Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Nov 1881, p. 3

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 Ih !H ll' i THE CONCEITED UOytM. love two Bttidcna, each w I know Dot which to woo Aid on* ii daik, th» other lair, What would 70a hftTt BM do r Maig'ret, mj peail, haa deap MM ejMa, Ad eameat, noble (aoe Bat Salomie do leaa I prisa For l^er fweet "f*""** gnee. Then both can nog mj {aTocite Knig One in loprano clear The othar'iToiaa, low, iweet, jret, â- troagâ€" Whitii I would ather haar. Which? tboe'a BO doobt. I wvU tham both,â€" (Both I eoold easily via.) To ipTc ap either I am Ittb To wed both were a fin. Capi'1 t«U me what to do In thia perplexing eaae â€" My heart's divided, â€" judgment too, â€" Betwecd each bonnie face. What both engaged Don't tell mo that t How cruel And fuch men 1 1 Compared with met 1 1 iulerior I flat 1 rU never trust woman a^ili. VALUE OF DRAINAGE. As a matter of fact there is very lillK land in our country that woolJ i;ft be- i.iiproved by draiiiago. Many little Boila are Bprin^y, and tlie crops arc injured in tbem by staf^ant watr r. Heavy land can never do its li'^st tiutil drained. Vast areas of 1 -w-lying but rich land sre practically vttlnelosB for want of drains to carry iT tbe redundant moisture which frrin Is the growth of any bat aquatic Iiit9. Many who admit the impor tuiice of this iinprovemonc are puzzl €.ii about tbe wk^h aiid mcaunof effect- iiiij if. Tliu Draiiiaifn Journal meu- ti^jis tlie f.II.)T*iii;,' plan, which is well woitliy of EL-rious coubi deration 'Sf.mc ciit rpri^iii;,' tile manufactures s" It ct careful frt.riaer8 wh) own rial laii'ls mill noiike them sometbiug like tlie following propositionn That the f.iiiner mako a careful estimate of bis uvi'rrih'n crops, and the tile manufact- urer projiosej to furnish tbe tile ueces- snry to drain thoroughly tlio lands designated in the agreement, tbe farm- er to furnish the labour of p-ittiog in the (irains at a stipulated price, to be Y"tid ont of tbe excf "s of crops grown i n tl; land over aii'l above the average \ii)l.'l before agreed upon, and the tile luiii ufaeturer agreeing to take the bii'aiice of the increase in four or five '-•ntjii (as agreed' to cover tbe cost of the tile. On level lands, whore the avi;ri4gfc Clop in fivo years runs low r. id t::e bind by nature is rioh, it is a hale prop.8iliuu for tlie tilo mirifac- tiir-v if the farmer li onestly pcrfo/ias lii-. piirt of tbe coutiact. Ou rich iuvul lauds, that ntuJ dr;iiiia;,'o a'ld It WNddbaftflrighty mma. maa who voiUftxeflM IB ghM t nctr natii to bsROw aatteiant mtmty to ttka ^his ontatanditg p^icr afflfty eoits on tb* dollar. TbaMew Haven lUtitUr obaerTW that two estatkliahmants in Boston tarns oat sixty barrels of paat esfch day and yet there ia a good deil of original matter in the Boeton pepen. K£EP THE FEST DBT. This is the season of sloppy veaflker so productive of colds, and Inng troub- les neglected eoW or damp feet is a greti soorce of tb«sa difScolties. Core yonr eoogh with Hazard's Pectoral Balsam. I'lcasant to take and always reliaUe. A squint-eyed man, who stole a wal- aable picture from an art store, on be- ing asked by the Judge before whom he was brought his reason for the theft, replied that he had been told by seve- ral photographers that it was impossi- ble for a man with soch an expression of face to take a good piotare,.an 1 he wanted to prove the contrary. No article ever attained snch nn- bonnded popularity in so short a time as Burdock