Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Apr 1881, p. 4

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 3 7,00. gh the Fl«»li*rton i CE.1VT. r».i mad 10 per cent. interMll want to buT more huidr rove more Und » !0 borrow of tLe anadian Hortgi lalize yonr payments, nor gift tlie most reasonalua Ituilini: money, COSTS ARE :i; JTiecially large lua:.;, oflermgi ;w thousand dollaxs) E M O N •J ' 7 per cent, intereat. Th» i^lixh niul Scotch eapitalistiiw/ .annum tlio money niikot vt i« the limr to hor\ Real Estate, rance^Agency. IJRANC ,,It«iirir^ thatthT s. ioct s R«| i u»iiie-throii«li u reliable A^i ntjrst, SafcKt .i!i'l best Con „ .V .i any. rrliaUe Miitii.il. My n.^, (Stock ,t)unty and Gore District, Mutuiil »ii Cash. I V, .11-. I..-.-.- V.-tt;-»'4v Agm-s ertly Hu.l :\pall. ••• '»^- In thi .,* .loin.' i;i liiri-'t-. oi-iiitss in tki« .-,! in pii'iir Town or ountry, and BiUa *rpii4i I TO m:'«T. T. ...•11 hawng la-... u,i eiH a.lui-.i-o li.i.u ..- y*^ a ft een I till Tom I ;: ,.-. I ll-.. t':l' '.f '.•• • ' I'" *â- - t"«Jl tljC fv n. ,1. \r .•â- â- 'â-  •• I- â-  -Amj bu.ln.j a.;.tl»iril-:ii.K,: i "**«»M«s,»nl^ ROBT. DA /IS, mil • r,-' ' -n «7" vL' KEUOY. • Iiastpa: u re Wa j e r o o m TM nil. hpntGB!J:D!"nADJO'NGWFACL J .:!•;.; .!â-  i.ti r,' â-  • â- ""'â-  **l»«J»ftB Jo fcaj |\ l;iiiHi:e» :iif i-i \: Mir«*i"ior l»«.,^j,g i 1 I • .â-  I â- â- â€¢ i.nT t a â€" ' .. ':. ,;,... !â-  ;•.â- â-  i I'l .... '^-t. •. I • .:. â-  V,,r- -t.vk ..f all the Latest Style ]0 FEET OF GOOD |ry, BEswcod, Birch and lv£ E Z2 X=S 1 bsT PKiCL^ wiLjL. be p. |3.rvtit3r or O-ood. ippltes Civ'n on Applh ,:• ly... â- '.• • â-  1 1 â- ... lii. i-.iciiivy, Durh 11. IIOO] MARK, lea; ..w v,:i. rt lo ,« !.• r- !. i'il' '""i '"'" "" "'â- " ^» "V.^ ISPROUL ;REAT ANNUAL llRIG SAL FFICE STO: I'avv .Np: II" I II â-  I'iit ;:ir;;r a:; «â-  11 ari-.'viaa dftilT, I I a -ilrted ntfik ot 1 GOODS, rm, MILLII aps and Gxo gerii at an^l un dej NEXT TH8RTY li 1 i4»M:£i-., ..i.«!tJiS I \. ' ii:..' :•-. jT.iiM. .â-  • iij-«.t-Clml h .._ i -I r I J â- â- â- I nl.« of i..j V' .i:.'i uuscrup' ' .-. â-  iiires^ the 1 '•â- '"a.j ri:i r M' ,lri«w ctisto^u ' "" IK .•â- â- â- a 1 ;.!-• :i i- itr"«eat tt, -^ -\ ** •i"ii' rr-. •.-.... I 1 l.iive aiw i,yj TW"" 1^1 I"inly T C»l vest Possible aiidFAKM PEl â- 11 iu St H-k aiiil lor .1.1 a i ^e q laniity o« SEED G t-irow, Rfil Chaff, au.l i.ihir varieuca of *iU-y. Piimt' I'im li. j.uil Clover 8«*l' iiul ev.ry Faimtr in si w cleau ^eed. .1 puri-ua.-;iig b goini ai tiek-. I »m now si-lliiig larj:o (ivauties ot IE LAND It I I J K B » p\ tire Diillert tW everij „He idveeted in it. r Kjality auil iipighborinx Townships »h«U f" ^1 lots at the Lowest Casta Fr'C* J ers, and bought for uett cash at BotM)«» «« I vould also intimate that my IMPORTS:? E ARKIVIUg DAILiI Lnd I will have opvned ont and •how ie 1st of 3est Assorted Stocte ere liberal patronage in the pMt, a it.4i«nt Mnant, R j. s: â- ch 10, i»8?, Mk Ifw^i*' ^twiwmiwa to ja^ *••• "^^ "****** In *^ ^i-t foreign and Pn»»iBdW ootain' "^.^encc. Coonty Bmi â€" ei «. I'2j *^" "" " lwte«tt« FLvanee, »1.5n in t^ """IT* '?!-^4 tiU the end of the year. Ho *^^r.1h. oSi«n o( Se^nbliah- option"" i»d V^/lspon-tible for the years »ub. •ill t«^'^^i comply with the rule.. '"'^TES0?AIVEBTI8LNO: d°o .•50 00 37 50 .15 00 8 00 ,. 4 00 â- ^ ander, first inecrtion.. 60 ^b^eqaent in ef.ion 16 ^^ ten lines, firxt insertion.. 76 "j^d subsequent insertion 8^ l«n lines, first insertion per line 8 I gieb ubsepaent insertion " I rbf flninber of lines to be reckoned by the s occupied measnrl by a scale of soiid rier. Advertisements »*""»' 'P^^! *tions will be pul.li»h«. t.U f"b|d and ^M Moordinjjly. All transitory ail-ertise- |roa-k»" "i* Thirsd«ymormn(?prec«ea- ' jiieir publication. C. W. BUTLEPGE. Proprietor. IHOFESSIONAL A BU3l?i£S3 DIRECTOR/. Ort' Spronle A Carter, PhTbicians, Surgeon Accoucheurs ' c. OKFIC; ifedical Hall; reai1wie« at IvuHdil-! H"*e- â-  )|MW»le. Sept 17.1850. I'T DR. PUROT, â- HTfSICUS. BUROEON. ACCOUCH- «•. £raEsiA P. O. 6 tf. C«9aU E. D. Macmillaii. (mabkdaU! and ncitBAM.) A' rrOKXEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Cli«iic'ry, Convpyanccr, tc. OlTice over lyjiriaud's stoie, Markdale. Money to loan LgM5T terms. 