Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 8 Apr 1881, p. 3

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 s • r 1 ,4' 'if I r: t J J i V rAT THX nOHTBB. tfcaaew itheasU A»t «0« the If«ht «f tapM-, «t dlotttly bgr tte Miliii^ An, ^at think of Us wham «iDck thu ba^ T* waar ••«j dw wtMM. A-td f U th.i4M(7 1* ftntmU â€" HsTc I paiu tLa primUr? Plnin aaot umI wMk, from north and Fmn laads W}«a4 tba wmtu. IIm m^»k}j briaici yen loU of n«wt VMM tmrj nook ind qnartar; X* ria»« on auth toiU mora than ha, •fliwimh nmmtnf beat ana wiidar; B«« aaa y«M far a Bomeat, tlian. Masieet to r7 tb« priiataif Toar other btUa roafroaytlr fagr. Whara«ar jo« do go. air; Tha hatter tor hia naat ia paid. For anndria* u tha inroear; Ik* taOar and iha aboamakar, Ika hatter tad the Tiatner, All get their pay â€" tiyn whir neglaet To nettle with tha printer? aooth. rBOBUGATION OF THE LEGIS- LATURE Lwn OF Acts Paebko. ' At the Utj ifcarfioa of th3 Untario liegiitlatare, the fullowiuj^ biUa were â- s«eDted to An act to autliorize the Trnateeit of ' St. AudrswB Church, Williiimstown to BcU certAin lauds. To ftmpnd the acts reapecting tlie Yorkville Loop Line Bail nay Cou pa".y. To authorize the Trntttees of the Uuion Church, of Port ColLnrue, to I aell certain lands. To incorporate the City of St. Thomas. To amend the act to incorporate Knox O-lJpge. T(i orgatuM the manicipality of Nccbiug. Respecting the Canada Mortgage Agency (Limited.) Tj cuoaolidate the debt of the town, of Windsor. To provide for the sale of the rec- tory house and lauds belonging tn St .Yohu's Church, in the township of London. To incopr4te the St. Catherines «nd Niagara Central Railway Cum- panr. Respecting the Hawkeye Gold and Silver Mining Ceinpaiiy. Respectini^ St. Paul's church, ia the town of Woodstock. To transfer the securities of the Anglo- Canadian Mortgage Company to the Company (Limited). Respecting tlie Uacci'tou and Dnu- d.is street railway company. To amend the act incorporating the Lake Scugog Marsh Laudj Diaiuagu 'onipany. To amend the several acts relating ot tho Toronto Grey Bruc« Railway company. Respecting the d tbentara debt of the county of Simcoe. To amend the acts relating to tho CViMlit Valley railway Compitny. To amend tlic act to iuci)rpora!;e the Roman Cutliolic Risijops of Toron- to and Kiugstou, in Canada, i;i eauh I)iocese. Amalgamating tlie Port Dover and Lake Hurou. the Stratford sud Ilurou and the (ieorj.»iii Bav unJ \Velliii;,'t,i)ii railway companies, as tln' (iiiH),! Trunk, Georgian Ray, and Lake i; it- Compiiiiy. Respecting Water an 1 Gas W(rlH at Parkdale. Respecting tlie Phoenix Mutual Insurance Company oi Ouiario. To incorporate tlie»P.jrt Royal Detroit River railway ciuipnuy. Redpcclin;? tiiu .P)rt It iw\»n Lake Shore rail wiiy t- mu[ihiiv. To extend tlid tiiud 1" ^r ihi; compli;- liv)il of tlif- Em- and llu'-u IJailwHj. To ve.st 111 til II A' ' iippjinttd Trustees of tiiL: .Mirni.;' S iirQ"r. of B. H. Dixon, tao priiTl/ tlRTein comprised, an 1 to aiii!i'ri/e thu tale and leasing thereof. Respecting tlio Millaul Railway ol 4Jauada. Respecting the WLitly, P.-rt Pcrrv, aud Lindsay Railway c iupaiiy. To change the naiuH of tlio town of Clifton ti, that of Niagiira falls. lo incorporate the Torjiito Baptist College. To enable the Trustees of Bethel Congregation, of tliu town of Ornuga- ville, to sell ctrtain lands. To incorporate the Po leral Fire Insurance Coiupuuy, of Outaiio. To authorize the L iw a ici.'ty of Ontario to admitFnincis IJew Kccles as a Barrister at-Law. To incorporate the Weston and Duffin's Creek railway. To authorize the village of London East to construct and maiutaiu water- works, and to incorporate said villaj^e as a town. Toamend tlM Act i tf w ti atioB oC ee-ffrtoeratuG bosiDsaa Amu. To amend th^ B^pitry Aot. To give 'manufti. effioeocjr to titm lawB a;ainst illidt Iqnor s^ihag. Respecting snow feoeea. To makvpnvmoa for the admiai trfttion of jaetiM iB«ko«oQaty of Dur- in. To make provision for the safiBtf of railway employees and the public. For protecting the public interest in ri^era, streams and ere^ks. To amend tbeOutario Drainage Act For further improTing the Hebool Law. BeepMting the Univenity aol Cd- leges at