rv lOOK OUT FOR NEW ADYERTI t# jythesy Snaths, Cradles, iHay Fori^ |arley Forlii Rakes, Sickles, i H E Af \! Ji-'c?;. noi. ♦â- â- i gs2E ^^' 7 19 A LI FETI MiT suRPAsaes/^p^, ^30UNIOIieftNCWYO« I 6'HICAfiOlLl--eâ€" --- t-.^ ORANeEMAM^ JOHNSON* CLAllj,^ ALE or Fa ,D1NGS, ^c LOW BATTOSS^. yjJJ»d. and SI iers Promptly L jwHipIe of Mark Wl^ ,t, ami hopes hr e»«^ wJl in fntur* k««P» lu M Bi AND U^^^i- tM m*DB*'« Hos. y^^^ ^^'^^...^i:,^'«^^-^^' In the meajitime Goods aj^e being cleared ou^ now being selected p^^onaUy bjj Mr. Mc- Farland from the largest houses in Europe. ._. ,. ?â- 'â€"-â- â- - â- â- ' -t-w jt:-: » STANDARD. july29ndj^81^ =V1 OT H ER^^NOricTs. .jyKlwteli or clock, g-^ to niay- ru Railway is now a e tbroughout. ind the .J weather for geese L,i the Fleshortou paper is hap- ':f"u)ent8WiHbepr8ecutod, ' "^,'^;'(,is stock of Gold liiiigs- â- .vnasheJ to wards completion „ ,„„o" Machine Oil. for l»':\rm,chiuery, itis also ex- V" rio= iuid leather, mak- J'^^'^iii weather proof. For t.i«rbrook Steel Pen Co'a make fjistauanersare ready to supply L,1j B.otui." b lught from Mr. WWker, li^t Wednesday, ten i/ Kittle for which they paid the istoriiie" Machiae Oil, for ajjofuiaclimeiy, it is also ex vrU»"""'"" leather, mak- |^"„:tr aiiJ.vcather pre L.J LiiiLK ONts. â€" For j,]^,«i,vf1, iiud is, as usual, j ,..vj amii^ini,' and instructive jinJeii-raviugs for the httle Ptict 5IJO ptr annum. U r,ur Jeakrs for "Castoriue" ,â- oil, iitul sL'i; that the barrel udl-C.istorine," as none other Inn TU\T lUi.NT Come off.â€" A I :J.ii) was to nave takeu place t. For Aui'ust Dqyoafeel miwnble, tired, half- sick, mr«ppetite and oat of a^^rta gan- erally? '• Caraon't Btomaeh and Contitip'ition Bitten ia joattlie medi- cine you ytni, few doaeawillat once relieve you. Go to yonr Dmggjstaiid get a bottle, price 60 eenta. At A. TuKSEBS Co. Speoal ageota Mark- dale. The storm of Sanday night 'baa done a vast amountof damage to cropa and buildings throagh Ontario. The standing grain has been badly laid, and a numberof bams andboases have been destroyed by liKLtning. East Grey Agrieultual Soewty will hold their Fail show, on the 6th an^ 7tb of October in Fleaberton. \4 ARE YOU GOING TO TRAVEL Don't forget a supply of that Dr. Fowltr's Extiact of Wild Strawberry. It is a superior remedy for sea sick- ness, and a positive core for all bowel complaints induced by bad water, change of diet, or of climate. Whether at home or abroad, it should be kept at hand in case of emergency. Mr. Peter Harris, of Euphrasia, brought us in a bunch of Timothy hay, which he pulled oat of a field of six acres measnrin:^ 5 fe«t f inches. Mr. H. tells as that the yield will be over an average and is very uniform throughout. No Hospital Neede». â€" No'palatilal hospital needed for Hop Bitters pa- tients, nor large salaried talented puf- fers to tell what Hop Bitters will do or cure, as they tell then: own story by their certain and absolute cures at home. â€" AVic York Independent. On Wednesday, Aug. 3rd, a meet ing of the Presbytery will be held in the Presbyterian Church at Mclntyres Corners, at 10,30 a. m. At 2 p. m., of the same day the ordination and induction of the Rev. Mr. Chisholm will tike place. TUe congregation purpose holding a social in the eyen- ing. Kill by Liohtnino. â€" A cow belong- ing to Mr. Silas Phillips, of the town- THE MARKET8- .i. vw MABKDALB. Vbsat, JoM 10, 1881 f • T-v ».a6 »o 6.7« 8p««g WbMt per biuh., m« l.is tc 0.00 PaU do. Bartoy Osto Potato^. Batter, per lb. BbKi per dos. Pork, dr«MM«d, Beef Oeeae per lb. .. Dveki, per pair .. Po^a, par pair .. Turk*jr«, par lb.. Sheepakaa Hidea Wool Oreen Apples, par. bashal.. 