Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Oct 1881, p. 2

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 â- 1 ^STANDARD. 'ew ksk I CAL ^QrtQber JAth, 1881- ^flSTH ^^NOTICES- rtf gnow on Monday. ^el harness made go to T. OS. "" eoming to Market in large ;^^"^jl,e«-slias tlie cheapest and .â- ( nt in ptios. â- Â»Â«:» â-  ^r'.ioei't of Trunks. :- and Sho^ clothing, iD^ PRICES LOi ii. ..nr:ln»:nes.. ©n, «-. eeW. ii'a« in the eontii Ih favored with " '*** KUWa„d.Ubud.^ "^J Teacher wauled for section I,. See Advt. Cli;iras, Necklets, and ,„ great variety at Wilcox's, L n ..r £=1. ftnd S. J. Lane, Ip of tlffcii Sjuud. have been ap- '\-le uu'l h"^?» 'O"" M;u-kdalo this r,g»ro iil company, are sole .^ittiirLr., of ••Castoriiie maehiBe ltfiiii""0""ts will be pr secutod, ^iiebiiilliriS f'r the Foundry is i,ia.,.!. and the proprietor is mov- [t,, :owu. lie will have it iu oper- it 111 a f'.-w weeks.- ,,.an of horses stolon; §20roiv:u-d Lj ture o; horses or the tliief; see L (.isLiueut in an'jthtr ccdiimn. ,«Biit of S[i«':i' we liave left over ^jrt-.w ek.I'riz.- List for Ila-Kirev ..jtiow and llolliiiid To- nsliii' r.ltttii: "»" ""Vf Osjrey Prize Lit Leinssii.' also. lA^ J ,!ir ilealers for "CastTine" "vention 1^ DE VICJ to Play |ii{»3PANiMEHTS, I s: ORGAI or Old, whethe Ledent or not, ^L.AY ANT- Cl) VERY TIME, lid take old way, t^L expense on, etc., etc. h receip of |1.| ORGANI PRICES! RA'WFOBD. Street East, Toroaft^ 3», H' HOtJSl :)GE, propria* ..:.rs.a,.Ul.e table 'n«»"l^lj« LHiStab:..»and8ttenUT»«» FARM F?? IOTS 73 ancl "J^^^fS^ J S. â- ' ,l.ich state of coK^^V' .,„â-  from stone, *eU TV A new frame bo^j^^'J ,»,., untlieprem.s^^^ iiar.lwooa bush. "'.. ,ari. on tlie pr^'"" 4^L_ ar.lwood bush- .J'JiM»**iil ,,arucu!ar», »l'vly "» J.t.*" MaikJale, S*"""*^^^' â€" -TrRAVfP., i^ lot 83. con. %,i»«*», J^ about the «o»U.^'2^^4 nearly «b.W:l"^rrf^J UgUt color '"fti««siJSLj3 86 St* ^^.^^9?3»^] -I r^' i.,l â- Cistorine," as none other i\v -â- ""• â- f'"'-^' oo.â€" llriiry (ireen, ^y^.(,Vw. Wm. IJiirnett, Jr., and jj]; vi. all of Ai temcsia, left lust .•,[„.{ s:iv ;t's the nicest iiiin}» I I r u^c'i I'-r ih-' teeth and breath, "" r, evirv""' Ii:ivii'{; tried'TLAUHRKY,' jue» t 'litt '"na. (iet a 5ct. s,v.nple. ir-K "Ca-toiine" Muciiinc Oil, for tjijis ef ni:icliineryy it is also ex- lileiit f"r li.iriMss and loutlier, mak ,; .lilt r riii-i weather proof. For bv d-jiil' r.s. I Wettore visited by a sever' frost ti,e ni,'li* of .Mondiy niid Tnes laj-, [riuii';,' th' latter night fully half jjib thick, Wednesday Was some- ^it: naninr. Tv-: AI r i ehiiractrr comes from a i:ni winch means to engrave ujiou or otitiii. In selecting pons it is ad- l;.abl' to .(â- Â«â-  that the imme of Ester- Jro'iii !â- ; s;:uiipi-d on them. AllAlU) TASK. Tofmd a better rcMiody for dys|i,p Irs. iii'liu'*: fioii, ai:d iinjnirities of the |i iiiil. (ban llie Poirdoclv ILnoil Hitler.'*. li'rxv ;! (X», trial liottles 10 ccvAi. All e\tiiiive ci'-dit f-ale, at Mr. iiii libiek s, ntsir Traveston, on ;: i.;. V. 'i4th. Oet. a quantitv ol lu'ii hliH-i{ imi'lenieiits. bfiisili!d [iro.ture.togt ther wi'li hay and straw. lvA.l.s for particiiba-s. Ii'r. yii\vLLi:s kxtract of Wli.lt STii.WVliEKKY. fares a!! I'lrnis of bow;! comp!. lints Jini:if.i!it^ .Ii- adults. The most safe, [flfjisiu; ' 1.1 ]i.Tfei;t loin^dy known. Ihirdv '1 !.il.li.' a.id lreefroinc)i)iates â-  r I"';- eii-iii livilgs. I'K â- â- ('aloii;ie"' Ma'-lune Oil, for I j] Liii.K i.f laaehineiv, it is also e:t r»ll.iit ior harie-s and bather, mak- I ur,' itwiiti r an 1 Wj.ith-'r pro if. For •ii.'.- liV lb :i!i !•-. Kksi-; 1. 'l'li, Grey Hairs of old », ilriuatid and slionUt receive rcpect I -i.iit tb.- (ir.v Hairs t.f voiiiig poopk rtijiiire ;ittt;iitionâ€" in the way of us- ir.;'riiiL,Mlis llur lienewer. Sold by |«11 !irii-L'i^! "M .•(•nts A bottle. Mr. I .1. Shaiiahan.cairi.'vgo maker, ii»^ imrcliascd tlii' vacant lot beside tiiclUv.re House on Mill Street for 'IJ( *here he intends erecting 'l«rgc b'li ib-iiu' 'â- , and will beiu a p.)si- tioD ti eairy on his busine.ss still more Hteusivily. I'r. larson"s Sto'.uacbandConstipa- ti'ii bitirrs are in every sense of the •"1 T unrtkii laiiiihj weilicv'f, anil *«*re;;linl to leain that they are rap 'J'.T.iAiiii.' t!ie place of tl.ose naiis- "'illtl!e IMls. A. TlIiXER C'o. spwial ;.,' nts for Markdale. â- Ur. M i.,son, fi-om Owen Saniul, •4snit,,\^i, this week and intends opiiiie- a Law Odiice in this place. I lien ly be seen on prifessional busi- iiej* ;it the Maikdale House on Friday I »n.