Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Oct 1881, p. 3

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 â- 'ftrfV^CF' :V 4 I AiiOUMJTHE ui.LJ). wa» Vunrar^ food «ft JoBey'ii So«^ J \.uere Mr. JoDey had porchaaed' it] f 'Ui a stranger â€" not one of the pria- â-  iiors. The deCendanta bronglit wit- n" ses to prove an alibi. Verdict â€" :v)t Guilty. The Grand Jnry broa^t in a tme biU Againat Andrew Farqnharaon for assanlt. Pilkie T9. Boycc. â€" Undefended ac- tion for seduction. Verdict te plain- tiff, $500. WBDXZ8DAT. Alexander tb. McDonald. â€" Action for seduction. Verdict for plaintiff, $500. The Grand Jtiry brought in a true bill against Louisa Caroline Feathers â- for {oTgerj. Lotiisa Caroline Feathers on being arraigned, pleaded guilty. • Bhe had written letters on which to obtain mmey, as already referred to in our e dumns. â€" O. S. Timet. Count Walbnrg, the Arctic explom, wlio has jn!it returned to Uammer- fest from a journey to fLe lower Yeni- aei lu a brcuiin merchaut steamer, u reported aa declaring such naTigation possible every year, deapita tlie ^- ficultiefl wbich have hitherto b«en held to surround it. it ih {trbapfl time to record Bom^ farlli^r ii.c.f concerning iioBU ns pro- potted Vorld'8 Fair. A meeting of all tb; Kub ci'miuitteed f tiie C.u:aiittee of Tvkvutv-eicbt was held last Tiiurs- d.i" Hi.d after a secret, auii, it ir KaiJ, aniinated conclave of two and a half hours, it was finally decided â€" to lucet agaiu m two weeki* to cousiner tbe question whether tha Fuir shall or â- ball not be held. Tbe projected reorganixntion of the Bpanislj army will largely incrf«?e its numerical itren.ijth wLeu it is fa ly mobihzed. The iofantn' *»" cow- prise more than 810.000 traiued m u, j wljile tL-i other arun of iho b ;vicej "patent " clahm. will be a'llfc to muster at ka-it l'JJ,'X â€" j i «• • ji- -I 1 »i ffi u,. ' That ava^t deal of swindling was mof'j. aIi-' total Btreu-th of llie ftpau- ... »i t. «„,.... ,„ 'done through faise claims for patents, is'i army wul thertforo amount to " n i â-  »i. „J,i^^, „ â„¢io,on.. ai -,'iewcl known to those who keep the ovcT IOO.iXJO mfeu whereas, as at »» it V ' -, ^. ,^,.,ii,.i, run of sncb matters. A farmer sees iiri sent orKaniz'-tl, ita w^r cstivblu-n- ' II 1 1.,, .o i.,„.i- a device, one for a gate, for example, mciit.iucH'iiiiir colonial trwjps, barely I ^, ' t â-  ,. â-  .V ' paper it seems to be u^ful and Vaccmauon as practice:! m Chiiia ^^^j,^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ constructs one. ban two peculiar i.uurn- Tue sub gome of his less wide-awake neighbor*, iect is not operated on in tbe arm or 1 ^j^^^ jj^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^ throngblv leg/ but in the nose, and the Govern- 1 ^^^^^ j^,,^ ^^^^ f^,^^ ^^-^ ^^^ j^, menl wl.ile it does not c-mpel p,=ople ^^^^ jj^^^^ ^„ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^j, ^^^^ to sub-uS to the operation, practically -^ ^y^^ neighbourhood After a while re-i'..... tiio same end that .t "'^j'd „ chap comes along, claimins to hnld by ao:o^â-  so by offerm- to i.areut. lor ^^^^^ j,_^ jj^^ ,^^^ device that makes ..7..ry ch.i t vaoc.-.a".l a prt o.ura of ^^j^^ ^^ desirable, claimn $5, orother 10Jco;per cash, »"ch amount, to ^^^ ^^ ,^j^^ ^^^^ j^ about -...u cents, an J. for a poor Cam- ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ prosecution will follow SUSDBY HU5IBUG8. 5»cj» NIL DESPERANDUU. MArtsKone IBK OBBAT KROLISB BBiaOT. M aaiailiBll eve for RHEUMATISH, Htvnlgim, SeMet. Liimia§o, Bmckmek0, i«ri»*» •/ *^CM. 6Mt, Qwaty, *«r» Tkrâ€"I, iwH- in§» Md Spraiiu, Bwrm «W ' SctU*, G^mtqI Btiilf Point, To9th, £«â-  U1I Hâ€"^ehe. Frott^ fMt and Eon, «W dl a«kw Paint ami itkt. itr. Ji and aU toim' thai foi2a« M a â€" H as â€"* o*a*-A*»a j M low of V«ao*7, Univw** ^^^ Lm JtnJe. PwaiB tbe Back, ^^uj^^iae, Vmmtmi that 1-4 to VomnOj at Cooimptiv a and • Pre- iBfi*â„¢** Oiafe. QTFttll partienlar* in oar puDphlet. which »* ifiie to send hee bT mail toeT«rT one. The Spieific Medicine Usold by aU Ini«g«U at ^â€" TSivWwr »1.00 per package, or •« Aft« •^" JuiaSi reotipt of the money by •ddi»«mg. TK HAT MCBIGMC CO., aman in bis own coaotry, a sum not to be d';Bpi'-(,"J. llifa Lick (Jbsorvat tv, wbich is in course of erection t^ri Mviiiit iiamilton, ut .Situ .Jo.s-, J.il., IB f.yp.icteJ to be compl'.tfcii in til--; ciniog month of .October. T;i'.