Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Jul 1881, p. 1

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 II) •' i«^i« V '*\ • |I ;;â-  -if' â- i M «!i- I I Nij \t Jifiilii vif â-  Jluusre of mme. On Mi after HOVDAT, k« «0T. tnia* vil nsM foUowB:â€" QOINQ NORTH. .. T«fMU,â€" CniM Maltam, Iep. 7:10 k. m. 1S:S0 p. m. teHO p. «. Cferiton. IJa %^. UMf-wt. f .M p^. WMton l^AJi. IJMpjB. iJCpjB. ^BaflAt^fkuntS.WftJk, U0pji.«J9p«. Woodknlc«...4faJk l.fOp..a.«J»p.a*- ».M AJB. 9jn pjik e.a pjB. 9iWaJB. «^p.m. 7.Mpjn' U^M»-SJOpA. IMfJB. M.M*.«. 4 .Mp j i. SUM pja. OmtmrnmnLiM â€" Arrira.... 11.10a.m. 4.S5.pj[i.8J0p.«. I«p«rt....lISOa.ni. 4.45. p.m. Oraogerire Juoetion 11.4i aJB. S.05 pjB. Laurel 11.49a.m. S.M)p.m. Shelbania -19^0 p.m. 0.00pm. ©undaU l.Upjn. .M p.m. Proton 1.95p.m. 7.11p.m. FlMherton4Price»' l.Mp.m. 7JM5 p.m. Ifarkdala 3.15 p.m. 8.06 p.m. Bvrkly 8.35 p.m. 8.3« p.m. â- WiUi*m»ford 9 60 p.m. 8.46 p.m. Arnott 8 0.Tp.m. 9.0« p.m. ChaUworth 3.1;; pjn. 9 18 p.m. fioeWord 8.38 pm.9.3C p.m. TO LAMBS. On Ml to hsw li||r •ttentiHi oslled this waek to th* Wiat flombmation of hb proTCOsanto Id tlMt -onot ooof ol of all doKoatie iilnw ' the "Mwinf Owen Sonnd 4.00 D.m. 10.10 p.m. GOING SOUTH. *i. tjren Sonnd, depart •.SO a.m. 19 00 noon. llucklord 7.00 a.m. 12..TO p.m. "•Hats worth 7.90 a jn. 12.66 p.m. Arnott 7.80 a.m. 1.0« p.m. WiUiaaafurd 7.48 a.m. • Barkly .8.06 a.m. Slark'laln 8.30 a m. yieaherl'mkPricerillo 8.56 B.m. Proton 9.15 a.m. Pnndulk 9.36 a.m. ShoJbiirm 10.15 a.m. Laurel 10.47 am. â-  •' Oranffeville Jonction 11.00 a.m. URtMOertLLE â€" Arr. 11:16 a. m. 6:20 p. m. Dep. 7.16 a.m. 11.36 a. m. i Alton 7..3.' a.m. 1 1.66 a.m. Charhnton 7.50 a.m. 12.10 p.m. Mono Uo«l. .8.2.5 a.m. 12.47 p.m. Bolton 8.4.ia.m. 1.10 pm. KlciriburR...9.0.';a.m. 1.80 p.m. Woo.lbridge..9.2.5 a.m. 1.60 p.m. Humlicr 8mt 9.4o a.m. 9.06 p.m. WcHton 10.00a.ro. 2.27p.m. Carlton lO.lOa.m. 2.39 p.m. TonoHTo, â€" t'nion Station, Arrive... 10.30a.m. 3.00p.m. 9.40p.m. Kaoe*.â€" W« widi it th«l «• do Mt hold o«m1 npoMibtolor 1.38 p.m. 1.48 p.m. 2.15 p.m. 9.46 p.m. 8.10 p.m. 3.30 p.m. 4-15 o.m. 4.60 p.m. 6.05 p.m. S.40 p. m. 6.00 p.m. 6.18 p.m. 7.05 p.m. 7..33 p.m. 7.65 p.m. 8.17 p.m. 8.33 p.m. 9.00 p.m. 9.16 p.m. r»vS THE STANDARD. I-riday, July 8th, 1881. IVOTICE, 29 THE Canada Advertining ARency. N King Street West, Toronto, W. W. BUTC'HKR, yianagfr. Is ai (liorized to receive advertisements fo this paper. SniisraiirjoNS are received at this office fo tlio following Papers and Magazines. IiAILIES. 'ie-onti Dfiily (Jlolie. per year, Mil, " S7.00 7.00 WEEKLIZfl. Toiouto Weekly Globe, per year. Mail Hnmilton " Spectator 'V Ciiiiaila J;'armer " Scii-ntilic Auiwican " •1.60 1.00 l.OO i.ort 320 HONTnLtEa. • Fftrinr-^ Advocat'" ver y^ar, American Aprioultaiirit " Our I.ittlo Ones " »1.00 1.50 1.50 Wll.VrTIlE STAND.\RD WOULD LIKE TO SEE. P^KWER yoiin;^ boys on tLe streets lifter nine o'clock at night. More of our villagers follow tbo ex- nmnmple of Mo.s.srs. Bowes, Hull, Dundao, E. liutlcdge, and one or two others, in beautlfvinf; their grounds. Fewer cows rumiinc at large. Boys of from 10 years np not per- cnittcd to use tobacco. Less profanity on our streets. The December sittings of •County Conned done away with. ()i!R County Council tackle -House of Pkcfuge qnestion, and settle it either one wav or the other. onr the DOMINION D.\Y IN TON. FLESHER- The weather was all that could be desired. At an early hour teams jca- mcnced pouring in loaded with men, â- women and children. A noteworihy feature on entering the vil'a^e was the unnusually large number of fl8;;s fio.it ini{ in the air from the businevs places MS well M from many orivate dwell ings, which betokens loyalty to our Dominion. The horse races, which took place •on the grounds of the East Grey Ag- ricultural Society, came nffiu the af ternoon, giving general satisfaction, and without any serious accident The course wan in excellent condition There was good competition in each race. We have not yet learned what the receipts at the gate amounted t^' but would jiulge from appearance there must Lave been over 1,000 spec- tators. We are unable to secure tlic prize list so far. As ve ondaratMid it. a nutehiiM for (mmij use aboold BMOt first of all tboM reqninmaots I» aboold be aim- p]« in itt meehaiuBm, bo m tote omi- Ij mutaged it abonld ma easily, bo M not to wtuy the worker unduly t| dioald do A vide range of work, tbat the owoer need not wish for any other maefaiiie it shoalil be aa nearly aoiaelaee aa poieible. that itmayaot b4 a nnisanee; it should be light, handsome, and