Ontario Community Newspapers

Markdale Standard (Markdale, Ont.1880), 10 Dec 1880, p. 2

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 LOW PIECES cannot] al! and try stjine of ot ;P ALWAY ON HAJ fore purchasing clsewher ND I:GGS taken I] roLD3 soi|.| f BUSINEl â€" J) tin- n si'lciit-^ of MirJi.lalo and 'i it -w â-  Iiava ].un.'.ia(.il E, luiii tnitit I'v iiict I'crsoiml j-...rti:Mtjt of fli.' BEST MATE! e Mij (lort of tJ,e ^lucrit' jniblic. cliiiitr. v;c :ivo I'urchasod t% ,li;j).St..ck of Useful iird Oinamenial i 5 PP.ESi:MTS. Trees d Hedi^Ged Ratttl I*- !ED SGi;OOL CC'0:(S, STATIONE 'Fv:in. '2' (iN in.N rf.?h sn I'icekcr's Exj J..i:uiii I. V- ^^'.-'t^ii-'l at liU liow T(KXER^ CC liqijo'?, Canned k S TOBACCO. BUISCUIT ry.. ••-•..• • ird r,jqijor Store, I I t'fvsue%t. 1 ..11-inr (.•(wlj, I ou;- lu^K, .! I m1. {food (mx»1s a.-- woi:;, ..n I .i.. im â-  u ,lomer» tll«k I! 111.- I • â-  •.-.ii •• |.,:iri' iUvvajra reod/toi ' II' Uc'.: .U-a)il« vi "ER.iOTHE.UIQUORSiWII A. ^^cINTYRI r.'iii; â- ,() or io percent.: tol "(JVC vuLf buildings. js of Repayment KY tiii: CANADIAN' rMEHT OOMPAlU SPECLiL. SICGUEI' i Assurance Co.] ily MachiiK iduced Rat n my line, will do well-#,i 18-( WSHES to tcnaer to bU rii-^tt^morg hU sincere tluui' TCTT liberal pAtronaRe daring th* • hMb«eu in tha Harness Buiiin***.' d»le, an would respectfully iolid' I »nce lit liio sams. frclcg i "' can Rive Entire S:itifactim. nenally kept is ft FIRST-CIi Mji •! HARNESS ESTI alwaT on hand, and sold kt Es^None bnt good wor] the be«t of maiartala miad. MarkdaJe. Nit. 18, 188o- Subsrribe for tlM~ Wo will giTp it from now till Jannajj. IsflZ, lor one year' W E STASDAUB; ;al aToTHER 10th. ISO).; ere NOTICEtt 18.618 busheU of OrMn liiection witli tue n^* of 1881 for $2.26. aiiiioii Ascription! p. session 11.00. tHK iJauv ";,^^ent for ,, »iid Tea Meeting in LKKm«»*'., ..'hnreh. town line. kuei" ^-^ £„pbraMa, on SabUth fj/onday next. See posters. will soon be liiug nil' a:iv. r" 'It"' niSir^re than ordin- tT make hun^* " (V a!rrJ-ab!o. Muaic.:.il elecUons in uear future r „.„T â€"The Connty Court V TmSv -f «rev i.s to be held »t 'â- "' "Jiusa Owcu isound ou Toe- nth ju^t. LiiK I"'y '"""' "'" *^ opening eksa of tl»e DoininioM Parlia- ut for '"^y '^♦* iuUw. gabMT^ „, t»keu at tbi» offio«. â- jj, CynitiToe lift* been cairjiug on ^j „f words witli tbe the Markdal* gr,n'ni thenow r«ilway bonuses 1,^. ,i-u8 Lis Utt«r« " Dr. Chria- •' Dr." is not bis oliristian P it it. â€" Monitor. ,1.1, AM. SuppM. â€" Tlie Orange Jiritons, of DundaHf, intend ||.ill aud supper on tbe S8tb V proraise a good tima to iii:iv fiivor them witli tlisir Tickets $1 per euupU. r„ i^iY\. JiN( LAIR, brotlior of Mr. ,iM Simliiir, M. '• P- lied at ulliHUitil"" o" f^"U'l«y '***• The ..,.iil was a iu:in of cxcolleut busi- â-  ,l.;K!ities. aud for many years rifj ou a V'^ry extensive merc»ntiU in SoutLiamptou. I MErTixi of the Euphrasia Agri- litTinil Society was held at Rocklyu \VL.k'ii""'y to open the tenders re- L.„j f,r till' erection of an Agricul- Jtiiral Hull. That of Mr. Geo. Ll)trie was accoptcd, bcmg $333. ],e ll:ill is to be 80x80. lotL i.