Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 23 Sep 1881, p. 3

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 ^mn \^!r i ^•^ X VnHB th* O. S. AilmlMj. A Uio s9oaiMr iDMtinc sf Or^ Di4rV Omii«eJield fttAnnw jd lit Jnly, the following reports of commii- te« were read. The Annan Udiea en- tertained the ofiBoers and members in the Drill Slicd with a cnmptoona din- ner, and sacli a tea as Annan Ladies are famed for getting np on short n^'tice. aSPOBT or COMinTTKK OK CO-OPEKATION. Yonr Committw on Co-operation beg to repoit as fottoffa Yonr comnjittee did not carry ont yur bUggeation of last uxeatiuff, be- lieving the Fall to be tlie only time such nndertakiiics can be saceessfnl by taJcen bold of, ai.d f worked upIoLg before the time for action, interest u likely to die oat and tuo whole tldns fill to the groand. Y(Jar committee jrop»sfed to meet about October and fcxttwue tro. Hope's pap- rs and ma- ture a fccbeme to submit to ihe Grange w ben action u likely to bc-tak!n. Your committee would also advise patrons uure geiif^rally to Uiie tbeir present means of co-operbtiin, believ- ing if tbey attended tbe meetings of tiie sab- granges and fully recounted their eipjrieuceiufarmiug.and hearti- ly eudc-avored to cultivate a more sociable feclmg amoug farmers, they Would co-operate more to one an(th- IMP c« er's advancement than by go'ug into store keeping, i'onr committee be- lieve the commit^tc appointed by tbe Dominion (jnu^eTj cjrresfwud with co-operative soti'/tiei iu Great Hritian isantep in t!i-; ri/lit direction an'l • liki.ly to prove bi^'bly bcn;ficial. All of wliicb ti re:pe'jtfuily submitted. (Sio'n!;j; H. I'v-mky, D. .M.Lkan, /-*Si J- LoNf;, A. GihroBD, RKP^BT or .; )MII,TKE OV SKKlj flRAl:.' Yo^mC 'iiiiiiitr*.; on .Seel Grain be,-j k'iive td r'iluit the following report. Your e";:iiijitte'j reitorii'.j tii-j belief |littt to obtain the Ltat results Keeila •ill luld be changed every tvo years, I ii it only fr 'ra one class ol s;jil to an- I other, but lic.iliry siionlj Im clianijed i n.-. well, We bfclit'.e tiiut a fliai;;," of Hoil as well ns a cluint-cof loca'ily is i l.eiiilicKil to the hutc i-s of a full crop: ' we 111-., believe that iiltliou,'Ii the full wl' itt ija.s been u p;ir!iiil f.ii'ure, we 'o!il I ri.eornini-i.d IP .trc.iis to p'"t tlr.. 1/1 .-.t .-.I :{ tlij.t c.iii Ik- 'ot aii'l prepare tier --oil tlii.ff ii;»ljly, niiil 'â- ow iii g-Mul tiiii.' and ti ust in i'iovi(bin;e for liio ri .-. lit, sow us early a. I.iii.. lirst of .S'-p- temlH-r. Should liny of t'le pa'rou.s have Hiiy new viirijti.'s your c ainiit t'-e woriij j-ecomrni lid tirjij to re- port. All .1 laatb that no aetioo baa yet been tak- "n towards tbe abolitioD of Market Fee provisioDi, ]ra(^3^iyia4 j^ with soar Jatbr^itikiu Vk Ser( forwarded to tUe Government, also to Messrs. Creigbton.Landerand Watera a memorial doly signed and sealed, praying that the power to impose Market Fees be withdrawn from Cor- porations.and would soKgcst that tbl^ meetmg instmct tbe Master and Sec- r. tary to again petition as before, such petition to bo forwarded some time before die close of tbe present jfear. 