durable, and as cheap as is consistent with ezeellenee tbroogbont. These eooditkms the "Li^ Ban- ning New Home" certainly meets. It Las also several Tery important and nsefol attachments and "notions" ol its own, which go far to make good its claims to popalar fsTor. Now a great many families have been and are still using the old ma- chines â€" waiting for tlie time* to im- prove waiting for the latest improve- ments in designs and excellence. Bat why delay longer 7 Consider- ing the low prioe *t wbieh good ma- chines are now sold, and the improve- ments that are made, cow is a good time to bny, and the "New Homo" specially recommends itself to pur- chasers on account of its snpeiior me- chanical constmction, ease of man- agement and reasonable price. Near- ly half a million h;ive been sold in the last three years, all of which are giving universal satisfaction. This unrivalled machine is manufactured by JOHNSON, CLARK CO., 80 Union Square, New York, who wish us to say that all who will send for their new illustrated catalogue and enclose their adveitisement(printed on another page), will receive a set of fancy advertising novelties of value to these collecting cards, o. EUGENIA. From onr own Correspon lent. The Mcaford Road Union 8. S. visited Euc;eo'a on Monday, and cele- brated the'r ann il I'lC-a'c. From the Bmihng countenances of the conp'csm't we wouMimasineth'-y bad enjoyed thcmfelvei immeue'siy, notwithsfiindins that the thermomet er regiil'.ied G0° odd in the shade. Red Tapf. â€" Tiio Du^iy Comm!b- Bioner of Crona Lands is to vi^lt Engdnta onTht'rsJty, the 7tb 'a oil er to selt^ a dispct-i !q rrga-d to cer- tain re5.rv£-j wh^cli Lnrl Lcen afl.'-il "or Ag- cn'i.:;:il bbow GrcrQ.'b. How tbey c.mnot gfant lanJs lescivcJ by the Crown Wiihout coafrult.af? sriyate iudiMdnals who have forcrbly taken posi3?5'oD i.f go^{•rumcut land, kaow- i igly, Ecems strange. Thursday may ex])lain. Bio Barx RAsrvos, Logging bccS, stoning becs. etc., are hav'ag a b s run. Ljts of Tufjifs. I I Mr. Wiighl, f'om Manitoba, on a visit to some fi 'ends hce, says that connlry is impccv^ng rapidly. Laud that c3iiM ha\e been bougijt twj years ago Tiir $500.00, will now command 83 macy thousands. How am dot for high Fy goUy, dot ish not so Bi'jw. To ta» Bim» o *h Stwihw, Bm, â€" A few weeks aiaas yoor eor- lespoadoit "Obsarfw" inOed attan- tion to the bet t^ the reeent invs^. tigaon si tbe'fiaandal sttairsof the Oleoelg Agriealtoral Society was af- ter aU b«« a rartial afiur. as it snlr extended oyer tte tima wfaidi lb. Ljons vas patae-bearer. At the tiae that inVestigatko was nrdarad it was silently as s umed that the ayfarwtMUsMw «na soMj ana- fined to the ttme of Mr. Lyons' Trea- rancship. Wbatber this wasaeor- reet assumption or not time and a farther investigation alone can deter- mine. There is no denying the faet that a venr general, periiape not al- ways openly expressisd, opinion pre- vails thronghoat the eonunumty that s further investigation should be in* stitnted. In view of tLus fact il is the duty of the Directors without delay to order such further investigation as the na- ture and exigency of the ease demand. At present there are numeroos in- telligent and well-to-do fkrmers in the vicimty of Markdale who ought to be, but who are not ciety, and who it is said are kept out because tlMj have bo faith ia 4be 'manaeement." In order, therefore, to restore public confidence and to satisfy those friends of the Society who have given assistance so gener- ously in the past, it is highly desir- able that a further investigation of the accounts of the Society should be had. Of course, if the Directors fail to do their duty in this respect, the next annual meeting will not likely fail to note the fact and apply the needed remedy, viz A radical change in the Directorate and a thorough in- vestigation. CI8MA. Mabkbalb, June 25, 1881. Ws learn tnm iM O. thatv niw aa â€"r e in on Doouuoa J^r ia t^tt Town tba doth^ cfaToongladr iiMMdWool' rJL i drivmg tooad Iks gtooDOs wjw^ pereoB sMOied Kook. war* igmH^ a ipark froma oigar «teA tba yatog jpta was smoking Aa soon UlUjooaglady fult the fire she )^^ fr«ib«4n«vr aftd start- ed to ito,ao* of ootti»#«M**^ imnie*iatefyttf«tel«£|4a««M- .yasi«insdiU]y iH t u^ ikr*^* gwrismn and tunMytK'm^'*^' and the aaMommmethtM^Un tiot aa- til har s^ire elotiiiag was i^laMMt oon- plet^ eoMUBoa. Mm aM sems^ bomed. bat we an happy toMsjabm is reeovering liawtfjrma her injuries. Qotrf a noinber of the ehiUran be- longing to the' Markdale and Orange Valley Ftesbytsdan S. Schoolx, their parents, and a number of firieudsto the good eaosegatheied at Thompson's Grove, Orange Valley, on July let to hold their annual picnic as annoiuioed. Old Sol favored us with his appearance that day, and befotahe had got far on bis joamej floeki of the small folks eonid be seen joyooaly wending their way to th# groivtda. 