Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 14 Jan 1881, p. 1

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 â-  ^f 4 THE STANDARD. Friday. Jan 14th. 1881. TVOTICE, TBE '»n«1a Arlert siDR AKener. N. 39 Ktog StriH-t \Ve»t. Torr.nto, \.' W. BUTCHKB. Monager. I-" ki .liori7«U to rereive wi\ eriis«menU (or tlii» rP' Sir J"iiii M;icl'.n;in stitod iu Por- liaiiic'ut lant wek. tliat llie diUute ob the Pacific lUiiway Cuntracl would b cairit^d ou frm day to day. to tbe rxrlnsi n of 'tlicr businfess, autil it WHS eitber r -Mfi -.1 ir rejected. Anti and |)r•l-sylldica^e raeetiof^ have been ht-ld in r!I pait* of tbe ]) minioii fur tlic ]mt two weak*. â€" Tbe Reform jotiniiils declare the conn- try dead Ht't a;(ainsl the contract, while tbe ' mservative paporn assert tiiat tbe |icc|)l« are in favor of it b? »•! overwb.linin maj nity. Who is li^'l'it. Ai far an we ciii learn w.) think tinre is lit'le doubt but the majority iaok al it favorably, and are rather deligiited with the prospect of liav.n;^ the riad built withotii R'ction IJ u'» a-b-K-s nr.d St. Francis Lock Inibmauugcnicnt. tioLS. and ftO ponUgflt^. D. Crab- tTM $40 for extfft nnimm M Tn:.- Mfer of Bchsol moneys. ' Oo mrtioo beio^ made and secoodcd, tb« Goaa- cil adjoarued iine die. BoBUT DuaLor, '^erk DUNDALX. ^^. KLGENlA.' I'litm » 'â- Â»rr~i;'"nleiit. M:;. Liiiiou, â€" I)id you ever attend afr*.- • ruisical oiitertaiuinirt by naoon- li"lit, ;»ivtMi liy llie " Iviys" of your Vilhifie? If yon have not, you have luJKS.-d a ran- treat. It gc)t whisper el around thtit the Eu^'enialads were iii»ii!. to entertain a yiuthful comq- rtde \yh' hud taken to hiiDself, by the iisiihI foriD of law, a wife and family. lnia,Mn your currespondeut euHCons- fcil at the upper win low of a des';rt»d niarsinii, f.lid I Kay window? Oh, y«s I so it w IS. h:it minus tbe Rlass.) u'A'aitin.; the opuniu' of the orchestra. To tne lover of inootili.,"it. tiio nii^ht ^tMs all that c'mIiI ho tiesired. Prd- Hently in the di.'tance we hear some oiiryiye the order. "Fall in. Fall into line.' Here they cumo â€" a mot- ley lHiliiu crowil. The performance c Hiiinences witli n s'll iti from about a dozen luusliets, tiieii followed the nin.tic â€" the choise.t you ever heard. Tlie instruments w»ri the most select the winitrycoulil produce, comprising an olil eiicjdiir kaw*. steel mould hoards, b^rns and belN. N, t the kind used ly tht! .Swi-*« It'll liinjj.Ts oh, no but th.ise that d duty in the bush d'irii:".» the summor months. The w.iy in wliieh the perf urn Ts bandied t lein was a caution the Swiss Itiii;^- eis eoiiMn't hohl a caidle to them. AVhife some perf.irmed, others cngag- ii: adnnce; but such danoiuif. Sitting liull and his whole tribe at a war dance wouM have been completely eclipse 1. .\ sh.'it recess hrouj,'lit tbe laiiy to an uppm- windo*, from which kIiu d'divere 1 e.ii inspiring address, expressing b^r ijreat pleasure with the futertiiiniueiii. which soon ch::nged to a wrallifiil d monstralion iu the uliap'j of firiiii,' a revolver al the per- forni'is,, ex|daiiiiiig that she had got pernii.ssion to do so f.om at a iii'i;;hh.iiiiig village. If laughing wouLl piiiiie oji' grow 'at, it is time I Wiis lui-asured for a new suit. But diiriri' a lull, who should raaka their app'arance iu their milst, but Mie la Illy ace ini[anied by the vuiiirahle m;ij'sty of the liw, who read the liiot Act 111 a maoni r which the " boys" did iK't like to resist but it s]oiIed t'leir fun. IJ )ys will bj boys. I of- ten w(Hider if ever some p4-ople evor Were boys. lin't press on tJie lad^ too hard, they might get their salt water up. Pnm a Corrmpondeat. The Skating Uiuk ba been «em- plet.