Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 1 Apr 1881, p. 2

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 o 37,0 ^li the Fiesherton Age a^ l and 10 percent. int€ waut to buy mors J Iprove more land Ot to burriiw of the [aiiadian Moi ].iu:ijize your payments, nor i M K"' the mst rea8onabl« bv ItO'liiiL,' mom V, COSTS ARE iiig spwiaU/ la^ge- loans, oBwom ew thousand doUa E M O N md at 7 per cent, interest. KoRlitih and Scutch ca)Mta!i tliaiigv lu tho moiu'v market |iv ii tho time to b«i !eal Estate, tiZ? ince^ Agency. ^^^ RANG :^' Mirers thiit tlirv select a liiesstlirou^di a reliable Safest iiti.l Best Co'SI â-  Hy f^ niiy rehn'ilr Muta«i (Stock ' ^v and Gore District' • I -vi fills I..-i-,-i. rortt-!»({eF, l-...„l.\,.atly,l„.,e.. Inthlgliu, ;,'eat biisiiieas in illittll.- liU-L .itl. â- nil ro tbesiii^ -T Town or t ouutry, aud BiUi 1 Stamps. i-i?" ir«M.^ RE-^'T. To nnv havic :• 1^' 111 .• iLlonCcost ^out 1 alM) realize littt. r prices tLa i^ 111 every .1. |iii,tim nt ofi^A;" I air d-nlins tl'e pruminefl|jLg***" I BT. DAVIS, â-  '0 I EEMOVALi ^•lilroi .f the f'l'OX S lliat Lf han i ' pircliaa«4 (Wa ASH AND DOOR FACIi i:i-i|..\.M. I. TIIK Wa reroorns â-  illK BU.'OINH AD'O'NG TH? IitiOH :ii«- now •:â- . 1.. I,...,) 341 (I rMM* \. â- ..â-  iilesmaa t» â- Mip ii«r to • II,. 1.1 fi of contiauiM H [1 the Latest Styl EET OF GOOD i'^mmi Birch and ^eicl: wili^bje paip. MORS, MOiJlDJMfi, ErCn |es Given on Applicatr I'ellijvi I i„ Kaotory, Durham II. IIOOPE] G OFF! 1 1 D WINTE for30Dayl| ^its and Suits, ilWO SHiUVLS, nis' Under clot] mcy Dry G(" i'K^i;ii'iiii\ \r ^B SHOE iJiety- CHEAP. ^LIA- -LOW PRIGESat tb« Wm- BROWH. iTi il's ^ay- Wednesday niljb I, roost lobue^rs hard on beo depcnil ooming ID A leir chi Mie verj ahâ€" â- Â«.» Applj at tlii* oc*. ttftnudciirf ^m^i9n.M of and luainipftted W., tip tiii* oft*, wWteow the **TP«3; '??vSS/2Ji %eek he hM oimmA teSTjBn* in SilTerplate, EMrec.^dl^M, 8 Ac, ud still tbetv** steieliy Thoss who wisk to i«k«' •4ni»- tage of tue extra eclitidi^ we intaud U Boing Dcxt wtek, viU p^M^ baotl, ' their adveztiseoteats, not laMr. t2«;) Moadayooon. Mb. J. H. Brownell, coUaekir of Customs, Kioeardine, haa^ieaigAad that office, and parpoaea gobif h^ to the newspaper profeaaan. Ha ,aad ifr. W. Bastall, jr.. ha«a panhaMd the Orangeville Adtfrtitmil Mb Alfred W.ird, W 182 con. t West of foroDto aud BydeiihaiirBoa)!, ha^.a thorough bred' short homd Bujl for services. Fannert wiahing to improve their breed of cattle atniild patronize him. â- "".• • Us. "Caatonne" Mie^ir»e'(Ji.if« all kinds of maohiaecy.it ie also ex- cellent for hacoeaa a«id leather, mak- ing it water and wcathar proof- For iT tailor: C. A. dWBN^ Fashionable Tall! the Tailorinr to i, "" â- â-  M»Farlana-a â- Â«â€¢!• I ro,^ l7"' ""â-  ""»"" "f M«Ua roun,l,„„ eonntry. that he-^ ' HLL ALL ORDERS Promptly and Xastiiy'j C U T TI N X)one whUe Castomew ai« i THE LATEST FASHION Aiwayg on Land to cboaa i A Good FlFGoi plcBtitlf If* c»'"t^. Ijarge Bjttle lakiL" -* ^^ stan'l still he toil iiiaki" its influence L r t strike.