Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 2 Dec 1881, p. 1

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 ' •^â-  I'^*^- Mil ToroiA, Srty BryeeR|.L ^, j^"""' ^^ r"^. ,f ' BndgctoD, Ontario, on the 27tL ult.. which destroyed the Hangfir iap ' Flouring Milla of D. A. Cwopbell 4 Co.. together with nine or ten tboas- and bushels of wheat, bnndiede o( barrels of floor.and an imnieniB quan- lity of cord wood. The loss is esti- mated to be eld's on $40,000. In- surance about $16,000. C^'liantro «»l 'fime. On «nd afUr MONbAY, 3ra KCV. train wi inn. ut ff.r.iiw: â€" GOING NORTH. Tifonln ,â€" t'ljion StalioL, I'.-|i. 7:30«.m. 12:3i p.m. 5.00 ptn tariion 7. '-J a.m. li.i.vp.in. 5.'.iOp.m. We I .u sO.^a.m. l.lMip.m. 5.3Cp.m. Hniil^rSnm'»*'.3*'a m. l.SOp in..5.50 p.m. \V ,.ril,-i.tg. .l'-tt m. 1..VI p.m. f;.f 5 p.m. Kliti».i»rg^... 6 loam. 2.13 p m.t;.24p.m. |j.,l[,,n 'Ji'iam. 2.:i7 p.m. O.lSp.m. TorOutO Moil.. Koad.. 9.'"a.ra. 3.iir,y.m. 7.0.5 p.m. Ontario ChHr.e-:.,.... 1...3^«.m. 3.'.p.m. 7.50 P m. jj^^^j^^^^^ The fallowing is the recei.t quotat- ion for stock in the leading Banks Montreal Laiiril .11..'..' a.m. .S.20 p m. Siitrlb'imo .12.30 ,. m. C.Ofi p m. Uuhl^lk .. 1.15 p.m. 6.50 p.m. I'ruV.ii .. l.A' p.m. 7.11 p.m. FK^ii. rV.inVl'iiCt "e l.'i'j i-Ui. 7.3-5 p m. M.irkUk .. 2 1.' pm. ii.rj5 p.m. Ii.rklv 2.3.' p.m. (».2i» p.m. \V;Uiiim-.for 1 .. 2 50 p.m. 8.46 p.m. Arti'.U .. 2." ]• m. 'j.(f, p.m. ♦.'h.l-.v .rth .. 3. 1." p.m. •j Ifi p.m. R*kf.rl .. 3.3' |. 111. 0.3B p.m. Ok«.:i S'..lli'l .. 4 '• i..m- 10.10 p.m. Ajt'.i. 10..50a-m. 4.(»5p.iB. 8.05p.m. OB*'«iIVILI.r â€" Arrive 11.10a m. 4.2.5. p.m. 8.20 p.m hri.arl.. .11 .30 a. Hi. 4. lo. p.m. Oraii(fC\Ult Jmct...i. 1 1 J' am. -5.05 p.m I mV I'l ic .VrV.".! lii..... 'n-i' ' GOING SOUTH. 0» -1 So'iii'l, .1. p.rt fi H'l a.m. 12 00 noon l;w«t..r.l 7 -Ki a m. 12.30 j.m. tUit-.-«r;h .._â€".- 7.V!' ii.io. 12.55 p. «. Aro'.tl .-. T.3!i ».ui. l.oe p B. Will^amilori T.JSam. l.ad p.m n-tkly K.o" am*. HarkUla H.Snam. yiM.herl'iiAl'rueville h.5.' am. Prul'.ii '•â- l" «â-  "• liuiilalk 'J." 1. ui. Sli.iU. .rii. 10 1.5 11 111. I,a.iri 1 1" t7 am Oraiiir-v:]li' Jiitictii.ri ll.iMia.m, ()K»!fr.\ii.t.r. Arr. 1115 a in. 5 20 p. m. l»«fp. 7.1' am II ;i.' a. in. -5 Alt' II 7.-'"5 i.m.l! 5.5a.m. Ciiarli -t.ii..7..50 i.in. IJ.lOp m. M..;i.. lS.,.i,l..^.2.5 I 111 12 J 7 p m H.,lt..!i X 15 .in. 1.10 p 111 Kl'-iiit.iirii. ..!t.0.5 w.M.ii.nit" .;•.; .5. Idiiiil.. I Suit ' !â- ' \V.--t..'i lO.fHi f:arlt..ii lo.lO â- f"i..-T'.. â€" •'ni-.j â-  Arir." 10 :i..!. Commerce Dominion Hamilton Standard ImjieriRl Molsona 202 162 60 128 147 194 120 115 159 116 1.30 p 111. 1 .511 !â-  111. 2.05 I 111. 2 27 p in. 2 f.i J.. III. :t I ffl. 1.4a p n. 2.15 p m. 9.4.5 p m. 3 10 p.m. 3.30 p m. 4 1.' '.Hi. 4..50 p m. 5.05 ). m. 40 p. m. r HI p.m r, H p.m. 7.0.5 p.m. 7 33 (..111. 7. .55 p.m. M.17 li.IIi. H.:i3 p.m. O.OO p.rii. '.1.5 p.m. 'J il |. m. The farmers around Montreal, as well as fcome of ^he banking institut- ions of that citr, have been pretty badly t^vindled by a firm of .commis- i sion Merchants, named Besiey Bros. They obtained large advances frnmthe ' banks on what they represented as creamery butter, but what was in re- ality butter of lowest trade, hardly worth lOo per pound. The banks hold bills of lading.and will realize a tefle but the farmer* will lose everything. Tho Sinnalers are now safe in that jiaridibcof all rogues, the United States. The jirojicUer Lake Erie, of the Lrike and I'.ivcr Straiiislui) Company (if Ilitiiiilton, WiiB lost on Thursday luhl ill Luke Michigan by a collision with till- pr.jptllor Northern Queen. owed 111 Ci.llinj,nvood, ann proceeilinj,' I like till. Lake Erie, to that port from I Chiiago. Olio of the crtw of the Lake i;ii.- \va bcaMcd to death. The wt 11 MEAFOBDBOAD. Mr. Peter M. Mnashaw took unto hnaelf a partner io the person of Miss Harriet J., second danghter of Ridiard Smith, Esq., of thU line. They kaye thia week for Micbig»n, where they pnrpoee in»kin« their home. They are both highly respect^, and carry (Tith them the best wishes of their many acquaintanjes. AcciDE.NT.â€" Mr. John Warlmg met with an accident on Saturday last, while working in Sparlmg's steam saw mill, in which one of his hands Was badly crashed. He wUl have to lay oflF work a few .days at lea«t. ScBPsisE Pabty.â€" The house of Mr. iBeeord. A NaWONigL BLESSlNa. TL« nineteenth denutry. above all rt-er ages, has been noted for its many iuventionB. It has given us the steam power in iU thcnsaud fold ap- plicaUons, the telegraph, the tele phone.the electric light, and innumer- able other discoveries, all blessings t.i humanity each day brings u* new surprises un»fl we have become SQ accustomed to the exhibitions of the genius of our century that any new development is at once received *8a matter of natural ovnaequence, •Pd most people will simriV remark: H told you so." As an instance of tU^ fact we would call attention U wondeiful discovery, St. Jacob's tM. A few years ago this great German Remedy had never been heard ol be- J Brodie was taken possession of on j fore m this country to-day VO" f**" â€"-^-ee hardly find a man, woman or chiid in bo i the United Statos who has not used ., /.