Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 22 Jul 1881, p. 3

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 n 1 is .1 .J *. i| â-  '^|. -I THE BTEP-liOTHEB. ,_♦,.- The tbe fir»t i»!ie w a lier n»iiTU4^ is UMfUtal line L«r li08b«iMl rc^i cliildreD. It k ^ba«ia«aa tiun un butii lifa^Batrf timent exist, Iha an of dn^ Slid many a «t«p-iBotiMr who raWa- quenily meeU with aboae uUrtit wiU M desire to do har dotj. Bat b«r baabsad's ehildrec rep«J her by their unkiudueM, and mijiut Bo^ieioD. £t*7 iWaU ih*t ihe oMtiintts m naed n to prove that skv U tnie to tbe^ character of her ehu* and the ehild- rec tfininpli io the rindieation of a l^en^-al tioth. She canuot always _rickou on the sa££9rt of ber hoaband fur he loves his ebildnn and batt^s 'fimily disputes. He is apt to side with bis children as against a legal ' wrongdoer, 'i'he wife, although she mny have manied pro«aicaII£, doM not lilce to be sat^at naught inherown house, aud she determines to get the better of hf-r husband. Every source of domestic anarchy thus becomes in creAHed. until the entire bouse is plugged into all the miseries of a sort of civi' war. And tlie poor stepmother beam the entire blame. Girls, old ami yuaim, filwala thipj( car«fally be Ua» eotJttninf to or«*i^ sa«b a try 'fcg position. Better face the terror of old maidenhood than undertake ' duties which it is impossible to ful- fil to the satisfaction of all eoneern- ed m. Taawat, ruttmttdttr-Qtntnl of is THE BE^ Cui:ed of Dmiskiso. â€" "A young frii-iid of mine was cured ofaniusatia- ble thirst for liquor, which bad so pru8ta4«^hi«|fc4t 1» waa imable to oo guy businSBs. He was sntirely curt!44if Ibawa of Hop Hitters, it allayed all that burning thirst; took anuy the appetite for hquor. made his uorvcs steady, add ha has remain- ed a sober and steady man f6r nioTte than two years, and has no desire to return to bis cups; I know of a unm- Ltr of, others that have been cured of drinking by it." â€" From a leading B. It. Othcial, Chicago. 111. â€" Times. â- Â» A REMARKABLE PONY. A well authenticated and extraordi- nary cnse of the sagicity of the Shet- land oijy has just come under our ' noticf A year jr two a^o Mr. Wm. Sirclair, pupil teachtr, Holm, im- ported one of the little animals from ;-hi;lliindou wliiub to ride to and from Kcliool, Ills rcsid!nce boiug ut a con- lidt'iiililo distance from the school biiiMiiigs. l'i to that time the animal had been unshod, but sometime after- wurd Mr. Siiiuliiir had it shod by Mr. I'ru't, the {larish bluuksmilh. The other day Mr. Pratt, whose smithy is a ion distance from Mr. Sinclair's Luii.si' saw the pony, witiiiut halter I r nnvthiii^ njion it, wulkinji up to whi r- h' was working. Thinking til): siuiuiiil li.td htnr. od iroia home, h (liov it, ilT, thi-owing stones after • lie 1)1 iisito iDiilicrun bomt'wardH. This Imd the di"irid 'ffcct for (t ehort time lilt .Mr. 1*1 att had only got fairly to v.iitk ouce iii.re in the smithy when till- piiiy's head again made it's ap- p, a.Mi.ci at the doi.r. On prfKiffdini^ tJie sceonJ time ont- bidf to drive the' ]Kny awi'.y, Mr. Pratt with » hlacksiuiiliM instinct took a 'ook at t'n- poijy's feet, when he ob- scrvi d that mie of the shoes had been lost. ll;iMii;; inade a shoe he put it 'ii, iiiid iiK II waKcd to see what the niiiiiial vvoiiLl do. For a moment It ^M.M 1 at iiie Macksmith as if ask- ing' wlii'tiiiT ho was done, then pawed lUicc^ or twii-e to see if the newly shod font w!i.