Blood Bitteis, and that too Juriog the existence of ooantless numbers of widely advertised bitteis and blood purifiers. It is evident that this medicine begins its work at once, and leayesno desirable effect imattain- ed. A Chicago man visiting Cincinnati was being shown round by a citizen who eajd " Now lot ns go and see widows' home." ITie Chicago man put his finger by the side of his nose and winked, and then said " Not much, Mary Ann. I saw a widdow home once and it cost me $16,000. â€" She sued me for breach of promise, and proved it on me. No, sir send the widows home in a hack-" Sfemres. StOVdB INTERESTING PARAGRAPHS. Oooderham A Worts, of Toronto, give employment to one thousand men. An average of twenty thousand let- ters are posted daily in Toronto. Garfield's picture is to be placed on five cent International postal letter stamps. The Oka Indians have been success- fully located on their new hunting (grounds in Muskoka, and all seem sat- isfied. Wm. Knight, a well-to-do farmer of Amarantli township, was last week committed to Dufiferin g«ol as a dan- gerous lunatic. â€" Orangeville Advettiser. Thirty thousand dollars has been expended in building in the village of liiiiioyer. I'bo Hanover I'ost is iioud it badly, it will pay twcnty-fiva spicy, clean, well got UD paper prmted p. t cent, annually ou the invehtun^Lit, ' uiiil 111 some iiistancta more." â€" Can- 'Han 'I. OK.SKRVINO OF PRAISE. I'u luiicli cannot bo expressed in fu'.ir of tlrit unsurpassed romcdy for • li^U-' col Is, astliiua, croup, uoru I icoat, uiul all luu.'j compbiiut;. If ;. • I -uff. r from uctikcted coldd, try 1!' vards Poit'-nil IJiiLsaio. T!ie •• .1 i:i tridiiig, only 25 ceiitx. CLUVLR. A field cf cloviT should be m the r lull n of t•râ- â€¢p^^ ou ivery farm. W'liy' 1. ll iim!.. H iljo best of hay, cut ' iirly an 1 well fiircl. a. Tho routs and Iail li-uvi .1 pluuu'hod under arc (ii:i.iltoa ;.'ocd coiitiuifof manure. }t. It in I'lC "f the I'cst of clc:iiiiug IT â- y-i Kvlii till' Canada tliistlo can 11 t !:inl hi.foic it. Cut at thu pro- p- r Lini.' tiiistles and all other weeds iir.' pi-ivuiiled from going to seed. Tim .-...jond growth ot cloyor will ssuoilier the thistle and other weed routs" Tills plan cleans better than f.i!!'v.in^' and koe'ps a crop in the t^r 111:1 1 iill liio time. No fijld goes in the above place. Tho Credit Valley has opened up a new country for Toronto. The mer- chants of St. Thomas, Ingorsoll, and Woodstock, as well t :of tho cthor thriving towcs on the line, are now I coming to this city as naturally as if I they had been doing business here all I their lives.â€" Ma'7 I THE CAUSES OF COLDS. Are gsttiug overheated in hot rooms or crowded assemblies, sitting in a draught, or cooling too rapidly after I exercise, muffling up warm andchang- j inj,' t3 lighter wrappings, cold and I damp feet. No matter what is the cause IJa;;yard's Pectoral Balsam is the cure f(r all throat and lung dicase that induce consumption. Oba.noevilde, Oct. 28. â€" This morn- ing about oua o'clock a fire broke cut in a house belou^'iug to one Isaac lluuter in the South Ward, and before anything could be douo tho jilace was completely destroyed. The fire orig- inated ill the explosion of a coal oil lamp. A part of the furniture was saved. Amount of lUBuranco not known. I • w i-t" biij'oi^seyou have six nr- A Baihelob is DisTREPg. â€" A bach- ,, ,. 4 1 J... el'jr fiirmer residing at Oak River, ill' e 11. bin of ten, twelve, filteen acres, m •, •?, ., ,..,,., â-  4- \i Manitoba, wants a wile, and says there l.stfibli.