-..., foet I would not attempt »*rip Jth- •out6t.Jacob8 0J. ^jV^it." W I can Eet «io»f^;"**^* tdorsofl ' " oJa^oSrS^tion. who br persons of uanonan Of ., jj^„ 3dnotl.ndth^^-iau5 ,ere not^nvinc^JbaUt was thev owe* to .^"^The wonderful they h«^e "penen^^^^^,^^, effect of the Jref'-^fX^ creatures and they want their feuo to know the result. " « menti8a:^i:ttif ""'"^r Cleveland, Rev. Bishop Gilf^°"' J^ireumati.m Ohio: "Eff'"' JTthasbenifited a.dkindere_ddise^s,t^ba.b^^^^^. This ni-»^lXtL^theVteation large hortes of nearlf "' 8^^" "And ^eir 'V*ir,U aU the intelligent and pro of nearly, aj"^^^^ of horse, m tbia importations me:aBtatiy- 1 ,--"' WARNINC! There to great danuer of tak- ing oulil (rum w«\ feet. I you want to Guard Against Sickness! Keep your feet ^ry and warm by procurinu jour S O O T S 1 â€" MOM â€" KAY THOMAS. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Med- icated Cork Soles, all sizes, kejrt on band. Remember the pliico opposite the new .Standabb HOW LOsfTS, .ortwopostape6i^*Hfc 2nd,l881' years xucoc^wful p,5SJv l sequences may be J^^^j dangerous use of i!?^tiB' useofthekniJe-Dr^iJ:^ at once "imple^^ Office. 49 the evening of the 24th ult., by three hardly find a man. woman or chdd^ sleigh-loads of young people, made themselves at home and en- joyed themselves to the full. Next. â- * ' â€" ' PRICEVILLE. From onr own Correspondeut. Saw logs are coming in fast, and thinj,'s in general are looking lively. Mr. Irwin purjiooob starting a sing- ing class on Friday night. The A. O. C. W. meet at Atkin- son' Hotel to-niglit (Wednesday I. A number of the Flesherton brethren are exijected. A few of our sports were out hunt- ing la.st week. They saw a deer. The young folks are axiously awaits iuf,' the opening of the rink. Hand-shaking is very prevolent, but then the elections are coming on. \Vho i.s to be ^hiyor. the remedy for some pain or ache, or at least has witnessed iU use, and seen its wonderful effe.U on a fellow-b.-ing. St. Jacobs Oil has b-^come a uatioual remedy, f.-r it is known in every city. ' town, Village, and hamlet in the couu- try It is a cosmopolitan preparation, for it is praised by the Auienc».as, Germans, Italians, BohemianB. Diuicp, Swede.';. Portugese, Spaniards,! rc'C" â€"vea, even by the •' Heathen Chi- nee." It may ba termed the univer- sal blessing, "for it i» endorse 1 by the rich and poor, the clergym:i .%ud the physician, the merchant and tlie U- â-  borer.in fact bv al' classes of the c^mu' munity. SI. Jacob's Oil, by its al- most marvelous properties, can bo employed for a simple rut or sprain. or the worst case of inflammatory Rheumatism. Persons who have been coufiueJ to Ihoir bed for years with I that terrible disease rhrumatisni.haye been completely cured by the use ot a ' single bottle. Sfieh case.i haye b " quoted by the lea".ing journ â- MMEDI.\TELYâ€" A Si:UV.\NT OIRL MRS. T. G. MORGAN. every youth aud Address conntry.? ^^- j,;^^^,. "i^ere they ^^'"^xi^ bred for more thwi a thooii- â- ""f iK'h but a few years has eUps AUhou-n ^^^^ji,,a they have :JovTd themsehis so /«r superior to S^iother weeds of heavy horses as a =« nnon our common and inferior "° Hev^n noon the ball breeds rnrCnchos^of-the f- WesMbat u«v are sought after m every qnartM r Suited States, and large u^- ,ers are bemg introduced into Can^a. o refine and Rive quality to the C-yOe" lale English draft hoiscs. so long used tire. The demand 18 so great aud Z grown in so short a time, that it diflBcult to supply it. ProbaDly the most astonishing im^ r.wement has been made in the vlltcu States and Territories by •oJs.ngP.icheron .stallions of medi .r;.z. and g- -quality upon tlu. „,11 mares oftliv range. Tue pro- ucefrom these mares almost invar blv weighing when mature from l.OOD 1 1 400 pounds, possessing compa t ess' vircir and endurance beyond any hiu" of their size ever raised in this cun"»ry; the s.res giving size uni jrmity, and the renowned docility of, heir race to the progouy. making •era trdctablc and easily broken. By ,e uilrwiuctiou of the Per s heron stal- oiis a new and grand field seems to i ^.^ ^^^^^^ ^^ announce to our patrons and tlio_vnl|l!c PiH Tally iL« Apply to means of which rv,?" •^ what his condition ^^""S* cheaply, pnvat.h»^J_^.«H, TheCuWtrtteiii Post Office Box 4.VJ ^^' Sal » OTH ER NOTICES weather. comes on Sunday. 1^00 wish to procure go«d Jat- ^iy B«n80BS-hi8 « exceUent. ,,'â-  TeM are becoming noted rtrenj?th, flavor, and Ch«ap- Tbos. Davis, Architect, who lio IrdM^ la«t summer has re- Biyden have a lot of choice fSid quarters, 5 cts.; fore quar It 0*" for everything, and now is a« to save money by buying your are at G. Grant's. lOKto oil company, arc sole cturers of"Castorine ' machine frmtretneut* *il' be prosecuted. )ranga Sjirea at Berkeley on lay, the 8th. Admission 25ct is a good staff of speakers on 1». â- We draw the ers to the cart,] Esq.. Attoruf another colutai] The last e.igl Grey 4 Bruce eight to be suj Trunk, arrived treal last .Mund^ Mr. John Ml turned from Ml lot 78. con. 2, aj ship ofHolUuH from Mr. Tho| Spect:ieUs cox's the .lewelJ The chfaptstj Suits art pure Farland. S.-, worth ^7.* Ml: S5.()0. woi;li §12.00, che i|. place, FLEbHERTOX. r. ...cies i^T ilie re- fiEN'is w/. r* ,\ t.ijl.t \v...i S-, •»-,I^ lilt; p'..v.â€" â- i.lv Kiii| Ikvtik lit. .s,.,ipl. fr.i-. A't Ir- M L JiVllN, V K.