^ mod. ia now in fira^«faMa wr J a r fur ukatiug. Tbe grand opening will take plaoe on TbursdAy, 18th inst., wbeik tbe Slielbame Brasb Baud will proviila Ml««t mnaie for Vm oeaaa in o. It is currently reportcl that aco- tber Hardware Store ix to be staried in tuis Village, between Nixon's gene- ral store and the railway. Mr. J. Taylor has opened oot a stock of general merchantlise, in Husk's Brick Block. The Presbyterv of Saageen will meet in Lrskine Presbyterian Cburcli, Daudalk, on Tuesday, tbe 18th iust., at 2 o'clock, for ihe purpose of Indoot- iug the liev. J. B. £akin into the pastoral charge ef Dnndalk ami Fra- ser Settlement. The ei^eut is to be celebrated in the eTening by a grand reception and Tea l^eeting to welcome tbe new Psstor. A firat-class time m»y be expected from tbe names of tbe Bpe'iakers given on tbe bill. A Missionary Meeting was held in tbe Methodist Church on TaeaJay last. C«rrM]i«H^et»r. NuTicE. â€" We wi^ it duiDCtl; uaderstoud, that we do not hold oarielres reponsible for tliu ouiuiuui vxpraued by our correapondenta. FII'IIKASIA. The'ouncil lue.t pursuant to ad- journiueiit, on the 24tli ult. Mem- bers all present. .Minutes of last ses- Mod of 'oiiiu-il read and- approved. â€" ry law No. '1\ ciiiiied tliroiigli the dilTi rent st.iges ainl jiassed. The tijiie for returning the Collectors' Hulls of the current year was extend- ed i ne nioi tli. ly-'aw No. 2!)5, fix- ing iii'leiiiuity of Council carried throu.h the liitTcrent stages and pass- ed. By-Law No. 296, forming a new liiioii School Section with part of Cullin^woo;! Township, to bt known ns t'liioii School Section No. 20, car- rioil through the different stages and pas.siil. The report of the Cominitt.^e app.in'ed to ins.pi?ct the Collect)r's Ki'll fir 1S71), was received aud adop ted. Tiic i'lerk was instructed to hand over to John Clugston, Colloc tor. all his hondt-.an soon as theTrea- s.m r furnishes him with receipts h'.iowing that the Uolls are all settled up. 5»;5.1t for statute labor, struck otT -lohii Hunter's taxes, the labor be ing performed. The. award of tbe ar- bitrators on Nelson's Hill job, town line, nfencd to County Council. $9 lor statute lab r iu 1877, 1878 aud 1S79 struck off Jamea Lvou'a taxes, the labor being wrformed. The Bi^evo was ap^oiuted to attend to bu- siness connected with taxes paid in error hy Ml. Way. The Clerk was oi derod to request the County Trca Mill* to striUe SI'" otT defaulter fir 1878. on N. of I -t S. con 2. this b i ig retui"»' i in r or. Taxes chaig- e I \V of I'-t 13, e III. 7. to be struck i.tf. the la:i lieing vested in the crown 'I'he Council moved for petitioning the I\istmasler (ieiitral lo permit our Tiea-surer to deposit fm.dsin tbe P.O. Savings B ink. The Tr -asurer wasor d«r d to r.'iuit to Messrs I'ollaudiEv uis. soliiMtnr:, $G.i 1 f i- la«' ex[)enaes. Tne reev â-  ordjis on the freasiirer w.r.' issu.'d as follows, viz â€" To pay Tins. Foster $11.00 tor road work, .\nlrow G.ir 516,61) for equalizing itsse-si!i"Ul ill U S. Section iu 1879, J.ihu CJu^'sri n 'i.40 t«xen over paid by liiiu 0.1 part of lot 8. con 12, John Fecuy $70 for cutting r.ck on 3rd line. 7eoige Ward $!/8 80 for work o:i 6 A 7 S. It. cons. 9 aud 11, Jacob Necfy $10 as caretaker of Town Hall, t^c, Uugli 'Knott $2 for building onl- v;rt. .loir.i N ' 'i » fr ro id work, James .\r.dir-ei $19.10 p.iymeut for 'luusolf ui:d cir.ea^uea Xi fencuview- rr.s. tlie amouuk do be registered xgaiiial ttie lan.U uf defaulters in paj- meni; of t.'e-se fe^s, Alexandei McEw- i;i $it.2i. f. 1 1 ad work. John Ander- » II $!:/ 1 ait payment of Co. .track on Q. nitons Hill. Robert Diiilop, i'lert, I'Hliiiiee of sala'-y Ku.t w itiug lull, tcs for the papers, aid $^0 u«r I .v^iiig£«hQol Uite»fsr 30 .Sec- ' »,d* J. »k.' A OB Kiia 1 To thd Editor of tha Stahoabd. biB, â€" In your last week's issae I Bce'a long rambling liarrangne from some one styling himself "A Farmer," but which occupation I question very mu';b, as I do not think that any far- mer iu Artoiuesia (with one exception; could be fouud with such an amount of Toronto, Grey and Brnce fever on bis brain as the said writer seems to have got. I do not wish to go into any correspondence with any unknown writer w!:o is ashamed to give bis name, but wish to contradict some of hi) false statements. He says in his letter tl.at I said at tbe nomination thit I was in favor of tbe Towusbip of Artemesia giving a bonus of thirty thousand dollars to a railway running from Kincardine to CoUiugwood. I deny making any such statement, either at the nomination or anywhere else. What I did say, when asked by a farmer if I was in favor of granting a bonus to this new scheme, wan, that I was in favor of giving a small bonus to a new enterprise of this kind but 1 mentioned