\io Oity C»uncil ias8ed a reso- nn onTuk!s.layni,\'iitto confer the idom of tlin city upon Hanlan upon p ritiiru to Toronto and also to ex :ipt bis rroperty at the Island from a 1 1 tuvatiou for tha rest of hi* klur»l life I It i( Raid to be the intention of th« |Mm,' i of tbe Northern Railway to \\ic irague of tlie road during eiit winter, and thiis remove iiocissity for a diange of cars at DDUi" It is a wise measure on the ^it 'f till' c iMipanv, and one that i,'J /lavt' lit'ou adopted long since. I.-Avs t'n' (1 le'ph ll'i-iild: Veanor [.'ii'ii! t')i,'t cvi-n with us in some Fur Docoiiitjcr 22ikI lie pr* diets Bini-.v Sturm tliat will last for eeven- Du h Mus. Till' dept'i of snow that It I l';;ll is c!cv..ii aid one half foot. â- ast, so Veiii.or says. iKA MEKTiNii. â€" There is to be a meeting at WiUiainsford, on I6th ^t.. in aid of the church funds, tv^r.il Kov. {joutlcmen ai.d others to nd Iress t.'io meeting. Tea Sunoanw is 7. r« Dtar. TiMdiflrtM. isrHab^PNTsi^ I'fc- .\.lni s.siou 25 c child- ,. ,1 111 tv.-.io 15c. Wo liopts member.4 of the !^'ri'i':i will soe to it tliat it is a PCl'SS. Fh-bv. is f) li' a tea meetini; â- ".ii;,'i'riiii. or. Christmas Y.ye, when vi.rv nl;ii-'iv pniL'rainiUJ is ^nii-ii'd. witii the aclditioii of a lirisdiias tree. Tii^ pnxeeds are to applied ill jiayiiv^ t.'ie minister's liry. .\s iiiiiiisUr .; are unable to re cii fiitii al iiiir liny m'^re than But people, wo li..p.- tii.'r;! v.ill be a Iriip^T li u-e. lUr.M ira dnrs a br.'ich of promise is |i •iiiiii'.: n|) that is likalr to rJ c 'iisi'ltfr'i?)! • li'.uin 'm.iiit to xf? wti"taij i;:tor.Mt iu sneh m*t- T':r lci'..:i.!'\it in t'uf. ciist- its a â- 11 k?i' v.i; r.'.ii.'i lainn r hvuijf lii I lie ^Htii W:ird, a 1.1 th.; rkiuoiiut ofilain- fe iif lias cHU'.e'l is i-iiii{U!y «4tiinat- l.) 1)..' about j«.j.(K)0. â€" Uranij-rilU \ih,rli»»r. .MiXWKLL. â€" The members of St. lary's Church, Maxwell, pur^sa pviug A liocial aiiil musical evening, the 11th inst., at the school house, tii*i villiga. Suveral amateurs â-ºin Mftrkl;il« are to assist, and no jbt a pl"HMut evening will bo »ss.d. The pr.icoeds to be applied thj i nprovciufiit of the church. tlie object is a worthy one wa trust I Will be well I'^ilrniiiz.nl. Admission 5c. â-  llhr.i."s Vejjetahtc Sicilian Hair Re- kwcrhasthe hearty coiuinendation thousands whose "turning locks" |vo been restored by it to their for- cr beauty of color and growth. It in fact, a miracle in its *ay, even tho age of wondrous improvement to fact to which every ona who Is given its virtii.,s a test 'will certify. jio proprietors, R. P.Hall k Co., men of liberality aud enterprise, give the benefit of their discovery tiie world at largo, aud have placed lin the iMnds of every druggist iu Ic Country, that its benefits may be It -.iJed alike to all. If there is the ist suspicionof grey hair showing it- llf upon yonr head, go at once and Vocure a bottle of this cslebrated ir Renewar. â€" Carthag*, N. Y., niihlican. Captcbb of Two Boboolabs. â€" A perate affray between the polie« d throe burgiilars-took pUoe Mond«7 oruiug at the Great Western Rail- ' Station, London. The borgUrs re arrested after a determined ^sgle, when one of them broke ay. Detective Murphy called oo m to stop, and as he did not do so oflScer hired two shots at the re- ;ating robber. The latter fell and en as Murphy turned to help hie other