Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 11 Mar 1881, p. 2

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 door' room« JOING THE- l"trnt Data KiiprHov to uierit a «(g ' past. .test S1 GOOD Birch EB 1* L, BE I -oca. » Applicat^ HOOlE, NOTICES. go to WUcox Uia ofan for 6»le nMdoot] SsmtAi. artidM thttWMk bat will artt ehi Cpe »uV. ,oil CASTORINE "'^i. try H.u.k.tt bnggy. Nearly .0 »**' «:* (fi,m the B)stem. I eil"""'.i.7.,j. Ho«r»en«gs, and llroas " r'lreJiasing a „-,.;i t ' c.ill at this of- .^^,. a iiiiiiilier of choice j"ulfor«ale. ,s i.'i\s tlose who are l)iiu !» i"'ite remiuiler, iu Itiiiit unless iticy wisli a call Bfliiiff. liifv iniist settle up I i5tii uisl. 1 for somi time past with cu'i »» a rif-iiJt ot cotiBtijiatiwti 1 ..;, induced to try B irduek iiiiuii I'lKveJ w.v ellirarious^ li.mlui'lii- and ct'Dstifiut ,ili,iB«i'«l 1' '" ' " '""ilarly «* Luri n. I mict- s. K. liiK.tr.s. Count V. Ont. lias f' r "Ciistorine" 1 -.. (! thiif the band NTEB* I «'•â- '"" ... ., i •â- t':i3t('ri.ie, 113 UOIJ9 otljer T" i -lU, 3 Day uits, .erclot] it is also ex- leutiitr, mak proof. For ryGo( *^.- 'RICES. iHOESi AP. n ICES at the BROWN. ipj New Ye ,jjf wwcllcr is tlie only ooe irhD kt' l" J-'azarus "t Morris' [lie best iu the world. Call ip^^ioriue' Machuie Oil,, for i,i Tnacliiiit-i-y â- , t and weather tc»ler3. i;(telo')is" for March is be- \ixt\ SI-'" ' improve each It i«utfMtif""y illustrAtcd, aud ,MritS j'l-'t suited for little 'nce 1- 50 "per aiintim. L bv thi' Kussial Publishing y \li Triiuont Street Bos- cison ffir sngar making is V'lcliiii}:. and iTomises to be stkivt bad for many years. »n'JDS =â- " buckfts caunot do (all call oil Hasket Bros, aua tir ordti. TLev are remark- fcaii till* seaa'^ii- [^,„y_AVl.jMr Jones, wliat in ju«7/t/HJwiirbaiice nbout? ;..- aitt't ' JiiNKs â€" Oil l-I am t^f«i Hi:ii llu- ihess siiiit ai d |i (iiircliasiil at Mcl-'iirlaud's ,iW 1 iim bound to get six fcifftliiy .irc all Ko'd. ^KTi BKus (if reapers, mowers Jiiii;; ni.R-iiiiies, prefer '•Cms- dim limo tiil to any otl.er, it Av bud, seal, cr eleuhanf, uriiiJited not t' i'uui. \\\ IS THK UEST T'01,irY.' â€" linail is swrcti'^t wJirn gaiut-d hy I llnu'vard's Vi'lL.w UiJ ia an iioue-it • t)v rifM^Mkiii^' it cures more .. I' iK.s, l.:lUlll(Si, .Stifl .Joints. |ii.I,.\Jhiii-. Sfiil.U. iiinisea. lilien- Valrm;?-. I "Ms. hum Throat ami (i.ii.lliahaiiv i.iiut r.-tusdy offered li..v«-\inVil -liimUl l't without it. iiiiviii^' jUie seed grain for fi (/(• «(•/] t(' Jet it be known \l,e Stwuwak li will ouly ;i.y, that it • ot our Count! I'ccn enabled -pccially since iLJ* a share of yflj »» hM bees yvrj plesMat asdiOfMr iog ia the order of Uie'dijr. A nuBH stock of prioit Oorar tmH TimoUy reed^'jiut reoeiTea. ni the Ledi^al H«U^-A- Tmim k Ce. IUad Itr. Balm«r's »dverti««nj«nt u- anodMr eol«aa. aod if jou wmnt K*^. P"«t«, or wish Qua eaWmd. Ton will know wh«r««» ^. Ser J. W. S«T««* vJU.p«Mb iaihe MethodiBt ehnreb, kUrU«l«.