~ coiiifortahle, and finally gave :i pleased iieiv,'li, erected his head and i-i:irtid homu at a brisk trot. Tiie i.\vi:i r was i xceedingly surprised to iitid tiiu aiiiiiial at homo completly ^iiO(l till' same evening, and it was only on ealliti;,' at the smi.liy some ijjiie aflerwanls that he learned the Xnil t .tei.t id his pcny's sagicity. Md In the Hooaa of Oon- mons he is greatly re ap aatsd hy all parties. An attoodaat gnim km to the door, and thara laady haoda ara always to be found to direet the aifl^ leas Ifiniater to bis plaea. Whan ha ia addraaaed he tonw bia bead, i^s {beiffli ht could aee' the persoa i»' whom bia reply is directed. The most ramarkabla featnn about bis a gaa eh is his wonderAd eommandtrfCaeta and figvna vbiait. th«iica «d hii aanto memory, ha masters with maryekma rapidity and retentivenesa. He in greatly aided by Lis wife, whoaa at- tainments are almoet equal to bia fwn. Bioee be va made Postmastar- ^,mera he has int: odneed many re- forms, improved the postage stamps, introduced a new system of money orders or cheeks (at small snms, and a plan by which the postoffioe recairea stamps as deposits in savbigt banka, in order to carry out bia favorite idea in offering tiie poor every poasible facility for practicing thrift. MARKDALE CARRIiGE_10RKS!! McKENNA MASON HAVING leased the W«8oa and Blaok- gmith Shop owned by John Banion, b«to mfoiBtbe PoUis, tka* tfaai tkSy are prepared to fvninh all kinds o Yehielee, goeL aa BFOOIES, DEMOCKTS, VTAGOOBIS, ETC^ AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. And by xuin% the Bent of Material and Good WorkmanBbip, hope to reccivo a fair ibare of yonr patronage. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING General Jobbing! Ai wrTTsrant all onr work. A call ia lolieit ed, and we etmrantee xatisf action. Shop oa Mill street, opposite the Beveie Hotel Markdale, March 3, 1881. 35 3m. FLESHERTON Harness Shop! THE 8nl«criber heps to inform the pnblic tha^ he hog coustantly on hand large assortment of ALMOST A TRAGEDY. M llavay, near Mons, their lately li\' 1 a' 1 eahaiit.tht dampness uf whose (•ilt;i- • letl him t'l try the experiment III iiM aiii I dt fe un a small scale as a eiiii r r lii-^ ill:^. Some weeks ago â€" ijttiiii,' i" lis presiimeil, to the uusatia- l.ieli-ry iialuro of his habitation â€" he ln4 a elwi.^, and, what appeared to lii'm at least as serious, a cow. He n'ld his wife ajso felt poorly. T.ie twain accordingly decided to consult thewi-^" man of the village â€" 'le Jeviuer,' as t'lat functionary was called. It appeurs that fewBelariau hamlets are witlmut a devine of this discription. "do homo," he said^to the peasant, "and to- morrow morning burn the firt p» rnn who cropses your door- step. Tliat person will have becu-tho caus.' ot foui" ills. I will take care ♦hat GcJ s ud8 him," Tlie oountry- 111 III went humu as directed, aud, witli t 'le .-iM of his spunap, prepared a kind of film -.al I'ile in the biggest room in till- house. F.nrly next morning ar- rived i. nt ighbor, a kind hearted wo- i!ia.., who had rendered all sorts of porvico.-^ to tlio pair. Notably, she bad nursed tiieir child during its last 'illiii ss. The peasant exclaimed "All, it's you. I micrht have thought so." tli"!i s.i/.od the luckless woman tiiid hotiiid hiT to the pile. His wife had nieaiitinip- bolted the door, after wliieli she eat tire to the wood. The screams ef the victim in no way soft- e d them and her lifo might have 1 1. "d 111 tortiu* had not a lucky in- sj'r;itio;i oecuirifl Ja.iier. "Don't let nio di-.w-ithflfiSff'tifiTSsroii,"' she moan- ed.' 