no particular sum. I may just state, however, that had I been asked to name any particular earn, it would have been less than one-half tho amount I am charged with saying tliati was iu favor of. â€" He then goes on to nay that " it is likely that Mr. Webster is one of the Directors appointed to aid this new railway scbeme." ' Now, Mr. Ed- itor, Tarn sorry to have to state that this is not the case. My friend Farmer tries to- m ike it appear that tbe new railroad schema is much further ad- vanced than I represented it to be. 1 said that it was ray opinion that it would not be many years until this scheme was before tlie ratepayers, it might be three, five, or it might bo ten years but that it was a mere matter of time, aud that in my opin- 'lon it would Le built. In regard to me signing the petition 'or the T., G. k B. Bailway by law, I bold that if any respectable Company is willing to place money iu tbe Township Trea- surer's hands to defray all expenses connected with tbe submitting of a by-law, I am still williug as a rate- payer to sign a petition to bring their scheme before the people, aud give them an ojiportuuity to vote yea or nay and I now hold that it would be very narrow miiided of mo or any otiicr ratepayer tlint would not do s^ and then vote as you see proper. I hope that if A. Farmer airs himself again in your columns, be will be honorable enough to give bis right name, not have me aud others blam- ing innocent farmers "or bis false pro- ductions. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for allowing mo to trespass so much ou your valuable space, I remain. Respectfully yours, Alex. Webstsr. Piicoville, J.an.n, 1881. frianda ^Un Um C. V. B. oo Moodqr. uA Ws they wars bidding them j|^e%,- #J Wb ic tbs •Bioaal of kisi#«dks *«ay. Two the port of tiimUm/f â- MB wd k»Tii« tilt Imt 4m FtafiTi •f thsaiiihiin. hat tw ' Q^^ii^ «°o doctor "pat thsib dt*lX " they remained until the first n^tnin bronght them safely boms. Yooaf joen that joBip. oSr 4tf thing and seUle the fare with tlM MO doctor. â€" lb. liiQnoB CASK. â€" Eraatos Wacner of 8t 'Vineent, i charged laal leel before C. B. Sing and Jas. CteUsd Esq. wi«h selling liqnor without Keanse and fined $20 and eosts.â€" Thorn bury Standard. CoBoms's IxQOKST. â€" John A. Stew art, Law stndent. died last week, very suddenly. GoroQer Alb eiy h s W an luqaest, Hngh Chisbolm Esq, was tbs foreman of the jury. A verdict was retnroed that the Deceased came to his death from natural eanses, and the jury e xonerated as well the Dr who bad the ease in charge as the Chemist who prepared the Prosorip- tious, from all bhune. â€" Ik. Om 'Wednesday afternoon a namb- er of liqnor cases were tried before F. G. Dunbar, Esq., J. P., of this village, with the following results: Michael Callaghao, charged with aeiling liqnor witltout a license, was fined $80 and eoets.'to be paid in thirty days. There was a similar charge preferred against Michael Shoaff, but as the constable failed to notify him, the case was not proceeded with. The charge against F. A. Campbell, of selling quantities less than three half pints was dismiss- ed, as was also that against Wm. Mnlien, of selling liqnor without a license. Tbe cases of L. Enapp and I. F. Belfrey were adjourned till Saturday, IStbinst. â€" Frte Preu. AnOkdeblt Town. â€" Tho chief con- stable has not had a case arising with- in the town for twelve weeks past. This reflects credit on the vigilance of the constable as it is doubtful if an- other town ia Canada can show a similar record. He deserves an in- crease in salary. Can any other town show » cleaner sheet. â€" Brue* Ttleaeope. FiBB IK Paislst. â€" On Wednesday forenoon last a fire broke out in the upstairs flat of Mr. Alex Colbcrue's flour aud feed store, Queen Street, Paisley. This building is situated in tbe heart of a blosk of frame build- ings, and it was at first feared that a ^lean sweep would be made of tho whole. Our citizens Jturned out en maue however, and by their exertions succeeded in confining the flames pretty much to the ono building where the fire originated. Mr. Campbell's liquor store on one sid«, and the store of Given Brothers on the other side of Mr. Colborne's building both eaught in