«iiQJa» morniDg. at half past ten, and in Flesherton, at 6:30 p. m. of thi« MfeaadilMMl ' t jTh^ np tlie most mtiaata mSETaB ^m2£!L dealers asll it at SS saata p«r hdttla. ^^*" Nothing seta a man off ao ma«|i «« a good-fitting suit, and H. Meggitt, of F eebertnn, says he ia j«ai the laaa to suil you to anieetj. Orrekinc »fl«il. Farmers, in the neighborhood of Fleshertou, whose harness waats re- pairing orliave thoughts of pnrehaae. ii.g new ones eiioold not fail to jf|^ oa Mr. J. Gordon. (^:kv B. J. Spboule, Flesliertoa,' for the purpose of making room for hia spring iinportutions, will, for the next tiiirty days, oflFer his immenae stock at greatly reduced prices. Read Adv. in another solumn. Mb. Doll, of PlfshertOn, has re- moved his branch shop in Dundalk to Mr. Deans Hardware Store. He is bbowmg a well assorted stock of gold and silver watches, rings o. Give him a call. A L jctiire will b« giv^n in the Prcs- byterir.i! Church, Priceville on Wed- nesday, March letb by Mr. Henry Meldrum. SuLjvc t- Prespyterianism, its history and worship.- ^dmisciou 10 cents. Mr. Joseph Swift, lot 276, Oon. 1, S. W. Toronto aid Sydenham Road Mel- ancthon, has rented his farm, con- sequently he has no need of his farm stock, implements, c, and has in- 8tructel Mr. J. W. Morrow to dis- pose of them on Tuesday, Mareh 22nd. Ten months' credit on all sums over $5. Mant most reauiAable cnrts of Deafness have been performed by Hagjard'g TellowOil the certificate's of wh'ch the proprietors will cheerfully furnish; it i.i the most potent rem- edy known for all Tarieties of Inttammatory actionâ€" taken intamally and axtemally a.'pfii. ed. it cures Croup, Itheuamtism, Colds, Sore Throat, and is- a perfect panacea for all man- ner of pain, Umeneat and fleah woonds. R. .7. McCoy has received instrnc- tiou from \Vm. Wilson. Jiaq. to knock down all and sundry, ol his farm stoek, iraplcnieuts. Household furniture c., to the highest bidder on Friday March 2otli. at lot 12 con. 12, Holland, $5 ana under, cash, over that 10 months' credit. An unreserved credit sale of farm stock Ac, takes place on March 24th. on Mie premises of Mr. W. Neal, lots 1G3 and 164. 8rd Knnge S. W. Toron- to and Sydenham Road, when Robert Davii will be on hand to show off the guod points of the various things of- fered, and select your patronage there- for. Credit to Jauy Ist 1882, on all sums ovir §5. AVestward, mo! â€" Messrs A. A. McAulay having concluded to follow Horsico Gieeleys advice, and go West, or riither Nortli-west, wish to dispose of tlieir stock, imjjeinents, AcC, and have given J. W.* Morrow authority 80 to do, on Saturdav, March 12th.. Ten months' credit will be^iven, pro **A vdiMB is «J*y. Who win ,»y ^^^ th« samiy eontft nt^P* W« w*. W to b^ axeuwd. "*^"«^ â€"- -t-T- k. ICoIiBtyre wbo 5rir!!r.'^*^***»^ reUUTa. in Hsflitoba fcr.omettnw,retanMsd taooia bat Saturday lookmg non« the worae tor her sojoam m the land of the bli». sard and low tsmpatas^ and now Matfa M. home. Ifc. and Mn. 6aTage, (the latter an eld resident of karkdale and •jirter of W. J. MoFatiand EsqJ «. â- â€¢re-at present oa a visit to th^ friends. ^^ • tanW ia^Mi|iirM to waaia ia Ua U^ â-  • ja.v.-; UilBKDiJiB Ir^ _. 5,0q to «.• »*" -•" do. do. 0.W t« oils Pan do. Bu4ay p*t» ».::."::: leaa J""** *Wf»'P« doa. Pork.dreaawi »«•' "eearf per lb Dueka, par pair Fowls, par pair T«k«9r«, par lb Sheepakuu Hidaa Grass seed Ji»y. ......... Wool Gre«iAppiea, pw.'bi^al Lard Tall«»w DrrCoidWood ....' O.CO 0.30 â- â€¢ 0X0 â- â-  0.W ' 0.18 " ••»• " 1J» » Ot.06 " 0.40 " 0.80 " 0.07 " 0.76 " 6.00 •• 3.00 •' 7.00 •â-  o.at •• 0.40 " O.IO " 0.06 '• 8.00 •' 0.80 0.63 o.ao 0.10 0.17 IS aoD 0.45 0.36 0.07 1.36 7X0 3.40 8.00 0.3o 0.60 0.10 0.07 2.10 IM ui Oonti Hii d«Ui«r«l Iir)ia|«i7 OB rsesipt of adan. SAUSAGE i POULTRY •IwKTs kapt ia tbair SaaMB. Special indncementa to Ififge PuvchasexB IS-Shop en llffl arMlt. oppo«te *e " Revere Hotel." »S*Ca8li paid for Pat Cat- tle and Sheep CHEAP CASH STORE 13- £:veryfbi;^^;^^t-Glass. and at I G ITT PRIG *t tin y, ^.ii -.