^, the wind is, â- flu liir,"' imrcliasL's of so far. liiive n Dt proved a i/eijjrestiiunt. iBEiiis of rciipors, mowers birnwfliii't" prefer '-Cas- ;laui- I'll to any otiier, it iiini. -• ai, or elculiaut, uUil ii"t to "um. pni; f'lr J^utler Lvmpnrifvera.Bn.poTK Br.oon piily AtAu^K tii Siillov |ff-W- health anil beauty. ,. Buivil" ii'I~ promi'tly on the i.lmys ml .strungtUeus tJie iriw) hy .Vir- ouM or lioL.r.il li tuar I'lU),".-: i for n TiLil isl u oiry M leiiis, Lur i ISottle UHci..suutIi, ^irincrly \l'in' foundry in Cl.irks- :itfi'l Miici'lo ;il htiivncr liJi^t.|) ccasiilwasad.i.ted lit nil -i siljir MIS -A qnii t l.ilile man, it oood vkurk- L'll eijiineeteil. His niuaihs lt"Mo;if(ir I.WLiLliis family \. I'iitun. M( BiiAT.vET, E.sq., oi the :.f J^roton, hns iiistrncteil, Mon.,iv to soli by Public .\\m\ Uli at Ins residence, rm t(itk, iui\iliments o. iihivsr:s of jii'i and under, iiii:t li luoiitli-i credit hy ilit- iicclnsiiv iiapor. (as f on ijuitc a raid c.^m- iliv Ji..'ii mosts laff. As (.â- ail liiirii, all wliii kvui) hens tnii to a si'i a ti r iir lessor |iii.' losciii^' as many as 2.5. Inns nro layiii"jiist now, I M lions. It (iiiolit to civate H. liowevr, when Fuxls are )niid]y. IdniKR Esq., of Pricovillo, but recently entered intu I fully understand th 3 value Ink, as evidenced hy the liostiis he has ordered. uan is bound to succeed. Ire woiili readinp, and hav- liiiu ilo lis he requests you, fpcct 111- stock, and doubt- nil tiii.i tilings just as he re- llieiii. fit HiroTiir ilisense m liicli doctors Itiifiiri-, liiRixieK Bi.iioo BirrERs M ii u'nnti'-t triumph. All dif- il. I.;\i 1 mill Kiilnevx, Scro- I oil CASTOBINE ' oiJa, try Haskett airin" a specialty, at vours and have it KiPiWt" is sold by all r^, positive remedy for â-  Wood. ' .«i- I h«« » couple of span of sale, together with ' See hand bills. jers for "Castorine" fgad see that the barrel J.istoriue," as none other 1 lieen several taflfy polls, i| tLinkR it small he didn't |e sas, h and nis girl are ffj'taffy puUing. Ir.n far works have secured I buld five hundred cars jda Pacific railway. Tlie Jill Ic about $100,000. _\riy become a HoileriRR mar- riien Bl-bbock Blood Brr- cire the e* ise of all "aritic-s lor Jervon.t Headache, clenus* ^,Tn.ite the Secretions,, relieve ' sale by dealerg. J th: Bowles, parify the Slood, '»; "vftj anil tone up the Nervous Haotaw)' Pectoral B«ltaA;«.|Mr g heiidarhewillbe uii- reliev.ea tke BMMt diatreasing eotiah, aiul a twentjr five cent bottle ha« cnredmapy a sufferer from Asthma, Bronchitis. Croup, Inflnenza, HoaraeneM and BoT«nes4 of the ^aat. It ia the crand specific for all throat and complaint* leading to oonsomption. We are pleased to note that Mr. E. D. Macniillan, of Durham, has opened a Law office here, under the manage- ment of Mr. D. P, Maomillan, late of the Hon. Stephen Biehard'a office, Toronto. Theue is nt the steam saw mill over 500,000 feet of hardwond and about the same amount of soft wood saw- BfsTFK, Esq., Piicnville, ' hgs. The i-roprietor, Mr. Chapman, ro.i,i,li pobtei-s,that he can ' driving it to its fullest capacity. He rliuiiiy b^ii;,'aiiis to his ' is sliippinj? almost daily to Toronto, pniig j,'o' 1.