- p!«-r wi,;'.-h i-t to sustain tbfc tr r.t tirurhcojio H about liniiji- cd. iti.iiiiiltol barl burnt brick Hiicb cases are accurring continually, not only willi pat^nte of ^ates, bat i with numerous other devices in use upon the farm or in the house. In Bucb cases, where tbe claim of the patent is a fraudulent one, as it very often is, v,i: advise resistance. But there are two si les to tlie question. j While we do not regard our patent Hu h;n .1 1'.iH'iiLler of 18 f tt 5 inches j^^, g, perfect, they are as good as we ut ti.e blv ill. and ta|Hrin.i; until it is are likely t^ have, and, good or ba-l. ;iglit fi. t across at the top it ii 24 {(^.y ^^e /air*, and must be observed- f. t bigli to tb-; ob'-rrvinif A'^)t. Its fbe man who has tak' n out a patent fiiiid;itioii IS solid, b'.uig laid in a bed j,^;, certain rights wbich the laws have, of bolil rod. ioKir feet and abaif below I f^^ consideration, secured to him, the -.uifitc' of tlie gr'iund. It h bold ;in I we would no more encourage an in i iiiitce in the ej^cavatign by a bed infiingmr ut upon a legitimate patent 0/ c III" lit. than we would favor the payment of fraudulent claims, liut. it will be aek- eJ, what \i one to do, if he i.s accused Tb' IVjHton Journal compares i • I'l'il I'l irjs from the in.iiktt r-ports of .-1 ;itiiii.' r 2'.J, IHHO, with c rri;H],-,iu.l- lo;,' T rti of iiie hiiiue date tiii-i year. 'J ii ri^iill ii-.i.-ertJtui-d 1.1 that wheat t I JiHvauced iirpricc from 51.0! to ~\ " pr-r biisli. I m;38 p'rk from lt;t 2t.rj(J per barr'--l luans, ii: rii|.oi luht iteru in the Boston lUiiik- ti •10m SI '.HI to §3 40 per b;is!i..l ;.ip J le, fnmi .Si '2.' to $:i 51) \*:T La. re !• butler, clues-;, be f and sii,Mr J.. • -Ivn'Cel little, if aiij. T.ie of infrin;;ing a patent Tiie first thing to do is to "take matters ea.sy," and L;0.s'l HE tiaoUTE.StD l.NTO OOl.NCi ANY- THING. Tiiib is a country ol laws, and if one has uninteiiti'inuliy iufringed upon a [â- atciit, he will not be executed at tbe iH'Xt cross roads witliouttue beneht of cierxy. Nor yet will he be Jthrowu iiito a iiuiiee u, and fed on bread and water. Tuo bolder of the patent • I' â-  ;. I'l-'-l; I..I'I It 'Ii.. il:H»n-s-ioii on- g'ts liT.ever, if 'hiit th- â-  â- â€¢! I-; i-i ii'"-v ni'icii v.:i. I.i-' -.ear. tr-jiii tlio I """" 'â- "â- o "â- â- 'â- ""• 1^"' 'h a '-I b' ti ii. United cost of ' •^'•""^3 "^^u't '^i"' "t that. In the gr-T.tor rCi'se where the clraiii isajii=t one, and j a i»eraon"a rights have been infringed, I the hoi ier f the patent will not be rit.iti-l.es of the railway ac- hkely to iudulf.'e in tbrtats, ashe feels „ I-... ;!;trd for the year s.e. 111 ^.y,^,- j^.^^j ,,,. j^^jji^t^ auj ji^^. ^^^ ^j :.. hsed a '|.iantity as tiie ^;„.,(, ,. j^,^j ji^^^.j^f^.^j^j, of iUolf sug- »,.ber..fhtlei-.iwhiciiarepo.st iv.itl.- „t,t.s liauil. Of cours" every such •,.i;re:-,M-s. 'Die total number ki,;e-l j.,,^. .jv,ll baye its peculnr features, -.r w:i- l,i:it; anl the " iinbe: ^,,j ^,j. ^.^^^ .^^j^ ^^^.^ jl^g general e i^:i, ;).-,-s. Of these li:J I'-r j^Uiee, to not l)o liightenpd, to do ,lie.l;ii,.l I. --i:j persons mjurerl ,_,^j,^,,^^, j,j i„iiry consult the •i.: (. â-  11- rs. i li'j reniiiiiib r Leigbb-,r- as there are usually several â-  iiij. .;.•â-  â- .! tho c .mpatiic,, a;i I ,„j.,, ^.^^..^ .,^ ^^^^, vicinity, to secure ,.il! i ;i' i 2';-' Ji.j ii;d weij tr. s- i,„,ty .,f u^;;,,!,^ jj^.i ij convinced that -Oi- 1.;,;- iihd oiIkt Ji' "•':.