'â-  J'hr.t's only fair," replied the jM-asant, and sent his wife for the priest, who lived only two doors ofif. The woman executed her coD|nsision fai'hfuUy enough, ti-id the tragedy was cut short â€" jnst in time. The Mons-ti-ibnualcondemened the peasant to two months ami his wife to forty days' imprisonment, aud to pay the victim 800 francs. CARRI6E, BUGGY AND TEAM HARIVESS. Made in good atjle and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as Iv mpans business give him an early call, as he will sell at the lowest living prices, for cash. A good supply of WHIPS, TRVIVHS, c., always liand. Scotch Collars A Specialty, And a good fit gnaranteed. I^Bemembcr the stand the Post Office is opposite. N, B. â€" Stave timber wanted, J. GORDON. Fleshfirton. March. 1881. 16 ESTABLI SHED 35 YEARS WEEKLY SPECTATOR lOT A d ii 11GK EIGHT-PAGE PAPER â€" ONLYâ€" Per Year. ($1) Per Tear. One of the Largest and best "Weeklies in Cai^ada. Agents receive 25 Cents for every yearly snb- pcriber. Any partv sending us three sub- scribers will receive a copy, post-paid, of the Farmer's Acooiint Book, â- worth one dollar, in place of the usual commission. Bead a ost card for Sample Copy of our Weekly, •w'lleh is sunt frse. The only paper in Canada that pnbli^ihes a Draught Column. Address SPECT.\TOB PBI51TX110 COMPANY. Hiunilton, Got. Not. 11. 1880. Dr. lioring.'the'new commissioner of aurJcultnrel, is the son of a clergy- man who lived at North Andover, Mass. The story is told that be and his brother *ere gaunt bo^a. Tbeir fatlier sci't them oite day to an fad- jaceoteaUle show with some very tat hogs to (xlubit. The boys were rath- er provd of the many comfJinaenta pii^ to the hoga, nntil a farmer c»' aloiiK and said to an acqaaint- anccR "Mighty nice hogs those of Pitrson Loring's; liat why dont ha feed his boys more and hog» less. Bi-KPocK l?LOOD Bitters cur»^ scro- fula. ervKipeias, saltrbeam, piles, and all hiiraora of the blood. Cares Hv- spcpiia, liver complaint. bUionsness, conMti]Ation. drojsy, kidney com- plaints. i^sj»«v aynron m eâ€" ' i». luulu w«»knerfs, -and general debility. EOBT. ASKIN, Uaa opened out a Fint-Clasa Furniture â€" ASDâ€" UHDERAKIN6 ESTABLISHMENT, And therefore has suppUed a want long felt, espeoiaUy fa the Undertaking Lina. COFVIKS, [mey althsLBWi STRAI6HT LOiHS, KOM, GM6 Age ET Rains. £2 ALEX. BPiaa^B; Proprietpr. o iO V/Ol4fy0a5vantfnsiirsiM:«|atromee-^ UNION FIRE INSURANCft^Co. LANCASHIRE FIRE aad I.IFF. Cn, BRITISH AMEEICA:ASSURAN^ Co.. ' CONFEDERATION 1-IPE ASSOCIATION. Wanzer Sewing Machines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. D O H E R TY ORGAN S, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and power. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for past favors, I am determined to' ticnt a further share of public patronage by fair and honest dealing and prompt attention, 'V-li-,^ THEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. 29-^- Artemesi a W arehoase FLESHERTON STATION, Mew sal tatoAoi Dn 6oo(ls,Ready-lade Glotliing, Booteand Sboes, HABDWABE. CBOCKERT. GRpCERIES^PBOVISIGNS, c. la All kinds oi Country Produce taken in exchange for '_-^- i i.1..