-inhMiu »tr t Ni •.. V ik. 20 From n Ccj^c^l^'ii'leut. While- the section men were having kii'.w 11 steHmer.Norsemun went ashore [their iiiit dinner, an alarm of fire a liltb: ea.-,t of 0=hawa at an early ' was .si. undod in the village of Hacking- hour ..n Tii..-,d;iV morning, and now ton. Upnn the arrival of die men at he- ..I. the .)..,t with .seven feet of wa- ' the scene, it was fond that the brave j stu.ly have given an almo.st »f^""^^ tir in h. r li.-ld. In tliis ca.-^e there is ' women of that Village had the fire un country; fnr instance, the St. Louis IV.si/'/t/w/'/i says: Under the tit'e of Old Probabihties, one of the m^st u.seful 11.1.1 valuable officers of the United States Governmont i« nio.st widely Lnowu. Hut quite as »ell known is Prof. J. H. Tice. the metco- rolotriot of the Mississppi Val.HT. whose coutributious to Ms favorite K r( oUri-ltlKl loe I." _--»------ I medv is a true friend in need, ami the J furtunateiy no Id M.ii if hf. there o deplore. • thr nigh THE STANDARD. II.- ;l»-. •'..!. K.u^ SI. t '.V 1.' ih;r 211(1.1881. :t '!•:, .,:• .\tM „.v. N. 2U ill Ml, M'lriiJy'r, » I .., itlTjllHlil-' '" ft. Hi. V til.' lull. II ,v ii|..l..-, p. r .\li 1. ... l At Uil- 1. I M;l(.:a/.IU. ,,m- T. i. il5. RAIIAVAY. The change of the ganse is to take place on Saturday. Only one train will go over tl eroad on that day which will leiive Owen Sound at 4.aO a m., iin.l will li.j due at Mark;lalo at G.lo, lalk 7.13, (».' p. m. .11 going iiortli that day. Trains willj(un on the old, time lit. the first three days of next VTCf k. we expect to be able to give the new time-table in our nc.\t issue. Flesh, it.iii at ii.HH, Du' urrivin^j in Toronto at Th.ie will be no tn 1' \i. I' w.. 1.: I. !.... iiii..- .\.i. â-  I M 87 i«l ' 7,IKI «l ...1 1 ,1.. I ... 1 I'll •'•-" "I. It" A.O. U. W. 'V ])r MeOre^or, tiganizer for the .\iiei.nt-Order of I'nited Workmen*, m answer tn a stateiui lit that the orgaii- ;.,..♦:... ,*-n^ o f».o,lil 1i'll],-THTfS siiick conijiany man to meet lum fl.rr' 11 'yi.v M \\: Soli'.S. ' Y'lti ' 'l-'ii ri i-.ii i.rviitive .\s- i.iti- u has !•• • II f-.rnii il in Toronto puhlie gathering at I'erlin, Ont. aii.l otVers to forfeit §100 if he does nut couvhico the meeting of tlie falso- iies.s of ilie charge. It i^ iii.w nearly thirteen years since the birth of the Ancient Order of Unit led Workmen, and from its infancy in it «] m'ted (luif. ail's trial wj!) be IHCS Jown to the present day, aijd at ' i. I ill. Ill iiie ;!r.l in-t., Salinday im time greater tiian now, its growth u \i. 'bus been couiinuons and healthy. In its ranks may be found men of hii I., .ii-ii.! 'I'llley aihlrcp-cd an every nati.inality, and of every calling iiiior. li-i- r.-nipirrinre niectint, ul Nap in life, from tho successful merchant ,fi. n lb. •.;5th ult. I and the profi-syioual man to the huiu- bl.'st mechanic, who find in such an I h â- .♦iiniil. ' th.it (iiiilt all's tiial ' orv;anizaliou the social and fraternal uilvantatjes that will prove a great be- nefit ti. him ,and also the opportunity 1 to make provision for the fulure of A I i.j.-et f...tli. ..jelling '.fun. ither tho.so who are bound to him by the till- iiL'h 111 f r iilwuv fr.ni Montreal ties of kindred and affiction t â-  liieiiL" 1 hi'ihi; tallied i.f. der coLlrol. No damage done save displaced furaitnre. C...1..., ^. .1 i„r..p HtiK;k of Ladies Gi.M Watclii-^ still on liiiii.l. 1 iiilfUu ,;.....„ .. special reiliii-tiiiii .luring' tlie Holiilays. Mr. Piirdy and his piu-se parted company for the space of five hours on pur.~(' was foiiiii think V in the lining of his pants near lion. The station may be the town yet. Mr. Hacking lia.s everytliuig in readiness for change of gauge, so that his sliare of work on Sabbath will be small, if any. Mr. l; ignited and the fire was making vigor ous jirogress but hajijiily by the oxer occasion for its immediate use inay c.mcwhcnit is least expected, fol- low this advice, and it will not long before voii will join us in calliit St. JiMJob's Oil "A National Blessing. be •v COUNTY ITEMS. o opening for the large breeders of 1 orsesinthe West, where horses can e raised for a nominal sum. ine, ict IS. 'hat these hill and threo-qunr- 1 'cr blood colts sell tm the Eastern inar- ot for higher prices than any other lass of large horses, and arc in urgent uemand. at from §150 to §2uO each, and choice outs command even larger prices. This is a matter that should attract the attontii.n of all breeders who de- sire to k.op pace with the- times, and br'-ed horses thai will sell when the coiuiuoner kinds are unsalable.â€" 7'f WasMit liural, Chiaiyo. our annual and Will h. l.-ct. l -t.x k uf ^tin, lepiitatioii. On a recent tour the Northwest, the Professor lial ft narrow escape from tho ieii.ius cmiso- queiices of a sn.lden ami very danger- ous illness, the particulars of »\!iiehhe tllUS rtieis' 'PI.* .u*^ rtffxir «^rti»'l*J. iiig my course of lectures at Barling- ton, Iowa, on tho 21st of December last, I was seizod with a sudden at Weilnesdav, and tt contained a con- tack of neuralgia in thnclwstalm^t ,, »,.. P pi eventing broathni^' .M\ pulse, usJ siderable amount of money. Mi â-  I • 1^^. ^â- ,J^^â- ^.