Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 13 May 1881, p. 3

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 1^' h- â-  I 'I ' li' I ««,.i|ji Ji' izi o 00 Q O Izi 00 CD 1â€" I {1.00. Ulnk $1.00. Wondrful Invention THIS IS A MECHANICAL DEVICE For Learning to Play CHORDS AND ACCOMPANIMENTS, 0:iV THE PIAO ANS ORGANS Any person, Young or Old, whether have any Musical talent or not, can learn or PLAY ANY- THING, in a VERY S H O R T T I MB what would take years in the old way, besides a great expense for Books, Tuition, etc., etc. Sent, pre-paid on receip of $1. PIANOS ORGANS VERY IjOW prices 1 ADDRESS, J. A. CRAWFORD, 439* King Street East, Toronto. Ont Toronto, Apiii i4Bi,88i. 3^ TOB8f1iaLiaa^HtNOTmBX 'U. F^oe VMXX JM. Mw iili ml â€" â- *â- Â» â- * *r rm '«Mt • MMM»M «Mr Cm *£J"'^* PBOTWO or OHTUBO DOtaCTtttr. AlpiiaMical llrf ctt OIA88IFIBD Business Directory «itks ^Aat OUw. «flpMil" "^^ bfainof A^lttk.lWL P.O. of OMBosiMMaad CitiM. Tom« « CLASSIFnB* BUSINESS XIBECn*OBT cm OF MOHTBBiJk th« DoMiBiaa wd PiofwaU D li â€" la riâ€" rf 1871«aib«ffi««K«oafa«ark. SnbMribwi xMiwatM|7 Mtkitod. Twaa «f Ad- JOHN LOVKLL BON, Pnlaliahan. jfoBtreal, Dmembtf, 1880. A NEW EliBCnON THE Undwrined ia prqMMdto adTauM Maa«j on Kzat-CbM Faim Preporty, with torg* nwrgiTiB, *X 6 Per Cent, Yearly! Thia Uths Lowest RaU ever offerered in the County of Grey. OFFICES :â€" Lot 86, Chi. 4, EaphraaU, and lisANBD, â€" M«zt door to BojrkI HoteL N. B. â€" A large amout of pmmte monej toIoMi on Oood NoU$ or Second \Iortgaga, E. E. KNOTT. lbrehS.1881. SS-Sra B. J. SHAMAMirS WAGON and O arriag Worjks, CABBU0S8. SPBUa WAOOONB, liOMBKB WAOOoara, *»• num*i*ig, aad aOUadaof in oar liiw iraMr ia vood, inB. â- ad trnuaiac BMrtiT BBd WoaM aoOiavbat gc ploy fint-^bw pnetieal Ovr aim ii to kit* tka baat vataie for the â- at money, thM aeeniag a H|i a tii i on of Toav oiteMied orden aad the bantft of rw flagaaa aaoagynar fajanda. Mandate. Apri 6tt. 1081. «•â- Â» J. MONTGOMERY, B k: E R, THE Subscriber, in retnming thanks to the inhabitants ofMarkdale and snr- roanding coontty for their patronsgs daring the past eight years, begs to intimate to them he is how prepared to supply the Public with fruit; POUND PLUM CAKES, either plain, or Iced and Ornamented, and a large Variety of Other Csikes. always on hand. Also, I s o-cri o: I of every description, from the best, mann- factorcrs in Ontario. Also, a large and varied -^assortment of tle CHOICEST CONFECTIONERTI BRIDES' CAKES! sappUed on the shortest notice, and got np in the best style that is done this side of Toronto. h i%, SdcuIs, OTHEE PABTIES. supplied on the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. JOHN MONTGOMEBT. Markdsle, Nov, 18. st, 1880. lo-ly FLESHEETON Harness Shop THE Sabscriber begs to inform the public that he has constantly on hand a large assortment of GARRIGE, BUGGY AND TEAM HARNESS. Mode in good fityle and of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, And as he means business give him an early call, as be will sell at the lowest living prices, for cash. A good supply of WHIPS, TRUNKS, Stc, always on hand. Scotch Collars I Spociaify, And a good fit guaranteed. I^Bemember the stand the Post Office is opposite. N, B. â€" Stave timber wanted, J. GORDON. Fleaharton. March. 1881. 