Tl^ '^^. K: iH NewGflii lOOE flimBBmmm wmmBoe^' VU 1 M ROS. 1 per oent. in piua^ h^^ -right. ""**tj is and 8ho6|L le Clothing, itles for the [See "CTs. M_ PRICES io| »sc is oar boainea uii dato we purpose ,_ krt of our busineaa in'th? St to bu favored with a ooi kititr, Wheat and »U kindmrf |. vou soil. " ADVERTISEMENT ^^y. In the meantime Goods are being cleared out to make ^*M-9d!feS**v*^^|**^-- 'v B^rin«H ft-^ff! ^°^ ^°/^® I*'?? Stock Which ia how being selected peaaolnmT by jj arland from the largest honBes in Europe. tr^ j Itir. if^ «i«r: IE STANDARD. September 16, 1881. X^OTH ER NOTICES cwiilks need repairing badly All Tixt Bprej at the Medieal BmH. Boon neoeMary for Teachers preparing for «x»min»tion 8^ IV ED Hi-rhest price wu4 in «»difc, u^t. ler «Bd Eggs at Beyaolds A boa. Dr. Carson nerer el«im«l for hia Stomach and Cotistipatlou Bitt«r8anT Miraculous Pow«« of H«AU»a, btit I witli the quiet conseionsness of tbtir mediciaal virtues he preRcribes tbetn Lm \\»tclios, in all colore of the i to all those who Buffer from deranj^e- jt \v. loil'», Fkshtrtou. ment of the Stomach, Bowels Liver 1 i and Kidneys. In large 8 os, bottles weather the past few days has ^^ ^ui^ 460.. SedS agent for Markdale. at w. F.j Mr. Wm. MnjMAK lost a span of horses last week in the foUowing man- ner:â€" As far as we can learn, Mr. M. nms a threshing machine, and had his horses in a stable together with tlioso of his partner; some of the lieyuolds 'orses became mitied dnring thfi night and got kicking, breaking a leg of each of Millis;an's horses. The loss is a very serious one to Mr. M., who is ill able bear it. lijfligLtfully cool. Lolii l'.iii(?» from 'JOc. up, [i.Ji.rton. SD Council will meet on the instead of the lC£h. i;;i.^a froiu J5 to 520 at W. F. a^ijuis) tctour fall stock, no sbuw goods PrtiiuLiit is n^Min improving,' nes ar^ entertained of his re- !F.- HOUSE, ALE, J LOT OF dHOEl tqr Trade! SOLD AT fee hnvention, A L DEVIC] to Play lOMPANIMElin iia ORGAI or Old. whet/iet talent or noV .AY ANY- la VEBY I ME, Id take â- ^:^ )ld way, expense )n, etc., eta receip of t^ rcaH^ E A.I' PBICES1 ^AWFO Istreet E^t, tot^" gj;Cr) new advertisement. ,,,;,iil! and ^;mter goods, .^- and iii:mtles, c. ^.f,f ,v,r;.li.)ly at W. F. DoH's, ^an'U 'â- '"'â- 'â- »'"â- u,sr) ml c'n:ip:uiy, are sole [facti)rerof -^rastorine luacliini^ f-iii:. niriits will be pr secutt d, LvrTES of Aitfiiipsia Council came fipi- tliis to.ijetlicr with litems I'f iiiiinst, which will ap- lOuriiiAt. riiir il 'til MS f(.r "Castorine" la,' ml. a'l'l si-e that the barrel pli-l-'C ist')ri:ie," as uoue other lo Attract Attenti t vui'.l hi-i-i B.-jf.ily. Mill] n" the foundry is beiiii,' pusli will be ready about fd f(jr- for oc- lit ill U t'lW wi oks. i;Eili r!oii. till you s,c Mr DcU's HOW TO GET SICK- Exposo your self day and night, eat too mncli without exercise work too liard without rest doctor all the time; take all the vilfi nostrums advert'sed and then you will want to knew How To Get Well, which is answered in three words rake Hop Bitters I â€" Express. i our goods and prica;! Wm- BROWN t Juliu Fidliec, lot 11, con. 5, iia-^ :iii iipilu tree wliieli lias tfriiit tv.ic-c this season mid is \a bloom l!ie thiid time. L'Ut a iliiiilit til" cIiinjNvvt and ticst I'Waiilii lo Im {ouiii ttiivwheru is at !mU--. FIr!,lirton. (iiae-. Noble has tl'ictcd two L' lioubos â€" one on Klizabeth :i;i.l one on MiU'k stixct â€" which liKils veneeriii!,' with br.'ck. fc. Burton wiii jiloase accept oar s(,ir those beautiful Tomatoes t\i\s!:Wt at our oiMce, they wore ll«re.