2£d. Beapecting a «haagein€oanty Cooncils yocr committee hold tbe same view as that exjress by yonr commitee of last year, ^iz. the work could be much better done by a Board of Commissioners chosen as explained m that report, and which would cost but a fraction of the presect system. But we would advise that this and other important matters such as the assessment laws, .c., be left in abey- ance until we secnre attention to our wants in the question of Market Fees, in the meantime to carefully digest those questions and ascertain what will best meet our requirements. We would recommend that the provisions of the Herd Law be extended and some means provided for enforcing it. All of which is respectfully submitted, J. Bowes, M. Dentoj*, A. GiPFORD. K. A. Stabk. I BEPOBT Of COMMlmEE ON HOBTICCLTCBE. I Yoox Committer ou Hortiootture beg to report as fcdlowes 1st. That your committe regret that the fruit crop in thu division has been seriously dama'eJ by late frosts, which apprars to have been sectional t'j a certain extent. Your Committee would strongly aige upon Patrons cf Husbandry to under drain their or cliarls and gardens, which may be C(;usiuereil tbe mofct effectual preven tative from iL:j;iry by frosts, as also of securing the best results iu many '•ther re.-pec's. Your Committee are ^t^oll^,'ly iruprcS'ed with the fact that it is iliitioult to tiiid any locality in C.inala wliere the apple, pear and plum will Buccei better than Grey bri-^-.on. Mueli, ho.vevcr, depends " A mialdn. Fol Ks sysa 1B'1 aoath watered. â€" "ketU' CknmMt. Qpt ooUan is that Jacob vent he- caos^ibteBa tint it was not what it was eaeked op to be. â€" iLm^attan Es- ttaitner mmd Timtt. Jaoob thongbt it waa a fitst eokv, and wqt to find the color eome off. â€" Fine Art OazetU. He was a fooL He did not know what was good for him. â€" Saturday Retiat. Jacob wept becaose Bacbel bit his lip. â€" PtUrhoro Reriae. Jake did not we^ any tears, be «• ly cried with a load voice, yum 1 yarn! â€" Toronto Mail. Yes he wept; his cheeks were ttr raked with tears when he Miioded her and thought of the mig as he saw in the fiitore the calret he had herd of, fearing some one would La-hxn npon his marriage. (See Oen. 80, xxix 29, xxvLj â€" L. V. Journal. Jacob wept because he found on ki:j8ing Rachel she had been eating onion:). â€" Dundalk Herald. Couldn't be that Jacob wept for get- ting what i.s acknowledged to be the height of hnmiui bliss. Perhaps the new re\'i^on that is now in progress will throw some light on the subject. â€" Uarkdale Standard. A SAFE KEMEDY. Many medicines check too suddenly attacks of Biwel Complaints, inducing dangerous inflammation. Dr. Fowler's Extract cf Wild Strawberry, cleanses, strengthens and heals tbe disc^ased and .v.-ak-'iiei macnous siiifac .: of tlio St mach and Bowels, aud siilely cM.-^es every form of Summer Com- plaints. TEA! TEA! TEA! A. â- nNTYRS MoINTYBE'8 UQ«OMI_LIQ«Oltl McDTTYRE'S Ci^rs, Cigars. McINTYBE'S Ooffee, Coflee. And evefTthing kept in in a fint-cU«» Oroooy and liqaoc Stow «lwaj8 oo hand, chsat fob c^aa. McINTYBE'B MSALIIKALI McINTYBE'S Pork, Potk. Pork McINl'TBE'8 rreas, X'eas. WWfiftti MEDIGALBALL MAR.?; DA SASH» DOORS, n" â- â- â- i"i 'yi BLINDS MOULDINGS, HQLIjOW BATTONS^ .^-- u FRAMES. 35; JjmH^, taXa and Shingles, Orders Pxtmiptly Pilled. Alwajnan Hand. The ts tm li.£ .^L. IS.:^ TZ j£i^ A FDLL ASSCililEUT IN iV/L DESPERAyubWf. on tire in it tee varities would planted. Etrou»}v Your com- reconimwid of wliich H respectfully ssibtuit- I)a\ li^ ' 1.4 I w. :r â-  i: 111 w. I IIJIOI Sill. â- 1 1/ .11. 1-.- I.l'l -il lillp- b'liilcl liiii. :.o|...I t 'v I :i :i " b. 1 • » fp 1 iMMiriKK ON K â- (•.%â-  -TV. !i .;i'.t' on I) j;u • •.IV â-  to rf*! ort. UONO, â- lirniau, ;i:st:c of :i'-l ..I â-  J .!. t, • â- t ol |).»inLf^ti,; I'.eoiioiny l • 11 .slllij.ct of NO ;;re:it lIiHt It Willi I ri i lire 'â-  .ii-i !i i^itioii tiriii ill til" â-  â- ' I.' 1. ,â-  â- :.il â- .vj ;ir., I n- "•.'