'â„¢*' •• •• aas*«* Dnr Cord Wood do. do. 1.18 to l.is CM 0.00 0.W o.u 0.11 7.00 4.50 0.06 0i40 0.90 COT 01* 8.00 t.oo ' %M 10 00 •- tojoa 0.33 •• 0.00 0.40 " 0.60 0.10 " 0.10 0.0« •• 0.07 1.80 •' 0.00 0.£5 «l.»l 0.88 OJS 0.14 0.00 7.36 6.60 0.00 O.iC 0.36 0.07 IM •T.1» Jj'fjESHEBTON. ICorreeUd teeekly for the Standard by Ji. J. Sprmle, Fletherton.) TBVBaoAT. June 9th. 1881. Flcar, per bbL 86.00 to 86.60 do. do. Spring Wheat per bnih.. Pall do. Barley Oata Peaa Potatoea Bntter. per lb. Eggs, per dos. Poik, dreaaed. Beef Sheepskins Hides Hay 1.03 to 0.96 0.60 0.00 0.60 0.30 0.14 0.10 7.00 400 0.60 6.00 6.00 Timothy seed, 2.00 Wool 0.23 Lard 0.10 Tallow 0.05 i.08 0.97 0.78 O.S0 0.60 0.30 0.14 0.00 0.00 6.00 1.26 7.00 9.00 2.40 0.22 0.12 0.07 k-jJay, -i-UA Hist., between U. ihip of ^j^ey, was struck by lightn isIUaok Molly au.l A. Si»eer's j i„g a»d killed an last Saturday.- hf:a IjliTi^iiy, l.ut, as Mr. Hunter fallal :;- aniiiipt'iiraiice at the time a^- ;c. the' atTair full through. yxa l,.,t wnths of July and pjlUK. 1)1.).).] shMiMbj kept piue iwi\,'«i'h an cceii-ii.jiiil d '^o ol LCatv«»»tom icli and Con^itpa A u.NiTSD mjetiug of the Presbyteri- an Coiigreg.itiun of MarkJale and FloshciDn, will be held in the Meth- odist (.'hnrcli, Flcsherton, on Monday UL'\t, August the 1st at 2 p. m., for the pinpo;;!; of mjder8tin!» in a "call" DUNDALK MABKET8. Fall wheat 90c to tl.OS; bpring wheat fl to 81. U6; Barley 50c to 70c Peas 58c to 59c; Oats 23c to 33c Pork »7.25 to 87.50; Pota- toe' p«r bag 60c to 60c; Butter 17c to 18c; Ei.--,'-! OOc to 18c; beef 5c to 5^: sheep skins 75c to 81.0O; hides 87.oo; gra.sR seed 82.50 to $2.7.v, Hay $7.oo to 7.5o; wool 2';c to 28c; lard loc; tallow 6c- SPECIAL NOTICES. ICothenl Motherall ICoihttall Axeyovdistaibedatiii^t sad broken of yoor rest by a liek ahild avflariof and eiying with « asaroaiatiag p«ia of ootttM teeth I If so, go at onea and ta* a boMaol MBS. WINSLOWH BOOTHINa STBUP. It will reUeve the poor little snflerer imnwdi- ateiy^-dapend apon it there is no â€" '.f-*" abont it. Tbeie is not a mother npon earth who hai CTer nsed it, who will not (eU yoa at ODoethatit will rag-«te the bowela, and give raft to the mother, and relief and health to the child, operating lice magie. It ia p«r- feetly safe to use in all eases, and pleasant to the state, and ia the preaeriptiou of one of the (ddeat and beat famale phyaieians and nniaas ia tba VnitoA States. Bold avaiy. where at 36 eanta a bottle. M-Iy B8T Aim QOWrOVt «• m BUVFBBnia baa no equal for reiMriwi pain, boUi intar- nal and oxtemaL It enrae pain in the Side, Back or Bowela, Sore Thixat, Kheaiaatiaai. Toothaehe, Lamba^o aitd any kind of a Pain or Ache. "It will moat snrely qoiekan the Blood and heal, as its aeting power it woo- derfol." "Brown's Household Panaeaa," leing acknowledged as the great Pain BeUer- er, and of doable the strength of any other Klixer or Liniment in the world, shoold be in every family haudy for use when wanted " as it really is the best remedy in the world for Uramps m the Stomach, and Pains and Aehes of all kinds." and ia for sale by all DrnggiBts at 86 oents a bottle. 