-t we have s ;en this season. .W F. Poll, of 1-'1( hortoii, has just e-r l.'roai his tmir oii the Coutinetit, where ,j-lu«l:i lar:?!' stock of Walches, lit. Oivt hiiu.a call for bar^aius. iow is ihe ti.ue to subscribe for the |(D*KD, ily !J!) eeuts for tbe bal- oftbo yuiir, or Uae Dollar iu ad- i fur ouc year. lii "Castoiiiio ' Iai;bue Oil, for Jsof macliiuery, it is also ex at fur lmnie--s and leather, mak- hwater auJwoj.thof proof. For ' dealers. rUust say its the nicest tbmg I rasei! fjr tlio teeth and breath," ««TCrVillle liavia^,' tliod-TE.\BEKILY,' fne* tuilet r;u:u. Get a 5 cent eam- UTTiB r.iri is badly needed just most of tho wells having gone but we h:ive not to go quite so « water as tliey have to iu Thoru- l« "Castnrine" Machine Oil, for I tiads of machinery, it is also ex- "1*. for liarinss and leather, mak it *at;raud weather proof. For ' ^f iealers. i.rja-, horse belongincf to H. T'c, i's'i., died last week, cause, Jiwatioii. Also a good young fof Mr. Win. Henry's, on the ad- fiiriii, hecauic entangled with "pe with which he was tied down, 'traugled himself. H family Modicit^c Dr. Carson's Well aud Constipation Bitters are ilnaliini: the place of pills, they Nually effectual, do not gripe, »tn, or produce nausea and are '.f vegetable. Iu large 8 oz. bot- i5t) cents. A. Turner Co., 1 at^ents for Markdale. Inuunc. â€" An ewe sheep belonging |Sr..\ivh. McDougall of tho 10th of Glciielg, was the mother {of 'lambs last April, and on Friday "thi'.ith uist., gave burth to au- hialthy, frisky lamb. Beat DUN DALE. From our own Correspomlen'.. Ev.-^.KY train appeared to be loaded with passengers for the Exhibition, duiLug each day this week. We notice Peter McGregor is com- iileting his residence with brick ve- ueering. When complete it will be very handsome. The broad guage railway track crossed over Mh'u btreet on Monday, at one o'clock p.m., with agaugof eighteen meu, destined for OAen Sound. E. J. Doyle's Patent Fruit Barrel, manufactured in Duudulk, is exhibit- ed at tho Industrial Exliibitiou, oi wLicli we will notice more X'^^i^ticular- ly at some future date. H. Gk.\u.\.m's sale, as announced in the IIkeam), is progressing favorably, â- A larye amount of goods being sold dally. Cu!l arid get some of the bar- gains. Ai-pi.E stealing from the orchards is becoming the custom among the young folks. Remember, boys, you might as well steal a man's money as his apples, it is tbe same crims in the eyes of the law. Grain is now coming to market freely. Tbe first load of oats was bought last week by Mr. Uewetson, at 340. per busliel. The first load of spring wheat, tho property of Mr. Wm. Hope, of Melanctbon, was pur- chas-jd bv Mr. Duncau. Duudalk promises to be a good market this season. » if you can two crops in one sea- "0 e who are subject to Bilious '.Constijnition, Dyspepsia.Indiges- 1 01 any Kidney Affection, should "â- tbe advise of an able physician "« Dr. Carson's Stomach and ^^PaUon Bitters. In large bottles ^50 cents, A. Turner iCo., special P'^^k- ilarkdaJe. [A nob from Markdale (we axe told) *«n iu Orangeville on Tuesday ' »ay from the Industrial Exhi- ' 'porting a walking cane, also a package together with a part of I 'ontents pmned to the back of his â- Of course he did not know "^^^ jewellery though he appear- ' M conscious of having the cane. Markdale, Augu»t 24, 1881. 