officers, he rose up and made At the time of the arrest it was )t V •wn definitely what offence had 6u committed but in tho course of e day it was discovered they had oken into the office of F. 8. Clark oker, next to t'le Adcerti$»r ofTiw, d there forced the safe, taking away mething in the neighborhood of $1- nearly all of which was recorered we parties arrested. They were otliopoaghly provided with kofg- » tooU. Thej are all middle aged. eb«mgi3aiid the other W;a«d ^« Uieu- names as Harry WuU Aai ^^bAw Allen, labourer*, of McateM] Mbeleived that they are the mg- ders of an expert nog of bank rob- The pohce are on the traA of lve«:ia A.lfcto»nal. Oaijf»lfM««aMleCteai.^ ttrMMh •rt«|B-k. e« Tmml^j gi,t i^t. M^^ !iepauliat. SeapostMf. ""^^ Ladieaf ^iM goU. 18k kiMitiDg eaaa watohea. fr«w $90, at DoUe, BWher- Tm weather mtM^mtinnj, tht 5«w.mrter it fa. Um Migbbcriiood eften above Zeii^" • -.»â-  T^.ra. JonrDoddi.a jomg u. .. rf ihk place has returned, a few day* ago ftxan Colorado. He looks well. Aj.l loTer«of cfaidren ihoald call and inspect Mias Bnreh's new stock of Xmas goods, fanay bout, Taaet, toys, aad dolls' ia all siaea and qaaUty, «l^ babies hoods and bonnet*. .«:,., ., W«« )â-  MabuuM â€" Bwainaâ€" â- â- â-  '%Jltt- iBK Melutyre paUliac *P f»^ aMiriU soan win the daj â€" 70a all kMw Us Vma mt baai- •eau â€" Grccariea. lifaora, iac t sa ai a f y. fraita, mm oas, ••«• all, aM aappiy "it Oaada ehaafi Ikr aakh.. W* direct the attention of oar S«. phrasia readers to tke card, of D. B. Ellis Esq., with reference to munici- pal matters. We bold Mc Ellis in very high eateea either as a public mas. or « priTat« eitixen. Huuc bath charms to seothe the Savageâ€" to rend a rook (» boU a cabbage. Of eonree we don't mean that any of our readers are either. But no matter who or what you are â€" yon shoold aea Wiloox's stock of Con- oartinas, Violins and Accordians. Txa Pupils of the Presbyterian Sabbath bchool, of Flesherton intend having a grand entertainment in the town hall, on tlie evening of Christ- mas day. A first-class programme is promised. Refreshments will be served at 8 o'clock p. m. tickets S6c, children 16c. AH should go. Tin annual missionary seruvics of the C. M. Church will be held ui Markdale, on Sunday, the ISth inst., when Rev. Mr. Philp jr., of Flasher- tun will proacb at 10:30 a. m. 6:30 p. m. The missionary meeting will be held in the same place on the Wed- nesday following commencing at 7:80 p. m. Chanos or Business. â€" Messrs. Turner have purchased the Drug and Stationery business from Dr. Sproule. We bespeak for the new proprietors the patronage of the publig, They are now busy opening out a large quantity of Christmas goods. Call uu tliem and you will find them both roady and willing to wait on you. See adv. iu another column. Sknd im the Hews. â€" A local news- paper man is generally expected to be everywhere, see everything anl catch every item afloat, simply be- cause it is his rolessiou. But he can't do it. IIis friends can help him through by sending or bringing such items as are of interest All manner of legitimate local news go tu make up an interesting paper, aud will be re- ceived with thanks. Fbom present indications Vennor's prophecy of eleven and one half feet fall of snow has every appearance of being verified. There has been a â- teady downfall of snow lor tho past three or four days and there is every prospect of it keeping tha thing up. Six feet people and over are iu de- mand just now and little filks (men and women) are at a discount. 