m hi t l\ em " t ' nth • .* ^smamam BU»OBbTI0N8OFAND FOB THE SEABONb. â€" :o: â€" (Fran the AAmew A«iiMt*Mt for Ser. 1) â€" :o: â€" Tax lirading farm work for Beptaa- Ber, in many parca of the Uniiad buktes, IB the sowing ol the fall crops, lliit) involves potting the soil in tbor- 6agb readinesH, and the selection, and Ihe sowing cf the 8eed. TbeiA are a namb«r of e^nentials in, the proper preparation of the seed bed, all of which shoold olltmn in every field de- \Vjted to a grain crop' The soft siiould b^ rich, either by the aeeiuntilated fer- tility of long years of nndi8tarbei vege tatioi' â€" the vir'jin soil, or made so by the addition of a fertilizer in the form of bam-yai-d ' dang cr the so-called "chemical mannreB." Of these two, that uiaJe in the bam-yiird and stable it- to be the first cl^osen. and the saper- pho8]hates and other "sal'.H" only used â- s a enpjilement to the b«m- yard man- ure, or in cas£-8 where the latter is not to be obtained. Next to richness â- Lould come a fine tilth, litis re- quires that the soil be well plow-id in a thorongh manner, and afterwards stir- red in a tlioronfh manner with a har- row or boiue other cnltivator â€" in fact with any implement, imtil the Inmps are reduced, and the whole foil is in a Lne mellow state. The importince of the mellowness of the soil for all seeds cannot be too strictly insisted u]«on, as without it the seeds do not come into intimate contact with the particles of fearth, and ther^fore ciiijuot make a jfood start, Pnd Jnany of '"m will not pro V. at p'l. \\\]i u irr« i supply of jlant food, in a cori'lition to be read- ily taken I'j) by tljc young jlnnts, tli(: next thill'.,' i. to sehct the s'fd, and sow it properly. To pnt the matter of sel^•^i(.n ii; a iiu*s}ie!| â€" sow the best *i«.od ill \)i f()Ui:d, even if it cod ilonble tJmlnft!:" ••nliiiiiiy .sCit. V bt-n the fiict becoiii:i more thoroughly known l.'if.t two kijid.s of irmiii, for e-xam- I li under identical conditions, ne *:;â- yield twice as i.'.uch hs tlie otl er, ]..,j,.r ••♦♦nfion will be ivc^u to a jroji- er seltcticii cf seed. It i« not for uh to i-uy whii-li Variety of wheat or other grai'i i- tbf best: (bat depends upon ffcal rirtunis'ances and eondrtions, p:jd r-i,. h fariiinr must, af er carcfnl study, decide for hims'-lf. The ••('ii-.v- son â- wJieiit is at present taliii" a lii;:li is.ik for yield and qiiidily i.'i many lo- CJibties. it may not be tbe bestfr uJl I'litces. \V ere it not for the lics- Bi;iii Fly, early howin;: of wl.eiit siiouLI be j-ecoiiimemleil in all cms's. Late sowiii'^f is a di.saIvaMtf!^e in itself, as the j.L'iits iiiiiko a smaller ijrowili be- fore winter sets in. Tlie ritlur the ^•oil the later the sowing may be done ilji safety. THE TBOtBAKD ISLANDS. SuitPmto nnrpiim oBmaorxv #bh o* A«B asnASOB luAMB. In f beaatifally ilbufeUcd vtiele in H*rftr'» Uontklp fag Septflttber 2udou the Tii9asand.IsI«nds the fol- io wibg sbont Garktoo and Grenadier Islands will b interesting to oar readers â€" Below Gape Vincent ia Carleton Islan 1, waere a namber of stone chimineys atrtart the attention. Tliese aro ruius of a fori boiit by tbe British Croops daring the revolution. Tbe sione parapet and the ditch cut iu the limestone rock still mark the outline of the fort. Turee more his- torc incidents of minoi interest are connected with these Islands. Oran ediar Island, oppoeite