• l" 1 .-â- â- â€¢â- I ill .• JIS It liii.s il" .||..u- I In- all the inc n- l:i i ;••.!;• â-  ul t'l.! uillli' r t;il)ie i :!!y j.r. vi iâ€"l I'l.r u.s by o'lr ol !1 ;.V •; 1 OiMll.,'.-. W.; • .iooi 1 l!;,it in each of oiir r I'l.o. a li.ill' hour ill li'Ust •1 â- . f' I » 1 .-.â- ..siiys.ri citatioNs iiiii â- : â- . A'*., IIS altofefli^r to •I't.'i liiiii: 111 tlie hmni'S of our â-  I- '«•«; 1 ;• 1 wilji Work to I'le .â- iitii ot ili.i.^.; inattti.s wiiie'i v il I bi .; 'jreat briielit to us b.itii â- â€¢â- ! r l.'i i:ior;i'ly wi; w lUlil sujj- i' • 'nil :in esiiiiv lie written to ri ad !t!, I:,. 11- »t niiitiii^ f the Divi.-,:jji i:iii.' i:i nliirli the ..^ubj'ct cau b-j tr t'l- i f Ir.-tli r iidv.iiifa;," All of â- ., :i;..ii It respectfully (iubiait- p'.auting for maiAOt purposes of but few VMiiti.'s, (18 the leniency is to pl.-intin^ too many varie'ies of fruit, I much of winch ih unlit for shipping i iiii.l iiiu.st (if ii.?ce.-sity be leis remuno- i lative. l'iiiiL,.s. Those only «Iiicli rip'-i. blow! V iiu'l v.nieli can bo fchip- I'lJ.l to a iorti;^:i iiinrl:ct sKot'.ll bo I grown for mark. t. We would espcc- lally lUMitioii th- following varities of â-  p,a:ft fts tli's3 which hive been the ' in'st ;.'cn(?r!i!!y siiccesfnl in tliis sec- tion, the order of merit b-in^-tho oi-rcr ill w'ljjli iiim-l: Fleini-sii lii-auty Ntan-.lnrl) Bartkt^ fstan !:ir.i) l^ar- born's Sei-dlii:K i iwarf) Duehos^e .1' .\i.;;i;i!. nil • (ilua:! i V.c:i!' of Wnke fi M I iwarfi. Y iiir coin iiilt .e are of f.piiii in tli.'it tlij late r'peiuu.; v irities of plu;!i.s are n.ti'jli m ro profital'Ie ilian th;is:; riiienin" ea.iy, as the fonu.'i virii tics arrive i:i market at a time when their is not m ich fruit of- f.iiii" f .r H,i' Ail cf which is re- spec tfilly huhuiitle.l. IJ. J. Doyle, II. llAl:K.^•KK^^. RK. IHI;T CF Cfi;:3I|TTl.E (N IMI'I.EMKSTS-. fiRArS 8PECIFIG MEDICINL rpni: great knoosh I KEMKDY,«!inufaliu;j cure for Seminal Wi.skn.;ES, S;«riaatorrli(a, Irapotj-ncv, «:iJ ail diseases t'lat follow 03 n -eqaence of 8j!f-Ahn'e as los^ of Ml mory, UnivefKal Before TaHng. La3 ituit;, I'ain in the Back, Uunness of Vifioii, Premature old age, and many otfier I)i ea-. s tliat lead to Inaanity or ConsiicniJti u »i;-,l a I're- luilure Gra»j. l3r'F:iil r-art.'cu-ors in our pimpLlet. which we licsiro til ciid frrt i.y mail to every oue. TliK Sj.,ei!ic Mvdiciee is K(i!cl l)v nil Druggists nt Si.ijii jr r )i:c!ii^-c f.r six After Taking. liaciiiigo .; r.";.0" or wUl Ve bvut frte by Laa.l o:i ric iiit cf :!ie m'i:i w liv a lilrc-iBiiig. THE SHAY MEDICINE CO., l-Iy T .r ' ., Or:t.,rr'.n.iaa' THE FOLLOWraO ON' HlliO LINES KEPT CQNBTUfTLV The SokMrikw wisbea tj ratam thwite totba poople of Mu-kdala kad vidaity, I very Ubwal patronage thave givwi bin in tb« p««t, and hope* by «1om «tt«ntioa to a ooatinoaaee of thn same. ....,' I bare now •sUodad my biiain«M. Mid will te fntnr* keey a fnlSto^ of tor th* BMRit PINE LUMBER AT.T. SIZES, DBESSKD'AND UNDBESSED. Baiinff it noeirad my firrt shipBant of Una Lomber and Latb from tka Votib. thcM ^^ and will have anotbar aehooaai kMkd in a few days. All XOndei of Plain and Fancy rFuminflr Done in a first-elau maoaer. .^ HafkdiJe, May 37tfa. 1861. THOS. McNEA. ST-tf Best Local p. IN THE COCx^ Babacribbfor it, onlyH^ FBIDAT nOBIfllfO I tin* to meet tbe aarljr mails. I the latest Korei^ and Provineial feitaUJifKioe, Oounty Basiness, ,a§mtmi and an InstmctiTe _i advaaatf. 