- Mnlleu will re.u.. i^ .hel^ ol O.U,A*:ar"vi.;Tda° we pr^T^JSiT ^fbr.^^ ma^er. TUaiiMi.g you for y.^.. favorx and tinnt lo l« favored wi.h a JZZt^TZ oa^do^rl^ro^tb^rKfu^s^i^tl^-;^'^^ ^:-^-' p~^-- M.ldale, September 14th, 1881. Or its equivalent j can purchase anv thfnj n may require in DRY GOODS, G10CEK1^ BOOTS and SHOIvS, or in fact anvthiag tbt b usually .J," V FOUND In a general country stores- ZIT Purchasieg. you should always ascertaiii where yoi can purchase to the best advantage, that is ;;« the best goods at the lowest price, and titf place is -•• BUTTER RAE'S MARZZDAL2 To All Whom It May Concern. As the season has arrived when monev is plentiinl have no collector but the bailiff, we must haveourac I by the I oth of October. ,• â- •• f^- ... â- -..'â- 'â- --â- â- August gth, i88x. OH, MAR. OH, HEAR. i10v OH, HEAR. Squander your mon^y if ycuwaut to. if not, get y»urPhot^«l„ of W.BULMEK. The People's Photographer, Elesherton moa aga^ preparea to take Picturee.«iddo Cop^g«»a k'nkriW "heretofor.:^ •waxibarga^B '"'°^'" "" *» Remarkably IiOlri»rlo«; ^.ffSi _^g along your picture. «a have then eo|,d«ed«iJMirfl^T««,atf^ ' Fi«dMfc«,ifaKh 10,1601. ByL-fMER. FARMERS $c MECHANIC! ESTATE, LOAN AND DUNDALK. ONT. IVT r^lVnj'"V' *««•» wishing J^-M.\Jxy Hi X at the Farmers and Mechanic*' .V; "tJ "'""'*^*«^1 of Dnndalk, where yon oun (?et Mokkt at a rediieta rHt«i ..f iiiier.-l .« j^^J yonjsalTae,â€" to piiy oft a previous mort«iaKe,%'*;d s new h.mse or Ifâ„¢- r^ ^*' to obtain raonpy csnnot ao bjW-^^ ^^ d Mechanic*' .V-' "tJ "â- *^^^*»*^ or to obtain a choice breed ol c attle. li-Loans wUl be put tliroinj: whila the strictest privacy will be maintained iu all trauttctii"i-^. -liwtbrt" CJ^ood I Joulit I I.A1VD8.â€" I bw to eall the attention o( those wigbinR to I"'"**' Jji^ lai^e number of good and cheap Farm Lots for miIo. Uf"»*r^ catalogue and pricas. CowovMohif ioao wMi otro, noatnesi Md FFICE-Om door mwM 4 ikt Anglo- AmaioM UoUL .««alk ScptMubwUt, 1881. .* MAEKDALE H ATVTP.TT EUTIiBDGB, ProP«* ert^. ^/iS THIS HOTEL U a large three storey brick bni'ding, '"'""%!nr»*"j erwy mpdarnponTenianqe. It is'funiiithed in t"ir»t-Cl»»" S^^ J 'wi|lr)M4M»lM^M^li^tjlM«»«*d Cigars, aud tbe «aUs«^* "• th* â- «awn. The traTaUlag BAUa tmr My V0» every atteDtioa â- ^Q Mj » ff^ « t g |lB^ |i i»r Clff,maÂ¥d TrtvtlUr,.. "The ^l. i»^ ' ^H ^rT- 'SLm witboat paying â- **•• â€" ^^rgX ikBTWtta snb- |4« tsooo 87 60 16 00 8 00 4 00 6" VOL. )( BtTILPEU and bi attended to lu Estimates o-.j Dundalk. S.)! 4« 4p ...« ^Mder.ftrrt iB«wt»« .sn^r^jrrperiine I S!S3 measured ;by a scale ofsoUd^ '•fdlerTis.m^it. "i^l'""' "f^a^ ^lU be pubUsh«i till torbid ^d I-JSiMlT All transitory ad vertiw^ tSWtb. offlee:of pnbUcaUonby '^M the Thursday wor-ing P»*" "oirKtory._____ -j-j^â€" JSSSrTSccoucheur '^^^ Ac Qg Mediaal HaU; rt»idance at '"^.17.1880. IV "VV. ff J. MASSON, taiaTEB. MASTEB AND DEP. BEG. f^^teery. tioUty PubUc, Conveyan- ^.__Owen Soond. in Ticker's Block ^r^d in Biarkdalf. over M. Far- on Friday and Saturday even 57 .Ij IN larite 'T good I'uJ seeuriiy. INTERE^ All..«| ia*-|r«ft- all jioiut-. .1 Dun.lnlk, Un AND Fr*»t Frost, BISTEBS, AND ATTOBXKYS-AT Solicitors in Chancery. C'oiimv lAe Oifen Sound, have renumed st on' OfSoe open every Thursday, as iTaosl. J- W. FaosT, LL. 11. I ""•• «"' Biity Crown Attoriiev. Hns now I' .if all sizf^ I 9r»ti«tra. â- r. James J White, nl to l)r. Cameron, Owen Sound, p^ BE AT THE UEVEKE HOISE, i Markdale, on the last Weilmsday lu lonth, wlien l»« will Ua pr.'par.