| Saturday this week afterwards Oe intends having Lis oflice in McFar iwd 8 lUock. WH.VT EVEIJYONES.WS lutST BE lUUE. .\11 unite \^. praise of Dr. Fowln-'s Exractof Wild .Strawberry who has !nel its etlieacy in curing Cholera M" 'his. Cramps, Hyseutery, Nausia, »iil Stomach aiid iJowel C mi)laiits, gftierally in children or adolts. Every JKTsoii ^ilouId keep a sjpply on baud. We notice, one of those beautiful shade trees ui front of Mr. Edward Davis" residence has been broken ^owii, and we understand the parties Me ku'jwn who did it. The law is 'ery strict, and the punishment severe 'w Mch work. We would like to see ' pot in force. The trees are certain- vdeing no person any harm, while '"'^^T add very much to the appearance "f the place. SOOTHING SYRUPS SUPERCED- ED. Dr. Fowlers Extract of Wild Straw- '^fy is the best remedy for infants t«etliiu,»_it is safe, pleasant and reliable, 'I'd cures promptly all furms of ^wel Complaints.' For Canadian tbolera or Chohc and Dysentery of either children or adults there is no "«tter remedy. The Siibbath Sohoul Annivevaftry of the Methodist. Church came off on ^•»c 11th inst. The weather being ••'orable there was a fair tarn oat, yet not as many present as there would be on such occasions. There '•* good onler tbroiubout, f^'«' the diBlognes anS "ttegfiif with in cre£tel4i, pMoac Mr. A. B.DeMill. Preaident fA\mmm% Female College, gave » ohott tflfliy, aft«r wiiieh th« tatetteiajMnt ««« brought to a oloae. Do TOO want Men's Look Boots, Boys' Long B««tB, Women's 8(ont Boots^- or Children't Strong Boots for the muddy weather? Mo,- Fabi.ard'8 is the spot to gat them. A number of sheep belonging to Mr. T. Campbell and Mr. D. MeDuf- fie were worried by dojrs on the night of the 8th inst, seven which were killed. In onr opinion, nine tenths of the dogs should be shot, and the balance hung by the neck until dead. Reynolds* Son aie paying the higbent price in town for Butter and Eggs. J. W. Morrow, Esq., Dundalk i« a boss auctioneer, and has liceoaa for Grey and Dufferin. Persoan in need ofimythingin hisline, will do well to give hi.u^» trial. He provides Notes ai;d Staiups, and fonuahes Sale Bills. lieynoTds k Son *ant ten thousand 1(1,000) pans of Socks and Mitr, ot the best quality, immediately, to help the suffering in Michigan. Highest piice paid. We notice that Mr. W. J. Speers, who has been absent in Manitoba the past two years, is in town on a visit to hi^ brothers. We believe he returns again to the Great Lone Land in alout a mouth The Ladies are invited to inspect the new Oiuba Rib- bons, Plushes, Plusn HaU, and Lace Novelties Dpening at McFaiu..uii's. C. W. Speers bought 20 head of cattle at the fail- held in Fleshertonon Monday last, and drove tl em to Miirkdiilc to be shiiped. How is it that onr enterprising village has not secured for itself the privilege of hold- ing A monthly Cattle Fair. It is easy of access from all parts of the County, and no i hice enjoys better facilities for shij.ping. We hope this matter will bo attended to at once, and meas- ure.i taken to secure the cstabhshmeiit of such fairs at once. WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT IT One who has fairly tested Dr .Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, though jrijudicid uu'ainst proprietory medi- cines in general, writts â€" " 1 would not rest ov.r night without this le- liable remedy for sudden attacks of Cholic, Cramps and Cholera Morbus so pieva'eut in the sumiuc • season. 1 Ueep a bottle ready at haui" The Bazaar and Conceit luld ly the La dies." Ail Association of the P:es ytrian Cliarch, Flesherion, on Fair Day, was a de- cided success. The greater portion cf the fancy and us« ful articles at tlie Bazaar were dispose 1 of, and a f;ood dinner was'serred up fiir I-k; eacli. We nnd'istan;! the Concert •â- â-  i^ wr'.l attended. Tlie proceeds of tlie WMii';. anieuuttd to ti.e hanilsoiue sum of â- -le^.'Ki. llv.oi: i;. LI. fx S. S. No. 10, Pao TON, fur the month of September. â€" Sihi'i r L'lrd Class â€" ^farks obtain able 200- 1st Sarah Johnson, 198; 2n.l Cario .Johnson, l!i4 3rd Her- :.T.iii Johnson, IGl. Junior 2:id Clai-s â€" 1st