Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Dec 1881, p. 2

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 HOW 49 Physical In~!^ etc., i«««ltin« C?? or two port.-, M-»^-^ yearm' BBeoeSki Keqnenoea OMT b5 ase of the Uifc, at one* »*• â€" • ' means ci I what hi» oon^tt^";S|i^^^ I every joath «5iL^r^ jThe Cvlftrwaii Post Office Box 4S0 li Will s.l.;tcl stock of coog kl STING OF les' and Gents' WritJa, .\uto;,'iaph Albums If" \i\] Cases, Vases, aid Moustache Cups, Mu^'s, Dolls, J â€" a choice assortment Revised TesUmtnU, |ii Books, Miscellanootti IS Picture Books. Chr •n. A good supply of ' rresent" and New Yeai'j, ,. Medical j ,000.00 lotland Mon il \h )i'r cent yearly, and oa UmM ..tit or Money Lender in OakA^ I li"iirc. Parties wanting to WSik i J. lo\ ill, Shelbome, or call imi In'lt'd to. G. W. BUTHERPOBD, Umk •f l'ii|riivr.l and Unimproved] iriiitaifMtr with me by letter, ~. i'jrticiilan will be giwai Ian:.. I. rimroRD. Estate Agent, Ac B«c 0,1 It-.' Kn^'lish anl Canadian Stoilt O. W. RcTHEBroB,IIWi| Mt-:. .\)n' emcnts, Ac, neatly iodp «Kiiia Clio. and'Com. in B. K,, f kr.int^'i to muct parties at ' f!4.3m. Orguimtte^ ^^ sL i^t^-"c^^ -- r^^.TT-.l IIM IIIIIIBIIlffMfcMBIM ^^sa»i|p ic Keed C 1 1 I 8 e»-l.hr:itfd instrniDi'nt. !â-  •"â- â- J Im^ luaiiiiiiilated by an arti«» •••~ r liimd « iitirely meclmnieal â-  ** -li ail unlimited supply ot »DlB»' ,1 wonder. It is a minatai»rMJ :. t Size. It siirpassds the CMâ€"' play it aii well a-* the most*"** rite in ita mechanism, and ' • :iiUora«tic mnsicsl instruB*** il.ly jro.»l."â€" 1/onfMi ^tar. CH^ to \uiV.llVS STREET, •.\ Agent, Markdaie. W. F. ABBOlll ,sh Sto3 IvTK.LY OCCUPIED BY TOTS«»' HUST-CUISS STOCK OF I, CroceiK TLES, E CLO stt^tfi*! d Ola I at • leaaon »*••». *â- â€¢_ nako room ttn Is to tho re* ai lain. BY K)l loM who ar eabl; «£TL(« • â- 4 y»« 'â- ' "^^ ^^^maa comes on Sunday. rr^ B«n«B-i-his « exceU«t. i**!li.rs TeM are becoming noted ljS2,trenj{th, fl.Tor.«d^-^- Tbo9. Davia, Architect, who 'to Ireland laet sommer baare- klotofcboiee qaar- JoHbB. »elli Fiil*,nABr7denhayea (•Imd qawters. 5 cto.; fore for everytliing, and now is Tto B«?e money by buying your n,tore»K Grant's. tToio."o oil company, are sole cturera of'Caatorine ' machine iBfrmcemente will be prosecuted, LaOwaga Sjireaat Btrlteley on sJay, ile 8th. Adtfission 25ct. is'a good staff of speakers on liM yeiir dealers for "Castorine" iuo oil, and see that the barrel •Oasloriue," aa none other Wedr«w Esq., Ai another oo] The laat ^icin« for tb« TocBnto Orey k Bnm ot the eomplaiMnk of eight to btirappUaa by th* Onuid Trank, aimed in Toroalo ttom Mob. treal kst Monday, Hr. t^ UefMj.who NM^y n- tamed frpm' lifieb^gaq, Int poi^bMed lot 7«. iioa. a, %ni. Ii»i78.««. i. Town- ship of Holland, eootaiuin^ 82 acres, from itr. tbtn. WKgina, far $1,800. Sp«etedM to koit all rifhta at WiU cox'a tha Jeweler. The ebMpest Orercoata. Ulatws and Suits are Mirofaaaad firon W. J. Mo- Farland. Bee Hie Jo* %S.OO OMreoaU wort4i I7.0D; sm bia boya' Ulatars at $5.00, wor^f«.