Alezundria Bay became, daring tbe war of IH12, a refago in storm for tbe unlucky ex* peditiun fitted oat at Uaekett's Hiir- boar under General WiUason, for the proposed capture of Montreal. It was an iil-advised affair. The expidittun was storm stayed on Grenadier some time, and tinaily proceeded duwn tbe nver toCrysler's farm, near the Long banlt, where the unuertakiug termin- ated with the defeat of the American army. Tbe guide books pamt out the battlb ground, which may be seen from the steamer's decii The second was tbe war ot Gnnuslone Island, a boundary dispute in 1828. at which time an earth worK, yet visable, was thrown out of that island, and tae third wuH theburning of tne Canadian steamer Sir Kobert P.'el iu 1888 by Bill Johnson and a lot of "patriots." Everybody who comes here must be: r this story, with all its apocryphal iii- culeuts, and take a lo'k at the dcck on Welib' Iblaiid,wht;re the vesi^el was burned â€" buJ therefore I foi bear. Many tourists ru.^hed through ttie ThoULaud Islands, in true Americaa style, on a big steamer, drop the morning paper or tbe latest novel just long enough to glance over the rail at a pretty vista ef channel or a cos^ island home, and iiErtffi'ie tlicy bivo seen the Thuu-?- aiivl iKlauils. JuRtbo tbe bwift \ankee NIL DESPERAN DUii. MKnmuhc THE OBE^T EKOUBH BE IfEOT. aa â€" lagaK flon lor ScmuHl W**nM*t gperiiuUonkMk hmftUnj aodsUdkMs* Umt fol'ov M s seqoMKe it Sdf-Akwe as !o8! of Metntrj, Vm Bdbn 9ltia§. LM^Uod*, Pai»te O* Oimnara of Viuon, Preraatora old age, uid many otoer Dueaaea that lead to Inaanitf or Conntmptif n tad a Pre- mature Grave. â- ^Fnll partienlan in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free liy mail to every oiM. The Spacifie MetUeine i» sold by all Druggistg at ,^^ tl.OO per package, or liz Alt« TaciaA paekaees for i5.{M or will be sent ffee hf mail on recpipt of the raoniv bv adiireaaing. THE OBAY MEBXiWE CO., l-lr lotouto, yiain Canada. Vennar's Prediclions I For this mortJi's Weather, pr^nared fxpraea- l7 for STODDART'S B£¥1£W. Simple ropy mailrdfor 3 cent ttcrmf. J. U. Stwda«i. Pub., New Yutk, PhiL, or Chinaco. if. F08£ST^6H SSROOL. SEPTEMBEiB Ist, 1881. MiHinery! i«miiieryl the Staadftrd '%irs..s$i' IS TBOi -•"•â€" o- Mi. '-EltA I.Ni'AMlM. That ti rrii.l- scourge among cbild- ri!ii may In- ^ji' -dily cured by Dr. ic,v\!eis I'.x (u^v ol Wild Strawbrrry. j^W loini- "• b )wel complaints, uausea •ai \dmitiui;, from an ordiuarv spelj'Js fil'tceu mortal minutes by the watch iu "d:ing" the Louvre, or St. IVtcr'n, or the galleries of Muuich. Whoever does that loses one of the mont inspiring opportuuitits of a hi'-- time. There is only one such archi- pelago in the wnrid.aud no man loo,' I ingfortbe gems of nature's handiwork can aff^^rd t J B.iil through the Thou sand lalauds ai-d not know what thty are. THE OLD RELIABLE. The reuudj tl it has stood th3 tost of time id Dr. l-owler'a Extract of â- N^'ild Strawberry. AInlost int'alliable to euro dyseu'erj, ciiol.'ra morbus, and all manner of fluxes, cholic craiup, cholera infantum, and every form of summer complaiuts. Nineteen Pnpils paused the Intamadiate Examination. July 13, 1881. JO«. HCID, *. A.. HeMl Master. rS" Board can be had from $2 np. Mt. forest, AuK.»13. 1881. 49-2-in. THE KEY TO HEALTNi Best Local Pap^r ... ^^"v IS fHE OOONTl. Sabseribcfirt tf.(Ml7|l J»P« •°°"° Persons oui nbaetiA* tt atty ««. HILli BHOS., .