- c»^oir t-oerw^^rtfullv invited. for Lu^er, Laths and Broomhandles mannfacture4 i sale. Inspection oi the Stock respectfully invited. V JV. COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Alwavs in Stock. As I keep all kinds of BEPAIRS for the Implements I sell, Farmers will see the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. WM. STRAIN, "FlealCLOXtOXi^ Flesberton, Mfitch 2«, 1881. 28 tf OH, DEAR. OHJEAR. OH, HEAR. Squander yonr money if you want to. if not, get yourPbotograpbs of W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, Flesherton Who is again prepared to take Kcturee, aod do Copying and Enlarging as heretofore. FRAIVIES AlNr FR-AIVIE FIXllVC^S. We are reoeivin a large stookot MOTTOES and Motto and other Frames, and Frame Fixings, -which we can, and mean to geU at RemarkEibly Lew Prices, Call and secnie bargains. Bring along your pictures and have them copi^^ '^^ enlarged by your old friend. BULMER. Flesherton, March 10, 1S31. 88 "THE RUSHr^HE BUSH. Three "Women aiter a. Iozen Hernngrs. CilSEETS, andaU 8HBOm8, HIIEUL FORUSIieaS, •upyUsd on theshortssoflHS. A. fiiplendicl IBi^ame tot hire at modatate latsa. FXJBNITURB! From the Cominon to the M Mi Lateft SciIm, ia eveiTtbiag ia tts Um. OJl K%i sea for yoTtrsalTes. V ROBT. ASKIN. SPRING HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE, AND BUTTER RAE In order to make room for their Spring Stock, offer all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TJME TO GET BARGAINS Drawers, Overcoats, Flannels, See. MEAN BUSINESS. .Si ItTeTTT" G-ood-s .A.rxiTTlia.g' DDaal3r- In Tweeds, all patterns. Cottonades, Ducks, Shirtings, Ginghams, Denims, White sad Grey Cottons, Dress Goods, Prints, Hollands' Towellings, Collars, Ties, Braces, Colored and Dre»s Shirts, and all small ware nsnally kept. Hats m Felt and 1 ur â€" all prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. 13" Don't forget that COOPER ft SMITH'S BOOTS art ths only BmU worth buying, and we arc tbe ONLT SHOP in Town that keep them. CEOCKEBY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL 8TYSES. In Dress Goods, Clouds, Shawls, Men's Caps, Shirts. IS- DON'T PASS THE PLACe"a8~WE N. B. â€" We trust teat all CTistimer8 will remember that we MUST have menej- connts are not paid by tbe IStll iBSt., the Bailiff will deal with thna after thai d Uae- BXJTTEIt Markdale, March 3, 18S1. 1 D. J. SHANAHAN'S "WA.GON and Carriage Works, Jnst openad, opposite the drug store. Mill street. Having long experienee in the bnai- aess, we feel confident we can give satiifac- tion to those favoring us withtheir orders for CABBIAGKS, S^KDI O WAQOOHB, LUMBEB WAGGONS, Ac TTiMslrtliislils asd all kinds at reoainag Bl our Una siwaria wood, irtni. pautiM, sad 1 1 iMlag aeattr and pramptJ^aTamitaa. We OM aslhias hut good autarial aad sb- Ov ste is to giTe tbe best valoa for tts least tatamtj, thas aaeBTiiig a repetitian a jonreslMaMd ortes aad the hsneatatyeg asSosaue anoDgTimr fiMods. Ha(k^i«,Ai^ith.isai. ao^sa 5B MsMluHti ff^artiNslifm T4KE MOTICK. that the Partnerahip heretofore existing between the luideraigiMd, under the name of Grant A CheUew, a« Cab- inet Makers, is the Tillage of Mackdale. has this day bsaa diaaolvaA br matnaleoasent. Any liabilitias dna by the bite FiiM aw to be borne br Mr. Geo. Grant, who will )w«aft«r carry on the bwiat^, and any 4|fata 4ne them,«ntoba.pai4khte, Dated Stid JaiM, A. D. 1881.1 OCOBGB OB^d. ALFBKD OHILUKW. Witness. D. J. IImmili.41. O-M Mr* SAVE YouypMBm^. T. G. Morgaa, l)^* to Mi*-na |« ' of M a rMale and TididKyaut she lta««k