--• • .... ml My BOTtCKD VBHOT 1 Tntt, aynl toOi! U OiLD.KTE, tfa« purest^ tfM/FftW |iA i.a DraA aid %Ji ttf«4i Ai^i^tyHifUt" ' mm br fsahfnl attenttoo toyoar waata to â- t*nt aeoatianaiioa of your snpport. W. B. SARTEAMfp' ' •fc*d«le. Sapt. 17th 1880. TT Final Warning AII Partiaa indabtad to the Undersifned. •UherbyMote or Book Aoeonnt. are reqnestad t« pay up befora the IStlt inat., as I hnve (riy^n up bosiuess here, anU will i^at all Im C«Brt that remain nnsattlad on that date. N. B. â€"All parties who have agreed to bnng either Wood or Saw Logs, will please deliver them before the lath inst, as I will not take them aiter that date. Thit it IA« last notie*. JOHN BENSON. Xarkdale, March 1st, 1881. U-3i aOLDJ GOIjD! $1,537,000 To lend through the Fleaherton Agency, at 6i AND 7 REB CENT. per annum, stBXioBT loaxs. If ;on are paying 9 and 10 per cent, interest If you need a baru f If your fences are not sofficrent? If you want to buy mote land? If yon want to dear and improve Bvere laJad f It »-Ul I*a.y -Yotx to borrow of the NORTH OF SCOTLAND Canadian Mortgage Comp'y They charge no fines they do not equalize yc'ur payments, nor charge yon 12 per cent, on over due payments but tliejr sio give the most reasenable privileges of any Com- pany lending money, A.nd their Costs Eire Low! Special ruteH given to parties wanting sppci. ally large loiius.offer^ng special secnrity. John H. Heard, Manaiaeturer aad dealer te H ' ' Gntter8,SIelgh3,6iiggie8, \VAGGONR, CULTIVAT0B8. HORSE RAKES, PLOUGHS. HABBOW^ AND A llkindsof jf arming ImpUments Mauofaetary and Depository, Durham and Hill streets. FLESHERTO N » To irr PATBoas.â€"Always ahead of bbt io my trade, and having the largest and moat convenient Factory in this locality, I an prepared to sell Carriages and ImpistHenta of «vory dc-eriptroB in the beat style of any in the market, and at prices as low as aa oo- cordag to the quality of the work. Having upwards of twenty years' experi- ence, I am confident that purchasers will get the advantage in having the very best made. Parties in want of a carriage or Implement will do well to give me a call, as there are none in the market which will oompaae with (hem in qa ality, style and finish for the price. 11.J, JUST ARRIVED A FULL SUPPLY OF Goods, Grooerios, BOOTS AND SHOES. IMS i SFMT7, Sk 1 {LOI 41 we are doing a CASH BUSINESSr^ee wffl nOT hi" undersold by any other house io town. -T^Ji-SS. r^rs^: •»itmt .-.'li im .r OYSTERS, OYSTERS, JUST BECEITEB AT TBI (i BELFAST HOUSE. »f I haye fitted up a room over my Store where I can supply O "!^ bS T E R, W â€" n â€" :BTrer3r St3rle 1 r^y the Plate at Can CHEAPER THAN ANT ONE IN TOWN BOOTS SHOES A SPECIALTY f • 'X."Pt?^*^ F'oi-gret tlie Place." KEYNOIjDS SON. Markdale, Dec. 31, 1880. I. -f- mil â- *â€"â-  BEAD EVERY WORD. 01«K-A.T MID-WINTER SALE, NOW GOING ON AT W.J. McFARUAND'S EVERY PIECR OP WINTER GOODS ^v^sirife-ed. -^^T77-SL3r ^OTT^rra.. BIG DRIVES! 10yanl U3c Jui o • ,â- .• n.;y 111 yards Fancy Flannel for $2 60 Men's Fine White Shirts 50 i-^ents Fine Wool Clonds 6.c, usual price 90 dents. 50 pairs Ladies Conatx 7S«, repaced to 60c 3oo fiTiU All- Wool Tweeds worth 86c, down t«R7^ciut8 Ladies' Fine Cloth Mantles 91.7C, worth »3 Extra Fine Mink Muff- 84, usual once 96 10 vardf h"R^7 Black fiUstre for Jl.EO 10 yards heavy Giev Flannel t8 10 yards black Velveteen lor f 4 30 yarks Li'.ien Towellin- for 91 12 ybrds heavy Winoev for 91 Colored VelreteeiH fo- half price. 