* ^- *«♦.- T.aHiefi of JCarkdftle and sttrttmndjy, â„¢*^ " compii»ing: Trimmed Hats Bonnets, CHILDBBMS HATS AND SUNSHADBS. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATffiRS AUD TIES, .. (IRNAM NT AND TKIMMINGS, f^ '"»'f^ J'l.OWING AND rULVEUlZlN(J Our lir^t j)lo\vii]g, sumo fifty je tr.-i i ng" wiiH i\u Willi u iioden luo ild- I bi-iif' Thfil i-;ri;o-iii the wrijuyii .•ro 'I'lPil'l huiiril, haiuraered out by H bhii'k'-iiiith. .\::)i:t flirty yenrs ago I Ihe iiiir'ilii't'n III thecahliron luoulil l"i.i;.|, with ri| !;i'-i able point, causeil iii.lrtt' exciteiti.-iit among f'rmers, li â- 'I'ev rould be produced bO lUUch linn "..eapiy than \vri)U;,'iit-iroii, a-ii' belli-,' haulier they wore b)iij;er, J!ot ••II out Pt'iiiy firriin tli.f KHiii whs j.inlv Ci'Uiitrr-liMlauc'd by the br.ak- i; :,' •â- !" the "poiriis, ' an.l often of the "ia'i'l sMU'"aiid even nii'uld-bourd it- t--\(.- .\ '•â- » yearn latertliesteel luonlil- Li^iird Hinl p( iiit.-j came into use, B "I sii4is.i|cieiitly the cbilli'd iron ]â- !••«-. Hill (lurmv all flu se Hityyearb if iiiii riveiii'iit, aul trmii tiiuo ini- 111 iruil 1) I'Te iluit, the cliu f eiiu.- aim- • •' it hive l'.en the jierfHCtiiiij of tlic (.lit 1 utr tmeiit, 111 foi-ui, t'l iyi^teri:il III lie' fi.imo, ill CDulters, guiiini.; V. be I, el;. The p.ineipiil has Luen .♦he .-;iiii â- , vi/.., the cilttliit,' olf of n '•ri'-w s'lO" .Hill inverimti u iiiore or le.s. • if .;! Hut lo.-r- has ad the wbil • been liie I elm,' that Jtlhro '1 iiii was ri;,'iit I'l chunu ig tliat tiioroilKu piilr.iilnni rii's'jil was the great re(pieslle ef cul- iivalMin. All I to st'eure tins we wave i:.ii| ;• ^- cCessliiu ot liuplemi llt! devis- f I. a^ c iltivatorrt, rotary digger.s. rot- .i\ bnirows, etc. ^losi of tiieiu have !•• ;i vahnihle no far as they have liul !•• I I ittiirU diviiling the sell, so Ub to jifoi iile a tiuor heed ?d. Lliit we nre • •il'ii.,| til hehove that «Jliarlis E. Hifki't Las now lunde such moililica (iiis-aiiil iiiliiitioii.s to the couioii plwc lis to iiiujuut to a radictl aud most vrtiii.th"" i-liani;e in its mode in op.-rn- atioii ;uid in the desirable results pro- •Sliced, litre 18 a guiienil id-a of it l-'nst a .sin'aee |i|ew which is inidily riid Huicklv iidjusted to cut oil two, three, sr f^ur inches in depth o( tin Soil. Riiil tiiru it well over into the Co-o"ERATioN Of TDKWirE.â€" Noman ever prosperai iu the world without the co-operation of bn wife.. If bbe iioites ill mutuial etdeavors, tr re- ward.s bis liihor with au eude.'iriag, smile, with wliflt conlidauce will be rcHort to bid daily toil, moot ilrKjuity )ii)d tncountcr dniigtr, if lie kuowb that bo is not spemli'.ig bis I 8^r^ll;,th in v.;nii, Lut tlmt his labor i will be rtwarii-.il by llio sweetness of home SoIiUi.'iO aud disappoiiitioenl enter iLc. history if L very man's lite, and bo is only half provided for hi.« voyage who linds but au associate for Ins happy hours, winle for bis mo'iths of daikness and distress no sjmpalh- isiug piirtoner is prepared. Unlocks all the elogped avenues of th« Bowels, Kidneys and Lirer. carrying eff gradually without weakening the STStem, »' the impurities and foul humors of tbe iecretions it the s.imt t'n-e CoiTOCtllUI Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bilf onsness, Dyspepsia, Headaches^ Diz- ziness, HeartDtini, CoBstipation, Dryness of the Skin. I^opsy, Dim- ness of 'Vision, Jaundice, SaltBheam, Erysipelas, Scrofula. Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness and Qeneral Debility all these and many other simi- lar Trimrilaints vicld to the happy influence •f BUEDOCK BLOOD BITTEBS. Sample Bottles ICc Regular siie fl* For sale by all dealers. 9, aiuiCM Jt CO., Proprietora, TaraaM AUOUND Tin: WOKLD. A volcano Las been discovered in Idaho. A now iroiic'ad of the l.iigeBt size is to he built in (Jerinauy for the Chinese G oven, men t. DysiutcTy is iiicieasiug to au alariuiiig extent in the German army, au.l many re^'iuienis are compelled to discoiitinuo taking p;i.rt in the mau- nuver.^. The Cziir b.i'i Litelj received models of diU'^reut weapons and engines o' as-ia^-inatio'i, wir!i a written requi â- tlifit bt Biioiiiii s 'lecfc one to bo us:d upon bis owu ^lOrSijii. Cures Cholera.Cholcra Morbui,Dy' sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- ness and Summer Complaint also Cholera Infantum, and all Com- plaints peculiar to children teeth- ing, and will bo found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUCCiSTS. T. MILBURN CO., ProorietorSi Toronto. OF ALL J)la6 ilPnON. PLAIN and in COLORS, Executed with neatuess and despatch. attbtf LADIES' MANTLES CUT AND MADE TO ORDEUr Our General Stock is well assorted in all branches. We won't take up your time readmg a long advertisement, but would solicit a call, believing we cait gwe entire satis^ faction to our patrons. Thankful for past favors, we would solict a continuance of the same. SXIX-r* BX30S- TEA! TEAl Tt4 MoINTTRE'B LIQUORS I_LIQUaXSl McINTYBE'S Ci^^ars, Cigars. McINTYRES Ooilee, Ooffbe. McIN' Te always oo hand, obbat mn /.. V ffttltt^ *»»*«' »0B ciaa. Markdale, May 28th, 1 881. fig-tf STOP. MARK. LEARN. And then ym wflVknow where to ro to Ret the beet value for your Money, at R. J. SPROULE S 6 RE AT ANNUAL CLEARIG SALE, AT 7HS CViARKDALE ,^ bottom of till' jiievioiis furrow, t'o!- lowihL; lhit Ui' III tlie .nimie beam- or frame, IS aifitiier 'loW, uiju^itab.o to fo tnke ti|' fl ^lll) furr^'W of imy tte-ireti (^tptli. I4ut tills secoinl, or 8iH slice, iH not merly turiieil over loa luasa ii)i- oii the I )|i of tbe llir^t iil» Wilii uul^ Such lir-flking as tlu littiua auii tiiri:- 1111: over '*ui Hociird. (^uite uiUer nt. I I'on itie fraiuu is au open work v,'-.iiii'lit ir-Mi wlieel or cvnn.ler, 8n\ •til iiiciK.-' in Uiiiuieter. winch fo lows •.jioii »i il suiootiis ilovvii in pirt the hibt t.irniM slice of luiiti-.with its grass btnllle, \Vi^il ei' Tlie ttocoiui fur row IS thrown into thu revolving â- *'ieei, r.nd carried rouuti and rouiia ••n it.i tupiife, Hiuoiig Its teeth, ami H;;anist open-worK liaia tin (tie rini HuU outer Shk' aj 1 It iH BO bi'okeu P'ld pulvenZi'J It drojSoUt uuou the buried fod or MUlact li'rrow. The PFuU is, that the b il IN pulverized quite at) much a? ii uouid lie doiii Villi loiiiiw and lO.ler, aud withuut huy lrum|iiiig ai^' jackiin? by leumb ' it IB lett li^'bt and li:e and in exee b.Mit couiliiion lor receiving *-iii. liiert id a'i rovision for att^ttlnng both ieeii drill and fertiiiver "idtiibiitor. Ill rticl, ai. oi.c i-^e iiiiou t le at u»d lb piown., hnalivi iviueu »od, stubbie itc,hiiriou, and » ed vowi' There M'e bcveral Dimple, i :ge iiua devices for riijbiu,,' und bW;.