-• tj,,; ciuim i^ a just one, make the best 1, !• 11. r'.fp 1 .;is wh) tiavehd ,1^,^ i-,„i,i..je por,»iLle. A correspou- VI] .a.- i.tsseu^'-rs l,i.st year, x j^uj „i (j^rL,,,^ (j4.^tjr^ p^ g^ujg Ug all account of a case in which claim- ants of a g;ite patent sued farmers tor an iiil;iiia"jment. The defendants, tlie farmers, were present lu court with th'.ir Witnesses, tut the plaintiff did ii't apn-jur at tiie trial, tnus ad- mating that lie had no cause. Every one ciaiining to hold a patent on an aiticle bliouhl be willin to give it» â-  ..iiy irii'-M!.; railwiiy travilers ajipar uum'KT, and the dale on whichit was 1 I r- 1. ii I .urnaN. With cminericl- issued. Iiy writing to the Patent i.bl' •uidiir. I ranee IS given the (i;.s:, otlicc, at \VashiUo'tin, a copy of the r.'ii «.t (.•iiiire. hast enviable, place on (patent can be jiiocured fur a moderate â- !,â-  ;. r, h-r riiil.v;kys killing annually j i,;e (uOc., we think), aud this will al- â- iie irj I v-jy '2,i)0ti,'K)0 paHsou^ers and low one to judge of the validity of the w .1111 i:u:/ one ill every half million. I claim Some swindles, no matter I "li -li railways kiil one to every i bow tborouL'hly exposed, have long :, •.iMi.iHMi, but surpass those of Franco hvts. Here is the I iii.t, v r;.. iialties, woiin ling one in j powijek to pkkvknt ump explosions. v r| ird of n million. I'.eLgiaii U 19 over IM years ago that wo sbow- II .f. kill and woind one in evt ry ed up this powder, a pinch of which ||"' i.iiii ?ii,J .()Uij,(MJ re-.pe(;tive|y j [,ut into the lamp would not only \.iiie i'ru ia only one in every 21. 5K), prevent exjloj^ioii of th'j oil, but iu- iM.ii .iinl wounds one in every 4,000,- sure agauiat tbe breaking of the chim- iCoundiy six-akiii!.' French ney. 1 In.-, wonderful stuff wis uoth- • .ili\;iys k iliive times ns many us mg but comruou salt, colored blue l.ir'Ii.^i, 1-,11^'li^li not 'juite twice- as wiUi iiitramarinr, and, of course, ut- irriny a • Jleltriaii, and l!elt,'ian nearer terly witiiout eff«-ct in preventing ex- 'liri.: than twico as many a« Prussian, i plosions. Wo had not heard of this are much flio least fatal of tbe for several years, until a Bpencerport ' " " ' " paper came to baud with an account BOLD BT ALL D»De«IBI8 AID DBllBM A. VOOIXER it 00^ B«Wm*r»,Mt..V.B.J» IMPORTAMT SALE OF VALU.\BLE FARKIS! I.N TUE TOWNSHIP of OSPREY -ON- TUESDAY, OCT. 20TH, 1381, at one o'cl-ck in the nftonioon, at Tuck « Hotel, in tb* Village of Maxwell, tbe foUo»- mg valuable freelioul f irnn will be offtred (or sale in two parcels by Ma. Sons Spiees, Auctioneer. Parcfl 1.â€" Lot .Namber Twcnt.v-fiTe in tbe Fifth Conccsnioc of tbe Township of Oi- prey, containiag one bnnJred acres more or Its-.' about Beventyaeres of which arecinared. The biiil(liii2» consiil of a grod dwelling- hou«. a cottage and a large frame baru. I'abcel 2. â€" hoi Xumbtr Tweuly-t ii in the Fifth Coucessiou of Osprev, coutaiuing .me biiculred acres more or less, of which aboat eighty acres are cleareJ. There are a cot- tage fknd a bnrn en t.'ie lot. TL-se lo'.g are situate ou a go-jJ roid and within a mile of tbe grave' roal b twt-en Fle^herton and C'ollin^w„od. Parcel One will be seld nude' the power of sale in a m irtf;age wUic-h w. 1 be produced. Tareel Two niiJer a mor ga ;e foreolo-fsl in tlit Court of Lancerv. A de jKJiit •{ ;cn il dlar^ for evi ry uav hundred cf purcli.ip luoT.i y to be p'.i'i !.t the lane u( Bale to the VeHil.r.^ cr tluir S-'lie.tor. Tkums ..r SiT.K I.lieril, aul will b- niaie kiK.v.ii at liiueoi --.il" F-i furtn.r â- ,•"'â- ""â-  lar- aj.ilv t tie- Aiicti.iirt r a: I'evtr-i.aua WiilHi.! .Mil:.-. Mixw.-ll; or t-. y. O Wool. Soli .-.liT, 1- fiiii.ii iiio^k r.ioi.lc Direct, Toror.tie s. G. WOOD. JOHN sriF.ns. Veii.ior'rt S-licitor. Auclioi eer To.-outo. S-pt. Wth. l~is;. 1 r.' of --i •.:! tieket lioldir-i wi:^ ,, r.i 1 1 .1 H H 1,1 K 10, beint,' an incn nhc ]| iiii'i.iPMit r.v r the- iiunib r v.lio .