60 Leather Belt^, I'l crnts c r due jii~ rtiou in tbc local i vided tiie ])aper is acceptable, on pur a-r-' 1 V. 1 y ic.i.i. i- will sec i chases over $5. Ill' .11V iiiuuy hifjui ii!' f • r llicroari' ill- .s.iiin- iiiixiciis niaaket for tliu t-aiui' Trv 1 of linding c'luli (itlur. Kmi.l for Sfliiii.l SictiiiiiN.. pii-tli'T. IIi')i.»t i,iiiid r il l.tiiihjible. 3(10. Ii.ui!' (â- ;:is I'.nen, 208. Sciijor li.ini ;. Taylor, 250; K.'.Monijjoni- 118. Juni'ir Third (lass ttion of ood ;; ail Si TOTS. i.iiin i' :.;c •â- iin:. A ri-rt "I" Tli ••w A •ill, â-  mnjr ii- ai i dd j'-i.s â-  a til alue. Jin M' i:!_Mnury. 173 .1 l:iii. 'i-viid ' c il.- -; .\. The, ';.. ;•' hrl (.'i'l.*- S '.â- .:.:.i.y, 27;.; V .tiUMUM, Ttuciitj. •knt. Willi'tnii i':- It, liiii'Ut l"ri iii-, 1.1^ 1 ii: Ills i'.viii,' ly doiii titiziiis. lu-t V 111 ra (ICC' lit or. Sitiii. av tv- inn-,' c',iu..i;,' w. ..i loi Mr. lines It ill jiiars liiat .vliilst !i ^id the a\H giaucod am; [till- -ill. ,,f liis loot inHirtin,; '1(1111. 1. IIcAu,tak' •, itU.. m" Uiu-s /loii.fo, ,tiul hid his 1 t •Irc.-std ly Di. Carter, and fpr ;,'rt..incj favorablv, though fb'smiif timo buforc b'e will be ' rk again. ^fR Uou.-Tlic f ,lIowib;j is the oftLoi.ui„ls i„S. S. No. 4, d, fur till- luouili ending Feb. f'Vrth Classâ€" 1 Harriet G. Seco-.,: Joseph Orr Stiu- ';: ""'B'-^s !•'• Hutehisou. Third -lirst .John Stinson, Second F foug. Third Thomas Lyons. Classâ€" First liobert Lyons gliomas 'ray lor. Third Kichard led by H. P 'irst Class â€" Senior-Joseph at 8 ^uvii;. Second Francis 3arsou, l^iiiiam Brown. First Clasjâ€" -JIarv Lodlow Second Mar- Ma. Brown of the "Toronto House," Markdale. embracea the present op- poitimity to inform thu young men who frequent the skating rink that he is)rc|)aied to furnish them, on reason abl t"rms, with //"(«/ stnmij seriiceaile imiitx which will fortify them againSt iiiisliaps in future such os befel the ;,'ay 'Lothario," referred to in last wiik's Sr.wDABD. •1 'ii is Sara EernLardt. Pa, .il -ev.- of il sUada?" j::i a!'Oiitu8 tliin, my child, j. c-u^fi. Il, â- uftde." I have also a Few Ttiousana Dollars of Private Money! To invest o:i very rtaiouable terms, aDj|at 7 percent, interest. This is a rare chance and the amount is limited. As many English and Scotch capitalists are withdrawing their capital from the mar- ket, I believe a change in the money market may .--con be expi ctcd. Money has reached rock bottom. Noiv is the time to borrow, and the place is The Flesherton Heal F.itate, Loan and Insurance Agency. My Stock of Provisions and Groceries Togthci with Wines and Liquors, ARE VEBY CHEAP AND GOOD. Bii' .1 S,n-,i â- .â- . ^u 1 only take Burdock Blood Briiers sli cuulu ad I to her flesh ana li.nuty vj y mate' ;.ijly. Ti.-' e popular bitters a. a no fancy driuk ,lu: a p ire i\nd poverfnl tonic "that .-lets r.[,on the A:.om:tah, Liver, Skin, and Kiili. vs. purifyingtr:e bl'iid nid re^-n! iting th. i'crction-" while it roi;' .-xh^u-i' i vit- ality. Sec test monial in iniother column. I Thb SM.'ialhcl i at Mr. tu.