30-1t The Standard Si- ••«r: IS THE STARTLING DISCOVERY I LOST MANHOOD RUTORCD. a vMtm orjwrihM iBBiidMies tan Decay, iMmwa DsfciUty, La.1 hariDc triBd tn nla *ntj known roDcdr. has 41a- eoTa«daBimpl6aalfaaiB,whktabswia to Ua Mkw-«iflknn,^«iMa J. â- . PIMPLES. I will mail (Free) the recipe for a simple VBaaTABi.B Balm that wdl remove Tax, FBECKmS, PIMPLES and B;«tchbb, leav- ing the skin soft, dear and beantital also instractious for producing a lax iriant growth of hair on a bald head or smooth face. Ad- dress, enclosing a 3c. stamp, Ben. Vaadelf Co... 6 Beekman st.. N. Y. 30-lv Best Xjocal Paper ni THB COUNTT. Sabaeriibiifbr it, dnlyf t JS per AaniOi. Peiwma eaa sobMriba at any time. i,,:;er,aw ,rthy f.in.lv moa..in. ^^ _^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ Congregation. I,ijjc!(,mce l)«)ttlfS, " Cv-iits, at â- iB IlrRMu.â€" On MoiiAiy lu^, Lrriof Dr. I.ightb.Hly was de.s- kd bv fifp, with contents. We IfistanJ that it was insured. The rsavK that "lioBe and nozzk" |int"U rvii'i- ui s.niiig th" house. llaliii? i'mu"i-t in the west says Ihivo sii'.d iU'Ti of Dr. Carson's I mcli liii.l 'ns;i(.:iti»ii Bitters in tmititii^ tli:tii Miiy utlior inodiciue ' |trr hamili .1 It ,.'.iii-s to please rtiiuo." i'.ir -:ile by A. Tcr»eb br n.'li #11 I'v. r-i,'lit several items iDi'i til' ll;ii!'ver I'i'st were 1 lu I'lir i-iii' ef last week with- ttcrv iir.piinitiMi i-s beiu,:? made ItiH liuf of ill T. (I. B. for a ln,-euf !;aii:.v, wliieli will tike jilaca |ilicl)tmti;ui' for Uv fa M trade. I'OWlF.i; S KXTKACT OF Villi) JlUAWUhUUY. rurpjsiiuKiit'r oujplaiiits^ diarrhoea, W)U!ry, clii;lera miwbus, cholera Am. iotr stomach, colic, nausea, ^•;?, ».-.i..;,r. piles and all manner â- '3.1H; I KAT. â€" ^Ir. D. Kuechtel, T«ii, purcli-ised a horse on '»â- !:i and \n\\ hitu in the M.T tile night. Next moruius th, stable empty, although ^W w IS locked. The bor^e had juujped through small *» about d f«et froâ„¢ the iloor, itiit to hjs old home. The t Ku%X have been ^iued for a I 3E8E liHs been an aeration per- f^i on t'le Prestdent since our 'â- ^« tw'r(. and the result has been !liMw.is Loped for, anl he is slow- Itproveuig. I In masons are hard at work on "eiJ-M.Dougal block an4 wiH "WroiJv to commence the brick TORONTO. (fpeeial to the Standard.) T)Ro»TO, June 9, 1881. Wbeat.tall, per bush 81 20 to SI 22 Wheat, spring, do 1 20 to 1 23 Barley, do 55 to 60 Oats, do 40 to 41 Peas, do 65 to 73 Kye, do 00 to 00 Clover Seed do o oo to o oo Dressed hoffs, per 100 lbs... 8 00 to 8 50 Beef, himl quarters 6 00 to 7 oo ^Bref, fore quarters 00 to oo Cliiekeus, per pair o 3o to 45 Fowls, do 00 to Oo Ducks, per brace Oo to Oo Geese, each 00 to Oo Turkeva 00 to 00 Butter, large rolls 00 to 00 IJutter, tub dairy 13 to 15 Bntter, store-packed 00 to 00 Eggs, fresh, per do» o 15 to 16 Eggs, packed o 00 to 00 Apples, per brl. 2 oo to 2 6o Potatoea per bag 40 to 46 Onions, per bag I 60 to 2 Oo ERRORS OF YOUTH. A GENTLEMAN who snfferred for years from Nervous DEBILITT, PBEMA- TUEE DECAY, and all the effects of youth- fal indisorntion, will foi the sake of snfiering humanity, 3end free to all who need it., the recipe and directions for making the sidiple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wmimin^ an advertiser's experi- ence can o so oy addressing in perfect eon- adence, JOHN B. OGDEN, 20-lv 43 Cedar st. New York AGENTS WANTED. -Big pay.