Toronto. To amend the Act respecting the in- specting of Asylums, Hospitals, Com- mon Gaols, and Beformatohes in this Province. To amend the act for protection of inseetivorons and other birds bene- ficial tu^agricoltare. Respecting returns reqaired from incorporated companies. To amend the Act respecting the sale and mana^ament of tunber on pubUe lands. To give increased s'abdity to muta- sl fire insurance companies. To amend the law respecting the reitistratiun of births, marriages and deaths. I'o farther provide for the release •r dower of married women in certain caes. To extend the powers of the Law Society of Upper Canada To make further provisions respect- ing the Cential Prison, the Andrew Mercer Ontario Reformatory for Fe- males and the Industrial Befoce for girls To extend the powers of oompanies incorporated nnder the Joint Stock Cmpanies' Letters Patent Act. To incorporate; the Saalt tit Marie B'llway Company. To further ameud the Bevised Statute respecting Mortgages and sales of Personal Prop»rty. The Municipal Amendment Act of 1881. Respecting the appointment of guar- dians for iufants. To regulate the fees of certain of- ficers and others. To prevent the spread of the Yel- lows around peach, nectarine and other trees. To amend the law secnring to wives and children the benefit of assurances or the lives of the husbands and parents. Respecting aid to certain railways. triUi ail thttr Irisk tbeas divurbances Ia«h»«at." And tbsM diatoAuwes created -by vile potitieal agitors, •Uiowd Glnmna. "Tka pwfkate a generous, hotfaaaded. patnotie race, ai^ wicked raea take advantage of tbeir very virtoes to lead tbaas '^U» iraiSTOFFEHIL Fire anil and Edward Respecting the Prince County Railway Company. To incorporate the C::atham and Charing Cross Railwiiy Company. To authorize the Corporation of the city of London to sell certain lands. To amend the Act respecting, the Trent Valley Railway Company. Respecting the debt of the county of Lennox and Addington, and '.o enable the taid county to consolidate the same. To vest certain lands in the town of Woodstock iu trustees, and to author- ize a sale of the same. To legalize a certain by-law of the county of Frontenac and the sale of the debentures issued thei euuder. To change the name of the Sarnia Gas Company, to confirm a bylaw of the town of Saruia, and to extend the powers of the said company, To change the name of the village of Petersville to Loudon West. Relating to the iuoorporation of the village of Brockton. Bespectiog the Georgian Bay and Wellington Railway Companv. Bespeeting the village of Millpoint. Bespecting the Waterloo County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, f Ontario. Bespeeting the Credit Fancier Franco- Canadian. To amend tha Charter of ineorpora- tton of the Viotona Rolling Stock Com- pany, Ontario. To amend* the acts incorporating the Toronto Oiavel Bad audConoreie Company. Bespeeting the Grand Junction Bajlway Company. Further to ammd the acts relating 16 tbe Hamilton and North Bailwar Company. To eloss part of a eertAin road a' l«wane« between the township of SiaoCbn and tlM village -of Ports- To eonflrm certain assessments of the m^ of Kingstsn. Bsspacting «he T(nraBt6 and Ottawa BaihNkv OMspany. To coaaolioate the Sopehor Coortr, sstoWishing anniforma^jstem of pUad OMi aad praetiee; make farther pcov isian for the doe aaministration o/ JQttiee. ToaaMsd tha Tor r.' i,f r.; ia7o By tht Author of " Hidden Quiektandt, "A Helentleu Foe," "Maygie O'Con. nor'a Fortunes," Jc, efc. Chapieb I. The sun was settmi; over a broad and gleaming Irish lake, which re- flected its I adinnce in a thousand ilimphn,? wavelets that formed a path of light across the water to the W3st. To the north lofty hills were veiling themselves in the purple mantle of evening, though here and there a bold projection caught a rosy flush from the departing orb. Trees grew down to the lake, and wdlows dipped their ilroopisg hraclics in it. In the dist- ance wore thickly grouped woods and scattered hamlets sent up thin lines of smoko into the air. Over all this was the glow and richness of early autumn. Bineath a great Irisn oak, the huge mots of which sti-otched nearly to the lake, were seated a merry paty of young people, whose voices ami laugh- ter broke plea.santly the stillness ol the hour and place. Two ladies oc- cupied the rough wooden seat that surrounded the trunk at their feet re- clined a young man in shooting costume, his gun lying near by .him. Beside the elder of the young ladies stood another gentleman, a handsome diftinguislied-lookiDg man.