29 ly Chas. B. Wilkes, I Barrister at Law, O'wren Sound. ORICE. â€" Millers's bnilding. over Robin- I i»i»tto'«. Toiilet Street. l-y Frost A Frost, B.^smTEBS, AND ATTORNF,TS-AT Itw. "Milcitors in Chancery. Convey J j„cn. .fc.. Owsn Sound, have re^inmed at J ;iiiA«rton, Office open every Thursday, as I iiwiD Frist, J. W. Fbost, LL. B. County Crotm Attorney. 1 James lUasson, B" ARRISTER and ATTORNEY AT-L.VW, Master in Chancery, Owen Smiod, Sept. 17, 1880. 1-y Jaii«!« l.»iuon, TTORNEY-.Vr-L.WV, SOLICITOU IN ^X CUaurery, Notnrv Puhlic, Ac. Honey loaned at lowest rates on personal knd real e.state. Lands bought and sold. Biiver and seller iutcodaced free of comBiis- lion. DUNDALK. a-ptemWi 21t. 18S0. T Itwt^mttvi $; gait» jtni*. Wm. Brown, rssfEB uF .y.\uia.vGE licenses, Ac, Coiuini.f."ioiirr ill li. R.iic. Couveysnciiij; in all its brancUcs promptly Ittended to and carifully executed. N. B.â€" -Money to Lend ou I'.oal Estate se- nrity. Msrkdalo. Sept. .7, ISSJ. 1-y "W. is. Smith, IGN^vRVL A(iiy,T .^Nl ni:.\rER IN J Nu;.sev .Stock, Wiiii.iiu^foiJ Station. S*pt. 17, Id'^rt, 1 .ilexander Brown, ISSrr.U of Marr agf I.irenaes, Firo and Life Insurance \(jciit. tjoinmissionei I in B. B. ttc. Couvivaneer -an.l Licensed I .\ictioneer for the 'ouoty of Gr»y Farmer3, I Mfrahaiit^, and Ijand Sales. Punctually nt- I t«ivlei ti and charsjHS made verv moderate Pricev.Ue.Sept. 17. imO. " 1-y Oeorse €or»»et, Jr., I \Ni). LO.\N .\Nn .iENXKAI, AiiENT 1 J Ovum .Siiund Mmi'v to Loin at low *:«â-  o: I'n rtst 1' iuiipil jiavahle at tiie • I jf a t. rin of year :. iin.l iitere t ii.ilf year ir ir v^irly. or priiir.ii.i! .md iiit('re-t repay «'»i • Ti instalinents. '^.Viuiuilwr of de.-i -I'l •• I im-oved Farms 'â- ^- 'i!__ 'y J. G. ^iu?. I \0M1SI0N AND P IVINCIAL L.VND I ' .â- ^iirvKvor, DrftiiKhtBMi III a i â-  Valuator. 'fe«fnril»nd Markdale. Having pnrcha f! Prvriacinl Land Surveyor Clmrlei Rankin's «n!ire stock of original Field Notes, Plans. H*port.s, Instructions, Ac, of all his Surveys done within Jhe Ust fifty-five years, I am preoarcd to make Surveys in strict accord- snce therewith. Profiles and Estimate- for Grading Hills. Plans and Specifications for BuiViing Bridges, fnmished on applica- tion. Money to Loan at 8 per cent interest- Orders by letter, or left with O. J. BLYTH. Afsrkdale, will be promptly attended to. Sept. 17.1880. " •' i.y Mr. James J. White, Assistant to Dr. Cameron, Owen Sound. WILL BE AT THE REVERE HOUSE, Markdale, on the last Wednesday in ' Msh month, when he wiU be prepared to per- form all operations required npon the month in the most satisfactory nuuiner, and npon reasonable terms. ly §0UU. REVERE HOTEL, IVABKDAI.E. SPBOUIjB, Proprietor. THIS, popular Hotel haa had a Urge ad- dition added to it, thoroughly refitted, !*• is now second to none in the oonnty. u«od stabling and attentive ostl«r. First- suss accommodation for eommereisl trsval- «s. Trnms •!.•• per day. n-ij RO^iT-AL HOTEL, MBAFOBD. Ont. J- J. McOIBB. FwPSZR«aa. STtrr aMommodation for the tosTsUing Pnblie. Th« bar is weU atoekad with the ebeieest Winaa and Li^tian snd ths bast brands of Cigsn. Free "boa to-anjfrom aB tmioa. Sept. 17, H80. l2_ COMMERCIAL HOTEL PBICBVUjLiB. Ont. ^^*K» and Qommodioita Samplit Booms xxl Bed ilooms, »e. XIm Bv and laidar «eU sQppUed with the faMt tbo aaykat af lords goad Stabling and attentive HaatUr** TH03. ATKIN30K. PnqnMo*. October «lrt. IWo. « QO^IBSiorthe Staaiiazii." tksbMt VOL. l.