â€" Light Work. Steady Employment. Samples free. Address, M. L. BYBN, 46 Naussau street, New York. 20-ly Hav.. 8 00 to 11 00 NATURE MAKES NO MISfAKSS. Niituros own remedy for bowel comilaiuts, cholera morbus, cholic, cramps, vomiting, seasickness. cholera infantum, diarrhoea, dysentery, and all diseases of a like nature belonging to the summer season, is Dr. Fowler.s Kxtnict of Wild Strawberry, which ciui he obtained of all dealers m medicine, T;ic "Ainirican Agric.iltarist" for .Vngiist is to hand. Its contents are D„riiamâ€" Third yaricil, useful and cutertaiuing. It month, is a work t lat should be in the hands Pricevillcâ€" Monday before Durham TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured ot that dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remeiiy, is anxious to make known to his fel'ow aufferers the means of cure. To all who desii-e it, he will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge,) with the lUrectious for piepairing and using the same which they will find a sdbk Cube for CoK- suKPTioK, AsTnxA. Bbonchitib, Ac. Parties wishing the IVescription, will please address. Rev. E. A, Wil«*n, 149 Penn St., WilUamaburgh,N. Y. 20-ly OF ALL DISCBIFTION. ••â- .â- â- â- PLAIN and in COLORS, Executed with neatness and despatch, •tthe STANDARD MARKD ALE. -* • If yon waul I TW Tl BXAUnrVLLT ILLU8TEATKD. 36th TSAB. THE SGIENTlipiG AMERICAN. Taa 01 aHTinc AnaicAW is a large Vnt- Claaa Weakly Newsps^Mr of Sixteen Pa«ea, printed in the maa« baamifal atyle, j»v/i(Miy iUmttrated with iplendid engraving; repre- senting the newest Inventions and the most leeent Advanees ir the hxU and SMenees including New and Intereoting FSetsin Agri- ealtoie, Hortienltore, the Home, Health. Medical Progreaa, Social Soienoe, Natural Hiatoiy, Geology, AstronoiBy. The ntoat valaaUe praetieal papers, by emiiiMit wiitara in aU departaanta 9f Seiaaee, will U foand ia the Sai«BtiAe kmmimmt Tjmis, 88.30 per yMur. 81.M half year. «b-.kineladaawMtafla. PtaeoantateA^nt*^ Bukta adppieaAOe. 90ld by A Mewsdaal- err Bemit by poatal order, to MUNN CO Publishers, 87 Park Bow, New To)^ l^ATENTS. tio^^JSX e CBttflc AHaeri«»a, Messrs. Mem Co. are olicitort of AiaericBn and For- eign Patents, have had 36 years experience, and have the largest eatabllihment in the world. Parents are obtained on the best termx. A special notice is made in the ScleatUic Anaerieaa of all inventions natentad throagh this Agency, with the name and residence of the Patentee. By the immense circulation thus given, public attention is direeted to the merits of the new patent, and aalea or introdncticn often eaaily efleeted. Any person who has made a new discove- ry or invention, can ascertam,/r«€ of charge, whether a patent can probably be obtained by writing to Mcmm Co. We also send frte our Hand Book about the Patent Laws. Patents, Caveats, Trade-Marks, ther costf. and how procured, with hints how to procure andvances on inventions. Address for the paper, or oonceming patents, MUNN CO.. 37 Park Bow, New York. Branch Office eor. F and 7th ats., Wash- ington D. C. A.' SiclNTYBE. Will move into iriy neW premised Shortly ifl Sproule's Block shortly. No time to write advertisements just now, all though ready to wait on you should you drop in. No stale gocxls in my establishment. ' ^^ A. MclNTYRli. MaAdalst Xee. 18, 1888^ »-V ' -^ â- -â- • :â- • i -- â- â- â- :. '-J. *«--.