â- â- ..i I 111 tie \.:ir before, ^howHl;;, :,' fl.iir and a 'i^iarter i::illio;: r ;. '.le. tr.i\' 1 out is kilh 1, and j !â-  i 111 oi.e- ill everv liidf mi. lion is 'â- 'â- -'â-  '• ' i :- Ml iiiti r-;st;n" st'iti-tics of mor- ui.i.- f -ir. .uld .e Hi Tbo ayoratje rate of speed made railways of theso countries b'rin u valuable addition to (â- , •â-  statistic*. Th. lAl.I all .\s. .XSSIZKS. of the success of this swindle in one of the tjnust portions of New York State. Two well-dressed chaps not only soH the powder, but offered premiums of furniture and carpets to purcha.sera. At last accounts "they turneu East i/e for this Coniity at at Ogden Center Church," driving at ti. II Sound wa- to have coiniiienced full ppced, and we regret to say that M .i.diy the -iiiih nit., but owiiiK the sheriff failed to come up with them. to II Ml. .Iiisticc I*nttorsoii liaviiif^lioon d. lain, d at the DulTerill Asi/.es, the '.;.i Hire' of the Court Was dibiy.d till 'I II. lay iiioriiinj^. The rriniiiial cal- .111 l;ir 4-i.iiipriMd seven cases, iiielnd- iiio !l:re«- iai-.iii;4 Doniiiiioii notes, one 6)r r.iM.eiy, one for^^ery, and one for II Hill. 'I'ho civil docket c.)niiri=e.l r.jii jury :iiiil four non-jnry cases. â€" Ml. .\. ^|•.•^.t cniidncted the Crown .1.11 â- iiie..s. The following i.s a li:it of tie 'ir.iiid -lury Vie'.iii- I. uj;. For.'man James Fox, .1 Ln Na-! litii, 1). McCormick, Thos. 11. K.'iv.' Creorgo "Pichardson, Corne- lius l)n"'iin, .lanios Struthers, John Iviiiini' 'i'homas Andrews, Samuel St« .v:iit, lloiiry 1 Irwin, Arch. Hut- tors. Duncan Mathioson, Thos. Whit- mon\ John B. (iraliam, Jas. Stewart, Thos. Askin, Jus. Buchan, Thos. Hill, C. L. (iriint, .Tames Duff, Wm. Uogg, iSHiiiuel Dickson. The following cases were disposed ,of:- WTiatcly vs. Lawrenceâ€" Action of fjcctment. Settled between th« par- ties. Myles v.s. Lawrence â€" ^This was an action for slander, arising out of the last municipal election in Euprasia. â€" Mr. Mylos, Reeve, sued the defendant, Hugh Johnson, for damages for saying tliat he forged orders on the Treasurer. Verdict f" defendant. The Grand Jury brought in a True Bill at^ainst Silas Graham and Robert Yemen for Bobbery. Queen vs. Silas Graham and Robt. Y'emen â€" The prisoners wer charged with having robbed Michael Ingram of a silver watch on the evening of Dominioa Day. Ingram's story was that he and the prisoners were drink- ing togetlier that day, and on his re- turn for home in the evening they fo' Jowo.i him up tha hill, knocked him j tlie purest and beat u/ |nftdifi|ma â€" dowjj and took bi-» watch. The watch Repubiiian, A friend sends us a shcw-bill of A' EXCK^^lOB G.\S BUR.NER. which fairly shouts and screeches for persons to act as agents for it, and asks our opinion aa to his taking the agency. We have read oyer the sheet carefully, and adyiso him, unless be wishes to become acessory to man- slaughter, to let it alone. Though it is not so stated in plain terms, this burner is to bo used with Naphtha, Benzine, or similar light petroleum products, something "that will cost one half less tlian kerosene." It claims over and over to give a "gas light," which is simply untrue. It is a contrivance for burning the rapor of one of the liquids mentioned. A gas is permanent of ordinary temperatures, the vapor produced by the heat of tbe burner is no more a go* than is steam. That a bright hght may be produced is very hkely, but there is always great danger when any of the liquids of tbe benzine class are in use. The sale of gunpowder is regulated by kw, and BO is the sale of poisons in most Stat«8, but these dangerous liquids, more daugerous than gun powder, because so Uttle is known of their real nature, may be sold freely in every country store. No device of burner, no form of lamp, eao make it safe to have these liquids in nie in the house. â€" Ammcun A^rieulturiMt /or Sept. Boona GKBTincATKs. â€" It is no viled diug^ed stuff, pretend mg to be made of wonderful foreign roots, barks, Ac. and puffed up by long bocns oartifi- cates pretended miracuaoiu oores, but a simple, pure, effective medieine, made of well known ytf liable ramediM, that furnishes its own eertifieates by i' cures. Werefur tar Bap Bitters, Stov C/b. es Cooking StoveSt Parlor Stoves, Box Stoves, Hail Stoves, Drum Stoves. All the late improveuient.s in stylo and fiuish. HARDWARE! TINWARE, Paints, "White Lead, Paint Oil, Machine Oil, Coal Oil, Lamps, c., â€"ATâ€" Haskett Bros. Markdale, Sept. 28th, 1881. TAILORING C. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented tbe Tailoring Depait- ment over McFarland's store, wishes to inform the puliUc of Markdale and tbe Hurrouudiog eoontry, tbat be is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily CUTTING! D ne w il ciift'jmere are watjng. THE UTE8T FASHION PLATES Always iru baud to cbosc from. A Good Fit Guaranteed â€" ATâ€" LOW RATES. fS'Eemember the Plgce, Over McFarland's Store. Markdale Jane 16. 1881. 40-n BOOD NEWS AUII. Md lis ai Woil â€"HAVING^ LATELY FITTED UP My Orut MQ} in FIRST-GUSS RUMNiNG ORDER I 1 am prepared to torn mt itt work m a flnt- 8 TEA! TEA! TEA! ' .. MoINTYBE'S McINTYRE'8 Ci^rs, Cigars. McINTYRE'3 CoiPoe, Coflfee. A«de.«y*bh«k^ --'^^J^^^rS.^ '"' â- Iwaja OB kaiid. csba* foa ciaa. MonmtBE's HULlMEALliCSUI McINTYRE'S Pork. Pork. Pork. McINTYRE'8 Teas, Tea*. MAB^Dirj ^•b and Door Pabi SASH, •' ^^'» DOORS, :orj j-^' r trO!^S9i THE KEY TO HEilLTN. MEDICALHALL BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW .*K* BATTos, Lumber, Lath and ShW Always on Hand. Orders Promptly J^ii oâ€" â€" The Sobaeriber wishee t j rotnrn tbank* to tbe pMpIe of Markdkle ttin I Tery liberal patronage tluTe given him in the part, and bupes by do«e i^"'!} t I « eootinaanoe of the xame. ^^^ I, Vl I have now astonded my bn«iiies», and will in (utore keep a f^i. *^ PINE LUMBEli^ ALL SIZES, DEESSED AND UNDliEssj;j. B^eS'""*^ Bavio0 St recei'red my first shipment of Pit* Lnmber ami Latli from u^ i^B.^^^J and will have another schooner load iu a few uaj ^«1 Unlocks all tbe clogged aTcnues of the BowelSr Kidneys and Liver, carrying ofiF gndiully without weakening the system, all tbe impurities and foul humors of the â- tcretions at tbe same time ConecUlltf curing KU* Constqiation. D ijue t a of the Skin, DroMv, Dim- ness (rfVision, Jaundice. Salt Bhemn, Erynpdas, Scrofula- Flattering of tbe UMurt, Nerronsness and QenersI Debility »" these and many other simi- lar Complaints yielH to the happy infl nence of bubdooe: blood bitteb Sample Bottles 10c Begnlarsizell. For sale by all dealers. V. WOMKWa A ro.. Preprlcten. TkraaM l^j£ A- SB 3:: X- AFDLL ASS03TMENT IN THE FOLLOWING UKES KEIT (CNbTAKTL ON HAND Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, Patent Medicines, Schoo Boooks, Stationery, Fancy Goods. Toilet Articles. Pure Drugs and Chenaicals, Choice Teas and Tobaccos. Agents for Vicker's Express Corapames. Markdale. An«,3rd^i881. and Montreal Telegrafli A.TURNER CO. 13 rloor and all kinda of feed dcUvwvd faifi to any part of the Tillaaa. ThanViflCyoQ aU lor pMLbron I ho^by â- triet atteatioo to biiiiiii|Pi mwit a'-pa*- tiaaaaee of the aaiatf:^ f ^~ jS W. 3. AOWB. Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbu8,Dy' tentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick' nets and Summer Complaint also Cholera Infantum, and all Com* plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will bo found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DROCCISTS. T. MILBURN CO., Proorietora. Toronto. MARKDALE Artemesia Warehouse FIiESHEETON"STATION. o Now on liaud lor sale, and will be eoiiHtantly renewed, a complete Stock if l)ryGoods,Ready-MadeClotMpg, Boots andSboes, HARD"WABE, CROCKERY. GEOCERIES, PROYISIONS,?ctc. o t^ All kinds ol Country Produce taken in excliange for Goods. Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. Lumber, Laths and Broomhandles manufactoi'a.'er^nd for sale, FlesherU.n Station, May 27tli. IR'»r. 2-tf Jkll liindsi or Plain and Fancy Done in a ftrst-«laa8 manner. THOS. Harkd«Io, May 27th, iM. '^»»»T»iaj McNEi^ â- *'â- % ^:i;:'\i\^^f~^ IS PCBU8HBD y FBI DAT MORIflWO .utae, to meet the early maiU. he u"st rorewr and ProTiBeial V^^ ^5^^ ^i an Instructive '^r»dvanoe. 51.50 in three montha. '••*. ntidtrnt-ae end of the year. No J not P"" '" „„tii all arreagos aie "' -^l^o^ptTthe opiion of the pul.H;^!.- (» "P' "^^s refusins P«ivr« without pu.vini: .lo •)" do ^« lido " •••• •:wa.".ho--'"""""V. »ii .cteiil' .• riranisirtirii.. ,U8uÂ¥8ev" ' nM-itiou.. .... 'S^cirlinho*-""'" is,.rti..ii • • • • ;i auralnr of li.u '.. !«• rirk.-r.-l b t. Li A.-.v...tU..m.ut« «"«"?â- '*/?•.; ^n, w:ivi uMi" '••'*••' ::^.»,." *» mu.t W i» t',,0 .,fle -f I'O.^l-*-*;"" I ^sxiii BOsmcss DIRECTORY^ VC) Ii 27 JO 1.-. t 8 (lO 4 '0 16 I '.« I •5 8 2 "N l'ir;- INTEF t*-iii all ini- Dulil:; k^clans,Surge.n- .Accoucheur â-  JN^J;!-. Ljcg Mei;cai IlaU; rc-M' ti e at J,]. Ldale House. dale, ^Pt 17. '880. 1 V Of speeiaHy.Attmetive, Seasonable. Fabhiunable and Staple To nand, wbich we offer at Creatly Reduced Prices, 6 aa* t» »009$ Atf^ $80S$ We offer special value's in everj- liB»i £rsuL C^bas. U. Wilfces, jster at Law, OwenSounil. TIC'B.â€" M'""""' '"""'"'8. ""T IWrfu- :tor«, Poulet S'-rcet. 1-y RRisTF.r.aii.i A r r )i:nkv .\t i.a\^ Master in Ciianc.ry. Mw.ii S-au-l. ,i. 17. les" '•â-  Frost Ac Tro^i. ARRISTEUS. AND ATT01(NF.V?.AT I.aw, Solicit!. re in (li:ii:(i:\. t.i.vtx •s .tc'.. Owe't S'lui I. liH.r t.";iiifHl Mt lei-tou," office op.-ii cvciy Tliur-^.lav. .! ifore. ,FaoET. J.W.Fb.st.ll. !t. m-'tv Cro'Tn Attoi i; v 1 Prnitctrii. .4.GI 1 f' A .:.: A i I. V.lJa.r.- J I Au.ii.- U\. â- â€¢., ii'.-A: I.'.: CUR STOCK OF GrocfiTies, Hardware, Crockery, and Glasiii Is very complete, and customers will ^nd prices and values eati^ifactorj in nen 1^ partmi'Ut. GIÂ¥E USA CALL AND SAVE MONEY! by pnrcliasing vour supplies-at the 'Toronto Huue." Wm BROm STartJale, Sept. 26Ui, 1881. Ffr. J«iM-- J. Wl»««*. istant to Ur. Cainri«n. t)\v. ii S.-uu.;. ILL BE .VT Tin; IMAKKK HoIsK Markdale, »u tli.- la-t \\V.lii.-l-. i ionth,wben lie will !»• pivisiiyd t.-)- i II operation^ r.-i:iir.-.l \ijou tin- iii-u:! most atisf .-t ir luinn r. mi-l -M" lable tci nis. ' ivm::-: â- 1 L •••!t ' at-.-*.. 1. f M....:.|.- a'-iii' â-  Marble Works Monuments, Tombstones Aud every description of Cemetery work esecnted in FIRST-CLASS SHLE I and at rcasouable rates. Orders left at the shop or seat by mail will be promptly at- tended to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Shop next door to Revere Hotel. W. A. JOHNSTON, Prop. Markdale Aug. lOth, I88I. 48-ly The Latest and Most Wonderful Invention. EDISON'S â€" TO THS^- Piano or Orean. By which any Cbibl or Person can play any of the Popular Aire br note, at siitht, without STUDY, PREVIOUS PBACTJCE, or even Musical Talent. Tbe Company will FOR- FEIT 91.000 if any child ten years old tails to play ANY ONE of onr popular tunes on the Piano, Organ or Melodeon ^1^4° ONE HOUR after receiving tl^e ifasic and In- structions, provided said cfaild can count, with the figures before it from i }o 100 cor- rectly. T Pieces of music ^rlth !â- â€¢ stmetioBs, mailed to any address on receipt of 91 En- close one-cent stamp for catalogue of ttines. Agents wanted in every State and County in t^e Union. Edison Music Co., 66 215 217 Wahint St., Philada., Pa Portrait of Oarffitid, Btu OF BaskT. 19x24, With his Autograph, aeknow}edgad l^ himsei; if) be the h^ikaiwM ta #V 9f liu«re«. •ta«le C*riea, «• ets. Conr of Antoftraith Latter given with eaioh picture. Addreas, SaoBBB t Cab4)(;svillx, Jjtru. Oa iiaifc«w«s«..c**â€" Hr| m Bw p s tzs e» â-ºâ€" • ^â„¢ p- CD CS M w M tt El M g 11 kinks EM nea an m P' m 2. H3 o $* W O OQ "J ^d tt CO M CD CO COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always in Stock. As I keep all kinda of REPAIRS for tbe ImplemoDts I sell, Farmers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, DFiesla-extoKL, Flesherton, March 24, 1881. 