-^. lie is ul.so i ^^htie there is a demand for all his ,sur[ilu stock. TosoNT ), Gaisr, AND Bbucb Railway â€" The traffic returns of the Toronto, Grey, and Bruce railway for the week ending March IDth amounted to $6,- 807, an inorease of $1,238, or nearly one fifth over the corresponding; week of 1880 The inoraase was chieflv in freight. " 1 â- â€¢ »;• w. ...^ ...,. "Haii. boauteooa, Louateons. abutsome Spring" â€" this was Hark Twain's prize poem â€" but the 'ire disease.s incident to Spring, spoil tlio rom;iiice. Bnrcock Blood 'Hftters it the prize remedy prised by all who have iried it ii s the best Biood Purifiui{ I'ouie aud System I'a ;;iilatiir in the market. It cures all Blood Hninorsfif:ii the worst Scrnfola to H coinmoii I'im,ile. Sample bottU 10 cento, fill -;i.e l)V ill il aleis iu medicine. The Toronto News company have issued Josh IhlLiigs Cook Book and Piktori.il Proverbs. .Josh says in the introductory remarks the receipts are not to be considered nrbitnry, as he has never been able to cook liis own goose juat exactly r'^ht. A good Irearty laugh, it is said will help diges- tion, theref jre, if tlie cooking is not all right, the laugh will certainly be provoked hy reading this little work, and w« would reoonimend all to buy i^. Fifteen cents, to be liad from all News dealers. HAoxAnii's PECToniL Balsam is composed of the mot theiilingbalsumsand gnms. The Balsam, which enters its composition, were used hy the natives when America was first iti^covered, aud are combined with other vegetable tonics, so blended together, that it is a specific for all affections of the throat and Inu^s. Thousands of bottles are used an- uuiUly, andit is considered one of the standa-d preparations of the day. The advance in sience and art the last few years has been very great, and in no branch have greater strides been ma|)e than in. Agriculture. To keep pace with ilie rapid improve- ments being daily made, every far- mer should have nt least one good agricultural periodical, pnd of tlie many now being published we can safely recommend the American Agri- culturist. Subscriptions taken here, where specimens can be seen. Price $l.r0 per annum. Jas. a. Blaib, Esq., is desiions of selling his farm containing 100 acres, being lot's 89 90, 2ud con. next T. S. Road, Glenelg, from 75 the 80 of which is cleared, it is wall fenced, aud well watered, and m a sjood state of cultivation. Log bouse and barn on the premises, and a yung orchard. About 10 acres it; fall giain. Pai-t cash, and balance secuerd by moit- giij^e, bearing interest at 6 ier ceiif. Apuly at this office, or to F. B. Leys, London. T^ •" iQin 'M â€" j)1 ' »^ .. dCJtiiy » -: ••S«»iil4li AtOM .t-M *»«" lb40 â-  0.10 " aio 0«Mial ^t^iler ia •NKMES I mmNis, â- â€¢' '») f»«- Jr., .,• â- â€¢â€¢PM"«»*Mtly on kaad evwytUaj m^ U sacth an estabhshment. '"" Sugars, Which tw qnaHty tad LoWBert of PHOB CANNOT B€_8lJftPA88E0. ' piMngh no piirt of my desire, I merely aak intending purchaser to give nte a ••U aad be oonrmeed that I MB AN BU£INES8»' un woa Sell toixcr than the Lowest, •a I httve parebaaed for ea«h, and have had a g«od diMOQDt aUttwad, I am in a pootMa to let mr oustaaaeca hava tb« beoaflt of my iBTeataients. â- S'iieiBember the plae*, neat to Hashatt VarhdaU, Oet. T, 18M1 4^tf •fi*«i» Special laanifthiuiilu u targe pQxSchaserf «3"Caah paid for Pat 0«^ tie and Sheep «»»*«te.1Biii,-17th IMO. 1 "♦irtr m .vtfu •Mmipe] HORS£ RAKES, PL15llfltt^ y:. ^jiiMABBeW AH* .