'â- A. Turner Co., Jsâ€" I take much pleasure in ying to tbe benefit I have expe- e'i from the use ot B. B. Bitters. 'e suffered much for years back Uispepsia and constipation. â€" 'Bpnng I used four bottles of B. ik» ' P^^^'ia*®*! from you, and .i^PPy to Bay have enjoyed peifeot ' ttttce. Yours truly, hu JajurxBxaitx, mark EUGENIA AND QUEEN'S VAL- LEY. We once Lad the impression, that Jblesherton would eventually have a s.iur line of Railway, extended from Flesherton Station on throagii to Eu- genia and tho Queen's Valley in the township of Euphrasia, bat having taking a moonlight drive through Flesherton, Eugenia, and tbe Valley and from thenoa to Thorn bury. We venture to say th^t no Railway will pass through that section the next fifty years. It is the highest, lowest, and rough- est roads that wo have travelled on in our rambles through the County ol Grey, we should be sory that the peo- ple of Flesherton should pillow them- selves up with the idea, that they will have a spur line or any other line of Railway pass up through the rough hilly section of country. Rambles. HAVE YOU TRIED IT If oo you can testify to its marvel- lonspowcrsofhealingandrecommendit to your friends. We refer to Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, the grand specific for all summer complaints, diarrhoea, cholera morbus, dysentery, cramps, cholic, sickness of tbe stomach and bowel complaints of in* fants or adults. Let its merits be known to all who have not used it. aprvt^p^K^tntt* REMINISCENCES OF A TRIP FROMOWEN SOUND TO SAULT 8TE MARIE. (Cortinned from last week.) ' Rtdai, Bank Sept, Srd. 1881.â€" Re- suming oar joamey firom Little Gar- rent wo sail among nnmetoas Islands to Madge Bay, a distance of thirty miles. On the way we pass LaCtocbe, a Hudson Bay post on the north shore. It has a store owned by the company, who trade* Vith Indians, Madge Bay is owned chiefly by B. Henry, who has extensive pme limits tnere. His â- aw mill ia half » aul« from tbe beaoh, and tiie lamber is ran from tho mill to the shore ia « shde. A good traot of land liM MAth cf M adfie Bay bat it is chiefly in the graip of this tota- sate. We nil northward from bare to 8p«»i«hRiw».twentymilesdw*ant. iBofew tuterinj tii9 rmt tbeboot p«£. â- ea throng a dtannd so narrow that one could almost jump on shore on either side. This place is controlled by Chaffey Broe., Pine, nothing bat pine supports this place. The pop olatiou is half breeds who work in tbe nnll and pick bine berries, and make sugar. Tbe Syndicate's hue is settled this far, and work will be commeoced shortly. Twenty miles to the south brings us to Gore Bay on Manitoalin. It has the best hotel in eastern AI goma. It does a thriving bnsiness with tourists, about twenty American people were, at the time of our visit, spending apteaseut Ume there. Gore Bay is supported by tbe farming com- munity and lake travel. Forty-five miles more brings us toMeldiam Bay on Maaitoulin, but it is in the night and I can give little information. Twelve miles brings us to Gockbum Island. It is about nine by sixtee o miles in size, or contams about a township and a half. The land is excellent, so we have been told by judges, but it labors under the "timber gnevause." Let me explain this, a company has the exclusive ri^fht to cut and siiip timber anywhere and everywhere on the Island whether tbe land is owned by settlers or goveri.