• â- • T." ••â- .--i .• â€" 9 H » V X s a â- a p ft 3 ?â- • s* Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Markda:e, June2, 13 1 14-tf CHURCH DIRECTORY. MONTHLY CATTLE FAIRS. Tuesday in each ofcverv Fanner, (.Kirdenor,and Floriat. price *H,r)0 per;aunum. Subscriptions takeu at this office, where specimen numbers may be seen. One half of Brooklyn is tickled with joy because it has been proven that Guitopu bchngcd to Beecher'schorch aiulLottoTalmasie's, and the other half of the city is gloomy for the same reason. We haye had considerable ram the past few days which will be of great benefit to the root crops. The hay, barley, and fall wheat, which is being, harvested in many parts of Ontario, i will, we fear be somewhat damaged. j Too Many Lovrbs.â€" Sunday nigi.t theiewus considerable disturbauc on Cannot street. Two roeo were smit- ten with the charms of one female, and got j«to an altercation as to who should see the kd* home. One of them, a bus- driver for one of the lead- ing hotels, became very angry, and usetl lather strong language, and ^e affair cuiminated in his arrest, and'fct saw his rival walk ofif with the girl. â€" Spectator. The Dukeof Athol,who is at pror seot oo A visit to Manitoba and the Northwest, is stated to have said at Winnipeg the other day, that he should return to Scotland a sadder and a wiser man t Jat siiioe he had men the Canadian Northwest, ho did see how it was possible for British CHRIST CHUBCH. Ssrviccs-Sept. 26. 10:30 a. m.; Oct. 3rd, 6-30 p. m.\ 10th, 10:30 a. m.; 17th, 16:30 a. m â- 2-lth, 6:30 p. m.; 31st, 6:30 p. m.; Nov. 7th 10:30 a. m,; 11th, 10.30 a. m.; 21st, lo;3o a. m.; 28th, 6.3o p. m.; Dec. 5th, 6:8o p, m.; 12th, lo:3o a. m.; 19th, lo:3o a. m.; 27th, 6:3o p. m, Sabbath School, 2:3o p, m. ficv. James Ward, Incumbent. Hanoverâ€" Monday before Durham Mount Forestâ€" Third Wednesday in each wontb. Guelphâ€" First Wednesday in each month. Harristonâ€" Friday before the Guelph Fair. Draytonâ€" Saturday before Guelph. Eloraâ€" The day before Guelph. Douglas â€" Moud.iy before Elora Fair, Uauiiltouâ€" Cyrstal Palace Grounds- the day after Guelph. Berlinâ€" Frst Thursday in each mouth. Bramptonâ€" First Thursday in each month. Listowelâ€" First Friday in each month. Fergus â€" Thursday following Mount Forest. Uosemont- Fifteenth of February, April. June, August, October and De- cember. Primroseâ€" Wednesday preceding the Orangevi'le Fair. Orangevilleâ€" The 2nd Thmrsday m each month. Fleshorton- Monday before Orange- ville. Di»nd»lkâ€" Tuesday before Orangeville. Shelbwrueâ€" Wednesday leforOrange- vil'«. MarphvUleâ€" Seeoftd Wednesday in each month. Walkertonâ€" The list Wednesday in each month. Mildmayâ€" Last Wednesday of each month. CANAPA METHODIST CHUBCH. Services every abbith .^t 1j:3o a. m., and 6:3c p. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p. m. O. S. Bowes, Superintendent. Prayer Meet- ing. Thu! sday Evenings at 7:3o. Eev. N.A- McDiarmid, Pastor. PEIM.\TIVE METHODIST. Services every 1st and 3rd Sabbath at S o'clock p. m. Every 2nJ 4ih Sf bbath at lo:.'