^ j^.j, ,^ thirty. five i^iten.se waseoniderably excited over the mat- i j„.;,^^.jj „f the btomach suceeeaed,aud a ter. After con.-.iileiablo scarchiuu'.lhe j.,,1,1 clamy sweat covered my entire I. And where do you body. The" att"iuling physioian couKI d) nothing to relieve me .alter siifi' ring I for three years,! tlioii_'ht,as I had be.ii his ankle. using St.' Irtdb's with KO'.d eff. ct for A bonus is asked for the erection of Lijeii'^Hatic pains, I would try it. I sat a merchuiil tloiirin- mill at the Sta- 1 urated a piece ol llannel lan'O enough to cover my chest, with Mie oil ami applied it. " The relief w.-.s -ahuost iii- stantaneou.s. In ouo hour I w.is en- tirely free from pain, ami would have taken- the train ti till an apoointtneiit that nitrht in a noi;,'iibori:is; town had my friends not di^slla.led ine. As it was, 1 took the iiiglit train for liMue, I. Sproule eamenear having I St. Louis, and have not bjen troubled liitehenbv an excited cat ' The oil' the Boston f?/../,*. says "iinrles S. Strieklanil, Esq.. bmUler, N'l. 9, Boylston street an-.l 100 Harris ui ave- nue, Boston, thus speaks: " Tiie lions of Mr. Sproule and his clerks, it' ploasuro which I hereby atteiui.t t.' w I.: Ill 1 â-  :.! II.. alM.iit â-  ill. ' th.it (iiiilt all's tiial I lit" 1 .Slates (invern- ' ^1GI^(|(M1. was suppressed without doing much damage. I.«.k out for W. F. Doll's C'hristmr.s (i..ii.K. t..Hrriv, next week. Call early and luitkf Viiiir jifli rtioiis. [From our ExclianKas.] A lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen wa? organized here last Monday night, when tho following j gentlemen were duly installed as olh- cers for the coming year :â€" l^ev. W'lu. JOPlUBl«i»i,P.M.W.;AVin. Trnin. M.W.: P. B. llugg. Foreman C. B. Kemp, €A-ciseeT: it. Agnew, Hocordir Jns. Sparling, Financier; W. K. Ireland, lleceiver; Dr. J. G. Clarke, Guide; G. i. Vanwvck. I. W. J. S. Ilaper O. W. Dr. Clarke, Medical Examin- er.â€" .Vo»n""»' SuDDK.N T^EVTii.â€" Wd regret tochron- icle the death of Mr. .las. Lowe, T'h I line St. Vincent. His death took place ' without the slightest warning on Wed- nrsdav faorning, wliilo playing with tiio children in his b"d room. Mr. Lowe was a man about fifty five jfears of age, of healthy appearance, and not at all' such as would be expcctei to be taken oil' so suddenly. Heart disease is supposed to have been the cause of his death. lie leaves a wile and fam- ily I r wh.nn much sympathy is lelt. â€" yiunitor. Blvok Fov Shot.- On Weduesiiay l.l-^L. US 1/1. l.aiiaelKli* ...t-jv..!. .Irivmg ill this vicinity his hounds started a fox in the bush and gcttin,' iii full chase the fox jumped uiion a log near tiie road, when tlio Dr., who had his fU!i with hiir., fired iithiiu from the bug;,'y, bringing it down in quick tim^. The Dr. has now got the fine fox skin as i ropliy. It is quite a prize, as black BIRTH. ItiTeiiiF.â€" In Markdale. on the 22nd ult., th« wifu of Mr. Oeo. lUtthe, of a .sou. DIED. Ci.ai;k In (ilenelvr, on tlie 2Vth John Clark, a^ed 58 ytars. iust., Mr. FANCY COODI â-  coNsis'TiNo or Ladies' Work Boxes, Ladies' and Gents' Wnt:^ I'hotojrrciph Albums, Avito^iiiph .\lbums, jjl^ Photographs, Card Cases, Vases, and " Toilet Sets, Moustiicho Cups, Shayinj^ Muos, Dulls,, o In BOOKS we have a choice assortment.^ Landscape, Poets, Bibles, Revise! Tcsumtn-l," Services, Prayer and Hymn Books, Misctllaneoi!; tation Books, and Chikhen's Picture Hooks. Ctj Cards â€" very fine collection. A j.,')ol 'supply o;] c., all suitable for Xm'as Presents and Ne\vVear;j â-  â- -' â- -: â-  â-  D. .1. Slnu tion this ^\ j Cutters ail i yur dealer, for "Castoriue-j Taction. 1 »e oil, and se« that the barrel another .. ,:n| ftded. 'Oastoriue.'" %» none other call and ju.lg. »"»•: Special am LiUlejohw, two mUes aontb of parland Nj had hie sheep worried by land s new the night of the 14lh ult- new L.Mn.n.i the riio-p was killed. lands i.-wl. I new baguage and mail cars for pronto, Grey Bruce sUndard larrived in Toronto from the Car Workr on Friday last. Dentists who nave tried iBBV." pronounce it tho finest in the face of this earth for the ^d breath. 6 cent samples. j Fred. Sarjeaut has opened a rsh by exlraet at I, .1ST. between 1 ' Method iv. r.roocli. v.. party wii. at Dun! .p 1 will !«â-  r.-.v!,i h..u!l%.. hop in the place recently m5- *y ^^ ' .... .. 1 I " th' !i pu: :t I. y\V. D. barjeant, where ho ^^ ^^ [j,. ^^ •arry on th« business in all its laason, of Owen Sound, fuund lerrival at the station on l-'riduy Ih ult., that he was just ;n tiiue DO late, returned aiid piociireJ hiind drove down, .arriving liere of llie train. piircha«f, a //•t'f ' ' f*. or M M of I 11 nn 1 iiini.' -; 13- adv'-r'i.-ii I' f'l â-  8 n r pr. I He i^ aid t I. hf gilaraliti •) ing from tho appearance ol the j.^,,. ,]„. ,![;^^, express can only be half c.mveyed by words. I'liysicians of verv h'gli character and noteriets have lieclared my rheumatism inniiab'.\ S' cifics j f,,xes are very rare.- //n/ioirc Pout. almost numlerless.liavi; fai'ed ti ciir;' â€" ' â-º..••" or even alleviate the intensity i.f tlu-j Montieal (Canad:-.! Post. pain, which has fre.piently entitled i A GOOD THING FROM THE Mr, W. Ca,^well cut hii foot very severely while blocking barn timber j J^p t,j my room for three m'ouths at a for Mr. .John Whitton. His axe struck time. One week afjo I was seized ik trie in front of him, chiinging its di- rection, causing the axe to enter his foot and nearlv cut it oil. MAlUilAGi: WiTHA DECEASED WIFES SlSTbK. 