•â- .: AUlindsof y arming Implements I tili nnhe tttiy and Iepoaite(7, ZNubau a^ J „. Hnisanert*. MEG-GITT, nil. Num. lis liebiHty, Itlienma- ll'iiu:ii,- e.i!ii)ilaiiit.s mill allformii |ity;iri|ir,.iuj.tly riired by this re_ Truil Jlottle only "costs 10 ^r, mail of Clarksburg, in pnt- ' revolver in his pocket I Is' n-ff/.-, accideiitly dischar- ^f'^P'Mi, and for a few seconds » was Alexander III. of mil tho central figure in a li'i'-f. plot with the cicrption i's company will, the souliiorn r-f Ins pantrliK.iis. i,(, laiiied â€" '». s. •;â- , |n .Meiucisk. ii,!,'lmm, N. C, old. whoh IS been ikiM (liseiisp, liri ,\ki"-,' Remember thA «-ver McParlandsT^ «Mkdale.Soir.25,I8W. damage inr». \Ir. J. \Vvatt. has a little boy, snffjriiiK nfall |r iiic he wa Iji'^FM. if.. i„. • sayT«hi_'!iaver!is. ...i.t of .Vyer's ^.irsapan.i.i in tlie i ' iiiii'.«. and houplit a bottio ot j I'i.'iiinistf red it to the briy, •ill r. has been a wonderful iii'iii. The breaking out is il^Hpptarni!;. and the boy's M-iijiol for the first time. â€" ' ' 1'., I illl'S lial ;. lnfr»rin Hall on ver«i^ ;, „i,i of iiio Presby- PJ'^N hch 1 1, was indeed a vt)y,,l«, ant evening was «U ipjiear d to enjoy them- tie fii' These Socials. t boci'ui.i.j- so common, are pli'ie of the teameetings to Pxtoiit, are productive of more tiian one way. In the ' they are in aid of worthy " ill a social point of view ' estimate their value. Our 'ture is well worthy of bf.ing for without it oar lives " «1 iiost void of enjoyment. oatit rehzed was $10.00. flios. Race, cattle dealer of '^- Shipped on Wednesday a car containing 22 stears 4 vears old, to be tod for ttte markets. The demand for rs and good cattle generally ited, while there is little or no for the poorer olaas. Hoi^ QDaminoaa feeling amoogfitr^ Poars to he that it will pay \o their stock, by introonciaff b breds, we would asy to all ^(' if yonr neigfabor bringain a bred bull, give hita enoont- V- and support, and do s»t .« (yoor neighbor) to looie ID h)8 efibrte to d«#BMUlt thia AROUND TOWN. lIvsKKTT Bros have purchased fi om .Mr. .Joseph MoCutcheon the Revere Hold property for lOOO. Mu. i;obert Askin, of Brampton, has pitrc'.ia.sod the stock and business of Mr. Geo. Wright. Cabinet- maker, and will be ot hand in a few days, he is bringing with him a valu- able hearse. D. J. Shanahan, of Pcnetanguisbene, has commenced the waggon, carriage and hlacksmitbing business opposite the drug store. Ma. T. Mathews is prepairing to boild a largs livery stable. Mr. John Orr kaa lb* bnok on the ground for the pnrpoec of veneering his dwelling hoaae on Mill street. Mb. G. Thomas, boot .and shoe maker, b! Valter's Falls, has moved to town, aid is no'w in partnership with Mr. A«ex Kir, ii tha boot and shoe business. Mr. BdDson, of the BeUast Qooso, IS making preparations to boild an ad- dition to his brick block. Ma. ^olia JsViug, PM|)Mnaker, has bought a lot, nearly ' opposite the Btandabo Ofiee, and ia pruparing to bnild a Damp faotory. Maa. GasweU baa ereetad a dweliiug boose on Mill S*. this spring, aad will soon have it opvp^eied. Ma. (iua Bitahie is «omplatiii« hi* difaUinff, b«iM last aaason. 