-d to |mt J operations riKjuired upon tbe iii'.utli [Viost satisfactory msuiier, anl iij'ou able terms. ' k'|*t 111! halK Hoos( »ti»c»iUm» i». "Wtn. Broi»-a. EB OF mabui.v(;e licenses, *c ,iiunissioner in B. B.c. vyancing in all its branches promptly i ,d to and carefully execut-J. J.â€" Money to Leu J ou llial Estate »r- r,. Ill Watcl F. CAR nl kdale. Sept. 17. 1880. ty Alexander Brown. JEE of Marriaxe Lii-euses, Fire au.l Ke Insurance Ajient. i B. te. Convuvancer and Liceii-fJ neer for tbe Cuuuly of Gr«-y. Farin.TH, _nls, and Laml Sales, Punctually al- j t to and charges maile very moJimte. eville. Sept. 17. 18f*». It B. m. Ualbrailh CTIONEEK AMI (.KSKUAL L\SI ^.ent, WiiliamKf.irJ Stati .u. Aii.-timi attended in all part "f tlie Omnly. (soldon Commissi.Ki. Uatis m-"l'ii«te. I, OfRans, aud Sewing Miichiui- iiU" and Ornamental Tree Vines. A;-'rirul- nplsments, and Machinery of all kiuJs uford. Jan. 27. I8H1. M. O. Sins, iMINION AND PllOVINCIAI. L.\ND ISnrveyor, Draughtsman aud Vuluator, 'ad and Markdale. llaviug |.urrlia-ed Dcial Land Surveyor Cliarb-s Kankin's I stock ot original I'icld N(te.s, I'bnis, J, Instructions, 4c., of all his Stirv.ys I within the last fifty-fivo yt-ar^, 1 sni I to make Surveys in strict noronl- tberawith. Profiles auJ Estiiiiatt- ding HilU, Plans and Speciticatioiis ding Bridges, furnished on applica- Money to I..oan at H v*r cent iiili r.-t. I by letter, or left with »i. J. BLVTH, al«, will be promptly atteudcJ t». rt 17. 1880. I'V '"ictoria IIoii*^*?, OWEN SOUND. â- AM OiLLUS, • • PaoBKIETuH. 1 house, ao long the especial favorite of aing commuuity, has Ix'en n litteil •famished, and is now o|en f'r tlie r«- I of guests is withiu ea^y reach nf the 1 House, and has tbe advantage of biing om the uncomfortable bustle of oilier I of the town, b^inp situate on I'nion 4 near Corbett's Foundry. 4th. 1«»1. M Iv The snl- i| WA;(;(): SLEK.lll To-..Im, or it. Ill ii.i Dnnlnlk. THOSi W T. K. DAVI««, JlLDKB CONTB.aCTOK. (Stone and Uriekl. Plastering and t'onntry Jobs, •ptiy attended to. Stonecutting a S|w- Estimates on all work, fr«-e. Sans- on gnaranteftd. *,* Bi-Hulenee nirnerof I and Sproule Streets, Maikhale. ember 8 1.^890^ IC j WM. FOX, ill i Oraamutal Plutertr ktimates for stone and brickwork on np- 'ttivu. Satisfaction Guranteod. Besi- eâ€" Queer Street, Markdale. Tkdale, Sept. 17. 18«0. 1-v ISllI I tJ ver\ hi" T:tl| lin- n ml dhl .Ill wJ ai tln( can fi HARNEJ al»H-. .â- 11 Is^N I,. th. 1.. -t.fl M:trl. 1:.]^ HAIR C Il.v EEVERE HOTEL, SPROULE, Proprietor. 1HIS popular Hotel has had a large al- dition added to it, thoroughly ntittrd, is now second to none in the coutity. stabling and attentive ostler. Kir.t- aecommodatiou for commercial travel- Term s I.M i^er 4a v. 1" ly LO^A.!. UOTEl^, ICEAFOBD, Out. J. ICoOIBB, PauraiEToas. 'accommodation for the travelling The bar ia well stocked with tbi- Wines and Liquors and thu I st I d Cigara. 'bos to and from all trains. 17. 1880. ^-y lOMMERCIAL HOTEL PRICB-VTLjL.B. Ont, [lAtge and eommodiouB Sample Booms I Bad Booms, »e. The Bar and larde rappUad with the best the market af I gaod Stabling and attentive Uostler's TflOS. ATtlNSON, Proprietor [g« *owglst. l88o. SAVE YOUR COMBINGS. Mn. Tt. Q. Moigaa, begs to announce to t*4i«io| M»i.h^.u kqJ vicinity that she f^t* work np hair combings iuto VvMm aad enris, terms moderato iaaoUaM. Betudence corner of klk.r â- tiMta, oppoaite Mr. Bowes' raa JTc FOR RES NATUR It is a I is at onr ser\iii^ tl closs and] li:;'it, ami liluck, as I hair is though nl of the lia| prowtli n't derfl fitlierw i« and strei The Vl preren'.sl by ils cii propcrtie humors i keeping which CO hair aic i As al The Vk; less, conl not soil] I agreeai-i I article fa unsurpa Prepar _iptiy cttasdrd w. '*^*5.-_