1 hi' ;iiittiaii trial i.s still dr.a^ ' ••wi.nrv I. ti'th al'.n!,'" The 1 -*i..ii IS lUilv j,'aiiiiiig crcund g"'g iiu- I that THE HEID BLOCK. This fiuo block, which was erected this summer, is just drawing to com- ih- I.ru..Ker isrealy insane. (vletion; it is of solid brick with stone .S.J .-laAk. L.7#n.e Inspector /„, J'^^^iug*- Th' ground or first flat is S..ntl.nrnco. has been committed f.5r"'«V.dcdmto two fine Btores with a tn.il on charso of .embeeling ^419 ' solid brick wall b.^lwoen them. The 'â- 'e arc glad to learn that the pro- t^oters of tlio Bill for rendering lawful marriage with tlie tister of a deceased wife are still active and hopeful. The object which they have m view is a Worthy one. The common sense of the people tells them that there is no valid reason, physiological or moral, why such unions should bo made il legal, while the welfare of motherless children and the peace and good feel- ing of the related families areolten greatly promoted by them. The fact tnat in consequence of these and other with an attacu of accute rheumatism of the knee. In a few hours tho en- tire knee joint became swollen to enormous proportions and wulkiiiij STATES. In this .age of quackery, it is consol- ing to discover that there is something S'llid in existenco, and that, tlioii'.;li there are vendors who lie most cheer rendered impossible. Nothing re- I'ltlly about their wares, there others mained for me, aiil intended to re-iijn j who tell the truth and allow tiiii.? to myself, as best 1 mii;lit to arioUier 1 tost the merits of what they offer for month's rt;onies. ]5y chaiico I learn- sale. .\s year after year rolls over, ed of the wonderful curative properties of St. Jacob's Oil. I clutched it as a straw, and in a few honrs was free (FROM BRAZIL.) X2c7 2f^w OKJMxy\jum2, Its WOU" dertiil affinity to the Digestive j Apparatus and tho Liver, increas- ing the dissolving Juices, reliev- ing almost instantly the dreadful results of Dyspepsia., Ind igestion, and the TORPID LIVER, makes Zopesa an every day necessity iu nvezy house- It acts gently and speedily in Biliousness, Costiveness, Head- ache, Sick Headache. Distress af- ' ter Eating.Wind on the Stomach. Heartburn. Pains in the Side and Back, Want of Appetite, Want ol Energy. Low Spirits, Foul Stoin- ach. It invigorates the Liver, car- ries off all surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the â- whole system. Cut this out and take it to your Druggist and et a 10 cent Sample, or a large bottle for 75 cents, and $500,000.00 North of Scotland Mo rnO I.OAX on Farm Security at fi anT'^f j .r â- â€¢ " ' '.rV..»Bi«i »! X tiTMiS of rtpavmeiit offend liT any .\i;.M or M..:..v I .• :i )• r ir. Otjr Kxjien.sfs re.lnced'to the lon-.-t pr)";i.l.- tiirur.;. I'm: • wtr.tu.; -j 1»^ coiuiniinicati' liy litter to the un'U-r'i.-iiel, Ho\ 'l. M.- ii •ini.-. pt ciiiftsa- days. .\lt c.mmunieations promptly atten.l 1 to. ill at present Ml. Br»wn, lhj toprietor, means business. He liauling the mill from its ve.-y lion and re-fitting it throu.'h- ffe bespeak for Mr. B. the«ucc'-.a jis push and energy 'es« rvcs. otTiCe. Mill I'l.r a .:\ Itr. â- ;• l D. VI ry e!»eap. A. Til::;.i i-ii.- Ill" ;:. Castorine ' Mailmie Oil, for r.o i\. 1 ti. (. V, hlTHKKFOU • ia a « A.«« I aiu authorizrd tn si-U n lar.ev iiuii:!'.H:^of Irn; !••. i • 'li Ii..iii|-i.... ;.'•*] c'.icip I'arii.s wiintinj; to buy sh.iuM i-.irmiiuiii. :• • •: iiu }â- } krr.i -jaj |n-rty wanti.l. 01 c ill i.'is"i: Iv ..11 ..M ,n.lay I'.iiitr .;.ii- ...â- ;: k;i;ivi: ~, and jirlce of the class cif rro]i. rly i'.an;. I. '• G. "\V. UrTUii.ioRi. 1 -• ii.- .\i."nl.ic.B«ii ter All kinds of property inPurrd in First .c!.:i^sKn.-!:! low rates. 1. \v. 1; TUtRI-i.: j» ' I tell your neigitbor about it, J4»ii\ B. '»i«yiu.r.A.v im-iiness. Ollice-at Kav's Hotel Mark.lale. li-c. 2iid, INSI. of la-.v C4. the frauds and the shams shik away out of si^lit in tli.' pools and morasses of bbsctirity, while what is realy good from pain in the kree, arm and shout- j and true stands boldlv forth all the 1 vfriTTr T\TT/vm der. As before stated, .1 cannoC find grander for its age aiursnliditv. Thut; N K W PH M Til H A T T UP V while within the present decade thou- "'-^ ' llUl U UnLLIill 1 sands of ATTor.NKY .WD Sdl.Itl IdH. IS NOW rialy f.r atti luliiii; 10 all kind Deeds, Wills, Mort^'ajjis. I..asi--. .\ssi;:iiiii. nt-. .Vi • m. ii- ,Vi.. Mt:-r (• ite.l. CliarKes iiio-Urate. â€" (i. \\, I{i-riii;itF..ui.. '.Ji. an i I"tii. in t.K-ii-'a N. B. â€" By piving 8 wci-k's notiee-cau arrant.-. 10 ii.- ;. (art*:* «l liaiii named. â€" (i. \V. Ki-THFRiiiiur; â-  Novimlxr 2".ltb. IKSI. â-  â-  Mechanical Orguinetb I Jl^s of machinery, it is also ex- for harness and leather, mak- fvater and weather proof. Fur \iin dealers. ^i^lluinjaic' or ArkaiM^K." It is erial winch pruniiioiatxn i-,. lu this eaee, but quite iuatri- the citizens ol .VrLan^' with of the L iiiled Stati-s and tin- iou should be upplied wjtii Iftiis. Esterbrook's are piqnilar, and standard. ||lSi".\cTCBiius ol reapers. la.iWcrh ia4gyisiiing machines, prefer "Cat- lU-ieiiiue oil to any other. 