\ard Bv.tledge's lust WeJu .lay wfi. a decided succe^-i. liev. J. W. S%vuge gave a sho' t asconnt uthis trip to JCurope. The yonut^er portion of the crovdamu.ed .hemselvis with sineiag and gniiies. All keemed hi(py. lh onrpany il jiersed '".it rlev. o'cloc'., leti ing the L-ulies Aid 'iciety rici.. r alcut fl3, 'the next social of the seri' v.'ill 1'r held in I'af- feriu liall, a wcekiroui uui.c Tueadbv INSU RANGE It is of the greatest importance to Insurers tliatthfy select a Bcllnbie and Safe Company, ami that they do their business ihrougii a reliable Ag:ent. I am prepared to takb applications for the Strongest. Safest and Best Companies iu Canada, i°:d for a Stock Company, at rates as low as any reliable Mutual. My Compai'.ies are the Lancashire and Citizens, (Stock.) The Waterloo County and Gore District ' (Mutual and Cash.) ANY AMOUNT of POEK FOR bALE. As I do no puffing or blowing, I want the Public to give mc a call aad be convinced what bargains I am giving, before yuu pur- cliase elsewhere. WILSON BENSON. Markdale, Nov. 25 1880. 6-ly FEATHERS, FLOWERS, HATS, BONNETS. WULLEN HOODS, SHAWLS AND MANTLES. A Special Discount of 20 per cent, on all purchases ex- ceeding $1, will be given. 60 Men's Felt Hats at (ia cents each, Io yards of Brocadu Dress Goods, 92.00, 1 r«ir Geufs Kid Milts, 1 pair of Braces, and 1 Tie, iix for ONE DOLLAB. Ladies' Xid Mitte, (lined) 60 cents. And hnnrlreds of other arUcles EQUALLY CHEAP. JEVERY ONS IN. WANT OF DBY OOODS At and Below Wholesale Prices, Should call soon ut W. J. McFARLAND, Markdal^Feb. 15. 1881. 'I»ol--«le and Retail. ' 0«t yMr HoUd^r** Mppiy il abore Gooda Matkdble. Daa. If, laao. A. MelNTYRE ^Vt ^»;'r» »«A wl CO (Vi H ta O I- a o S -2 •3 8 8 3 P 3 Hi ca 0) ui o 3 f fl.*!, «0 5 â-  I I Q .0 A a 4*: H I i c/5 -* a ^r.'iz SMtf fe H • T OS- t w ^ba- ».. • f » -» » Weavi ng. W e a v i ngi .Any person having work to do iii. the above line, oan get it DONE WITHOUT DELAY, Af THE Plesherton Woolen Factoi^. Having nearlv all orders completed at present on haitd, as is usual at this seA-^on of the year, tiiose favoring us with work, may rely upon having it 4romptlT attended to EVERY BRANCH~OrTHE BUSINESS Will be carried un throu^iiui ilic wiier. Flesliertnn, December 15, 18 jo •â-  â- \."'"' CAMPBELL. 14 LUMBER AND. SAWING. The subscriber bogs to intimate tliiit he lins hi Saw Millat Little Fails On Lot 143 in 3ril Bauge N. E., Toionto Aiiil Sv.lt*Him;ii ad, AiteuiCtim, in foil ulcera- tion, auil is ]^« itftrni to fin II hit LUMBER, LATHS EJC., ETC., TO ORDER. GUSTO M S A WING By the thousand or on Sliarts. Parties ueliverfng Lors can liiive their lumber for rainm loads. The sawyer at the Mill cuii arriiii^'c fnr sawing. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS PURCHASED:. Wm. HOGG. p. S. â€" Wood turner wantetl to make lnoom Uaudl.'S ou a ^mice lathe, ^.teady jo'j if work sati {a«tory ..*: Flesherton Station, Nov. 25, 1880, ' '• "T'.:.^ ' " ' V' "^„.* *^» CONVEYANCING. Deed^i^ Wills, Lenses. Mortgages, Agree- ments, itc, Ac, on sh.v,t notice, and work Corertljr and Neatly done. Iu this lir.e ii.y business has increased anu ia ircreasint;, 1 iim now doiug the largostj busines i in the Kiding. il' â- oils if our suits so We clip the following from the Corvallis "Gazette" Oregon, as the groom was a Ibrnier, reiMtlButof Mark- dale, and hi*" Tiany (fiend" will he lea!ed to know that Charlie has been, and gone, and done it. "We had the pleasure of being present at the mar- riage of A. C. Ewart and Miss Nettie Chase at the residence ol Mr. George Tucker in this city on last Wedensday evening.- The ceremony was prtform- Danning and took place o'c'o k. A large nomber of guests were iu attendance and a num- ber of costly presents, iudicating the p..