801REB. â€" The Members of L. 0. L No 1045 intend having a soiree on the 17th inst. Rev Mr. Reid, of Chats- worth, D Crcighton, Esq., M. P. P., of Owen Sound and others are to ad- dress the meeting. Music will be fur- nished during the evening by some well known amateurs, and a good time generally is promised. Admiasion '25ct(. Pro'jeade to be applied ou debt on ilall. Tub circulation of t Lin St.a.n'uaiid is fust inc. easing, and we ara having wilds of enconra^ement from all quartcr.s.for the independent stand wo have taken. If the subscription keep* on growing as it now is, we will have close on one thousand subscribers in three months more. Our job work has given such general satisfaction, that we have been oompellod to put ou another Hand, and have had to work nights, so fast is work coming in. MuMiciPAL Mattbbs. â€" InArtemesia, it would ba hard to get a more econo- mical council on the whole than they have. We have heard nothing defi- nite from Osprey. In Proton, the canvas is going on between J. J. Mid- dleton Esq., and Mr. Nelson. In Eu- phrasia, there is already considerable interest; vs understand Mr. Myies and Mr. Patterson are out for the office of Reeve. D. R. Ellis and a host of others iur councillors. In Holland we hear of no opposition to Mr. Howie. In Glenelg, things are rsry quiet, tha Reeve will DO doubt be elected by aclimation. RuNkWAT â€" About halt past eight on Thursday evening Mr. Chisholm, Merchant Grain Buyer, and J. J. Johnston both of Meaford, were driv- ing iu to this village, as they turned the corner of Brown Toronto streets, driving too close to the ditch, the cutter capsized leaving the occupants m tho ditch, the horse started oft on a hvcly run in the directionof Owen Sound. H, (tiia borse^ however turned into Thos. Campbell's bam- yard about half a milafrom Mark- dale, cut some figures in his yard and finally came to a standstill. Nobody hurt, th* cutter slightly damaged. Thb united eironlations of the Moht- bbai. WiTicBsa publications is by far larger than thoee of any other f ublish- mg house in Canada. They are as follows â€" Daily Witness, 18,800 WBBJCI.T WmtEss; S8,S00 Kokthhn Mbssxnsbb, 59,000; Attbobb, 900 â€" in all 101,500. Now estimating til* popu- latieo of Canada at 4,500,000: and five souls to a lamfl.7. ther; are 900,000 families in the Deminion, from which it will be Men that one of those WrTNBBs pnblicationi â€" ^if not two ware taken in th* Bama family â€" would be sent one oat of every nine lamilies in the Dominion, including all races and refigions' and, betidea. leave a good fraction over to cover foreign oircnlat- ion. The psblisherB of th* 'S^mcaa araaoiaatiafied with thie woaderful and' are endeavflMnc to in- tMrproBortioB *f Wlaadbcta if a*«ia aerUialT vary ttttmtim'm- lehioh a anb* walamajl t* •T avuy iSBserfbar •£ tba M«iiir«al Wmx.t "Wtramm or mmimm, â- t'T fDWiaail. Oafca Bai*eia;9«H«r Otabr;. 