11 wear lard, senl, or elepliant, tod il' warranted not to gum. Jj^ T. E. Da*is. Bull ler aii.l t'./n-" has just completed tiio brjcL Mr. Curnwalla residenc;, on Mafc itreet. It will, we believ' be Ml il the most convenient and well liilg|t dwelliu(;8 in MaxkJala wli' n ,(•.:.. h. 1;..!. 'Ciiri.-tin-i-. a;; C'al; early, s b. f..r. iC- \,j Ini.- viftii. aid '.«ii-lt .:f i,-f'ilUil;:; t i' I ll â-  •I til ••111 I'll I'll i!' in-nt' ..f Ih an L Kiln-'V-.. ' e.-iif«. .\. T. ijs'l f.ir.MarJt i •I'll- »1'V. Ml 1. .* tr..il â-ºi« !.t It i.n •'" .fl- i-i '•Il li la U\- V\ 11 1 d I eulinr.i ft 1' Il takii '5^. •-%.., words to convey my praise and gfati tude to the discoverer of this lahg of rheumatism." •' The Chicago Timex says "Every- body on the South Side knows J. D. Ij. Harvey, Esq,, who has been a re- sident of Chicago for over twenty yejjrs. Mr. Uar.vey expressed himself on the "Oil subject" as follows •' I have spent over $2,00(1 to cure my wife of ft. .Ill .loliu llonah.ie, of Kiclos.^. two npper stories are finished for dwilliii-'s. The Second flat consists rninent hare npp.inted a Slipeiidary M:i :i-tra' fur the T..Wiiship of Bld- d i'.| 11. vkiili h a.iquarters at'^ncan. It i3 repiirtod that the Onfari Gov- j of kitchen and pantry, dining-room, parlor, and one bedroom. The third llat is divided lilt' four large sleeping apartments; there is also a large hall on each tlat; there are cellars the full «izo of the building. The entrance to the dwellin?8 is from the rear of Th- r.' -eins to bo little or no im- pr.'V' nil lit in the state of affairs in lrlai.il. It :l!ipea-rs that opposition ' .,,• .1 i, it 1 1 " " 1 the building fii:iug the Kovere Iletel. t' i;iv r. nr i.-. lutiier on tUe increase, .,,, 1 n 1 1 1 ' â-  ,. j 1 lie rooms are large and well lighted, ni.d the outrage and violence ^is as' fr.'qii. lit as evor. The nomiiiatuns for the provincial h'Uis'.aturo of tho province of (jutbec tik place on M-nday t.f last week, die-'i4ih nU. Fifteen members were ♦ Kcled by acclamation, UI Con.oerati- %vs, 3 lieti.rmers aini "J Independents. Kinsjt.'ii 11 i.' gettin_ brutal attacks on women week parses without witnessing one or pioro aunouiiceiuenls ot women being assaulted by tho riiffi.mly blackguards with which tin Li.'je Stone City ap- pears to be infected. The 8«ott Act is to bo again submit- tcd to the Ball poyers of the county of Lauibion. E. Kinj? Dodds, for ths Li-en»cd Yitulers, and Prof. F'oster. for the Temperance men, are inightly liarancuinji the "free and in- dependent," and excitement runs high. The City Guncil -A To.-onto paaaed bread by law at ii-s setting on Mon- day la.st, ihe liH.I; ult. It states that all bread sold in T. ro. to, r.f whatever shape or fcruo, nio t^i consist 0/ one pound, pound atida haU, two poiuifls three pounds, and four ponnda re- spectively, and that the weight most ko ataiu led ou each loaf. and take it altogether will prove as comf irtablo abodes as one would wish to occupy. The raasou work was con- tracted for by Mr. James Keid of Mount Forest, and tho way it was done is a credit to him, and proves th.-it he is no mean workman, there la no beMer iiece of brick work iu Mark- dale. The carpente* woik was con- notorious for traded for by Mr. W. D. McLeod, Hardly a architect, which is a suflicient guaran- tee that it will be well done. The pliisteriug H being done by Messrs. \V. Fox and James Reid, of Markdale, and undoubtedly will be no disgrace to them as workmen. The painting is being performed by Messrs Mintern k Vail, of Meaford. These gentle- men's reputation as painters requires no pnfiTmg at our hands. This block when completed will be an ornament to our town. The shof s will soon be realy for occopation, and any one de- siring to rent them shonld apply at once, as no doubt such desirable places of business will be eagerly sought after. The death is announced of Mrs. Fauquier, the wife of tho Bishop of Alg.inia, a lady w til known and ap- preciated in the religious world. See Mr DjU's immense stuck of Watches. Over 91.300 worth sold since bin return from considerations and in the exercise of rheumatism. Two bottles of St. Ja freedom and choice, winch should be the privilege of every citizen, with in the limits of propriety and morality, many such marriages have been con- tracted renders the question one of the greatest practical importance, involv- ing as it does the legitimacy of the off- spring. The zeal and peneverance of the promoters of the Bill cannot much longer fail of the success tliey so well deseive. The fact that it passed its second reading in the House of Com- mons last session by the majority of 140 to 19, and was rejected 111 the Sen ate by only 31 votes to 30, expresses clearly enough the views of the peo- ple's rejiresentatives. It is scarcely probable that the prejudices of every mejibcr of the majority in the Upper House will prove strong enough to hold out througli another session against the force of overmastering argument and the strongly expressed will of the people. He^ce the "Marriage Law iieform Association," which was insti- tuted 80 long as 1851, for the express purpose of promoting the passing of the Act in question, will enter upon the coming campaign with every pros- pect of