Mary ifc.idy. 179 Ida Middle- toc 108. Senior Ist Class â€" Augie J.iLiiF(,n, 11'7 Ettie Masou, 179 Ephraini Joh:ison. 170. Junijr Ist Class â€" Duncan McCMlan, 168 Liz- zie McQiiarrir, 179. â€" A. Gbaham, Tjacber. â-  ,lbe PMMBled utthtbeliHidMmeioaon fW. a e e q apM ried by two feeiiaK a*- ^T^. '"l""»'«i. sajs the ahore- BMMdjean^of their an*c«i««iMi ^^ deep Md and eanleetneae in P««wntiiig the traths of God's wgid. DUNDALK. H* (Fran Om H««U.) SncB oar iaet iarae of the HtrmU the weather has put ni a faU appear- ance, and is gning a gentle wanting to prepare for winter. Oar grain vaiehoaeaa ace vventoek- ed, and our grain buyers are eomplain- ing for want of ears to ship iheu grJiin. W. H. Peterson's new Woollen iwe- tory is in progress, under manage ment of John Marshall. Several ol our Tillagers are eon- plainin; of ight breadâ€" we always Uke light bread, but make it a little heavier. Unr village school house requires some repairs before the winter sets in. We would like to se a perch put in front of each door, and soma baukini( done as it would make the school more comfortable. Let our town fathers see to this at once. We are surprised that a few of oar farmers refuse to take the Herald, which gives all the latest news about their village, when we consider the fact that the ^leraUt is the largebt and cheapest local paper in the county, be- ing only $1 to Jan. 1883. Alex. McCannell has just completed a very neat dwelling for Mrs. Stewart, on Owen Sound street. There is an apple tree in the Town- ship of Melanchton in full bloom. Last week ripe strawberries, this week apple blossoms â€" what county can beat this. The Fruit Festival and popular Entertainment, under the auspices of the young Ladies of the Presby- terian Church, Dundalk, in a:d of the Organ Fund, which was held on Friday evening in the Orange Hall, was a decided success, the Hail being filled, and all persons present seemed heartily to enjoy themselves. Great c edit is due to Miss. L. Graham and Miss. C. Philips for their perssvoriug exertion in getting up the entertain- ment and bmugthe first in taken steps iu having the dubt on the Organ paid. The folloAiug is tiio Programme of the evening â€" Duet, Mr and Mrs Ketehum; Reading, Mr. Deans Solo, gteamcr Miss C. I'uilips R citation, Mr Brown; Duet, Miss Ruudle and Miss Philips ReaUiii^ Mr Deaus Duet, Miss Gra- ham and Miss Ruudle Reading, J J Cmbie Duet, Miss Piiilips and lr \V R»udle Iteuitatiou, Mr Brown Solo, Mrs Fechuiu (Encore) Solo, •Mrs Ketcluim; R.-aling.MrCGra'ium. Bia. â€" Having ftnished M4 eommeDoed eeOiaf mj gnm, I itVf to Dondalk with My Int lead iMt Salarlay and foond priees first •iaae and everythio* wtiehctorr. ao ftr •• the mai heft was aoMemei). Bat M I tnvdled side road 900. Townsfa^ of Artemeaia, I was led t» aak mysolt what is oar eooneil dohg with oar money that this road should be in saefa a sbamefiil oondition 7 I find in sbm place a eomplete trap for hofaee, (T expeet this is where Nixon' horse was injured last winter). I aho aee thf bridge near the gravel road is pato^ up with cedar ratlsthrown H~irssly pn, instead of some aoond ttmberc^ etaar- ely fastened, the guards are off' the bridge and the whole stmetnre is in a very shaky conlition. Now, I would like to know if this road is allowed to remain in soch a oondition for the purpose of tumine the people of thie neighbourliood from their tegular market, or throagh ignoraaee on the part of oar eooneil. In either calie we are now satisfied that the only way ths interests of this part of the town- ship are to be protected is by a change at next election. Gentlemen, wake op and attend to your duty, and save yoareelvcB trouble as well. BATKPATUt. Artemasia. Got 5th. 1331. Wilees faM JMi opened o«t a biwi- tifei eslMtioa of Bea-Shdls. roa' t»'l to see il^eai «i TMC MARK£TS^ MARKDAljli. 