-iiiig t pljwa HNti ^beeU, Irr- various uoptbs, for • ir-.iin. Mt the Bide of tlie fiel.i, lor aelt- tfiii.iii'i'rting, etc., etc., thai would iieed eiigtavmgit aud len;/tby descrip. UoiiB to esj'iiuu t;.emfu.'iy. â€" ^mtiican tiifi'uilUitiul ful SriiUmiter, up tht. eutir* a^kuui jlwwii g ditmm. ttktn bruiitn bllliCCiv LluOD BLTTEitS (. nriB flII '•;.- uM 8 or !ii« bliHxi. liver ei.d kiai t8. Il Hie cinip aUilit, n«i- Ti'UM tiui ^euritu %• • lUty hiid buiUr i'uei* la te^iortad to be a gnod deal yti Si^'iior bertitiatti. hmg ItaiiMU Minister nt V»'asiiiii;^t m aul tlu husband of .Mis^ Dehou, of llostou, died last mot,tli in Ilollaud, where he was representing iviu« iiumhort. Tiio llippodiomo ill Paris recently ritarted ruuuiiig n;atcbc3 for ladies, aud at the Nimes Ihe organizer of the iiiill tigbts has enuageJ women instead of men to act as matadors. There is a weekly sale in Paris of toads, wliicli are bought in cask^, til cd with damp luof-s. One hiindrcJ good loa.is are worth from $15 to $17. These are bought for gardens. A feature in th:- cfise of Kimri Nix on, who btole $l,00d from an titate of wnich he was trustee, at-^^oraoka liiJ., is the fact that ha has loiig been a Quaker prtnclier of o t-. A GENERAL DEFEATED. A Ms. J. tr. itobert^ou wnt-s "I wa siiflcri-,]^ from Reueral debi.ity, want of appetite, constipation, eto.. s" tliat life was a biuJen after nsi k Hurdock H! od Uiilers 1 fell 1 ett r Uia:i for years. Icauiiot praisa your Bitter j tjj much. The Jewish p )puIaiion d Yie;iUH 13 reported to have mor- tlein (loui)leii Itself, according to the recent cen-ns within the past ten years, in 18/a ii was 3I.»,2UU. It 18 BOW 72,OOJ. Tbe otiicial language in the Trans vaal is to be Dutch, and no otlirr wil be allowed in the law cimts. Thi.s will, of course, place the British resii ents and natives at a disadvantage. WHAT'S IN A XA.VE The virfuj of the m s' of the pa- tent medici ics wuli which the market is Hooded lies in the name, but the mtnes of Burdock Bloo ' Bitters he in the/af« th t tlicy cleai^se the bl.)od of impuritiej. and cure dyaptpr.ia, bil- houaness and iodesii.ju. Prico §1 00, trial bottli JO cents. M. Got, the eminent French comc- duu was drawn, wjile at the Consfr- vatorie, i i tiie couscription, and hav- ing no fuuJs, had to serve. His Colo- nel, however, iuterrsttd tbe famous Mil.}. Mars iu uis behalf, aud after he uad sei T^ fcr some time in the caval- ry sue bought hiiu uff. Ayv.ob Kliita makes uo movement from Ganitiywr kmx he is caiJ to W enlisting in Lis sarnoe JX mm tJiere who have pnrioajty wrvtdaimol'ii'frs STANDARD OZ^E^ICB, MAEKDALE. If yoa want BILL HEADS, LEI^EB HEADbr CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEIPTS. OOTICE STORE, FLEyHBETON. la order to mato toom for heavy Spring Importations now arrivinK dailv. I have decided rednciiig my present large and well selected and assorted stock of pfifMERLDRY fiOODS, FURS, MILLIERY BOOTS AND SHOES, ^ats, Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, auJ in oilier to Jo so, Wm Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. The stock ii all ne'W, well Iougllt« and well wortli the attoiition of tlie closet buyerB. In OBOCKRIESyun willtiu.l evrythin;; ofFirst-C'Inss Value. As 1 ito not pursue the coarse of some of our wiiiilv Mercl.'aiits of our reifjlihoring Vil- luges. of sKudiiig out numerous samples of cheap trash («'ith uuscrupoloiis recommenda- tions) outride our nntitral bll9ine^s lelations, in order to iniprtss the public that they arw Dut properly treatet] by tlioir more hnnor»b!e deaUrji, aud'clravi' custom from the many. You niil find everything: that I sell Just us I represent it. and as good value as you nan possibly get for your money nny wllCI'C^ us 1 have always held that hrnorable decline l» the only tme course for » bn ^i'uws man. Mt Uroccries are all bougiit f r strictiv n 't dsu, consrq aeutlv I ean and will sell at The Lowest Possible Prices! For CASH and FARM PRODUCE 2k/£ .