~li ii six years rotation. Jlaa- „.„ .. ,, ' ... â- ' ,. ,. 1 1 •' /^M c ij i^re forty-four others within a radius uie a 111 Id each rar. Clover a field v- • •'•, t\ t 41 ,,., 'r _n • oil BIX miles of his farm m the same • â- ^i.Ii y ir. the farm will improve. \j ,• ri 11 I 1 i .. coiNUion ae llii-ri" will bo an end to 'runnmg di -VII.' II -it clover is a long, tap- r ',i!i d plnnt. It will find the ele- • lu.i.t^ of fertility that may be in the soil, bring them to the surface, and store the'n there for future grnin crops. Clover does most good sown alone. Prepare the laud in the fall. riitvi twelve pounds to the acre at the I iilii st moment in spring. A fiir catting may be had tho first season, iii.' Btjondwill give a better, and w!ion the bay is off a second crop ii.:'y ho t.ikBU off for seed. Then I' i!{li under the (dd roots and dead !eav s. Tho result will be a good si«d bid for any grain you wish to Sow. â€" Ctiiidiliaii lluial. hiucseir. Ho asks the editor of the Rapid City Standard to use his iulhieiico in persuading some Ontario girls to come out there and rescue the poor bachelors from their fate. For asiaultiug Mr, John Berry, ho- tel keeper at Rocklyn, ou the day of tlcEuphrasiasho'.vv Wm.aud R. Neily were t rought before the magistrates here, wofk bcfojo 'a?t, to answer to tho charge. The case not being con- cluded it wag postponed until last week, when they were fined $1 each, with costs amounting to over $30, and bound over to keep the peace for one year.â€" J/onifor. ALMOST YOUNG AGAIN. My mother was afflicted a long tioie •villi Neuralgia and a tieiiv; condition of th lieubicho ncryous yrostiation, and was .almost helpless. No phy.-ioians or medicine? di" hdr any good. Three months *go sl oegau to use Hop liitters, t\ith such goovl effect that .^Itc seoius and feels young again, al- though over 70 years old. Wo thiuk tlicroisu} other mediciua fit to use 1:1 tho family." A lady in Providence, li. l.â€"J.^unwl. Ill'MUROUS. J " How do you pronounce s-t-i-g-y " Professor Steams asked the young geuilomau nearest the foot of the class. And a siiiiirt, bad boy stood up and t.iid it depended a good deal whether tiie word applied to a man or a beo. â€" Go to tho head young fellow. People baye uo more right tho be- come dyspeptic, and lemain gloomy und miserable, than thoy have to take poison and commit suicide. If the stomach becomes week and fails to j^eifcnu i'.s functions, Burdock Blood Jiitterd will speedily remedy the troa- Lle. A darkey who was stooping to wash Lis hands iu a creek, did not notice the peculi^ir actions of a goat just be- hind him so, \vlieu he scrambled out of the water aiW was asked how it .Uap^H-'ued, he answered " I dunno • 'z.actly but 'poare 1 as if the shore kinder h'isted and frowed me," •' .Just, keep year b-jttlc of whiskey ill your closet and when the girls bring yoa your hot shading water in the Ui juiug, yon can mix yonr toddy qnic!ily,anduot a boul will know a thing ftbont it. ' said the M. D. The plan worked well until the old man's daa^- tcr thonght he must be going insane he3^n^e ho wanted to s'.j.ivc! five or si:^ lUmos every diy, -ir-^* Apple Blioht. â€" The cause is a pa- rasitic fungoid plant which takes root iu the bark, penetrates it, and spreads I in the layer of cambium under the dull, heavy m- 1 ^nrk and destroys both. It spreads whole nystem „p„ard and downward until either a jjiirt of tho tree or the whole of it is killed, and turns brown