-v.with the air of a soldier. Not far off two child reu vere playing â€" a boy of about nine, a girl of six. One of the ladies was a brunette, with a warm, glowing complexion, dirk large bright hazel eyes, it regular features, and a n^erry arch expression of face. The other â€" ptrhaps a year older â€" was taller, with a complexion of cream aud roses, rich auburu hair, and those wonder- ful dark-blue eyes, with long black lashes, which are the peculiar beauty of h«=r countrywomen for Glorvina Desmond was an Irish girl. She was undoubtedly as beautiful a woman as artist ever strove to depict. In repose her face had rather a sad expression, for, as her young com- panion seated beside her used to say, Glorvina was like an iEolian harp, responding to every air-wave that passed over her, wnether grave or gay; and just now she lookc^ansions and sad, for the times wore Troubled, and she WHS patriotic and reflective. But when she smiled her face was bright' ened with a light that mode it inex- pressibly brilliant and bewitching, and, had she not been the heiress that she was, she would still have wielded a mighty power over men. She was very rich. Both father and mother had died in her infancy, and she bad been adopted and brought np by her English mother's brother, who hcd died three years before and left her to guardian 'hip of a ooasin of her father, Mr. Coghla.^^tbe owner of St. Kevin's Priory. His danghter, her devoted friend Eva. was by her aide. The re elining sportsman was yonng Tim O' Brien, a neighbor and an old friend Tbs other gentleman was Captain Leicester, of tiie â€" th Hussars, which regiment, with detachments of Marines, and even to the Guards, had been sent to Iielan^ tueodeavour to ke«p tn land Crauqail for the Whiteboys were a Boaree of terror, and neither life nor property was aafe m theonhappy, though beantiJtil island. The girls had been disoasaing lb* sabjeot of tbe troables; for darger wss drawing near their own home. ••Pai-a," said Eva, "foond a paper Western 'tack on the hall door this mming. It had a coffin rudely drawn opon Slid told him to prepare for death, since he oould find no better employ- ment than serving ^e. pnemiss of his eonotry. It wmt,a^^^ HJaptoia Rook.' " "I expected they would attack hha,*' obasrved Tim, "for he has b«te siettiveia sorpree jing their meettags and be being tha magiskate who mad tbe Bio* Aot bafor tba soldiers ired at Cf%Mai was, of ooatas, an u pambuabiaoibafoe ta tbaiceyeA ' "Bat U is shamsM, " Bta w emimkf, "I think they have jnst eaose for eoroplaiut. As a nation,- we have been lor eeutnries ^st ematically ill used hj Bafdand but it is not by secret societies or asaassiaatioBs that Ireland's wrongs aoa b* righted. It is her deadliest enemies who saggest sneb a aearse. "And what will Mr. Ocgfalaa do. Miss Desmond " asked Captain Lei eester anxionsly. "WiU be not move his family to DaUin " •No I think not," shs repUed. '*It would not do to obey the orden of such people it would make them a hundred times w»rse. If one loyal gentleman were to fly at a threat, everybody would be served with one of Captain Bock's processes, and the coontry woidd be left to the ^nUte- boys." "Tes. Of conse he onght not to leave bat Rarely, yoa ladies- " Do von think we wonld leave papa " iuterraptedE va indignatiogly, "Not one of ua would do so; would we, GJorr?" "No, indeed." responded Glorviaa. "My goardian will tako precautions, but we ahall not leavd him; indeed he treats the warning with contempt It is Mrs. Coghlon who has had bolts and bars pat to doors hitherto ignorant of them. "But, surely," said captain Leicest- er, "it would be well to have soma of onr fellows at the bouse. Would Mr. Coghlan permit me to stay there with a few men " "You can ask him replied Glorvina "and we are obliged for the oifer, Captain Leicester but I don't think he will accept it." Here tbe children mterrnpted the conversation by rush- ing impetuoosly up to them, Hon ex- claiming â€" "Eva will you speak to Teddy and make him give up my ball " "Eva," exclaimed Teddy, "she gave it to me, and uow she wants it back again " Eva lanxhed, and said that Nora ought not to ask to have a gift back again but that, as she was only a little girl and he a big boy, she thought it would be more manly if he returned it. "And I, "added Eva, "will buy you a new crick-tball at the fair next week in place of it." 