28- tf OH, HEAR. OH^HEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander your moD»y if ycu want to. if not, get yourPbotographa o£ W.BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherton Whp is again pi;eparei to take Pietnres, and do Copying and Enhtrging as heretofore FRAMES A]M FEIAIVIE FIXIIVC^S. w!fjfJf*if**K'" "^* "i""' MOTTOES and Motto and other Frames, and Frame grjog along yoor pictnres and have then oopled acd enlarged by vour old friend. Flaihe)rion,Ma»eh 10, 1831. BULME^. f^^«« toiWe ar »0:|l ^ALE. J^ TBniEE YEAJiOLD MAHE. LABOB ?nLBaow)i. St-it. D, J, SNAIIAH/IN'S WAGOiy and Carriage Worlcs, Jna^ ppned, opponte the drug store, MOl â- trqet. Having long experience in the busi- »«. wo iMl oonfidant w»«an give satisfao- •oo to thoaelaToringiuwjtbMMrir orders for CABBUOES, spBma WAOooMs. LUMBBB WAflOOHS. !«. Bonshoeing, and aU kiadi of repairing a mr hne either in wood, iran, paiatiiiir •ad trunmiiig oeattr and promptlr oontol' WtBM »o«hinirbiit good ni.ti«Slli3«aI k9 ii^-daos ptaetical werkoMa. Ov aim iato (Hva fho kaat valoo for tbo Ia*t mauj, thai »«*«• ai«*WM,i; yn^dont. i I*iillic IXotlce. NOnCE U hereby given that tho now in, u "P*" '»'°" lo*» W, 100, and 101. on the 8rd oonceaaion W. T 4 8 B. in tabliS^'"" ' Ohmelg. is not prc^wrly 'oo- The eorpoiaUon of the towndmi of OUn- •Ig not having any title tothe road throasfa awdtots, wiU not bo roqwnaiblo for anyiS. eidont that may hutpan on said mad. JAMBS BBOWlT* FDO^Y WH^a- „ Clork. Bm_ Towaahip of OloMlg, Oot. 1». iM». MONEY to LCNO AT SIX QvigB csar. STOAIOOT LOANS. mTMi^innn, 1861. «Mi^ ^Iterrllunrcito. Will. Iffoxvn, 5UEII OF ma::i.i m.i' Mcr.Nsr.s. v. Jommissi'xxi iii I!. K..v.-. ivevan'ciiiu' in nU it- l.ri- ..• v" •"•;â- â-  .â-  led" to aiul 111- "i' • ^-'i" '• â-  g,B._Mouey to Li-uJ "U Kea. li-lali »â-  1-v STOP. MAEK LEAM And tbf!n ya«-»iitknow wheri to-go to Rct the best raUt" fi-r v^ur .Vodpt,* R. J. S PRO U LES GREAT ANNUAL CLEARIG SALE, AT THE POST OFFICE STORE, FLE^HEETON. In order to make room; for heavy Spring Imp'irtations now nrrivinn dailv. I b«»» im.ld reilacing my present large and well seU-cted and assorted stock of GENERAL DRY GOODS, FURS, MILLIEir, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and ih'onTer to doao; â-  Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The stock is all n«w, well boufcllt, and well worth the attoiit;. n .f tUc rl..M;l Ki^ In UKOCEUIESyon wiU tiud evrything of First- ln«'i Valutf. As I do not pursue the eourse of pome of our wiudy Meichaiit- • f "Ur i-ei(;lib rlnf Inges, of sending out numerous samples of cheap trash (with ui!MTiii«'lonsrtoiiiini* tions) outside our natural business relations, in order to iajpn ll. I'uMii- t) «t tk.'» not properly treated by theit more hononble dealers, aud draw lu-t 'in fi.ni t!if nam YouwillndevrrythiBir that Iselllaatas I rrpresoiil il. -si^l »" ».-.«ki as you can possibly get for your money anywhere, as I have ahvav* lit Id that bcno* dealiuB is the ouly true course for a business man. My Uroeeries are all bought for strictly nettcash, ooasequeutly 1 rnu miJ wil*'^* The Lowest Possible Prices! For CASH andFABM PRODUCE â-ºkdaie. Sept. i 7. IB80. Aij^nnJer Bro*v... JEUof M:«riui^-e I.ir.'i«.-. I'ir. :iii 1 lie la^ur.iiicu .Vi;-iit- • -..i:--.' •• i â-  Ac. C .nv..vir».--r A.i.t, I...â€" •.. .1 ineer for tli- Couuty ••! ;â- â€¢ '•- »â- "••'• ' â-  its, aud La-\J Sii' r iir... .. • «: t.iau.l cUii.- i-i' ••â- â- â- : "••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •' •v.Ue.S.-vt. "â-  "•"' ' ' • GcorKC «"ori»vi, .Jr.. ANr).i'fAN .\Niit.i;N;.!.\i. A-wisr, Oivou S.iuu.l M.'ii- V t.. l.'--.-i :i: •" of iuttrest. rriluilml ]l\- 1. :.il' a term of yetrs.wul r.. i.