«0; fee kia mit, at $12.00, cheap At $14.00. D. J. ShMaiMn m)b^ apeeial atten- tion tbia VMk to bia btrge stock of Cutters an^ SWigba, and invitas in- ipection. Bead bia tdTertisement in another column andthajigiTe him a call and jodfe for yooraalTaa. Speeud arrivals tUa week at Uc- ... .Farland's. New Baisias at McFar- plaoe, had bi* sheep worried oy, land's naw Gonanta AtHcFariand's- on the night of the 14th ult. j new Leminandother peela at JfoFar- of the .heap was killed. l»°d"» ^^^^^ Sa^s and davoring eitracts at MMParlan^- new bsgJjage and m.ul cars for ^^ 'o j ' ' ' ' Lost. â€" Cta Sunday isTeaibg last, between Dtnlop's Bakery aud the- Methodist Cborch, a Round G^, Brooch, with Black centre. If the party who found it will kindly leave it at Dunbp's Bakery, Mill street, they will be rewarded. ^.. c: WSK' TAILOE. OT«rMfiFirla]id'sSt«f. hfaoded. ||(usms. W,. Littlejohas. two mUes south of fffO a jjBV. " pronounce it tbo 00 tlie face of this earth for Toronto, Grey Bruce standard arrived in Toronto from the tdou Car Work* oo Friday last. I â€"Dentists who nave tried finest the [uii breath. 5 cent samples. Fred. Saijeant bus opened a thet s/iop in the place recently oc- UeJ by 'A • ^- is"Jeant, where he csrr; ou tlia busines in all its MaisoD, of Owen Sound, found IVi) arrival «t the station on Friday )iilh iiit., that he was just ;n time IIm tou late, returned aud procured nod drove down, arriving here iiiflhe train. bgjgiu;,' from tho appearance of the â-  mill at present Mi. Brwu, the I proprietor, means business. He leruauliiig the mill from its ve/y ^tiou auJ refitting it throu^h- We beypeak (of Mr. B. the suoce jb b Lis push and euerjjy (Reserves. JIM "Castorine" Machine Oil, for liiadd of Luacliinery, it is also ex- Bt for harness aud leather, mak- kit water aud weather proof. Fur I by dealers. iiiVmsau! or Arkan.itu." It is laierial winch pronuiiciaticn is Iptei lu this eaee, but qaite materi- the Citizens of Arkuu*" with Ireit of the L nited States aud tho uiou should be supplied with Ipeus. Esterbruok's are popular, ible and standard. ItsirtcTLKiLBH Of reapers,- mowers ^birfsiiiii'.; luauhiues, prefer "Cas- mac:iiiie oil to any other, it tngirear lir.l, seal, or elephant, jiinrraiited not to gum. Kr. T. E. Davis, Builder and Con- st, bus just completed the brick hoo Mr. Cornwalls residence, on street. It^ will, we believe, be I cif tbe moiit convenient and well loot dwelliui^s in MarkJala when med. HtUmAtrtkt m«a«i"4 fty JL Kdr^ do,. ^4o. -%t. mi '• IM Bari#f CtO mM O^ ,... OJt •• OM â- ihuo ct csip»tX!eiBS loVjafi soil *•; DUMSALX MABKETB. We is a case reported in M'^ntreal ijouug man, who at one time was ^er of tbe Dominion Telegraph iu tliat city, becoming such a Lai(,fdriuU,that he actually stole the let that covered his father's dead to pawn it for liquor. imm the amount of goods daily ar- it la evident that our mer- uit* auticipate a good winter's busi- Fiom llif good prices the farm- I we yettiiifj for their produce, we • little doubt but that their autici- wM»il! be fullv realized. Should your eye light an tbia, what we want you to do is to read it, and then put a ten dollar bill in vouj pock- et, walk straight to McFarland's and purchase a lHa:k Silk Dretn, a Cath- mtre Drem, a hand»iHu uhawl, Vantle or sett of Furs as a Christnus praaent, and make sure we feel happy. As will be seen by reference to our advertising columns, Mr. J. L. Brown IS now prepared to take photogrspbs. He is said to be a first-class artist, and he guarantees satisfaction. Bemem- ber the place, over the new Standabd office. Mill street. For a stylish and comfortable Cut- ter, go to D. J. Shanahan, he is selling very cheap. A. Turaer Co. announce in this issue of the St4nda3d that thev have received their annual supply of Fancy Goods, iSooks, Toys, c., suitable for Christmas and New Year's presents. Call early, so you may have your pick before the best are gone. People are beginuing to find out tbe true virtues of Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constiiiation