0.x 0.4U In the month of October Typhjid Bilious, Malarial Fevers are very pre valent. For a shure preventative take, aecording to direotionK, DR CAR- SONS STOMAjH BITTERS. They purify the System and cool the Blood. I'hey are used to great advantage iu Fever and Aqne districte. In large 8 08. bottles, at 60 cenU. A. Tuhnkb Co, special agent for Markdale. REAIINISCENCES OF A TRIP FROM OWEN SOUND TO SAULT STE MARIE. A SAFE REMEDY. Many meilicines cluek too suddenly tiliaclis of liowel C'lini Iaii;ts,iuducing daiigeroiis iiiHamnialion. Dr. Fowler's Lstract tf Wild Strawl)eiry, cliajs 'S, sirpn,!j:theiis and heals the discsased and wetikened miicuous surfaces of the Stomach and Bowels, and safely cures every form of Suiumcr Com- I'liiints, Now that the fall shows aro past fur this year, would it not be a good move to take nt jps towards purchasing a piece of land for a s'low grjund The fair lies perhaps reached its host until something is done in the aboye direction. We have no doubt that if there was a piece of la'id pui-chasedv properly fenced and a hall built, that the extra receipts at the gate would in a few years pay for the whole. Would it u it bj WIS 3 t h ivo i meeting call- ed of members of the society and others interested for the purpose of consideiing the matter. L.?t us hear your views on the matter. With the steadv match of ipjprove- ineut in screuce and mechanics, med icioe has kept even pace. It now gives us remedies in a perfection of form and composition that the crudi- ties of earlier medical science never aiipronehod. AmonR the m3st effec- tive of medicines are Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills â€" bea.itiful, sugar-coated, glisten- ing globules â€" universally known and u^ed as-a reliable family physic. Th.se pdls possess great efficacy as a pre. veiitive of, or cure for the diseases in- cident to this sectioi' of the country especially diseases ot fche stomacb,liver and bowels, wliicli often result in dan- gerous fever. They also giye vigor to the circulation, remove constipation, create an appetite, and aid digestion, there by promoting Lealth, Their ingredients are entirely vegetable, and they are a safe remedy in the hands of tlie most inexperienced. â€" ^Mocon, Ga., Telegraph d ^leMenger. Ws are pleased to notice in a late issue of the Presbyterian the evidently great success which has attended the labors of a student of onr acquaint- ance, Mr. W. H. W. Boyle, who has been engaged during the summer snp- plying the pulpit of an absent minister at London. Mr. Boyle, while pursu- ing honor courses in Toronto Univer- sity in both mental and moral science and Oriental languages, has been in the pulpit almost every Sabbath dur- ing ha vacations of the past tinree year^' Under snob heavy and Ovn- tinned stress his iiealth seeifls "ffr be excellent. And our young friend goes back to college in the course of a week, followed by the good wishes of the community at large, tor his fotore usefulness in the noble work to which he has been caUed. We may add thai «n his departore from Lob- Ar'iNVNci.iL Sicf.mFizaeed. â€" "Storm signals are being hoisted in the city," says the 'jnctiitor, '-with respect to America. The New Y'ork exchange still makes remittance profitable, and and the Blink of France, loaded with silver which it cannot sell, is uuwilliug to pail with gold to a'lyo ly. Tlie de- mand Irjiu America, the demardfrom iVauce, and the Jejuand from anxious blinkers, therefore, fall upon tlie Bank of Englaed. Altogether the rate of discount has been put up to five per cent. All stock exchange values are falling, and if anything gives way, or if the mad speculation iu Paris is checked, there may be a bad quarter of an hour iu the city, and money may be st eight per cent, before long. Trade is good and the reyenno tlourish- iug, but very good stock has been forced up to tiie extreme point at which iiivejt irs will bid with money cheap, while in Parispeople are buying shares especially bank sliares, at prices as ri- diculous as those of Mississippi stock. That cauiiot last, especially with the panic about Egypt hanging over the markets, and the French Governmtnt moving eighty thousand men in a ser- ious Ciimpaigo. We profess to know "!