'I hope my tutor will play cricket with me," said the boy, as he gave back Nora's ball to her. "Do you think he will?" "I dare say he will," was his sister's reply. "Is he going to have a tutor at home," asked Tim. "Yes mamma can't bear to part with him â€" after poor Dan " â€" with a sigh. Little Dan Coghlan had been killed at school by an acci- dent in the playground. "Papa has engaged a clergyman to live with us to teach Teddy." "And the Parson is not alarmed by the possible danger of his position here ' asked Tim, laughing. "No papa told him the country was disturbed bu*; of course, he knew it. He is an Irishman from Dnblin Uni versify. He will not be afraid." "I should think not " exclaimed Teddy. "Fancy a grown-up man afraid What wonld Glorvina say to that Why, do you know, she means to marry the bravest man she can find and I want her to wait for me " There was a general langh as Teddy drew up his little figure with the air of an infant hero. "I really think I will wait for you, Teddy," said Miss Desmond, holding out a small white hand to him "yen are such a darling I" "Thank you. Gloryina " cried the boy and, turned to her, he threw his arms around her neck and kisfed her. "I will make haste to grow up and deserve you " Glorvina, releasing herself from his embrace, rose. "The sun is gone quite out of sight," she said. "We had better return to the house, Eva it grows chilley now after snpsct. Miss Coghlan complied with her re- quest, and they turned homeward. Captain Leioesters by Eva's side, and Tim O'Brien by Miss Desmond's. "And so" he said to her, as they walked a little in advance of the others, "yen mean only to wed a hero. Miss Glorvina I'm thinking I would take service nnder King George, if it would (pve me a chance of winning you I" "Being a soldier does not necessari- ly make a man a hero," she replied laughing. "But it giyes him an opportunity of showing if he's one or not I Tell me, should I have a chance with you if I wo'e Leicester's fine feathers " "Not any," she replied firmly, thongh lundly "If yon had achieved feats worthy of the Bonnd Table I could not loye yon, Mr O'Brien. Pleaselet us notretum to this sah^e^; it is aselees, and disagreeable I" A frown rested on Tim O' Brien's fiuse. "I never give np anything I have resolyedtohaye," And in spite of your- self, I will win yon yet, Glorvina I" Looking greiUly annoyed. Miss Des- mond drew np her stately figure, turn- ed suddenly back to her companions, and joined them with some slight re- marks about the evening than tak- ing Teddy's httle hands into hers, she walked beside tbem on the grass, and gave Mr. O'Brien no farther oppor- tunity of pressing a suit hehad obstrud ed on her for some tine past in vain, in trnth, Glorvma; was more than in- different to Tim O'Brien she disliked him instinctively, thongh he was a great fatorite witii all the Coghlan family, and Mw treated as a son of the house. She hal a distrust of him for which shsconid searealy aeooant,an Ittittthk a dark iasb *4iitl MoHeaMa ara in iior -iffii Mr. Orr Mksi Rs.€ogUaa "Bm did as I did." rqpficd ber bw- diod â€" 'exhibited hispcwioas eipistie pesa. For my part." sbaaddedjiJrrta^e bench to-d*y; and aora troops '^^ -.