0. W. BimAsaa hw p ar al t a sw l a YtAwUM^iinm Um» ». Mabee' for W). Ma. HflDTT IteriMU, of Bogesiia. has leasad Bidiardsufs btitAnvIth â- hoisM)4 has aorii^bis IfettOy iqto tova^ Fashionable TalloF, FLESHERTON. Is prepared to fill all orders promptly. Cutting doue tehile customer* are waiting. The Latest Fashion Plates always on hand, to choose \i from. IS'Bemembor the place opposite Bicbhrd- son'.-, store. Flcsheitou, March 9th, 1881. 2C-m3 Maniifirtnast aai deiriirlB .11.,.' -.l-. To KT Paiboss.â€" tiw^ft ahMd of aar ia ray trade, and havla^ the larteet and most eonTenient'Tkotory in thia loeaHty, I «m prepared to seS Carriages and fiaoBlMDeDta ai evury descri]ltron in the bast (tyUof any ia the market, and at prioee ai low ka any o*- eordiag tu the ((aalitT of the work. Having upwards of twenty years' ex]wri anee, I am confident that porcfaaaers will aat the advantage iu havlnK the very best Parties in want of a carriage or Impieoiettt will do well to give me a cidl, aa there ara none in the market which will eoia{iam wKh themia quality, a^le aad-ftgish for Om price. â-  "-i-' ii.|y I. 1 's-r s .A •a t,i«: #*i.^ A GOOD CHANCE AGO.OD BLACKSmTH WANTED, to hire for a year, or rent the shop and tools. For partioolara, apply on the prem- isua, or bv letter to Mrs. MABK BICH.VRDBON. Markdale P. O. Itarkdale. March a, 1881. v 86^ R. J. McCOY, ' Agaut for the following Implements, i!fcc.: Xlie ^^Sbsse3r MOWER, HARVESTER, aud celebrated HAY RAKE, (Sharp's.) Wilkinson's PLOOGHS. DICK'S • ALTON PLOUGHS. ALL KINDS or Fittings and Repairs Kept Cwnstantly on hand. SEWING MACHINES AND ORGAN FOR SALE, CHEAP. Licensed AUCTIONEER FOR THE COVIfTr. Bills provided and Sales attended to in all parts of the Comity. Charges Moderate. B J. MoCOX. Markdale, March 17th, 1^, 37. Auction Sale OF TALDABLK ..; f Farm Property. r-i TTNDEB and by virtue of Power" of Bale %J cfotaineainaoertainllortgaga.whieh wUl be produced At the time of tale, and ap- on which default in Fayment haa bMO made, Uieie will be aoU at the MtTNSHAW HOTEIj, IN THSVIUAaB o«FIiE8H£BTON, la the County of Orey, On Thursday, the thirty -^rst day of March, A. D. i88i, AT nnaa a^caocx n tob avraaaooa, The foUowing valaable lands and premises, vis,: â€" T«ta uombers onehondred and nine- teen and one hundred and twenty, in the first concesaioB Soath-west ol the Toronto and Sydenham ivoud, ol the Township of .Vrte- mesia, in the County of Oreiy, con t a inin g one hundred acres, more or leas, cixaapting thereout a portion heretofore sold to the Toroato, Grey and Bruce Bailway Campany. On the premises then arc said to he Kood, frame bnildiwn*. .. Tsava. â€" One-teBth of the porohase mousy to be paid Awn UUte MBe of sale forty mm enti in tkiity *V *i^ iatsrssttsevaa pw «Mit. hakMBSan be 1mA Im ««e Toara with iat wii t aKavâ€" yes u mI 9 » â- â- â-  â€" • For Inrther uM Wwiis w q«i«4a. f! EEDSf SEEDS I ., Just arnved at tbi' ' "^|- JiLFAST HOUSE. ' Also a fresh stoek of Groceles, Provisions, C.