- ment. This gives the settler no chanco to save timber. He can cut it fjr hie own use or in a fallow, bet he can not sell any, but the licensee can cut and ship as long as the laud is notd.eded. A settler cannot get hii deed until bis conCi ions of three y. ar's sjitle- taoui are oompUed with, in tbe mean. time the timber is cut. This question lias two sides however, and 1 will con Bider it at some future time. Louis N. Thibauoeao, To the Editor of the Stasdard. Dear Sir, â€" After I sent you that letter aboot the major an' minor tunes my wife, Tibbie, says tae me, " Tam- mas Tickle," says she, "you're a daft gouk dae ye think the Editor has uaething else tae do than prent a let- ter trae you " an' then when she saw it in the paper, 'deed she was neither to baud nor bind, but ran aboot tae a' the ncebors, showin' them her Tam- mas's letter. Wcel, Tibbie an' me we were awfu' impatient for tlie neist Standard, expcckin' that crabbit cus- tomer "M" would be in a fearfu' rage at me for gein' him sic a cuttiu' up, an' that he would gie me tit for tat but lo an' behold when tlie paper comes "M" hasna a woVd tae say. â€" Says Tibbie, " Odd, Tammas, ye've fairly dumfoouderod him. He whacks richt an' left at tha ither chaps, but he's faarod tae meddle wi' you." â€" " 'Deed, an" sae he may," says I, " I gied him logic for ance, an' be he wha he may he likes, he has sense enuch tae ken when he's floored. My eertie if he'd just answered back a single word I'd greased his loof the neist time, but he kens fine my logic is on- answerable." Noo, maister Editor, I canna help ritin' just tae tell you the gran' moral efteck my letter has' had. I've nae the least doout but oor pre- centor has read it. When he stood up tae sing in the kirk on Sabbath he just loo kit me stracht i' the face " muckles tae sae "noo, my man, ye'll hae nao mair cause tae complain o' any want o' major times," and wi' that he pipit oot for a' the warld jast hke a trambone, an' a' the congrega- tion sang wi' tremengies, viz just as it suld be. This is eukoorigin, sir, ta6 you as well as me to dae a' that hes in oor pooer tae' put things richt i' the moral fabtic. Faint heart never won fair lady, as I tell Tibbie when speakiu' aboot sendin' the letter tae you. Yours tae command, Tammas Tickle. Our fall stock arriving daily, com- plete iii cyery line don't fail to give us a call, Reynolds Son. CHURCH DIRECTOi^Y. CHBIST CHURCH. S«TTice8-3ept. 36, 10:30 a. m.; Oct. 3rd, 6:30 p. m.; lUth. 10:30 a. m.; 17tb 10:30 a. m.; 21th, 6:80 p. m.; 31«t, 6:30 p. m,; Nov, 7tli lO:30 a. m,; lllh, 10:30 a. m.; 2l8t, lo;3o a. m.; 2«th, 6.3o p, in.; Deo 5th, 6:3o p. m.; 12th, lo:3o a, m.; 10th, io:3o a. m.; 27tb, 6:3o p. m, Sabbath !^chool, 2:30 p, m. Bev. James Ward, lucombent. CA.NAPA METHODIST CHUBCM. Semccs every ibVitU at 1 j:^o a. m., and 6:3o p, m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. G. 8. Bowes, Superiuteudent, Prayer Meet- ing, Thai sday Kvemnes at 7:3o. B«v. N.A- MoDianuid, Pastor. PBIMATIVE MBTHODIST. Sorvicea every let and Srd Sabhatli at S o'clock p. m. Every 2nJ A 4th Sabbath at lo:3oa. m.intheOiangeHaU. C. C. (Hr- nott. Pastor. PaESBTTEBIAN. Sabbath School in the Dofferin HaU every Sabbath morning at 9:3t. Pieachiii« at 11 eveiy Sabbath. Bible Claaa and Prayer meetiDg every fiidi7, evemqg at 7:30. A. Wa^js, Paator. ST. JAMKS CltimCH DUNDALK, 8«vieea-ll o'ofcA a. m. Wy Hth •nd •aah altwnate Si^isth, W. Bsraa. laewnb- ent. it ERROR$ OF YOUTH. AOENTIiKlCAK wbo niflvml totjmx- fmm Nervooa DBBII.IT7. PBKlf A- TUl^E DECAY, and aU Um aOeeU of yoath- fol imliawaliiit. «iQ fcstfaa sake otaaakig baaao^y, Mod Htm to aU who need i*.