91.50 in three months, paid till tbe end of the year. No "^^Montiaaad until all-arreagea are ,xo(pt at tbe option of the pablish- I lafasing paprs without pajine raqponsible for the yean aub- j %0f comply with tbe rales. or ADVEBTISINO .one Tear 950 00 do 27 50 do 16 00 Persons can i do do "»l8criU, •^*»t 8 00 4 00 60 16 76 25 8 2 III â- : 111 I !.it I Ml';. nl. I;. .1 Mv.-. Lo.NO, A GlFtOKll, r. Ciihi^TJK, 11. lh;ii», â-  â- i'.iinKt; i n ^T. k. f.l I- ' I.l • il t tr: in'" ..f ;r â- â€¢ ;iMi" â-  lr..r ;.â- .•.. to r( ;• ii t i I' .â-  I -1 Ijr- • I of liitL.' :.â-  !;i,. ;..â-  •!;• '!â- â-  .. t ick you r ill rai â-  'iii •I ;â-  .i::ry p'lrpi'He.s It the gen- ..;•;•! 11 'f vour eoiainifUj. il. Av r.'.Nir l.^ the difn ot kin Is • |i w.- Iiiiv.' arrive,! ,it rh c n- rlii-i.:i that the I.eici.s' r an. I Co.^ wnM an- tlie luo^t Jirotitable We e;;n r ii" "11 ft fnnii. :i 4. We ai" of tiie opini m r. -i re- ••inl-- pi„'s, for j)roht ihe full bred ii .•,v-.liir' I 'i. oiir comnittoo also li.Iievo J 1 t'H' Sxei.T stoc\ IS intturi.l f'f • 1. Il t' old i-ouulry or iiunie market the ht'U.'r, an I iho ni.r.! att viti in th it 16 p lid to 'h- brooilin.; ofs.' lek fri :l» full hi loih'l sirL'.s the more will th s.? en ^;i.r. I Trid it a good aud prolit ibic iu- V« stiuelit. ^Si^iiod) (i. Uricnk'^s, (iiairuiau, HKPOIir OK lOMvlrriKK on llANivISll .\ND l.().\MNi. Your t'oiainittcc on liaiikinj; anil ' I. laiiiiij,' liave iiothi^ij; cf iutrr. .-st to C'invoytoUie Gmii^^e siuco o.ir last mo!ti!i'_t on tlie subject of hankin;;. 'Ibc subject of an .\jjricultural IJank n.w i)ccn|K's the attention of tli3 Kx eeutive l.'.iiumiltee of the D.imiuiou Grant," and tlio iioccssity for" luich JIM ii'stilir. i'i:i has been eii.lorsed, but your cooamittee are not aware of liny rceon traction ill connection with tho or^'aniziitiou of such au iustita- lioM. Your Coiumittco learn that tho i Graiig.) Trust has increased tho capital Kt.ckofthe Coing^iny to §2,000,000 '•y haviin; IBDured bup[dementary b"ttr» jviti'iit with a view of more fully caryii:„' out the prineipleri of co- operation bv ttllowing borrowers to participiUe in profits. The directors ore takiug steps to organise a' Board of Reference iu Great Britiau, whose principal duty it will be to brin« pro- minently before the attention of cap- itli.sts tho spcoial features of tbisc 3m- pauy, and secure money at the lowest possible rate for investment among our bretUcrn, who in oommon with oth^r farmer* have iu years pi«4 paid high rates of iaterst. The idillaence r.{ the cjm^isaj for cood H is bdievcd will be very grewt indeed, its inltiience^ already biiviiijf been ob-wrvabla. In jjliorl, your committee hope tliat t'leura g-^ Jrus .The tir^t Co op^rativa Loai^su Copiay in Cauada, will b« provhictive of very great good to tbe merobars of the (iraiitfe. Alfof -wbich is re«p«^ully submit- ted ' (SidiW) B- J- D xi^. H. Bam. BEVOBX OV ooMwrrsE ON umncirAi. law We, yoia Cotumittee on Munioipal Law Amandin«ato beg to loUowiBg: Your C. n'.n;iMio ru liuplemeuts ;: 1. av.; to r -port as follows: I'roju the fact that the liins yiycu your C'ornmitice in so short that they have not be" u a'l'e to present as full a rejin-t as tin y would wi^!l. They lin.l also quite a diveroily of opiiuuii j in regard t some of the implements reo'iinmcn.led, but froii some pnr i ticular aivanta^uj r.,commoud thf follov, in;,' as c^cuerallv eatisfact'ry The Harvest (^ueen Reaper, Toronto I .Mow^r, Ti;; r Ui.ke, Noxou Bros. I L'ombii.c I Itrill a;;d Ijioadcast Sceilcr I (-although we consider t'le price charg- Ol for feeitrs tx rbitftiit The Spriiijj Tooth Harrow is considered the best harrow for rough land. Tlie question of a perfect pea harvester waa discus- ' St 1 by V'Hir coi.iuiitteo, but they not h.iviuj any prijual experience m the liiutter Would beg leave to refer any memlier wi.