3y noontbe pots were singing aboot "The flo^' eop of Tea." S. 8. Pienies are alwafs mJi^bs^tl^S^l'" *•»• amnsoB»en.aC.*«yoa^«»^ judging from the manndr 111 WW«ai the juveniles took part in the swin^ ing, croquet, base ball, and the aU- monious part, tb7 put in a staving time. The Teadiers did not turn out af well as they should have done, in future we hope such wiQ not be the case. The ladiee of the Congregation fol- ly SQstained their reputation, not only for quality but for quantity of eatables- There was also base ball, croquet, and swings, for those who liked suoh amusements, about 4 o'clock the as sembly was called to order and Mr. E. Hicks, the Superintendent of the School called to the chair, after whidi a vry suitable prottramii^was gooe through with, oousistiug dfSmsKations, and dialogues by several of the scHol- ars, all of which were well rende^, while two or three showed really bq- perior talent, tbsn the i^tf^ort by tiie Sco.-Treas., Mr. John Wiley, show- ed a Rood, healthy, financial state Short addresses wore giyen by Mr. Bowes, Markdale, and the two retir ing pnstors, Bevs. Walker and Gar- nett, the whole interspersed with good singing by the school, after singing the Doxology, the bcLediction pro- nounced by the Rev. C. C. Garoett, nil took their homeward way, feeling all the better of having met. Pro- ceeds, $23.00 To the Editor of the Stjuidabd. Deab Sib, â€" Will you kindly allow me, one of the injnred ones, space to reply to the insinuations of an "old maid" whose letter appeared iu the Stanoabd of Jane 24^U. This maid of nineteen sommers (as she says) is, in my estimation if a maid at all, twice, or perhaps more than twice, nineteen, whose hopes of ever possessing (that boon of all earth- ly happinefa) a man is utterly blight- ed therefore, to have satisfaciion some way she vents her spite ou the nobler sex. I for oue hope it will be the means of easiug her poor heart. I cannot conceive, my dear sir, how any lady of the tender years of nine- teen could use such language towarcis men or have the experience she re- lates of the opposite sex. She seems very anxious to have her sentiments brought before the public, anu in a way that is intended to preju lice the minds of younger ladies than herself, against the very beings she would give her eye-teeth to possess. Ton can't be eore of the lentimeots Of a vomin yon see in print, Nor yet be sure of herself for. She's not as hard as flint. Yous truly, i past 8 Twenty. OSPREY. From onr own Corr n^ ondcnt. Haying his commejced; and there is EC. re 'y h!."8 ""op" StJting crops a'-- 'o^V ag wall. Th?ri MOisidt â- I'j'i Laldng go- ing on, Mr. llios. Gamej is erecting a brick house, and Mr. Jonathin Hie kllag also. From the appea anoe of the crocs, and pros| vct of good markets, there is no reason for discoutent or gromb- llng, but rather tho opposite. tkt eaose and vtxf Blaetiisity »ha asMBr bappiaeas, te., sappai itf wM oAlmhitsd t aoeptie. This is a »r*^ ofv«Btintjreatla«flliDtad hMm^uiij. and wa nee4 aU tba Bght and m- provaaant possibls-. the j»or% ihe better. The evidence giTan as pro^ of the marvellous resalta u oooataaiTa.' " Fbom the many reports and ramora thai an afloat il is likely that tlie at- tempt on President Garfield's life isooly tba b^amng, vbal tba and waibai*iaimpa«Matoaay. Blain has bean threatsnad; the Viee Presi- dent has been told that shonld Oar- field die he, Arthnr. will not be per. mitted to take his place, and now it is Oonklui that is »o be slaughtered. Happy ooustry, thoee United Htatea. A sad accident occurred near the Sauble on Dominion Day wherby a young man named Wakefield lost his life. He was riding one of his horses to the pasture when the animal bolted throwing him on his head and fractur- ed his skaU. He lived about S4 boors, but never was oo n se ion s. â€" O. S. Ad- AooDBre.â€" While gummiuf • saw a Mr. Moore, of Fleefaerton, got his skaUfractored firoia the borsting of an Emery wheel iriiich he ^as us- ing. Hia injuries tuoagfa swions are not likely to prove fatal as he is eaid to be in a fair way t« reaoreiy, Wa have reoieved No. 2 of the Leadtr, a new paper in Tara. It is a 24 odnmn, neatly got np, with a (jood advertifiintc patronage to oommencb with and i» to be independent iu poli- tics. We wish our eoUm snoceso. Thk Orange Lodges composing this Disiet, with several neighboring Lodeges, intend celebrating the 12th in Mardale this year. UsB "Gastorine" Machine Oil, for all kinds of machinery, it is also ex- cellent for harness and leather, mak- ing it water and weather proof. For sale by dealers. A NEVADA SNAKE STORY. D^NDALK. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF PRESIDENT GARFIELD, On Saturday last, the whole world 'was thrown into deep sorrow at the report flashed over the wires, that an attempt had been made in cold blood, to assassinate the President of tho United States. No possible reason that we can see lead to the atrocious act. No more genial, talented and impartial states- man ever filled the chair of President of the United States. The high es- teem la which be was held the world over, is tbown by the messages of sympathy and sorrow that have been sent to him from aU quarters of the globe. It ii asserted by some that tho cowardly seoundel who perpetrated the deed ia insane, and was lead to the act from a desire to giin notoriety. Others again say it is the result of a deep laid plot by certain wire-pullers, to get the Presiient oiit of their way as he was too straiirhtforward and iionocable to suit their purposes. For the sake of hnraaoity we sincerely trust the 'first is the oorreet theory. At the tirae of writing the President ia still alive and hopes are now being entertained ot his ultimate recovery. Wa tinst that these hopes may prove tna and in saying so we believe wa b«t att^r the sentiaHnts of every in- 'aitfiaal iffrov bnad Domiidaa. Hot weather. DoETT roads. EuEiNESs quiet. The Tannery is progressing. Mb Gordon's Horsa, that got hurt at Flesherton races, has recovered. AoMCULTtJRAi, meeting here last Tuesday result Fall Exhibition in Hopeville. Mr. Tuos Caughley ia putting two run of stones m his mill for Oat Meal will also continue two run for grist- ing Flour. DcBiNO the months of Jo' 7 and August a weather report » '1 le ip«"pd from (he Mettorolcgical OIBce. To- ronto. The report is issued for tbe special benefit of the farming com- munity and w'll indicate tbe prubab'e state of the weather during the next twenty four hours. These repoits have heretofore been issued at 10 a. m., and have been found to be very reliable. The change in time which has been made for the benefit of the farmers ^lU no doubt be of good service. The report can be Fcen at office of the Dominion Telegraph of- fice in Wilcox's Jewelry store. By the timely aae of the £ztraat oi Wild Strawberry you may avert all disagreeable B3nmaroompUints,diarr- hoea, dysectery, cholera morbus, etc., aothing is so pleasant in its cure, so rapid, reliable, and effaetual, as Di;, Fowler's Extrset of Wikl Strawbeny. And tbe value of this medieuM as aa antidote in soar etoiaaoh. eoUo, cramps, seasickness, voaaitiBg, and other irritations of the sara, and riioald be of ovaty tntvaDsr To the E J'tor ol tte Stan Aai The annual Pic-nic in connection with Zion Sabtuth School, Glenelg, was he'd la Mr. Jack's Grove, on Jthe 22nd inst. Tbe day was fine but considerably cool for the season of the year, coQf'=iineatly the lime was not 60 enjoyable as it otherwise would have been. The eatibles provided by tbe ladies were aH that cunid be desir- ed and, after all had pji.akeaharti- ly, tho audience was called io order by Mr. Hunt, who brlefely refered to the Sabbath School and its working. Mr. Thos. Cook, Sec., cave for the in- formation and guidance of those con- eerned so account nf mnnrjs iipspdcd the standingof pupils, Ac. Bcadiags, Recitations and D ^courses fallowed, and were listeaed to with marked at- tention. Our good friend, Mr. Banks, of 2nd Con., Glenelg, entertained the audi- ence at some length, and endeavored to imp.ess upon those present the tbe necf 3siLy ef un:ied effort in carry- ing on the Babl-ath School. Bev. Jos. Edge brought the intellectual part of the entertainment to a close, by a few happy and suitable remarks, after he bad for some time dwelt on the necessity of recreation, and tbe pos- sibility ot suitable enjoyment of an innocent and sinless nature. "Audio." Glenelg June 28th 1881, We learn from the Telegraph re- ports to the Mail that 600 pic-niokers who partook lemonade, on July 4th, at a place called Warrensburg in tlie st^te of Mo., were poisoned, caused by acid being put into the mixture. Eight have died and 100 are in a cri- tical condition. The vendor of the stuff has been arrested. Wa have received speeimen sheets of Lcvell's Business aiM ProfessicHial Directory for Ibe Provinee of Ontario. It is got up in Mr. Loyell's usual style, and when we say that, no farther praise is neeessary. A work of this kind is a prodiffioos undertaking and reqafres a grant amoont of business energy and outlay of money, and we sincerely bope. Mr. Ijot«11, will raoeive the anitsd siq^ort of the boainess eommonity of Ontario. Sabseription m^rfbr tbs work is$S, whieh, eonsidaring bowaiaisiaaaloaUads. Itissala aal ^n^ ma«nitade of die work, we oonsid- sr is TSiy ^tsi^. For lates of adver- ssaadT.ttaaathar oohuao. «*•' V-'"" *^'^«»t!