I be usper story, and it is a wonder that they wero savel from utter de- 8* 11 'on. When it was feared that it juld be impossible to keep the fire under control, the harness shop of Mr. Colborne, the second building south of Given Brothers' was torn down, the object being to stop the fltm^s and save the barbershop on tbe comer. By the free use of water however, the demon was got under control without doing very much damage to any but Mr. Colborne's store. â€" Advocate, It to a most sgreeaUe dressing, wliicb is at ouee barmleas and effectual, for prs- serving the hair. It restores, wiOi the gloss and freshness of joii(b,iadei or gray, light, and red hair, to a ridi lawwa, or deep black, as may be desired. Prits ass thtai liair is thlclcened, and baldness ofln tlKMigh not always cored. It checlu (alllnc of tbe bair tmaediately, and causes a new growth in all cases when tlw gisads are not decayed; while u braSby, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and strength, and renders it pliable. The 'ViooK cleanses the scalp; cf «ss«nd prevents tbe fonnatioa ef dandruff; and, by its cooliag, stimulating, and toothing properties, it beals most if not all of tbe hoBot* and diseases pecuUar to tbe sealp, keeping it cooi, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the sealp and liair are impossible. As a Dreesiiifir tot Ladies' Hair The 'Vioon is incomparable. It Is color- less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as ait article for the toilet it is eeonoasical/and uusuqassed in its excellence. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer It Co., FracUcal mud Analrtical C hCTi Il t* Lowell, Mats. •OU BT ALL PBUOeilTS BTSaTWVBaa. jiaePICAL HALL. ==*=«f-; â- * A,' « .-/Cfâ€" cat*' ' ProYince Ontario b(rectory For 1881-8S, TO BE PUBLISHED IK NOVEMBER, Price $5.00. â- 81. MARRIED Ontbs lltlt ia»t.. by Bev. N. A. McDiar- mid. Mr. Charles Wesley Bowie' to Uisa Mary Ann Hopps, twth of Artemesia. On the nth inst., at the Parsonage, Wil- lUmiford, by Bar. W. T. Hiclit, Mr. John McCann, to Miss Adeline Abbott, daughter of the late William Abbott, aU of HoUsnd. At the P. M. Parsonage, Markdale, by the Betr. C. C. Oarnett. en the 13th iust., Mr Wm. Mvers, to Miss Mary H. Bodman, all of Eaphrasis. MB. LOVELL, at the request of. several Meroliants and others of the Provinoe of Ontario, uf the City of Montreal, iftc., begs to snnoanca that his firm will publish a PBOVINCE 01' ONTABIO DIKECTOBY, iu Novemler next, containing an llpliabetical Directory AND A THOBOCOOH OLASSIFIED Business Directory of the Business and Piofessional men in the Cities, Town* and V Jlageo ot Ontario, with a CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORT or TBB CITY OF MONTKEAL. The same care and attention bestowed on the Dominion and Provincial Directories of 1871 will be iren to tbid work.. Subscribers names respectfully solicited. Terms of Ad- vertising made known npon application. JOHN LOVKLL SON, Publishers. Montreal, December, 188U. C3A.TJTIOIV. ALL persons araherdy cautioned a;ainst purchasing a Note drawn in favor of Hamnel Thompson, of Artemesia, and signed by Aaron and William Ernest, dated on or about the 1st day of July, 1880, and dne on the 15th day of f sbrvarv, 1881, as we have received uo vulue for the same. AABON ERNEST, William EitMtssT. Flesherton SUtion, Jan. 9, 1881. 18-Si* CHANGE of BUSINES We take pleasnrs in annouacing to the resiJenU of Markdale and /snrround ing Countrv, tliat we Lave pqrol»naed, THE DRDG AMD STAmHERY BOSINESS the above lines t-i merit the snpport of the geoara.) public. o As the Holidav season is fast approaching, we have purcUsed a LABGE and VAmED Stock of Fancy Ccods, Toys, And many otaer Articles. Usefal ajjd Omamemal. fcr CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. lob Lots for Cliriotmt Troot at Rodacod Ratoss A FULL A8S0BTMENT OF PATENT MEDICINES, AUTHORIZED SCHOOL BOOKS. STATIONERY, Djre-Stuin, Paints, Oils Teas, aad T*kaccoca, ALWAYS ON HAND. IgORts for iontroal Telograpli and Vici[or'o Expross. IS* fhineiant Prueriptiun* and Family Hecijn** ditpented at all himn. "â- . • A.TURNER CO. Markdale, Dee. 9, 18M. 1» ' Get Money at 7 per Cent. Tq discharge a Mortgage bearing 8,9 or 10 