-No. 31. GEORGE WILSON, BlUJTlciHUnE Mill St., Markdabf, tkcst Ofoe. er Mast Mirarad at any Sept. 17, ISao. J. n. W«kster, LICENSED AUunONKKB FOB THK Coonty ol Orey. tSr LOAX SD LASD AGENT, Money to-loan at lowaat zfttas of intenst.ln cams to suit borrowers. Agent for Fanaan' Loan and Saving Co. All business mattan strictly j rivate. and treated as such. EUQEMU P. d. Sept. 17th ISao \^ T. E. DATia, BOILDEB CONTBaCTOE, (Stoae smI Cnok) Plastering and Country Job*, promptly attendad to. Stonecnlting a Sp^ cialty. Estiniates on aU work, free Satia- faction gijar*nte»d. • • Baudence eomei of Brown and Spronle Streets, Ma u»aii«. December 31, 1880. \^y V ETERI NARY- r BLOOMFUSLO, ' • Ketmnary Suryeoa HAS commenced tha prictioe of his pr» fession in Markdale. and from his long exf tfkience jind ezten.sive practice in England and this conntry, is ensbled to ^aarantee satisfaction. BegulAtir.g Powders, the ad- miration of thousands that have used them, warranted to purify the blood by removing diseases Ituking in the system of horses and eattle, always on hand. Medicines may be procured at his office, over Dr. Spranle's Drng Store, Maricdale. I-t WM. FOX, Plain t OrMamrtal Plnttnr Estimates for stone and brickwork un plication. Satisfaction Quranteed. Baai. deuceâ€" Queer Street, Markdale. Markdale, Sept. 17. 1880. I-t Sbeep and Ja,ttle. FARMERS having good fat Sheep or Cattle to sell, will find it to their advant- age to leave there names and address at Mc- Cntcheon's Hotel. Revere House, Markdale, as the undersigned are still on the war path, and will positively pay tha highest rices. 0. W. A A. SPBSBS. Sepb TTth.lSSO. l.y B. M. Oafbmltk, AUCTIONEEB AND GENERAL LAND Agent, Wiiliamsford Station. Anction Sales attended in all part? of the County. (ii.ods sold on Commission. Rates modei-ate. Pianos, Organs, and Sewing Machines also Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Vines. Agrienl- tnral Implements, and Machinery of all kinda ou le. WUiamsford, Jan. 37, 1881. 20-ly Wm. Lncas Go. BANKERS, MARKDALE, "yioney Loaned IN large or small amounts, at all times. On good endorsed notes, or on collateral seciiriiy. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. AUowed on Savings Deposits. l^Draft.s is°aed and Collections mada on all polBts, at lowest rates. WM. LUCAS ft Co. September, 1880. 2-y Meat for All AT W. B. Sarjent's. The suUcriber retnri thanks to the in- habitants of MABKDAIjE and vicinity for their liberal patronage dur- ing the past five years, and begs to remind iheuj that he is prepared to supply their wants in his line as CUE] ^J^ a? any one north, of Toronto. Frd aai Conei Meats dalivered promptly on reoeipt of ordaxa. SAUSAGE POULTRY always kept in their Seaaon. Special inducements to large Purcliasers 13* Shop on Mill sreett, opposite the " Revere Hotel." IsrCasli paid for Fat Cat- tle and Sheep Again thanking you for pa«t fsTort ha trusts by taithfnl attention to your waata-no merit a continuance of your support. W. B. SABJEAHT. Markdale, Sept. 17th 1880. 1 China TEA Store General dealer in enocERiES k novisiONs, Next to Haskatt'a Hsrdwara Store. Keeps aonatSBttj om haad everything nsnal to soeb an establishment. He woaVd draw special attention to his Teas, Tobaccos Sugars, Which for qnality and Lowness of Price CANNOT BE_SURPA88ED. As pnfBng U no part ot my desire. I marafy •ak intending pnrehasen to give ma • call and be eosvineed that I MEAN BUSINESS,' Sell Lower than the Lywest^ B8 I lutva psuJiaiail te OMh, aii4 hevahed a goad diaaoont allowed, I am in a posMoo to let mr aeatommw tisva tha baneflt a( any inveataMats. rtrftaawMhar tbefOape, awt toBaakatt llasW«)i».M,7,M«. i^ J ohn H, H^intf, WAQOONA. CDLTIVATOBB. HORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS. â- AKB*W AK1 AUkindsof JarmtngfmplewuuU llaBataataiT aa4 Dapoetteiy. srimaBirf FLESHERTON. To mr pAnmM.