^ raeips and Snsaftiflsa tot ipf***g tiM' feuajwe remedy by wUflli ba WM eared, SoSarUig m advortiaB' enea aaa « ss «y addiasaiiic ia paKset eoa- iOBH B.7ODKN. fidfiBae, tf G»JUr St. Ksw York MARKDALE CARRIAGE WiiPJ McKENNAMASON HAVING leased ihe WaRgon and Blaek- â- mith Shop owned by Jrfin Benwjo, eg to inform the PubUe. that that they are repared to foruiah all kind* of Vehidee acb as ' D!II4K;BTe. WAO€K»9IS, BTC, AXD AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES ^dby UHiue the Best of Material and Good Workmanship, hope to receive a fair share your patronage. Special attention given to HOESE SHOEING AXD General Jobbing! As w. warant all onr work. A call is solicit ed and wecf n-ant^e satisfaction. Shop on Mill street, opposite the Bevere Htel Mir1?^nl« Jfirch 3, 1881. 25 3iB. FlilSSHBBTON Horse- Shoeing a Specialty Markdale, Juuo2, 18 1. lilt SPECIAL Nonci:s. Mothars! llo-.hvj," 1,1 ,tli3rr: 1 Are you aisturbivi at nig'ut aLil broUcn cf your icit by a sick child suftoring and «ryiiiB with tlie oicinclatiiig paiu of cutting teeth! If s(,, },-i at once and wet a K^ttlo of MKS. WINSLOWb .SOOTitiNtf iiiiiUP. It will relieve the poor little enfferer imrai'li- ately â€" depend upon it there is no mistake about it, Ttie.e i^ not a mother upon earth who hajj ever ii:(ej it, who will not tcU you at ouce that it will reg-'ite the bowels, and give rest to thomo.hi^r, and relief and health to the ehiU, oiieratinf Iiko magic. It is per- fectly safe to use in nil cases, and plea-^aut to the scate, auJ is tho pre-toriiitioa of one of the oM'jst ami best fomale phyaici/ins and nurses iu tWe Uuitd Status. Sold every- where at 35 cents a bottle. 'iO Iv BEST AND COMFOET tothf. SUFFEWNO Brown's ISonschoid Panacea has no eq'ial for r.Mieviu;; paiii, l«,tU inter- nal find fxtcrnal. It eiuo, pain in the Side, Back or Uowc-Is, Soro Turoat, Tthuaoiatism, Toothache, Ijunilia/o and any kiuj of a Pain or Ache. "It will most surely quicken the Blood and heal, as its acting power is won- derful," " Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as tbe great Pain BeUev- er, and of double the strength of any other Elixer or Liniment in the world, should be ia every family hmdy for use wben wanted " as it rsally is the best remedy in the world for i;ramps in tbe Stomach, and Pains and Ache; of all kinds," and is for salo by all Druggists at 25 cents a boctle. 20-ly STARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. A viotiin of youtliral im^irndenco canatnf Pranfr toie Decay. Kerrous Debility, Lust Msohdod, etc., hariog tried in vain erery kcown remedy, h iJ dts- oovovd s etinple self cure, which be vlll send to hJs fcUow-sniferera, address J, H« K£ETESk "-â€" •- Kt.. K. T. ESTABLISHED 35 YEARS WEEKLY SPECTATOR Ai;.KGE EIGHT-PAGE PAPEB â€" ONLTâ€" Vfr Tear. CID, Per Tear. One of the Largest and best Weeklies in Canada. A^nts receive 25 Cents for every yearly sub- scriber. Any party sending ns three sub- scribers will receive a copy, poet-paid, of the Farmer's Account Book, worth one dollar, in place of the luual commission. Send a post oard for Sample Copy of onr Weekly, w^iich is sent free. The only paper in Canada that publishes s Draught Oolomn. Address 8PECTAT0B PBINTING COMP\irr, Hamilton, Out. Hot. 11. IMO. HAIR CUniNG AND 8HAYIH6 OS Wedtmda^ tnd Saturdaj/t, "By Thomai* Smith, â- ^Ordors aUed « Tocmb StaMs. MarkdaU. /nly 31. IWl. AOBJKTS WANTED.â€" Big pay.