* East^Gbky REroBK AssoaATioN, â€" An adjourned meeting of East Gray Reform Association was held at Flesherton on Thursday, 23th ult., when the following officers were elect- ed â€" President, Jas. Clellund. Mea- ford Ist Vice, Thos. Gillilanda, Eugenie; 2nd Vice, Mr. Henderson, Flesherton 8id Vice, H. Graham, Dundalk; Wm. Brown, Markdah-, was re-elected Secretary- Treasurer. The following gentlemen were ap- pointed Conveners of the different Township Associations, each one to be President of tne same fM officio, until ottiers are elected â€" Artemesia â€" Thorp Wright. Flesherton P. O. Col ling wood Township â€" Dr. Hunt, Clarksburg P. 0. Euphrasiaâ€" W. J. Clark, Epping P. 0. Hollandâ€" John Cameron, Arnott P. 0. Osprey â€" Archibald Molntyre, Mclutyre P. 0. Proton â€" Duncan McMillan, Hoperille P. 0. St. Vincent and Mcafordâ€" Mr, Christie, Meaford P. 0. Fashionhble WsDDiNa. â€" Wo have this week to chronicle another victim to the wiles of Cupid. Mr. A. Dan- lop, Baker and Confectioner, becoming disgusted with single blessedness, sh'uf fled off the mortal coil of bachelor' hcod and became a full-fledged bene- dict on Thnrsday ni?ht, June 80. The happy man was supported through the trying ordeal by Messrs. George Bloomfield an3 Tait. The blobb- ing bridcj Miss Hattie Bloomfield, who looked charming, lyas supported by Miss Lemon, Owen Sound Miss Tait, Meaford and Miss Amelia Mc- Farland. We would give a descrip- tion of the Ladies' dresses, but al- though a benedict ourselves, our forte does not lie in that line. The marri- age took place at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. and Mrs. Duulop have our best wishes' and we hope their journ^ through life will be brim full of happiness, %nd we4oabt not it will be, as they did not forget the Printer. Ahothkb enjoyable affiair came off at New England ou Wednesday the 22nd olt., when the Zion Primitive Methodist S. S. held their annual an- niversary picnie. Though the day was a little ehilly, still every body and their wives and sweethearts seemed to enjoy themselves. i Tub Annual Pic-Nic of Cbrist Church Sunday School was held on the 1st in^l, in Mr. Walker's grove. The day was all that oonld be desir- ed.and the attendance was good. From 1 o'clock until tour w»s spent in croquet, swinging, base ball, and singing. In the cool of tte avening races and jan^tng vaftUfc ^rdbr of the day, and tbe various prises were keenly conteetedJor. alter which the UttUonea were ooIle4Bd for supper Judging from tbe rappid maonar ia which the good things disappeared, youngsters evidenfly thought the best part of the program. Shortly after o'clock all wended theu- way homewards well pleased with their joyment. "We have just ttie EUetrie kg*. No. nwmthlyjnonial published in the terest of the Soienes sf Eloetro-The^ • '--.i*-'r.5ik.V Probably there is no animal on earth 80 intelligent on J^tmane as a Nevada rattle snake. A little girl, four years old, belonging to a farmer, wjio was run away with in the moantains the other day while her father got out ol the waggon to get a drink â€" at the spring. As she was one of twelve daughters, he hated to spoU the 83t, and so pushed on after her, but with little hopes of overtaking the frighten- ed animal. Presently he fouui the horse right on the edge of a precipice unable to more one incE. One e.Lid of the strap had caught round bis fet- lock,tlie other end round a tree and held him tight. When the farmer went to pull on the strap he jumped about ten feet, for a rattle suake was holding the horse. It had wound its tail around the horse's leg, its neck was turned three tiines round a sap- ling.and its teeth where fast ia the wood. It was twelve foet long, for the farmer measured it, A fow pounds more strain would have snapped tne snake clear in t«ro. The snake wasn't over five feet long really, for when the farmer took the strain off it came right back to its natural size, for the Buakn is a very elastic animal. The child wasn't frightened in tho least. This story must be true, tor