?o a. m., in the Orange Hall, nett. Pastor. BILL HEADS, LETTER HEADtJ, CIRCULARS, NOTES, RECEIPTS, THE BEST REttitui FOI-. Diseases Of tbe Tbroat autlniiEs. Ayer's In (liseasi'S of the pul- monary organs a safe and reliable remedy is invaluable. .Tver's ClIKnnV rECTOBAL is â- ticli a remetly, and no othersoeminently mer- its the rontidence of f Ii« p«i1Iie. It is a sci- eulitic combination of the medicinal princi- ples and curative vir- tues of the tiuest drugs, cheniically united, of such jioweras to insure the greatest possible eftieiency and uiiiform- DC/T'AOfrT itvof re.sults. It strikes irtXj l\ftitiu. at the foundation of all pulmonary dtseases, affording prompt relief' and rapid cures, and is adapted to patients of any age or either sex. Being very palatable the youngest children take it readily ordinar; " " '^-u- «= ti.. lironcl THE TEN Insurance Commandments. 1. Thou shalt insure thy real and personal estate and a-^ that thou hast agaiilst fire, forâ€" Defending thyself from misfortnine nutil old »g6i Thy bappmess shall equal thy wisdom. 2. Thou shalt not insure more than thou dost possess, for insurance is a business wherein thou canst make money. This is simply thy duty in order to pieserve what thou hast acquired. F'reserve £h^t which thou shalt aeqmre; Whoso is praaent gnardeth his goods. 8. Thou shalt not insure less than thou dost possess â€" ;for what thou doet" not insure, will not be paid in case of loss. Ttaougb poverty is not a viae To lose all is not a pleasure, 4. Thou shalt not make excessive declarations of value respeeting thy prop- erty in case of fire but thou shall elate tru[y that which belongs to thee, that tLou mayest not have a lawsuit or gain a bad reputation As we make our bed so must we lie. 5. ThoD shalt also exhort thy neighbors, thy friends, and tily illations to* insure themselves, that they may escape loss, and that poverty thfough A loss by fire be not laid to thy charge. That which comes by the flute goes by the drum. 6. Thou shalt not backslide, nor hinder thy neighlrar /roifl making aitt these insurances, for those who are so improvident as not to insure are thoae who are most visited with losses no one pities their condition. Those that are beaten pav the fine. 7. Thon shalt not search for evasion t: a^t rid of the expense of insuranoe, tor it is low in proportion to thy position thou canst put by as much as the value of the bottles ol drinkest, and thcu wilt then have sufficient for all thy insurance. The pitcher that goes often to the well mnst in the end be filled. 8. Thon shalt regard the expense of insuiance like tlie expense of thy meat and drink and as thou canst not do without these, because thou hast hunger and thisrt thou shalt not more hesitate about insurance, because it will give thee security, repose, consolation, and eiid. In thirst and misfortune .^ I A pear in reserve is a pleasure. â- -â- "• 9. Thon shall be careful when thon iURurest that tbou selectcst a reliable and safeeom" panv aud that the af^nt is an honet one, beconse in so doing in case of a loss thv money s'lall not be paid for nooght, and if thon lose thy property and not gtt thy insurance thoor will be poorer than a church rat. If thon fallest into poverty ,, People will care but little for thee. 10. Thou Shalt do all thy insuranoe with Robert Davla, the OonveraiMsr and Land and Insuranee Agent at Flesherton, for â€" He represents only the best companies, and He guards well his patroiis' interests. â- ROBT. DAVIS, Conveyancer, Commisnoner in