• secrets, but the signs of trouble in- crease." FLESHERTON. From a Correspondent. I miss the Flesherfcm corresponden- ce to the SrANOABD the past two weeks; an I as your own correspondent has I ccome the chief of the scribes, I thought might be permitted to fill his place iu the moantime. The Richardson block adds very much to the appearance of the busi- ness portion of the village. It cojh^ tains three sho^s two of, which are already occupied, ore by Mr. Gorden, the other by Mr. Doll ti.e third w'len finifched will be occupied by the Wm. Lucas Banking Co. A well IS required in the show grouiids, that people can pump and drink Adam's ale if they like. Mr. M. Aikitt. of Eugenia, is pat- ting a 35 incb level wheel into his grist mill, and has overhauled the basement and buiU a new bulk head. There are large quantities of po- tatoes going to the Station. Mr. Robertson has bought over three thousand bushels at S5cU, but to-day they went up an ther Sets one man sold $245.00 worth. Mr. Joseph Richardson, of Proton, dug near 1000 buishels off of 3^ acres, Mr. Wm. Taylor has porcbaaed a fine heavy draught team and is team- ing grain for Mr. B. J. Sproale, who is said to b« buying yery laagelif^ ihia season. We read of Bnrdoek Bitters and Morey Bitters, but nothing keeps up the spirite like poonng a little Brandy down. We seen one old larmar take two finger lengtiis down and skip like a deer, an chS another in doable- quick time. â- ..• t^:' • '""J' ' â- â€¢' ' The station is^not bebifid Mrwedl^ it can boast of at least the most tre meodons dog fight, t'we on ene, aad very eiystematie fjaopM^PSUL Jwa idne fl thbrten. -^ *« ^-^ "' The steel rails an laid along the traisk in FltMhartoaraJMioo.' I Expeet that they will be spiked down before this odtQM to 7o«tr rieaden. (Continued from last week.) RvDAi. Bawx. Sept. 19th, 1881. Twelve miles sailing to the west from Thessalon brings Bruce Miuet formerly a mining village of great importance, and I will give your read- ers wliat I know in regard to it. in the year 1864 Col. Baiking explored the North Shore from French River to Sault Ste. Mane, at this place he fimnd a promising vem of copper right near tlie shore. He begin blasting, and in the fall of the next year he shipped the first load of copper in the Cathcart. Shortly after it came in posseeaion ot the Bruce Land and Mining Company formed of capit- alists in liondon, England, who show- ed great enterprise, and secured a tract of land four miles square They sunk shafts, built a lot of dwellings for men employed, and built a very large house. The engine was enormous. This engine is one of the best in* America, it run machinery half a mile distant. Engineers will have an idea of its build, when the walking beam weighed thirty -five tons. The men employed was a village of themselves They built Siihoola, Churches, suppar ted hotels, stores, and many good and evil insiitutions. In a few yea*^ the company started the Wellington miues a quarter of a mile to the we:-t, also alon g the shore. Here the same course of events fallowed. For a lew years the company shipped the ore direct to Swansea in Wales, wit'iout any unloading on the way. Times were good. Common laborers got $25 a month and found. The Company cle.ireJ a fine farm to rai.io piovciaor and the employees cleared small ;ieces on company's land for thcm'elves. The soil id good without a st^no with occassioually a rock knoll. Then the company determined to sme!t the copper here, and to this pnrpope built a tremendous house at '•Wellington mines." I cannot eyen faintly des- cribe it. It cost a great s im. The chimney ie one hundred and ninety feet high and twelve feet square at the base. ' The budding of this house was one of the many evente, which eventually stopped the works. Cop- per got dswn in price. One winter the miners were working by "tribute" or shares, and neglected to properly timber the tunnel. They had the whole winter's ore very near the open- ing. One Saturday after the men had got on surface, suddenly the shaft caved in, and enveloped the winter's work. When news of this reached England, the company gave orders for suspension. The men left their tools in the place where they worked, the clerks left tlie half written sheets on the desks, the pens were never wip- ed to this day. One man was left in charsre of the whole affair, but the fields liave gone common. I cannot do better m describing the present looks of the place, than by quoting the words of the renown "Perry- bingle." He calls it a grave yard of human hopes, and capital, and en- ergy. Louis N. Tvas.vDtkv. Vail AS. Ost. Mtk ICKl. *•«» .^ «.» to 0.00 Ofiriat WhMt per baOi., mw l.us u: 1 97 *^ *»•. .iu.to. 1.S6 to 1.87 ^^**^^/ •••••••••• CWiA ^^^y •••••••••• "•••iP^^y •« •••••••• Battar, 4kL 'i.. ... KgRi^ |Mr dba.x^...«f ..... ?9A.d«wHri| ;«. Oral â-  p«^ Ik. Pueks, per vtit '.. .\ :.: ttimU, pr faif "*. .*.*. Turkeys, peg. Ik. K, ci ... Shcapakuia ' ..