the farm- er was there and saw it all, and »ayt it is true. He wanted four copies of the paper â€" the Vanun Appeal â€" if it published the item, to S3ud to his re- latives in tbe East. We take the lib- erty of extending the information to his acquaintances in the other paits of the country. Those who know him best and admire him most wdl be glad to hear that he is doing so well out in Nevada. The Southern papers are lull of wonders and freaks of nature. The Louisville Courier-Journal contained recently a marvellous tale about the mother of seven children at a birth, and now we read in a South Carolina paper of a lawyer who charged a fee for his services which his client de- clared was exorbitant. Finally the lawyer said "Well, uir. you know me well enough-t© know that while I do not overcharge my clients, 1 hold my- self professionally bound not to under- bid my brethren of the profession. I shall not sue yon, for you are my old riend as well as a client, and the mat- ter is loft entirely to yonr own discre- tion." The next day the client paid the amount he deemed just, and en getting a receipt handed the lawyer a note and departed. The note ex- pressed his thanks and gratitude ft i the able manner in winch his cEe had been conducted, and along with this note was a handsome amount which he begged his courftel to accept from him as a mark of his esteem, ereat regard and gratitude. These newspapers must not tax the public credulity too far. the this â- Â»Â«fltotly in- A Mmnesota sohodl teacher who was in tho habit of making lov» to his pupils, was sued by one of them for breach o f promise. H e had been so attentiye to so many that he could not remem- ber anything, particularly, which oc- curred between himself and plaintiff until she produced a photograph of him in the act of kissing her. In a moment of unnsal spooniness she had persuad- ed him to sit for tiis pietore with tbe resule mentioned, and the jury found a verdict in her favour. â-  .tfik IMPOBTANT Dacisioii.â€" The bnbirio Minister of Education has just gfven ah important decision. Mr. Lee a member ol the Board of the Toroilto Collegiate Institute, had his seat oon4 1.^ o° «»e ground that he could not legaUy be a trustee and aot as f««Wy and treasurer of the Board. «nt the Minister has written that Ui«e u nothing m the Aot ot 1881 or any prerions Act to disquidify anv trustee from holding tS podtion providing the work is doneVatuit-' oody. Mr. Kee has h^ Z ?2onn oration for the work, wid he there- retaiat bis aaat, -»wo- organ costing $10,000 has jnst •npla«^u, the (Queens Avino at London, and Jtjbodjrt Charch ,. ^„„„^ Jifl be hesrd for the first time JJ^T^nuthabeato^i, A urxut girl eafljri one of her doUa. a iointlese orsatore. her "woman's rights do«." "But why do yo« «tli her so f" asked beraant»* lectorer on Uiat mnsb-disaMfead fMatioa. •â- Oh, 'cause." the child answered, "sha's jost like von she eaat ever sit down Hid be eoiafoitable." MARRfED ConMUVâ€" Hoeaw-'At IheB. P. _.,_ 01«iM|l.«itf««hiBa»..br Bwr. fWasr OmAm, Ui. aiMWM OoonJir, ol ai«Ml« to Hits EHeu Hqgbee, of ArtaOMBis. DgxiArâ€" Ploomtikld. â€" At the reaideao* of tbe bride's pwnts, M»rkd:l«. by tbe Bev. N. A UolWarraid, on the Sfiih June. Mr A. Dunlop. Baker, to Mia* H»tti« BlooBB- ' field, all of Markdale. .1 «f tU* FaaUi^ b»d •Mnpietal by on* ol tba acailll^ nA aititiax the gaol and aaloaC • js eharga of muritt .^ is laid by Patriak enext step will ba to Diiu» vuo i^iiaoners befara a teats, which fcobably ba dooa Scythes, Snaths, DIED. Btbaih,â€" la Fleehertoo. on Friday, Jnly lat. FnlT ged two Alice, daagliter of Wm. Strain 7«an and 8 aaontfaB. Hacub.â€" At FleabeTtan Btsil^ii, Ifondaj, July 4th, Harry, yonngeat son cA Wat. HaakMi. OK MIHEI DOLUtt I THE aboT* reward win bo paid to ai^ per- Kin or peri-oiis giving »nch information ai will lead to the arrest aud ooDvietion o( tlie panon or person a who, on tbe Fourth ditv of JoIt. liiSl, wrote • thie«teuin« letter «o Mr*. MeFarland. w. J. VeFABLAND, Pan J. D. B. llarkdale, Jily 6, i881, 43-li SOOO Telegraph Poles, WMTED M JULY, ON the T., G. Jt B. BaUway, betweea Daoki'ktod Markdxle, from 30 to 60 feet I'noc, lux wbicb (he bittbcst price wiU be paid io rash. Wm. nelson. Dnndalk, July 7, 1681 43-11 Voters' List, 1881 UDMICIPAUFT OF lUK rOW.HSHIP OF OLEN- EL«, CODKIY OF iBEY. NOTICE is hereby eiyen, that 1 have IrUBUiitted or aelivei cJ tu the personal mentiouod m tbe I bird and fourth ..sectiocs of •• 'tlu Votert' Liit Act," the copies requir- ed by said sections to [je 9i transmitted or Ueli\er(,-d of the Ust. mode pursuant to said Act. of all persoiiR appearing by the last re- TiHtd Assessment Boll of tho soiJ Municipal- ity to bo entitled to vote in the saiil Muu ci- pality at ulections for members of the Legis- latiTe Assembly and at Municipal elections, Bud that said list was first pttbtcd op at my Office, at Durham, ou tbe thirtieth day ol Jane, 1881, and rem-iins their forinspection. Electors are called upon to examine the (â- aid list, if any onnssions or any other er- ni:s uv fouu'l therein, to cake immeUate pioi-eeJnfg t.. have the said errors correct- ed aocu:ding to law. Dated this fourth day of July, 1881 JAMESBlluWN. 