16 MARKDALE CARRIAGE_WORKS!! McKENNA MASON HAYINO leaaed the Wa«gon and Bla«k- antith Shop owned by John Bmuon, b«R to infdna the Public, that that they are prepared to fumiab all kinds of Vehicle*, â- oen as BVOCIIES, I»En4CBAT8, WAOCM»lf, ETC. r-v5*. T HiCEt TO tOIT TKTMEt. Aadby arii^ the Baat «i Untmitl aad Good Waa fcia a iwlrf y, bopa to n ea iw a lair ahatw fly««ipatrMMfle. Spasial attMlMi gifMta HOBSB SHOSING aa» General Jobbing I aDaorvsrk. AoaBlaaslMt ad, aad wasaaeaatee tatirfantina. aiMraolCDatoeet, a ff sa it s Um t.l8Bl. NOTICE. AX THOS.H. TOUKG. Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest eathartlo prinriplea In medicine, in proportions accurately 84^ justed to seriire activity, certainty, and uniformitv of eiTcct. They are the result of rears of careful study and practical ex- periment, and are the most enectual rem- edy yet discovered for diseases caused by derangement of the stomach, liver, ".nd bowels, wliicli require prompt and effectual treatment. AvEU's P11.1.S ore specially applicable to this clam of diseases. Tlie.v act directly on the digestive niid assimi- latire pnWssiaj, and restore regular healthy action. Tlieir e.Ttcnsive usa by piiysicians in tlicir piictice, and by all civilized nations, is one of the m.-iuy proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and perfectly reliable purgative meliciiie. Being comjMinnded of the concentrated virtues of purely vegetable sulxstanres, they are positively free from culoincl or any injurious proitirtieti, and c.in be aiUuin- istvrctf to children with perfect safety. Aver's Pir.LS are an effectual cure for Constipation or Costiveness, Indiges- tlon. Dyspepsia, rx89 of Appetite, Foul Stomacli and liroath. Dizziness, IIeaiache, Ikiss of Sleniory, Numbness, liiliousiiess,^ Jaundice, Khcumatlsm, Kruptioos nnd Skin Diseases, Dropsy, Tumors, Worms, Neiiralgiii, Colic, Gripes, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Goat, Piles, Disorders of the Liver, and all other diseases resulting; from a disordered state of the digestive apparatus. As a Dinner Pill they have no C(]nal. â- While gentle la their action, these Pills are the most thoroirh anil soan^hing cathar- tic that can be employed, aad never give pain unless the bowels are inflameil, and then their influence is healing. Tlicy stimu- late the appetite anil digestive organs; they operate to i)urify anil enrich the lilood, and impart renewed health and vigor to the whole system. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., rracticsl aod Analrtlcal Cheniists, Lowell, Mass. SOLD BT ALL DBUflaiSTS SVSBTWnXBS. I»iillic TVotice. k "VfOTICE is hereby given that the new i.\ road open through lots 99, 100, and 101, on the 3rd concession W. T. 4 S. B., in (he township of Olenelg, ia mo4 propacly es- tablished. The corporation of the township' of Glen- elg not having any title to the road through said lots, will not be responsible for tny ac- cident that may happen on said road. JAMES BBOWN, FINLAY MacBAE. Clerk. Reeve. Township of Glenelg, Oct. 19, 188O. TAILORING O. A. OWEN, Fashionable Tailor, HAVING rented the Tailoring Depart- ment over UeFarland's store, wishes to inform the public of Markdale and snr- roonding oooutry, that he is prepared to FILL ALL ORDERS PromptJy and Tastily! CUTTING Done v.'hile Customers are waiting. THE LATEST FASHION PLATES 'ways on hand to chose from. A Good Fit GQaranteed â€" ATâ€" J^O^VV RATES. Eexnember the Place, Over McFarland's Store. Markdale. Nov. 35. 