as if scorched by fire. The only remedy is to cut off ti e diseased parts as soon as they are seen to be affected and bum them at once, by which the spread of the di- sease is stopped. The sound wood only should be left. Draining the soil, the use of lime and wood ashes, and whitewashing the young trees with lime, act as preventatives. The oleo-magarine question has a nearer interest for Canadians than has perhaps, been imagined, in this way In the past winter, and up to the end of AprU, all the choicest be€ff tallow m various parts of Ontario had been bought up, and sent to Montreal.there to undergo a process of refining pre- paratory to being shipped to New York, where it was manufactured into oleo-margarine. The best beef is young beef, reach- ing its greatest point of superiority at from two to three years. The same is true of sheep and swine. A wether, for the best mutton, shoold be in the market at two years. As a general rule a 250 ponnd pig is better in quality and more profitable than a hog weighmg 500. The point of apprecia- tion of quickly maturing animala is being reached, though somewhat gra- dually, and it remains to improve the yarions lH«eda, especial care being used to select ai imals to breed from that oome to matozity at an early age. This notice was once fixed apon a church door in Hertfordshire, and read in (he dioreh 'This is to give notioe that no person is to be htirud in this ehuTfhyard but those tirwiy in pariah and those who w^4 to ht hmrkd ara^a- sirod to Apply t«aaB^ Epkraiw GraÂ¥b, ^ariah^krk. UWnl i Sash and door t^j SASB, â-  K'-.^ Cooking tov â€" » Parlor Stoves, BOXStJOVOO, brum Stoves. Afl tbe lata h ;^u iiw H «»«» â-  â€"* *mwk HARDWARE! TINWARE, Paints, WMto Lead, Paint Oil, MacMne Oil, Coal Oil, Ijtbnpe, c., Haskett Bros. Markaale, Sept. 28th, 1881. DOORS^i^'f BLINDS :f^ T^^J^':;*!:^^" MOULDINGS, Tl^."r^v" ":â- .:.. HOLLOW 'bay •.JTftl f'V. i\ aooo uws UIUL Bury lis aiWoiL â€"HAYINGâ€" LATELY FITTED UP My OrisI MiU In FIR8T-CU88RUNiINQ0RDERI 1 am prepared to tnm out all work in a fint- claas manner, rloor and nil Linds of feed delivered free o any part of the YillaKC. Th»nkirg jon all for part fsvors I hope by strict attentiun to btuinesa to merit a eon- tinusnoe of the same. W. 3. BOWE. Barrhead Mills, Sept. 80, 1881. 64-Sm FLESHERTON Harness Shop I rriHE Suli^criber hegs to inform the public X that he has ooodtautly on hand s large assorSinent of CARHIGE, BU3GY AND TEAM Mode In good stylo and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And a^ he mcia^ ba^iuoin give him n it call, as he will stll at the lowest livin p ii for cash. A good sapply uf WHIPS, TRir^THS, *Cm always on hand. Scoieh Goliars A Specialty, And a good fit cnorautecd. t^'Itcmember the stand the Post Office is opposite. N, B. â€" Stave timber wanted, I. GORDON. Fle^Iierton. March. 1881. 16 Bobt. S. Bae, TAILOR, vd en ham Street* MARKDALiE. Markdale, Jaly 7, 1881. 43 6m MARKDALE CARRIA6E_ WORKS! McKENNA MASON HAYINO leaaed the Waggon and BUek- smith Shop owned by John Benson, eg to inform the PnbUe, that that they are repared to famish all kiada of Yabioles, Qoh aa BVGOIES, DEHQCBATS. VTAGOOIVS, ETC^ in AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. And by uine the B«st of Matarial and Good Workmanahip, hope tc raeetv« a fair alMn ofyoor patronage. Speoial attention girtoito HOUSE SHOEINa General Jobbing I Aavcwarant all oar work. A eaU ia aolUit ed and wn irneTantnfi eatiafaetian. Shop on Mill atreet, oppoaito tb* ti0Ytn lfaiUala.)UMhS.UBl. ttarbleWorks lonnmeiits, Tombstones lad mvj deaeripUoB of r«netery work •xeeat«d in FIRST-CUSS STYLE and at rwMionable rat««. Orders !