percent.; to buy more land, or improve yovr buildings. Liberal Privileges of Repayment at the SASB AHB DOOR ID, 1B81 Qooa Dm =5*4 Eft NOTICES. *â- -' u IHMmttS THE Hlesman t*L lorto •on tin snyi Fitfhilyarf^ in aliTHR Latest S ' ""iba^iwJrftrr or good EatteniHt, Clij, Biilfood, Bircli am r- « 1 OrrOBED BT TBB INFOUMATION W VNTED. T* the Kiitor of the Staxdabd, Dear Sm, â€" 1 rise for iuformatioD. Can you tell me tho reason why sev- eral yuuug men aud boys were last Sunday congregated at a certain hoase ou Toronto street and further, why they sliould persist in making sucb an Uproar as to disturb the neighbors lor a block or two ou eitlier side Why were they not at Sunday School or at home, or would they like to visit our good friend on the corner Sure- ly such things are a disgrace to any laigborhood. What i8«the special attraction for young men at that place auy way Is it bad whiskey ♦ or what Inquubb. DIED. In Olenalg, Jan. 5tb, 1^31, Mary McDon- ald, beloved wife of Jolin Black, aged 34 yean. A natiTe of South Uiat, InTemeai- tliire, Scotland. Farm to Eent. THE Subscriber wtnti to rent his Farm for foot years, lot 16, coa 9, Olanels; 75 aores cleared 1 5 acres ploughed The soil is a good Clay L«aoi. There is on the premises a good Log Barn and a good com- fortable house, anl all other buildings neces- sary. Plcuty of Water. Terms easy, as the Proprietor must leave. Petoession given 1st ^pril. Apply oa the premises to John Black on tlie premises, or to Arch. Batter, Mark- dale. JOHN BLACK, Traveiiton P. O., Ont. January 13, 1881, 18-3i IN ABTEMESIA, FIFTY acres of Isnd, Lot 25, south o( I/urham Boad, 18 acres of cleared land with lug house, and well fenced. Inquire of Robert Oliver, opposite the lot, or JOHN KAY, Bentiaek, Dorluun P. O Jan. ISth, 1881. IB-tf 3,000 Oords "V^'ood WA.NTED. GENERAL ITEMS. Magistrates' Coubt. â€" Jobn and CharU's Lawrence, of fientinck, were siuumonod beiore the Mayor and list I Squire Cochrane, on Friday last, on a charge of assaulting Mr. Henry Young, town constable. John was fined $6 and cn^t8 and Charles (8 and costs. â€" Durham Chronicle. A tumob, weighing 6 pounds, wps suocFssfully removed from tlie lreaet of a Miss McRonald. of Bentuick, on Thursday last, by Dr. Jemiaon, of this town, assis^el by Drs. Teomans an J Cotton, of Mount Forest, and Bennett, of Priceville. The patient, who is staying at Mr. Jack's in thia town, is progressing faTorably. â€" lb. BitcBKN Abji. â€" On Tharaday laai, while skating ou the Mownt Forest skating rink, a lad about twalre, son of Mr. Aroli. MeEeuzia, poat-mMter, Duk-liam, had his left arm broken near the wrist by coming forcibly in eon- ttct with a young man who was skat- ing in mu opposite direction, contrary to the rules of the rink. The yoang man who oaaaed the soeident was nbt reeogniied as he immediaUjy dii- appered â€" lb. Tbb bonas by Iawb ia F.ait aad West L utlier in aid of die T. G. k B. Railway improveBent eclieme were both defeated that in the farmer town- ship by a majority ef ahnoat fou k OBS.â€" UcMii^TiUs iii^aeruasr. Ab awrci. arran. â€" ia a ^krty of Isdiea aad gmtimmtn wora aeMBg THE nadersigned u prepared to let the contract ftr tatting and hauling 8,000 eordi of wood from his farm 'H miles nnrtii of Markdale, to be delivered at the station, be let in small lots to suit eontraetor. For partieulart sea C. E. GOULD, I â-  Markdale Hoose. Markdale, Den. 80, 1680. 16-8in* SAVE YOUR CQMBING8. Mrs*. T. O. Morgan, Ij^gs to anncnnee U, the Ladies of Markdale and vicinity that ohe is prepared to work up hair combings into SJritches. puifs-and curN, terms moderate â€" A call is 8.licited. Besidence comer of Mark and Queen streets, opposite Mr. Bowes' resi- denee. Markdale. Dee. 16th, 138o. 11ml BRITISH CANADIAN LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. IPECIATi RAT.l!3S FOB SPECIAL SECUEITIBS. AOjeiVCV OF THE LANCASMF. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, British America Assurance Co. o THE XTP«IEQIJAL.L.E1 Wabzer Family Macbines. V tor; THE HIGHBST PRICE WTLIj BE Paid.! ' A Tqi O SL QvLSja-tlt y of O -ood. ILl IIRDS SF sm, DQDIS, lOULDlNGS, AS USUAL. Estimate of Supplies Giyan on Applici lar Don't foeget the Warerooms aie teaarad »eit door to the Factor, Dnrhj, â-  i. H. HOOPi nesherten. IeesBler », IM^ QoU very kw, at ' Tbs tkermc ab0v»ievo, lat it win remain i Th« Durban into the same in creditiu;; columns to th^ no Boch paper j W« notice aexes have a i aud climbing] while they are j dangerous pr prohibit their| often results not nnfrcqncs tion. Yellow OiJ cea. magical I and inflamms tism and Nei^ SfHual Aflfe Cords and M| and internall ers. FlKK. â€" Ut S., Holland troyed by fir 12tlJ. betwe^ allita conteE fire is mystj No uiedic'il than Haijyar is a pnsitivi I the Throat Consiimi'tiHil ""' ' phlc;;iii I'l 111 alhiVN tl'oiihii di«tn-'-d lull the qnantities of at ^i ciiii SELiyG OFF! FALL AND WINUB: ,1^ .; ^^ ^j^Q UNDER COST For Ca8li,Jor 30 Da] G-ents Over-Coats and Suits, LADiES' FSit MANTLES ANr SHAWLS, i Ladies' and^Genl s* Underclothi Staple and Fancy Dry Goi OF EVEBY DE SCRIP riON AT EOCK-BO'TTOM PEICEl BOOTS AND SEOEl In every Varietyâ€" CHEAP. Everything AT I7NTJ3UAIjIiY LOW PRICES RttM " T o K o iT X o 13: o "U" s z; 'W-' Wm. BROVll lIarkdalc.Deoeinber2«, 188a. WE -WISH YOXJ THOS. MATHEWS. XTTISHE8 to tender to his nnmeren* Vt CQst.'mers his sinrere thanks for their very liberal patronage daring the 15 tears he has been in tlie Harne^-s Business in Sf ark- drle. an woald respectfully Rolieil a oontina ance of the same, fnelng ooofiideat that be can give BntxTt Satinf action. KTerytktog r.8naUy kept in a FI B8T.CL A 88 ^:ARNESS ESTABLISHMEIIT, always on baud, and «old a; moderate ratex. t3~None bat good workman employed and the best cf materials used. Markdale. Nav, 18, 188o- lo PH0T,0GRAPH8! 12 F0R^S1.60 I WOULD again intimate to -the inhabi- tants of M-irkdale and sarroaading ooan- try, that I am prepared to give yon ths BEST 8ATl!^FACTU»I« IN PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBR3TYPE8, COPYINa AND I and see for jfoor- Pleate give me a call, selves. OALr.EBY. two doors fnQ Bevere QotaL R. BAILEY. Markdale, Jan. IS. 188i. 18-Si BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS The only Medidne tlut raccessftilly poxiflai tlM Blood, acts upon the lawnr, Bowels, Skin and JUdssyi. wbile at the aame time it allays NeiTotis ttrftalkn, and strengthens the Debilitated System, peitetly ud speedily enzing BOioasness, Jaondice, Dytptpda, Consti- pation, He adach e. Bh e nmstism Dropsy.Nervousuid Gen- eral DeUlity, Female jOomplaints, Scrofola, Siysipalte, Bah Bheom, aud ewy species of Ohnmic Dis^Me azisiiif from Disordered layer, Kidneys. Stomach, Bowels or Blood. THE KST lUOO PWHFYWC TUNC W THE WMLB. â€"me. It. I. mum a a., scu Mara. iMHra. bwiiv i .0^m, Sfc-JL rrenaaa** flew danKbuy tbey barrc mi aqaaL 1*1 Wjv â-  5 OMIIKT â- Â»â€¢â€¢ m p«tet la 9«lsWMi*«aA M4JiKDALE HOUSE. Bml ALEX. BUTIiSpGE, Proprietor. ^Uk t Us sa*^aJjW^O M|a.H Mrf%»., ^j ^^ tajM.^ â€" Jf^ -iai -v«* ma-^ \Hvt Ul Mitrfreq ,^«if fUti jfimium^ Organs at Reduced Rates. o .^- "U" C T I O j^ X^ SS -ATTENDED. Parties requiring anything in iliy line, will do well to call and see me. P. S. â€" Several improved /arms for ^ale. Markdale, Dec. 0, 1880. 18-8m GRANT CHELLEW, MAT? K:I3 A LE mm mm • â€" un â€" UPHOLSTERERS A FULL STOCK OF Furniture AliWATS ON HAND. FURRITOBE MADE TO ORDER LUMBER WANTED. GRANT k OHElXEW. Markdal e, Dee. 38, 18«0. \.^ CAi?r TO. MY P.iTRONS. GENTLEMENâ€" While thankinft yon for the liberal pitroaage eztemled me in my Harness Business, and winliing yon tLe oomplementii bf the ^ason, T hi; ti intimate 1 1 ;, on that I hive Mis|)«iet of nmt branch of •ly biTsin^ tnw. fiORDON.and l^aapc^ for bita thali^rol iMtrait3Qe«cfi«ri«l knein ths past. Yours truly, s. tami:de, Flctherten, Dec. 2», IBSo. 16-5ih AHerry Christmas and a Bappy Net In reviewing the past year we cpnnot but say, that been a year cf prosperity with the people oi our C and as* others have prospered, we have been enabl participate with them in their prosperity, '/i;^ â- . Our business has rapidly increased, especially sin moving into our new premises, and we solicit a shareof] patronage for the year iS8i. t0 the ouuulT* bioe *? ZTte HMk«t* Bros. j,iihisfcrt»- BeesdT. j^A e qnarier of ' ,Dt one and a yo-a »" ***** *^* je*r. ofl comply. »" "°^* of •'GaskonM machine '•lil •Bled oa in Oraneeviile. "â-  iSiis^ O^onas. â€".Uiiiuiest th^t he is I^MI* |iIiotM fo' $1-50 per « W y«ar chance, boya, ta 1 gitl taken cheap. I^^ll k UoD. of Montreal, lja( a business Directory ifblM of Outario, iu NoTem- 0ee adTertiacmeLt. •^â- r dealers for "Cattorine" â-  6Jl, and sm tliat the barrel ••Ci»etariBe," *a oona other «. Iske cord and a qnartcr or one cord of dry two for tiie Weekly MaU. for Tbe-pap"' to be furninhed ' delivary of the wood firoin Stone and Sand that w dciuk i s.Mr. ti, ioVD in o"f village. l.uilJing ^g promise to be brisk iu ^t next spring. ^♦mbera of Eugenia r.ian^e 1 holding their annual «U|.p:r..n 1 18th at 6 o'clock p m. A» tie is' onlji*c. each or 0;. i-r i^j^attcudaLce i* aiJtici)ut- ••Caititfiue" Macliiui' Oil, fcr ig of machinery, it is also ox- ffg hsrness and leather. iiiaUt- aud weather i)r()of. I" r sale len j __ Oatka promises lie:»'-v snow ' n storms just about this time, it along Moees, w ain't a"r;ii). ' haTB onr stilts 'â- et that wc lia.l ' lor Venuor's llj fpet nfsn^.w; •t Ton fool us or we w ill go f.n I sue- â- eol« with bnt a iiusl' thonpht, iifarta that beat aa out." a youDR man lo his df.Try other iiieht »h«ii • hhi. '•/«. that's bo if jnu wc.ul.l fret me one of those nice locket's iittiu from W ilcox. â-  .jcr, that dire disease, has lo~t its rs to those who keep Yell'w O.l thi-. .\i-v.ic td. Yellow Oil also cures Son- ba-.i.iii â-  i t, Qninsey. Congestion and m t-tm;.' mmation of tl;e lungs. Now i.s the proci-.- U- n to guarJagniubt sudden attacks .M., .Jas 1 iseases. Ask your Druggist for Wright I. ards'B Yellow Oil. D. Sec.. T BKT Division Grange So. 2. will I El""' its semi-annual meeting, iu Bee- Orange Hall. St. 'VSiiJcent, on the Thursday in this mouth. The bns of the above Grange wit-h to jc| tkeir friends know that they will Im l^ppy to entertaiu them, aud ac- lodate thtse who stay over nit'lit. nrACTiHEBS of reapers, mowers hrcshing. machines, prefer "Cas- e" machine oil to any other, it out wear lard, seal, or elephant, is warranted not to gum. :OBK of onr snbscrihers, who hare arrangements to pay their sub- fr.iin the M| tKiticfs to I'd (hiring tlie I winch wc \v| j Witiifu 111 I I'lUr part I f| the |ir-iiit â-  H'if/(. A.« i imticf tilt: liil)li~lii-il W'.iidi r if iL ^^^•Câ- s^fu'.. rKKK t! j excite tli acti'iii. il..; U| tin; W, lll.'ltfilit S^ Ihtteis. Ill Ki^liif y t-iiiii)'i 11, !fi-rvi.iK a:ij .-.II 1-.1m;.i III lilPiikMltl â- Ick j'.. II 10 .-.â- :,•â- .. r, I 'I'lIK al;lll Di-tiiot I. (I t..f. iiirr. rrci-iviii :ir from tin- v| tions to tbe STaMnAKO in wood, oblige ns by bringing it in now ethe roads are good. We are m t lof wood and a few cords unw lid be just as acceptable as the U8T NOTICE JJ CREDITORS. A ' l*rti«i indebiwl to tbe awtmigiMd. ^i^^tZl^^S' aooounMriU d?wS I^JTT-T?" ^-E; SproBle, brtbre the aOto 2n •v.' " ?â- .••**" ••wiita at that tiaa wiU ha pJae«d in other hMd, fa, eolUeS! Jan. gth, 1881. yjj^^ perty. If not I of ihia INTO tha premiM* of the BPdwiii.B«d lot «»8nl 0* DMembw, 1880, A Bmr Cm»t Tha owner u requeat*! to prorTpro, py o xpen«e«. and take him away â- flttTTJJZl^iSL'^^ after the date w«B N sold to defray ozpeoeM. 4an,7h.l88o. **" „^ FLESHEBTON Harness Shop! THE Stibseriber hnviiiK pnrcha8«d ihe ba- siuess lately carried on by Mr. S. Da- mnde.begs to iuf.irm tlie public tha^ lie haa REMOVED TO THE BUILDING OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE, where he ia preparel to furnish ALL KINDS of HARNESS UHnaUy found in a hirst-Class Establishment, And at prices to suit the times, and by using THE BEST OF MATERIAL, AND GOOD WORKMANSHIP, hopes to receive a lair share of your patron- »Re- A good supply of WHIPS, TRIJIVKS, *Cm constantly on hand. COLLARS A SPECIALTY. Call and aatUfy yourselves. orBemambar the stand, tha Dru« Store is next door. 4' J- QORDON. Flaaherton, Dec. IMO. le ' Aueiitn Salt OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. UNDVB and Iv Tirtne of a prnser ef ah predaoad t time of Mle. i£ei« «ai to oCto^ lor^ai. J^v Pahlie Auettoa, by /. M. wSS. 8TBB, AuRtiuneer, at the VILLAGE OF MAXWELL, ta^he County of Otay.oa â-  ' ' Friday, January 14, A. D. 1881, at the h»ar of U. oatoek ia tka forenoon, the foUowutc Frediold PmiJ*. in one ptreel. -nz.:â€" '"~°» ^\| ri^i?;" L' ^^^ "' Coaeeaaioa of fhm tET^.! r £r^^ .in the County of G. .T. ia â-  lair s.asa « eoltiTatioA. pMmiaaa. whidt are -**iit»j naart ol F^wrihMn. K.