^.»T* will be sent for; but tf-'t see tbat they are really re^irefT I tbuk we make to moch of those threats. "Bat thi '«- have been awfully fidflU- ed ra tbeeeee of poor Bcowa and L' Estranged said Captain I me an tm gravely, naimag two agents who htd been reosutlj ebot. â- 'That is troe, and it is a disgrace to the country. Bat they ware. EpglUi- mrn and were extreaiely severe on the tenants. All whobave'been threaten â-  edbavenotaotaaliTeaffBred. -Certain- ly neither O'Brien nor I will be seared away from our homes." "Was the warning to my ther ex- actely like your own " asiwd Tim O' Brien, still looking anxiooa." "Not quite I" UaghedMr. Coghlan. "He is to be spar^ aud protested if he will deposit one hundred pounds â-  for the good of the eaase' nnder the great stone near Creightown village." "And will he do so *?" asked Tim with eagerness. "Of eourse not I There is no fear of O'Brieu'a paying the blaokmail to the rebels. Bat it is a new ideM â€" the only warning with such a clause in it." "If it woold save him and mother from danger, I think he had better pay it said Tim. "My dear boy, it wonld be treaion to do so I No, no 1 H we treat their menaces with ocntempt, the rascels will fcoon give up their foolish attempt to frightening as." "I am not sure that they are mere threats, " persisted Captain Leicester; "and 1 was saying just now, Mr. Goghkn, that I should be happy to bring some of our wen here and re- main for a few lay j till we see li any attempt is mode to carry out their threats. "We are very much obliged fu' your kind ofler," repUed Mr. Coiclilan "but wo could not think of tronbliug you Your prtsecce would be acknoledg- meut ol fear on oar hart. Besides, remember how near thn barracks are to us. Why you must be able to hear onr alarnm-bell if we rang it it can be heard in the village close to you ' "Then pray ring it at the slightest alarm I" said the soldier. "We are always on the watch now, keep in bar- racks, and ready at a minute's notice to go anywhere." Then the conversation took another and more lively turn and, when tea was over, the two young men depart- ed. Captain Leicester had to be early in barracks, aud Tim O'Brien declar- ed that he thougt it would be prudent to accompany him so far. "For" he added "I have my gun, you know, if we should be interrupted." Aud I," said Leicester,, with a quiet smile, "have pistols." As the two ,i*ouug men passed the lodge gates, the young officer glanced back rather uneasily. {To be continued. AliBX f Tva nvtshia^^ ita«w»»~-' ffeadilaa»fcJlaaaM/4j-0»«i5J*»»22^ la â- â- ! nei»«w fort. OaedSlBhSaa aaxi CHEAP CASH STOBB A FULL SUPPLY..OK LOVE WITHOUT NONSENSE. leas^waaiochar baliefia phyaijgaomy, wbteb told flr thai 'J^m's very hand- 'Bom^'faee bore nerertiieless the im- press of a crafty nature. On their retocn to (be bouke, they 4o«i:d tea -ready for them, and Mrs. Ctjgtatan esated-befora the urn. She was a tery pretty vonian. itiil in (he flower oi her ace. Her hariiand, who stood Mjkr the window, was aiaay years «Ber, aad sU^tty lame. Tim' O'Brian was eqtdialiy g t o e te d by both, and Captain Leiieeeter by tbe IkMt, who had been eut'of doors when tbe young soUier called ia tbe afternoon aad walked with the yoang kdics to the lake. "leavyonrbUMr.'na" said Mr. ae tbety sat at XI About two months ago a yonng woman entered an offiice in Justice Alley and took a seat without speak- ing to any one, and it was only after 2 long hours had dragged away that his Honor mquired what he could do for her. "I want to get married, ' was her prompt reply. "I'o whom " "To the follow who has been wait- ing on me." "Where is he " "I don't know. He agreed to he here long ago, but I shant' wait any longer. We'll come in some time dur- ing the week." In about ten days she appeared with a white haired William ou her arm and said, they {were ready to be married, but just then a fire alarm was turned in and away went the lover at the top of his pace to see the fin. As he did not return in the conrsa of an hour tbe girl said she guessed they'd postpone the marriage to another day. On the fonrth day after, the pair once more entered the office bat a law suit was in progress. They sat together, hands clasped and nyea full of love, while the lawyers abused each other, but after the case had hung ont till about dusk they got discouraged and went out, the girl say ing to his honor "Never mind â€" some other day will do as well." "But don't get discouraged " ' Oh no. ' We simply thought we'd get married, but there is no cause for any rush about it." Three days elapsed and his Honor sat looking into the bowl ol his pipe when the pair opened the door, walk- ed in and removed