0» ya,C opa, iMOND. W MvOoodahM*! Mot. as, 1800. A T O L L S ' In Sfl m aaM i 'yMwfc i_ â€" "â€" r ^^ .Oyâ€" »;y*k«yw B*alei» (A^*^ Iha ba^ BwtaSSr AawiauLW aaA i»mt-mmii- iM ap. I^ aalehralad SL .M^athav Cfaak.. ffiMUe,^ Gum BMaoaa. ftuim. TmLAm^^^^ DIAMOND, WEDDING. AND GEM l»|l«Q? *^*^*^ iwanbaan pajehaaed tot Matt Caah. and â- ill ^.^mt xt^t,^ â- ^â€" -Watch Replug, Biwolaity, -^e. F. DOLL. ^^ FlaAartaa LUMBEE AND SAWING. Tka to iatiawiU OiathabaaUa Saw Mill at Little Falls Oa Lat 143 ia Sr« Bma^ M. «, TorMto aad a/denham Boad. Arta«aaia. ia ten ' --â-  t*o«. aad is rMIHWed to lamiah " '•^ LUMBEI. UTMSJTe^ETC., TO OROEIL CUSTOM SAWING l:»ROA«I»n.Y rOTVE, hj tha tha««jd ajjn ^S^Tl.^l^f'S'.^^liJ"' ' .•"'• *^ ^^ '" «*«« •• leaaa. xaa sawyer at tha Mill ean arrange for aawinc. ALL KINDS OF SAW LOGS PURCHASED. P. 8.â€" Wood tamer wanted to make broom handles on a saofa latbe, rlTnrij jubU wo^ aati ifactory. Flesherton SUtion, Kot. S5, 1880. 9-U MARKDALE. Im. Lncas Co. BANKERS, MARKDALB. IN large or small amonnt*, at all times, On good endorsed uutes, or on oollatural seenriiy. INTEREST AT 6 PER CENT. Allowed on Savings Deposits. t^DrtklU issned aad OoUections made on all points, at lowest rates. •VPM. LUCAS A Co. September. 1880. 2-y WM. FOX, PU'in t Orni^asnial Plaslerar EotimatCB for stone and brickwork .n ap- plication. Satuifactior Garanteed. llosi- deice â€" Queer Street, M.irkdale. Markdale, Sept. 17. 1880. 1-v Selling Off. Selling Off. GREAT Clearing Out Sale! ^ped robber, but hav. .^^ ^^.^^mL^^ ed him. GRANT CHELLEW will offer for the Bargains unprecedented iu the County of Grejr. SIDEBOARDS. BrhrjArs, LlMiLttiDH, WA3Hsr.\NDS, open and ausloaed, lliiADSriiADS, SFKING BEUS, HAITIIASSES. CHADLKS, CfN IKE TABLES, EXTENSION TABLES, Fall-Leaf Tables, and Chairs of every va- iety to be SOLD AT COST â€" â€" Pictures and Picture Framing I in all its branches. tTphoIateriOK aod RcpaJriay promptly attended to. IS* Produee and Dry Lumber taken at market price. GRANT CHELLEW. VM^kdale, Sept., 188o. 1 Legacies I Pensions! Bounties I Parties having ,anv of the above to investigate wUl please conunnnieate with ma at once. A. a. UVJfTEU, ' Claim Agent. Dnndalk P. C, County Grey. 6 John H. Heard, UaQofactnrer and dealer in Gatters,Sleiglis,Biiggies, WAGGONS, CULTIVATORS, HORSE RAKES. PLOUGHS, HABBOWS AND A llkindsoj Jarmmg Implements Manufactory and Depository, Dnrham Bad HiU Btreeta. FLESHERTON. To wt PiTBOiia.â€" Alwaya ahead of anv in my trade, and having the largest and most eonveaieBt Faotory in this locality, I am prepared to sail Carriages and Implements of every daaeiiptraii in the beat style of any in tha market, and at prioea as low as any oc- oordiug to the qaality of the wark. Haviaf opwards of twenty years' ezperi- enoe, I am eenfident that porohasers will get the adrantM* in having tha very best made. Partiea owant of a oarriaga or Implement will do well to give me a call, as there are none in the market which will compsje with them ia qaality, style and finish for the price. "ly Public Pf otice. NOnCB ia berebgr given that tlM aew read cfieB through loU 9«, lOO. and 101, oa the Brd eeaeaanon W. T. ft 8. B., in (ba towaaUp o( OIsd^. is not praparly m- THJB J. M. Webatcr, LldKNSBD AUCTIONEEB FOB Coanty of Grey. t3'L0Ay ND LA.VD AOKST, Uoney to loan at lowest rates of interast.ia snms to suit borrowers. Agent for Farmers' Loan and Saving Co. All basiness matters strictly rrivato, and treated as sneh. EUGBNIA P. O. Sept. 17tb 18110 1^ SaniBCl Morrvvr, rICENSED AUCTIONEEB FOB THB J Countv of Grey. Sales attended at shortest ootiee in town or conntry. Charses moderate. 