«« »« "« dio| or a«it bT maU will be promptly at- tendi3d to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Skop nmrl d»ir to lifrrre Uotd. W. L JS'^fiSTOM, Prep. Markdal* Aac 10th 18«1. 8-ly TAILOBING O. A. OWEN, FasMonaMc Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoring Depait- raent over McI'arUnda store, wislies to inform the public of Markdale and the anrrouudinj{ country, that he is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and T a at 11 y CUTTING! D ne w il customers are waiting. THE LATEST FASHION PLATES Always on hand to chose from. A Good Fit Guaranteed â€" ATâ€" l3*Remember tlie Place, Over McFarland's Store. Markdale June 16. 1881. 40-n Pnblio no«A9«. NonCXia hairtj siT«B that Ota new toU opw tkM«Mlh Iota 99, 100. and 101, OB tb« Srd ooaMMian W. T. « B. B., ia the tovaaky of Ot a n a lg U not poparly •â- - TboaononOoBaiftkatawMhip of Olen- I 111 kwli^ -- f "*- *- **â-  -* "â€" ngli â€"Is tota. will BB* reaponaible for any ae- ^l^*l^akB*vkafp*aoB aaidroad. JAXBS BBOWV, nNLAT HacBAE, Ctark. Beeve. TMn*lt9 dOlmMltt, Oet. 19, 1S80 y ,oM. ASsoBTMnrr ni ™» ^^â„¢ iwtl iwr oomxamtlt tV 4 -?k Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils •-•» Vi f NIL DESPERUMAND. GRArS SPECIFIC MEDICINE. THE GREAT ENGLJSH HEMEDY, an niifailina cure for Seminal Weakm ss, Speriaatonhea, Impntency, nud all diseases tlmt fol'ow ns a sequence of Self-Abuse as losa of Memon-, Universal Before Taldogi Las dtude. Pain in the Back, Oimness of Vi.-ion, Premature old age, and many otuer Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumptin and a Pre- mature Grave. IS"Full particulars in our pamphlet, which wo deairo to send free by maii to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1.00 per package, or six After Taking, packages for ?5.00, or will be seut free by mail on receipt of :!io moiuy by addressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., 1-ly Toio!iti Out., C'auaJa. ParestandBefit Hediciae eTerKado. nbination of HopSv Buchu. Man' Aand Dandelion, wltiialltin.T)estanti Cor* tiTe properties of blX other B'-tterB, Vtbe preatest Blood F uritler. Liver katoraUKi Life " Ilealib Uestoring Nodtee mtten operatloi an posBlbly lonff eadst where Hop ' «d^ Tariod and perfect are tbeir kft nd Tlcor to tU ftS*A ftd laflrm. To an whose e^mployinents raaso Irregmlari' *]rofthebowelio^^i""ii""7 organs or who re- quire an A[^etlser^^1oiiic and m^ld Stimulant, Hop Bitten are lTal^uafate. without Intox^ loatlnff* h'u muter what yoar l ketingfl are what the disease or ail tara. Pont wait ontU 70a only feel t)ad or miseraUe, It maj «Te joar Ufe.lt hi g900 wlU be paid f or a eorc or help^ Po not tnft iairer,bat use and ar;?e tli Remember, Bop Bitters Is drunken nostrum, btit the Pi Medicln« erer made the *^ and morv and no persoa Or famllT^ shoold be without tbem, |,0« la an absolute and Irrestlble __.ITmnfrmrwi use of opiiam, tobacco iMUTOtica. All sold br dni^frteta. 8 for Circular. â- Â«Â» mt«n â- %. Ce.