- ...1. J Ti T 1. "K" esteem in which the contracting fattoii, Ihird John Ludlow. ]pai tie* were held by their numerous LiTTLB, Teacher. ' ' "" " .Mtcnded in eitlier Tov.n or Country, acd Bills suiplied free of eharge; slso, ail neoe-;- sary iJlauks and Stamps. LANDS FOR SaITaND TO RENT. To any ha'ving lands to dispose of I offer a splendid "hance to^dvertiso. It don't c^8i ;iuu aceut till youi taimi^ suid, anu you can withdraw at any time. I also reaUze better prices than the Proprietors them- selves. Correspondence solicited. In every department of my business I make carcfolBesa, correctness^ and f»ir deaiiHg the prominent feature8,and charge as low as any reliable man. ROBT. DAVIS, Conveyancer, Commisnoner in B. H., and General Agent. Flesherton, Feb. 9, 1881* 23-tf GRANT CHELLEW, ]VI A rt IiI3^ LE THE BUSH. THE RUSH. Cabinet Makers, â€" AND IJPHOE.8TEBEB8 a full stock of Mu wefl' G001 em oiit. -• ^TV )les, Cordi J- IE t.â€" On Sunday morning, aboot «k a. ui., Mr. Goo. Haskett, of 1 of Uaskett Bros., was aviak- big slumber by the smell of Pd uj on disc 'idiug to the shop, jtbat some miscreant had built I'll the cellar close to the envision vv^'""" Grocery jtnd their «"beu discovered tlie fire had ^through the flooring and had the lower shelf. With the Dce of some of their neighbors, aroused by the cry of fire, soon subdued, without ma- iMmage to the building. For- it was 80 early discovered, 'minutes more would given it P^uiway that nothing could have I «9 building, and the stock, from I" the room where the fire origi- I *on!d aho have beendisttDyeu. "'s We believe is fully covered »nce. We have not learned Qom suspicion rests, bat we "« wretch will be discovarod. I raakes the matter more henious l»ct, that the Messers Haskett P'er the store, and had Mr. G- ft' been a heavy sleeper it is ttan probable we would have icalled upon t* MUufiiep the i^9u welk- â-  ' ' ' â- "J:!:i'j ijx$- friends. This wedding was one of the social events of the season and higJily enjoyed by all who where present; the bride was handsome, and Charlie well, he was just as happy as mortal man could be onder the circumstances. Wejoin with many others in wishmg the happy couple a long life of perfect happiness. Suapaiss â€" On Satordy evening, the Teacher and superintendent of Salem Sabbitta SohAol, with there wives, surprised their otdleague, Mr. Joseph Pedlar, by taking possession of his domicile. Soon the ladies had the tables groaning onder an abondanco of tea and tea cakes of a saperior quality. After tea had been di^oted of, and all comfortably seated, tlie so- perintendent of the School Presented Mrs. Pedlar with a handsome pocket Bible, with the following inscription: â€" "Presented to Mra Joseph fadbtr bj a few flriends, as a mark of their ap preciation of yalnable servciea randered by her to Bdbm Babbath S«hool." With pleasant chat, songs and iaatro- mental mnsio, a yery happy evening was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Padlar and family did their abnoet to make tkeir caesto happy, and this evennng will Mng be rMnefsWod aa oiu liltm a^ -laiivliickBciawjtai^to 4voQ China TEA Store Oeneral dealer in eROCERIES ft PROVISIONS. Next to Haskett's Hardware Store. Keepa oonstaatly on hand every th'ng nraal to soeh an establishment. He would draw special attention to his Teas, Tobaccos Sc Sugars, Which for qoality and Lowaeaa of Priaa CANNOT BE SURPASSED. ^â- CLxnitvLre AL.Tr AYS OS HAND. FURNITURE HADE TO ORDER LtMBKK WANTiiD. GRANT CHELLEW. Markdale, Dec. 23, 1880. 