their hats, and tli« woman said "If you haven't got anything to do just now you may marry as, and I'll get back to my sweeping and dus- ting." The eermc^ wnfl speedily bogun and_^nclud{|^4tnd tbe bride turned to ret nme ber shawl with the rmark "William, I'll pay the fee, and you can band it to me sometime daring the month." and she took out a wallet. "All right, Mary. I'll be over and see yon tbs last of ihe week." "Very wellâ€" go 'long, William." She paid the fee, waited for a cer- tificate, and wfnt out with the re- mark "Excuse the bother, sir. but we did think it best to marry, and I'm sure we're quite obliged to oa in ad- dition."â€" ^-Datrott Fret freu. MARKDALE CARRIAdEIORKSn McKENNA MASON HATINpisaaad ihe Wa«gon and Bla^. aouth 8h«9 owned br John Benaoa. bex to inform the PaUie, that that they are ptepared to fomiah aU kinda of VaUelaa aoeh aa WACWIORS, BTCn AT PHCEt Ti IWT TIKTMEta A^ by sain, tbe Beat of MatatU and Good cyeof ea t soaa o Special iM»H«a #i^to HOB8£ SHOBING Qenerai Jobbing ^ST ARRIVED Dry Goods, firoceriiis, BOOTS AND SHOES. ms A SFECITI, ak 1 (Lt 'O â€" â-  As we are doing a CASH BUSINESS, we will not be undersold by any other house in town. BOOTS SHOES A SPECIALTY I*l»ce. Xoii»t Forget tlid BEYNOLDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, 1880. .READ EVERY JI^TOBl). â€" â€" â-  ORE AT • â- *-vs^"^-,-v.-^' MID-WINTER SALE, NOW GOING ON AT W.J.McFARLAND'S o â€" EVERY PIECE OP WINTER GOODS ^vdlsir^ed. -A.T77'a,3r JDo"^77"El- BIG DRIVES! 10 yards ilio't U+i ai' ff )4.-?5 10 TarU Fancy Flannel for S2,50 Men's Fine White Shirts 50 cents Fiue Wool Clouds 6"c, usual price 90 cents. 50 pairs Ladies Corsets 76c, repaoed to ^Of. 3oo yards All Wool Tweeds worth 860, down t«67icmt» c Ladies' Fiue Cloth Mantiea f 1.76, worth %i Extrs Fine Mink MuSn f4, nsnal price $6 10 varuE heavy Black fjustre for 91. SO 10 yards heavy Grey Flannel tS 10 yards black Velveteen for H 20 yarks Linen Towelling for 91 13 yards heavy Wincey for f 1 Colored Velveteens for hall prioe, SO Leather BelU, 10 cents FEATHERS, FLOWERS, HATS, BONNETS. WOLLEN HOODS, SHAWLS AND MANTLES. A Special Discount of 20 per cent, on all puichases ex- ceeding $1, will be given. CO Men's Felt Hats at C5 cents each, 15 yards of Biooada Dress Goods, fS.OO, 1 pair Gent's Kid Kitts, 1 pair of Braces, and 1 Tie, AU, for ONE DOLLAB. Ladies' Kid Mitts, (lined) GO cents. Aud hundreds of other articles EQUALLY CHEAP. EVERY ONE IN WANT OF DRY GOODS At and Below Wholesale Prices, Should call aoou bt W. J. McFARLAND, ^Vliolesa,le aixl Retail. Markdnlo, Feb. 16, 1881. 1-ly THE EUSH. THE BUSH. Thi'ee 'VVomen altei* a. lIozeii Hen^nEcs. SPRING HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE, AND BUTTER RAE In order to make room for their Spring Btoek. offer all their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dress Goods, Clouds, Shawls, Man's Caps, Shirta, Dniwen, Overooota, FUnnels, Ae. KS- DON'T PASS THE PLACeTTwE MEAN BUSINESS. In Tweeds, all patterns. Cottonades, Ducks, Shirtings, Oiaghami, Denims, White ftnd Giey Cottons, Dress Goods, Prints, Hollands, ToweUings, Cdlars, Ties, Braces, Colored and Dress Shirts, and all snudl waie nsiudly kept, llats in Pelt and liarâ€" all pn»m. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. t^ Don't forget that COOPER k SMITH'S BOOTS are Ou only Boota worth buying, and we aro the ONLY SHOP in Town tlutt keep them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL 8TYSES. N. B.-We trust teat aU uuatomera will remembw that we MUST have money If ae- eonnta are not paid by the ISth last^ the BaiU« wiU deal with U.em after that date BUTTER KAK. Markdale, March 8, 1S81. SBLINQ OFF! FALL AND^WINTER! AT AND UNDER COST For Cash^qr 30 Days. Gents Over-Coats and Suits, uMir m uma m sums,' Ladies' and Gents' Und erolot hmg" Staple and Paiasy DiySSoS OP EVEBY DBBGRIPriON AT BOCK-BOTTOM PBICiJS BOOTS AND SHOES ev«ry T*ferr- 1. it }â-  TT VA/X-UX^ rfMKOCtiM â- 2"Otj; MirfMiigl itfn HoM flwM ilissaa M i^^Ww** " equOia* ywir payiMBta. Mr ehaj -^ A»D THBIE COSTS AEE I havB alao a few thousand dollars of PRIVATE MONE^j T_] I â-  Ml iwanniM-*-â€" ^-4 t 7 â€" r eaaL intereat. This i, -^TiSm thi ^hit T Mi*v«» flhaSgeiatbe moM^ market