â€" Always aliaad o( sbt ia mj trade, and Uviag the Isrgeat and mast eonvenient Faetory ia this kwality I am prepared to sell Carriagoa and ImpfemenU of every deaeriptnm in the beat style of any in the market, and at prices as low aa any oe- cording to the quality of the work. Having npwards of twenty years' experi- •nae, I am eonfMent that porehasov wlU gat the advantagd in haviac the vay beat aMfla Partiaaia waatofs eaaiaaaee te|liaMat will do wsU to givB aia a mB, es there ata none ia the maritat whieh will aompaja wMi them ia qnaUty, style and finish for the price. 11-1, H. MEQGITT, FasMonatile Tailor, FLESHERTON. Is prepared to flU all orders promptly. Cutting done while euttomert art waiting. I 6ood PHfioaraRteed. The Latest Fashion Plates always on hand to choose from. I3*llemember the place opposite Bichiard- aon's store. Fleaberton, March 9tb, 1881. 36-mA B. J, McCOY, Agent for the following Implements, Ac: \£OWEft. HARTESTEB. sad celebrated HAY RAKE, (Sharp's.) Wilkinson's PLOUGHS. DICK'S ALTON PLOUGHS. AU. KISD8 OF Fittings and Repdiirs Kept constantly on hand, !\no SEWING MACHINESANDORG-AN FOR SALE, CHEAP. Licensed AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUlVTr. Bills provided aad Sales attended to in all parts of the County. Charges Moderate. B. J. McCOT. Markdale. March 17th. 1881. ^7m3 GRANT CHELLEW, IVf ^4.TIKX.A. LE Cabinet Makers, â€" Aim â€" irPHOL9TEBEB§ a fnU stock of 3P VLXELit-O-Xe 1 ALHTAYS ON HAND. FVMITUREmDE TO ORDER LUMBER WANTED. GRANT CHELLEW. Markdale, Dee. 3S, 1880. 1-ly TH08. MATHEWS, iBKfT fte •r VTAli PR] ?B ^P IS TOUa BOX TO-KTf jBt XTrTTSHES to tender to his numereos VY ctistomers his sincere thanks for their very liberal patronage during the 15 years he has been in the Harness Business in Mark- dale, an would respectfully solicit a continn anee of the same, feeing conflident Jihat he can give fnttre Satw/uction. Kvorythisg nasally kept in a FIBST -CLAf NARRESS ESTARLISHIERT, always an band, and sold a; moderate rates. I^^lone bat good workman empioyed and the best of materials used. Markdale. Nav, 18, 188o- lo. Qrgwi for Sale. A "FTVB OCiAVB OBOAJKnaarly 9tm, J^ oneef CHoai^ A Watrei*«ew Vaal^ celebrated Inatmmenta. Coat »«J9.00 wiU be Mid at agraat reftaetiea «»beva enae. A. W. EATON. MaiMale. Man* 8. ItM. »-»»* "" Public Pi^otiee- OTICB i ketrfv â- Â»?• ,HS: !n raad epea tlM«a •*• »* iOO^-^ ioi, «• tha ted ooi-aaria. W. T. « 8. B.. in iht iuaaahiii ftf ^WiTT^ ' " r°P"»' •*' with era «MMe. Lifeh The "*â- - â€" TTfijMa lit I Aadtad^a OtMyota^ttMi.' lt« otaw worid. vttiopui pona Halting year own delight, fwma. aia reaaoo ia wholly Boo Whan is yoar bey to-night. Bircna are singing on every haad, Loting the ear of voath OiUed lataehood with silver notes D' wneth fhe voiee of Truth Daii y lady ia eestty robes, Year parlors gleam with light, 'â- â€¢â€¢ "ad beanty yoar sentes ateepâ€" Wnare is yoar boy to-night ♦ Teaptiag wliiqten of royal ipoa Flatter the youthful aoul Eagerly entering into 'Ife, Bestive of all oonliol. Noeds are many, and daties steora Crowd an the weary .ight. Fa th e r berried in business oaras. Where ia toot boy to-night T Pitialla lark ia the fiowery ways. Vice bath a golden gats. Who ahaU nuda vha anwary fept Into the hl^eay ctM^tt Patient worker with willing hand. Ke apt B g the home beariL bright, dad mother, with tender eyes. Where is your boy to-night r tarn his feet from the evil path*. Ere they have entered in. Keep him unspotted while yet he may, £«rth is so stained with sin. Ere he has learned to follow wrong, Taach nim to love the right, Wj|di, ere watching is wholly vain â€" ^nero is jone boy to-nightr QITESDSTraL By tht Author of " Hiddm Quicksand*, "A Relentlnt Fat," "Maggi* O'Con- nor's Fortiaut," rfc., de. N' Thawporatien of the towaahip «^ fflaa- elg Bo» heviag aiV tifl»to«» «^»i«S^ •^ Mi. «U set he MagaoaiUe *r eafle- aitel