\NNED FRUIT, »»» i-u» .v»rfn^».()^-^ â- â- g-' e-i! ti«j» ia«« w 1;^ .4 M^^^^M^iai^MM '*w .bo^ri oe^Em c'HSi^ ST tf tn* want bk .if AoW «ai jroadntptqmiilbl^ i4r 1 )•;*! ^u^-aan Pho ni.; f -.l* ' i;.Ta vf Flefl ' •»^ii *i undersold by aoy ottter kousc ia ioioii. :1_« tA^BPlSG 'â- 7- aa-.^ 5o oil.- '-t .-.IJ F'^^Tvet the Place* -» /* ' r" ,. 1,1. -, â- -3aj {^.Ti i. li; o vvl' Ml t*-JMt.i l!. ;.-»/. k. jds;' 'Inl o« ij VrA *â-  â- .•II -U'lt'OIOOi Bit ..yioi t-at nwwi. iturjcii. â- 1' I â-  â-  MID-WINTEK SALE, â- â€¢a toa t* â-  wrtd i4tf '• olaaB a atif* .J^W fiK.ll ' ' ds t; n^i4 « r' «!*» Mv^TOi ^sMi^ fane* at* â-  T^iJIt'*- i jSn' â-¼*« Is aca^«qHiVOTnl**M. SM to CapyW mrf Bahtf«lne «â-  h««tofbeer Straws?' Fizlhc*, lu.w""*-; ;-::•:.â- Â» ti .. â- .-..•.Iff .a .p,.,,..'i i;. »- â- Â»â- â€¢â€¢ ^^^m^ • riNii«rtoB,llai«h V^ }a9t. .... ^tf '2jC5 • W Jtt iW. TMf E F'lXIBTt* S it JJ I 8 aod If oMo aad vtharriaMsa, m^tim^ â- h i:jM;, .:;;. .„ »,«.. ijl r;nci:'!- i-:^L ot -aU â- ' â-  iANT r .-. â-  ' ,. is_jui Jj! v.-.u^i.ta ',. ^«« m â- â- â- â- â- â- â-  r'-f^. iiigwS Woaying^ i'.nii 1. ^^ -III/ -..e-J' â-  • e^^ • " /^rt K â-  â- â-  i«i o â-  -, ... '• i -r â-  ir-.m havii)g work to do in the above line, can get it •i .â- *! â-  If .fT- ki: THE *-^ W.J.Mc NOW GOING ON AT. 'S EVERY PIECE OP WINTER GOODS ".:â- ' BIG DRIVES! FletHxetion Woolen Factoryv Having nsarlv sll ortea eompMed al y re s S a t on hand, aa is luaal at this seaaoti of tha year, those favoring as with work, may rely opou having it promptly atteadad to EVERY BliANGH OF THE NSiHESS 10 yards 'lko' J» i mi f • H.») „ 10 yards Fanegr Flatiuel for S2.50 I] ,, Z^. Men's Fine White Shirts fiO cents Fine Wool Clonds 6.c, usual price 90 eenta. 50 pairs l^diea Corsets 75c, repooed to 'ifk- 3oo yards All Wool Tweads worth b6o, down to 97^ e mts LMies' Fine Cloth Ifaiitles 11.75, worth tS Extra Fine Mink Mnff* |4, nsoal vriee %6 10 vanlf hoas? Black I.nstre fortl.£0 10 yards heavy Orev Flannel M to yard* black Velveteea for f4 SO yarks liinen TtrwelUait lor |l 13 yarda boavy Wincey for •! Colored Velveteeui for half prios. M Leader Belts, 1,1 cents FEAtHERS, FLOWERS, HATS, BONNETS. WOLLEN HOODS, AWLS AND MANTLES. â€" AKD OONFECTIONERY, Any amount of Oamberland cut Sia.e £=*cx3s:. FOR bALE. ALSO. MALT AND RYE WHISKEY, THE BEST IN TOWN. BRANDY. CIDER, r • ALE. PORTER, TEAS and ' -â- ' ..f,.., SUGARS. .. ..^ CHEAP. WILSON BENSON. Markdale, March 17 1881. 6-ly tlRAHT CHELLEW i:ARiirALE, -c 60 Man's Felt HaU at A Sp'ecfaT 'Biscount of 20 per oent. on all puzctuuMS ex- ceeding $j will be given. ..'..: .. ^- 15' yarda of Bioeade Dress Goods, IS.OO, 1 jpau- Gept'a Uitta, 1 pair of Braces, and 1 Tie, all for ONE DOLLAB. ?. ' â- â- '^* Ladies' Xid Mitts, (Uned) 60 eents. And bnnrtreds of other articles EQUALLY CHEAP. • EVERY ONE IN WANT 0J«' DRY GOODS At and Below Wholesale Prices, Should call soon ut W. J. McFARLAND, ' "VVholeeialiB and Retail. Markdale, Feb. 15,; f 881. l-ly. Will b* earned on throoahoot the witer. FtMheitnn, December 16, 188o CAMPBELL.' u .1 LUMlSEE'MD SAWING. -0 ni« Mbeoriher begs to intimate that he has his Saw Mill ai Little Falls On Lot 143 ia 8rd Bange N. E., Toronto and Sydenham Boad, Ai-temeeia, in full opera- tion, and is prepar.id to farnish LUMBER, LATHS JTCMiTO., TO ORDER. CUSTOM SAWtiNa By the thoosaad or on Shares. PartlfS delivering Logs can have their Inmber for ratarS loads. The sawyer at the Mill can arrange for sawing. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS PUKCHASED. Wm. HOCC. p. 8.â€" Wood tamer wanted to maki'Woom handles on a gaafe lathie, steady job if work sati ^factory. Flesherton SUtion, Nov. 2fi, 1880. 9 ft â- **â-  S t 1^ THE BTJSH. THE BUSH. Three •u 'it AVomeri A^ rr- alter a Dozen 'H.ewnringm. Cabinet Makers, â€" AKD VPHOLSTBHEBS a fall rtoek of rvLxn-ltvLx e 1 â-²I.WAT8 Olf HAND. FURMITOREmBETOOMER LUMBEU WANTED. GRANT k CHELLEW. Markdale, Dec. 83, 1880. l-ly TH08. MATHEWS, TO HBff Oft Ml. LOT No. y.-TleroBto strsst, MarWalo. »wraiieaatort*y liisffc Iji I il '« p s n i B s h Si â- ip i j to V- HamBAUj Ut4*», MaaMla»i Markdale. MaMh Mh, ItU. W SITES to tender to his naiMrMM ensti'mers his sineeTe thanks for their very liberal patronage dnring the 15 yean^ke has been in the Haracae Bosineas in Mvk- dala. an woold laspeetfBUy aoUeil a eoatina aaee of the same, feeing eonid«Bt^hat ha ean civa £atrc SaiHraetica. Kv^rything nsnally kefit in a ' """» I B 9 T CTi A 9 IIIUIESS ESTMUSMNEITs aiwaya on hand, and sold a. modarata latea. larNoae bat good workman amplayed and the beat cf materiaiaasad. Madtdale. Na*. M. ISBo- lo SPPJNG HAS MADE I'Ts APPEARANCE, AND BUTTER 4 RAE In order to make room for their Spring stock, offer all tltelv ' v WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS In Dress Oooda, Cloods, Shawls, Man's Caps. Shirts, Drawers, Overcoats, flannel., «. DON'T PASS THE PLACE^AS^E MEAN BUSINESS. In Tweeds, all pattenu. Cbttonades, Dncks, Shirtings, Ginghams, Denims, White and Oiey Cottons, Dresa Goods, Prints, Hollands, Towellings, Collars, Ties, Braeaa, Colored and Dresa Shirta, and all amail ware BsoaUy ' kept. Hats m Felt and V ur â€" aU prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. IS* Don't forget that COOPER k SMITH'S BOOTS are tit* only Boots worth buying, and we are the ONLT SHOP in Town that keep them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL BTYSBS. V. B.â€" We tiast teat aQ uart-%men will rem«nher that we MUST hare money- If se- eoonts are aot paid by the 19tk test., the Bailiff will dekl with tliam after that date. Markdale, JUnK«.'«i*-" " ' 'â- 'â- â-  STOP. MABE. LEABN! â- ' â-  ' • And then you wiil know wb«r« to ro to get tli« leat vslue.for jour Monejr. %X R. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL CLEARIG SALE, AT THE in ABTIME8IA, TTTIFTT aeree of Irad. Let M, I.^rhamBoad, Maareaof wtOi log hooae, and vmB iMead- la^iriSSaf BobertOUver.oppo.*.*.^;^^^ BMMMk, Oartea. P. O JaB.Mtb.lWt. I«^ rOIM»ai ialikaiawaaMr44«*^ r titoSMhaMAfliM^ OiLUfVm- I. MOHTOOMERY, niHB Suber-iber, in retonink thank, to X the mhabiUnto ofWartdwa aad nir roanding ooantry for their patnmag^ daring the past eight years. bei;s to intimate to them he is how prepared to mt^ply tb. Pablie with FRUIT. POUND A PLira CMCE$« ,^. I either fWD, or Itsed and Omi0teBt«i|t" .