1880. ll-mS THE BEST PAPER I TRY IT I BEAUTIFULLY ILLU8TBATED. 36tli TEAE. THE SCIENTIFIC "AMERICAN Thb Sciximno Ambucax is a large Frst- Class Weekly Newspaper of Sixteen Pagea, printed in the most beantifol style, pro/iusfy ilUutraUd trith tpUndid tngravitif$, repre- senting; the newest Inyentions and the most recent Advances in the Arts and Sdenoes including New and Interesting Facts in Agri- eoltore, Hortieoltare, the Home, Health. Medical Progress, Social Science, Natural Histoiy, Geology, Astronomy. The most valoable practical papers, by eminent writers in all departments of Sdenee, will b« fonad in ttia Seientifie Aoieriean. Terms, %».iO per year, 11.60 half year, which i n eltidea postage. Diseoimts to Agents, Single eoppiee, 10c. Sold by aU Newsdeal- ers. Bemit by postal order, to MDNN CO., Poblisbars, 87 Park Bow, New York. PATENTS. t,rs: UmUmOme kmrvituu, Ifaaan. Mmm A Oo. are SoUettors of Aaiarieaa aad For- %â-  Pataafa, hava had M veara asiiarieaee, aad haf« tha lafgaat aatatiialiateat ia Ui« wadd. Puaata an oUaiaad oa the baat A aaaetel aotiaa te autlein tke nrteaa of all iavaations this A«Mi^, with the a d tha Baltatae. By ali wilatt aa thaa givea, pnbhe tha Mante oataotad thraa^ tiadfaaatad ta iha »ant« dif tha â- Â»; M i' ' " " fafawh i et ica ottm panan whal ua md aaaew diaeora- â-  „^ ?*"â€" JPy'^Hr ha abtaiaed 2J"'"'i •^ ?•*? *^ Wa aba Hnd *fy HaadBo ahaboat tha PateatlTnT TMMta. Oaaaata, Ttada-ifarta. tSr t2S' •advaaeaa oa iavMitfna. Addsaaa fcwtt. pafCK, or eeaoamiag patwts. -«"» MUNN 4 CO. OS.. â€"•V^^' *•» '-k- iagooant: MHilNEB-X DEPAB And have secured the scnricea »f .NH88. », r,.- Who fiom kmg experience m the jlmuMrtT business, will enabled to give our fnends ^^ ENTIRE SATISFACTION. We have partially opened, and will be fully prcpa. the season advances with all the LATE5ST NOVELTIES. Remember our goods will be We respectfully ^Ucit a fair share from our fri«Mids and the public generally. We don't do any button-holing, but will tieat all courteously when making purchases, and tHSt our prices wiU be right. Our general stock will be found ^Tell Assorted as usual. We would invite an early inspection whether you want to buy or not. •^ HHjIi BROS. Markdale, March 30th, 1881. ^9-tf. Markdale General Agency IS THE BEST P LE TO GET Iner at the Lowest Rates. STRAIGHT LOANS, MOFWES, CHARGES LOW. If you want Insurance patronize the ;;r UNION FIRE INSURANCE Co. J: LANCASHIRE FIRE and LIFE Co. BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., CONFEDERATION LIFE ASSOCIATION. Wanzer Sewing Machines, Uneaqualled in range of work and ease of motion. DOHERTY ORGANS, Unsurpassed in beanty of tune and poweV. Farms for Sale and More Wanted. Thankful for past ig.:^rs, I am determined to "merit a further share of public patronage by fair and honest dealing and prompt attention. THEOPHILUS HALL. Markdale, March 29, 1881. 29-tf. CO bi -o C/2 -s c3 tt H hi .9 « if .s â- -; rao COOKING, PARLOR AND BOX STOVES Always m Stock. As I keep all kinds of REPAIRS for the Implementa I sell, Farmers will boo the advantage of dealing with a Local Agent. P, w ^^^- s'f RAIN. 'leeln.ertorL. Flesherton, March 24, 1881. 