13-li Clerk of tho eaid MonicipalitT. a^TooriciB. NOTICE m heieliy p.ien that a oas i.i^b^ J hy loH Mun- nj By-Law CuuucU f th Coiporm Hu of nie XuwnKiup of trie el;;, ..n :hv tHb .Uy of Junf A. iV 1(J«I. pro- li'i'oj fur iiif isFue ' J ' eauiie- to Uie aiDouaJ of N.ne Hondre.t DoUiti. frir tb« I iip.i.Hrt c.{ ei ji'i.. jift ilif. 'Inut«p» (f I'Uion Sulj.ii'l iccptiuu Ni li' ArtemesaauJ Olen- tl^, ti) C! et't i. h.'L u. ht'Oi^ :a tid -priioa, oud that B;iid t'-- Liw \v:i.i iiv s'.iicJ in tbt Be.' i y Oiine in iho S(ii.h iiijing of tl-t Ci^uut' of Oit-v, on ;ae bi^ixentb day of Jtiuc. A I) 188i. Auy nii ia to •jHush or set miJe tht B.-.tDf, .r any part Mj-ioo' mn-t be made w ID Q th ei- m'.nil â- â€¢ f- m 'Xa davf of re^in- tialinn. auu cHOUOt I r mnif iln-teaft'-r. Dal-rd Ibf I'oarlb cay .f Jnlv, ISftl. JAMES "HBOWN, 43-3i Clerk. ThniDb and Fingers For everybody will be found at the THORBURY NOVELTY WORKS. THE SUBSCBIBEB wishes to inform the farmers of Grey and Brace, that be has bought the right cf the above named counties to make and sell Dillineham's pat- tented Thumb and Finger Barley Fork, which is pronounced by all who have seen it to be the best Barley Fcrk out. Yea can load three loads to two against any other Barley Fork. I am also tnrning oat an Ex- tra good lot of tbe Mastin Grain Cradles and SptaaiBK Wheela« This season. Good Fork and Hoe Handlaa can be bought here from 6c to lOo each. t^^ Oive me a call, and I will gva- rautee satisfactiou. J. H. HAMILTON, TBOaMBCTT. Thomtnuy. Jme 16, 188L 40-lw ^iHAGYARDS ^PECTORAL BALSAM. Hm no equal for the pcmiajwiK cvr ot «rhM»iaa c«««h, BTMcMtttTuS^ all lisaa iMwais. Sr JE*«7 boob nuraDMed to sive ~.i.«--.i~. T. MlLBURR a Ca. ProSrieWriT*^ Fr irom Lot 183, lat con. N. E. ot T. A 8. Boad, Artemesia, one White Ewe and Lamb. Ewe had at time lost a rope areund neck, ad lamb was lame of one hind leg. Any person givin information aa to their whereaboaU will be anitably rewarded. WM. DAVIg. Jane 88, 188L 4J.1 in. HaFTsslTools ^5 AeeiM^ »eapeb"**m Cradles, Hay Forks, -Ai' Barley Forks Rakes, Sickles, c., c., CHEAP! \^T VarkJale ~«^4 Joiiai, 9fi THEMOSTi SEWINlf IB t^ k}\]fm^^ •/ HAS pO 30 UNION SQ^Nni;] CAao RAMGEI July Tto JOHNSDN, 1.SS1. Bobt. S. Markdale, June 33, ISK. 41 d.m. stra"vk:i3 FBOM ths projD'ses ot the subscriber, lot 12, Euphrasia, on Town-line Euphra- Hia and Holland, on or about tbe 2.Sth of May. Four Ewes and Fonr Lambs. Tbr"e of the Ewes are white and one grey â€" Lttmbs are all white. The Ewea are marked oo the riglit shoulder with tar, and one Lamb has a black spot on its hind le*;, Any person wh* will grrs socb information as will lead to their reeorery, will be soitably rewarded. ADAM BOLBSBT. Ha'kaway, Jane Sf, len^ 43-S in.* TTIrom JD 26,1 STRAITEO. the prenuBca of tbe â- nheeribar, lot Sth oon. Gienelg, on the ttid of June, 6 two-year-olds, two of whieb were Steers, both were grey in eolor, one with large boms. 8 heifers, one ot whieb is the same color as stoert. the oUmt two red, one â- lightly brindled. JAMES SCLLIYAN. Priserille, P. O. Glenelg. JtatteSO, 1881. 43 Sin. NOTICE TO C0NTRA6T0RS. TEKDEB8 will be reoeiTed up to the Sth ot July, for the erection ot a Two Story Briek Bdilding, S4 by B4. to be eespleted in September, Plans and flperffUatintu aay be Men at tbe Stjimsb Oflee. The 0. W. KtrOMDBE. Markdale. Jne », 1881. TAIL Sydenham Sti MAEKDA Muikdaix- «u' 7. 1H.. 50 Acres of Good Pasture, weU Watered, to Let. The •nbaeriber will take a Uauted number of Cattle, HorMs, Ae., to paatore. Wx. BBOWH. MarkdUa. Jnne 6. 1881. S»4y Dissolution of^Pa T4KE NOTICE. tU»l ii» ' heretofore cx;iii f Wt^Witin under the uriut ..