^ Boeheeter Jt.T azid Toronto, or aymptcms jnent Is use IIop Bit- sick but If 70a use them at once sared hundreds, I they will not r letyxmr friends toose Hop B druCTTwd ad Beet SendJ THE KEY TO HEALTH, Unlock* all the elogeed avenues of th* Bomls, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off fradaally without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humon of tbe •teretions at the same time Correctiax Aeidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- onaness, DTspepsia. Headaches, Diz- sineas. Heartbnrn, Constiiiation. I Dryneaa of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim-' nets of Vision, Jaundice, SutShenm. Sryiripelas, ScroAiIa, Flutterinc of ^emart, Nerronsness and General Debility all these and many other simi lar Com plaints yield to the happy influence ef BUBDOGS: BLOOD BITTBB8. fcniple Bottles 10c Begnlar siaetl. For sale by all dealen. Cun* Cholera,Cholera Mortii*,Dum mntery, Cmmpa, Colic, Sea Sick' nen arui Summer Complaint aim Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaintM peculiar to children teeth' Ing, and will bo found equally bUeflcial far adults or children. m SALE IT AU DR0CCI8T1 T. MILBURN CO, Praorietora, T Choice Farm for Sale. OJOLESFBOMMABKDALE. LOTllB S^^rnrint*!?:^^^-^! mabet. The above farm s a vcv dB«!r«M- P3^»nd will be sold chL7 A?c^ fc^barm and log house is on »ho X« ^«on^^v» thu fall. Por.fuS.r'S:: WM. LITTLEJ0HN8. or to C. W. BcTLB,«. Umt^" "'"â- ^ 8^, and, 1881. m^ Patent Medicines, Schoo Boooks, Stationery, Fancy Qroods. Toilet Articles. Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Choice Teas and Tobaccos. Agents for Vicker's Express and Montreal Telegraph Companies. a. TURNER CO. MatkJa'e. Ang. Srd. i881 Lumber, Lath and S] « '.i j«9W*^ ,Jfc ' AlW9^» on Hand. Orders PromDO* n^^ The Sabeerilwr wiehee t^ return thanic* to the poople of M«rV4^ T«ry Ubanl pittroaaee ihey haye given him in the past, and hope, i»*f "S Imeiiinee to aierit • eoatinnaooe of the sMne. "^^ I1mt« WW extended my bwineeeADd will in future keept hn PINE LUMIBEi Direct from the North Shore. ALL SIZliS, DRESSED AND UNDHEss AJl Itindfiof I*lain an*l I'ancyji Done in s first-eUss manaar. y "VTHOS. McNl Markdale, May 37tb, 1881. COOKING, PARLOR AN BOX STOVES A'*!'"s It S Oct. At I ...;(?' » I kjiiis of HKPAIflS ^or the IiDp^emeutj I ---. I ki-usof liKPAIf»8 for the ItDp'emeutj h^s'i, J?., lie 3 will Bee i.iB f 'a J j^e of dealiug with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, iFlssliertoin.. .l^vivri,-.., M*n-h 24, ISSL 28 :f OH, HEM. OH,lEAR.~ OH,lMr o â€" â€" Squatjtler yoi:r inon^v if ytu want to. if not, get yoiirPuotograpUa of W. BULMER. The People's Photographer, Flesherfcon Who i^ a^frtlo pren.Tpa to take P olnrp-anddo ConyinganJ RnV'gMg ft«li^ e u'u e Wo: e'e.-*.v.n a ..â-  ^....kof MOTTOES amT tfo..f. aou other Frame^ nud F,i.m» 's-. »•..;;â-  »iei.,u.iit mean 10 ^M at Rema'-kaoiy Low Prices Ck'I cud iKOJ e .1' -5: .. B. » E. '^aâ- o s jojr)' eiuipsaudliavt. tbem cuir.^u a^ u ejlf.r(;e t fav ronr olU eu^. f .-^je-.o'.MB.chlO, 1SS1. LWItRa ATTENTION â€" o- Laj'ge Arrivals New U! AT HILL^BROS. Man, lines of Gooda hought after the fall of tl per cent, in price,:henoe we know that o« prices will be right. Stacks of Winceys, Stacks of Tweeds, Stacks of Boots and Shoes, Stacks of Ready-made Clothing, Stacks of Mantles for the Ladies. Ca.ll aiid. See TTs. GOODS PI^TiraTlNy PRICES lOf. ^^er. Thanl^^.ouforpa.rf-traartr.^^ru'::^^.^^^^^ oa^!.:J:ro:^^^:-S:V;;;^^-^ Wj^aadaU kindaof p^„oe. Markdale. Sqitembar 14th. 1881. ^tftttti ATlriNTYRE TEA! TEA! TEA I A. M'limriic ^T-o-ux, SUo-uj:, S^ovup. " ~* â€" â-  'n lloIl^l^BS'l|' MoINTYRE'B "QOOWIjigwttl MoDfTYBS'S Cigars, Cigkrs. McINTTBB'8 P£^^-' ^dS/Pbrk. râ€" I â-  1 1 I I, I "^^^ LATE iPORTA! 