tte« ri*T aigpi ftoe a ald reed. lUO* RBOWir. FCRLAT M t eBjtW "I hope we mav not faeu the ala- rum bell to-night," he said. "I can't get OTer an uncomfortable fweboding abont the family. Coghlan ie to con- fident. Did yon notice that the shut- ters were not even closed when we left 9 Anj one oat side would be able, with the lights inside, to see all oyer the room. And they have only two meu-8erTKDt» iu the house â€" that old butler and a mere lad. I shall adviso Coghlan to hire another manâ€" agood strong fellow." "Better not," replied Tim curtly. •'Those v^ho ho has are trastwortby, both of them. A stranger might let in the White-bcys.' "Hilloa!" exclaimed the ofGcor, stoppiug short. "What is that iu the copse " Tim turned and just distiaguished a gleam of white disappear behind the trcs at the side of the road. "Bridget Mahoney's white cdw," he said, laying his hand on Leiceuter's arm ns he was raising his piBtol. Noth- ing worse I assure you. I h*** ofteft seen the creature here. I aaw-ber as I walked past to-diyr." v The^yoang soldier dropped his arm. "I hopeyon are right, ' he answered doobtfuUy "but I thought it resembl- ed a human figure." "Not a bit of it," declared Tim "only everybody nowadays has White- boys on the brain." Thire was a tiuge of saroasm in his tone' and Oaptaiu Leicester looked around at him sharply. But Tim had no sneer on his lip on the contrary, ho looked gi-avc and even ti-oubied, and his companion turned away in silence. At tlie barracks gate they parted company. Captain Lecister did not invite him to go in and spend the evening with him and young O'Brien a little disappointed â€" for he corted ihe military â€" walked on, muttering to binself â€" "A coneited ass I I wonder if it is the heireess he's after But of course it is I Money and beauty united most alwaja win the day against mere pret- tmeee aad a amftU portion, such as Eva has I But he^ shall never have Glorvina â€" by Heaven 1" Towr «0. «tf. Chapter II. The alarum from St. Kevin's did not call out the military thatnightor the following one, and the household began to forget their uneasiness. Mr. and Mrs. Coghlau "and Eva went into town on the morning of the second day after receiving the warning the father oi business and also to bring back the expected tutor the lady ou the plea of shopping, but, in reality, because they both had an uuspoken dread of loossing sif ht of tue beloved husband and lather. Glorvina would donbtlejs have gone also, had she not yielded to Mrs. Coghlan's entreaty that sl.e would stay at home and take care of the children. The mother wonld thns be relieved of one part of her anxiety for i)eople were begin- ning to dread a repetition of the atroci- ties which had disgraced the rebelion begun by Lord Edwarrd Fitzgerlad and pereaed after his death with revolting cruelty. Glorvina had the children with her all day, aad, weary at last, had left them with the nnrse, when she heard the sound of wheels in the avenue and, thinking tLe family had returned, ran to her room to smooth her hair, disorded in rompmg with the little ones, and then descended to the drawiiig- loofii, confirmed in her idea by seeing a pile of In^ageat one end of the hall. Ob throwing open the door she was startled to fird, not the Cogblns, bat a stranger standing in the room. He turned as the dor opened, and she preoieved that he was a slight, pale young man, wearing spectacles and the dress of a clergyman. He was not more than five feet eight |j} higbt, and a stoopr â€" esosed probably 1^ hiU)it- ual bendiltg ,0T« ^o«kt(*~ratker de- traced from his stature. Glorvina goeaaed at oaee that this was Teddy's new tutor, and -she advanoed to great the Btrangar, who looked shy apd frightened, she thought, aa he preeiv- ed her, "Yon are Mr. Sarddge,! believe " ahe said, BnuHng. "AMbw me to in trodooe myself to yon as