B, B„ Beal Estate, Loan, aud Estate Agent. FI"sli'ert n Branch office, Bntledge's Hotel, Markdale, every Thtu-sdBy. Flesherton, Feb. 9, 1881' ^^- tt-tf In C. C. Oar- PBESDYTEBIAN. Services in Dufferin Hall every Sabbath at 6.30 a. m. Sabbath School at 2:3o p.m. Prayer Meeting at 6:3o p. m. Bible Claea on Fridays at 7:8o p. ir. 8T. JAMR3 CHTOCH DUNDALK. Servicesâ€" 11 o'clock a. m. July 24th and each alternate Sabbath, W. Bevan. Incumb- ent. POSTERS SALE BILLS, STREAMERS, DODGERS, " We relieved the prospectus tenants to compete wrth the people of ^^"'"1' «i.i/i"an, a Journal shortly^ ^^me^ljyC. Bracket Robinson. f'iJIJe Jevoted toagricnlture, Horti- f'^w^ind RuT^'aflirs. The Editori- f'^fpar.aieut will be under the oon- 'of W, F. Clarke, the well known agricultural writer, and will "«J fortuightl^ at $1 per an- I'tluve recieved the Pn»e List of orocto Industrial Exhibition. I tmount to be given in prisma is â- ^, and competion is open t^^$|^ ^taip fxtgak For The date of openiqg is S«pl Vany familka hav* ' tnl will coutiune open until the ' of the same mouth. jJ^UDJCK BLOOD BITIERS 1 'fes scrofula, erysipelaa, salt piles and all humors of Uie "' dyspepsia, liver com i^ • '*^^"**' constipation, drop- slaitSy complaints, headache, J'hja»ss, female 'M 4«bi|,iy. Canada, and be s-tw nothing for it but a reduction of rents all ronnd.-^ Score one Canada. Althocoh W6 have not got a brick yard in onr Village, yet. noverthelesa, so brisk are building opembona, that men^renot to be had to enable the contrac^to complete thair contract on tim«*^ ' We kara that Mr. Ooald has let a oontrMt for six dwellirg hoased-X- Tfais win sapply a want long felt to leAtat year Ml prevented from coming to our VillJUfe^from the laet that dwelling hooaea wtoe not ob- Uinable. Although boildhiga ave go- ing Bp in all.direotiQ^ik » next to impossible to get a B^ to rent, kr the reaaon tbey ar| bespoko six uonthaalMad; and ^et some people weakU^'^iild I h»n» «- li«*««d to "J t*^ date ia not g 'ufciM i hlc FKnM the prem-ses of the subscribef, lot 12 Kuphrasia, on Town-line taphra- sia and HoUwl, on sr about the 88^ of Mav. Four Ewes and Fo«r Lam'M. Three of the Ewes are white aud one greyâ€" Iiamba are aU white. The Ewes are isaryad on the nglit alioulder with tar. and one Lamb ha-" a black spot on its hiud leg. Any person who will give musli infnrmalinn as wUl lead to their recovery, will be suiubly """"'• ADAM HOLBBBT. Harkaway. June 29.1881. 42-Sln.* TAILORING C. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoring Dep«t- ment over MeFarland's store, wiataa to inform the pubUc of Markdale and the surrounding oounuy. that he is prepare to FILL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Tastily CUTTING! Done w ile enstoman ai» waiting. THE UTE8T FASHION PIATE8 Alvaya on baud to ohoae from.; A ood Fit finaniiteed â€" ATâ€" t3'Rem.aXex the Place. Over McFarland'B Store MarVdrin Jane 16. IM^- HAND BILL?. PAMPQLETS, PBOGBAICMES. i VIBltnrG CARDS, ry Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, ^^hitls. Influenza, Clergyman's Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, and Ca. tarrb, the effects of Aver's Cherky I'ec- TOKAL are magloal, and multitudes aie an- nually preserved from serious illness by its timely and faithful use. It should be kept at hand in eveiv household for the pro- tection it affords in sudden attacks. In Whooping-cough aud Consiimp'.loo there is no other remedy so eaiea.ious, siiothiug. and helpful. Ia)\v prices are inducements to try some oJ the many mixtures, or syrups, made of cheap and ineffei-tive ingreilients. now offered, which, as tliey contain no curative qualities, can afford ouly temnora.