1-ly THOS. MATHEWS, As pnfBng ia no part of aqr daaira, I ask intending ptu«hasers to give na-a call and be oon'vinced that I MEAN BUSINESS, aan wn* Sell Lower than the Lowest, as I hMV* parahasad for sash, and have had a good diaaooat allowed, I am ia a p nsltt si i U let mv enstoaMBS hava th* baoaflt i my investments. erBoaaiabar tka^las*. *««t *o BMkatt Broa. Ifartdale, Oat. 7. UM. A-tf Jvm'wmm Ftooi^ata ' XTTTSHES to tender to hia nnmsTDOS Y Y oastc'mera his sincere thanks tor their very liberal patronage dnring the 16 years he has been in the Harness Business in Mark- dale, an would respectfully solicit a oontinn anoe of the same, feeing eonfiident Jthat ha can give Entire Satitfaetion. Kverything lunally kept in a FIB8T-CIASS NARNESS ESTABLISNIENT, always on hand, and sold a; moderate latee. srrtone bat good workman employed aad the bast of materials used. MaAdala, Nav, 18, 188o- Io Three AVomen alter a. Dozen Kerringfs. SPr-ING HAS MADE ITS APPEARANCE, AND BUTTER RAE ' ' In order to make room fo- their Spring Stock, offer cU their WINTER GOODS AT COST! NOW IS YOUR TIME TO GET BARGAINS Drawers, Cvercfits, Fhinnels. tc. MEAN EU3JNE8S.-SI STOP. MARK. LEARN! And then yon will know wltere to po to f»ot the hosi val;i" f r v*ur Mojn-v, at R. J. SPROULE S GREAT ANNUAL CLEAR I G SALE, AT THE â- -_- *i./.jy-- POST OFFICE STORE, In Dress Goods, Cloods, Shawls, Man's Caps, Shirts, DON'T PASS THE PLAcFTTwE In Tweedsi all patterns. Cottonades, Ducks, Shirtings, Ginghams, Denims, White and Otey Cottons, Dreea Goods, Prints, Hollands, Towellings, CoUars, Ties, Braees, Colored and Dress Shirts, and all small ware usually kept Hats m Felt and i nr â€" all prices. Ordered Clothing a Specialty. rS* Don't forget that COOPER SMTH'S BOOTS are tlu only Boots worth buying, and we are the ONLY SHOP m Town that keep them. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE IN ALLL STY8E8. N. B.â€" We trust teat all i^ustimers will remember that we MUST have money If ac- counts are not paid by the 13th inst., the Bailiff will deal with them after that date. BUTTER Markdal^ ICareh 8, 1S81. RAE. 1 S.a^X. IM ABTEMB8U. â-  illiTI ' lt aeias oflaad. Lot 15, aoatb o( J? QrfaMaBo«d, 18 aaraa of elaarad Utad wita log hoaaa, aad wall isnisd laqoira of BatMrt Oliver, afvoaito th* lot. m JOHH lAT, JaitUtl^USl. P.O NOTICE is Lsreby given that the n«« foa4 ofMo ^reni^ lOl.aitttMaird lots 99, 100, and W. T. A B.. in d OlsBoig. i» afli pcoparl/^ m- Ills aaiaiastisn nf thi tirmshir of n«i- al(iia«baTia« mt MM* «• «hs loai 1toM«li la. arfll aat ha lOvaaSMa fcr eatfaa- that MaT^yys aew M id.fn»l iAMXS BBdWM. ma.AI' ManKITtl, Qjart -TbwaiMy «f «lMig. M. Ul' J. MONTGOMERY, -E3 A :k: E R,, THB Subecriher, in rettiming thanks to the inhabitants of Markdale and sor- ronnding eoantry for their patronage dnring the past eight years, begs to intimate to them he is how prepared to supply the Public with FRUIT. POUND PLUMOAKES. either plain, or loed and Ornamented, â-  *ilii»i-'«'.fi^' 'anda laqfa """ ' ... .. Variety of Other Cakes. always m hand. Also, of arary daâ€" iptk m. fromtiie best mann- {aetarers in Ontano. Also, a large aad vatiad sssortment of t)e ewKCiTcviiiF^ECTiiManri BRIDES' CAKES! nnrhKi* «â-  Ae sborleat notiea, aad got «p taftsbaalstfl* ttial i^ doM «Ua 4d» « ;•' " Tana**.' .... fei lUim. Sottlli FLESHERTON OTBSB PABXIEd. wit"' â- ' *^ dMTtaat IdMtw a**' da fk ' "' iOBX MOSTOOMKBT. |faAMa,apr.l8,itiiU80. la^ Harness Shop! ':^ --â-  THB Sobaeriber begs to infchn the patTe that he has oonstaatly on hand a large assortment of CABR16E, BUGGY AMD TEAM '.,'.:^\T' â- ABMESS. â- â- â€¢"••. a**^* â-  .