^ Hide^.. OraiSse^ Hay • V" OW% •â- â- â€¢^•.•«a Orean Apf^ee, iter, taubel.. I^ar* "â- â€¢' • ••.4..^.« Taitotr "" ' A seen of yean is a long iiit» l»^ lookbaok «foa. bat when afltHlil ' with VMUmSTrndbaag, it aa«M ak mnrta oadtarr; and dD tbta Pain coahf have bevn avoided if» wMn,. your Irver eommrnead to tronble yoo, yon had taken Bnrdodc BHod Bit t. ra. Priee $1 .00, trial sise 10 eents. JL50 Ojt •JS 9Ja. 9.1$ " 0.00 T.0» •• 9M M» "^^CM 0.06 " .(U)», •.«• •*• «A0 0.00 ** 0.00 0.07 " O.ClO 50 1.66 6.00 " 7.00 t.twx 100 M.oe •• 14.00 A.n 0.80 0.10 0.06 0.76 OOO o.or ojoa .i ir/^SHER'TON. (Corr^d wtfklg foi th* Stand 'd by R. J " SproHle, Fletherttm.) ' u FaiBAT.Oot Uth,'188l. Fl( 8pi Fal Baneyi Caw Pcae Pourtoei" Bnttar, per lb. Eg«e, per dot Poik, dressed. ne6f ShdklNdtiQS Hiifes ' Hare' Tinotby eeed. Wool Lard TaUew bW- M.3S ta Wheat per bash., do. Ao; U-V^x-' 130 to 1.18 •«- 0.00 0.88 " 0.65 ' 0.86 t o.ao "â- â€¢ O.U " 7.00, " 6 00 ♦• 0.«0 •• ja.0 " 6.00 -•• 0.23 •' 0.10 " 0.06 " 1.26 1,^ 0.76 0.36 0.68 0.4.) 6.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 1.95 V.flO 14.0 a.40 0.00 0.18 0.07 DUNDALK M.VRKET3 Wheat, Fall, Ko. 1 " 2 Wheat,Spring, Barley Peas u Oats Butter Errs »1.23 to»1.2C 2 1.20 to 1.25 1 1.22 to 1.27 2. 1.20 to 1.22 3 1.12 to 1,15 2... 65 to .75 3 50 to .60 1 66 to .68 3 60 to .62 1 .96 to .37 1. 20 to .21 12 to .15 TORONTO. Wheat.tell, per bush «1 3» to tl 85 Wheat, spring, do. 1 36 to 1 41 Barley, do 75 q Oat3, do 42 to Pfiftg, â-  do 78 to Kye, do 06 to Clover S«e(l do o oo to DresAfed hogs, per 100 lbs... 7 5*1^ to Beef ,^luiid snipers 6 60 to 13«ef fore quarters... 5 W to Chickens, per pair o 30 to FowU, do 00 to Ducks, per brace 60 to Upese. each 60 to Turkeys 75 to Batter" larire rolls 25 to Butter, tub dairy 21 to Butter, store -packed 00 to Rggs, fresh, per doz o 18 to E«g«, p ickrd o 00 to Apples, per brl 1 25 to I'otatoes. per bag 80 to Onions, per bag 1 1.5 to o? 9(1 41 »i 98 o oo 8 50 8 00 6 60 (6 Oo 60 75 1 35 26 22 00 90 OO 2 oo 85 1 30 inr**' 't:- blood-eiaki^ taininn ' aad B._ kaown^r ^^ have I kaown k avallabl* ip.tlMjmblk mees ol sMididBs aati cbesBistiy imdnced so valuable a natttif, Mmt to cm all diaeaMS ten jmpore blood. It cans Ser aad Vkea^nibe, PoattUa^ JBIaluea) Tamers, Tetter^^ llaisMt Hav 1000 to lo 60 Nothing Like Leather. W. M'LEOD CO., MAEKD.\LE, KOT TO EC BEATEN Al! thor.c ivlio ;nry hive lin.l tho roisfdr- tnue to l;avr bun I'on; b-irefootf d will liear in mind tli.it w li.iyr just rccoivrd the larg eft ard ^e^t Ktofk of leatlicr ever lefore brought into Markdale, cmisistingof Spanish Sole, rrfrc-h Kip and Calf, and are now pre- pared to mai;tifaeture Ladies, Gents, /ouths ni'd Afis^es boots and sIiocb. from the stoga to the Snrst k'd and pmut IU. Sewed Wcrk All wor' wnrranted. done here, W. McLEOD Ji Markdale, Sept. 190!, 18^1. a Specialty. Invisible patching aho 0. f«wt%.i.«, Oct. 10th, 1881. To tbe EcBtor, Sni.â€" Mr. David Stinson, of Arteiiieria,IiM grew a pair of potatoes of which the daddj weighed 8 lbs. 10 cm., and the oUier, eaU it nimt joa like, weighed two pannda and » hsU. Xbk.iia«adMlMt.{orit taksithijt- *eea to piok up after one digger, and before ho started t« ii% them tbe^ were oontinakUy jeUiiV St ma.m«Jhm taBfrWMT. tk* iliMe. two ipew near tlie ooter edge 4 the pateh, eo, tfaenfore, tliey were not or3wAKl ao and got a little better ehaase to grow. TntDoetiAS. Spnpions of Dyspepsia or Indiiprt« tion, a doll heavy feeling in the Stomr Mh wHb a fte^nal dispMition toi4M(v it. Beartbain, Loes of Mental, Md Phydeal Fane. DB. CAitSpirB STOMACH AND G0iN3TIf AT^H BITTBBB is tMt tmakn Rtrnti^ fox Hub diptteeeing oomplaiBt In laqga] botiilee.at SOoeats. A. Tmnn ftOo., ' â- pedal aesaOafiv MazkdaU. Bespectfully yours, JONNSOIIjCUIIKAeO. Jnly7th,lWl. 43-6ni NOTICE. r I HB tpb e ri ib ei in retnmiag tttanlu L ' tbeir nnmeroas ooatomera wish to ia- tinMt* that they have A LARGE STOCK OF LEATHER oi aP kind* frooi eowbide t* tbe fiawt Ma- rooeo on hand, suitable for the FaU trade, and etistomers will find it to their adrantaiS* t6|tfv«aaaesU. WebATeno speeialty, all ki«is wai i e mil i u theeaiae attafetiea. ^8.â€" A fl pai lttes hali ng got boots frtMn OS Abu lug me Suiuiuer Feaeon, not gif lug «tiâ- fHlbe^ will get them reaairtd free ehar^e, asit waa.tlMAMrtt«(« bad, anprin- ripalled Tonng man we bad wcrking witli ne dnring tW tiBie. ^^ liaiAiab,AB». Utii,l|U. *S^ IMt Clears, .