Bitters, and they are becoming tlie favorite family medicine of the Canadian public for all deran- gements of the Stomach, Bowels.Liver and Kidneys. In large bottles, at 50 cents. A. Torseb Co. .special agent for Markdaie. The liural New-Yorker, a weekly publication of 16 pages, has been re- ceived. It is published in New York City, and, as its name would indicate* treats on farming and rural aflfau*s. It ia one of the oldest agricultural pa- pers ou this continent, aud raukshigh. We would recommend it to our agri- cultural friends aa a paper well worth taking. Subscription, $2 per annum. Address Eural New-Yorker, 84 Park Row, New York. Wheat, Fan, Vo. Wlieat,String, •• Barley " Pea. OaU " •utter," ' •' Egga foUtoea " Pork " tl.fiS totlJl 1.90 to IM ..... .£6 to .76 ....{. .81 to .70 • • •• .30 to eOO » to .81 la to J6 4oto 40 S.M to 0.71 lOJIOtoM.OO TOBONTO. Wheat,iaU, per:baih Wheat, spring, do Barley, do. ..... Oats, dOb '...,. Peas, do. Bye, do Ciover Seed do Dressed hogs, per 100 Iba. Beef, hind quarters Beef fere quarters ChiciieiM, per pair Fowls, do ...H 80 « •! S8 ... 1 U to 1 87 75 to ... 44 to U 78 tu ... 96 to ... o 00 to 7 » to 6 60 to 4 00 to o 85 to 00 to Ducks, per brace 60 to Oeese. each. Tiu-keya Batter, large rolls... Batter, tub dairy. Batter, atore-paeked Eggs, fresh, per dos. Bgg" packed Apples, per brl Potatoes, per bag... Onions, per bag Hay 60 to 75 to ,S6 to 31 to 00 to 32 to o'OO to 1 35 to 80 to 1 16 to 95 46 80 1 00 o 00 8 60 6 00 6 00 50 00 60 75 1 96 96 33 00 83 00 3 00 86 1 SO €. W. RUTL%DOE. Wlt«« te U fTqiarad to fill an ord« «tt Fashion Platesj OV BAND. GUTTING DONE WHILE WAtTllli 4ii«# .^•^^ OUNDALKJIUU 1300 to lo 16 SPECIAL NOTICES. to a dis. A Public Mektino Should be called of the cilizeus of evsry city, town and village in the Dominion, to consider what should be done to prevent the hair from turning Grey â€" and falling out. If this important question received their earnest con- sideration they would unanimously decide that science had at last dis- covered something that would answer this purpose â€" aud furthermore would recommend CingAlese Hair Reuewer as being this something for restoring the hair to its natural color, and pre- vent its falling out. 60 cents per bottle. Fur sale by all Druggists. W. J. McFarland is receiving new goods every day, bis cash sales for them ' November this ysar exceeds by $1 ,000 his sales for the saroa month last year. This speaks volumes. Some of our villagers are grumbling iu no measured terms at our Police Trustees for permitting parties to ob- struct the streets and side-walks. â€" They say they p^ taxes to build side- walks and open streets for tbe use aew premises, and everything in of the public generally, and not for priv ate individuals to deposit lumber, cordwood, saw-logs and manure on. Wherfr buildings are being erected more or less obstruction is unavoid- able but othewise there is no excuse, and the thing should be put a stop to. We had frequently to draw attention to this matter last winter, and had hoped we would nof be called upon tj perform this unpleasant duty again. Dr. Carson's Stomach and Consti- pation Bitters, are rapidly taking the place of all other purgatives, including Pills, Powders, etc. Their action is mild yet effectual and they are a cer- tain cure for all billions complaints. In lar^e bottles, at 50 cents. A. Tdbneb Co., special agents for Markdaie. 