â€" Ught Work, Steady Bmidoyment. Bamplasfree. Addreoa, K. li. BTRN, 46 NaMaaaatnMt, New Torit. aO-lj W.L. C^ OmKAL AG^VT AMD DBAVXB IK Bspt.i7,l«». -i Harness Shc^l rnltt 8al««ribsr hega to iafeiw the jmblie J. that he has constantly on hand a large assortment of GARR16E, BUGGY AND TEAM Made ui good style and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL. And as he means business give him an earl cill, as be will sell at the lowest living priees (or cash. A good supply of WBIPS, TRVlfHS, Ac, always on hand. Scotch Cellars k psclalfy, And a good fit guaranteed. t^Bemeraber the siand the Post Office is opposite. N, B. â€" Stave timber wanted, J. GORDON. Flesherton. March. 1881. 16 ri" 9h Bobt. S. Bae, TAIL OR, Sydenham Street, MARKDALE. Markdale, July 7, 1881 43.6m i»i*l**i»«ii^*«f NOTICE. THE fubs^ribei in returning thankd to their numerous customers wish to In- timate that they have A URGE STOCK OF LEATHER! ol all kinds from cowhide to the finest Mo- rocco on hand, suitable for the Fall trade, and customers will find it to their advantage to give us a coll. We have no specialty, adl kinds will receive the same attention. F, S, â€" All parties-having got boots from us during the Summer eeason, no( giving satisfaction, will get them repaired free of ebaiM, as it was the fault of a bad, unpiin- ripalled yoiug man we had working with ns durinz that time. KAY THOMAS. Markdale. Aug 18th, 1881. Choice Farm for Sale. 2 MILES FROM MARKDALE. LOT 119, Concession 1 Artemesia, East side 1. A a. Boad, containing 50 acres â€" 46 of which is under cultivation, and the balance hard timber. The above farm is a very desirable property and will be pold cheap, A good frame barm and log house is on the place. PoBsetsion given this fall. For further par- ticulars apply to WM. LITTLE JOHNS. On the promisee, or to 0. W. Rdtlsdos, Markdale. Sept. Snd, 1881. 6i-tf. Farm for Sale. LOT Ko. 9, Cgiieeaaion 10, Olenelg, eon taining lUO acres â€" 80 of which is deand and under cultivation, the balance well timbered, chiefly hardwood. On the prenisea ia a bam 60x24, a house and out- bnildings, and a young orchard, is well wat- ered and weU fenoed with cedar rails. It is situated 5^ miles from the thriving village of Markdale. Title good possession given at once. Will be sold at a eaorifioe, as tiia prts- fnatoTU going Weal. Apj^y to ' JOHN BLAOE, Travsrston P.O. or to C. W. BoTLBMS, MarWals. Beptenkar Snd, 1881. Sl-M* HOtlCE. NOTICE is iMceby givea that a promis- sory note for •MOW, purporting to be made bv me in ImMrvt Uw "Globe Light- ning Bod Co.," vas fthtiBw ban me by one D. Bntberiocd. who i s^swi titiid hiaiaeU to be an agent of said OaaipMV •â- • •'x' to^ •" «:knMdadMM«* lor the i«ssip» o lightoiog rod matarfal, I haviaf pMifoii^y agreed to aat w the Campaoj^ baal Sfeot. As I nerar niMaaed said aut«ial s^d never la- tandadto jpre any not* tbanlac, ysarnMot of MiiaoMlSTCfrHsd. (8i«Md), THOMAS nOOHT. Maikdate, Ang. 18tb, 188i. U-tl. PIMPLES. I will auOpVee) the reap* for a ateil VaoMABU Bauf that will ttmem Taa' THE BEST REMEDY roB DlssuntfttinmtiiiliiiL Aye IndlaaMeaefthsii^ tnooary omsaB • His and rellaUe riaimSf U inralaaUe. Arsa's Chskst PsoroBa is audi a otheri Ita tl tUmbUe. sraoemtaawtiysMStt ita tha eoaitees oC OMBaMie. htsssalt •BtlAe I laiiMssShn si tka iMdidHd iitea and cuatlTa tUw tneaoltha PECTO dieinicaUy «sitadCai anch power as to iasoi* tbe greateat paaalbls' eOciency and nni l o f ' ity ot rssnlta, Itstttkai at the