GlorTiniAes- monaâ€" Mr. GochWs ward. I sap- poae 70a have aoaieiiow niased Mr. Coghlan, smco yoa have arrived base befeie him. He luJ Mrs. Coghlaa watt into town to-day, partly with the iattatioii ot irtD«tin» war oeaeh aad Yr^ng yoQ i«ek wAb 0am. mmmmmmmmsimBm "If^ CoffUaatoUffloot lifatDtaot^ to do so"' r«|died the straogar, with t any, (Uffident «ir, '«and Ivaitad feu some time â€" an hour at teaetâ€" at tho iun. Tfceii the Laud-lord told mi. ibat poanblj, oweuiua; to the state o the ent^try, Mr. Coghlan might b prevented from coming to town so thought it better to CO on. I hired « car, and came here. But" â€" paosintr » little â€" "a ntha alarmiog inctdeat oocorcd on the way. My driver sang rebel songs â€" chiefly ' Shan Van VojrhV â€" the whole way we came, whispering to me once that he did it for protection. At last we meet four men. Oiie addres- sing mv driver, asked if he had seen Pat Malone iu the town that day. He answ(rud, 'No he ain't been, and he's not a-eomin^ to-day, I hear.' The fellow who had spoken mattered an imprecation and tamed away. Mr driver lashed his horses; then, tamed to me, said, 'The Virgin forgive me I for that lie 1 11 they find it out it's my J life that will psy^or it ri asked, "Did they mean auy harm to this Patrick Malone ' His only answer was a whistle. But I am certain those men were on an evil errand. Do yon now of any Patrick Malone in this neigh- borhood. Miss Desmond " Glorvina turned very pale. "My guardian's name is Patrick Malone Coghlan," she said, "and he has recieutly recieved a warning from Captain Book." The yonng man looked very grave "Then probably ho owes his life to- day to my car driver," he said. "This is an anrful state of things 1" "It is indeed," agreed Glorvina "But pray sit down, Mr. Suiriuge I trust my guardian will socn be home." Glorvina seated herself, p.nd then came a singular pause. Tiie moment the eubjecf Whi;h had interested and excited him ceased being discussod the strangoT became even more shy than be had been on Glurviua's en- trance. He looked away from her, an- swered her remarks and questions in in a oonfuaei manner, and was evi dently thoroughly hncomfortable. Glorvina. accustomed to the bold self- assertion and RSKurtmce of their yonng Irish neighbonrn, wassurpnijed and a little amused at his tshyness. Yet the student who moved his hands, so nervously and lfKked so baslifully away from her was aumittKkaI)ly a gentleman. His face wai refined aud intellectual, tbonj;h uot handsome, and his voice sweet, with the tone of culti- vation in it. Would her riotius chd'l- lover Teddy ever obey one whose manner was so timid and diffident She feared not. Bui other and hea- vier fears wtre busy at her heart. The day was fast waniu?, and the Cugh lang hal not returned. She was beginuig to express her anxiety about them when she beard .aiilUltis sniTl ot wbdole, and, going fo^ttio window, saw, with g!aJ thauk- faluess, lier frifnd.» safely returred. She ran luti the linll to meet them, and to tell tli^m that the tutor had arrived. "Tiresome fellow " cxclamed Mr. Coghlan. "We have been waiting for him this hour !Wo sent the boy up to the i^n to ask him if he would come to- us iit Doctor Duiayne'a. He sent back Vttird that he would bo with us as 60iP as he had found his lug- gage, which he hr.d lost, if we would be kind cuoa;^li to wait on him. We waited tiU wc were weary, but he never came. I did not think it right for Eva and her irother to be out any later so we xent word that he was lo follow ns, and at last set out for home I" 'How extiaordiiiarvl' exclaimed Glor- vina. "He certainly never rucieved any mess.ige. " He told me that he had waited an hour for 601140 tidings of you, and then Kavauagh presuaded nim to go ou iu a car." Eavanagh is the hotel keeper. "But the boy told me that it was Kavanagh who g.ivo him the mess- age " declared Mr. Coghlan. "It is some blunder," said bis wife cm ions to see their new inmate. "Come in and speak to Mr. Snrridge." And, entering tlie drawing-room, fol- lowed by the two girls, they gave the tutor a cordial greeting. He heard with shy amazement of the mc8.sa^e which he hod neither re- ceived nor sent, and no little wonder was excited by tlie incident. "Could it be," diffidently suggested the new tutor, "that the landlord had purposely delayed Mr. Coghlan, know- ing that he would be waylaid " And then he repeated the story of the ear-driver's conduct. Mrs. Coghlan turasd palo and grasped her daughter's hand the father locked grave and puzzled. ••It might be so," he siid slowly "for no one knows who is really in league with the White boys, and Kav- anagh, the landlord of 'The Sham-. rook,' owes me a good turn oeartainly Well your, live» are ia hesT«a;a hands. u .^-j: •. :. t. :- t "But yon shall no! drive into fown again for a manylong day I" exclaim- ed his wife vehemently. " Theref will be no need for some time," he replied. " I have secured a good sum firom the bank, and yon have laid in proviainus for a seige." " That is pleasant to know," said a nob voice at the open doer, and, tam- ing in surprise, thar saw Tim O'Brieu standing there. " How are yoa all f" he added, advancing. I fotmd Con.- nors at the hall door getting m pack- age), so I came in urannounced." " Glad to see yon," said Mr. Cogh- lan, shaking hands. "We bare just rutomed fr^m town, as yoa perceive. Sit down, my good fellow, and yon shall have diuner tooa. It is moeh after the usual ti'ne." '• Well. I won't refuse, for I got bat a snack at Bidd) Latouche's as I oame along." " Mr. Surridge," said their hoet, tnming to the tutor, " will you allow me to show yea to yoar room Murphy will hare taken yoiu luggage to it by this time." Tha vofda directed O'Bden's at- t^ntioa to ihe clergyman be tamed and looked at bim with a eool im pertinence which waspecoliar ioTim; aad Glorvina noticed that, though the tator fta^Md as he met that gaae, b^ r«tnxn«d iis««kdiiy cod mOi digsity then he kft'tfm room wtth bis bosi. ' H^ \rxT ftmm ACHKS. «Mari» sB «hM»«d • I stmnpr, *| wotf tnns Ma:V I M»rk.!n" vi 1 irith CBdM. pMliar *«t unmad S«a axid wenimf-tttSn witk bar lo help bar to rtntoM bar mJkiaff^drQes. Littia Nmdi net tbem •» «ha to|t ol the stairs; aad.. kiaaingBTa na tan by bar sidemto b«r bedroom. •«8o tbat isttie new tutor t" ex- daimed Et»- «'Tedfy viD nersr mind him i He tookev frightened to death wbea ve mdM Id hia." "I am afraid Yeddy wiU leadhim a life I* renwnded Qtevtea, btoghing. "He is 8» shy t He pat me in mkid of Marlow in dear Ckudsmith's j^a^ ot 'She btoope to Oooqner' when he had his first iflterTMW irith Ifin Hard- castle. After one wild stare at me, he never looked into my Gaee «g*in and aftor telling me, wittt eager ex- citement, oi the car-diiTtt's mndt, he grew 00 eonAmed that I ooiddmake nothing of his aeateaees." "Qh, I remember Marlow t" aaid Eva, laughing. "We saw the play acted in DnUm. A fellow who eooll not say 'bo to a goose,' but came oat all right at the end. Bat it is provok- ing of ancle Alfred toeend aneh a man to teaeh Teddy. Ted will never mind him. Ted does not even mind Tim O'Brien. And onele Alfred Isaid this man was sash a wonderlnl and ao learned I"â€" disappointedly. "That may be qaite tme dear. He is probably totally onused to the society of ladies. He has wasted all his Ufe a^ Trinity, depend npon it. But Teddy wonld have better appreci- ated a sportsman than a booktnai)." "And so Konld mamma and 1," re- plied Eva. "Mamma has been say- ing what a protection a stnmg young man â€" a g^i^eman too â€" voold be in the honse to defend papa in case of real danger. But this poor man â€" why, a breath of air wonld blow him away like a puff td thistle-down I A fine protector, truly I" The dinner