01 apeeially Attractive, Seasonable. Fashiouable and Stofc 00( I To nAnd, trbieli we offer at Greatly Reduced Prk -N./ t» }»oo$$ A^t isi We offer special Talues iu evt-ry liue. ' " OUR STOCK OF -.. Groceries, Hardi are, Crockery, M ffl la very oomplete. and luatomera will fi ^l prisu ail •.•x'.vu sjujIik,-, partmtnt. GIVE US A CALL AND SAVE MONErj by purchasing yovir suiiiilic-s at the ' Turoufo Hi. ' Wm BROWll Markdale. Sept. 26th, 18*l; *â-  GOLD Or its equivalent, can purchase anv thin;;nt may require in DRY GOODS, GliOCEfilE: BOOTS and SHOES, or in fact anything Lha J ,• usually '•. .â-  FOUND In a general country store Purchasieg. you should always ascertain wherejJJ can purchase to th^ best advantai^e, that is?l the best goods at the lowest price, and t!»i place is BUTTER RAE'S «u MARZSDAUj t Tt lit Wliom If May OsRcerR. As the season has arrived when montv is plenf* have no collector but the bailiff, wc mist have ourr by the loth of October. .* " Au:just gth, 1881. • FARMERsÂ¥lVIECHAN« ESTATE. LOAN AND DUNDALK. ONT. o TVT/^"Vr"U'"V Farmera wishing to obuiii mon. y -anno« j^,,, jl â- Â«JLv71l Hi X at the Farmer* and McclmnJis' A-. i..y .*i«^' ^^ of Dljiid»lk, where yon oaaget Moket at a redmed ratr -f """^u^^. yooraelves,â€" to pay off a previous n»ortK««e, build a luw li use '"'fâ„¢^u*lr or to ()b(4i]i eboiee breed of tatt'e. l.:^Lo»n8 will be i)».t throngU w^ whtje y^e strifitcel prirafy ^iU be njaintained in all trauf.itioi;s. â€" -â€" -, to eaU the attaation of those « isliiiii: to }mr^ large number of good and cheap Fana Lots fer sHl*" t^**^ CMologM aad prieea. CHYlvaii^iC lopf vHii care, neatness ii'^^^ OrFfCBâ€"Oue door toulh tf Uu 4mtfo:Ameriai* UouL ^- Iuadalk a«0amker let, 188U "' MJLKKDALE HOtJ^ â- " Good Stables and ••' A«tat*et Feteign and Prorincial llallw I aii4, av .loatraetiTe F^iffl itftke end of th* year. No ' •^IL.ed until all arreageii ar« -I •» tbe option of the pablish- ^r^aeing papers without payinc JI^^M^fefefbr tbe years cub- j antil they eomply with the mles. ^T«8 OF AJ»VEBTI8IKG one Tear »50 00 ' do 27 60 do l« 00 VO: BCILl aud attended 1 E«ttima4 DandaU do do 8 00 4 00 60 15 7o e s 1 cader, first inaertion.. â- nent iotertion. t«lllinee,(ir»tinaeitiaa.. I anbaequpnt inxertioD linea, hrat iuaertion per line 1 anbaepuent iusertion aber of lines to be raekoaed by the â- pied sMaaured by a eeale erf eol'd will be publiaheoi till forbid and rdingly. JUl tranaitory advertiae- 1 be i« tbe offioe of pablioation bv .•. th*.Tba^iV Wttva* ^eee«4 LMeHliilinn ro. W. BDTLBDOE. Proprietor. ISiONAL A BUSINESS PIR|C TORY. H ous Col Dundaii 9pr*Hle Cmrter« 18, Surgeon!- ,Accouch eur .. Ifedieal Hall; residence at louse. ^, Sep t 17.1880. 1-v J. itfASSO^' STEB, MAKTEU AXDDEP. KEG. y. Notary' Public, "onvovan- een Sosnd, in Ticker's Block, and in Markdale. ov.r Mi lar on Pridar and Saturday -f.-wry 57.1} Prvst A Fr*itt, jTEBS. AND ATTOliXKySAT .Solicitors IU {-1j.ii:i eiv. Coniej 0*en Souui, have resuin..^^ at Office open every Tiiur..luy, ai J. W. F11-.ST, LL. B. r^tjjiwwn Attn: ev. 1 Srntictrjt. Jamc'ii J. U hitc, to l)r. Cameron, Owen Sound, JE AT THK KEVEKK HOISK, ^kdds, on the laat VV'adussdHv in ,wben bu will beprejarud toper- â- ratioiis reii'jirei U|ou tlie ni'ul)i kt satisfaclorv mauuei' and ii|*ou I tcrin.s. ly tifcrllattraa*.: If^m. Browu. |oF MAlUa.V(ii:-UCEX:bES,4c. ssiouer in B. K. J:c. llcing in all its brauL'hcs ]iroaipt!\ I and careially eiecuteii. luuey tu Lt'Ua u\i Ileal Estate ie- Sept. i7. 18*0. ly lie sunder Brown. Iu[ Marriaijo Licenses, Kiro and surauce Ai;uDl. Cuiaiui.»si..u,.i I 4c. C jovt-yaucer aii.l l,i,\:i,,.,i f for liie CiHiuly o( eii.v. Jnnj.