nuTMru gSjkiaiaaXSMinVltrr- n«V to llM ttm* f ^rr%^^A FiMiMiton Real JEstate, fwiifance Agency, IN SU RANGE! for • Stock GtmfVay, at ratea aa tow aa any rebaUe Hntoal. My CompaniM Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock The Waterloo County and Gore District, (ICntiud aad C«ah.) COMTCTAMCllfe. D*ds. WiUs, Ljaaae^ertgage* Agre n*.t,. a»vi notion and work C*r«Ctl7 " l««««ly done. In thu li,., ineraaaad tai ia itoreaaiiig, I am now doing the largaat basuies, in -.helBt^^ A UCrriOBI »A£iE8 attended in either Town or Country, and Bill, u^.. j A Siarge; alfo.aUneeâ€"ryBtoakiandStampi. "'•"« LAMBS FOB SAIE Alf» TO BElfT. To any having la:Hi*u,jj,^ offer a SiplcndM ekaaee tO' adrertiae. It don't eoat y ou » cm u]j j^. •old. andyon ean withdraw at any time. I also reali ze better price: i].i,„ ^.^ ^^^ tbemaalTaa. Correapondeooe aolioitad. In every department ot my b-j.,n£,i rl eareiWacfMk. conrectaess, aad tetr dealing the prou^i .»utsatntesani( aa loa as any reliable man. ROBT. DAVIS, Conreyancer, (Mmmissioner in U. t, urd r, â-  Flesherton. Feb. 9, 1881' REMOVAL REMOVAL,; The nndersimed wishes to inform the Public Reneially. that he has jiarclissei t e*atr»l ot the ' FLESH-KFtTOrS' STEAM FORNITORE, AND SASH AND DOOR FACH AND BEMOVKD TO THK Furniture Warerooms TO THK NEW AND COMMODIOUS BRiaK BUIOING AOJOING Mfi Where my numerous customcr- will always find me. iir a rnn:eif -s'nisitt ^i and attend to their wants Mjr faclUtie* are ««»• Saprriorkt /^.^J commenoiuff busineaa, and I trust by lionorai.le di-4linc to merit a coasun n/l patronise ao Uberallv b^^towed in the pa-^t. ^-O I have now a Large and Varied Rtoek of Furniture in all the Latest Styl and dnrinff tbe Winter I reqnire 100,000 FEET OF GOOD Bntterant, Cherry, Basswood, Blrcli aM: 3 B X=3 I for which THK -HIGHEST PEIChl "WTLL BE P. -A-lso SL Q\a.aa=Ltit3r of O-ood. T=i ALL KINDS €F SASH, DOORS, MOULDING, ETC AS CSUAL. P Estimate of supplies Given on Applicaj 13" Don't forget the Warerooms arc removed next dpor to the Factory, Durliiaj H. HOOl Flesherton, Decmber 23, 1880. STOP. MARE. LEA] And then yon will know where to ko to Ret tba beat valae for yonr ModrJ R. J. SPROULEl GREAT ANNUAL CLEAEIG SALE! AT THK POST OFFICE STOE -O In order to make room for heavy Spring Imp irtatioaa now mtrtt'mr. ""l^' 1 ""j redaeing my proaeut large and wUl selacted and assortKt -lock of fiENERALDRY GOODS, FURS, MILLIM Uv:i r.,;,V BOOTS AND SHOES. fiats, Gaps and (jicoosm TO THE LOWEST POINT POSSIBLE, and in order to do so. Will Sell at and Under CO^ FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAY^ rk-lW The stock ia all aew* W^ell boagllt, anl wrll wortliirr â-  la OBOCERIES yon wiU find evrTtttiaxjpn'ii-st** ls«* Aa I do not pnraoe the eanrse of some ij out jnHay Mtin ::i' â-  " •' lagea, of sandiig eat numerone samples '^r^f^iap trash (»iiu u-jmUI"'"'"' tiona) outside oar natvai liusinecs relations, in order to i.ui.i-.s- li" l""-*"' not proparW treated by their mor« bonon-ble dealers, an^l 3riv i-;?: '-^ 'f^* Yon WiU find everytWas that I soil Ja»ta« I reprr!«fnt it. *^ '^!. as yuu can poasiWy get for your money aay^wbcre, a* i have «.*.â- Â» £»â- ' '•'** daalinv is the only true coarse lor a basineaa mau. My Qrooehes aie al! beugtit lur strictly nett cash, eonsc.:n"nvIv ' ram «33 The Lowest Possible P^puc^' For CASH and F ABM PBa BUT NOT FOIt CJIJl^nlT- o I baTa alao in atoek and for sale, a Lir^e q laii.i'.v of PUBE SEED GBj Bach aa White Boaaian, Glaagow, Bad Chail. and other varletips of laf^'n Pure Ckan Peas, Oata and Barley. Prime Tim thy r^d Ulovcr Set; »* Seeds, and aa it pays each and ereiy Farmer to e« w oleau teed, yoa " paying a few eenta extra, and porcMaing a good article. I am now «»m"g larga f nanties oi COAKSE LAND Sj F- O «. IMEANURE.,, WbUh win pay ervy Twatat Fim DoOenffr mtrv out idveeud in it. ^f that orary Farmer tUa looaUty and Mi^beaiag Townships shall ti}' Mlliilg in ive aa! ' Unrd lota «t tba Laweat C««k Pricr J^ljT diiaet bom tlM Maaataatoraa, aad boiMdrt fw nMt ea.di at Bottom Pn**' o 1 would alw iatiaMita that my SPRING IMPORTATI* AHE ARRIViRa DAILY. Aad I wOr bam«f«aad oat aad riiow On Th© Ut of Ap" Onr Of J^lj««^^«t«a4B«rt AlWortadStooka arer brought i^^l J9»mt*Mtor Bbera! yatoWMg* » tha paat, and aolieit'"" *••• :• :toan«nt. be early maila. t aad Proriaeial Dty BaBiaaas, a InatraetiTe _iee. %l£0 in thras montba, rZl tba -id ol «»• J***- Ko taaaA ^itH aN arreagea ar* r~^f^M||aB of tbe pnblish- ^^aaiagM»r« without parine ^ll^Moaitble for tbe years sub- '**S ^iiBy comply with tbe mle«. 