â- 9.1" Variety of Ottwr G«kes- always on bAaAl ^W ar ersry d es mip tfan. Cra«th« best amna- fsslBiw sin Ont ario. Ala o.alaig»tXi*rf awdfTcsmcTiMnr i BRIBES' CUBS ^tha iiWt»4ae«pee,sad (pi °P vOst is dena tiiia iida of .Xassntn. lis ^^WlBWp "^^RP^ ana OTHB PABTXSSi a»4kaiM^ Mttw.*^ «.*^ 1«4r FLKSHSBTOK kiu" ^•. i#if •^r-ui ifietrness ShopT rrm Babseriber bsfti to infMp the imUk X thathe Imr eanaiaatlyanhaadahwie OillllUfiE, BUfi6Y AND T€AM Made in gped atiyia and ol the THE BC6T OF MATERIAL. Aad a. h« mean* bwiaeni give himaa esrly ealLMka win *eB al th« lowest luring ptftes, foreaak. A good aaflply of atw^sn^haaA tianM Wtsaia li,B.-^at«n POST OFFICE STORE, ' O 1 " ' '• order to make room for heavy Spring Imp-irtations ttow arriving !*lv. I have decided lelucing my present large and w«ll selected aud assorted stock of 6EHERALDRY GOODS, FURS, MILLINERY; BOOTS And si^OES, Hats, Gaps and Groceries ., TO THE LOWEST POINT POSSIBLE, and in order t^dosc^ " • ' -j Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAY^. The stock is all Mew^ well b«as:kt, sd1 well wortli the attention of tho cli«et buyera. Ia OBOCEBIES yon wiU find evrythiaff orfirst-Clasa Value. As 1 do not porsae the coarse of some of our wiudy Mcrehante of our reighhiriag ViK lagea, of SAndiog ont numeroas samples of cheap trash (with unscrnimloHM mrommenda- tions) outsid^our natural businers relations, 'in order to Lniiress the iinldic that tbey are not properly treated by then more bonoroble dealers, and diiiw eastain from the luaiiv. Yoo will find eveiTtkiac that I sell Jasc aa I rey r ea e at lt« Mid as ituod vaiu* a. yon oan poesibly get for yotir money aajrsrkcre, as I have alway held tbat hcaorable dealing is the onlv tme coarse tor a business man. Mr ttroeeriaa are all booght (or strietly nett cash, consequently I caa and wlH sell at For CASH and FARM PRODUCE 3Ugr WOT FOK. iJRErHT.' ^O 'â- .•.' I have aist^iht sla«k aad for sale, a Isr^e quantity of PtJBE SEED grain/ Seeds and as it pays emeh and e»ery Famlor to eow «lean seed, yoo will mak» money by paying a tsw cents extra, and pnrehaaing a good article. â- 1T.'I am now sdUag Urge qnanties of '•' • ' COARSE LAND SALTr if o H m: A N i; it. E ijwi' Farm leeidMl VI.' car Which say every Farmei «r« Do«^i/^ "^»^ ^l*'**t!^u\' "f ?* ' *!???* khTtevarT ^Klneri r Ais looaUty an-l aeighbormg Tawmtap. ahaU try i^ have d«cd« ^Ulaa ia five and^ m barrel loU at the l^weat «smIi Piiee laid .do«B by the ZnirbMB the Manaffccturer*, and boaghtfor neU eaaih at Bottom Prj»». aJ7 oâ€" â- â-  I • • • T""'-^ "'i^avldaJaoinlimatethatar ^t *â- 'â- : las i x^r^fi^'-r SPRING IMPORTATIONS! ABB ARRIVIKG DAILXV And InSl^kawopoaed ent aisd rfiow On Tluft fst of A '^Um f saittasTimff TJyrf fftr^*T^ ^*^t- " "^^ » •fk^'-r^jf;::^- •*!«• »4 yfanUtm-d-Mim ' ^t-'T â- jijci '«a«x .iti9 fim tm Ino u« mm mSt^' aww ie»* jast Hm ,A}m *• SPBOUZiEv MjKi IU ;:' •.•a tk ' trmWkoto* I'i J .1: I h I ' I •. bam I ill -aiiaitfaiaMa

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