28-tf OH, HEAR. 0|_MR. OH, HEAR. Squander your mon»y if yen want to. if not. get yourPhotographa of W. BULMER, The People's Photographer, ' Flesherton Who If apin iwpared to take Pietnwa, and do Copying and Enlargiiig a. heretofore. Bring along yonr picture. .n,l hare 0«m eopied ard enlarged by yonr old friend. '»-»««rton,Ma,ehlO,1881. BULME^. sAwma lahaerihec bags to intiaute that ha has 1* Saw Mill at Little Falls wsar«i^«bauhu'5Lj ttir â- Â»â€" w»y »*taotim.p* SoQtuW^eitKttreUil TtttMBen. Vile •nVnUtaM. Oood Stdbtea and Heiry Cliristnias aiidffipy Hew i Itaw ttt tHa all a « Ooad Chaar la athatkl. I with to aaU Pnku. FIHHTS,6ilNNE0 GOODS, OONFEl Everything FirBt-Class, and at IS- R I C H T P R I Cetil Ify BOTTLED BANDT la nnanrpaaa e d OLD BTE, tbe purest • Wi, '1 TfsS. aqaal toOiuieaa' Stmt and th^TiaaatatooK at Drmft and felli'lWi aaetioB. OM Cider e^val tm Cfc«Myg»e. 0«t your Holiday'a sopply of above Qooia MaifcdalcDae.16. 1880, A. MclHry. MEDICAL B£ *?.• SE^J)S FIELD SEEDS, INCLUDING CLOVER, v.; :-4? TIMOTHY, S CARROT, .^ •/ MANG-EL WURTZEL, c, GARDEIST^^EED^I A CHOICE SELECTION, All of which will be sold at lowest market ratt s:;«^*fv Markdale, Dec. 9. 1880. A. TURNER STOP. MARK. LEA Aud then you wiU Irnow where to ro to got tbe best value for your MonejJ R. J. SPRdULE GREAT ANNUAL CLEARIG SALEI AT THE POST OPPICE STOEl FLESHEETON. in order to make room for hea^ Spring Importation now arrirm- n..r~ i i» rodncmg my pre«,nt 1«8« and weU selected and^s^ru.Nt â- ' t of ' GENAERL DRY GOODS, FURS, MILLIL BOOTS AND SHOES, Hats, Gaps and Grocerii TO THE LOWEST POIN I POSSIBLE, and in order ta do ao, Wm Sell at and Under COi FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAY( not properly tjeated by their more honorable dealers, and dlW c.Mom from the H Ton will find everytlllllK that I seU JoaCuI r«MWcnt it, .md « F TJuLT^"" '°' '°'" """"^y Mywfcere^^ItaTr^wav, held th« t deabne u the only true course lor a business man My Grooeries are aU bought for atriotly nett ead aowequentlv I can EnJl iMtaaii 0«Lotiain,rta«vH.B j^^^ BrtaAa. Bc^ ^_-^ *««'»«»d»pre|wadtofBiaiA ' '-•â€" LOIBER, UTH8 JTC^ETO., TO ORDER. CUSTOM SAWIJNg fROMlm.Y DONS. AIL DHDS OF SAW LoSTpSSSlASIiD. The Lowest Possible Prices! For CASH and FARM PRODC^ BUT PCOT FOR. JRETIT. ..â- -'•" o ' ***• "J*©** etoek and for sale, a large quantity of PUEE SEED GEAl 1 try it. I"' ^itAmi^ Blrti«, K«T. «, }880. P^rWplf5E^L?^'*r'^**^'*»*"'«^ other rarieties of Spring **J SS.^LT;£!I"^*^*'^- Priae Timothy *ndCloyer Seed; also M* ^it^i^JlK!*' •?" "^V 'â„¢^' *° '«^' ««" seed, you will n»b«* P«yuig a Jew- Muta extra, and porohaaing a good article, o 1 amncw aelling large qnanties of COAESE LAND 8- FOR m:a]vxjiie that erery Fann« this loeality and aei^boria/ Townships shall try it. I** •eliing in fife and a haml loU at the L* we«t Ca^Prtce laid **" ' diwet from the Manuf«tuw«, WKlbon^rfwI^ti.' at ^t^ Prices Oâ€" I woald alao iatiaate that fiiy SPRING IMPORTATIOSI ABB ABRIVXNQ DAILY. iaA IwiQ haTe opeaad oat and show On The Ist of ApH ^^0» liMtfBrt and Best Aborted 8too^» .rer brought into tkii ]^Mkiag MM and aQ iar lih«^ pabxuwga i» the MMt, and aoUciting SB i w a aii ngaiaawtlw. I am, year obsdiant^aecTant, R J. SPBOl Flesbert^, March lo, i»8i. rfttafls. rtdrionaabd MB UstraotiTs t^hiaa months, Itta year. No arresges »r«i I of tbe pabliah- ivMhoMtpajinc »for«hayaars«^- »5«X!o 87 60 !kV' IS 00 8 00- 400 60 15 7a K 8 S .VOL. GEOKCl sni Mill St., Markd .