1 JOB wish to send a present i« neighbor who lives in a ppwafthe country, send prwoARo it will only cos! you a â- f. tliercan i/iauy dcing it now, DO donbt many more would if rjast take a thought how glad f»uuld he to get it. *« liaye now got well eatablished in premi lag order, and are now prepared |iu any order intrusted to us with Sptucss and in the best style of Ittt, and at prices that will com- kwith any other place iu the county. |u auvi we know you will be satis- American Agneulturigt for De- «r Las been received. To say 'it ii fully up to the past issues, tliB praise needed for this really We periodical. It is a journal •ihould be in every household. It 'M had in connection with the I for only One 'Dollar; call am' spwimens and we feel sure yon '^iWribe. • "•'eather for the past week has ' ** ^triable as a woman's temper. and Monday tbe sleighing PWtty fair, and the fanners took I of it to rnsb in their grain otiwr produce for all they were consequently our streets pre- a lively appearanca. Al.tha "ttitne of KTiting there is nottung "*^. Vemior's predictions for have proved pretty correct ' Coi yspepsia orIndige!;tion,Habit- UBtipation, Eiliousnesa, .fjiver 'oney Affections, the dafeat and [?"edy IS Dr. Carson's Stomach ,^tipntioD Sitters, the great ' medicine. They can with jafety be giyen to theyonnsrest 3*y *« purely vegetable in in w *°^ â„¢'*^ "' ***"" aotiaa. i^^gapjnel bottles at 60 pwita ?*»» 4 Co. special aganU far A B(»j TuBP. â€" On Sonday night thieves broke into Mr. Jtf. Wales'grist mill, Oxenden.and o»rrii^ away about half a ton of flour. They affected an entrance at a side window and convey- ed their plunder off m a wacgoo. W* understand there is no anspseion as to who arc the guilty parties. The thief was boldly executed, which indicates plainly that the sconndrels were not novices at the game. People wiU ra- quire to keep their property wsUfoJurd- ed while such characters are in tbe neighbortadtod. â€" Echo, r BEST AND COBCFOBT lo th» 8UFFBB1NO Browne Hoaaekold Paaacea has no equal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and external. It cares pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Bheamatism. Toothache, Lambago aud any kind of a Pain or Ache.' "It will most sorely qaicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power ia won- derful." " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Believ- er, and of doable the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in tbe world, should be in every family haudy for use when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for (tramps in the Stomach, .and Pains and Aches of air kinds," and is for sale by all DrugKJst s at 25 cents a bottle. 8Wy Mo thers 1 Mothers 1 1 Mothers I Are yon disturbed at night and broken cf your rest by a sick child snilering and crying with tbe excruciating pain of cutting teeth If ao, go at once and get a bottle of MKS. WINSLOW'8 SOOTHING SYBUP. It will reUeve the poor little sufferer immedi- ately â€" depend upon it there is no mistake about it. Tbeie is not a mother upon earth who htLi ever nsed it, who will not tell you at once that it will reg"nte the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating Use magic. It ia pbT- feetly safe to use ia all cases, and pleasant to the state, and is the preseriptiou of one of tl\e oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Bold eTeiy. where at 25 cents a bottle. 90- Iv la thai lis also A. G. HUNTER, loaalMhociSaadalk Oil n dry I UCHIME WOUS, ' ' -*,«.â- _ VifcJ.^' • ,er} »»»-.