--lii'i'.,' infi riuation to Mr. \V. K. efor, .viina:!, who is agent for the T ilton I'-^-a Harvester, which i.- elaimed to cut .S licres per ilay, whicli svoiil i be a gre.it .-iivin-.' b 'li in time 'Old iiiotii y e iii|iiir' d vitli tlie present .-1 .\v !ind lube rio;is m.tliod. H'Te- witii is aipiicu i d i [ivi: 'ist ofart'clvs luanulacluitJ 1 y L Ciiristie, Esq., O^veii Soiiu.i â€" Harvtsi Queen Reaper, S100;Ti"er Ihike. $-21 •; GangPlougli, :?IH (iraiii Crushe-, §2o Scuffl-rs, S7.oi»tol2; tannin;,' Mills, §24; Hollers, SM; Cjm:uon Plough, §7 to I §H0. .\ r.\luction of 10 per cent, will be made from thu above if trdercd by I the dozen. Yonr committee â- sfjuld ialso recommenl that members pat I ronize our home iiidustri.'S where it is pr.icticablp, but when sblig3d to ordtr from a ilistacco that they do h I tlirouiih Mr. Harri-i, a:|eut Orange Supply Co., Toronto. All of which IS respectfully submitted. 11. .\. St.uik, T. p. Leonaud, Rob't W-vlxkr, S. Edmonstone H. Reii â- d Best KedlclM em Bade. o n ot Hope, •uohu. Man- drakkiuui Dandelion, vithautiubntaiii: nUMtaaoTtlTeproiieitiM of aU other Bitten, iukei\theBTeMeM Blood Purifier, Liver le« u 1 atof Md U fa and Health Bi»tiTrlnir *-^^' -^ ' learth. AppeUxar 1 poaiiblj Ions azlit when Bop d,io Tailed and perfect an tbeir tsl T{(or to tte a£*l ul IsSia. mplo jmenta eaoae Irrecnilarl' -rinajy organs, or who re- Tonic and mild Stlmnlant, ' liable, wKhout IntOI' ^ellnKi uent or iTinptoina laoee n Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, Patent Medicines, Schoo Boodks, Stationery, Fancy G-oods. Toilet Articles, Pure Drugs and Cheroicals, Choice Teas and Tobaccos. Vicker's Express and Montreal Telegraph CO. Mark^lale, Aug. 3rJ JUST ARRIVED -AT THE- Agents for Companies. ^TORONTO house; ARKDALE, OF ALL disceiphos^ I and under, first iuaertion I enbeeqaent insertion t9 tea liaes. first iniiertioii I BiAMequeot insertion 1 Hnes, dret insertion per line teh subsepuent insertion mber of lines to be reckoned by the ipied measured by • scale of solid Advertisements withnnt specific will be pobhilwd till (orbtd «sd ordiuflf AlHransitory ed-ertiee- [tnast be in tbe office of pablication by ek on the ThnradaT morning preoeed- r pnblieati on. O. W( BOTXiEDQK. Pioijrietur. FUSiONAL A BUSINESS DIRECTORY. F INI A SPSENDID LOT OF BOOTS and SHOES iSSl. A.TURNER 13 IfodlMue Bitten are opentloi ToaUwh Loire aa [op Bitters are Icatlnft. No nu^er whatyoor are what tbe disease or tera Don't wait ojotu you only feel bad or miserable It may save yoor life.It bi $500 win be paid for a core or faejp. Do not Buff â- afferent ose and unce Ui Remember, Hop Bitters is no* dmnken nostrum, but tho Medicine ever matle the and BOFS** and no pcmon or â- hoold be without them. p.l.C. la an alwolute and IrresClble c forDmnkenefls, use of opium, tobacco i narcoUca All sold by dniggiatm. Se forCtrcQlar. Hey mm W^. c*., BocbMter,N.T and Toronto, Ont. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Artemesia Warehouse FLESHEKTON STATION, •tck but If fan Q them At oiice.1 kTed bondreds.! I they wUl orletjrourfria toiuo Hop Tile, d 3 Purest^ familj^ Now on Land for sale, and will be constantly renewed, a complete Stock of Dry Goods, Ready-Ma le Clotliiiig, Boots and Shoes, HARDWAEE, CROCKERY. GROCEKIES, PKO VISIONS, c. o !3i All kinds ot Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Inspection of the Stock respectfully invited. Lumber. Lr.ths and Broomhinidles manufactured^and for sale. tleslierton Station, May 27th 1881. 2-tf -SUITABLE FOI Fall and Winter Trade WHICH WU.L BE SOLD AT Prices tliat Gannot Fall to Attract Attention. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carrying off gradually vrithout weakening Ihe system, all the impurities and foul humors of the •ecretions at the same time CoiTectinC Acidity of tlie Stomach, curing BU? ouanesa, Dyspepma, Headaches, Hix- Ijness, HeartDum, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dim- ness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, ynpelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and Qenentl Debility all these ami many other simi- lar Ciinplaints yielcl In the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10c Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. 9, â- nsnir « C:, Proprlctar*, TaroBM inaSig submit tli« BK.iUTiFiF.RS, â€" Ladies, you cacnol make fair skin, rosy cheeks auil sparkl iii;^ c-yos with nil thn cosmetics of France.or beaufifiers of the wcrUl, while ill poor health, aud uotliiug will give you such good health, strength, huoyaut spirits nud beauty as Hop Bitters. A trial is certain proof. â€" Teleijraph. OPINIONS OF THE KISSING PRESS ON Tbe subjoined opinions on kissing relate to the text which tells us tliat " Jacob kissed Rachel, and lifted up his voice and wept." If Rachel was a pretty girl and kept her face clean, we can't see what Ja- cob had to cry about. â€" Daily Telegram. How do yon know but that slie slap- ped his face for him. â€" ^L. Y. M. C. A. News. --i The cause of Jacob's weeping was the refusal of Raohel to allow him to kiss her again. â€" .Voncan/cirwMM^ It is our opinion that Jacob irapt because be b*^ no^ kiwed fi«eb^4)e- fpre, and wept for the time lost. â€" Natumal Rfformer. The fellow wept becaoae Rachel told bim to do it again, and he waa aaid. â€" 'iiethoditt Ji«coritr. JtMib cried baoMUfl ahe threatane^; to.tell her mother. â€" CfkrUtimm World. Jacob wept beerraas there wta^mlj ono R lehcl to kisa â€" Sonthport Hmm. He w«pt for joy bccaos^ it taaMiO gopd.â€" .y«TMfc timvmiel*. Cures Cholera.Cholera Morbua,Dif' aentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- ness and Summer OompJaint aiao Cholera Infantum, and all Com^ plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will bo found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN CO., PrQori«tor«, Toronto. MARKDALE CO D SK CD ce S ^( «« c ft H 09 ft 1. tUD O M SO O BH UJ ..r^ m ^^ IB z^ 1 s S S :!! UJ C CO erin a PL Chi in bfi 1^ -1 lis O S P CB c8 *« Intending purchasers should see our goods and prices, before buying Wm MarkJflle, August, 3rd, 1881. BROWN STOP. MARK. LEARN. And then yoa will know where to ro to get the best -value for your Money, at R. J. SPROULE S CR AT ANNUAL -• CLEARIG SALE, AT TBE COiKMfi, PA1IL0R AND BOX STOVES iEarbleWoi^ Honnments, Tombstones And every deseription of d «xeeatedia work iii» FIRST-GUSS STYLE I and at reasonable rata*. Carders left at tiM shop or sent bT mail -viU b* promptly at- ^Stitisl^tion Guaranteed. -T9M|^ next door Rtt«re HottU I IK A* aMRSTOI, Pmk IkrUUIe A^. lOtk, 1881. -r 4lMg Always in StocTt. "As I keep allkinis qf ' REPAIRS for tha t.