^-3^ 2C H .^ X^ â-² VniiL AftSOBTMEMT IN IKC FOLLOWING LCiEs hp, ON H4.-\i ^^' ent Me Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils, -,,â- Pat Schoo Boooks, Stationery, Toilet Articles, Pure Drugs and Chemicajj Choice Teas and Tobi Agen'.?. for Vicker's Express and Montreal Companies, â- ' ' A.TURKERi IS Markdale. Aug. 3r.l. ift81. â- 1 I 13 UT- TV01" -o- jki::tit. xDle "orks Mcnmeiits/iGiiifcEtcnes .\!:d '.try ut-iiij tii:n of Ceiuitii-y I Aicuud in work FiuST'CLASS STYLE and at roasoual !e ri.t; s. Cid.Th \fH at the shop or sent bv irdtl will b« promptly at- teli.iiil to. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Slirp next d„o !o lUierc Hotel. quarrcUug KUion^; Uie tru«p«. Ai wiUim tiui iitUuii frwij*n M 4Mni. POSTERS, SALE BILLS, STREAMERS, .DODGERS, HAND BILLS. PAMPHLETS, PROGRAMMES, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, BALL TICKETS, Or in fact aaything. in tha printiiig line, don't fail to okll kt the Standard OFFICE, i Toronto Street MARKDALE I have also in stuck aud for sale, a large quantity of PUEE SEED GKA.INI Snch as White RusViiau. Glasgow, H"!! .;hrt£f. and other varieliea of Spring wheat. Also Pure C'l'sn Pea-), Oat^ and Barb'V. I'liim,' Tim -thy r.nd Clover Seed al-o l-"resh (Jarderi Seeds, and as it lays each mul ivcry farmer to sow cioau teed, you will make money by paying a few ceuts extra, »i4 iircliauii!g a good article. o 1 om now selling large quautics of COAIISE LAND SALT, I^ O II I\l ^V IN IJ 11 E Which will pay every Farmei Fire TioUcr^for erem, „ne id^teted in it, and as I am anxiont that every larraer us locally a,„l noi-hboriii.; Townships shall try it, have decided in selhnK in five and ..band lots at the Lowest Cash Price laid down by the eai direct from the Manufacturers, aud bought for nett cash at Bottom Prices. o 1 would also intimate that my SPRING IMPORTATIONS ABE ABRIVIIJG DAILY. And I will have opened out aud show On the 1st of April, °o°ntly."'^^^^^'^*^^^^*^'^°"*®^S^°"^«'«^'»'™°8'^t'«'»W8 part of the J.^S'erwh°ere?" '" "'"' """"^^ """ " ^^ soUciting an inspection befor 1 am, your ob;,dient servant, Art erne si a Wareliol FLE SHBliro'iT'STATIOl (I â€" Kow ou baud lor sali-. fliid w.U be con ,,r.i,t.\ ri,inv.ti],i^,j,^^^c Dry Goods, Rsa^j -Made CloOiing, Baw| HAKDWARE. CROCKEEY. GROCERIES, PUOVISlOXsJ 53, AU kindH ot Country r.rotjutjc: taleniieii Goods. Inspection of the 5tock respectfully invited. "cs rnanufdCda Lumber. Lr.ths and Broomh sale Wesherton -Stnti- n,May 27th. 1«81. Xv"!.;:!:^ H:3oJ a 2 C9 CO I I 20 U Si Jx s'l 4 9 S Fleslierton, March lo 1 R J. SPEOXJLE, «8i 14--1V MABK DALE Sash and Door Pactory SASH, •«~. â- *' N. BLINDS MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTONS, FRAMES. V COOKING, PARLOR £M3 33X ST3 Always in Stock. As I keep all kinds ol j;i.r.V!r..S f^r tbt sell, Faruieib will see the aa vantage of uiulin.' lutli » L'Ch1 A? WM. sTUAiN, ,::n£3ii5 FJesherton, March 24, 1881. OH, HEAR., OH, HEAR. OH, ivt VOuriii'"r Squander yocr mouav if yi u wuut ti. il ii. w. bulmer; ^^ The People's ^^• 'â- 'â- .