foundatioQ ol sll pnliBODaty dia a aa aa aSordinc pronpt lelial and rapid curea, and ia adapted to patiaata oC any age or either sex. Being rery psiatahta. the yonngeat children take It readily. In otdinan Coscha, Colda, Sors TuOst. D to sch Wa, Inflnanxa, Clerg7iBSB*s Bora Tlirost, Aathaa, Cre*^ sad Ca- tarrh, the efleeta of Aran's CasMir lao Toaat. are aiagical, and multitadea axe aa- â- ually preserved frtMS serioiM illaeaa hv its timely and lalthfal oae. It ahoald be kopt at hand in avoiy hooaebpld for the pro- tection it affords in andden atta^a, la Wbooplac- cough snd Coasaaiptloa there i* no other remedy ao e l Bca c ioua soothing, and helpfuL Low prices are inducements to try some of tbe many mixtures, or svrupa, made of cheap and ineCFective ingredients, now offered. ami g^r^X ii^^.;felp-p"pi TEN which, as they contain no curative qualltiea, can afford only temporary relief, and are sure to deceive and disappoint the patient. Diseases of the throat and lungs demand active and effective treatment and it ia dan- gerous experimenting with unknown and cheap medicines, from tbe great liability that these diseases may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or incurable. Use AvEK's Chxbby Pectoral, and you may confidently expect the best results. It is a standani medical preparation, of known and acknowledged curative power, and is aa cheap as its careful preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing its composition, prescribe it in their practice. The test of half a century has proven its absolute certainty to cure all pul- monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Or. J. C. Ayar lb Co., riaetlcai and Analytical Chemists. Lowell, Mas*. BT ALL OaUUUI.T. SVSBTWI drcia. • 8o.ataaqp,1 «».,X.T. YsfdaK,* tO-lv TAILOBING C. A, OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoring Depait- ment over McFarland's store, wishes to inform the pubhc of Markdale and the surrouuding coimtry, tliat he is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily € U T T^I N G! Done w il customers are waiting. THE LATEST FASHION PUTE8 Always on hand to chose from.! A Good Fit Goaranteed â€" ATâ€" LOW RATES. lS"Eemember tlie Place, Over McFarland's Store. Markdale June 16. 1881. 40-n Insurance GQ|Qmancbient X. Thou ^alt insure thy real and p*ersonaI estate sad in that thou hast against fire, for â€" Defeadiog ttyself btm ausfortans natit okt ig^ Thy hapfmMt sbaU sqoal thy trisdtwB. a. Thoushalt not insure moreihan thou dost pos^ss, for insurance is a business wherein thou canst not make money. This is simply thy duty in order to pteserve wh«t thou hast acquired. • Preserve that whiofa thoo shslt aeqaiK,- •' Whoso is pradent gnardeth his goods. 8: Thoo Atii noi Insnre less than thoo 'loot possses â€" for what then do^ not iosare, will not be paid in esse of loss. Tnongfa poverty is not a vioe " _^ To lose aU is not a pleasors. 4. Thatt Shalt not make exoessiTe dedarations uf talne respechng thy prap-' erty in esse of fire; bat thon Shall state truly that vbich belongs to thee, tbaf tLon mayeSt not have a lawsuit or gain a bad repntation As we make our ted so most we hs. 5. Thon eihslt also exhort thy neighbors, thy friends, and thy relatioas to insure themselves, that they may escape loss, and that poverty through a' loss by lire be not laid to thy charge. " That whioh oomes by the ffute goes by the drtiSi. 