„..i .eU, ftrmw .m ... tb* i.rt.g„t*,jing rtb £.*'A^f„f °'""' ' OH, HEAR. OHTHEAR. Ofl.lM Squander your money if ycu wantVif not, gel yourPhotographs of W. BULMEE^ The People's Photographer, wbo Flesherton Who 18 again prepared to take Returea, and do Coniin. ^A o i FRAMES ANU FR^tj^^^Sits •oOTi .) bargains. 'OAuaxicaDiy ijow Prices C3all and Bring along yoor pictures and have them copied arui enlarged by y„„ coa'ttend. FlMherton,MaiehlO, 1881. BilLMCRa POST OFFICE STORE, FLEJSHEETON, ^1^ I*iilllc IVotlc^ D. J. SHANAHTrS "WAGON and Carriage Works, Just opened, opposite the dnig store. Mill street. HaTiog long experience in the bwi- neaa, we feel ooniMent we can giye satisfae- tioa to those UToring ns wtthtbeir ordara for CABRUGSS, APBDia WAGGONS, UJMBEB WAGG0H8, *e. HocMriwein.. aad aU kinds of rqMinmr » Mr Ima mAmm wood, iron, pSSiir W««M ii«thiii» b«k ««od aiateriil^ir pioyint-alMapcaaticmlwockaaea. "" Ow ate tetoatveth* kwtvaljMfarthe in order to make room for heavy Spring Imp-irtetioas now arriving dailv. I have decided reducing my present large and well selected and assorted slock of GE NAERLDRY GOODS, FURS, MILUERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, •,: Hats, Gaps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, :. and iu order to do so, " ',,- Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. r.s.TrSt«r^-5„raTnsdL-H^^^^ My Groceries are aU bought for .tricUy nett eaak, consequently I «â-  mhI wMI aeU at â- m TJ*a®J"^®*^ Possible Prices I For CASH and F ABM PBODUOE BUT 3VOT FOK -•â- :â- _ â-  PLAIN and in" (tol Execnted with neatiwu^j^ j STANDj OI^^ICE, MARKDAH If you wtnt BILL HEADS, Li:.! Li:. A JitADb, GIRCUUBS. NOTES, Svroal« Carter, Accoacbeors ciaqs, Surgeon Scc. |CE Medical Hall; I Honse. Sept 17,1880. residence «t {rgal* Smu. R. Wilkes, â- at-IJaw, O'wren Sound. ^CE.â€" Millers's building, over Ilobin- ore, Poolet Street. i.y Frost dk Frost, ^~ J13TEB3, AND ATTORXEYS AT »w, Solicitors iu Chancery, Convev ie.. Owen Souutl, have resumed at on. Office open every TliursJay, as Dre. I FaosT. I W. FaosT, LL. B. »"ty Crown Aitornev. 1 JftHies IWasMkM, ElISTEBand ATTORNEY AT L.^W, ster in Chancery, Owin S...iut. 17, 1880. y 9t«ti»trs. all poic Sept INSUI LI AOENT fj CiTUeI A(. â- K ntmJ Villa»..- I J .\tlCtlil trvor: Xit Hiils, l!!a James J. HThite, ant to Dr. Cameron, Owen- Sound. BE AT THE REVERE HOr.SK. iarkdaie, on the la-^t Wednesdav ,ii Bth.wben he will be prepjireil tifr- l^operations required upon the moutli satisfactory manner, aud upon I terms. 1 V iKi*rrUattr0ii«. W. L. Smitli, ERAL A(ir:NT AND DEAFER IN rsey Stock, WUiiamsford Station 8(l, I Wm. Brown, :n OF MAUU1.AGE LICENSES, Ac, â- j::ii88ioneria B. 11. Ac. J lUlclng m all iXm bnnohe-. promt.Uv to and c.iri fully ex.-.-iiti-,!' -Money to Lend ou lU-al Estate He. Sept. i7, 1 Still. au.'lr, i. ' S/triHile' a- II,.- ur. I itud Ulli Sept. \: Jol Cuttel WA HORSI AJiknu F L i-y 'Alevan*der«roua. 'I ' " ,„,,,. T* " •â- â€¢ iiiv trail.- IB of Marna^-e I.i.-.-us, F,r, and ' c.i.v .„. i,i I Insurance .A^ent. l.ium:si..i..., ,.r.,.,i,. ,1 1. Ac. tonv,;, :.n-.r a;„l I.i..,.„H..l f.wiv*.!. er for the County of cir, v. F.iriii.r-i. ' ti.. iaaik. tj and Lani Sal.s. I'lim-iuiiilv at- j '.i.'.ii.p i., land charg-8 m:i Iu verv uioa.iato lie, Sept. 17, 18SI. â-  i.y RECEIPI.v POSTERS *eorie Corbet, Jr., LOAN AND GENERAL Ai.ENT^ n Sound. Mon.v to Lom nt l...v interest. Priuoijial pavaM, ,^t tli. term of years, and int. ro^t-llalf v. ur- or principal and int.rol rei-nv- III .. ;nentR, uuiber of desirable Improved Farm.s Iv SALE BILLS, STREAMEB8, D0DGEB8, HAHDl PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES. B. I»I. Oalbrafth, lONEER AND GKNEK.VL LANI ent WUiiamsford Stati..ii. .Aii.tmn .