-i '•â- "' • •' rearly, or priiripal ii.d iiiui- ' i •' 1 instalments. A number of .Us-raV.e Imir..v.-,I I iirm- 1-v K. yt- ii:ill»i-:iii^i. rjCTIONKKl! AM' ..I.N;.;;'.!. l.\N" rA"eiit,\Vilhi.m-l.ii.l Suit: ..i. A i- â-  ••â- ' latten.l-liu all p^nl- "I ff i^"^!'-}. t sold on Cinuii- 1 -i. r.U.- iii. •f ^41. •.Oruans, an I S-«.;it; Mii.;Uiii. "l" iaud Oniament.ii Ti Vrues. Acii'"!- Ilmplemeuts. a:!d M:i. Iiiner.v ".fall Kind- liamsford. Jan. "27. JshI. \V • 1 HORSE M.::,ul.. â- â- â- ' â- â- ..1.1 •. -4! » I.-. :l â-  « MOl' A.: f 1^ I' ;. J. ti. Sin:;. )MINION ANO I'UnVINt l\i. I\"' oiirvBVor, llra^\^•llt.-lll:^•l "-i •• -i"" â-ºrdaiid MiirUdiil" Il:i.ii.f !•"â- â- '•;•"" icial Land Siiiv.\..r â- . •:,!•- '•'•_â- â€¢â€¢â- ' stock of onjjiii.il li" id %•;â- -. ""l"' ,^ .Is, luBtrni-lii.iis .Vr....l 111 ii Sti r-v^^ â- '••â- 'â-  â- ' within )he la! »ift.v-:iv.- v.-ar-. I am j '••" • â-  fNNrt-d to mnke Suiav» iu ^ti-fl '"r.l- •Ma. therewith. Triiilrs .ml r.-:.m.it.- --3 hfirailiiig Hill-. I'l.iii- ""l ^l""" "';•'â-  ».»as»-- to|kildiiig Briluvs. furin-!"d ...1 aii...:.. £^^,1:111- â- . tio«^ Monev to I.'.aii at f^ V ' '• •'• '""';;.':!• I .^a 1 t)i*»by ittter, or left willi â-  J- ni-VlIl. ' ' ^^.^, wUl le |»riiuplly attend, dt.' I .j^ j,, ' .a7.J880._ I-V I • j,„ /j,,. •r. F. i\vi?i. ILDEK A :,Ti;\t !.i:.is;..-.. an 'â-  Iriek). VUisteniiK' "ik' •••"'tn J.-'.- ly attcudert to. St-m. iiituiif.' a S|f P^stimati- •!! :ill »•'l1^. !." i^" (juarantei'd. •.• I;. -1 :• -ivi- â-  n i-'l and Sproiili' Strut-, M\iunAi.i.- smberSl, IHti). l"0 SHTCP -â- \: A I Ornamental Plasterer w asij :but ivot F-oit -o- e"ni::iri\ I havealsoin stock and for sale, a Isrgeqiiautitvof „i PURE SEED GRAIN' S^Jif^**^°**'""**«°*'«lChaff, and other varieties of Jjpriui: «lrt»- *j* Pw Clew Peas, Gate and Barley. Prime Timothy and Clover Seed aU« Kr«*" •*T Beads, and as it pays each and every Farmer to sow clean seed, you vill mail "onf! payui( a tew centa extra, and pttrchasing a good article. ..=-' Ism now selling large qnanties of COARSE LAND SALT. FOR MAISIJRE, Jiates f,.r -t..:M' and 1. .. i. -^ â- : Iv •n »(- lun. Satiiifatti..:. tiiiiaiiti-t.d. K.si- -Qu,,r Slr.-.t, Ma;V:d:i:.-. ^kdaU S.nl. 17. l-^». ' ' ^ERE HOTEL, in.4KliUALi:. 5PROULE, â-  Propi iclo" as popular H'.t.i hi- l':i 1 a li ;•• • â-  "itiou added to il, tl"rriii;':ily •â€".n:' I. J now second lo ixmo '" »"« o""'*^- J «Ul))*ng and attentive stl'.-i. l-"s; |accoaimo.l«lti'n l.i; i-..-jimiv al v 1 i Temw 9f .;o jMT tltiv. i ":• MEiAFOBD. Odt. MoGlRK PuoPBii-rTous. ^^i'tjU^I*' "^^ ^^P^'" 'â- â€¢â- Â«'« Ioftertf4^ twtfy mt idveeted in it. and a* I »» lim^trfV'â„¢? ' *?^*y *° neighboring Townships shall try it, h*« a**" dS^f^'tl!^ â- '.^^ •* "•* JL»we« Cia.k Prtee laid d.**B kj dJtoet from tbe M a n n fa et a rew, and boafhtfor nett eaah at Bottom Prices. Oâ€" 1 woald alao tatiBate that my SPRING IMPORTATIONS ABB ABBIVIKQ DAILT. And I wlU bn» opiMMd Mt Mi Bb»v On the l8t of Aprili ^oJO« iMtgmi aad Best Aasorted StocJu ever brought mto tbi. ^^ « *♦ aoeommoilation fir I'ae tratellii'H The bar is well slocked »iih tU.- •t Wines ami Li.iu..is add the best ' ot Cigars. ' 'bus to and from all trail's. • 17. lUtiO. J l-' I I KKArU I â- "•â- â-  Prov:r.:? 1 "1 Tonr.iTi;!.!] i ..: iiiii.ii " '•! aniioii'ii ll PKOVIN' I. o| in N •â- â-  llphab mHiRCIAL HOTEL PBiCBVUjLiE. Out. ad eommodious Sample lioo:ns Uooms, c. Tlio Bar and lard.r â- â€¢npplied wjtb lUe be.-,t tin- niarki t af I; good -Staling and atteutivi Hostl.rs TflOa. ATKINSON. Proprietor. 1 "" â- ober 8lBt. ie«k I IR CUTTJNG^AND SHAVING busini^i Busin of tilt I'-n-- «( i am, jour obadJant aorvamt. ""^dttadaywttnd Sa'tiiuay*. R J. SPBOUI^' Fleehelton, tiarcbie }«Si "" -^ â- ' tt ftUod for Toomb Stones. r SI. 1861. ^^1 CITY] Tlio ~am. â- : the I)..ni;tii..ii 1S71 »n t" â-  names r.-;)« '.{'l vertisin,' "iii' JOHN a-im, I lIoDtreal.lH «

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