^P l aaaes MearaUla. Vtaaale iieaese and Icn^mlaritlsa, Ji AWntlawa ef the Uva^DmMpeia, Knadatton, aad Oaneral Deraltjr. By ita searcUog aad ctosastM qoatittsa it purg es oat the foal miiupttoas whldi contaminata the blood aad caasa deiaaga- -mentaoddeev. It atimalataa aad aaUvwa .-the vital fonctiona, promotea aoeiir awl atrangth. reatorea aiad pteaerrea haaub, and iofusei new life and vigor thronghont tbs whole STstem. Mo euilerer from any dia- easa which arises from impurity ot tba blood need despair who will give Am's â- SARSAPARii.tJk a fair trial. m Mk Out, LookOmi .OOB! iUMIIOTH â- - 'i-tj .«Mftoi -â- Â»' -?«^!' â-  _- Sir i». *«*t.ii«â€" d' -TOBE- Issued about 27th Sept. -0â€" It is folly to experiment with the numer- ous low-priced mixtorea, of cheap materials, and withont medicinal vtrtoes, oSeiM aS blood-purlfiera, while diaeaM becomea more tirmly seated. AVer's Sarsapakilla is a medicine of such concentrated curative power, tliat it is by far the lest, cheapest; and must reliable blood-parifler known. Physicians know ita compmition, and pre- scrilMi it. It has lieen widely uaed for forty years, and has won the unqualified conlW deuce of millions whom it has benefited. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer tt Co., Fractical and Analytical Cbamlate, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BY AU. DBOeciSTl ITKBTWBBaB. SPECIAL NOTICES. RESTahd COMFOBT tothr SUFFEBINO Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both inter- nal and cxtern.il. It cures pain in the 8ide, Back or Bowels, Sore Throat, Hhenmatism. Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood und heal, as its acting power is won- derful." " Brown's Household Panneea," being acknowlelgeil as the f^reat Pain Believ- er, and of donble the strength of any other kilixer or Liniment in the world, should be i.i eve;y family haudy for n»e wfcen wanted " as it really U tho best rem^idy in the world forOrampH m the .Stoiuoch, and Pains and Ache: of all kinds," aud is for sale by all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle, 20-lv ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who stti!erred for year- from Nervous DEBILITY, PKEMA- TUBE DECAY, and aU the effects of jouth- ful iudiscretion, will for the ake of suffering huiTinity, jend free to «11 who n»ed it, the recipe and UirL^tions for miiking the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suffering wiiisnin^ ne advertiser's experi- ence can o so oy addressing in perfect con. fidenco, JOHN B. OGDEN, 2 J ly 42 Celar st. New York All parties wanting lands in the County of Grey should see this List. The largest list cf lands ft»r sale ever issued- in this County. Those having lands to disp«.se c^jshould send in the description of their properties for insertion, not later than Saturday, 24th inst. kOUt. DAVIS, 'â- **â- '•.â- .• CkMiveyancer, Commissioner in B.R., Een? Estate, lioan Instirancc Agt.. GOLD MMiribi Or its equivalent, can piffchase any thing you may require in DRY GOODS, GKOCEKIES,. BOOTS and SHOES, or in fact anything that is .. usually ,-.,-.. In a general country store M ithsi'sl Mothers!! Mothers! Arc you disturbed at night and brohcn cf your re^t by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth I If HO, go at once mid get a bottle of MKS. WIN.JLOU-'S SOOTHING SYBUP. It v.'ill relieve the poor littl' sHiTt-rer imnieli- atuly â€" tlepeul upon it tht-ro is no mistake about it. Tliere is not .1 mother upon aartK who ha* ever used it, who will not tcB yon at o ce that it will reg-'^te the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operatinp Ukc magic. It is ptr- factJy.safe to use in all ca.ses,anil plea.sant to tho 8tite, in I is the prescription of one of the oldest and bust f jma'.o physicians and nursfs in tho Uuitod States. Sold every- where at 25 cents a bottle. W It $2 T7atr!i'-ft. mem«InIerafS.