^ tfesftOMrlMve n^ iiiuil boB and oir know- Om txade in ^da at skOM »««kaM«. to aaiit a ,^ aaaief yoMie patmnsgs. aie yssprnd to aeavte all kinds of lUlRBT lEPH Turning and Boring, -i -^i WITH JPj«|irt( Lathe Work Mois in a praetical manner. or TOU WAJIY ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who suflerred for year- from Nervous DEBILITY, PBEMA- TUr.E DECAY, and all the effects of yonth- fol indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, jend free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cored. Suffering waisnin,( no advertiser's experi- ence can o so oy addressing in perfect con- fidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 30-ly 42 Cedar st. New York PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Vbobtabli Balm that will remove Tax- FBECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotchm, leave ing the skin soft, clear and beaatiful alao instractions for producing a lux.iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3e. stamp, Ben. YandeU Co.,. 5 Beekman at.. 5. Y. 90-lv TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having oeen permanently cured ot that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To all who desire it, he will send a copy of tbe prescription used, (free of charge,) with the directions for propairing and using the same which they will find a scbb CtiBS for CoM- SCMPnOH, ASTRXA, BBOMCHmS, Ao. Parties wishing the Prescription, wiU please address, Bev. E. A, Wilion, 149 Penn st.,WiUiam3burgh,N. Y. 20-ly REIOm, REWYED. A. C. ATKINSON, TAILOR, Having removed to Main Street, is now ^co- pared to fill all order* on the shortest possible â€"LATEST Fashion Plates! BECBirVBD BEOXTIiABLY. CHARGES MODERATE. f -â- â-  .o L-r ' 'i.li: COUNCIL MEEIINOB. Holland eoaaeil meets at W^ama- fori Station on Uth December. GWnalg,â€" At Town Hall, on 18tb Deo. «â- Â»â€" InTeiwn HaP, Vleaber- ly.theSth. ,â€" At JJordon'a Bdtai« »« R«rxn4^iber tlie JPlaoe NBzxoMa TO vfLam^aaciBM, JOB WORK DONE PROMPT Send it to the SxAnABo office. If yon dsaire neat work done at moderate prices aead it to OS, wo â- !• eonfWient we can sett yee. Io yon wast BILL HEADi, LETTEB HEADb, C1BCULAR8, NOTES, RECEIPTS, POSTERS SALS BILLS. BTBEAlfSBS. DODOEBB, HAND BlUJk PAMPHLITB, PROGRAMMES, VISITING CABDfl, BUSINESS CARDS, 1AL ?ZCIITt DIHHEB TICIETB, Oi ia fast aaythii^ in tha ptinti^ liaa, PLAIM OR IM COLORS. r.-3fj..' ViX^R Ci PLOWS! -And Plow Points willreeeive our special attention, knowing throng practical experience the best olass of Irons for such. 0£ce Store, FLE8HERTON, 18 THl PL4Ca TO OBT tIBST-CLASS GOODS AT LOW PBICAS. CHAXQK8 KOBBBAtS,,' ' C,iLOWBX. l(srkdd«. Not. 8th, IWl. McKENNA MASON General Dry Goods AN IMMENSE STOCK. fwfm M^4 tlWU9»#r7t JUST IHE THING. Box Stoves, St|gar Kettles, Land Eollers, wm our {attention. We alio intro- doce our new md atyoiir order by mail or otherwiae and wmJf attended to at oaao aad we wiU Bendoi it Guarantee Satisfaction. Advertisers wonld do well to Mmember that iyt ^eeial adrwrtiaing we pohliah ia oov two pieces tut tt p« ssat. adraass oa oae peers' •xr^T-.'Ta-- Gorrespondaneet Bse a ptoss ia Aat week's Issasw '-â-  â€" â-  -^\ .U t_ *.vi-?? ic. W. RUTLEDGE, Oat FAMILY MANGLE! to the pubUc. This new machine will mmng ia Linen, Cotton, and Woollen Goods, giving them a beaotifol smooth and glossy appear- ance. It also improves the clothes, wheieaa hot inma injore them. We will also mann- factnre CAST-IRON GRAVE TABLETS! with ar w.thoot marUe alab for name, Ac.; alao Tomb Bailings, Pall PiUars and Orna- mental Cast Iron Chains for same, also all UM^Of BaUaster Bailings, Honae Fencing â€" piaio aad ornamental. Machinery Brass CstiMr ot evety deseription. Braes BeUs, ::, %: MOM^'AT BROS. â- ftih4sle,!Voy., 1881. 