success. Mr. Girouard's Bill will be promptly re- introduced, and can soircely fail to become the law of the land. That accomphshed, both Mr. Girouard and the members of the Pi ssociation will Lave earned the thanks of all good citizens, and the especial gratitude of those who find the legali- ty of their magriages and the legiti- macy of their children in jeopardy. The association is foituiate iu haying as its Hon. Commilte.' a number of gentlemea so infiuential and so thor- oughly representative as the following â€" Hon. Sir Erancis Uiucks, K.C.M.G., C.B. Rev. A. DeSolo, LL.D., Pro- fessor of Hebrew and Oriental Literr- tare, McGill University, Montreal j 'would benefit me until I got hold of Rev. Gavin Lang, St. Andrew's Church this old German Remedy. Why. on (Church of Scotland). Montreal; Alex, myiravels I hive met people who have W. Ogilvie, Esq., Montresl; Rev. J. been suffering with rheumatism for F. fcjt.venson, LL.D, Emmnnaol years by my advice they tried th« Chorch (Congregational), Montreal; Oil, and it cured them. I would soon cob's Oil accomplished what all the medical treatment failed to bring about I regiU'd it as a greater dis- covery than electricity. It is a boon to the human race, and I am very glad to have this ojiportunity of testifying as to its remarkable efficacy. I can- not speak to liif,'lily of it, and I would 1)0 recreant to uiy duty to those afflict- ed did I uot^lift up my voice in its praise." ' The Philadelphia Leiljer says :, Mr. George I Graliam, H2() Nhietcoutli street, Philadelphia, is a Journalist of many years experience, and is actively connected with the Piiiladelphia aim. day liirror, a leading theatrical and musical joum.al. During the " late unpleasantness ' Mr. Graham was Captain of Company K, Ono hundred and eighty-third Pennsylvania regi- ment, and lliroiigh exposure in the field he contracted a variety of ills, and he says a very troublesome case of rheumatism in the right leg and foot was a war inheritence that he in vain tried to get rid of, until lie was recom- mended to try St. Jacob's Oil. -He states that he felt a slight reUef even on the first application of the oil. Be- fore the first bottle ho purohasedJiad been used up ho had but few tntkoes bf his rheumatism, and at this time he says the diseaso4ias entirely left him, which he attributes.entirely to the us^ of St. Jacob's Oil. He remarks •,s'*ii^ person need suffer om rhematism if- St. Jacob's Oil can be obtained; to those who are aflSicted with that com- plaint it is worth its weight -in geld." The Chicago Inter- Ocean B»ys: â€" Captain Paul Boynton, the world re- nowned swimmer, thus speaks of the old German Remedy " From con- stant exposure I am somewhat su'o- ject to rheumatic pains, and nothing patent medicines, puffed at one time to inflation, have shrunk be- fore the test of analysis, St. Jacob's Oil has bravely borne tho strain, and is to-diiy renowned all over the world for Its famous curative jiowers. It is truly one of the phenomena ofs tho age wo live iu. The sale of this nrticlo IS incredible. It is to be founl all over the civilized world and in a good many places not civilizedâ€" for uufor- tuiiaiely, the bones of sorrowing man are racked and ache with pain no nutter what region he inhabitsâ€" and wo believe it is yeukstincd to be found ill every house, and to supercede the many hostniius which slill reiu.ain abroad to rob and defraud humanitv ot its money and its health. Tho firm of A. Vogeler Co., JSaltunoro, si.end half a milHoa dollars yearly in adver- tising St. Jacob's (Jil, and heiice we may guess at the full extent of their enormous business. It is trulv mar- velous, or would, did we not know the ciicujation of this inestimable bloss- TV'g are given to understand that J. Green, Esq., will be a candidate for the Mayoralty for 1882. If this rumor turns out to be correct, he should be elected. Orangeville requires as its Chief Magistrate who, from experience in busniess, will be able to guide the town affairs with a firm and intelligent hand. Lawyers and doctors are all very well aud intelligent in their way, but a business man at the helm would beau advantage which the peple would do wf 11 to secure. Let us haye a chanoe from professionals to business men.â€" Gazette. (Oier Stand ARi. Printimj Office,) MARKDALE. PHOTOS TAKEN IN EVERY STYLE FUOM C*BD 1B VisITK TO Lin SlZB. L-tR.iK ASS0HTM1?!«T OF v FRAMES ALWAYS ON HAND I tsc'CallandMe my neir Oallenj. J. L. BROWN, A-tist. 64-lv. An Automatic Reed Or; .\d ir -- /.' ' R«re is a case reported in M uitreal |;.,«, Ne-v oftjvtmg man, who at oio tunc wu' 1.., ^,, of the Dominion Tilegraph ';i]i..J ,,i th* that city, becviiniiig such a t'twnmii i vr. .fdrink,that he actually sl.lK the e,.nMl.r wi. J 1 » .1 I 1 preVef! til" }: i at covered his father s ihui'l ' • ,, ^. â-  â€"an.; laliii _• «%â- ) pawn It for liquor. 11 Mirkdalc. Nov. 30tb. a881. m mm. IX OnEAT VARIETY. "TIlO Or^^liliotto may no\v I." eallel n .i.'rit. 1 :^^;lnnl -t ••^'|_ to tlie iiliiint (liumi. Imt the oraaii must l.t» u...: ;i •'•-it' ' '•' *l'»-'^-"' duce iii.isic t)ie On.o inettk is 1111 tlie otlur l.it; i tit r. ' imrhiii.;"' ;,' iitja tri:liiit;ex)iiiiso it ;-:ui lie miule to furuiVh :iii iii.i;!. i".i "i'!