'Sale Bills, Notes and Stamps fnmiabod if required. Having had long experianee ia the basiness I ean guarantee satisfaotion. Markdale, Sept. 34th, 1880. S-Sa Meat for mT AT W. B. Sarjent's. The subscriber rotnnis thanks to the in- habitants of MARKDALE aud vicinity for their Uberal patronage dar- ing the I list five years, aud begs to remind them that he is prefiared to supply their wants iu his line as a? any one north of Toronto. Mail omil Meats delivered promptly on receipt of order*. SAUSAGE POULTRY alwars kept in their Season. Special inducements to large Purchasers t^ Shop on Mill sreett, opposite the •' Revere Hotel." tS'Cash paid format Cat' tie and Sheep Ai;.ain thankiii;; you for past farors be trusts by faithful atteution to your wanta to merit a coutiunauce of yonr support. W. B. SARJEANT. MarkJalo, Sept. 17th 1880. 1 W«ii*^^^ tfclM'f â- "â-  IriBh 1. itelSh •iaa/tft. RAE ««kaU BSd Inenda inRmnalfcr tlie liberal musjct Hiai- bavw raaalvad and win still rtick to t^e rule of dsO^t a stftdjuhmtwatd No flattcrv asM or bait^ riven to gnit thepohlie Bv^iy artialaaaM i odiMi ova taerils. and trfkeepfngthetr rtrnk veil *lsartM an* triik ia «n U» Kaaa, ttiay li X'ifiK win always giTC their eastomere goqd vaUe icr their th »a^^, .â- -.. a. M i Hfcif _L v«?" fr» -^ »a ' {ls«M Ci .â- Vi'j'iv«». ORDERED CLOTHINCVMi^y^"" " HATS and CAPS, new and stylish. BOOTS and SHOES, ^o^'P^" Smith's " ' "^fceldbrated make tl;iat has stood th« te«t against '^â- ^'-**' " all comers in all styles and newness. '.-"â-  OlAiiwARE and C ROCKER YSlp^^«rni ' GROCERIES, cheap a»d fresh. J.;.- â-  "â- * â-  â-  • â-  " â- â-  i ,,'47- " ' -â- â- , ,,^i./. ..;i :,ur^ ;. ^^^,.,^, ...... â-  â-  â-  â- â€¢ â-  ' • ,., ._ .._„,_ „. .J Keep your Eye on the Place 1 ;,' ,: ' WHEN YOU VISIT MABKDAIiB. v;/, .»:... tio^gUs* Brick Block opposite the Drug Store. â- " mm. â- *»' Pecfple tbity Ptjff apd Blow, but J you wu» rcaj. \ala? frr Your WCwey or ^ibmiM^ .1^. Gty TO TllK' ""~^"'""' '^^_ 'M^^me,-!! iMai'-ol m it vawa ill taj •••I â- If. r^ BUTTER Ac TUL'E. Saptembar Slat. 1880. le NOBBIEST CLOTIG! In tlie Coxxntyat cFARLAND'S. ij I. 4 'â- â€¢ ur -c a U' China TBA Store ilBBSIbaTiBi aajr titia to tiM road tkaao^ aSlMa. w91 aet Tha eonMntiaa ot tha townabip af fflasi- â-  r*i '" â€" be JAMBS BBOWHi 4»ieiit TowMl#'«e«Ml» Oat W. ibla for SD7 aa en said read. miLAT MaoBiO, 6tL R. ^!*sk:iin Ocneral dealer in eROCERIES PROVISIOMS, Next to Haskatt'a Hardware Stare. Keeps constantly on band avarythfnc nsnal to sucli an establishment. fie would draw special attention to bis Teas, Tobaccos Sc Sugars, Which for qnalitr and Lownoss of Priea CANNOT B£8URPA88ED. As pniEng is no part of my desire, I merely ask intending pnrehasers to give me a call and be convinced that I ME AN BUSINE SB, AND WILXt Sell Lower than the Lowest, as I have purchased for cash, and have bad a good discount allowed, I am in a position to let mv