bell â€" nnasoallT late t'uat day â€" interrupted their chat, to which Norah had listened intently, re- solving to confide it at once to Teddy as she did shortly afterwards, to that young gentleman's profound dbgust. "A fellow like that to come to teach me I" he exclaimed indignatly. "I'll teach Lim. Norah, you may de- pend 1" And hereupon Master Teddy began to devise a trick which was to have much more important results than he dreamed of. All nucousiouB of the designs against him, the tutor badmean- wuile ma^ie his simple toilet, and descendud to the drawing-room. Din- ner woe served soon afierwards and James Suriidge, a silent, or nearly silent, observer, perceived with satis- faction tbat the family of his employer were corteous, pleasant, and refined people with whom it woald be easy t j get on. "O'Brien," said Mr. Gochlan, ae i the soop was -emoved, "have you I'eard of Captain Bock's disclaimer of your father's waming " "No, sir," replied Tim. "Well, a paper has been affixed in the market place, signed by Captain Bock nnd declaring, 'on the honor of an Irish gentleman,' that Mr. O' Brien's warning never oame from him, and that it is for the rights of Ireland and not for the 'dirty gunieas' they are 'np.' " "Oh, I am glad " exclaimed Glor- vina. "It is such a shamefol come down from their pretensions. They may be rebels bnt they are not thieves." "My dear," said Mr. Coghlan grave- ly, "surely you do not rank aesausin' ation beneath theft â€" I mean as a crime of less magnitade " "Oh, no," replied Glovina, "of coarse not But still " "No, no, child," interrapted her guardian, "don't excuse them. They ought to come forth openly and fight for what they deem tiieir rights Uke men, not shoot down unoffending people from behind hedges." "Yes, indeed 1" sigh^ the girl. It gave her a bitter pang that her coun- trymen should thus belie their man- hoed. The^ was much discussion as to tlie new tutor when the ladies returned alone to the drawing-room. Mrs. Coghlan highly appoved of him. " A gentlemanly modest young man," she said, secretly rejoiced that the new inmate of thoir bouse was so little attractive for the sole objection she had made to a resident tutor was that Era might fall in love with him. " ind she is not rich enough to a poor man," she had declared to her husband, "Since the place is entailed on Teddy." {To b« continued, A BAILBOAD DEPOT BUBNED. LOSS TWBVTT TBOOSAIIP DOLLAJU. I- A fire broke ont^ at midnight, on March 80th, in the freight wareboase oftbeQnebee, Montreal, and Ottawa railwaT at Hochelaga, jost outside the city hmits. There being httle water available and only one eunae at hand the flames spread with frightful rapidi- ty until they bad a full grasp of tiie entire boilding. A quantity of powd- er which was stored within exploded and consummated the work of destme- tion. The fire spread to the passenger depot, which it soon reduced to ash6s. An employee of of the railway bad a narrow escape from being burned to death, and owes lus life to the firemen iiom the east end, who hastended to the scene, bot could do nothinfr to quell the flames owing to the want of water. Tbe origin of the fire is un- known at present. The loss cannot be definitely estimated, bnt is thonght to exoed twenty thoosand doUars, in- olnding the goods that were in the wareboase. Both the passenger and freigiit depot! were of wood. A man named FhiUas Prsvoat was killed near the depot when the fire broke oat, by an engine ranning over him he wan attempting to oroas the line. Mr. Payette, iriio was reaesed by the fitemea, ie Arngerooaly injnred. Vral 8«i«Mnca.~11ie aimher ct UrdMt iaaaiagee aad daatiM «egMi» ed far Ae m»f«t namilUw far the »««t thsw aMiamsflafalfewB: Biiibft «h; isalia,liri; wmmdugm.M.TUti^iaw • kmaaatiBalhMnMeui tbA^opn- o UJ cc Me. 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