• V "^Photographer ir _;. ^^^ â- Fles^^ ^0 U again prepvea to take Pietare8,'ai4 do t'.ii'.viiif-' R'lJ £"' Lumber, Lath Always on Hand. d Shingles^. Orders P^Tomptly PUied. utr nh. Iba. IMf!SON,CUUAC« kd-bIB Whora we do work in first'clMs styU and at city prioa*, and "don't forget it." ;,v yo »ery liberal patronage tha- " "°** •*" '" a eontinuanoe of thS .ame"" **"" ^^ '" '^^ P^' «» hopes !^«i«ie »tteati7n'to"me;S 1 h.v« flow extended t«y bu«ne«.. and will in Ai«. J PINE LU people of M^d»le and yjofnity, for the a folBtook of ER AIL SIZES, DBESSEI, AND UND^SSBD. ' AU Kind. „evu^ «„a t«ac, Xm«ta, nM in a int.«Iaa We arereeelTin a Urge stock Of MOT'^OFS awX V. Finngg which we can, and mean to seu'at Kcxx-arkablj secure bargaiijB. Bring along.your pictnreg and hare them ci iid !u ' tulargi Flesherton, Maich 10, 18^^1^' ,t,oi.u.l«â- h«X;^. Low '•»" Bi l»u blif ' ]\ road ..,«.. tlTotffJl^ "^wj^Mvtnh, lan. THOS. MoHBA. 0. J. SHANAHAITS WAQOIT ana. " i«» opened, ophite i^^r^ IJ^Zl tVT:'"" «reet. Having long e«ier.ei«l i„Te bw **t;:." ' Lration of i^^^t tu« to tboM f»Tonng «, witLiheir order, for I ^iul lott^ iil n-'t k ^^A CABBUGES. ,-• pident tlia nuiT b«pr^^* • .:•:;•• JAMES iiHow; SPBINQ WAQOONS, " *^'** LUMBEB WAGGONS, Jtc. Honeahaeing, and all kinds of repairing n our line either in wood, iron, paintiuK, Md trunming neatlr and promptly execat«J. We lue nothing bat good material and em- ^7 flot-daaa ptaetMil worknen. *V.»h« «» te (pre ifce beat Tahie for tb« Bsonqr, -thos â- e;Eq]iDg a repetition of Township efGlfixJl' KM and (ke benefit el war QTRAJGHTWAIJ;* J^ ty, PrJT»t«I'«** j.« Markdale, JB*** ' Z i -â- â- f ,«i»T wo*""® l^^ee* the earij nxall..- rfJ^rorrfgn and ProTinelal njJ5^_ County Busm-s. ,.,_^ »1.W In three "O"*^" l;«^, «,d of the yew. No •" fiheoption of the pnbhsh- •♦SlSl piip"" without payine 'f^Jble lor the years sub- OF A»VBBTISIKO: r ...150 00 lone tew- • .. 27 60 " â- â- /..,. 16 00 do " B 00 4o do ....;.•â- •:-••• I onder, first insertion. _(,,«qaeut insertion |J^ Unes, first insertion â- aent insertion tret insertion per line ,«B«iit insertion. • r of lines to be reckoned by tbe Ud measured by a scale of sohd Jrertisements without speoine fm be pubUshed tilHorbid wd iSnelv. All transitory ad'ertise- "irtbe office of pnllic.t,onby {Baation. W. BCTLEDGE. Propyiftor. VOL 4 00 60 15 76 35 8 S BUILPI itriik promptly att oialty. Est {action go Brown and I December i GEOl BTU MUl St., Ms {i^ruess shod jTHAL A BUSINESS 'piRECTORY. ^gyrovle dk Carter, ..llediul Hall; residence at 1^.17,1880. i-y_ 8UBGEON. ACCOUCH- ,o«uP.O. ra.bi .t. J. Tor....iJ promplj u'.tt| .S5-3m- Wm rgBL rha». »• WllWes, „ ...t Law, Owen Sound, r uiUers's building, over Ui.l.iii- Poulet Street. ly Frost Frost, BTEBS, AND 'VTTOHNF.YS-.VT fgolicitors in Chanctry. (.'divey Otrao Bou:id, have roMiiav 1 at Ofioe "pen every Tliiiri«'.:iy, as I .1 r: ^g,. J. W. Fb r Crown Attorncv. sr,LI.. 1!. 1 Ijiuaes niasson, BTKBaadATTOIlNi;V .VT L.UV, ler in Chancery, O.vi-u Sound. .1880. ly James Lamon, HEY-AT-L.VW, SOLICITOU IN «ry. Notary Public, Arc. aned at lowest rates ou person iil Jktate. Lands bouylit aud sold, [fcller introduced free of co^aul:^ â- DUNDALK. er 21st, 18»0. 