(t. White metal HantlBrCaM 9S. fiijitAti.iii Kuil$o. boliaffol'llll Ch«Bp«atand licek tot yiiurunni nue or upemlailve ptirpneea. ValurMeeat- PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple Veoetablb B.vlm that will remove Tan- FBECKLKS, PIMPLES and Blotches, leave ing the skin soft, cleai' and beantin' also instructioas for producing a lux iriant growth O' hair on a bald head- ,* etnootU face. Ad- aress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Yandelf !fc Co... 6 BeeJiman st.. N. Y. 20-lv TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured ol tht dread di«ea8e. Consumption, by a simple remeily, is anxious to make knon n to his fellow auffererb the means of cure. To all whij desire it, he will send a eopy of the prescription n-ed, (free of clMTge,) with the directioua for piepniring'and nsinti the same which they will find a scbb Cijbe for Coii- SCMPTION, .\STU1IA, Bb'NCBITIS, t. Parties wishing the Prescription, wfll please address, Bev. K. A, Wilcon, 149 Pean St., WiiUamsbnigh,M. Y. 20-ly Purchasieg, you should always ascertain where you can purchase to r best advantage, ft;at is get; the best goods at the lowest price, and that place is BUTTER RAE'S MAHSBALE. To All Whom ii May Goncern. As the season has arrives when money is plentiful and wc have no collector but the bailiff, we must have our accounts by the I oth of October. August gth.iSSr. ' • i* STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotiin of yontbfnl InipnideDos csnsiDft Prema. ton Decay, Nerroua Debility, Lo«t Uanbood, etc haTiBg tried la vain crery known mnedy, ban dJa- eorered â-  timrle Self cure, wbich be Till l end T BJSt to liis feSow-siiiTeren, addrcH J. â- . KESVEIB, 43 Ckataaaa sc N. T. FLESHEBTON Harness Shop THS Sata«riber befts to inform the pabb'e that be haa eooatantly on hand a large assortment of GARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HARIVEtfl. JCads in food a^b aad of tlia THE BEST OF MATERIAL^ And as he means business give turn an ear «alL as he will seQ at the towaxt liviaft pciae foreash. A good sup; ly- of WHIPS, TBVMBS, *c^ Setfch Ctliars k Sptelalfy, Aad a gaod St g nar a ntned EsTSeipembM- the staod the Poet OfBea is •ppoaife. N, B. â€" Stave timber wanted. ' «V'J ' ?»â- ;«• J. GORDON. Bobt. S. Bae, TAILOR, Svderfham Street, MARKDALE. Miirkdale, July 7, 1£8I. 48 6m MARKDALE CARRIAGE WORKS r McKENNA MASON HAVING leased ilic Waiigon and Black- smith Shop o^v^ed by John Benson, â-  eg to iiifrtrm tlie Public, that tliat they are â-  repared io furnish all kindi 0* Vefaiclcs, ach as BVGOIE8, DE.1IOCBATS. WAGOO!«S, ET«'.,' Aim AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMfS. And by usin,; the Best of Material and Good Wnrkuin'Kliip. hope to receive a f:iir sharn ofyonr patronage. Special attention eivento HOBSE SHOEING AMI General Jobbing kf. wr warant all onr woik A call is -^ol cit ed and wecuarantee satihfai tion. Shop on Mill sireet, oj'pusite the Revere Hotel .^Markdale, March 3, 1881. ^21301. SAVE YOUft COMBINGS. Mia. T. O. Morgan, begs to annooaee tc the Ladies of Markdale and yieinity ttaf she i pieced to iMrt ap hair eombiug into â- witcbea. palatMa earls, terms moderair Asallaaoiieitaj. SaMAeaaa earner of Muk and QOMn saMts, opposite Mr. Bo«e«'re i deoae. Oi4efs by Uaa immptly attaaded to. Markdal*. Sep*. 1. 1881. _^' Farm for Me. LOT No. », Oonoeeiion 10, Olenelgjoon tainil^ 100 aeresâ€" TO ^f which is b e a r ed md ander enltivation, the balance veil timbared, ehiefly hardwood. On the iiiwahHifi tira Mtt4, a koaaaaad oot- VntWfTir •a^ • yMBig aralurd, is wail wat- ered and well leaded with eaSar raila. It is rftaaMI H "iQ** nx» ^kr^^^K Tillage of MarUa*-. Tkla good poaaeeskm gi*ea at onaa. WUl ba aild at a taetiAoa, aa the pr»- priater is «gtDg Waat. Apply to JOHN BLACK, I'ntTorrtDB P.O. or to O. W. BvTLsaoB, Kafklala. Beytiabet tU, MU, .4(Mr Horse- Shoeing a S,*ci4lty Markdale, JnueS, Xf I ^tt Choice Farm for Sale. SMILES FBOM MABKDAI-E. LOT ll». OonoeMion 1 Artemesia, East side T. A 8. Boad, containing 60 acres â€" 46 of which is nnder cultivation, and the balance hard tiaiber. The aliove farm is a very deairaUi» l*op«rtr and will be roll ebeap. A gooil framte trnma and log house is on the |daee^ PoasefKioiv ijffen ibis lUI. For farther par- ticulars appt to' \V3f. LIXTLEJORXS. On the preiM-se*. or to C. W. Bct'ledcs, Qaltdafe. Sept. Sad. 1891. EMI, AaBNTa WANU'BD. -Big fHy.â€" ' Light Werk. Steady KnitlnVmmt Raasplee f ree. Addnxs, M Jiaawaartiiit. iiaw Y«rt. L. ElUN. A^ ifta* Ji A'-ji^ii..^- '»-â- . "^-jrw t45 V' «--^««.7^'" â€" â- ... ry ':Jf yl?i I '-â- -â- 'U-' ,» .A. v;: ' t !i7! f i ' ' M !â-  â- . â- [ '.ir â- III!;' 4 f; r ' It y'\

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