â- .J" " â€" Tiiroitn li)ohe." k "The Oriniinottr is imlee.l a mnsioHl a.ti.l. V. Is i- :itt:i^!'^^«-i' (i strong and melodious u tone a's the C'aliin.t S;/. I; irj'i--" t" the ressOQ that tli- igiioraraiH 111 music can pUiv it ;i- 'â-  •• â- â- " lii'_i'"" (essor. The OnoeiN-ETxr is stroiit- and artairat. i:i :I- i:i- .â- :.i:i;-'0*" liSlde !•. pet out i order." â€" ilontrettl Gazettr. "Thr Or;;ninptte i.s Uir ni«-t perfect M-ir.'iiwt..- m-i- ••'J l";*"^* its rrinrtoi-iv ih uiihuiiteJ, tliu toiie i remarkiil.iy ^^.â- â- x' M â- nredl -t" "d, ' I TO *i, voLTi4ii:[:i: ?• -tk"^t Solo Manufacturers iuid Patoutoes. the amount of giods daily ar- il 18 evident that uur luer- auticipate a good winter's luisi- From the good prices the farni- R getting for their pnulnce. wc •â- â- flhtle doubt but that their antici- will be fullv realized. ^ic«s,$10to$16. W.F. i'Vllt' MiL C. W.RUTLEDGE^ Agent, Markda* ITe-w Cash St( wish to send a present to a neighbor who lives 111 a dis- of the country, ix-ud tiiem 'Dard it will only cost yi.ti a here arc i/^any d.ing it n w. donbt many mme would if t take a thought how glad old be to get it. aye now got well estaldished in premises, and i verythi^L' in order, and are n.)W pr'-par«Mi any order intrustnd to us witii ess and in the best btylo i.f and at prices that will c.iiu- ih any other place iu the county, un.i th.- tlnn â-  and we know you will be- satis- 1 ^^« h.id ti- .jn .jii. -•;; Il I.'-, si.hratr.n tli dfcil. tij:tl' e.ivoT.d s 'III' thi- piirp'V' reC'.innii •. 1 1 as I)' log |!i. the hair I- • it- vent It- fni!) l)iitl!i. I 1 \V. .1. â- ! gi'ids ev.iv Novenib r i.: ills hall s 1 Tills .s|t..:,|.. â- . 'OHn It" iii_ii IM« â- .«.-. Tni-^ti-os f Mm -t til' Tii.v s,: sid. -w-iiii, if if ih- p. I'll:. pVIVati Id i i-|'|-.|« I. \yii.| liiiil lunr. IT i. -- abb' bu vog y .•â- III ii-ul THE CHEAPEST! BECAUSE THEY ARE THE ri E s r IN THE MAltKET. 11 SAVED MY LIFE. The value of human life is bo »u premely important that anything which tneds to its prolongation is en- Sill'" "" '^*'«" --iderati^o Speaking tc us recently on this sub jec, Charles NeU.n. Esq.. J^ne^r Nelson hcuse. Port Huron observed I Buffered BO with rheumatism that "^/'â- "l,^^*^^"' "d phasic i?B could not help me. I was ' of my life, when some in despair lo try St. JacobVbr 7iS!1^^ ^^ asifbymagiclw ' "'^-'^- ^nd I did 'as instantly reliev- tuis wonderfnl j^. for havini, used medv for"f7 â€" r" '^°"l«rW Sw.tzerland. Ho Ua. stUl the large* tod. H°°: 8*^'\«?'7' ^,»^^V:M.Gibboc .j er do jrithout f^^ f. It has ' B»m»t«r, iioaUoai^â€"GloU, t wJthoat this rBmcly f jr one hoiir. la '(Mic-A.) Comm^ aj Any Number or Style cliauics, with good material in the Latest and most unproved Stdle. -o Special attention is also directed to the HICKORY AND WHITE ASH I purchased from one of the best factories in Canada, sufficient to manufacture over fifv ^^aggons and Carriages for the comi^ ^. to make an mspection of my gtock aud h to this -o Tri«9" money, -o â€" save SPECIAL ATTEDTIOM TO RE- PAIRINS NORSESNOEINfi. Du^;^*'^^' '^^ Place-«oeond door to ia the County. llur, an I J. SHANAHAN, 2ad,l8»l, H.WING LEASED THE PREMISES L.VTELV oiCl rU'n UV HAVE NOW ON HAND A FIUST i lASS STiK* 1^' Dry Goods, Croceri' MANTLES, READY-MADE CLOTI**' Crockery and Glass^l l-IIMtl. li'iji. .1 v.. IV....: Il American A-jncuUmisl fi.r De- j I p- rf'triii l.ln ii| has been received. To «»y ' |ir -rars..!, kp is fully up to the past issues, ij,„i„,„ |;,.,,.,, '•I the praise needed for this n allv ' pi: full 'li. r le periodical. It is a jiiuriml ""l*. I'"vv ' kould be in evcrv houseli'dd. It i liui'l \i i!!. ... 4;iiii -nr" -i 1, had in connection with thi- â-  1 .,„.. |, .!•• 'D for otily One Dollar; call am' ii:st t. ,v 1 '^pcimens and we feel sure you Murkii:ik-. [••fcbscribe. weather for the past week has ' -^ '•"'" " "" _. till. s bl'iki 111 variable as a woman s temper. ,1 «i 1 •^ null, Ox.rii.i.ii.a^ '.V and Monday the •leighing i.^^if ., i.,„ .,j ,] 'tty fair, and the fanners took eiiiranci at a il of it to rush in their grain ed tijj'ir p!iiiid. r\ let produce for all tlity wee conseqaently our htreets pre- • » liv«ly appearance. At thei ,,i.i,„iy i|,Ht iho| it time of writing therms nothing i novic-.s al tin ;,'« Vaunor'i piedictious for j quir.^t.iketp tli.ii '« have proved pretty correct uiul. rsiuii'l ;.; wli.i at.' the '1 WHS b.ildlv cX' I^A Mr»S, ^c AC' The above utock has l)ecn pnrcha«fa for cavTi it i m â- â-  ' *H ir^prmf^A-,* offtheu' snrpluB glock at and under ciwt t.t m/iko r...;Mi for «'"'",,;, ^, \i^^l' sequently I am in a position to pvel-iriiiu.s to tii.-. »"" '"",„ fce**^ cash. Call and see for y«ar»ie1v» and .»«" apiiii- HENEY fosm [Dyapepsia or Indige: tion, Habit ustipation. tiliousness, l..iver ey AffectioHB, the isafest and ^edy is Dr. Carson's Stomach PWtion Bitters, the great naedicme. They can with •af«ty be given to thej-oun^'est "'ley are purely vegetable in â- on and mild lij their action. Wg%J*n«l bottles at 50 clmIs *** 4 Co. special agents for ed whili siic:i ci J I iicighborli.iLiJ COLNCll Holland C..1111C foril .Station 'ii 1| Gieutli;,^.\' Dec. ArtrraoMa, â€" Ij ton, ^l.lnuuv, lii^ rr.itu,^"Al TiiCbdoy, the 131 M*»kdalc, Koyamhet lUh, 1861' «2ir

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