( li runt 4' li* intt Makers, m tiie ViUipoll this day betn di.'solTed tr mm Any liabilities dne by tlif IimS borne by Mr. Geo lirant. wk«' carry on the bai^ioeiw, u^ â-  them are to be paid to bim. IXated 23rd June, i- V- l" OEOhdE (T AIiiiEi Witness, D. /, XUcxillhi. AGOOP PriviuF Horse nrt year old, about 15} Markdale. Juuc iiO, 1851 D. J. SHANAHAN'S "WAGhON and Carriage Works, Juat opened, opposite the drag store. Mill •treet. Having long experience in the bosi- nesa, we leel confident we can giye aatiafao- tim to those fayoring tu withtheir ordert for CABBIAQES. BPBINa WAOOONS, I.DMfiEB WAOOOKS, 4o. HoTMdioeing, and aU Un4a of repaizms n our line either in wood, iron, pawtiait ^d tnmming oeatiy and promptly execntlS.' We aa« nothing bat good material and an ploy flnt-olaea practical workmen. leMt money thVu vaesnag a t^tetition of war esteemed otden and tbto beaefit of yoor mnne ace amongypn^ friends. Maikdale.Apnlth.lSSl. co-i^ ,maek: dale Sash and Door Fact( SASH, ' """ DOORS» :.f-~-^- BLINDS i MOULDINGS, HOLLOW BATTOJii Lumber, Lath and ShiH^ AiwuyBbn Hancl. Orders Promptly FiH* â- ^-o- V2^!^S!^S^ ^^" ' Wm In the p.* tVand hopes by cloM O^ I hare now extended mjr badnesa. and will in future keep » '»'**^ MONEY to 6 AT SIX LEND â- â€¢BB CENT. :^ «^s2i^-^'** p«f- ,Jne tod, 1881 J.a.HjHHO. PINE LUMBE aIjIj sizes, bkbssbd and unp Bavlnc jiMt raaaired my ilnt shipment of Plte Lumber aud Lath I â- ad win hsre aaothc lehooner load in a fcTT da.f -AJl fflMdi or Plain and Fancy 1*^ BJSS^ lâ€"i ia a flnt«IaM manner. THOS. MC^ ifai*is,»9«nk.i8n, wa iii ^ard» of prints new ' ^^ la* cents, fast cj JUs of Tweea 50 cend •fiaot Table Linen, If »Jf able Napkins, 6^ « of Oudc Overalls,! jjfihncey Shirts, 7^ STAHDARl "i^THER NOTIC] wanted. has cointueKCCtl. I't new Brick buildiug isl raids walk this wsek on Q^ Aih^pea S.O0O ' AnxANDaa has remove Ifalpole Towneliip. BbTTH has l«rt lowu ant I in 0«en Bound. Isttf from ouf Oovreepot loii^ Will appear nest new, tour iiicb plauK, in tl«e ^ill*S^ ' week. apro*so»«nt on tho old bui ig^peris evcryl""!^,' «-il ij lot fteEsterbrookSleoUV i ' Ijhe temper will be fouui aU laired. U^,. J. Eakiii. B. A., Pj nUtar of D jndalk, will pi r in the Duffcriu Hu" M^i abbath eveniug nest at «..;t understand tl'.ero is ti ion on the first of At .,'1 ^0. Fare §10, good foi Eev. A. Wilson Prc-bv of Markdale, will p| .) in Dondaik ou Snbb.. 'I I p.m. itay crop is very poor, tjgfeire tlie nid of sp.-^iu: Ji, Wilcox has the cilcH 1 4 Moris. would call attention t tli| B. S. Rae in anotlier c [reputation as a tailor is ti biished to requ-re any ns. rill be Bc-cn by ad\T!-tisJ fWm. Nelson, of D;'.i!il:\llc telegraph p dcs duiin::; ^th for which Uie hight'bt |iri^ pbid. JK your dealers fnr "Cas1 lline oil, and scj that the] pnuine. 3.H. n.'MII.TOX '-.Isll ri| that an} infniif;*?"-^" ab and Finger 1 -ai u y V nf rosecutsd witli-llie i;iiui.-t law. UB the special bcuoBt of ilie Icommuuity the wcatlrcr iiro| I will be received a*, the ofticc atreal Telegraph Coiup.ti: 3g the mouths of July a id lat 8 a. m. CoaoNTO oil company, ura InfacturerH of '•Castorine m\ lofrmcemeuts will bi jt s| ?oiior Rollo/S. S. Xo. 4, .\' \the month o/ June.â€" i:\ v. iit\ Bark obtainable, i'.~ii. 8-*)4 Jos. Iliggi'ih'tl'iiinj lie Banuon, Sll. Tiiii:!' OJ tn Boss, 30G Jno. Sti u| Higginbotham, "T. Bsâ€" Billiard Hntchcs":. • »nB, 849; Edith i:.iri; u. i H. Little, rcoclm. onaands of ourlittlt o.io^ ily from choiera iufa rh(sa and tbe suiuuior c iiup| i hrei might be preserved Uj Bss of Dr. Fcwler's Ext fiteawberry, tbe greatest t reliable specific kuown imer ailments. For sale Stores. See adyertisjuie^ Bther column. |Bu!(4WiY AcciaKvT. â€" Wh ^atjomery, D.'Vev, of I's \1 I going from J- icsnerioii .S^.i! â- beitoQ Vi"a,^c on Tueslaj took fnglit at sone:!) ai kaway. Mr. M. w.aa irowuoj fWagijoa ran over LiuJ. lie abuDt tne head sud a1to He was broovl;t home ot vr. in 'Castorine" Miuhinf (J kinds of machiui ly, ii i-; .il ent for harness and lealhcrl I it water aud weather jTv-'of^ by dealers. EeT. Mr. Corcoran, the who takes the place of Uev.l Btt, arrived last week, ai^ opon hi.s duties. M« 'took his departure for Li 1 a week ago esterday fni 4J»D Happy. â€" If yo| ^OT extravagiiut unl I aootoriug yourself yul expeueive doctorx or Ik B, tiiat do harm always, nature's simple remedies ' Ailments â€" you will be wise ' ^ppy, aud save great e greatest remedy for thi I wise and good will toll Bittarsâ€" 'rely ouit. â€" /V.saJ AND GaKDEN PaKTV.-J s* Aid of Cbrist Cliurch, uttead having a GurJeul ^Basaar on the 12th iust wil be held in the sliop^ by Mr. Walker, Tii^ ' *^ Party in the GarJcu Hm garden will be lighl f^n ase Lanterns, aud ih^ ^trawbanies. Ice- cream. Mosio andsiuging. Refr^^ll W^ad in the Garden duru at molerate charges^ â- i) Hd of the Church fund â-  v.^;-

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