«Jj ° " I"""" """' Connlv IfMdon Commisgi.m. R.it. s m,.d. mtl-. ,^*' "i Sewing Murhiues ul.so lOraamenUl Trees. Vmes. Aj-'ri. iil- ements.andMacbiuery ..fall kiuU aford. Jan. 27. /i*8l. J. O. Sing, ION AND ri!(iVlNcT\r, LAND Drauglitsman i^d ValiiatMr. M Markdale. Haviup purchased Wd Surveyor Olmrle-; Rankin's 'â-  of oriRiiial Field Notes. I'land. *mctiong, Ac, of alibis Surv,y« I be last fifty-five years, 1 am 'make Surveys in strict nccord- ewuh. ProHles an.l Estiin«t».« Hills, Plans and .Speci:i,-afioiis Bridfjes, (urnislicil ou applica- Ijey to Loan at S [hi c. nt inf.r. -t ' letter, or left with (J. J. RLVril, 1 Will be promptly attended to. H..V ence, I the ah I I'art: niJI di ». I iioui- in iii. th-iu in i| pri.e. THOI A\ 1880. VISITING CABi* Mcuffi^g ^l^jj SHAVING -o C3IlErIl»* I UTe aboin stock and for mIb. » ktgenwmtity^ :PXIBE SEED G BAIN I Sneh as White Bnssian, Qlascow Sad nhatf ..^.i ...i. ... Pnr« mo.., p.o. r...-L"^,'"'"??.^"*?»oo other variefaes ot Pore Clean Pea«. Oats and i^ley' ^^i^TtSi^'^S S^US 8pH«« wh-t. Alao Seeds, ai^as t pays each and every Farmer tos^^2^!IS '_!^ '«^ paying a few eents extra, and purdianga p^ SSeto "***• y«» "» «^» Okrden money by COARSE FOR I »m now selliBg large qnantiae LAND SALT, PUSINES8 su' in fact «ujUun«'»*" line, don't fsil " unM inetJay* and Saturday*,- Thoniaw JSJmitli, lets fiUed for To- nib Stoue.s. July 21. 1881. 45.3„ T. E. DAVIK^ EB A ONTRACTOH, fStone and »)• Plust'rinp and (â- .'nitrv J..l,». {attended to. StonKuttin).,' « S|.e- •timates on all work. fr' Satiâ€" Dteed. ',* Resi.leiice coi-nerof I Sproule Streets, Maiw.alk. "31,1880. lf,.y FOX. lOruiuntalPlatttrer for stone and brickwork on ap- Batisfaction Guranteed. lUsi- w Street, Markdale. S«Pt. 17. 1880. l.v MANURE 9«trl». 'Whiekwffl tlute«ei7 new .he't^H^'^^S^'^W^r. A a B.. i. tabUahed^^^^^'"'^I*»riy ••• TowBaliip,foUMit,Oe».M,ij8». *^* ... SS^ifS2iir'^r' 't*^ *»"•«* -Jt- S Toronto 4-..J- f'i f-M' .f)4 LEND AT «BH». PTCper SPRING â- Â«i- itU 1 woold alM iiUiiiuUe that j^* " "** "*« " «•' 3. IMPOST AT jONS JLBMmiBot^ iAdtar Aad Z«fflteN,lpaMdoat aad •o*- On the Ist of Aprjt •Oitttiy. â€" -r'â„¢'-^titiwii FJMhtlton, Ua^ ^o ,S^^ i?iV«i4«ol«tiiig«ia,p^^ ^„ B. J. SPROtniB, V Jilw dth MAR Where we do work*' and at city pno* " HOTEL, ^OUXiE, Proprietor. .jai .Hotel has ha.l a Urge ad- 7* "*° *° '». thorouKhly refitud, ,^••4 10 none in the county, and attentive ostler. Finst- â- Â«ton for commercial travel- L**-*^ »««â-  «laT. 17-lv Ont. PaopauEToas. »tion for the travellimr ' " T^ •*°=k»d with the »na Liquors and the best L2»*frott all trains. u 1-y 'â- m: 'AL H9TEL. IjB. Out. A. 7Sv^*â„¢P'« Bx»n«: J™«tte best the market af isii,: I'M I. Very 1,1. Il b:is Ih-. :i '--. \h\' an wi auci- nf il„ can f,'iv. In HARNEs'j alwAvs .,ii \n^ tJK'N. till lM-st,.f n,i Mark. la!, SHTOP ' I T. M M .VI CNURNS, WASJ lifftairiiii/ l\ 1 M REAPE] M( PIOUKUS. Varkial. Province loi TO BE ruiii.i^ ^TR. LOVKl l.»X .Mercliaiil of Ontario, of tl( o announce tli PBOVI.VCK Ol iu NovoiiilJ Alphabe CL. Businei of tile liii.siue^s I Cities, Towns aif CI busine: CITY Tbewune care| the Dominion i 1871 will be uivn^ names respectful] rertising maJ JOHN Montreal, Dc

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