oostomcrR have the benefit of my investments. I^Bemembor the plaoe, next to Baskatt Bros. Vlarkdale, Oct. 7, 1880. t 4-U StoYes! Stoves! StOYes. AttheNewTinshop MARKDALE. ALABGE ASSOBTMENT to select from of the latest and most approved des- igns, inducing e PIRLOR, GOOKINR MB BOX STOVES, extra heavy eastings, with silver- plated trimmings; THE BEST STOVE IN MARKET. If you want to have comfort the rest o your days, buy a stove from W.B. Walker, that will last yon yonr lifetime, AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. No puffing hereâ€" tba real "limon Pnra." TINWABBl A LABGE STOCK ALWAYS OH HAHB. ALi Kians or Tin Copperwork m«iU to order on tha sharteat nsSiea. M ROtttaWt A PeiAUTY. Stwa Ovaaa Imed, Hand-Iraoa fclvar-Ratei, at tatT low prieas Stave PeJJab: Dome Lead, tha Challenge, the Bisfiig Son, Coal Oil MB WOBK partiaolar^y attended to. Taa «*a saaa manar l7 «»" "• ' ?T btfosa pwaba^ eUewbare. Old maJjO. niiii -ffY-T Mti, Wool-piakiiNPi takaaia ^SungaT'BeBaaibar tba plaaa. next ^•^^liaBkdala Hoaaa." ./,. Ui fc'Jt n'JitL W. R. WALKER. Ihrkdale, S«rt- tT. OM^ _^^^ l,-^ owing U « list ^pnccs of ,a fcijr of the fCThjf lend*^ iilg litieii oflteitd. ' ,; .-., :. ^: la»V riiiter OvweoaJji tl-Ts a» .1 n^^wyaip; .« â-  L' HaaVntidershirt- and Drapers, 50e I..'V irtl. ver bMtsr Pantk. f i.TS ' Hm/.-.' lAlies'all w.*' »li«\rl» 51.2S i.« .;. i ij .. Bevutifnl |M«tt«.riied tlr««(iojd: l.'e t'it :,Ju..' i factory Cotton. 7o di â- t â- !»â- Â»Â»- v. t^Mldrou'x Fur Clips Sie • !« 3^ a '3 ' Men's MKirale.s vholc tUyV Boot* tx.96 d« W«neu's strong kIicmk, ft. 10,"' 'J^ biidtesi's etroag sheas iS e da egathar with a fall stock M Firet-Class Oroemes. Tea«, 8)(gar«. eUo.ei^ BiT.nd« of Tal«e- eos. Soaps, Syrapa, VlBegar, Dried Apple*. Bmacits, Coiifeetiouer.v. Spiers uf all kiuU Pat sat Medi^naa, Oaator Oil. CMsteriim, Maehnic Oils, t^oal Oil. Al .u HanNrar*. S|*o* taMe Kaivas. NaOa. â- stews, Hutcae, totAas, itt., and a fall stock of all tlu Iraoiug lum la Uajr Oaada. MSliMry, ^orsaC all kinds, and all other (ioods iich as aiv kept in « K.Tt Class Oaasnri Btara. Farm Produce taken as caiih. A call is solicited and you wil/ be convinced that this is the place td get good value for vour money. 'V» -c^' '^-W w-/. • j: •^â- - 1. ' â- ..."'" Highest Cash PriCe paid for all kinks of Grain, Pork, c. itsaffaOvaiaaats »6.a0 Itoafa Twsad anta HiW L. M.. Ovaralli )OMk) Ifia «•. WiB*sr Uapa 4te ladlsa' Cfeiiis, aoe Bea attf alLas ti aa. lie Ladtaa' far Cafa ♦!.?• Maa^ taa« Bao«% St JW 07alaa«BaatB,«L« do do da do do da GEORGE NIXON. bsndalk, Nov 8£, 1680. 11 4i H. R. HOOPER RESPECTFCLfiiY inv'te every Man and Woman in the oonntiy to visit their Facttir.r and War«room and inspect their stock of fiiruitnrc, maiiufautured during the sum â- er, for fall trade. Our stock is now the largest aud most ooiuplete ^et held by n^, aiid we have been sneeeasfol iu iatroducing a great many NEW AND TASTY ^)IK(â€" DESIGNS r BED-ROOM SETS, COUCHES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, CENTRE TABLES, DRESSING BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, SOFAS, WHATNOTS, HAT-RACKS, HALL TABLES, c., itc, c. •* -o- •WK ABE MAKING A SPKCI.VLTY IN New Styldi of WOOD SEAT CHAIRS f ,C\ CHEAP AND DURABLiSl. Hir*/ â€" â€" -o '.Ma.