-i..;. sad Lund b.in», J'liiK-tiiully at- Dd charges iu:i le v.rv luo.. I^tte. ,.Sept. 17. It I. " i.y it. ftfl. Unlbiaiili [):E1:UAND oKNKIl.VL I..\NU J Wiiiiamsd.rd .Slai ..ji. Aiieti..ii JeJ iu all p.iri3 of vm liei.itv. |ou Coaiuii.i.i.111. 1{ lU ui.' t- ia;t aus, and Se.v.urf Munbiu.-n; a! -o pruauieuta. Tree Vine.. A/iieiii. UeuLa,aaJ ^Xv^'muvr) wf ail kirJ- orJ, Jaa. 37. t-.\. Wi IK lart. K(Kd security. mTERl Alia ISrrra' •Ui-ointx. Markli.:. E. Un AND Ha»^ li v ..fall Mz. rii(K' 1111,1 ij kej't oli \lM:i\ Hoaseli I'ielu: Watch w!iu!. w.il i DuTi.l.ilk.S F. Fl CARRl Thn •'u'l.-ei ".â- â€¢ I wAG(;!)X.-. SLIJ li.' To.j,-n,t.r v.iv ,;; ••r iruu ou »!. it i| I*«nU;k. S. ;. John i» Ck Sins, jlON' AKD PUOVIN'Cl.\L LAND »or, Dranshtsma'i ail V..!u,;'i.r, a NfarkJalo. J-l.ui:ij,' iiuuii.i-.e. L\nd Surveyor C-iarles uiiiikinV of original I'ield Xot.-s, I'lan.-, atructions, ic.,.f all his .Suiv.vb I the last lift? -five yars, 1 aiu make Surveys in strict acr-n.l- lith. Pioliles aul Estiiuatis quills. Plans aii.I .Sp â- citie.iiion- Bridge*, furnished ou H|i.li.-n. y to Loan at m iter e.:it |!i;. iv^t. liter, or left wit ll G. J. HLV IH. rill be promptly atteiiiK-l t. ll-^Wt. I.y Isot'la House, *••--•' pKoRRirrori. so long the o .peoial favorite of '""nmnnily. Iihk lxii:i r.fiiu-d and is iii'w ..|K»n f-.r tiju r**- •t«; is wjtiiiu la-y rcacij nf ihc and ha the a Ivautatf.: ..1 i«-i.:p • aneomfortauie hu-tje ..f otlu-r be towa, Jvinj; Hiiuiu- .j^ L'niori [porlwtt's Foundry. ' jWl. ec-iy lf CO-N'TKaC rOH. (.Ston# and PIajt«!ri%- and Cijuiitrv Jobs, ie*4ed to. KtoSi cutting 'a Sjw- ' t»,on all rurt. £r«- Sati.s- vBteed. ' lie.-iiHeut«*«r4)crof Pproule Sireojs, V..^i.*l«. »1. 1880. W-y 'Cutters,' I WAGGU-N.^I ' HORSE RAj Aukir.i's I j\ .Mv..:lfa':uiv ,. UJ F L E S l| To MV V\' !; â- ^- luy trii !•â- . .•ii i !i 1 exnvi'uiiiit 1' !â-  rr|%ri-.l t' ll every tl*- ^-'-jj-'r â- !! the m •I.'-!, wi. i j C"li!fc t.' li" n; I?TlV "' ' 'â-  '• enee, 1 a'il vvi â-  IIk- aJaiiii •' 'i; Pari.;iâ€" In viM-it will lio »el' ;.;.â- â€¢ n .in ill tllf iirii!. tli.ui iu iu.i!:ty. )»rii'F. THOS. HM. FOX, Irnamen^al Plasterer AY" ISHK.S u. t,ul eiit. iiicr- Il r Vi rv litxiui I i.tii.iiii [^for stone uu-l lriek«ork ..n a| liai Lceu iij tin Ij.iiikJ at'iiactii^io (liruut^eJ. Ii»i- i diie. an â- B.m!.!/. |« .-tj Stretit, MiirkJiiU' i «"ce of ihe ;.-i.i' f. .ij |8eitf. 17. ItMt" J V :re~hotel, )UIjE' Proprietor. Hotel has had a Ia^/.h ad- ded to it, thoroughly rititted. â- leoud to none iu the c^unf v. _»ud attentive otler. Fijiit- *datiou (or cotninprcitj t4vel- *-iSi?? ****" **â- "' â- *" ' i4.FORp, Oni. PaoraiaxqRfi. "ne4ation for the travalhng 'â- *' ia well stocked witli the l#d Liquors and the lest ^|mu% all trains. 1 V â- ^lEL*' HOTEL -«VILLiE. Ont. u*°*»odioue Sample Booms "^.*e The Bar and larde jTgftte beet the uiaAet af »H5S"«*»*attentiTe HosUer't fW^IKIjrsON. Proprietor pOOTcOMBINGS, ISSSta^^*** *o announce to L^^^** •»4 â-¼ieinity that ahe i^T *P hair eombings into -^* e«ria. terms moderate e eomer of Uiar Mr. Bowea'raa kV ejn ^/ivc J.Kl'if Sitii\ â- â- â€¢â€¢.â- V I I U S t Hftri!i=3S ESTf Kl«i*;. u l.anl. aiei ISi'X.iii' i.m • 1 thi I..-t.f lit.i;. ,...i .MarkUult. N-v. 1-. ij SHTOP! KO^ T. MUL- 1^1!. I.N CHURRS, BU' WASH-TU; llcfiairiiiij Ihjiif II a A'.! vi' REAPER, mo^veI PlouiruK. Hurroi Kir. Uarkdale. June il.l»e^ HAlT CUTTING Wfdtietdavn ant 1^ ra filled for M7SI.

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