1TK8 ADVEBTISINO ....$50 00 A, 87 50 4a .15 00 4o «00 do "« Iwnder, fintt inaertion.. 53 Mjnent in-e^.ion !• 1 lines, lirxt insertion 7.v I attaeqaeat in^-ertion 2^ liaoe, first insertion .|er line B I anbs«'p«ent insertion " imber of linp- to be reckoiie.1 by tb* apied mea-sureil by a ncale of solid r. Advertisementa withont «P«!i^^ ont will be puUi«b«-\ till for*"l """ lacoordingly. AUtransitonra.! -ertisj-. Bit baL the oftee of pubbcatiot. by .A on th« Thur«d«y morninn preceed rpablication. C. W. BUTLEDGE. Proprietor. lONAL A BUSINESS DIRECTOR/. PrHraU Drs/ Spronle 4c Carter, Lfclolana, Surgeon-, AccouciiGU' si ' c. rFIOS Medical HaJl resM-iioe r.t U HOBM. dale. Sept 17,1830. 1 y "dr. pfboy, ICliU. SIRGEON. ACCtirCHJ tXNU. P. O. 6tf. $r0al. E. D. Macmillna. (KAKEDAfj! and pritllAM.I JENEY-ATLAW, S(»I.U ITon i:| DCry, Convpyancor, dc. OlV;"' «iv ad'sttoie, Markdale. Money tu I. terms. „ 2'J II Ckas. B. Wilkes, »r »t Law, Owen Souni PICE. â€" Millers's Imilding. over Robiij PouUt Street. I-t Frost A Froftt. fcxBBlSTEKS. AND ATT0I1XF.VS-A| r, •oloitors in Cljniiidv. .i.\i ,*e., Owen Sound, liavn re-iii:i!) on. Office open cv,.iy TUiir-.Uy, 1 Fkost. i. W. Fb.st, T.L. [Coanty Crown Attoniev. 1 1 Jaaaes IVa*«on, ^ABBISTEK and AT TOnNEV AT-LA] Maater in Cbaucerv, Owen Sound. apt, 17, 1880. 1-1 Jaxae« Lmiuob. TTOKSEY-AT-LAW, SOJ.ICITOU Cliaucpry, X.it.irv I'liMir, iVr. â- oney loanfed at lowest rates ou jtr-ni real estate. Lands bonftbt and so| f,,J aeller iutrodaced free of comi DUNDALK. Qber21«t, 18W. isuwrr* ft innii Ai;rnt| IFafc Brown. IB OF ICABRIAG !â- . LIC EN ommiaaioner in 11. It. £c. iveyaneine in all its branWi's |v,m: ' 1 to and cirefuUy exwatod. B. â€" Money to Lend oa iieai K^' 1; rkdale. Sept. i7, 13:«J W. Ms. Sni:l)i. [GNEEAL ACfiiNT AXI» I,:ai Norsey Stock. \Viiji.im-rr.J SlUioJ •pt. 17, 18'»0, Alexander Rrovt ci. !â-  JSUER of Xfarr :i;:f I,i-i-i.e-;. Life Iu-*iir.iii..v \;;.'ii! i';i j:- .rl B. P.. c. Oiiavi vaiie'r 11 n I I. etJonef r for the Con'itv o( (ir«v l-'a •bants, anil Laud Sales. Puuetiiall^ ndec to and ciiap.;. s iiia.le vrv i:ii.iei| [PricaTille, Sejit. 17. IHi.l. if Geon;e Torhot. Jr., AND. LO.\N ,M ,KN :i!\l. A Owen .Snun I \£»ii-v tn l..iiti kta^ of iutervst l'iiue:|il! |WV!,'rii,. Id of a term of yesr ;. .in 1 'it Ti- t ^. [or yearly, or prin%;!iil ml -nt^-r ii« in mstalments. |*^"Annuilier of do' I'l I â- â€¢ ,-\ »ak. J. G. '»:mz. |OMIMIOK AND P iVlS I ' onrrayor, Irnii.'br !i i-i 4» 1 V.. "H aad Mark.liile. ll«.viiK i^'ir. onoeial Land Survivor Ciiirli-- !: • '""B atock of original ri-l.l X'.;. ll 'ta, InRtructiuiis. Ac. of .ill In SiJ witbin Ibe last fifty-live y.:ii.. enared to make Siirvr-ys in str.ci .1 se tberewitli. Profiles and l.si Grading Hills, Plans and Sj).vilir Bnilling Bridges, funli^lle.l on an n. Money toLoan at H M e -It :utj â- r?*" letter, or left Willi (i. J. HI. rtdale, will ba promutlv atteudea to [8^«t. 17, 1880. ' ' • 9rnti0trj{. sir. James J. irkiie, f Aaaiataut to Dr. Cauuion, Owen .Sod BE KT THKUEVEKE Hoi Markdale, on llie la-t WeJm-i.lJ Bontb.wben be will l^'iTf par.ii t.i iall operations r(-i'^ircd iiikhi tlit- ns tha most satisfactor} niann ble terms. ^tUl*, SEVERE HOT1 m.4KKDALK. •'SPBOULiET- Proprit THIS popular Hotel Las had .1 i:i dition added to it, tborouKoly ia now second to none lu the atabliug ond attentive ostler. aeeommodation for commrrciiul Terais 91M» per day. tO^iTAL HOTJ MBAFOBD, Ont. J. MoGIBB, PaoPB ' aeeommodation for tbe tr^ Tbe bar is well stocked Wines and Liqaars and tl) J of Cigars. fn» 'boa to and from all trains. 8qit. 17, 1«80. 'COMMERCIAL HOTJ PRICEVXL1L.E. Ont. Xiina and aommodioiis Sample aad Bad liooms, Ao. Tbe Bai and| aappliad witb tbe best tbe 1 llCMd Stabling and attentive Hd THOS. ATKINSON, Pro| JJaMtK Slat. l«)*o. MWpBTBB lor tbe 'Sumiard," i^ar 1m tha eoiint;.

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