6S-ly. Like Leather. READY-MADE CLOTHING IN ABUNDANCE. M*LEOD a CO., NOT TO BE BEATOM All Uioso wlio may have had the misfor- tnna to have been bom barefooted will bear in mind that we hays just reeaiyod the larg est and heat stock of leatlier ever before bronght into Markdaie, eonaisttngof Spanish Sole, Frsn^ Kip and OaU, and are now pre- pared to mannfaotnre Ladies, Gents, /oaths and Misses boots and shoes, from the stoga to the finest k'd and pmnella. 9ewed Work a Specialty. All Work watrsatedt Invisible patching also don* hare, M. If McLEOD A CO. Markdide.aept. 19th, 1881. BOOTS AND SHOES! FOR THE MILLION. ' HATS AND CAPS FOR EVERYBODY. CARRIAGE WORKS I MARKDALE. As the season of the year is approaAInrf that Sleighs and Cutters are wautod, we wiah to intimate to the farmers aihl pubUe in general that we cau supply the.n with an/ thing they waut in that hue, ^uc••l lut Jion^ SlelRhs, Knee-Eoba » Block Bobs, .^ T)emocratv Square Box, Portland, Swell Body. and Double-seated Cutte£' OF AI.L Kn:D3 AND SlYLES. /Aa we OSS nothing bi-.t first-class materiajh we eau GUARANTEE SATISFACTION IVoVk I Call and Inspect Our on hand before purchasing elFt^bere, CAREFUL ATTENTION GIVEN TO HORSESHOEING and General Jobbing in every Une. aHOPâ€" On Mill Street opposite tV Sproule's liotet GROCERIES Fres% and at the verv lowest prices. Cash and Farm Pro- duce taken in exchange for goods. '• -/ No Trouble to show Goods. Gome and Examine for Yourselves. 'JR. T. S2=»IBOTTlL Notice to Contractors. J\. Sfflaw Logs at oer aaill this seaMu, we willgiestaBtiBetonafoodeiianee. Tbsloga wiU be fix alddded in the woods. A food ahaoty aad stable alao in tho woods. Any Srties wiahinj^to have a contract of tfaia id will do well to see na. The diatanes to haul, afaont twoHukka-half mSoa, ou a food road. B. A A. NBILSOm IS-St. Proton station. WLOH 00W8, 1 BTE^B BISIKO foer ysers, pvtly broke, having bsaa Asove la iln% las* wiatw. ApBhrtoOMBOs IiBflDii,MM. ted ConssisiPB W^ of tbs tJaaaS.Jnad, OtatelSi ou» ails north o( m \jm ASENT, lilI]|tKSEi AUCnONESR tfc Oe Oaeaty of Qitf, .el AOKEOULTUBAL, of VBADB A CKUraaBOB. (IfatasQ SI TnwBApw .V. .antL^iii GEO. Ni^mi*^ Fleshsrton, November 4th, 1881. M ALL ]ME]V! Wantl^C Perehas* or Bent Improved Farms, Wild Lands, Town or ViUace Propstty, fa the Connty of Grey SHOULD SEND FOR \m iarth r Farms for Sale and to Let. liks PiepsHIss to dispose of shoeld sonsalt m*. OATALOOUB SBXT (W APFUCATiOV. ,.^#' J Vaad w{U hsprspand to eteeote Deads, A..,As.,aeail7aad«(ines4r. Adyis* ea Hsl poials Alsote eltead to sIlthedMwsat jifsilssiiili ef ssy Iaef«7 a«pert»*at ofmy liesinsss asy mstto is Thoswe^' nsss aad Fair Sealiac. j^ ,. _.^. oa «(ftM(.i X'-ii i .Agt HorseThJhoeing Markdalr, Jui:cJ. H i Specialty 4U E»sti*a;v' (Jtvtiie. STRAYEIi i'ii0..i TH 1 â- :. t I.SKS OP' the uudcisigiieJ, Lut 1 !, .r ci s^icn *, Olenelc, five Heifers •mind t-o jmrn i.lu ore red, the otlicrs spotted wliite^aiid red Any iuft.rmfttion ronc'.rriiii;^ their vie.e- aboots will bo thankfully, rereiveJ bv Tfi68 MoASKT, 62-St*. Traveiston P.O. Bespeetfally years, J0MISM,CUUd[4.M. Joly 7th,1881. STARTLING DISGOVERYf LOST BPNtVwl S â- AlSlMitff MIMr VMia MAMMOeO RBSTOI â- -â€" » â€" 7-^ -^-^ â€" â€" â€" .^â€" ^^â€" Aa wi iei f A im na i i fii w.sfciaMiwaeasaiaiwi ' ^\ U 1 'ft â- t • U 'i Hi :ia r^si'i â- F r% f-^BI i^..^ 9smf^ tfmmmmmmmmtfmmnfl^.

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