^-tm^i* in cood atyie aad of the THE BEST OF MATERIAL, Aad as ha mMU bnsinaae gire him an early call, as h« will sail at the lowest living ptiaea, lot cash. A good supply of In order to make room for heavy Spring Imiwrtatioiis now arriving daily, J liavi; dee'deit reducing my present large and well selected aud assorted stoek-of (juncral GENERAL DRY GOODS, FURS, MILLINERY, BOOTS AND SHOES. r^ Hats and Caps and Groceries TO THE LOWEST POINT POSSIBLE, and in order to do° so, .!-. " 'â- ? i" Will Sell at and Under COST, FOR THE NEXT THIRTY DAYS. Tlie stock i-, all new, well bought, and wull worth the attest on ..f th^? closet buyers; In OBOCEBIESyou w 11 find evrythiu;; orFirst-'la«tN '»lur. Asldo not pursue the cour.se of some of our wimly Meicl ants ^l um I'ei^libiiriu^ Vil- lages, of sending out numerous .samples of cheap tiusli (with uubrriri)oigii:.recomiueijda- tious) outside o!ir natural bu-iiie.-s relations, In ord*r to i.i, press ih-^ public that they aro- not properly treated by their more honornble de;iler-. hd 1 .liiv (â- â- iii .in jmiii tlic many. You will find everything timt I s.ll just «« I represent il, Mti as g .oi v.iiii« as you can possibly get for your money sinj'Where, as i iiinu .ilwajj no. i tiiat Ir uorublt* dealinir ia the only true coarse for h busr.i -s m;iu. My Groceries arc all bought for strictly m;tt.*ash, cjh-kju. ntly I ejin ;:) i will sell at. The Lowest Possible Prices I For CASH and FASM PRODUCE BUT ?S'OT I'^OIt CJItEplT. -o I have aUoin stock and for sale, a Ur^ quantity of PURE SEED GRAINf •.c',11 ol .Si' U^ v- I iVfcl Soi..i ui-'j 1 !• Eced. yuaw.ll m..lx. ::. Also Uaraeu i.noy"by Such as White Bushian, Glasgow, lle.i chaff, ani ..Jit .. Pore Clean Peas, Oats and Bailoy. i'niiic Tim ..thy i-Jii t Seeds, and as it pays each and every Farmer to bow clca: paying a few cents extra, and purchasing a good article. I »m now selling laige qaauties of â- *' COARSE LAND SALT, F O It 1 .A. IS IJ 11 E,v^: Which will pay every Farmer Five DollcrtftT every onr idveeted in it, and a* I am anxioUs that every Farmer in this locality and neighboruiK Townshijw shall try it. have ..eciJad m selling in five aud ten barrel lots at the Loweat Cash Crice hud do.^u by the car dirkct from the Manufacturers, and bouKht for nett c».sh at Bottom Prices. :- o "â- â€¢..^- â-  " â- * I would aUo intimate that my H-- ' ?â€" SPRING IMPORTATIONS! ;:".; are aerining daily. :f knA I will hAVA opened out »Dtl show ' -^ H •t. |.t. Man atfl *» .Mi^- â- hraj-s «m kaad.- Scilidi SfUtfi A SptctoHyi Aad a (ood fit gaaianfad r tba staod the P«pt Oiftaa a M. B^-a«ava timbac waaiad, GORDON. I ' "--^*«v.ita«,^ ^ntcta JM f]^« I ai 4K*ftMtu â€" '-- .m dit»»i jmmrw^Mfstxu •f « â- Â»*|*. f*i f « aia Mai^teb«ft4 «M On The Ist of April, OBeaithaXjarcestandBeat Assorted stocks ever brooght into this part of tho oottxrt^7*- T)Makii« one and all tat liberal patronage in the post, and soliciting an inspcctioa before paiahaMDcakawhere. W -7 -l «v .l-^ ' f m^ r» ehi*iBtf«v«it, 'v? " h' â-  '•^ :-^ -V* S^ .• « t: â- '«f R J. SPHOUliE, Flesherton, March lo, i»8i. Jl^'Ki â-  â- W-^-' t!i :s-if:.yc^ .tJm.1 •liiium -nqcaa*' *« ttta ra iia.-s«w«jo a«( J

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