^Skrness shop. tar Meat deU^ Sept. 17, 18 idsertioa.. ^iascTtiou ftrst insertion _i iaiertion iaaartioD per Una Hwat iasrtioo I tines to be reckoned by tbe aanred by n scale of solid jemcnts without «pecific I publi«h«i till forbid aod ,^T All transitory ad«ertia^ pa in the office of pghbe atiew by Hhe Xhorsday aBoraiail preoae*- «*l z!T IE, Tropric TetorT 4 BUSMEtS lECTORY. r^yt^Mie A Carter, gareooxi' Accoucheura £o. ^0^bA Hall residenee at 'X^ n.lMO l-y_ L^ atn^EON, ACOOCCH- 6-tf. $^»1 Hmciaillaa* aAU and ncBHiiK.) .J-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IK ^Conveyauoer, Ac. Offine over lie, Markdale. Money to loan 2'J ly B. Wilkes, i Law, Owen Sound. I's boildiug, over B*litn- et Street. 1-y J. LICENSED County of t^ LVAX Money to loan â- am* te suit bop X^oanand Savi^ atnetJy pn'^l Bapt. 17tb It promptly attcul cialty. Estiinf faction ;gniirRiii JJrown aud Sjd Dcoembui EC. AUCTIONlJ Ai;eiit. \\f Salrs attt-ii.i»-. (voodti Mllil oil Pisiics, OiBftnii Fruit aud Oi 11 J tural Tuiplcmt'i n le. VTliamsforJ St Frost, lii*, aKD ATTORNETS-AT JieittfS ill ChancerY. Convey fo^itm Jaaii^l. ha^ve resumed at ^Hlf^en eyery Thursday, as J. W. Fbost, LL. B. 1 AttomeT. 1- e» MassoB, tand ATTORNET AT-LA\», I Chancery, Owen Snund. 1-y iaies Laaiea,- lY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN .y, Notar Public, 4c. Bed at lowest r»te« ou ptrnoiial Lands bought and nold. ellor iutroduccd free of commis tai«t i»?o- 1 UARIAOB LICENSES, !(:«., sQ«r in B. B. Ac. ag in all its brauchas promptly Dd earefslly executed, ley to Lead on Itaal Estate se- I«1 SLtiiniy. INTEREt Allowi ti^Draft- all jHiiut^, .1 Si-'itenil.'"^. C^ ralnttte| X Toronl pronijily att^ 35 -3m. G r.NF.n.' T Nnit s-j.t. \: ly ept. 17, 1890. exaader Brown, Mkrriage Iiioensef:, Firo nud see Agent. 'Commissionoi CoBTcylnnoer aud Licou'sed r the County of Grey. F'urraers, i Land Sales, Pniictiially at- eharges made vrrv moderate. ^Bept. 17,1830. " I-t Corbet, Jr., AND GENER.A.L AGENT Munev to Loan at low Principal pavabic nt the I years, and int.-rest half year- principal aud ititcrest ro|ay- rof desirable Improved Farms ly it O. Mac* M AND PROVINCI.M, LAND or. Draughtsman and Valuator, Markdale. Haviug ixirclia'^od Sarreyor Charles Rankin's [•* «ri«inal Field Notes, Plans, """♦'â- â€¢a, Ae., of all bis Surveys I «ha iMt jMty.five years, I am [niaks Sorvaya in strict nccord- ^n- ProfUea and Ksiiin.'it«s r^s, Plans aad Speciticatious ' ""J^es, (amiahcd ou nppliea- 2 ^Iioaii at 8 per cent interest. JiTiL* '•" ^* "• •' Bi-'i rH, Ulhe promptlj attended to. 1 1880. 1.^ w. Th. and vieitii. inc the |i:i! tll'elD thHt il a? any dt'livere SAUSl th.? •' i: v| A^'H!ll t| tru-ts li.v [^ merit a c. Noij.' tie tu i!.«!| iiargean; -1 ifarkiU;^ Chi] â- es M. iriiite, Cameron, Owen Sound, [AT THE KEVEBE HOUSE. '"" ou the last Wednesda,^ in 1 be will be prepared to per- ks reiaired upon the muutb s{actor mauuer, and upon ly 1 S«t»U. E HOTEL, .4LE. XTtiE, Proprietor. has had a large ad- ^Jk, thorouxbly refitted. Bone lu the cuunty. itive ostler. First- mmercial travel- day. 171y )ED, Ont. Paormuxoaa. for the travalhng a mil stocked with tbe and Liquors and the best team ail trains. ly GROGi Xiit Keeps consi tr He voaJ Teaj T( CAN! As puflinc] ak int| c I M Sell as I hut- good disc let mv c| investmeiT Bros. Vlarkdal Wkl HOTEL iLiB. Ont. lions Saiapls Boom s The Bar and larder bast the market af lattantiTe Hostler's M, Proprietor. SA Mrs. the Ladie is prcpar switches.! Acall is s| and Que denoe. Mark S^ UBSC

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