-y relief, aud are atfa.lu deceive and disappoin; the natieot. JEases of the throat aud lungs demand attve and effective treatment aud it is dait ge'rotis experimenting with unknown and tUeap raediciues, from tlie great liability tiiat these diseases may. while so trilled with, become deeplv seated or incurable. Use Atkr's Chbukv Pectorai., and yon may confidently expect the best resulU. It 8 a sundard medical preparation, of known and anknowletlged curative power, and la as cheap as its ca. 'ul preparation and fine ingredients will allow. Eminent physicians, knowing it.H composition, prescribe it in their practice The teft of half a century has l«nen its absolute certainty to cure »»l pul- monary complaints not already beyond the reach of human aid. Prepared by Dr. J- C. Ayer U Co., naeticU aiid Aaalytical Cbwalsta. ' Lowell, Mast. agaa av all naLiwivTa avaBTwasaa. »N BUSINESS CARDS, BALL TICKETS, Or in Caet anything in the printing line, doii't Cail to ein at the Standard Fom the pzemiees of the snbscriber.lot 26, 6th odB. Oletialg. tB the 23rd of June, 5 two-year-olds, two of which were Steers, both were grey in color, one with laige boms. 8 heifer one of which is the same color as steers, the other two red, one shKhtlT biind'ed. JAMEB SULLIVAN. Priceville, P. O. Olenelg, June SO, 1881. 42 Sin. 4 inery jyiillinery 1 hiliTbros., Would announce to the Ladies of Markdale and surround- ing country that their stock of Millinery is nicely assorted, comprising r .^^ Trimmed Hats Bonnets, CHILDREN'S HATS AND SUNSHADES, RIBBONS, Yimm, FEATHERS AND TIES, ORNAMENTS AND TRIMMINGS. LADIES^ANTLES CUT AND MADE TO ORDER. Our General Stock is well assorted in all branches. We won't take up your time reading a long advertisement/ but would solicit a call, believiug we can give entire satis-' faction to our jjatrons. Thankful for past favors, we would solict i continuance? of the same. â- 'I //- ^FTXT .J1j Markdale, Mar 28th, {881. 29-tf .OFFICE, NOTICE is beiehy given that a By-Law was passed by the Municip.ol Council of the Corporation of the Township of Glen- elg, 00 the 6th day of June, A. D. 1881 pro- viding for the issue of 1 ebentmes to the amount of Nine Hundred DoBars. for the porpoae of enabling the Trasten of Union School Section No, 12, Artemeaia and Olen- elg. to erect a school house in said section, and that aa-d By-Law was ragiatared in the Begistry Offic- in the South Biding of the County of Gkv. on the Sixteenth dajr of Jane. A. D. 1881. Any motion to quash or set aaide the aame, or any part thereof, most be made â- itbin three months from the data ot leipa- tiation, and eaniiot be asade tfaaraaHer. Dated the Fourth day of July. 1681. JAMES BBOWN, 4.^-3i C\-A. Announcement! LATE IMPORTATIONS or 'â- "-«â- ' Seasonable Coods, ;*r HACYARDS PECTORAL BALSAM rOffOntO MARKDALE WlNve waie aad •* aity ia irat-«laaa atyle and '*dMi't yoB Rnnloc Bitters t .-u^ri. •r-'^- 'â- ^ ;at the M» TORQl^TO HOUSEL « BMwai« AyritlCUU*. w f i 1» 4 4 1 I" 1 :•:â- !" a 'â- . i I p ;!.i ill â- 1, )i S, I %»* ^\.:' ^im A