1 Wm. Brown, I UF MA.BUI.Uii: LlC£XSES,.tc-, (isaiouer in B. U. ve- nting in all its bi luclieii promptly I and carefully executed, ioney to Lt-ud uu Keni Estate sf- ^e. Sept. il. IS*)- yy kicxaiidcr Bro%%'ti, « ...»..â- »».- •-â- â€" -M^ Fr,' and llnsurance Agent. C"iuui:»»ii;i«-i c. Conveyancer w.fX I.ii-.-.i-i-J r for thu County of iip-y. f-iriii. r-. and Land Sales, l':i]iolii;i;i at laad charges mti-k- \i.iv iiiu !â- laS. Be, Sept. 17. 18S!t. l-v ileorge Cfr2»(*t, Jr., .LOAN ANDGEM.U\I. .\4i:XT I Sound. Monev to Liuu at li» nterest. Principal juvub;.- .-; t'.n- jerm of years, .and iiiti n- t b-iif yar- â- y, or principal and intore^i r-ji:iy- atalmeuts, amber of desirable Improved Farm* ly J. G. Sin;;, UION AND PUOYIN'CI.VL I.\N!) Teyor, Draaghtbiiiau aud ViiUi:itoi. md Markdale. Having |mrclia-d i Land Surveyor Clmrl.- UHukiii's lek of original TieM N^'t.-~, I'biii*. Ilnstfaetions, tc.,l all lii-i .S;iivi-y,. â- lin tbe last fifty-five yiMr-, I urn [to make Surveys in str.ct lu'Mrd- .ewith. Profiles an 1 K^tuiiltw Dg Hills, Plans and Sp-citii^ti. 'li- ng Bridges, furi;islif.l ou ;i|i.lii«- ney to Loan at 8 por criit ;ii!'-r. •.. J letter, or left with G.J. lil.V ill, k, will be promptlvatteiidi'd to. 17.1880. " Iv INTERi Ailo^^ l-J-ll:ift-| all ioUit-- ;it| I S"rteui'.. I- t' LUl. I 1 rl ' A.i:NTroi tij i ciTiz-::: Aii;i( I A iiinilH-rl I Vi'.Up I- â- '.â- *[ I Aiuniou sl IJlU li'.iili Nf !1M â- ' l",-tn'.i;' |ili-ation 1 il.-nc-«i-; .9*»ti«tr]t. James J. ^Vhite, at to Dr. Cami-roTi. (iwcn Sound, I BE AT THE llEVEKF. IKH.SE. irkdale, on the lat \Vi-duL.-.duy lu b,when he will be prepared to per- erations required upon the m.iuth ost satisfactory manner, and ijpi-u He terms. ' Ire HOTEL, AIAKM.D-4LE. ?EOUIjE, Proprietor. ovular Hotel has had a l.arjje ad- I added to it, thoroH(?!ily r-litled, seooud to none in the county, bliag ai.d attentive K.^tlur. First- ommodatioii for c-:iiiii:ii rcial travel- ^crms »i.OO per *av. l7-ij rv^viT 7i c T 13 1 MEAFOED. Ont. [McGIBU, • l".e,ruiKTous. i aeeommodaliou for tl.e truvell.iij: i Tbe bir is weil btotUeJ wiiU u.. Wines and Liquors and tin' b*---! [.Cigars. W to and from all trains. 117, 1880. Ml w. The MiLmI and vieiii.^v iii;.'tli' pii-t th-m tint !. as any ol M, dell\. 1-V MERCIAL HOTEL. fPRICEVTL.l-'E. Out. taitd commodio.18 Sa:iiile Booms:, nmns, c. Tbe But and lard.r i ritb the best the market af i iBtabling and attentive Uo-tl. rs tHOS- ATKINSON, Proprietor Mm. 188o^ _^ [BMUfldSboeSliop. ^â- vbaarfbers beg to inform the public ^•ntQy tkA Htmj have opened a shoe |t^ pemiaes lately occupied by Li. •.^uCQ atieet, where they are pre- k»«dM« for aU kinds of work in ' Bapmtag done promptlv. i« W^orlL a Specialty. '•iteietts owh business we can af- Ifk at bottom pricos. coll re SAUSi \\i".- i; tl .\i;.iiti iliul tru-li- bv f.uil merit â- â- 'â- •â- •' "1 No/i.i tic t .!â- -]" har^eaftl's Markdale. SoJ j7mo It I till- in)ij I roiindit.;? â- •â- â- "' lb. l-i-t' •:â- "' 1,.. i- liu-.v I r. FRUIT. P( Icc3| Variet E X of e.fr.v •!• factiirers in CHOICESi ;6Ri Slipplii'l â- 11 tl i in the be-t -tl aoUibad. Ko Split Leather usca W- McLEOD 4 CO. â- iith^lSU. U. H. Oalkraitii, ;AMD GKNEllAL LAND i Wilfcwsl II il Statun. Auction 111 «U parte of the Courty. •BioQ. Elates moderate ItfWing Manfaiues also 1 Trees, Vine;. Agricul- and MacbiMcj of aU kind* fT. iM\. SO-lT T» OT] supphed I moiit reasej Markdsle