-' â€" oui* â€" UNDERTAKING DEPAirrM'Xr Fully supplied with COFflNS, SHKOfPS. A.-, and hpcfiul SHKOtnS. «... «!id .Hlioi'teiit IK tic... til.. \«r.v ALL KlNl S OF Fancy Turning, Scroll Wd.i'k, Fencs PIskets § !lSsiild!rtg;3 made.to ord»-r. Also SASIl, DOOllS, ri.AXINi, .U-. With or prpsonl cxpuiiencc we ficl jiistiCuKl iti Hxkiii" n ecutiinimirj' of Hk- vt^trnaa »n libernllv lR'»l*wfHl mm.* in tb |ia-.t. Our i m'cs will l.r ftiiiii'l as low b iiiiy. and mnch'so m is coiisistaut with hkm1 work lunl fiii'uh. If nu jiic in nc-...! ni.viliii.y i,i « line wo feel coiitidtut wpoau suit jou iu quantity and ii'ialit.v to svUvt fioni and alio im terms. -.i^-h: 'â- â-  â-  r^ â- ..â- 'â- â- â€¢ k' '^$^-i"r-- til^IZ. lIOl*Klf, â-  I #.?.â-  nwMi:rtn steam Fuinitiiie Factory and riaiiii:|! UUi- 'â- i,.V*H m K@znov©d. See his $5.00 OvercoatSa See his $10 Ulsters. See his $12 Suite See his 816-dress suite 500 pairs of Boots To choose from â€" Men, Women aud CLilJren's. Got your AXES ** McFaslamd's. Those $2,50 MANTLES idling fast. New DRESS GOODS f^t^ McFarland'it. New FLANNELS ^^ McFailand's. hew SHAWLS ^t McFarlaud's. New BONNETS "1 KATS ^^ McFar- land's. New TWEEOS McFarlaud's. New CARPETS »^ McFar- land's. New Fringes, Buttons, Silks. Laces, Flowers and' Feathers. Pricea never were lower or value better. A eompariaon aalicitcsi. Wa Ja McFARLAND, irnFOIiTEH. jMai'lidale. BOOTS and SHOES 'OOEe TEciE n^vdncnL-T-iio^T- A NOVELTY in these Goods Tht lodttiraciiiHe Riveied and Ceineotsd ui Waitr' .; proof Seam. Oall and £IxaJixinc^ Stock and Px*ice« .. before purchasing " slop" goods elsewhere. .:».. FULL LINES IN Groeeles, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GlotMng, • ij â-  9 • t ^^Ready-madc,) Crockery and Glassware- 1 â-  J Sii 1-T.-J I 3 -AT TBB- ». tr "Jroxsoa^To aazoxTSB.' Z.::^':^::!?^^^.^:^^^*^ •U v««.(I: Litl'tiCq .1 Zn:*T'A 'InKMMfl, HILL BROTHERS, Would intimate to their numerous fricn»l and th;- p-iblic generally, that they have removed to their ncv piiitses, and will be pleased to receive a call from our m.Tiiy liii Mtis and customers. Call and see us. We will iivi; vou IJ.vu- GAiNs. WE MEAN BUSINESS. i-*:r:'-H: '^/v^' SEE OUR Cheap Dress Goods, Lustres, 'â- "iW^':}. vfc; V Laces, :;|: g: And Fringes. rl i.. Gents, S9e our CLOTHING. They are Stylish. Good CHEAP. SEE OUR TWEEDS You will find them right in Price and "Quality." Boots and Shoes a Specialty. *ir sample of our Call and get a Splendid TEAS. Gentlemen we have a splendid SMOKING TOBACCO, at 40c per lb. Tryit. .,..., ,^^^^^^^^^ ,. We again give a general invitation to inspect our Stock. Have not time to write long advertisements. Don't believe- in them. Would rather have the Goods speak frr them- selves. ::-:-\-" '-^ â- .'.,. â-  Thanking yott for past favors, and trust to h?ve a contin- uance of the seme. ^â- Â». ;. HILL BROS; Mfrit4alCt^Npy. 4, i83o^ fTVH XT ttm s^ealatff g^«ta XntuW^«4(D n» IV y. â-  tisiet^ •'â- â€¢:.. bsH ,t- -c. ^yr.-'^^.jiK. â- ..•'3, fi -J â- "iX-'J'" •U"i i*w :. -* t 'â-  if^:i 5a..r.«mt.v- i I i ^-^f. •WW-- :;.. Jt.;i* 'i -.^jL «^.}» iJ'J^i^eoli-. »ij«.v ,-â-  -ig ' t^-ft -,ii*ni ^r » .T -f..-- =. â- â- â- â-  â-  " •" I •

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