„^ ,^ ,^ the BOBT. DAVIS, "ST- O w wtW eiiw M B. R., CMau, Loom mmd Inmnmu ta ba paU «| ihaltaM 7 *Ta tfrt Mor^sit*. *V»A •W^J *rthitwrieriitnitdal ^- 'HJJAM MULOCH,* 5«oi»w«^^^,^r4»;r::: n-it We are now offering a fine collection of Christ mas Co o di MAKKLT and a large variety of CHILDREN'S .TOYSl Tlicre are trict iu g| next mr. • tuji .^t.ifi i Thk .M ni..Ur tl; Uiitli-.V'c, \iu?iiif'S, \:W2f tlirci rilly lic:it el 'flr"m out in tl^ Icifraft;. •.iiiq j kuyw it. 'â-  we aiii t i I th' hj--t .HI fnl.l*-. »i: tlltTO it Wll t'lf ri-i'i.la| eriy hmri I ITol SE Friday nic ' and laylif: ' Best K- land $l,1i] lliat o' \\ iMfaf-ri nl i froiu rlic ' l|iii:i' riiil ' ^ick II-. l-'iil ' iir s iiijr C'.ilit of| F-i lay i: w.i- i_-L' aix'i.t 'i:.; if..iiiid :iH a'uri:; !â- â€¢ ni.'i.i\ « 111.; u- OUR GROCERIE! -.. ' --'.j " '• For the seaspn are, as usuai^ '^^ Well Selected, Fresh and Good] NEW CURRANTS, "i^:\ NEW PRUNES, ^^-•â- - â- "â- ' '" NEW TEAS, at 45c, Splendi 1 Value. The People are all asking for our ^-: TEA DUST, nothing suits SO well ;«».••â-  ':0,i WINTER DRY GOOi At LOW PRICES to d^r them -ii.:ii L-tK ".--- -;i.:."f"'r«jf"-.«,u_- -^ »j,v*' i'411, ,. .V â- .:•.â- ...â-  " Ji â- -â- â€¢â- â€¢ ' " ' '/iuuirfca .M .^ N.OTICE. *.ih^ " k^:. Jm#0O Tdfifl^ph Poles, ty ofCordwooii .wUo n red headed men wei]t into a pnlar hotel uot a tbousaud tuilos Markdale. tbe War keeper luok- np said, "Hello has Haiilan w.m otbtr race Oh beg pardou," b», "I mistook you for a torch lit-troceasioD." Jx do not ace how it is Markdale DO band. Villapea of loss prctcii- IB thanoura have "their baudb aii4 onea too. 'Will not Bomo oik- |e a move in the matrr. Tin iimcots inijtht he purolinsed ly ig a aencH of cnuci-its. whicli- i\ aatitfied would be well piitru- by our citizens. The Walkerton Teln-ope Im*' inged hands, and comes to us mur'i prov«d both in app?«raiicf, and quantitv and quality of its tiiatti r. ile it it atill suppr.rts tiio iilicr.i! ty, the new proprietor says it will ly do eoas long aa that imrtv work- the best interests of tho Dominion 19 wish onr cvtem success. Haotard's Pectoral Bnlsnni is flif »8t safe, pleasHut and pfrfici r me I known f»r all diseases of tii. Throat Ijung^. It cures Cou(jli.s ClU, Bchitis, Asthma, Crouj), Wlioop Cough, niid all Pectoral Com iiU, in the most speedy uiai^ner. i [Jf" doses vvil' r'.iitve the mo«f bliAasome cou-.'li m cliililicn or iiltfl. For sal L' by all diaKrs, at 25 Dts per bottle. I |Vic«'iFLOEALGrinF..â€" Tliiilx-a'iti magazine is bt^fore u lind w? I^st say it is a perfect t'tiu, fur '•â- â-  ' ing anything of tho kind wo liuvi- ' seem! It contains 120 p.^ne-, I colored flower plate and GOO lUns-j ttoe with the descri|tion of llio flowers and vegetaUlos »iul h»w ?Ct«w them. Single numbers only or $1.S5 per annum. It i« a tliat ahould be in the hauls of on4 who has a vegetalV' or r«r garJan. Published bv Jaiuou p'tfait- i, Rocherter, N. Y. ' ""»" '"â- " ipitlt" '•;«V^kBlood Bitters is the Iks' ^..mo ""^Zâ€"i**" ^^^^ "•* Kiincy lltTT'Mid Piestorative Tonic in Wori8. It nets upon the Liver, tht- 87t Aod the Bowels, curing all rof BilUous complaints. Kidney apUinta, and diseases of the Blood. y*«r Dnu^ist for Burdock Blootl SftB|:^ bottles 10 ecrts. •iMfl.OO. 2* ' l»*^ om attention drawn I â- â€¢^•ttiy state of the closets con " i^tth oar public sohoul. If our .5*1 t; .rv n::i?t. r. M 'yoi*- « • in' !.::.' II At:, r !• MH'l -.V.'W III, f nr..'ii. r.| McI. M Lei-'.u • 1 S|ui r, A- Ciiap. D. liuiii HoUv. Pol 1;. .\s.. ti'in ol ' C'tiiiiiiil livi rill :l the nn-'c- i.-.tliii 11 ..f ';;r iUi( l.lVT o i!lii!rati' F.hv:irl 'l.v K:e: V..rk. .tj I in wliHM Sl( TV of lilt; mHiii I boiu; I as Hii Evsry he has detail. short bil I inon wlJ I for boat] native \\ fci*TWi'j it« jU; \an£H ' .6,'^a do not wish to have another ' should f^ WM the fatal disease that pre- 1 »»" """1 *•• l»at fall, they will see to Canndiaj ^« tras(««a do their duty and j pest boles thoroughly work ^»l the warm weather |ly the I iflO. '188N'1| •'tathti;

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