6. Thou sbalt not backslide, nor hftifd»r fhy neighbor from tMking all these insurances, for those who are so improVidcut as not to insure aiv ttost' who are must visited with losses no 0116 pities their oonditioii. Those that are bisaten pay the fine, ' 7. Thou shalt not search for evasion t3 cat rid of the expense of inaaraoee,' tor it is low in proportion to thy position thou Canst put by as madi ts thff value of the bottles oi wine thou driukest, snd then wilt then bate eoffi* cieut for all thy insurance. The pitcher that goes often to the well must in the end ha flUsd. 8. Thou shalt regard the expense of iusuiance like the expense of thy meaC and drink and as thou canst not do without these, because thou hast hunger and thisrt thou shalt not more hesiiste Kb't insurance, because it will give thee security, repose, consolation, and aid. In thirst and misfortune • ' A pear in reserve is a pleasnre. 9. Thou shal )« earefnl when thou insnrestthat thou selectest a reliable and safeeem- pany and that Ibe afent is an honent one, because in so doing m ease of a loss thv money shall not have ten paid for nought, and if thou lose tliy property and not get thy Insur- ance thouwill bobepoorer than a church rat. If thou fallest into poverty " ' '-r ' People wul oare but Utile for thee. 10. Thou shalt do all thy insurance with Robert Darie, the Cooveraaeer and Land and Insurance Agent at Flesherton, for â€" He represents only the. best companies, and He guards well his patrons' interests. .. t^ ROBT. DAVIS, Conveyancer, Commissioner in B. B,, Real Estate, Loan, and Estate Agent, Fleshertaa' Branch office, Rutledge's Hotel, Markdale, every Thursday, Flesherton. Feb. 9, 1881' ";-â- :;. *iM Or its equivalent, can purchase any thing yoii may require in DRY GOODS, GROCERIES BOOTS and SHOES, or in fact anything that is â- ' usually ,•..•' • rouuD In a general country sto ZIT ROBT. ASil^N, ]Vf A.RIir A LE, Has opened out a First-Class Furniture â€" A»D UNDERAKING ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has supphed a want long felt, especialljr in the Undertaking Line. COFFIKS, CaSEETS, SHBOUDB, and all FUNERIL FURNISHINGS, anppUed on tbe shortes nottee. A. (iSplendid Hearise fr hire at moderate rates. FURNITURE! From the Common to the BssI ami Lattst StyIss, in eTCiything in tbe line. OtU Sill S03 lor yonrseWai. ROBT.ASKIN. SAVE Y0URG0MBIN68. Mrs. T. 9. Koigan, hogs to annonnse to the Ladies al Maifcdala and vieiBity that abs is prepared to work np hair somhings into 'laa. tndb and earls, terms iqioderaSa isaoUdtad. Baiddaaee eoinar of Ibck .opfosiSa Vi. Onwrn' tt^' Otd^ ly Mafl premplty s^tsodod to. Purchasieg, you should always ascertain where you can purchase to the best advantage, that is get the best goods at the lowest price^ and that place is BUTTER RAE'S MAKISBs^LS. August 9th, 1881. TH OONSUMPTIVES. th4 advartM*. having bsen imniMiaiilj sand o*th.ildiaad disease, OoBaomption. by a ^â€" r' ssdy isantiaaB to aisii*^ known Id his (aUow apfffnca the ateansid'ewe. To â- Ilw»d«sirsit.hawiasaBi asa|igr'of lbs tysawiptiaii i wed^g ^»«d â- hatgi.j witt iU mDWSOHB aDF pV^SPwIQtt SQ WOK IBS SA^BS whidi thcjiriuflnd a somCvm te Csa* â- OHmos. AasxM*. lUoswiiie As. Fartias wiakhw ths Pnaariplto. wiQ a«v. X. A, UluB, 14B fkaa .11.x. I|i4f TORONTO HOUSE, Has the Largest and Best Assorted Stock in Town, con* sistingpf " ,, Dry Gkods, j^ ' ... -A' Ready Made Clothing, S, Millinery, r' v V Groceries, ^C â- â- â- â- â- â- â- " /.-^Crockery, vr"' .A?v. Boots and Shoes* mUBMHt. ,*tvm. QEORQE NIXOM. ^-\ y- X i! .1