i9kai saahiTial* BM »o£nt». swiftelftis, pvfis aad_esas. AeaU is sniiwtad cotaer tf Mirk Mr.B^IS. M«ckH'i,Das. U I â- *•*-,. nMiMteB«iiii^iiqr MOik no* 01 a CO tt c s 8. cdQ=: O Svsog en K. u « rt-Sf a ♦: o o o w « eo *^ 22(3 SEE D S! FIELD INCLUDING CIiOVER, TIMOTHY, CARROT, MANGEL WURTZEL, c, c. GARDEIsfsEEDS A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which v/ill be sold at lowest market rates. A. TURNER CO. idtf Mai^dale, Dec. 9, 1S80. STOP. MARK. LEARN! And then you will know where to go to get the best value for your Money at R. J. SPROULE'S GREAT ANNUAL CLEARIG SALE, uVHO IO -OST a iT^ I AT TBX POST OFFICE STORE, FLESHBETON. In order to make room for heavy Spring Importations now arriving daily, I have decided reducing my present large sad weU selected aud assorted stock of GENAERAL DRY GOODS, FURS, MiLUERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. Hats, Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and in erder to do so, Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE MEXT THIRTY DAYS. â- ^."Siiki^ifSTt^*' ?«'!»!»«l'^d -^ 'orthlhe atteVtion of the clo«,t buyers. In OROCEBIE8 you wiU fiEd •vrytblBK ofFYrit^Taaa V«i-- AS I do not pursue the course of some of our ^Sd v MerohlVJ' V? "*??* • hges, of «,nding out numerous sample, of T^T^M^Vt^Zx ""«t"**"K ^^â-  I outside our nfttoi al busine^. «Uti«„. jf?...!^!^.. '!^*?..'*°'^^l»n» reoMnmeada- tions) outside our natural business relations, in o.i^ioim^^^^t"ZZ iTn?* not pr^)erly treated by their more hoBor»bi; deal^ wd SS^^J?^^* ^^' "' You wiU find crcrylhJBK that I sril !â- Â« ST I rww^^^" ^!° "** "'"â-¼â€¢ asy(racanpossiblygetforyoSrmonevXrrT»hil-„?\?^. """' â- â-  good rata*, deiin. is thTonlT t^ue ^J^torTwf^IT^" " ^^^ ""' " *»** houarM. My Groceries are all bought for strictly nett sash, eonsequantly I c. and wUI sril at The Lowest Possible Prices I Fop cash and FARM PRODUCE BUT :V0T FOK ORETIT. o^ I have also in stock and for sals, a Urgs quantity of PUBE SEED GBAINi Soah as White Bassian, Gla«nw Bad nb.* ...j .^i. â-  P»,Cle.nPeM,Oat..kdSSr^:^lffla.?irdS:::^8«f5Sn^°^^^ Seeds, and as it pays e«sh and «;V8ry Farm«tol«w^«S JS • ^«*^ *«^« paying a few csnu extra, and parehLii^»^ood2*o£T' ^^^ ' •«»ks money by o I »m now selling large qoantios of LAND SALT COAESE •sUinginflveand j barrel loU»t tha^Si-^T^ """ " " " " direet from the Manufacturers. «,d booj^Tfr fori -O- at Bottom IiiMa: Iwoaldalsoin'tinif.^gg^V __;.; ..^OL fl^NG imp(|ry:a:^j3^^ On The 1«L fH'X" Jjjja- liMjert Mid Best A«8orted8 I am, yonr obsdiaaS nnani^ H. « 1 J-. â€" Flesherton, March lo H8 o 4 wo dioooi no i^m TIO "IO ^^1 fHOG '^,-\.rm^-'^^' â- -ut :tii.i. IjiSP*. HAacr t:yo| V SI "I \f^-f â- .J x ll)U9AU| I U U Ink {1. Wonderful Inventiou THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEVICEI For LeiEirning to Play CHORDS AND ACCOMPANIMENTS, OJS THE PIANO AND ORGAN _L, i » Any person, Young or Old, whete have any Musical talent or not, can learn or PLAY ANY- THINQ, in a VERY SHORT TIME, what would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., etc. Sent, pre-paid on receip of $!• ?2 5? (a) m X en » o o tf J' â€" C to â€" SC' "-I • o s r. ' If n §^ 9 e o 3. â- X 1 n -lUa- l.ii.li- iw ' •:?•• PIANOS lb ORGANS • VEEY LOW PRICES! ADDRESS, ' • J. AJOilAWPOBP. ' ' Oot 439.Kiiig Street Ea^t, Toropto, Tmmto,Aprai4tIi.«8t; " ^V m^ 01 I 'T3 O C s a. CA 5' (A o ts 3 i o 3 o o 3

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